HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030320Motion for Official Notice.pdf- :;-ocr JOHN GANNON (ISB #1975) Attorney at Law 1101 West River; Suite 110 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone No.(208) 433-0629 Attorney for Intervenors Meierotto et al ~\LEfJ 17' ,.'-~ r, ,- ! ' : r 0 t::..CU\'t:.. ",.!, ...~ ,/ r, ') PI'1 4: LUUS\\",," \D t1' ""j ~' L:~!!S:C'.", , ':;\!" ",;)\uJi UI\U i it.~ ....lIl,1 v BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR PRICE DEREGULATION OF BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES CASE NO, QWE-02- MOTION FOR OFFICIAL NOTICE (IPUC Rules ofProdedure 263) COMES NOW the Interveneror Meierotto et al who hereby pursuant to Rule 263 request that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Officially Notice the following Exhibits to be introduced at the Hearing in this matter: 201. QWEST DEX Phone Book for use until December 2003, Boise Nampa Caldwell Phone Book., Because of its voluminous nature and widespread availablility this exhibit is not included herein but it is available for inspection at the Law Offices of John Gannon at the above address pursuant to Rule 267.. . 205, Census Statistics ITom the 2000 Census for the Boise MSA area, a copy of which is attached hereto, and which is located at the Bureau of the Census website, MOTION FOR OFFICIAL NOTICE OF EXHIBITS - Page -'.'," ' e x~ qwestdex.com online yellow pages QS(9 36USC220S06 PROUD PARTNER , , ~~~JiI~m~~fl~fj~M.~t;\.~ERS TOUGH . AGGRESSIVE EXPERIENCED Auto Accidents. Accidental Death. Workers' Compensation. All Serious Injuries Free Consultation You pay no attorney fee unless Attc Hablamos Espanol II 11 -/?tI'377-5200 we co ec cas or you.f;iIl I-i1~-rCf 1~8C 1841 Qwest Dex 2003 Telephone Book EXHIBIT NO. 20-1' QWE- T -02- (DI) -INTER March 19 2003 Table DP-l. Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 Geographic area: Boise City, 10 MSA (For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text) Subject Total population",.""""",.""""" SEX AND AGEMale..,...".......,............",......... Female. . . . , , . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Under 5 years ......".......,..,.....,...... 5t09years...,.,...,.....".,..............10t014years,.......,......................15t019years........,..".,..,............,20t024years........"."................., 25 to 34 years. . .. .. , .. . . . .. . ' . .. .. ' .. .. . .. .. 35t044years,..,.,..,......".....,.....". 45 to 54 years. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . , . .. .. , .. .. , . . .. 55 to 59 years,....,............,.,........,. 60 to 64 years.. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . ' . .. . . .. , .. 65t074years..."..,.....,....,............75t084years,.,.,..,.....,.............,..,85yearsandover",.....,.,.,.,......"...., Medianage(years),......,..,..............,. 18yearsandover,...."."..,.,...,....",..Male.,.,."..,......,..,.,.......".. ...,. Female. . , , . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 21 years and over.. .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 62yearsandover,......,......,.........,..,65yearsandover,...,.......,..,..........., Male,......... .,...... ,... .... ....... .,.., Female., ..,. . .. . . , .. .. ,.. .. .. .. .,.. .. .. ,.. RACE One race".".,...,....,.,...,.,....,.,...., White.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . , .. , , .. . .. .. .. . . . .. BlackorAfricanAmerican.......,.,...,...., American Indian and Alaska Native. . . . . . . . . . , Asian..,.,...".....,..................,. Asianlndian.,...,..,......,.....,..,..,.Chinese....,.......,.."..,.. .........., Filipino.............,......,.......,..,. .Japanese..,...,....,.,...,....."..",..Korean,................."...".........VIetnamese...,..........,....,.......... Other Asian .".."......,.,.....,..,... Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. , .. NativeHawaiian,.,..... :...,.".,."..... Guamanian orChamorro...." ....."..... Samoan.,....".,....".."..........,.. OtherPacificlslander ,.....,...,...,.... Some other race.......,..,.........".....Twoormoreraces....,."..."...,...,..,.,. Race alone or in combination with one or more other races: 3 White ..,.........., ,...,.." ,., ,." ,...,..,. BlackorAfricanAmerican.......,."".."..,. American Indian and Alaska Native, . , . . , , . . . . . . Asian.....,..........................,..... Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, . . .. , Some other race.....,.,....,.,..,.".."..,. 432,345 Number Percent 216 192 216 153 028 34,443 33,227 32,827 32,181 66,845 260 234 295 243 20,983 15,366 5,413 32. 309,612 153 314 156 298 290 435 302 762 369 393 422 145 388 652 363 205 279 847 147 688 054 588 998 957 624 166 151 210 022 200 398 088 594 319 871 302 016 Subject 100,0 HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE Total population, ;"",.""""""""" Hispanic or Latino (of any race)......"......,. 50.Mexican,.........,.,...,.........,...,.... 50.PuertoRican,....,.............,.........., 81 'Cuban..,.,...,.....",....,..,..."...... Other Hispanic or Latino ..........,..,...... 7 Not Hispanic or Latino.........,..........,.., 7:6 Whitealone.."..,........,...,...,........ 7.4 RELATIONSHIP 15.Total population.." .. .. , .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. ,.15.8 Inhouseholds..........",.,..,....,.....,... 13.Householder.,......."..,.,.......,.....,.Spouse.,..,........"..................,. Child, .. .. . .. .. . , .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. Ownchildunder18years,...,..,.,...,..Otherrelatives..,.........."..,...........Under18years.....,.,."....,.,..".,.(X) Nonrelatives.,.,..,..,.....".....,.,.,.,.. Unmarried partner....,.......,.,....,...71.6 In group quarters.. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . . 35.Institutionalized population...,...,...,....... 36,Noninstitutionalized population. , . , . . , . . . . . , . . 67.2 11.4 HOUSEHOLD BY TYPE Total households"""""""""""",Familyhouseholds(families)...,...........,.,. With own children under 18 years. . . . . . . . , . Married-couplefamily.,...,................. With own children under 18 years. , . . . , , . . . 97.Female householder, no husband present. . ' . . 89.With own children under 18 years.. . .. . . .. . 5 Nonfamilyhouseholds .......,..,.......,..... Householderlivingalone,..............,.... Householder 65 years and over,........... 3 Households with individuals under 18 years. . . . . 2 Households with individuals 65 years and over. . 1 Averagehouseholdsize.,....,................2 Averagetamilysize,..",........,.,..,....... HOUSING OCCUPANCY Total housing units""""""""""." - Occupiedhousingunits........"....,....,.,. - Vacanthousingunits...,..,..,.....,...,.,.... For seasonal, recreational, oroccasionaluse,...............,.,.......,. 2.4 Homeowner vacancy rate (percent). , . , ,. . , .. ' , .Rentalvacancyrate(percent).,........"...,.. 92 1 HOUSING TENUR~ , 0:8 Occuple~housm~umt ~"..""""""" 5 Owner-occupied hous~ng Unlts , . . . , . , . ' . ' , . . . . . 1 Renter-occupied housing Units. . ' . ' . , , . , , . , . . . . 3 Average household size of owner-occupied units. 8 Average household size of renter-occupied units. Number Percent 432 345 922 28,638 593 168 523 394,423 374 997 432 345 422 287 158,426 840 134 887 114 294 649 690 23,485 457 058 611 3,447 158 426 111 315 970 840 45,038 15,153 079 111 856 11,422 694 836 166,481 158,426 055 158,426 113 140 286 2.44 100, 91. 86. 100, 97. 36. 20. 31. 26.4 5.4 100, 70. 37. 56, 28.4 6.4 29, 22. 39. 18. (X) (X) 100, 95. 734 0.4 (X) (X) 100, 71.4 28. (X) (X) - Represents zero or rounds to zero, (X) Not applicable. , Other Asian alone, or two or more Asian categories.2 Other Pacific Islander alone, or two or more Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander categories.3 In combination with one or more of the other races listed. The six numbers may add to more than the total population and the six percentages may add to more than 100 percent because individuals may report more than one race, Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, s. Census Bureau Census Data EXHIBIT NO. 205 Page 1 of 4 QWE- T -02- (DI) - INTER March 19, 2003 Table DP-2. Profile of Selected Social Characteristics: 2000 Geographic area: Boise City, 10 MSA (Data based on a sample, For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text) Subject Number Percent Subject Number Percent SCHOOL ENROLLMENT NATIVITY AND PLACE OF BIRTH Population 3 years and over Totalpopulation""",."""""""""432 345 100,enrolledinschool.""""""""",117,290 100,Native."..,..,...........,..,.,.....".,.,..408,121 94.4 Nursery school, preschool............ .,......, 959 BominUnitedStates......,."..,........,.403,978 93.4Kindergarten.,.....,..."......,.,.,....."..650 State of residence..,.,....,..."......... 195,076 45, Elementary school (grades 1-8) . . . , . . . . , . . , . . . .227 46,Differentstate......",."..,..."........208 902 48. High school (grades 9-12).. .... ... . ..,.. . ..,.. 954 22,BomoutsideUnitedStates,...,..,..",..,.,143 College or graduate school,...........,.,..."500 20.Foreignborn.,..,..."....,..........,..".,.224 Entered 1990 to March 2000 ....,......,.. 135 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Naturalizedcitizen,...,.....,......."...."438 Population 25 years and over, , , , , , , , , , 265 281 100,Notacitizen,......,.....,."",..,..,..,..786Lessthan9thgrade,."".,...,...".....".,12,207 9tht012thgrade nodiploma...,...,.....,....23,541 REGION OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN BORN High school graduate (includes equivalency), . . . .774 25.Total (excluding born at sea). ~ , , , , , , , , " , , 224 100, Some college, no degree.,..........."..,..,. 74,422 28,Europe...,..,......,...,."...,.."."...."584 23. Associatedegree.,....,.,.."......,...,.,.,.102 Asia....,... . ....,.,.,.,."......,..,.....,. 251 17. Bachelor sdegree.,.....,."...,...""....,.866 18.Africa.,...,...,...,."......",.,.........,.313 Graduate or professional degree. . , , . , . . , , . . . .. 369 Oceania,.,........".."......,."."..,....142LatinAmerica.,.,..,...,........,.",.,...,..646 52. Percent high school graduate or higher. . . . . . , ., 86.(X)NorthernAmerica,.......,..,.,."."",..,..,288 Percent bachelor's degree or higher, , , , . . , . . , .. 26.(X)LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME MARITAL STATUS Population 5 years and over, .. .. , , . , , , , , , 397,421 100, Population 15 years and over."".""330,064 100,Englishonly...,........,.....".,..........354 567 89. Never married .."...,.,.",.,...... ".,..... 193 23.Language other than English .........,...,.... 854 10. Now married, except separated. . . . . . . . , . , . . . ., 194 521 58.Speak English less than "very well" . . . . . , . .084 Separated",...,..,..,..,.,.,..,..,...,....,117 Spanish...,......,..,..,.,..,...,.."...,.934 Widowed..,.,...,.."....,.",...".,...,...520 Speak English less than "very well" . . . . , . ..664 Female. , . . . . . , , . . , , . , . . . . . . , . . . . , . , . . . . . 839 Other Indo-European languages ............. 357 Divorced.......,..........,....,...".,.,.,.713 11,Speak English less than "very well" . . . . . . ,.012 Female, . , . . . , , . . . . , , , , . . , , . . . , . . . . , . . . . , . , 971 Asian and Pacific Island languages, . . , . . . . . ., 271 Speak English less than "very well" . . . . , . .,031 GRANDPARENTS AS CAREGIVERS ANCESTRY (single or multiple)Grandparent living in household with one or more own grandchildren under Total population"""""""",.""""432 345 100, 18years",.""....".."""""",756 100,Total ancestries reported,....",...,.,..".458 168 106. Grandparent responsible for grandchildren 359 41,Arab...........,........"..,....,..,.,.....743 . .. .., Czech' .. .. .. . .". . . .. . . .. ,.".,. . .' .". . .. ,. 045 VETERAN STATUS Danish, . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . , , . , , . . , , . , , . . . . . . .. 661 Civilian population 18 years and over"308 821 100,Dutch.......,...".,.,....".....",.,...,..10,810 Civilian veterans 991 13.English......,...............................69,180 16. ....,. ..".,.,.,.,.,..,.,. .,. French(exceptBasque)' ,.,.,....,...""..... 602 DISABILITY STATUS OF THE CIVILIAN FrenchCanadian .......,...,........".,..,. 721 NONINSTITUTIONALIZED POPULATION German.....",...,...".......,.."........406 19. Population 5 to 20 years"".."".""105,485 100,Greek............."....,.......,.....,..".190 With a disability .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . ... 153 Hungarian...........,...,....,.,.,.,.....,..931 Irish' .................".....,........"..". 804 11.Population 21 to 64 years, , , , , , , . , , . , , , 244 420 100,Italian....................,....,........,..,.304 With a disability..............................219 15.Lithuanian.,.."..,................,....,.,..538Percent employed.,.. .'...,....,.,...,.,..., 63.(X)Norwegian,...,.....,.,..,....,.".....,..,..058Nodisability.".,..,......,...............,..207 201 84.Polish...,........,.........,...,........,...296Percent employed...,.,......,.."......... 82.(X)Portuguese..,.."...,....,.......,..".....,253 Population 65 years and over, , , , , , , , " 824 100,Russian................."..,....,....."...147Withadisability.,......,........,.....,.,.."029 42.Scotch-Irish...,...,......,......".,...,..,..508 Scottish. . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 660 3.4 RESIDENCE IN 1995 Slovak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , , . . , . . . , . . , . . , . ., 303 Population 5 years and over, , , , , , , , , , , 397 421 100.SubsaharanAfrican........ .."...............333Samehousein1995..,.....,.......,.,.,...,.175,643 44.Swedish...........,.,..,.".,......."..,...236 Different house in the U.S. in 1995. . . ." .,. .. . . 213 733 53.Swiss...,.,... .... .,... ,.,. ..,.. ",. ,... .,.., 399 Same county .".,.... .......... ..., ..,.... 114 252 28.Ukrainian...,.....,...".,.,......,."......,863Differentcounty.........,...,...."...,...,481 25.United States orAmerican.,.... ,..... ,..,..... 276Samestate......,.,.........,...........494 Welsh..,...... ,.. .,.... .".. .,....... ,.,.... 277Differentstate,.,......,....,........"...987 16.West Indian (excluding Hispanic groups) . . . . . . .. 235 Elsewhere in 1995,.,."..",...,........,.,..045 Other ancestries ..........., .... ....,....,.., 389 22. Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable. The data represent a combination of two ancestries shown separately in Summary File 3, Czech includes Czechoslovakia tian. French Canadian includes Acadian/Cajun. Irish includes Celtic. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000, Census Data EXHIBIT '1\.TO 2Q5 Page 2 0 QWE-02- (DI) - INTER March 19 , 2003 Table DP-3. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2000 Geographic area: Boise City, 10 MSA (Data based on a sample, For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text) Subject EMPLOYMENT STATUS Population 16 years and over""""""Inlaborforce.,..,..,...,.........."....".. Civilian labor force,....".,....,..".,."... Employed ",.....,.,.,.,..,..,.....,.... Unemployed. ,......."....,.",......,., Percent of civilian labor force. , . . , . , . . . . . ArmedForces....,..,..,..,....,.,.,....,..Notinlaborforce......,...",.,..,....,..",. Females 16 years and over""......"., In labor force,.....,.".,..,...,.,.,.,..,..., Civilianlaborforce,..,..,..,......,....",., Employed ...,.........,...,..".""..., Own children under 6 years""""""" All parents in family in labor force. , . . , , , . . . , . . . COMMUTING TO WORK Workers 16 years and over, , . , .. .. . , , , , , Car, truck, or van - - drove alone. . , . . . . , , . , . , . , Car, truck, or van -- carpooled,. .,.".,.,.,..,. Public transportation (including taxicab) . , . , . , , , . Walked. . . , . , . , . . , . , . , , . , , , . , , , . , . . , , , . . . . . . . Othermeans,..,......."...,...,..,.,.".,., Worked at home .,........,.,....,...,..,.,., Mean travel time to work (minutes)' .. "".",., Employed civilian population 16 years and over" "" """....",., OCCUPATION Management, professional, and related occupations ..."........,....,.,.,.,..,.,., Service occupations .,..,..."....."...,..", Sales and office occupations ....,.....,.,.,.,. Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations. . , . . , Construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations ., ....,.".....,.,.....,....,.,. Production, transportation, and material moving occupations ....."..,."..,.........,.,..., INDUSTRY Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting,andmining.......,......,...,..,......,.",Construction........,...."......,.,...,..".Manufacturing,........,..............,..,..., Wholesale trade..,.".................,..,."Retailtrade...,......,.........."..,....,... Transportation and warehousing, and utilities. . . ,Information.....,...,........,.,.."......... Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . , . , Professional, scientific, management, adminis- trative, and waste management services. , . . , , , Educational, health and social services. , . , . , . , . Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodationandfoodservices,...,....,...,.",......", Other services (except public administration) .", Public administration..".......,..,.,...,..,.. CLASS OF WORKER Private wage and salary workers. , , . . , , . . . . . , . , Govemmentworkers"......,............,.." Self-employed workers in own not incorporatedbusiness.........,...,.........,...,...,.,. Unpaid family workers ...,.....,...........,.. Number Percent 323,261 227,480 226,388 216 268 10,120 092 781 163 136 103,462 103 257 759 264 23,601 214,649 171 398 24,423 1,462 694 793 879 20. 216 268 387 275 229 2,424 600 353 4,489 698 33,899 838 857 644 075 13,841 729 38,051 998 647 502 168,392 971 310 595 Subject INCOME IN 1999 100,Households".."".""""..",...",. 70.4 Lessthan$10,000...,.,...,...,........,..... 70,0 $10 OOOto $14 999".,.........."..,......., 66,9 $15,000 to $24 999. . . .. . .. , .. , .. , . .. . .. . .. , .. 1 $25,000to$34 999.,..,..,...,.,.,.,..,...." (X) $35 000to$49,999.,...""."."..,.""..,. 3 $50 000 to $74 999.. .. .. .. , .. . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 29.6 $75,OOOto$99 999,..,."."...".,..,."".. 1000 $100 000to$149 999.....,.,.".."...".,... 4 $150 000to$199 999.."....."..........,." 3 $200 0000rmore..,."......,..,.,.,...,.,.. 60:5 Median household income (dollars), . , . , . . , . . . . , 100.0 Witheamings..,....,..".,..,.,.",....,.,.. 58,6 Meanearnings(dollars)' ...",....,..,."." With Social Security income.,.,...."..,...... Mean Social Security income (dollars)' ....,.. 100.0 With Supplemental Security Income.,. . .. . ." 79.Mean Supplemental Security Income11.4 (dollars)' ...,."...,..,.",.,...,..,."... 7 With public assistance income"."...".".,., Mean public assistance income (dollars)' ".,. 8 With retirement income ...........,....,.,.,.. Mean retirement income (dollars)' ."....,.." (X)Families, , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Lessthan$10 000.".."....,..,.,..,...,.." 100,0 $10 OOOto$14 999,..,....,.,..,...,..,..,." $15 OOOto$24 999,..,...,..",.,.."........ $25 OOOto$34 999..,.,.....,...,.,."..,.... 34.9 $35,000 to $49 999.. .. .. .. , .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . 14,5 $50,000 to $74 999.. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . , 26,9 $75 OOOto$99 999...,......"",..,.,....... 1 $100 000 to $149 999. .. .. . .. .. , .. . .. , .. , .. .. . $150 000to$199,999,......,......,."....,.. 10.0 $200 0000rmore."......,.,.",....,..,.". Median family income (dollars).. ".. .,. ". "." 12, Per capita income (dollars)' ...".,........"., Median earnings (dollars): Male full-time, year-round workers. . . .,. .,. .,. ., 1 Female full-time, year-round workers. , . . . , . . , . . 15. 12.Subject POVERTY STATUS IN 1999Families""."""""."""""""" With related children under 18 years. . . , . , . . , . . . With related children under 5 years, . . . , . . , . , , 17, Families with female householder, no husband present."",....""",..,.., 5 With related children under 18 years,. ,. .. . , . .,. With related children under 5 years. .. , ." .,. . Individuals""""".""""""""", 77.918yearsandover........,..,.....,......,.., 14,65yearsandover....,..."..,.......,..... Related children under 18 years. . . . , , . . . . . . . . , Related children 5 to 17 years.. .. . . . .. .. . . .. Unrelated individuals 15 years and over. . . " . . . . Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable. If the denominator of a mean value or per capita value is less than 30, then that value is calculated using a roundedllg! See text. Source: U.S, Bureau of the Census, Census 2000. s. Census Bureau Number Percent 158,642 398 659 797 120 734 33,497 573 10,496 624 744 42,570 135 397 755 171 387 766 936 857 879 21,958 673 112,389 260 673 12,456 641 123 27,169 241 160 310 356 49,262 280 35,397 283 100, 13. 13. 18. 21. 10. (X) 85. (X) 20, (X) (X) (X) 13. (X) 100, 11, 13. 19. 24, 12. (X) (X) (X) (X) Number Percentbelow belowpoverty povertylevel level 205 934 254 12. 155 023 1,480 21, 28, 41. 909 9,114 8.954 7.4133 11,558 10. i 2,63. .::~ Census Data EXHIBIT NO. 205 Page 3 of 4 QWE-02-25 (DI) - INTER! March 19, 2003 Table DP-4. Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics: 2000 Geographic area: Boise City, 10 MSA (Data based on a sample, For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see text) Subject Total housing units, , , .. , .. , .. . .. .. ... , UNITS IN STRUCTURE 1-unit detached.,...,.....,..."",..,.,..". 1-unit atlached "'...............,.",."..,. 2 units. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . 30r4units..,......,..,.............,."....5t09units."....,....,...,...,..,.".,...,. 1 0 to 19 units.. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . 20 or more units ...........".."..,."."... Mobilehome,..,.".,....,.....,.......,.,.,. Boat van etc........",.........,...... YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT 1999 to March 2000 . . . .. , . . .. . , .. .. . .. . . .. .. . 1995 to 1998 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . , .. . .. . .. . .. . 1990 to 1994 .. .. .. . .. .. , .. . . , .. .. . . .. . , .. .. . 1980 to 1989 . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . , .. . .. . .. . .. . 1970 to 1979 .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . , .. .. .. . .. .. . 1960 to 1969 .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . , .. . .. . .. . .. . 1940 to 1959 ...... . .. . .. ... . ... .... ... . .. .. 19390rearlier,..,.......,..."..,.",...,... ROOMS 1 room..............,...,....,....,.,.,.....2rooms"..".",.,....,.,.".......,.,...,.3rooms,.,...,.".,....,....,.,...",.,..".4rooms,.,....."..,.",...,.,....,.,.,...,. 5 rooms.. , .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. , . .. .. .. .. . .. , .. .. .6rooms..,.,..",...."..,.."....,.,."..,.7rooms.."...."."."..,."......"..,..,.8rooms..,.,..........",..."....."...,...90rmorerooms.,."...,.....,.,.".,.......Median(rooms)",....,.",....,..,..,..,.". Occupied housing units """"""'" YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT 1999 to March 2000 .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. , .. . . .. . 1995 to 1998 . . .. . , .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . 1990 to 1994 . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . 1980 to 1989 .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . 1970 to 1979 . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. .19690rearlier,......."......,......,....... VEHICLES AVAILABLENone.,..,.."..."...,.,...........,...... 1 ., . , . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 2...,......,.....,.,.....""......,...,." 30rmore,..,.....,...,....,........,....... HOUSE HEATING FUEL Utility gas """"""""""""""""'" Botlled tank,orLPgas.,.,....,.... :.,....... Electricity,.......,.,...,.,.....,..".....,... Fueloil kerosene etc........."..,...,.."., Coal or coke...............,.,.,.,....,......Wood..............,.......... .., .... ....... Solar energy....,..........,.,..,......,..... Other fuel.,.....,.....,.......,....,........Nofuelused....,...,........,..,....,....... SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS Lacking complete plumbing facilities. . . . . . . , . . . , Lacking complete kitchen facilities, , . . . . . . . . . . . . Notelephoneservice......................,.. Represents zero or rounds to zero. (X) Not applicable, Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000. Number Percent 166,481 118 022 6,417 957 251 4,483 243 068 13,627 413 381 321 503 221 700 799 217 339 763 555 847 24,404 473 675 698 877 189 158 426 562 584 537 229 575 939 7,402 134 387 503 286 208 858 140 155 609 795 343 628 080 973 Subject 100,0 OCCUPANTS PER ROOM Occupied housing units ,."""""", 70.91.000rless...,...",.,....,.............,." 9 1.01 to 1.50 . . . .. . .. , .. . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .01.510rmore,.....,.",.......,.......,...... 4.4 Specified owner-occupied units, , , , , , , , VALUE Lessthan$50 OOO..",...,......,.,.......... $50 000to$99 999,..",...,..."."..,....., $100 000to$149 999...,.,.,..".........,.., $150 000 to $199 999...,..........,........., $200,000to$299 999..,....,..".".......... 0 $300,000to$499 999..,..,.,.".."....,.,.., 15.8 $500 000 to $999 999. .. .......... ..,.. ... ... . 12.9 $1 000 0000rmore.".."....".,...,..,..... 12.7 Median(dollars).,.,....,...,.,...,..,..,..... 24.4 13. 7.4 MORTGAGE STATUS AND SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS With a mortgage """"""""".""""" Less than $300 ..,..,..".,...,...,.,.... $300 to $499 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. , .. $500to$699............................ $700 to $999 . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , 3 $1 000 to $1,499..,...................... 14,7 $1 500to$1 999.",..",...,.."."...., 20.7 $2 000 or more ....,...',."......"..... 19,Median(dollars),.....,.,."........,..... 13.0 Notmortgaged..,.".,.....",.,.............Median(dollars),.,...,."."..,.....,.... (X)SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD 100,INCOME IN 1999 Less than 15.0percent..,.,.,..,....,.......,. 25,0 15.0t019,9percent,.,..,....,.",.",.,..." 33.820.0t024,9percent..,...."...........,..... 17,425,Ot029,9percent..",.,......,......,..... 12,30,Ot034,9percent..",.",...,...........,. 3 35,0 percent or more ....,.,..,....,.......... 4.4 Notcomputed..,.......,....".,.......,.".. Specified renter-occupied units, , , , , , , , 7 GROSS RENT 29.1 Lessthan$200.,...,..,.......,.........,... 43,2 $200 to $299 ....",..................,...,.. 23.0 $300 to $499 . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . , .. . $500to$749......,.......,.....,.,.........$750to$999.,..."..........,...,..,..,.... 62.0 $1 000to$1,499......,...,...."...,........ 0 $1 500 or more ,......,.",....,..........,., 29.6 Nocashrenl..,.....,...".".,.......,......2 Median(dollars),..,.,...,......,........"... 3 GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF - HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN 1999 5 Less than 15.0percent...,..,..,...,....,..... 215,Ot019.9percent.,.,......,............... 20.0t024.9percent.,.,..."....,...,.....,.. 25.0t029.9percent......,.,..........,.,.... 0.4 30.0t034.9percent......,.,......,.....,.... 735.0percentormore,......".........,."...2 Notcomputed........,.....,.......,........, Number Percent 158 426 151 155 569 702 94,450 1,473 015 36,710 13,687 694 965 768 138 117 800 931 350 993 587 019 664 917 401 954 519 245 358 663 14,492 366 840 339 392 856 599 842 927 19,489 901 727 626 745 593 197 808 560 908 3,486 575 322 100, 95.4 100, 1.13 31, 38, 14. (X) 8004 0.4 11. 29, 25. (X) 19. (X) 33. 19. 15. 11. 14. 0.4 100, 22. 43.4 17, 1.4 (X) 16. 15. 14. 10. 30. Census Data EXHIBIT NO. 205 Page 4 of 4 QWE- T -02- (DI) - INTER March 19, 2003