HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150428ReApplication.pdfiCommLaw 1547 Palos Verdes, #298 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 (415) 699-7885 phone anita@icommlaw.com :.;i" t-. .. ?''i 'q qID r-,t.t.'.t r.t tr (- ! l ,. 1 ilii 2: 55 April24,2015 Via USPS Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street Boise,ID 83702 Rc L-T-t{-D 1 Re: &Application of RCLEC. Inc. for a Registration/Certification as a Wholesale Provider of Telecommunications Services. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing are an original and three (3) copies of the above referenced application. Please contact me at the above contact information if you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely, lsl AnitaTaff-Rice Counsel for RCLEC, Inc. Enclosures BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Application of RCLEC,INC. for a Re gistration/C ertifi cation as a Wholesale Provider ofTelecommunications Services Case No. RCL-T- I 5 -0 I APPLICATION RCLEC, Inc. ("RCLEC" or "Applicant"), by its undersigned counsel and pursuant to Order No.32277 issued in Case No. GNR-T-I1-01, IDAPA and Title 62 of the Idaho Code, hereby applies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") for a Registration/Certification as a wholesale provider of telecommunications service in the State of Idaho. In support ofthis Application, RCLEC hereby provides the following information: I. Name, Address andForm ofBusiness (IDAPA31.0f .0f .114.01) Applicant's legal name is RCLEC, Inc. Applicant does not maintain a place of business in Idaho but may be reached at its principal place ofbusiness: RCLEC, Inc. 20 Davis Drive Belmont, CA 94002 650-472-4100 (tel) 650-472-4100 (fax) www.rclec.com RCLEC is a Delaware corporation. Copies of Applicant's formation documents are attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Applicant's Certificate of Authority to transact business as a foreigu corporation inldaho is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Applicant's registered agent in Idaho is: Incorp Services, [nc. 1524 Vista Avenue, Suite 12 Boise,ID 83705 Theprincipal officers and directors ofApplicant are as follows: John Marlow, CEO 650-472-4071 650-472-4100 iohnm@rclec.com Mitesh Dhruv, CFO mitesh.dhruv@rclec.com Bruce Johnson, Secretary bruce j ohnson@rclec. com Jeff Slater, Sr. Director - Voice Gateways i eff. slater@rc lec.com If a corporation, the names and addresses of the ten common stockholders of applicant owning the greatest number of shares of common stock and the number of such shares owned by each, as follows: RCLEC, Inc. is owned by the parent company: RingCentral,Inc. RingCentral,Inc. owns 100% of the shares of the Company RingCentral, Inc. can be contacted at Applicant's address. II. Contacts for Application All correspondence and communications regarding this Application should be directed to: Anita TaflRice Counsel for RCLEC, Inc. iComml-aw 1547 Palos Verdes, #298 Walnut Creek, CA94597 415-699-7885 (tel) 925-214-0988 (fa.x) anita@icommlaw.com ilI. Tariffand Customer Contacts (IDAPA RCLEC's toll-free number for all informal customer complaints is: RCLEC, Inc. 20 Davis Drive Belmont, CA94002 Toll Free: 877-888-3156 The contact for resolution of customer complaints with the Commission is: Jeff Slater, Sr. Director - Voice Gateways RCLEC,Inc. 20 Davis Drive Belmont, CA94002 Telephone : 650-931-6664 Facsimile: 650-620-l 153 Email: jeff.slater@rclec.com Mr. Slater is also responsible for responding to Commission inquiries concerning rates and price lists or tariffs. Upon registration, general questions from the Commission regarding Applicant should be directed to: Jeff Slater, Sr. Director - Voice Gateways RCLEC, Inc. 20 Davis Drive Belmont, CA94002 Telephone: 650-931-6664 Facsimile: 650-620-l 153 Email: ieff.slater@rclec.com ry.Description of Proposed Services The Applicant will be providing facilities-based/UNE local exchange and interexchange services and resold local exchange and interexchange services on a wholesale basis to other providers utilizing the facilities of incumbent local exchange carriers or other competitive facilities-based carriers. The underlying carriers will provide technical capability, as well as maintenance. The Applicant has no plans to build outside plant or loop distribution equipment at the current time. Interconnection Agreements (IDAPA 14.06) RCLEC, Inc. has not yet initiated interconnection negotiations, but intends to do so as necessa.ry and upon being granted authority by the Commission. Once RCLEC, Inc has conducted negotiations and reached agreements by negotiation or arbitration, copies of the interconnection agreements will be filed with the Commission for its approval. Compliance with Commission Rules (IDAPA 3f. Attached hereto is a sworn verification executed by Applicant stating that the Applicant agrees to comply with all Idaho laws and Commission rules and regulations. VII. Conservation of Telephone Numbers Attached hereto is a sworn verification acknowledging that to the extent RCLEC, Inc. has telephone number resources in Idaho, RCLEC, Inc. shall be subject to numbering conservation measures including mandatory one thousand (1,000) block pooling. RCLEC, Inc. will evaluate their numbering resources and donate to the numbering resource pool unused one thousand (1,000) number blocks and one thousand (1,000) number blocks that have fewer than ten percent (I0%) of telephone numbers v. vI. assigned. Applicable carriers shall also file the necessary utilization reports with the number administrator and semi-annually report their number resource utilization reports with the number administrator and semi-annually report their number resource fiilizationlforecast (NRUF) dataat the one thousand (1,000) block level for each rate center within their service territory. V[I. Conclusion WHEREFORE, RCLEC, [nc. respectfully requests that pursuant to Order No. 32277 issued in Case No. GNR-T-I1-01, IDAPA and Title 62 of the ldaho Code, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission issue RCLEC, Inc. a Registration/Certification as a wholesale provider of telecommunications service in the State of Idaho. Respectfully submitted, lslAnita Taff-Rice Counsel for RCLEC, Inc. iComml-aw 1547 Palos Verdes, #298 Walnut Creek, CA94597 4rs-699-7885 (tel) 92s-274-0988 (fax) anita@icommlaw.com Dated: April24,2015 APPLICATION OF RCLEC, INC. FOR A REGISTRATION/CERTIFICATION AS A WHOLESALE PROVIDER OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES EXIBIT A B DESCRIPTION Articles of Organization Certificate of Authority Issued by Secretary of State Organizational Chart the Idaho ot/co/(.at4 La'.f.(I rom: LtqE !;r. I,cgf lr.r l l ntruaull .gt€te of BelarrpSeorEtary of .gtaDeDtrrrsraD of @zzprafllons t#ffit,l*i%frri'lfr{&t' CER3IFICATE Oj. INCORpORATION$I, 124088467 - 510174s EII,E otr RCLECT Inc. FIRST: The narne ofthe oorporation is RCLEC,Inc. SECOND: The ad&ess of the initial registered office of the oorporation in the Sure of Delaware is One Commeroe Center, I20l Orange St. #60O WilmingtorU DE 19899, and thc name of thc initial rogistared agont thorein and in chmgo thereof, upon whom proaess againstthe corporation may be served is Incorp Services, Inc. TIIIRD: Thc ndure of the business or puqpo$cs to be oonducted or promoted is to engage in any lantrrl act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the Oeneral Cmpration Law of Delawtre. FOURTH: The total number of shares the corporation shall have authority to issue is one thousand (1,000) shares each with aparvalue of One Cent ($.0001) each, tr'IFTH: The corporation slnll have pe.qpetual existence. $IXTHI No dircctrr shall be personally liable to the corporation or any of its stockfiolders for rnonetsry damages for brearh of fiduciary duty m a director, orcqlt for liability (i) for any breach of the director's duty of toyalty to the corpordion or its stockholders, (ii) for ac* tr ornissions not in good faith or which involrrc intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iii) pursuant !o Scction 174 of &e Delaware General Corporarion Law or (iv) for any transa$ion from which the direstor derived an improper personal benefit" Any repeal or modification of this Artlcle Sixth by tho stockilolders of the corporation shall not adversely affect any right or protection of a dirsctor of the corporation exisdng al the time of such repeal or modification with respect to aots or omissions occrrdng prior to such repeal or modification. SEYENTHI The Corporation shall have rlte right to indemnify any and all directors and oflicers to the fullest oxtent permitted by the Delawre General Corrporation Law. EIGHTIII The narne and mailing address of the incorporator is lance J,M. Steinhart, is Lance J.M. St€inhart, P.C., 1725 Yrrindward Concoursq Suite 150, Alpbasett4 Georgia, 3000s. Otla.U/G?JtC- Ll,>a.a tIOltr. WLI bItILBu .f*.r..ereer.-- -:": !-r:l- '$uY- I, being the eolo inco'rporator heteinbefq€ named, bereby sign tbis certificate for the prxpo$e of forming a corporatim pursuast to &e General Delaware this I9e day of Janury, 2OlZ. Law of the State of Lance Solel Steinhart, Defaware PACE 7 'Ifie first State I , 'IE?EREY n. BULLOCX, SgCREfanY OE STATE OF TEE SfAm OP DBITAffARB, N EBREBT CARfZff "RCLEC, MC- " IS DWt INCORPORAIB,D OilDER Tf,E IJANS OF '!TM STArg O? DEIJf,'IARE AtrD IS IN @OD SITATDIIVG EITTD EIS' A IIBGAI' CORPORATE EXISITBtriICE SO ENA AS TEE RECORDS OE rf,Is oEPrcE sBon, As oE rm lvENw-EIemE DAt oF iIrINE2 A.D- 2072. EIITD T N EBREBY FtTRTggA CERTTrr TEAT TM TNAI{CEISB T,.JIBS f,AW NOT BES,N ESSESSTD TO DAIB. .elrrD r Do mnEBY rt RrEE8 cERTInt TEAr rAE SAID rRCI/g,C, rNC. " mS flVCORPORA!|EED ON tEE IIiIEJaITf-SIJCTE DiAY O? .XANIARY, A.D. 2072. 5707745 8300 720787480 ,efr'ey W. BuToclG S.c'rt ry of StrEolY: 9676807 DATE: 06-28-72 tou uY ttttfv ihr, Gx,E'CLlrcata onJ,,,aaac coxfi . b lariazo. Epv/autter,t. rDtr., RCLEC, INC. CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION TO THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION RCLEC. Inc. (the "Corporation"), a corporation organized and existing under and by virnre of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the "DGCL"), does hereby certifu: l. The name of the Corporation is RCLEC, Inc. The Corporation was originally incorporated pursuant to the DGCL on January 26.2012. 2. This Certificate of Correction to the Certitlcate of Incorporation was duly adopted by the Corporation's board of directors and stockholders in accordance with the applicable provisions of Sections 103, 228 and 24? of the DGCL and corrects certain provisions of the Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation. 3. The Certificate of Incorporation was filed by the Secretary of State of Delaware on January 26,2012 and such certificate requires correction as permitted by Section 103 of the DGCL. 4. The inaccuracies in the Certificate of Incorporation are in the text of Article FOURTH of the Certificate of Incorporation, where (i) the class of stock has not be designated and (ii) the amount of the par value is inaccurately stated, in each case as set forth below: "FOURTH: The total number of shares the corporation shall have authority to issue is one thousand (1.000) shares each with a par value of One Cent (50.0001) each." 5. The text of Article FOURTH of the Certitlcate of Incorporation is hereby corrected to read in its entirety as follows: "FOURTH: The total number of shares of common stock that the corporation shall have authority to issue is one thousand ( 1,000) shares each with a par value of 50.0001 ." {Signature Page FollowsJ IN IYITNESS IVHEREOF, this Certificate of Correction to the Certificate of Incorporation. which corrects certain provisions of the Certiticate of Incorporation, havin-e been duly adopted in accordance with Sections 103, 228 and 242 of the DGCL, has been duly executed by the Corporation's President and Chief Executive Officer thisl6* day of April, 2012. RCLEC,INc. t and Chief Executive Officer [Srcxrrunr Prcs ro CERTTFTcATE oF CoRRf,crroN To rHE CERTTFTcATE oF INCoRroR{TIoNI Defaware PAGE 7 tfu first State r, ;rtr^grRBt n. Bor&acK. sacRSrARr oE srArE oE tm stATE oF DELtflRE, D EERBBY CEXINW rRCLECI INC." IS DWY MCORPORAXED UI'DER TgE I,AN9 OE '!TM STAIEE OE DETAUEflE .TD TS TN W)D SrI.UDTtrC AND BAS A I.EGAI' CAXPARA!7E AXISTEf,CE .'O I:I8 AS TEE RECARDS AE EEIS OEptCE SeOn, r!' Of lEB It{ARTE DAv OE StPrli8lBn,, A.D- 2014. END T N 8la,ga.T FCARrEta, CER'TNT T8A:T TEB ENNaeL RIPONEA EAVE Affi EIWD NO DE:\ts. .TITD T Do EEIIEBT EIURTABR CERTffT TEAT TEA M,AXCETSE r,JCES EAW BE,a' PATD AO D*D.E. AND I N E?,R8D! PIiRrg,,R Ct8;t fi IEEA:E tEE SAID "RCI'BC, Ir{C-n nt ZNCORPAEA?ED ON fEB fffiInt.ifi*EE ilr AY i[Iffolf.tt A.D, 8All, 5701745 0300 717143012 W. AilocL. Sccrt(..y of SLtcr.. 7677357 DtfFE: 09-04-74 l.ou ry vrEt?g CDl, 6.!Elllc.tt oDrlil.t oodr. Ol.ft!. 3ovleutAmr. rDtd EX{IBIT B Certificate of Authority Issued by the Idaho Secretary of State State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOBITY OF BCLEC, lNC. File Number C 203373 l, BEN YSURSA, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, hereby certify that an Application for Certificate of Authority, duly executed pursuant to the provisions of the ldaho Business Corporation Act, has been roceived in this office and is found to conform to law. ACCORDINGLY and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, I issue this Certificate of Authority to transact business in this State and attach hereto a duplicate of the application for such certilicate Dated: September 8, 2O14 SECRETARY OF STATE \,r\sQ*u ltttt 03:17:4lp.m, 09-06-2014 3/5 APPUGAilON FOR GERTIFICAtrE OF AUTHORIW (For Profit) (lnrlrucilonr or Brdt olApegcaoor)tfillr SEP -B pl{ tr; Z0 1. Themme dtheorpon[loo b: RCLEQ lnc. z 3. 4. E. TIE nEnB s,ltldr f, ehe[ lpe h lddto k It b lncorporsd mdlrfirHs 6 Dahrar! tttdaborhEonoren b: o1frtst2512 The addrar d !r ptlrrpal ol[ca lc 1401, Faslilon lslad Blrrd., Sb.?ql, 8er UstEo. CtA 8rl{04 C The eddru to rhtir csranpqtdene rhorff h ad&trs4 ilffianttun bm A h 7. Tlp*agtcddrssdlBnetsErd omr h ldahoh, md [l ngtplGdegpilh Hro arthaladdull k tnGoP Sq:taq hG' & Thsnancmdnlprcfwbuglmrc addreeaa dlrdndolrand ofilcarrrs 1e+ S. \rtEEAlt, SulE 12, Botss, lD 8970e2580 Brh.rredfrlr ra00Ftah L.nrt lrd. h. rU, lr HrIr, Gl rraol i.brp John Marlour Tb DlraGtof John Uarlow Frs$dent t,toD ttlrt rtd kt e,70q, Srlr|qc/t rrall BrucaJohnesr Dlrec'iol lar[ FrilJt rri nil e. rq, 8rl rau. ql.aoa Bruoe Johrpon goclEtE]y .. ._ r.ohttrttr-xri.r,iu.rr r-.c rrroa Dlttdor r'totlrbr5r|rct|4 e.U, Ertldrq G X{oa'Mehsch tr&l Mehcth Palel Troasunr rao ilto lirJ !td. *,nq, cm xrr4 cA trfir DEbd SepHnber4,2fr11 capofrE ssc]eb,g ,I}| ftr0C b. W q t' ffi dlD c!rya*rrt Ilped1lrnc5 BrucB Johnson IDIIO SEERETiNY OT 8TITE S9/os/2o11 o5: $o cE-2202672 m : L7 2A99 BH: 14{0455 -[B 100-00 - 100-00 AIIIH PRO #2 a D .>33'13 EXHIBIT C ORGANIZATIONAL CHART The following chart diagrams RCLEC's organizational structure: RingCentral, Inc. I* RCLEC,Inc. VERIFICATION I, Bruce Johnson, state that I am Secretary of RCLEC, Inc.; that I am authorized to make this Verification; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; that the Applicant will comply with all Idaho laws and Commission rules and regulations, including rules regarding the conservation of telephone numbers; and that matters set forth in the filing are tnre and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is tnre and correct. Executed this nrt,ltl dav of April20l5. ttl r*- Bruce Johnson Secretary RCLEC, [nc.