HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080805Response to Staff Motion.pdfMar S. Hobson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Main, Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Tel: 208-385-8666 mary.hobson(fqwest.com "" i J ¡ Adam L. Sherr Corporate Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Tel: (206) 398-2507 adam. sherr(fqwest. com Attorneys for Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In Re WITHDRAWAL of QWEST COPORATION'S STATEMENT OF GENERALY AVAILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Case No. QWE-T-08-04 QWEST CORPORATION'S RESPONSE TO STAFF MOTION TO EXTEND COMMENT PERIOD Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"), by and though its attorneys of record, provides the following Response to the Commission Staff Motion to Extend Comment Period fied herein on July 7, 2008. BACKGROUND On July 7, 2008 the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff') filed its response to the Notice of Petition and Notice of Modifed Procedure issued by the Commission in the above-referenced case. The pleading titled Comments of the Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Period - 1 - Commission Staff("Comments") form the basis for Staffs Motion to Extend Comment Period. Staffs comments focus almost entirely on Qwests voluntar Performance Assurance Plan ("PAP") and the related Performance Indicator Definitions ("PIDs"), although Qwests petition to withdraw its Statement of Generally Available Terms ("SGAT") is also before the Commission. With regard to the PAP, Staff correctly states that paragraph 16.3 of the volunta plan provides that Qwest wil maintain the plan until such time as it eliminates its Section 272 affliate, which occurred on Februar 20, 20071. Thereafter, as Staff notes, the PAP provides, "the Commission and Qwest shall review the appropriateness of the PAP and whether its continuation is necessar." Although Staff does not explain its reasoning in any detail, Staff recommends that the Commission, "not grant Qwests request for withdrawal of its SGAT, but instead extend the comment period in this case until a review of the Performance Measurements can be completed and an analysis presented to the Commission for its final review and decision." The "review" to which the Staff refers in this recommendation is a project conceived by state commission staff members of the informal Regional Oversight Committee (ROC)2 that wil "evaluate all pedormance measurements and provide a comprehensive analysis on which measurements should be eliminated, enhanced, or remain in effect,,3 using a third pary consultant, Libery Consulting. This ROC review is envisioned as a "multi-state collaborative review,,4 that wil "afford those CLECs that have limited resources the opportnity to participate in all of Qwest s 14 state regions."s Staffs comments provide few details concernng its proposed process, but a single page "Scoping Document" prepared by ROC Staff members and containing six bulleted paragraphs comprises Staffs Attachment 1. This document iterates ROC Staff s perspective on the need for a review (essentially that there are PAPs in fourteen Qwest states that have various differng provisions and timelines for state commission review), recommends that Libery Consulting be contracted to conduct the review, and i Qwest Petition, ir 35. 2 The ROC is an informal group of regulators that has no independent regulatory authority and no jursdiction to compel Qwest or any other par to tae action. Since the ROC was originally created its focus has changed from issues exclusive to Qwest to an industr focus.3 Comments at 3. 4 ¡d., Attchment 1. 5 ¡d. at3. Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Period - 2 - that the consultant, "also provide draft recommendations as to the curent effectiveness, value and usefulness of the pedormance plan and PIDS in relation to their intended purose and function as well as the usefulness of some or the entire plan and PIDS continuing including possible modifications to such.,,6 The Scoping Document goes on to suggest that the consultant's "baseline document" could be used by various commissions in appropriate dockets or "for collaborative discussions between the varous Commission Staffs, Qwest and the CLECs,,7 Ifthese discussions occur ROC Staff recommends that Liberty Consulting "facilitate and document the results of such discussions clearly delineating areas of agreement and issues of dispute along with supporting positions."g Staffs recommendation is that the Commission suspend these proceedings for an indefinite period awaiting either Liberty Consulting's "baseline document" or its subsequent documentation ofthe hypothetical multi-state, multi-pary "collaborative discussion(s)." Staff provides no explanation of why Qwest's request to withdraw its SGAT, as opposed to its PAP, should be tied to the proposed ROC multi-state collaborative which does not address the SGAT, nor does it explain exactly how the ROC proposal wil serve this Commission in responding to specific issues raised by Qwest's petition with regard to the PAPin Idaho. DISCUSSION Staff does not dispute that Qwest has eliminated its 272 affiliate, nor does it dispute that the language of the PAPin section 16.3 governs how the Commission should approach the issue of elimination of the PAP. However Staff s recommendation as to how the "review" contemplated in section 16.3 should be conducted seeks to embroil this Commission in a lengty, expensive "multi-state collaborative" process whose outcome wil, in all likelihood, have limited relevance to the issues presented by Qwest's petition in this case. Qwest submits that an Idaho-specific legal and policy review of the PAP is called for in this docket. 6 !d., Attachment I 7 Id. SId. Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Period - 3 - 1. Qwest Wil Not Partcipate in the Process Outlied in the Scoping Document. The Scoping Document apparently conceives two possible phases to the "multi- state collaborative review". As Staffs Comments phrase it, the first is "to evaluate all pedormance measurements" and provide a "comprehensive analysis" of which measurements should be retained, eliminated, or changed. Then, once the consultant has pulled its recommendations together into a "baseline document" there is the possibilty for a second phase of "collaborative discussions" between Qwest, the paricipating state commission staff members and CLECs, which is anticipated to yield a report of the consultant documenting areas of agreement and delineating issues of dispute "along with supporting positions." In effect, through the Scoping Document ROC Staff seeks to recreate the process similar to that adopted by Qwest and seven state commissions to work through the myrad of section 271 issues eight or more years ago.9 While that collaborative process worked reasonably well to get through what would have been an otherwise insurountable volume of regulatory work in simultaneous state commission proceedings across the region, the process described in the Scoping Document is not appropriate for "review" ofthe Idaho PAP. Not only would such a process be inordinately expensive and time consuming, but it is a very poor alternative for the review provided under PAP section 16.3, which is required here. Since Qwest wil not paricipate in the process outlined in the ROC Scoping Document, there is no possibilty that the "collaborative discussions" phase of the ROC multi-state proposal wil yield any meaningful agreement regarding Qwest's PAPin Idaho. Therefore Staffs recommendation amounts to nothing more than a suggestion that the Commission delay indefinitely the meaningful legal and policy review requested by Qwest in its petition while Staff paricipates in a lengthy and expensive analysis of each pedormance measure. There is nothing in PAP paragraph 16.3 that suggests that review of the performance measures themselves is contemplated or that a collaborative process is required. And, while the CLECs that chose to file comments in this docket have expressed their preference that the PAP remains in effect, none suggested that a 9 See Qwest's Petition, ir 9. Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Perod - 4 - detailed review of individual pedormance measures is desired. Qwest respectfully requests that Staffs motion be denied and that the Commission tu its attention to an Idaho-specific review of the PAP under section 16.3. 2. This Commission Should Look to PAP Section 16.3 for Guidance as to the Kid of Review Required. Section 16.3 requires that Qwest and the Commission paricipate in a review of the "appropriateness" of the PAP and whether "its continuation is necessary" before the PAP is rescinded. As noted above, the mismatch between a section i 6.3 review and the process recommended by Staff is obvious. Section 16.3 makes no mention of a comprehensive analysis of each individual performance measure. Even more obviously section 16.3 does not contemplate that this Commission wil receive the views of up to thirteen other state staffs, or of CLECs who did not choose to intervene in Idaho. Qwest's Petition outlines in detail the origin of the PAPin Idaho. As stated there it came about as Qwest and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) cast about looking for the blueprint that could be adopted by Bell Operating Companes (BOCs) for their filings to obtain approval to enter the interstate long distance market under section 271 of the Federal ActIO. At the time that the PAP was offered in Idaho, Qwest made it clear that it was offering the PAP voluntarly and for a limited time. It is Qwest's position that it is not now legally required to continue to offer the PAP. Staff does not comment on ths key Qwest position. Instead it simply recommends that the Commission indefinitely delay Qwest's request for meaningful review pending its participation in the proposed ROC multi-state process. For that process to be even marginally relevant to this case, however, it must be assumed that the PAP (at least in some form) is legally required 11 and, further that it is best to obtain an outside consultant's opinion on what details it should include. On the other hand if the 10 See Id., irir4, 7, 29-31 11 The other possible assumption that could have supported Staffs recommendation, i.e., that Qwest would voluntarly agree to the multi-state negotiation session descrbed in the Scoping Document involving state commission staff members and CLEC customers is not viable in light of Qwest' s decision not to paricipate in the process outlined in the Scoping Document. Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Period - 5 - Commission were to conclude, as Qwest has done, that Qwest is not required to continue to offer the PAP, the consultant's conclusions about the effectiveness of individual pedormance measures are neither relevant nor usefuL. Qwest submits that this Commission should engage in an Idaho-specific review of the Idaho PAPas contemplated under section 16.3 looking first at the question whether there is a legal requirement that Qwest continue to offer the PAP. Assuming that it concludes that Qwest is not required to offer the PAP, the Commission could then turn its attention to any policy issues that underlie this discussion. For example, to the extent that the comments of the CLECs in this docket raise issues about their remedies should Qwest fail to continue to provide the level of serice to wholesale customers that is required by law, the Commission's role in reviewing legislative policy and managing competing policy objectives could be called in to play. Qwest urges the Commission to reject the notion created by the CLECs that the only possible means of assuring Qwest continues to comply with its obligations is to subject Qwest to the burden of hundreds of individual performance measures and the liquidated damages provisions that make up the PAP. 3. Qwests Procedural Recommendations Qwest recommends that the Commission deny Staffs motion in so far as it contemplates delaying this docket while it paricipates in the proposed multi-state process described in the ROC StaffScoping document. Consistent with Qwest's concurent Motion for Permission to File Responsive Comments Qwest asks that the Commission grant it an opportnity to respond to the comments fied by the intervenors in this docket concerning the Idaho SGAT and PAP. However, to the extent the issues raised in interenor comments go beyond the legal and policy review requested by Qwest, they should be held for future consideration pending the outcome of the legal and policy review. Accordingly, Qwest proposes to file said responsive comments forty-two days from the date hereof. Thereafter, Qwest recommends that the Commission enterain oral argument on the legal issues presented by Qwest's petition. Finally, to the extent issues remain that Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Period - 6 - require briefing or further input for the Commssion's consideration, Qwest recommends that the Commission then schedule a prehearing conference to develop a procedural schedule suitable for addressing those issues. Dated this 4th day of August, 2008. Respectfully submitted, ~t/i/ S' . 9' Mar S. . obson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Main. Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Adam L. Sher Corporate Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Attorneys for Qwest Corporation Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Perod - 7 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby certify that a tre and correct copy of the foregoing Response to Staff Motion to Extend Comment Period was served on the 4th day of August, 2008 on the following individuals: Jean D. Jewell Weldon B. Stutzmn Idaho Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83702 j j ewelltiuc. state.id. us i Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnght Delivery Facsimle Email Douglas K, Denney Integra Telecom 730 Second Avenue S., Suite 900 Minneapolis, MN 55402 dkdeney(fintegratelecom.com Michel Singer Nelson Associate General Counsel 360networks (USA) Inc. 867 Coal Creek Circle, Suite 160 Louisvile, CO 80027 mnelson(f360 . net Hand DeliveryiU. S. Mail Overnght Delivery FacsimileiEmail Hand DeliveryiU. S. Mail Overnght Delivery FacsimileiEmail Hand Deliveryiu. S. Mail Overnght Delivery Facsimile--Email Gregory L. Rogers Senior Corporate Counsel Level 3 Communcations LLC 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfeld, CO 80021 greg.rogers(ileve13 .com Mar S. H bson Attorney or Qwest Corporation Qwest Response to Staff Motion To Extend Comment Period - 8 -