HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110808Application.pdfMar S. Hobson Attorney & Counelor 999 Main, Suite 1103 Boise, il 83702 208-385-8666 RECË/\lt=n ...,.;"" 20/1 AUG-5 PH 4: 48 August 5, 2011 VI HAD DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE: Docket No. QWE-T-ll-O'7 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission are an original and seven (7) copies of a PETITION FOR WAIVER OF FCC THRSHOLD REQUIREMENTS FOR NUERIG RESOURCES FOR NAMPA, IDAHO filed by Qwest Corporation dba CentuLink QC. Confidential Attachment A to the Petition is being filed under separate cover with an Attorney's Cerficate. If you have any questions, please contact me. Than you for your cooperation in ths matter. Ver trly your,~:¡t," Enclosures Mar S. Hobson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Main, Suite 1103 Boise, il 83702 Tel: 208-385-8666 mary.hobsontiwest.com REGEl D 20! 1 AUG -5 PH~: 48 Lisa A. Anderl Associate General Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, WA 98191 Tel: (206) 345-1574 lisa.anderl(ßqwest.com Attorneys for Qwest Corporation dba CentuLin QC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PETITION FOR WAIVER OF FCC THRESHOLD REQUIRMENTS FOR NUMERIG RESOURCES FOR NAMPA, IDAHO Case No. QWE-T-ll- 07 REQUEST FOR WAIVER FOR ADDITIONAL NUMERIG RESOURCES Qwest Corporation dba CentuLink QC (Qwest), by and though its undersigned attorneys, and pursuant to IDAPA, files the following Request for Waiver of cerain FCC threshold requirements for the release of numberng resources. Qwest petitions the Commission for review of the denal by the adstrator of the North American Numberng Plan, NeuStar, of Qwest s application for use of central office, code numberg resources in area code 208. REQUEST for WAIVER - 1 - Specifically, Qwest requests waiver of the utilzation threshold requirements outlined in the FCC's Numberng Resource Optimzation Orders, FCC 00-429 and FCC 01-362 released in CC Docket No. 99-200. Such waiver would allow NeuStar the authority to provide 1,000 sequential numbers to Qwest. The 1,000 numbers in question are requested in the 208 NP A in the Nampa Rate Center, and are required to meet a specific customer need in the Nampa communty. Qwests customer requires 1,000 sequential number in an NX3 format to be incorporated into an existing dialing plan. Qwest s customer requests that these numbers be made available as soon as possible. The customer wil begi using the numbers as soon as the waiver is granted and the numbers are released for serice. The numbers wil be added to existing inventory to accommodate the customer's expansion of operations. The customer's request is attached hereto as Confidential Attchment A. On August 2,2011 Qwest submitted the customer's request for numberng resources to NeuStar. See Attchment B. The request was imediately denied due to the ''months to exhaust" calculation for the Nampa Rate Center. See Attchment C. The waiver requested here is for the ''months to exhaust" usage threshold for numberng requests. The FCC perts a waiver of the kind requested here when there is a demonstrated need, such as a specific customer request for numbers. The waiver process is specifically addressed in the FCC Third Report and Order ("Order") as the "safety valve" process. See FCC 01-362, iM57-66 (Mar. 14,2002). The Order delegates the REQUEST for WAIVER - 2- authority to hear requests for waivers to the state commissioner and recommends that state commissions act expeditiously. See ¡d., iM61, 66. Qwest respectfully requests that the Commission approve this Request for Waiver of the ''months to exhaust" theshold requirements and direct NeuSta to provide 1,000 sequential numbers in the NX3 in the Nampa Rate Center in the 208 NPA as outlined above, to meet Qwests customer's request. Submitted this 5th day of August, 2011. Respectfully submitted,~~/l b~ Mar S. Hob n (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Main. Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Lisa A. Anderl Associate General Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, WA 98191 Attorneys for Qwest Corporation dba CentuLink QC REQUEST for WAIER - 3 - Attachment B PartlA Tracking Number: TBPAG Attchment 1 - March 19, 2007 Thousands-Block Application Form - Part 1A 208-NAMPA-ID- 463750 Individual Block Request Type ofApplication: i: New i:Change i:Disconnec GENERAL APPLICADON INFORMADON 1.1 Contact Information: Block Applicant: Company Name: Headquarters 1801 California Address: City, State, Denver. CO. 80202 Zip: Contact Name: Contact Address: City,State,Zip: Littletn. co . 80120 Phone:303-707-Zl Pooling Administrator: ii Contact Name: Contact Address: City,State,Zip: Concord .CA.94520 Phone: 925-363-7653 FAX: E-mail:zackJones((neustar.biz OWEST CORPORATION Bruce Bennett 700 W. Mineral. Room MN P18,12 FAX: 303- 707-9577 E- mail: bruce.bennet((centuryLink.com Zack Jones 1800 Syttr St 925-363-7686 1.2 General Information: Check one: No LRN needed NPA: x LRN neeed ii 208 LATA:OCN: iv 9636 Parent Company's OCN 9600652 htt:l!ww.nationalpoling.com/pas/search/prinUorm.jsp(8/2/201 1 11 :09: 19 AM) PartlA Number of Thousands-Blocks Requested :-- Switching Identification(Switch Entity/POI) : v NMpADMADSQ City or Wire Center Name: Rate Center: vi Rate Center Sub Zone: NAMPA 1.3 Dates: Date of Application: vii _08/02/2011 Requested Block Effective Date: viii 09/02/2011 i: By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am requesting the earliest possible effective date the Administrator can grant, Please note that this only applies to a reduction in the Administrator's processing time, however the request wil stil be processed in the order received. Request Expedited Treatment? (See Section 8,6) Yes X No Expedited Explanation: 1.4 Type of Service Provider Requestng the Thousands-Block: a) Type of Service Provider : Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) _(LEC, IXC, CMRS, Other) b) Primary type of service Blocks to be used for : Wi reline c) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) assignment Preference (Optional) d) Thousands-Block(s) (NXX-X) that are undesirable for this assignment, if any e) If requesting a code for LRN purposes, indicate which block(s) you wil be keeping(the remainder of the blocks wil be given to the pool) 1.5 Type of Request: Initial block for rate center: Yes If Yes, attch evidence of authorization and proof of capabilty to provide service within 60 days, Growth block for rate center: Yes X If Yes, attch months to exhaust worksheet i: By selecting this checkbox, I acknowledge that I am willng to accept a block . in red and explicitly understand that the underlying CO code may not yet be activated in the PSTN and loaded in the NPAC on the block effective date, Type of change(Mark al that apply) i: OCN:lntra-company ix i: Switching Id i: Part 1B i: OCN:lnter-company x i: Effective Date Change block: Yes If Yes, list NPA-NXX-X https://ww.nationalpoling.com/pas/search/prinCform.jsp(8/2/2011 11 :09: 19 AM) Part1A 1.6 Block Return : a) Is this block Contaminated Yes No b) If Yes how many TNs are NOT available for assignment: c) Have all new Intra SP port been completed in the NPAC Yes No d) Has this block been protected from furter assignment Yes No Disconnect block: Yes If Yes, list NPA-NXX-X Remarks: I hereby certify that the above information requesting an NXX-X block is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that this application has been prepared in accordance with the Thousands-Block (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines(ATIS-0300066) available on the ATIS web site (http://www.atis.org/inc) i or by contacting inc(§atis,org as of the date of this application, Bruæ Bennet Signature of Block Applicant Regulatory 08/02/2011 Manager Title Date Instuctions for filling out each seon of the Part lA form: section 1,1 Contact information requires that Service Providers supply under "Block Applicant" the company name, company headquarters address, a contact within the company, an address where the contact person may be reached, in addition to the correct phone, fax, and e-mail address, The Pooling Administrator section also requires the Service Provider to fill in the Pooling Administrator s name, address, phone, fax and e-maiL. Section 1,2 Service Providers who need a thousands-block assignment.or for an Location Routing Number (LRN) are required to fill in this section, If needed for an LRN, a CO Code Application needs to also be submitted to the PA, The Service Provider should supply the Numbering Plan Area (NPA); the Local Access Transport Area (LATA), which is a three-digit number that can be found in the Telcordia™ LERG™ Routing Guide, The Operating Company Number (OCN) assigned to the service provider and the OCN its parent company, An OCN is a four-character alphanumeric assigned by Telcordia ™ Routing Administration (TRA), In addition, the number of thousands-blocks requested should be supplied, The Switch Identification as well as the city or wire center name, rate center, rate center sub zone, homing tandem and CLU™ tandem of the facilties based provider xi, Explanations of these terms may be found in the footnotes, section 1.3 The date the Service Provider completes the application should be entered in this section, as well as the Effective Date of the requested thousands- block, Section 1.4 Service Providers should indicate their type, e,g" local exchange carrier, competitive local exchange carrier, interexchange carrier, CMRS, The also indicate the primary type of business in which the numbering resource is to be used, Service Providers also may indicate their preference for a particular thousands-block, e,g" 321-9XX, or indicate any thousands-blocks that may be undesirable, e,g" 321- htts://ww.nationalpoling.com/pas/search/print_form.jsp(8/2/2011 11 :09: 19 AM) Part1A 6XX, Section 1.5 Service Providers indicate the type of request. Initial requests are for first applications for thousands-blocks in a rate center, growth for additional thousands-blocks in a rate center in which the applicant already has numbering resources, and provide the required evidence as ordered by the FCC, Section 1.6 Service Providers must indicate the updated/current information in regards to contaminated TNs on the block they are returning to the pool. Blocks with over 10% contamination (101 TNs or more) shall not be returned to the pool unless they meet criteria outlined in section 9,1,2 of these Guidelines, If the block being returned is over 10% contaminated the PA shall seek a new block holder, If question c and/or d have a response of No, the request for return shall be denied, The thousands-block applicant certifies veracity of this form by signing their name, and providing their title and date, Foot Note: i Identify the type of change(s) in Section 1.5, ii The Pool Administrator is available to assist in completing these forms, iii A CO Code application. wil also need to be submitted to the PA, iv Operating Company Number (OCN) assignments must uniquely identify the applicant. Relative to CO Code assignments, NECA-assigned Company Codes may be. used as OCNs, Companies with no. prior CO Code or Company Code assignments should contact NECA (800 524-1020) to be assigned a Company Code(s), Since multiple OCNs and/or Company Codes may be assciated with a given company, companies with prior assignments should direct questions regarding appropriate OCN usage to (TRA) (732-699-6700), v This is an eleven-character descriptor of the switch provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls, This is the 11 character CLU™ code of the switch /POI. vi Rate Center name must be a tariffed Rate Center, vii Acknowledgment and indication of disposition of this application wil be provided to applicant within seven calendar days from the date of receipt of this application, An incomplete form may result in delays in processing this request. viii Please ensure that the NPA-NXX of the LRN to be assciated with this block(s) is/will be active in the network prior to the effective date of the block(s), ix Select if you are the current Block Holder, x Selec if you are na the current Block Holder xi Telcordia, LERG Routing Guide, and CLU are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies, Inc, https:l!ww.nationalpoling.com/pas/search/print_form.jsp(8/2/2011 11 :09: 19 AM) MTE Block Appendix 3 May 16, 2008 MONTHS TO EXHAUST and UTIliZATION CERTIFICATION WORK SHEET - TN Levell (Thousands-Block Number Pooling Growth Block Request) Tracking Number: 208-NAMPA-ID-463750 Date: 01/02/2011 OCN:.9 Company Name:QWEST CORPORATION Rate Center: NAMPA List all Codes NPA(s)-NXX(s) and Blocks NPA(s)-NXX-X(s):201"442, 201-461, 201-463, 201-465, 201-466, 201-467, 201-461 Name of Block Applicant: Bruce Bennet Signature: Bruce Bennett Title: Regulatory Manager Telephone No,: 303-707-7013 FAX No,: 303-707-9577 E-mail: bruæ.bennetOCenturyLink.com A, Available Numbers:20141 B, Assigned Numbers: 40651 C, Total Numbering Resources:70000 D, Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days (increments of 1,000 or 10,000) and excluded from the Utilzation calculation 2:.0 List Excluded Code(s) or Block(s): Month Month Month Month. Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 E. Growth History - Previous 6 .: .: :. :. .: .: months3 F, Forecast - Next 12 i. .0 months4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 https:/ /www.nationalpooling.com/pas/search/print_form.jsp(8/2/201 1 11: 10 :51 AM) MTE Block G, Average Monthly Forecast (Sum of months 1-6 (Part F above) divided by 6):166.667 H, Months to ExhaustS Numbers Available for Assignment to Custmers(A) = Average Monthly Forecast(G) Block Requestd 1 Available Numbers 20141 Months To Exhaust 120.846 i. Utilzation6 = Assigned Numbers(B) - Exluded X 100 =Numbers(D) 51.073 Total Numbering Resources(C)-Excluded Numbers(D) Explanation: lA copy of this worksheet is required to be submitted to the Pooling Administrator when requesting additional numbering resources in a rate center, For auditing purposes, the applicant must retain a copy of this document. 2Quantity of numbers activated in the past 90 days is based on blocks and/or codes received from the administrator and shall be reported in increments of 1,000 or 10,000 TNs (e, g,: 2 blocks received=2,000 and 1 code received =10,000), 3Net change in TNs no longer available for assignment in each previous month, starting with the most distant month as Month #1, and Month #6 as the current month, 4Forecast of TNs needed in each following month, starting with the most recent month as Month #1, sTo be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X) for growth, "Months to Exhaust" must be less than or equal to 6 months, (FCC 00-104, section 52,15 (g) (3) (iii)), 6Newly acquired numbers may be excluded from the Utilzation calculation (FCC 00104, section 52,15 (g)(3)(ii)) https:l!ww.nationalpooling.com/pas/search/prinCform.jsp(8/2/201 1 11: 10 :51 AM) Attachment C Part November 21, 2003 ATIS-0300066.at3 Attchment 3 Pooling Administrator's Response/Confirmation TBPAG Part 3 Tracking Number :208-NAMPA-ID- 463750 Date of Application: Date of Receipt: 08/0212011 08/0212011 Effective Date: Date of Response:08/0212011 Service Provider Name: (Telcordia™ LERG ™ Routing Guide) OCN: QWEST CORPORATION 9636 NPAC SOA SPID : Pooling Administrator Contact Information: ZackJones Signature of Pooling Administrator Zack Jones Name (print) Email: Phone: 925-363-7653 Fax: 925-363-7686 zack,Jones~neustar,biz NPA-NXX or NPA-NXX- X:Block Assigned: Block Reserved : Block Reservation Expiration Date: Block/Code Modified : Block/Code Disconnected : Block Contaminated(Yes or No) : If Yes,enter the number of TNs contaminated: Switch Identification(Switch Entity/POI): 1 Rate Center: Rate Center Sub Zone: NMPAIDMADSO NAMPA X Form Complete, request denied. Explanation: DR-57: You do not meet the MTE and/or Utilzation requirements, therefore this request for a new block is denied, You may proceed with requesting a State Waiver from the appropriate state commission using this Part 3 denial, If you are in disagreement with the disposition of this request, please refer to the Thousands-Block Number (NXX-X) Pooling Administration Guidelines for the appeals process, Request withdrawn. Explanation: htt:l!ww.nationalpoling.com/pas/search/print_form.jsp(8/2/2011 11: 11 :45 AM) Part _ Assignment activity suspended by the administrator, Explanation: Remarks: 1 This is an eleven-character descriptor provided by the owning entity for the purpose of routing calls.This must be the ClLl ™ location Identification code of the switching entity/POI shown on the Part 1A form (Telcordia,lERG ROUTING Guide and ClLl are trademarks of Telcordia Technologies,lnc. ) htts:/ /www.nationalpoling.com/pas/serch/print_form.jsp(8/2/2011 11: 11 :45 AM)