HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080403Petition.pdfMar S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor 999 Main, Suite 1103 Boise, il 83702 208-385-8666 RECEIVED ZDOB APR - 2 PH 4: 32 ;:):1 ri.:; r tr' .~' ...".'.¡..tv:"(j:,;;',HSS10N April 2, 2008 VIA HAND DELIVRY Jean D. Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 RE: Docket No. QWE-T-08- o: Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commissiòn are an original and seven (7) copies of QWEST CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR EXEMPTION FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF RULE If you have any questions, please contact me. Than you for your cooperation in this matter. Very trly yours,~gl6~~-- Mar S. H¿fon Enclosures Mar S. Hobson (ISB. No. 2142) 999 Main, Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Tél: 208-385-8666 mar.hobson(fgwest.com Adam L. Sher Corporate Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Tel: (206) 398-2507 adam. sherr(fqwest. com Attorneys for Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PETITION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF RULE Case No. QWE-T-08-0~ QWEST CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR EXEMPTION Qwest Corporation (Qwest), by and through its undersigned attorneys, files this Petition for Exemption from Cerain Provisions of Rule (Petition) on the grounds set out below: BACKGROUND 1. Ths Petition is fied pursuant to IDAPA Qwest requests a peranent exemption from certain provisions ofIDAPA (Rule 201), which QWEST PETITION FOR EXEMPTION - 1 - perain to bil format and content for residence and small business customers. Qwest respectfully requests that the Commission review this Petition on an expedited basis. 2. Qwest seeks this exemption so that it may be allowed to offer its customers the option of receiving a summar biling statement ("Summar Statement") that reduces the volume and complexity of the detailed information contained in Qwests standard bil. A copy of Qwests Summar Statement with certain explanatory comments is attached hereto as Exhbit 1. 3. Customers who choose to receive the Sumary Statement must affrmatively select this change to their biling statements. Those who do not affrmatively request the Sumar Statement wil continue to receive the standard bil, which, among other thigs, complies with the detailed requirements of Rule 201. 4. Customers who have chosen the Sumar Statement may review the standard detailed biling information for their account on Qwests website at any time. In the alternative, they may request and receive a paper copy of their recent detailed biling information without charge. 5. Customers wil have the option to switch from the Summar Statement back to a standard biling format at any time, again without charge or penalty. 6. The Sumar Statement provides the most important biling information customers are looking for, i.e., biling date, due date, total amount due, past due amounts (if any), payments received since the prior biling, biling totals for each class of serice, summar information about taxes and surcharges, and information about services provided by third paries, including contact information for questions regarding third pary biling. QWEST PETITION FOR EXEMPTION - 2 - 7. Any of the more detailed information that is required under Rule 201 that is not provided on the Sumar Statement can be readily obtained online, or by calling Qwest s customer serce representatives, whose contact information is provided on the Summary Statement. 8. Qwests objective in providing the Sumar Statement is to provide customers more options and to respond to customer demand for simplified biling information. Should the Sumar Statement not meet customer needs, customers can easily return to the standard bil format prescribed by the Commission. STANDAR OF REVIEW 9. The Commission may grant exemptions if "unusual or uneasonable hardships result from the application of any of (its) rules". . . IDAP A 10. The circumstances described in this Petition meet this standard. Strct adherence to the detailed requirements of Rule 201 prohibits Qwest from making an option available to customers that wil reduce the volume and complexity of their bils-a reduction that many customers want. Since only those customers who affrmatively ask for the Summar Statement wil receive it, and since every customer can readily obtain the Commission-prescrbed, biling detail either electronically or in paper format, application the letter of Rule 201 to every biling option Qwest offers is not required to sere the policies for which the Rule was adopted. 11. Granting the exemption wil permit Qwest to better serve-customers by providing a sumar biling document for those that specifically request it, while preserng the standard bil for everyone else. Denying the exemption would work a hardship on Qwest, QWEST PETITION FOR EXEMPTION - 3 - which is seeking to improve customer serce through the provision of options, as well as on those customers who would prefer to receive the Sumar Statement. REQUEST FOR RELIEF 10. Qwest respectfully requests that the Commission consider ths Petition on modified procedure and expeditiously grant the relief requested herein to allow Qwest to offer a Sumar Statement in form attched as Exhibit 1. Submitted this 1 st day of April, 2008. Respectfully submitted, f:~. 2142) 999 Main. Suite 1103 Boise, ID 83702 Adam L. Sherr Corporate Counsel, Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Attorneys for Qwest Corporation QWEST PETITION FOR EXEMPTION - 4 - Box 2: 'Past Due Balance (Disregard if Paid)' wil display when the dollar amount is greter than zero. 'Balance' will display when the dollar amount is zero ora creit. Existing rules apply. Thank you for being a Qwest customer BILLING NAME 1 BILLING NAME 2 BILLING NAME 3 Account Number: NPA NXX-LLLL CUSR Bil Date: January 7,2008 Customer Service: 1 800-244-1111 Repair: 1 800-573-1311 Help Us Go Green! See page 2 for details! Or go online at: qwest.com QWEST ALSO OFFERSe Example Example Call or visit qwest.com to learn more! You have Qwest Bundle service and are receiving $XX in bundle savings and promotion discounts! INCLUDED IN YOUR STATEMENTe ø (l ePhone Intemet Wireless TV Service Service Service Service Previous Balance $XX.XX - Payment(s) Mmm.DD $XX.XX = Total Amount Due $XX.XX - Adjustment(s) $XX.XX = Past Due Balance $X.XX (Disregard if Paid) + Total New Charges $XX.XX Due by Mmm.DDYY Thank you! Marketig Message in this space Marketing Message in this space Marketing Message in ths space Please fold, tear here and return this portion with your payment. To change your biling address, Qwe St: call us at 1800-244-1111 Spirit of Setvlce"" Account: NPA NXX-LLLL CUSR Payment Due Date: Month DD, YY Total Amount Due: $XX.XX Amount Enclosed: See reverse of this page to enroll in automatic payment and/or paperless billin Bil Name Billng Address City, ST Zip code Qwest PO BOX 173384 Denver, CO 80217-3384 1 Exhibit 1 Sum Billng Staterent- So il This languge is dynamc dependig on the customer. For example, if the customer is enlled in automatic payment,tht selection wil not appear. Ths is areurng statement for customers who have elected to opt into the Sunaiy Billng Statement. CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 800-2441111 REPAIR 1 800-573-1311 ACCOUNT NUMBER NPA NXX-LLLL CUSR Bil Name BILL DATE Page 2 of X MmmD, YY qwest.com ~If you would like to join Qwest in conserving natural resource, please select "Paperless Biling" on the stub below to opt out of receiving a paper bilL. Should you ever need full details of your current bil, call Customer Service at the number above and they will be happy to provide a paper copy to you at no cost. Or log on to qwest.com/myaccunt to view your bil details online. A charge will be assessed for a request of a paper copy of your bil older than six months or an online bil older than twelve months. Your Long-Distance Provider Has Changed At your request, Qwest Long Distance has recently been made your provider for long- distance calls outside your local toll callng area. At your request, Qwest Long Distance has recently been made your provider for long- distance calls inside your local toll callng area. If you did not authorize this, please call 1 800-922-1879. This is a summary biling statement of your current bil. You may always get your current bil with detailed charges at qwest.comlmyaccount or by callng Qwest. Infonnation About Your Account At Qwest, our top priority is providing you with quality customer service. As part of that commitment, we have prepared the following information to help you understand your account. If you need additional assistance, please call Customer Service at 1 800- 244-1111. Customers using Teletype (TT) devices can direct their inquiries to Qwest at 1 800-223-3131, a TT equipped number. Charges for your monthly service are biled one month in advance. Qwest should receive your payment for the total amount due on or before the due date on your bilL. If you are unable to pay by the due date, please contact Customer Service to avoid possible collection action. Your basic telephone service wil not be disconnected for non-payment of charges for services that are identified by an asterisk ( . ). Qwest packages of features and the amounts shown on the summary page may include both basic and charges that are not basic. Late Charge Reminder: A late payment charge of 1.5% may apply if amount due does not reach us by Mmm 0, YY. To make additional payments: Make a check payable to Qwest. Write your account on your check and mail to: Qwest PO BOX 173638 Denver, CO 80217-3638 Or, pay online at awest.com andl or to view your bill, change your billng address, order new products and services, check your Qwest Wireless minutes. DateE-mail Address Signature Check the appropriate box below and return with your check for this month's payment. Accunt Number NPA NXX-LLLL CUSR Automatic By checking this box and signing above, you are authorizing and instructing your financial Payment instiution to debit the monthly amount due on your Qwest bil from your account associated with your enclosed payment, and remit directly to Qwest. Or, you may sign up for Automatic Payment at qwest.com/bilpay. (To discontinue Automatic Payment you must call Qwest.) Paperless By checking this box, providing your e-mail address, and signing above, you are authorizing Biling Qwest to enroll you in Paperless Biling. You will need to create an online accunt at qwest.com/bilpay in order to view your bil. o o Exhibit 1 2 Sunar Billg Statement- So ID State specific mandated languge curtly in production wil be used in this section. This languge isdynic depending on the customer. For example, if the customer is enrlled in automatic payment,tht selection wil not appear. Ths statement was added forPCC TIB reuirement CUSTOMER SERVICE 1800-2441111 REPAIR 1 800-573-1311 ACCOUNT NUMBER NPA NXX-LLLL CUSR Bil Name BILL DATE Page 30fX MmmD, YY o qwest.com Your savings this month Thank you for being a valued Qwest customer with Bundle Savings from: . Qwest Choice DSL with MSNcB . Owest Wireless Cross Country . Qualifying LD Plan. DIRECTVcB Bundle Savings based on the 4 products you currently have is $37.00 per month. This bil includes a Bundle Savings of $37,00. Prmotional and savig statements wil appear as what is in prouction today. Bundle Savings Qwest Digital Voice Qwest Connect SLVR w MSFT Cross Country Plus DIRECTV w/Minimum Programming Total Bundle Savings Promotional Discounts Qwest Broadband Promotion Discount $5.00 12.00 15.00 5.00 $37.00 Discount $XX.XX Summary of New Charges Discounts are given one month in advance. Your bill may include a partial month and a month in advance of billing. Prouct changes may result in a charge for unused discounts previously given. DISCOUNTS & SAVINGS TOTAL WITH SAVINGS Total Promotional Discounts Total savings this month $XX.XX $XX.XX . ø ..'" :: ... .... o SERVICE PRICE Phone ServiceLocal Service Monthly Charges $49.99 - $5.00 $44.99 Long Distance Monthly Charges * 20.00 - 5.00 15.00Related Monthly Charges 9.50 9.50Usage Charges 2.05 2.05Taxes, Fees & Surcharges 9.60 9.60 Your basic telephone service (dial tone) wil not be disconnected for non-payment of other services included in this section. For a detailed breakdown of your services, go to: qwest.comlmy account or call Qwest. 3 Exhibit 1 Total Phone Service $XX.XX - 12.00 32.99 4,99 - .36 Total Internet Service $XX.XX Total Qwest Leased Equipment $XX.XX - 15.00 29.99 1.75 4.47 Total Wireless Phone Service $XX.XX - 5.00 39.99 4.99 Total TV Service $XX.XX Internet Service * Qwest Broadband with MSFT Monthly Charges Related Monthly Charges Taxes, Fees & Surcharges 44.99 4.99 - .36 Total AT&T Charges $XX.XX Qwest Leased Equipment * Wireless Phone Service * Monthly Charges Related Monthly Charges Taxes, Fees & Surcharges 44.99 1,75 4.47 Other Companies * AT&T - contact 8XX NXX-LLLL Total New Charges $XX.XX TV Service * DIRECTV Monthly Charges Related Monthly Charges 44.99 4.99 . For additional information, see Information About Your Account, on page 2. Sum Biling Statement- So il CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby cerify that a tre and correct copy of the foregoing QWEST CORPORATION'S PETITION FOR EXEMPTION FROM CE~ PROVISIONS OF RULE was served on the:t day 0 2008 on the following individuals: Jean D. Jewell Idao Public Utilties Commssion 472 West Washigton Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, il 83702 Telephone (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 j j ewell(ßuc.state.id. us i Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnght Delivery Facsimle Email ~f-Lc . Mar S. sonA~fQest Corporation