HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030130Idaho Telephone Assoc.pdfGIVE , SLEY LLP LAW OFFICES 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 PO Box 2720, Boise, Idaho 83701 TELEPHONE: 208 388-1200 FACSiMILE: 208 388-1300 WEBSITE: www.givenspursiey.com Gary G. Allen Christopher J. Beeson Jessica M. Borup William C. Coie Michael C. Creamer Emiiy MacMaster Durkee Thomas E. Dvorak Roy Lewis Eiguren Timothy P. Fearnside Jeffrey C. Fereday Steven J. Hippler Karl 1. Klein Debora K. Kristensen Anne C. Kunkei Deborah E. Nelson Direct Dial: (208) 388-1219 Mail: cew!ii1givensDurslev.cDffi January 30, 2003 VIA HAND DELIVER Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 Re: Our File: Case No.: QWE-03- 1233-167 Dear Jean: Franklin G. Lee David R. Lombardi D. David Lorello, Jr. Kimberly D. Maloney John M. Marshall Kenneth R. McClure Kelly Greene McConneli Cynthia A. Melilio Christopher H. Meyer Kendall L. Miller L. Edward Milier Patrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Angeia K. Neison W. Hugh O'Riordan (/) ;.::::; f//Jj , /~~ Michael C. Off Kenneth L. Pursiey Bradiey V. Sneed Conley E. Ward Robert B. White Raymond D. Givens James A. McCiure Stephanie C. Westermeier OF COUNSEL John A. Miller, LL.M. .. TAX CONSULTANT ,,""," '" 0""0' o"Yu",,'" i, K"",kyo"y """:1 c:\ '-'-'::.),.,,"",' ii ;. :". ;:;:-; ,,1ro'"rq- )fT1 fT1 ~1("' rtl (;'):. - c:: (..)"""","... '-0 .t:""C.J ED Enclosed for filing, please find the original and seven copies of Idaho Telephone Association s Petition to Intervene in the above referenced case. I will also email you a copy for electronic filing. If you have any questions, please call me. Tina Smith Assistant to Conley E. Ward Enclosure S:\CLIENTS\1233\167\Tina to pue re ITA Petition to Intervene.DOC Conley Ward GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 (208) 388-1200 (208) 388-1300 (fax) rlt:.c.t VED ;:' If r--, J r.u ,...... !Xl i i ZUO? IA~J " ,-,/"" Ai'f 9: 44 .. "'- UTI ---, ',--:,," ,- "' Llllr.;) CUt1NlSSlON Attorneys for Idaho Telephone Association S:\MACS\CEW\ITA\Qwest 2003 Revenue sharing\petition to intervene,rtf BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF QWEST'S PROPOSAL TO USE REVENUE SHARING FUNDS TO MAKE NETWORK IMPROVEMETNS IN ITS SOUTHERN IDAHO SERVICE AREA : CASE NO.: QWE-03- : IDAHO TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION' : PETITION TO INTERVENE Idaho Telephone Association ("IT A") petitions this Commission for leave to intervene in the above entitled proceeding pursuant to Rules 72 and 73 of the Commission s Rules of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA and -073. In support of this Petition, ITA states as follows: 1. The ITA is an association of independently owned telephone companies providing local exchange service and other telecommunications services within the state ofldaho. The IT A is charged with representing its member companies' interests before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and other regulatory agencies. 2. The IT A has a direct and substantial interest in these proceedings because this Commission s decision may, directly or indirectly, affect the ITA member companies' quality or cost of telecommunications service. 3. The ITA is unable to state its position at this stage of the proceedings, and therefore seeks to intervene for the purpose of receiving documents , examining witnesses, and otherwise participating as its interest may appear. IT s PETITION TO INTERVEN E 4. The ITA's representatives for the purpose of service of pleadings and other written materials are: Conley Ward GIVENS PURSLEY, LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 (208) 388-1219 (208) 388-1300 (fax) Clay R. Sturgis MOSS ADAMS LLP 601 W. Riverside, Suite 1800 Spokane, W A 99201-0663 (509) 747-2600 (509) 624-5129 (fax) WHEREFORE, ITA respectfully requests that the Commission grant this Petition to Intervene and authorize IT A to participate in the above entitled proceedings with full rights as a fonnal party, DATED this day of January 2003. ITA'S PETITION TO INTERVENE - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 3 ()-fL ay of January 2003 , I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 - U.S. Mail - Fax By Hand Mary S. Hobson, Esq. Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958 - U.S. Mail - Fax By Hand John Souba Regulatory Affairs MGR. Qwest Corporation 999 Main Street, 11 th Floor Boise, ID 83702 ~ U.S. Mail Fax - By Hand l. fi::~ ITA's PETITION TO INTERVENE - 3