HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110701Qwest and Intergra Joint Request.pdfMar S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor 999 Main, Suite 1108 Boise, il 88702 208-885-8666 RECEIVED iOll JUL -I AM 9: 26 IDAHO UTILITiES July 1, 2011 VI HAD DELIVRY Jean D. Jewell, Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE: Docket No. QWE- T -08-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with ths Commission are an original and seven (7) copies of the Joint Request of Qwest and Integra in the above referenced docket. If you have any questions, please contact me. Than you for your coperation in ths matter. Ver try your, Enclosures cc Serice List Mar S. Hobson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Man, Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Tel: 208-385-8666 ma.hobsonCiqwest.com RECEIVED , 2011 JUL -I AM 9:26 UTI Lisa A. Anderl Assoiate General Counel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seatte, WA 98191 Tel: (206) 345-1574 lisa.anderlCigwest.com Attrneys for Qwest Corpraon BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION In Re WIRAWAL ofQWEST COPORATION'S STATEMENT OF GENERALY AVAIABLE TERMS AN CONDITIONS Case No. QWE-T-08-0 JOINT REQUEST of QWEST and INTEGRA Pettioner Qwest Corpration ("Qwest") and Intervenors Integra Telecom of Idao, Inc.; Electrc Lightwave, LLCdba Integr Telecm; and Eschelon Telecm, Inc. dba Integr (collectively referrd to as "Integr"), by and thug thei undersigned rereentatives herby jointly reuest that the Commssion tae no fuer action in the preset docket until at lea eighteen month afr the Closing Date of the merger between Qwest Corpration and CentuLink Inc. In support of ths Request, Qwest and Integr provide the followig information: Joint Request ofQwest And Integr -1- 1. Ths docket was initiated on May 2, 2008 with Qwest's Petition to withdrw its Statement of Generaly Available Terms and Conditions (SGAT) and to elimnate Qwests Perormance Assurce Plan (QPAP) and assoiated performce indicator definitions (PIDs). 2. The Commission grd Qwest's request to withdrw the SGAT by Order No. 30750 entered March 17,2009, but left open Qwest's QPAP reuest for fuer consideraon. 3. On July 30, 2010, Qwest fied an Amended Pettion in which Qwest propose a new performce plan (QP AP II) in lieu of its prior reuest to withdrw the existing QPAP. 4. On October 4, 2010, the paes to ths acon filed a Stipulation regardig their agrement to the speifc chages to Qwes's existi QPAP. By Order No. 32106 the Commission approved those chages to the existg plan. 5. With the context of the merger dockets tht were beg considered by reguatory authorities in varous jursdctions, Qwest and Integra Telecom, Inc. reached a settement ageeent tht provided inter alia, tht "Qwest will implement Idaho Order No. 32106 in Case No. QWE-T-08-04." i 6. Qwest ha implemented Orer No. 32106 and revise Exhbit B (PIDs) and Exhbit K (QPAP) accordgly. Qwest ha also posted Exhbits B and K on the Negotitions Template Agreement (NT A) website, htt://ww.qwest.comlwholesae/clecslntahtm.Asin the past, Commssion-approved chages to Exhbits Band K made puruat to section 16.0 of Exhibit K shal apply to and modfy interconnection agents, subject to and in accordce with the term of the internnecon agements. 7. Qwest, CentuLin and Integr fuer aged that "they will jointly request tht the Idao Commssion tae no fuer action in (ths) docket until at leas eighteen months afr the Closing Date" of the QwestCentuLin merger? 8. The Qwest/CentuLink merger closed April 1, 2011. 1 Setement Agrment by and among CetiLii Inc., a Louisian Corpration ("CentiLin"), and its afliates, Qwest Corporaon Interiona, Inc., a Delawar Corration, and its aflias includig Qwest Corpraion, Integr Telecom, Inc., an Orgon Corpration and its afliats, Novembe 6,2010, p.3, footnote 3. (Itegr Merer Settement Agrment).2Id Joint Request of Qwest And Integr -2- Basd on the foregoing, Qwest and Integr jointly request tht ths Commission tae no action on the curent docket until October 1,2012 (i.e., eighteen months afer April 1, 2011) at the earliest. PARTY Qwest Corporation~g4LMBobn Attorty for Qwest Corpration Integra Telecom of Idaho, Ine. Electrc Lightwve, LLC dba Integra Telecom; and Eschelon Telecm, Inc. dba Integr (collectively referd to as "Integr") Joint Request of Qwest And Integr DATE 1 Ii /1/i / Ç,/3DIII - 3- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby cerify that a tre and correct copy of the foregoing Joint Request of Qwest and Integra was served on the 1st day of July, 2011 on the followig individuals: Jean D. Jewell Weldon B. Stutzm Idao Public Utilities Commssion 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83702 j j ewelltPuc.state.id. us Weldon.StutzmtPuc.idao.gov i Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overght Deliver Facsimile Email Douglas K, Deney Integra Telecom, Inc. 1201 Lloyd Blvd., Suite 500 Portland, OR 97232 dkdenney(iintegrtelecom.com Michel Singer Nelson Associate Gener Counel 360netorks (USA) Inc. 370 Interlocken Blvd., Suite 600 Broomfeld, CO 80021 mnelson(i360.net Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overght Deliver Facsimle .1 Emal Hand Deliver U. S.Mail Overnght Deliver Facsimle .1 Emal "' Joint Request of Qwest And Integra -4-