HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100730Williams Testimony, Exhibit.pdfMar S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor 999 Main, Suite 1108 Boise, ID 88702 208-885-8666 iow JUl 30 PH 3= l 8 July 30,2010 VIA BAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE: Docket No. QWE-T-08-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission are nine (9) copies of the testimony and exhibit of Michael G. Wilams that are prefied on behalf of Qwest Corporation in support of its Amended Petition, fied today under separate cover. Qwest is also providing a CD ofthe Wiliams testimony and exhibits as required by Rule 231.05. If you have any questions, please contact me. Than you for your cooperation in this matter. Ver trly yours,1-1/~~tt::ff~ lL- Enclosures cc Service List Mary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) 999 Main, Suite 1103 Boise, 10 83702 Tel: 208-385-8666 mary. hobson~qwest. com Adam L. Sherr Corporate Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, WA 98191 Tel: (206) 398-2507 adam. sherr~qwest. com Attorney Representing Qwest Corporation RE r1 zoin JUL 30 PM 3: 18 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ) Q'HST CORPORATION REQUESTING ) AUTHORIZATION TO WITHDRAW ITS )STATEMNT OF GENERALY ) AVAILALE TERMS AN CONDITIONS ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF Michael G. Wi.lli.am Q'HST CORPORATION July 30, 2010 CASE NO. Q'H-T-08-04 1 Table of Contents 2 3 Identification of Witness...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 4 Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 5 Background and Purpose of the QPAP.......................... 3 6 'The Current QPAP............................................ 5 7 The QPAP has Fulfilled Its Purpose.......................... 7 8 Shortcomings of Current QPAP............................... 14 9 First Concern: Self-Executing QPAP Not Balanced.......... 15 10 Second Concern: QPAP Overly Puni ti ve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 11 Third Concern: QPAP Too Complex and Burdensome. . . . . . . . . .. 19 12 Qwest's QPAP II Proposal................................... 20 13 Oefining Superior Service................................ 23 14 Building on the Current QPAP............................. 26 15 Payment Increments, Performance Credits and Payment 16 Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 17 Tier 2 and Minimum Payments.............................. 36 18 Measurement Streamlining................................. 38 19 Service/Element Streamlining............................. 48 20 Other PI0 Proposals...................................... 56 21 Removing QPAP from the SGAT................................ 59 22 Concl usion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 23 QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -i- 1 IDENTIFICATION OF WITNSS 2 Q.PLESE STATE YOUR NAM, BUSINSS ADDRESS, AN CURNT 3 POSITION. 4 A.My name is Michael Williams.My business address is 5 1801 California Street, Oenver, Colorado 80202.I am a 6 Senior Oirector of Public Policy for Qwest. 7 Q.HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED TESTIMONY IN THIS 8 PROCEEDING? 9 A.No, this is the first time any testimony has been filed 10 in this docket. 11 Q.PLESE STATE YOUR BACKGROUN AN QUALIFICATIONS. 12 A.I hold an MBA degree from the University of Utah, 1985, 13 and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from 14 Brigham Young University, 1976.Since 1981, I have worked 15 for Qwest or its predecessors in various management 16 positions,including engineering,technical sales, 17 regulatory, new technologies, international cellular joint 18 venture leadership, wholesale interconnection operations and 19 regulatory finance.My responsibilities have included 20 service quality-related metrics and payments since 1997.I 21 have held my current responsibilities since July 2005. 22 Specifically, I am responsible for Qwest' s policies and 23 compliance associated with regulatory retail and wholesale 24 service quality requirements.I have submitted testimony and QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -1- 1 participated in workshops in each of the 14 states in Qwest's 2 local services region. 3 PUROSE 4 Q.WHT is THE PURPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? 5 A.My testimony addresses Qwest' s Amended Petition to 6 withdraw the Qwest Performance Assurance Plan (QPAP) from its 7 Statement of Generally Available Terms (SGAT) .Qwest 8 considers this docket as constituting a review under section 9 16.3 of the QPAP, which calls for a review to determine the 10 future of the QPAP.Therefore, I also address Qwest's 11 proposal to modify the QPAP in all existing interconnection 12 agreements that have it. In this testimony, I refer to the 13 proposed modified performance assurance plan as "QPAP II," 14 which is attached to this testimony as Qwest Exhibit No.1. 15 Qwest's proposed QPAP II continues to provide CLECs with 16 self-executing payments for the same performance dimensions 17 covered under the current QPAP,subject to specified 18 streamlining of metrics and products, while also introducing 19 incenti ves to provide superior performance.Overall,I 20 provide background regarding the QPAP, explain the basis for 21 Qwest's Amended Petition, and describe QPAP II and how it 22 would operate. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -2- 1 BACKGROUN AN PURSE OF THE QPAP 2 Q.WHT is THE Q'HST PERFORMCE ASSURCE PLA (QPAP)? 3 A.The QPAP is a self-executing plan based on Qwest' s level 4 of service performance under a variety of metrics called PI0s 5 (performance indicator definitions) .The PI0s are 6 measurements of specific dimensions of Qwest' s service 7 performance.For example, PI0s cover the areas of pre- 8 order/order, billing, provisioning, maintenance and repair, 9 network performance and so forth. PI0 results for Idaho are 10 reported on an individual CLEC basis, as well as on an 11 aggregate-CLEC basis, statewide. 12 The PI0s have three types of standards:parity, 13 benchmark, or diagnostic. Parity standards compare Qwest s 14 performance for CLECs to its performance for its own retail 15 customers or operations, while benchmark standards compare 16 Qwest s performance to specified fixed performance levels. 17 Oiagnostic standards designate that the PI0 results are for 18 monitoring purposes. QPAP payments to CLECs (so called "Tier 19 1 payments" under the existing QPAP) and payments to states 20 ("Tier 2 payments" under the existing QPAP) are triggered as 21 provided in the QPAP only by measurements with parity or 22 benchmark standards in the PI0s and as further delineated in 23 the body of the QPAP. 24 Q.WHT WAS THE ORIGINAL PURPOSE OF THE QPAP? 25 A.Qwest obtained approval of the QPAP in conjunction with QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -3- 1 obtaining interLATA long distance approval from the Federal 2 Communications Commission (FCC) under section 271 of the 3 Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the Act).The FCC looked for 4 assurance that wholesale markets would remain open after the 5 requirements of section 271 had been met and interLATA 6 freedom granted to the Bell Operating Company (s) (BOCs) such 7 as Qwest.While it accepted performance assurance plans for 8 this purpose, the FCC noted at the time that it could not 9 require such plans. Instead, the FCC stated it would deem a 10 properly-designed plan as "probative evidence that the BOC 11 will continue to meet its section 271 obligations after a 12 grant of such authority.,,1 13 Q.DID Q'HST OR THE IDAHO COMMISSION INTEND FOR THE QPAP TO 14 BE PERMNT? 15 A.No.Section 16.3 of the QPAP approved by the Idaho 16 Commission clearly declares its temporary nature: 17 "Qwest will make the PAP available for CLEC18 interconnection agreements until such time as Qwest19 eliminates its Section 272 affiliate. At that time, the 20 Commission and Qwest shall review the appropriateness of21 the PAP and whether its continuation is necessary. . ." 22 (Emphasis added). 23 Qwest notes that its section 272 affiliate was eliminated 24 effective February 20, 2007, i. e., nearly three and a half 25 years ago. 1 FCC Qwest Nine State Order, 17 FCC Red 26303 at 26544, ~ 440. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -4- 1 Q.WAS THIS LAGUAGE LIMITING THE DURTION OF THE PLA 2 APPROVED? 3 A.Yes. Both the Idaho Commission and the FCC approved 4 Qwest's Idaho PAP with this language in place. 5 Q.HOW DOES THE QPAP RELATE TO INTRCONNCTION AGREEMNTS 6 BETWN Q'HST AN CLECS? 7 A.If adopted by a CLEC, the QPAP becomes part of the 8 CLEC's interconnection agreement in the form of two exhibits. 9 Exhibit B sets forth the measurement definitions and 10 standards, and Exhibit K sets forth the payment framework. In 11 this docket, as I will discuss in detail below, Qwest now 12 seeks to amend Exhibits Band K of existing interconnection 13 agreements to reflect a more balanced approach that continues 14 to provide economic incentives to Qwest to help further an 15 open telecommunications markets for CLECs. 16 THE CURNT QPAP 17 Q.PLESE SUMIZE THE PRIMY ELENTS OF THE CUR 18 QPAP. 19 A.The current QPAP consists of pros in Exhibit Band 20 payment provisions in Exhibit K.The payment provisions use 21 PI0s as the self-executing basis for triggering payments when 22 service performance is nonconforming to standards set forth 23 in the pros.Standards based on either parity with Qwest' s 24 retail operations or negotiated benchmarks are used to QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -5- 1 trigger and determine payment amounts.Oiagnostic standards 2 are used only for monitoring purposes. 3 Q.WHY AR THERE BOTH PARITY AN BENCHM STANARS? 4 A.At the lowest (most detailed) level of disaggregation, 5 each non-diagnostic PIO has only one or the other: a parity 6 standard or a benchmark standard.The nondiscrimination 7 standard of the Act calls for a comparison between wholesale 8 and retail performance.However, precisely comparable retail 9 services do not always exist.If there existed comparable 10 retail services for all wholesale services and elements 11 measured by the PIOs, there would be only parity standards in 12 the PIOs.Strictly speaking, "parity" is not an explicit 13 requirement of the Act, but it is a factor in evaluating 14 nondiscrimination. Accordingly, in the original collaborative 15 proceedings in which the PIOs were developed, the parties 16 agreed to use parity as the primary basis for setting 17 standards.However, in some cases precise, apples-to-apples 18 comparisons with retail analogues are not available.For 19 example, there are no retail unbundled loops with which to 20 compare unbundled loops provided to CLECs.In these cases, 21 proxies were selected that were as close as possible to 22 specific types of unbundle loops.In other cases there were 23 not any retail analogues and no reasonable proxies for such 24 analogues,so benchmark standards were adopted through 25 negotiations in the various proceedings that pre-dated the QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -6- 1 Qwest 271 FCC applications.Benchmarks were also used to 2 evaluate the "pre-order" processes where, for example, CLECs 3 submit local service requests (LSRs) and trouble reports 4 through interfaces that do not exist in the retail context. 5 HOW AR PAYMNT AMOUNS DETERMNED UNER THE QPAP?Q. 6 Payment amounts are determined by the extent to whichA. 7 PIO results miss the standards.Specifically, the difference 8 between a PIO result and the applicable standard is 9 translated into a numer of occurrences (e. g. , orders or 10 tickets) missing the standard, which numer is multiplied by 11 the applicable per-occurrence payment level to calculate the 12 payment amount due for that PIO result. 13 The QPAP defines two categories of payments: Tier 1 and 14 Tier 2.Tier 1 payments are made to individual CLECs, and 15 Tier 2 payments are made to the state.The QPAP also defines 16 payment-affecting such as paymentotherprocedures, 17 consecuti ve nonconformingescalations(where there are 18 months) and minimum payments (where the low volumes of small 19 CLECs generate small payments). 20 THE QPAP HAS FUFILLE ITS PUROSE 21 Q.HOW HAS THE QPAP'S PURPOSE BEEN FUFILLED? 22 The wholesale telecommunications market is irrevocablyA. 23 open, and Qwest has consistently demonstrated its ability and 24 commitment satisfy its section 271continuetoto QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -7- 1 obligations. 2 Q.DOES THE REIN AN BASIS FOR QPAP TO CONTINU? 3 A.i do not believe so. As I have pointed out, the FCC 4 stated that the Act did not require a performance assurance 5 plan,2 but noted that such a plan, properly designed and 6 implemented, could provide "probative evidence" regarding the 7 public interest aspects of section 271 - specifically that 8 the market openness that justified granting interLATA 9 freedoms to Qwest continued after the Company achieved its 10 goal of entering the interLATA market.In approving Qwest's 11 271 application in Idaho, the FCC approved a QPAP containing 12 provisions that allowed it to terminate after the elimination 13 of Qwest's section 272 affiliate, with no further involvement 14 of the FCC required. Hence, the FCC and this Commission have 15 already ruled both on the QPAP's place in supporting Qwest's 16 271 application and on the fact that it could terminate via 17 its own provisions. 18 Q.WITHOUT QPAP, WHT INCENTIVS WOUL REIN FOR Q'HST TO 19 CONTIN TO PROVIDE NONDISCRIMNATORY SERVICE TO CLECS? 20 A.While the QPAP was originally established to provide 21 economic incentives for Qwest to continue to provide 22 nondiscriminatory service to CLECs seeking to compete with 23 Qwest using part of the existing network,far larger 24 incentives in the form of actual market forces are now at QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -8- 1 work to ensure CLECs continue to have nondiscriminatory 2 access to the network.Specifically, Qwest's persistent and 3 significant line losses, primarily due to cellular and cable 4 competitors who do not participate in the QPAP, highlight how 5 important CLECs are to Qwest in helping keep customers on its 6 network.Today, the total numer of resale and unbundled 7 loops provided to CLECs is nearly 25 percent of Qwest's 8 retail access lines in Idaho.Hence Qwest values CLECs as 9 partners in helping keep customers on our network, a fact 10 which, in itself, provides a huge incentive, independent of 11 QPAP, for Qwest to serve CLECs well. The veracity of this 12 fact is borne out by additional evidence, which I discuss 13 below, that Qwest provides superior service to CLECs far more 14 often than it provides inferior service that triggers QPAP 15 payments.If the QPAP were the only incentive at play here, 16 that would not likely be the case. 17 Q.AR THERE STILL OTHER INCENTIVS AT PLAY? 18 A.Certainly. As I have explained, the wholesale market is 19 very valuable to Qwest, but perhaps the most basic incentive 20 is the law that requires Qwest to provide nondiscriminatory 21 service to CLECs.Qwest respects and obeys the law, and 22 there are avenues other than the QPAP for CLECs to pursue if 23 Qwest does not. 2 ibid. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -9- 1 Q.WHT DEVLOPMNTS HAVE OCCUR SINCE THE QPAP 2 ORIGINALLY WE INTO EFFECT? 3 A.Much has transpired in the industry and marketplace 4 since the inception of the QPAP that indicates fulfillment of 5 the purpose and intent of the QPAP.The FCC granted Qwest's 6 application for section 271 relief, thereby authorizing Qwest 7 to provide interLATA long distance services.The FCC's 8 authorization signaled its determination that the local 9 market was indeed open at that time. 3 A later FCC decision 10 granted that Qwest was no longer required to provide in- 11 region, interLATA services through a separate (section 272) 12 affiliate. 4 More recently, in response in part to changing 13 market conditions in the state and Qwest's petition, the 14 Idaho Commission approved Qwest s petition to withdraw its 15 SGAT. 16 Meanwhile, customers have access to a whole variety of 17 alternatives for telecommunica tions services that were 18 neither as varied nor robust in 2003 when the QPAP was 19 created as they are today.As a result, Qwest's market share 20 has declined while that of competi tors (CLECs,cable 3 ibid., ~ 407. 4 See Section 272 (f) (1) Sunset of the BOC Separate Affiliate and Related Requirements, WC Doeket No. 02-112, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 17 FCC Red 26869 (2002). Given that the FCC granted Qwest's seetion 271 authorization for Idaho in an order released on Deeember 23, 2002 and that the relevant requirements of seetion 272 expire three years after an ILEC is authorized to provide interLATA serviees, then pursuant to seetion 272 (f) (1), the provisions of seetion 272 (other than seetion 272 (e)) sunset by operation of law for Qwest in Idaho effeetive Deeember 23, 2005. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -10- 1 providers, wireless, and others) has grown significantly. It 2 is no longer appropriate to look at government-mandated 3 facilitation of competition with the same perspective that 4 prevailed when the Act was being first implemented.Today, 5 market forces have replaced the need for government-mandated 6 incentives. 7 Q.WHT EVIDENCE is THERE THAT THE MAT REINS OPEN? 8 A.Since 2003 when the FCC found that the market was open, 9 the number of CLECs has grown dramatically in Idaho. 10 Specifically, in 2003, only ten had opted into the QPAP in 11 Idaho.By 2009, there were 81 CLECs with interconnection 12 agreements, of which fifty-seven had opted-in to the QPAP. 13 Q.HAVE QPAP PAYMNTS ALSO GROWN WITH THE INCRESING 14 NUERS OF CLECS IN IDAHO? 15 A.No. The payments made to CLECs have declined since the 16 time the QPAP was made available in Idaho.In 2003, the 17 first year of QPAP operation, Qwest paid nearly $70,000 in 18 payments to individual CLECs in Idaho. Payments increased in 19 2004 but have declined every year since that peak. In 2009, 20 payments paid to CLECs in Idaho amounted to slightly more 21 than $14,000 for the entire year, across all CLECs opting 22 into the QPAP. Since the inception of the QPAP, Qwest has 23 paid out a total of $576,013 in Idaho in Tier 1 and Tier 2 24 payments under the existing QPAP structure, despite providing 25 inarguably excellent wholesale service performance, as I QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -11- 1 illustrate later in my testimony. 2 Q.HAVE THE AVERAGE PER-CLEC QPAP PAYMS CHAGED OVER 3 THIS TIM? 4 A.The average individual CLEC payments in Idaho have also 5 declined. In 2003, the average payment was just a bit more 6 than $17,000 per CLEC.The per-CLEC amount dropped 7 significantly in 2004 and has steadily declined. In 2009 the 8 average was just over $1,500 per CLEC. 9 Q.HOW HA Q'HST'S SERVICE TO CLECS COMPARD TO THAT FOR 10 ITS RETAIL CUSTOMES IN IDAHO? 11 A.On the whole, Qwest's performance for CLECs as measured 12 by the QPAP has been at least equal to and, far more often, 13 better than for retail customers.Any exceptions have been 14 few and isolated. 15 Q.ON WHT DO YOU BASE THIS ASSERTION? 16 A.I base my assertion on the facts that (1) the percentage 17 of PIOs that triggered QPAP payments is miniscule, and (2) 18 the percentage of PI0s representing better service for CLECs 19 is far greater than the percentage triggering payments. 20 Q.WHT PERCENTAGE OF QPAP PIDS ACTUALLY TRIGGERED PAYMNTS 21 IN 2009? 22 A.In 2009, only 0.9 percent of PIOs triggered payments in 23 Idaho.Across the entire seven years of the QPAP in Idaho, 24 through 2009, this numer was 1.7 percent, and in any 25 individual year it has never been higher than 2.3 percent. QWE-T-08-04 Jul y 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -12- 1 Q.OF THE TOTAL NUR OF PIDS, WHT PROPORTION HAVE PARITY 2 STANARS AN WHT DOES THIS ME? 3 A.Over 60 percent of monthly PIO standards are parity 4 standards, i. e., are based on a statistical parity comparison 5 between Qwest' s performance for CLECs and its performance for 6 retail services.This means that over 60 percent of the PI0 7 standards directly address the statistical aspect of whether 8 Qwest is providing service that is nondiscriminatory to 9 CLECs. 10 Q.SO,FOR THESE PIDS WITH PARITY STANARS,WHT 11 PERCENTAGE OF INDIVIDUAL TRSACTIONS (I. E., ORDERS AN 12 TROUBLE TICKETS)WERE INVOLVED IN METING THE PARITY 13 STANARS? 14 A.In 2009, Qwest provided service to CLECs that was as 15 good as or better than it provided its retail customers 99.99 16 percent of the time.Overall, across the seven years since 17 the QPAP became effective in 2003, that number is 99.71 18 percent. The following Table 1 provides details: QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -13- 1 Table 1 Idaho PeriodsPercent ItemsS Met PID Group 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total Billing (BI)95.83%99.61%99.77%99.99%99.99%99.98%100.00%99.72% Maintenance &99.29%99.36%99.55%99.43%99.59%99.61%99.55%99.46%Repair (MR) Ordering &99.11%98.68%98.67%97.48%98.21%95.95%96.19%98.06% Provisioning (OP) Pre-order / Order 99.10%99.52%99.32%99.48%98.36%99.22%98.92%99.18%(PO) Grand Total 95.98%99.60%99.77%99.97%99.98%99.97%99.99%99.71% 2 3 SHORTCOMINGS OF CURNT QPAP 4 Q.WHT AR THE SHORTCOMINGS OF THE CURNT QPAP? 5 A.Qwest's primary concerns with the current QPAP are 6 three-fold.First, the QPAP applies self-executing payment 7 consequences without considering the totality of Qwest' s 8 service levels provided to CLECs.When originally 9 volunteering for a self-executing QPAP, Qwest effectively 10 gave up due process relative to the payment consequences of 11 its alleged substandard performance.While that expedient 12 was an acceptable trade-off initially,its perpetual 13 continuation was not originally envisioned, is not required, 14 and is not rational in light of (1) the QPAP's overall 15 purpose, i. e., to ensure that the telecommunications market 16 in Idaho remains open to CLECs following Qwest s entry into 5 ~Items" refers to individual units of measure, sueh as orders and trouble tiekets. Table 1 refleets the pereentage of all ~ items" measured that were involved in the PIDs that met standards. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -14- 1 the interLATA long distance market and (2) the seven years of 2 performance history that indicates Qwest has provided 3 superior performance far more often than it has provided 4 allegedly inferior performance. 5 Second, the current QPAP has been overly punitive, 6 relative to the small proportion of standards that triggered 7 payments.Oespi te the exceptionally good performance across 8 the seven years of the QPAP, Qwest has paid over a half 9 million dollars in penal ties in Idaho. 10 Third, the PI0s have been unnecessarily complex and 11 voluminous. This is underscored by the fact that only a 12 handful the PI0s and products represent the vast maj ori ty 13 (e. g. , over 90 percent) of the payment issues and product 14 volumes. 15 First Concern: Self-Executing QPAP Not Balanced 16 Q.IN DESCRIBING YOUR FIRST CONCER, WHREIN YOU STATE THAT 1 7 QWEST HAS PROVIDED "SUPERIOR PERFRMCE FAR MORE OFTEN THA 1 8 IT HAS PROVIDED ALLEGEDLY INFRIOR PERFORMCE," HOW DO YOU 19 DEFINE "SUPERIOR PERFRMCE"? 20 A.I define "superior" as performance that is significantly 21 better than standard. In my testimony describing Qwest's 22 QPAP II proposal below, I will explain how the same rules the 23 QPAP uses to define statistically significant, nonconforming 24 performance can be used in reverse to define "superior" QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -15- 1 service. 2 Q.WHT is THE BAiS FOR YOUR ASSERTION THAT QWEST PROVIDES 3 SUPERIOR PERFORMCE FAR MORE OFTEN THA IT PROVIDES 4 ALLEGEDLY INFRIOR PERFORMCE? 5 A.Looking at all PIOs that could generate payments in 6 2009, only 0.9 percent of them missed their standards. 7 However,over $30,000 in payments was generated.In 8 contrast,46 percent of all PIOs reported superior 9 performance in 2009.This means that 99.04 percent of PIOs 10 met their standards,and nearly half of those were 11 significantly better than standard.These facts highlight 12 the imbalance that exists in the current QPAP, which 13 considers only nonconforming performance, but not the extent 14 of superior performance. 15 Second Concern: QPAP Overly Puitive 16 Q.WHT is THE BASIS FOR YOUR SECOND STATED CONCERN THAT 17 THE QPAP is "OVERLY PUNITIVE"? 18 A.In Idaho, only 0.8 percent of the parity comparisons 19 showed performance levels that were numerically worse than 20 their retail comparatives, and yet this was still enough to 21 generate nearly $13,000 in payments for these measures in 22 2009.In contrast 27 percent of parity PIOs indicated 23 superior performance. 24 Looking at PIOs with benchmarks, only one percent had QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -16- 1 performance that failed to satisfy the standard, and yet this 2 generated over $17,000 in payments in 2009.In contrast, 3 fully 71 percent of benchmark PIOs indicated superior 4 performance. 5 Q.BUT ISN'T IT APPROPRIATE THAT QWEST SHOUL PAY WH ITS 6 PERFORMCE IS BELOW STANAR? 7 A.Not necessarily -- particularly when either there is a 8 disproportionately high level of superior performance, as I 9 have just explained, or the failure rate in parity PI0s is so 10 tiny that it is well within the range of statistical error. 11 Q.PLESE EXPLAIN YOUR POINT ABOUT STATISTICA ERROR. 12 A.Parity comparisons involve statistics that attempt to 13 account for random variations that are inherent in any 14 performance.The purpose is to distinguish observed 15 dìfferences that could be explained by random variations 16 (i. e.,the differences would not be statistically 17 significant) from situations that could NOT be explained 18 solely by random variation (i. e.,those that are 19 statistically significant), based on a chosen level of 20 statistical confidence. 21 In the QPAP,the established confidence level is 22 typically 95 percent.This means that, when an observed 23 difference in performance levels is found to be statistically 24 significant, that determination is made with 95 percent 25 confidence. In other words, 95 percent of the time the QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -17- 1 determination is correct, and 5 percent of the time it is 2 not.The statistical analyses do not identify specifically 3 which items are incorrect, but 5 percent of the statistical 4 conclusions can be expected to be incorrect.Accordingly, 5 across many such comparisons, even if Qwest were actually 6 providing parity service in each and every case,the 7 statistical analyses would still declare 5 percent of the 8 observations to be "out of parity." 9 Q.HOW DOES THIS STATISTICA VAIABILITY APPLY TO QWEST'S 10 PERFORMCE IN IDAHO UNER THE QPAP? 11 A.Applying this to Idaho, Qwest's actual performance under 12 the QPAP shows that only 0.8 percent of observations are out 13 of parity - far less than the 5-percent disparities one would 14 from statistical using 95analysesexpect percenta 15 confidence level.Thus, this situation is consistent, not 16 only with a conclusion that Qwest is providing parity 17 service, but also that Qwest is likely providing BETTER than 18 pari ty service in more cases than it is not.As already 19 pointed out above, this is precisely the case. 20 Q.WHT CONCLUSION CA BE DRAWN FROM THIS? 21 A.The fact that less than one percent of PIOs were 22 calculated to be out of parity far from revealing some 23 persistent impediment to CLEC competition that might justify 24 continuing the QPAP in its current form -- is well wi thin the 25 realm of results can be explained,that overall,by QWE-T-OS-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -1S- 1 statistical error.Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude 2 that Qwest should not have had to make any penalty payments 3 on parity PIOs,if the plan had accounted for these 4 statistical realities. 5 Q.AR YOU PROPOSING THAT QPAP BE ELIMNATE BECAUSE OF 6 THIS STATISTICA ANALYSIS? 7 A.No.I am suggesting that the Plan be modified as 8 proposed in QPAP II so that it more fairly reflects overall 9 performance, not just the one-sided view of nonconforming 10 performance even where it may be only a statistical anomaly. 11 Third Concern: QPAP Too Comlex and Burdensome 12 Q.PLEASE ELAORATE ON YOUR CONCERN THAT THE CURNT QPAP 13 IS TOO COMPLEX AN BURENSOM. 14 A.Soon after the Act went into effect and the parties 15 began to negotiate PIOs and PAPs, no one really knew what to 16 expect.CLECs endeavored to make sure that every dimension 17 of service performance was measured; RBOCs6 attempted to keep 18 the number of measurements to the minimum necessary while, at 19 the same time, defining disaggregations (sub-measurements) 20 that would help assure "apples-to-apples" comparisons in the 21 parity analyses; and state commission staffs endeavored to 22 ensure the public interest was protected by covering all the 6 Regional Bell Operating Companies or ineumbent loeal exehange earriers (ILECs) that were divested from the former AT&T via the 1984 divestiture and Consent Deeree. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -19- 1 bases.As a result, in Qwest's case, there are about 350 2 PIOs/ sub-measurements based on CLEC acti vi ty in Idaho. 3 (Originally, this numer was even higher.)This represented 4 an unprecedented volume of measurements and performance 5 monitoring, along with the supporting systems and programming 6 necessary to implement, maintain, change manage, and analyze 7 metrics and results.The cost to maintain this effort is 8 over a million dollars a year for Qwest, regionwide. 9 Q.WITH THE SEVN-PLUS YES' EXPERIENCE THAT HAS SINCE 10 BEEN GAINED, WHT DO WE NOW KNOW ABOUT THIS EXTESIVE ARY 11 OF PIDS AN PAP PROVISIONS? 12 A.In a nutshell, we know that very few of them are needed 13 in order to cover the vast majority of activity. 14 Specifically, fewer than ten PIOs account for over 90 percent 15 of the total QPAP payment amounts, and fewer than ten 16 services and elements cover over 90 percent of the CLEC 17 volume of activity (i.e., orders and trouble tickets). Thus, 18 the current QPAP is more complex and burdensome than 19 necessary. 20 QWEST'S QPAP II PROPOSAL 21 Q.GIVN QWEST' S POSITION THAT THE QPAP WAS NEVER INTED 22 TO BE PERMNT AN THAT IT HA FUILLED ITS PURPOSE, WHT IS 23 QWEST NOW PROPOSING FOR PERFRMCE ASSURCE FOR CLECS? 24 A.Qwest is volunteering a modified version of the current QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -20- 1 QPAP as shown in Qwest Exhibit 1.If the Commission, 2 exercising its authority under section 16.3 of the existing 3 PAP, enters its order adopting QPAP II for Idaho, this will 4 continue to provide performance assurance to CLECs that have 5 the QPAP in their present agreements, and QPAP II will be 6 available for CLECs that are negotiating agreements, until 7 the Plan Term, Oecember 31, 2013. 8 Q.DOES QWEST EXPECT TO ELIMNATE PERFORMCE ASSURCE 9 ONCE THE PLA TERM DATE is ACHIEVD? 10 A.No.First, Qwest may choose to voluntarily extend the 11 Plan Term beyond Oecember 31, 2013. However, if Qwest does 12 not intend to do so, the provisions of QPAP II require Qwest 13 to notify the Commission of its intention to terminate or 14 modify the Plan before the Plan Term date. At that point the 15 Commission may conduct a review to evaluate the future of 16 performance assurance for the wholesale marketplace in the 17 state. The details of that review process may be found in 18 Qwest Exhibit 1 in section 7. 19 Meanwhile, please remember that the Plan Term date is 20 more than three years away, making it more than ten years 21 from the date the original QPAP was adopted.No one knows 22 for certain how the telecommunications industry or its 23 regulatory framework will change over that time. However, 24 Qwest expects that the market incentives that today drive 25 Qwest to provide excellent service to customers, including QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -21- 1 CLECs, will continue. 2 Q.WHT is QWEST'S PROPOSAL FOR QPAP II? 3 A.Qwest proposes to modify the current QPAP in a manner 4 that satisfies the above concerns, while continuing to 5 provide CLECs with self-executing Tier 1 performance 6 assurance that covers the same categories of performance over 7 the term of the Plan. 8 Q.PREIOUSLY YOU TESTIFIED THAT QWEST'S PARITY PERFRMCE 9 LELS, OVERAL, HAVE BEEN WELL WITHIN THE RAGE THAT CA BE 10 ATTRIBUTED TO STATISTICA ERROR.HOW DOES QPAP II DEA WITH 11 THAT ISSUE? 12 A.QPAP II does not change the statistical methods.There 13 is no perfect way to completely avoid statistical error in 14 determining with absolute certainty that all of the parity 15 declarations are correct. Rather, QPAP II continues to accept 16 the reality that statistical analyses have limits and that 17 all performance naturally has some degree of random variation 18 that can account for differences.On that statistical 19 foundation, which is the same as the current QPAP for Tier 1, 20 QPAP II makes the consequences of the measurement results 21 more balanced by adding offsetting performance credits for 22 service that significantly exceeds standards. 23 Q.HOW DOES QPAP II ADDRESS QWST'S FIRST CONCERN THAT THE 24 CURNT QPAP is "ONE-SIDED" AN "NOT BACED"? 25 A.Qwest s QPAP II proposal addresses the self-executing, QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -22- 1 "one-sided" nature of the current QPAP by adding provisions 2 that provide performance credits where Qwest's performance 3 for CLECs is superior to the standards. 4 Defining Superior Service 5 Q.HOW DOES QPAP II IDENTIFY SERVICE THAT IS SUPERIOR TO 6 THE STANARS? 7 A.Superior service will be identified by the same rules 8 the current QPAP uses to define statistically significant, 9 nonconforming performance - only in reverse.By that I mean 10 that, for measurements with parity standards, I apply the 11 same QPAP rules that trigger payments, but in the opposite 12 direction, i. e., toward better performance, and then count 13 the numer of PIOs that meet those criteria.QPAP II uses 14 statistical rules to determine whether the measured results 15 are better than the standard to a statistically-significant 16 degree, based on a 95 percent confidence level (which is 17 commonly used in QPAP) . 18 For example,consider a case in which the retail 19 performance level is 92 percent, and QPAP statistical methods 20 determine that the threshold for significantly better 21 performance is 94 percent.If the actual performance 22 provided to the CLEC were 94 percent or better, it would be 23 deemed as superior. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -23- 1 Q.HOW WOUL QPAP II IDENTIFY SUPERIOR PERORMCE IN CASES 2 WHRE STANARS AR BENCHMS RATHER THA STATISTICA 3 PARITY? 4 A.Even though benchmark standards do not use statistical 5 methods to determine conformance, statistical methods are 6 needed in order to determine superior performance. 7 Q.PLESE EXPLAIN. 8 A.For benchmark standards the QPAP uses what is called the 9 "stare and compare" method to determine whether Qwest's 10 performance meets standards.This means that if a PI0 result 11 is not numerically equal to or better than the benchmark, it 12 is considered to be nonconforming and generates a payment 13 increment. Nevertheless, the overall objective of the PIOs is 14 to determine whether Qwest service to CLECs is non- 15 discriminatory. 16 Benchmarks are treated as negotiated substitutes for 17 conformance thresholds that would otherwise be represented by 18 cri tical-z values,if there had been comparable retail 19 analogues with which to establish a parity standard.Since 20 benchmarks are fixed-point values that address only the 21 negative side of the performance question, they say nothing 22 about the positive side.Accordingly, statistics are needed 23 to identify the posi ti ve threshold, based on the variableness 24 inherent in actual service performance and us ing the 25 benchmark as a starting point.By starting with the QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -24- 1 benchmark we insure that the degree of "significance" for 2 identifying both negative and positive performance levels is 3 the same. 4 For example, consider a case in which the benchmark is 5 90 percent, and QPAP statistical methods determine that the 6 threshold for significantly better performance is 93 percent. 7 7 If the actual performance provided to the CLEC were 93 8 percent or better, it would be deemed as superior. 9 Q.WHT is THE PUROSE OF USING STATISTICA CONCEPTS FROM 10 THE CURNT QPAP TO IDENTIFY SUPERIOR PERFRMCE UNER YOUR 11 QPAP II PROPOSAL? 12 A.The purpose of the statistical approach in the current 13 QPAP is to determine whether differences in performance 14 levels are explainable by random variations in performance. 15 If not found to be due to randomness, those differences in 16 performance levels are considered to be "statistically 17 significant, "within a specified level of confidence 18 (typically 95 percent).For parity standards, this approach 19 is applied in both "directions"i. e.,both toward 20 nonconforming and toward superior performance.With 21 benchmarks, since nonconforming performance is identified by 22 "stare and compare" with a fixed point, only the superior 23 performance needs to be identified using statistical methods. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -25- 1 But for both parity and benchmark standards statistical 2 methods have the same purpose:to determine whether 3 conforming performance exceeds a statistically-determined 4 threshold level that would indicate the result could be 5 explained solely by random variations inherent in 6 performance.If a performance level exceeds the threshold, 7 it is considered to be superior. 8 Q.AR THESE THE SAM METHODS YOU USED EAIER IN STATING 9 THE PERCENTAGES OF PIDS WITH "SUPERIOR PERFRMCE"? 10 A.Yes.In sum, using 2009 QPAP data for Idaho, the 11 percentage of PI0s indicating "superior performance" during 12 the year was 46 percent.In comparison, as I pointed out 13 earlier, less than one percent of PIOs triggered payments. 14 Of the parity PIOs,27 percent yielded superior 15 performance, with less than one percent nonconforming.For 16 benchmark PIOs, 71 percent yielded superior performance, with 17 only one percent nonconforming. 18 Bui.lding on the Current QPAP 19 Q.APART FROM INTRODUCING THE CONCEPT SUPERIOR SERIVCE, HOW 20 DOES QPAP II DIFFR FROM THE CUNT QPAP? 21 A.Overall QPAP II builds on the provisions of the current 22 QPAP. However the proposal eliminates some features of the 7 This is not to say that 93 pereent always would be the threshold for superior performanee, given a benehmark of 90 pereent, sinee faetors sueh CLEC volumes ean impaet the number, but this is a plausible example. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -26- 1 existing QPAP that Qwest believes are no longer relevant or 2 necessary, and it streamlines the operation of the Plan as I 3 discuss below. 4 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE IN MORE DETAIL HOW QPAP II BUILDS ON 5 PROVISIONS OF THE CURNT QPAP? 6 A.QPAP II retains CLEC-specific payments for performance 7 that does not satisfy standards.But it goes further and 8 awards performance credits, where appropriate, that offset 9 payment increments as an incentive to continue to provide 10 statistically better performance.In addition,in 11 streamlining PIO reporting by reducing the granularity of 12 sub-measurements (disaggregations) ,QPAP II continues to 13 cover the same CLEC-specific performance dimensions that the 14 current QPAP covers for those PI0s. 15 Table 2 below maps the current QPAP sections to QPAP II 16 sections that address the same or equivalent topical areas: 17 Table 2 - Mapping of Current QPAP Sections to Modified18 Q Addr 1PAPIISectionsessinqtheSamor Equiva ent TODics Current QPAP Sections QPAP II Equivalent Sections (if any) 1.0 Introduction 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Plan Structure 1.2 Introduction 3.0 Performance Measurements 2.0 Performance Measurements and Reporting 4.0 Statistical Measurement 3.3.2PlDs with Parity Standards 5.0 Critical Z-Value 3.4 Applicable Critical-Z Values 6.0 Tier 1 Payments to CLEC 3.5 Dollar Levels, Escalations, and Caps 7.0 Tier 2 Payments to State Not applicable 8.0 Step by Step Calculation of Monthly Tier 1 4.0 Step-By-Step Calculations Payments to CLEC 9.0 Step by Step Calculation of Monthly Tier 2 Not applicable Payments to State Funds 10.0 Low Volume, Developing Markets Not applicable 11.0 Payment 5.0 Payments 12.0 Cap on Tier 1 and Tier 2 Payments Not applicable 13.0 Limitations 6.0 Limitations QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -27- Current QPAP Sections QPAP II Equivalent Sections (if any) 14.0 Reporting 2.0 Performance Measurements and Reporting 15.0 Integrated Audit Program/Investigations of Not applicable Performance Results 16.0 Reviews 7.0 Voluntary Plan, Plan Term, Plan Review, and 17.0 Voluntary Performance Assurance Plan Ongoing Wholesale Service Quality Assurance 18.0 Dispute Resolution 8.0 Dispute Resolution Attachment 1: Tier 1 and Tier 2 Performance Attachment 2: Payment Levels for PIDs Subject to Measurements Subject to Per Occurrence Per Occurrence Payment Increments and Payments Performance Credits Attachment 2: Performance Measurements Per-PID Caps Subject to Per Measurement Caps Exhibit B Performance Indicator Definitions Attachment 1: Performance Indicator Definitions 1 2 Q.DOES QPAP II INCORPORATE ALL OF THE PIDS AN PRODUCTS 3 THAT AR CONTAIND IN THE CURNT QPAP? 4 A.No,QPAP II proposes several changes including: 5 eliminating some PIOs that are not designated to generate 6 payments in the current QPAP; removing some PIOs from the 7 "reinstatement/removal process" that have never required 8 reinstatement; adding some PI0s to the reinstatement/removal 9 process, consistent with Liberty Report recommendation 2; 8 10 removing a PIO that has never had payments; combining some 11 services and elements into single categories; removing some 12 services and elements that have always had very low acti vi ty; 13 and updating several PI0s to reflect a change in gateways (as 14 I explain later).These changes are summarized in Table 3 15 below: 8 Liberty Report, pages 4 and 86. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -28- 1 Table 3 - Qwest Proposals for Stmlification in QPAP II 1.Reduce DisalilirelZations: Combine or collapse sub-measurements within PlDs OP-3 Installation Commitments Met MR-4 Service Affecting Troubles Cleared within OP-4 Installation Interval 48 hours OP-S New Service Quality MR-S Troubles Cleared within 4 hours OP-6 Delayed Days MR-6 Mean Time to Restore MR-3 Out of Service Cleared within 24 hrs MR-7 Repair Repeat Report Rate 2.Remove PIDs not in OPAP: Remove from PID some measurements not designated to trigger payments PO-4C LSRs Rejected (faxed)DB-1 Time to Update Databases PO-1S Number of Due Date Changes per Order DB-2 Accurate Database Updates PO-19 Stand-Alone Test Environment Accuracy DA-1 Speed of Answer - Directory Assistance OP-1S Interval for Pending Orders Delayed OS-1 Speed of Answer - Operator Services MR-9 Repair Appointments Met CP-1 Collocation Completion Interval BI-2 Invoices Delivered within 10 Days 3.Remove Some PIDs in Reinstatement/Removal Process from OPAP: Remove some PIDs currently in the reinstatement/removal process that have never required reinstatement (continue to report as PIDs) GA-7 Timely Outage Resolution following PO-16 Timely Release Notifications Softare Releases OP-17B Timeliness of LNP Disconnects (assoc. PO-3C LSR Rejection Notice Interval (faxed)w/untimely CLEC requests) PO-SC Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On NP-1 Trunk Blocking Time (faxed)BI-4 Billng Completeness PO-8D Jeopardy Notice Interval PO-9D Timely Jeopardy Notices (UNE-P (POTS)) 4.Add Some PIDs to Reinstatement/Removal Process PO-9A, B, & C Timely Jeopardy Notices CP-2 Collocations Completed in Scheduled Intervals PO-20 Manual Service Order Accuracy CP-4 Collocation Feasibility Study Commitments Met 5.Remove from PID/gPAP a measurement that has never generated payments PO-1 Pre-Order/Order Response Times 6.Combine service/element cateiiories .Provisioning (OP) and Repair (MR) PlDs:.Resale non-residential services (Centrex, Centrex 21, and PBX);.Resale digital services (Basic ISDN, Primary ISDN, DSO, DS1, and Frame Relay); .Jeopardy Notice PlDs:.Combine Non-designed Services and Unbundled Loops into one reporting category.Make LIS trunks diagnostic and remove UNE-P (POTS) 7.Remove services/elements with verv low activity.UDIT above DS1 .Unbundled Loops-DS3 and Above.Line Sharing .Dark Fiber; and UNE-P (POTS).Loop Splitting 8.Modify PIDs for XML replacing EDI, streamlining definitions as done in states having implemented Create GA-8 PID (XML Gateway Availability) and modify the following PlDs to replace EDI with XML: PO-2 Electronic Flow-through PO-6 Work Completion Notification Timeliness PO-3 LSR Rejection Notice Interval PO-7 Billing Completion Notification Timeliness PO-4 LSRs Rejected PO-20 Manual Service Order Accuracy PO-S Firm Order Confirmations on Time 2 3 Q.DOES QPAP II ELIMINATE WHOLESAL PERFORMCE ASSURCE 4 FOR IDAHO CLECS WHO HAVE ADOPTE THE CUNT PAP? 5 A.Far from it.QPAP II continues the same Tier-1, QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -29- 1 performance-based,self-executing payment provisions that 2 exist in the current QPAP and applies them to a streamlined 3 structure of services,elements,and PIOs.And,as I 4 mentioned, the proposed QPAP also includes an additional 5 incentive in the form of performance credits that are earned 6 by performance that is significantly better than the 7 established standards. 8 Payment Increments, Performce Credi ts and Paymnt Structure 9 Q.YOU HAVE STATED THAT QPAP II WILL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL 10 ECONOMIC INCETIVES FOR PERFORMCE, IN WHT WAY AR THE 11 PERFORMCE CREDITS AN INCENTIV TO QWEST? 12 A.Performance credits are generated when Qwest provides 13 superior performance,relati ve to established standards. 14 Thus, if Qwest fails to satisfy standards, it has the 15 opportunity in the ensuing months or across multiple services 16 in the same categories to offset potential payments with 17 superior performance.Performance credits not only provide 18 an incentive to provide superior performance, but also 19 resolve Qwest s concern about the one-sided nature of the 20 current QPAP by taking into account both nonconforming and 21 superior performance before assessing payments. 22 Q.HOW WILL PAYMNTS BE CACULTED UNER QPAP II? 23 A.Payment increments and performance credits will be 24 calculated for EACH CLEC on a monthly basis and reported on a QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -30- 1 quarterly basis, and payments will be assessed on an annual 2 basis. In this way, there is still a consequence for every 3 CLEC-specific performance dimension that exists in the 4 current QPAP. 5 Q.HOW WILL PAYMNT INCRENTS BE DETERMIND? 6 A.Payment increments will be determined in the same way 7 that payments are determined under the current QPAP, 8 including applicable statistical procedures, per-occurrence 9 dollar levels and escalations.The only difference is that, 10 instead of immediately triggering an actual payment each 11 month, the payment increments identify amounts that may 12 result in a payment to the extent they exceed the sum of 13 offsetting performance credits in a given year. 14 Q.HOW WOUL PERFORMCE CREDIT PROVISIONS WORK? 15 A.Performance credits would only be earned where 16 statistical analyses showed the performance to be 17 significantly better than standard -- as a mirror image, so 18 to speak, of the process by which payment increments are 19 generated for performance that is worse than standard.As I 20 have testified,the thresholds for incurring a payment 21 increment or earning a performance credit are based on the 22 same statistical thresholds for determining significance as 23 used in the current QPAP.Further, performance credit 24 amounts are calculated using the same dollar increments and 25 escalation rules as the payment increments. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -31- 1 Q.WOUL PERFRMCE CREDITS BE APPLIED ACROSS THE BOAR 2 AGAINST ALL PAYMNT INCRETS? 3 A.No.Qwest proposes to divide the process into three 4 categories: "Analog," "Oigital," and "CLEC."Performance 5 credits would be made against payment increments only among 6 metrics, services, and elements wi thin the same category and 7 for the same CLEC.Thus, a performance "success" in the 8 "Analog"ca tegory would not be allowed to offset a 9 performance "failure" in the "Oigital" category or in the 10 "CLEC" category. 11 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE THE ANALOG CATEGORY IN MORE DETAIL. 12 A.The Analog category consists of provisioning and repair 13 measurements for services and elements that use or are 14 typically associated with services on analog-capable lines, 15 or equivalent. 16 Specifically,the Analog category addresses the 17 following services and elements: 18 · Resale residential single line service 19 · Resale business single line service 20 · Resale non-residential services (including Centrex, 21 Centrex 21, and PBX9 trunks) 22 . Line Splitting and Sub-loop Unbundling 23 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE THE DIGITAL CATEGORY IN MORE DETAIL. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -32- 1 A.The Oigital category consists of provisioning and repair 2 measurements for services and elements that use digital 3 technology or are designed to be capable of supporting 4 specified digital service. 5 Specifically,the Oigi tal category addresses the 6 following services and elements: 7 · Resale digital services (including Basic ISON, Primary 8 IS0N, OSO, OS1, and Frame Relay) 9 · Unbundled digital-capable Loops (2- & 4-wire non- 10 loaded, IS0N-capable, AOSL-capable, xOSL-l capable) 11 · Unbundled OS1-capable Loops 12 · Enhanced Extended Loops (both OSO and OS1 levels) 13 . Unbundled Oedicated Interoffice Transport-OS1 14 (UOIT-OS1 ) 15 Q.WHT is COMMON BETWEN THE ANALOG AN DIGITAL CATEGORIES 16 AN HOW DOES THAT CONTRAST WITH THE CLEC CATEGORY? 17 A.The Analog and Oigi tal categories contain metrics for 18 performance that can most directly affect end-user customers. 19 In contrast,the "CLEC" category addresses performance 20 dimensions that could be considered to be "back office" items 21 that do not typically have direct impact on end-user 22 customers but may have impact on CLEC internal operations. 23 Further,the CLEC category is not defined by product 9 "PBX" stands for "Private Braneh Exehange" and refers to trunks that QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -33- 1 listings, but rather by specified measurements. 2 Thus while the Analog and Oigi tal categories contain the 3 provisioning and repair measurements,the CLEC category 4 contains all other payment- or credit-triggering metrics 5 including the performance dimensions of pre-order, billing, 6 and collocation. 7 Q.WOUL EVERY MESURNT WITH PERFORMCE ABOVE STANAR 8 CRETE A PERFRMCE CREDIT? 9 A.No,only those measurements where performance is 10 significantly better than standard, statistically, would be 11 eligible for a performance credit.Those PIOs where 12 performance substantially meets the standard (i. e., neither 13 nonconforming nor superior) are considered in the range of 14 statistically "equal"performance where no payment is 15 incurred and no performance credit earned. 16 Q.HOW WILL THE PERFRMCE CREDITS BE IMLETED AGAINST 17 THE PAYMNT INCRENTS? 18 A.Each month,every payment-eligible measurement will 19 trigger a payment increment, a performance credit, or neither 20 (where performance levels are not significantly different). 21 These determinations will be based on the same rules that 22 exist in the current QPAP for Tier 1 measurements, with the 23 added provision that performance credits will be determined provide aeeess for private, on-premises switehes to the publie switehed telephone network (PSTN). QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -34- 1 by applying the rules "in reverse." Within each of the three 2 categories on a per-CLEC basis, the payment increments will 3 be sumed, and the performance credits will be summed.This 4 will be repeated each month throughout the calendar year. 5 Then, at the end of the year, the sum of all the months' 6 performance credits will be subtracted from the sum of all 7 the months' payment increments,and a net amount thus 8 determined for each category for each CLEC. Where the year's 9 sum of payment increments is greater than the year's sum of 10 performance credits wi thin a given category, a payment credit 11 will be payable to the CLEC for that category.Where the 12 reverse is true, no payment will be due for the category. 13 Q.HOW WILL AN NET PAYMNTS DUE BE MAE TO CLECS? 14 A.Payments will be credited to CLECs using the same 15 methods and procedures as under the current QPAP, except that 16 they will be made annually, rather than monthly.The reason 17 for annual versus monthly payments is to allow for the 18 netting of payment increments and performance credits 19 throughout the year. 20 Q.DOES QPAP II'S MODIFIED PAYMNT STRUCTU AMLIORATE 21 QWEST'S SECOND CONCERN REGARING PAYM LELS? 22 A.Yes. Qwest s second concern arises from the fact that 23 over the life of the QPAP since 2003 on a region-wide basis 24 Qwest has paid many millions of dollars in payments - even 25 though the proportion of PI0s triggering the payments was QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -35- 1 less than 3 percent and even though there was not even so 2 much as a claim of systemic discrimination or backsliding 3 from section 271 standards of market openness. This is 4 evidence of the one-sided nature of the QPAP, as I have 5 explained.In short, such excellent overall performance 6 should not have triggered such high payments. 7 However, Qwest believes that by modifying the QPAP to 8 consider Qwest' s whole performance picture, the resulting 9 Plan will fairly determine the payment consequences, even 10 with the existing payment increments and escalation 11 provisions that pertain to Tier 1 payments. 12 Tier 2 and Mini.um Paymnts 13 Q.WILL MINIMU PAYMS OR TIER 2 PAYMNTS APPLY? 14 A.No.QPAP II only retains the performance-based Tier 1 15 provisions of the current QPAP and eliminates the "minimum" 16 payments provisions that were originally included in the PAP 17 for very small and start-up competitors in order to let the 18 market mature. 19 Q.WHY IS IT APPROPRIATE TO NOT RETAIN TIER 2 AN MINIM 20 PAYMTS? 21 A.Provisions for Tier 2 payments and minimum payments are 22 no longer needed.Originally, they were put in place as an 23 additional incentive over and above what would be paid to 24 CLECs and for developing markets.Now, seven years after QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -36- 1 QPAP originally became effective,the markets are 2 irreversibly open and mature.There is no longer a basis to 3 seek to increase QPAP payments to provide a greater incentive 4 to maintain the level of market openness attained in 2003; 5 the industry has moved well beyond that need.This is 6 particularly true in light of what I have said about how very 7 few PI0s experienced nonconf orming performance.Where 8 nonconforming performance occurred, affected CLECs received 9 Tier 1 payments and the incentive created by those penalties 10 will continue under QPAP II. 11 Q.OTHER THA POTENTIALY REUCING THE AMOUNT THAT QWST 12 MAY HAVE TO PAY TO CLECS, HOW DO THESE CHAGES IMROVE THE 13 QPAP? 14 A.These changed allow QPAP II to reward superior service, 15 thus providing a new economic incentive.In so doing it 16 ameliorates one of Qwest' s key concerns through balancing the 17 way payments are ultimately determined, taking into account 18 both nonconforming and superior service. In addition, this 19 change is consistent with what I have witnessed in terms of 20 CLECs being more interest in receiving good service than in 21 recei ving payments. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -37- 1 Measurement Streamining 2 Q.WITH REGA TO QWEST' S THIRD CONCERN AS TO THE 3 UNCESSARY COMPLEXITY AN VOLUM OF PID MESURNTS, HOW 4 DOES QPAP II STRINE THE MESURNTS? 5 A.Overall,QPAP II streamlines both the PIOs and 6 service/element categories.It streamlines PI0s by combining 7 what have proven to be unnecessary disaggregations into a 8 single PIO and removing PIOs that are either in the current 9 Exhibit B list but are not included among PIOs that are 10 allowed to trigger payments in the current QPAP, or are no 11 longer material to the purpose of QPAP.QPAP I I also moves 12 some PI0s into the "reinstatement/removal process" and 13 converts others to diagnostic measures because, historically, 14 they have not produced payments to any significant degree. 15 Finally, QPAP II streamlines product categories by combining 16 the reporting for similar products or processes into one 17 product category and removing products that have very low 18 acti vi ty levels - particularly those already removed from the 19 QPAP payment process by other prior changes. 20 Several of these proposals are consistent with 21 recommendations made in the Liberty Report and/or are of a 22 nature that Qwest believes should be acceptable to CLECs. 23 Q.WHT IS THE OVERAL EXTNT OF STREINING ACHIEVE BY 24 QPAP II? 25 A.In the current QPAP, there are over 350 PI0s at the QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -38- 1 lowest levels of disaggregation that can generate payments 2 each month in Idaho and that are showing activity (based on 3 Oecember 2009).Under QPAP II, this would reduce to about 4 170 PIOs a reduction of approximately 53 percent.The 5 large majority (about three-quarters) of this reduction comes 6 from combining products into fewer reporting categories and 7 reducing the number of PI0 disaggregations.This means the 8 vast majority of services,elements,and performance 9 dimensions continue to be addressed in QPAP II. 10 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE IN MORE DETAIL HOW QPAP II PROPOSES TO 11 ELIMINATE UNCESSARY DISAGGGATIONS FROM MESURTS. 12 A.Provisioning and repair measurements that address 13 timeliness for performance are currently disaggregated into 14 sub-categories for geographic differences (i. e., MSA/Non-MSA 15 or Zone 1/Zone 2) 10 and for dispatched/non-dispatched status 16 (which latter distinctions apply only to the MSA and Non-MSA 17 categories). Thus, the provisioning and repair timeliness 18 measurements each currently have five geographic-related 19 disaggregations.Under these disaggregation schemes, all 20 services or elements either fit under the MSA/Non- 21 MSA/ Oi spa tch/Non-di spa tch disaggregations or under the 22 Zone 1/ Zone 2 disaggrega tions.Such disaggregations were 23 originally instituted, because the parties participating in QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -39- 1 negotiations that developed the PIOs did not know whether or 2 to what extent such dimensions as dispatch/non-dispatch or 3 urban/rural (as might be represented by MSA/Non-MSA or 4 Zone 1/Zone 2) would distort the parity comparisons required 5 in most PIO standards.In the seven years since the PI0s 6 began,these distinctions have not been found to be 7 significant. 8 Q.AR THERE STEPS THAT NEED TO BE TAK, MATHETICALY OR 9 STATISTICALY,TO ASSUR THAT THE COMBINING OF THESE 10 DISAGGREGATIONS OR SUB-MESURS DOES NOT INJECT ERORS INTO 11 THE RESULTS? 12 A.Yes,Qwest proposes to combine these multiple 13 disaggregations into fewer measurements by statistically 14 "weighting" their individual contribution to the streamlined 15 resul ts.Accordingly, in the QPAP II's Attachment 1 PIOs 16 (Qwest Exhibit 1,Attachment 1) ,the concept of 17 "statistically weighted" is reflected in the descriptions of 18 standards in the affected parity PIOs.Using this approach, 19 streamlining simplicity is obtained and nothing is lost in 20 terms of accuracy. 21 Q.PLESE IDENTIFY THE PIDS THAT AR MODIFIED AS PART OF 22 QPAP II'S STREINING. 23 A.QPAP II combines all of the geographic/dispatch/non- 10 ~MSA"stands for ~Metropolitan Statistieal Area." ~Zone 1" and ~Zone 2" represent geographie designations that were supposed to roughly QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -40- 1 dispatch dimensions into one measurement for each 2 provisioning and repair measurement as applied to each 3 product category.Table 4 below summarizes these 4 modifications: 5 Table 4 - PID Reporting Streamining PID Current QPAP PID Disaggregations QPAP" (Streamlined) OP-3: Installation OP-3A: Dispatches within MSAs OP-3D: Zone 1 Commitments Met OP-3B: Dispatches outside MSAs OP-3E: Zone 2 OP-3 OP-3C: Non-dispatched OP-4: Installation Interval OP-4A: Dispatches within MSAs OP-4D: Zone 1 OP-4B: Dispatches outside MSAs OP-4E: Zone 2 OP-4 OP-4C: Non-dispatched OP-6: Delayed Days OP-6-1: Dispatches within MSAs OP-6-4: Zone 1 OP-6-2: Dispatches outside MSAs OP-6-S: Zone 2 OP-6 OP-6-3: Non-dispatched MR-3: Out of Service Cleared MR-3A: Dispatches within MSAs MR-3D: Zone 1 within 24 Hours; and MR-3B: Dispatches outside MSAs MR-3E: Zone 2 MR-S: Troubles Cleared MR-3C: Non-dispatched MR-3/Swithin 4 Hoursl1 MR-SA: Dispatches within MSAs MR-SD: Zone 1 MR-SB: Dispatches outside MSAs MR-SE: Zone 2 MR-SC: Non-dispatched MR-4: All Troubles Cleared MR-4A: Dispatches within MSAs MR-4D: Zone 1 within 48 Hours MR-4B: Dispatches outside MSAs MR-4E: Zone 2 MR-4 MR-4C: Non-dispatched MR-6: Mean Time to Restore MR-6A: Dispatches within MSAs MR-6D: Zone 1 MR-6B: Dispatches outside MSAs MR-6E: Zone 2 MR-6 MR-6C: Non-dispatched MR-7: Repair Repeat Reports MR-7A: Dispatches within MSAs MR-7D: Zone 1 MR-7B: Dispatches outside MSAs MR-7E: Zone 2 MR-7 MR-7C: Non-dispatched 6 7 Q.WHT IMPACTS WILL THE PROPOSED COMBINATIONS OF PID 8 DISAGGREGATIONS HAVE? 9 A.These streamlining proposals will have no adverse impact 10 on CLECs and some advantages.CLECs will continue to have approximate urban and rural areas, respeetively.11 The MR-4 proposal also ineludes ehanging the title of the measurement to foeus only on troubles that are not out of serviee, but that are "serviee affeeting" (sueh as statie on the line). This is eonsistent with QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -41- 1 visibility to all the PIO information they need about 2 services and elements they order. All the orders and trouble 3 tickets that were counted under the previous disaggregations 4 will continue to be measured. Advantages will arise from the 5 fact that, in some cases where retail analogue volumes were 6 too small to create a good statistical comparison, the 7 combined disaggregations will allow for more volumes. 8 Q.HOW DO THESE RECOMMNDATIONS FOR CHAGES TO THE PIDS 9 COMPAR WITH THOSE MAE BY LIBERTY CONSULTING IN ITS REPORT? 10 A.Overall, in streamlining PIOs and products, QPAP II 11 adopts portions of fi ve of the eight Idaho-applicable 12 recommendations made by Liberty Consulting Group ("Liberty") 13 in its Report12 of June 30, 2009, and reports the streamlined 14 measurements for the life of the plan.These Liberty 15 recommenda tions include portions or aspects of 16 Recommendations 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7.13 These proposals are 17 described in more detail below. 18 Q.IN DOING THIS, IS QWEST WITHDRAWING ITS PRIOR OPPOSITION 19 TO THE LIBERTY REPORT? 20 A.No.Qwest continues to obj ect to the basis upon which 21 the Liberty Report was conducted and takes serious issue with 22 the relevance and basis of many of the findings and Liberty Report Reeommendation 5 (pages 6 and 88), the portion dealing with MR-4.12 Analysis of Qwest' s Performance Assurance Plans - Final Report, June 30, 2009, The Liberty Consulting Group (hereinafter, "Liberty Report") .13 Ibid., pp. 5-6. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -42- 1 conclusions.However,the modifications we propose in 2 QPAP II make it possible for Qwest to accept some of the 3 streamlining outcomes suggested by the Liberty Report. 4 Q.WHT LIBERTY REPORT RECOMMNDATIONS DO YOUR PROPOSALS S FOR STREINING PIDS ADDRESS? 6 A.The above simplifications address portions of two 7 recommendations from the Liberty Report, numers 1 and S. 14 8 Recommendation number 1 suggests introducing a new 9 aggregation mechanism to minimize low-volume tests in 10 determining payments.The above proposals approach the 11 volume issue by aggregating numerous sub-measurements into 12 one measurement, combining the volumes from those individual 13 sub-measurements.Among other things,Recommendation S 14 suggests changing MR-4 to focus it solely on troubles that 1S are only "service affecting," meaning that the measure would 16 be limited to those troubles, such as static on the line, 1 7 that are reported as a trouble but do not cause the line to 18 be out of service.This removes an overlap between MR-4 and 19 MR-3 (Out of Service Troubles Cleared within 24 hours) and 20 MR-S (Troubles Cleared within 4 hours). 21 Q.PLESE EXPLAIN WHY SOME MESURNTS THAT AR INCLUDED 22 THE PIDS WERE NOT ALLOWED TO TRIGGER PAYMTS IN THE CUNT 23 QPAP AN WHY THOSE MESURNTS SHOUL NOW BE REOVED. 14 Liberty Report, Reeommendation 1 (pages 5 and 85) and Reeommendation 5 (pages 6 and 88-89) QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -43- 1 A.Some measurements are reported under the PI0s, but they 2 are not listed in the current QPAP, meaning that they are not 3 subj ect to QPAP payments. These measurements were included in 4 the PI0s, but not in the QPAP, because they did not rise to 5 the same level of attention as other PIOs that were subjected 6 to payment consequences.In some cases, other PIOs were 7 deemed to sufficiently cover the same or similar performance 8 dimensions as these PI0s. They have never had performance 9 problems that generated CLEC complaints.Accordingly, Qwest 10 proposes that these measurements be eliminated from reporting 11 under the PI0s in QPAP II: 12 · LSRs Rejected (Faxed Orders) (PO-4C) 13 · Numer of Oue Oate Changes per Order (PO-15) 14 · Stand-Alone Test Environment Accuracy (PO-19) 15 · Pending Orders Oelayed Past Oue Oate (OP-15) 16 · Repair Appointments Met (MR-9) 17 · Invoices Oelivered within 10 Oays (BI-2) 18 · Oatabase Updates (OB-1 Time to Update Oatabases and 19 OB-2 Accurate Oatabase Updates) 20 · Oirectory Assistance (OA-1 Speed of Answer) 21 · Operator Services (OS-1 Speed of Answer) 22 · Collocation (CP-1 Collocation Completion Interval) 15 15 Other eolloeation PIDs, CP-2 (Colloeations Completed within Seheduled Intervals) and CP-4 (Colloeation Feasibility Study Commitments Met) will eontinue to be reported. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -44- 1 Q.WHT AR QWEST' S PROPOSALS REGAING PIDS THAT AR 2 ALY IN THE REINSTATEMNT/REVA PROCESS? 3 A.The following measurements are currently in the 4 "reinstatement/removal" process. 16 In the more than two years 5 since they were placed in that process, they have never 6 required reinstatement.Qwest proposes to permanently remove 7 these from the PI0s and QPAP II: 17 8 · Resolution of Outages following Software Releases (GA- 9 7): In addition to the fact that this PI0 has never 10 required reinstatement, the impacts of the performance 11 it measures is monitored by GA-1 (Gateway 12 Availability) results. 13 · Billing Completeness (BI-4): In addition to the fact 14 that this PIO has never required reinstatement, the 15 performance it measures is covered by the Billing 16 Accuracy metric (BI-3). 17 · LSR Rejection Notice Interval (Faxed Orders) (PO-3C) : 18 This PIO has never required reinstatement and is a 19 minor sub-measurement of PO-3 that focuses only on 20 faxed orders, which do not constitute a significant 16 PIDs in the ~reinstatement removal proeess," pursuant to seetion 3.2 of the eurrent QPAP, ~are not subjeet to the payment meehanisms of the PAP;" however, they may be reinstated if they do not eonform to the standards for three eonseeuti ve months.17 Qwest also notes that the Liberty Report, in Seetion IV.C.1, ~Review of Measures on the Reinstatement/Removal List," does not inelude these PIDs among those it believes should eontinue to be in the PAP via the Reinstatement/Removal proeess. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -45- 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 1S 19 Q. avenue for CLECs to submit local service requests. 18 · Firm Order Confirmations On Time (Manual) (PO-SC): The vast maj ori ty of LSRs are not manually processed. This sub-measurement has never generated a payment in the history of QPAP in Idaho. · Jeopardy Notice Interval-UNE-P (POTS) (PO-SO) and Timely Jeopardy Notices-UNE-P (POTS) (PO-90): UNE-P (POTS) is no longer a service under section 2S1 or 271 of the Act. · Timely Release Notifications (PO-16): This measurement has never generated a payment in the history of QPAP in Idaho. · NXX Code Activation (NP-1): This measurement has never generated a payment in the history of QPAP in Idaho. · Oisconnect Timeliness for LNP Orders (for untimely requests) (OP-17B): This is a diagnostic sub-metric of the OP-17 measurement that focuses on performance relative to disconnect requests that were not timely submi tted by CLECs. AR THERE PIDS THAT QWEST PROPOSES ADDING TO THE 20 "REINSTATEMNT/REOVAL PROCESS"? 21 A.Yes. Qwest proposes that the following PI0s be removed 22 from QPAP II payment provisions and made subject to the 23 Reinstatement/Removal process.These were also recommended 18 The proposal regarding PO-3C and faxed orders does not ehange or reduee CLECs ability to submit LSRs via fax. Rather, this proposal only QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -46- 1 in the Liberty Report19 for this treatment, as noted below: 2 · Timely Jeopardy Notices (PO-9): Since the beginning, 3 this PI0 has generated only $ 9 in payments in Idaho. 4 · Manual Service Order Accuracy (PO-20): Since 200S, S after Qwest put in place automated service order 6 verification procedures, this PIO has generated only 7 $ 7 S in payments in Idaho.Placing it in the s Reinstatement/Removal process will maintain visibility 9 to performance and if it is needed, this PI0, like all 10 that are placed in this category, may be reinstated. 11 · Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals (CP- 12 2) and Collocation Feasibility Study Commitments Met 13 (CP-4): These have never triggered payments. 14 Q.DOES QPAP II PROPOSE ADDING PIDS TO THE "DIAGNOSTIC" 1 S CATEGORY? 16 A.Yes.Qwest proposes that the following PI0s be 17 designated as "diagnostic." If there exists a basis for 1S addressing these dimensions (and Qwest believes there is 19 not) ,they should be addressed in separate reciprocal 20 agreements between CLEC and Qwest and not in QPAP, as I 21 explain later in my testimony: 22 · Numer Portability Timeliness (OP-S) 23 · Oisconnect Timeliness for LNp20 Orders (OP-17) reeognizes that this partieular dimension of serviee performanee is not suffieiently signifieant to justify eontinued PID monitoring. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -47- 1 · LNP Trouble Reports Cleared Timely (MR-11) 2 Q.AR THERE OTHE PIDS THAT QWEST PROPOSES TO EXCLUDE FROM 3 QPAP II? 4 A.Yes. The Pre-Order/Order Response Times (PO-1) PIO is 5 based on test transactions, not on actual transactions. It 6 has never generated QPAP payments. Systems necessary to 7 support this performance dimension have long been in 8 operation successfully.Going forward,the performance 9 reported by gateway availability results (GA-1) monitors the 10 relevant performance. 11 Service/Element Streamining 12 Q.HOW is QWEST PROPOSING TO STREIN THE REPORTING OF 13 SERVICES AN ELES UNER QPAP II? 14 A.Qwest proposes to combine services and elements that are 15 presently individually reported into combined categories and 16 to remove services and elements with very low acti vi ty 17 levels. 18 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE THE PROPOSAL FOR COMBINING SIMLA 19 SERVICES/ELENTS OR PROCESSES INTO FER CATEGORIES. 20 A.Presently , individual services made available to CLECs 21 are each reported separately in both the provisioning and 22 repair measurements.In QPAP II, Qwest proposes reporting 23 them in four categories: 19 Liberty Report, Reeommendation 2 pages 5 and 86. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -48- 1 · Resale residential single line service 2 . Resale business single line service 3 · Other Resale non-residential services (consisting of 4 Centrex, Centrex 21, and PBX) 5 . Resale digital services (including Basic ISN, Primary 6 IS0N, OSO, OS1, and Frame Relay) 7 In addition, Qwest proposes combining product categories S measured by the jeopardy notification PIOs (PO-S and PO-9) 9 into fewer categories.Jeopardy notifications are issued 10 when Qwest is able to determine that circumstances may 11 prevent fulfillment of the due date (i. e., the due date is 12 "in jeopardy" of not being met) and notifies the CLEC. 13 Specifically, PO-S and PO-9 currently report four product 14 categories:Non-Oesigned Services,Unbundled Loops,LIS 15 Trunks, and UNE-P (POTS).The first two, Non-Oesigned 16 Services and Unbundled Loops,use similar notification 17 processes,so Qwest proposes to combine them into one 1S category.For LIS Trunks, Qwest proposes a diagnostic 19 standard, for reasons I explain later.The latter category, 20 UNE-P (POTS), is no longer in the QPAP, so Qwest proposes 21 eliminating this category. 22 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE YOUR PROPOSAL TO REVE PRODUCTS WITH 23 VERY LOW ACTIVITY LEVELS. 20 Loeal Numer Portability. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -49- 1 A.QPAP II proposes removing the following services and 2 elements from the PI0s and QPAP: 3 · Unbundled Oedicated Interoffice Transport Above the OS1 4 level (UOIT Above OS1): Only eight were in service as of 5 April 2010. 6 · Line Sharing: Only one has been in service for the 12 7 months ending with April 2010. 8 · Loop Splitting: No products have ever been purchased by 9 CLECs in Idaho. 10 · Unbundled Loops-OS3 and Above (UBL-OS3): None have been 11 in service for the 12 months ending in April 2010. 12 · Oark Fiber Loops and Interoffice (10F): No Oark Fiber 13 Loops are in service as of April 2010, and there are 14 only two Oark Fiber Interoffice Facilities (IOF) in 15 service. 16 Q.WHT SERVICE CATEGORY DOES QWEST PROPOSE REOVING FROM 1 7 THE PIDS AN QPAP II? 18 A.Qwest proposes removing Unbundled Network Element- 19 Platform (POTS) ("UNE-P (POTS)"). When the FCC removed the 20 unbundled switching (an essential piece of UNE-P) Qwest was 21 no longer required to offer UNE-P (POTS) under sections 251 22 and 271 of the Act.Accordingly, these services were moved 23 to commercial agreements with CLECs, separate from their 24 interconnection agreements.However, sixteen (16) remain in QWE-T-08-04 Jul y 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -50- 1 service under the QPAP, which are the residue of lines in 2 service before the above changes were made by the FCC. 3 Q.DO QWEST'S PROPOSALS FOR REVING CERTAIN SERVICES AN 4 ELETS FROM THE QPAP AFFECT THEIR AVAILAILITY TO CLECS? 5 A.No.Although these services have very low volumes 6 (except for UNE-P), if a CLEC wishes to order them, their 7 continued availability will be unaffected by the QPAP II 8 taking effect.Furthermore, if a product is removed from the 9 PAP, CLECs and Qwest can negotiate a commercial agreement 10 that provides targets and monitoring for Qwest' s performance, 11 similar to what is currently done for UNE-P. 12 LNP and LIS Trunks 13 Q.DOES QPAP II PROPOSE A CHAGE FOR THE TRTMNT OF LOCA 14 NUER PORTABILITY (LNP) AN LOCA INTERCONNCTION SERVICE 15 (LIS) TRUNS? 16 A.Yes. Under QPAP II, measurements that pertain to these 17 two products will be treated as diagnostic and will not 18 ei ther trigger payment increments or service credits. 19 Q.WHY DOES QPAP II MA THIS PROPOSAL? 20 A.Local Number Portability (LNP) and Local Interconnection 21 Service (LIS) trunks, by their very nature, are not suited 22 for inclusion in a QPAP because they involve mutual or 23 reciprocal obligations and impacts on both Qwest and CLECs 24 that neither the current QPAP nor QPAP II is designed to QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -51- 1 address.The Qwest's performance assurance plans are 2 designed to address only Qwest obligations.Further, this 3 reciprocal nature produces sufficient incentives for both 4 Qwest and CLECs to perform well for LNP and LIS Trunks. 5 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE THE MUTUAL/RECIPROCA OBLIGATIONS AN 6 IMACTS ASSOCIATED WITH LNP. 7 A.LNP is the function of transferring an end-user 8 customer's telephone numer from one carrier to another. 9 This would happen when customers choose to disconnect service 10 from, say, Qwest and begin receiving their telephone service 11 from a CLEC while keeping the same telephone numer they had 12 with Qwest.The reverse can also occur where customers with 13 service from a CLEC choose to change their service to Qwest 14 and keep the same telephone numers. 15 As an example of mutual obligations and impacts, 16 industry practice calls for transmitting a firm order 17 confirmation (FOC) 21 to the co-carrier in a timely, accurate 18 manner. CLEC performance can affect Qwest's ability to meet 19 the standard, however, if the CLEC merely posts the FOC on a 20 website and expects the co-carrier to "fish" for it or if the 21 CLEC later post changes without notice. It is not feasible 22 for the carrier requesting the number porting (Qwest, in this 23 example)to know when such an FOC has been posted, 21 An FOC is a notiee sent from the earrier reeei ving the LNP request to the one sending the request, eonfirming that a due date has been assigned. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -52- 1 particularly when it represents a change. As a result, Qwest 2 will not be able to respond at the correct time with its side 3 of the numer porting, and the customer may be adversely 4 affected or even put out of service.This is contrary to 5 industry practice and, while Qwest follows the industry 6 practice, some CLECs do not. 7 In addition,accurate information is essential to 8 correctly port a customer's number.Failing to provide 9 accurate information could result in port delay or an early 10 disconnection that takes a customer out of service entirely. 11 Both Qwest and the CLEC must provide accurate information. 12 However the QPAPs are not designed to hold both Qwest and 13 CLECs responsible, and so CLECs are not held to an accuracy 14 standard for LNP. 15 Similarly,LNP triggers must be set timely;the 16 disconnection from the former carrier must happen later than 17 the port completion, or a customer may be out of service. 18 However, CLECs are not held to a timeliness standard for LNP. 19 Q.PLESE DESCRIBE THE MUAL/RECIPROCA OBLIGATIONS AN 20 IMACTS ASSOCIATED WITH LIS. 21 A.Interconnection is inherently a joint responsibility of 22 carriers, because it constitutes the joining of two carriers' 23 networks with facilities that permit the exchange of 24 communications between customers of one network and customers 25 of the other network. Joint forecasting is essential to the QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -53- 1 timely planning capacity augmentations , cooperative ordering 2 is important to avoid delays and unnecessary costs, and 3 timely installation and turn-up are necessary to avoid 4 dropped calls. 5 Again, the QPAP focuses only on Qwest' s responsibilities 6 and ignores the joint responsibili ty inherent in 7 interconnection.QPAP does not require CLECs to produce 8 measurements, although CLECs have operational support systems 9 needed to conduct business and could produce data if 10 necessary. 11 Because QPAP focuses only on Qwest performance, QPAP 12 standards and payment consequences do not apply to CLECs, 13 even though the CLECs' performance is as important to an 14 effective competitive market and end user satisfaction as 15 Qwest performance.Accordingly,a QPAP is not the 16 appropriate tool for assuring performance for products 1 7 involving j oint carrier responsibilities and impacts. 18 Q.PLESE EXPLAIN IN MORE DETAIL. 19 A.LIS Trunk forecasts address trunk needs that impact the 20 switch capacity and facilities of both Qwest and CLECs. 21 (Putting this into context, switch capacity growth requiring 22 the addition of new switching modules can require six months 23 to order and install, plus planning and budgeting time.) 24 Accordingly,to timely provide capacity,including 25 engineering,ordering,installation,and make-ready QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -54- 1 activities, CLECs must provide forecasting information to 2 Qwest about orders that they will submit six to forty-eight 3 months into the future.Then Qwest and CLECs must 4 participate in joint planning meetings at either quarterly or 5 semi-annual intervals per a specified schedule. 6 Failure of Qwest or CLECs to perform their 7 responsibilities impacts the ability of both carriers to 8 serve their customers well and to avoid incomplete calls. 9 Thus, there exists not only a mutual impact and obligation, 10 but also mutual incentives, via inherent consequences, to do 11 this welL. 12 Q.HOW DOES QWEST PROPOSE FOR THESE MUAL OBLIGATIONS TO 13 BE APPROPRIATELY HALED? 14 A.Qwest believes there already exist sufficient 15 incentives, in the form of the mutual/reciprocal obligations 16 and impacts, to adequately address LNP and LIS Trunks without 17 being addressed in the QPAP or in other ways.Nevertheless, 18 Qwest believes that if there are to be performance standards 19 with consequences pertaining to these kinds of services, they 20 should apply to both Qwest and CLECs. However, since the 21 QPAPs are not designed to operate with consequences for both 22 Qwest and CLECs, these services should be addressed, if at 23 all, in provisions that are mutual and reciprocal. 24 Q.WHT IS QWEST'S PERFORMCE RECORD WITH LNP AN LIS 25 TRUNS? QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -55- 1 A.Qwest s performance has been excellent, generating no 2 payments in Idaho since 200S and less than $2,000 prior to 3 that.Qwest is not concerned about its performance levels, 4 only about the fairness of not also holding CLECs S responsible,if there are to be any self-executing 6 consequences associated with these services.Again, Qwest 7 does not believe any self-executing consequences are called S for. 9 Q.WILL QWEST'S PERFRMCE FOR LNP AN LIS TRUNS, IN THE 10 VAIOUS PIDS THAT MESUR THE, CONTIN TO BE REPORTED UNER 11 QPAP II. 12 A.Yes.The only change is that the standards would be 13 moved into the "diagnostic" category under QPAP II. This will 14 allow the CLECs and the Commission to monitor Qwest's side of 1S the service for these products. 16 Other PID Proposals 17 Q.WHT OTHER PID CHAGES DOES QWEST PROPOSE FOR QPAP II? 1S A.There are a few additional changes and refinements Qwest 19 proposes in QPAP II, some of which are consistent with 20 recommendations in the Liberty Report and one of which 21 proposes an approach used in Colorado with regard to MR-S. 22 These proposals include the following: 23 · Creating and modifying PI0s affected by the change QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -56- 1 from the EOI interface to XML interface. 22 This 2 implements Recommendation 723 of the Liberty Report in 3 the same manner as implemented in other states where 4 this has been done, and it involves: s · Oefining a new PI0, GA-S, to measure XML gateway 6 availabili ty (as defined in the GA-S PIO in 7 Attachment 1 to QPAP II), and S · Modifying and, in some cases, simplifying, the 9 following PI0s to replace references to EOl with 10 PO-2 (Electronic Flow-through) ,XML:PO-3 (LSR 11 Rejection Notice Interval), PO-4 (LSRs Rejected), 12 PO-S (Firm Order Confirmations on Time), PO-6 (Work 13 Completion Notification Timeliness), PO-7 (Billing 14 Completion Notification Timeliness) ,and PO-20 1S (Manual Service Order Accuracy) . 16 · Refining the standards in the provisioning (OP-n) and 17 Repair (MR-n)PI0s to resolve issues of retail 1S analogues that do not have sufficient volumes and to 19 support the previously-described combining of products 20 into categories. 21 "ISON-BRi,,24 has been the retail· Specifically, 22 analogue specified for 2-wire Non-loaded loops, 22 EDI (Eleetronie Data Interehange) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) refer to eomputer-to-eomputer interfaees through whieh CLECs submit LSRs. Over the last few years, EDI has been replaeed by XML.23 Liberty Report, pages 6 and 89. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -57- 1 ISON-capable and AOSL-qualifiedLoops,Loops. 2 However, it currently has very low volumes of 3 activity,month to month.This si tuation was 4 addressed in Liberty Report Recommendation 3.25 5 · Accordingly, in QPAP II Qwest proposes to use "Res 6 and Bus POTS" as the retail analogue in the 7 affected provisioning and repair PIOs, since these S are 2-wire services and have sufficient volumes. 9 · In MR-S, various instances of disparity have been 10 triggered in the past, particularly in states with 11 higher volumes (such as Colorado, Minnesota,and 12 Arizona) ,for reasons that were not related to 13 discrimination. A workable solution to this issue, 14 applying a mix of benchmark and parity standards, was 15 reached via settlement in Colorado. Qwest proposes 16 this solution for the Idaho QPAP II to avoid straining 17 over meaningless differences while continuing to 1S produce payment increments when differences between 19 wholesale and retail performance are material. Qwest 20 also proposes to apply the new retail analogue 21 replacing IS0N-BRl in this MR-S standard. 24 ~Integrated Serviees Digital Network - Basie Rate Interfaee." 25 Liberty Report, pages 5 and 87. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -58- 1 REOVING QPAP FROM THE SGAT 2 Q.WHY DOES QWEST DESIRE TO REOVE THE CURNT QPAP FROM 3 THE SGAT, WHILE MODIFYING IT IN EXISTING INTERCONNCTION 4 AGREMNTS? 5 A.With regard to the SGAT,this is simply an 6 administrati ve clarification.Since the Commission approved 7 the elimination of the SGAT earlier in this docket, there 8 remains no SGAT for Exhibits Band K (the PI0s and QPAP) to 9 be associated with.i would note that, just as the removal 10 of the SGAT did not mean the elimination of interconnection 11 agreements, neither would removing the PIOs and PAP from 12 being associated with an SGAT mean the end of wholesale 13 performance assurance plans.As I have explained, Qwest is 14 willing to continue to provide wholesale performance 15 assurance,by means of QPAP I I.QPAP II's proposed 16 modifications resolve the most serious shortcomings of the 1 7 cur~ent QPAP and allow performance assurance to proceed on a 18 more reasonable and fair basis.It is on this basis that 19 Qwest is willing to continue providing wholesale performance 20 assurance. 21 Q.IF THE QPAP WERE NO LONGER A FETUR OF AN SGAT, WHRE 22 WOUL IT HAVE ITS CONTINUATION? 23 A.Instead of being "in the SGAT," QPAP II would reside in 24 interconnection agreements of CLECs who opt for it, as QPAP 25 does today, as well as in Qwest's Wholesale Negotiations QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -59- 1 Template for those CLECs who opt for QPAP II in the future. 2 Q.HOW WOULD QPAP II AFFECT EXISTING AGREEMS? 3 A.Existing interconnection agreements should be modified 4 by operation of law to replace the current QPAP with QPAP II. 5 Qwest proposes that this be accomplished through a Commission 6 order pursuant to section 16.3 of the current QPAP.Qwest 7 also will include QPAP II in its Wholesale Negotiations 8 Template for the duration of the term of the Plan. Qwest 9 Exhibit 1 contains the QPAP II document, which includes as 10 Attachment 1 the streamlined PI0s that would, when fully 11 implemented, replace the current PIOs (which have been known 12 as Exhibit B in existing interconnection agreements). 13 CONCLUSION 14 Q.IN SUMY, TO WHT EX DOES QPAP II CONTINU TO 15 PROVIDE VISIBILITY TO QWEST'S WHOLESAL SERVICE PERFRMCE 16 LELS THAT AR ADDRESSED BY THE CURT QPAP? 17 A.QPAP II retains visibility, through continued reporting 18 of PIO results, to nearly all the performance dimensions 19 addressed by the current QPAP.The relatively few PIOs that 20 QPAP II does not include are, as I have explained, no longer 21 needed, either due to the fact that they are not in the 22 current QPAP (i. e., not listed for triggering payments) or 23 they have stayed in the reinstatement/removal process for 24 some time and have never required reinstatement.Thus, in QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -60- 1 terms of PIOs with activity or payment history, QPAP II 2 continues to provide visibility to over 99 percent of the 3 performance items. 4 Q.WHT ABOUT THE STREINING OF PID REPORTING DIMSIONS 5 AN COMBINATIONS OF SERVICES AN ELENTS INO FEWER 6 CATEGORIES? DOES THIS CAUSE LESS PERFRMCE TO BE COVERED? 7 A.No. The combined measurements and categories of services 8 and elements continue to cover the same performance areas, 9 services, and elements that were covered when they were 10 separate.The method of aggregating the reporting and the 11 services/elements categories is done in a manner that gives 12 weight to each combined item according to their volumes 13 previous to the combinations.Thus, accuracy is preserved in 14 the parity comparisons and the evaluations or performance 15 against benchmarks. 16 Q.WHY SHOUL THE COMMSSION APPROVE QWEST'S PETITION TO 1 7 REOVE QPAP FROM THE SGAT AN TO REPLACE EXISTING AN FU 18 QPAPS WITH QPAP II? 19 A.First, there are already sufficient incentives in place 20 to assure continued wholesale service quality. Qwest has 21 demonstrated that we are committed to wholesale service 22 quality. Qwest has both a legal obligation and a business 23 reason to do so. Wholesale customers are an important source 24 of revenue for Qwest, as it increasingly competes with cable, 25 wireless and other technologies that may not use our network. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -61- 1 The evidence I have provided indicates that much larger 2 incentives are at work. The data is irrefutable that Qwest 3 has consistently demonstrated, and continues to demonstrate, 4 its ability to provide excellent service to our CLEC 5 customers.In addition, the conditions of the marketplace 6 dictate that it is in Qwest s own best interest to continue 7 to provide excellent service to CLECs, as opposed to poor 8 service that may result in the ultimate consumers and their 9 revenue streams leaving the Qwest network and migrating to 10 cable, wireless or other technologies.No government-imposed 11 structure is needed to force Qwest to do something that is 12 inherently in its own best interest. 13 Second, the current QPAP has fulfilled its purpose.The 14 QPAP was a mechanism put in place as a safety net at a time 15 when there was uncertainty as to both Qwest's willingness and 16 ability to deliver wholesale services on par with our retail 17 services.At the same time, by its own provisions, the QPAP 18 was never intended to be permanent.It was meant to provide 19 a measure of certainty (financial penal ties) in the event of 20 Qwest's failure to deliver during this uncertain period. 21 Third, conditions have changed dramatically over the 22 past seven years of the QPAP's operation.The market it was 23 designed to help keep open is irreversibly open.The former 24 uncertainty no longer exists. 25 Fourth,Qwest is willing to continue to provide QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest .Corporation -62- 1 wholesale service assurance to our CLEC customers. Our intent 2 is to do this through negotiated interconnection agreements. 3 Qwest s template wholesale agreement is the basis for the 4 beginning of those negotiations.In addition, the QPAP II, 5 as outlined herein, will become an addition to that template 6 agreement.Qwest has committed to keep the QPAP II in this 7 form until Oecember 31, 2013, at a minimum. 8 Fifth, in crafting its proposals, Qwest has applied 9 lessons learned from several years of operation under the 10 existing QPAP.These updates will streamline the plan while 11 maintaining measurements that continue to represent the vast 12 maj ori ty of products and services purchased by CLECs.The 13 addition of performance credits will not only provide a fair 14 balance to the plan, but also an even greater incentive than 15 the original plan for Qwest to provide service to CLECs at or 16 above benchmark or retail levels. 17 Q.DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY? 18 A.Yes. QWE-T-08-04 July 30, 2010 Williams, M (01) Qwest Corporation -63- Exhibit K QWEST PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE PLAN II - IDAHO ("QPAP II") 1.0 INTRODUCTION, PLAN STRUCTURE, AND APPLICABILITY 1.1 Qwest and CLEC voluntarily agree to the terms of the following Qwest Penormance Assurance Plan II ("QPAP II" or "Plan"), which modifies the Qwest Penormance Assurance Plan ("QPAP" or "PAP") that originally became effective in 2003 in connection with Qwests application for approval under Section 271 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("Act") to offer in-region long distance service. Accordingly, QPAP II continues to focus on Section 271-related obligations of providing service to CLECs that is nondiscriminatory in comparison to services Qwest provides to itself or its retail customers and provides an incentive for Qwest to continue to deliver nondiscriminatory service. 1.2 QPAP II consists of penormance indicator definitions ("PIDs", which are streamlined versions of the PIDs of the former QPAP), standards, reporting, and payment provisions that represent a continuation of PID-based "Tier 1,,1 payment provisions of the former QPAP, along with new provisions defining "penormance credits." Together, payment increments and penormance credits combine to define QPAP II payments payable to the CLEC. 1.3 QPAP II provisions apply to service penormance dimensions, as specified herein, in connection with services and elements, also as specified herein, that Qwest provides to CLEC. CLEC is eligible for QPAP II payments to the extent that (1) CLEC provides local exchange services as defined in state statutes or regulations to customers located in the state, and (2) such local exchange services utilize services and elements provided to CLEC by Qwest pursuant to an interconnection agreement (ICA) which has been approved by the State Commission pursuant to Section 252 of the Act. 2.0 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS AND REPORTING 2.1 Penormance measurements are as defined in Attachment 1 - Penormance Indicator Definitions. 2.2 Qwest will report CLEC PID results through website postings as described below, in accordance with the Attachment 1 definitions, on a monthly basis, by the first business day of the second calendar month following the reported month. 1 Tier 1 payments of the former QPAP were paid to individual CLEes, as contrasted with Tier 2 payments that were paid into a special statewide fund. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 1 of 21 Exhibit K 2.2.1 Statewide, combined-CLEC PID results (i.e., all CLECs' results aggregated) wil be posted on a public Qwest website. 2.2.2 Individual, CLEC-specific, statewide PID results will be posted on a password- protected, Qwest website through which CLEC wil have access to Qwest reports of said CLEC's individual penormance results. 2.3 Upon QPAP II becoming effective and upon the Attachment 1 PIDs becoming fully implemented in Qwests measurement systems, the Attachment 1 PIDs shall supersede and replace the PIDs in Exhibit B of the interconnection agreement.Any PIDs not yet fully implemented in accordance with Attachment 1 wil be reported and treated under QPAP II provisions in accordance with the corresponding PIDs in Exhibit B. When all measurements in Attachment 1 are fully implemented, Exhibit B will be retired and no longer a part of the interconnection agreement. 2.4 PIDs governed by QPAP II are those contained in Attachment 1 and section 3.5.3 herein (or in Exhibit B of the interconnection agreement until their counterparts in Attachment 1 are fully implemented) and either (1) subject to QPAP II mechanisms, or (2) not subject to QPAP II mechanisms but subject to the Reinstatement/Removal Process set forth in section 2.5 below. 2.4.1 The following measures, which are listed in Attachment 1 or section 3.5.3 below, are not subject to the payment increment or penormance credit mechanisms of QPAP II; however, they are subject to the PID Reinstatement/Removal Process. All other measures listed in Attachment 1 are subject to QPAP II mechanisms, but they are not subject to the PID Reinstatement/Removal Process. . PO-3 . PO-7 . PO-8 . PO-20 . BI-4 . NI-1 · CP-2 . CP-4 LSR Rejection Notice Interval Biling Completion Notification Timeliness Jeopardy Notice Interval Manual Service Order Accuracy Billng Completeness Trunk Blocking Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals Collocation Feasibilty Study 2.4.2 PID Reinstatement/Removal Process: If Qwests penormance of the PIDs (at the lowest level of disaggregation - i.e., sub-measure or service/element level) listed in section 2.4.1 above does not conform to the established PID standard as set forth in the PIDs or QPAP II for three consecutive months, that PID will be reinstated (i.e., and be again subject to QPAP " mechanisms) subject to the retroactive payment increment provision of section and subject to QPAP II payment increment or penormance credit mechanisms effective in the first month following the three consecutive months. The determination of whether a PID is reinstated is made no Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 2 of 21 Exhibit K later than at the end of the second month following the third consecutive month of nonconforming performance. The PID wil remain subject to QPAP II payment increment/performance credit mechanisms until Qwests performance for that PID satisfies the established standards for three consecutive months. Effective the first month following such conforming performance, the PID wil no longer be subject to QPAP Ii payment increment/performance credit mechanisms but wil continue to be subject to the PID Reinstatement/Removal Process. The determination of whether a PID is removed from being subject to QPAP II mechanisms shall be made no later than the end of the second month following the third consecutive month of conforming performance. Where applicable elsewhere in QPAP 11, this PID Reinstatement/Removal Process modifies other provisions and operates as follows: Disaggregation and Reporting Levels: Performance wil be evaluated at the lowest level of disaggregation defined in the Attachment 1 PIDs on a CLEC- aggregated or other-aggregated basis such that performance is evaluated for the purposes of administering the Reinstatement/Removal Process on a statewide or regionwide level, as applicable per the PID. Retroactive payment increments: To calculate retroactive payment increments for the PIDs reinstated, QPAP II payment increment mechanisms wil be applied to the three consecutive months in which the standard was missed, which triggered reinstatement. These retroactive payment increments wil be generated effective in the month in which the PID is considered reinstated, which is the month following the one in which the service performance triggered reinstatement. Accordingly, in the annual process of netting payment increments and performance credits to determine the extent to which payments are due, retroactive payment increments associated with reinstatement of a PID will be netted with other payment increments and performance credits in the calendar year in which the PID is considered reinstated. Accounting for Payments: In support of retroactive payment increments (section above), Qwest will account separately for QPAP II payment increments that would have been applied to CLEC for a PID as though it had been subject to QPAP II payment increment mechanisms. Interest: In the case of automatic reinstatement, retroactive payments will include interest calculated at the prime rate as reported in the Wall Street Journal from the date the payment would have been made (had the PID not been in "removed" status during the retroactive three-month period) to the date the payment is actually made (following the PID's reinstatement). Tracking: At least quarterly, Qwest wil track and report monthly PID and payment results for PIDs in "removed" status, including retroactive payment increments and also, for the period of "removed" status, avoided payment increments Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 3 of 21 Exhibit K and unused performance credits on PID-specific, CLEC-specific and statewide aggregate bases. Public Website: Qwest wil maintain a public website showing the reinstatement status (Le., reinstated or removed) of each PID with respect to the applicability of QPAP II mechanisms, updated at least quarterly. This procedure eliminates any requirement to make filings with the Commission to modify QPAP II to reflect changes occasioned by application of the PID Reinstatement/Removal Process. 3.0 PAYMENT INCREMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CREDITS 3.1 Overview 3.1.1 QPAP II payments are determined annually by considering both (1) payment increments generated by "nonconforming" performance relative to PID standards and (2) "performance credits" (based conceptually on a reverse application of the same rules that initiate payment increments as further specified herein) generated by "superior" performance relative to PID standards. The "net" of the payment increments minus the performance credits, applied on an individual CLEC basis annually in each of the three market categories, then summed together, constitutes the QPAP II payment that shall be made to CLEC. If this net amount is equal to or less than zero in a category, the QPAP II payment shall be zero for that category in that calendar year. The calculation of payment increments, performance credits, and the resulting net QPAP II payments wil be implemented on a quarterly basis (to provide interim indications of potential payment levels) and on an annual, calendar-year basis (to determine the QPAP II payment due). Both the quarterly interim calculations and the annual calculations wil be made for each of the three categories of "Analog," "Digital," and "CLEC," as these categories are further defined herein, using the step- by-step procedures set forth in section 4.0 below. 3.2 Categories of Payment Increments and Penormance Credits 3.2.1 QPAP II payments wil be determined separately for each of three categories: Analog, Digital, and CLEC. The Analog category consists of provisioning and repair PIDs for services and elements that use analog technology or the equivalent. This category includes the following services and elements as measured in the non-diagnostic repair and provisioning PIDs of Attachment 1: Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 4 of 21 Exhibit K . Resale residential single-line service · Resale business single line service · Line Splitting · Analog Unbundled Loop The Digital category consists of provisioning and repair PIDs for services and elements that use digital technology. This category includes the following services and elements as measured in the non-diagnostic repair and provisioning PIDs of Attachment 1: · Resale DS1 . Unbundled Digital-capable Loops (inc!. 2-Wire Non-loaded, 4-Wire Non-loaded, ISDN-capable, xDSL-1 capable & ADSL-qualified Loops) · Unbundled DS1-capable Loop · Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - DS1 level · UDIT - DS1 level The CLEC category consists of services and elements that primarily address performance dimensions that may affect CLEC operations, but that typically do not directly affect the end-user customers of CLECs. This category includes the non-diagnostic Pre-Order, Biling, and Collocation PIDs of Attachment 1. 3.3 Determining Payment Increments and Performance Credits 3.3.1 Payment increments and performance credits are generated when Qwests performance is, respectively, "nonconforming" or "superior" relative to standards defined in payment-eligible PIDs. There are two types of standards: parity standards and benchmark standards. For parity standards, statistical procedures defined herein are used to determine whether performance is nonconforming or superior. If the number of data points for both CLEC and retail analogue results is each greater than 30 for a given PID, the statistical procedures to be applied for identifying nonconforming and superior performance for PIDs with parity standards shall be the "modified z-test." Where the number of data points is 30 or less (for either the CLEC or retail analogue results), a permutation test (for interval PIDs) or a proportions test (for percentage PIDs) shall be used for identifying nonconforming and superior performance for PIDs with parity standards. Hereafter, the term, "modified z-test," shall refer to either the modified z-test or to the permutation or proportions tests, as applicable. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T- OS - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 5 of 21 Exhibit K The modified z-test shall evaluate the difference between two means (e.g., Qwests performance for retail-analogue versus CLEC service or repairintervals) or between two percentages (e.g., Qwests performance, expressed as percentages or proportions, for retail-analogue versus for CLEC service or repair). The purpose for this statistical evaluation is to determine statistically whether the results for retail analogue and CLEC performance are significantly worse for CLEC (i.e., nonconforming) or significantly better for CLEC (i.e., superior). For benchmark standards, (1) nonconforming performance is determined on a "stare and compare" basis, i.e., performance levels that are not equal to or better than the established benchmark constitute nonconforming performance, and (2) superior performance is determined on a statistical basis, using the same statistical procedures defined herein that apply to parity standards, except that, in the absence of a retail analogue, the variance used shall be the aggregate CLEC variance for the performance dimension being measured. For benchmark standards, to identify superior performance, the modified z-test shall evaluate the difference between a CLEC result and a benchmark (e.g., Qwests service or repair interval performance for CLEC compared to the benchmark). The purpose for the statistical evaluation is to determine statistically whether Qwests performance for CLEC is significantly better for CLEC (i.e., "superiot'). (As specified above, nonconforming performance is identified on the basis of "stare and compare.") For any PID result with a non-interval benchmark or with a parity standard, one allowable miss shall be applied if 100% performance would be required before the performance could be considered as other than nonconforming if, at the CLEC-aggregate level, (1) the performance standard is met, or (2) the CLEC- aggregate performance is conforming after applying one allowable miss to the aggregate result. For OP-5B, this provision for one allowable miss shall apply only if the number of orders with trouble in OP-5A is no more than one. 3.3.2 PIDs with Parity Standards Payment increments shall be generated when the monthly performance results for PIDs with parity standards (whether the PIDs are reported in the form of means, percents, or proportions), at the equivalent level of disaggregation for both the CLEC results and the retail analogue results, are such that the calculated z-test statistics (hereafter "z-scores") are equal to or greater than the applicable critical-z values as listed in Table 1 below. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 6 of 21 Exhibit K Penormance credits shall be generated when the monthly penormance results for PIDs with parity standards (whether the PIDs are reported in the form of means, percents, or proportions), at the equivalent level of disaggregation for both the CLEC results and the retail analogue results, are such that the z-scores are less than (Le., more negative than) the applicable critical-z values as listed in Table 1 below. The formula for determining the z-score ("z") using the modified z-test is as follows: z = DI FF / crDIFF Where: · DIFF = MRetailAnalogue - MCLEC · MRetaii Analogue = Retail Analogue average or proportion · MCLEC = CLEC average or proportion · crDIFF = square root (cr2RetaiiAnalOQue (1/ n CLEC + 1/ n Retail Anaiogue)) · c;2Retaii Analogue = calculated variance for Retail Analogue · nRetaii Analogue = number of observations or samples used in Retail Analogue PID result · nCLEC = number of observations or samples used in CLEC PID result In calculating the difference between Retail Analogue and CLEC penormance, the above formula applies when a larger Retail Analogue value indicates a better level of penormance. In cases where a smaller Retail Analogue value indicates a better level of penormance, the DIFF portion of the above formula is reversed, Le., MCLEC - MRetaii Analogue. Where a permutation test is applicable to be the statistical test, the following steps (or the equivalent, where accuracy is not adversely affected) wil be used: Step 1: Combine CLEC and Retail Analogue data into one set of pooled data. Step 2: Using the modified z-test, calculate the z-score for the actual pooled arrangement of CLEC and Retail Analogue data (ZA). If ZA cannot be calculated, e.g., due to zero variance in the data, calculate instead the difference between the CLEC and Retail Analogue result (Le., DIFFA as defined under the modified z-test formula above). Step 3: Penorm the following 1,000 times: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 7 of 21 Exhibit K a. Randomly subdivide the pooled data sets into two pools, one the same size as the original CLEC data set (nCLEC) and one reflecting the remaining data points, (which is equal to the size of the original Retail Analogue data set, i.e., nRetaii Anaiogue). b. For this (each) sample, calculate and store the z-score (Zs) or the DIFF (DIFFs, for the sample). Step 4: Count the number of times that Zs or DIFFs (as applicable) among all the permutations of the data (i.e., the above 1,000 samples) was greater than ZA or DIFFA (as applicable) for the actual pooled arrangement of CLEC and Retail Analogue data. Step 5: Compute the fraction of permutations for which Zs or DIFFs (as applicable) among all the permutations of the data was greater than ZA or DIFFA (as applicable) for the actual pooled arrangement of CLEC and Retail Analogue data. Step 6: Convert the Step 5 fraction into a z-score for the permutation test (Zp) using a conversion function (such as NORMSINV in Microsoft Excel). For payment increments, if Zp is equal to or greater than the applicable critical-z value from Table 1 below, a payment increment is generated, subject to other applicable rules herein (e.g., one allowable miss provisions). If Zp is less than the applicable critical-z value from Table 1, no payment increment is generated. For penormance credits, if Zp is equal to or less than (i.e., at least or more negative than) the applicable critical-z value from Table 1, a penormance credit is generated. If Zp is greater than (i.e., less negative than) the applicable critical-z value from Table 1, no penormance credit is generated. Where a proportions test is applicable to be the statistical test, the following steps (or their equivalent, where accuracy is not adversely affected) wil be used: Step 1: Calculate the p-value using the following formula: p-value = HYPGEOMDIST(a,b,c,d) Where: · HYPGEOMDIST = a hyper-geometric distribution callable function Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T- 08 - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 8 of 21 Exhibit K · a = count of CLEC "successes" (i.e., standards met) · b = CLEC denominator · c = Count of CLEC and retail "successes" (i.e., standards met) . d = sum of retail and CLEC denominator . The count of "successes" is equal to the PID numerator when the PID is such that "higher is better," and equal to the denominator minus the numerator when "lower is better." Step 2: Convert the p-value into a z-score for the proportions test (Zp) using a statistical conversion function (such as "NORMSINV" in Microsoft Excel). For payment increments, if Zp is equal to or greater than the applicable critical-z value from Table 1 below, a payment increment is generated, subject to other applicable rules herein (e.g., one allowable miss provisions). If Zp is less than the applicable critical-z value from Table 1, no payment increment is generated. For performance credits, if Zp is equal to or less than (i.e., at least or more negative than) the applicable critical-z value from Table 1, a performance credit is generated. If Zp is greater than (i.e., less negative than) the applicable critical-z value from Table 1, no performance credit is generated. 3.3.3 PIDs with Benchmark Standards Payment increments shall be generated when the monthly performance results for PIDs with benchmark standards do not equal or exceed the benchmarks, if a higher value means better performance, and when the monthly performance results do not equal or are not less than the benchmark, if a lower value means better performance. Performance credits shall be generated when monthly performance results for PIDs with benchmark standards equals or exceeds the "Inverse benchmarks." The Inverse Benchmark is defined as the critical-z value (based on a 95 percent confidence interval) that is complementary to the benchmark (i.e., on the opposite "side" of Z = 0 from the benchmark specified in the Attachment 1 PID). Specifically, the magnitude of the Inverse Benchmark is equal to two times the statistical critical-z value (based on a 95 percent confidence interval for a one-tailed test) multiplied by the Standard Error of the CLEC data (OCLEc), as set forth the following formula: Inverse Benchmark = Benchmark +/- 2 * critical-z value * OCLEC Where: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T- 08 - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 9 of 21 Exhibit K . Benchmark = the existing benchmark for the service or element as set forth in the Attachment 1 PID . "+1-" = "+" if "higher is bettet' and "-" if "lower is better" . Gritical-z value = 1 .645 . OCLEC = aggregate GLEG standard deviation 1 (square root of the GLEG denominator) 3.4 Applicable Critical-Z values 3.4.1 The following table sets forth the critical-z values that apply to QPAP II statistical analyses, except as noted in the next sub-paragraph. The critical-z values are based on the monthly business volume of GLEG ("GLEG Volume" in Table 1) for the particular PID for which statistic testing is being performed. The monthly business volume of GLEG is equal to the GLEG denominator of the PID. TABLE 1: APPLICABLE CRITICAL-Z VALUES For Payment Increments For Performance Credits UOIT-OS1,UOIT-OS1, CLECVolume Resale OSl,Resale OSl, (sample size)and UBL-OS1 All Other and UBL-OS1 All Other 1-10 1.04 *1.645 -1.04 *-1.645 11-150 1.645 1.645 -1.645 -1.645 151-300 2.0 2.0 -2.0 -2.0 301-600 2.7 2.7 -2.7 -2.7 601-3000 3.7 3.7 -3.7 -3.7 3001 and above 4.3 4.3 -4.3 -4.3. .* The 1.04 applies for individual month testing for PIDs involving UDIT DS1, Resale DS1, or Unbundled DS1-capable Loops. The PIDs are OP-3, OP-4, OP-5, OP-6, MR-3/5, MR-7, and MR-8. 3.4.2 For purposes of determining consecutive month misses, 1.645 shall be used. 3.5 Dollar Levels, Escalations, and Caps 3.5.1 Table 2 below sets forth the dollar levels and per-PID caps for payment increments and performance credits. Also indicated are escalations in the dollar levels for consecutive months of nonconforming or superior performance. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 10 of 21 Exhibit K The dollar levels applied in calculating payment increments and performance credits vary according to (1) the designation of PID as High, Medium, and Low as set forth in Attachment 2, and (2) the duration in months of the nonconforming or superior performance condition. The effect of the duration of nonconforming or superior months of performance is reflected in two "escalation indicators," one indicator for payment increments and one indicator for performance credits, operating in parallel and both affected by each month's performance status of nonconforming, conforming, or superior. Payment Increments Escalation Indicator: Each consecutive month of nonconforming performance increases the escalation indicator level for payment increments by one level (e.g., Month 1 to Month 2). Each month of conforming performance (including superior performance) decreases the escalation indicator level for performance credits by one level (e.g., Month 2 to Month 1). Month 1 is the lowest leveL. In months of nonconforming performance, payment increments wil be generated at the per-occurrence dollar level indicated in Table 2 for the applicable escalation month (e.g., Month 1, Month 2, or ..., etc.). Performance Credits Escalation Indicator: Each consecutive month of superior performance increases the escalation indicator level for performance credits by one level (e.g., Month 1 to Month 2). Each month of non-superior performance (including both conforming and nonconforming performance) decreases the escalation indicator level for performance credits by one level (e.g., Month 2 to Month 1). Month 1 is the lowest leveL. In months of superior performance, performance credits wil be generated at the per-occurrence dollar level indicated in Table 2 for the applicable escalation month (e.g., Month 1, Month 2, or ..., etc.). Months with Conforming Performance: In any month in which performance is solely conforming for a given PID (Le., performance that is neither nonconforming nor superior), no payment increment or performance credit shall be generated for that month. Per-PID Caps. Payment increments or performance credits generated for a single month shall not each exceed the amount listed in Table 2 below under "Per-PID Caps." If any PIDs are added to the following list at a later time, payment increments or performance credits generated in any given month shall be each capped at the amount set forth in Table 2 below under "Per-PID Caps." PIDs subject to per-PID caps are the following: BI-1 Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records BI-3 Biling Accuracy - Adjustments for Errors (except BI-3A, addressed in Table 2A below) Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T- 08 - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 11 of 21 Exhibit K BI-4 Billing Completeness TABLE 2: DOLLAR LEVELS AND CAPS Table 2 Per-occurrence Dollar Levels Measurement Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Each Group following month after Month 6 add Hiqh $150 $250 $500 $600 $700 $800 $100 Medium $ 75 $150 $300 $400 $500 $600 $100 Low $ 25 $ 50 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 Table 2 Per-PID Caps Measurement Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Each Group following month after Month 6 add Hioh $25,000 $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $25,000 Medium $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 $ 40,000 $ 50,000 $ 60,000 $10,000 Low $ 5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 5,000 3.5.2 For the BI-3A PID, the dollar levels for nonconforming or superior penormance vary depending upon the Total Bil Adjustment Amount for CLEC. The applicable payment increment or penormance credit is calculated using Table 2A below by multiplying the per occurrence dollar level times the number of occurrences based on the Total Bill Adjustment Amount,2 capped at the amount shown in the table for that Total Bil Adjustment Amount. Accordingly, the escalation of payments for consecutive months as stated in Table 2 above does not apply to BI-3A. TABLE 2A: PAYMENTS INCREMENTS FOR BI-3A Total Bill Adjustment Per Occurrence Amount Dollar Level Cap $0 - $0.99 $0 $0 $1 - $199.99 $1 $200 $200 - $999.99 $10 $5,000 $1,000 - $9,999.99 $10 $10,000 $10,000 - $49,999.99 $15 $15,000 $50,000 - $99,999.99 $20 $20,000 $100,000 and over $25 $25,000 3.5.3 For collocation, CP-2 and CP-4 PIDs shall be relied upon for delineation of collocation business rules in defining the situations eligible for payment increments 2 Total Bill Adjustment Amount is determined by subtracting the BI-3A numerator from the BI-3A denominator as defined in the BI-3 PID formula. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 12 of 21 Exhibit K and performance credits. For purposes of calculating payment increments and performance credits, collocation jobs and collocation feasibility studies that are completed later than the due date shall have a per-day payment increment or performance credit applied according to Table 3 below. The per-day amount wil be applied as a payment increment for any collocation job in which the feasibilty study is provided or the collocation installation is completed later than the scheduled date. Correspondingly, the per-day amount will be applied as a performance credit for any collocation job in which the feasibilty study is provided or the collocation installation is completed before (but not on) the scheduled due date. The calculation of the payment increment or performance credit shall be performed by applying the per-day dollar increments as specified in Table 3. Thus, for days 1 through 10 late or early, respectively, the payment increment or performance credit is $150 per day. For days 11 through 20, the payment increment or performance credit is $300 per day and so on. The dollar amount escalations set forth in Table 2 above do not apply to collocation performance or PIDs. TABLE 3: COLLOCATION DOLLAR INCREMENTS Days Late or Early Completion Date Feasibilty Study 1 to 10 days $150/day $45/day 11 to 20 days $300/day $90/day 21 to 30 days $450/day $135/day 31 to 40 days $600/day $180/day More than 40 days $1,000/day $300/day 4.0 STEP-BY-STEP CALCULATIONS 4.1 Payment increments 4.1.1 Nonconforming performance is identified in accordance with the above QPAP II sections and generates payment increments for the month in which the performance is reported pursuant to the Attachment 1 PIDs. Payment increments are calculated as described below and are summed within the three categories defined above (Analog, Digital, and CLEC), both quarterly (as a sub-total) and annually (to determine whether payments are due in each category and, if so, in what Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T- OS - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 13 of 21 Exhibit K amount). PIDs with conforming or superior penormance do not generate payment increments in the reporting months in which such penormance exists. 4.1.2 PIDs Reported as Averages or Means - for each nonconforming PID: Step 1: Determine the effective standard as follows: Calculate the average or the mean that would yield the applicable critical-z value (per section 3.4 above). The same denominator as the one used in calculating the z-score for the PID shall be used. (For PIDs with benchmarks, the benchmark value is the effective standard.) Step 2: Determine the percentage difference ("% diff') between the PID- reported average or mean and the Step 1 effective standard, via the following formula: % diff = Absolute Value of ((CLEC PID result minus Effective Standard) / (Effective Standard)) Note: "% diff' shall be capped 100%. Step 3: Determine the payment increment generated as follows: Payment Increment = Total number of data points (CLEC denominator) times the "% diff' and times the applicable per- occurrence dollar level from the Table 2 above. 4.1.3 PIDs Reported as Percentages, Ratios, or Proportions - for each nonconforming PID: Step 1 : Determine the effective standard as follows: Calculate the percentage that would yield the applicable critical-z value (per section 3.4 above). The same denominator as the one used in calculating the z-score for the PID shall be used. (For PIDs with benchmarks, the benchmark value is the effective standard.) Step 2: Determine the percentage difference ("% diff) between the PID- reported percentage result and the effective standard percentage via the following formula: % diff = Absolute Value of ((Effective Standard minus CLEC PID result)/(Effective Standard)) Note: "% diff' shall be capped 100%. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 14 of 21 Exhibit K Step 3: Determine the payment increment generated as follows: Payment Increment = Total number of data points (CLEC denominator) times the "% diff' and times the applicable per- occurrence dollar level from Table 2 above. r 4.2 Performance credits 4.2.1 Superior performance is identified in accordance with the above QPAP II sections and generates performance credits for the month in which the performance is reported pursuant to the Attachment 1 PIDs. Performance credits are calculated as described below and are summed within the three categories defined above (Analog, Digital, and CLEC), both quarterly (as sub-totals for each PID and category) and annually (to determine whether payments are due in each category and, if so, in what amount). PIDs with conforming or nonconforming performance do not generate performance credits in the reporting months in which such performance exists. 4.2.2 PIDs Reported as Averages or Means - for each superior performance PID: Step 1: Determine the effective superior performance threshold as follows: Calculate the average or the mean that would yield the applicable critical-z value (per section 3.4 above) for superior performance. The same denominator as the one used in calculating the z-score for the PID shall be used. (For PIDs with benchmarks, the benchmark value is the effective standard.) Step 2: Determine the percentage difference ("% diff') between the PID- reported average or mean and the Step 1 effective superior performance threshold ("Superior Threshold"), via the following formula: % diff = Absolute Value of ((Superior Threshold minus CLEC PID result)/(Superior Threshold)) Note: "% diff shall be capped 1 00%. Step 3: Determine the performance credit generated as follows: Performance Credit = Total number of data points (CLEC denominator) times the "% diff' and times the applicable per- occurrence dollar level from the Table 2 above. 4.2.3 PIDs Reported as Percentages, Ratios, or Proportions - for each superior performance PID: Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T- 08 - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 15 of 21 Exhibit K Step 1: Determine the effective superior performance threshold as follows: Calculate the percentage that would yield the applicable critical-z value (per section 3.4 above) for superior performance. The same denominator as the one used in calculating the z-score for the PID shall be used. (For PIDs with benchmarks, the benchmark value is the effective standard.) Step 2: Determine the percentage difference ("% diff') between the PID- reported percentage result and the superior threshold percentage % diff = Absolute Value of ((Superior Threshold Percentage minus CLEC PID result)/(Superior Threshold Percentage)) Note: "% diff' shall be capped 100%. Step 3: Determine the performance credit generated as follows: Performance Credit = Total number of data points (CLEC denominator) times the "% diff' and times the applicable per- occurrence dollar level from Table 2 above. 4.3 Annual Payment Calculations 4.3.1 Annually, within each of the categories of Analog, Digital, and CLEC, payment increments and performance credits shall be each summed and then netted against each other, payment increments minus performance credits, to determine the QPAP II payments payable to CLEC for each category. The following process or the equivalent wil be used: Step 1: For each of the three categories, sum the payment increments from all of the months in the calendar year. Step 2: For each of the three categories, sum the performance credits from all of the months in the calendar year. Step 3: For each of the three categories, subtract the sum of the performance credits from the sum of the payment increments. If the result is zero or negative in a given category, no payment is payable for that category. Otherwise, the result of this step is the payment payable to CLEC for the category. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 16 of 21 Exhibit K Step 4: Sum the payments that were determined in Step 3 to be payable for the three categories. This represents the total payment payable to CLEC for all three categories for the calendar year. 5.0 PAYMENTS 5.1 Payments payable to CLEC shall be made annually, one month following the due date of the PID report for the final month in the calendar year for which payment is being made. Owest wil pay interest on any late payment or underpayment at the prime rate as reported in the Wall Street Journal. On any overpayment, Owest is allowed to offset future payments by the amount of the overpayment plus interest at the prime rate. 5.2 Payment to CLEC shall be made via bil credits. Bil credits shall be identified on a summary format substantially similar to that used under the prior OPAP. To the extent that a payment owed to CLEC under OPAP II exceeds the amount owed to Owest by CLEC on a monthly bill, Owest wil issue a check or wire transfer to CLEC in the amount of the overage. 5.3 Owest shall not be liable for bil credits to CLEC until the state regulatory Commission has approved an interconnection agreement between CLEC and Owest that adopts the provisions of this OPAP 11. 5.4 For any month in which CLEC is past-due in paying undisputed or disputed Owest amounts that exceed OPAP II payments payable under this Plan, Owest may withhold bill credits under this Plan up to the level of CLEC past-due amount, without accumulating interest, until undisputed CLEC payments owed to Owest are fully paid up to date or until disputed CLEC payments owed to Owest are resolved and the appropriate amounts paid. 5.5 If for any reason Owest has inadvertently or erroneously overpaid via bill credits to CLEC, Owest may recover said overpayment either by reducing future bill credits by the amount of overpayment or by adjusting OPAP or OPAP II bill credits due for CLEC in any state(s) in which CLEC has an interconnection agreement. 6.0 LIMITATIONS 6.1 Owests agreement to implement this Plan - including without limitation its PID reporting - shall not be considered as an admission against interest or an admission of liability in any legal, regulatory, or other proceeding relating in whole or in part to the same performance. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 17 of 21 Exhibit K 6.2 By accepting QPAP ", GLEG agrees that Qwests performance with respect to this Plan may not be used as an admission of liability or culpability for violation(s) of any state or federal law or regulation. GLEG may not use: a) the existence of this Plan; or b) Qwests data shared in good faith under provisions of this Plan as evidence that Qwest has discriminated in the provision of any facilities or services under Sections 251 or 252. Qwests conduct underlying its performance measures, however, is not rendered inadmissible solely by application of these terms. 6.2.1 penalties. Payments made pursuant to QPAP II are not intended to constitute 6.2.2 Application of the QPAP II payments provided for herein is not intended to foreclose other non-contractual legal and non-contractual regulatory claims and remedies, if any, that may be available to GLEG for service performance issues other than those addressed under QPAP II. 6.3 To elect QPAP II, GLEG must adopt the Plan in its entirety, in its interconnection agreement with Qwest, recognizing QPAP II as the sole agreement between Qwest and GLEG governing service performance assurance for the services or elements and service dimensions addressed by the Plan. 6.4 Qwest shall not be obligated to make payments for any PID if and to the extent that nonconformance for that PID standard was the result of any of the following: 1) with respect to PIDs with a benchmark standard, a Force Majeure event as defined in the interconnection agreement. Qwest wil provide notice of the occurrence of a Force Majeure event within 72 hours of the time Qwest learns of the event or within a reasonable time frame that Qwest should have learned of it; 2) an act or omission by a GLEG that is contrary to any of its obligations under its interconnection agreement with Qwest or under federal or state law; an act or omission by GLEG that is in bad faith (where examples of bad faith conduct include, but are not limited to: unreasonably holding service orders and/or applications, "dumping" orders or applications in unreasonably large batches, "dumping" orders, trouble reports, or applications at or near the close of a business day, on a Friday evening or prior to a holiday, and failing to provide timely forecasts to Qwest for services or facilities when such forecasts are explicitly required by interconnection agreement); 3) problems associated with third-part systems or equipment, which could not have been avoided by Qwest in the exercise of reasonable diligence, provided, however, that this third part exclusion will not be raised in the State more than three times within a calendar year. If a Force Majeure event or other excusing event recognized in this section merely suspends Qwests ability to timely perform an activity subject to a PID that is measured as an interval, the applicable timeframe in which Qwests compliance with the parity or benchmark criterion is measured wil be extended on an hour-for-hour or day-for-day basis, as applicable, equal to the duration of the excusing event. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 1S of 21 Exhibit K 6.4.1 Qwest wil not be excused payments for any reason except as described in QPAP II and its attachments. Qwest wil have the burden of demonstrating that its nonconformance with the PID standard was excused on one of the grounds described in this QPAP II. A part may petition the Commission to require Qwest to deposit disputed payments into an escrow account when the requesting part can show cause, such as grounds provided in the Uniform Commercial Code for cases of commercial uncertainty. 6.4.2 Notwithstanding any other provision of this QPAP II, Qwest shall not be excused for failng to provide such performance that Qwest could reasonably have been expected to deliver assuming that it had designed, implemented, staffed, provisioned, and otherwise provided for resources reasonably required to meet foreseeable volumes and patterns of demands upon its resources by CLECs. 6.5 QPAP II contains a comprehensive set of PIDs, payment provisions, and bil credit mechanisms that are designed to function together, and only together, as an integrated whole, applying the same Plan provisions for all CLECs that adopt QPAP II in the state. To elect QPAP II, CLEC must adopt QPAP II in its entirety, in its interconnection agreement with Qwest. By electing payment under QPAP II, CLEC waives any causes of action based on a contractual theory of liability, and any right of recovery under any other theory of liability (including but not limited to a state utility regulatory commission or Federal Communications Commission rule or order) to the extent such recovery is related to harm compensable under a contractual theory of liability (even though it is sought through a non-contractual claim, theory, or cause of action). 6.6 If for any reason CLEC is awarded compensation for the same harm for which it received payment under QPAP II (hereafter, "duplicate payment", Qwest may adjust future payments under QPAP II to reverse the duplicate payment, unless the court or other adjudicatory body hearing such a claim offsets the damages resulting from such claim with QPAP II payments made for the same harm. 7.0 VOLUNTARY PLAN, PLAN TERM, PLAN REVIEW, AND ONGOING WHOLESALE SERVICE QUALITY ASSURANCE 7.1 Voluntary Offer: This Plan represents Qwests voluntary offer to provide wholesale service quality performance assurance. Nothing in QPAP II or in any appearance or conclusion of nonconformance of Qwests service performance with the standards defined in the Plan shall be construed to be, of itself, nonconformance with the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act") or any other expressed or implied regulation, requirement, or standard. 7.2 Plan Term: Qwests voluntary offer to incorporate this QPAP II in interconnection agreements extends through December 31, 2013 (the "Plan Term"). QPAP II shall remain in effect throughout the Plan Term as part of the Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T- 08 - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 19 of 21 Exhibit K interconnection agreement. Qwest may voluntarily extend the Plan Term beyond December 31, 2013. 7.3 Plan Review: No more than nine months and no less than three months before the end of the Plan Term, unless Qwest voluntarily agrees to extend the Plan Term beyond December 31, 2013, Qwest wil notify the Commission of its intention to terminate or modify the Plan, and the Commission may conduct a review to evaluate the future of penormance assurance for the wholesale marketplace in the state. 7.3.1 Said review may be initiated after notification from Qwest (pursuant to 9.3 above) and before the end of the Plan Term. The review shall include Qwest and the Commission, and may include any interested CLEC providing local exchange services in Idaho under terms of an approved interconnection agreement with Qwest. 7.3.2 Said review may consider (a) Qwests penormance under QPAP II, addressing whether Qwests overall penormance has deteriorated from the penormance levels in existence at the time the FCC granted Section 271 authority to Qwest, and (b) market openness as determined by available indicators of whether Qwest continues to satisfy Section 271 requirements under current law at the time of the review. Nothing in this section is intended to alter, impinge or encroach on the FCC's exclusive jurisdiction over Section 271 issues including continuing enforcement of Section 271 obligations. 7.4 Ongoing Wholesale Service Quality Assurance: Upon the expiration of the Plan Term, or later date if voluntarily extended by Qwest, Qwest wil incorporate commercially-reasonable wholesale service quality assurance provisions in its Negotiations Template Agreement for wholesale services. Nothing in this section limits the rights of the parties under then current law, and based on the applicable jurisdiction, to seek arbitration of any related dispute, or relief from the FCC, with regard to specific terms and conditions. 8.0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION For the purpose of resolving disputes over the meaning of the provisions of QPAP II and how they should be applied, the following provisions shall apply: 8.1 The Parties wil attempt in good faith to resolve through negotiation any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of, or relating to, this Agreement. Either Part may give written notice to the other Part of any dispute not resolved in the normal course of business. Each Party wil within seven (7) Days after delivery of the written notice of dispute, designate a vice-president level employee or a representative with authority to make commitments to review, meet, and negotiate, in good faith, to resolve the dispute. The Parties intend that these negotiations be conducted by non-lawyer, business representatives, and the locations, format, Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T- 08 - 04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 20 of 21 Exhibit K frequency, duration, and conclusions of these discussions wil be at the discretion of the representatives. By mutual agreement, the representatives may use other procedures to assist in these negotiations. The discussions and correspondence among the representatives for the purposes of these negotiations wil be treated as Confidential Information (Confidential Information) developed for purposes of settlement, and wil be exempt from discovery and production, and not be admissible in any subsequent proceedings without the concurrence of both Parties. 8.2 If the designated representatives have not reached a resolution of the dispute within fifteen (15) Days after the written notice (or such longer period as agreed to in writing by the Parties), then either Part may commence an action which wil be brought before the Commission or the FCC based on the appropriate jurisdiction. If the claims are not within the jurisdiction or the scope of the statutory authority of the Commission or the FCC, or if the Party commencing the action seeks a judgment for money damages, including, but not limited to, payment of amounts biled, any action wil be brought in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado if it has subject matter jurisdiction over the action, and if not, in the Denver District Court for the State of Colorado. The Parties agree that such courts have personal jurisdiction over them. Nothing in this section is intended to alter, impinge or encroach upon the exclusive jurisdiction of the FCC in regard to issues fallng under the purview of Section 271 of the Act. 8.3 Waiver of Jury Trial and Class Action. Each Part, to the extent permitted by law, knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally waives its right to a trial by jury and any right to pursue any claim or action arising out of or relating to this Agreement on a class or consolidated basis or in a representative capacity. 8.4 No cause of action, including disputes raised pursuant to Section 5.4.4, regardless of the form, arising out of or relating to this Agreement, and in the absence of a statutorily-designated limitations period, may be brought by either Partmore than two (2) years after the cause of action arises. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II)Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest p. 21 of 21 Exhibit K ATTACHMENT 1: QPAP 11- PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DEFINITIONS (PIDS) Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................1 ELECTRONIC GATEWAY AVAILABILITY ...........................................................................3 GA-1- Gateway Availability -IMA-GUI.............................................................................................................................3 GA-3 - Gateway Availability- EB-TA.................................................................................................................................4 GA-4 - System Availabilty - EXACT .................................................................. ..................... ....... ....... .............................. 5 GA-6 - Gateway Availabilty - GUI-Repair ......................................................................................................................... 6 GA-8 - Gateway Availabilty - IMA-XML............................................................................................................................ 7 PRE-ORDER/ORDER ............................................................................................................8 PO-2 - Electronic Flow-through.........................................................................................................................................8 PO-3 - LSR Rejection Notice Interval.................................................................................................................................9 PO-4 - LSRs Rejected......................... ....... ............. ..................... ...................... ...... ........... ....................................... ....... 10 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time .......................................................................................................... 11 PO-6 - Work Completion Notification Timeliness ........................................................................................................... 14 PO-7 - Biling Completion Notification Timeliness .......................................................................................................... 15 PO-8 - Jeopardy Notice Interval.... .............................................................. ............................................................. ....... 16 PO-9 - Timely Jeopardy Notices ......................................................................................................................................17 PO-20 - Manual Service Order Accuracy ......................................................................................................................... 18 ORDERING AND PROVISIONING ......................................................................................24 OP-2 - Calls Answered within Twenty Seconds -Interconnect Provisioning Center ......................................................24 OP-3 -Installation Commitments Met............................................................................................................................25 OP-4 - Installation Interval............................................................................................................................... ............... 26 OP-5 - New Service Quality ............................................................................................................................... ..............28 OP-6 - Delayed Days........................................................................................................................................................ 32 OP-7 - Coordinated "Hot Cut" Interval- Unbundled Loop .............................................................................................34 OP-8 - Number Portability Timeliness............................................................................................................................. 35 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop ..................................................................................................36 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop (continued)............................................................................... 37 OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders..................................................................................... 38 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ...........................................................................................39 MR-2 - Calls Answered within 20 Seconds -Interconnect Repair Center ...................................................................... 39 MR-3/5 - Out-of-Service Troubles Cleared within Specified Intervals (24 or 4 Hours) ................................................... 40 MR-4 - Service-Affecting Troubles Cleared within 48 hours...........................................................................................42 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore........................................................................................................................ .................43 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate..................................................................................................................................45 MR-8 - Trouble Rate........................................................................................................................................................47 MR-lO - Customer and Non-Qwest Related Trouble Report ........................................................................................ 49 MR-ll- LNP Trouble Reports Cleared within Specified Timeframes ............................................................................. 50 BILLING...............................................................................................................................51 BI-1- Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records ............................................................................................................ 51 BI-3 - Billng Accuracy - Adjustments for Errors ............................................................................................................. 52 NETWORK PERFORMANCE..............................................................................................53 NI-1- Trunk Blocking....................................................................................................................................................... 53 COLLOCATION ...................................................................................................................55 CP-1- Collocation Completion Interval...........................................................................................................................55 Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 1 of 69 Exhibit K CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals ............................................................................................ 57 CP-3 - Collocation Feasibility Study Interval ................................................................................................................... 59 CP-4 - Collocation Feasibility Study Commitments Met .................................................................................................60 DEFINITION OF TERMS .....................................................................................................61 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS .............................................................................................64 APPENDIX A .......................................................................................................................66 Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 2 of 69 ELECTRONIC GATEWAY AVAILABILITY GA-1 - Gateway Availabilty - IMA-GUI Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC access to the IMA-GUI electronic gateway and one associated system, focusing on the extent they are actually available to CLECs. Description: GA-1A:Measures the availability of the IMA-GUI (Interconnect Mediated Access-Graphical User Interface), and reports the percentage of Scheduled Availability Time the IMA-GUI interface is available for view and/or input. GA-1D:Measures the availabilty of the SIA system, which facilitates access for the IMA-GUI interface and the IMA-XML interface (see GA-8), and report the percentage of scheduled time the SIA system is available. Scheduled availability times wil be no less than the same hours as listed for IMA-GUI and IMA-XML..Time Gateway is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availabilty Time minus Outage Time..Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down TIme..Scheduled Up Time hours for preorder, order, and provisioning transactions are based on the currently published hours of availabilty found on the following website: http://www.gwest.com/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html..Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. .An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (Le., IMA-GUI, SIA), affecting Qwests ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide leveL. Results wil be reported as follows:.GA-1A IMA Graphical User Interface Gateway.GA-1D SIAsystem Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) + (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availabilty Time During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Services and Elements Reporting: None I Standard: 99.25 percent Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 3 of 69 GA-3 - Gateway Availabilty - EB-TA Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC access to the EB-TA interface, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to CLECs. Description: Measures the availability of EB- TA (Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration) interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the EB-TA Interface is available..Scheduled Up Time hours are based on the currently published hours of availabilty found on the following website: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html ..Time Gateway is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time..Scheduled Availabilty Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time..Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance..An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (Le., EB-TA), affecting Qwests ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide leveL. Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) + (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Services and Elements Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 4 of 69 GA-4 - System Availabilty - EXACT Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC batch access to the EXACT electronic access service request system, focusing on the extent the system is actually available to ClECs. Description: Measures the availability of EXACT system and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the EXACT system is available..Scheduled Up Time hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html..Time System is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availabilty Time minus Outage Time..Scheduled Availabilty Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time..Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the system is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work wil be provided no less than 48 hours in advance..An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (Le., EXACT), affecting Qwests ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide leveL. Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes EXACT is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) + (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Services and Elements Reporting: None Standard:Diagnostic Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 5 of 69 GA-6 - Gateway Availabilty - GUI-Repair Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC access to the GUI Repair electronic gateway, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to CLECs. Description: Measures the availabilty of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) repair electronic interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availabilty time the interface is available for view and/or input. All times during which the interface is scheduled to be operating during the reporting period are measured..Scheduled Up Time" hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.gwest.com/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html ..Time Gateway is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time..Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time..Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work wil be provided no less than 48 hours in advance..An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (Le., GUI-Repair), affecting Qwests ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide leveL. results Formula: (Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period + Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period) x 100 Exclusions: None Services and Elements Reporting: None I Standard: 99.25 percent Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 6 of 69 GA-8 - Gateway Availabilty -IMA-XML Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC access to the IMA-XML electronic gateway, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to CLEes. Description: Measures the availabilty of IMA-XML (Interconnect Mediated Access - Extensible Markup Language) interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the IMA-XML Interface is available for view and/or input. All times during which the interface is scheduled to be operating during the reporting period are measured..Scheduled Up Time hours for IMA-XML based on the currently published hours of availabilty found on the following website: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time Gateway is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time..Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time..Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance..An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i.e., IMA-XML), affecting Qwests abilty to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide leveL. results (See GA-1D for reporting of SIA system availability.) Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) + (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period) ) x 100 Exclusions: None Services and Elements Reporting: None I Standard: 99.25 percent Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 7 of 69 PRE-ORDER/ORDER PO-2 - Electronic Flow-through Purpose: Monitors the extent to which Qwests processing of CLEC Local Service Requests (LSRs) is completely electronic, focusing on the degree that electronically-transmitted LSRs flow directly to the service order processor without human intervention or without manual retyping. Description: PO-2A - Measures the percentage of all electronic LSRs that flow from the specified electronic gateway interface to the Service Order Processor (SOP) without any human intervention. .Includes allLSRs that are submitted electronically during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. PO-2B - Measures the percentage of all flow-through-eligible LSRs NOTE 1 that flow from the specified electronic gateway interface to the SOP without any human intervention..Includes all flow-through-eligible LSRs that are submitted electronically during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate,Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (per multi-state individual CLEC system serving the state). Formula: PO-2A =((Number of Electronic LSRs that pass from the Gateway Interface to the SOP without human intervention) + (Total Number of Electronic LSRs that pass through the Gateway Interface)) x 100 PO-2B =((Number of flow-through-eligible Electronic LSRs that actually pass from the Gateway Interface to the SOP without human intervention) + (Number of flow-through-eligible Electronic LSRs received through the Gateway Interface)) x 100 Exclusions:.Rejected LSRs and LSRs containing CLEe-caused non-fatal errors. .Non-electronic LSRs (e.g., via fax or courier)..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement..Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #'s.).Invalid start/stop dates/times. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Po-2A: Diagnostic.Unbundled Loops (with or Po-2B: without Local Number Portabilty)Resale:95%.Local Number Portability Unbundled Loops:85% LNP:95% Notes: 1.The list of LSR types classified as eligible for flow through is contained in the "LSRs Eligible for Flow Through" matrix. This matrix also includes availabilty for enhancements to flow through. Matrix wil be distributed through the CMP process. 2.Existing gateways are GUI and XML. Future gateways will be reported after a (TBD) trial period. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 8 of 69 PO-3 - LSR Rejection Notice Interval Purpose: Monitors the timeliness with which Qwest notifies ClECs that electronic and manual LSRs were rejected. Description: Measures the interval between the receipt of a Local Service Request (LSR) and the rejection of the LSR for standard categories of errors/reasons. .Includes all LSRs submitted through the specified interface that are rejected during the reporting period..Standard reasons for rejections are: missing/incomplete/mismatchingfunintelligible information, duplicate request or LSR/PON (purchase order number), no separate LSR for each account telephone number affected, no valid contract, no valid end user verification, account not working in Qwest territory, service- affecting order pending, request is outside established parameters for service, and lack of CLEC response to Qwest question for clarification about the LSR..Included in the interval is time required for efforts by Qwest to work with CLEC to avoid the necessity of rejecting the LSR..With hours: minutes reporting, hours counted are business hours for manual rejects. Business hours are defined as time during normal business hours of the Wholesale Delivery Service Centers. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Hrs: Mins Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results PO-3X: LSRs received electronically via IMA-GUI or IMA-XML and rejected manually Formula: I: ((Date and time of Rejection Notice) - (Date and time of LSR receipt)) + (Total number of LSR Rejection Notifications) Exclusions:.Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. .Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #'s.) .Invalid start/stop dates/times. Services and Elements Reporting: Not applicable Standards: PO-3X:.. 12 business hours Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 9 of 69 PO-4 - LSRs Rejected Purpose: Monitors the extent LSRs are rejected as a percentage of all LSRs to provide information to help address potential issues that might be raised by the indicator of LSR rejection notice intervals. Description: Measures the percentage of LSRs rejected (returned to CLEe) for standard categories of errors/reasons..Includes all LSRs submitted through the specified interface that are rejected or FOC'd during the reporting period..Standard reasons for rejections are: missing/incomplete/mismatchingfunintelligible information; duplicate request or LSR/PON (purchase order number); no separate LSR for each account telephone number affected; no valid contract; no valid end user verification; account not working in Qwest territory; service- affecting order pending; request is outside established parameters for service; and lack of CLEC response to Qwest question for clarification about the LSR. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent of LSRs Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: CLEC aggregate and Results for this indicator are reported according to the gateway interface used individual CLEC results to submit the LSR:.PO-4A-l LSRs received via IMA-GUI and rejected manually - Region wide.PO-4A-2 LSRs received via IMA-GUI and auto-rejected - Region wide.PO-4X-L LSRs received via IMA-XML and rejected manually - Region wide.PO-4X-2 LSRs received via IMA-XML and auto-rejected - Region wide Formula: ((Total number of LSRs rejected via the specified method in the reporting period) + (Total of all LSRs that are received via the specified interface that were rejected or FOC'd in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: .Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. .Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #'s.) .Invalid start/stop dates/times. Services and Elements Reporting: Not applicable I Standard: Diagnostic(reported by ordering interface). Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 10 of 69 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time Purpose: Monitors the timeliness with which Qwest returns Firm Order eonfirmations (FOes) to eLEes in response to LSRs received from eLEes, focusing on the degree to which FOes are provided within specified intervals. Description: Measures the percentage of Firm Order eonfirmations (FOes) that are provided to eLEes within the intervals specified under "Standards" below for FOe notifications. . Includes all LSRs that are submitted through the specified interface that receive an FOe during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. (Acknowledgments sent separately from an FOe are not included.) · For PO-SA, the interval measured is the period between the LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time) and Qwests response with a FOe notification (notification date and time). · For PO-SB, and 50, the interval measured is the period between the application date and time, as defined herein, and Qwests response with a Foe notification (notification date and time). . "Fully electronic" LSRs are those (1) that are received via IMA-GUI or IMA-XML, (2) that involve no manual intervention, and (3) for which FOes are provided mechanically to eLEe. NOTE 2 · "Electronic/manual" LSRs are received electronically via IMA-GUI or IMA-XML and involve manual processing. . LSRs wil be evaluated according to the Foe interval categories shown in the "Standards" section below, based on the number of lines/services requested on the LSR or, where multiple LSRs from the same eLEe are related, based on the combined number of lines/services requested on the related LSRs. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (per multi-state system serving the eLEe aggregate and state). individual eLEe results Results for this indicator are reported as follows: . PO-SA:* FOes provided for fully electronic LSRs . PO-SB:* FOes provided for electronic/manualLSRs * Each of the PO-SA, PO-SB measurements listed above wil be further disaggregated as follows: (a) FOes provided for Resale services (b) FOes provided for Unbundled Loops & specified UNEs Formula: PO-SA = Heount of LSRs for which the original FOC's "(FOe Notification Date & Time) - (LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time)) is within 20 minutes) + (Total Number of original FOe Notifications transmitted for the service category in the reporting periodH x 100 PO-SB = Heount of LSRs for which the original FOC's "(FOe Notification Date & Time) - (Application Date & Time)" is within the intervals specified for the service category involved) + (Total Number of original FOe Notifications transmitted for the service category in the reporting periodH x 100 Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 11 of 69 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time (continued) Exclusions:.LSRs involving individual case basis (lCB) handling based on quantities of lines, as specified in the "Standards" section below, or service/request types, deemed to be projects..Hours on Weekends and holidays (except for PO-SA which only excludes hours outside the scheduled up time)..LSRs with CLEC-requested FOC arrangements different from standard FOC arrangements..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement..Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #'s.).Invalid start/stop dates/times. Services and Elements Standards: Reporting: For PO-SA & PO-sB:.For PO-SA (all):95% within 20 minutes NOTE 2 (a) Resale services .For PO-sB (all):90% within standard FOC intervals (specified (b) Unbundled Loops and below)specified UNE Standard Foe Intervals for PO-58 Services & Elements Groups NOTE 1 FOe Interval Resale Residence and Business POTS lto 39 lines ISDN-Basic-Conversion As Is-Adding/Changing features 1 to 10 lines-Add primary directory listing to established loop 24 hours-Add call appearance Centrex Non-Design with no Common Block Configuration 1 to 19 lines Centrex line feature changes/adds/removal (all) Unbundled Loops 1 to 24 loops 2/4 Wire analog Sub-loop 1 to 24 loops (included in Services and Elements Reporting group (b), UNEs) Resale ISDN-Basic-Conversion As Specified 1 to 10 lines-New Installs-Address Changes-Change to add Loop ISDN-PRI (Facility)lt03 48 hours PBX 1 to 24 trunks DSO or Voice Grade Equivalent 1 to 24 DS1 (Facility)1 to 24 Enhanced Extended Loops - OSl (EELs-OS1)1 to 24(included in Services and Elements Reporting group (b)) Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 12 of 69 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time (continued) Standard FOC Intervals for PO-58 Services & Elements Groups NOTE 1 FOC Interval Resale Centrex (including Centrex 21, Non-design, Centrex 21 Basic ISDN, Centrex-Plus, Centron, Centrex Primes)-With Common Block Configuration required-Initial establishment of Centrex CMS services-Tie lines or NARs activity 1 to 10 lines-Subsequent to initial Comrron Block-Station lines-Automatic Route Selection 72 hours-Uniform Call Distribution-Additional numbers Unbundled Loops with Facilty Check(NOTE 2) 2/4 wire Non-loaded ADSL compatible 1 to 24 loops ISDN capable XDSL-I capable DS1 capable Resale 1 to 12 trunks 96 hoursISDN-PRI (Trunks) Notes: 1.LSRs with quantities above the highest number specified for each service or element type are considered ICB. 2.Unbundled Loop with Facility Check can be processed electronically; however, because this category always carries a 72-hour FOe interval the FOC results for this element wil appear in PO-5B if received electronically. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 13 of 69 PO-6 - Work Completion Notification Timeliness Purpose: To evaluate the timeliness of Qwest issuing electronic notification at an LSR level to CLECs that provisioning work on all service orders that comprise CLEC LSR have been completed in the Service Order Processor and the service is available to the customer. Description:.Includes all orders completed in the Qwest Service Order Processor that generate completion notifications in the reporting period, subject to exclusions shown below..The start time is the date/time when the last of the service orders that comprise CLEC LSR is posted as completed in the Service Order Processor..The end time is when the electronic order completion notice is made available NOTE 1 to CLEC via the ordering interface used to place the local service request. The notification is made available at an LSR level when all service orders that comprise CLEC LSR are complete..With hours: minutes reporting, hours counted are during the published Gateway Availability hours. Gateway Availability hours are based on the currently published hours of availabilty found on the following website: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Reporting Period: I Unit of Measure:One month Hrs:Mins Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results. Formula: L((Date and Time Completion Notification made available) - (Date and Time the last of the service orders that comprise CLEC LSR is completed in the Service Order Processor)) + (Number of completion notifications made available in reporting period) Exclusions: .Records with invalid completion dates..LSRs submitted manually (e.g., via facsimile)..ASRS submitted via EXACT Services and Elements Reporting:Standard: Not applicable 6 hours Notes: 1.The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-GUI is the time Qwest stores a status update related to the completion notice in the IMA Status Updates database. When this occurs, the notice can be immediately viewed by CLEC using the Status Updates window or by using the LSR Notice Inquiry function. The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-XML is the time Qwest makes the completion notice available for XML transmission (push) or retrieval (pull). When this occurs, the notice can be immediately transmitted by Qwest or retrieved by CLEe. Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 14 of 69 PO-7 - Biling Completion Notification Timeliness Purpose: To evaluate the timeliness with which electronic billing completion notifications are made available to CLECs, focusing on the percentage of notifications that are made available (for CLECs) or posted in the biling system (for Qwest retail) within five business davs. Description: PO-7X: .This measurement includes all orders posted in the CRIS billng system for which billng completion notices are made available in the reporting period, subject to exclusions shown below. .Intervals used in this measurement are from the time a service order is completed in the SOP to the time billing completion for the order is made available to CLEe.-The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-GUI consists of the time Qwest stores the completion notice in the IMA Status Updates database. When this occurs, the notice can be immediately viewed by CLEC using the Status Updates window.-The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-XML is the time Qwest makes the completion notice available for XML transmission (push) or retrieval (pull). When this occurs, the notice can be immediately transmitted by Qwest or retrieved by CLEe. Applicable only to those CLECs who are certified and setup to receive the notices via IMA-XML..The start time is when the completion of the service order is posted in the Qwest SOP. The end time is when, confirming that the order has been posted in the CRIS billing system, the electronic biling completion notice is made available to CLEC via the same ordering interface as used to submit the LSR. .Intervals counted in the numerator of this measurement are those that are five business days or less. PO-7C:.This measurement includes all retail orders posted in the CRIS Billing system in the reporting period, subject to exclusions shown below..Intervals used in this measurement are from the time an order is completed in the SOP to the time it is posted in the CRIS billing system..The start time is when the completion of the order is posted in the SOP. The end time is when the order is posted in the CRIS billing system..Intervals counted in the numerator of this measurement are those that are five business days or less. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level PO-7X: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results..PO-7X Notices made available via IMA PO-7C: Qwest retail results..PO-7C Billng system postings for Qwest Retail Formula: For wholesale service orders Qwest generates for LSRs received via IMA: PO-7X =(Number of electronic billing completion notices in the reporting period made available within five business days of posting complete in the SOP) + (Total Number of electronic billing completion notices made available during the reporting period) For service orders Qwest generates for retail customers (i.e.. the retail analogue for PO-7X): PO-7C=(Total number of retail service orders posted in the CRIS billng system in the reporting period that were posted within five business days) + (Total number of retail service orders posted in the CRrs billng system in the reporting period) Exclusions: PO-7X & 7C.Services that are not biled through CRIS, e.g. Resale Frame Relay.Records with invalid completion dates PO-7X.LSRs submitted manually and/or ASRS submitted via EXACT Services and Elements Reporting: Not applicable I Standard: PO-7X: Parity with PO-7C Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 15 of 69 PO-8 - Jeopardy Notice Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of jeopardy notifications, focusing on how far in advance of original due dates jeopardy notifications are provided to CLECs (regardless of whether the due date was actually missed). Description: Measures the average time lapsed between the date the customer is first notified of an order jeopardy event ani the original due date of the order..Includes all orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notifications. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Average Business days NOTE i Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate,Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level individual CLEC and Qwest Retail results (This measure is reported by jeopardy notification process as used for the categories shown under Services and Elements Reporting.) Formula: ¿(Date of the original due date of orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification - Date of the first jeopardy notification) + (Total orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification) Exclusions:.Jeopardy notices sent after the original due date is past..Records involving official company services..Records with invalid due dates or application dates..Records with invalid completion dates..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards: .Non-designed Services and Unbundled Loops,.Parity with Retail POTS aggregated (with or without Number Portability).LIS Trunks .Diagnostic Notes: 1. Saturday is counted as a business day for all non-dispatched orders for Resale Residence and Resale Business, as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For dispatched orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business and for unbundled loops, Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due on Saturday. Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 16 of 69 PO-9 - Timely Jeopardy Notices Purpose: When original due dates are missed, measures the extent to which Qwest notifies customers in advance of jeopardized due dates. Description: Measures the percentage of late orders for which advance jeopardy notification is provided..Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed in the reporting period that missed the original due date. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all C orders representing inward activity..Missed due date orders with jeopardy notifications provided on or after the original due date is past wil be counted in the denominator of the formula but wil not be counted in the numerator. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level aggregate, individual CLEC and Qwest (This measure is reported by jeopardy notification process as used Retail results for the categories shown under Services and Elements Reporting.) Formula: ((Total missed due date orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification in advance of original due date) + (Total number of missed due date orders completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions:.Orders missed for customer reasons. .Records with invalid service/element (product) codes. .Records involving official company services..Records with invalid due dates or application dates..Records with invalid completion dates..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Non-designed Services and Unbundled Loops,.Parity with Retail POTS aggregated (with or without Number Portabilty).LIS Trunks .Diagnostic Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 17 of 69 PO.20 - Manual Service Order Accuracy Purpose: Evaluates the degree to which Qwest accurately processes CLECs' Local Service Requests (LSRs), which are electronically-submitted and manually processed by Qwest, into Qwest Service Orders, based on mechanized comparisons of specified LSR-Service Order fields and focusing on the percentage of manually-processed Service Orders that are accurate/error-free. Description: Measures the percentage of manually-processed Qwest Service Orders that are populated correctly, in specified data fields, with information obtained from CLEC LSRs. . Includes only Service Orders created from CLEC LSRs that Qwest receives NOTE 1 electronically (viaIMA-GUI or IMA- XML) and manually processes in the creation of Service Orders, regardless of flow through eligibility, subject to exclusions specified below. · Includes only Service Orders, from the Services and Elements Reporting categories specified below, that request inward line or feature activity (Change, New, and Transfer order types), are assigned a due date by Qwest, and are completed/closed in the reporting period. Change Service Order types included in this measurement consist of all C orders with "I" and 'T' action-coded line or feature USOCs. . All Service Orders satisfying the above criteria are evaluated in this measurement. NOTE 2 · An inward line Service Order will be classified as "accurate" and thus counted in the numerator in the formula below when the mechanized comparisons of this measurement determine that the fields specified in the Service Order Fields Evaluated section below (when the source fields have been properly populated on the LSR) are all accurate on the Service Order. An inward feature Service Order wil be classified as "accurate" if the fields specified in the Service Order Fields Evaluated section below (when the source fields have been properly populated on the LSR) are all accurate on the Service Order and if no CLEC notifications to the call center have generated call center tickets coded to LSR/SO mismatch for that order. - Service Orders will be counted as being accurate if the contents of the relevant fields, as recorded in the completed Service Orders involved in provisioning the service, properly match or correspond to the information from the specified fields as provided in the latest version of associated LSRs. - Service orders generated from LSRs receiving a PIA (Provider Initiated Activity value wil be counted as being accurate if each and every mismatch has a correct and corresponding PIA value. - Service Orders, including those otherwise considered accurate under the above-described mechanized field comparison, wil not be counted as accurate if Qwest corrects errors in its Service Order(s) as a result of contacts received from CLECs no earlier than one business day prior to the original due date. Reporting Period: One month, reported in arrears (i.e., Unit of Measure: Percent results first appear in reports one month later than results for measurements that are not reported in arrears), in order to exclude Service Orders that are the subject of call center tickets counted in OP-SB and OP- ST, as having new service problems attributed to Service Order errors. Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate and individual CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level Formula: ((Number of accurate, evaluated Service Orders) + (Number of evaluated Service Orders completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 18 of 69 PO-20 - Manual Service Order Accuracy (continued) Exclusions: .Service Orders that are the subject of call center tickets counted in OP-5B and OP-5T as having new service problems attributed to Service Order errors. .Cancelled Service Orders..Service Orders that cannot be matched to a corresponding LSR.Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting:Standard:.Resale (POTS and Centrex 21)95%.Unbundled Loops (Analog and Non-Loaded 2/4-wire, DS1 Capable, ADSL Compatible, XDSL-I Capable, ISDN-BRI Capable) Notes: 1.To be included in the measurement, Service Orders created from CLEC LSRs must be received and completed in the same version of IMA-GUI or IMA-XML. 2.Consists of all manually-processed, qualifying Service Orders per Services and Elements Reporting category specified above, from throughout Qwests 14-state local service region. LSR-Service Order Fields Evaluated Mechanized comparison of the fields from the Service Order to the LSR: LSR Field LSR Field Name Remarks/Service Order Field:Form Code CCNA Customer Carrier CCNA field of LSR form compared to the RSID/ZClD field identifier in Name Abbreviation the Extended ID section of the Service Order. PON Purchase Order PON field of LSR form compared to the PON field in Bil Section of Number the Service Order. D/TSENT Date and time sent The D/TSENT field of LSR form from the Firm Order Manager, using applied business day cut-off rules and business typing rules, and compare to the APP (Application Date) used on the Service Order. CHC Coordinated Hot Applies only to Unbundled Loop. Cut Requested Validate that the installation USOC used on the Service Order matches the Coordinated Cut request. (Evaluated in conjunction with the TEST field to determine correct USOc. LSR TEST Testing required Applies only to Unbundled Loop. Validate that the installation USOC used on the Service Order matches the TEST request. (Evaluated in conjunction with the CHC field to determine correct USOc. NC Network Channel Applies only to Unbundled Loop. NC field on the LSR form Code compared to provisioning USOC for CKL1 on the Service Order. NCI Network Channel Applies only to Unbundled Loop NCI field on the LSR form Interface Code compared to provisioning USOC for CKL1 on the Service Order. SECNCI Secondary Applies only to Unbundled Loop orders. Network Channel SECNCI field on the LSR form compared to the provisioning USOC Interface Code for CKL2 on the Service Order. PiC InterLATA Pre-PiC field on Resale or Centrex form compared to PIC populated on Resale or subscription the "1" or "T" action lines in the Service and Equipment section of Centrex Indicator Code the Service Order. Note: LSR PIC = None; S.O. PIC = None Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 19 of 69 PO-20 - Manual Service Order Accuracy (continued) LSR-Service Order Fields Evaluated Mechanized comparison of the fields from the Service Order to the LSR: LSR Field LSR Field Name Remarks/Service Order Field:Form Code LPIC IntraLATA Pre-LPIC field on Resale or Centrex form compared to LPIC populated on subscription the "I" or "T" action lines in the Service and Equipment section of Indicator Code the Service Order. Note: LSR LPIC = None; S.O. LPIC = 9199 LSR LPIC = DFLT; S.O. LPIC = 5123 TNS Telephone Validate that all telephone numbers in the TNS fields in the Service Numbers Details section on the Resale or Centrex form requiring inward activity are addressed on the Service Order. FA!Feature When the FA = N, T, V FEATURE Activity/Feature Validate line and feature USOCs provided in the FEATURE field on Codes the Resale or Centrex form are addressed with "i" and/or "T" action Resale or lines on the Service Order. Centrex Note: Comparison will be based on the USOCs associated with line and feature activity listed in the PO-20 USOC List posted on Qwests public website, on the web page containing the current performance results www.qwest.com/wholesale/results). Qwest may add USOCS to the list, delete grand-fathered/ discontinued or obsolete USOCs, or update USOCs assigned to listed descriptions by providing notice in the monthly Summary of Notes and updating the list. LS ECCKT Exchange Company Applies to LSRs with ACT = C (only when NC code has not changed, Circuit ID M,orT. ECCKT field on the LS form compared to the CLS field in the Service and Equipment section of the Service Order. LS/CFA Connecting Facility CFA field on the LS or LSNP forms compared to the CFA field used in LSNP Assignment CKL1 of the Service Order. (Verbal acceptance of CFA changes wil be FOC'd and PIA'd, which wil account for the mismatch and eliminate it as an error in the PO-20 calculation. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 20 of 69 PO-20 - Manual Service Order Accuracy (continued) LSR-Service Order Fields Evaluated Mechanized comparison of the fields from the Service Order to the LSR: LSR Field NameForm LSR Field Code lTV listing Type ~c''¡ E.!!.. -io C- .-el IIti ~ .5 -.. II :: ~=- -i.. .. .9 .Eu =-QI -.. cÕ 0I 't -i ofo II::j~ TOA Type of Account DMl NOSl Direct Mail list No Solicitation Indicator TelemarketingTMKT lNlN and lNFN ADI listed Name Address Indicator Remarks/Service Order Field: lTV = 1 (listed - appears in DA and the directory.) Validate that there is a IN in the list section of the Service Order. lTV = 2 (Non listed - appears only in DA.) Validate that there is non listing instructions in the IN field in the list section of the Service Order. Central/Western Region: Validate that the left handed field is NlST and (NON-LIST) is contained in the NLST data field in the list section of the Service order. Eastern Region: Validate that the left handed field is Nl and (NON LIST) is contained in the Nl data field in the list section of the Service Order. lTV = 3 (Non Pub - does not appear in the directory and telephone number does not appear in DA.) Validate that there is non published instructions in the IN field in the list section of the Service Order. Central/Western Regions: Validate that the left handed field is NP and (NON-PUB) is contained in the NP data field in the list section of the Service Order. Eastern Region: Validate that the left handed field is NP and (NP lODA) or (NP NODA) is contained in the NP data field in the list section of the Service Order. Validate TOA entries (only reviewed when BRO field on Dl form is not populated): TOA valid entries are B or RP Validate that there is a semi colon (;) within the IN in the list section of the Service Order. TOA valid entries are R or BP Validate that there is a comma (,) within the IN in the list section of the Service Order. Exception: When LSR-TOS = 3, TOA review is Not Applicable. Handled by Complex listing Group. This may be done on an existing service order or a separate service order. DMl field = 0 on Dl form; Service Order IN contains (OCLS). Arizona Only NOSl field = Y on Dl form; Service Order IN contains (NSOl) (OCLS). Colorado Only TMKT field = 0 on Dl form; Service Order IN contains (OATD). When both the DMl and the TMKT fields are populated, DMl validation applies. lNlN and lNFN fields on Dl form compared to the IN field in the list section of the Service Order. ADI = 0 on Dl form; Service Order LA contains (OAD). Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 21 of 69 PO-20 - Manual Service Order Accuracy (continued) LSR-Service Order Fields Evaluated Mechanized comparison of the fields from the Service Order to the LSR: LSR Field LSR Field Name Remarks/Service Order Field:Form Code LAPR Listed Address LAPR field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Number Prefix the Service Order. LANO Listed Address LANO field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Number the Service Order. LASF Listed Address LASF field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Number Suffix the Service Order. LASD Listed Address LAD field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Street Directional the Service Order. LASN Listed Address LASN field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Street Name the Service Order. LATH Listed Address LATH field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Street Type the Service Order. LASS Listed Address LASS field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Street Directional the Service Order. Suffix LALOC Listed Address LALOC field of the Listing form compared to LA in the List section of Locality the Service Order. LSR DSPTCH Dispatch Limited to Unbundled Loops where ACT = Z or V only. If DSPTCH field on the LSR form = Y, validate dispatch USOC in the Service and Equipment section of the Service Order. LTC Line Treatment Applies only to Centrex 21 Code LTC field numeric value on the Centrex form compared to the data Centrex following the CAT field for the Line USOC on the Service Order. COS Class of Service -Applies only to Centrex 21. Qwest Specific COS field of the Centrex form compared to the CS field in the ID section of the Service Order. Resale or FEATURE Feature Details As specified in Appendix A. Centrex DETAILS Comparison would be based on the fields associated with the USOC list referenced under Feature Activity above. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 22 of 69 PO-20 - Manual Service Order Accuracy (continued) LSR-Service Order Fields Evaluated Mechanized comparison of the fields from the Service Order to the LSR: LSR Field LSR Field Name Remarks/Service Order Field:Form Code Resale or BLOCK Blocking Type For each LNUM provided in the Service Detail section of the Resale Centrex or Centrex form when BA = E: Note: The BLOCK field may have one or more alpha and/or numeric values per LNUM. This review wil only validate based on BA/BLOCK fields and wil not address blocking information provided in the "Remark" section on the LSR or the Feature Detail section of the LSR. The values listed below wil be considered as follows: If BLOCK contains A, validate FlO TBE A is present on the service order floated behind line USOC associated with the TNS for that LNUM. If BLOCK contains B, validate FlO TBE B is present on the service order floated behind line USOC associated with the TNS for that LNUM. If BLOCK contains C, validate FlO TBE C is present on the service order floated behind line USOC associated with the TNS for that LNUM. If BLOCK contains H, validate FlO BLKD is present on the service order floated behind line USOC associated with the TNS for that LNUM. DFDT Desired Frame Due Applicable only to orders for Resale Time DFDT field on the LSR form compared to the FDT field in the Extended 10 section of the Service Order. DOD Desired Due Date DOD field from the last FOed LSR compared to the original or last LSR subsequent due date in the Extended 10 section on the Service Order when no CFLAG/PIA is present on the FOe. (i.e. Evaluation includes recognition of valid differences between DOD and Service Order based on population of the CFLAG/PIA field on the LSRC (FOC))c LTN Listed Telephone For Resale):E ïil5 ~Number LTN field on the Listing form compared to the Main Account- -Number of the Service Order.VI ni1l uC 0._ .. 1; .. íñ For Unbundled Loop: LTN field on the Listing form compared to the.- 0 1l .. - C;: ;:.-TN floated after the LN in the Listing section of the Service Order... -...s s :: li .".~ QIo'l LNPL Letter Name LNPL field on the Listing form = L, validate that LN on the Servicei::..¡¡Placement Order follows letter placement versus word placement.o ::~ Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 23 of 69 ORDERING AND PROVISIONING OP-2 - Calls Answered within Twenty Seconds - Interconnect Provisioning Center Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of ClEC access to Qwests interconnection provisioning center(s), focusing on the extent calls are answered within 20 seconds. Description: Measures the percentage of (Interconnection Provisioning Center calls that are answered by an agent within 20 seconds of the first ring..Includes all calls to the Interconnect Provisioning Center during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below..Abandoned calls and busy calls are counted as calls not answered within 20 seconds..First ring is defined as when the customer's call is first placed in queue by the ACD (Automatic Call Distributor)..Answer is defined as when the call is first picked up by the Qwest agent. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: ClEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level Formula: ((Total Calls Answered by Center within 20 seconds) .. (Total Calls received by Center)) x 100 Exclusions: Time spent in the VRU Voice Response Unit is not counted. Services and Elements Reporting: Not applicable Standard: Diagnostic Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 24 of 69 OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Qwest installs services for Customers by the scheduled due date. Description:.Measures the percentage of orders for which the scheduled due date is met..All inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all C orders representing inward activity. Also included are orders with customer-requested due dates longer than the standard intervaL..Completion date on or before the Applicable Due Date recorded by Qwest is counted as a met due date. The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest- initiated, changed due date, if any. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate,Disaggregation Reporting:Statewide level individual CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: ((Total Orders completed in the reporting period on or before the Applicable Due Date) + (Total Orders Completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions:.Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types..Due dates missed for standard categories of customer and non-Qwest reasons. Standard categories of customer reasons are: previous service at the location did not have a customer-requested disconnect order issued, no access to customer premises, and customer hold for payment. Standard categories of non-Qwest reasons are: Weather, Disaster, and Work Stoppage..Records involving official company services..Records with invalid due dates or application dates, completion dates, or service/element (product) codes. .Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail Res POTS, .Resale Business single line service Parity with retail Bus POTS.Other Resale Non-residential services (incl. Centrex,Diagnostic Parity with like retail service, (statistically Centrex 21, and PBX)weighted).Resale DSl Service Parity with retail DSl Private Line.Other Resale Digital Services (incl. Basic ISDN, Primary Diagnostic Parity with like retail service, (statistically ISDN, DSO, and Frame Relay)weighted).Line Splitting 95% .Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic .UDIT-DSllevel Parity with retail DSl Private Line.Unbundled Analog Loop 90%.Unbundled Digital-capable Loop (incl. Non-loaded 2-wire 90% & 4-wire, xDSL-1 capable, ISDN capable, & ADSL-qualified) .Loops with Conditioning Diagnostic (Target: 90%).Unbundled DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DSl Private Line.EEL - (DSO level)Diagnostic.EEL - (DSllevel)90% Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 25 of 69 OP-4 - Installation Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Qwests installation of services for customers, focusing on the average time to install service. Description: Measures the average interval (in business days) NOTE 1 between the application date and the completion date for service orders accepted and implemented..Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types for additional lines consist of all C orders representing inward activity. .Intervals for each measured event are counted in whole days: the application date is day zero (0); the day following the application date is day one (1). .The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated, changed due date, if any. NOTE 2.Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Qwest-initiated due date, if any, following the Applicable Due Date, from the subsequent customer-initiated due date, if any. NOTE 2 Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Average Business Days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual Disaggregation Reporting:Statewide level CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: L((Order Completion Date) - (Order Application Date) - (Time interval between the Original Due Date and the Applicable Date) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) + Total Number of Orders Completed in the reporting period Explanation: The average installation interval is derived by dividing the sum of installation intervals for all orders (in business days) NOTE 1 by total number of service orders completed in the reporting period. Exclusions:.Orders with customer requested due dates greater than the current standard intervaL..Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types..Records involving official company services..Records with invalid due dates, application dates, completion dates, or service/element (product) codes. .Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail Res POTS .Resale Business single line service Parity with retail Bus POTS .Other Resale Non-residential services (incl. Centrex,Diagnostic Parity with like retail service, (statistically Centrex 21, and PBX)weighted) .Resale DS1 Service Parity with retail DS1 Private Line .Other Resale Digital Services (incl. Basic ISDN, Primary Diagnostic Parity with like retail service, (statistically ISDN, DSO, and Frame Relay)weighted).Line Splitting 3.3 days .Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic .UDIT-DS1 level Parity with DS1 Private Line Service.Unbundled Analog Loop 6 days Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 26 of 69 OP-4 -Installation Interval (continued) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Unbundled Digital-capable loop (incl. Non-loaded 2-wire 6 days & 4-wire, xDSl-1 capable, ISDN capable, & ADSl-qualified).loops with Conditioning Diagnostic (Target: 15 days).Unbundled DS1-capable loop Parity with DS1 Private line Service.EEl- (DSO level)Diagnostic.EEl- (DS1Ievel)6 days Notes: 1.For resale residence, resale non-residence, Saturday is counted as a business day for a non-dispatched orders. For all other non-dispatched and dispatched orders, Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due or completed on a Saturday. 2.According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (i.e., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest- initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change, any further customer- initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest-initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer-initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest-initiated impact on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported intervaL. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 27 of 69 OP-5 - New Service Quality Purpose: Evaluates the quality of ordering and installng new services (inward line service orders), focusing on the percentage of newly-installed service orders that are free of CLEC/customer-initiated trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days following installation completion, and focusing on the quality of Qwests resolution of such conditions with respect to multiple report. Description: Measures two components of new service provisioning quality (OP-5A and -5B) and also reports a combined result (OP- 5T), as described below, each as a percentage of all inward line service orders completed in the reporting period that are free of CLEC/customer-reported provisioning and repair trouble report, as described below. Also measures the percentage of all provisioning and repair trouble reports that constitute multiple trouble reports for the affected service orders. (OP-5R) · Orders for new services considered in calculating all components of this performance indicator are all inward line service orders completed in the reporting period, including Change (C-type) orders for additional lines/circuits, subject to exclusions shown below. Change order types considered in these measurements consist of all Corders representing inward activity. NOTE 1 · Orders for new service installations include conversions (Retail to CLEC, CLEC to CLEC, and same CLEC converting between services & elements). · Provisioning or repair trouble reports include both out of service and other service affecting conditions, such as features on a line that are missing or do not function properly upon conversion, subject to exclusions shown below. OP-SA: New Service Installation Quality Reported to Repair · Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of repair trouble reports NOTE 2 within 30 calendar days of installation completion, subject to exclusions below. · Repair trouble reports are defined as CLEC/customer notifications to Qwest of out-of-service and other service affecting conditions for which Qwest opens repair tickets in its maintenance and repair management and tracking systems NOTE 3 that are closed in the reporting period or the following month, NOTE 4 subject to exclusions shown below. NOTES · Qwest is able to open repair tickets for repair trouble reports received from CLECs/customers once the service order is completed in Qwests systems. OP-SB: New Service Provisioning Quality · Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of provisioning trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days of installation completion, subject to exclusions shown below. · Provisioning trouble reports are defined as CLEC notifications to Qwest of out of service or other service affecting conditions that are attributable to provisioning activities, including but not limited to LSR/service order mismatches and conversion outages. For provisioning trouble reports, Qwest creates call center tickets in its call center database. Subject to exclusions shown below, call center tickets closed in the reporting period or the following month NOTE 4 are captured in this measurement. Call center tickets closed to Network reasons wil not be counted in OP-5B when a repair trouble report for that order is captured in OP-5A. NOTE 5, 6 OP-ST: New Service Installation Quality Total · Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of repair or provisioning trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days of installation completion, subject to exclusion shown below. OP-SR: New Service Quality Multiple Report Rate · Evaluates the quality of Qwests responses to repair and provisioning trouble reports for inward line service orders completed in the reporting period. This measurement reports, for those service orders that were not free of repair or provisioning trouble report in OP-5A or OP-5B, the percentage of trouble reports affecting the same service orders that were followed by additional repair and provisioning trouble reports, as specified Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 28 of 69 op- 5 - New Service Quality (continued) below. · Measures the percentage of all repair and provisioning trouble reports considered in OP-SA and OP-SB that are additional repair or provisioning trouble reports received by Qwest for the same service order during the provisioning process or within 30 calendar days following installation completion. · Additional repair or provisioning trouble reports are defined as all such reports that are received following the first report (whether the first report is represented by a call center ticket or a repair ticket) relating to the same service order during the provisioning process or within 30 calendar days following installation completion. In all cases, the trouble reports counted are those that are defined for OP-SA and OP-SB above. NOTE 7 Reporting Period: One month, reported in arrears (Le., results first appear in reports one month later than results for measurements that are not reported in arrears), in order to cover the 30-day period following installation. Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual I Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formulas: OP-SA = (Number inward line service orders completed in the reporting period - Number of inward line service orders with any repair trouble reports as specified above) + (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 Unit of Measure: Percent OP-SB = (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period - Number of inward line service orders with any provisioning trouble reports as specified above) + (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 OP-ST = ((Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) - (Number of inward line service orders with repair or provisioning trouble reports as defined above under OP-SA or OP-SB, as applicable)) + (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 OP-SR = (Number of all repair and provisioning trouble reports, relating to inward line service orders closed in the reporting period as defined above under OP-SA or OP-SB, that constitute additional repair and provisioning trouble reports, within 30 calendar days following the installation date + Number of all repair and provisioning trouble reports relating to inward line service orders closed In the reporting period, as defined above under OP-SA or OP-SB) x 100 Exclusions: Applicable to OP-SA, OP-ST and OP-SR: · Repair trouble reports attributable to CLEC or coded to non-Qwest reasons as follows: - For services & elements measured from MTAS data, repair trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non- Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider); and Report from other than CLEC/customer that result in a charge if dispatched. - For services & elements measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data, repair reports coded to codes for: Carrier Action (lEe); Customer Provided Equipment (CPE); Commercial power failure; Customer requested service order activity; and Other non-Qwest. - Repair trouble reports associated with orders where the CLEC accepted the order completion without prior testing, where such is offered.. - Repair reports coded to disposition codes for referral to another department (Le., for non-repair ticket resolutions of non-installation-related problems, except cable cuts, which are not excluded). Applicable to OP-SB, OP-ST and OP-SR only: · Provisioning trouble reports attributable to (LEC or non-Qwest causes. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 29 of 69 op- 5 - New Service Quality (continued) Exclusions:.Call center tickets relating to activities that occur as part of the normal process of conversion (Le., while Qwest is actively and properly engaged in process of converting or installng the service). Provisioning trouble reports involving service orders that, at the time of the calls, have fallen out for manual handling and been disassociated from the related service order, as applicable, wil be considered as not in the normal process of conversion and will not be excluded. Applicable to OP-5A, OP-5B, OP-5T and OP-5R:.Repair or provisioning trouble reports related to service orders captured as misses under measurements OP-13 (Coordinated Cuts Timeliness) or OP-17 (lNP Timeliness)..Subsequent repair or provisioning trouble reports of any trouble on the installed service before the original repair or provisioning trouble report is closed..Service orders closed in the reporting period with App Dates earlier than eight months prior to the beginning of the reporting period..Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes..Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. When out of service or service affecting problems are reported to the call center on conversion and move requests, the resulting call center ticket will be included in the calculation of the numerator in association with the related inward order type even when the call center ticket reflects the problem was caused by the Disconnect or From order..Records involving official Qwest company services. .Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement as defined herein. Services and Elements Reporting Standards: Categories:OP-SA:Parity with retail service (as further specified below).As specified below - one OP-SB:96.5% percentage result reported for OP-ST:Diagnostic each bulleted category under OP-SR:Diagnostic the sub-measurements shown.(Where parity comparisons involve multiple service varieties in a services/elements category, weighting based on the retail analogue volumes may be used if necessary to create a statistically-accurate comparison.) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards: OP-ST& Reported under OP-SA, OP-SB, OP-ST and OP-SR:OP-SA OP-SB OP-SR.Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail Res POTS 96.5%Diagnostic.Resale Business single line service Parity with retail Bus POTS 96.5%Diagnostic.Other Resale Non-residential services (incl.Diagnostic Parity with like retail 96.5%Diagnostic Centrex, Centrex 21, and PBX)service, (statistically weighted).Resale DS1 Service Parity with retail DS1 Private line 96.5%Diagnostic.Other Resale Digital Services (incl. Basic ISDN,Diagnostic Parity with like retail 96.5%Diagnostic Primary ISDN, DSO, and Frame Relay)service (statistically weighted).line Splitting Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS 96.5%Diagnostic.Sub-loop Unbundling Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic.Unbundled Analog loop Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS with 96.5%Diagnostic dispatch.Unbundled Digital-capable loop (incl. Non-Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS (for 96.5%Diagnostic loaded 2-wire & 4-wire, xDSl-1 capable, ISDN 2- & 4-wire), DS1 Private line (for capable, & ADSl-qualified)xDSl-l, ISDN, & ADSl) (statistically weighted) Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 30 of 69 op- 5 - New Service Quality (continued) Exclusions: .Unbundled DS1-capable loop Parity with retail DS1 Private line 96.S%Diagnostic.EEl- (DSO level)Diagnostic 96.S%Diagnostic.EEl- (DS1 level)Parity with retail DS1 Private line 96.S%Diagnostic Reported under OP-SA and under OP-SR (per OP-SA specifications):OP-SA OP-SR.UDIT-DS1 Parity with Retail Private Diagnostic lines (DS1) Notes: 1.The specified Change order types representing inward activity exclude Change orders that do not involve installation of lines (in both wholesale and retail results). Specifically this measurement does not include changes to existing lines, such as number changes and PiC changes. 2.Including consideration of repeat repair trouble reports (Le., additional reports of trouble related to the same newly-installed line/circuit that are received after the preceding repair report is closed and within 30 days following installation completion) to complete the determination of whether the newly-installed line/circuit was trouble free within 30 days of installation. 3.Qwests repair management and tracking systems consist of WFA (Workforce Administration), MTAS (Maintenance Tracking and Administration System), and successor repair systems, if any, as applicable to obtain the repair report data for this measurement. Not included are Call Center Database systems supporting call centers in logging calls from customers regarding problems or other inquiries (see OP-SB and OP-ST). 4.The "following month" includes also the period of a few business days (typically four or five) afterward, up to the time when Qwest pulls the repair data to begin processing results for this measurement. S.Includes repair and provisioning trouble reports generated by new processes that supersede or supplement existing processes for submitting repair and provisioning trouble reports as specified in Qwests documented or agreed upon procedures. 6.For purposes of calculating OP-SB, a call center ticket for multiple orders with provisioning trouble reports wil result in all orders reporting trouble counting as a miss in OP-SB. If a repair trouble report(s) is received for the same orders, the number of orders counted as a miss in OP-SB for Network reasons wil be reduced by the number of orders with repair troubles counted as a miss in OP-SA. 7.OP-SR wil be counted on a per ticket basis. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 31 of 69 OP-6 - Delayed Days Purpose: Evaluates the extent Qwest is late in installing services for customers, focusing on the average number of days that late orders are completed beyond the committed due date. Description: OP-6A Measures the average number of business days NOTE 1 that service is delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for non-facilitv reasons attributed to Qwest..Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) that are completed/closed during the reporting period, later, due to non-facility reasons, than the Applicable Due Date recorded by Qwest, subject to exclusions specified below. OP-6B Measures the average number of business days NOTE 1 that service is delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for facilty reasons attributed to Qwest. .Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) that are completed/closed during the reporting period later due to facility reasons than the original due date recorded by Qwest, subject to exclusions specified below. For both OP-6A and OP-6B:.Change order types for additional lines consist of "(" orders representing inward activity..The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated, changed due date, if any. NOTE 2 .Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Qwest-initiated due date, if any, following the Applicable Due Date, from the subsequent customer-initiated due date, if any. NOTE 2 Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure:Business days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: OP-6A =¿((Actual Completion Date of late order for non-facility reasons) - (Applicable Due Date of late order) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) -; (Total Number of Late Orders for non-facility reasons completed in the reporting period) OP-6B =¿((Actual Completion Date of late order for facility reasons) - (Applicable Due Date of late order)) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date) -; (Total Number of Late Orders for facility reasons completed in the reporting period) Exclusions: .Orders affected only by delays that are solely for customer and/or CLEC reasons..Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types..Records involving official company services..Records with invalid due dates, application dates, completion dates, or service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail Res POTS .Resale Business single line service Parity with retail Bus POTS.Other Resale Non-residential services (incl. Centrex,Diagnostic Parity with like retail service, (statistically Centrex 21, and PBX)weighted).Resale DS1 Service Parity with retail DS1 Private Line .Other Resale Digital Services (incl. Basic ISDN,Diagnostic Parity with like retail service, (statistically Primary ISDN, DSO, and Frame Relay)weighted) Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 32 of 69 op- 6 - Delayed Days (continued) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Line Splitting Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS .Sub-loop Unbundling Diagnostic.UDIT-DSllevel Parity with DSl Private Line Service.Unbundled Analog loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS.Unbundled Digital-capable loop (incl. Non-loaded Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS (for 2- & 4-wire), DSl 2-wire & 4-wire, xDSl-1 capable, ISDN capable, &Private Line (for xDSl-l, ISDN, & ADSl) (statistically ADSl-qualified)weighted).Unbundled DS1-capable loop Parity with retail DSl Private Line.EEl- (DSO level)Diagnostic.EEl- (DSllevel)OP-6A: Parity with retail DSl Private Line OP-6B: Diagnostic Notes: 1.For non-dispatched orders/LSRs, Saturday is counted as a business day for all orders for Resale Residence and Resale Business as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For non-dispatched orders/lSRs for all other services & elements, and for all services & elements, Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due or completed on Saturday. 2.According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (i.e., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest- initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change, any further customer- initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest-initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer-initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest-initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported intervaL. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 33 of 69 OP-7 - Coordinated "Hot Cut" Interval - Unbundled Loop Purpose: Evaluates the duration of completing coordinated "hot cuts" of unbundled loops, focusing on the time actually involved in disconnecting the loop from the Qwest network and connecting/testing the loop. Description: Measures the average time to complete coordinated "hot cuts" for unbundled loops, based on intervals beginning with the "Iift' time and ending with the completion time of Qwests applicable tests for the loop..Includes all coordinated hot cuts of unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below.."Hot cut' refers to moving the service of existing customers from Qwests switch/frames to CLEe's equipment, via unbundled loops, that will serve the customers.."Lift" time is defined as when Qwest disconnects the existing loop.."Completion time" is defined as when Qwest completes the applicable tests after connecting the loop to CLEe. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Hours and Minutes Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level individual CLEC results Formula: ¿(Completion time - Lift time) + (Total Number of unbundled loops with coordinated cutovers completed in the reporting period) Exclusions:.Time intervals associated with CLEC-caused delays..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement..Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid scheduled date/times. Services and Elements Reporting: Coordinated Standard: Unbundled Loops - Reported separately for:Diagnostic.Analog Loops.All other Loop Types Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 34 of 69 OP-8 - Number Portbilty Timeliness Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of cutovers of local number portability (LNP). Description: OP-8B-LNP Timeliness with Loop Coordination (percentl: Measures the percentage of coordinated LNP triggers set prior to the scheduled start time for the loop..All orders for LNP coordinated with unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured, subject to exclusions specified below. OP-8C-LNP Timeliness without Loop Coordination (percent): Measures the percentage of LNP triggers set prior to the Frame Due Time or scheduled start time for the LNP cutover as applicable. .All orders for LNP for which coordination with a loop was not requested that are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured (including standalone LNP coordinated with other than Qwest-provided Unbundled Loops and non-coordinated, standalone LNP), subject to exclusions specified below..For purposes of this measurement, "trigger" refers to the "lO-digit unconditional trigger" or Line Side Attribute (LSA) that is set or translated by Qwest.."Scheduled start time" is defined as the confirmed appointment time (as stated on the FOC), or a newly negotiated time. In the case of LNP cutovers coordinated with loops, the scheduled time used in this measurement wil be no later than the "Iay" time for the loop. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent of triggers set on time Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level individual CLEC results Formula: OP-8B = ((Number of LNP triggers set before the scheduled time for the coordinated loop cutover) + (Total Number of LNP activations coordinated with unbundled loops completed)) x 100 OP-8C = ((Number of LNP triggers set before the Frame Due Time or Scheduled Start Time) + (Total Number of LNP activations without loop cutovers completed)) x 100 Exclusions:.CLEC-caused delays in trigger setting..LNP requests that do not involve automatic triggers (e.g., DID lines without separate, unique telephone numbers and Centrex 21)..LNP requests for which the records used as sources of data for these measurements have the following types of errors:-Records with no PON (purchase order number) or STATE.-Records where triggers cannot be set due to switch capabilities.-Records with invalid due dates, application dates, start dates, or completion dates.-Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement.-Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid frame due or scheduled date/times. Services and Elements Reporting: None I Standard: Diagnostic Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhìbì t No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Wìllìams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 35 of 69 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop Purpose: Evaluates the percentage of coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are completed on time, focusing on cuts completed within one hour of the committed order due time and the percent that were started without CLEC approvaL. Description: · Includes all LSRs for coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. · OP-13A - Measures the percentage of LSRs (CLEC orders) for all coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are started and completed on time. For coordinated loop cuts to be counted as "on time" in this measurement, the CLEC must agree to the start time, and Qwest must (1) receive verbal CLEC approval before starting the cut or lifting the loop, (2) complete the physical work and appropriate tests, (3) complete the Qwest portion of any associated LNP orders and (4) call the CLEC with completion information, all within one hour of the time interval defined by the committed order due time. · OP-13B - Measures the percentage of allLSRs for coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are actually started without CLEC approvaL. · "Scheduled start time" is defined as the confirmed appointment time (as stated on the FOC), or a newly negotiated appointment time. · The "committed order due time" is based on the number and type of loops involved in the cut and is calculated by adding the applicable time interval from the following list to the scheduled start time: - Analog unbundled loops: 1 to 16 lines: 1 Hour 17 to 24 lines: 2 Hours25+ lines: Project'" - All other unbundled loops: 1 to 5 lines: 1 Hour 6 to 8 lines: 2 Hours 9 to 11 lines: 3 Hours 12 to 24 lines: 4 Hours25+ lines: Project'" "'For Projects scheduled due dates and scheduled start times will be negotiated between CLEC and Qwest, but no committed order due time is established. Therefore, projects are not included in OP-13A (see exclusion below). · "Stop" time is defined as when Qwest notifies the CLEC that the Qwest physical work and the appropriate tests have been successfully accomplished, including the Qwest portion of any coordinated LNP orders. · Time intervals following the scheduled start time or during the cutover process associated with customer- caused delays are subtracted from the actual cutover duration. · Where Qwests records of completed coordinated cut transactions are missing evidence of CLEC approval of the cutover, the cut will be counted as a miss under both OP-13A and OP-13B. Reporting Period: One month T Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: ClEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide leveL. aggregate and individual CLEC results Results for this measurement will be reported according to: OP-13A Cuts Completed On Time OP-13B Cuts Started Without CLEC Approval Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 36 of 69 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop (continued) Formula: OP-13A =((Count of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop cuts completed "On Time") + (Total Number of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop Cuts completed in the reporting period)) x 100 OP-13B =((Count of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop cuts whose actual start time occurs without CLEC approval) + (Total Number of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop Cuts completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Applicable to OP-13A: · Loop cuts that involve CLEe-requested non-standard methodologies, processes, or timelines. OP-13A & OP-13B: · Records with invalid completion dates. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID which are not otherwise designated to be "counted as a miss". · Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid scheduled date/times. · Projects involving 25 or more lines. Product Reporting: Coordinated Unbundled Loops - Reported separately for: · Analog Loops . All Other Loops Standards: OP-13A: AZ: 90 Percent or more All Other States: 95 Percent or more OP-13B: Diagnostic Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 37 of 69 OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders Purpose: Evaluates the quality of Qwest completing LNP telephone number porting, focusing on the degree to which porting occurs without implementing associated disconnects before the scheduled time/date. Description:.Measures the percentage of allLNP telephone numbers (TNs), both stand alone and associated with loops, that are ported without the incidence of disconnects being made by Qwest before the scheduled time/date, as identified by associated qualifying trouble reports.-Focuses on disconnections associated with timely ClEC requests for delaying the disconnections or no requests for delays.-The scheduled time/date is defined as 11:59 p.m. on (1) the due date of the LNP order recorded by Qwest or (2) the delayed disconnect date requested by CLEC, where CLEC submits a timely request for delay of disconnection.-A CLEC request for delay of disconnection is considered timely if received by Qwest before 8:00 p.m. MT on the current due date of the LNP order recorded by Qwest. .Disconnects are defined as the removal of switch translations, including the 10-digit trigger..Disconnects that are implemented early, and thus counted as a "miss" under this measurement, are those that CLEC identifies as such to Qwest via trouble reports, within four calendar days of the actual disconnect date, that are confirmed to be caused by disconnects being made before the scheduled time..Includes all ClEC orders for LNP TNs completed in the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure:Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate and Individual CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide Formula: ((Total number of LNP TNs ported pursuant to orders completed in the reporting period - Number ofTNs with qualifying trouble reports notifying Qwest that disconnection before the scheduled time has occurred) + Total Number of LNP TNs ported pursuant to orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 Exclusions:.Trouble reports notifying Qwest of early disconnects associated with situations for which CLEC has failed to submit timely requests to have disconnects held for later implementation..Trouble reports not related to valid requests (LSRs) for LNP and associated disconnections..LNP requests not involving automatic triggers (e.g., DID lines without separate, unique TNs, & Centrex 21)..Records with invalid trouble receipt, cleared, closed or due dates..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes. .Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting: LN P Standards: Diagnostic Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 38 of 69 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR MR-2 - Calls Answered within 20 Seconds - Interconnect Repair Center Purpose: Evaluates Customer access to Qwests Interconnection and/or Retail Repair Center(s), focusing on the number of calls answered within 20 seconds. Description: Measures the percentage of Interconnection and/or Retail Repair Center calls answered within 20 seconds of the first ring..Includes all calls to the Interconnect Repair Center during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below..First ring is defined as when the customer's call is first placed in queue by the ACD (Automatic Call Distributor)..Answer is defined as when the call is first picked up by the Qwest agent..Abandoned calls and busy calls are counted as calls which are not answered within 20 seconds. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Qwest Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide leveL. Retail levels. Formula: ((Total Calls Answered by Center within 20 seconds) + (Total Calls received by Center)) x 100 Exclusions: Time spent in the VRU (Voice Response Unit) is not counted. Services and Elements Reporting:Not applicable Standard:Diagnostic Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 39 of 69 MR-3/5 - Out-of-Service Troubles Cleared within Specified Intervals (24 or 4 Hours) Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services and elements, focusing on trouble reports where the out-of-service trouble reports were cleared within specified intervals (24 hours or 4 hours, as specified below). Description: Measures the percentage of out of service trouble reports, involving specified services and elements, which are cleared within 24 or 4 hours, as applicable, from the date/time the trouble reports were received from CLECs or, for the retail analogue, from retail customers. · Includes all trouble reports, closed during the reporting period, which involve a specified service or element that is out-of-service (i.e., unable to place or receive calls or to transmit data), subject to exclusions specified below. · Time measured is from date and time that Qwest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: ((Number of applicable Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 24 hours) + (Total Number of applicable Trouble Report closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: · Trouble reports coded as follows: - For services & elements measured from MTAS data (non-designed services & elements), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). - For services & elements measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (designed services & elements) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (lEe) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). · Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. · Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. · Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for designed services & elements. · For services & elements measured from MTAS data (non-designed services & elements), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. · Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. · Records involving official company services. · Records with invalid trouble receipt, cleared or closed dates. · Records with invalid service/element (product) codes. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. · Non Qwest caused trouble (cable cuts, weather, natural disaster, etc.) Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 40 of 69 MR-3/S - Out of Service Cleared within Specified Intervals (Continued) Services and Elements Reporting (and Specified Standards: Repair Interval): .Resale Residential single line service (24 hours)Parity with retail Res POTS (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Resale Business single line service (24 hours)Parity with retail Bus POTS (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Other Resale Non-residential services (incl.Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically weighted) Centrex, Centrex 21, and PBX) (24 hours) .Resale DS1 Service (4 hours)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line .Other Resale Digital Services (reported as one Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically weighted) combined result) including the following services and specified repair intervals: - Basic ISDN (24 hours) - Primary ISDN, DSO, & Frame Relay (4 hours).Line Splitting (24 hours)Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Sub-Loop Unbundling (24 hours)Diagnostic .UDIT-DS1 level (4 hours)Parity with retail DS1 private line.Unbundled Analog Loop (24 hours)Parity with Res and Bus POTS (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Unbundled Digital-capable Loop Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS (for 2- & 4-wire), DS1 Private - Non-loaded 2-wire, & ISDN capable (24 hours)Line (for xDSL-I, ISDN, & ADSL) (statistically weighted) - Non-loaded 4-wire, xDSL-1 capable, & ADSL- qualified (4 hours) .Unbundled DS1-capable Loop (4 hours)Parity with retail DS1 private line (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).EEL-DSO (4 hours)Diagnostic.EEL-DS1 (4 hours)Parity with retail DS1 private line (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs) Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 41 of 69 MR-4 - Service-Affecting Troubles Cleared within 48 hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services and elements, focusing on trouble reports that are "service affecting" but not out of service, and on the number of such trouble reports cleared within the standard estimate for specified services and elements (i.e., 48 hours for trouble conditions that are only service affecting). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports, for specified services and elements, which are cleared within 48 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers..Includes all trouble reports, closed during the reporting period, which involve a specified service, subject to exclusions specified below..Time measured is from date and time that Qwest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure:Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual CLEC Disaggregation Reporting:Statewide level Formula: ((Total service-affecting-only trouble reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 48 hours) + (Total trouble reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions:.Trouble reports coded as follows:-For services & elements measured from MTAS data (non-designed services & elements), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider).-For services & elements measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (designed services & elements) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (lEe) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE)..Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. .Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. .Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for designed services & elements..For services & elements measured from MTAS data (non-designed services & elements), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay..Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete..Records involving official company services..Records with invalid trouble receipt, cleared or closed dates..Records with invalid product codes and records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement..Non Qwest caused trouble (cable cuts, weather, natural disaster, etc.) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Diagnostic.Resale Business single line service Diagnostic .Resale Non-residential services (incl. Centrex, Centrex 21, and PBX)Diagnostic .Line Splitting Diagnostic .Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic .Unbundled Analog Loop Diagnostic .Unbundled Digital-capable Loop (incl. Non-loaded 2-wire & 4-wire,Diagnostic xDSL-1 capable, ISDN capable, & ADSL-qualified) Notes: Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 42 of 69 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair, focusing how long it takes to restore services and elements to proper operation. Description: Measures the time taken to clear trouble reports..Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below..Includes customer direct reports, customer-relayed reports, and test assist reports that result in a trouble report..Time measured is from date and time that Qwest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Hours and Minutes Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: ¿((Date & Time Trouble Report Cleared) - (Date & Time Trouble Report Opened)) + (Total number ofTrouble Report closed in the reporting period) Exclusions: .Trouble reports coded as follows:-For services & elements measured from MTAS data (non-designed services & elements), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider).-For services & elements measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (designed services & elements) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE)..Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed..Trouble reports from MTAS or WFA that are coded as No Trouble Found or Test Okay and with durations of less than or equal to 1 hour..Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes..Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for designed services & elements..For services & elements measured from MTAS data (non-designed services & elements), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay..Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete..Records involving official company services. .Records with invalid trouble receipt, cleared or closed dates. .Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement..Non Qwest caused trouble (cable cuts, weather, natural disaster, etc.) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail Res POTS (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Resale Business single line service Parity with retail Bus POTS (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Other Resale Non-residential services (incl.Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically Centrex, Centrex 21, and PBX)weighted).Resale DS1 Service Parity with retail DS1 Private Line (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs) Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 43 of 69 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore (Continued) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Other Resale Digital Services (including Basic ISDN,Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically DSO, Primary ISDN, and Frame Relay)weighted).Line Splitting Parity with retail RES and BUS POTS (statistically weighted by CLEe proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic.UDIT-DSl level Parity with retail DSl private line (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Unbundled Analog Loop Parity with Res and Bus POTS (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).Unbundled Digital-capable Loop (incl. Non-loaded Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS (for 2- & 4-wire), DSl 2-wire & 4-wire, xDSL-1 capable, ISDN capable, &Private Line (for xDSL-I, ISDN, & ADSL) (statistically weighted) ADSL-qualified) .Unbundled DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DSl private line (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs).EEL-DSO Diagnostic.EEL-DSl Parity with retail DSl private line (statistically weighted by CLEC proportions of dispatched and non-dispatched repairs) Notes: 1.Reporting will begin at the time CLECs order the Loop Splitting, in any quantity, for three consecutive months. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 44 of 69 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy of repair actions, focusing on the number of repeated trouble reports received for the same line/circuit within a specified period (30 calendar days). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports that are repeated within 30 days on end user lines and circuits..Includes all trouble report closed during the reporting period that have a repeated trouble report received within thirty (30) days of the initial trouble report for the same service (regardless of whether the report is about the same type of trouble for that service), subject to exclusions specified below..In determining same service Qwest wil compare the end user telephone number or circuit access code of the initial trouble reports closed during the reporting period with reports received within 30 days of when the initial trouble report closed. .Includes reports due to Qwest network or system causes, customer-direct and customer-relayed reports..The 30-day period applied in the numerator of the formula below is from the date and time that the initial trouble report is closed to the date and time that the next, or "repeat" trouble report is received (Le., opened). Reporting Period: One month, reported in arrears (Le., results first appear in reports one Unit of Measure: month later than results for measurements that are not reported in arrears), in order to Percent cover the 30-day period following the initial trouble report. Reporting Comparisons: ClEC aggregate, individual CLEC and Qwest Retail results Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level Formula: ((Total trouble reports closed within the reporting period that had a repeated trouble report received within 30 calendar days of when the initial trouble report closed) + (Total number of Trouble Report Closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions:.Trouble report coded as follows:-For services & elements measured from MTAS data (non-designed services & elements), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider).-For services & elements measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (designed services & elements) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (lEe) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE)..Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed..Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes..Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. .Records involving official company services. .Records with invalid trouble receipt, cleared or closed dates..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement..Non Qwest caused trouble (cable cuts, weather, natural disaster, etc.) Repair trouble reports associated with orders where the CLEC accepted the order completion without prior testing, where such is offered Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail Res POTS.Resale Business single line service Parity with retail Bus POTS.Other Resale Non-residential services (incl. Business Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically Single Line, Centrex, Centrex 21, and PBX)weighted) Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 45 of 69 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate (Continued) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale DSl Service Parity with retail DSl Private Line.Other Resale Digital Services (including Basic ISDN, DSO,Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically Primary ISDN, and Frame Relay)weighted).Line Splitting Parity with retail RES and BUS POTS.Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic.UDIT-DSllevel Parity with retail DSl private line.Unbundled Analog Loop Parity with Res and Bus POTS.Unbundled Digital-capable Loop (incl. Non-loaded 2-Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS (for 2- & 4-wire), DSl wire & 4-wire, xDSL-1 capable, ISDN capable, & ADSL-Private Line (for xDSL-I, ISDN, & ADSL) (statistically qualified)weighted).Unbundled DSl-capable Loop Parity with retail DSl private line.EEL-DSO Diagnostic.EEL-DSl Parity with retail DSl private line Notes: 1.Reporting wil begin at the time CLECs order the Loop Splitting, in any quantity, for three consecutive months. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 46 of 69 MR-8 - Trouble Rate Purpose: Evaluates the overall rate of trouble reports as a percentage of the total installed base of the service or element. Description: Measures trouble reports by service or element and compares them to the number of lines in service..Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below..Includes all applicable trouble reports, including those that are out of service and those that are only service- affecting. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual CLEC and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level Qwest Retail results Formula: ((Total number of trouble report closed in the reporting period involving the specified service or element grouping) + (Total number of the specified services or elements that are in service in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions:.Trouble reports coded as follows:-For services & elements measured from MTAS data, trouble report coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider).-For services & elements measured from WFA data trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (lEe) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE)..Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed..Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. .Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete..Records involving official company services..Records with invalid trouble receipt, cleared or closed dates..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement..Non Qwest caused trouble (cable cuts, weather, natural disaster, etc.).Installation reports ("1 Reports") within 90 days past installation date.Repeat reports ("R Reports") within 30 days past the receipt date of the original trouble report .Repair trouble reports associated with orders where the CLEC accepted the order completion without prior testing, where such is offered Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail Res POTS.Resale Business single line service Parity with retail Bus POTS.Other Resale Non-residential services (incl.Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically weighted) Centrex, Centrex 21, & PBX).Resale DS1 Service Parity with retail DS1 Private Line.Other Resale Digital Services (including Diagnostic Parity with like retail service (statistically weighted) Basic ISDN, DSO, Primary ISDN, and Frame Relay) .Line Splitting Parity with retail RES and BUS POTS.Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic.Unbundled Analog Loop Parity with Res and Bus POTS Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 47 of 69 MR-8 - Trouble Rate (Continued) Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Unbundled Digital-capable Loop (incl. Non-1) :: 3% for 3-month rollng average CLEC-aggregate result, OR loaded 2-wire & 4-wire, xDSL-1 capable,2) If ~ 3% for 3-month rolling average CLEC-aggregate result: ISDN capable, & ADSL-qualified)a):: 1% for difference between the 3-month rollng average.Unbundled DS1-capable Loop of CLEC-aggregate result and the 3-month rollng average.UDfT-DS1 of the Retail result, or .EEL-DS1 b)Parity with retail Res & Bus POTS (for 2- & 4-wire), DS1 Private Line (for xDSL-I, ISDN, & ADSL) for reporting month's CLEC-aggregate result (statistically weighted).EEL-DSO Diagnostic Notes: Reporting wil begin at the time CLECs order the Loop Splitting, in any quantity, for three consecutive months. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 48 of 69 MR-10 - Customer and Non-Qwest Related Trouble Report Purpose: Evaluates the extent that trouble reports were customer related, and provides diagnostic information to help address potential issues that might be raised by the core maintenance and repair performance indicators. Description: Measures the percentage of all trouble report that are attributed to the customer as a percentage of all trouble reports resolved during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Includes trouble reports closed during the reporting period coded as follows:.For services & elements measured from MTAS data, trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant, Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider) and trouble reports involving a "no access" delay..For services & elements measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (lEe) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: ((Number of Trouble Reports coded to disposition codes specified above) + (Total Number of Trouble Reports Closed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions:.Subsequent trouble report of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed.Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. .Records involving official company services..Records with invalid trouble receipt, cleared or closed dates..Records with invalid service/element (product) codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. .Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale Residential single line service Diagnostic.Resale Business single line service Diagnostic.Other Resale Non-residential services (incl. Centrex, Centrex 21, and Diagnostic PBX).Resale DS1 Service Diagnostic.Other Resale Digital Services (including Basic ISDN, DSO, Primary Diagnostic ISDN, and Frame Relay) .UDIT-DS1Ievel Diagnostic.Unbundled Analog Loop Diagnostic.Unbundled Digital Loop (incl. Non-loaded 2-wire & 4-wire, xDSL-1 Diagnostic capable, ISDN capable, & ADSL-qualified) Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 49 of 69 MR-11 - LNP Trouble Report Cleared within Specified Timeframes Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of clearing LNP trouble reports, focusing on the degree to which residence and business, disconnect-related, out-of-service trouble reports are cleared within four business hours and all LNP-related trouble reports are cleared within 48 hours. Description: MR-llA: Measures the percentage of specified LNP-only (i.e., not unbundled-loop), residence and business, out-of- service trouble reports that are cleared within four business hours of Qwest receiving these trouble reports from CLECs. · Includes only trouble reports that are received on or before the currently-scheduled due date of the actual LNP-related disconnect time/date, or the next business day. that are confirmed to be caused by disconnects being made before the scheduled time, and that are closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. MR-llB: Measures the percentage of specified LNP-only trouble reports that are cleared within 48 hours of Qwest receiving these trouble reports from CLECs. · Includes all LNP-only trouble reports, received within four calendar days of the actual LNP-related disconnect date and closed during the reporting period. · The "currently-scheduled due date/time" is the original due date/time established by Qwest in response to CLEC/customer request for disconnection of service ported via LNP or, if CLEC submits to Qwest a timely or untimely request for delay of disconnection, it is CLEC/customer-requested later date/time. · A request for delay of disconnection is considered timely if received by Qwest before 8:00 p.m. MT On the due date that Qwest has on record at the time of the request. · A request for delay of disconnection is considered untimely if received by Qwest after 8:00 p.m. MT on the due date and before 12:00 p.m. MT (noon) on the day after the due date · Time measured is from date/time Qwest receives the trouble report to the date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate and Individual CLEC I Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level Formula: MR-llA = ((Number of specified out-of-service LNP-only Trouble Report, for LNP-related troubles confirmed to be caused by disconnects, that Qwest executed before the currently-scheduled due date/time, that were closed in the reporting period and cleared within four business hours) + (Total Number of specified out of service LNP-only Trouble Reports for LNP-related troubles confirmed to be caused by disconnects that Qwest executed before the currently-scheduled due date/time, that were closed in the reporting period)) x 100 MR-llB = ((Number of specified LNP-only Trouble Reports closed in reporting period and cleared within 48 hours) + (Total Number of specified LNP-only Trouble Reports closed in reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: · Trouble reports attributed to customer or non-Qwest reasons · Trouble reports not related to valid requests (LSRs) for LNP and associated disconnects. · Subsequent trouble reports of LNP trouble before the original trouble report is closed. · For MR-llB only: Trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. · Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. . Records involving official company services. · Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. . Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. · Records with invalid service/element (product) codes. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting: LNP I Standards: Diagnostic Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. SO of 69 BILLING BI-1 - Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness with which Qwest provides recorded daily usage records to CLECs. Description: Measures the average time interval from date of recorded daily usage to date usage records are transmitted or made available to CLECs as applicable. BI-1A - Measures recorded daily usage for Resale and includes industry standard electronically transmitted usage records for feature group switched access, NOTE 1 local measured usage, local message usage, toll usage, and local exchange service components priced on a per-use basis, subject to exclusions specified below. BI-1B -Measures the percent of recorded daily usage for Jointly provided switched access provided within four days. This includes usage created by CLEC and Qwest or IXC providing access, usually via 2-way Feature Group X trunk groups for Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, Phone to Phone IP Telephony, 8XX access, and 900 access and their successors or similar Switched Access services. BI-1C-Provides separate reporting for two elements captured in BI-1A above, as follows:.BI-1C-1 - Measures recorded daily usage for Resale and includes industry standard electronically transmitted usage records for feature group switched access, NOTE 1 subject to exclusions specified below..BI-1C-2 - Measures recorded daily usage for Resale and includes industry standard electronically transmitted usage records for local measured usage, local message usage, toll usage, and local exchange service components priced on a per-use basis, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period:One month Unit of Measure: BI-1A, BI-1C-1, BI-1C-2:Business Days BI-1B:Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual Disaggregation Reporting: State leveL. CLECs, and Qwest Retail results Formula: BI-1A, BI-1C-1, BI-1C-2 (for specified services & elements & records) = ¿(Date Record Transmitted or made available- Date Usage Recorded) + (Total number of records) BI-1B = ((# of daily usage records for Jointly provided switched access sent within four days) + (Total daily usage records for Jointly provided switched access in the report period)) x 100 Exclusions:.Instances where CLEC requests other than daily usage transmission or availability..Duplicate records. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.Resale BI-1A: Parity with Qwest retaiL..Jointly-provided Switched Access BI-1B: 95% within 4 business days BI-1C-1, BI-1C-2: Diagnostic Notes: 1."Feature group switched access" includes all type llOXXX detail records for Feature Groups A, B, C, and D. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 51 of 69 BI-3 - Billng Accuracy - Adjustments for Errors Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy with which Qwest bils CLECs, focusing on percentage of biled revenue adjusted due to errors. Description: Measures the billed revenue minus amounts adjusted off bils due to errors, as a percentage of total biled revenue..Both the billed revenue and amounts adjusted off bills due to error are calculated from bills rendered in the reporting period.."Amounts adjusted off bils due to errors" is the sum of all bil adjustments made in the reporting period that involve, either in part or in total, adjustment codes related to billng errors. (Each adjustment thus qualifying is added to the sum in its entirety.) Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual CLECs Disaggregation Reporting: State leveL. Formula: ¡¿(Total Billed Revenue Billed in Reporting Period - Amounts Adjusted Off Bils Due to Errors) + (Total Billed Revenue biled in Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions:.BI-3A - Resale - None.BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of Use - Biling adjustments as a result of CLEC-caused errors in return of minutes of use Services and Elements Reporting:Standards:.BI-3A - Resale, Unbundled Loops and EEls .BI-3A - Resale, Unbundled Loops and EELs: 98%.BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of Use (MOU).BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation (MOU): 95% Notes: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest At tachment i, p. 52 of 69 NETWORK PERFORMANCE NI-1 - Trunk Blocking Purpose: Evaluates factors affecting completion of calls from Qwest end offices to CLEC end offices, compared with the completion of calls from Qwest end offices to other Qwest end offices, focusing on average busy-hour blocking percentages in interconnection or interoffice final trunks. Description: Measures the percentage of trunks blocking in interconnection and interoffice final trunks. · Includes blocking percentages on all direct final and alternate final interconnection and interoffice trunk groups that are in service during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Blockage Reporting Comparisons: Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level CLEC aggregate, individual Reports the percentage of trunks blocking in interconnection final trunks, reported by: CLEC, and Qwest Interoffice NI-IA Interconnection (LIS) trunks to Qwest tandem offices, with TGSR-related trunk blocking results. exclusions applied as specified below; NI-IB LIS trunks to Qwest end offices, with TGSR-related exclusions applied as specified below; NI-IC LIS trunks to Qwest tandem offices, without TGSR-related exclusions; NI-ID LIS trunks to other Qwest end offices, without TGSR-related exclusions. Formula: U'L(Blockage in Final Trunk Group of Specified Type)x(Number of Circuits in Trunk Group)) + (Total Number of Final Trunk Circuits in all Final Trunk Groups)) x 100 Explanation: Actual average percentage of trunk blockage is calculated by dividing the equivalent average number of trunk circuits blocking by the total number of trunk circuits in final trunks of the type being measured. Exclusions: For NI-IA and NI-IB only: · Trunk groups, blocking in excess of one percent in the reporting period, for which: - A Trunk Group Service Request (TGSR) NOTES 1 & 2 has been issued in the reporting period; or - CLECs do not submit, within 20 calendar days of receiving a TGSR: a) Responsive ASRs (or have ASRs pending that are delayed for CLEC reasons NOTE 3); b) Trouble Reports; or c) Notification of traffc re-routing (as described in Note 1 below). For NI-IA, NI-IB, NI-IC, and NI-ID: · Trunk groups, blocking in excess of one percent in the reporting period, for which Qwest can identify, in time to incorporate in the regular reporting of this measurement, the cause as being attributable to: - Trunk group out-of-service conditions arising from cable cuts, severe weather, or force majeure circumstances; - CLEC placing trunks in a "busy" condition; - Lack of interconnection facilities to fulfil LIS requests for which CLEC did not provide a timely forecast to Qwest. (This portion of the exclusion is limited to being applied in (a) the month the LIS requests could not be fulfilled, due to lack of facilities, and (b) each month thereafter up to the month following facilty availabilty OR up to five months after the month the LIS requests could not be fulfiled, whichever is sooner NOTE 4); or - Isolated incidences of blocking, about which Qwest provides notification to CLEC, that (a) are not recurring or persistent (affecting the same trunk groups), (b) do not warrant corrective action by CLEC or Qwest, and (c) thus, do not require an actionable TGSR. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 53 of 69 NI-1 - Trunk Blocking (Continued) · Trunk groups recently activated that have not been in service for a full "20-high-day, busy hour' review period. · Toll trunks, non-final trunks, and trunks that are not connected to the public switched network. . One-way trunks originating at CLEC end offices. · Qwest official services trunks, local interoffce operator and directory assistance trunks, and local interoffice 911/E911 trunks. . Records with invalid service/element (product) codes. · Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement. Services and Elements Reporting: I Standards:LIS Trunks Diagnostic Notes: 1. Qwest uses TGSRs to notify CLECs when trunk blocking exceeds standard thresholds or is determined to be persistent. To respond properly to TGSRs, CLEC must (a) submit within 20 days ASRs to provide necessary trunk augmentations to avoid further blocking, (b) notify Qwest within 20 days that it is initiating a Trouble Report where Qwest traffic routing problems are causing the blocking referenced by the TGSR, or (c) notify Qwest that CLEC wil undertake its own re-routing of traffic within 20 days to alleviate the blocking. 2. The TGSR-related exclusion is applied in the month in which the TGSR is issued and in the month in which the above-specified 20-day response period ends. Thus, any trunk group excluded in one month wil not be excluded in the next month, unless there is (a) a 20-day period following a TGSR ends in that month, (b) there is another TGSR applicable to the next month for the same trunk group or (c) an exception documented, in lieu of issuing a subsequent TGSR, where CLEC's response to the previous TGSR indicated that, for its own reasons, it plans to take no action at any time to augment the trunk group. 3. CLEC delays are reflected by CLEC-initiated order supplements that move the due date later. a) Qwest-initiated due date delays, including supplements made pursuant to Qwest requests to delay due dates, shall not be counted as CLEC delays in this measurement. b) Qwest-initiated due date changes to earlier dates that CLEC does not meet shall not be counted as a CLEC delay in this measurement unless the earlier dates were mutually agreed-upon. c) CLEC delays (e.g., "customer not ready" in advance of a due date) that do not contribute to a Qwest-established due date being missed shall not be counted as a CLEC delay in this measurement. 4. The limitation on part (3) of this exclusion is intended to bound its applicabilty to a period of time that treats the un-forecasted ASR as if it were, in effect, the first forecast for the facilities needed. a) Given that forecast advance intervals are currently six months, this provision allows the exclusion to apply for no longer than that period of time. b) Nevertheless, this limitation to the exclusion also recognizes that facilities may become available sooner and, if so, reduces the limitation accordingly. In that context, this limitation recognizes that, absent a CLEC forecast, Qwest still retains a responsibilty to provide facilities for the ASR, although in a longer timeframe than for ASRs covered by forecasts. NI-1C and NI-1D wil be reported for information purposes only, with no standard to be applied. c) This limitation may change depending on the outcome of separate workshops dealing with issues of interconnection forecasting. 5. NI-1C and NI-1D will be reported for information purposes only, with no standard to be applied. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 54 of 69 COLLOCATION CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of Qwests installation of collocation arrangements, focusing on average time to complete. Description: Measures interval between Collocation Application Date and Qwests completion ofthe collocation installation. · Includes all collocations of types specified herein that are assigned a Ready for Service (RFS) date by Qwest and completed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. · Collocation types included are: physical cageless, physical caged, shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless line sharing, and virtuaL. NOTE 1 · The Collocation Application Date is the date Qwest receives from CLEC a complete and valid application for collocation. In cases where CLEC's collocation application is received by Qwest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday. . Major Infrastructure Modifications include conditioning the collocation space, obtaining permits, and installng DC power plant, standby generators, heating, venting or air conditioning equipment. · Completion of the collocation installation is the date on which the requested collocation arrangement is "Ready For Service" as defined in the Definition of Terms section herein. · RFS Dates: RFS dates are established according to intervals specified in interconnection agreements. Where interconnection agreement does not specify intervals, or where CLEC requests, RFS dates are as follows: . Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where CLEC accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and, for virtual collocations, where CLEC provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date is: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after Collocation Application Date for collocations where CLEC provides complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of Application Date. Non-forecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after Collocation Application Date for collocations where CLEC does not provide forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of application. · Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where CLEC accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and, for virtual collocations, where CLEC provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date is: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which CLEC provides a complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of application. Non-forecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after quote acceptance date for collocations for which CLEC does not provide a forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of application. · Virtual Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where CLEC (1) accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date is: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC provides complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of application. Non-forecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC does not provide forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days before application. . Virtual Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where CLEC (1) accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 55 of 69 CP-l- Collocation Completion Interval (continued) -Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC provides a complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date.-Non-forecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC does not provide a forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date..All Collocations (phYSical, virtual, forecasted, or non-forecasted) reauiring Major Infrastructure Modifications: the later of (1) up to 150 calendar days (as specified in the quote) after the Collocation Application Date, or (2) for virtual collocations, 45 days following the date equipment to be collocated is provided to Qwest for collocations in which Major Infrastructure Modifications are required. Qwest wil provide to CLEC, as part of the quotation, the need for, and the duration of, such extended intervals. .When CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state, completion intervals wil be individually negotiated. These collocation arrangements wil be included in CP-1A, -lB, or -lC according to the interval criteria specified below for these measurements. .Where there is CLEC-caused delay, the RFS Date is rescheduled.RFS dates may be extended beyond the above intervals for CLEC reasons, or for reasons beyond Qwests control, but not for Qwest reasons..Where CLECs do not accept quote within thirt days of the quote date, the application is considered expired. CP-1A Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 90 calendar days or less. CP-1B Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 91 to 120 calendar days. CP-1C Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 121 to 150 calendar days. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Calendar Days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results I Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide. Formula: (for CP-1A, CP-1B and CP-1e¡ ¿((Collocation Completion Date) - (Application Date)) + (Total Number of Collocations Completed in Reporting Period) Exclusions: .CP-1A: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals longer than 90 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. .CP-1B: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals shorter than 91 calendar days or longer than 120 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. .CP-1e: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals shorter than 121 calendar days or longer than 150 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. .Cancelled or expired applications. Services and Elements Reporting:Standards: CP-1A:90 calendar days Not applicable CP-1B:120 calendar days CP-1e:150 calendar days Notes: 1. Collocations covered by this measurement are central offce related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they wil be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) wil be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (Le., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (Le., consistently more than two per month in any state). Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 56 of 69 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals Purpose: Evaluates extent to which Qwest completes collocation arrangements within standard intervals. Description: Measures percentage of collocation applications completed within standard intervals, including intervals set forth in interconnection agreements. . Includes all collocations of types specified herein that are assigned a Ready for Service Date RFS date by Qwest and that are completed within the reporting period, including those with CLEC-requested RFS dates longer than the standard interval and those with extended RFS dates negotiated with CLEC (including supplemented collocation orders that extend the RFS date) subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical cageless, physical caged, shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtuaL. NOTE 1 · The Collocation Application Date is the date Qwest receives from CLEC a complete and valid application for collocation. In cases where CLEC's collocation application is received by Qwest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday. · Major Infrastructure Modifications are defined as conditioning the collocation space, obtaining permits, and installng DC power plant, standby generators, heating, venting or air conditioning equipment. . A collocation arrangement is counted as met under this measurement if its RFS date is met. . Establishment of RFS Dates: RFS dates are established as follows, except where interconnection agreements require different intervals, in which case the intervals specified in the interconnection agreements apply: . Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where CLEC accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and, for virtual collocations, where CLEC provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: - Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after Collocation Application Date for physical collocations for which CLEC provides complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of Application Date. - Non-forecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after Collocation Application Date for physical collocations where CLEC does not provide forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of Application Date. . Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where CLEC accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and, for virtual collocations, where CLEC provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: - Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after quote acceptance date for collocations for which CLEC provides complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of Collocation Application Date. - Non-forecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after quote acceptance date for collocations for which CLEC does not provide forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of Collocation Application Date. . Virtual Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where CLEC (1) accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: - Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC provides a complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. - Non-forecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC does not provide a forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. . Virtual Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where CLEC (1) accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides equipment to be collocated to Qwest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 57 of 69 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals (continued) -Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC provides a complete forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date.-Non-forecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after equipment is provided to Qwest, for collocations for which CLEC does not provide a forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. .All Collocations (physical. virtuaL, forecasted. or non-forecasted) requiring Major Infrastructure Modifications: the later of (1) up to 150 calendar days (as specified in the quote) after the Collocation Application Date, or (2) for virtual collocations, 45 calendar days following the date equipment to be collocated is provided to Qwest for collocations in which Major Infrastructure Modifications are required. Qwest wil provide to CLEC, as part of the quotation, the need for, and the duration of, such extended intervals. .When CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state, completion intervals will be individually negotiated. These collocation arrangements wil be included in CP-2A, -28, or -2C according to the criteria specified below for these measurements. .Where there is CLEC-caused delay, the RFS Date is rescheduled. .Where CLECs do not accept the quote within thirt calendar days of quote date, application is considered expired. CP-2A Forecasted Collocations: Measures collocation installations for which CLEC provides a forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. CP-2B Non-Forecasted and Late Forecasted Collocations: Measures collocation installations for which CLEC does not provide a forecast to Qwest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. CP-2C All Collocations requiring Major Infrastructure Modifications and Collocations with intervals longer than 120 days: Measures all collocation installations requiring Major Infrastructure Modifications and collocations for which the RFS date is more than 120 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results I Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level Formula: (for CP-2A, CP-28 and CP-2C) ((Count of Collocations for which the RFS is met) + (Total Number of Collocations Completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions:.RFS dates missed for reasons beyond Qwests control..Cancelled or expired requests. Services and Elements Reporting: None Standards: CP-2A & -28:90% CP-2C: 90% Notes: i.Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central offce collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (i.e., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (i.e., consistently more than two per month in any state). Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit NO.1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 58 of 69 CP-3 - Collocation Feasibilty Study Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of the Qwest sub-process function of providing a collocation feasibilty study to CLEe. Description: Measures average interval to respond to collocation studies for feasibility of installation. .Includes feasibilty studies, for collocations of types specified herein that are completed in the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical cageless, physical caged, shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtuaL. NOTE 1.Interval begins with the Collocation Application Date and ends with the date Qwest completes the Feasibilty Study and provides it to CLEe..The Collocation Application Date is the date Qwest receives from CLEC a complete application for collocation.In cases where ClEe's application for collocation is received by Qwest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Calendar Days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level results Formula: ¿((Date Feasibility Study provided to ClEe) - (Date Qwest receives ClEC request for Feasibilty Study)) + (Total Feasibilty Studies Completed in the Reporting Period) Exclusions:.ClEC-caused delays of, or CLEC requests for feasibilty study completions resulting in greater than ten calendar days from Collocation Application Date to scheduled feasibility study completion date. Services and Elements Reporting: None I Standard: 10 calendar days or less Notes: 1.Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central offce-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) wil be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (Le., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (Le., consistently more than two per month in any state). Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 59 of 69 CP-4 - Collocation Feasibilty Study Commitments Met Purpose: Evaluates the degree that Qwest completes the sub-process function of providing a collocation feasibilty study to CLEC as committed. Description: Measures the percentage of collocation feasibility studies for installations that are completed within the Scheduled Interval.The Scheduled Interval is ten calendar days from the Collocation Application Date or, if interconnection agreements call for different intervals, within intervals specified in the agreements, or if otherwise delayed by CLEC, the interval resulting from the delay..Includes all feasibilty studies for collocations of types specified herein, that are completed in the reporting period. Collocation types included are: physical cage less, physical caged, shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-Iine sharing, and virtuaL. NOTE 1 .Considers the interval from the Collocation Application Date to the date Qwest completes the Feasibilty Study and provides it to CLEe..The Collocation Application Date is the date Qwest receives from CLEC a complete application for collocation. In cases where CLEC's application for collocation is received by Qwest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday..Subject to superseding terms in CLEC's interconnection agreement, when CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state, feasibility study intervals will be individually negotiated and the resulting intervals used instead of ten calendar days in this measurement. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level individual CLEC results Formula: ((Total Applicable Collocation Feasibility studies completed within Scheduled Intervals) + (Total applicable Collocation Feasibility studies completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Services and Elements Reporting: None I Standard:90 percent or more Notes: 1.Collocations covered by this measurement are central offce related. As additional types of central offce collocation are defined and offered, they wil be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) wil be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (Le., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (Le., consistently more than two per month in any state). Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 60 of 69 DEFINITION OF TERMS Application Date (and Time) - The date (and time) on which Qwest receives from CLEC a complete and accurate local service request (LSR) or access service request (ASR) or retail order, subject to the following: · For the following types of requests/orders, the application date (and time) is the start of the next business day: (1) LSRs and ASRs received after 3:00PM MT for designed services and elements and Local Number Portability (except non-designed, flow-through LNP). (2) Retail orders received after 3:00 PM local time for designed services. (3) LSRs received after 7:00PM MT for POTS Resale (Residence and Business), Non-Design Resale Centrex, Unbundled Loops, and non-designed, flow-through LNP. (4) Retail orders for comparable non-designed services cannot be received after closing time, so the cutoff time is essentially the business office closing time. · For all types of orders that are received from Friday at 7:00 PM MT through Sunday, or on holidays, and do not flow through, the application date (and time) is the next, non-weekend business day. Automatic Location Information (All) - The feature of E911 that displays at the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) the street address of the callng telephone number. This feature requires a data storage and retrieval system for translating telephone numbers to the associated address. All may include Emergency Service Number (ESN), street address, room or floor, and names of the enforcement, fire and medical agencies with jurisdictional responsibility for the address. The Management System (E911) database is used to update the Automatic E911Location Information databases. Bil Date - The date shown at top of the bil, representing the date on which Qwest begins to close the bilL. Blocking - Condition on a telecommunications network where, due to a maintenance problem or an traffic volumes exceeding trunking capacity in a part of the network, some or all originating or terminating calls cannot reach their final destinations. Depending on the condition and the part of the network affected, the network may make subsequent attempts to complete the call or the call may be completely blocked. If the call is completely blocked, the callng part will have to re-initiate the call attempt. Business Day - Workdays that Qwest is normally open for business. Business Day = Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and Qwest published Holidays including New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Individual measurement definitions may modify (typically expanding) this definition as described in the Notes section of the measurement definition. Cleared Trouble Report - A trouble report for which the trouble has been cleared, meaning the customer is "back in service". Closed Trouble Report - A trouble report that has been closed out from a maintenance center perspective, meaning the ticket is closed in the trouble reporting system following repair of the trouble. Common Channel Signaling System 7 (CCSS7) - A network architecture used to for exchange of signaling information between telecommunications nodes and networks on an out-of-band basis. Information exchanged provides for call set-up and supports services and features such as CLASS and database query and response. Common Transport - Trunk groups between tandem and end office switches that are shared by more than one carrier, often including the traffic of both the ILEC and several CLECs. Completion - The time in the order process when the service has been provisioned and service is available. Completion Notice - A notification the ILEC provides to CLEC to inform CLEC that the requested service order activity is complete. Coordinated Customer Conversion -- Orders that have a due date negotiated between the I LEe, CLEC, and the customer so that work activities can be performed on a coordinated basis under the direction of the receiving carrier. Customer Requested Due Date - A specific due date requested by the customer which is either shorter or longer than the standard interval or the interval offered by the ILEe. Customer Trouble Reports - A report that the carrier providing the underlying service opens when notified that customer has problem with their service. Once resolved, disposition of the trouble is changed to closed. Owest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 61 of 69 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Dedicated Transport - A network facility reserved to the exclusive use of a single customer, carrier or pair of carriers used to exchange switched or special, local exchange, or exchange access traffc. Delayed Order - An order which has been completed after the scheduled due date and/or time. Directory Listings - Subscriber information used for DA and/or telephone directory publishing, including name and telephone number, and optionally, the customer's address. DS-O - Digital Service Level O. Service provided at a digital signal speed commonly at 64 kbps, but occasionally at 56 kbps. DS-1- Digital Service LevelL. Service provided at a digital signal speed of 1.544 Mbps. DS-3 - Digital Service Level 3. Service provided at a digital signal speed of 44.736 Mbps. Due Date - The date provided on the Firm Order Confirmation (FOe) the ILEC sends CLEC identifying the planned completion date for the order. End Ofce Switch - A switch from which an end users' exchange services are directly connected and offered. Final Trunk Groups - Interconnection and interoffice trunk groups that do not overflow traffic to other trunk groups when busy. Firm Order Confirmation (FOe) - Notice the ILEC sends to ClEC to notify CLEC that it has received CLECs service request, created a service order, and assigned it a due date. Flow- Through -The term used to describe whether a LSR electronically is passed from the OSS interface system to the ILEC legacy system to automatically create a service order. LSRs that do not flow through require manual intervention for the service order to be created in the ILEC legacy system. Installation - The activity performed to activate a service. Installation Troubles - A trouble, which is identified after service order activity and installation, has completed on a customer's line. It is likely attributable to the service activity (within a defined time period). Interconnection Trunks - A network facilty that is used to interconnect two switches generally of different local exchange carriers Inward Activity - Refers to all orders for new or additional lines/circuits. For change order types, additional lines/circuits consist of all C orders with "i" and "T" action coded line/circuit USOCs that represent new or additional lines/circuits, including conversions from retail to CLEC and CLEC to CLEe. Jeopardy - A condition experienced in the service provisioning process which results potentially in the inability of a carrier to meet the committed due date on a service order Jeopardy Notice - The actual notice that the ILEC sends to CLEC when a jeopardy has been identified. lack of Facilties - A shortage of cable facilties identified after a due date has been committed to a customer, including CLEe. The facilties shortage may be identified during the inventory assignment process or during the service installation process, and typically triggers a jeopardy. Local Exchange Traffc - Traffic originated on the network of a LEC in a local callng area that terminates to another LEC in a local callng area. Local Number Portability (formerly defined under Permanent Number Portabilty and also known as - Long Term Number Portabilty) - A network technology which allows end user customers to retain their telephone number when moving their service between local service providers. This technology does not employ remote call forwarding, but actually allows the customer's telephone number to be moved and redefined in the network of the new service provider. The activity to move the telephone number is called "porting." Local Service Request (LSR) - Transaction sent from CLEC to the ILEC to order services and elements or to request a change(s) be made to existing services and elements. Mechanized BiI- A bil that is delivered via electronic transmission. Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) - Refers to basic 2-wire, non-complex analog residential and business services. Can include feature capabilities (e.g., ClAS features). Projects - Service requests that exceed the line size and/or level of complexity which would allow for the use of standard ordering and provisioning processes. Generally, due dates for projects are negotiated, coordination of service installations/changes is required and automated provisioning may not be practicaL. Query Types - Pre-ordering information that is available to a CLEC that is categorized according to standards issued by OBF and/or the FCe. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 62 of 69 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Ready For Service (RFS) - The status achieved in the installation of a collocation arrangement when all "operational" work has been completed. Operational work consists of the following as applicable to the particular type of collocation: . Cage enclosure complete; · DC power is active (including fuses available, BDFB (Battery Distribution Fuse Board) in place, and cables between CLEC and power terminated); . Primary AC outlet in place; · Cable racking and circuit terminations are complete (e.g. fiber jumpers placed between the Outside Plant Fiber Distribution Panel and the Central Office Fiber Distribution Panel serving CLEe). and · The following items complete, subject to CLEC having made required payments to Qwest (e.g., final payment): (If the required CLEC payments have not been made, the following items are not required for RFS): Key turnover made available to CLEe. APOT/CFA complete, as defined/required in CLEe's interconnection agreement and Basic telephone service and other services and facilities complete, if ordered by CLEC in time to be provided on the scheduled RFS date (per Qwests published standard installation intervals for such telephone service). Ready for Service Date (RFS date) - The due date assigned to a collocation order (typically determined by regulatory rulings, contract terms, or negotiations with CLEe) to indicate when collocation installation is scheduled to be ready for service, as defined above. Reject - A status that can occur to a CLEC-submitted local service request (LSR) when it does not meet certain criteria. There are two types of rejects: (1) syntax, which occur if required fields are not included in the LSR; and (2) content, which occur if invalid data is provided in a field. A rejected service request must be corrected and re-submitted before provisioning can begin. Repeat Report - Any trouble report that is a second (or greater) report on the same telephone number/circuit ID and at the same premises address within 30 days. The original report can be any category, including excluded reports, and can carry any disposition code. Service Group Type - The designation used to identify a category of similar services or elements, e.g., loops. Service Order - The work order created and distributed in ILEes systems and to ILEC work groups in response to a complete, valid local service request. Service Order Type - The designation used to identify the major types of provisioning activities associated with a local service request. Standard Interval - The interval that the ILEC publishes as a guideline for establishing due dates for provisioning a service request. Typically, due dates will not be assigned with intervals shorter than the standard. These intervals are specified by service type and type of service modification requested. ILECs publish these standard intervals in documents used by their own service representatives as well as ordering instructions provided to CLECs in the Qwest Standard Interval Guidelines. Subsequent Reports - A trouble report that is taken in relation to a previously-reported trouble prior to the date and time the initial report has a status of "closed." Tandem Switch - Switch used to connect and switch trunk circuits between and among Central Office switches. Time to Restore - The time interval from the receipt, by the ILEC, of a trouble report on a customers service to the time service is fully restored to the customer. Unbundled Loop - The Unbundled Loop is a transmission path between a Qwest Central Offce Distribution Frame, or equivalent, and the Loop Demarcation Point at an end user premises. Loop Demarcation Point is defined as the point where Qwest owned or controlled facilities cease, and CLEC, end user, owner or landlord ownership of facilities begins. Usage Data - Data generated in network nodes to identify switched call data on a detailed or summarized basis. Usage data is used to create customer invoices for the calls. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 63 of 69 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ACRONYM DESCRIPTION ACD Automatic Call Distributor ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ALI Automatic Line Information (for 911/E911 systems) ASR Service Request (processed via Exact system) BRI Basic Rate Interface (type of ISDN service) CABS Carrier Access Billng System CKT Circuit CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier CO Central Office CPE Customer Premises Equipment CRIS Customer Record Information System CSR Customer Service Record DSO Digital Service 0 DS1 Digital Service 1 DS3 Digital Service 3 E911 MS E911 Management System EAS Extended Area Service EB-TA Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration EELS Enhanced Extended Loops ES Emergency Services (for 911/E911) FOC Firm Order Confirmation GUI Graphical User Interface HDSL High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line HICAP High Capacity Digital Service IEC Interexchange Carrier ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier INP Interim Number Portability 10F Interoffice Facilities (refers to trunk facilities located between Qwest central offices) ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network IMA Interconnect Mediated Access LATA Local Access Transport Area LIS Local Interconnection Service Trunks LNP Long Term Number Portabilty LSR Local Service Request N, T,C Service Order Types - - N (new), T (to or transfer), C (change) NDM Network Data Mover NPAC Number Portability Administration Center OBF Ordering and Billing Forum OOS Out of service (type of trouble condition) OSS Operations Support Systems PBX Private Branch Exchange PON Purchase Order Number POTS Plain Old Telephone Service PRI Primary Rate Interface (type of ISDN service) Qwest Performance Assurance Plan-Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 64 of 69 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS (continued) ACRONYM DESCRIPTION RFS Ready for Service (refers to collocation installations) SIA SAAFE (Strategic Application Architecture Framework and Environment) Information Access SOP Service Order Processor SOT Service Order Type SS7 Signaling System 7 STP Signaling Transfer Point TN Telephone Number UDIT Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport UNE Unbundled Network Element VRU Voice Response Unit WFA Workforce Administration XDSL-I (x) Digital Subscriber Line. (The "x" prefix refers to DSL generically. An "x" replaced by an "A" refers to Asymmetric DSL, and by an "H" refers to High-bit-rate DSL.) Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 65 of 69 Exhibit K-QPAP II APPENDIX A PO-20 Feature Detail Fields Resale(POTS and Centrex 21) CFN Validate the call forwarding TN CFNB Validate the call forwarding TN CFND Validate the call forwarding TN RCYC FID associated with a call forwarding don't answer USOC that determines how many rings before the call forwards to the TN provided with the CFN or CFND FlDs. HLN (HLA Hot Line) FID associated with the USOC HLA (which is on our USOC list to validate.) The Hot Line feature call forwards automatically to a pre-programmed number. This TN is provided following the HLN FID. The data provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR wil be validated against the HLN FID on the service order to determine whether the FID is present and the TN provided on the LSR with the FID is correct on the service order. LINK (HME CALL FORWARDING TO CELLULAR) FID associated with the USOC HME (which is on our USOC list to validate.) The HME feature call forwards a call from the land line telephone number to a cellular telephone number. The LINK FID, along with the PCS telephone number provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR, will be validated against the LINK FID on the service order to determine whether the FID is present and the telephone number provided on the LSR matches the telephone number on the service order. DES on DID MBB If CLEC requests a DID voice mailbox the DID number will follow the FID DES on the LSR in the Feature Detail section and on the service order. The DES FID along with the DID telephone number provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR wil be validated against the DES FID on the service order to determine whether the FID is present and the DID telephone number provided on the matches the telephone number on the service order. TN on Custom Ring USOC (RGGlA etc.) We currently have 9 custom ring USOCs on our PO-20 USOC list. Along with the custom ring USOC is the TN FID. The TN FID along with the custom ring telephone number provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR wil be validated against the TN FID on the service order to determine whether the FID is present and the custom ring telephone provided on the LSR with the FID is correct on the service order. (The validation would only apply if the USOC and FID were present in the Feature Detail section of the LSR.) CAS (If provided on LSR for SEA) Call Screening Code Assignment is a FID associated with the selective class of call feature (which is on our USOC list to validate.) Along with the CAS FID is a two-digit number that indicates what type of screening is being requested. The CAS FID along with a two-digit number is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the two-digit number matches the two-digit number provided on the LSR. WW (if provided on LSR for TFM) Working With is a FID associated with the transfer mailbox feature (which is on our USOC list to validate.) Along with the WW FID is a ten-digit number that indicates where the voice mailbox is located. The WW FID along with the ten- digit number is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the ten-digit number matches the ten-digit number provided on the LSR. MBOA (if provided on LSR for VFN) Mailbox out-dial notification is a FID associated with the message notification feature (which is on our USOC list to validate.) Along with the MBOA FID is a two-digit alphanumeric combination that indicates where the notification wil be sent (Le., identifies pager type.) The MBOA FID along with the two-digit alphanumeric combination is provided in the Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-OS-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 66 of 69 Exhibit K-QPAP II Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FlO is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the two-digit alphanumeric matches the two-digit alphanumeric provided on the LSR. DES on VGT (if provided on LSR) Description is a FlO associated with the scheduled greeting feature (which is on our usoe list to validate.) Along with the DES FID is a ten-digit telephone number that reflects the DID mailbox number. The DES FlO along with the ten-digit telephone number is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the ten-digit telephone number matches the ten-digit telephone number provided on the LSR. WLT (WLS Warm Line) Warm line timeout is a FID associated with the warm line feature. Along with the WLT FID is a one or two numeric value that indicates the number of seconds that must elapse before the DMS-ioO switch sets up the connection for a warm line service number. The WLT FID along with the one or two numeric value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the one or two numeric value matches the one or two numeric value provided on the LSR. FIDs associated with WFA (800 service line feature - on USOC list to validate): SIT (if provided on LSR for WFA) Special identifying telephone number is a FID associated with the 800 service line feature. Along with the SIT FlO is a ten-digit telephone number that reflects the 800, 888, 877, or 866 service line feature. The SIT FID along with the ten- digit telephone number is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the ten-digit telephone number matches the ten-digit telephone number provided on the LSR. SIS (if provided on LSR for WFA) Special Identifying Telephone Number Supplemental is a FlO associated with the 800 service line feature. The SiS FID along with a one-digit number is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FlO is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the one-digit number matches the one-digit number provided on the LSR. ELN (if provided on LSR for WFA) 800 Service listed name is a FlO associated with the 800 service line feature. Along with the ELN FID is a listed name, which follows the format of a business name. The ELN FID along with the name is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FlO is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the name matches the name provided on the LSR. ELA (if provided on LSR for WFA) 800 listed address is a FID associated with the 800 service line feature. Along with the ELA FID is an address, which follows the format of a listed address plus LATA, State, and zip code. The ELA FlO along with the address is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FlO is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the address matches the address provided on the LSR. AOS (if provided on LSR for WFA) Area of service is a FID associated with the 800 service line feature. Along with the AOS FID are one to two alphanumeric characters and three numeric characters which represents LATA and Ae of the address. The AOS FID along with the additional characters are provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the additional characters match the additional characters provided on the LSR. ALe (if provided on LSR for WFA) Intra LATA carrier is a FID associated with the 800 service line feature. It indicates the IntraLATA carrier for the 800 service. Along with the ALe FID is the three-digit code (OTC) for the IntraLATA carrier. The ALe FID along with the three- digit code is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature usoe and that the three-digit code matches the three-digit code provided on LSR. Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 67 of 69 Exhibit K-QPAP II Resale FIDs associated with S03, S05, SFB, C2TAX (Electronic Business Set USOCs - on USOC list to validate): KEY (If provided on LSR for Electronic Business set EBS USOCsJ Key Designation (KEY number) is a FlO associated with the Electronic Business Set feature. Along with the KEY FlO is a numeric value that indicates the key designated for different features or lines on the EBS. The KEY FID along with the numeric value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FlO is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the numeric value matches the numeric value provided on the LSR. MADN (If provided on LSR for Electronic Business Set EBS USOCsJ Multiple Appearance Directory Number Call Arrangement is a FID associated with the Electronic Business Set feature. Along with the MADN FlO is a set of alpha values that indicate the type, appearance and ring status desired for different features or lines on the EBS. The KEY FlO along with the alpha values is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the alpha values match the alpha values provided on the LSR. ROL (If provided on LSR for Electronic Business set EBS USOCsJ Ring On Line is a FID associated with the Electronic Business Set feature. Along with the ROL FID is an alpha value that indicates if the line will ring (Y or N). The ROL FID along with the alpha value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the alpha value matches the alpha value provided on the LSR. TTD (If provided on LSR for C2TAXJ Terminal Type is a FID associated with the adjunct module feature. Along with the TTD FlO is a 4 character alpha value based on customer equipment. The TTD FID along with the 4 character alpha value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the 4 character alpha value matches the 4 character alpha value provided on the LSR. FIDs associated with E3PPK (CALL PICK-UP feature - on USOC list to validate): CPG (If provided on LSR for E3PPKJ Call Pickup Group is a FID associated with the CALL PICK-UP feature. Along with the CPG FID is a 1-3 digit numeric value that identifies the call pickup group. The CPG FlO along with the 1-3 digit numeric value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the 1-3 digit numeric value matches the 1-3 digit numeric value provided on the LSR. CPUO (If provided on LSR for E3PPKJ Call Pickup-Originating is a FlO associated with the CALL PICK-UP feature. Along with the CPUO FID is an alphanumeric value that identifies the call pickup group. The CPUO FID along with the alphanumeric value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the alphanumeric value matches alphanumeric value provided on the LSR. CPUT (If provided on LSR for E3PPKJ Call Pickup-Terminating is a FID associated with the CALL PICK-UP feature. Along with the CPUT FID is an alphanumeric value that identifies the call pickup group. The CPUT FID along with the alphanumeric value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review wil validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the alphanumeric value matches alphanumeric value provided on the LSR. FIDs associated with GVJ, EZJ, GVZ, GV2, EVH, GW (Speed caii feature USOCs - on USOC list to validate): SCG (If provided on LSR for Speed call USOCsJ Speed Call Group is a FID associated with the Speed call feature. Along with the SCG FID is a 7 digit numeric value that identifies the controller of the group. The SCG FID along with the 7 digit numeric value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the 7 digit numeric value matches 7 digit numeric value provided on the LSR. CSL (If provided on LSR for Speed call USOCsJ Change Speed Calling Group List is a FID associated with the Speed call feature. Along with the CSL FID is a 2 digit numeric value that identifies the size of the group list. The SCG FID along with the 7 digit numeric value is provided in Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. 1 Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 1, p. 68 of 69 Exhibit K-QPAP II the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FID is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the 2 digit numeric value matches 2 digit numeric value provided on the LSR. SCF (If provided on LSR for Speed call USOCs) Speed Calling Feature Name is a FID associated with the Speed call feature. Along with the SCF FID is an alphanumeric value that identifies the controller of the shared list. The SCF FID along with the alphanumeric value is provided in the Feature Detail section on the LSR. The PO-20 review will validate that the FlO is floated on the service order behind the feature USOC and that the alphanumeric value matches alphanumeric value provided on the LSR. Owest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (OPAP II) Attachment 1 - PIDs Exhibit No. i Case No. QWE-T-08-04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment i, p. 69 of 69 Exhibit K-QPAP II Attchment 2: Payment Levels for PIDs Subject to Per Occurrence Payment Increments and Penormance Credits Payment Levels PID Cateaories and Measurements PID#Low Med High PRE-ORDER I ORDER LSR Reiection Notice Interval PO-3a X Firm Order Confirmations On Time PO-5 X Work Completion Notification Timeliness PO-6"X Biling Completion Notification Timeliness PO-7D X Jeopardy Notice Interval PO-8 X Timely Jeopardy Notices PO-9 X (Expanded)-Manual Service Order Accuracy PO-20 X ORDERING AND PROVISIONING Installation Commitments Met OP-3T X Installation Intervals OP_4C,T X New Service Quality OP-5AT, Ba,9 X Delayed Days OP-6a,X Coordinated Cuts On Time-Unbundled Loops OP-13A X MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Out of Service Cleared within 24 hours MR-3T X All Troubles Cleared within 4 hours MR-5T X Mean time to Restore MR-6e"X Repair Repeat Report Rate MR-r X Trouble Rate MR-8'X BILLING Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records BI-1 X Biling Accuracy-Adiustments for Errors BI-3 X NEnNORK PERFORMANCE Trunk Blocking NI-1 X a. PO-3 is limited to PO-3X. b. PO-6 is included with PO-7X as one "family." Measurements within that family share a single payment increment or performance credit opportunity, with only the measurement having the highest payment being used to generate a payment increment or performance credit. c. OP-4 is included with OP-6 as one "family." Measurements within each family share a single payment opportunity, with only the measurement having the highest payment being used to generate a payment increment or performance credit. d. For purposes of QPAP II, OP-6A and OP-6B wil be combined and treated as one. e. Applicable only to xDSL-1 capable loops. f. Excludes the following service/element disaggregations as applicable to this PID: Resale Centrex, Resale Centrex 21, Resale DSO (non-designed), Resale DSO (designed), Resale DSO, E911/911 Trunks, Resale Frame Relay, Resale Basic ISDN (non-designed), Resale Basic ISDN (designed), Resale Basic ISDN, Resale Primary ISDN (non-designed), Resale Primary ISDN (designed), Resale Primary ISDN, Resale PBX (non-designed), Resale PBX (designed), Resale PBX, Sub-Loop Unbundling, UNE-P (POTS), UNE-P (Centrex), and UNE-P (Centrex 21). Qwest Performance Assurance Plan II - Idaho (QPAP II) Attachment 2 - Payment Levels Exhibi t No. i Case No. QWE-T- 08 - 04 M. Williams, Qwest Attachment 2, p. 1 of i CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby cerify that a tre and correct copy of the foregoing Direct Testimony and Exhibit of Michael G. Wilams was served on the 30th day of July, 2010 on the following individuals: Jean D. Jewell Weldon B. Stutzman Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83702 i j ewell(fuc. state.id. us Weldon. Stutzman(ipuc.idaho. gov i Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnght Delivery Facsimile Email Douglas K, Denney Integra Telecom, Inc. 1201 Lloyd Blvd., Suite 500 Portland, OR 97232 dkdenney(iintegratelecom.com Michel Singer Nelson Associate General Counsel 360networks (USA) Inc. 370 Interlocken Blvd., Suite 600 Broomfeld, CO 80021 mnelson(âl360 .net Gregory L. Rogers Senior Corporate Counsel Level 3 Communcations LLC 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfeld, CO 80021 greg.rogers(ileve13 .com Hand DeliveryiU. S. Mail Overnght Delivery FacsimileiEmail Hand DeliveryiU. S. Mail Overnght Delivery FacsimileiEmail Hand Delivery~U. S. Mail Overnght Delivery Facsimile~Email /ÚtV1Jg¡l~ Mary S. Hob on Attorney for Qwest Corporation