HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140617CLSP Agreement Extension Amendment.pdfCENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1 506 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 73$5178 Facsimile (205) 3434040 Maura E. Petercon Paralegal Regulatory Law June 13,2014 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RECEi\/i::l'i ?01tr JUll l5 Al{ llr 33 lDAt-{O FU;:,,- uT lLlTi ES CCl,il'i IiiS lo:'l {H CenturyLink' Via Overnight delivery &w E.-T - to-Db Re: Centurylink Local Services Platform ("CLSP") Agreements Extension Amendments Dear Ms. Jewell: The attached matrix is an update to the information sent to you on January 9,2014. The amended CLSP is highlighted. Also enclosed are copies of the CLSP Amendment. Please contact me if you have any questions conceming the enclosed. Thank you. Sincerely, q\\GL()O-V-- Maura E. Peterson MEP/jga Enclosure DocuSign Envelope lD: 6870C0A76569483D-8419'FFA9568I72EB AI'ENDMET{T NUII'BER TOUR TO CENTURYLIHK I'' LOCAL SERT{CE$ FLATFCRM {"CI.SP'* "; AGREEMTNT ?lris arnendrnenl ("Amsndmant.), by and between Owest Carporatlon dba Centuryl-ink QC {"Genturyllnk"}, e Colorado corporatlon, and dirhNET Wireline, L.L.G, (l/k/a Liberty-Bell Tehcom, LLCI f'GLEC"), a Colorado limited llablllty comp.ny, amends tha CenturyLinkru Local Services Platfrcrm ("CtSf*") Agreernent (fiormerly known as "Qwest Local $eMces Platformil {'QLSPTM'} Agresment"} between the Parties. WHEREAS, the Parties entersd into a Qwest Local Services Platform fAlSer""; Agreement (now relerred to as a CenturyLinkru Local Services Platform {"Ot$pwo1 Agreement} (the "Agreement") with an Effective Date of October 21 , 2010; and WHEREAS, the terms "CenturyLink" and "CLSP" in this Amendment shall be used in place of, and interchangeably with, the terms "Qwesf and "QLSP', respectiraely, ir the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement under lhe terms and conditions contained herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration ol the foregoing and the mulual terms, covenanls and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideralion, the receipt and sufficiency of wtrich is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: A,F_endment TerJnf The Agreernent is hereby amended by replacing and adding terms and conditions as set forth in Attachrnent 1 attaohed hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The provioions included in Attachment 1 are intended io supersede and replace provisions in lhe Agreement. Effective Date Thb Amendment shall be deemed effective on May 31 ,2014. Fqrther Amendmsnts Except as expressly modified by this Amendment, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain unrnodified and shall be in full force and effect. The provisions of lhis Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may nol be amendod, modified or supplemonted, and waivers or consents lo depariures from the provisions of this Amendrnent may not be given without the written consonl thereto by both o{ the Parties hereb, No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentalion, or breach of wananty or cov€nant hereunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to exlend to any prior or subseguent defauft, misrepresentation, or breach sf warang or covenant hereunder or affecl in any way any righls arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occunence, Entire AoreelrB,nt The Agreemenl as amended (including by the documents refened to herein) constitutes the full and enlire understanding and agreement between lhe Parties with regard to the subiect matter of the Agreement, as amended, and supersedes any prior undsrstandings, agreements, or representiations by or behr/een the Parties, writlen or oral, lo the extent they relate in any way to the subjecl matler of the Agreement, as amended. May 29,20l4lmms-lcidishNET fka Liberty-Bell/ Arnendment No.4 to CLSPw Agreemeal (AZ=CDS-'r01013.0001); (GO=CDS-1010{3AQ02)t (rA-CDS-1010!}0003); (lD=CDS-10101}0004); (ttir{=CDS-10r013-0005); {M?=COS-to1013-0006)l {NO.CDS.101013.0007); {NE*CDS-1010t}0008); {Nil:COS-10101$0009}; {OR=CDS-101013{010); {SD,COS-101013O011): (UT=CDS-10'101S0012}i $r/A*COS-101013-0013}; (WY*CDS-101013-0014) Page 1 ol3 AIIiEt{CI[N5HT NUiJIBER FOUR TO CEH TI.JXYLIN K TI' LOCA L SERYICE$ PLAT FORI/I {US L$F T* " 1 AS RESIIIEI.IT The PartiBs inlending lo be legafiy ]ound havs exesuted this Amendrnent as of the dste8 sst fo$r below, in multlple counterparl8, each of which ie deemed an origlnal, but all of whicfr shall conslitule one and &e samts instrument. May ?9, 2ol4nnms-lc/dl€hNET ff(a Libetiy-Bell, Amendmrnt No.4 !o CLSPB Agrecrnenl Page ? of 3 (AI*CDS-101013-0001); {CO=CDS-101013-0002): fA=COS-101G13-0003)l (|O*CDS-101013.fl}O4}: {tlN*CDS-101013-0005h {llT=CD$101013-0006}; {ilD.CDS-1010134007); (?{E=CD.S-l01S1}0003}; (t{fl.C0$-1}1013-0009}; (OR'CDS.'10t013-u010}; {SD*C0$-101013{011}; {UT=COS-10101}{At?); {wA*CD$1010r3-0013}; flfttY*CDS"'1010134014) Name; L. T. Chri*tensen Titte: Director - yVholcsale Ccnlracts *,, -ff. /dt{ ^, . dishNET iloldlng L.L.C.; ur, Neme: Title: Robed Olsen Ost6: $r30l14 Docusign Envelope 10: 6B70C0A7456S-483S8419-FFA95681 72EB ATIIEND$ET{T NUIIBER TOUR TO cEitTURYLINFn LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORii {"CLSP m1 AGREEMENT The Parties intending to be lggatly bound have executgd this Amendmgnl as of the dates set forth be*sw, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitule one and the same inslrumsnt. dba Genturylin L,L.G.: By: Name: Robert Olsen Title: Director Date:SlSIvta May 29. 2014/mms-lcJdishNET ,ka Lib€rty-B€lllAn6ndm€nl l'1o"4 to CLSPn Agreement {AZ=CDS.1010134001I {CO=CDSn0101}.0002}; (|A=CDS-101013{003): (IO:CDS-101013-fiX}4); (llN:CDS-101013-0005); {lilT;CDS-I0101&0006] {NO*C0S-10'101}0007}; (t{E*CD$-10101}0008); (Mtl=CDS-10101}0009); (OReCDS-101013.00r0}; ($D*Co$-10101&0011); (UT3CDS.101013-001r); (WA*CDS-101013{0{3); (VUY=COS-101013-0014) Page 2 ol 3 DocuSign Envelope lO: 6870C0A7-6569-483D-841 9'FFA9568172E8 AMENDM€NT NUITIBER FOUR TO cENTURyLtNKIil LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORITi {"CLSp'" " 1 AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 1 The first sentence of Seclion 3 Term of the Agreemenl \,{ill be replaced with ihe following $enlence: The term of thie Agreernenl begins on the Effective Date and continues through December 31, 201 5, The following sentence shall be added to lhe end of 3.3.1 ol Attachment 2: ln $ewice lines mean the number of lines bilied to CLEC in that calendar monlh. The Cumulative Volume Growlh Requirements Table in Section 3,3.1 of Atlachment 2 to the Agreernent will be removed and replaced with the following Table: Cumulatlve Volurre Growth Requirements Table St rt Drt6 End D.te gumulativa Growth Fleo Mav 2O12 Mav 2013 7,337 May 2012 Aueust 2014 19,537 Mav 2012 May 2015 3A,5L7 May 2012 December 2015 30.517 The following sentence shall be added to the end ol 3.3.2 of Attachmenl 2: Should CLEC transfer Customers and $Bruices covered by this agreemsnt to another provider operating under a CISP or Besale agreement with Centurylink, the Padies must mutually agre€ upon the number of divested CLSP andlor Resold llnes as applicable, and the resulting irrpact to the volume measurernent. ln no evenl shall the kansfer of the line,s be the cause of any $hortfall payment by dishNET to CenluryLink. The last senlence o{ Section of Atlachmenl 2 to the Agreement shall be replaced with the following sentence: For the purpos€ of measuring the Conversi*n Ratio for the remaining Measurernent Periods under this arnended agreement, only those orders issued January 1,2014 and later shall be counted. May 29,20141mms-hldishNfT tka Liberty-Bell/ Amendment No.4 lo CLSPil Agreemenl Page 3 of 3 (AZ;CDS-101013.0001); (CO*CDS-101013.0002): (lA=CDS-101013-0m3); (lD=COS-101013{004}; {MN=CDS-101013{005);(MT*CD$.101013-0006); (ND=CD$-1010'13{007); (NE:CD$"101013"0008); {HH:CDS-10101$0009); (OR*CD$"1010134010); ($D=CDS-101013{011); (UT=COS-101013-0012}; (!'VA=CDS-10'1013{013); il{Y;CDS-101013-0014)