HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090415Amendment.pdfQwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 398.2504Facsimile (206) 343.4040 iûfi~ ~PR \ 5 Mi 9: 30 Maura E. Peterson Paralegal Regulatory Law Qwest~ Spirit of Service~ Via Overnight delivery April 13,2009 Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. QWE-T-09-02 Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement Greenfly Networks, Inc. dba Cleary Communications Inc. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commssion on behalf of Qwest Corporation is an original and three (3) copies of the Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. Qwest respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approvaL. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you for your assistance in this rna er. mep Enclosure cc: Service list RECE \1 Adam L. Sherr (WSBA# 25291) Qwest 1600 7th Ave, Room 1506 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2504 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 Adam.sherr(g qwest.com 1009 APR i 5 AM 9: 30 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. §252(e) CASE NO.: QWE-T-09-02 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNCTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") hereby fies this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement ("Amendment"), which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion on February 18, 2009 (the "Agreement"). The Amendment with Greenfly Networks, Inc. dba Clearfy Communications Inc. ("Greenfly") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commssion may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commssion finds that: the amendment (or portiones) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carer not a pary to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. Qwest respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commssion approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commssion, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commssion. Expeditious approval of this Amendment wil enable Greenfly to APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMNDMENT TO THE INTERCONNCTION AGREEMENT - Page 1 Greenfly Networks, me. dba Cleary Communications me. interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. Qwest further requests that the Commssion approve this Amendment without a hearng. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntar negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearng and does not concern other paries not a pary to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 13'Ìay of April, 2009. ~ Adam L. Sherr Attorney for Qwest ~ APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMNDMENT TO THE INTERCONNCTION AGREEMENT - Page 2 Greenfly Networks, me. dba Cleary Communications me. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this (1,lt\day of April, 2009, I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNCTION AGREEMENT upon all paries of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 jjewell (gpuc.state.id.us Hand Deli very U. S. Mail -X Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Tim Dodge Chief Operating Officer Greenfly Networks, Inc. dba Cleary Communications Inc. P.O. Box 20009 Bilings, MT 59104 Hand Delivery -- u. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email vtu Maura Peterson Paralegal, Qwest Corporation APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMNDMENT TO THE INERCONNCTION AGREEMENT - Page 3 Greenfly Networks, me. dba Clearfly Communications me. QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMTM AGREEMENT This Qwest Local Services Platform™ ("QLSpTM-) Agreement, togethr with the Attchments and Rate Sheets, incorporated herein by reference, ("Agreemenl) is between Qwest Corpraion ("Qwest"), a Coloro corporation, and Greenfly Netork, Inc. dba Clearfy Communicaions, Inc. ("CLEC"), a Nevada corporation, (each identied for purposes of this Agrement in the signature blocks below, and referred to separately as a "Part or collectvely as the "Parties"). The undersigned Partes have read and agree to the terms and conditions set fort in the Agreement. Qw Coti,: t Gnfl -. Inc. - CIy Counlc_By -£ae. . ~~~ L. T. Chtstensen Tim Dodge Director - Whol~le qontrct Vice President JDate: ~/riJD 9 Date: 3/¡V()i I 7 / NOTICE INFORMATION: All wrtten notes required under the Agrement shall be sent to the following: Qwest Corporation Director - Interconnecion Agrements 1801 California Strt, 24th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 30~65-3029 Fax: 303-965-3527 Email: lntagree(!awest.com With CODY to: Qwest Law Departent Assocate General Counsel,lntercnection 1801 California Strt, 10th Floor Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 303-383-53 Email: LegG!l, i nm(ÇQnneçigntmi;west.QQDJ CLEC: Tim Dodge, VPof Operations P.O. Box 20009 Bilings, MT 59104 Phone: 406.794.0230 Fax: 40.365.1027 E-MAIL: TlMØlCLEARFLY.NET Physical Address for ovrnights: 222 North 32nd , Suite 904 Bilings, MT 59101 APPLICABLE STATES: Qwest agrees to offr and CLEC intends to purchase Service in the sttes indicted below by CLEC's signatory Initialing (or an "X") on the applicable blanks. Note: If CLEC chooses to Indicate Washington, CLEC must select only one (1) of.the Washington service ofrings. CLEC may not change Its Washington selecion after the Agrement Is executed.-2 ...;~......... -2 Arizona ........... Colorado" '. idaho Iowa Minnesota Montana Nebraska New Mexico North Dakota Oreon South Dakota Utah -L Washington 7.0 (with Commercial Perfrmanc Measures and Reportng, Perfrmance Targts and Servce Creits, as descbed in Sectin 7.0 of Attchment 2 to this Agreement); or Washington 8.0 (with Serv Penormanc Measures and Reporting and Perfrmance Asurance Plan (PIDIPAP) for Washington only, as desribed in Secton 8.0 of Attachment 2 to this Agreement). -2-2-2-2 -2 Wyoming March 10, 2009lkcd/Greenflyl Owest QLSpTM MSA - (v924-08) AZ-COS-D90309-0001; CØ,,CDS-09Ò3~OO2:J D.CDS-D90309-003: MN-CDS-090309-000; NM -CDS-D90309-0005; ND-CDS-090309-D06; OR-C05-90309-0007; UT -COS-09309-8; WA-CDS-0309-009; WY -CDS-D90309-10; Page 1 of 11 WHEREA, CLEC desires to purchase from Qwest certin combinations of Netor Elements, ancilary functions, and additional features, including without limitation, the local Loop, Port, swithing, and Shared Transport Now. therefore, In consideration of the tenns and conditions contained herin, CLEC and Qwt mutually agre as follows: 1. Definitions. Capitalized ters used herin are defned in Attchment 1. 2. Effve Da. This Agreeent Is effecve upon the latest execution date by the Partes ("Effecve Date"). 2.1 CLEC's Qwest Platfonn Plus TM Master Services Agreent, If any, is terinated immediately upon execution of this Agreement, and Owt wil provide CLEC local platfrm servce only pursuant to the tenns and conditions of this Agrement The efve billng date for QLSP servce will be the latest date of exection by the Partes. 3. Term. The tenn of this Agreement begins on the Effecve Date and continues through January 3, 2011. In the event that at the expiration of the Agreement CLEC has any remaining Customer served under this Agreement, Qwest may immediately convert CLEC to an equivalent alternative sece at market-bsed wholesle rates. 4. Scope of Agreement; Servce Provisioning; ControllngDocuments; Change of La; Eligibilit for Servce under this Agreement; Non-Appllcabi!ty of Change Management Pross. 4.1 The Service ("Servce; descrbed in this Agreeent wil only be provided in Qwests incumbent LEC servca terrtory in the states of Arzona, Colorado. Idaho, Iowa. Minnesota. Montana, Nebska, New Mexlco, Nort Dakota, Oregn. South Dakota. Utah, Washington and Wyoming. 4.2 In the event of a conflict In any tenn of any docUments that govern the provision of Servce hereunder. the follong order ofprecence will apply in desceding orer of contrl: an Atchment. Rate Sheet, this Agreement, and any Order Fonn. The Partes agree that the Service offere and purchased under this Agreement are subjec to compliance with 'all Applicable Laws and regulations; and obtaining any domestic or foregn approvals and authorizations required or advisable. 4.3 The provisions in this Agrement are inteed to be in compliance with and based on the existing state of the law, rules, regulations and interretations therf, including but not limited to Federl rules. reulations. and law, as of the Effece Date ("Exlsting Rules"). Nothing in this Agreeent shall be deeed an admisson by Qwest or CLEC conceing the Interption or ef of the Exlsting Rules or an admission by Qwest or CLEC that the Exlsting Rules should not be changed. vacated, dismissed, stayed or modifed. Nothing in this Agrement shall preclude or estop Owt or CLEC frm taking any positon in any forum concerning the proper interpretation or effect of the Exlsting Rules or concerning whether the Existing Rules should be changed. vacate, dismissed, stayed or modifed. 4.4 If a change in law, rule, or regulation materally impairs a Part's abilty to perfrm or obtain a benefit under this Agreement, both Partes agree to negotiate in goo faith suc changes as may be necssry to addres such material impainnent. 4.5 To receive seice under this Agreement, CLEC must be a cefied CLEC under applicable state rules. ClEC may not purcaseor utiliz Servce covered under this Agreent for it own administrtive use or for the use by an Affliate. th Owest Wholesale Change Management Pros ("CMp.). Qwests Pennnance Indicators ("PIO"). Perfnnance Assuranc Plan ("PAP.), or any other wholesale serce quality standards, or liquidated damages and remedies. Excet as otherwse prvided, CLEC hery waives any rits it may have under the PIC, PAP and all other whoiesle sece quality stndards to liquidated damages, and remedies with repec to Servce provided pursuant to thisAgreent. CLEC propoed changes to Servce attbute and process enhanceents will be communicated through the standard accunt interfce. Change requests common to shred systems and procees subjec to CMP will contiue to be addreed via the CMP proceures. 5. CLEC Inforation. CLEC agre to work with Qwest in good faith to complete promptly or update, as applicable, Qwsts "New Customer Quesnaire" to the extent that CLEC has not already done so, and CLEC shall hold Qwest hannles fo any damag to or claims frm CLEC caused by CLEC's failure to complete or update the quesonnaire. 6.Financial Terms. 6.1 The descrption of the Service and applicale rate are set fort in the Attchments and Rate Sheets. The Partes agree that the reference rates are just and reesonable. 6.2 Tax. Fee. and other Govnmentl ImpOlltions. All charges for Serce provided herein are exclusive of any fedl, state, or loca sales, use, excie, gros reipts, trnsacton or similar taxes, fe or surcarges ("Tax" or "Taxes"). Taxes reulting from the perfanc of this Agreement shall be borne by the Part upon which the obligation for payment Is Imposed under Aplicabl Law, even If the obligation to colec and remit such Taxes is plac upon the other Part., However, where the selling Part is speccally pennitt by an Applicable Law to collect such Taxes frm the purcasing Part, such Taxes shall be bome by the Part purchasing the servce. Each Part Is responsible for any tax on its corporate existence, status or income. Taxes shall be biled as a separate Item on the Invoice in accrdance with Applicable Law. The Part BlIlng such Taxes shall, at the wrtten reuest of the Part billed, prvide the billed Part with detailed Inforation regarding blled Taxe, including the applicable Tax jurisdicton, rate, and base upon which the Tax Is applied. If either Part (the Contesting Part) contests the appliction of any Tax coleced by the other Part (the Collecting Part), the Collecng Part shall reasonably coperate In goo fait with the Contesng Parts challenge, provided that the Conteting Part pays any reaonable cost Incrr by the Collecting Part. The Contesng Part is entitled to the beneft of any refund or recovery reulting frm the contet, provied that the Contesting Part has paid the Tax conteted. If the purchasing Part provides the sellng Part with a resale or other exemption certficate, the seiling Part shall exempt the purchasing Part if the sellng Part accpts the cecate in goo faith. If a Part bemes aware that any Tax Is incorrecy or eroneously colleced by that Part frm the other Part orpaid by the other Part to that Part, that Part shall refnd the incorry or errneously colleced Tax or paid Tax to the other Part. 6.3 Eac Part shall be solel resposible for all taes on its own busines. the meaure of which Is its ow net Income or net wort and shall be resonsible for any related tax filings, payment, prtest, audit and litigation. Each Part shall be solely reponsible for the Biling, collecton and proper remittnce of all applicable Taxes relating to its own servce provided to its ow Customers. 4.6 Except as otherwse provided in this Agreement, the Parties agre that Servces provided under this Agreeent ar not subjec to March 10, 2009lkcd/Greflyl Qwest QLSpTM MSA - (v9-24-B) AZ.CDS-090309-0001; CQ.COS-090309-0002; ID.CDS.0903090003; M N-C05-90309-00; NM-COS-090309-05; NO-COS.090309-; OR-COS.090309-0007; UT-COS-Q0309-000B; WA.COS.090309-009; WV-COS.090309-0010; Page 2 of 11 7. Intellectual Propert. 7.1 Except fo a license to use any facllltes or equipment (including softare) solely for the purpes of ths Agreement or to ree Service solel as provided in this Agreeent or as speccally required by the then-applicable feeral rules and reulations relating to Servce provided under this Agreeent. nothing contained within this Agreement shall be consted as the grant of a license, either expres or implied. with respec to any patent, copyrght, trde name, trdemari, servce mari, trde seet, or other prpretary interet or intellecual prpert. no or herefter owned, contrlled or licesable by either Part. Neier Part may use any patet, copyrght, tre name, trdemari, service mark, trade secret, nor other proprietary interest or intellecal propert. now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable by either Part wihout execution of a separate written agreement beteen the Partes. 7.2 Subjec to the generl indemnity provisions of this Agreeent, each Part (an Indemniing Part) shall indemnif anhold the other Part (an Indemnifi Part) harmless fr and against any loss, cot. expse or liability arising out of a claim that the servce provided by the Indemnifyng Part provided or used pursuant to the terms of this Agreeent misappropriate or otherwise violate the intellectual propert rights of any third part. The obligation for indemnification reted in this paragraph shall not extend to Infrngement which result fr: A. any combination of the facilites or servce of the Indemnifng Part with facilities or serce of any other Person (Including the Indemnifed Part but excluding the Indemnifyng Par and any of its AfflIates), which cobination Is not made by or at the direction of the IndemnIfyng Part or is not reasonably necsary to CLEC's use of the Serce ofere by Owt under this Agreement; or B. any modification made to the faclItles or serice of the Indemnifyng Part by, on behalf of, or at the request of the Indemnified Part and not require by the Indemnifing Part. 7.3 In the event of any claim, the Indemnifying Part may, at it sole opti obtain the right for the Indemnified Part to continue to use the facility or servce; or relace or modify the facility or serce to make such facility or serce non-infrnging. 7.4 If the Indemnifng Part is not reasonably able to obtain the right fo cotinued use or to replace or modify the fality or servce as prvided above and either the facility or servce is held to be Infrnging by a court of copetent jurisdicon; or the Indemnifyng Part reasonably believes that the facility or servce wiil be held to infrnge, the Indemnifng Part will notify the Indemnifed Part and the Partes wil negotiate in good faith regarding reasonable modifications to this Agreement necssary to mitigate damage or comply with an injuncton which may reult frm such infringement; or allow cetion of furter infrngeent. 7.5 The Indemnifyng Part may reuest that the Indemnified Part take steps tomltgate damages resulting fr the infrngement or alleged infringement including, but not. limited to, accpting modifcations to the facilities or servce. and such request shall not be unreasonably denied. 7.6 To the extent reuire under applicable federal and state law, Qwest shall use comerally reasonable effrt to obtain, from its vendor who have licensed intellecual propert rihts to Qwest in connecti witt Servce provided hereunder, licenses under such intellecual propert rights as necesary for CLEC to use such Servce as conteplated herunder and at least In the same manner used by Qwest for the Services provided herunder. Owest shall notify CLEC immediately In the event tht Qwt believes it has used itscommerlly resonable eff to obin suc rights, but has been unsuccssl in obtaining such rihts. Nothing In this subsecn shall be constred in any way to condition, limit, or alter a Parts Indemnification obligations under Secon 7.2, preing. 7.7. Neither Part shall without the expres wrtten permisSÍon of the other Part, state or imply that it Is conneced, or in any way affliated wi the other or its Affliates; it Is part of a joint business assocation or any similar arrngement wi the other or its Affliate; the other Par and its Affliates are in any way sponsoring. endorsing or ceing it and Its goos and servce; or wi respect to Its marieting, advertsing or promotional actvies or materals, the service are In any way associated with or originated frm the other Part or any of Its Affliates. 7.8 Nothing in this Secon prevents either Part fr trthfully desbing the Serce it uses to provie servce to it End User Custoers, provided it doe not represet the Servce as originating frm the other Part or its Afliates or othrwse attempt to sell its End User Custmer uSÍng the name of the other par or its Affliates. 7.9 Becuse a brch of the materil provisions of this Sectin 7 may cause irrparable harm fo which monetary damages may be inadequate, in additi to other available remedies. the non-breaching Par may se injunctive reief. 8. Financial Responsibilty Pam'"! and Securty. 8.1 Payment Obllqation.. Amounts payable under this Agreement are due and payable within thirt (30) Days after the date ofinvoice ("Payment Due Date"). If the Payment Due Date falls on a Sunday or on a hoiday which is observed on a Monday, the payment date will be the first non holiday day followng such Sundy or holidy. If such a payment date falls on a Saturday or on a holiday which is observed on Tuesay, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, the payment date shall be the last non holiday day preing such Saturday or holiday. For invoice distrbute elecnically, the date of the invoice date is the same as If the invoice wee biled on paper, not the date the elecic deliver ocrs. If CLEC fails to make payment on or before the Payment Due Date, Qwt may invoe all available rights and remedies. 8.2 Cessaion of Ordr Prossing. Qwest may discotinue proceing orders for Servce for the failure of CLEC to make full payment for Serce, les any goo faith disputed amount as providedfor in this Agreement, wiin thirt (30) Days following the Payment Due Date provided that Owest has first notied CLEC in wrng at least ten (10) busines days prior to discntinuing the proceing of ordrs for Serice. If Qwest does not refuse to acpt additional orers for Services on the date specied in the ten (10) business days notice, and CLEC's non-cpliance contnues. nothing cotained herein shall precude Qwest's right to refuse to acct additional orders fo Serces from CLEC without furter notice. For order processing to reume, CLEC will be reuired to make full payment of all past-due charges for Servce not disputed in good faith under this Agreeent, and Qwest may reuire a depsit (or recalculate the depoit) pursuant to Section 8.5. In additin to other remedies that may be available atlaw or equity, Owt reserves the right to se equitable relief inciuding injunctive relief and specfic perfrmance. 8.3 Disconnecton. Owest may disconnec any Servce provIded under this Agreeent for failure by CLEC to make full payment for such Servce, less any go faith disputed amount as provied for in thIs Agreement. within sixt (60) Days following the Payment Due Date provided that Qwest has first notied CLEC In Marc 10, 2009/kcd/Greenfly/ Qwest QLSpTM MSA - (v9-24-Q8) AZ-CDS-090309-0001; CO-CDS-Q9030902; ID-CDS-Q90309-003; M N-CDS-0309-Q4; NM-CDS-0309-5; ND-CDS-Q90300006; OR-CDS-Q90309-0007; UT -CDS-Q90309-0008; WA-CDs-3Q909; WY -CDS-03Q91 0; Page 3 of 11 wrting at least ten (10) business days prior to disconnecng Servces. CLEC WILL pay the applicale charg set fort in the Rate Sheet require to recnnect Servce for each End User Customer disconneced pursuant to this paragraph. In case of such disconnecton, all applicable undisputed charges, including termination charges, WILL becoe due. If Qwest does not disconnec CLEC's Serice on the.date specfied In the ten (10) busines days notice, and CLEC's noncoplianc continues, nothing contained hereln shallprecude Qwests right to discnnect any or all Servce. For recnnecon of the Servce to occr, CLEC will be require to make full payment of all past and current undispute charges under this Agreement for Service and Qwest may require a deposit (or recalculate the deposit) pursant to Secton 8.5. In addition to other remedies that may be available at law or equity, each Part reserves the right to seek equitable reief. including injunctve relief and specc perfrmance. Notthstanding the foregoing. Qwest wil not effec a disconnecon pursuant to this secton in such manner that CLEC may not reasonably comply with Applicable Law conceming End User Custoer discnnection and nolfcation. provided that, the foregoing is subje to CLEC's reasonable dilgece in efecng such compliance. 8.4 Billing Dispus. Should CLEC dispute, in goo faith, and withhold payment on any por of the charg under this Agreement, CLEC will notify Qwest in wrting within fifteen (15) Days following the Payment Due Date identifyng the amount, reon and rationale of such dispute. At a minimum, CLEC will pay all undisputed amounts due to Qwest. Both CLEC and Qwest agree to expite the investigation of any disputed amounts, promptly provide resonabiy reuested documentation regrding the amount disputed. and work in good faith in an effrt to resolve and settle the dispute through informal means prior to invoking any other rights or remedies. A. If CLEC disputes charges and does not pay such charges by the Payment Due Date, such chargs may be subjec to late payment charges. If the disputed charges have ben withhel and the dispute is resolved in favor of Qwest. CLEC will pay the disputed amount and applicable late payment charge no later thn the next Bil Date follong the reslution. CLEC may not continue to withhold the dispute amount following the initial resolution while pursuing furter dispute reslution. If the disputed charges have been withheld and the dispute is resolved in favor of CLEC, Qwest will crdit CLEC's bil for the amount of the disputed charges and any late payment charges that have been assess no later than the secnd eil Date after the resolution of the dispute. B. If CLEC pays the disputed charges and the dispute is relved In favor of Qwest, no furter action is reuire. If CLEC pays the charges disputed at the time of payment or at any timethereafter, and the dispute is reslved In favor of the CLEC. Qwest will adjust the Billing, usually within tw Billing cycles afer the relution of the dispute. as follows: Qwest will crit the CLEC's bill for the dispute amount and any associated inter; or if the disputed amount is greater than the bil to be credited, pay the reaining amount to CLEC. C. The interest calculate on the disputed amounts WILL be the same rate as late payment charge. In no event, however. will any late payment charges be assessed on any previousl assesed late payment charges. D. If CLEC fails to dispute a rate or charge within 60 Days following the invoice date on which the rate or charge appeare, adjustment wil be made on a going-forward basis only, beginning with the date of the dispute. 8.5 Securi Deposits. In the event of a material adverse change in CLEC's financial condîton subsequent to the Effecve Date of the Agreement, Owt may request a securi deposit. A "materal adverse change in financial condition" means CLEC is a new CLECwith no esblished credit history, or is a CLEC that has not established safactry crit with Qwest, or the Part is repeatedly delinquent In. making its payments, or is belng recnnect after a disconecon of Sece or discntinuance of the prong of orders by Qwst due to a previous failure to pay undisputed charg in a timely manner. Qwest may require a depsit to be hel as secrity forthe payment of charges before the order fr CLEC will beprovisloned and copleted or befre recnnecon of Servce. "Repeatedly Delinquent" means any payment of a material amount of total monthly Biling under the Agent received after the Payment Due Date. three (3) or more times during the last twelve (12) month period. The deposit may not exced the estimated total montly charges for a tw (2) month period based upon reent Billing. The depsit may be an irrevocable bank lett of credit, a letter of crit with terms and conditions accptale to Qwest, or some other fonn of mutually acceptable security such as a cash depsit The depit may be adjusted by CLEC's actal monthly avere charges, payment histo under this Agement, or other relevant fact, but in no event wilt the serity deposit exc fie milion dollars ($5,000,000.00). Required depits are due and payable wiin thirt (30) Days after demand and non-payment Is subjec to 8.2 and 8.3 of this Secon. 8.6 Intrest on Deposits. Any Interest earned on cash deposits wil be credited to CLEC in the amount actally earned or at the rate set fort In Secon 8.7 below. whichever Is lower, except as otherwise required by law, provided that, for elimination of doubt, the Partes agre that such deposit are not subjec to stte laws or reulatins relating to consumer or End User Customer cash depsits. Cash deposits and acced Interest. if applicable, will be credite to CLEC's accunt or refunded, as approriate, upon the earlier of the expration of the term of the Agreent or the establishment of satisfactory crit with Qwet, which will generlly be one full year of timely payments of undisputed amounts In full by CLEC. Upon a material change in financial standing, CLEC may reuest, and Qwest will consid, a recalculatin of the depsit The fact that a depoit has be made do not relieve CLEC fr any reuirements of this Agreement. 8.7 Late Payment Cbara. If any porton of the payment Is reved by Qwest after the Payment Due Date, or if any porton of the payment is received by Qwest in funds that are not immediately available, then a late payment charge WILL be due to Qwst. The late payment charge Is the porton of the payment not reived by the Payment Due Date multiplied by a late factor. The late factor is the lesser of the highest Interes rate (In decmal value) which may be levied by law for comercal trnsactons, compounded daily fo the number of Days frm the Payment Due Date to and including the date that the CLEC actally makes the payment to awest; or 0.000407 pe Day, compounded daily for the number of Days frm the Payment Due Date to and including the date that the CLEC actally makes the payment to Qwes. 9. Conversions. If CLEC is obtaining service fr Qwest under an arrngement or agreement that Includes the application of termination liabilty assesment (TLA) or minimum perid charges, and if CLEC wishes to conver such sece to a Serice under this Agreeent, the coversion of such serce will not be delayed due to the applicabilty of TLA or minimum period charges. The appicability of such charges is govemed by the tes of the original agrement. Tari or arrngement. Nothing herein win be costred as expanding the rights othrwse granted by this Agreeent or by law to elect to make such conversions. 10. Custmer Contact. CLEC. or CLEC's authorize agent, are the single point of contact for its End User Customers' servce Marc 10, 2009JkcdGreenflyl Qwest QlSP 1M MSA - (1124-08) AZ-CDS-090309-0oo1; CO-eDS-Q90309-002; IO-eDS-090309-0003; MN-eDS-Q90309-0004; NM-eDS-090309005; NO-CDS-00309-0oo6; OR-CDS-090309-D07; UT-CDS-90309-008; WA-CDS-Q90309-0009: WY-CDS-Q90309-010: Page 4 of 11 nees. incuding wihout Ilmltation, sales. servce design, order taking, Provisioning, change orders, trining, maintenance, truble reort, repair, post-sale servicing, Billng, collection and inquiry. CLEC will Inform its End User Customers that they are End User Customer of CLEC. ClEC's End User Customer contactng Owt will be Instrcted to contact CLEC, and Qwests End User Customers contacting CLEC will be instrcted to contact Owest. In repoing to calls. neither Part will make disparaging rearKs about each othr. To the extent the corr prvider can be deterined. misdireced calls reved by either Part will be refered to the proper provier of Locl Exchange Serce: however, nothing in this Agreeent shall be deemed to prohibit Owest or CLEC frm discssing its prouct and sece with CLEC's or Owests End User Customer who call the other Part. or destrcton of tangible prpert, whether or not owed by others, resulting from the Indemnifng Parts brech of or failure to perfrm under this Agreent, regrdless of the form of acton, whether in contrct, warrnty, sùict Ilabllty, or tort including (without limitation) negligence of any kind. 10.1 In the event Qwest terminates Servce to CLEC for any reason, CLEC will provide any and all necssary notice to its End User Customers of the termination. In no case will Qwest be responsible for providing such notice to CLEC's End User Customers. B. In the case of claims or los alleged or incurr by an End User Customer of either Part ariing out of or in connec with Servce provided to the End User Custoer by the Part, the Part whse End User Custoer alleged or incurr such claims or loss (the Indemnifyng Part) shall defend and indemnify theother Part and each of its offce, direor, employee and agents (collecely the Indemnifed Part) against any and all such claims or los by the IndemnlfyAQ Part's End User Customers regrdless of whether the underying Serce was provided or was provisioned by the Indemnifed Part, unles the loss was caused by the gross negligence or willful miscnduct of the Indemnified Part. The obllgation to indemnify with respec to claims of the Indemnifyng Parts End User Custmers shaD not extd to any claims for physical boily injury or death of any Pern or perss. or for loss. damage to, or destron of tangible proper. whether or not owed by other, alleg to have resulte direy from the negligence or intentional coduct of the employees. contrctrs, agents, or other represntaties of the Indemnlfled Part. 11. Pefult and Brech. If either Part defaults in the payment of any amount due hernder. or if eiter Part violates any other materil provision of this Agreement and such defult or vilation cotinues for thirt (30) Days after written notice thereof. the other Part may terminate this Agreent and see relief in accrdance with the Dispute Resolution proviion, or any remedy under this Agreement. 13.2 The Indemnification provided herein is conditined upon:12. Limittion of liabilty. 12.1 CLEC's exclusive reedies for claims under this Agreeent are limited to CLEC's proven diret damages unles CLEC's damages are otherwse limited by this Agreement to outage credits or other servce credits, in which case Qwests total liabilit win not exce the aggregate amount of any applicble credits due. 12.2 Except for indemnification and payment obligations under this Agreement. neither Part shall be liable to the other for indire incidental. consequential, exemplary, punitve. or specal damages, including, withut limitation, damages for lost profits, los revenues, lost savings suffere by the other Part reardles of the form of acton, whether in contrct. warrnty. strct liabilty, tort, including, without limitation, negligence of any kind and reardless of whether the Partes know the possibility that such damages could reult. A. The Indemnified Part will promptly noti the Indemnifyng Part of any acton taken against the Indemnified Part relating to the Indemnifcation. Failure 10 so notify the Indemnifyg Part willnot relieve the Indemnifng Part of any liabilty that the Indemnifyng Part might have, except to the extent that such failure prejudice the Indemnifng Parts ability to defend such claIm. 12.3 Nothing contained in this Secon shall limit either Part's liabilty to the other for willfl miscnduct. provided that, a Part's liabilty to the othe Part pursuant to the foreging exclusion, other than dir damages, wil be limited to a total cap equal to one hundred per cent (100%) of the annualized run rate of total amounts chrged by Qwes to CLEC under the Agreement. B. If th Indemnifng Part wishes to def against such actn, It wil give wrtten notice to the Indemnified Part of acctance of the defense of such acton. In such evnt, the Indemnifyng Part has sole autori to defend any such action. including the selecon of legal counsel, and the Indemnifed Part may engage separate legal counsel only at it sole cost and expense. In the event that the Indemnifing Part does not accpt the defense of the actn. the Indemnifed Part has the right to emloy counsel for such defense at the expse of the Indemnifng Part. Each Part agree to corate with the other Part In the defense of any such acton and the relevant rerds of each Part will be available to the other Part with repec to any such defense. 13. Indemnit. 13. 1 The Partes agree that unless otherwse speclcally set fort in this Agreent the following constitue the sale indemnifcation obligations between and among the Partes: C. In no event wil the Indemnifng Part sette or consent to any judgment for relief other than monetary damages pertining to any such action without the prior wrttn consent of the Indemnified Part. In the event the Indemnified Part withholds conset the Indemnified Part may, at its cost, take over such defense, provided that, in such event, the Indemnifyng Part shall not be responsible for, nor shall It be obligated to indemnify the relevant Indemnified Part against. any cost or liabilty in exces of such refused coproise or settement. A. Each Part (the Indemnifying Part) agrees to release, indemnif. defend and hold harmless the other Part and each of Its offcers, direcrs, employee and agents (each an Indemnitee) fr and against and In repec of any loss. debt, liability, damage, obligation, claim. demand, judgment or settement of any nature or kind, known or unknown, liquidated or unliquidated including, but not limited to, resonable cots and expnses (including attmeys' fees), whether suffered, made, instited, orasserted by any Persn or enti, for invasion of privacy, bodily injury or death of any Persn or Persons, or for loss, damage to, March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenflyl Qwst QLSpTM MSA - (v9-24-8) AZ-CDS-090309-0001: CO-D5-90309-2; ID.CD5-309-003; MN-CDS-0309-D04: NM-CDS-Q9030-Q005; ND-CDS-090309-06; OR-CDS-090309-007; UT.CDS-Q0309-0008: WA-CDS.Q90309-09; WY-CDS-0309-Q010; 14. Limit Warrnties. 14.1 Each Part will provide suitably quallfled personnel to per this Agreent and all Servce hernder in a good and worKmanlikemanner and in material conformance with all Applicable Laws and reulations. Page50f11 14.2 EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, QWEST SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY SERVICE PROVIDED HEREUNDER. QWEST SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES; INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITESS FOR A PARTICULA PURPOSE, OR TITLE OR NON~INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 15. Relatonship. Except to the limite extnt expesly provided in this Agrêent neier Part has the authty to bind the other by contr or otherse or make any represntations or guarantees on behalf of the other or othrwse act on the others behalf; and the relationship arising frm this Agreement does not costiMe an agency, joint venture, partership, employee reationship, or frnchise. 16. Assignment. 16.1 CLEC may not assign this Agrement or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior wrtten consent of Qwt. which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Notwthstanding the foregoing and subjec to the pri crit reiew, 'submlssion of approprite legal docmentation (including. but not limited, to any appropriate Secretary of State or other filings or documents speced by Qwest and approval by Qwest of CLEC's proposed assignee. CLEC may assign this Agreement without prior written cosent of Qwst to any Afliate. sucssr throgh merger, or acqulre of substantially all of its assets; and Qwest may assign this Agreeent without prior wrtten consent to any Affliate, succor through merer, or acquirer of substantially all of It busines asset; provided that in all cases the assignee of CLEC or Qwest, as applicable, acknowedge in wrting its assumption of the obligations of the assignor hereunder. Any attempted assignment in violation hereof is of no force or effct and is void. Without limiting the generality of the foreoing. this Agreement will be binding the Partes' respecve succsors and assigns. 16.2 In the evet that Qwt transfer to any unaffliate part exchanges induding End Use Customers that CLEC seres in whole or in part throgh Serce provided by Qwt under this Agment, Qwest wil ensure that the trnsfere serve as a succssor to and fully perrm all of Qwests responsibilties and obligations under this Agreeent for a period of ninety (90) Days from the efecve date of such trnsfer or until such later time as the FCC may direct pursuant to the FCC's then applicable statutory authority to impose such responsibilities either as a condition of the trnsfer or under such other state statutry authority as may give it such power. In the event of such a proposed trnsfer, Qwest wil use bet effort to facilitate discussions between CLEC and the trnsfere with respect to transferee's assumption of Qw~t's obligations aftr the above-state transition period pursuant to the tes of this Agreement. 17. Reporting Requirements. If reportng obligations or requirements are imposed upon either Part by any third part or reulatory agency In connecon with either this Agreement or theServces. including use of the Servce by CLEe or its End Users, the other Par agree to assist that Part in complying with such obligations and reuireents, as resonably required by that Part. 18. ~. The expiration or teination of this Agreent does not relieve either Part of thse obligations that by their nature are intended to survive. 19. Çonf!dentlalltv Nondisclosure. 19.1 Neither Part wil, without the prior written consent of the other Party issue any pubiic announceent rearding, or make any other disdosure of the terms of, this Agreement; or disclse or use (excet as expressly permitted by, or required to acieve the purpse of, this Agreent) the Confidential Infrmation of the other Part. Consent may only be given on behalf of a Part by It Legl Deprtent. However, a Par may disdose Confidential Infrmatin if reuired to do so by a govemmental agency, by operatin of law. or if necery in any prceeding to esblish rights or obligtions uner this Agreement.. provided that the disdoslng Part gives the non- disdosing Part reonable prior wrtten notice. Notwthstanding the foreoing. if reportng or filing obligations or reuirements are imposed upon Qwest by any third part or regulatory agency In conecion wi this Agreement, CLEC agrees to assist Qwest in coplyng with such obligations and requirements, as resonably reuired by Qwest and to hold Qwes harmless for any failure by CLEC in this regard. Qwests copliance with any regulatory filing obiigation will not costtute a violation of this secon. 19.2 All Confidential Information will remain the pr of the disclsing Part. A Part who recees Confential Informatin vi an oral communication may reuest wrttn confirmation that the material is Confidential Information. A Part who delivers Confidential Infoation via an oral communication may reuest wrttn confirmation that the Part reiving th information undertands that the materil is Confidential Inforaton. Eac Part has the riht to corr an inadverent failure to ident Infoation as Confidential Infrmation by giving wrtten notification within thirt (30) Days after the information is disclosed. The reiving Part will frm that time forwrd, trt such information as Confldentlallnformation. 19.3 Upon request by the discing Part, th recMng par will return all tangible copies of Confiential Infrmation, whether wren, graphic or otherwse, excet that the reiving Part may retain one copy for arcivl purpses. 19.4 Each Part will keep all of the other Parts Confidential Information cofidential and will disdose it on a nee to know basis only. Each Part wil use the other Parts Confidentil Informatin only in connecion with this Agreement and in accrdance with Aplicable Law. Neither Part will use the other Part's ConfidentialInformation for any other purpse except upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon be the Partes in wrting. If eiter Part loses, or makes an unauthorized disclosure of, the otherPart's Confidential Informaton, It will notify such other Part immediately and use resonable efrt to retreve the information. 19.5 Effecve Date of this Secon. Notwthstanding any other provision of this Agreement. the Confdetial Infation provisions of this Agreement apply to all Information fumished by either Part to the other in furterance of the purpose of this Agreement, even if fumished before the Effve Date. 19.6 Each Part agrees that the disclsing Part could be irreprably injure by a breach of the confidentility obligaons of thisAgreent by the recving Part or its represetave end that the disdosing Part is entitled to seek equitable relief. including injunclve relief and specc perance in the event of any brch of the confidentiality provisions of this Agreent. Such reedies are not th exclusive remedies fo a breach of the confidentiality provIsIons of this Agreeent, but are in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity. 19.7 Nothing herein should be constred as limiting either Parts rights with respec to its ow Confidential Infoation or Its obligations with respec to the other Parts Cofidentil Infrmaton under Secon 222 of the Ac. 20. ~. Except as otherse provided herin. neither Parts falure to enforc any right or reedy available to it under this Agreement wil be construed as a waiver of such right or a waive of any other provision hereunder. March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenflyl Qwest QLSP"" MSA - (v924-8) AZ-CDS-090309-001 ; Co-CDS.090309002; ID.CDS..90309-ûOO3; M N.CDS-0309-û004; NM.CDS-û90309-05; ND-CDS.090309-0006; OR-CDS-309-0007; UT -CDS.090309-0008; WA-CDS-309-ûOO9; WY -CDS-û90309-10; Page 6 of 11 21. Regulatry ApprovaL. Each Part reserves its rits with respec to whether this Agreement is subjec to Secons 251 and 252 of the Act. In the event the FCC, a state commission or any other govemmental authority or agency rejec or modifes any material provision in this Agreent, either Part may Immediately upon wrtten notice to the other Part terminate this Agreement. If a Part Is reuire by a lawfl. binding order to file this Agreent or a provision theref with the FCC or state reulatory authorities for apprval or reulatory review, the filing Part shall provide wrtten notice to the other Part of the existence of such lawfl, binding order so that the other Part may seek an injunct or other relief frm sud order. .In addition, the filing Part agrees to reasoably coperate to amend and make modifcations to the Agreement to allow the filing of the Agreement or the specfic part of the Agreement affected by the order to the extent reasonably necessry. 22. M2. Aly notice require by or conceing this Agrement will be in writing and will be suffciently given if delivered persnally, delivered by prepaid oveight expres serce, sent by facsmlle with electnic cofirmation. or sent by certed mall, returnrecipt reueste, or by email where speified in this Agreent to Qwes and CLEC at the addrees shown on the cover sheet of this Agreeent. 23. Forc Maleure. Neither Part shall be liable for any delay or failure in peormance of any part of this Agreement from any cause beyond its control and without its fault or negligence indudlng, without limitation. act of nature. act of civil or miltary authority. government reulations, embargoes, epidemics, terrrist acts, riots. insurrectons,fires, explosions, eartquakes. nuciear accdents, floods, work stoppages, power blackouts, volcanic action. oter major environmental dIsturbnce, or unusually sever weather conditions (collectely. a Forc Majeure Event). Inabilty to secre product or serces of other Per or transprttion facilities or act or omissions of trnsporttion carrers shall be considered Force Majeure Events to the extent any delay or failure in perfrmance caused by these circustance Is beond the Part's contrl and wiout that Part's fault or negligence. The Part afeced by a Force Majeure Event shall give prompt notice to the other Part, shall be exsed frm perfrmance of it obligations hereunder on a day to day basis to the extent those obligations are prevented by the Forc Majeure Event, and shall use reonable effrt to remove or mitigate the Forc Majeure Event. In the event of a labor dispute or strke the Partes agree to provide Servce to each other at a level equivalent to the ievel they provide themselves. 24. Governing La. Colorado state law, without regard to choicef-law principles, governs all matters arising out of, or reting to, this Agreeent. 25.Dispute Resoluton. producton, and are not admissible in any subsequent proings without the concurrence of both Pártles. 25.2 If the designated representatives have not reamed a resolution of the dispute within fin (15) Days after the wrtten notice (or such longer perod as agreed to In wrting by the Partes), then elther Part may comence a dvil acton. Any acton will be brought In the United States Distrct Court for the Distrt of Colordo if it has subjec mater jurisdicon over the acton, and shall otherwse be brought In the Denver Distrct COrt fo the State of Coorao. The Partes agre that such court have persnal jurisdicton over them. 25.3 waiver of JUry Trial and Class Actn. Each Part, to the exent permitted by law, knowingly, voluntarily, and Intentionally waives Its right to a trial by jury and any right to pursue any daim or acton arising out of or relating to this Agrement on a dass or consolidated basis or in a representative capacity. 25.4 No cause of acton regardless of the form of actn, arsing out of, or relating to this Agreement, may be brght by either Part more thn tw (2) years after the cause of act arises. 26. Headings. The headings used in this Agreent are for coveience only and do not in any way limit or otherse aff the meaning of any terms of this Agrement. 27.Authorization. Each Part represnts and warrnts that: A. the full legal name of the legl entity Intended to provide and receive the benefts and Servce under this Agreement is accrately set fo herein; B. the person signing this Agreeent has bee duly authorze to execte this Agreeent on that Part's behalf C. the exection her is not in confic with law, the tes ofany chrter. bylaw, artdes of assocati, or any agreent to which such Part is bond or afed: and D. each Part may act in reiance upon any instrction, instrment, or signature reasonably believed by it to be authoried and genuine. 28. Third Part Beneficiaries. The terms. represntations, warrnties and agreements of the Partes set fort in this Agreent are not Intended for, nor will they be for the benefi of or enforceable by, any third part (lndudlng, without limitation, Custoets Afliate and End Users). 29. InSUrance. Each Part shall at ali times during the ter of this Agrement. at its ow cost and expnse, cany and maintain the insurance covere listed below with insure having a "Bests" rating of B+XlI with respec to liabilty arising fr its operations for which that Part has assumed legl responsibilty in this Agreement. If a Part or Its parent company has asset equal to or exceeding $10,000.000.000, that Part may utilize an Affliate captive Insurancecompany in lieu of a "Bests" rate insurer. To the extent that the parent copany of a Part is relied upon to meet the $10,000,000,000 asset threhod, such paret shall be responsible for the insurance obligations contained in this Secon, to the extent its afliated Party fails to meet such obligations. 29.1 Worer' Copenstion with statutory limits as reuired in the state of opratin and Emplyer' Liability insurance with limit of not less than $100,00 eam accdent. 25.1 The Partes will attempt in go faith to resolve through negotiation any dispute. claim or contrvery arising out of, or relating to, this Agreeent. Either Part may give written notice to the other Part of any dispute not resolved in the normal course of business. Each Part wil within seven (7) Days after deliver of the wrtten notice of dispute, designate a viceresident level employee or a repreentative with authority to make comitments to review, meet, and negotiate, in good faith, to resolve the dlsptte. The Partes inted that these negotiations be coducted by non.lawyer, business reresentatives, and the locations, format, frequency, duration, andcondusions of these discuions wil be at the discetion of the representatives. By mutual agreeent, the repreentatives may use other proceures to assist In these negotiations. The discussions and correspondence among the repreentatives for the purpses of these negotiations will be treated as Confidential Information developed for purposes of settement, and wil be exempt frm discover and Marc 10. 2009/kcdGreenflyl Owest QLSpTM MSA - (\124-08) AZ-CDS-Q90309.0001; CO-CDS-090309-0002; ID-CDS-090309-003; MN-CDS.090309-0004; NM-C05-09309005; ND-CDS-0309-0006; OR-CDS-09309-0007; UT-CDS-90309-0008; WA-CDS.09309-0009; WY-CDS-090309-10; 29.2 Commercial General Liabilty insurance coverng claims for bodily injury. death, personal injury or propert damage, including Page 7 of 11 coverage for indepndent contrcts protecton (required if any work Will be subcontrcted), product and/or copleted opertions and contrctal liability With respec to the llablIty assumed by each Part hereunder. The limits of insurance shall not be less than $1.00.00 each occrrence and $2,000.000 generl aggreate limit. 29.3 "AU Risk" Propert coverage on a full replaceent cost basis insuring all of such Parts pernal proper situated on or within th Premises. 29.4 Each Part may be asked by the other to provide cecate(s) of Insurance evidencing coverage, and thereafter shall provide such ceflcate(s) upon request. Such certficates shall: A. name the other Part as an additional Insure under comeral generlliabilty coverage; B. provide thirt (30) Oays prior wrtten notice of cancellation of.material change or exclusions in the policy(s) to which cecate(s) reate; C, Indicate that coverage is primary and not exces of, or contrbutory With, any other valid and collecble insurance purchased by such Part; and O. ackowledge severbility of interescrss liabilty coverage. 30. Communlcaons Assistnce Law Enforcement Ac of ~. Each Part reprents and warrnts that any equipment, facilities or Servce provided to the other Part under this Agreement comply With the CALEA. Each Part will indemnif and hold the othr Part harmles frm any and all penalties Impos upon the other Part for such noncmpliance and wil at the non-compliant Parts sole co and expense, modfy or replace any equipment, facilites or Serce provided to the other Part under this Agreement to ensure that such equipment, facilities and Seice fully coply with CALEA 31. Eiltire Agreement. This Agrement (including all Attchments, Rate Sheets, and other documents refered to herein) constitules the full and entire undertanding and agreement betwn the Partes with reard to the subject of this Agreement and superedes any pnor understandings. agreements. or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, including but not limited to, any term sheet or memorandum of understanding entere into by the Partes, to the extent they relate in any wa to the subject of this Agreement. Notwthstanding the foreoing, certain elements use in combination with the Servce provided under this Agreeent are provided by Owest to CLEC under the ters and conditins of its interconnecton agreement ("ICA"), and nothing contained herein Is intended by the Partes to amend, alter, or othelwlse modif thos ters and conditions. 32. Proof of Authorizaion. 32.1 Each Part shall be responsible fo obtaining and maintaining Prof of Authorization (POA), as required by applicable feeral and state law, as amended frm time to time. 32.2 Each Part will make POAs available to the oter Party upon reuest. In the event of an allegation of an unauthorized change or unauthorized servce in accrdance with all Applicable Laws and rules, the Part charged with the alleged infrcton shall be reponsible for resolvng such claim. and it shall indemnify and hold harmless the other Part for any losses, damages. penalties, or other claims in connection with the alleged unauthorized change or serv. 33.1 Owest will prvide generl repair and maintenance sece on its facilties, including thse facilities supporng Serce purcase by CLEC under this Agreent, at a level that is conslstt with other coparable servce provided by Owest. 33.2 In order to maintain and modemize the netwrk properly, Owest may make necary modifications and changes to its net on an as needed basis. Such changes may result in minor changes to trsmisson parameter. Netw maintenance and moderization actvies will reult in trnsmissi paramet that are within trnsmission limits of the Sece order by CLEC. Owest will provide adnce notice of changes that af netrk Interoperabilty pursant to applicable FCC rules. 33.3 Netork Secrity, A. proten of Serce and ProPer. Each Part will exese the sae degree of care to prvent harm or damag to the other Part and any third partes, its employ, agets or End User Customers, or their propert as it employs to protect Its own personnel, End User Custoer and propert. etc., but in no cae less than a comercally reasonable deg of care. B, Each Part is reposible to provide seri and pnvacy of comunications. This entails proteting the confiential nature of Telecmunications trnsmissions betee End Use Custmer during technician work opertions and at all times. Spefically, no employee, agent or rereentative shall monitor any circits except as reqire to repair or provide Servce of any End User Customer at any time. Nor shall an employee, agent or representative discos the nature of overheard conversations, or wh partcipated in such comunications or even that such communicatin has taken place, Violation of such secrity may entail state and feerl crminal pealties, as well as cil penltes. CLEC Is reponsible for covering its employee on such security requirements and penalties. C, The Parties' netwrks are pa of the national security netwrk, and as such. are proteced by federal law. Oeliberate sabotage or disablement of any porton of the underlying equipment used to provie the netwrk Is a violatin of feerl stutes with severe penalties, especially in ties of natinal emergency or stte of war. The Partes are responsible for covering thelr employees on such secrity requirements and penalties. O. Qwest shall not be liable fo any losse, damage or other claims, incuding, but not limIte to, uncollecble or unbillable revenues, reulting fr accdental. erneous, malicious, frudulent or otherise unauthorize use of Serce or facilities ('Unauthorized Use"), wheter or not such Unautorized Use could have ben resonably prevented by Owst, excet to the extent Owest has be notfied In advnce by CLEC of the exstence of such Unauthorized Use, and falls to tae commercially resonable steps to assIst in stopping or preventing such actvity. 33.4. Constcton. Owest will provide necessary constron only to the extnt require by Applicable Law. 33.5. Individual Case Basis Reuests. CLEC may request additional Servces not speed in this Agreeent and Qwest Will consider such reuests on an Indiviual Case Basis ("ICB"). 33.6. Reponsibilty For Enviromental Colajnation. 33. General Terms. A. Neither Part shall be liable to the other for any cots Marc 10, 2009lcd/Greenflyl Owt QLSpTM MSA - (v924-08) AZ-eOS-090309-oo01; CO-05-030e-0002; IO-eOS-oe0309-003; MN-COS-090309-04; NM-eOS-090309-0oo5; NO-CDS-090309-0; OR-eOS-090309-0007; UT-COS-090309-08; WA-OS-90309-09; WY-COS-090309-010; Page80f11 whatsever resulting fr the presence or relese of any Environmental Hazrd that either Part did not Intruce to the affectd work location. Both Partes shall deend and hold harmless the other, its ofcers, directrs and employees fro and against any los, damages. claims, demands. suits, liabilties. flnes. penalties and expses (including reasonable attrneys' fee) that arse out of or reult fr: 1. any Enviromental Hazard that the Indemnifyng Part, its cotrctor or agents intruce to the work locations; or 2. the presence or releae of any Environmentl Hazard for which the Indemnifing Part is responsible under Applicable Law. B. In the event any suspec materals within Qwest-oed. operted or leased facllities are identified to CLEC by Owt to be asbestos containing, CLEC WILL ensure that to the extent any actiities which it undertkes in the facility disturb such suspec materials, suc CLEC activities will be in accrdance with applicable local. state and federl environmental and health and safety statues and reulations. Except for abatement actvities underken by CLEC or equipment placeent actvities that result in the generation of asbess-ntaining material. CLEC does not have any responsibilty for managing, nor is it the owner of, nor doe it have any liability fo, or in connecon with, any asbestos containing materal. Qwest agrees to immediately notify CLEC if Qwest undertkes any asbetos contrl or asbe abatement actvies that poentially could affec CLEC persnnel, equipment or operations. Including, but not limited to, contaniination of equipment. March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenflyl Qwest QLSPTM MSA - (v924.QS) AZ-COS-090309.Q001; CO-eOS-u0309-002; IO.CDS.090309-003; M N-COS-90309-004; NM-eS.Q90309.Q05; ND-CDS.Q90309-0006; OR-eDS-0903007; UT -CD5-309-00S; WA-COS-090309-009; WY .CDS.309-010; Page 901 11 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM™ AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 1- DEFINITONS "Ac" means the Comunications Ac of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 151 et. se.), as amended. "Advance Intelligent Netwrk" or "AlN" is a Telecmmunicatins netwrk architecre in which call processing, call routng and netrk management are provided by means of centrlized databases. "Affliate" means a Person that (directly or indirec) owns or contrls, is owned or contrlled by, or is under common ownerhip or control with, another pern. For purpses of this pararaph. the ter 'ow' means to own an equity Intet (or the equivalent thereof) of more than 10 percet "Automatic Loction Identication" or "ALI" is the autoatic display at the Public Safety Anerng Point of the callets telephoe numbe. the addreslocation of the telephone and supplementary emergency serces informatin for Enhance 911 (E911). "Applicble Law" means all laws, statute, common law including. but not limited to, the Act the reulations, rules, and final orders of the FCC, a state regulatory authority, and any final order and decsions of a court of copetent jurisdiction reviewing the reulations. rules, or order of the FCC or a state regulatory authority. "Bill Date" means the date on which a Billing perod ends, as identied on the bil. "Biling" involv the provision of apprriate usage data by one Telecmmunications carrer to another to facilitate Custer Biling with attendant acknowledgments and status reports. It also involves the exchange of Information between Telecomunications carrer to process claims and adjustments. "carrer" or "Common Carrer" See Telecmmunications carrer. "Central Ofce" means a building or a space within a building where transmission facilities or circits are conneced or swtced. "Comercal Mobile Radio Servce" or "CMRS. is defined in 47 U.S.C. Secton 332 and FCC rules and orders intereting that state. "Communications Asistance for Law Enforcment Act" or "CALEA. refer to the duties and obligations of Carrers under Section 229 of the Act. "Confidentil Inforaton" means any Informati that Is not geerlly available to the public, whether of a tecnical, busines, or other nature and that: (a) the reiving Part knows or has reason to know is confiential, proprietary, or trde secrt informatin of the discosing Part and/or (b) is of such a nature that the receiving Part should resonably undersnd that the disclosing Part desires to protect such infrmation against unrestrcted disclosure. Confidential Informati will not include Information that is 1n the public domain through no breach of this Agreement by the reiving Part or is alredy known or is independently developed by the reeiving Part. .Customer" means the Person purcasing a Telecmmunications Servce or an Information serice or both frm a Carrer. "Day" means calendar days unles otherwse speed. "Demarction Point" is defined as the point at which the LEe ceses to own or contrl Customer Premises wiring including without limitation inside wiring. "Directry Assistanc Database" contans only those published and non- listed telephone number listings obtained by Owestfr its own End User Customer and other Telecmmunications carrers. "Direcory Asistanc Servce" Includes. but is not limit to, making available to callers, upon request, informatin cotained in the Dirctory Asistance Database. Directry Assistnce Servce includes. where available. the option to coplete the call at the caller's direon. "Due Date" means the specc date on which the requested Serice is to be available to the CLEC or to CLEC's End User Customer, as applicable. "End User Customer" means a third part reil Customer that subscrbes to a Telecmmunications Service provided by either of the Partes or by another carrer or by tw (2) or more carrers. "Environmental Hazard" means any substance the prence, use, trnsport abandonment or displ of which (i) reuire investigatio, remediatin, compensation. fine or penalty under any Applicable Law (including. without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compesatin and Liabilty Act. Supend Amendment and Reautorizati Ac, Resurce Conseration Recvery Act, the Occupational Safety and Healt Act and provisions wi similar purposes in applicable foreign. state and locl jurisdictons) or (ii) poses risks to human health. safety or the environment (including, witht limitation, indoor. outdoor or orbital space environments) and is regulated under any Applicable Law. "FCC. means the Federl Comunicatis Commission. "lnterexchange carrer or "IXC" means a.Carrer that prdes InterLTA or IntrLATA Toll serv. "Line Information Database" or "LIDB" stores various telephone line numbe and Special Billng Number (SBN) data used by operator servce sysems to process and bil Alterately Biled Servce (ABS) cals. The operator servce sysem accsses L1DB data to provide originating line (callng number), Billng number and terminating line (called number) infoati. LIDS is use fo callng card validation, frud prvention. Biling or servce retrctons and the sub-accunt infation to be included on the call's Biling recrd. Telcordia's GR-46-ORE defines the interfce between the admInistrtion syste and LiDB including specfic message formats (Telcordia's TR.NWP..OOO29, Secon 10). "Line Side" refer to End Ofce Switch connecs that have been prorammed to treat the drclt as a locl line conneced to a terinatingstation (e.g., an End User Customer's telephone station set, a PBX, answering machine, facsmile machine, computer, or similar custmer device). "Locl Exchange Carrer" or "LEC" means any Carrer that is engaged in the provision of Telephone Exchnge Servce or Exchange Accs. Such ter does not in dude a carrer insofar as such carrer is engaged in the provision of Commercal Mobile Radio Servce under Secion 332(c) of the Act, excet to the extent that the FCC finds that such servce should be included In the defnitn of such ter. "Loop. or .Unbundled Lop" is defined as a trnsmission facillty between a distrbut frame (or it equivaient) in a Qwst Central Ofce and the Loop Demarctin Point at an End User Custoer's Premises "Local Seice Reque or "LSR" means the Indust standard forms and supportng documentation used for ordering local serce. Marc 10, 2009/kcd/Greenflyl Qwest QLSpru MSA - (v924-08) AZ.CDS-G90309-0001; CO-CDS.090309-G002; ID.CDS..90309-0003; MN-DS..90309-0004; NM.CD5-309-05; NO-eDS-09030906; OR-CDS-090309-007; UT .CDS-090309-0008; WA-DS..90309-0009; WY -CDS..9030910; Page 10 of 11 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM™ AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 1. DEFINITONS .Miscellaneous Chargs' mean charges that Owest may asses in addition to recurrng and nonrecrrng rates set fort in the Rate Sheet, for actties ClEC requets Owt to peionn. actvities CLEC authrizes, or charg that are a result of CLEC's actons, such as cancellatin chrges. additonal labor and maintenance. Miscelaneous Charges are not already Included in Owesfs recurrng or nonrerrng rates. Miscellaneous Charges shall be contained in or refernce in the Rate Sheet. .Network Elemenf' is a facilty or equipment used in the provisio of Telecmmunications Servce or an inforation serice or both. It als includes features, functons. and capabilities tht are provided by means of such facllity or equipment. including subscber number., databases. signaling sysems, and. infonnation suffcient for Biling and collecon or used in the transmission, routing, or other provision of a Telecommunications Service or an infonnation serice or both. as Is more fully descrbed in the Agrement. .Opertional Support Systems' or .OSS' mean prerdering, Provisioning, maintenance, repair and biling systems. "Order Fonn" means serice order request fonns issued by Owest, as amended fr time to time. .Pern" is a general ter meaning an individual or assciation. corporation. finn, joint-sto company, organization, parterhip, trst or any other fo or kind of entity. .Port means a fine or trnk connecon point, including a line card- and assoated peripherl equipment. on a Centrl Ofce Switch but does not include Switch features. The Port serves as the hardare tennlnation for line or Trunk Side facilities connect to the Centrl Ofce Switch. Each Une Side Port is tyically associated with one or more telephone numbe that serve as the Custoer's netwrk address. "Preises" refer to Qwesfs Central Ofce and Servng Wire Center.: all buildings or similar strctures owned, lease. or otherwse controlled by Qwest that house its netwrk facilities; all strctures that house Qwest facilities on public rights-of-way, Including but not limited to vaults containing Loop concetrtors or similar strctre; and all land owned, leased, or otherwise contrlled by Qwest that is adjacent to these Cetrl Ofce. Wire Center.. buildings and strctres. "Proof of Authorization" or "POA' shall consist of verification of the End User Custmer's selecton and autorization adequate to document the End User Customer's selecton of its local service provider and may take the fonn of a third party verification fonnat. "Provisioning" involves the exchange of infonnation been Telecommunicatins carrer. where one exectes a request for a set of prouct and service fro the other wi attendant acknowledgments and status reports. "Public Switched Netwrk" Includes all Switches and transmIssion facilties, whether by wire or radio. provided by any Common Carrer including LECs, IXCs and CMRS proders that use the Nort American Numbering Plan In connecton with the proviion of switced serces. .Serving Wire Center" denotes the Wire Center frm which dial tone forlocl exchange service would nonnaUy be provided to a partcular Customer Premises. "Shared Transport" Is defined as local interoffce transmission facilties shared by more than one carrer, including Qwst, betwee End Ofce Switces, between End Ofce Switches and Tandem Switches (locl and Acc Tandem Switces), and between Tandem Switches within the lol callng Ar. as desbed more fully In the Agreeent. "Switch' means a switching device employed by a Carrer within the Public Swiched Networ. Swtch includes but Is not limite to End Ofce Swiches, Tandem Switces, Accs Tandem Switches, Remote Swtching Modules, and Packet Switces. Switces may be employed as a combination of End Ofceandem Switces. .Switced Acc Traffc," as spcically defined in Owts intetateSwiched Ac Tari, is trc that originates at one of the Parts End User Customer. and terinate at an IXC Point of Presnce. or oriinates at an IXC Point of Preence and tenninates at one of the Parts End User Customer, whether or not the trc trnsits the other Parts netwrk. "Tariff as used throughout this Agreement rer. to Qwst interstate Tariff and stte Tariff, price lists. and price scedules. "Telecmunications Carrer means any provider of TelecmmunicationsServices, excet that such te does not Incude aggator. of Telecmunications Service (as defined In Secton 226 of the Act). A Telecomunications carrer shall be trte as a Common carrer under the Act only to the extent that It is engage In providingTelecmunications Serce, exct that the FCC shall deterine whether the provisio of fixed and mobile satellte serv shall be trted as common carrage. "Telecmmunications Servce" means the offering of telecmmunications for a fee directy to the public, or to such classes of user as to be effectvel available direy to the public. regardless of the facilities used. "Telephone Exchane Serce" means a Serce within a telephone exchnge. or within a connected syste of telephone exchanges within the same exchang area oprated to furnish to End User Custers Intercmmunicating Serice of the character ordinarily furnished by a single exchange, and which is cover by the exchange Service charge, or coparable Servce provided through a system of Swites, trnsmission equipment or other facilties (or combinations thereof) by which a subscber can oriinate and teinate a TelecmunIcations Serce. "Trunk Side" ref to Swich conecons tht have been programmed to treat the circit as connected to another switching entlty. "Wire Center" denotes a building or space wiin a building that serv as an aggretion point on a given Carrers netwrk, where trnsmission facilities are connected or switched. Wire Cente can also denote a building where one or more Centrl Ofce, used for the prvision of basic exchange Telecmunications Serce and acc Serce, are locted. Tenns not otherwse defined here but defned in the Act and the order. and the rules Implementing the Ac or elsewere in the Agreement, shall have the meaning defined there. The definition of tenns that are Included here and are also defined In the Act. or its implementing order. or rules, are Intended to include the definiton as set fort In the Ac and the rules implementing the Act Marc 10, 2009/kcdGreflyl Qwest QLSP'" MSA - (v9-24-) AZ-COS-090309-001; CO.CDS.090309-0002¡ ID-CDS-Q90309003; MN-CDS-D309-0004; NM-CDS-090309-005; ND-CDS-090309-; OR-CDS-0309-0007; UT-CDS.090309-0008; WA-CDS-Q90309-009; WV-CDS-QS0309-10; Page 11 of11 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMiß AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2-QSPiß Service Description 1.0 Qwest will provide Qwest Local Service Platform~ ("QLSP~) Services according to the following terms and conditions. Except as set fort in this Attchment, capitalized terms have the definitions assigned to them in the Agreement. CLEC may use QLSP Services to provide any Telecommunications Services, inforation servce, or both that CLEC chooses to offer to the extent that such services are granted herein or not limited. Izard Street; Omaha 90th Street; Omaha Fort Street; Omaha Fowler Street; Omaha 0 Street; Omaha 78th Street; Omaha 135th Street; and Omaha 156th Street. 1.2.2 The following QLSP Service types will be combined with 2-wire loops: QLSP Business; QLSP Centrex (including Centrex 21); Centrex Plus; Centron in Minnesota Only; QLSP ISDN BRI; QLSP PAL; QLSP PBX Analog non- DID and 1-Way DID Trunks; and QLSP ResidentiaL. 1.1 General QLSP Service Description. 1.1.1 QLSP Services consist of Local Switching and Shared Transport in combination. Qwest Advanced Intellgent Netwrk ("AIN") Servces, e.g., remote access forwrding, and Qwest Voice Messaging Servce ("VMS") may also be purchased with compatible QLSP Servces. These Netwrk Elements will be provided in compliance with all Telcordia and other industry standards and technical and performance specifications to allow CLEC to combine the QLSP Service with a compatible voicemail product andstutter dial tone. Qwst will provide access to 911 emergency servces and directory listings in accrdance with the terms and conditions of CLEC's interconnection agreements ("I CAs"). As part of the QLSP Service. Qwest combines the Netwrk Elements that make up QLSP Service with analog/digital capable Loops, with such Loops (including services such as line splitting) being provided inaccrdance with the rates, terms and conditions of the CLEC's ICAs. CLEC may also purchase Qwest Commercial High Speed Internet (HSI) Service (also known as Qwst Digital Subscriber Linec (DSL)), under a separate Services agreement, to be used with compatible QLSP Service. 1.2.3 QLSP PBX Analog 2-Way DID Trunks will be combined with 4 wire loops. 1.3 Local Switching. The Local Switching Netwrk Element ("Local Switching") is collectively the Line Side and TrunkSide facilties in the local serving Qwest end offce Switch which provides the basic switching functon, the port, plus the features, functons, and capabilties of the switch including all compatible, available, and loaded vertical features, e.g., anonymous call rejection, that are loaded in that switch. Vertcal features are softre attributes on end offce Switches and are listed on the Qwest wholesale website. Qwst signaling is provided with Local Switching solely as descrbed in Section 1.4.2 of this Attchment. The following Local Switching port are available with QLSP Service: Analog Line Port, Digital Line Port Supporting Basic Rate InterfaceIntegrated Service Digital Netwrk ("BRI ISDN"), and Analog Trunk Ports. 1.1.2 QLSP Service is available in six different service arrangements, each of which is descrbed more fully below: QLSP Residential; QLSP Business; QLSP Centrex (including Centrex 21, Centrex Plus, and in Minnesota onlyCentron); QLSP ISDN BRI; QLSP Public Accss Lines ("PAL"); QLSP PBX Analog DID and non-DID (one way and tw way) trunks. 1.3.1 Analog Line Port. Line Port attributes include: telephone number; dial tone; signaling (Loop or ground start); on/off hook detecton; audible and power ringing; Automatic Message Accunting (AMA Recording); and blocking options. 1.1.3 Nothing in this Agreement precludes Qwest from withdrawing availabilty of comparable, functionally equivalent services from its retail end user customers. In the event of such withdrawal or discontinuation, Qwest may also withdraw availabilty of the equivalent QLSP Service. 1.3.2 Digital Line Port Supporting BRIISDN. BRI ISDN is a digital architecure that provides integrated voice and data capability (2 wire). A BRIISDN Port is a Digital 2B+D (2 Bearer Channels for voice or data and 1 Delta Channel for signaling and 0 Channel Packet) Line Side Switch connection with BRI ISDN voice and data basic elements. For flexibilty and customization, optional features can be added. BRI ISDN Port does not offer B Channel Packet service capabilties. The serving arrngement conforms to the internationally developed, published, and recgnized standards generated by International Telegraph and Telephone Union (formerly CCITT). 1.2 Combination of QLSP Service with Loops. Except as described below, the Loop will be provided by Qwest under the applicable ICAs in effect between Qwest and CLEC at the time the order is placed. As part of the QLSP Servce, Qwest will combine the Local Switching and Shared Transport Netwrk Elements with the Loop. 1.3.3 Analog Trunk Port. DSO analog trnk Ports can be configured as DID, DOD, and tw-way. 1.2.1 Pursuant to the order issued by the FCC pertaining to the availabilty of Unbundled Netwrk Element ("UNE") Loops under Section 251(c)(3) of the "Acf' in itsReport and Order:Petition of Qwest Corpration for Forbearance Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 160(c) in the Omaha Metrpolian Statistical Area, FCC 05-170, WC Docket No. 04-223, (effectve September 16, 2005) ("OFO"), Qwest will provide to CLEC the Loop element of QLSP Service purchased in the following nine Omaha Nebraska Wire Centers under the terms and conditions of this Agreement at Rates provided in the Rate Sheet: Omaha Douglas; Omaha March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenfly/ Attchment 2 - QLSPiß- (v-9-24-08) AZ-CDS-090309-0001; Co-CDS-090309-0002; ID-CDS-090309-Q003; MN-CDS-090309-0004; NM-GDS-090309-0005; ND-CDS-Q90309-0006; OR-CDS-090309-0007;UT-CDS-Q90309-0008; WA-CDS-090309-0009; WY-CDS-090309-0010; Analog trunk Port provide a 2-Way Analog Trunk with DID, E&M Signaling and 2-Wire or 4-Wire connecions. This Trunk Side connection inherently includes hunting within the trnk group. All trnks are designed as 4-Wire leaving the Central Ofce. For 2-Wire service, the trunks are converted at the End User Customets location. Two-way analog DID trunks are capable of initiating out going calls, and may be equipped with either rotary or touch-tone (DTMF) for this purpose. When the trnk is equipped with DID call transfer QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM(ß AGREEMENT ATIACHMENT 2-QLSP(ß Service Description feature, both the trunk and telephone instruments must be equipped with DTMF. capabilty. ICNAM database contains current listed name data by working telephone number served or administered by Qwest, including listed name data provided by other Telecommunications carrers participating in Qwests callng name delivery servce arrangement. Two-way analog DID trunks require E&M signaling. Qwest will use Type i and II E&M signaling to provide these trunks to th PBX. Type II E&M signaling from Qwest to the PBX will be handled as a special assembly request via ICB. 1.4.6 Qwest will provide the listed name of the calling part that relates to the callng telephone number (when the information is actually available in Qwests database and the delivery is not blocked or otherwse limited by the callng part or other appropriate request). 1.3.4 Usage. Local Switching Usage is biled on a Minute of Use ("MOU" basis as described within this Attachment. Rates for "Local Switch Usage" or "Local Switch MOUs" are provided in the QLSP Rate Sheet.1.4.7 For CLEC's QLSP End User Customers, Qwest will load and update CLEC's QLSP End User Customers' name information into the L1DB and ICNAM databases from CLEC's completed service orders. CLEC is responsible for the accuracy of its End User Customers' information. 1.4 Vertical Features and Ancilary Functions and Services. 1.4.1 QLSP Service includes nondiscriminatory accs to all vertical features that are loaded in the Local serving Qwest end offce switch.1.4.8 Qwest will exercise reasonable efort to provide accurate and complete L1DB and ICNAM information. The information is provided on an as-is basis with all faults. Qwest does not warrnt or guarantee the correctess or the completeness of such information; however, Qwest will accss the same database for CLEC's QLSP End User Customers as Qwest accsses for . its own End User Customers. Qwest will not be liable for system outage or inaccessibilty or for losses arising from the authörized use of the data by CLEC. 1.4.2 Local Switching includes use of Qwests signaling netwrk (ISUP call set-up) solely for Local Traffc. "Local Traffc" and "Local calls" means calls that originate and terminate within the Local Callng Area as defined in the Qwest tariff. Qwest will provide service control points in the same manner, and via the same signaling links, as Qwest uses such service control points and signaling links to provide service to its End User Customers served by that switch. Qwsts call related databases include the Line Information Database (L1DB), Internetwrk Callng Name Database (ICNAM), 8XX Database for toll free callng, Advanced Intellgent Netwrk Databases (AIN), and Local Number Portabilty Database. CLEC will not have access to Qwests AIN based services that qualify for proprietary treatment, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement. Local Switching does not include use of Qwests signaling netwrk for Toll Traffc. "Toll Traffc" and "Toll Calls" means intra local accss and transport area ("LATA") or interLATA calls that originate and terminateoutside of the Local Callng Area as defined in the Qwt tariff. For all Toll Traffc originated by or terminated to CLEC's QLSP End User Customer, Qwest may bil applicable tariff charges, including SS7 message charges (ISDN User Part (ISUP) and Transaction Capabilties Application Part (TCAP)), to the Interexchange Carrer (IXC) or other wholesale SS7 provider. 1.4.9 Qwest will not charge CLEC for the storage of CLEC's QLSP End User Customers' information in the L1DB or ICNAM databases. 1.5 Shared Transport and Toll. 1.4.3 ICNAM and L1DB. CLEC will have non- discriminatory access to Qwests L1DB database and ICNAM database as part of the delivery of QLSP Service. 1.5.1 Shared Transport. The Shared TransportNetwrk Element ("Shared Transport") provides the collective interoffce transmission facilities shared by various Carrers. (including Qwest) betwen end-offce switches and between end-offce switches and local tandem switches within the Local callng Area. Shared Transport uses the existing routing tables resident in Qwest switches to carry the End User Customets originating and terminating local/extended area servce ("EAS") interoffce Local trffc on the Qwest interoffce message trunk netwrk. CLEC traffc will be carried on the same transmission facilties between end-offce switches, between end-offce switches and tandem switches, and between tandem switches on the same netwrk facilties that Qwest uses for its own traffc. Shared Transport does not include use of tandem switches or transport between tandem switches and end-offce switches for Local Calls that originate from end users served by non-Qwest Telecommunications Carrers ("Carrer(s)" which terminate to QLSP End Users. 1.4.4 The L1DB database contains the following data: various telephone line numbers and special billng number (SBN) data; originating line (callng number); biling number and terminating line (called number) information; callng care validation; fraud prevention; Billng or servce restrictons; sub-accunt information to be included on the call's Biling record; and callng care, biled to third number, and collect call information used in processing Alternately Biled Services (ABS). 1.5.2 Originating Toll Calls from, and terminating Toll Calls to, QLSP End Users will be delivered to/from the designated IXCs from the Qwest end-offce switches and accss tandems. Use of accss tandem switches are not included in this Agreement and access tandem charges, if any, may be biled by Qwest to the IXC(s) under the applicable access tariff. 1.5.3 IntraLA T A and InterL TA Carrier Designation. QLSP includes the capabilty for selecton of the interLATA 1.4.5 The ICNAM database is used with certin end offce Switch features to provide the callng parts name to CLEC's End User Customer with the applicable feature March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenfly/ Attachment 2 - QLSP(ß - (v-9-24-08) AZ-CDS-090309-0001; CO-CDS-090309-0002; ID-CDS-090309-003; MN-CDS-090309-0004; NM-eDS-090309-0005; ND-CDS-090309-0006; OR-CDS-090309-0007; UT -eDS-090309-0008; WA-CDS-090309-0009; WY-CDS-090309-0010; 2 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMil AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2-QLSPil Service Description and intra LATA Toll provider(s) on a 2-Pnmary Interexchange Carrier (PIC) basis. CLEC will designate the PIC assignment(s) on behalf of its End User Customers for interLATA and intra LATA Services. All CLEC initiated PIC changes will be in accrdance with all Applicable Laws, rules and regulations. Qwest will not be liable for CLEC's improper PIC change requests. 1.5.4 Qwest IntraLATA Toll Local Primary Interexchange Carrier ("LPIC") 5123. Qwest does not authorize CLEC to offer, request, or select Qwest LPIC 5123 service to CLEC's End User Customers for intraLATA toll service with any QLSP Service in any state. In the event CLEC assigns the Qwest LPIC 5123 to CLEC's End User Customers, Qwest will bil CLEC and CLEC will pay Qwest the rates contained or referenced in the attched Rate Sheet. 1.5.5 Usage Shared Transport is biled on a MOU basis as descnbed within this Attachment. Rates for "Shared Transport Usage" or "Shared Transport MOUs" are provided in the QLSP Rate Sheet. 1.6 QLSP Service Arrangement Descriptions. 1.6.1 QLSP Business is available to CLEC for CLEC's business End User Customers and is the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accrdance with CLEC's I CAs, except for those Loops that are otherwse provided for in this Agreement. 1.6.2 QLSP Centrex is available to CLEC for CLEC's business End User Customers. QLSP Centrex Services include Centrex 21, Centrex Plus, and in Minnesota, Centron, and are the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accrdance with CLEC's ICAs, except for those Loops that are otherwse provided for in this Agreement. CLEC may request a conversion from Centrex 21, centrex-Plus or Centron service to QLSP Business or QLSP Residential. The Conversion NRC(s) provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. Qwest will provide access to Customer Management System (CMS) with QLSP-Centrex at the rates set forth in the Rate Sheet. 1.6.3 QLSP ISDN BRI is available to CLEC for CLEC's End User Customers and is the combination of a Digital Line Side Port (supportng BRI ISDN), and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with a Basic Rate ISDN capable Loop provided in accrdance with CLEC's ICAs, except for those Loops that are otherwse provided for in this Agreement. 1.6.5 QLSP PBX is available to CLEC for CLEC's business End User Customers. PBX analog non-DID trunks are combinations of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accrdance with CLEC's ICAs, except for those Loops that are otherwse provided for in this Agreement. PBX with analog 1-way DID trunks are combinations of a DID trnk Port and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with an Analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accrdance with CLEC's ICAs, except for those Loops that are otherwse provided for in this Agreement. PBX with analog 2- way DID trunks are combinations of a DID trnk Port and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with an Analog - 4 wire voice grade Loop provided in accrdance with CLEC's ICAs, except for those Loops that are otherwse provided for in this Agreement. 1.6.6 QLSP Residential is available to CLEC for CLEC's residential End User Customers and is the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accordance with CLEC's ICAs, except as otherwse provided for in this Agreement. QLSP Residential may be ordered and provisioned only for residential End User Customer application. The definition of residential service is the same as in Qwsts retail tanff as applied to Qwests End User Customers. In order for CLEC to receive QLSP Residential rates via the monthly Residential End User Credit provided in the Rate Sheet, CLEC must identify residential end users by working telephone number (WTN) utilzing the LSR process as descnbed in the Qwest wholesale website. 2.0 Additional Terms and Conditions and Servce Features. 2.1 Qwest does not warrant the availabilty of facilities at any serving wire center. QLSP Services will not be available if facilties are not available. Qwest represents and warrants that it will not otherwse restnct facilities eligible to provide QLSP Service and that any. and all facilities that would otherwse be available for retail service to a Qwest End User Customer will be considered eligible for use by CLEC for QLSP Service to serve that same End User Customer. 2.2 Loop Start ("LPS") to Ground Start ("GST") and GST to LST Changes ("LPS/GST Change") are available with QLSP Service. POTS Service, e.g., a QLSP Centrex 21 line, can functionally and operationally be provisioned as either LPS or GST. Unless specifically requested otherwse, Qwst provisions POTS Service as LPS. GST is generally provisioned for Pnvate Branch Exchange ("PBX") type services. LPS/GST Changes allow the CLEC to request a facilty served by LPS to be changed to GST or vice versa. Additional information and ordenng requirements are detailed on the Qwst Wholesale website. 1.6.4 QLSP PAL is available to CLEC for onlyCLEC's Payphone Service Providers (PSPs) and is the combination of an analog Line Side Port and Shared Transport provided under this Agreement with an analog - 2 wire voice grade Loop provided in accrdance with CLEC's ICAs, except for those Loops that are otherwse provided for in this Agreement. March 10, 2009lkcd/Greenflyl Attachment 2 - QLSPil - (v-9-24-08) AZ-CDS-090309-0001; Co-CDS-090309-0002; ID-eDS-090309-0003; MN-CDS-090309-0004; NM-CDS-090309-0005; ND-CDS-090309-0006; OR-CDS-090309-0007; UT-CDS-090309-0008; WA-CDS-090309-0009; WY-CDS-090309-010; 3 2.6 2.7 QWEST LOCAL SERVIES PLATFORM(ß AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2-QLSP(ß Service Description 2.3 2.2.1 The Subsequent Order Charge provided in the QLSP Rate Sheet and the Qwest retail Tariff nonrecurring charge ("NRC") for LPS/GST Changes, less an 18% wholesale discount, will be added to service order requesting LPS/GST Changes. Daily Usage Feed (DUF). Qwest will provide to CLEC certain originating and terminating call records ("usage information") generated by CLEC's QLSP end user via a DUF. charges for suc new local switc features will not in any case be higher than the retail rate Qwest charges. 2.8 Nothing in this Agreement alters or affects CLEC's right to receive any applicable universal service subsidy or other similar payments. 2.3.1 Qwest will provide to CLEC Local Call usage information within Qwests control with respect to calls originated by or terminated to CLEC QLSP End User Customers in the form of the actual information that is comparable to the information Qwest uses to bil its own End User Customers. 2.3.2 Qwest will provide to CLEC usage information necessary for CLEC to bil for interLATA and intra LATA exchange access to the IXC (excluding intraLATA usage information if Qwest LPIC 5123 is selected as the intraLATA Toll provider) in the form of either the actual usage or a negotiated or approved surrogate for this information, as such biling is descrbed and allowed under section 3.7 of this Attachment. These exchange access records will be provided as Category 11 EMI records via the DUF. 2.3.3 Qwest will provide DUF records for the following: all usage occurrences bilable to CLEC's QLSP lines, including Busy Line Verify (BLV), Busy Line Interrpt (BLI); originating local usage; usage sensitive CLASS features; and Qwest-provided intra LATA tolL. 2.3.4 Local Call usage records will be provided as Category 01 or Category 10 EMI records via the DUF. Terminating Local Call usage recrds are not collected or available and will not be provided. 2.4 Feature and interLATA or intraLATA PiC changes or additions for QLSP, will be processed concurrently with the QLSP order as specified by CLEC. 2.9 Qwest Operator Service and Directory Assistance Services are provided under the terms and conditions of CLEC's ICAs. 2.5 Accss to 911/E911 emergency Servces for CLEC's End User Customers will be available in accrdance with CLEC's I CAs. If Qwest is no longer obligated to provide access to 911/E911 emergency services in accrdance with 47 U.S.C. §251 , Qwest will then provide such services under this Agreement with respect to all CLEC QLSP Service End User Customers and new QLSP Service End User Customers, to the same degree and extent that 911/E911 emergency service were provided by Qwest prior to the elimination of 911/E911 emergency services as an obligation under 47 U.S.C. §251. 3.0 Rates and Charges. Qwest AIN and VMS are offered on a commercial basis and may be purchased with QLSP at the rates set forth in the attched Rate Sheet. Retail promotions may not be combined with QLSP. If Qwest develops and deploys new local switch features for its End User Customers, those switch features will be available in the same areas and subject to the same limitations with QLSP Service. The rates that Qwest 3.1 The recurring ("MRC") and NRC rates for QLSP Services and all associated QLSP applicable usage-based rates and miscellaneous charges are set forth or incorporated by reference into the attched QLSP Rate Sheets. Rates for QLSP Service are in addition to the applicale rates for elements and Services provided under CLEC's ICAs. Applicable intercarrer compensation rates and charges (such as accs charges, reciprocal compensation, and other charges for elements and services) are applicable and are provided under a separate Agreement or Tariff. 3.2 QLSP rates Effctive Date through Term. Startng on the Effecive Date of the Agreement, rates for the Service will be those provided or referenced in the attached Rate Sheet. The MRCs for the switch port will be adjusted annually, effective January 1 of each year through the term of the Agreement. CLEC is eligible for and will receive discounts on the Basic Plan switch port MRCs if it meets the volume plans described below. Discounts are not cumulative and Qwest will apply the highest discount rate to which CLEC is entitled. Basic Plan MRCs will apply if CLEC does not qualify for any discount. 3.2.1 80% Year Over Year ("YOY") Volume Retention Plan: If the number of CLEC's QLSP total lines (Working Telephone Numbers (WNsl) as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 80% of the sum of CLEC's QLSP total lines as of Octber 31 of the preceing year, CLEC will be entitled to a 5% discount off of the Business Port and a 1 % discount off of the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. 3.2.2 90% YOY Volume Retention Plan: If the number of CLEC's QLSP total lines as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 90% of the sum of CLEC's QLSP total lines as of October 31 of the preceing year, CLEC will be entitled to a 10% discount off of the Business Port and a 2% discount off of the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. 3.2.3 110% YOY Volume Growh Plan: If the number of CLEC's QLSP total lines as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 110% of the sum of CLEC's total QLSP lines as of October 31 of the preceing year, and the YOY line increase is equal to or greater than tw thousand (2000) QLSP lines, CLEC will be entiled to a 20% discount off of the Business Port and a 4% discount off of the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenfly/ Attachment 2 ~ QLSP(ß - (v-9-24-08) AZ-eDS-090309-0001; Co-CDS-090309-0002; ID-CDS-090309-0003; MN-CDS-090309-0004; NM-CDS-090309-0005; ND-CDS-Q90309-0006; OR-eDS-090309-0007; UT-CDS-090309-0008; WA-CDS-090309-0009; WY-CDS-090309-0010; 4 3.6 3.7 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM¡ß AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2-QLSP¡ß Service Description 3.3 3.2.4 120% YOY Volume Growth Plan: If the number of CLEC's total QLSP lines as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 120% of the sum of CLEC's total QLSP lines as of October 31 of the preceding year, and the YOY line increase is equal to or greater than tw thousand (2000) QLSP lines, CLEC will be entitled to a 30% discount off of the Business Port and a 6% discount off of the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. 3.2.5 135% YOY Volume Growh Plan: If the number of CLEC's total QLSP lines as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 135% of the sum of CLEC's QLSP total lines as of October 31 of the preceding year and the YOY line increase is equal to or greater than tw thousand (2000) QLSP lines, CLEC will be entitled to a 35% discount off of the Business Port and a 8% discount off of the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. For purposes of counting CLEC's total QLSP lines in section 3.2 as of October 31 of each year, Qwst will include all QLSP lines and all Qwest Platform Plus™ ("QPPTM") lines, if any, frm the previous year. For example, to determine 2008 QLSP rates, Qwest will use the total number of CLEC's QLSP lines as of October 31, 2007 compared to CLEC's total number of QLSP lines as of October 31, 2006 in order to calculate CLEC's discount eligibilty on January 1, 2008. Except as otherwse provided here within, the Loop element combined with a QLSP Service will be provided in accordance with CLEC's ICAs with Qwest at the rates set forth in those ICAs. 3.8.1 Originating IntraOfce Local Calls - This originating Local Call requires switching by the local serving Qwest end offce Switch only. When this call type is onginated by a QLSP End User, Local Switch Usage charges provided in the QLSP Rate Sheet will apply. For these call types that also terminate to an end user served by a Carner, Qwest may pay that Carrer certin terminating compensation charges under terms and conditions of a separate ICA. 3.7.2 Signaling. Qwest retains its nghts to charge IXCs for signaling usage (ISUP Signal Formulation, ISUP Signal Transport, and ISUP Signal Switching, as well as L1DB, ICNAM and 8XX) associated with interLATA and intraLATA Toll Calls originated by or terminated to a QLSP End User under the applicable Tariff. 3.7.3 Transit. For any call originated by an end user served by a Carrer that routes through Qwsts netwrk and which terminates to a QLSP End User, Qwest retains its nghts to bil the onginating Carrier Transit charges for that call under the onginating Carrer's Agreement. 3.7.4 Other. Qwest retains its rights to billXCs or other Carriers, as applicable, any and all other accs charges and assessments not expressly addressed in this section, including but not limited to flat rated transport charges, in accrdance with the applicable Tariff 3.8 Local Switching Usage and Shared Transport Minute of Use (MOU) This secion descnbes the use of the Qwest netwrk for different call types onginated by or terminated to QLSP End Users. This secton does not effect Qwsts nghts to charge IXCs for signaling as descnbed in Secion 1.4.2 of this Attachment. 3.4 3.4.1 Loops provided under this Agreement. Upon thirt (30) Days notice via the standard commercial notification process, Qwest may change monthly recurnng charges for the Omaha, Nebraska Loop elements provided under this Agreement. 3.5 3.8.2 Originating InterOce Local Calls. This onginating Local Call requires switching by the local serving Qwest end offce and other interoffce switching for Local traffc. When this call type is onginated by a QLSP end user, Local Switch Usage per MOU and Shared Transport per MOU charges provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. For these call types that also terminate to an end user served by a non-Qwest Carrer, Qwst may pay that Carrer certin terminating compensation charges under terms and conditions of a separate ICA CLEC will be responsible for billng its QLSP End User Customers for all Miscellaneous Charges and surcharges required of CLEC by statute, regulation or otherwse required. CLEC will pay Qwest the PIC change charge associated with CLEC End User Customer changes of interLATA or intra LATA Carrers. Any change in CLEC's End User Customers' interLATA or intr LATA Carrer must be requested by CLEC on behalf of its End User Customer. Intercarrier Compensation. Except as specfically described in this Section, this Agreement does not change or amend applicable intercarrer compensation arrangements (including but not limited to Switched Accs, Signaling, orTransit charges) between any parties, including between Qwest and Carriers or IXCs. 3.8.3 Originating IXC Toll Calls. This onginating Toll Call requires switching by the local serving Qwest end offce. If the QLSP End User's selected IXC does not have direct trunking to the locl serving Qwest end offce, Shared Transport is required to deliver that call to the Accss Tandem for delivery to the IXC. When this call type is onginated by a QLSP end user, Local Switch Usage provided in the QLSP Rate Sheet applies. Additionally if, Shared Transport is necessary to deliver the call to the Accss Tandem, Shared Transport Usage charges provided in the QLSP Rate Sheet will apply. For these call tyes that require Shared Transport, Qwest retains its nghts to bil the IXC for Tandem elements under the Tanff. 3.7.1 Switched Access. For QLSP End User Customer(s), Qwest will not charge to or collect from the IXC usage based end offce and loop Switched Accss charges (such as Switched Accss Local Switching, End Offce Shared Port, Tandem Transmission and Carrer Common Line) for InterLATA or IntrLATA Toll Calls onginating or terminating from that QLSP End User Customer's line to an IXC. March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenflyl Attchment 2 - QLSP¡ß " (v-9-24-08)AZ-CDS-090309-0001; CO-CDS-090309-0002; ID-CDS-090309-0003; MN-CDS-090309-0004; NM-CDS-090309-0005; ND-CDS-090309-0006; OR-CDS-090309-0007; UT-CDS-090309-0008; WA-CDS-090309-0009; WY-CDS-090309-0010; 3.8.4 Terminating IntraOfce and InterOce Local Calls. This terminating Local Call requires switching by the 5 3.10 3.11 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMq¡ AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2-QLSPq¡ Service Description local serving Qwest end offce and in certain instances other interoffce switching within the Local Callng area. When a call is terminated to a QLSP end user, no charges will apply under QLSP. For these call types that originate frm an end user served by a Carrier, Qwest retains its rights to bil that Carrier certain Transit charges as described in Section 3.7 above. 3.8.5 Terminating IXC Toll Calls. This terminating Toll Call always requires switching by the local serving Qwest end offce. If the originating caller's IXC does not have direc trunking to the QLSP end user's local serving Qwest end offce switch, Shared Transport is required to terminate the call to the receiving QLSP end user. When this call type is terminated to a QLSP end user, Local Switch Usage charges provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. Additionally if, Shared Transport is necesary to deliver the call to the QLSP end user from the access tandem, Shared Transport Usage charges provided in the Rate Sheet will apply. For these call types that require Shared Transport, Owest retains its rights to bil the IXC for Tandem elements under the Tariff. 3.8.6 Originating Toll Calls when QC is the IntraLATA Toll provider. See Secion 1.5.4 above. 3.9 Owest will have a reasonable amount of time to implement system or other changes necesary to bil CLEC for rates or charges associated with QLSP Services 7.0 7.1 7.2 Customer's request, orders the discontinuance of the End User Customer's existing service with CLEC, Qwest will render its closing bil to CLEC effective with the disconnection. Owest wil notify CLEC by FAX, OSS interfce, or other agreed upon processes when an End User Customer moves to Qwest or another service provider. Owest will not provide CLEC or Qwest retail personnel with the name of the other servce provider selected by the End User Customer. 4.5 The Partes will provide each other with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution, repair, and in the event special attention is required on service request. QLSP Services have a one-month minimum service period requirement for each CLEC End User Customer. The one- month minimum service period is the period of time that CLEC is required to pay 100% of the MRC for the Service even if CLEC does not retain Service for the entire month. QLSP Service are biled month to month and will after the one month minimum service period is satisfied be pro-rated for partial months based on the number of days Service was provided. The Subsequent Order Charge is applicable on a per order basis when changes are requested to existing service, including changing a telephone number, initiating or removing suspension or Servce, denying or restoring servce, adding, removing or changing features, and other similar requests. Systems and Interfaces. Owest and CLEC will support use of current OSS interces and OSS business rules for QLSP, including electronic ordering and flow, as the same may evolve over time. QLSP Servces are ordered utilzing the LSR process as descrbed in the Qwest wholesale website. Prior to placing an order on behalf of each End User Customer, CLEC will be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a Proof of Authorization as set forth in this Agreement. 5.0 Qwst will bil CLEC, on a monthly basis, within seven to ten Days of the last day of the most recent Biling period, in an agreed upon standard electronic format. Billng information will include a summary bil, and individual End User Customer sub-accunt information. If CLEC needs additional or different billing information in order to properly bil its End Users or other Carriers (including Owest), Qwst will work with CLEC in good faith to deliver such information. 6.0 6.1 Maintenance and Repair. Owest will maintain facilties and equipment that comprise the QLSP Service provided to CLEC. CLEC or its End User Customers may not rearrange, move, disconnect or attempt to repair Owest facilities or equipment, other than by connection or disconnection to any interfce between Qwest and the End User Customer, without the wrtten consent of Qwest. 6.2 Owest will provide general repair and maintenance Services on its facilities, including those facilities supportng QLSP Services purchased by CLEC. Owest will repair and restore any equipment or any other maintainable component that adversely impacts CLEC's use of QLSP Service. Owest and CLEC will cooperate with each other to implement procedures and processes for handling service-affecting events. There will be no charge for the Service provided under this section except as set forth in the Rate Sheet. Commercial Performance Measures and Reporting, Performance Targets and Service Credits (including in Washington, if Washington 7.0 is selected by CLEC as indicaed on Signature Page). Each Part will provide suitably qualified personnel to perform its obligations under this Agreement and all QLSP Services in a timely and effcient manner with diligence and care, consistent with the professional standards of practice in the industr, and in conformance with all Applicable Laws and regulations. The QLSP Servce attbutes and process enhancements are not subject to the Change Management Process ("CMP"). CLEC proposed changes to QLSP Service attbutes and process enhancements will be communicated through the standard accunt interface. Change requests common to shared systems and processes subject to CMP will continue to be addressed via the CMP proceures. Owest will provide comercial performance measurements and reporting against established performance targets with QLSP Service. The following performance measurements4.4 When Owest or another provider of choice, at the End User March 10, 2009/kcd/Greenflyl Attachment 2 - QLSPq¡ - (v-9-24-08) AZ-CDS-090309-0001; Co-CDS-090309-0002; ID-CDS-090309-0003; MN-CDS-090309-0004; NM-CDS-u90309-0005; ND-CDS-090309-0006; OR-CDS-090309-0007; UT -CDS-090309-0008; WA-CDS-090309-0009; WY -GDS-090309-001 0; 6 . QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMiß AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 2--LSPiß Service Description will apply to QLSP Residential and QLSP Business: (a) Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time; (b) Installation Commitments Met; (c) Order Installation Interval; (d) Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours; (e) Mean Time to Restore; and (f)Trouble Rate. 7.3 Commercial measurement definitions, methodologies, perfrmance targets and reporting requirements are attached as Attchment 3. Qwest will provide CLEC with the raw data necessary to allow CLEC to disaggregate results at the state leveL. Reportng of these perfrmance measures will be applied for activity beginning the first full month of Service after January 1, 2007. CLEC will be entitled to service credits only for each instance of a missed installation commitment and each instance of an out of service condition that is not cleared within 24 hours occurring after January 1, 2007. All service credits will be applied automatically by Qwest as credit against CLEC's bil for the biling period following the one in which the credits were accrued. Credits for Services provided under this Agreement will be applied for activity beginning the first full month after January 1, 2007. Any credits or payments related to the Services provided prior to the first full month following January 1, 2007 and in accrdance with to CMP, PID, PAP or all other wholesale service quality standards will no longer be applied beginning the first full month after January 1, 2007. 7.4.1 Installation Commitments Met. For each installation commitment that Qwest, through its own fault, fails to meet, Qwest will provide a service credit equal to 100% of the nonrecurrng charge for that installation. Qwest will use the state installation nonrecurring charge contained in this Agreement for that order tye in calculating the credit. The definition of a "missed installation commitmenl and the associated exclusions are descrbed in Attachment 3. 8.4 8.5 Measures and Reportng, Performnce Targets and Servce Credits terms and conditions for Services provided under this Agreement outlined in Section 7.0 ofthis Agreement. 8.2 The PIDs and PAP for Washington in their current form are posted in the Qwest Wholesale PCAT, currently called Negotiations Template Agreement PCAT, under Exhibit B and Exhibit K for Washington, respectively. Those PIDs and that PAP are incorporated by reference into, and made a part of, this Agreement. Subsequent changes to the PIDs or PAP submitted to the WUTC will be incorprated into the applicable exhibit as soon as they are effectve either by operation of law or WUTC order, whichever occurs first and without further amendment to this Agreement.7.4 7.4.2 Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours. For each out-of-service condition that Qwest, through its own fault, fails to resolve within 24 hours, Qwest will provide a service credit equal to one day's recurrng charge (monthly recurrng charge divided by 30) for each day out of service beyond the first 24 hours. (For example, if the out-of-service condition exists for 25 to 47 hours, CLEC will be entiled to a credit equal to the monthly recurrng charge divided by 30. If the out-of- service condition existed for 48 to 71 hours, the credit would equal tw times the monthly recurrng charge divided by 30). 8.3 To selec the Service Performance Measures and Reporting and Performance Assurance Plan (PID/PAP) option, CLEC must be a certified CLEC under applicable state rules and have elected the PID and PAP under its Washington interconnection agreement with Qwest. Eligible QLSP Services will be included in the UNE-P PAP results beginning the first full month following Agreement execution. Notwthstanding the dispute resolution provisions in the Agreement, the Partes will resolve any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of, or relating to, the PID and/or PAP under the dispute resolution process described in the PAP. 8.0 Service Penonnance Measures and Reporting and Penormance Assurance Plan (PID/PAP) (for Washington only, if Washington 8.0 is selected by CLEC as indicated on Signature Page). 8.1 If selected by CLEC under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Qwest will, in Washington only, provide perfrmance measurements, reporting, and remedies compliant with the Washington Performance Indicator Definitions ("PIDs") and the Qwest Washington Perfrmance Assurance Plan ("PAP") for the Services, if eligible, provided under this Agreement. Only in the state of Washington, and only if expressly selected by CLEC under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, does this PID and PAP replace, in their entirety, the Commercial Performance March 10, 2009Ikcd/Greenfly/ Attachment 2 - QLSPiß - (v-9-24-08) AZ-CDS-090309-0001; Co-CDS-090309-0002; ID-CDS-090309-0003; MN-CDS-090309-0004; NM-CDS-090309-0005; ND-CDS-090309-0006; OR-CDS-090309-0007; UT-CDS-090309-008; WA-CDS-090309-0009; WY-CDS-090309-0010; 7 ATTACHMENT 3 Performance Targets for Qwest QLSpTM Service March 10, 2009lkcd/Greenflyl ATIACH 3 Perfnnance Targets for Qwt QLSp™ Servce AZ-eOS-090309-0001; CO-COS-090309-0002; ID-COS-090309-003; MN-eOS-090309-000; NM-COS-090309-0005; ND-eOS-090309-006; OR-eOS-090309-0007; UT-COS-090309-0008; WA-COS-090309-009; WY -eOS-090309-001 0; FOC.1 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time Purpose: Monitors the timeliness with which Qwest returns Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) to CLECs in response to LSRs received from CLECs, focusing on the degree to which FOCs are provided within soecified intervals. Description: Measures the percentage of Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) that are provided to CLECs within the intervals specified under "Performance Targets" below for FOC notifications. · Includes all LSRs that are submitted throughlMA-GUI and IMA-EDI interfaces that receive an FOC during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. (Acknowledgments sent separately from an FOC (e.g., EDI 997 transactions are not included.) · For FOC-1A, the interval measured is the period between the LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time) and Qwests response with a FOC notification (notifcation date and time). · For FOC-1 B, the interval measured is the period between the application date and time, as defined herein, and Qwests response with a FOC notification (notification date and time). · "Fully electronic" LSRs are those (1) that are received via IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI, (2) that involve no manual intervention, and (3) for which FOCs are provided mechanically to the CLEC. · "Electronic/manual" LSRs are received electronically via IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI and involve manual processing. · LSRs wil be evaluated according to the FOC interval categories shown in the "Performance Targets" section below, based on the number of lines requested on the LSR or, where multiple LSRs from the same CLEC are related, based on the combined number of lines requested on the related LSRs. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting: Disaggregation Reporting: Regionalleve!. Individual CLEC . FOC-1A: FOCs provided for fully electronic LSRs received via IMA- GUI or IMA-EDI FOC-1 B: FOCs provided for electronic/manual LSRs received via IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI Formula: FOC-1A = t(Count of LSRs for which the original FOC's "(FOC Notifcation Date & Time) - (LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time))" is within 20 minutesJ + (Total Number of original FOC Notifcations transmitted for the service category in the reporting periodH x 100 FOC-1 B = t(Count of LSRs for which the original FOC's "(FOC Notification Date & Time) - (Application Date & Time)" is within the intervals specified for the service category involvedl + (Total Number of original FOC Notifcations transmitted for the service category in the reporting periodH x 100 Page 2 Exclusions:.LSRs involving individual case basis (ICB) handling based on quantities of lines, as specified in the "Performance Targets" section below, or service/request types, deemed to be projects..Hours on Weekends and holidays. (Except for FOC-1A, which only excludes hours outside the scheduled system up time.).LSRs with CLEC-requested FOC arrangements different from standard FOC arrangements..Records with invalid product codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the measure definition..Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #'s.).Invalid startstop dates/times. Product Reporting:Performance Target: FOC-1A 95% within 20 minutes QLSP-POTS FOC-1B 95% within standard FOC intervals (specified below) Standard FOC Intervals Product Group NOTE 1 FOC Interval QLSP-POTS (1-39 lines) FOC-1A:20 Minutes FOC-!B24 hrs 24 hrs Availabilty: Performance wil be measured beginning the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting). Notes: LSRs with quantities above the highest number specified for each oroduct type are considered ICB. Page 3 ICM-1 - Installation Commitments Met Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Owest installs services for Customers bv the scheduled due date. Description: Measures the percentage of orders for which the scheduled due date is met. · All inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Owest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all Corders representing inward activity (with "i" and "T" action coded line USOCs). Also included are orders with customer-requested due dates longer than the standard intervaL. · Completion date on or before the Applicable Due Date recorded by Owest is counted as a met due date. The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Owest changes a due date for Owest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Owest-initiated, changed due date, if any. Reporting Period: One month ì Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting: Disaggregation Reporting: Regional leveL. Individual CLEC . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type Disaggregation" wil be reported accrding to orders involving: ICM-1A Dispatches (Includes within MSA and outside MSA); and ICM-1 B No dispatches. · Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" wil be reported accrding to installations: ICM-1 C Interval Zone 1 and Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Total Orders completed in the reporting period on or before the Applicable Due Date) + (Total Orders Completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: · Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. · Due dates missed for standard categories of customer and non-Owest reasons. Standard categories of customer reasons are: previous service at the location did not have a customer- requested disconnect order issued, no access to customer premises, and customer hold for payment. Standard categories of non-Owest reasons are: Weather, Disaster, and Work Stoppage. · Records involving official company services. · Records with invalid due dates or application dates. · Records with invalid completion dates. · Records with invalid product codes. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the measure definition. Page 4 Product Reporting Performance Target: MSA-TvDe: QLSP-POTS QLSP-POTS (Dispatch and No Dispatch)195% Zone-Type: Availabilty:Notes: Performance will be measured beginning the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting). PageS 011-1 - Order Installation Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Qwests installation of services for CLECs, focusing on the average time to install service. Description: Measures the average interval (in business days) between the application date and the completion date for service orders accepted and implemented. · Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types for additional lines consist of all C orders representing inward activity. · Intervals for each measured event are counted in whole days: the application date is day zero (0); the day following the application date is day one (1). · The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the CLEC, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the CLEC-initiated due date, if any, that is (a~ subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated, changed due date, if any. OTE 1 · Time intervals associated with CLEC-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Qwest-initiated due date, if any, following the Applicable Due Date, from the subsequent CLEC- initiated due date, if any. NOTE Reporting Period: One month T Unit of Measure: Average Business Days Reporting: Disaggregation Reporting: Regional leveL. Individual CLEC . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type Disaggregation" wil be reported according to orders involving: 01l-1A Dispatches (Includes within MSA and outside MSA); and 011-1 B No dispatches. · Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" wil be reported according to installations: 01l-1C Interval Zone 1 and Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: i:((Order Completion Date) - (Order Application Date) - (Time interval between the Original Due Date and the Applicable Date) - (Time intervals associated with CLEC-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) + Total Number of Orders Completed in the reporting period Explanation: The average installation interval is derived by dividing the sum of installation intervals for all orders (in business days) by total number of service orders completed in the reporting period. Exclusions: · Orders with CLEC requested due dates greater than the current standard intervaL. · Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. · Records involving offcial company services. · Records with invalid due dates or application dates. · Records with invalid completion dates. · Records with invalid product codes. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the measure definition. · Orders involving individual case basis (ICB) handling based on quantities of lines or orders deemed to be projects. Page 6 Zone-T e- Peñormance Target: QLSP-POTS (Dispatched) QLSP-POTS (No Dispatch) 6 Days 3.5 Days Availabilty: Performance wil be measured beginning in the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting). Notes: 1. According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per succssive CLEC-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (Le., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest-initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change, any further CLEC-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest-initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest- initiated due date change and subsequent CLEC-initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and CLEC-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest-initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and CLEC-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported intervaL. Page 7 00S24.1 . Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services, focusing on trouble reports where the out-of- service trouble reports were cleared within the standard estimate for specified services (Le., 24 hours for out-of-service conditions). Description: Measures the percentage of out of service trouble reports, involving specified services, that are cleared within 24 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers. · Includes all trouble reports, closed during the reporting period, which involve a specified service that is out-of-service (Le., unable to place or receive calls), subject to exclusions specified below. · Time measured is from date and time of receipt of trouble ticket to the date and time trouble is indicated as cleared. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting: Disaggregation Reporting: Regional leveL. Individual CLEC . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type Disaggregation" wil be reported according to orders involving: 00S24-1A Dispatches (Includes within MSA and outside MSA); and 00S24-1 B No dispatches. · Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" wil be reported accrding to installations: 00S24-1C Interval Zone 1 and Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Number of Out of Service Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 24 hours) I (Total Number of Out of Service Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: · Trouble reports coded as follows: - For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; No Field Visit Test OK, No Field Visit Found OK, Field Visit Found OK, and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). - For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for No Trouble Found (NTF), Test o K (TOK), Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). · Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. . Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. · Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation". · For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. · Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. · Records involving official company services. · Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. · Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. · Records with invalid product codes. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the measure definition. Page 8 Product Reportina:Penormance Taraets: MSA-Tvoe-.QLSP POTS Dispatch and Non-Dispatch 190% Zone-Tvne- Availabilty:Notes: Performance will be measured beginning the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting). Page 9 MTIR-1 - Mean Time to Restore Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair, focusinQ how 10nQ it takes to restore services to proper operation. Description: Measures the average time taken to clear trouble reports. · Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. · Includes customer direct reports, customer-relayed reports, and test assist reports that result in a trouble report. · Time measured is from date and time of receipt to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month . I Unit of Measure: Hours and Minutes Reporting: Disaggregation Reporting: Regional leveL. Individual CLEC . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type Disaggregation" wil be reported according to orders involving: MTIR-1A Dispatches (Includes within MSA and outside MSA); and MTIR-1 B No dispatches. · Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" wil be reported according to installations: MTIR-1C Interval Zone 1 and Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: I((Date & Time Trouble Report Cleared) - (Date & Time Trouble Report Opened)) .. (Total number of Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period) Exclusions: · Trouble reports coded as follows: - For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; No Field Visit Test OK, No Field Visit Found OK, Field Visit Found OK, and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). - For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for No Trouble Found (NTF), Test 0 K (TOK), Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). · Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. · Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. · Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation". · For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. · Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. · Records involving official company services. · Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. · Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. · Records with invalid product codes. · Records missinQ data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the measure definition. Page 10 Product ReDortina:Penormance Target: MSA-Type-QLSP-POTS (No Dispatch)5 Hours QLSP-POTS QLSP-POTS (Dispatched)14 Hours Zone-Tvne -. Availabilty:Notes: Performance wil be measured beginning in the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting). Page 11 TR-1 - Trouble Rate Purpose: Evaluates the overall rate of trouble reports as a percentage of the total installed base of the service or element. Description: Measures trouble reports by product and compares them to the number of lines in service. · Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. · Includes all applicable trouble reports, including those that are out of service and those that are only service-affectinQ. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Individual CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Regional leveL. Formula: ((Total number of trouble reports closed in the reporting period involving the specified service grouping) + (Total number of the specified services that are in service in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: · Trouble reports coded as follows: - For products measured from MT AS data (products listed for MSA-type, trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; No Field Visit Test OK, No Field Visit Found OK, Field Visit Found OK, and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). - For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for No Trouble Found (NTF), Test 0 K (TOK), Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). · Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. · Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. · Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type". · For products measured from MT AS data (products listed for MSA-type, trouble reports involving a "no access" delay.) · Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. · Records involving official company services. · Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. · Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. · Records with invalid product codes. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the measure definition. Page 12 Product Reporting:Penormance Target: MSAType:.QLSP-POTS Diagnostic Zone TVDe: . Availabilty:Notes: Performance will be measured beginning in the first full month of QLSPP service (for the following month's reporting). Page 13 Qwest Local Services Platform TM (QLSpTU) Rate Page - Idaho J 1 200 h h'i * 109.8 Shared Transnnrt Purchased As Part of LSpTM 109.8.1 OLSplM Residential Business and PAL in ID-S Per MOU 0.0011100109.8.2 OLSplM Centrex ISDN BRI PAL in ID-N and PBX Analoa Trunks (Per lineltnkl UGUST $0.35 109.11 Locl Swlthlnn Purchased As Part of QLSpTM 109.11.1 Port Basic Plan Analon Port $6.21 Residential end user credit LAWUR $3.07 1 Effectve LSplM Residentil Analoa Port $3.14 1 Di ital Port Sunnortnn BRI ISDNI 17.40 PBX DID Port 7.30 109.11.Port If 80% YOY Volume Rettion Plan Rsoulrements Are Met Analon Port 5.90 Analon Port Residential end user crdi LAWUR 2.79 1 Effecve OLSplM Residential Analnn Port 3.11 1109.11.2.4 Di ital Port Sunnortna BRI ISDNl 17.40 PBX DID Port 7.30 109.11.3 Port If 90% YOY Volume Retenti Plan R""ulrem"- Are Met Analnn Port $5.59 Analnn Port Residential end user credit LAWUR $2.51 1 Effecve OLSplM Residential Analon Port 3.08 1 Diaitl Port Sunnortnn BRIISDNI 17.40ina.ll.3.5 PBX DID Port 7.30 109.11.Port If 110% YOY Volume Grow Plan Reaulrement Are Met Analoa Port $4.97 Analon Port Residential end user credit LAWUR 1.95 1 Effectve OLSplM Residental Analon Port 3.01 1 Di ital Port Suaoortna BRI ISDNl 17.40 PBX DID Port 7.30 109.11.5 Por If 120% YOY Volume Grow Plan R..ulrement Are Met Analon Port $4.35 Analoa Port Re idential end user credit LAWUR 1.40 1 Effecive 0LSplM Residential An.lnn Port 2.95 1 Di ital Por Suooortna BRI ISDNl 17.4C PBX DID Port 7.30 109.11.6 Port If 135% YOY Volume Gr- Plan R"""lrements Are Met Analon Port $4.04 Analnn Port Reidental end user creit LAWUR 1.15 1 Effve QLSplM Residential Analoa Port 2.89 1 Dinitl Port Sunnortnn BRIISDNI 17.40 PBX DID Port 7.30 109.11.7 Local Switch Usane OLSplM Residential. Busines, and PAL in ID-S (Per MOUI !G0.001343 0LSpTM Centrex ISDN BRI PAL in ID-N and PBX Analoa Trunks Per LinelTrunkl UGUFM $1.3 109.11.8 Switch Features 2 Account Codes - ner S""em AZPS "n.41 Attendant A..ess Line. oer Station Line DZR !Gl.12 Audible Mesage Waitng MGN,$0.98Iv Auorization Codes - ner S""tem AFYS !G231.08 Aumati Lin"ETPB $0.33 Automatic Route Selecton - Common Eauinment ner S""em F5GPG !G? 015.21 Call Dron FIDONLY $0.23 Call Exclusion - Automatic NX $0.70 ISDNI Call Exclusion - Manual NA-FID $0.46 IDSNI in9.11.8.10 Call Fo""rdina Busv Line - Incomina Onlv 69B1X !G?O.A"l Call Forwrdinn Don1 Answr Incominn Onlv 69A "20.63 Call Forwrdinn: Busv Line I Don't Answr Proarammable Service Estblishment SEPFA !Gll.27 Call Forwrding: Don't Answer I Call Forwrding Busy Customer Programmable, per Line FSW $0.62 Call Waitina Indication - oer Timina State WUT !G.70 Centrx Common Equipment HYE,HYS $1,370.25 CLA-Call Trace PerOccurrence NOUSOC 1.43 CLAS - Continuous Redial NSS 1.28109.11.8.18 CLAS-LastCallRetum NSQ 1.29 CLAS - ProriCalina NSK 1.21 CLAS. Selecve Call Forwrdinn NCE 1.28 CLAS - Selecve Call Rejecon FKQPN,$1.21 NSY Direc Station Selecon I Busv Lamo Reid. oer Aranaement BUD 0.24 Directed Call Pickunwi Barna-in 6MD 13.01 Direct Call Pickuo without Barae-in 69D 13.A7 Distinctve R1nnJrslnctve Call Waitino RNN 27.74 Exoensive Route Wamina Tone. oer S""tem AQWPS 9.48 Groun Intercom GCN $0.31 Hot Line. oer Line HLN HLA 1.05 H ntinn: Multnosition Hunto,'euina MH5 29.25 Huntina: Multioositin with Announcement in C ueue MHW 31.72 Huntinn: Multinostin with Music in Queue MOHPS 28.04 ISDN Shart Hunt NHGPG.$1.17 NHGPN Loud~neaker Paaina. oer Trunk Grouo PTQPG !G18"l.60 Qw Local Services Platform lM Agreement QLSplM Rate Sheet-Vl.2.3 04.11.08 Qwest Local Servces Platform TM (QLSpTM) Rate Page. IdahoJ 1200h hT *anua 7t rou erm Make Busy Arangements, per Group NJÆX,$0.53 P89 Make Busv Arrannements. oer Line MB1 $0.53 Messaae Center oer Main Station Line MFR $0.31 Messane Waitinn Visual MV5 $0.31 Music On Hold. oer SvsAm MHHPS 20.75 PrivacvRelease K7KPK 0.42 Quervlime QT1PK 0.31 SMDR-P-Archived Data SR7CX $170.75 SMDR-P - Service Establishment Charge, Inital Installation SEPSP,$323.33 SEPSR Station Camo.(n Service ear Main Station CPK ~0.31 109.11.R.44 lime of Dav Control lor ARS. oef SYStem ATBPS 95.8 lime ofDav NCOS Uedate A4T 0.41 lime ofDav Routina. oer Line ATB .46 Trunk Vericatian from Deianated Station BVS 0.35 UCD in Hunt Grouo. oer Line MHM 0.64 PrAmlum Por Features. Additonal Charae g:2.08 CMS - SYStem EstablishmAnt- Initl Installation MBSXX 962.10 CMS - S""i.'m Establishment Subsauentlnstallation CPVO 81.05 CMS - Packel Control Canabiltv ner S""tem PTGPS 81.05 Conference Callna - Meet Me MJJPK 32.24 Conference Callna - Preset M09PK $32.24 Conference Callna - Station Dial (6-Wav\GVT $47.48 109.11.9 Oter Custom Number Idaho Nort See Applicable Qwt Retail 6 Tari, Catalog or Price List les Discunt (which will be provided pursant to term and conditons in CLEC's ICA). Idaho South See Applicable Qwt Retail 6 Tari, Catalog or Price Liles Discunt (which will be provided pursuant to terms and condijions in CLEC's ICA). PBX DID Comolex Translations Diail Ouloulsed Chan"" Sianalina $15.2 PBX DID Comelex Translations Sinnalinn Channe $35.5 PBX DID Block Comoromise $25. PBX DID Groue of 20 Numbers $31. PBX DID Reserve Seauentil # Block $25. PBX DID Reserve NonsAnuenti i Telenhone Numbers $23. PBX DID Nonseauential Teleohone Number $33.1 109.11.10 Subs..uent Order Charae NHCUU $12.17 4 109.11.11 Qwes CornnraUon (QCllntaLATA Toll LPIC 5123 Idaho Nort See Applicable Qwt RetaD 6 Tari, Calog or Price List les Discunt (which will be provided pursuant to terms and conditons in CLEC's ICA). Idaho South See Applicable Qwt Retail 6 Tari, Catal09 or Price Lisles Discunt (which will be provided pursuant to terms and conditons in CLEC's !CA). 109.20 Miscelaneos Charoes 5 109.20.1 Deslon . Nor Maintenance of Service Basic Firs Increment MVXX .. Each AddHinnal Incrment MV1X .. Overtme First Incrment MVOX H Each Additonal Incrmet MV2X H Premium 109.2n. First Incrment MVPX H Each Additonal Increment MV3X H Ootional Testina (Additional Labor Basic First and i:"ch Additional Increment OTNBX H Overtme Firs and Each Additional Increment OTNOX H Premium Firs and Each Additonal Increment OTNPX H Disnatch Additonal Disnatc - No trouble Iound)VT6DC .. Disoatch lor Maintenance of Serice - No Trouble Found VT6DM .. 109.20.2 Deslon and Non-Deslon . Nor Trin Chame - Premises Visit Chame SCO .. Prmiss Work ChamA Basic Firs Increment HRD11 H Each Additonal Increment HRDA1 H Qwst Local Service Platfrm 1M Agreement QLSplM Rae Sheet-V1.2.3 04.11.08 2 Qwest Local Services Platform™ (QLSpTM) Rate Page -Idaho J 1 200 h hT *anua 7t rou erm Overtme Firs Increment HRD12 - Each Additional Increment HRDA2 - Premium Firs Increment HRD13 - Each Additional Increment HRDA3 - Netwrk Premises Work Charoe Basic First Increment HRR11 .. Basic Each Additional Increment HRRAl - Overtme First Increment HRR12 - Overtme Each Additional Increment HRRA .. Premium First Incrment HRR13 - Premium Each Additonal Increment HRRA - DateChanoe VT6DC - Desion Chanoe H28 - Exnedite Charoe Per dav advanced EODDB - Cancellation Charoe NoUSOC ICB 109.20.3 Non.Deslon . SouUl Netwrk Premises Work Charoe All Hours 1 st1 fi minutes HRH11 - All Hours nex Ulree 15 minutes HRHA1 .. All Hours ea andfl 15 minutes HRDAl .. 109.20.4 o-Ion . !In,,'h Maintenance of Service Basic First Increment WWXX - Each Additonal Increment WW1X - Overtme First Incrment WW X - Each Additional Incrment WW2X - Premium First Incrment WWPX .. Each Additonal Increment WW3X - Ootional Testino (Additional Labor 1 Q9. Basic Firs and Each Additional Increment OTNBX .. Overtme Firs and Each Additional Increment OTNOX .. Premium First and Each Additonal Increment OTNPX .. Disnatc Additonal Disnatch - No trouble found VT6DC .. Disoatch for Maintenance of Service - No Trouble Found VT6DM - Netwrk Premises Work Charoe Basic First Increment HRH11 - Each Additional Increment HRHAl - Overtme First Increment HRH12 - Each Additonal Increment HRHA .. . Premium 1n9. First Increment HRH13 .. Each AdnRionallncrement HRHA - 109.20.5 Deslon and Non.Deslon . Sout Trin ChamA - Premises Visit Charo NRTCY - Premises Work Charoe 10Q. Basic 109.20.fi.2.1.1 First Increment HRDll - Each Additional Increment HRDA1 .. Overtme First Increent HRD12 .. Each Additonal Increment HRDA2 .. Premium Firs Increment HRD13 - Each Additonal Increment HRDA3 .. DateChanae VT6DC - Deion Chanoe H28 - ¡:ynedite Charoe. Per dav advance EODDB .. Cancellation Charoe NoUSOC ICB 109.23 QLSP'" Instllaon and Conversion Nonrecurrno Char"" 'NRCs' 109.23.1 Converion Nonrecurrno Char"" QLSP'" Busines Cenex PAL and PBX Analon non.DlD Trunks Residetial First Une Mechan;7..\URCCU 1.50 Each Additional Une 'Mechanized\URCCY 0.50 First Une Manual\URCCV 15.00 Each Additional Line lManualI URCCZ 3.00 10923.1.2 QLSP'" PBX DID Trunks Ows! Local Services Platfrm 1M Agreement QLSp1M Rate Sheet-V1.2.3 04.11.08 3 LSpTM ISDN BR First Each Additonal URCCU 0.66 .73 109.23.2 Installaton Nonrecurrin Char LSpTM Busines Cenex PAL and PBX Anal non-DID Trunk Residetial Firs Line Mechanized Each Additonal Line Mechanized Firs Line Manual EachAdditonalLine Manual NHCRA NHCRC NHCRB NHCRD 50.00 18.00 75.00 2.00 LSpTM Anal DID PBX Trun 15.21 LSpTM ISDN-BRI 272.96 109.23.3 est AlN Features Idaho North See Applicable Owt Retail 6 Tari, Catalog or Prce Listles Discunt (Y.ich will be provided pursuant to tes and conditons in CLEC's ICA). See Applicable Owt Retail 6 Tari, Catalog or Pri List les Discount (Y.ich will be provided pursuant to terms and conditons in CLEC's ICA). Idaho South 109.23.estVol e Mes In Servl Idaho Nort See Applicable Owst Retail 6 Tari, Catalog or Price Listless Discount (Y.ich will be provided pursuant to terms and coditions in CLEC's ICA). Se Applicable Owst Retail 6 Tarif, Catalog or Prce Listles Discount (Y.ich will be provided pursuant to term and conditions in CLEC's ICA). Idaho South 112 o rational Su stes 112.1 Deeloments and Enhancements er Loal Service Re uest 112.2 On oin 0 erations er Local Service Re uest 112.3 Daily Usage Records File, per Record All charges and increments equal the comparable charges and increments provided in the Owt Wholesle PCAT. Notes Universal Service Order Codes (USOCs) have been provided in an effort to ease ~em description and USOC association wi charges. In the event USOCs are inaccurate or are revised, Owst reserves the right to correc the Rate Sheet In the event of any signifcant change(s), noticaon will be provided via the standard See Applicable Owst Retail Tari, CataloR or Prce List for all charRes and increments. OLSP'" Business and Residential services utilize the same Class of Service and line Universal Service Order codes (USOCs). OLSP'" Residential service will be billed at the Analog Port rate and only thos lines that specically qualif for and are identied as serving a residential end-user custer by the presence of the LAWUR USOC will receive the Residential end user credit. 2 OLSP'" service includes nondiscriminatory accss to all vertcal swtch features that are loaded in Owsls End Ofce Swich. See the PCAT for all compatible and available vertcal swtch features. Only vertcal swich features with Non-Recrrng, Recurrng, or Per Ocurrence charges are listed. Non-Recrrng charges are applicable Y.enever a feature is added - Y.ether on n_ installation, coversion, or change order actvity. Those vertcal swtch features nollised have a rate of $0 fo Monthly Recurrng, Non-Recurrng, or Per Occurrence charges. 3 Resrved for future use. 4 The Subsequent Order Charge is applicable on a per order basis Y.en changes are requested to exiting service, including changing a telephone number, initiating or removing Suspension or Service, denying or restoring service, addin9, removing, or changing features, and other similar reuest. 5 OLSP'" ISDN BRI and PBX are "Deign'. Remaining OLSP'" service are "Non-Design". All charges and increments shall be the same as the comparable charges and increments provided in Owt Retail Tarif, Catalogs, or Prce List and are subject to change based on changes in those underlying Owst Retail Tari, Catalogs, or Prce Lists. In the event a rate change, notication will be provided via the standard noticat pross. 6 Where the service has been deemed to be a Telecmmunications Service, the Discount will be provided pursuant to CLEC's ICA. Where the service is not a Telecommunications Service, the discunt will be 18%. Owst Local Seric Platfrm lM Agrement OLSplM Rate Sheet-V1.2.3 04.11.08 4