HomeMy WebLinkAbout20141014CLSP Agreement Extension Amendment.pdfRECi: lVi: D 201\ OCT lk Pl{ 2: l6 October 13,2014 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washinglon Steet P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Re: CenturyLink Local Services Platform Extension Amendments sITdTllY Centurylink' Via Overnight delivery QwEa-\o'otv) ("CLSP") Agreements Dear Ms. The attached matrix is an update to the information sent to you on January 9,2014. The amended CLSP is highlighted. Also enclosed is a copy of the CLSP Amendment. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you. Sincerely,q*-/ /"@L Jo{re G.laAingtonU ' Legal Assistant III ljga Enclosure(s) 1600 7tn Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 Tel: 206-398-2502 Email: i www.centurylink.com AT&T/ Qwest QWE-T-04-09 Access Point / Qwest QWE-T-08-03 ACN / Qwest QWE-T-03-26 BullsEye / Qwest QWE-T-04-30 dishNET/ Qwest QWE-T-10-05 EnTelegent / Qwest QWE-T-09-17 Eschelon / Qwest QWE-T-00-13 Ernest / Qwest QWE-os-14 Fretel/ Qwest usw-T-99-14 Granite / Qwest QWE-T-04-03 GreenFly dba Clearfly / Qwest QWE-T-09-02 Group Six / Qwest QWE-T-10-08 lntegra / Qwest usw-T-00-05 Lightyear / Qwest QWE-T-04-19 Matrix, lnc. / Qwest QWE-T-09-13 Matrix-Excel fka Comtel/ Qwest QWE-T-02-12 Matrix-VarTec fka Comtel / Qwest QWE-T-02-01 MClmetro Access / Qwest QWE-T-05-24 McLeod / Qwest QWE-T-00-07 Metropolitan / Qwest QWE-T-os-os New Horizons / Qwest QWE-T-13-01 OrbitCom / Qwest QWE-T-04-13 PiperTel / Qwest qwE-T-0s-06 Praxis / Qwest QWE-T-12-08 Prime Time Ventures /Qwest QWE-T-05-08 QuantumShift - VCom/ Qwest QWE-T-08-09 ipectrotel /Qwest QWE-T-12-03 rNCl/ Qwest QWE-T-05-09 ENTITY DOCKET NO.F.ICi:iYi: ii ?0lE OCT lh PH 2: l6 l.-'r'1i,- | ari_'5lill i',-l-it : ij-cr.;,ii,,', I SS i Ci l ATIIHNDIIENT NUT*BER FIVE TO c Et'ITURYLtilX n LOCAL SERVTCES PLATFORm ("GLSP rr"1 AGREEMENT ThiB amendment fArnendment"), by and belween Clss*t Corporation dba Centuryllnk. QG {"CanturyUnk"}, a Cclorado Colondo llmltsd llebllity compeny,corporation, and dirhXET tlllircllne, L.L.C. (flUa Llborty€ell Tclecor, LLC) {"CLEC"}, e smende the CanluryLinkril Local $ervices Platform (.CLSPllt} Agreament {formedy known {.QLSPru) Agreemenl') betwoen the Partes. as'Qwest l-ocal Services Platformm W}IEREAS, he Parlies entered lnto a Qwesl Local $ervices Platform ('QLSPrul Agrooment (now refened lo as a CenturyLink* Loeal Services Phtform fCLSPr*) Agreement) (the 'Agrsement) with an Effective Date of October 21, 2010: and 1 ft{EREAS, lhe lerms "CenturyLink" and 'CLSF' in this Amendment shall be used in placa of, and interctrangeably with, lhe terms{Qrvesf and "QL$P", reapecllvely, in the Agreemsnq and WHEREA$, pursuant lo lha terme cf Saction 3.3,2 of Attachmenl 2, CLEC hat transfened some cuslomera to ancther enlity and the Parlies agroe to amend the Agreement under the torms and conditions contained herein. NOW THeRErORE, in consideration of the ioregolng and the mutual tsrms. covenants and conditions conlained in thie Amardmenl and oller good and valuable conaldsration, lhe recelpt and suffichncy of wtactr B heraby acknowledged, the Parlies agrse a$ follows: Amendmel*Iarmt The Agreement is hereby anpnded by replacing and addlng lerms End condithns es set fBrth in Atiachmont t Eltacnod herelo and tncorpo,ralad fierein by thir rebrencs. The pmvisions incbded in AttEchrnenl 1 aro intended lo supersede and replace provisions in tie Agreement. Elf"octivs Dete This Amendrnenl rhall be deemed ef{active on July 31 , 2014, ragardleas otthe data of exocution. [u*hcr".Axlorgmlstk Except as expressly rnodlliad by this Amendrnent, lhe proviaiont of lhe Agreomenl shall romain unmodiied and shall be in full force and efiast. The providons of this Amendmonl, including the provisions of lhis tentanee, may nol be amended, modifed or supplemented, and wafuers or consontt lo departurct from lhe provislons of this Amendment rnay not be given without the written cofficnl thersto by both of the Parlles herslo. l.lo waiver by a$y Party of ary default, misreprBso*biion. or braach of rrananty or covenant horeunder, \i,helher intonlional or nol, will be deemed to extend lo arry prior or mbsequent defaull, mirrepresentation, or breacfi of warranty or coyenanl hereunder or affecl in any way any rights arising by virlue of any prior or eubsoquent such oscunence. &riirs Agreomenl The Agreernenl sB Brended (including by the doouments refened to herein) consiitutes the full and enlire understanding and agreement between the Partbs with ragard to lhe subject matter of lhe Agreemenl, ss atrrcnded, and superoedes any prbr undsrstand,ng$, agreemont6, or representationo by or belwesn the Partier, written or oral, ta the ensnt they relaie in any way to the $ubject mafier ol lhe Agreement, a$ am.nded. $eptember 10, 2014/mms"in/dithNET i<s Libcry-Bslu tunendmeat Na.5 to CLSPil Agreemcnl (AZ8CDS-1010r&0001); {CO=CO$.101013-0002); (|A;CD$J01013{003}; (|D=CDS-101013.0004} (IlltlrCDS-10101&0005); (ITT"COS-I01013{6ts}; $E=CDS.l01013{00?; (NE=CDS-I01013-0008}; (illrt'CDS-10101}0009); (OR=CO$101013-0010); ($D=CD$1010110011); (Ut.CDS-101013-0012); (WA=CDS-101013-0013)t 1WY:COS-101013-0014) Page 1 of3 c Er,r ru RyL' l*.* Lo 3lf $ffiil;$5ffiffi tX?Hr, * ", A c REErs Er{r 'the Farties intending to be legally bound hare execuled this Amendillen{ as of ths dales set forlh bels&,, in muttiplo countoparts, each of which is deerned an origi*al, but all of which shall cons{ltute one and the same inakumeni. Name: - l*fuffuig[g1qco *-_,,_. Tffie: Director-Vv}tolesalsConlracts dlthNET t{aldlng ,,, %ty'4,_ _* Name; . . Eobert.9lge3 Title: Dirertor Date: ?/zz /tV 6eptember 19,2014/mrns-jn/diahHET fr<a Llberty-Bell/Anrcrdment Nc.5 to CLSP?I' Agr€smenl (AZ*CO$-10'l0l&@01); {CO*CtrS-'t0101$0002}; (lArCOS"{01013-0003); (lOsCD$-l0101f-0004); {UNTCD$-1010134005}i(M?*COS-i01013{008}; {HO=CDS-1010134007); {}rlE=CS$101013-0008); {t{ti*CDS-10101}0009); (Ofi'CDS-I0l013{010}l (SD:CDS.101013-0011); (UTTCOS-I01013h0012); (lI{A=COS-101013-0013); (WY=CDS-'101013*0014) Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope lD: 33F06732-55D2-46D8-BF8&E48335098432 AMENDMENT NUiiBER FIVE TO C ENTURYLINK?T LOCAL SERVICES FLATFORiI ("CLSP'* "1 AGREETiEiIT The Partios iniending lo be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in rnultiple counterpa(s, eacfi of udtich is deemed an original, but all of which shall constituta one and the same instrument. Qurpst CenturyLink QCr dlrhi,lET LL.G.: krr t. t Ah;**,x., BY:By; Name: Title: L. T- Christensen Nama: Titls: Flobert Olsen Direclor - Wholacale Canlrncls Direnlor s/22120L4 Date; Septemb6r 19, 20l41mrns.jn/dishNET f,<a Liberty-Bell/ Amen&nent No.S to CLBPn Agreement (AZ*CDS-101013{001); (CO=C0$-101013{002}; (|A=COS-10101&0003); (|D=GOS-19101&0004); {*H:CO$-l01013-0005);(llT=CDS-l01013-0006I (NDsCDS.101013.0007); (XE*CD$-10'101&0008I {t{il.CDS-10101s{C09}i {OR=CDS-10101}0010);($DaCD$10101*001't); (UT:CDS-l0I0'134013); {WA=CDS-101013-0013); (WY:CDS-I0101}0014) Page 2 of 3 AUET.IDHEIIT }IUXBEN AVE TO CEHTURYLINK 1r' LOCAL SERVICES FLATFORH ("GL$P ut*; AGREEHEI,IT ATTACHilIEiIT 1 The Cumulative Volurno Growth Requirements Table in Seciion 3.3.1 af Attachmsnt 2lo tha Agreement will ba rcnlovBd and repleced with the follwing Table: Cumulative Yotumr Grorr,fi Requltt0mgnE Trbls Start Date End lleta Curnuhtlve Groiltrr Reo. Mav 2O12 Mav 2013 7.337 itevz$fl Auoust 2014 15.69S $wZA12 Mev 2015 28.670 ManrZA12 Decamber 2015 26.679 Scptqnbsr 19,29111$rrl,ryrldirhNET lka Llborly-Bal! Amordm;il l,lo.5 lo CLSPr Agroam€nl Pega 3 of 3 {AtaC,D$-l010'13O@t}; {COTCDS-I01013-0002); (lAr0D$-10101$00S3}; (|S.CDS-10t01}0004); {il}.1*COS"101013r0005)i(tlT;CDS-l0t0t3-000$); (ND.CDS.101013"ffi0D; fiEcCDS.l010r&0008): {Hlji:CDS-101013.0009}; (ORaCOS.101013-00i0}; (SDeCDS-101013{011}; {UTTCDS-10l01$.0012}; {WATCDS-10101!-0013}: {IIY=COiS-1010r3-fi)14)