HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140122CLSP Agreement Extension Amendment.pdfCENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 733-5178 Facsimile (206) 3/3-4040 Maura E. Peterson Paralegal Regulatory Law January 17,2014 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 :, lJ.. r. r!r., j sITd -:0 TrrY Centurylink' Via Overnight delivery CIwv4- zb-zq Re: CenturyLink Local Services Platform ("CLSP") Agreement Extension Amendments Dear Ms. Jewell: Pursuant to my telephone conversation with your office on January 16,2014, enclosed are the signature pages for all of the CLSPs which have been extended. For your convenience, we are also enclosing a matrix listing the CLSPs and the docket numbers associated with the original agreements. Please contact have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you. MEP/jga Enclosure EXTENSION AMENDMENT TO CENTU RYLIN K TI' LOCAL SERVIC ES PLATFORM ("CLSP''T''1 AG REEM ENT This amendment ("Amendment"), by and between Qurest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC ("CenturyLink"), a Colorado corporation, and MGlmetro Access Transmission Services LLC ("CLEC"), amends the CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform ("CLSe'nl Agreement (formerly known as'Qwest Local Services Platformru ('QtSe*'; Agreement") between the Parties. WHEREAS, the Parties entered into a Qwest Local Services Platform ('QLSerul Agreement (now referred to as a,CenturyLinkil Local Services Platform ("CLSR'u1 Agreement), (the'Agreemenf); and WHEREAS, the terms 'CenturyLink' and 'CLSP' in this Amendment shall be used in place of, and interchangeably with, the terms "Qwest" and 'QLSP', respectively, in the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement under the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms Section 2. of the Aqreement will be replaced in its entiretv as follows: 2. Effective Date. This Amendment shall be deemed effective on January 1,2014. Section 3 of the Aoreement will be reolaced in iE entiretu as foilows: 3. Term. The term of this Agreement begins on the Effective Date and continues through December 31, 2016. Upon expiration, this Agreement will continue on a month-to-month basis until it is terminated by either Party, with at least ninety (90) Days prior written notice, pursuant to Section 22 of the Agreement, or replaced by a successor agreement. Attachment 2 - Seruice Description - of the Aoreement ls herebv amended as follows: 1. Section 1 of Attachment 2 will have the following added: 1.6.7 Should CenturyLink cease offering a service to its End User Customers that is also available under this Agreement, upon thirty (30) Days prior written notice to CLEC, CenturyLink will also cease offering the service to GLEC. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CenturyLink will not effect a discontinuation of any service pursuant to this Section 1.6.7 in such manner that CLEC may not reasonably comply with Applicable Law conceming End User Customer discontinuation of service, disconnection and notification, provided that, the foregoing is subject to CLEC's reasonable diligence in effecting such compliance. . Section 3.2.4 of Attachment 2 is replaced with the following: 3.2.4 115o/o YOY Volume Growth Plan: lf the number of CLEC's total CLSP lines as of October 31 of each year equals or exceeds 11Oo/o ol the sum of CLEC's total CLSP lines as of October 31 of the preceding year, and the YOY line increase is equal to or greater than one thousand (1,000) CLSP lines, CLEC will qualify for a 30% discount off the Business Port MRCs and a 60/o discount off the Residential Port MRCs applicable during the next calendar year. 3. Section 7 of Attachment 2 will have the following changes: 7.0 Commercial Performance and Service Credits. 7.2 Removed in its entirety. 7.3 Removed in its entirety. 4. Section 8 of Attachment 2 will have the following added: 8.1.1 Upon a decision from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission that CenturyLink is no longer required to offer the Washington Performance Assurance Plan, CenturyLink will transition to the Commercial Performance and Service Credits Plan of Section 7.0. Decemberl0, 2013/kjdCLSP 2014 Extension Amendment to CLSPil AgreemenUMClmetro Access Az'CDS-101021-0086; CO-CDS-101021-0087; IA-CDS-101021-0088; lD-CDS-101021-0089; MN-CDS-101021-0090 MT-CDS-101021-0091; ND-CDS-101021-0092; NE-CDS-101021-0093; NM-CDS-101021-0094; OR-CDS-101021-0095; SD-CDS-101021-0096; UT-CDS-101021-0097; WA-CDS-I01021-OO9B; WY-CDS-101021-0099 Page 1 of2 CelturyLlnkru Local Serulces Platform (CLSPil) Rate Page - rZ,CO,IA, lD, MT, ND, NE, NM, OR, SD, UT, WA, VIIY January 1, 2014 through Term CenturyLlnkil LocalServlces Platform (CLSPn') Rate Page - ltrinnesota January l, 2014 through Term t09.112 ,orE, lf 809. YOY Volume Retembn Plan Reoulrement! Ar. tet r(n.11.2.1 \nelos Porl t{# |os.11.2.2 )o P(xt R68ld€niial e(i us€rcf€dit .AWUR N,, 10s.11.2.3 :tredlve CLSPil Resld€nlial Analoo Port N/l 10s.1 1.2.4 ritEl Porl (SuDoortino BRI ISDN)trl/I ,BX DID Port N/A r0t23.2 mt8llrtlon NonrecurrlnC Chr7lea lo9.2s-2_1 :LSPil Butlne!.. Cafltrrx, PAL. rnd PBX Anrloo non-DlD Trunk . R$ldentlrl lFkst Lln€ (irocharilzad){HCRA s25,0( noeugun Eilelope lO: AA0F4F8F-A08F-40A$^$OD7-7FD9FBrrCO023 EXTENSION AMEITDMENT TO CENTU RYLIIIKI'I LQCAL SERVICES PLATFORII' {"CL$P N' "; AGREEMENT Tho Cenlurvllnk CL$P Rate Sheets ate amendr,d oer the atlachad rate shee(bL 1 , $ecthn 109.23,2j.1 of each CL$P rate Sheot will reflec{ a rote reductlon from $$0.00 to $2$,00, 2. $eotbn109.1 t.2ofthsCL$PFatePagewill beremovedlnltsontirety-forMinneeotaonly. Furthsr Amendmentg Ex6pl a$ expreesly modifiod by thls Amendmenl, the provislons of the Agreernent ahall remaln unmodllied and shall bo in full torce and efferd" The provielons o{ thls Arnendmont. includlng the provishns of lhis genience, may nol be arnended, modified or supplenrenled, and rryaivers or consenk to departures from the prcrvlsbns of lhis Amendment may nol be glven wltfffit tho vnltlen coffiont thorsto by both of iho Partios hrrsto. tlo wafuer by any Party of any dofault, misrsre$entation, or breach of wananty or coY$lant trcreundor, whethsr intenliNal or nol, will be deemed to extond lo any prio,r or subeequent defautl, mlsropresenlatlon, or breacfr of urananty or aov€fiant hsreunder or affecl ln any way any rights arising by virtua of any prior or subsequent such occurronos. Entlre Aoreement The Agroomont as amended (includlng by tho doanments re&ned lo herein) conslltutes lhe tull and sntirs undex$landing and agrcernent hoMesn the Parti€s with reglard to the subJect maltar of the Agreement, a amended, and supersedos any prior urderelatdings, agreemsnls, or representations by or between 0p Par{os, !i,rll(€n or oral, t'o ths o)dent they relate in any way to lhe subiect matter of tha Agreemonl, as amqrded, The Partie€ inlerdlng io ba legalty bound have ex€cuted this Amendment as d the datas sst lorth belon, in mulliple counterpails, each of which b deemed an or{1inal, h:t all of w}rtch shafi conslliule one anrl lhe sams inslrument. MClmetro Accoss Tranrmigalon ax .}*s\r\*- Date: Dacanberl0, 20lgt cJCtSP 201,1 E*enshn Ammdmen{ ro CLSPil Agrcement/MGlmelro Accoss AZ-CO$-10102r4086; CGCD$-I01021-0087: |A-CDS-"|01021.0088; IOCD$-IO1021{089; Mli}CDS-10try21-OO90 tiT-COS"tS1021{091; ND{DS-101021{092i NE"{JI}.S-{0102140931 NItl-OD$-101021-0094; ORCDS-,l01041-0095; sp-COS-1 01021{098: U?-C0$-101021{0s/: $rA"CDIi.lol02'l-0098; WY-OD&101021-0009 Name: *}l'*-le! --1;\Al!b\,ri !- A.t?. C4f+.{3 a/r4rA4{:q€r4 rz lo, | 'j 'Illle: 4r{"f - I -g$ h-'l !-/l{.a-..r*-l-+--*- Name: Titlo: Firwlqk:trvholgsale Contrada Page 2 of2