HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061206Response to Order 30195 Part III.pdfAttachment 6 Page ATTACHMENT 6 INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS FOR PRE-ORDERING, ORDERING, PROVISIONING, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, AND BILLING PURPOSE 1. Purpose 2. Use of Standards 3. Reimbursement 4. Scope 5. System Interfaces 6. Real Time Performance 7. Compliance with Industry Standards 8. Scheduled Availability 9. Pre-Order 10. Order and Provisionina 11 . Maintenance and Repair 12. Recorded Customer Usaae 13. Billina Format for Service Resale (SR) and Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) Payables 14. Recorded UNE Local or Access Usaae Receivables 15. Local Account Maintenance 16. Directory Assistance Database 17. Testina and Acceptance 18. Joint Implementation Aareement Development Purpose This Attachment sets forth the interface requirements for pre-ordering, ordering and provisioning, maintenance and repair, and billing, where A T& T provides service to its customers through resale of U WEST Local Services or through the use of Unbundled Network Elements and Combinations1O2 102Per Order 27236 at 8. USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 Attachment 6 Page Use of Standards As described below, A T& T and WEST agree to implement each interface described below based upon existing and evolving industry standards or as mutually agreed upon. The Parties shall transition the electronic interfaces to industry standards within timeframe mutually agreed to. Reimbursement Scope Reimbursement for operational interfaces shall be as determined by the appropriate regulatory agency as set forth in this Interconnection Agreement. This Attachment addresses the real-time transaction based protocols and transport networks that will be used to exchange information for: Preorder/Ordering/Provisioning for Service Resale (SR) and Customer Specific Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Maintenance/Repair for SR and UNEs It also addresses the batch protocols and transport networks that will be used exchange information for: Recorded Customer Usage for SR and UNE Wholesale Billing for SR and UNE Recorded Usage Receivables for UNE Local Account Maintenance for SR and UNE Directory Assistance Database The preceding list of information to be exchanged is intended to be exemplary and does not represent comprehensive list of such information to be exchanged between the parties. A T& T and U WEST will use at least one method of exchanging preorder information which will be real-time transaction based. A T& T and US WEST may also assess and determine the arrangements and conditions to support Batch file transmittal for certain types of preorder information related to the Street Address Guide and Switch/Feature/Facility availability. System Interfaces For Pre-order, Order and Provisioning, an exchange protocol, such as that based upon subset of Common Management Interface Protocol (CMIP) transactions referred to Electronic Communications-Lite (EC-Lite), will be used to transport Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) formatted content. A T& T and U WEST will use TCP/IP based transport network for the exchange of EDI transactions. A T& T and U WEST will translate ordering and provisioning requests from the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) forms into EDI transactions using mutually agreed to mappings. The Service Order USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 5.4 Attachment 6 Page SubCommittee (SOSC) of the Telecommunications Industry Forum/Electronic Data Interchange (TCIF/EDI) committee interpretations of the 850, 855, 860, 864, 865, 870, and 977 transactions, in accordance with the OBF forms, will be used to convey all the necessary data to connect; modify or disconnect local exchange services. For Maintenance and Repair, the CMIP transactions referred to as Electronic Bonding Trouble Administration (EB- T A) will be used. A T& T and WEST will use an X25 transport network which is the currently defined standard. For Billing, A T& T and US WEST will use EDI 811 and OBF Billing Output Specification (BOS) formats via CONNECT:Direct. Section 13 further defines the conditions when one or the other format will be used. For Local Account Maintenance (LAM), A T& T and US WEST agree to use CONNECT:Direct. For Directory Assistance Database Information, A T& T and WEST agree to use batch protocol and transport network that is yet to be determined and will be addressed in the Joint Implementation Agreement (JIA) described in Section 18 of this Attachment. Modifications to OBF forms that are required due to the absence of or existence of unnecessary data fields, contents, or formats will be addressed in the Joint Implementation Agreement described in Section 18 this Attachment ("JIA' Real Time Performance 6.2 The pre-order real time interface will support the A T& T customer contact as executed within A T& T's Sales and Service Centers. Gateway-to-gateway query-response cycle time performance requirements will be specified as part of the Joint Implementation Agreement described in Section 18 of this Attachment. The transaction response time U WEST provides to A T& T Sales and Service Centerwill be equal in quality with that which U WEST provides to itself or other telecommunications carriers. For purposes of this Attachment, U WEST agrees to provide A T& T benchmarking information for end-user performance based on transaction volumes (nominal light volume, standard typical volume, and worst case heavy volume)A T& T. A T& T may request an improvement in the transaction response time WEST provides to A T& T's Sales and Service Center above that which U WEST provides to itself or other telecommunications carriers. through the Bona Fide Request Process, which is defined in the Part A of this Interconnection Agreement should cycle times not meet A T& T's business requirements. Compliance with Industry Standards A T& T and WEST agree to discuss the modification of these interfaces based upon evolving standards (e., data elements, protocols, transport networks, etc.) and guidelines issued by or referenced by relevant Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solution (A TIS) committees. Establishment of new or changes to industry standards and guidelines will be reviewed on no less than an annual basis commencing on the Effective Date of this Interconnection Agreement. This review will consider standards and guidelines that have reached final closure as well as those published in final form. Both USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement -Idaho 07/27/98 7.2 Attachment 6 Page parties agree to evaluate evolving standards and mutually determine the relevant modification to be implemented based upon the latest approved version adopted or the latest version reflecting final closure by the relevant (A TIS) committee or subcommittee. The parties will use reasonable effort to reach closure upon the necessary changes within no more than three(3) months of initiating each review and to implement the changes within nine(9) months or earlier, if reasonably possible, unless there is mutual agreement to different implementation schedule. In the course of establishing operational ready system interfaces between U WEST and A T& T to support Local Service delivery, A T& T and U WEST may need to define and implement system interface specifications that are supplemental to existing standards. Where mutually agreed to, A T& T and WEST will submit such specifications to the appropriate standards committee and will work towards its acceptance as a standard. Scheduled Availability 8.2 A T& T and WEST agree to an operational/production readiness as soon as possible with target date of November , 1997 for the delivery of all systems interfaces described within this document, with the mutual understanding that (1) product delivery content is dependent on requirements definition and the time required to develop to these requirements and (2) operational readiness is dependent upon satisfactory test results for the transaction volumes projected by A T& T. A T& T and U WEST agree to work to mutually identify, prioritize and track those functions which may need to be positioned in subsequent systems interface delivery. These functions will be jointly reviewed to define the time frame for development of subsequent releases of the system interfaces and establish mutually agreeable delivery dates. A T& T and U WEST agree that project schedules, timelines, milestone deliverables reporting processes, among others will be specified in the Joint Implementation Agreement (Section 18). These schedules and deliverables will be reviewed and revised as needed as part of regularly scheduled meetings conducted throughout the development/implementation cycle. Pre-Order The Parties agree that the exchange of preordering information for resale services and for services provided using UNEs will be transmitted over the same interface. A T& T and U WEST will establish transaction-based electronic communications interface based upon the most current (as of the Effective Date of this Interconnection Agreement) version of the Service Order Subcommittee (SOSC) implementation guideline for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). An exchange protocol, such as Electronic Communications-Lite (EC-Lite) will be used to transport EDI formatted content necessary to perform inquiries including but not limited to: Switch/Feature/Facility Availability, Address Verification, Telephone Number Assignment, Appointment Scheduling, and Customer Service Record requests. Without limiting other restrictions which may apply, Customer Service Records are provided for the limited purpose of supporting the resale of WEST local exchange services by A T& T or the sale of unbundled elements on behalf of that customer. The use of records in manner not associated with the ordering process, is expressly forbidden, and is violation of the terms of this Interconnection USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement -Idaho 07/27/98 Attachment 6 Page Agreement. 10.Order and Provisioning 10. 10. 10. 10.4 10. When AT&T is the customer of record for the resold local exchange service(s), the exchange of information relating to the ordering and provisioning of local exchange service will be based upon the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 Standards as documented by the SOSC of the Telecommunications Industry Forum/Electronic Data Interchange (TCIF/EDI) committee. The Implementation Guidelines for Electronic Data Interchange EDI Guidelines Customer Services Issue will be used as a baseline for implementation despite the fact that this document may not have reached final approval stage by the Effective Date of this Interconnection Agreement. An exchange protocol, such as EC-Lite will be used to transport EDI formatted content. The information exchange will be forms-based, using Local Service Request (LSR) Form, End User Information Form, and the Resale Service Form developed by the OBF as specified in the August 1996 version of the OBF forms in Bellcore SR STS-4710XX, and for Directory Listings, included with local service request, as specified in SR STS-471102. The end-user specific UNE order will be based upon OBF LSR forms. The applicable SOSC implementation guidelines described previously also apply to the End-user Specific Provisioning UNE orders. U WEST and A T& T agree that the information exchange will be forms-based using the Local Service Request Form, End User Information Form, Loop Service Form (which may ultimately be renamed the Loop Element form) and Port Form (which may ultimately be renamed the Switch Element Form) developed by the OBF. End-user-specific elements, or combinations thereof1O3 to be supported in UNE orders shall be as permitted in the applicable Interconnection Agreement for unbundled elements and subject to FCC and state regulatory requirements. Subject to regulatory direction or mutual agreement relative to the requirement of providing combinations of UNE components, AT&T and US WEST will establish a method to relate, track and process as a single entity the individual U S WEST provided End-user specific UNE components specified at the time of the initial order.104 A T& T and WEST will use the same transaction based protocol, such as EC-Lite, and transport network specified for service resale for End-user specific UNE orders. The ordering of common use (non-end user specific) UNEs as may be permitted under the Interconnection Agreement for unbundled elements and subject to FCC and state regulatory requirements, will be supported by process separate from that described in the preceding paragraphs for end-user-specific UNEs, such system to be the same similar to the mechanized process used for trunk service requests or another process system as appropriate and determined by mutual agreement. Unless U WEST is otherwise requiredby A T& T, this process will not employ the electronic interfaces specified in this Attachment Agreement, unless modified by separate agreement. U S WEST will support, if and to the extent required by law, this Interconnection Agreement or mutually agreed to, interconnection and operation of End-user 103 Per Order 27236 at 8. 104 Per Order 27236 at 8. USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 10. 11. Attachment 6 Page specific UNEs used in combination with common use UNEs.1O5 The systems and ordering process as outlined herein is separate and apart from the Bona Fide Request Process agreed to by the parties. The Joint Implementation Agreement (Section 18 of this Attachment 6.) will address the details related to defining mechanism to correlate End- user-specific UNE orders placed via system interfaces with Common Use UNEs that may have been previously ordered. WEST will accept an 860 transaction that contains the complete refresh of the previously provided order information (under the original 850 transaction) simultaneously with the delivery of supplemental (new/revised) information from A T& T, subject to mutually agreed upon business rules. This treatment with respect to the 860 transaction will be accepted by both parties until the SOSC explicitly clarifies the information exchanges associated with supplementing orders, or A T& T and U WEST mutually agree to change the treatment. Maintenance and Repair 11. 11. 11. The exchange of maintenance and repair information, for both U WEST retail local exchange services to be resold by A T& T and for services A T& T provides using WEST UNE or combinations of U S WEST UNEs 106 will be transmitted over the same interface. For the purpose of exchanging fault management information, A T& T and WEST will establish an electronic bonding interface, based upon ANSI standards T1.227-1995 and T1.228-1995, and Electronic Communication Implementation Committee (ECIC) Trouble Report Format Definition (TRFD) Number 1 as defined in ECIC document ECIC/TRA/95- 003, and all standards referenced within those documents. The parties will use the functions currently implemented for reporting access circuit troubles. These functions include, but are not limited to: Enter Trouble, Request Trouble Report Status, Add Trouble Information, Modify Trouble Report Attributes, Trouble Report Attribute Value Change (A VC) Notification and Cancel Trouble Report, all of which are fully explained in ANSI T1.227/T1.228-1995. Additional functions not currently implemented by the parties or defined by the standards may be supported by mutual agreement (e.g. Test Access and Trouble History). Modifications that are required due to the absence of or existence of unnecessary data fields, contents or formats will be addressed in the Joint Implementation Agreement (JIA) described in Section 18 of this Agreement. 12.Recorded Customer Usage 12.US WEST will record the mutually agreed upon customer usage data that A T& T requires for its retail local service customers. The content of such data will be based upon mutually agreeable interpretation of the BellCore Exchange Message Record (EMR) format to be documented within the JIA. U WEST will provide electronic transmission of the recorded data using CONNECT:Direct daily on Monday through Friday on schedule to be determined in the Joint Implementation Agreement (excluding holidays). This interface and format will be used to deliver recorded usage when A T& T is reselling retail 105 Per Order 27236 at 8. 106 Per Order 27236 at 8. USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 13. Attachment 6 Page local exchange services of U WEST and when usage is associated with customers served by A T& T through one or more UNEs provided by US WEST. A T& T and WEST will mutually agree upon the conditions when customer usage data recording will be provided on behalf of A T& T. Billing Format for Service Resale (SR) and Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) Payables 13. 13. 13. 14. Billing information for unbundled loop and port elements that are flat rated will be provided in single EDI 811 format across all US WEST regions via Connect Direct. Billing information for unbundled trunks/interoffice transport elements that are flat rated will be provided in BOS format via Connect Direct and will appear in the Customer Service Record of the facility bill. Billing information for SR products and services that are flat rated will be provided in single EDI 811 format across all US WEST regions via Connect Direct. Exceptions include, but are not limited to, frame relay which will be provided in BOS format via Connect Direct. The display of rating codes and the associated charge will be mutually agreed upon in both formats. Charges associated with specific loop will reflect the circuit ID format. For usage-rated billing, U WEST will issue bills to A T& T for SR/UNE in the formats described under the flat-rated SR/UNE billing section. Usage rated billing for SR/UNE will be uniquely identified and displayed in the Usage Sections of the bill. For products using BOS format, jurisdiction will be specified per BOS guidelines. Conversation time, by chargeable traffic type, will be displayed and billed per applicable tariffs. Delivery of usage rated SR/UNE bills will be provided as described under the flat-rated SR/UNE billing section. UNEs which U WEST agrees to provide, under the terms and conditions of the Agreement, or to the extent required by law, that are recombined as a single service1O7 will be grouped together by U WEST and displayed together on the bill. 14. Recorded UNE Local or Access Usage Receivables 14. 14. WEST will record all agreed upon originating and terminating usage billed to and associated with UNE provided by U WEST to A T& T. The usage recorded will be in the same BellCore Exchange Message Record format discussed within Section 12 and will be subject to the same terms and conditions for modification and/or replacement of the format as discussed in Section IX A T& T and U WEST will mutually agree upon the Local and Long Distance access customer usage data recording that U WEST will provide to A T& T consistent with FCC and State regulatory guidelines and requirements so that A T& T may bill other carriers for the local and exchange access usage charges to which A T& T is entitled, if any. A T& T and U WEST will perform mutually agreeable systems testing, as documented in the Joint Implementation Agreement (Section 18), as soon as possible with target date of November , 1997. WEST will provide electronic transmission of the recorded usage using CONNECT:Direct daily on Monday through Friday on schedule to be determined in the 107 Per Order 27236 at 8. USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 15. 16. 17. Attachment 6 Page Joint Implementation Agreement (excluding holidays). The same or similar interface used for delivery of Recorded Customer Usage, discussed in Section will be used for delivery of the recorded usage discussed in this section. Local Account Maintenance 15. 15. 15. 15.4 When acting as the switch provider for A T& T, where A T& T either is reselling retail services of US WEST or employing UNEs to provide local service, U WEST will notify A T& T whenever the local service customer transfers service from A T& T to another local service provider. U WEST will provide this notification via CONNECT:Direct using mutually agreeable digit Local Use Transaction Code Status Indicator (TCSI) that will be used to indicate that the retail customer is terminating local service with A T& T. This notice will be provided on the next processing day after implementing the transfer, where processing days are Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). The TCSI, sent by WEST, will be in the 960 byte industry standard CARE record format. A T& T and U WEST will process account changes that affect only the pre-subscribed intraLATA and/or interLATA toll provider (PIC) via Change service order form using the same EC-Lite transaction based protocol and transport network employed for ordering resale service as specified in Section 10. When appropriate regulatory guidelines exist, the mechanism U WEST will use the industry standard CARE message TCSI 3148 to reject an interexchange carrier initiated change of the Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC), where U WEST is the switch provider either for the retail local services of U WEST that A T& T resells or UNEs of WEST that A T& T employs in providing service, will be the industry standard CARE message TCS13148. Agreement by U WEST and A T& T to the Local Account Maintenance described above does not, in any way, set precedence or remove any obligation for U WEST and A T& T to work towards an industry solution for supporting customer movement between and among other ILECs and CLECs. Directory Assistance Database 16. 16. A T& T and U WEST will use batch protocol and transport network to exchange Directory Assistance Database information similar to existing U WEST listings products (i., DA EUSL, DA EUSL Updates). The specific protocol and transport network to be used has not been determined or mutually agreed to and will be specified in the JIA. Without limiting other restrictions which may apply, directory service listing products are provided for the limited purpose of supporting provision of services as outlined in the Interconnection Agreement. The use of listings in manner not associated with this use is expressly forbidden, and is violation of the terms of the Interconnection Agreement. Testing and Acceptance 17.The Parties will test the interfaces developed under this Attachment, and the intent of the end-to-end integrity testing is to establish, through the submission and processing of test cases, that transactions agreed to by A T& T and U WEST will successfully process, in USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement -Idaho 07/27/98 18. 17. 17. 17.4 17. 17. 17. 17. Attachment 6 Page timely and accurate manner, through both parties' supporting OSS as well as the interfaces. Irreconcilable differences regarding the interpretation of operational status of the interfaces will be handled through the Dispute Resolution Process to be defined inSection 27 of Part A of this the Interconnection Agreement approved by the Commission. An interoperability testing suite shall ensure the implementation of functions, capabilities and acceptance criteria enumerated in the JIA, with both parties agreeing to resolve any material defects in the software. The test process shall include series of tests in which the transactions, representative of the predominant business transactions associated with local customer servicing, are performed side-by-side using the mediated access gateway interface to U WEST Legacy systems and the Legacy system interface utilized by U WEST service representatives and repair attendants. The purpose of this series of tests will be to verify that the performance and response times visible to user of the mediated access gateway for nominal and worst case scenarios with the same level of quality in accordance with the Act. WEST does not warrant that its systems and access to those systems will be error- free. Products and services already billed via the Integrated Access Billing System (lABS) will be included in the existing pre-bill certification process for general availability and re- certification process conducted in accordance with current practices. For products and services billed outside of lABS, the parties will work towards establishing mutually agreed upon pre-bill certification process. A T& T and WEST agree that metrics are required in order to monitor the performance and assure the on-going delivery of non-discriminatory access to U WEST systems for Pre-Order/Ordering/Provisioning, Maintenance/Repair, Billing, and Directory Assistancedatabases. A performance measurement plan that addresses the definition measurement, and review of quality, timeliness, accuracy and availability of each interface and associated transactions or files will be jointly developed and documented within the JIA for each interface. A T& T and US WEST agree to periodic status meetings to review the overall progress toward introducing fully operational interfaces capabilities as soon as possible with target date of November , 1997. Results of testing shall be considered Confidential Information, except that such results may be provided pursuant to this Agreement and law. Joint Implementation Agreement Development 18.A T& T and WEST recognize that the preceding provisions are not sufficient to resolve all, technical and operational details related to the interfaces described. Therefore, A T& T and U WEST agree to document the additional, technical and operational details in the form of Joint Implementation Agreement (JIA). The purpose of the JIA is to establish the working details of the systems interfaces between the two parties, and as such, they will not be submitted to the state commissions for approval as amendments to the USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 18.2 18. 18.4 18. Attachment 6 Page 10 Interconnection Agreement. These JIA may be modified, by mutual agreement, over thelife of the Interconnection Agreement without subjecting the balance of the Interconnection Agreement to renegotiation or modification. Both parties further agree that any technical, operational or implementation issues directly associated with the systems interfaces, once identified at the working team level, may be escalated by the initiative of either party thirty (30) days after an issue is identified. The escalation will proceed first to the senior management of both companies who will seek to resolve the issue. Within 14 days of acceptance of this Interconnection Agreement, A T& T and U WEST will document the agreed upon escalation process including the names and contact information of responsible senior management. If an issue is not resolved within thirty days following receipt of the issue by senior management, either party may submit the issue to the Alternative Dispute resolution process contained in the Interconnection Agreement approved by the applicable state commission. A T& T and U WEST will document an overall project implementation schedule within sixty (60) days of signing this Interconnection Agreement. This schedule will be mutually binding and can be modified by mutual consent. In addition, A T& T and WEST agree to document both topical outline for the JIA and establish schedule for identifying, discussing, resolving and documenting resolution of issues related to each aspect of the JIA topical outline for each interface discussed in this document. In no case will either end to end integrity testing or load testing begin without both parties mutually agreeing that each interface JIA documents the intended operation of the interface scheduled for testing. In the event the parties can not agree prior to one hundred and twenty (120) days of the operational/production readiness date for delivery of all system interfaces described within this Attachment, disputes over the sufficiency of documentation will be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the Alternative Dispute Resolution process contained in the Interconnection Agreement. By mutual agreement, specific paragraphs or entire sections of the Interconnection Agreement may be identified and documented to serve the purpose described for the Joint Implementation Agreement for specific interfaces. Any issues identified and subsequently resolved through either the end-to-end integrity or load testing processes will be incorporated into the impacted interface section of the JIA within days of issue resolution. 18.An illustrative outline for JIA follows: Introduction Purpose of Joint Implementation Agreement Terms of Agreement System" Interface Business Process and Data requirements Overall Responsibilities Identification Definitions of Activities Information To Be Provided Per Transaction Process Information for Each Activity Transaction Delivery Criteria Data Standard Message Protocol USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 Attachment 6 Page Transmission Protocol Destination Frequency Of Data Deviations to Generic Specification Error Processing Process for Notification of Late Transmittals Escalation Expedite Procedures Transaction Response Times File Format Specifications Rules for the Physical Interface File Structure Data Format Error Controls Physical Tape Specifications Site Information Contact Person Transmission Hours Testing Cooperative Testing Pairwise Testing ETE Testing Test Order ETE (Employees) Future Testing Requirements Interface Metrics Data Timeliness Data Completeness Data Accuracy Contact Information Contacts/Escalation Contacts Schedules for Center Operations (days/hours of Operation) Data Requirements Retention of Data Back-up and Recovery Procedures Disaster Recovery System Change Notification Guarding of Proprietary Data Reporting Information Reports to be Generated Frequency Data Requirements Transmission Change Control Process Issue Resolution Process Termination of Interface Notification USWC/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 Attachment 7 Page ATTACHMENT 7 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 1. Local Service Resale 2. Unbundled Network Platform (All Network Elements in Combination) 3. Interconnection Trunkina for Local Service 4. Ancillary Trunkina 5. Unbundled Loops 6. Collocation 7. Access To Poles, Ducts and Riahts of Way 8. Interim Number Portability 9. Operational Support System Local Service Resale Within ninety (90) days after request, U WEST shall provide for resale all services designated in this Agreement. Once service is initiated in an area, the ordering and provisioning intervals will be as specified in this Agreement and/or adopted by the Commission. Additionally, the Parties shall meet and negotiate the following categories of intervals. In the event the Commission has designated such intervals, the Commission-designated intervals shall apply: 1.4 Local service with no dispatch; Local service with dispatch; Feature changes with no dispatch; Disconnect with no dispatch; and Disconnect with dispatch. Unbundled Network Platform (All Network Elements in Combination) Within one hundred and twenty (120) days after request, WEST shall offer all services, Network Elements and any Combinations thereof designated in this Agreement. Once service is initiated in an area, the ordering and provisioning intervals will be specified in this Agreement and/or adopted by the Commission. US WEST/AT&T Interconnection Agreement -Idaho 07/27/98 Attachment 7 Page Additionally, the Parties shall meet and negotiate the following categories of intervals. In the event the Commission has designated such intervals, the Commission-designated intervals shall apply: 1.4 Local service with no dispatch; Local service with dispatch; Feature changes with no dispatch; Disconnect with no dispatch; and Disconnect with dispatch. Interconnection Trunking for Local Service Within thirty (30) days after request or such other time period as the Parties may mutually agree, the A T& T shall provide U WEST with its initial forecast of the quantity of interconnection trunks it requires, by location and type. The forecast shall address A T& T's requirements for each of the eight quarters immediately after the Effective Date of this Agreement. U WEST shall cooperate with A T& T in the development of its forecast as required. Upon completion of the forecast, U WEST and A T& T shall meet to review the forecast, and to determine the availability of trunks and interoffice facilities necessary to accommodate A T& T's forecast. Where facilities are in place, U WEST shall provide the initial installation of interconnection trunk groups within thirty (30) days after request. In the event facilities are not available, U WEST will so advise A T& T within five (5) Business Days of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and jointly plan and develop an implementation schedule within the thirty (30) day period. Subsequent to the initial thirty (30) day period, interconnection trunk orders shall be processed as specified in this Agreement and/or as adopted by the Commission. Ancillary Trunking Within ninety (90) days after request US WEST shall provide: 911 Trunking in cooperation with A T& T; SS7 Interconnection and Certification in cooperation with A T& T; and Directory Listings Arrangements and Directory Assistance Interconnection. Unbundled Loops Within sixty (60) days after Collocation has been provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, U WEST shall provide unbundled loops at designated end offices. Subsequent unbundled loops should be made available pursuant to ordering intervals specified in this Agreement and/or adopted by the Commission. Collocation Collocation will be provided upon request pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. US WEST/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 Attachment 7 Page Access To Poles, Ducts and Rights of Way Access to Poles, Ducts and Rights of Way shall be provided upon request, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Interim Number Portability Interim Number Portability capabilities as specified in this Agreement, shall be made available in specified locations ninety (90) days after request and within appropriate service order windows thereafter. Interim Number Portability shall be capable of being ordered electronically with target date of December , 1997. Operational Support System 108 Operational Support Systems shall be available for preordering, ordering, provisioning, maintenance, repair and billing under the following target schedule: Service Resale for POTS and Multiline Hunt Group up to 12 lines by 11/1/97; Complex Business services by 2/1/98; Interim Number Portability by 12/1/97; Unbundled Network Platform by 12/1/97; Other elements within the Agreement by 5/1/98 or as agreed to by the Parties. However, U S WEST shall be entitled to use the ADR process to demonstrate that any target dates cannot be met, provided that U S WEST has provided a jeopardy notice at least sixty (60) days prior to a target date that it feels it cannot meet. That notice shall specify all reasons why such a date is in jeopardy, shall show all actions that U S WEST proposes to minimize any delay in meeting such dates, and shall propose a revised target date. U S WEST shall be entitled to an extension of any such date upon proving that (a) the need for an extension does not result from actions or failures to act that were or are within its control an (b) that its proposed extension date causes the minimum delay necessary to provide the availability required by this Agreement. 10B Per Third Order at 12-13. US WEST/AT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 20!OcV97 IDAHO US WEST and AT&T PRICE LIST WTERCONNECTION LOCAL EXCHANGE Entrance Facility DS1 , Electrical, Recurring DS3, Electrical , Recurring DS 1 , Electrical, Nonrecurring DS3, Electrical, Nonrecurring 91. 367. 535. 634. 0029 Call Termination Average Per Minute of Use Call Transport Direct Trunked Transport DSO Dedicated, Recurring DS3 - 0 Miles DS3 - Over 0 to 8 DS3 - Over 8 to 25 DS3 - Over 25 to 50 DS3 - Over 50 Fixed Per Mile None None 37. 37. 37. 37. None None 257.$ 19. 260.49 $ 24. 260.$ 26.43 259.$ 26. 00320 00218 199. 291. 201. 298. DS1 - 0 Miles DS1 - Over 0 to 8 DS1 - Over 8 to 25 DS1 - Over 25 to 50 DS1 - Over 50 Tandem Switched Transport Tandem Switching, Per MOU Common Transport Per MOU Per Leg Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DS 1 to DSO, Recurring DS1 to DSO, Nonrecurring DS3to DS1 , Recurring DS3 to DS1 , Nonrecurring Page 1 016 20!OcV97 IDAHO US WEST and AT&T PRICE LIST COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALING ACCESS SERVICE Entrance Facility DS1 , Electrical, Recurring DS3, Electrical, Recurring DS3 - 0 Miles DS3 - Over 0 to 8 DS3 - Over 8 to 25 DS3 - Over 25 to 50 DS3 - Over 50 91. 367. 535. 634. Fixed Per Mile None None 37. 37. 37. 37. None None 257.$ 19.48 260.49 $ 24. 260.$ 26.43 259.$ 26. 199. 291. 201. 298. 47. 00020 00091 45. DS1 , Electrical, Nonrecurring DS3, Electrical, Nonrecurring Direct Link Transport DS1 - 0 Miles DS1-0verOto8 DS1 - Over 8 to 25 DS1 - Over 25 to 50 DS1 - Over 50 Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DS 1 to DSO, Recurring DS1 to DSO, Nonrecurring DS3 to DS1 , Recurring DS3 to DS1, Nonrecurring Signaling CCS Link - First Link, Nonrecurring (Note 7) CCS Link - Each Additional Link, Nonrecurring (Note 7) STP Port - Per Signaling Message SCP Database - Per Signaling Message Signaling Links Page 2 of 6 IDAHO US WEST and AT&T PRICE LIST UNBUNDLED ELEMENTS Network Interface Device Network Interface Device, Recurring (Note 2) Network Interface Device, New Customer, Nonrecurring (Note 2) Unbundled Loop Loop Distribution (Note 5) Loop Concentrator (Note 5) Loop Feeder (Note 5) Total Unbundled 2 Wire Loop, Recurring Loop Unloading, Recurring (Note 1) Loop Conditioning, Recurring (Note1) Basic Installation, First Unbundled Loop Basic Installation, Each Additional Unbundled Loop Installation with Conformance Testing, First Unbundled Loop Installation with Conformance Testing, Each Additonal Unbundled Loop Coordinated Installation with Testing, First Unbundled Loop Coordinated Installation with Testing, Each Additional Unbundled Loop Call Transport Direct Trunked Transport DS1 - 0 Miles DS1 - Over 0 to 8 DS1 - Over 8 to 25 DS1 - Over 25 to 50 DS1 - Over 50 DS3 - 0 Miles DS3 - Over 0 to 8 DS3 - Over 8 to 25 DS3 - Over 25 to 50 DS3 - Over 50 Switching Usage Per Minute 20!OcV97 60. 15. 2.42 25. 22. 11. 17. 22. 13. Fixed Per Mile None None 37. 37. 37. 37. None None 257.$ 19.48 260.49 $ 24. 260.$ 26.43 259.$ 26. 0029 Page 3016 IDAHO US WEST and AT&T PRICE LIST Port Per Port - Per Line, Per Month, Recurring End Office Port, Per First Port, Nonrecurring (Note 9) End Office Port, Per Each Additional Port, Nonrecurring (Note 9) PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL COLLOCA TION Quote Preparation Fee, Nonrecurring Entrance Facility - 2 fibers - Recurring Entrance Facility - 2 fibers - Nonrecurring EICT Channel Termination 2-wire DSO EICT - Recurring 4-wire DSO EICT - Recurring DS1 EICT - Recurring DS3 EICT - Recurring DS 1, Regeneration - Recurring DS3, Regeneration - Recurring EICT Channel Termination 2-wire DSO EICT - Nonrecurring 4-wire DSO EICT - Nonrecurring DS 1 EICT - Nonrecurring DS3 EICT - Nonrecurring DS 1 , Regeneration (Note 8) - Nonrecurring DS3, Regeneration (Note 8) - Nonrecurring Cable Splicing Per setup - Nonrecurring Per Fiber Spliced - Nonrecurring 48 Volt Power, per ampere, per month 48 Volt Power Cable 20 Ampere Capacity - Recurring 40 Ampere Capacity - Recurring 60 Ampere Capacity - Recurring 20 Ampere Capacity - Nonrecurring 40 Ampere Capacity - Nonrecurring 60 Ampere Capacity - Nonrecurring Equipment Bay, Per Shelf - Recurring Inspector per 1/2 Hour - Regular Hours After Hours Training per 1/2 Hour Engineering per 1/2 Hour- Regular Hours After Hours Installation per 1/2 Hour- Regular Hours After Hours 10. 5.49 $2,125. $3. $3,049. $0. $1. $8. $29. $12. $84. $285. $285. $323.45 $325. $323.45 $325. $464. $37. $16.41 $0. $0. $0. $68. $93. $104. $7.44 $27. $35. $24. $23.47 $31.41 $27. $35. 20!OcV97 Page 4 of 6 IDAHO US WEST and AT&T PRICE LIST Maintenance per 1/2 Hour- Regular Hours After Hours $24. $32. ICB $2. $2. $2. Cage/Hard Wall Enclosure Rent (wi Maintenance) - per square foot Zone 1 (Note 4) - Recurring Rent (w/ Maintenance) - per square foot Zone 2 (Note 4) - Recurring Rent (wi Maintenance) - per square foot Zone 3 (Note 4) - Recurring 20!OcV97 Page 5 of 6 20!OcV97 IDAHO US WEST and AT&T PRICE LIST ANCILLARY SERVICES Access to DA Database Price per Call - Northern Idaho (Note 6) Price per Call - Southern Idaho (Note 6) End User DA per calf (operator assisted) First Call (Northern and Southern) (Note 10) Additional call - Northern Idaho (Note 10) Additional call - Southern Idaho (Note 10)0.49 Busy Line Verification Per Call Busy Line Interrupt Per Call RESALE Customer Transfer Charge Per Change, Nonrecurring Wholesale Discount Rate Southern Idaho Northern Idaho Southern Idaho - High Volume Customers (Note 3) Southern Idaho - High Volume Customers (Note 3) 18.25% 19.37% 65% 87% NOTES 1 This charge applies only when loop unloading is necessary. If loop terminated sooner than 5 years an early termination charge will apply. Charge will be apportioned based on number of loops requested compared to actual loops unloaded. 2 Applicable only to new customer/new premise. 3 In no case shall the reduction in the discount exceed the amount by which USW has already discounted prices to volume customers. 4 Zones per NECA 4 Tariff 5 Applies to Recurring charge only. BFA will be used for ordering, provisioning, including any additional equipment, and NRCs. 6 Calculated as 1/5 of the current retail rate for Directory Assistance. 7 Based on connecting through Central Office. 8 If required. No NRC applies to regeneration ordered concurrently with an associated EICT element. 9 Does not apply when purchased in conjunction with unbundled loop. 10 Based on retail rate less wholesale discount. Page 6 of 6 EO. d IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto hal/e caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. A T& T Communications of the Mountain Inc. M~. / - .---- Signature U S WEST Communications, Inc. Signature Catherine A. Kllstrom Name PrintedlTyped Name PrintedlTyped a'lsin~ss Market!'; - Vice Preside Title Title August: \2. 199R Date Date Signature does not indicate agreement with all a$peCts of the arbitrators decision, nor does it waive any of WEST's right to seek judicial rel/iew of all Of part of the agreement or to reform the agreement as the result of successful judicial review. USWC/AT&T Inlerc:onnec:tion Agreement - Idaho 07/27/98 8B179 862 EOE Ld3a M~' ~M L~L~ dSO=20 B6-LI-das 20- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized representatives. A T& T Communications of the Mountain Stales. Inc. Signature K"'-thy FJeulinr, Name PrintedfTypedName PrintedlT yped Executive Dlr~cloT - InteTconn~ctiun Title Title 8/ /2-- /98 Date Date Signature does not indicate agfgement with all aspects of the arbitrator's decision, nor does it waive any of WEST's right to seek judicial fFJview of all or part of the agreement, or to reform the agreement as the rBsult of successful judicial review. USWC/A T & T In1erconnection Agreement - Idaho D7fl7/98 BBv9 B62 808 Ld3a M~' ~M L~L~ d90: 20 B6-L t -das 12/11/2000 23:58 3032986075 7 93032947340 NO. 643 (;)001 STOEL RIVES LLr ATTORNEYS 101 SOUTH CAPITOL 15OULEVAitO sum; 1900 BOISE. IDAHO 83101-5958 p,"- (2Q$) ~9000 Fe (208) m-9Q4C Inlsnet: www.5toeLCCD\ November 13, 2000 MARY S. HOBSON Dirt,r Dial (ZO8) 387-4277 email rnsbobso~stoel.cOIJl Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No- VSW-96-15 and ATI-96- Joint Application of Qwest Corporation, formerly U S WEST Communications, Inc.. and AT&T Communkatlons of the Mountain States, Inc. for Approval of the First Amendment to Wb:'eJine Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho pursuant to 47 V.C. 252(e) Dear Ms- Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission on behalf of Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. are an original and seven (7) copies of the parties' Joint Application seeking approval of First AmenclJnent to Wireline Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho. The parties respectfully request that this matter be placed on the Conunission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely , ~bsoo EncIO$Qt~ ~; Sally Bowen (with pleading, without agreement) Chrlstille Schwar1Z (with pleading, without agteem.enI) 80JSE-lJ726U OO:l9164-00016 5u.TTL6 PoEfLAJ'lI)VAHCc.uv.. WA 50\13 1.'-" CITY W~OoIVtQ.., D. 12/11/2000 23:58 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO . 643 Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capital Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Tete: (208) 387-4244 Christine Schwartz AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. 1875 Lawrence Street, Room 10-74 Denver, CO 80202 Tele: (303) 298.6769 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JOINT APPLICA nON OF QWEST CORPORA nON and AT&T Communications OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF First Amendment to Wireline Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. ~252(e) CASE Nos. USW-96- ATT-96-1 Qwest Corporation ("Qwest ), formerly U S WEST Communications, Inc., and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. ("AT&T") hereby jointly me this Application for Approval of the First Amendment to Wireline Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho between Qwest and AT&T, dated September 17, 1998 (the "Amendment ). A copy of the Amendment is submitted herewith. The Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of .1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the .. Act Appliwlon fot Approval ofllle fim Ameodmem ro Wireline Im=:o=tion Agreement for die Slate ofldabo between QWC$t!.1Id AT&T. 1 8015&117267.1 0029264-00016 (;1002 ~ i 12/11/2131313 313329861375 7 93032947340 NO. 64323:58 Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Conmllssion may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portion thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment or portion is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. AT&T and Qwest respectful1y suhmit th::lt thf'. Amp.nctment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore jointly request that the Commission approve the Amendment expeditiously. The Amendment is consistent with me public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission.Expeditious approval of the Amendment wil1 enable AT&T to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. AT&T and Qwest further request that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations , it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations- Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Application for App\"OV1II ofthc: Firsl AmeIIImeru ro WireJj~ ~D A~mcnr for tile State of Idaho between Qwe$t;ond AT&T - 2 BOISE-1l7267.1 0029164-00016 (;1003 12/11/2000 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 64323:58 aJIvRespectfully submitted thisLday of November, 2000. Qwest Corporation ~U- Mary Hobson Stoel Rives and Christine Schwartz AT&T ICA Negotiations Manager AT&T Communications of the Mountain States Application fl)( Approval of !he fir3t Amendment to W"trellfte Inten:OIIIIIXtioo Agreement fOf \be Stare of Idaho betw~ Qwest and AT&T- 3 BOISE-I11267.1 0029164-00016 (;1004 12/11/20010 23:58 30329861075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 643 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this a'fay of November, 2000, I served the foregomg JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORK)RATION and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO WIRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO PURSUANT TO 47 V.C. ~252(e) upon aU parties of record in this matter by mailing a copy thereof properly addressed, with postage prepaid as follows: Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Christine Schwartz AT&T 1875 Lawrence Street, Room 10-74 Denver, CO 80202 Tete: (303) 298-6769 !::2f!!.u- Stoel Rives LLP Application (or Approval of tile First Amendme1lt to Wireliae !mm:ollDC(;Uon Agreement for the S~te of Idaho between Qwest s~ AT &.T . 4 8015&-117267 1 0029164-\)0016 1;1005 12/11/2000 23:58 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 643 Amendment No.1 to the Interconnection Agreement Between AT&T Communications Of The Mountain States. Inc. and Qwest Corporation (formerly doing business as U 5 WEST Communications, Inc. This Amendment No.1 ("Amendment") is made and entered into by and between AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. rAT&r) and Owest Corporation (formerly doing business as US WEST Communications, Inc.) rawest" RECITALS WHEREAS, AT&T and Qwest entered into an Interconnection Agreement for service in the state of Idaho that was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on September 17, 1998 (the "Agreement"); and WHEREAS, AT&T and Qwest desire to amend the Agreement under terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment Term5. This Amendment is made in order to add the terms, conditions and rates for Local Number Portability Managed Cuts as set forth in the Attachment for Local Number Portability Managed Cuts, attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Effective Date. This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the appropriate state Commission; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution- 3. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Neither the Agreement nor this Amendment may be further amended or altered except by written instrument executed by an authorized representative of both Parties. October J 1. 2000,IIbdILNt Amendment Amendmem., CD$-9S1028-0217 (;1006 12/11/2000 23:58 3032986075 7 93032947340 NO. 643 4. No Waiver. The Parties understand that the provisioning of Local Number Portability Managed Cuts may be considered as part of an ongoing inquiry into Qwest's applications to provide in-region interLATA service pursuant to Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the Act"), may be measured as part of an ancillary inquiry into performance measurement before the Owest Regiol'lal Oversight Committee ("ROC") and will be a topic of discussion in renegotiations and, if necessary, arbitration of interconnection agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Act. All Parties enter into this Amendment without prejudice to or waiver of any of its rights to challenge the terms and conditions of this Amendment under the Agreement, the Act, FCC or state commission rules, ROC determinations or recommendations or any applicable law. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts. each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. (?c, aWEST CORPORATION Signature J S 1/1 /VI. Name PrintedfTyped ;J;;), YeL 10 l!' Title 10 !J q/MJ Date Name PrintedfTyped Title Date October II, 2000,llhdILNP Amendment Amendment to CDS-981028-0217 (;1007 12/11/20'210 23:58 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 643 ATTACHMENT LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY MANAGED CUTS A Managed Cut permits AT&T to select a coordinated cut for local Number Portability rLNP~). The request is offered on a 24 x 7 basis. The date and time for the coordinated cut reQuires up-front planning and may need to be negotiated between Owest and AT&T. All requests will be procesSed on a first come, first served basis and are subject to Owest's ability to meet a reasonable demand. Considerations such as system downtime, switch upgrades, switch maintenance, and the possibility of other Co-.Providers requesting the same Frame Due Time (FOT) in the same switch (switch contention) are reviewed. In the event that any of these situations would occur, Qwest will negotiate with AT&T for an agreed upon FOT prior to issuing the Firm Order Confirmation (FCC). Because of this up.front coordination and FOT negotiation efforts, the FOC interval will begin upon completion of negotiations between Qwest and AT&T for the FOT. In special cases where a FOT must be negotiated, this interval to negotiate the FOT will not exceed two (2) days due to a Owest error. In addition, standard intervals will apply. 1.2 AT&T shall request a Managed Cut by submitting a local Service Request (LSR) and designating a Managed Cut in the Remarks section of the LSR form. AT&T will incur additional charges for the managed cut dependent upon the FDT. The rates are based on whether the request is within normal business hours or out of hours. Normal business hours are 7~OO a.m. to 7;00 p.. end user local time, Monday through Friday and the rate is a standard rate. Out of hours, except for Sundays and Holidays are at the overtime rate. Sundays and Holidays are at a premium rate. 1.4 Charges for Managed cuts Shall be based upon actual hours worked in hour increments. Such charges are set forth in Section 1.7 below. AT&T understandS and agrees that in the event AT&T does not make payment for Managed Cuts, unless disputed as permitted under the Agreement Qwest shall not accept any new LSR requests for Managed Cuts. Qwest will schedule the appropriate number of employees prior to the cut normally not to exceed three employees. based upon information provided by AT&T. AT&T will also have appropriate personnel scheduled for the negotiated FOT. If such information requires modification during the cut and, as a result, non.-scheduled employees are required, AT&T shall be charged a thrB8 hour minimum charge per each additional non- scheduled employee as set forth in Section 1.7 below. If the cut is either cancelled, or supplemented (supp) to change the due date, within 24 hours of the negotiated FOT, AT&T will be charged a one person 3 hour minimum charge as set forth in Section 1.7 below. If the cut is cancelled or a new due date is requested by Qwest due to a Qwe~t error, within 24 hours of the negotiated FDT, Owest will be charged by AT&T a one OctIIIJcr II, 2OOO/lhdILNP AmeillWcnt Amendment 10 CD$-W1028-0217 (;10'218 ~ : 12/11/2000 23:58 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 643 (;1009 person 3 hour minimum charge as set forth in Section 1.7 below. This AT&T charge will be replaced by any service performance plan related to LNP Managed Cuts, if any, adopted by the Regional Oversight Committee and approved by the Commission. Owest will negotiate with AT&T for LNP Managed Cuts or a similar service offered by AT&T. Owest will provide Managed Cuts at the following interim rates: Managed Cut Recurring NA $ 27.36 per Y2 hour per person standard Managed Cut Recurring NA $ 35.43 per ~ hour per person overtime Managed Cut Recurring NA $ 43.49 per Xt hour per person premium I n the event that the managed LN P conversion is not successful, AT&T and Owest agree to isolate and fix the problem in a timeframe acceptable to AT&T or the customer. If the problem cannot be corrected within a timeframe acceptable to AT&T or the customer, AT&T may request the restoral of Owest service for the customer. Such restoration shall begin immediately upon request. If AT&T is in error then a supp will be provided to Qwest. If Owest is in error no supp or additional order will be required of AT&T. Specific details regarding the ordering of LNP service is contained in the LNP Section of the Interconnect & Resale Resource Guide or this Agreement. October 11. 2000,llbdILNP AmeAdtneIJt Amendment to CD5-981028-()217 . . NO.758 (:;1001 Office: of the Secretary Sc:rvice Date January 29, :2(\01 02/06/2001 02:34 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION" IN THE MA'ITER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND ESCHELON ) CASE NO. QWE-Oo..13 TELECOM, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. i 2S2(e). IN THE MATI OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND TSUNAMI ) CASE NO. QWE-T-OO- COMMUNICATIONS, INC., FOR APPROVAL OF A RESALE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT ) PURSUANT TO 47 U.1152(e). IN TIlE MATTER OF THE 'JOINT APPLICA OF QWEST CORPORATION AND UBIQUITEL, ) CASE NO. QWE-T-OO-23 . INC., FOR APPROVAL OF A TYPE 2 WIRELESS INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. ~ 252(e). ) CASE NO. QWE-T-OO. IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPOkATION AND SPRINT ) CASE NO. USW-97- COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY L., FOR ) SP:R-T..97- APPROVAL. OF A TIU.RD AMENDMENT TO AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT ) TO .47 V.. f 252(e). /'- . . IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATIONOF QWEST CORPORATION AND AT&T CASE NO. USW-96- COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN ! ATT.96- STATES, INc., FOR APPROVAL OF FIRST ) AMENDMENT TO A WIRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSU.ANr )ORD:ER NO. 28622 \. TO 47 U.s.c. ~ 251(0). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPliCATI OF QWEST CORPORATION AND USA DIGITAL INC., FOR APPROVAL OF A WlRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 TI.C. f 252(e). In .these ~:~ ~s , ~~ CoII11?1ission is asked to approve both new inter~onnection agreements arid amendIDentS to asreements which were previously approved by the Commission. ORDER NO. 28622 02/06/2001 1212:34 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO.758 BACKGROUND Under the provisions of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Go~on for approval. 47 U.C. ~ 252(e)(1). The Commission may reject an aareement adopted by negotiations only if it finds that the agreement: (1) discriminates against telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement", or (2) implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. 47 V.C. 9252(eX2)(A). As the Conunission recently noted in Order No. 28427 companies voluntarily entering into interconnection agreements "may negotiate tenDS, prices and conditions that do D.2! comply with either the FCC rules or with the provisions with Section 251(b) OJ (c).Order No. 28427 at 11 (emphasis original). This comports with the FCC' statement that ~La state conunfssion shall have authority to approve an interconnection agreemeut adopted by negotiation even if the tenDS of the agreement do not comply with the requirements of (part 51)." 47 C.R. ~ 51.3. THE CURRENT APPLICATIONS The Commission bas been asked to approve three interconnection agreements and five axnendments to existing interconnettion agreements. These agreements are discussed ingreater detail below. ' .. 1. 9west Corporation and Escbelon Telecom. Inc. (Case No. QWE-OO-13). In this case Eschelon opted into an interconnection agreement between Qwest (then US West) and AT&T. This underlying agree.mentwas approved by the Commission on September 17, 1998, in Case Nos. USW-T-96-15 & ATIaT-96-1. Eschelon s agreement with Qwest was subsequently approved by the Commission on November 20,2000, Order No. 28570. Now the parties seek to amend thi$ agreement through two separate filings. The first requeSt for amendment was filed on November 9, 2000. In this requested amendment the partie$ jointly requeSt that the Interconnection Agreeroent originaUy filed and approved by the Commission on November 20 2000, Order No. 28570, be amended by deleting, in their entirety. sections three 11n:ough seven of the agreement which Eschelon opted into. The second Application requesting amendment was filed on December 29, 2000 and contained additional provisions which the parties had agreed to. 2. Qwest Comoration and Tsunami Commwrications. me; (Case No. OWE-T-OO ~. In this Application, the parties request that the Commission approve a resale interconnection agreement. The rates and terms are similar to those contained in other ORDER NO. 28622 Gl002 02/06/2001 02:34 31332986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 758 - , interconnection agreements submitted by Qwest and previously approved by this Commission. SeeCaseNo.QWE-T-OO-19. . : 3. Owes! Corpo~tion and UbiauiTel. Inc. (Case No. QWE-OO-23)In this . Application, the parties request. that .the Corhm.ission approve a Type 2 Wireless . Opt- Interconnection Agreement for the state ofIdaho. UbiquiTeJ wishes to adopt the rates and tenns of the interconnection agreement between Qwest and Sprint Spectrum, LP. previously approved by the Commission. See USW-97- 4. Owest Corootation and USA Dildtal. Inc. (Case No. OWE- T -00-24 )-In this case the parties request that the Conunission approve a wireline interconnection agreement The rates and tenns are similar to those contained in other intetconnec:tion agreements submitted by Qwest and previously approved by this Commission. See Case No. USW-99-2~. However, because USA Digital does not currently have a valid Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing them to offer the services covered by the interconnection agreements, Staff also recotnInends that any f1nal order make clea:( that approval of this agreement does not authorize them to offer the services covered. by it 5. Qwest Corooration and Sprint Communications Comoany. LP. (Case Nos. USW-97-16 and SPR-T.97-. In this case, the parties .have simultaneously filed the Third and Fourth Amendments to the existing mterconnection agreement for the state of Idaho. The Third Amendment adds tenus and conditio~ for Complex Firm Order Confirmation ("FOC" The Fourth Amendment adds terms and conditions foJ: LIS Inter Local Calling Area ("LCA" Facilities. 6. Owest Cornomion and AT&T Communications of the MoWltain S~tes~ Inc. (Case Nos. USW-96-15 and ATI-96-2)'In this case, the parties request tba1 the Commission. approve the First Amendment to the existing Wireline Int~rconnection Agreement for the state of Idaho, The Amendment adds terms, condiuons and rates for Local Portability Managed Cuts. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION The Staff has reviewed these Applications and did not fin.d that any terms and conditions to be discriminatory or contrary to ~ . P\1bli~ int~rest ., . Staff believes that the Agreements axe. consistent with the pro-competitive policies- of this .Comrilission, the Idaho Lt:gislature, and the federal TelecommunicatioD$ Act Accordingly, Staff believes that the ORDER NO. 28622 gOO3 02/1216/2001 02:34 30329860'75 ~ 9303294734121 NO. 758 (;1004 Agreements merit the Commission s approval. It is important to note though tbtI.t USA Digital does no1 currently have a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide local telecoIDIDunications services in Idaho. For this reason Staff also recommends that any final order make clear that approval of itS agreement with Qw.est does not authori:l;e them to offer the services covered by it. COMMISSION DECISION Under the terms of the Teleconnnunications Act, interconnection agreementS must be submitted to the Commission for approval. 47 U.C. ~ 252 (e)(l). The Commission s review is limited, however. The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiation only if it finds that the agreement discriminates against a telecommunication carrier not a party to the agreement or implementation 'of the agreement is .not conSistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. rd. Ba5ed upon our review of the Application, the Staff's recommendation and on the fact no other person (:Ommented on the proposed agreement, the Commission finds that the above interconnection agreements and amendment to a. previously approved interconnection agreement are consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity and does not disciminate. Therefore, the Commission finds that these interconnection agreements should be approved. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the interconnection agteements discussed above are appJ.'oved. Terms of the agreements that are not already in effect shall be effective as of the date of this Orde:!:. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the First and Second Amendments to the intercOlmection agreement between Qwes!: Corporation and Eschelon Telecom in Case No. QWE-OO-13 are approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the :resale interconnection agreeMent between Qwest Corporation and Tsunami Communications, Inc. in Case No. Q'WE- T-OO-22 is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Type 2 wU:tless interconnection agreement b!3tWe(:n Qwest Corporation and UbiquiTel, Inc. in Case No, QWE~ T -00-23 is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the wireline interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and. USA Digital, Inc. in Case No. QWE-T -00.24 is approved. However, ORDER NO. 28622 02/06/2001 02:34 3032986075 7 93032947340 NO. 758 USA Digital may not begin to provide service in Idaho until it has secured a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from the Commission. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Third and Fourth Amendments to the interconnection a&reement bet\W:en Qwest Corporation and Sprint Communications Company, L.P., Case Nos. USW-97~16 and SPR-97-3, are approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the First Amendment to the existing wireline interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., Case Nos. USW-96-15 and AIT-T-96-2, is approved. TIllS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Ordm previously issued in these Case Nos. QWE- 00-13, QWE-OO-, QWE-T-oO-, QWE-OO-, USW-T-97-16 and SPR-91-, tJSW- 96-15 and ATI-96-2 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Oxder with regard to any matter decided in this Order Or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in iliese cases. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idah() Code g~ 61- 626 and 62-619. ORDER NO. 28622 ----.._. !J005 212/06/2001 02:34 32132986675 ~ 9303~947340 NO. 758 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commissio1'1 fit Boise~ Idaho, thi'S J. ffl-. day of January 2001. ~ ~. . ---~ a"NIS S. HANS :r, RESIDENT , I MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSION 1t A TrEST: . J 'JIWt-eC_ission Secretary O:qwetiJi:n3 _22.JJ 24-... usW19716 _uswl96I~ OIDER NO. 28622 (;1005 ,.. 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO.174 (;1001 STOEL RIVES ATTORNEYS tOt sotrm CAl'TlOL BOULEVARD sum 1900 BO15E, IDAHO 83m~~ P/rqrz,r:ZQ61389-S000 far(2I)IJ)389-9040 Intcmet: www..mel.aom AugUst 6, 2001 MARy S. HOBSON Direct Dial ('208) 387-4277 email mshDb~s!oel.com Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities C~:sion 472 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 8372()"()()74 Re:Case No. Amendment Number 2 to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc:. for the State of Idaho pursuant to 47 U.C. 2S2(e) Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission on bebalf of Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. is an original and three (3) copies of the parties Amendment Number 2 to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States. Inc. for the State of Idaho. The parties respectfully request that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approval. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Encburcscc: Debi Hanl (with pleading, with amcodJner:t) Christioe Schwanz (with. pJeadil!i, with agreement) leii; Izrn~ 1 lV\'1l",u """1" 5EAnU POt.Tt...urD VAHOOUYD,. WA 1o0j,l &.u.:r LAJ:E QIy WASmNI;TQIl, D. 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0002 Mary S- Hobson, ISB# 2142 Sioel Rives LLP 101 S. Capital Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Tele: (208) 3874244 Cbristhle Schwartz AT&T ICA Negotiations Manager AT&T 1875 Lawrence St-. Room 10- Denver, CO 80202 Tete: (303) 298-6769 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTIUI1ES COMMISSION AMENDMENT NUMBER 2 TO INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN QWEST CORPORATION AND AT&T COMMUmCATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INe. for the Stare of Idaho PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. fi252(e) CASE No. Qwest Corporation ("Qwest ) and AT&T Communications of the MoWltain States. Inc. (" AT&T") hereby jointly file this Application for Approval of Amendment Number 2 to the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho, dated September 17. 1998 (the .. Agreewent")- A copy of the Amendment. dated July II, 2001, is submitted herewith. Amendment Number 2 was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the CommWlications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the " Act Awlication /Or Approval of A1Jx:odIoon Number 2 10 the I~OD for tile Slate of Idabo bctwcep Qwesl: and AT&T Commuoicadous gf!he MClDlllaln SlaIC$, ~- - Boise-127~7.'1.1 0029164-00016 09/07/21301 131:48 3032986075 ~ 931332947340 NO. 174 (;1003 Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission fmds that: the amendment (or portion thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carner not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment or portion is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. AT&T and Qwest respectfully submit that Amendment Number 2 provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore jointly request that the Commission approve the Amendment expeditiously. Amendment Number 2 is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission. the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Co~sion. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable AT&T to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. AT&T and Qwest further request that the Commission approve Amendment Number 2 without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through volunt:My negotiations, it does not raise: issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Appli=ioo for APJ""ovaI or Amendrtle\lt Nwubcr 2 10 !be ~on fixr tbe StUc ofJdaJlo between Qwest IUd AT&T ~OJI'5ofIb.c:M(lllJ)lllJ.nS~.!nc. Boise- J,2 757:; . ~ 00'J9 Uj4..o)() 16 89/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 (;)004 Respectfully submitted this day of August, 2001. Qwest Corporation ftfjl y S. Ho on Stoe! Rives and Christine Schwartz AT&T AppIiI'll1WR fur Approval of Ammhnent NIUDOer 2 to the bdcr~ouC':tion Agreement for tile SIa1II of Idaho Qwest am A T&:TColl!lllU!licatioll$ of~ Mounta.in Slat~. ID=. - J Boi!e-127575.0029)64-00016 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0005 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this f.o day of August, 2001, I served the foregoing JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION and AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. FOR APPROV At OF AMENDMENT NUMBER 2 TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO PURSUANT TO 47 C. ~252(e) upon all parties of record in this matter by mailing a copy thereof properly addressed, with postage prepaid as follows: Ms. 1ean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washingt:on Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Christine Schwartz AT &1 ICA Negotiations Manager AT&T 1875 Lawrence St., Room 10-74 Denver, CO 80202 Debi Hartl Contract Development and Services Qwest 7800 E. Orchard Road, Suite 250 Englewood, CO 80111 Stoel Rives LLP AppliRIioa for Approval of Ao=dm~ N\1mbef 2 10 lnteI'tom=iom A~ b- cbt; 01 bb.bo bctwccn QWQt and AT &.T Collllllllllicatiom ortlle Mowllain States.lIII:. - 4 Boise-U757S.1 0029164-00016 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0006 Amendment Number 2 to the Interconnection Agreement Between AT&T Communications Of The Mountain States. Inc. and Qwest Corporation Idaho This Amendment ("Amendment") is made and entered into by and between AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. ("CLEC") and Qwest Corporation ("Owest" RECITALS WHEREAS, CLEC and Qwest entered into an Interconnection Agreement (the "Agreement") for service in the state of Idaho that was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission ); and WHEREAS, CLEC and awest desire to amend the Agreement under terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment Terms This Amendment is made in order to add the terms and conditions to enable CLEC to receive blocking reports on aU interoffice trunk groups carrying EASJfocal traffic between Qwest tandem switches and Qwest end office switches for Interconnection Trunk Reports as set forth in Attachment 1 , attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. accommodate this need, CLEC must generate, if necessary, an updated Customer Questionnaire. In addition to the Questionnaire, all system updates will need to be completed by Qwest. GLEC will be notified when all system changes have been made. Actual order processing may begin once these requirements have been mel 3. Further Amendments. Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Neither the Agreement nor this Amendment may be further amended or altered except by written instrument executed by an authorized representative of both Parties. 07/111O1dhli'RcpotU AmcndmeDt Z Amendment tOCDs..98102H217 AT &:T..JD 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0007 The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the date$ set forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF tHE MOUNTAIN STATES,INC. ~/f;;!. /lIC/lAEL JlfP(j(3K Name Printedrryped P/S1,e/~1 #CR~ /(/1 Title ~l~ Authorized Signature L To Christensen Name PrintedITyped Director - Business Poliqy Title 7//'boo) Date (/~fi). /~( Date U7l1llOldbdlReports Amendment 2 Amendment toCOS-98H)~-()217 A T&T-IO 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 7 93032947340 0008NO. 174 ATTACHMENT 1 BLOCKING REPORTS Owes! shall provide to CLEC monthly reports on all interconnection trunk groups and quarterly reports on all interoffice trunk groups carrying EASltocal traffic between Qwest tandem switches and Qwest end office switches. The reports will contain busy hour traffic data, including but not limited to, overflow and the number of trunks in each trunkgroup. 07/1 JIOJ~rts Amendment 2 AmcndrocntIlJCDS-98 1028-0217 AT&:T- 09/07/2001 131:48 30329861375 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0009 OffICe of the Sec:rct1lry Service Date August 22,2001 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPUCATION OF VERlZON NORTHWEST INe. AND AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. FOR APPROV AL OF AN AMENDMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. i 252(e). . ) IN THE MATTER. OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST COnrORATION AND NEW ACCI':SS COMMUNICATIONS LLC. FOR APPROVAL OF A WIRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.s.C. f 252(e). IN TItE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPUCAll0N OF QWEST CORPORATION AND PREFERRED CARlUER SERVICESt INC. FOR APPROVAL OF A WIRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 V.C. f 252(e). IN THE MAITER OF THE JOINT APPIJCATION OF VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. AND Z- TEL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 V.C. i 2S2(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES, INC. FOR APPROV AI. OF AN AMENDMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED TYPE 2 WIRELESS INTERCONNECfION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U:S.C. f 252(e). IN TItE MATTER OF tHE JOINT -:iPPiICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND QUANTUMSHIF1', INC. FOR APPROVAL OF A RESALE INTERCONNECI10N AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. f 2S2(e). ORDER NO. 28821 CASE NO. GTE-99- CASE NO. QWE.T-OO~19 CASE NO. QWE-Ol- CASE NO. VZN..Ol~ CASE NO. USW-97- CASE NO. QWE-T-Ol- ORDER NO. 28821 ) CASE NO. QWE-Ol- ) CASE NO. QWE-Ol- ) CASENO. QWE-Ol- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VERIZON NORTHWEST me. AND AT&T ) CASE ~O., Y~-Ol- . . COMMUNlCATIONS~FTHE'MOUNTAtN-' . ....) :::' . . "'" .. TATES,JNC.FORAPPRQVAL()f~.. :... ). ';..... .:.. INTERCONNECTION 'AGREEMENT.. . . . ".. ) PURSUANT TO47U.Z(e). . .: .. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND AT&T ) CASE NO. USW-96-15 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN ) ATT-T-96-2STATES, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED INfERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.c. f ZS2(e). ) CASE NO. USW-OO-18 . ) 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 t.. IN mt MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND ClERA NETWORK SYSTEMS FOR APPROVAL OF A WIRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. i 2S1(e). IN THE MATIER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND NOS COMMUNICATIONS. INC. FOR APPROVAL OF A WIRELINE INl'ERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.c. I 252 (e). IN 1'Hf; MATIE~ OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND 1-800- RECONEx, INC. FOR APPROV AI.. OF A WIRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.s.C. i 252(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND EDGE WIRELESS, LLC FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN EXISTING INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. i 2S2(e). ORDER NO. 28821 . ... . .., .. ' NO. 174 (;113113 09/07/2001 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0011 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND INTRADO COMMUNICATIONS INC. FOR APPROVAL OF A WIRELINE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 V.C. f. 252(e). ) CASE NO. Q\YE-T.Ol- ) ....) . 1 ." .., . . In these cases, the Commission is asked to approve both new interconnection agreements and amendments to agreem.ftfltl!. that were previously approved by the Corom153ion. BACKGROUND Under the provisions of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, interconnection agreem~.must be~ ~ub~tted to the Commission for approval, 47 C. ~ 252(e)(1). The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiations only if it finds that the agreement: (1) discriminates against telecommunications camer not a party to the agreement; or (2) implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. 47 U.C. ~ 252(e)(2)(A). AB the Commission recently noted in Order No. 28427 companies voluntarily entering into interconnection agreements "may negotiate tenns, prices and conditions that do comply with either the FCC roles or witb provisions .with Sec~on 251(b) or (c)!' Order No. 28427 at 11 (emphasis' original). : . 1hiscomportS With "the FCC' statement that "a state commission shalt have authority to approve an .intercol'nleetion agreement adopted by negotiation even if the tenns of the agreement do not comply wjth the requirementS of (pm 51)," 47 C.F.R. 9 $1.3. THE CURRENT APPLICATIONS The Commission has been asked to appro\'e these intercoIUlection agreements and amendments to existing interconnection agreements. These agreements are discussed in greater detait below 1. Veri20n Northwest and AT&T Wi less Services Inc. Case No. GT This first amendment to a pre\1iously approved agreement, see Order No. 28229, adds terms for distribution of directories. 2. Qwest and New Access ommunications LLC ase No. OWE-OO-. This case involves a totally new wireline agreement negotiated by the parties to replace the previously ORDER NO. 28821 09/07/2001 131:48 303298612175 ~ 931332947340 NO. 174 (;112112 approved agreement between these parties. The terms of this agreement are essentially the same as those contained in other agreements previously approved by this Commission. " 3. Qwest and Preferred .Camer Services. Inc. (Case No- OWE-OI-152.This case ~volvesa letter agreement between the parties to adopt, in its entirety, the . agreement b~een Qwest and Covad Communications Company that was approved by. this" Commission in April 1999. 4. Verizon Nonhwest Inc. and Z-Tel Communications. Inc. (VZN-01-9).This is a new agreement with terms and Mndirions similar to those in the GTE-Pa.thnet a~~meut previously approved by this Commission. 5- Owest and AT&T Wireless (Case No. USW-T-97-10)This is the second amendment to the previously approved agreement, see Order No. 27016, that adds single paint of presence in the LATA language. 6. est and OuantwnShift Inc. (Case No. WE-This is a new resale agreement It is similar to previously apptov~ resaJe agreements. 7. est and CieraNetwork Svstems.. Inc. e No. WE-Ol-. This is a new interconnection agreement. The terms of this agreement are essentially the same as those " contained in other int~onn~on" agreements previously aPProved b~dh.is ConWission. Ciera 9i:S .not CUI1'~tly have.~ valid Certific31e.ofpublic Bbnvemence" 8rid.Nec~ssity. .. '0 8. est and NO ommunications~Jnc. Case No. WE-T-. This is a. new interconnection agreement The terms of this agreement are essentially the same as those contained in other interconnection agreemen1b previously approved by this Commission. Currently. NOS Communications does not have a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the state of Idaho, but has filed. an Application with the Commission requesting one. Case No. GNR-Ol- 9. est and RECONE Inc. Case No. WE-OI-This case involves . a letter agx-eement between the parties to adopt, in its entirety, the agreement between Qwest and AT&T that was approved by this CoromissioD. in September 1998. Cuuently, RECONNEX does not have a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the state of Idaho. 10. Verizon NorthwC5t and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States VZN- aI-This case involves a Jetter agreement between the parties to adopt the GTE-Pathnet agreement previously approved by this Commission. ORDER NO. 28821 09/07/2001 01:48 30329850'75 ~ 9312132947340 NO. 174 0013 11. Owes! and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States (Case No. USW-96- ATT - T -96-. This is the second amendment to the previously approved agreement, see Order Nos. 27738 and 28622, that ~ds the ability to receive reports on trunk blockage. 12. Owest and IntradC! Communications Inc. (Case No..OWE-Ol.:.21l This is new int~nnectiQn agreement. The tenns.oftbisagrecment.are. esse:ntially the same as those contained in ollie!; interconnection agreements previously approved by this Commission. . . STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff has reviewed these AppIicatiO11s and did not find any term& and conditions that it considers to be discriminatory or contrary to the public mterest. Staff believes that the Agreements and Amendments are con5istent with the pro-competitive policies of this . Commission,. the Idaho Legislature, and the. fed~l Te1ecommumcations Act,. AcC911lingly, , ."~.-.. . Staff believes that the Age-eemems and Amendtnents merit the Commission s approval. COMMISSION DECISION Under the terms of the Tel~mmunications Act, interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval 47 V.C. g 252 (e)(1). The Commission s review is limi~however. The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiation only if it . finds .that th ~ . agreement dis~te.s against Ct. telecQrnmunitation .camer. not a. party to . agreement or ilnpl~enta.tion. of: the .agreeinent.js' .Dof consistimt 'with .the .public mteiest convenience and necessity~ Id. Based upon our review. of .the Ap.pHcatiori, the Staffs recommendation and on the fact no other person commented on these Applications, the Commission fmds that the above interconnection agreements and amendments to previously approved interconnection agreements are consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity and do not discriminate. Therefore, the Commission finds that these Applications should be approved. However, approval of these Agreeznents and Amendments to Agreeznents does not negate tOe companies interconnecting with' QweSt and v eriz~n fro~ the ~e~ponsibility to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity if they are offering local exchange se.IVices or from complying with Idaho Cede ~~ 62.604 and 62-606 if they are providing other non-basic local exchange services telecommunications services as defined by Idaho Code ~ 62- 603. ORDER NO. 28821 09/07/2001 131:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0014 ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the interconnection agreements and amendments to interconnection agreements discussed above are approved. Tenns of the agreements that are not already in e~ect shall be effective as of the date oftbis Order. : IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the first amendInent to a previoUsly aPpioved interconnection agreement betWeen Verizon Northwest, Inc. arid AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. in Case No. GTE-99-. is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the renegotiatetf interconnection agreement between Qwest COJ:poration and New Access Communications LLC, in. Case No. QWE-OO-19~ is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and Preferred Carri~ Services, Inc., in Case No. QWE-Ol-1S, is approved. IT IS FURTIIER ORDERED that the wireline interconnection agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. andZ-Tel Communications, Inc., in Case No. VZN-Ol-9, is approved. iT IS FURTIIER ORDERED that the second amendment to a previous1y approved intercolU1ection agreement IJetween Qwest Corporation and AT&T Wireless Services. Inc., in Case No. USW-97-, is approved. IT IS FURTHER. ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation. and QuantumShit\.tn.c.)n Case No, QWE-T-O1~20, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and NOS Communioations, Inc., in Case No. QWE-Ol-19. is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the intercolU1ecnon agreement between Qwest Corporation and 1-800-RECONNEX, Inc., in Case No. QWE-Ol.13, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. and AT&T CommUnications of the Mountain States, Inc.. in Case No. VZN~ 01.11, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the amendment to the previously approved interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc., in Case Nos. USW-96-15 and AT&T-96-2, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and CieraNetwork Systems, Inc., in Case No. QWE.T-ol-18. is approved. ORDER NO. 28821 09/07/212101 01:48 3032986075 ~ 93032947340 NO. 174 0015 ! - IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and Intrado Communications Inc., in Case No. QWE-OI-21, is approved. . . TIllS IS A FINAL ORDER, Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocut~ry Orders previously issued in:these Case Nos. GTE~r. . 9 ?!. Q~.!-o9-1~, Q~T-91-.1S, VZN-Ol-, USW-9.7-10t :QwB-T-Ol-20, QWE-Ol- 19, QWE-Ol-, VZN-T-Ol:-11,USV,T-96-15; AT&T-96-2, QWE-Ol:"18 arid QWE:r- 01-21 may petition fOt' reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the serVice date oft1Iis Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or jn intf!1'locutory Orders previously issued in these cases. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition forreconsideration. See Idaho Code ~g 61-626 and 62-619. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this :LIst . ..-., -.'. .... ,.. .,. -... ...,. ...-. . ,... - d3y of August 200i . ~- -... .' .. . . .. . p . . ill; ",. i:~C'JJS) ~,~,-- MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER .-....-.-...-...-.--.. .....-. _.....,. .,.- ... ..... ... . .-. ..'- ATTEST: O:gtct993 etaljh , ... .' ... ,..' . . ORDER NO. 28821 Office of the Secretary Service Date November 27, 2002 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 V.C. ~252(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND SPRINT SPECTRUM LP FOR APPROVAL OF AN . INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. ~ 252(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. AND PACIFIC BELL WIRELESS NORTHWEST, LLC DBA CINGULAR WIRELESS FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.c. ~ 252(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF VERIZON NORTHWEST INC. AND CELLCO ARTNERSffiP, VERIZON WIRELESS, IDAHO RSA NO.1 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, BOISE CITY MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, CELLULAR, INC. FINANCIAL CORPORATION, COMMNET CELLULAR LICENSE HOLDING LLC, COMMNET CELLULAR, INC., IDAHO 6-CLARK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS FOR APPROV AL OF TWO AMENDMENTS TO AN INTERGONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. ~ 252(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION AND THE LOCAL CONNECTION FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.C. ~ 252(e). ) CASE NO. USW-96-) ATT-96- ) CASE NO. QWE- T -02- ) CASE NO. VZN-02- ) CASE NO. GTE-97- ) CASE NO. QWE-02- ) ORDER NO. 29163 In these cases the Commission is asked to approve new interconnection agreements and amendments to previously approved interconnection agreements. ORDER NO. 29163 BACKGROUND Under the provisions of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval. 47 US.C. 9252(e)(1). The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiations only if it frnds that the agreement: (1) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement; or (2) implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. 47 V.C. 9252(e)(2)(A). As the Commission recently noted in Order No. 28427 companies voluntarily entering into interconnection agreements "may negotiate terms, prices and conditions that do not comply with either the FCC rules or with the provisions of Section 251(b) or (c)." Order No. 28427 at 11 (emphasis original). This comports with the FCC's statement that "a state commission shall have authority to approve an interconnection agreement adopted by negotiation even if the terms of the agreement do not comply with the requirements of (Part 51)." 47C.R. ~ 51.3. THE CURRENT APPLICATIONS The Commission has been asked to approve new interconnection agreements and amendments to existing interconnection agreements. These matters are discussed in greater detail below. 1. Owest and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States. Inc. (Case Nos. VSW - T -96-15 and A TT - T -96-. This is an amendment to an existing wireline interconnection agreement that adds terms for unbundled netvyork element combinations. 2. Qwest and Sprint Spectrum LP (Case No. QWE-O2-21).This Application involves a new Type 2 wireless agreement. 3. Verizon Northwest and Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest. LLC dba Cingular Wireless (Case No. VZN-O2-. This Application is for an amendment to an existing agreement that provides terms for 911 and E911 services. 4. Verizon Northwest. Inc. and Cellco Partnership. Verizon Wireless LLC. Idaho RSA No.1 Limited Partnership. Boise City MSA Limited Partnership. Cellular. Inc. Financial Corporation. CommNet Cellular License Holding LLC. CommNet Cellular. Inc.. Idaho 6-Clark Limited Partnership dba. Verizon Wireless. (Case No. GTE-97- ). There are two Applications involving this case number . both for an amendment to the original agreement between GTE Northwest and V S WEST Newvector Group, Inc. Through a series of mergers ORDER NO. 29163 and other transactions Verizon Wireless is the dba successor to each of the other entities involved with this agreement with Verizon Northwest. Amendment No.1 provides teITI1S for 911 and E911 services. Amendment No.2 includes provisions for reciprocal compensation in accordance. with the Federal Communications Commission s Order, (FCC 01-131). 5. Owest and The Local Connection (Case No. OWE-O2-19). This IS a new resale interconnection agreement. approved agreements. It includes teITI1S and conditions similar to previously STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION Staff reviewed these Applications and did not find any teITI1S and conditions that it considers to be discriminatory or contrary,to .the public interest.. Theterm1; apdconditionsof each agreement and amendment are similar to those contained in previously approved amendments or agreements. Staff believes that the agreements and amendments are consistent with the pro-competitive policies of this Commission, the Idaho Legislature, and the federal Telecommunications Act. Accordingly, Staff believes that the agreements and amendments to previously approved interconnection agreements merit the Commission s approval. COMMISSION DECISION Under the terms of the Telecommunications Act, interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval. 47 D.C. 9 252 (e)(1). The Commission s review is limited, however. The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiation only if it finds that the agreement discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement or implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest convenience and necessity. Id. Based upon our review of the Applications , the Staffs recommendation and on the fact no other person commented on these Applications, the Commission finds that the new interconnection agreements and amendments to previously approved interconnection agreements are consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity and do not discriminate. Therefore, the Commission finds that these Applications should be approved. Finally, approval of these new interconnection agreements and amendments does not negate the responsibility of any of the parties to these agreements to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity if they are offering local exchange services or complying with Idaho Code 99 62~6.o4 and 62-606 if they are providing other non-basic local telecommunications services as defined by Idaho Code 9 62-603. ORDER NO. 29163 ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the new interconnection agreements and amendments to intercoruiection agreements discussed above are approved.Tenns of the agreements that are not already in effect shall be effective as of the date of this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the amendment to the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, mc., Case No. USW-96-15 and ATT-96-, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and Sprint Spectrum LP, Case No. QWE-O2-, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the amendment to the interconnection agreement between Verizon Northwest mc. and Pacific Bell Wireless Northwest, LLC dba Cingular Wireless, Case No. VZN-O2-, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the two amendments to an interconnection agreement between Verizon Northwest Inc. and Cellco Partnership, Verizon Wireless LLC Idaho RSA No.1 Limited Partnership, Boise City MSA Limited Partnership, Cellular, Inc. Financial Corporation, CommNet Cel1u1ar License Holding LLC, CommNet Cellular, mc., Idaho Clark Limited Partnership dba Verizon Wireless, Case No. GTE- T -97 -, are approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and the Local Connection, Case No. QWE-O2-, is approved. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in these Case Nos. USW - T- 96-15, ATT-96-, QWE-O2-21, VZN-O2~7, GTE-97-13 and QWE-O2-19 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in these cases. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code ~~ 61-626 and 62-619. ORDER NO. 29163 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this J.. 7"f+. day of November 2002. 02t~- PAULKJELLAND R, PRESIDENT MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ~~~;~NE ATTEST: ~tJ~ D. Jewel Commission Secretary O:USWT9615 _TIT962 VZNTO27 - GTET9713- QWETO219 _O221jh ORDER NO. 29163 Mary S. Hobson (ISB# 2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capital Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 387-4277 Mitchell H. Menezes Chief Commercial Counsel AT&T Corp. 1875 Lawrence Street - Room 15- Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 298-6493 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF) QWEST CORPORA nON AND AT&T COMMUNICA nONS OF THE MOUNTAIN ST A TES, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 US.C. 9252(e) CASE NO:USW - T -96- ATT-96- APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. AT&T") hereby jointly file this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement for the State of Idaho (the "Amendment"copy of the Amendment is submitted herewith. The Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act" Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT - Page Boise-149139.10029164-00016 portion thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment or portion is not consistent with the public interest convenience and necessity. AT&T and Qwest respectfully submit that the Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore jointly request that the Commission approve the Amendment expeditiously. The Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro- competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable AT&T to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. AT &T and Qwest further request that the Commission approve the Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this ---==- day of November, 2002. Qwest Corporation ~~ Ht--. Mary S. bson Stoel Rives and Mitchell H. Menezes AT&T APPLICA nON FOR APPROY AL OF AMENDMENT - Page 2 Boise-149139.1 0029164.00016 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this day of November, 2002, I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT upon all parties of record in this matter by mailing a copy thereof properly addressed, with postage prepaid as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 LXJ Hand Delivery (.--:I u. S. Mail (.--:I Overnight Delivery (.--:I Facsimile (.--:I Email Mitchell H. Menezes Chief Commercial Counsel AT&T Corp. 1875 Lawrence Street - Room 15- Denver, CO 80202 1 Hand Delivery LXJ u. S. Mail (.--:I Overnight Delivery (.--:I Facsimile (.--:I Email Michael Hydock District Manager Local Service & Access Management AT&T Corp. 1875 Lawrence Street - Room 8- Denver, CO 80202 (.--:I Hand Delivery LXJ u. S. Mail (.--:I Overnight Delivery (.--:I FacsimileL-J Email Debi Hartl Contract Development and Services Qwest Corporation 7800 East Orchard Road - Suite 250 Englewood, CO 80111 (.--:I Hand Delivery LXJ u. S. Mail (.--:I Overnight Delivery (.--:I Facsimile 1 Email A/V ~(~ Mary S. bson Stoel Riv s LLP APPLICA nON FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT - Page 3 Boise-149139.10029164-00016 Local Switching and Unbundled Network Elements Combinations (UNE Combinations) Amendment Number 3 to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. for the State of Idaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment") for Local Switching and Unbundled Network Elements Combinations (UNE Combinations) to the Interconnection Agreement between Owest Corporation ("Owest"), a Colorado corporation, and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. ("CLEC" ). CLEC and Owest shall be known jointly as the "Parties RECITALS WHEREAS, CLEC and Owest entered into an Interconnection Agreement ("Agreement" for service in the state of Idaho which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ); and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement further under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: A. Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms, conditions and rates for Local Switching and Unbundled Network Elements Combinations (UNE Combinations) as set forth in Attachments 1 , 2 and 3 and Exhibits A, B, C and D to this Amendment, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 1. Owest shall provide non-discriminatory access to Unbundled Network Elements on rates, terms and conditions that are non-discriminatory, just and reasonable. The quality of an Unbundled Network Element Owest provides, as well as the access provided to that element, will be equal between all Carriers requesting access to that element; second , where Technically Feasible , the access and Unbundled Network Element provided by Owest will be provided substantially the same time and manner" to that which Owest provides to itself or to its Affiliates. In those situations where Owest does not provide access to Network Elements to itself, Owest will provide access in a manner that provides CLEC with a meaningful opportunity to compete. For the period of time Owest provides access to CLEC to an Unbundled Network Element, CLEC shall have exclusive use of the Network Element, except when the provisions herein indicatethat a Network Element will be shared (such as Shared Transport). Notwithstanding specific language in other sections of the Agreement, all provisions of the Agreement regarding unbundled network elements are subject. to this requirement. In addition , Owest shall comply with all state wholesale service1q\Jalittfr1lq1iliiJtemamts.not available, Owest will build facilities dedicated to Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 an End User Customer if Owest would be legally obligated to build such facilities to meet its Provider of Last Resort (POLR) obligation to provide basic Local Exchange Service or its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) obligation to provide primary basic Local Exchange Service. CLEC will be responsible for any construction charges for which an End User Customer would be responsible. In other situations, Owest does not agree that it is obligated to build UNEs, but it will consider requests to build UNEs pursuant to Section 3 below. Upon receipt of an LSR or ASR, Owest will follow the same process that it would follow for an equivalent retail service to determine if assignable facilities exist that fit the criteria necessary for the service requested. If available facilities are not readily identified through the normal assignment process , but facilities can be made ready by the requested Due Date, CLEC will not receive an additional FOC, and the order Due Date will not be changed. If cable capacity is available, Owest will complete incremental facility work (Le., conditioning, place a drop, add a Network Interface Device, add a card to existing equipment at the Central Office or remote locations, add Central Office tie pairs , add field cross jumpers) in order to make UNEs available. Incremental facility work will not include the upgrade of electronics for the purpose of augmenting network capacity. 1.4 During the normal assignment process, if no available facilities are identified for the UNE requested , Owest will look for existing engineering job orders that could fill the request in the future. If an engineering job currently exists, Qwest will add CLEC's request to that engineering job and send CLEC a jeopardy notice. Upon completion of the engineering job Owest will send CLEC another FOC with a new Due Date. If facilities are not available and no engineering job exists that could fill the request in the future, Qwest will treat CLEC's request as follows: 1.4.For UNEs that meet the requirements set forth in Section 1. above , CLEC will receive a jeopardy notice. Qwest will initiate an engineering job order for delivery of primary service to the End User Customer. When the engineering job is completed, CLEC will receive another FOC identifying a new Due Date when the Loop will be ready for installation. Upon receipt of the second FOC, CLEC can request a different Due Date by submitting a SUP to change the Due Date to a later date. 1.4.For UNEs that do not meet the requirements in Section 1. above, Owest will send CLEC a rejection notice canceling the LSR or ASR. Upon receipt of the rejection notice, CLEC may submit a request to build UNEs pursuant to Section 3 below.2. Miscellaneous charges are contained in Exhibit A to this Amendment. When elements are provisioned by Owest in combination: Owest will perform testing necessary or reasonably requested by CLEC to determine that such combination and each UNE included in such combination is capable of meeting the technical parameters of the combination. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 Owest will repair and maintain such combination and each UNE included in such combination to ensure that such UNE continues to meet the technical parameters of the combination. Owest will cooperate with CLEC in any Technically Feasible testing necessary or reasonably requested by CLEC to determine end-to- end transmission and circuit functionality of such combination.3. Owest will conduct an individual financial assessment of any request that requires construction of network capacity, facilities , or space for access to or use of UNEs. When Owest constructs to fulfill CLEC's request for UNEs, Owest will bid this construction on a case-by-case basis. Owest will charge for the construction through nonrecurring charges and a term agreement for the remaining recurring charge. When CLEC orders the same or substantially similar service available to Owest End User Customers, nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to authorize Owest to charge CLEC for special construction where such charges are not provided for in a Tariff or where such charges would not be applied to a Owest End User Customer. If Owest agrees to construct a Network Element that satisfies the description of a UNE contained in this agreement, that Network Element shall be deemed a UNE. B. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission; however the Parties agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. Owest acknowledges that, in advance of execution of this Amendment, CLEC completed and provided to Owest New Product Questionnaires for the products and services addressed by this Amendment. Within a reasonable amount time, CLEC may place orders for the products and services addressed by this Amendment and Owest shall process such orders as set forth in the Agreement, as modified by this Amendment. C. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and atte~rovisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be, amended, modified or supplemented , and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any party of any default misrepresentation , or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence. D. Reservation of Riahts Owest acknowledges that CLEC believes that the rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Amendment should be altered. CLEC is currently pursuing changes to such rates terms and conditions through negotiations with Owest. When such negotiations, and any related arbitrations, are concluded, the Parties anticipate substituting the rates terms and conditions contained herein with the rates, terms and conditions that result form such negotiations and related arbitrations, if any. The Parties enter into this Amendment without prejudice to or waiver of any of their respective rights to challenge the terms and conditions of this Amendment under the Act , FCC or Commission rules. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 . .- -~~\ Entire Agreement This Amendment (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of this Amendment and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of this Amendment. AT& T Communications of the Mountain States, Inc. flt~ Signature If1- F. tfi CJ? Nam PrintedfTyped --.illSJ- !vi ~ - (C Title ro/1i O'?- Qwest Corpora ~Tf1; . - Signature L. T. Christensen Name PrintedfTyped Director - Business Policy Title '- If) Date Date Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981028-0217 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1 Shared Interoffice Transport Description Shared Transport is defined as interoffice transmission facilities shared by more than one carrier, including Owest, between End Office Switches between End Office Switches and tandem switches (local and access tandems), and between tandem switches. Terms and Conditions Shared Transport is only provided with Unbundled Local Switch Ports and Unbundled Network Element-Platform (UNE-P), as described in the UNE Combinations Section. The existing routing tables resident in the Switch will direct both Owest and CLEC traffic over Owest's interoffice message trunk network. CLEC may custom route operator services or directory assistance calls to unique operator services/directory services trunks. Transport: Owest has the following obligations with respect to Shared a) Provide Shared Transport in a way that enables the traffic of CLEC to be carried on the same transport facilities that Owest uses for its own traffic. b) Provide Shared Transport transmission facilities between End Office Switches, between end office and tandem switches, and between tandem switches in its network. c) Permit GLEC that purchases unbundled Shared Transport and unbundled switching . to use the same routing table that is resident in Owest's Switch. d) Permit GLEC to use shared (or dedicated) transport as an unbundled element to carry originating access traffic from, and terminating to, Customers to whom CLEC provides Local Exchange Service. Rate Elements Shared Transport will be billed on a minute-of-use basis in Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 1 accordance with the UNE rates described in Exhibit A. Ordering Process 8.4.Shared Transport is ordered with Unbundled Line Port and Unbundled Local Switching via the LSR process. Shared transport is assumed to be the choice of routing when ordering a Port, unless specified differently by CLEC. Installation intervals are incorporated in the Unbundled Line Port and are listed in the PCAT. Maintenance and Repair Maintenance and Repair are the sole responsibility of Owest. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT~ Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 2 LOCAL SWITCHING 11.Local Switching Qwest shall provide access to Unbundled Local Switching in a non-discriminatory manner according to the following terms and conditions. 11.Description 11.Access to Unbundled Local Switching encompasses line-side and trunk-side facilities, plus the features, functions, and capabilities of the Switch. The features, functions, and capabilities of the Switch include the basic switching function, as well as the same basic capabilities that are available to Qwest's End User Customers. Unbundled Local Switching also includes access to all vertical features that the Switch is capable of providing, as well as any technically- feasible customized routing functions. Moreover, CLEC may purchase Unbundled Local Switching in a manner that permits CLEC to offer and bill for Exchange Access and termination of EAS/local traffic. 11.CLEC is not required to use Owest's Directory Assistance Services or operator services with its Unbundled Local Switching elements or UNE-Combinations. CLEC may arrange to provide access to its own, or to a third party s, directory assistance or operator services platform with its unbundled switching elements and UNE- Combinations. 11.Owest offers access to GR-303 features and functionalities as outlined in this Section. As a condition of this virtual access, CLEC must deploy a Remote Digital Terminal (RT) "hosted" by a GR-303 capable Qwest Switch. Under this architecture, and dependent on the existence and availability of GR-303 in any given office, a CLEC may deploy any compatible G R-303 Remote Terminal under the following conditions: 11.The Owest Central Office must have existing GR- 303 capability with spare capacity available for use by CLEC. In addition while CLEG may deploy its choice of Remote Terminal, it must be compatible with the existing Owest GR-303 interface. 11.1 .1 .The transport between the Owest Switch and the CLEC RT may be purchased from Owest or provided by GLEC. If transport is provided by Qwest, the Demarcation Point will be at a physical cross connect point at the RT. If transport is provided by CLEC, the Demarcation Point will be at a physical cross connect in the Qwest Central Office. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 2 11.Concentration levels will be in keeping with Qwest's current standard of 4: 1 at the Switch. The specific concentration ratios to be applied to the RTs will be determined on a case by case basis. 11.2.4 The TR-O57 interface at the AT will be disabled. This interface enables the universal DLC applications and offers access to the OSS, Provisioning, and performance monitoring systems from the RT. By disabling the TR-O57 interface, Owest ensures that it retains the physical and logical administration of the GR-303 interface and that security and system integrity concerns are minimized. 11.All traffic must be delivered at 64 clear channel. (Le. voice compression will not be allowed). 11.6 GR-303 was designed for the delivery of circuit switched voice traffic as such, packetized traffic will not be accepted. 11.While Owest will retain administration of the DLC CLEC will be responsible for all traffic management. Changes in Provisioning will be made only at the request of CLEC. CLEC will be allowed to view channel availability and monitor traffic and blocking levels at the RT via a man-to-machine interface (MMI). The CLEC will not have the ability to make any changes as all Provisioning will be done solely by Qwest at CLEC's request. 11.The Parties will be responsible for the repair and maintenance of facilities on their side of the Demarcation Point. It is assumed that this will be done in an as yet undeveloped cooperative manner. 11.This specific network architecture option for virtual access to the GR-303 interface listed in this section is available via the Special Request Process contained in Exhibit 0 of this Amendment (the Special Request Process ). Any request that materially deviates from the language in this section regarding access to the GR-303 interface must be submitted via the Bona Fide Request (BFR) process as set out in the Agreement. 11.Owest's trunk ports are utilized to access routing tables resident in Qwest's Switch, as necessary to provide access to Shared Transport. Shared Transport is described earlier in this Amendment. 11.Unbundled Local Switching also permits CLEC to purchase a dedicated trunk Port on the local Switch. CLEC may direct originating traffic to such a dedicated trunk via customized routing. 11.Vertical features are software attributes on End Office Switches. Vertical features are available separately and are listed in Exhibit C of this Amendment. The Special Request Process shall be Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 2 used when ordering the activation and/or loading of vertical features on a Switch, that are not currently activated or loaded on the Switch. If features that are loaded on Qwest's Switch(es) are migrated to AIN for Qwest's own use , the Switch software for such features will be retained on the Qwest Switch(es) for the use of CLEC and CLECs End User Customers. 11.1.4 Line ports include: Analog Line Port; and Digital Line Port. 11.Trunk ports include but are not limited to: DS1 Trunk Port (including Local Message); PRI ISDN Trunk Port; DID/PBX Trunk Port; d) DS3 Trunk Port (including Local Message) may be requested by CLEC via the Special Request Process; and e) OCN Trunk Port (including Local Message) may be requested by CLEC via the Special Request Process. 11.The following are attributes of line ports consistent with State Commission Rules and include but are not limited to: 11.Telephone number 11.Directory Listing 11.Dial Tone 11.6.4 Signaling (Loop or ground start) On/Off Hook Detection;11. 11.Audible and Power Ringing 11.Automatic Message Accounting (AMA Recording); 11.Access to 911, Operator Services, and Directory Assistance; and 11.Blocking Options. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 2 11.Analog Line Port. The analog line Port is a two wire interface on the line-side of the End Office Switch that is extended to the MDF. A separate ITP must be ordered for each analog line-side Port to provide the connection from the MDF to the Demarcation Point, except in the case of UNE-P. The analog line Port enables CLEC to access vertical features. 11 .Digital Line Side Port (Supporting BRIISDN) 11.Basic Rate Interface Integrated Services Digital Network (BRI ISDN) is a digital architecture that provides integrated voice and data capability (2 wire). A BAIISDN Port is a Digital 2B+D (2 Bearer Channels for voice or data and 1 Delta Channel for signaling and D Channel Packet) line-side Switch connection with BAI ISDN voice and data basic elements. For flexibility and customization, optional features can be added. BRI ISDN Port does not offer B Channel Packet service capabilities. The serving arrangement conforms to the internationally developed, published, and recognized standards generated by International Telegraph and Telephone Union (formerly CCIlT). 11.Digital Trunk Ports 11.DS1 Local Message Trunk Port (Supporting Local Message Traffic). A DS1 Trunk Port is a DS1 Trunk Side Switch Port that is extended to the trunk main distributing frame and is connected to the Demarcation Point through an ITP. Each DS1 Trunk Port includes a subset of 24 DSO channels capable of supporting local message type traffic. Requests for DS1 Trunk Port(s) must be followed by a separate order for a Message Trunk Group, as further described in this Section. 11.Message Trunk Group. A Message Trunk Group is a software feature that establishes the trunk group and its associated trunk members. Signaling and addressing attributes are defined at the group level. Trunk members may be associated with individual channels of the DS1 Trunk Port. 11.Requests for establishing new outgoing and two- way Message Trunk Groups must be coordinated with and followed by requests for Customized Routing. Incoming only trunk groups do not require Custom Routing. 11.10 Unbundled DS1 PAl ISDN Trunk Port (Supporting DID/DOD/PBX). A DS1 trunk Port is a DS1 trunk-side Switch Port terminated at a DSX1 or equivalent. Each DS1 Trunk Port includes a subset of 24 DSO channels capable of supporting DIDIDOD/PBX type traffic. Requests for DS1 Trunk Port(s) must be followed by separate order(s) to establish new Trunk Group(s) or to augment existing Trunk Group(s). 11.10.Digital PRI ISDN Trunk Port. A Digital Trunk PAl ISDN Port is a four wire DS1 with connection at the DSX-1 bay (or Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 2 equivalent). Digital Trunk DS1 activation is a logical subset or channel of a DS1 facility Port. 11.10.PAl ISDN Trunk Ports are provisioned at a DS1 level. B-channels are provisioned to transmit information such as voice, circuit switched data, or video. A D-channel is provisioned to carry the control or signaling on a 64kbit(s) channel. 11.10.PAl Trunk Port requires a digital four-wire full duplex transmission path between ISDN capable Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) and a PAl ISDN. equipped Owest Central Office. 11.10.The PAl Central Office trunk port is a DS1 which provides 24 64kbps channels. This product is dedicated call type of PAl with Custom protocol, up to 23 of the channels may be used as 64kbps B channels. The 24th channel must be configured as a 0 channel, which will carry the signaling and control information. The B channels transmit voice and data or Circuit Switched Data (only). 11.10.PAl ISDN includes 2-way DID functionality. DID is a special trunking arrangement that permits incoming calls from the exchange network to reach a specific PBX station directly without attendant assistance. 11.10.DID service is offered with an analog or digital 2- way. If digital , the individual DSO's are 2-way trunks using advanced service that requires DID ports. 11 .10.The 23B+D Trunk Port configuration provides Ports for 23B-channels and 1 D-channel. 11.10.The 24-B Trunk Port configuration provides 24 B- channels on a DS 1 Port. The signaling information is provided by the 0- channel on the first D-channel Port. 11.10.The 238 Backup D Trunk Port configuration provides 23 B-channels and a backup D-channel Port is used if the primary D-channel Port fails. 11.Analog Trunk Ports DSO Analog Trunk Ports can be configured as DID, DOD, and Two-way. 11.11.2 Analog Trunk Ports provide a 2-Way Analog Trunk with DID, E&M Signaling and 2-Wire or 4-Wire connections. This Trunk Side connection inherently includes hunting within the trunk group. 11.11.All trunks are designed as 4-Wire leaving the Central Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981028-0217 ATTACHMENT 2 Office. For 2-Wire service, the trunks are converted at the Customer location. 11.11.4 Two-way Analog DID Trunks are capable of initiating out going calls, and may be equipped with either rotary or Touch-tone (DTMF) for this purpose. When the trunk is equipped with DID Call Transfer feature, both the trunk and telephone instruments must be equipped with DTMF. 11.11.5 Two-way Analog DID Trunks require E&M signaling. Owest will use Type I and II E&M signaling to provide these trunks to the PBX. Type II E&M signaling from Owest to the PBX will be handled as a Special Assembly request, through the Special Request Process. 11.Terms and Conditions 11.CLEC may purchase access to all vertical features that are loaded in Owest's End Office Switch. CLEC may request features that are not activated and/or not loaded in a Qwest End Office Switch utilizing the Special Request Process. If CLEC requests activation and/or loading of features in a Switch, appropriate recurring and nonrecurring charges will apply. Features provided through AIN capabilities in Owest's signaling network are not available. 11.Local Switch ports include CLEC use of Owest's signaling network for traffic originated from the line-side switching Port. CLEC access to the Owest signaling network shall be of substantially the same quality as the access that Owest uses to provide service to its own End User Customers. 11.CLEC shall be responsible for updating the 911/E911 database through Owest's third party database provider for any unbundled Switch Port ordered. 11.2.4 The line-side Port includes the connection between the End Office Switch and the MDF. The connection from the MDF to the Demarcation Point shall be an ITP provided by Qwest pursuant to the rates in Exhibit A. The trunk-side Port includes the connection between the End Office Switch and the TMDF. The connection from the TMDF to the Demarcation Point shall be an ITP provided by Owest pursuant to the rates in Exhibit A. The Demarcation Point for line-side and trunk-side ports shall be as described earlier in this Section. Neither ITP charge applies to the purchase of UNE- 11.Unbundled Local Switching does not constitute a UNE, and is therefore not available at UNE rates , when CLECs End User Customers to be served with Unbundled Local Switching has four (4) access lines or more and the lines are located in density zone 1 in specified Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Unbundled Local Switching is available at market-based rates when CLECs End User Customer to be served with Unbundled Local Switching has four (4) or more access lines and the lines are located in density zone 1 in specified MSAs. This exception applies to density zone 1 as it was defined by Owest on January 1, 1999. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 2 11.For the purposes of the above paragraph, the following Wire Centers constitute density zone 1 in each of the specified MSAs: MSA NONE ClL!Wire Center Name 11.For End User Customers located within the Wire Center specified above, CLEC will determine whether End User Customers it intends to serve with UNEs have four access lines or more in advance of submitting an order to Owest for unbundled local switching at UNE rates. If the End User Customer is served by four access lines or more, CLEC will not submit an order to Owest for unbundled local switching at UNE rates. 11 .This exclusion will be calculated using the number of DSO equivalent access lines CLEC intends to serve an End User Customer within a Wire Center specified above. 11.This exclusion will not apply in Wire Centers where Owest does not have transmission facility capacity, (e.g., Owest rejects order or the order becomes held due to lack of facilities), needed for EELs or where CLECs are unable to obtain sufficient Collocation space to terminate EELs. 11.5.4 Only dial-tone lines shall be used in counting the exclusion. Private line type data lines , alarm or security lines, or any other type of non-dial- tone lines shall not be used in the count. 11. line. The high frequency portion of a Loop shall not count as a second 11.End-user Customers shall be considered individually in MDU buildings or any other multiple use or high-rise building or campus configuration as long as they are individually billed as the Customer of record. 11.CLEC may order new Unbundled Local Switching or UNE- Combinations in quantities that exceed three (3). If CLEC orders four (4) or more such Unbundled Local Switching elements or UNE-Combinations for an individual End User Customer within the Wire Center(s) identified above in this section, market-based rates for the Unbundled Local Switching elements or for the unbundled switching component of the UNE-P service as provided in Exhibit A to this Amendment shall apply. 11.When a CLEC's End User Customer with three (3) lines or fewer served by UNE-P or unbundled switching adds lines so that it has four (4) or more lines, CLEC shall do one of the following regarding the original three (3) Unbundled Local Switching elements or UNE-P lines within sixty (60) days from the date the fourth line is added: 1) CLEC may retain such unbundled switching lines at a market-based rate or retain Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 11. ATTACHMENT 2 such UNE-P lines as UNE-P Combinations with a market-based rate for the unbundled switching component shown in Exhibit A of this Amendment; or 2) CLEC shall convert such lines from UNE-P lines or unbundled switching elements to resold services or other appropriate arrangement. 11.A BRIISDN line counts as one (1) line. 11.CLEC must order DID numbers in blocks of 20. One primary Directory Listing in the main directory is provided for each PBX system. 11.CLEC is required to subscribe to a sufficient number of trunk ports to adequately handle volume of incoming calls. 11.Additional line or trunk features not offered with the basic DID/PBX product, are available to CLEC on an Individual Case Basis. 11.Additional arrangements not offered with the basic PRI product are available to CLEC on an Individual Case Basis. 11.10 Owest will provide access to Centrex Customer Management System (CMS) with unbundled switching. 11.11 Owest will comply with the FCC's Open Network Architecture (ONA) rules for Network Disclosure. Should the DNA rules be modified so that Network Disclosure is no longer required , the Agreement shall be modified to include provision for disclosure of network interface changes. Rate Elements 11 .Each Port type described above will have a separate associated Port charge. including monthly recurring charges and one-time nonrecurring charges which are contained in Exhibit A of this Amendment. Exhibit A contains both the UNE rates and market rates for this component of unbundled local switching. UNE Rates apply unless the End User Customer to be served has four access lines or more and the lines are located in density zone 1 in MSAs specified earlier in this UNE Section. In the latter circumstance, market rates apply. 11.The rate structure for PRI ISDN trunk ports includes a monthly Minute of Use (MOU) recurring charge for the basic PAl ISDN product (23B+D plus standard features). Nonrecurring charges are incurred for the trunk Port. first trunk and each additional trunk. 11.Originating local usage will be measured and billed based on minutes of use. Exhibit A contains the UNE rates and the market rates for this component of Unbundled Local Switching. UNE Rates apply unless the End User Customer to be served has four access lines or more and the lines are local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 11. 11. ATTACHMENT 2 located in density zone 1 in MSAs specified earlier in this Section. In the latter circumstance, market rates apply. 11.3.4 Vertical features will be offered as options for Unbundled Local Switching at rates set forth in Exhibit A of this Amendment. Exhibit A contains the UNE rates and the market rates for this component of Unbundled Local Switching. UNE Rates apply unless the End User Customer to be served has four access lines or more and the lines are located in density zone 1 in MSAs specified earlier in this Section. In the latter circumstance, market rates apply. 11.Subsequent Order Charge. A subsequent order charge, as set forth in Exhibit A of this Amendment, applies when CLEC orders additional vertical features to an existing Port. Ordering 11.Installation intervals for Unbundled Switch Ports and Switch- activated Vertical features are contained in Exhibit B . The interval will start when Qwest receives a complete and accurate Local Service Request/Access Service Request (LSR/ASR). This date is considered the start of the service interval if the order is received prior to 3:00 p.m. The service interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received after 3:00 p.m. This interval may be impacted by order volumes and load control considerations. The service intervals have been established and are set forth in Exhibit B to this Amendment. 11.4.Switch-activated vertical features shall be ordered using the LSR (Local Service Request) process as described in the PCA 11.4.Vertical features that are loaded in a Switch, but not activated, shall be ordered using the Special Request Process. Qwest will provide the cost and timeframe for activation of the requested vertical feature(s) to CLEC within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the Special Request. 11.4.4 Vertical features that are not loaded in a Switch shall be ordered using the Special Request Process. Qwest will provide information to CLEC on the feasibility of providing the vertical feature(s) within 15 business days of receipt of the Special Request. 11.4.Unbundled local Switch Ports are required when ordering unbundled Shared Transport as described in the PCAT. Usage Billing Information 11 .Exchange Access Service(s) Qwest shall provide CLEC with usage information necessary to bill for InterLATA and IntraLA T A Exchange Access in the form of either the actual usage or a Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 IT ACHMENT 2 negotiated or state-approved surrogate for this information. 11.Retail Service(s) Owest shall provide CLEC with information necessary for CLEC to bill its End User Customers in the form of the actual information that is comparable to the information Owest uses to bill its own End User Customers. 11.Local Usage Owest shall record and provide to CLEC local/EAS usage data for originating, but not terminating, local traffic, including but not limited to transit traffic. Until such time that Owest provides GLEC with local/EAS usage data for terminating local traffic, Owest shall not charge CLEC for terminating minutes of use. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 3 Unbundled Network Elements Combinations (UNE Combinations) 23.1 General Terms 23.Owest shall provide CLEC with non-discriminatory access to combinations of Unbundled Network Elements including but not limited to the UNE-Platform (UNE-P) and Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL), according to the following terms and conditions. 23.Owest will offer to CLEC UNE Combinations, on rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable and non-discriminatory in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the requirements of Section 251 and Section 252 of the Act, the applicable FCC rules, and other Applicable Laws. The methods of access to UNE Combinations described in this Amendment are not exclusive. Owest will make available any other form of access requested by CLEC that is consistent with the Act and the regulations thereunder. CLEC shall be entitled to access to all combinations functionality as provided in FCC rules and other Applicable Laws. Owest shall not require CLEC to access any UNE Combinations in conjunction with any other service or element unless specified in the Agreement or as required for technical feasibility reasons. Owest shall not place any use restrictions or other limiting conditions on UNE Combination(s) accessed by CLEC except as specified in the Agreement or required by Existing Rules. 23.Changes in law, regulations or other applicable laws relating to UNEs and UNE Combinations, including additions and deletions of elements Owest is required to unbundle and/or provide in a UNE Combination , shall be incorporated into this Amendment. CLEC and Owest agree that the UNEs identified in the Agreement are not exclusive and that pursuant to changes in FCC rules, state laws, or the Bona Fide Request process, CLEC may identify and request that Owest furnish additional or revised UNEs to the extent required under Section 251(c)(3) of the Act and other Applicable Laws. Failure to list a UNE herein shall not constitute a waiver by CLEC to obtain a UNE subsequently defined by the FCC or the state Commission 23.In addition to the UNE Combinations provided by Owest to CLEC hereunder, Owest shall permit CLEC to combine any UNE provided by Owest with another UNE provided by Qwest or with compatible network components provided by CLEC or provided by third parties to CLEC in order to provide Telecommunications Services. Where specifically prohibited by applicable federal or state requirements, UNE Combinations wilt not be directly connected to a Owest Finished Service, whether found in a Tariff or otherwise, without going through a Collocation, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, CLEC can connect its UNE Combination to Owest's Directory Assistance and Operator Services platforms. 23.Where a CLEC has been denied access to a DS 1 , or other high capacity Loop, as a UNE due to lack of facilities, and where CLEC has requested and been denied the construction of new facilities to provide such Loop, CLEC may connect a similar bandwidth tariffed service that it secures in lieu of thatUNE to a transport UNE that it has secured from Owest. Before making such connection CLEC shall provide Owest with evidence sufficient to demonstrate that it has fulfilled all prior conditions of this Provision. This provision shall be changed as may be required to conform to the decisions of the FCC under any proceedings related to the Public Notice referred to in document FCC 00-183. 23.When ordered as combinations of UNEs, Network Elements that are currently combined and ordered together will not be physically disconnected or separated in any fashion except for technical reasons or if requested by CLEC. Network elements to be provisioned together shall be identified and ordered by CLEC as such. When CLEC orders in combination UNEs that are currently interconnected and functional , such UNEs shall remain interconnected or combined as a working service without any disconnection or disruption of functionality. 23.When ordered in combination , Owest will combine for CLEC UNEs that are ordinarily combined in Owest's network, provided that facilities are available. 23.When ordered in combination , Owest will combine for CLEC UNEs that are not ordinarily combined in Owest's network, provided that facilities are available and such combination: 23.Is Technically Feasible; 23.Would not impair the ability of other Carriers to obtain access to UNEs or to interconnect with Owest's network; and 23.Would not impair Owest's use of its network. 23.When ordered in combination, Owest will combine CLEC UNEs with Owest UNEs, provided that facilities are available and such combination: 23.Is Technically Feasible; 23.Shall be performed in a manner that provides Owest access to necessary facilities; 23.Would not impair the ability of other Carriers to obtain access to UNEs or to interconnect with Qwest's network; and Local Switching' UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 23.6.4 Would not impair Owest's use of its network. 23.Description UNE Combinations are available in, but not limited to, the following standard products: a) UNE- P in the following form: (i) 1 FR/1 FB Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), (ii) ISDN - either Basic Rate or Primary Rate, (iii) Digital Switched Service (DSS), (iv) PBX Trunks, and (v) Centrex; b) EEL (subject to the limitations set forth below). If CLEC desires access to a different UNE Combination, CLEC may request access through the Special Request Process. Owest will provision UNE Combinations pursuant to the terms of the Agreement without requiring additional amendments to the Agreement, provided that all UNEs making up the UNE Combination are contained in the Agreement. If Owest develops additional UNE Combination products, CLEC can order such products without using the Special Request Process, but CLEC may need to submit a CLEC questionnaire amendment before ordering such products. 23.Terms and Conditions 23.Owest shall provide non-discriminatory access to UNE Combinations on rates, terms and conditions that are non-discriminatory, just and reasonable. The quality of a UNE Combination Owest provides, as well as the access provided to that UNE Combination , will be equal between all Carriers requesting access to that UNE Combination; and, where Technically Feasible, the access and UNE Combination provided by Owest will be provided in substantially the same time and manner" to that which Owest provides to itself. In those situations where Owest does not provide access to UNE Combinations itself, Owest will provide access in a manner that provides CLEC with a meaningful opportunity to compete. 23.2 "UNE-POTS": 1 FR/1 FB lines are available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. UNE-P POTS is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop, Analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for POTS are available with UNE-POTS. 23.3 "UNE-PBX": PBX Trunks are available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. There are two (2) types of UNE-PBX: Analog Trunks and Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Trunks. UNE-PBX is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: 2/4 Wire Analog Loop, Analog/DID Trunks, and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for Analog and DID PBX Trunks are available with UNE-PBK 23.3.4 "UNE-DSS": Digital Switched Service (DSS) is available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. UNE-DSS is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: DS1 Capable Loop, Digital Line-Side Port and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for Digital Switched Service are available with UNE-DSS. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 23.5 "UNE-ISDN"ISDN lines are available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for ISDN are available with UNE-ISDN. There are two types of UNE-ISDN: a) Basic rate (UNE-ISDN-BRI) is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Basic ISDN Capable Loop, BRI Line Side Port and Shared Transport; and b) Primary rate (UNE-ISDN-PRI) - UNE-ISDN-PRI is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Basic ISDN Capable Loop, Digital Line Side Port and Shared Transport. 23.6 UNE-Centrex: - Centrex Service is available to CLEC as a UNE Combination. Centrex is comprised of the following Unbundled Network Elements: Analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop, Analog Line Side Port, and Shared Transport. All the vertical Switch features that are Technically Feasible for Centrex service are available with UNE-Centrex. 23.CLEC may also request a service change from Centrex 21, Centrex Plus or Centron service to UNE-POTS. The UNE-POTS line will contain the UNEs established in 9.23. 23.Owest will provide access to Customer Management System (CMS) with UNE-Centrex. 23.Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL) -- EEL is a combination of Loop and dedicated interoffice transport and may also include multiplexing or concentration capabilities. EEL transport and Loop facilities may utilize DSO through OC-192 or other existing bandwidths. DSO, DS1 and DS3 bandwidths are defined products. In addition, other existing bandwidths can be ordered through the Special Request Process. Owest has two EEL options: "EEL- Conversion" (EEL-C) and "EEL-Provision" (EEL-P). 23.Unless CLEC is specifically granted a waiver from the FCC which provides otherwise, and the terms and conditions of the FCC waiver apply to CLEC's request for a particular EEL, CLEC cannot utilize combinations of Unbundled Network Elements that include Unbundled Loop and unbundled interoffice dedicated transport to create a UNE Combination unless CLEC establishes to Owest that it is using the combination of Network Elements to provide a significant amount of local exchange traffic to a particular End User Customer. The significant amount of local use requirement does not apply to combinations of Loop and multiplexing when the high side of the multiplexer is connected via an ITP for CLEC's Collocation. 23.To establish that an EEL is carrying a "Significant Amount of Local Exchange Traffic," one of the following three (3) local service options must exist: Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 23.Option 1: CLEC must certify to Owest that it is the exclusive provider of an End User Customer s Local Exchange Service and that the Loop transport combination originates at a customer s premises and that it terminates at CLEC's Collocation arrangement in at least one Owest Central Office. This condition or option, does not allow Loop-transport combinations to connected to Owest's Tariffed services. 23.Option 2: CLEC must certify that it provides local exchange and Exchange Access service to the End User Customer s premises and handles at least one-third (1/3) of the End User Customer s local traffic measured as a percent of total End User Customer local dial tone lines; and for DS1 level circuits and above, at least fifty percent (50%) of the activated channels on the Loop portion of the Loop and transport combination have at least five percent (5%) local voice traffic individually; and the entire Loop facility has at least ten percent (10%) local voice traffic; and the Loop/transport combination originates at Customer premises and terminates at CLEC'Collocation arrangement in at least one Owest Central Office; and if Loop/transport combination includes multiplexing, each of the multiplexed facilities must meet the above criteria outlined in this paragraph. (For example, if DS1 Loops are multiplexed onto DS3 transport, each of the individual DS1 facilities must meet the criteria outlined in this paragraph in order for the DS1/DS3 Loop/transport combination to qualify for UNE treatment). This condition , or option , does not allow Loop-transport combinations to be connected to Owest's Tariffed services. 23.Option 3: CLEC must certify that at least fifty percent (50%) of the activated channels on a circuit are used to provide originating and terminating local dial tone service and at least fifty percent (50%) of the traffic on each of these local dial tone channels is local voice traffic; and the entire Loop facility has at least thirty-three percent (33%) local voice traffic; and if a Loopltransport combination includes multiplexing, each of the multiplexed facilities must meet the above criteria. For example , if DS1 Loops are multiplexed onto DS3 transport, each of the individual DS1 facilities must meet the criteria as outlined in this paragraph in order for the DS1/DS3 Loop/transport combination to qualify for UNE treatment. This condition, or option, does not allow Loop-transport combinations to be connected to Owest's Tariffed services. Under this option, Collocation is not required. Under this option, CLEC does not need to provide a defined portion of the End User Customer s local service, but the active channels on any Loop-transport combinations, and the entire facility, must carry the amount of local exchange traffic specified in this option. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 23.2.4 When CLEC certifies to Owest through a certification letter, or other mutually agreed upon solution, that the combination of elements is carrying a "Significant Amount of Local Exchange" Traffic, then Owest will provision the EEL or convert the Special Access circuit to an EEL-C. For each EEL or Special Access circuit, CLEC shall indicate in the certification letter under which local usage option, set forth in paragraph 9.23. 23.2 or 9.23., it seeks to qualify the circuit. 23.5 CLEC'local service certification shall remain valid only so long as CLEC continues to satisfy one (1) of the three (3) options set forth in Section 9.23.of this Amendment. CLEC must provide a service order converting the EEL to Private Line/Special Access Circuit to Owest within thirty (30) days if CLEC's certification on a given circuit is no longer valid. 23.In order to confirm reasonable compliance with these requirements, Owest may perform audits of CLEC' records according to the following guidelines:a) Owest may, upon thirty (30) days written notice to a CLEC that has purchased Loop/transport combinations as UNEs conduct an audit to ascertain whether those Loopltransport combinations were eligible for UNE treatment at the time of conversion and on an ongoing basis thereafter. b) CLEC shall make reasonable efforts to cooperate with any audit by Owest and shall provide Owest with relevant records (e., network and circuit configuration data, local telephone numbers) which demonstrate that CLEC's Unbundled Loop transport combination is configured to provide Local Exchange Service in accordance with its certification.c) An independent auditor hired and paid for by Owest shall perform any audits, provided, however, that if an audit reveals that CLEC's EEL circuit(s) do not meet or have not met the certification requirements, then CLEC shall reimburse Owest for the cost of the audit. d) An audit shall be performed using industry audit standards during normal business hours, unless there is a mutual agreement otherwise.e) Owest shall not exercise its audit rights with respect to a particular CLEC (excluding Affiliates), more than once in any calendar year, unless an audit finds non-compliance. If an audit does find non-compliance, Owest shall not exercise its audit rights for sixty (60) days following that audit, and if any subsequent audit Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 does not find non-compliance, then Owest shall not exercise its audit rights for the remainder of the calendar year.f) At the same time that Owest provides notice of an audit to CLEC under this paragraph, Owest shall send a copy of the notice to the Federal Communications Commission. g) Audits conducted by Owest for the purpose of determining compliance with certification criteria as set forth in this amendment shall not effect or in any way limit any audit rights that Owest may have under the Agreement. h) Owest shall not use any other audit rights it has pursuant to the Agreement to audit for compliance with the local exchange traffic requirements of Section 9.23.2. Owest shall not require an audit as a prior prerequisite to Provisioning EELs.i) CLEC shall maintain appropriate records to support its certification. However CLEC has no obligation to keep any records that it does not keep in the ordinary course of its business. 23.Owest will not provision EEL or convert Private LinelSpecial Access to an EEL if Owest records indicate that the Private Line/Special Access is or the EEL will be connected directly to a Tariffed service or if, in options 1 and 2 above , the EEL would not terminate at CLEC's Collocation arrangement in at least one Owest Central Office. 23.If an audit demonstrates that an EEL does not meet the local use requirements of Section 9.23.2 on average for two (2) consecutive months for which data is available, then the EEL shall be converted to special access or private line rates within thirty (30) days. 23.If CLEC learns for any reason that an EEL does not meet the local use requirements of Section 9.23.2, then the EEL shall be converted to special access or private line rates within thirty (30) days. CLEC has no ongoing duty to monitor EELs to verify that they continue to satisfy the local use requirements of Section 9.23., except that if any service order activity occurs relating to an EEL, then CLEC must verify that the EEL continues to satisfy the local use requirements of Section 9.23.2. Any disputes regarding whether an EEL meets the local use requirements shall be handled pursuant to the dispute resolution provisions of the Agreement. While a dispute is pending resolution, the status quo will be maintained and the EEL will not be converted to special access or private line rates Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 A 1T ACHMENT 3 23.10 No private line or other Unbundled Loop shall be available for conversion into an EEL or be combined with other elements to create an EEL if it utilizes shared use Billing, commonly referred to as ratcheting. Any change to a private line or other Unbundled Loop including changes to eliminate shared use Billing for any or all circuits, prior to conversion of those circuits to EEL shall be conducted pursuant to the processes, procedures, and terms pursuant to which such private line or Loop was provisioned. Any appropriate charges from such processes, procedures, and terms shall apply (sometimes referred to as grooming charges 23.11 EEL-C is the conversion of an existing Private Line/Special Access service to combination of Loop and transport UNEs. Retail and/or resale private line circuits (including multiplexing and concentration) may be converted to EEL-C if the conversion is Technically Feasible and they meet the terms of this Section 9.23.7. Owest will make EEL-Conversion Combinations available to CLEC upon request. Owest will provide CLEC with access to EEL -Conversion Combinations according to the standard intervals set forth in Exhibit B. 23.11.CLEC must utilize EEL-C to provide significant amount of Local Exchange Service in accordance with the three options listed under Section 23. 23.12 EEL-P - EEL-P is a combination of Loop and dedicated interoffice transport used for the purpose of connecting an End User Customer to a CLEC Switch. EEL-P is a new installation of circuits for the purpose of CLEC providing services to End User Customers. 23.12.Terms and Conditions 23.12.CLEC must utilize EEL-P to provide a significant amount of Local Exchange Service to each End User Customer served in accordance with the three options listed under Section 9.23. 23.12.One end of the interoffice facility must originate at a CLEC Collocation in a Wire Center other than the Serving Wire Center of the Loop. 23.12.4 EEL combinations may consist of loops and interoffice transport of the same bandwidth (Point-to-Point EEL). When multiplexing is requested, EEL may consist of Loops and interoffice transport of different Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 23. 23. ATTACHMENT 3 bandwidths (Multiplexed EEL). CLEC may also order combinations of interoffice transport, concentration capability and DSO Loops. 23.12.When concentration capability is requested, CLEC will purchase the appropriate concentration equipment and provide it to Qwest for installation in the Wire Center. 23.12.Installation intervals are set forth in Exhibit B and are equivalent to the respective Private Line Transport Service on the following web-site address: http://www.qwest.com/carrier/guides/sig/index.htmi. 23.12.Concentration capability installation intervals will be offered at an ICB. 23.12.8 EEL-is available only where existing facilities are available. Ordering 23.CLEC will submit EEL orders using the LSR process. 23.Qwest will install the appropriate Channel Card based on the DSO EEL Link LSR order and apply the charges. 23.Requests for Concentration will be submitted using the Virtual Collocation process. Virtual Collocation intervals will be adhered to. 23.8.4 One LSR is required when CLEC orders Point-to-Point EEL. Multiplexed EEL, EEL Transport and EEL Links must be ordered on separate LSRs. Rate Elements 23.EEL Link. The EEL Link is the Loop connection between the End User Customer premises and the Serving Wire Center. EEL Link is available in DSO, DS1 and DS3 and higher bandwidths as they become available. Recurring and nonrecurring charges apply. 23.EEL Transport. EEL Transport consists of the dedicated interoffice facilities between Qwest Wire Centers. EEL Transport is available in DSO, DS1 , D83, OC3, OC12 and higher bandwidths as they become available. Recurring and nonrecurring charges apply. 23.EEL Multiplexing. EEL multiplexing is offered in DS3 to Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 DS1 and DS1 to DSO configurations. All other multiplexing arrangements will be ICB. EEL multiplexing is ordered with EEL Transport. Recurring and nonrecurring charges set forth in Exhibit A apply. 23.9.4 DSO Low Side Channelization and DSO MUX Low Side Channelization. EEL DSO Channel Cards are required for each DSO EEL Link or DSO Unbundled Loop connected to a 1/0 EEL Multiplexer. Channel Cards are available for analog Loop Start, Ground Start, Reverse Battery and No Signaling. 23.Concentration Capability. Concentration Capability rates will be provided as an 1GB. Cost recovery includes, but is not limited to space preparation and space lease, equipment installation, cabling and associated terminations and structure installation, personnel training (if required) and delivery of required power. Recurring and nonrecurring charges apply. 23.10 CLEC may request access to and, where appropriate development of, additional UNE Combinations. For UNEs Owest currently combines in its network CLEC can use the Special Request Process. For UNEs that Owest does not currently combine, CLEC must use the Bona Fide Request Process (BFR). In its BFR or Special Request Process request, CLEC must identify the specific combination of UNEs, identifying each individual UNE by name as described in the Agreement. 23. UNE- The following terms and conditions are available for all types of 23.11.1 UNE-P will include the capability to access long distance service (InterLATA and IntraLATA) of CLEC's Customer choice on a 2-PIC basis , access to 911 Emergency Services, capability to access CLEC's Operator Services platform, capability to access CLEC's Directory Assistance platform and Owest customized routing service; and, if desired by CLEC, access to Owest Operator Services and Directory Assistance Service. 23.11.If Owest provides and CLEC accepts operator services, directory assistance, and IntraLATA long distance as a part of the basic exchange line, it will be offered with standard Owest branding. CLEC is not permitted to alter the branding of these services in any manner when the services are a part of the UNE-P line without the prior written approval of Owest. However, at the request of CLEC and where Technically Feasible, Owest will rebrand operator services and directory assistance in CLEC's name, in CLEC's choice of name, or in no name in accordance with terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. 23.11 .CLEC may order Customized Routing conjunction with UNE-P for alternative operator service and/or directory Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 assistance platforms. CLEC shall be responsible to combine UNE- with all components and requirements associated with Customized Routing needed to utilize related functionality. For a complete description of Customized Routing, refer to that Section of the Agreement. 23.11.4 Owest shall provide to CLEC, for CLEC's End User Customers, E911/911 call routing to the appropriate Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Owest shall not be responsible for any failure of CLEC to provide accurate End User Customer information for listings in any databases in which Owest is required to retain andlor maintain End User Customer information. Owest shall provide CLEC's End UserCustomer information to the ALl/DMS (Automatic Location Identification/Database Management System). Owest shall use its standard process to update and maintain, on the same schedule that it uses for its End User Customers, CLEC's End User Customer service information in the ALl/DMS used to support E911/911 services. Owest assumes no liability for the accuracy of information provided by CLEC. 23.11.CLEC shall designate the Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) assignments on behalf of its End User Customers for InterLATA and IntraLATA services. CLEC shall follow all Applicable Laws, rules and regulations with respect to PIC changes and Owest shall disclaim any liability for CLEC's improper PIC change requests. 23.11.Feature and InterLATA or IntraLATA PIC changes or additions for UNE-, will be processed concurrently with the UNE- order as specified by CLEC. 23.11.7 CLEC may order new or retain existing Owest DSL service on behalf of End User Customers when utilizing UNE-POTS , UNE- Centrex, and UNE-PBX (analog, non-DID trunks only) combinations, where Technically Feasible. The price for Owest DSL provided with UNE-P combinations is included in Exhibit A to this Amendment. Owest DSL service provided to internet service providers and not provided directly to Owest or CLEC's End Users is not available with UNE- combinations. 23.12 If CLEC is obtaining services from Owest under an arrangement or agreement that includes the application of termination liability assessment (TLA) or minimum period charges, and if CLEC wishes to convert such services to UNEs or a UNE Combination, the conversion of such services will not be delayed due to the applicability of TLA or minimum period charges. The applicability of such charges is governed by the terms of the original agreement Tariff or arrangement. 23.13 For installation of new UNE Combinations, CLEC will not be assessed UNE rates for UNEs ordered in combination until access to all UNEs that make up such combination have been provisioned to CLEC as a Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 combination, unless a UNE is not available until a later time and CLEC elects to have Owest provision the other elements before all elements are available. For conversions of existing resale services to UNE-P Combinations , CLEC will be billed at the UNE-P rate, and Billing at the resold rate will cease, on the Due Date scheduled for the conversion, so long as the Due Date of the conversion was a standard or longer interval, unless CLEC has caused or requested a delay of the conversion. 23.14 When End User Customers switch from Owest to CLEC, or to CLEC from any other competitor and is obtaining service through a UNE Combination , such End User Customers shall be permitted to retain their current telephone numbers if they so desire. 23.15 In the event Owest terminates the Provisioning of any UNE Combination service to CLEC for any reason,CLEC shall be responsible for providing any and all necessary notice to its End User Customers of the termination. In no case shall Owest be responsible for providing such notice to CLEC's End User Customers. Owest shall only be required to notify CLEC of Owest's termination of the UNE Combination service on a timely basis consistent with Commission rules and notice requirements. 23.16 CLEC , or CLEC's agent, shall act as the single point of contact forits End User Customers' service needs, including without limitation, sales, service design, order taking, Provisioning, change orders, training, maintenance trouble reports, repair, post-sale servicing, Billing, collection and inquiry. CLEC shall inform its End User Customers that they are End User Customers of CLEC. CLEC'' End User Customers contacting Owest will be instructed to contact CLEC, and Owest's End User Customers contacting CLEC will be instructed to contact Owest. In responding to calls, neither Party shall make disparaging remarks about each other. To the extent the correct provider can be determined misdirected calls received by either Party will be referred to the proper provider of Local Exchange Service; however, nothing in the Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit Owest or CLEC from discussing its products and services with CLEC's or Owest's End User Customers who call the other Party seeking such information. 23.Rates and Charges 23.4.The rates and charges for the individual Unbundled Network Elements that comprise UNE Combinations are contained in Exhibit A for both recurring and nonrecurring application. 23.4.Recurring monthly charges for each Unbundled Network Element that comprise the UNE Combination shall apply when a UNE Combination is ordered. The recurring monthly charges for each UNE, including but not limited to, Unbundled 2- wire Analog Loop, Analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport are contained in Exhibit A. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 23.4.Nonrecurring charges, if any, will apply based upon the cost to Owest of Provisioning the UNE Combination and providing access to the UNE Combination. These nonrecurring charges, if any, are described in Exhibit A. 23.4.If the Commission takes any action to adjust the rates previously ordered, Owest will make a compliance filing to incorporate the adjusted rates into Exhibit A. Upon the compliance filing by Owest, the Parties will abide by the adjusted rates on a going-forward basis, or as ordered by the Commission. 23.4.CLEC shall be responsible for Billing its End User Customers served over UNE Combinations for all Miscellaneous Charges and surcharges required of CLEC by statute, regulation or otherwise required. 23.4.4 CLEC shall pay Owest the PIC change charge associated with CLEC End User Customer changes of InterLATA or IntraLATA Carriers. Any change in CLEC's End User Customers' InterLATA or IntraLATA Carrier must be requested by CLEC on behalf of its End User Customer. 23.4.If an End User Customer is served by CLEC through a UNE Combination, Owest will not charge, assess, or collect Switched Access charges for InterLATA or IntraLATA calls originating or terminating from that End User Customer s phone after conversion to a UNE Combination is complete. 23.Owest shall have a reasonable amount of time to implement system or other changes necessary to bill CLEC for Commission-ordered rates or charges associated with UNE Combinations. 23.Ordering Process 23.Most UNE Combinations and associated products and services are ordered via an LSR. Ordering processes are contained in the Agreement and in the PCAT. The following is a high-level description of the ordering process: 23.Step 1: Complete product questionnaire with account team representative. 23.1 .Step 2: Obtain Billing Account Number (BAN) through account team representative. 23.Step 3: Allow two to three (2-3) weeks from Owest's receipt of a completed questionnaire for accurate loading of UNE Combination rates to the Owest Billing system. 23.1.4 Step 4: After account team notification, place UNE Combination orders via an LSR or ASR as appropriate. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 ATTACHMENT 3 23.Additional information regarding the ordering processesare located at: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/solutions/clecFacility/une-p _c. htm I 23.Prior to placing an order on behalf of each End User Customer, CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a Proof Authorization as required by applicable law. 23.Standard service intervals for each UNE Combination are set forth in Exhibit B. For UNE Combinations with appropriate retail analogues, CLEC and Owest will use the standard Provisioning interval for the equivalent retail service. CLEC and Owest can separately agree to Due Dates other than the standard interval. 23.5.4 Due date intervals are established when Owest receives a complete and accurate Local Service Request (LSR) or ASR made through the IMA, EDI or Exact interfaces or through facsimile. For UNE-POTS, UNE- Centrex, and UNE-ISDN-BRI , the date the LSR or ASR is received is considered the start of the service interval if the order is received on a business day prior to 7:00 p.m. For UNE-POTS, UNE-Centrex, and UNE-ISDN- BRI, the service interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received on a non-business day or after 7:00 p.m. on a business day. For UNE- DSS, UNE-ISDN-PRI , UNE-PBX, EEL, and all other UNE Combinations the date the LSR or ASR is received is considered the start of the service interval if the order is received on a business day prior to 3:00 p.m. For UNE-DSS UNE-ISDN-PRI, UNE-PBX, EEL, and all other UNE Combinations, the service interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received on a non-business day or after 3:00 p.m. on a business day. For purposes of this Amendment, business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, New Year s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 23.The Parties' obligations and responsibilities for providing and maintaining End User Customer listings information are contained in the Listings and E911/911 Emergency Services sections of the Agreement. Nevertheless, to the extent that the option is available to CLEC to specify that the End User Customer s existing listing(s) be retained upon conversion to Unbundled Local Switching elements or UNE-P Combinations, Owest shall be responsible for ensuring that the End User Customer s listing(s) is retained "as is" in Owest's listings data bases. 23.When Owest's End User Customer or the End User Customer New Service Provider orders the discontinuance of the End User Customer's existing service in anticipation of moving to another service provider, Owest will render its closing bill to the End User Customer effective with the disconnection. If Owest is not the local service provider, Owest will issue a bill to CLEC for that portion of the service provided to CLEC should CLEC's End User Customer, a New Service Provider, or CLEC request service be discontinued to the End User Customer. Owest will notify CLEC by FAX, ass interface , or other agreed upon Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981 028-0217 23. 23. ATTACHMENT 3 processes when an End User Customer moves to another service provider. Owest shall not provide CLEC or Owest retail personnel with the name of the other service provider selected by the End User Customer. 23.For UNE Combinations, CLEC shall provide Owest and Owest shall provide CLEC with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution, repair, and in the event special attention is required on service request. Billing 23.Owest shall provide CLEC, on a monthly basis, within seven to ten (7 -10) calendar Days of the last day of the most recent Billing period, in an agreed upon standard electronic Billing format, Billing information including (1) a summary bill, and (2) individual End User Customers sub-account information consistent with the samples available for CLEC review. Maintenance and Repair 23.Owest will maintain facilities and equipment that comprise the service provided to CLEC as a UNE Combination. CLEC or its End User Customers may not rearrange, move, disconnect or attempt to repair Owest facilities or equipment, other than by connection or disconnection to any interface between Owest and the End User Customer, without the written consent of Owest. Local Switching - UNE-P Amd 3 ATT- Amendment to CDS-981028-0217 Exhibit A Idaho """,,, irH), ;~,Re;i.ln~ ,"")/::,.,,' c)\" ,... ,.. ::t 0 Resale Wholesale Wholesale Discount Discount Percentage Percentage Recurring Nonrecurring Charges Charges 1 Wholesale Discount Retes Southem Idaho IntraLATA Toll 18.25% ListinQs, CO Features & Information Services 18.25% Northem Idaho IntraLATA Toll 19.37% Listinas, CO Features & Information Services 19.37% Southem Idaho Hiah-Volume Customers 65% 4 Multiplexing DS3 to DS1 $201.$298. DS1 to DSO $199.$291. 0 Unbundled Network Elements UNEs 1 Interconnection Tie Pairs (lTP) - Per Termination DSO 2-wire $0. DSO 4-wire $1. DS1 Per each Termination $8. 1.4 DS3 Per each Termination $29. 8 Sharlld TransDOrt Per Minute of Use - TELRIC Based Rate $0.001110 11 LocalSwitchina 11.Local Sw~china - TELRIC Based Rates Analoa Line Side Port, First Port $1.$10. Each Add~ional Port (ordered concurrently wrth an unbundled 1000)$1.$5. Premium Port $4. Each Additional Premium Port $4. 11.4 Vertical Features 10XXX Direct Dialed Blockina $0. Account Codes - car system $0.$83. Attendant Access Line - car station line $0.$1. Audible Messaae Waitina $0.$1. Authorization Codes - car system $0.$248. Auto Callback $0. Automatic Une $0.$0. Automatic Route Selection. Common Eauio. Der system $0.$2,183. BIDCkina of pay per call services $0. Bridaina $0. Call Drop $0.$0. Call Exclusion. Automatic $0.$1. Call Exclusion - Manual $0,$0. Call Forward Don t Answer - All Calls $0. Call Forwarding IncominQ Only $0. Call Forwardin Intra Group Only $0. Call Forwardin Variable Remote $0. Call Forward;n : Busy Line (Expanded $0. Call Forwardin : Busv Une External)$0. Call Forwardin : Busv Line External) Don t Answer $0. Call Forwardin : Busv Line Overflow)$0. Call Forwardin : Busv Une Overflow) Don t Answer $0. Call Forwarding: Busy Line (Programmable)$0. Call Forwarding: Busy Line/Don t Answer Proqrammable Svc. Establishment $16. CF DON'T ANSWERlCF BUSY CUSTOMER PROGRAMMABLE - PER LINE $1. Call Forward;n : Busy LinelDont Answer (Expanded $0. Call Forwardin : Dont Answer $0. Call Forwardin : Dont Answer (Exoanded)$0. Call Forwardin : Don t Answer (Proorammable)$0. Call Forwardin : Variable $0. Call Forwarding: Variable' no call complete option $0. Call Hold $0. Call Hold/3-Way/Call Transfer $0. Call Pa~ (Basic - Store & Retrieve $0. Call Pickup $0. Call Transfer $0. Call Waitina Dial Oriainatina $0. Call Waitina Indication - oer timina state $0.$1.05 Call Waiting Originating $0. Call Waiting Terminating - All Calls $0. Call Waiting TerminalinQ - IncominQ Only $0. Call WaitinQI Cancel Call Waitin,!$0. Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revision Exhibit A Second Amended August 5. 2002 Page 1 of 7 '.'.""'.................:...:...::':/;/...... CENTREX COMMON EQUIPMENT Centrex Management System (CMS) Centrex Plus DID numbers oer number Centrex Plus to Centrex Plus Centrex Plus to IC Carrier Centrex Plus to PBX/Key Blocked Centrex Plus to PBXlKev Non-Blocked CFBL - All Calls CFBL - IncominG Only CFDA Incoming Only CLASS - Anonvmous Call Rejection CLASS - Call Trace CLASS - Call Waiting 10 CLASS. Callino Name & Number CLASS - Calling Number Dalivery CLASS - Calling Number Delivery - Blockina CLASS - Continuous Redial CLASS - Last Call Return CLASS - PrioritY Callino CLASS. Selective Call Forwarding CLASS. Selective Call Rejection Conference Calling - Meet Me Conference Calling - Preset Custom Rinaina FIrst Line tShortlLona/Short) Custom Rinaina First Line Short/Short) Custom Ringing FIrst Line (Short/ShortlLong) Custom RinQing Second Line (ShortlLona/Short) Custom RinainQ Second Line (Short/Short) Custom Rinaina Second Line Short/ShortlLona) Custom Rinaina Third Line (ShortlLona/Short\ Custom Rinoino Third Line (Short/Short Custom Ringing Third Line (Short/ShortlLong) Data Call Protection (DMS 100) Djr Sta SellBusv Lamp Ad per arrangement Directed Call Pickup with Barae-in Directed Call Pickup without Barae-in Distinctive Ring/Distinctive Call Waiting Distinctive Ringing EBS - Set Interlace - per station line Executive Busv Override Exoansive Route Warning Tone- oer system Facilitv Restriction Level - oar svstem Feature Disolav Group Intercom Hot Line - per line Hunting: Multiposition Circuler Huntina Huntina: Multiposition Hunt Queuina Huntina: Multiposition Series Huntina Huntina: Multioosition with Announcement in Queue Huntina: Multie sition with Music in Queue Incoming Calls Barred International Direct Dial Blocking ISDN Short Hunt Line Side Answer Supervision Loudsoaaker Paging . oer trunk arouo Make Busv Arranaements - oar arouo Make Busv Arranoements - oar line Message Center - per main station iine Messaae Wa~ing Indication AudibleNisual Messaae Waiting Visual Music On Hold - per system Network Speed Call Night Service Arranaement Outgoing Calls Barred Outaoing Trunk Queuing Privacy Release Querv Time Soeed Calling 1 Dia~ Controller Speed Calling 1 Dia~ User Speed Calling 1# List Individual Speed Calling 2 Digit Controller Soeed Calling 2 Digit User Soeed Calling 2# List Individuai Soeed Calling 30 Number Speed Calling 8 Number Station Camp-On Service - per main station Station Dial ConfereOOng (6 Way) Qwes! Idaho SGA T Third Revision Exhib~ A Exhibit A Idaho """. .:.!~. Second Amended August 5, 2002 S1.254.52 SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. $0. SO. SO. $0. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. SO. $0. SO. SO. $0. SO. SO. SO. SO. $0. $0. SO. $0. $0. $0. $0. $0. $0. SO. SO. SO. $0. $39. S39. $44. $44. SO. $20. $20. $41.93 $74. $46. SO. S1. $40. $40. $42. $1. S183. $0. $0. $0. $0. S24. $0. SO. $0. Page 2 of7 Exhibit A Idaho ;:.';.,. .. ....;/~. . : ~~ur,,", .:(.\. :. Station Messaee Detail Recordine (SMDR1 $0. Three Wav Calling $0. Time and Date Display $0. Time of Day Control for ARS . per system $0.$130, Time of Day NCOS Update $0,$0, Time of Dav Routina - per line $0.$0. Toll Restriction Service $0, Trunk Answer Anv Station $0. Trunk Verification from Designated Station $0,$0. UCD in hunt group - per line $0.$0, UCD with Music After Deley $0. CMS. SYSTEM ESTABLISHMENT . INITIAL INSTALLATION 010. CMS - SYSTEM ESTABLISHMENT - SUBSEQUENT INSTALLATION $505. CMS - PACKET CONTROL CAPABiLiTY, PER SYSTEM $505. SMDR.P - SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT CHARGE, INITIAL INSTALLATION $352. SMDR-P - ARCHIVED DATA $184, 11.SubseQuent Order Charge $13, t1.4 Dia~al Line Side Port Supporting BRIISDN) First Port $13,$243. Each Additional Port $13,$243. Premium Dieital Port $15. 11,Digital Trunk Ports DS1 Local Messaae Trunk Port 553. Messaae Trunk Group, First Trunk $178. Messaae Trunk Group. Each Additional $49, DS1 PRIISDN Trunk Port $19B.$652, DS1 DID Trunk Port $2.$218. 11.DSO Analog Trunk Port Unbundled Analog DSO Trunk Port, Fst Port $14.$130,Q.tI Each Additional Port $14.$31, 11,Local Usage, per Minute of Use $0,001564 11.Locel Switchin!! - Market Based Rates These rales are only available in Zone 1 Wire Centers 12 Customized Routin!! 12.Development of Custom Line Class Code - Directory Assistance or Operator 324, SeNices Routina Onlv 12,Installation Charge, per Sw~ch - Directory Assistance or Operator SeNice 237. Routing Only 12.All Other Custom Routing ICB ICB 19 Miscellaneous Cheraes . Per 1/2 hour or fraction thereof . Additional Engineering - Basic $33. . Additional Engineering - Overtime $40, . Additional Labor Installation - Overtime $9.41 . Additional Labor Installation - Premium $1RB3 . Additional Labor Other - Basic $28. . Additional Labor Other - Overtime $3B, . Additional Labor Other Premium $4B. . Testina and Maintenance - Basic $30, . Testina and Maintenance Overtime $40. . Testina and Maintenance - Premium $51. . Maintenance of Service - Basic $28. . Maintenance of Service - Overtime $38, . Maintenance of Service - Premium $48.25 . Additional COOP AcceDtance Testing - Basic $30, . Additional COOP AcceDtance Testing - Overtime $40, . Additional COOP AcceDtance Testine - Premium $51-25 . NonScheduled COOP Testing - Basic $30, . NonScheduled COOP Testing - Overtime $40, . NonScheduled COOP Testina - Premium $51. . NonScheduled Manual Testina - Basic $30, . NonScheduled Manual Testina - Overtime $40. . NonScheduled Manual Testine - Premium $51-25 Cooperative Scheduled Testine - Loss $0. Cooperative Scheduled Testing - C Messaee Noise $0. Cooperative Scheduled Testing - Balance $0, Cooperative Scheduled Testing - Gain Slope $0, Cooperative Scheduled Testing - C NotchinG Noise $0. Manual Scheduled Testing - Loss $0, Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision Exhibn A Second Amended August 5, 2002 Page 3 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho 'f7'7'T::,:. ;:::....... . ii' ' . ,..i. ..;: .:' Manual SCheduled Testina - C-Messaae Noise Manual Scheduled TestinQ' Balance Manual Scheduled TestinQ - Gain Sioce Manual Scheduled TestinQ - C Notched Noise Additional Disoatch Date Chance DesiQn ChanQe Expedrte Charge Cancellation CharQe 21 Channel Reaeneration DS1 Reoeneration DS3 Regeneration 0: .;'0. :.:..:. 23 UNE Combinations 23.UNE - P Line SplittinQ Basic Installation Charge for UNE.P Line SDlittinD 23.UNE-P Conversion Non-RecurrinQ Charges UNE-P POTS. CENTREX, Analog PBX Trunks First Each Additional UNE-P Pal Manual First Each Additional UNE.P PBX DID Trunks First Each Additional UNE-P ISDN BRI Rrst Each Additional UNE-P ISDN PAl. DSS eer DS1 FacililV UNE.P ISDN PAl, DSS - eer Trunk Rrst Each Additional 23.UNE-P New Connection Non-Recurring Charges UNE-P POTS Centrex, AnaloQ PBX Trunks Rrst Each Additional Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision Exhibrt A UNE-P PAL Manual Rrs1 Each Additional UNE - P PBX DID - oar Trunk Comptex Translations Digits OutPulsed ChanQe SiQnalina DID Complex Translations Signaling Chance DID Block Compromise DID Group of 20 Numbers DID Reserve SeQuential # Block DID Reserve Non SeQuential TN DID Trunk Termination DID NonSBQuential TN UNE - P ISDN BRI UNE - P Trunks DSS Basic Trunk - In Only, Out Only. or Two Way DSS. ISDN PAl Adv. Trunk - In only wlDID & Huntin9, or 2 Way wIDID. Hunting & Answer Sup DSS, ISDN PAl Adv. Trunk - Out Only w/Answer SUD Facilities for UNE . P DSS, UNE - P ISDN PAl DS1 LOOD Facilitv for Basic Trunk! + MulliDlexina DS1 LOOD Facilitv for Advanced Trunks) DS3 LODD Facilitv UNE - P PAl ConfiQurations UNE-P PRI Dedicated PAl 23 + D UNE-P PAl Dedicated PAl 24 Second Amended August 5. 2002 .k~ 1!8.~:::R~IiITIng. $0. $0. $0. $0. c.. ::. . c. . ':~: JtetlBling :NOteisj~ $12. $84. $87. $10. $77.07 ICB ICB $323.45 $325. $37. $0. $0. $16. $2. $25. $3. $27. $3. $24. $25. $3. $57. $16. $85. $19. $182. $14. $34. $25. $34. $25. $24. $22. $36. $348. $86.44 $B6. $B6. $444. $152. $152. $711. $682. Page 4 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho ;:'.. ...... .................'/!/.., ", .."."", . ' ftiitdUlriii$!..' UNE-P PRI Dedicated PRI 23B.. Back-Up D ConfiQuration - 5E $686. 23.4 UNE - P Owest DSL See applicable Owest retail Tariff, catalog, or price list 23.UNE-Combination Private Line DSO/DSI/DS3JOCN/lntearated T-1 Existin!:! Service $34. 23.Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL) EEL Link Loop with MultiplexinQ EEL DSO 2-Wire $266.. and 1 DSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $19B. Loop with MUX DSO 2.Wlre $245. LoaD with MUX DSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $160. Zone 1 $15. Zone 2 $23. Zone 3 $40. EEL DSO 4-Wire $266. DSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $19B. Loop with MUX DSO 4-Wire $245. LOOD with MUX DSO 2/4 Wire Each Additional $160. Zone 1 $30. Zone 2 $46. Zone 3 $79.47 DSt EEL $327. DS, EEL Each Additional $244. Loop with MUX DS1 $310. LOOD with MUX DS1 Each Additional $227. Zone 1 $B6. Zone 2 $B6. Zone 3 $99. DS3 EEL $352. DS3 EEL Each Additional $269. Zone 1 $941. Zone 2 $955. Zone 3 264. 23.EEL C and Loop MUX Conversion $41. )ft~Ht i'~~~, ':~. . . R_if. "'. ':';iMillL.. ....'i" j': 23.EEL Transport DSO DSO Oto 8 Miles $24.$0. DSO Over 8 to 25 Miles $24.$0. DSO Over 25 to 50 Miles $24.$0. DSO Over 50 Miles $24.$0. DS, DS1 OtoBMiles $36.43 $3. DS1 Over 8 to 25 Miles $37.$3. OS, Over 25 to 50 Miles $39.$1. DS1 Over 50 Miles $37.$0. DS3 DS3 Ot08 Miles $238.$54. OS3 Over 8 to 25 Miles $242.$16. DS3 Over 25 to 50 Miles $223.$21. DS3 Over 50 Miles $235.$14. OC- OC-3 Oto 8 Miles $768.$191. OC-3 Over 8 to 25 Miles $774.$60. OC-3 Over 25 to 50 Miles $744.$79. Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revision Exhibit A Second Amended August 5. 2002 Page 5 of 7 Exhibit A Idaho .2:illE. . ,. ";"'........;..:.."'" ;.:.;':.::.. "" ,..: .... ,. ."':::.:.;.....:';. ';:::...:;.:.... OC-3 Over 50 Miles $763.$55. OC- OC-12 0 to B Miles $2.143.$79. OC-12 Over 8to 25 Miles $2,143.$82. OC-12 Over 25 to 50 Miles $2,143.$92. OC-12 Over 50 Miles $2,143.$110. OC-4B OC-4B 0 to 8 Miles $7,071.$266. OC-4B Over B to 25 Miles $7,071.$275. OC-4B Over 25 to 50 Miles 071.$333. OC-4B Over 50 Miles 071.$42B. 23.Mu~iplexina DS1 to DSO $228.$271. DS3to DS1 $255.$271. Loop MUX DS3to DS1 $206.49 Loop MUX DS1to DSO $206.49 23.DSO Channel Performance DSO Low Side Channelization $13. DS1/DSO MUX. Low Side Channelization $7. 23.Concentration Capabilitv ICB 10.0 Ancillarv Services 10.3 9111E911 No Charqe 10.4 White Pages Directory Listings, Facility Based Providers 10.Primary Listing No Charge 10.Premium/Privacy Listings General Exchange Tariff Rate. less wholesale discount 10.5 Directorv Assistance Facility Based Providers 10.Local Directory Assistance, Per Call $0. 10.National Directory Assistance, Del' Call $0. 10.Call Brandino. Set- Uo and Recordino $10,500. 10.Loadino Brand IPer Switch $175. 10.Call Completion Link, per Call $0. 10.6 Directorv Assistance List Informetion 10.Initial Database Load, per Listina $0.025 10.Reload 01 Database. per Listino $0.020 10.Dailv Uodates, per Listino $0.050 10.6.4 One-time Set-Uo Fee $82. 10.Media CharQes lor File Delivery Electronic Transmission $0.002 Tapes (charges only apply if this is selected as the normal delivery $30. medium lor daily updates) (per tape) ShippinQ CharQes (lor laDe delivery)ICB 10.7 Toll and Assistance ODerator Services Facilitv B8sed Providers. 10.Olllion A- Per Messaae Operator Handled Calling Card $1.45 Machine Handled Callino Card $0. Station Call $1. Person Call $3. Connect to Directory Assistance $0. Busv Line Verify, per Call $0. Busv Line Interrupt $O. Operator Assistance, Der Call $0. 10.Olllion B - Per Operator Work Second and Computer Handled Calls Operator Handled, per Operator Work Second $0.02B Machine Handled, per Cell $0. Call Brandina. Set-Up & Recordina $10,500. Loading BrandlPer Switch $175. 12.0 0D8r8tional SUDDort Svstems Qwestldaho SGAT Third Revision Exhibit A Second Amended August 5. 2002 Page 6017 Exhibit A Idaho . . . ~1ft9: 'NOn;.~~ No charge at thi time 12.2 Ongoing Maintenance. per Order 12.3 Dail Usa Record File Record No charge at thi time $0.0009 See MSC Char es $2.507. NOTES: Unless otherwise indicated, all rates are pursuant to the Owest and A T& T Interconnection Agreement approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Docket Number USW-96-15, Commission Order Number 27738, eilective September 17, 1998. Denotes voluntary rate reduction. Additional reduction required to voluntarily reduced rates to reflect the fact that certain sold exchanges had not been removed from the FCC Synthesis Model results. 12.4 Trouble Isolation Charge 17.0 Bona Fide R .uest Process 17.1 Processin Fee (1) (2) (3) (5) (10) Rates proposed in Cost Docket testimony filed on 6/29101 & 11/1612001. (TELRIC) Market-based rates. ICB, individual Case Basis pricing. Rates not addressed in Cost Docket (TELRIC) awest will not charge for this element until the Commission has an opportunity to review and approve a rate in a cost proceeding. awest Idaho SGAT Third Revision Exhibit A Second Amended August 5. 2002 ,.., Page 7 of 7 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Unbundled Loops, Line Sharing and Line Splitting Service Interval Table: (a)Established Service Intervals 2/4 Wire Analog (Voice Grade): 1.8 lines Five (5) business days 9-16 lines Six (6) business days 17-24 lines Seven (7) business days 25 or more ICB (b)Established Service Intervals for 2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loops, and ADSL Compatible Loops that do not require conditioning: 1-8 lines Five (5) business days 16 lines Six (6) business days 17-24 lines Seven (7) business days 25 or more ICB (c)Established Service Intervals for xDSL-I/ BRI ISDN Capable Loops that do not require conditioning: 1-8 lines 16 lines 17-24 lines 25 or more (d)Established Service Intervals for existing OS-1 Capable Loops , OS1 Capable Feeder Loop: 1 - 24 lines Nine 9 business da s25 or More ICB (e) (f)Established Service Intervals for Line Sharing and Line Splitting that do not require conditioning: Three Three 1-24 lines 25 or More (g) (h) Established Repair Intervals for Basic 2-wire Analog Loops, Line Sharing, Line Splitting, and Shared Distribution Loop: I Twenty-four (24) hours ass Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES I Forty-eight (48) hours AS (i) Established Repair Intervals for 4-wire Analog Loops, 2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loops, Basic Rate ISDN Capable Loops, and ADSL Compatible Loops, xDSL-Capable Loops, DS1 Capable Loops, DS3 Capable Loops, and Ocn Capable Loops: I Four (4) hours (j) Quick Loop 1 to 24 Lines 25 or more Lines Three 3 business da s ICB Quick Loop with Number Portability 1 to 8 Lines Three (3) business days 9 to 24 Lines Four (4) business days 25 or more Lines ICB (k)n Loop 11 or more Lines ICB (I)Shared Distribution Loop 11 or more Lines Five business da (M)Established Service Intervals for 2/4 wire Distribution and Non-loaded Distribution Loop 1 or more Lines Two (2) business days or Appointment Scheduler Product UDIT,EUDIT,UCCRE. DSO Repair Commitments Four (4) hrs. Zone 1 Zone 2: Six (6) Four (4) hrs. business da s Zone 2 Zone 1: Six (6) business Four (4) hrs.days Zone 1 9 to 16 Zone 2: Seven (7) business days 17 to 24 Zone 1: Seven (7) business days Zone 2: Eight (8) business days Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B Four (4) hrs. Zone 2 Four (4) hrs. Zone 1 Four (4) hrs. Zone 2 May 24, 2002 Page 2 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES 17 to 24 1GB 1GB Zone 1: Five (5)Four (4) hrs business days Zone 1 Zone 2: Eight (8)Four (4) hrs business da s Zone 2 Zone 1: Six (6)Four (4) hrs business days Zone 1 Zone 2: Nine (9)Four (4) hrs business da s Zone 2 Zone 1: Seven (7)Four (4) hrs business days Zone1 Zone 2: Ten (10)Four (4) hrs business da s Zone 2 1GB Four 4 hrs Zone 1: Seven (7)Four (4) hrs business days Zone 1 Zone 2: Nine (9)Four (4) hrs business da s Zone 2 1GB Four 4 hrs 1GB Four 4 hrs 25 or more 1 to 8 9 to 16 DS3 25 or more 1 to 3 Circuits OC3 and Hi her 4 or more Circuits 1 or more Circuits Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24,2002 Page 3 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Unbundled Local Switchin Service Interval Table: Product Services Ordered UnbundledSwitchin Unbundled Switching - Line Side 1 to 8 Zone 1: Five (5)Twenty-four (24) Analog With Line Class Code (LCC)business days hrs. Zone 1 already supported in requested switch.Zone 2: Six (6)Twenty-four (24) business da s hrs. Zone 2 9 to 16 Zone 1:Six (6)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone 1 Zone 2: Seven (7)Twenty-four (24) business da s hrs. Zone 2 17 to 24 Zone 1:Seven (7)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone Zone 2: Eight (8)Twenty-four (24) business da s hrs. Zone 2 25 or more ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Unbundled Switching - Line Side 1 to 19 Two (2) business days Twenty-four (24) Analog - Existing - Vertical hrs. OOS Feature(s) (Features change without Forty-eight (48) . ward line activity and not impacting hrs. AS e design of the circuit.)20 to 39 Four (4) business days Twenty-four (24) hrs. OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs. AS 40 or more ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs. OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs. AS Unbundled Switching -New Line ICB Twenty-four (24) Class Code (LCC) ordered through hrs. customized routin Unbundled Switching - BRI-ISDN 1 to 4 Lines Zone 1:Seven (7)Twenty-four (24) Line-side Port. With a QWEST business days hrs. Zone standard configuration and Line Class Code (LCC) already supported Zone 2: 1GB Twenty-four (24) in the requested switch hrs. Zone 2 5 or more 1GB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Unbundled Switching - BRI-ISDN 1 to 4 Lines Zone 1: Seventeen (17)Twenty-four (24) Line-side Port. With non-standard business days (includes hrs. Zone configuration and Line Class Code 10 days for complex (LCC) already supported in the translations. requested switch Zone 2: 1GB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Zone 2 Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24 2002 Page 4 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES 5 or more ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Unbundled Switching - DS1 Trunk 1 to 8 Ports Zone 1 Five (5)Twenty-four (24) Port business days hrs. Zone Zone 2: Six (6)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone 2 9 to 16 Ports Zone 1 Six (6)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone Zone 2: Seven (7)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone 2 17 to 24 Ports Zone 1 Seven (7)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone Zone 2: Eight (8)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone 2 25 or more Ports ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Unbundled Switching - Message Zone 1 Seven (7) business Twenty-four (24) Trunk Groups days hrs. Translation questionnaire 1 to 24 required 25 to 48 .Eight (8) business days Twenty-four (24) Routing to trunks is ordered hrs. separately as Customized 49 to 72 Ten (10) business days Twenty-four (24) Routing hrs. DS1 trunk port & UDIT in place.73 to 96 Twelve (12) business Twenty-four (24) days hrs. 97 to 120 Fourteen (14) business Twenty-four (24) days hrs. 121 to 144 Fifteen (15) business Twenty-four (24) days hrs. 145 to 168 Sixteen (16) business Twenty-four (24) days hrs. 169 to 240 Eighteen (18) business Twenty-four (24) days hrs. 241 or more ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Zone 2:Eighteen (18) business Twenty-four (24) 1 to 24 days hrs. 25 to 72 Nineteen (19) business Twenty-four (24) days hrs. 73 to 120 Twenty (20) business Twenty-four (24) days hrs. 121 or more ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 5 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Unbundled Switching - Two Way 1 to 8 Trunks Zone 1:Five (5)Twenty-four (24) nd DID Equivalent Group business days hrs. Zone (add/change/increase) OS 1 trunk port in place Zone 2: Six (6)Twenty-four (24) business da s hrs. Zone 2 9 to 16 Trunks Zone 1:Six (6)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone Zone 2: Seven (7)Twenty-four (24) business da s hrs Zone 2 17 to 24 Trunks Zone 1:Seven (7)Twenty-four (24) business days hrs. Zone Zone 2: Eight (8)Twenty-four (24) business da s hrs. Zone 2 25 or more Trunks 1GB Twenty-four (24) hrs. Unbundled Switching - PRI-ISDN 1 to 8 Zone 1:Five (5)4 hrs. Zone Capable Trunk-Side business days DS1 Trunk port in place Zone 2: Six (6)4 hrs. Zone 2 business da s 9 to 16 Zone 1:Six (6)4 hrs. Zone business days Zone 2: Seven (7)4 hrs. Zone 2 business da s 17 to 24 Zone 1:Seven (7)Four (4) hrs. business days Zone 1 I Zone 2: Eight (8)business days Four (4) hrs. Zone 2 25 or more 1GB Four 4 hrs. Unbundled Packet Switching Design changes -New service request Twenty-four (24) 8 Business days 10 Business days hrs Non-design changes - 5 Business days Service changes - 5 Business days Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24 , 2002 Page 6 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Unbundled Dark Fiber Interval Table: Installation Guidelines apply where facilities/network capacity is in place, on Qwest-owned, in region facilities. Where non-Qwest locations are involved, intervals are handled on an Individual Case Basis - (ICB). Product Activityl Features Services Ordered FOC Guidelines Installation Guidelines Repair Guidelines lDarl(jFibit, j;;'~.. Initial Records Inquiry (IRI) simple & com lex Field Verification And Quote Preparation FVQP Provisioning (non- FVQP requests) N/A Ten (10) business days N/A Twenty (20) business days N/A N/A Twenty (20) business days Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision , Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 7 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Unbundled Network Elements Platform (UNE-P) Service Interval Table: For UNE-P POTS, Saturday due dates are available under the following circumstances: The Saturday Desired Due Date (DDD) must be at least the standard interval. For dispatched orders, a Saturday appointment must be available and reserved in Appointment Scheduler. For UNE-P POTS non-dispatched orders, Saturday is counted as part of the standard installation interval, even if a Saturday due date is not desired. For example: when the standard interval is 2 (two) business days, an LSR submitted on a Friday morning may have a due date as early as the following Monday. Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P POTS Twenty-four (24) Three (3) business days hrs OOS New Installs, Address Changes Forty-eight (48) hrs or Change Requests adding new Iines.Facility Check indicates "AVAILABLE (SDT)" and DISPATCH "NO" Forty-eiQht (48) Addition, removal, or change of Three (3) Business Days Twenty-four (24) CO Features, PIC/LPIC change,hrs OOS number changes without inward Forty-eight (48) hrs line activity, or hunting changes without inward line activity UNE-P POTS Customers with Next Business Day (includes Twenty-four (24) Suspend/Restore selVice placed on Saturday)hrs OOS vacation 48 hrs AS Deny/Restore Treatment for Non-Same Business Day if request Twenty-four (24) payment issues received before noon MT hrs OOS otherwise next business day Forty-eight (48) hrs (includes Saturday) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 8 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P POTS Next available due date as Twenty-four (24) New Installs, Address Changes,indicated by Appointment hrs DOS Changes with inward line activity Scheduler Forty-eight (48) hrs Facility Check indicates Note: Appointment Scheduler AVAILABLE DISP. REa" and minimum default interval is 3 DISPATCH "YES"(Three) Business Days. UNE-P POTS Same business day Directory Listings Changes Simple (Non-complex) Listings - Simple Straight Line and/or Straight-Line Under (SLU) Listings onversion as Specified Depends on changes Twenty-four (24) Retail, Resale, or UNE-P POTS requested. For instance,hrs ODS to UNE-P POTS addition of another line would Forty-eight (48) hrs follow New Installs Quidelines. Conversions to UNE-P POTS-1 to 39 Lines Same Business Day if Twenty-four (24) UNE-P POTS to UNE-P POTS received before noon MT, or hrs DOS - Conversion as Is Next Business Day if received Forty-eight (48) hrs later than noon MT. UNE.P Line Splitting -24 hrs ODS UNE-P POTS to UNE-P POTS 3 business days Forty-eight (48) hrs with Line Splitting - Conversion As Specified Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 9 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P Line Splitting - POTS Residence or POTS 3 BUSINESS DAYS Business with Line Sharing to UNE-P POTS with Line Splitting - Conversion as Specified UNE-P PBX 1 to 8 Trunks Zone 1: Five (5) Business Four (4) hrs New Install Days Zone 2: Six (6) business days Conversion As Specified,9 to 16 Trunks Zone 1; Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2: Seven (7) business Changes (ex. PIC/LPIC or days feature changes, etc.), and 17 to 24 Trunks Zone 1: Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs days uspendlRestore ZONE 2: EIGHT (8) BUSINESS DAYS 25 or more Trunks ICB Four (4) hrs business days business days business days UNE-P DSS 1 to 3 Facilities Nine (9) business days Four (4) hrs T1 Facility Installation 4 to 6 Facilities Twelve (12) business days Four (4) hrs 7 to 9 Facilities Thirteen (13) business days Four (4) hrs 10 to 12 Facilities Seventeen (17) business days Four (4) hrs Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 10 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P DSS 1 to 3 Facilities Twelve (12) business days Four (4) hrs Trunk Installation when ordered 4 to 6 Facilities Sixteen (16) business days Four (4) hrs with new T1 Facility 7 to 9 Facilities Twenty (20) business days Four (4) hrs (Note: The number of facilities ordered drives the due dates for both facilities and trunks. 10 to 12 Facilities Twenty four (24) business Four (4) hrs days Conversions to UNE-P DSS-Five (5) business Days Four (4) hrs As Is See intervals for type of Four (4) hrs change requested Conversion As Specified UNE-P DSS-1 to 8 Trunks Five (5) business Days Four (4) hrs Add/Change Trunks on existing facilities 9 to 16 Trunks Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs 17 to 24 Trunks Seven (7) business days Four (4) hrs Each Additional 8 One (1) business Day for each Four (4) hrs Trunks P ISDN BRI 1 to 1 0 Loops Thirteen (13) business days Twenty-four (24) w Installs, Address Changes,hrs Change to add Loop (N20)11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs UNE-P ISDN BRI 1 to 10 Loops Three (3) business days Twenty-four (24) Add or Change Feature(s), Add hrs Primary Directory Number (PDN 11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) ) to established Loop (N2Q),hrs Add Call Appearance Conversion to UNE-P ISDN 1 to 10 Loops Three (3) business days Twenty-four (24) BRI-hrs Conversion As Is 11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs Conversion to UNE-P ISDN 1 to 10 Loops Three (3) business days if a Twenty-four (24) BRI-Loop is not involved hrs Conversion As Specified (or) Thirteen (13) business days if a Loop is added or changed 11 or more Loops ICB Twenty-four (24) hrs UNE-P ISDN PRI 'New 1 to 3 Nine (9) business days Four (4) hrs Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24 2002 Page 11 Product New Facility and Associated Trunks (With this activity, the number of facilities ordered drives the due dates for both facilities and trunks. See table below. UNE-P ISDN PRI New Trunks EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Services Ordered 4 to 6 7 to 9 10 to 12 Over 12 1 to 3 Trunks 4 to 6 Trunks 7 to 9 Trunks 10 to 12 Trunks 13 or more Trunks Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B Repair Commitments Four (4) hrs business Four (4) hrs May 24, 2002 Page 12 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments Conversion to UNE-P ISDN See intervals for type of change Four (4) hrs PRI- As Specified requested Five (5) business days Four (4) hrs As Is UNE-P ISDN PRI- Add/Change 1 to 8 Five (5) business daysbusiness Four (4) hrs Trunks on Existing Facility days 9 to 16 Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs 17 to 24 Seven (7) business days Four (4) hrs Over 25 1GB Four (4) hrs UNE-P Centrex 21 -Five (5) business days Twenty-four (24) Non Designed-hrs OOS Conversions as Specified Forty-eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex 21 -(Facility check Next available due date as Twenty-four (24) Non Designed-indicates "Available indicated by Appointment hrs OOS New Installations, Address Dispatch Required"Scheduler Forty-eight (48) hrs Changes, and Change and Dispatch Note: Appointment Scheduler Requests adding new lines Yes minimum default interval is 3 (Three) business days. UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-1 to 21 Lines - No Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron Optional Features hrs OOS (Centron is MN only)Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Configuration Required 1 to 21 Lines - wi 1GB Twenty-four (24) - Establish Common Block Optional Features hrs OOS (Le., ARS, DFls,Forty-eight (48) hrs SMDR, UCD, etc. 22 or more Lines 1GB Twenty-four (24) with or without hrs OOS Optional Features Forty-eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-1 to 10 Lines Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron hrs OOS (Centron is MN only)Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Configuration Required 11 or more Lines 1GB Twenty-four (24) - Feature Additions requiring hrs OOS Common Block activity per Forty-eight (48) hrs mmon Block Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 13 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Per Common Block Five (5) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron (must be existing hrs OOS (Centron is MN only)Line Class Forty-eight (48) hrs Common Block Configuration Codes(LCCs)/ Required CAT/NCOS/DPAT) - Line Class Codes (LCCs)/ CAT/NCOS/DPAT additions/changes requiring Common Block work. If new Twenty (20) business days Twenty-four (24) LCC/CAT/NCOS or hrs OOS DPAT Forty-eight (48) hrs UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-New Common Twenty (20) business days N/A Centron Blocks & Gust ID'(after the initial Common Block (Centron is MN only)(lines installed at & associated lines are installed) Common Block Configuration the same time the Required Common Block is - Centrex Management System installed) CMS UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Tie LineslDFI/FX Thirteen (13) business days Twenty-four (24) Centron (may be longer due to facility hrs OOS entron is MN only)due date requirements)Forty-eight (48) hrs mmon Block Configuration Required - Designed Services subsequent to initial Common Block installation UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE-Additional/New Five (5) business days after line N/A Centron Station Lines to be is installed (Centron is MN only)added to CMS No Common Block Additions Five 5 business da s N/A Configuration Required Change from Non 1GB N/A - Centrex Management System Blocked to Blocked (CMS)Service Network Access Registers (NARs) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 14 Product UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE- Centron (Centron is MN only) No Common Block Configuration Required - Station Lines (subsequent to the establishment of the Common Block) Includes: Conversions New Lines Moves NOTE: On conversions numbers are "chipped" into the Common Block at the time of installation. UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE- Centron entron is MN only) 0 Common Block Configuration Required Line Feature changes/additions/ Removals UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE- Centron (Centron is MN only) No Common Block Configuration Required Designed Services subsequent to initial Common Block installation UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE- Centron (Centron is MN only) No Common Block Configuration Required Automatic Route Selection (ARS) EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Services Ordered 1 to 10 Lines per location 11 to 20 Lines per location 21 or more Lines per location 1 to 19 Lines 20 or more Lines Tie Lines/DFIIFX Subsequent to Common Block Installation Changes to Patterns: 1 to 25 changes 26 to 50 changes 51 or more chan es Adding new Patterns awest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B Installation Commitments Five (5) business days or Next available due date thereafter as indicated by Appointment Scheduler. Ten (10) business days or Next available due date thereafter as indicated by ointment Scheduler. ICB Three (3) business days ICB Thirteen (13) business days (may be longer due to facility due date requirements) Twenty (20) business days (may be longer if the activation of ARS is tied to a Private Line facili installation business days: Five (5) days Ten (10) days Twenty (20) days Twenty (20) business days Repair Commitments Twenty-four (24) hrs OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs DOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs DOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs DOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs DOS Forty-eight (48) hrs Twenty-four (24) hrs DOS Forty-eight (48) hrs May 24 , 2002 Page 15 Product UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE- Centron (Centron is MN only) No Common Block Configuration Required Uniform Call Distribution UCD UNE-P Centrex Plus UNE- Centron (Centron is MN only) No Common Block Configuration Required Additional Numbers subsequent to initial Common Block installation NOTE: Additional numbers are chipped" into the Common Block at the time of re uest. EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Services Ordered Per Request Blocks (No limit on amount of numbers. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision , Exhibit B Installation Commitments Thirteen (13) business days Five (5) business days Repair Commitments Twenty-four (24) hrs OOS Forty-eight (48) hrs N/A May 24, 2002 Page 16 EXHIBIT B SERVICE INTERVAL TABLES Enhanced Extended Loop Service Interval Table (EEL): Repair Product Services Ordered Installation Commitments Commitments Enhanced Extended Loop 1 to 8 Zone 1: Five (5) business days Four (4) hrs (EEL)-Zone 1 DSO or Voice Grade Zone 2: Six (6) business days Equivalent Four (4) hrs Zone 2 9 to 16 Zone 1: Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 1 Zone 2: Seven (7) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2 17 to 24 Zone 1 : Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs days Zone 1 Zone 2: Eight (8) business Four (4) hrs da s Zone 2 25 or more ICB Four 4 hrs Enhanced Extended Loop 1 to 8 Zone 1: Five (5) business days Four (4) hrs (EEL) -Zone 1 DS1 Zone 2: Eight (8) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2 9 to 16 Zone 1: Six (6) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 1 Zone 2: Nine (9) business days Four (4) hrs Zone 2 17 to 24 Zone 1: Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs days Zone 1 Zone 2: Ten (10) business Four (4) hrs da s Zone 2 25 or more ICB Four 4 hrs Enhanced Extended Loop 1 to 3 Circuits Zone 1 : Seven (7) business Four (4) hrs (EEL) -days Zone 1 DS3 Zone 2: Nine (9) business Four (4) hrs da s Zone 2 4 or more Circuits ICB Four 4 hrs Enhanced Extended Loop ICB Twenty-four (24) Conversions (EEL-C) -hrs OOS Private Line (PL TS)Forty-eight (48) - Conversion as is hrs AS Installation Guidelines apply where facilities/network capacity is in place. Where facilities/network capacity are not in place, intervals are handled on an Individual Case Basis (ICB). Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit B May 24, 2002 Page 17 EXHIBIT C VERTICAL SWITCH FEATURES FOR UNE-SWITCHING USOC for feature Feature Description 3BL Way Call Block 3CW Call Transfer - Trunk Side 53W Open Switch Interval Protection 69B1 X Call ForwardinQ - Busy Line 69D Call Pick-up Directed 69H Call ForwardinQ - Don t Answer 69J Call Forwarding - Busy Line 6APPK Call Hold 6MD Barge- 6SY Call WaitinQ TerminatinQ 6SZ Call Waiting Originating 9FK Secretarial Listing A6PPK Additional Primary Directory Number, Per PDN A6QPN Additional Secondary Directory Number ACS Additional Call Appearances, Per Appearance AR5 ARS Patterns Per Facility Terminating In Patterns ARS-Automatic Route Selection, Common Equip AS9 Additional Shared Call Appearance, Per Appearance AYK Class Anonymous Call Rejection B2DPK Automatic Dial BOV Executive Busy Override C4Z Call Park CLT Additional Directory Listing CMD Customer Dialed Account Recording CTP Call Transfer - All Calls CV9 Call Forwarding - Variable CXT Remote Access Service DO6 Secondary ON DOS Multiple Shared Call Appearances Of A DN DAL Foreign Listing DHA Distinctive Alert DMA Directed Call Pick-up - Per Line, Barge- DO6 Secondary Directory Number DOS Shared Directorv Number DPB Directed Call Pick-up - Per System E1N Intracall E3D Speed Call E3F Speed CallinQ - 30 Per Line Accessing List E3P Call Pick-up E3PPK Call Pick-up E62 Call Waiting Dial Originating E6D Directed Call Pick-up - Per Line, Non Barge- Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 1 EXHIBIT C VERTICAL SWITCH FEATURES FOR UNE-SWITCHING USOC for feature Feature Description E6G Call Forwardina - Busy Restricted E6GUR Call ForwardinQ - Busy Unrestricted E6N Call Waiting -lntraQroup, Per Line Equipped ESC Speed CallinQ 8# E9G Call Forwarding - Don t Answer Restricted E9GUR Call ForwardinQ - Don t Answer Unrestricted EAB Call Hold EAT Call Forwarding - Variable EBR Attendant Camp-On And Indication Of Camp- EGR Group Use Service EH6 Multiline Hunt Group - Circular Hunt EHS Multiline Hunt Group - Preferential List Hunt - First Line Equipped EH9 Multiline Hunt Group - Preferential List Hunt Additional Line - Equipped EO3 Call Transfer ERB Call Forward Busy - Cust Activate ERD Call Forward Don t Answer - Cust Activate ESC Way ESH Convenience Dialina - Shared User ESHT3 Speed CallinQ - 30 Per List ESHT6 Speed Calling - 6 Per List ESM Call Forward Variable EST Speed Calling - 6 Per Line Accessinq List ESX Call Waiting ESZ Call Waiting - Oriainatina ETD Call Diversion ETG Call Restriction ETQPB/BLF Direct Station Selection/Busy Lamp Field ETQPB/GIC Group Intercom All Calls ETQPB/MWI Message Center Bus Set EVB Call Forward Busy - ProQrammed EVBHG Call Forward Busy - Per Hunt Group EVD Call Forward Don t Answer - Proqrammed EVDHG Call Forward Don t Answer - Per Hunt Group EVF Call Forward Busy Line Don t Answer, Forward To Outside Number EVFHG Call Forward Busy Line Don t Answer, Forward To Outside Number, Per Hunt Group EVK Call Forward Busy Line Don t Answer, Overflow EVKHG Call Forward Busy Line Don t Answer, Overflow, Per Hunt Group EVO Call Forward Busy Line , Overtlow Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 2 EXHIBIT C VERTICAL SWITCH FEATURES FOR UNE-SWITCHING USOC for feature Feature Description EVOHG Call Forward Busy Line , Overflow - Per Hunt Group EV3PS Network Speed Call FAL Additional ListinQ In Another Directory FBJ Call Forward, Busy Line - Expanded FBJHG Call Forward , Busy Line - Expanded - Per Hunt Group FCU/FCY Call ForwardinQ-ProQrammable FDJ Call Forward, Don t Answer - Expanded FDJHG Call Forward, Don t Answer - Expanded - Per Hunt Group FGDPN Secondary Directory Number, Per SDN FID LNR after line usee Last Number Redial FID MSB after line USOC Make Set Busy FID NDT after line USOC Data Call Protection FID PRK after line USOC Call Park FKAPN Continuous Redial , Per PDN FKDPN Last Call Return , Per PDN FKEPN Selective Call ForwardinQ, Per PDN FKQPN Call Rejection, Per PDN FNA Alternate Call ListinQ FOQ Call ForwardinQ Without Call Completion FVJ Call ForwardinQ Busy Line/Don t Answer Interoffice FVJHG Call Forwarding Busy Line/Don t Answer Interoffice - Per Hunt Group G5BPN 25 ReverseCharQe Acceptance, Per Number GFDPN Packet Switched Data IncludinQ One X.25 Loaical Channel GSVPK 25 ThrouQhput Class NeQotiation GVJ Speed CallinQ - 1 & 2 Diqit List GVT Way GVV Speed Callinq - 1 & 2 Diqit List GVZ Speed CallinQ - 1 & 2 DiQit List GXEPN 25 Fast Select Acceptance, Per Number GXGPK 25 Flow Control Parameter Neaotiation H6U HuntinQ - UCD - Data H6UPG Huntinq - UCD - Data - Per Group HBS Last Call Return Block HCKPG Circular Huntinq - Per Group HDT HuntinQ - Circular - Data HDTPG Huntinq - Circular - Data - Per Group HLA Hot Line HSHHP Preferential Huntinq HSO Series Completion Per Each TN Hunted To HTG Huntinq Feature HX2 Call WaitinQ Terminatinq Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 3 EXHIBIT C VERTICAL SWITCH FEATURES FOR UNE-SWITCHING USOC for feature Feature Description JUL Joint User Listing KX9 Toll Restriction LBN Caller Id LlDB Listing M1W Message Waiting Indicator AudibleNisible MAZ Analog Call Appearance MGN Audible Messaae Waitina Service MJJPK Conference Calling Meet Me MO9PK Conference Calling Preset MUMHT Centrex Billing; Network Access Register Sharing Capability MV5 Visual Message Waiting Service N13 Call Transferffhree Way N2D Huntina - Sequential - Data N2DPG Hunting - Sequential - Data - Per Group N3CPB Non-Standard Configuration Group, Per Button NAE Shared Call Appearance, Per Appearance NBWPN Message Waiting Indication, Per PDN NC8PN Priority Call, Per PDN NCE Class Selective Call Forwarding NDD Caller ID Blocking-All Calls, Per PDN NDK Automatic Identified Outward Dialina NF4VC Callina Number Id Feature Package NF4VF Flexible Callina Feature Package NGQ Did Sequential Number Block NGS 20 Sequential DID Numbers NHGPG Key Short Hunt, Per Group NHGPN Key Short Hunt, Per Number NHN Each DID Number NHNRN Each DID Reserved NJEPN Call Forwardina Variable-All Calls-Voice, Per DN NJGPN Call Forwardina Busy Line-All Calls-Voice, Per DN NJKPN Call Forwarding Don t Answer-All Calls-Voice, Per DN NKM Class Callina Number Delivery Blocking NKM Caller-ID Block Per Line NLT Non-Listed Service NM1 PP Isdn Callina Name Delivery NMCPN Call Name Id, Per Number NN8PK Speed Calling (8), Per Terminal NNK CLASS Name /# NPU Non-Published Service NQ1 PN Call Exclusion, Per ON NQ2PN Call Forwarding Busy Line For Circuit-Switched Data NQMPN Call Forwarding Don t Answer For Circuit-Switched Data awes! Idaho SGA T Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 4 EXHIBIT C VERTICAL SWITCH FEATURES FOR UNE-SWITCHING USOC for feature Feature Description NRCJ1 Call Forwarding - Outside NRCJ6 Call Waiting -Intragroup, Per System NSD Caller Identification Number NSH Alternate Listing NSK Class Priority Call NSQ Class Last Call Return NSS Class Continuous Redial NSW No Solicitation Calls Directory Listing NSY Class Selective Call Rejection NTU Night Service (Trunk Answer Any Station) NU4PN Call Forwarding Variable-All Calls For Circuit Switched Data NW9AL Additional X.25 Logical Channel , Per Logical Channel NWT Flexible Calling Feature Package NXJPK Speed Calling (30), Per Terminal NZ6PK Six Way Conference, Per Terminal NZHPN Call Pick-up, Per Number NZQ Hunting - Sequential NZQPG Hunting - Sequential - Per Group NZS Hunting - Circular NZSPG Hunting - Circular - Per Group NZT Hunting - UCD NZTPG Hunting - UCD - Per Group NZVPG Intercom, Per Group OBK5X Optional Calling Plans OTQ Outgoinq Trunk Queuing PLC Code Calling PLS Advanced Private Line Termination RBVXC International Toll Block RD7PN Redirecting Number Delivery, Per Number REAGF Block Compromise Charge-Removal Of A TN From A Sequential Number Block REAGG Block Compromise Charge-Temporary Removal Of A TN From A Sequential Number Block REAGM Changing Number Of Digits Outpulsed, Per Change REAGN Chanainq Signaling, Per Change RGE Automatic Callback RGG1 Custom Ringing RGG1 Custom Ringing RGG1 Custom Ringing RGG2A Custom Rinqinq RGG2B Custom Ringing RGG2C Custom Ringing RGG3A Custom Ringing Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24 2002 Page 5 EXHIBIT C VERTICAL SWITCH FEATURES FOR UNE-SWITCHING USOC for feature Feature Description AGG3B Custom Rinqinq RGG3C Custom Rinaina RN4PP Isdn Redirectinq Name Delivery ANCEP Easy Number ANN Distinctive Call Waitinq Tone ATV1 Toll Restriction - Billed Number Screeninq ATV1 Toll Restriction - Billed Number Screeninq RTV2Q Toll Restriction - Billed Number Screenina ATV3Q Toll Restriction - Billed Number Screeninq RTV4Q Toll Restriction - Billed Number Screenina RTVXN Restriction Of 976 Calls RTVXQ Toll Restriction - Billed Number Screenina RTVXY 10xxx Direct Dialed Blockinq RTY Toll Restriction Service Individual & Key Lines SE3PG Huntinq - Series Completion - Per GrouD SE3PG Series Completion Hunt, Per Group SE3PN Huntinq - Series Completion - Per # SEA Selective Class Of Call Screenina Per Access Line SAG Selective Class Of Call Screeninq Per Line Or Trunk TW1 Talkina Call Waitina U1E Loop Extension T echnoloqy XLL Directorv line Of Information XAW,XAS 2B+D (Circuit Switched Data)* ZNBHX Zone 2 - With Huntinq; In Central (EAS) ZPTMX Isdn Call Transfer Per T-1 Facility PACKAGES UVKBX Call Waiting/Cancel, Speed Call 30, 3-Way Automatic Call Back, and Call Forward Variable UVKEX Basic Vertical Feature Package & Class Features, Call Waiting 10, Call Name & Number Delivery, Continuous Redial, Selective Call FOIwarding, Selective Call Rejection and Anonymous Call Rejection awest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit C May 24, 2002 Page 6 EXHIBIT D - SPECIAL REQUEST PROCESS The Special Request Process shall be used for the following requests: Requesting specific product feature(s) be made available by Owest that are currently available in a switch, but which are not activated. Requesting specific product feature(s) be made available by Qwest that are not currently available in a switch, but which are available from the switch vendor Requesting a combination of Unbundled Network Elements that is a combination not currently offered by Owest as a standard product and: 1 .that is made up of UNEs that are defined by the FCC or the Commission as a network element to which Qwest is obligated to provide unbundled access and; that is made up of UNEs that are ordinarily combined in the Qwest network. 1.4 Requesting an Unbundled Network Element that has been defined by the FCC or the State Commission as a network element to which Owest is obligated to provide unbundled access, but for which Owest has not created a standard product, including, but not limited to, OC-192 (and such higher bandwidths that may exist) UDIT, EEL between OC-3 and OC-192 and new varieties of subloops.2. Any request that requires an analysis of Technical Feasibility shall be treated as a Bona Fide Request (BFR), and will follow the BFR Process set forth in this Agreement. If it is determined that a request should have been submitted through the BFA process, Owest will consider the BFR time frame to have started upon receipt of the original Special Request application form.3. A Special Request shall be submitted in writing and on the appropriate Qwest form, which is located on Qwest's website.4. Owest shall acknowledge receipt of the Special Request within two (2) business days of receipt.5. Owest shall respond with an analysis, including costs and timeframes, within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the Special Request. In the case of UNE Combinations, the analysis shall include whether the requested combination is a combination of network elements that are ordinarily combined in the Owest network. If the request is for a combination of network elements that are not ordinarily combined in the Owest network, the analysis shall indicate to CLEC that it should use the BFR process if CLEC elects to pursue its request.6. Upon request, Owest shall provide CLEC with Owest's supporting cost data and/or studies for Unbundled Network Elements that CLEC wishes to order within seven (7) business days, except where Owest cannot obtain a release from its vendors within seven (7) business days, in which case Owest will make the data available as soon as Owest receives the vendor release. Such cost data shall be treated as Confidential Information, if requested by Owest under the non-disclosure sections of this Agreement. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit D May 24, 2002 Page 1 RECEIVED 200&DEC-6 PM 1:54 ilVJ-i 0 :::llE LI C UTILITIES CO;'vi1..1iSSiCH~ COMPLAINANT'S EXHIBIT 2 AT&T - Qwest Interconnectio'n Agreement T & T Response to :Iommission Order 30195 /orders/27899.0RD/27738 (3 hits) "------".--- ---.- --- ---------...----.- _._. -- _._----- -- - ~--- --" - ---. .--."u --- - - -. -.- ..--- ------- ._,-- -. - _. - -~-_._-- (Footer A: ORDER NO. 27738 - BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF THE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. PETITION FOR ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 252(b) OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 OF THE RATES , TERMS , AND CONDITIONS OF INTERCONNECTION WITH US WEST. CASE NO.USW-96- ATT-96- ORDER NO. 27738 On August 17, 1998, U S WEST Communications and AT&T Communications of the Mountain States Inc. submitted an interconnection agreement for approval by the Commission. The agreement was executed following a lengthy arbitration proceeding before the Commission, and was submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. See 47 US.C. 9252(e)(1). On August 27, 1998 , the Commission issued a Notice of Interconnection Agreement and Notice of Modified Procedure to process approval of the agreement. The Notice of Modified Procedure provided for a fourteen-day comment period, which expired on September 10, 1998. No comments were filed during the comment period. Section 252(e) provides that a state commission may reject an arbitrated agreement only if it does not meet the requirements of Section 251 (terms for resale, access to unbundled elements, collocation, etc.) or the pricing standards set forth in Section 252( d). We frnd that the agreement meets the requirements of Section 251 and the standards in Section 252( d), and therefore should be approved. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the interconnection agreement filed August 17, 1998, between US WEST and AT&T is approved. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER approving an interconnection agreement arrived at through an arbitration proceeding. Any party aggrieved by the Commission s approval of the agreement may bring an action in an appropriate federal district court to determine whether the agreement meets the requirements of 47 US.C. ~ 251 and ~ 252. In the event an action is filed in federal district court, either party may request a stay of the effect of this Order pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 324. DONE by Order ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this September 1998. day of DENNIS S. HANSEN, PRESIDENT RALPH NELSON, COMMISSIONER MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary vld/O:USW-96-15.ws6 ------- - --- - -- - -- - -- - -- - ---- ----- Filename: E:\Common\UT ORD\27899.0RD\27738 dtSearch 6.03 (6079)