HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060928Motion to dismiss Part II.pdf"""'--'--'U_'--'-------------""..---. "...-...... . EXHIBIT Appendix 1 Form A- CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY LICENSE accordance wi th the terms and conditions of the License Agreement No. -I-901C. thi s duit Occupancy License Number 88-is hereby granted this 11 th dayJuly19~. This license allows Li'censee to occupy Licensor conduitsystem as indicated on the attached Form A-3. with cable. equipment and facilitiesspecified on the attached Forms A-4 an6 A- This l1cense shaH continue for an initial term of twenty (20) years commencing on thelicense date first written above. This license sha11 continue after the initial term forsuccessive terms of five (5) years unless terminated by either party hereto. Licensor estimates completion of the make-ready work hereunder to be on or before , 1 988 FEES AND CHARGES A) General 1) Occupancy fees commence on the first day of the calendar month during which AT&T begins the placement of their facilities in the llcensed innerduct. or June 1 . 1990, whichever date comes fi rst. 2) The total occupancy fees due hereunder. sha 11 be based upon the number ofductllnnerduct feet of duct for whlch licenses have been issued. 81) For the purpose of determining the duct feet, chargeable, the duct considered occupied ~' sha 11 be measured from the: center to center of adjacent manholes. or (i1) center of manhole to the end of a duct not terminated in a manhole. B) Charges applicable under this license are as follows: Recurring Charge(s):F or one (l) i nnerduct From Birch toFi 1 more Street in Jerome , Idaho. 652 feet ~ 3.25/ft./yr. $15.119.00/yr. Nonrecurring Charge(s). (such as make-ready fees. supervision fees): None THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TiLEGRAPH COMPANY (Li censee) SIGNED: THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (L censor) SIGNED: \ NAME: TITLE: Chuck Mei er NAME: TITLE:Executi ve Di rector Network ties -": 1f OHE: OJ stri ct Manager Pt' " ... ""'" :",UL . ;'.'.) DATE: Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page I of20 Appendix 1 Form A- APPLICATION FOR CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY LICENSE In accordance with the terms and conditions of the L1 cense Agreement No. OOIC, dated May 28. 1988 application is hereby made for alicense to occupy the conduit system shown on Form A-3. with the cable andequipment detailed on Forms A-4 andA-5. This request will be designated as: Conduit System Occupancy Appl ication No. 88- From Birch to Filmore Street in Jerome, Idaho. (1) (hereinafter C.O. No. li censee hereby reque s ts L1 censor to spec i fy the fees and charges as soci a tedwith the above request. Such fees and charges shall be specified on Form A- Spec; fy party that wi 11 perform: J) Installation of Ucensee communi.cation facilities in Licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Const. Dept. 2) Modifications to Licensee communication facllaies in Licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Oprns. Dept. 3) Mal ntenance conduit system: Licensee communication facilities in Licensor American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Oprns. Dept. 4) Removal services of Llcensee s communication facnities in Licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Const. Dept. American Telephone and Telegraph Company (Licensee) Signed: Pri nt Name:Chuck Me; er Title:District Mana Date:UUrt2 1985 (1) Individual applications to be numbered in sequential ascending order by Licensee for each License Agreement. Licensor will process applications insequenti al ascendi ng order accordi ng to the app 1 i cati on numbers as signed the Li censee. . ; Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 2 of20 . ,, ; Fi lmore Street , ' American Telephone and Tele~ph Company (Licensee) , (C.s.O. Application No. Idaho - Birch to Filmore Street in Jerome. Appendix I Form A-3 CONDUITIINNERDUCT SYSTEM DIAGRAM (Ll censee will provi de d\agram of requested condui t system route) 652" B'rch Tel CoO Telco Site Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 3 of20 Appendix 1 Form A- American Telephone and Tele~aph Company (Licensee) (C.s.O. Application No. CABLE TO OCCupy CONDmT SYSTEMS Idaho - Birch to Ftlmore Street in Jerome. Meta lli c Cab 1 e Ht. lbs.Sheath Type Max.Max.TypeDesignationinchesperVol tage CurrentFootSh i e 1 d Cable . to Gnd.in any Jacket ~T no AC , I DC Conductor.(a)(b)(c)(d) (d)(e)(f) (f) SM- 042 X-P1 36 F N/A Poly (a) Cable Designation AssIgn letter , alphabetically,of cable to be installed. (b) 0. Inches Outside diameter of the cable. (c) Ht. lbs. per foot self explanatory. (d) Metallic Sheath or Shield self explanatory. (e) TYDe of Cable Show size and gauge,(e.g.. 16-22), (f) Mox. Voltage to Gnd.self explanatory , (g) Max. Current in any Conductor Indicate ~oltage. (h) Type of JacKet Enter type of ma teri a 1 of the (poiyethylene, PVC, or lead. etc. to each different type outer jacket or sheath Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 4 of20 Appendix 1 Form A- ; . erican Telephone arid Telegraph Company ~eDSee) (C.O. Application No.\II EQUIPMENT HOUSINGS TO BE PLACED IN MANHOLES Idaho - BI rch to Filmore Street in Jerome. Location Hei Wi dth We; aht uanti t 1 C.O. + 9,800 Splice Case 2S"25 1 bs . O. + 19.6000 and every 9800 I to end condui t run. Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 5 of20 Appendix I Form A- CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY LICENSE accordance with the terms and conditions of the License Agreement No. I-OO1C. thi s, ju it Occupancy Li cense Number , 88-1 s hereby granted thi s 11 th dayJuly19~. Thi s 1 i cense allows Licensee to occupy li censor I s conduitsystem as ind1cated on the attached Form A-3, with cable equipment and facilitiesspecified on the attached Forms A-4 and A- This license shall continue for an inithl term of twenty (20) years commencing on theli cense date fi rst written above. Thi s license shall continue after the i nHi a 1 term forsuccessive terms of five (5) years unless terminated by either party hereto. Licensor estimates completion of the make-ready work hereunder to be on or before , 1 FEES AND CHARGES A) General 1) Occupancy fees commence on the first day of the calendar month during which AT&T beginsthe placement of their facilities in the licensed innerduct . or June 1, 1990. wMchever date comes fi rst. 2) The total occupancy fees due hereunder shall be based uponduct/innerduct feet of duct for which licenses have been issued.the number 8) For the purpose of determining the duct feet chargeable. the duct considered occUpied~ sha 11 be measured from the: (i) center to center of adjacent manholes. or (i i) center of manho1 e to the end of a duct not termi nated 1n a manhol B) Charges applicable under this license are as follows: Recurring Charge(s):For one (1) i nnerduct From 619 Bannock (Boise Main) to Federal Way & Amity 2S.S26 feet ~ 3.Zs/ft./yr. $82.959.S0/yr. Nonrecurring Charge(s) , (such as make-ready fees. supervision fees): None THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (l i censee) THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY . :::: ~~n:7 :.:G.t TITLE: Executive Director Netwqrk acll i ti es DI-."iE: IS Cri SIGNED: NAME: TITLE: Chuck Me DATE: District Manager irur f 2 KJRS Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 6of 20 Appendix 1 Form A- APPLICATION FOR CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY LICENSE In accordance wi th the terms and conditions of the Li cense Agreement No. OO1C. dated May 28. '1988 application is hereby made for alicense to occupy the conduit system shown on Form A-3. with the cable andequipment detailed on Forms A-4 and A-5. This request will be designated as: Conduit System Occupancy Application No. 88-(1) (hereinafter C.O. No.From 619 Bannock (Boise Main) to Federal Way & Amityft., Licensee hereby requests Licensor to specify the fees and charges associatedwith the above request. Such fees and charges shall be specified on Form A- Specify party that will perform: 1) Installation of licensee communication facilities in licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Const. Dept. 2) Modifications to Licensee communication facilities in Licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Oprns. Dept. 3) Maintenance of condui t system: licensee communication facUities in UcensorAmerican Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Opr,ns. Dept. .in Removal services of Licensee s communication facilities in licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Const. Dept. Ameri can Te 1 ephone and Telegraph Company(ll censee) Signed:~~lL- Print Name:Chuck Mei er Tt tl e:Di stri ct Mana Date:Uor 1 2 1988 (1) Individual applications to be numbered in sequential ascending order byL1 censee for each 11 cense Agreement. Li censor wi11 process appl i cations sequenti a 1 ascendi ng order accordi ng to the app 11 cation numbers assigned bythe licenseE. Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 7 of 20 American Telephone and Tele~aph Company (Licensee) (C.s.O. Application No. Idaho - 619 Bannock (Boise Main) to Federal Way & Amity. Appenmx 1 Form A- CONDUITIINNERDUCT SYSTEM DIAGRAM (Licensee wi 1l provide diagram of requested conduit system route) 25,526' Federal Hay & Ami ty Boise Main 619 Bannock Telco Site Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 8 of20 tt: Appendix 1 Form American Telephone and Telegraph Company (Licensee) (C.O. Application No. CABLE TO OCCUpy CONDUIT SySTEMS Idaho - 619 Bannock (Boise Main) to Federal Way & Amity. Meta 11 i c Cab 1 e Wt. 1 bs .Sheath Type Max.Max.TypeDes i gnation inches per Vol tage CurrentFootShieldCab 1 e to Gnd.i n any Jacketye ~I no AC I DC Conductor(a)(b)(c)Cd) (d)(e)(f) (n SM-042 P 1 Y 36 F N/A Poly (a) Cable. Designation Assign letter , alphabetical1y, of cable to be installed. (b) D. Inches Outside diameter of the cable. (c) Wt. lbs. per foot self explanatory. (d) Metallic Sheath or Shield self explanatory. (e) Type of Cable Show size and gauge (e.. 16-22). (f) Max. Voltage to Gnd.self explanatory (9) Max. Current in any Conductor Indicate voltage. (h) Type of Jacket Enter type of ma teri a 1 of the (polyethylene. PVC. or lead. etc. to each different type outer jacket or sheath Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 9 of20 Appendix 1 Form A- erican Telephone and Tele~aph CompanyW:ensee) , (C.s.O. Application No. EQUIPMENT HOUSINGS TO BE PLACED IN MANHOLES Idaho - 619 Bannock (Boise Main) to Federal Way & Amity. Location He i Wi dth He i uanti 1 C.O. + 9.800 Splice Case 25"25 1 bs. 2 C.O. + 19.6000 and every 9800' to end conduit run. Exhibit 3 Case # ATT- T-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 10 of20 '-: Appendix 1 Form A- CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY LICENSE accordance with the terms and conditions of the license Agreement No. I-001C. this~ui t Occupancy License Number 88-is hereby granted thi s 11 th dayVl July 19~. This license allows Licensee to occupy Licensor s conduitsystem as indicated on the attached Form A-3. with cable. equipment and facilitiesspecified on the attached Forms A-4 and A-5. Thh license shall continue for an initial term of twenty (20) years comencing on theJicensedate first written above. This license shall continue after the initial term forsuccessive terms of five (5) years unless terminated by either party hereto. Licensor estimates completion of the make-ready work hereunder to be on or before , 19 FEES AND CHARGES A) Genera 1 1) Occupancy fees commence on the first day of the calendar month during which AT&T beginsthe placement of their facilities in the licensed innerduct. or June 1 . 1990, whichever date comes first. 2) The total occupancy fees due hereunder shall be basedduct/i nnerduct feet of duct for whi ch 1 i censes have been issued.upon the number of 3) For the purpose of determining the duct feet chargeable. the duct considered occupied) shall be measured from the~ , - (i) center to center of adjacent manhol es, or (ij) center of manhole to the end of a duct not terminated in a manhole. B) Ch~rges app 1 i cab 1 e under th is 1 i cense are as follows: Recurring Charge(s):For one (1) i nnerduct From Boise Main to Mer1dan. Linder Rd. & Pine. 64.129ft ~ $3~2S/ft./yr. $208 419.2s/yr. Nonrecurring Charge(s), (such as make-ready fees, supervision fees): None THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (Licensee) THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (Licensor) SIGNED: NAME:Chuck Me i er TITLE:Di stri ct Manaaer DATE:nUL 1 2 198 NAME: TITLE:Executive Director Netwo~ %i1 ities 'i RDATE: Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04-AT &TComplaint, Page II of 20 , ~.::, American Telephone and TeleJ?;I'8ph Company (Licensee) (C.s.O. Application No. Idaho - Boise Main to Meridan. Linder Rd. 'Pine. Appendix 1 Form A~ CONDUITIINNERDUCT SYSTEM DIAGRAM (Licensee will provide diagram of requested conduit system route) 1291 Mer1 dan Li nder Rd. & Pine Bo1se Main 619 Bannock Tel co SHe AT&T SUe~ Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 12 of 20 Appendix 1 Form A-4 American Telephone and Tele~aph Company (Licensee) (C.s.O. Application No. CABLE TO OCCUpy CONDUIT SySTEMS Idaho - Boise Main to Meridan, Linder Rd. & Pine. Meta lli c Cab 1 e Wt. 1 bs.Sheath Type Max.Max.TypeDesignationnchesperVol tage CurrentFootShieldCableto Gnd.in any Jacket ~1 no AC I DC Conductor(a)(b)(c)(d) (d)(e)(f) (f) SM- 042 P 1 Y 36 F N/A Poly (a) Cable Designation Assign letter, alphabetically,of cable to be installed. (b) D. Inches Outside diameter of the cable. (c) Wt. .tbs. per foot self explanatory. (d) Metallic Sheath or Shield self explanatory. (e) Type of Cable Show size and gauge (e., 16-22). (f) Max. Voltaae to Gnd.self explanatory (g) Max. Current in any Conductor Indicate voltage. (h) Type of Jacket Enter type of material of the (polyethylene, PVC. or lead. etc. to each different type outer jacket or sheath Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 13 of20 Appendix 1 Form A-5 tit III8i.. "lerican Telephone and Telel!:I'aph Company :ensee) (C.5.0. Application No. EQUIPMENT HOUSJNGSTO BE PLACED IN MANHOLES Idaho -Boise Main to Meridan, L1nder Rd. & P ne. Location Hei W, dth Wei uant, t 1 C.O. + 9.800 Sp 11 ce Case 25"25 lbs. 2 C.O. + 19.6000 and every 00' to end con duit run. .--." Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 14 of20 tJ) Appendix I Form A- APPLICATION FOR CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY LICENSE In accordance with the terms and conditions of the License Agreement No. OO1C, dated May 28, 1988 application is hereby made for a11 cense to occupy the conduit system shown ' on Form A-3, with the cabl e andequipment detailed on Forms A-4 and A-5. This request will be designated as: Conduit System Occupancy Application No. 88-(1) (hereinafter C.O. No~) ~rom Boise Main to Meridan . Linder Rd. & Pine. Li censee hereby requests Li censor to specify the fees and charges associatedwith the above request. Such fees and charges shall be specified on Form A- Specify party that wi II perform: 1) Installation of Licensee communication facilities in Licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Const. Dept. 2) Modifications to Licensee communication facilities in Licensor conduit system. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Oprns. Dept. 3) Maintenance of Licensee communication facilities in Licensor conduit system: American TeleOhone & Telegraph Co. (Oprns. Dept. 4) Removal services of Licensee s communication facil1ties in Licensor conduit system: American Telephone & TeleQraph Co. (Const. Dept. Ameri can Telephone and Te egraph Company(L i censee) Si gned:C1~d- Pr i nt Name:Chuck Me i er n tle:Di stri ct Mana Da te:1J1Jl 1 ? 1988 (1) Individual applications to be numbered in sequential ascending order byLicensee for each license Agreement. Licensor will process applications insequential ascending order according to the ' application numbers assigned by the Licensee. Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 15 of 20 i.J"Appendix 1 Form A- iI~CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY LICENSE r" accordance with the terms and conditions of the License Agreement No. I-001C, this..ndui t Occupancy U cense Numbe,88-i s hereby granted thi s 28 th dayof May 19~. This licen-se a11ows Licensee to occupy Licensor'conduitsystem, as indicated on the attached Form A-3, with cable, equipment and facilitiesspecified on the attached Forms A-4 and A- This license sha11 continue for an initial term of twenty (20) years commencing on thelicense date first written above. This license shall continue after the initial term forsuccessive terms of five (5) years unless terminated by either party hereto. Licensor estimates completion of the make-ready work hereunder to be on or before October l., 1 988 FEES AND CHARGES A) General 1) Occupancy fees commence on the first day of the calendar month during which AT&T beg1ns the pl acement of thei r facl1 iti es in the 1i censed i nnerduct, or June 1 , 1990, whi ever date comes first. 2) The total occupancy fees due hereunder shall be based uponduct/i nnerduct feet of duct for wh1 ch li censes have been i ssued. Jl:!iR For the purpose of determining the duct feet chargeable, the duct considered occupied .., shall be measured from the: the number (1 )center to center of adjacent manholes, or (11) center of manhole to the end of.a duct not terminated in a manhole. B) Charges appl1cable under this license are as follows: Recurring Charge(s):For one (1) i nnerduct From Pocatel1o Junction to Darby Road 300 feet ~ 2.75/ft./yr. $l2l 825.00/yr. Nonrecurri ng Chargee s). (such as make-ready fees, supervi s ion fees): None THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (Licensee) THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (L i censor) SIGNED: NAME: U/'iJw- Chuck Me i er NAME: TITLE:Executi ve Di rector Network ities TITLE:Di stri ct Manager DATE: :t. tt APPROVED JITN 2 2 19& TO fORM 1NLf( DATE: Exhibit 3, Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 16 of 20 , .. ,: '..~ Appendix 1 Form A- APPLICATION FOR CONDUIT SYSTEM OCCUPANCY UCENSE In accordance with the terms and conditions of the li cense Agreement No.001C , dated May 28.1988 appHcation is hereby made for alicense to occupy the conduit system shown on Form A-3, with the cable andequipment detailed on Forms A-4 and A-5. This request will be designated as: Conduit System Occupancy Application No.(1) (hereinafter C.O. No. Licensee hereby requests licensor to specify. the fees and charges associatedwith the above request. Such fees and charges shall be specified on Form A- Specify party that will perform: 1) Installation of Licensee communication facilities in licensor conduit system: American Telephone & TeleGraph Co. (Canst. Dept. 2) Modifications ' to Licensee l s conul1I.inicatlon facilities in Licensor conduit system: American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Oprns. Dept. 3) Ha i ntenance of conduit system: Ucensee communication fat; lit1es in Licensor American Telephone & TeleGraph Co. (Oprns. Dept. 4) Removal services of licensee s communication facilities in Licensor conduit system:' American Telephone & Telegraph Co. (Con st. Dept. American Telephone and Teleqraph Company (ll censee) Signed: Print Name: ~'~.L Chuck Meier Title:Oi stri ct ManaQer , 6 -11 'e;; "JUN 22 1988Date: (11 Individual applications to be numbered in sequential ascending order byL1 censee for each L1 cense Agreement. li censor will process appl1 cations i sequential ascending order according to the application numbers assigned bythe Licensee. _.. J.. ;;:; J ;'(),~:vj Attorney Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-T-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 17 of 20 American Telephone and Tele~ph, Company(Licensee) Pocatello Junction to Darby Road. Appendix 1 Form A- CONDUIT/INNERDUCT SYSTEM DIAGRAM (Licensee will provide diagram of requested conduit system route) 300' (C.s.O. Application No. Pocatel1o. Junction Pocatel10 Matn Telco Site AT&T Site Darby Road (End Conduit) Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 18 of20 Appendix I FormA-4 American Telephone and Tele~ph Company(Licensee) (COS.O. Application No. CABLE TO OCCUpy CONDUIT SYSTEMS Idaho - Pocatel1o Junction to Darby Road Meta 11i c Cable Wt. lbs.Sheath Type Max.Max.TypeDesignationinchesperVol tage Current Foot Sh1e 1 d Cab 1 e to Gnd.in any Jacket ~ I AC 1 DC Conductor(a)(b)(c)(d) (d)(e)(f) (f) SH- 042 Ply 36 f N/A Poly (a) Cable Designation Assign letter. alphabetically,of cable to be installed. (b) 0. Inches Outside diameter of the cable. (c) Ht. 1bs. per foot self explanatory. Cd) Metallic Sheath or Shield self explanatory. (e) Type of Cable Show size and gauge (e.g.. 16-22). (f) Max. Voltage to Gnd.self explanatory (9) Max. Current in any Conductor Indicate voltage. (h) Type of Jacket Enter type of materla1 of the (polyethylene, PVC, or lead, etc. to each di fferent type outer jacket or sheath Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 19 of 20 Appendix I Form A-5t ' 1lerican Telephone and Tele~ Company ... icensee) (C.O. Application No. EQUIPMENT HOUSINGS TO BE PLACED IN MANHOLES Idaho - Pocatello Junction to Darby Road. Location Hei Wi dth Wei uantit 1 C.O. + 9,800 Splice Case 25"25 .1 bs . O. + 19.6000 and every 9800' to end conduit. run. , j Exhibit 3 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 20 of 20 .. EXHIBIT AGREEMENT FOR TERMS AND CONDmONS FOR INTERCONNECTION, UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS, ANCILLARY SERVICES, AND RESALE OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES BETWEEN aWEST CORPORATION AND AT&T COMMUNICATIONS OF TIfE MOUNTAIN STATES, INC. IN TIff STATE OF IDAHO ;. ' OwestlAT&T- CD5-040129-0006 - i- Exhibit 4 ~ase # ATT-T~O4-AT&T Complaint, Page 1 of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1.0 - GENERAL TERMS/NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT ............................................. SECTION 2.0 -INTERPRETATION AND CONSTRUCTION ..................................................... 5 SECTION 3.0 - CLEC INFORMATION ....................................................................................... SECTION 4.0 - DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................... 9 SECTION 5.0 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................................................ 29 GENERAL PROVISIONS ....... ..... ........,.. """"""" ................................................ ............ 29 TERM OF AGREEMENT .......:......................................................................................." 30PROOF OF AUTHORIZATION .................................................................,........................ 30 PAYMENT AND DEPOSIT ............................................................................................." 31 TAXES """"""""""" ......,..... ......................................... ....."....... ... ............................ 32 INSURANCE ................................................. ....... ..."................. ................................... 33 FORCE MAJEURE.. ....................... ...... ...................... ............. ..... ......... ............ ............. 34 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.........................................................................;..................... 34 INDEMNITY ............ ..................................... """"""""""""""'" """""""""" .............. 3510 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ............................................................................................ 36 11 WARRANTIES .......... ..... ............... ......................... .................... .............. .............. ....." 3812 ASSIGNMENT.. ........................... """'" .................................... ............" .......... ..........." 3913 DEFAULT.......................... ........... ........................................................ ......... ............... 14 DISCLAIMER OF AGENCY ....................:......................................................................... 3915 SEVERABILITY ..,........ ..................... .......................... ................................................... 4016 NON-DISCLOSURE......... .............. """'" ................................ ...... .................................. 4017 'SURVIVAL....................... .............. ............................................................... ................ 18 DISPUTE ReSOLUTION ............................ ......... ............................ ............... """""""'" 4219 CONTROLLING LAw............... ........... ................................................................... ......... 4520 RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION................................................ 4521 NOTICES """"""" ... .......;.. ......".... .... ...........................,........... ...... ............................. 4622 ReSPONSIBILITY OF EACH PARTY ................................................................................. 47 23 No THIRD PARTY BeNEFICIARIES ................................................................................. 4724 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. ...................................................................................... 4725 PUBLICITY........ ...................... ..... """ ........... ....... """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4726 exECUTED IN COUNTERPARTS ..................................................................................... 4727 COMPLIANCE.. ................. .................... ...................... ............................................, ...,. 4728 COMPLIANce WITH THE COMMUNICATIONSASSISTANCE LAw ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1994................... ........ ............... ..................... ....... ..... ........ ..... ............................" 4829 COOPERATION. ......... ........................... """""""'" ... :.... ..................... ................ ........" 4830 AMENDMENTS; W AlVERS... ~.............. .............................................................. :::........... 4831 ENTIRE AGREEMENT .................................................................................................... 48 SECTION 6.0 - RESALE """""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""'".......................... DESCRIPTION .................. ....................... ........... ....................... ........................ ........... 49 TERMS AND CONDlTlorIIS.............................................. ................................................ RATES AND CHARGES ..................................................................................... ;............. , ORDERING PROCESS .............,......................................................... ............................ 55 BILLING ........... ........................... """"""'" ......... ................ ................... ........ ............" 56 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ......... ...;............................................................................. SECTION 7.0 - INTERCONNECTION...................................................................................... Owest/AT&T- CDS-040129-0Q06 Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 2 of 19 , ~ .. ':", . TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERCONNECTION FACILITY OPTIONS .......................................................................... 57 MUTUAL exCHANGE OF TRAFFIC """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 63 RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION """""""""""""""""'...................................,............... 75 ORDERING ........................................... ........................ ..................... .......................... 81 JOINTLY PROVIDED $WITCHED ACCESS SERVICES ........................................................ TRANSIT RECORDS .....................".......................................,..........,............................ 83 SECTION 8.0 - COLLOCATION .........., ......................... ..................... .............. .............. .......... 84 DESCRIPTION ..................................... "'" ................ ..... ............................................... 84TERMS AND CONDITIONS.......................,...................................................................... RATE ELEMENTS ................................................. .................. .................................... 119 ORDERING ,.....................:...................,....................,....................... ....................... 129 BILLING.... """""""""'" ....................... ................... ............ ...................................... 145 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ......... ...................,.... .................... ........... ........................ 147 SECTION 9.0 - UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS ......................................................... 148 GENERAL TERMS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" .......................... 148' UNBUNDLED Loops ........................................,........................................................... 153 SUBLooP UNBUNDLING....................... ""'..............................,.............. ........"........... 170 LINE SHARING .................... ..... ........... ..........,...... ...................................,.................. 181 NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE (NID)........................................................................... 189 UNBUNDLED DEDICATED INTEROFfiCE TRANSPORT (UDIT) ..........;.............................. 192 UNBUNDLED DARK FIBER .................... ..... """"""""....................... :.......................... 199 SHARED INTEROFFICE TRANSPORT............................................................................. 207 UNBUNDLED CUSTOMER CONTROLLED REARRANGEMENT ELEMENT (UCCRE)............. 208 10 LOCAL TANDEM SWITCHING ....................................................................................... 210 11 LOCAL SWITCHING ..... .......... ........,...................... ............ ..... ...................................... 212 12 CUSTOMIZED ROUTING .............................................................................................. 221 13 ACCESS TO SIGNALING .............................................................................................. 22214 AIN SERVICES """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""......."................................... 225 15 INTERCONNECTION TO LINE INFORMATION DATABASE (LlDB) ....................................... 227 16 8XX DATABASE QUERY SERVICE ............................................................................... 232 17 INTERNETWORK CALLING NAME (ICNAM)................................................................... 23418 ADDITIONAL UNBUNDLED ... ELEMENTS.................................................................. ...... 236 19 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES .............. :.................................................... ;..................... 237 20 UNBUNDLED PACKET SWITCHING . .................................................... ;......................... 237 21 UNE-P LINE SPUlTlNG .........~.................................................................................. 24022 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE. .................................................................................... 244 23 UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS COMBINATIONS (UNE COMBINATIONS) .......m......... 244 24 Loop SPLITTING.... ...................... ........... .............. ...~....................... ......... """" ......... 260 SECTION 10.0 - ANCILLARY SERVICES.............................................................................. 264 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ..................................................................................... 264 LoCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY .......................................... ........................................ 264911/E911 SERVICE ............................................................................................ .'...... 271WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY LISTINGS...........................................................................275 DIRECTORY AsSISTANCE ...................... :............................ ..... .... ... .................. ,......... 279 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE LIST .............. .................................;................... ................. 282 TOLL AND ASSISTANCE OPERATOR SERVICES ............................................................. 285 ACCESS TO POLES, DuCTS, CONDUITS,AND RIGHTS OF WAY..................................... 289 QwesVAT&T- 10 CDS-040129-QOO6 - ii-Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 3 of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 11.0 - NETWORK SECURITY ............................................................................... 301 SECTION 12.0 - ACCESS TO OPERATIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS (OSS) ....................... 306 12.DESCRIPTION ........................ ............... ..................... ....................... ,...... .... .............. 30612.2 ass SUPPORT FOR PRE-ORDERING, ORDERING AND PROVISIONING ........................... 30612.MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ...........................................,.....................................,...... 321 SECTION 13.0 - ACCESS TO TELEPHONE NUMBERS....................................................... 332 SECTION 14.0 - LOCAL DIALING PARITY............................................................................ 333 SECTION 15.0 - QWEST OFFICIAL PUBLISHER ................................................................. 334 SECTION 16.0 ~ REFERRAL ANNOUNCEMENT .................................................................. 335 SECTION 17.0 - BONA FIDE REQUEST PROCESS............................................................. 336 SECTION 18.0 - AUDIT PROCESS ....................................................................................... 339 SECTION 19.0 - CONSTRUCTION CHARGES ......................................... ,........................... 342 SECTION 20.0 - RESERVED.................................................................................................343 SECTION 21.0 - BILLING....... ............. ................ ....... ........ ................... ........... .............. ........ 344 SECTION 22.0 - PRICING ..................................... :..................................~............................ 358 SECTION 23.0 - NETWORK STANDARDS ........................................................................... 360 . '. : SECTION 24.0 - SIGNATURE PAGE................................................................................... 364 OwestlAT&T-ID CO8-O40129-0006 - iii-Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 4 of 19 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR EXHIBITS . ' ~:. APPENDIX 1 To Section 21 - Billing EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 Owest Transfer Authorization Agreement Owest Services Transfer Agreement EXHIBIT A Rates EXHIBIT B Service Pertonnance Indicators EXHIBIT C Service Interval Tables EXHIBIT D Owest Right of Way, Pole Attachment and/or Innerduct Occupancy General Information Document EXHIBIT E Vertical Switch Features for UNE Switching EXHIBIT F Special Request Process EXHIBIT G Change Management Process (CMP) EXHIBIT H UNE-P Call Flows EXHIBIT I EXHIBIT J Individual Case Basis (ICB) Election of Reciprocal Compensation Option EXHIBIT K Reserved EXHIBIT L Advice Adoption Letter EXHIBIT M Interim Advice Adoption Letter ' , QwestlAT&T- 10 COS-040129-0006 Iv - Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04-AT&T Complaint, Page 5 of 19 Section 10 Ancillary Services originating from coin telephones where the computer requests deposit of coins, additional End User Customer key actions, recording of End User Customer voice, etc. ' ' 10.Call Branding Non-recurring Charge. Owest will charge to ClEC a non-recurring setup and. recording fee for establishing Call Branding and loading each Switch with ClEC's branded message. ClEC must pay such non-recurring charges prior to commencement of the service. The non-recurring set-up and recording charge will applyeach time the ClEC's brand message Is changed. The non-recurring charge to load the Switches with the CLEC's branded message will be assessed each time there is any change to the Switch. 10.4 Ordering Process ClEC will order Operator Services by completing the "Owest Operator Services/DirectoryAssistance Questionnaire for Local Service Providers." Copies of this questionnaire may beobtained from ClEC's designated Qwest account manager. 10.5 Billing 10.Qwest will track usage and bill ClEC for the calls placed by CLEC's EndUser Customers and facilities. 10.Qwest will compute CLEC's invoice based on both Option A (Price PerMessage) and Option B (Price Per Work Second and Computer Handled Calls). Owest will charge ClEC whichever option results in a lower charge. 10.If, due to equipment malfunction or other error, Owest does not have available the necessary infonnation to compile an accurate Billing statement, Owest mayrender a reasonably estimated bill ' but shall notify ClEC of the methods of suchestimate and cooperate in good faith with ClEC to establish a fair. equitable estimate. Qwest shall render ,a bill reflecting actual billable quantities when and If the infonnation necessary for the Billing statement becomes available. 10.Access to Poles, Ducts, Conduits, and Rights of Way 1 0.8. 1 Description 10.Pole Attachments - Where it has owne~hip or control to do so, Owest will provide CLEC with access to available pole attachment space for the placing of facilities for the purpose of transmitting Telecommunications Services. , 10.1 The teRn pole attachment means any attachment by CLEC to a pole owned or controlled by Qwest. 10.Ducts and Conduits - Where it has ownership or control to do so, Owest will provide CLEC with access to available ducts/conduits for the purpose of placing facilities for transmitting Telecommunications Services. A spare duct/conduit will be leased for copper facilities only, and an innerduct for the purpose of placing fiber. , ClEC may place innerduct in an empty duct/conduit. Control of CLEC-installed spare innerduct shall vestin Qwest Immediately upon installation; ownership of such Innerduct shall vest to Owest ~.. QwestlAT&T- 10 COS-O40129-0006 289- Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 6 of 19 Section 10 Ancillary Services if and when CLEC abandons such innerduct. , , 10.1 The terms duct and conduit mean a single enclosed raceway for conductors, cable and/or wire. Duct and ' conduit may be in the ground, may follow streets, bridges. public or private ROW or may be within some portion of a multi-unit building. Within a multi-unit building, duct and conduit may traverse building, entrance facilities, building entrance links, equipment rooms, remote terminals, cable vaults, telephone closets or building riser. The terms Duct and Conduit include riser conduit. 10.2 The term innerduct means a duct-like raceway smaller than a duct/conduit that is inserted into a duct/conduit so that the duct may typicallycarry three cables. 10.8;1.Rights of Way (ROW) - Where it has ownership or control to do so. Owest will provide to CLEC, via an Access Agreement in the form of Attachment 4 to Exhibit D, access to available ROW for the purpose of placing telecommunications facilities. ROW includes land or other property owned. or controlled by Owest and may run under, on, above, across, along or through public or private property or enter multi-unit buildings. c . 10.1 ROW means a real property interest in privately-owned real property, but expressly excluding any public. governmental, federal or Native American, or other quasi-public or non-private lands, sufficient to permit Owest to place telecommunications facilities on such real property; such property owner may permit Owest to install and maintain facilities under, on, above, across, along or through private property or enter multi-unit buildings. Within a multi-unit building, a ROW includes a pathway that is actually used or has been 'specifically designated for use by Owest as part of its transmission and distribution network where the boundaries of the pathway are clearly defined either by Written specifications or unambiguous physical demarcation. 10.Intentionally Left Blank. 10.The phrase .ownership or control to do so. means the legal right, as a matter of State law, to (i) convey an interest in real or personal property. or (Ii) afford access to third parties as may be provided by the landowner to Owest through express or implied agreements, or through Applicaple Rules as defined in this Agreement. 10.2 Terms and Conditions Owest shall provide CLEO non-discriminatory access to poles, ducts, conduit and ri!!Jhts of way on terms and conditions foun~ in the Revised Owest Right of Way, Pole Attachment and/or DuctllnnerductOocupancy General Information Document, attached hereto as Exhibit D. Owest will not favor itself over CLEO when Provisioning access to poles, ducts, conduits and rights of way (ROW). Owest shall not give itself preference when assigning space. 10.Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, Owest agrees to issue to CLEO authorization for CLEC to attach, operate, maintain, rearrange, transfer and remove at its sole expense its facilities on poleslductlinnerduct or ROW owned or controlled in whole or in part by Owest, subject to Orders placed by CLEO. Any and all rights granted to CLEC shall be subject to and subordinate to any future local, State and/or federal OwestlAT&T- CDS-04Q129-0006 290-Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04-AT&T Complaint, Page 7 of 19 Section Ancillary Services requirements. 10.Owest will rely on such codes as the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) to prescribe standards with respect to capacity, safety, reliability, and general engineering principles. 10.Federal requirements. such as those imposed by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), will continue to apply to the extent such requirements affect requests for attachments or occupancy to Owest facilities under Section 224(1)(1) of the Act. \; , 10.CLEC shall provide access to a map of the requested poleslductlinnerductlROW route, InQluding estimated distances between major points, the Identification and location of the poles/ductlinnerduct and ROWand a description of' CLEC's facilities. Owest agrees to provide to CLEC access to relevant plats, maps, engineering records and other data within ten (10) business days of receiving a request for such infonnation. except In the case of extensive. requests. extensive requests Involve the gathering of plats from more than one (1) . location, span more than fIVe (5) Wire Centers, or consist of ten (10) or more intra-Wire Center requests submittedsimultaneously. Responses to extensive requests will be provided within a reasonable , interval, not to exceed forty-five (45) Days. 10.Except as expressly provided herein, or in the Pole Attachment Act of 1934 as amended and its regulations and rules, or in any applicable, State or municipal laws,nothing herein shall be construed to compel Owest to construct, install, modify or place any poles/duct/innerduct or other facility for use by CLEC. 10.Owest retains the right to detennine the availability, of space on poteslductlinnerduct, duct, conduit and ROW consistent with 47 USC ~ 224 and FCC orders, rules and regulations pursuant to 47 USC ~ 224. In the eventOwest detennines that rearrangement of the existing facilities on poles, innerduct. duct/conduit and ROW is required before CLEC'facilities can be acoommodated, the actual cost of such modification will be included in CLEC's nonrecurring charges for the associated Order (Make-Ready fee). When modifications to a Owest spare duct/conduit include the placement of innerduct. Owest or CLEC will install the number of innerduct required to fill the duct/condUit to its full capacity. 10.Owest shall make manhole ingress and egress for ductJinnerduct accessavailable to CLEC. Owest will perfonn a feasibility study to determine whether to provide a stub out via the pre-constructed knock out Within the manhole, or to perfonn a core drill of the manhole. 10.8 'Where such authority does not already exist, CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining the . necessary legal authority to occupy ROW, and/or poleslduct/innerduct on governmental. federal, Native American, and private rights of way. CLEC shall obtainany penn its, licenses, bonds. or other necessary legal authority and permission, at CLEC's sole expense, in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement. CLEC shall contact' all owners of public and private rights-of-way to obtain the permission required to perfonn the work prior to entering the property or starting any work thereon. See Section 10.4. CLEC shall comply with all conditions of rights-of.way and permits. Once such permission is obtained, all such work may be perfonned by Owest or CLEC OwestlAT&T- CD5-040129-0006 - 291 - Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 8 of 19 Section 10 Ancillary Services , ' ~, at the option of CLEC. 10.Access to a Owest Central Office manhole will be permitted whereTechnically Feasible. If space is available, Owest will allow access through the Central Office manhole to the, POI (Point of Interconnection). There shall be a presumption that there shall be no fiber splices allowed in the Central Office manhole. However, whereCLEC can establish the necessity and technical feasibility of splicing in the Central Office manhole, such action shall be permitted. 10.10 Replacement/Modification/Installation -If CLEC requests Owest to replace or modify existing poles/ductllnnerduct to increase its strength or capacity for the sole benefit of CLEC, CLEC shall pay Owest the total actual replacement cost, Owest'actual cost to transfer its attachments to new poleslductlinnerduct, as necessary, and the actual cost for removal (including actual cost of destruction) of the replacedpoleslductllnnerduct, if necessary. Ownership of new poleslductlinnerduct shall vest to Owest. 10.10.Upon request, Owest shall permit CLEC to installpoleslductlinnerduct. Owest reserves the right to reject any non-conformingreplacement pole/ductlinnerduct installed by CLEC that do not conform, to the NESC, OSHA or local ordinances. 10.10.To the extent that a modification is incurred for the benefit of multiple parties, CLEC shall pay a proportionate share of the total actual cost based on the ratio of the amount of new space occupied by the facilities of CLEC to the total amount of space occupied by all parties including Owest or its Affiliates participating In the modification. Parties who do not, initiate;' request or receive additional space from a mQdification, are not required to share in the cost of the modification. CLEC, Owest or any other party that uses a modification as an opportunity to bring its facilities into compliance with applicable safety or other requirements will be deemed to be sharing in the modification and will be responsible for its share of the modification cost. Attaching entities will not be responsible for sharing in the cost of governmentally mandated pole or other facility modification. . i 1 0.1 0.The modifying party or parties may recover a proportionate share of the modification costs from parties that later are able . to obtain access as aresult of the modification. The proportionate share of the subsequent attacher will be reduced to take account of depreciation to the pole or other facility that has occurred since the modification. The mOdifying party or parties seeking to recover 'modification costs from parties that later' obtain attachments shall be responsible for maintaining all records regarding modification costs. Owest shallnot be responsible for maintaining records regarding modification costs on behalf of attaching entities. 10.11 Notification of modifications initiated by or on behalf of Owest and at Qwesfs expense shall be provided to CLEC at least sixty (60) Days prior to beginningmodifications. Such notification shall include a brief description of the nature and scope of the modification. If CLEC does not respond to a requested rearrangement of itsfacilities within sixty (60) Days after receipt of written notice from Owest requesting rearrangement, awest may perform or have performed such rearrangement and CLEC QwestlAT&T- ID CDS-040129-OO06 292- Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 9 of 19 Section 1 0 Ancillary Services shall pay the actual cost thereof. No such notice shall be required in emergencysituations or for routine maintenance of poleslductlinnerduct completed at Owest's expense. t ' ." :' 10.12 owest reserves the right to make an on-sltelfinal construction inspection of ClEC's facilities occupying the poleslduct/innerduct system. CLEC shall reimburse owest for the actual cost of such inspections except where specified In this Section. 10.13 When final construction inspection by owest has been completed,CLECshall correct such non-complying conditions within the reasonable period of timespecified by owest in its written notice. If corrections are not completed within thespecified reasonable period, occupancy authorizations for the ROW, poleslduct/innerduct system where non-complying conditions remain uncorrected shall suspend forthwith, regardless of whether CLEC has energized the facilities occupying said poleslductlinnerduct or ROW system and CLEC shall remove its facilities from said polesfduct/innerduct or ROW in accordance with the provisions of this Section, provided, however, if the corrections physically cannot be made within such specified time, and CLEC has been diligently prosecuting such cure, CLEC shall, be granted a reasonable additional time to complete such cure. Owest may deny further occupancy authorization to CLEC until such non-complying conditions are corrected or until CLEC's facilities are removed from the polesJduct/innerduct system where such non-complying conditions exist. If agreed between both Parties, owest shall perform or have performed suchcorrections and CLEC shall pay owest the actual cost of performing such work. Subsequent inspections to determine if appropriate corrective actions have been taken may be made by owest. 10.14 Once CLEC's facilities begin occupying the poleslduct/innerduCt or ROW system, owest may perform a reasonable number of inspections. owest shall bear the cost of such inspections unless the results of the inspection reveal a material violation or hazard, or that CLEC has in any other way failed to comply with the provisions of Section 10.20; in which case CLEC shall reimburse Owest the costs of inspections and re-inspections, as required. CLEC's representative may accompany Owest on such field inspections. The cost of periodic inspection or any special inspections found necessary due to the existence of sub-standard or unauthorized occupancies shall be billed separately. 10.15 The costs of inspections made during construction and/or the. final construction survey and subsequent Inspection shall be billed to CLEC upon completion of the inspections. , \ 10.16 Anal construction, subsequent, an~ periodic inspections or the" 'failure to make such inspections, shall not relieve CLEC of any responsibilities, obligations, or 'liability assigned under this Agreement. 10.17 CLEC may use IndiVIdual workers of its choice to perform any work necessary for the attaching of its facilities so long as such workers have the same qualifications and training as Owest's workers. CLEC may use any contractor approved by OweSt to perform Make-Ready Work. 10.18 If Owest terminates an Order for cause, or if CLEC terminates an Order without cause. subject to 1 0.4, ClEC shall pay termination charges equal to the QwestlAT&T- CD8-040129-0006 -293- Exhibit 4 Case # ATT~T-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 10 of 19 Section 10 Ancillary Services amount of fees and charges remaining on the terminated Order(s) and shall remove its facilities from thepoleslductlinnerduct within sixty (60) Days, or cause Owest to remove its facilities from the poles/ductlinnerduct at ClEC's expense; provided, however,that ClEC shall be liable for and pay all fees and charges provided for in this Agreement to Owest until ClEC's facilities are physically removed. "Cause" as used herein shall include ClEC's use of its facilities in material violation of any applicable law or in aid of any unlawful act or making an unauthorized modification to Qwesfs poles/ductlinnerduct, or, in the case of ROW, any act or omission that violates the terms and conditions of either (a) the Access Agreement by which Owest conveys a right of access to the ROW to ClEC, or (b) the instrument granting the original ROW to Owest or its predecessor. 10.19 Owest may abandon or sell any poles/innerduct, duct/conduit or ROW at any time by giving written notice to ClEC. Any poles, innerduct, duct/conduit or ROW that is sold, will be sold subject to all existing legal rights of CLEC. Upon abandonment of poles/innerduct, duct/conduit or ROW, and with the concurrence of the other joint user(s). if necessary, ClEC shall, within sixty (60) Days of such notice, either. 1) continue to occupy the poleslinnerduct, duct/conduit or ROW pursuant to its existing rights under this Agreement if the poles/innerduct, duct/conduit, or ROW is purchased by another party; 2) purchase the poles/innerduct, duct/conduit or ROW from Owest at the current market value; or 3) remove its facilities therefrom. Failure to explicitly elect one of the foregoing options within sixty (60) Days shall be deemed an election to purchase the poleslinnerduct, duct/conduit or ROW at the current market value if no other party purchased the poleslinnerduct, duct/conduit or ROW within this sixty (60) Day period. 10.20 ClEC's facilities shall be placed and maintained in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the current applicable standards of Telcordia Manual of Construction Standards, the National Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code, and the rules and regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, all of which are Incorporated by reference, and any governing authority having jurisdiction. Where a difference In specifications exists, the more stringent shall apply. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ClEC shall only be held to such standard as Owest, its Affiliates or any other Telecommunications Carrier Is held. Failure to maintain facilities in accordance with the above requirements or failure to correct as provided in Section 10.13 shall be cause for termination of the Order. ClEC shall ina timely manner comply with all requests from Owest to bring its facilities into compliance with these terms and conditions. .. I 1 0.21 Should Owest under the provisions of this Agreement remove ClEC' facilities from the poleslductllnnerduct covered by any Order, Owest will deliver the facilities removed upon payment by CLEC of the cost of removal, storage and delivery, and all other amounts due Owest. If CLEC removes facilities from poleslductllnnerductfor other than repair or maintenance purposes, no replacement on the poles/ductlinnerduct shall be made until all outstanding charges due Owest for previous occupancy have been paid In full. CLEC shall advise Owest. in writing, as to the date on which the removal of facilities from the poleslductlinnerduct has been completed. 10.22 If any facilities are found attached to poleslductlinnerduct for which no order is in effect, Owest, without. prejudice to its other rights or remedies under this Agreement, may assess a charge and CLEC agrees to pay the lesser of (a), the annual fee per pole or per innerduct run between two (2) manholes for the number of years sine OwestlAT&T- 10 COS-040129-0006 294- Exhibit 4 Case # A TT - T -04- AT&T Complaint, Page 11 of 19 Sectiol110 Ancillary Services the most recent inventory, 'or (b) five times the annual fee per pole or per innerduct run between two (2) manholes. In addition. CLEC agrees to pay (a) interest on these fees ata rate set for the applicable time period by the Internal Revenue Service for individualunderpayments pursuant to Section 6621 of the Internal Revenue Service Code (25 C. ~ 6621, Rev. Ru!' 2000-30, 2000~25 IRS 1262), and (b) the cost of any audit required to identify unauthorized CLEO attachments. Owest shall waive half theunauthorized attachment fee if the following conditions are met: (1) CLEO cures such unauthorized attachment (by removing it or submitting a valid Order for the attachment in the form of Attachment 2 of Exhibit D). within thirty (30) Days of written notification from Owest of the unauthorized attachment; and (2) the unauthorized attachment did not require Owest to take curative measures itself (e., pulling additional innerduct) prior to cure by CLEO, (3) CLEO reimburses Owest for cost of audit, or portion thereof, which discovered the unauthorized attachment. Owest shall also waive the unauthorizedattachment fee if the unauthorized attachment arose due to error by Owest rather thanCLEO. CLEC is required to submit in writing, within ten (10) business days after receipt of written notification from Owest of the unauthorized occupancy, a poleslduct/innerduct application. If such application is not received by Owest within the specified time period, CLEC will be required to remove its unauthorized facility within thirty (30) Days of the final date for submitting the required application, or Owest may remove CLEC's facilities without liability, and the cost of such removal shall be borne by CLEC. 10.23 No act or failure to act by Owest with regard to an unauthorized occupancyshall be deemed as. the authorization of the occupancy. Any subsequently,lssued authorization shall not operate retroactively or constitute a waiver by Owest of any of its rights or privileges under this Agreement or otherwise. CLEO shall be subject to . allliabilities of the Agreement in regard to said unauthorized occupancy from its inception. 10.24 Owest will provide CLEO non-discriminatory access to poles, innerducts,ducts/conduits and ROW pursuant to 47 USC ~ 224 and FCC orders, rules and regulations pursuant to 47 USC ~ 224. In the event of a conflict between thisAgreement, on one hand, and 47 USC ~ 224 and FCC orders, rLiles and regulations pursuant to 47 USC ~ 224, on the other, 47 USC ~ 224 anca FCC orders, rules andregulations pursuant to 47 USC ~ 224 shall govern. Further, in the event of a conflict between Exhibit D. on one hand. and this Agreement or 47 USC ~ 224 and FCC orders, rules and regulations pursuant to 47 USC ~ 224. on the other, this Agreement or 47 use~ 224 and FCC orders, rules and regulations pursuant to 47 USC ~ 224 shall govern, provided however, that any. Access Agreement that has been duly executed, acknowledged and recorded in the real property records for the county in which theROW is located shall govern in any'event pursuant t~ its terms. 10.25 Nothing in this Agreement shail require Owest to exercise eminent"domain onbehalf of CLEC. 10.26 Upon CLEC request. Owest will certify to a landowner with whom Owest hasan ROW agreement, the following: 10.26.that the ROW agreement with Owest does not preclude the landowner from entering Into a separate ROW agreement with CLEC; and 10.26.that there will be no penalty under the agreement between thelandowner and Owest if the landowner enters into a ROW agreement with CLEC. QwestlAT&T- CD5-040129-0006 295-Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 12 of19 ' " ," ':" ." "\:;':" :, Section 1 0 Ancillary Services 10.27 For purposes of permitting CLEC to determine whether Owest has ownership or control over duct/conduit or ROW within a specific multi-dwelling unit, If CLEC requests a copy of, an agreement between Owest and the owner of a specific multi- dwelling unit that grants Owest access to the multi-dwelling unit, Owest will provide the agreement to CLEO pursuant to the terms of this Section.' CLEC will submit a completedAttachment 1.A from Exhibit D that identifies a specific multi-unit dwelling or route for each agreement. 10.27.Upon receipt of a completed Attachment 1.A, Owest will prepare, and return an MDU information matrix, within ten (10) Days, which will identify (a) the owner of the multi-dwelling unit as. reflected in Owesfs records, and (b) whether or not Owest has a copy of an agreement that provides Owest access to the multi-dwelling unit in its possession. OWest makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of Its records, and CLEO acknowledges that the original property owner may not be the current owner of the property. grants a limited waiver of any confidentiality rights it mayhave with regards, to the content of the agreement, subject to the terms and conditions In Section 10.27.3 and the Consent to Disclosure form. Owest will provide to CLEO a copy of an agreement listed in the MDU information matrix that has not been publicly recorded after CLEC obtains authorization for such disclosure from the third party owner(s) of the real property at issue , by presenting to Owest an executed version of the Consent to Disclosure form that is included in Attachment 4 to Exhibit D of this Agreement. In lieu of submission of the Consent to Disclosure form, CLEC must comply with the indemnification requirements in Section 10. 10.27.As a condition of its limited waiver of its right to confidentiality Inan agreement that provides Owest access to a multi-dwelling unit that Owest provides to CLEO or that CLEO obtains from the multi-dwelling unit owner or operator. Owest shall redact all dollar figures from copies of agreements that have not been publicly recorded that Owest provides to CLEC and shall require that the multi-dwelling unit owner or operator make similar redaction s prior to disclosure of the agreement. 10.27.In all Instances, CLEO will use agreements only for the. following purposes: (a) to determine whether Owest has ownership or control over duct, conduits, or rights-of-way within the property described in the agreement; (b) to determine the ownership of wire within the property described in the agreement; or (c) to determine the Demarcation Point' between Owest facilities and the Owner's facilities in the property described in the agreement. C~EC furtheragrees that CLEO shall not disclose the contents, terms, or conditions of any agreement provided pursuant to Section 10.8 to any,CLEC agents or employees engaged in sales, marketing, or product management efforts on behalf of CLEO. 10.3 Rate Elements Owest fees for attachments are in accordance with Section 224 of the Act and FCC orders. rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as well as the rates established by the Commission including the following rates, are reflected in exhibit A. , QwestlAT&T- CDS-O40129-0006 -296-Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 13 of 19 Section Ancillary Services 10.Inquiry Fee. A non-refundable pre-paid charge used to recover the costs associated with performing an internal recOrd review to determine if a requested routeand/or facility is available, or with respect to ROW, to determine the informationnecessary to create the ROW matrix, which identifies, for each ROW, the name of the original grantor and the nature ' of the ROW (i.e., publicly recorded and non-recorded) and the MDU matrix, which identifies each requested legal agreement between Qwest and a third party who has a multi-unit building in Qwest's possession that relates to Telecommunications Services provided to or through real property owned by the third party (MDU Agreement) and, for each such MDU Agreement, the name of the third party. Separate Inquiry Fees apply for ROW, poles and ductlconduitlinnerduct. 10.Field Verification " Feel Access Agreement' Preparation Fee. In the case of poles and ductllnnerduct, the Field Verification Fee is a non-refundable pre-paid charge which recovers the estimated actual costs for a field survey verification required for aroute and to determine scope of any required Make-Ready work. Separate FieldVerification Fees apply for poles and manholes. In the case of ROW, the AccessAgreement Preparation Fee Is a non-refundable, pre-paid charge which recovers the estimated actual costs for preparation of the Access Agreement for each ROWrequested by CLEC. Field Verification and Access Agreement Preparation Fees shall be billed in advance. 10.3 Make-Ready Fee. A pre-paid non-refundable (other than true-up) chargewhich recovers the cost of necessary work required to make the requested facility/ROW available for access. For Innerduct, this could include, but is not limited to, the placing ofinnerduct in conduit/duct systems or core drilling of manholes. For pole attachment requests. this could include, but is not limited to, the replacement of poles to meet required clearances over roads or land. For ROW, this Make-Ready could iilclude. but is 'not limited to, personnel time, including attorney time. With respect to ROW. Make-Ready work refers to legal or other investigation or analysis arising out of CLEC's failureto comply with the process described in Exhibit 0 for, ROW, or other circumstancesgiving rise to such work beyond the simple preparation of one or more Access Agreements. The estimated pre-paid fee shall be billed in advance. 10.Pole Attachment Fee. A pre-paid fee which is charged for the occupancy, including during any Make-Ready period, of one (1) foot of pole space (except forantenna attachment which requires two (2) feet). This fee shall be annual unless CLEC requests that it be semi~nnual.. 10.Innerduct Occupancy Fee. A pre-paid fee which is charged for the occupancy, Including during any Make-Ready period: of an innerduct on a per foot basis. This fee shall be annual unless CLEC requests that it be semi-annual. 10.Access Agreement Consideration. ,A pre-paid fee which constitutes consideration for conveying access to the ROW to CLEC. This fee shall be a one-time (i.e. honrecuning) fee. 10.4 Ordering There are two (2) steps required before placing an Order for access to ROW. Ductllnnerductand Pole Attachment: Inquiry Review and Field Verification. OwestlAT&T- 10 COS-()40 129-0006 297- Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 14 ofl9 " ', ,. , Section 10 Ancillary Services 10.8.4.Inquiry Reviews. Upon receipt of an inquiry regarding ROW access, PoleAttachment or Ductllnnerduct Occupancy. Owestwill provide CLEC with Exhibit D. CLEO will review the documents and provide Owest with maps of the desired area indicating the routes and entrance points for proposed attachment,proposed occupancy or proposed. CLEO construction on Owest owned or controlled poles, ductlinnerduct and ROW as well as the street addresses of any multi-unit buildings upon or through which CLEO proposes constru~ion on ROW owned or controlled by Owest. CLEC will include the appropriate Inquiry Fee with a completed Attachment 1.A from Exhibit D. 10.8.4.Inquiry Review - DuctlConduitllnnerduct. Owest will complete the database inquiry and, prepare a duct/conduit structure diagram (referred to as a Flatline ) which shows distances and access points (such as manholes). Along with the Flatllne will be estimated costs for field verification of available facilities. These materials will be provided to the CLEO within ten (10) Days or within the time frames of the applicable federal or State law. rule or regulation. 10.Inquiry Review - Poles. Owest will provide the name and contact number for the appropriate local field engineer for joint validation of the poles and route and estimated costs for field verification on Attachment 1.8 of Exhibit D within ten (10) Days of the request. 10.Inquiry Review - ROW. Owest shall, upon request of CLEO. provide the ROW matrix, the MDU matrix and a copy of 'all publicly recorded agreements listed in those matrices to CLEO within ten (10) Days of the request. Owest will provide to CLEO a copy of agreements listed in the matrices that have not been publicly recorded if CLEO obtains authorization for such disclosure from the third party owner(s) of the real property at issue by an executed version of the Consent to Disclosure form. which is included in Exhibit D, Attachment 4. Owest may redact all dollar figures from copies of agreements listed in the matrices that have not been publicly recorded that Qwest provides to CLEC. Any dispute over whether terms have been redacted appropriately shall be resolved pursuant to the dispute resolution procedures set forth in this Agreement. Alternatively, in order to secure any agreement that has not been publicly recorded, a CLEC may provide a legally binding and satisfactory agreement to indemnify Owest in the event of any legal action arising out of Qwesfs provision of such agreement to CLEC. In that event, CLEO shall not be required to provide an executed Consent to. Disclosure form. Owest makes no warranties concerningthe accuracy of the information provided to CLEC; CLEO expressly acknowledges that Qwesfs files contain only the original ROW instruments,and that the current owner(s) of the fee estate may not be the party identified in thedocument provided by Owest. (', 10.Reid Verification - Poles Ductllnnerduct and Access Agreement Preparation (ROW). CLEC will review the inquiry results and determine whether to proceed with fieldverification for poles/ducts or Access Agreement preparation for ROW. If field verification or Access Agreement preparation is desired, CLEC will sign and retum Attachment 1.B of Exhibit D along ' with a check for the relevant verification fee (Field Verification Fee or Access Agreement Preparation Fee) plus $10.00 per Access Agreement as consideration for the Access Agreement. Upon payment of the relevant, fee and Access Agreement consideration, if applicable, Owest will ' provide, asapplicable: depending on whether the request is for ductlinnerductlconduit, ROW or OwestlAT&T-ID CDS-040129-0006 298-Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page IS of 19 Section 10 Ancillary Services poles: (a) in the case of innerductlductlconduit, a field survey and site investigation ofthe innerductlductlconduit, including the preparation of distances and drawings, to determine availability of existing innerductlductlconduit; identification of Make-Ready costs required to provide space; the schedule in which the Make-Ready work will be completed; and, the annual recurring prices associated with the attachment of facilities;(b) in the case of ROW, the completed Access Agreement(s) , executed and acknowledged by Owest Upon completion of the Access Agreement(s) by CLEC, in accordance with the instructions, terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit D, the Access Agreement becomes effective to convey the Interest identified in the Access Agreement (if any). Any dispute regarding whether a legal agreement conveys a ROW shall be resolved between CLEC am;! the relevant third party or parties, and such disputes shall not involve Owest; and/or (c) In the case of poles, estimates of Make-Ready costs and the annual recurring prices associated with the attachment of facilities shall be provided on Attachment 2 of Exhibit D and shall be completed not later than forty-five (45) Days after CLEC's submission of the inquiry request. Make-ready time, if any, and CLEC review time, is not part of the forty-five (45) Day interval. The Attachment 2 quotation shall be valid for ninety (90) Days. 10.1 CLEC-Perfonned Reid Verification. At the option of CLEC, it may perform its own field verification (In lieu of Owest pertonnlng same) with the following stipulations: 1) Verifications will be conducted by a Owest approved contractor; 2)A Owest contractor will monitor the activity of CLEO contractor and a current labor rate will be charged to CLEC; 3) CLEO will provide Owest with a legible copy' of manhole butterfly drawings that reflect necessary Make- Ready effort; and 4) Owest will use CLEC-provided butterfly drawings and documentation to check against existing jobs and provide a final field report of available ductlinnerduct. CLEC will be charged standard rates for Tactical Planner time. 10.Order - Poles and Ductllnnerduct. The review, signing and return of Attachment 2 of the General Information Document along with payment of the Make- Ready and prorated recurring access charges for the current relevant period (annual or semi-annual) shall be accepted as an Order for the attachment or occupancy. Upon receipt of the accepted Order from CLEC and applicable payment for the fees identified. Owest will assign the requested space and commence any Make-Ready work which may be required. Owest will notify CLEC when poleslductlinnerduct are ready. 10.Make-Ready - Estimates of Make-Ready are used to cover actual Make- Ready costs. 10.If Owest requests, CLEC will be responsible for payment of the actual Make-Ready costs determined if such costs exceed the estimate. Such payment shall be made within thirty (30) Days of receipt of an invoice for the costs that exceed the estimate. 10.Within fifteen (15) business days of a request, Owest will provide CLEC copies of records reflecting actual cost of Make-Ready work; provided, , however, that, If Owest does not possess all such records at the time of the, request, then Owest will provide copies of such records within fifteen (15) , business days of receipt of such records. CLEC must request such records; If at all, within sixty (60) Days after written notification ofthe completion of the Make- QwestlAT&T- CDSH04012~O6 299-Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 16 of 19 .. ,\. ":.. i, .. Section 1 0 Ancillary Services Ready work. 10.8.4.If the actual Make-Ready costs are less than the estimate, an appropriate credit for the difference will be Issued upon request. Such. request must be received within sixty (60) Days following CLEC's receipt of copies of records if CLEC has, requested records under this paragraph. or within sixty (60) Days after written notification of the completion of Make-Ready work if CLEC has not requested records under this paragraph. Such credit will issue within ten (10) business days of Owest's receipt of either all records related to such actual costs or CLEC's request for credit, whichever comes last, but in no event later than ninety (90) Days follo!'ing the request for credit. " ' 10.If CLEC cancels or if, due to circumstances unforeseen during inquiry/verification, Owest denies the request for poles, ducts or. ROW, upon CLEC request, Owest will also refund the difference between the actual Make- Ready costs incurred and those prepaid by CLEC, If any. Such request must be made within thirty (30) Days of ClEC's receipt of written denial or notification of cancellation. Any such refund shall be made within ten (10) business days of either receipt of CLEC's request or Owest's receipt of all records relating to the actual costs, whichever comes last, but In no event later than ninety (90) Days following the denial. 10.5 Billing CLEC agrees to pay the following fees in advance as specified In Exhibit A: Inquiry Fee, Field Verification Fee, Access Agreement Preparation Fee, Make-Ready Fee, Pole Attachment Fee, Ductllnnerduct Occupancy Fee and Access Agreement Consideration. Make-Ready Fees will be computed in compliance with applicable local, State and federal guidelines. Usage fees for poleslductlinnerduct (i.e., Pole Attachment Fee and Ductllnnerduct .Occupancy Fee) will be assessed on an annual basis (unless CLEC requests a semi-annual basis). Annual usage fees for poleslductlinnerduct will be assessed as of January 1 of each year. Semi-annual usage fees for poleslductlinnerduct will be assessed as of January 1 and July 1 of each year. All fees shall be paid within thirty (30) Days following receipt of invoices. All fees are not refundable except as expressly provided herein. 10.6 Maintenance and Repair , In the event of any service outage affecting both Owest and CLEC, repairs shall be effectuated on a non-discriminatory basis as established by local, State or federal requirements. Wheresuch requirements do not exist, repairs shall be made ' In the following order. electrical, telephone (EASIIocal), telephOne (long distance). and cable television, or as mutually, agreed to by the users of the affected poleslductlinnerduct. ~ . QwestlAT&T- CD$-040129-0006 300- Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 17 of 19 Exhiblrt A . Idaho ATT 10.6.1 InitlalDa18blloeload.DerUsUna $.02610.82 Reload of Database,$.02 10.8.3 .. D8r Using $0.02510.8.4 One-1me8el-tJoFee $82.2210,6.& Media file 10.e.s.1 E1ecIJonIc TRlnsmIssIon 002 lapel T- (dlarges only apply IIIIs Is seIeckId as the normal delivery meclum 10' dally updates) (per $30.10.e.s.deliverY)1GB 10,7 Toll and AssI- 008I8IDr Services, FacIIItv IIa8ed PruvIders,RecurrIng Non-RtlQlnlnO NOles10.1 OpIionA-PeI'Messalll 10.7,1 OII8t8IOtHlIKIedcaRinaCard lIAS10.7.2 MachIne Handled calling Card $.601 StBIIon Cd 51.5010,1A Parson ""'I $3.5010.7.1.5 ComecIIio DlnlcIOlV -lance $.7610,6 IlUSvUleV8tW,perCall $.721 0.7,7 BUsv UIe InI8RUoI 10.7,1.8 00818lOI' Assistance, P4II' S.&O10.7.2 00I0n B-Per Work Second and COmDUler Handled Calls OPerII\OrHllndlecl,Work Second 02810.7.2.2 MachIn. HencIed, per Call $.260.7.2,3 Call Branclna. SeI-w & RecoRIIng $10,500.00 10.7.lDBclna Hr.-., SwIIc:h $600, 10.6 AccesB to Poles, DucIB, COnduII8 and Rfgh1s of WIN RBCIIII1na Noles10.8.1 PoI.IIVIUIfVFee,DB,MlIe 1335.9210.8.2 InneRfUC11nau1ry Fee, per MIle 03.7910.8.3 ROW inquiry Fee $149.2310.8.4 ROWDocPrBpFee 5149.2310.8.5 field V- Fee, per Pole SS7.3110,8.6 FiBldV~5465,10.8,7 PlBMer V Per Manhole $16.6410.8.8 ManholeV """""""PerMBIIhoIe $298..4710.8.9 ManholeM '1""""'*"',D8rM- 10.8.10 Pole -Ment Fee, per FOOl, Year $2.77 10.8,11 InnenIUCIOccupancy Fee, per Foot, oerYear $0.3110.&.12 -A!IJBI!IIIBtIICcInaIdenIIIon $10.0010.8.13 ICB 12 Opera1Ionel Support "'1/SI8ms RBcurt1no Non-Recurrlna Noles 12.1 DevlllODmBl11 and Enhencements, per Order $5. 12.2 OnooInn MUlIBII8_, per CRIer $1. 12.3 DeIly Useae RBCOIII file, POr $0.000419 12.4 TroubIel&olsllonChero.SBe9.:!O17 Bona fide Rsou8sI PAtC8SS 17,-Fee $1851. NOTES . ....... 0IhBIwt&e 1ndIc8I8d," raI8s ... pulSlllntlO lie Qwest end AT&T InIBfOO!1llBClion "-"'" lIIJIIIOVed \Iv \heIdBho PublIc UUIIIIBs Conwnlsslon In DocI!8I Nu..w usw- T -416-15, COmmIssIon Order IUnber 27738, BI!GcIIve17,11196.. B: Cost Dock8IaNE-T-ot.11 PhBsB 1 OtWNo.29408 (Janu8JV5, 2004) el!ecllveJeI1UlllY S. 2004- Denotes VDluntaIV fa," reoiJc1Ion, II AddItIonBI reoiJc1Ion 10 ... voluntary recb:llons refIBcIed In ... MIIUSI6. 2002 BXfIIbII, 1) ReM -111 Cost DockeItBOtlmony1llBd on 6/29/01 & 11/1612.001, m:LRIC) Merfc8I.b8sed...... 3) Ice. IncMIuaI Case IIBsIs III1CrIa. 4) 11Ie SlId. of IdBho hIIII retaNd lite oversight IX! \hese l81li8. These l81li1 are IlOl under (he Iw1sdIoIIon of lite FCC. iii RBles notaddnlssBd In Cost DockeIITB.RICI 6) -nelTELRlCbBIBCI~1'IIOIJIood.:1 reqll8llls. reqll8ll \Iv the CU-to peotonn someIIIIng \hat Is IBchnlcally IBBS!bIB bullhe pl'QC8SS and1m ... not mln DIBc8. 8 Rates kMndln FCCT8llfltl , ' ExhIJft A - Idaho Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 18 of 19 Exblbirt A-Idaho ATT 9) The preJlmllI8Iy engI.-tng and planning COSIs aralncwed In the caged and cagel8sa space construdIon c:h1lJll8lL These 8Itg1oo8tng and pIennkIg charges arv &IsO lnc:ludIId to the C8Q8d and cagel888 quOOt pI8p8I8IIan f88S. Upon 01 ilia coIIoc8IIan COII8IIIII)tIon,Ih8 quoI8 preperauon fee (QPf) wII beCf8dll8CI to tile an&! spaC8 COII8Iruction ....rge for ilia Jab. Tha CItIdIt wllllpply 10 OPF Is oppIio!d. 1Ne 81111l1li1 culTellfty lists nQ1IpI8 QPfa WI lias b88n prIIpOI8d on the cost cIocIaIIand was epprowd to the AT&T InI8rconriectlan agl'88m8111.CLEO rney choosa QPF at thIa Ime. 10) 0we8I wi no! Charge lor ilia 8I8m8nI1fIIII1I1e CommIssIon has an CJI'POI\UnIty 10 and IIppIOV8 a 1818 In a cost III Allachn1c8IIy fa8BIbI8 V_I SwItch Faaluras are awIabI8 with unbundled IIWItc:h ports. No monthlyracunIng charge applies larBaslc Var11c81 SWIIc:h F88IIIras. Only bull: V8111C8/ SWIc:h FeaIU188 willi nonrecurring charges8f81~ Nonreculllng c:harg8s are 8jII)Ik:abI8 -- a tealure Is 8dd8d . wh8II1er on nawlnstall8llon, -skin, orc:han1l6. order acIvIIy, V8111C81 SWkh not listed 8J81ncb18C11n 1118 cost of Ita swIIch port and have a rela of zerolor boIh lacurrtna and non, 12-18 I Latt Blank 19) Agreed let raI8, 0w88t Is voIIIlI18rIy 18CIucktg In onI8r to kII8p 1818 reJallanshlp wI1h Ih8 FIb8r Trenspart "par Pair" rate8I8mant. . : , EJd\tbIt A . IdaM Exhibit 4 Case # ATT-04-AT&T Complaint, Page 19 of 19 , -'-"-----.'.'--"'.,............-.., EXHIBIT "",~_,,'...-_..-~--~--,..~.._..._......--. c.._.. ~..,..... ,c..." ..,. ", _..n__,.. "....~~-_"...._"~,---..,,,-,,, .........' """..,' ............,....,....,_..,,'......_--'........,..,...,.., .:..,'. ',', ,,':_.. "," ,"""\~~-- AGREEMENT FOR LOCA~.WIRELINE NETWORK INTERCONNECTION, AND SERVICE RESALE Between AT&T Corp. and U S WEST Communications, Inc. in the State of Idaho '"-,, " . "t!:"'...;."'.-VSWclAT&T Interamnection Agreement -Idaho 07127/98 Exbibit 5 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 1 of 10 " -- -..-.., .. TABLE OF CONTENTS , ' RE C ITA LS ........ ...................... ~......... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ........ ......... ..... ........ .............. ....... ........... ... SCOPE OF A G REEM ENT........ ... ................. ......................................................... .... ................. D EFI N ITIO NS .................................................. ..... ........ .... .... ....... ........ ............ .................. ........ .. 1. General Provisions .............. ................................................... .............................. ... .. 2. Most Favored Nation Terms and Treatlnent........................................................... 3. Payment ............... ........................ ........................ ....................................... ........ ........ 4. Taxes ........ ............ ............................... .......................... ..................................... ......... 5. I ntellectual Property ............................................................ ............... .... ................... 6. S everabi I ity ..................... ........... ... . .......... ............ .................. ............ .... ... ......... .... .... 7. Responsibility for Environmental Contamination ................................................. 9. Independent Contractor Status....................................... ~........................................ 1 O. Refe renced Docu m ents .... ...................... .... ... ....... .... ....... .. ......... ...................... ...... 20 11. Publicity and Advertising................... ............. ........................................................ 12. Executed in Counterparts. ... .. ........................ ....................... ....... ................ ........... 13. Headings Not Controlling ....................................................................................... 14. Joi nt Work Prod ucl..... .......... .... ...... ..... ......... ................ .............. ........... .. .............. . 15. S u rviva I............. .................. ................... .......... .......... ...... .... ....... .................. ........... . 16.Effective Date .... .......................... .... :................................ ................... ............ ......... 17. Amendment of Ag reement.................... .......,........................... ............. .................. 18. I n dem n ificati on ....... .... ......... ,...... ............ ..... ......... .... .. ..... ............... .................... .... . 19. Lim itation of Liability........ .... ............... ...................... .................... .......................... 20. Term ofAg reement............................... ............................. ............ ....~.. ................... 21. Governing ,Law................................... ..................... ......... ................. ....................... 22. Cancellation C ha rges .. .......... ................ .......... ...... ........................ .... ....... ...... .... ....., , 23. Regulatory Approvals. ......... ...... ............................... ............... .........~.............~.. ..... 24. Com p I iance...... ........... ......... ................... ............ ........... ......... .... ................ ......... ..... 25. Force Majeu fe................. ................ ........... ..... ..... .. ........... ..... .......... .. ............ .... ...... . 26. Escalation Proced ures .. .... ....... ...... ........ ... ......... ...... ......~. .-..... ~....... ........... ........... . 27. Dis pute Resolution. ..... ..... ............. ..-........... ............... .... ....... ............. ........ ............ .. 28. No nd Isclos u re .... ..... ....... .......... ......... .... .................. ............... ........... ................ ... .... 29. ,Notices....... ........... ..................... ....... ... ........ .............. ............ ..... ................. ........... .. 30. Ass ig nment . ........................... ........... .... ... ............. ....... ...... ... ... .... ..~..... ................... . 31. Warranties.. ........ ....... ..... . ....... .,.... ....~.. ...... .~....................... ........... ..... ......... ...... ...... . 32. Defau It ...... .... .............. .... ..... .... ...... .. ........... ........... ..... .... ............ ....... ................ ....... . 33. Remed les .... ....... ............. .... ........... ....... ...... .... .............. ...... ....... .. .......... ............ .... ... 30 '. 34. Waivers ...... ..... ...... ............. ......... ............ ......... ....... ........... .... ......... .... ................... ... 35. No Third Party Beneficiaries .................................................................................. 36. P hysi ca I See u rity ......... ... ..... ..... .... .... .... ..........,........ ............. ......... ................... ...... . 37. Network Secu rlty ..... ............... . ............ ....... """""'0""'" .... ....... ..... ........ ................. .~~) Exhibit 5 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 2 of 10 ....".. ..,_.. 38. Reven ue .p rotection ....... .......... . ~......... ........... .......... ... .................... .... ............ ........ . 39. Law Enforcement I nterfa ce....... .... .......... ..... ....... ........... ................. ........ ............. ... 40. Collocation...... ~................... ... ............. ...... ........ ......... .... ..... ........ ...................... ..... .. . 41. Technical References . Coliocatiol'L...................................................................... 42. Num ber Portability........ .......... ........ ...... ..... ......... .......... ...... ......... .................. ........ .. 43. Dial i ng Parity.... .......... '; . .... ...... ............... ............. .................... ... .. .......... ... . ............. . 44. Oi rectory Listi ngs .................... ......... ......... ...... ..... ... ....... ........................ .......... ...... . 46. U S WEST Dex Issues.............................................................................................. 47. Access to Poles, Ducts, Conduits, and Rights of Way....................................... 48. Bona Fide Request Process for Further Unbundling.......................................... 49. Audit Process.. .... ..... ........ ........... ............. ....... .... .................. ...,...... ......... ................ 50. Miscellaneous Services..... .... ........... ..................... .... ................ ............................. 51. Unused Transmission Medla... ~.............................................................................. 52. Service Standa rds ........... ... ................ ........ ....... ... ....... ... . ... ................. .............. .... .. 53. Entire Ag reement........ ....... .... .... .. .... . ..... ... ....... ..... .............. ... .... ....... ........ .... ........... 54. Reservation of Rights.. ......... .................... ............ ......... .. ......... ................... ..... ..... .. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Rates and Charges Resale Unbundled Access/Elements Interconnection Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Business Process Requirements Electronic Interfaces Implementation ScheduleAttachment 7 USWCIAT&T Interconnection Agreement . Idaho 07fJ.7198 Exhibit 5 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 3 of 10 . ,;'.::':') (c) 44.3 U S WEST shall be entitled. to retain all revenue. associated with any sales pursuant to subparagraphs (a) and (b) above. WEST Wf71 take reasonable steps In accordance with industry practices to accommodate non-publlshed and non-listed Ustings provided that A T& T has supplied S WEST the necessary privacy Indicators on such Ustings. 44A AT&T Responsibilities 44.4.AT&T agl8eS to provide to U SWEST its end user names, addresses and telephone numbers In a standatd mechanized fonnat as utilized by U WEST. 44.4.AT&T will supply its ACNA/C/C or CLCCIOCN. as appropriate, with each Older to provide U WEST the means of identifying listings ownership. , 44.4.AT&T represents the end user Information provided to US WEST Is accurate and conect. A T& fulther I8presents that It has teviewed all listings provided to S WEST, Including end user requested I8str/ctions on use such as non-published and non-listed. 44.AT&T Is responsible for dealings with, and on be half of, A T& Ts end users on the following subjects: a) All end U$9r account activity, g., end user queries and complaints. b) All account maintenance activity, e.g., additions, changes, issuance of OIders fOr Ust/ngs to U WEST. c) Determining privacy requitements and accurately coding the privacy indicators for A T& Ts end user information. If end user information provided by A T& T S WEST does not contaIn privacy Indicator, no privacy testrictions will apply. 45. (Intentionally left blank for numbering consistency. 46.U S WEST Dex Issues 46.US WEST and AT&T agree that certain issues, such as yellow page advertising, directory disbibution, access to call guide pages, and yellow page listings, may be the subject of negotiations between AT&T and U SWEST Dex. U SWEST acknowledgesthat AT&T may request U S WEST to facilitate discussions between AT&T' andU S WEST Dex. 47.Access to Poles, Ducts, Conduits, and Rights of Way 25 Third Order, at p. 4. USWCIA T& T Interconnection Agreement - I~ho 07/27/98 Exhibit 5 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 4 of 10 .. ,. ".. " '" "" ' 47., U S WEST shall provide AT&T nondiscriminatory access to poles, ducts, rights-of- way and conduits it owns or controls on tenns, conditions and priceS comparable to those offered to any other entity. 47.(Intentionally left blank for numbering consistency) Definitions47.3 Poles, duCts, Conduits and ROW' refer to all the physical facilities and legal rights which provide for access to pathways across public and private property. These include poles, pole attachments, ducts, Inoerducts, conduits, building entrance fac17ities, buUding entrance links, equipment rooms, remote tenninats, cable vaults, telephone Closets, buUding risers, righ~f-way, or any other requirements needed to Cleate pathways. These pathways may fUn over, under, across or through streets, traverse private property, or enter mult/-Unit buildings. AR/ght-of-Way rROW) is the right to use the land or other property owned, leased, or controlled by any means by U S ~ST to place poles, ducts, conduits and ROW or to provide passage to access such poles, ducts, conduits and ROw. A. ROW may fUn under, on, or above public or private property (including air space above pubftC or private property) and shan Include the right to use discrete space in buHdings, building complexes, or other locations. 47A Requirements 47.4. 1 ~ST shall make poles, duct. conduits and ROW available to A T& T upon receipt of a request for use within the time periods provided In this SectIon, providing aU information necessary to implement such use and containing rates, terms and conditions, Including, but not limited to, maintenance and use accordance with this Agreement and at least equal to those which it affords itself. its Affiliates and othelS. U S WEST may reserve the space in its poles, ducts, conduit and rights-of-way in order to meet jts.resldentialservice obligations under Idaho Iaw,Z7 Other users of these facJ7ities, including U ~ST, shalf not interfere with the a,vaOability or use of the facilities by A T& T. 47.4,Within ten (10) Business Days of AT&T~ request for specific poles. ducts, conduits, or ROw, U ~ST shaff provide any Information In its possession or available to tegarding the environmental conditions of such requested poles, ducts, conduits ROW route or location Including, but not Bmiled to, the existence and condition asbestos, lead paint. hazardous substance contamination, or radon. Information considef8d &vaNable- under this Agreement if It is In U S WESrs possession or files, or the possession of an agent contractor; employee, lessor; or tenant of~srs that holds such information on U WESTs behalf. If the poles, ducts, conduits or ROW contain such environmental contamination, making the placement of equipment hazardous. U S WEST shaff offer alternative poles, ducts, conduits ROW for AT&rs cons/deration.S WEST shall sHow AT&T to perfonn any fPtvlronmentaJ site Investigations, /ncluding, but not limited to, Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, as A T& T may deem to be necessary. 28 Per Third Order, at 5.27 Per First Order at 41 USWCIA T& T Inten:onnection Ag..ment - Idaho 07/27/98 Exhibit 5 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 5 of 10 """..,.""..., .,,""', ", "'".'" .",.. ,..,, .,--"...., , 47.4.US WEST shall not prevent or delay any third party assignment of ROW to A T& 47.4.4 US WEST shaH offer the use of such poles, ducts, oonduits and ROW it has obtained from a third party to A T& 1, to the extent such agreement does not prohibit US WEST from granting such rights to AT&T. US WEST shan not be required to act as the agent of AT&T in A T& 1"s efforts to secure license form third parties for the access of third parties' poles, ducts, conduit and rights of way.However, US WEST shaH provide to AT&T the necessary Information as to the ownership of such space and where necessary and appropriate, provide assurance to the third party that U S WEST does not object to the granting of any required rights. The Parties shall jointly develop a document Introducing AT&T to third party property owners.2I They shall be offered to AT&T on the same tenns as 818 offe1'eQ to S WEST. A T& T shall reimburse U S WEST for WESTs reasonable costs, if any, incurred as a result of the exercise of its eminent domain authority on behalf of AT&T in accordance with the provisions this paragraph. ,. " 47.4.US WEST shall provide AT&T equal and nOlHliscriminatory access to poles ducts, conduit and ROWand any other pathways on terms and conditions equal that provided by U WEST to itself or to any other Person. Further, U WEST shall not preclude or delay allocation of these facilities to AT&T because of the potential needs of Itself or of other Person, except maintenance spare may be retained as described below and except for TesetVations in existence made prior the request of A T&T in accordance with the Act. 47.4.US WEST shall not attach, or permit other entities to attach facHities on, within overlashed to existing A T& T facif'fIies without A T& T's prior written oonsent 47.On timely basis, U WEST agrees to provide immediately necessary information, on a case-specilic route basis, cunent detaRed engineering and other plant records and drawings for specific requests for poles, ducts, oonduit and ROw, including facBity IOUte maps at'city level, and the fees and expenses incurred in providing such records and drawings on the' earlier of twenty (20) Business Days from A T& Trequest or the time within which U WEST provides this infonnation itself or any other Person. If U S WEST is unable. to provide this information within the twenty (20) day period, it shall immediately advise AT&T of the expected delay, the rfiason for such delay, and the expected date on which A T& T wilt teeeive the information requested. T& T may request an earlier response time. Suchinformation shall be of eqUal type and quality as that" which is available WESTs own engineering and operations staff. WEST shag also allow personnel designated by T& T to jointly examine with U WEST personnel, at cost to A T& T for such personnel, such engineering records and drawings for specific routing at S WEST Central Offices andU S WEST Engineering Offices upon ten (10) days' written notice to WEST. US WEST acknowfedgesthat the request for information and the subject matter related to the request made under this Section shall be treated as Proprietary Information 28 Per First Order at42 USWCIAT&T Interconnection Agreement -Idaho 07/27/98 Exhibit Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 6 of 10 .., " , , 0.. ' ",.-. .. .. '....... ., ,, .. ,,~.' .. ,""'" .. .'. .., ,.. 47.4.US WEST shall provide to AT&T Single Point of Contact for negotiating all structure lease and ROW arrangements. 47.US WEST shaff provide information regarding the avai/ab/7ity and condition poles, ducts, conduit and ROW within five (5) Business Days of A T& Ts request if the information then exists in U S WESTh records (a records based answer) and within twenty (20) Business Days of AT&Th request if US WEST must physically examine the poles, ducts, conduits and ROW (a field based answer) ("Requesr,. A T& T shan have the Option to be present at the field based survey and U S WEST shall provide AT&T at least twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to the start of such field sulV9y. During and after this pelfod, U WEST shall affow A T& T personnel enter manholes and equipment spaces and view pole structures to inspect such structures in order to corifirmusability or assess the condition of the structure. US WEST shall send AT&T a written notice confirming avaiJabHity pursuant to the Request within such twenty (20) day period ("Confumation'. 47.10. For the period beginning at the time of the Request and ending sixty (60) days following Confirmation, U S WEST shall reserve such poles, ducts, conduits and ROW for AT&T ,and shall not allow any use thereof by any Party,lncludlng U S WEST. AT&T shall elect whether or not to accept such poles, ducts, conduits and ROW within the sixty(60) day period following Confirmation. AT&T may accept such facilities by sending written notice to U S WEST ("Acceptance ). From the time of the Request pursuant to Section 47 above until sixty (60) days after Confirmation, U S WEST shall reserve any such requested poles, ducts, conduits andlor ROW for AT&T's use, provided, however, that If another party makes a bona fide request In writing to use any such requested poles, ducts, conduits andlor ROW,lncludlng US WEST, U S WEST shall so Inform AT&T. US WEST shall not allow the requesting party, Including Itself, to use the requested , poles, ducts, conduits andlor ROW without first giving AT&T the right to continue Its reservation of such poles, ducts, conduits andlor ROW by paying U S WEST a reservation fee In an amount to be mutually agreed for the right to continue Its reservation. 47A.10.RIght of First Refusal. During the Reservation Period, If another party,lncludlng US WEST, makes a bona fide request for the actual use which would commence during the reservation periOd of any poles, ducts, conduits or ROW that AT&T has previously reserved, AT&T shall have a right of first refusal" over these facilities. If AT&T chooses to exercise this right, AT&T must do so within fIVe (5) calendar days prior to the expiration of the Reservation Period, whichever OCCUIS first. 47.4. 11 Reservation. After Acceptance by A T& T, AT&T shall have six (6) months to begin attachment and/or insta/Jation of its facUlties to the poles ducts,. conduit and ROW or request U S WEST to begin make ready or other construction activities. Any 29 Per First Order at 40. USWC!AT&T Interconnection Agreement -Idaho 07/27/98 ..' " Exhibit 5 Case # ATT- AT&T Complaint, Page 7 of 10 """"'__ "0"", """'-"",'""" ' such construction, installation or make ready by AT&T shall be completed by the end of one (1) year after Acceptance. AT&T shaH not be in default of the 6-month or 1-year requil8ment above if such default is caused in any way by any action, Inaction or delay on the part of WEST or its Affiliates or subsidiaries. 47.12 Make Ready. U WEST shalll8arrange, modify and/or make ready existing poles, ducts, conduit and ROW where necessary and feaSIble to provide space for A T& 1's tequil8ments. However. U S WEST shall not be required to undertake any modification if AT&T requeSts a modification that U S WEST would not undertake for Itself to Increase capacity. In addition, U S WEST may offer AT&T an economically competitive alternative to modification to meet A T& request in lieu of actual modlflcation.SUbject to the requirements above, the Parties shan endeavor to mutually agree upon the time frame for the completion such work within five (5) days following A T& 1's request; provided, however, that any such worlc required to be p81formed by U WEST shall be completed within sixty (60) days or reasonable period of time based on standard construction intervals in the industry, unless otherwise agreed by A T& T in writing. ' ' 47.4. 13 New Construction. After Acceptance, U WEST shall. complete any new constnJctlon, relocation or installation of poles, ducts; conduits or ROW required be performed by U WEST or any U lIVEST construction, 19Iocation or Installation requested by A T& T within reasonable period of time based on standard construction intetVais in the industry or sixty (60) days after obtaining all governmental authority or permits necessary to complete such construction, relocation or installation. "U WEST anticipates that construction, relocation or instailation wHl go beyond standanl industry intervals or the sbcty (60) day period, WEST shan immediately notify A T& T a nd ,the Parties shaH mutually agree on completion date. 47.4.14 AT&T shaH begin payment for the use of newly constructed poles ducts, conduit, and ROW upon completion of such construction and installation and confirmation by appropriate testing methods that the faeDities are ins condition ready to operate in A T& 1's network or upon use (other thEm for testing) by A T& T, whichever is earlier. 47.15 AT&T shall make payment for construction, relocation, rearrangements, modifications and make teady in accordance with Section 3.5 of Attachment 1 of this Agreement 47.4.16 (Intenlionally left blank for numbering consistency) 47.4.17 AT&T may, at its option, install its facDities on poles, ducts, conduit and ROWand use AT&T or AT&T designated personnel to attach its equipment to such WEST poles, ducts, conduits and ROw. 47.4, 18 "avaHable, U WEST shaH provide A T& T space in manholes for racking and stotage of cable and other materials as requested by A T& T. 30 Per First Order at 41. U8'NCIAT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho aT 127/98 0 ") Exhibit 5 Case # ATT-O4- AT &T Complaint, Page 8 of 10 "......, ,' . " 47.4.19 US WEST shall rearrange, modify and/or make ready any conduit system or poles with retired cable by removing such retired cable from conduit systems or poles allow for the efficient use of conduit space and pole space. Before denying access based on a lack of capacity, U S WEST must explore potential accommodations with AT&T. 47.4.20 Where U S WEST has innerducts which are not, at that time, being used or are not reserved as emeTgenc;y or maintenance spare in aCCOldance with FCC rules and regulations, U S WEST shall offer such ducts for A T& T's use. 47.4.21 Whet8 a spare innerduct does not exist, US WEST shall allow AT&T to instal/an innerduct in US WEST conduit, at AT&T's cost and expense. US WEST must review and approve any installation of innerduct in any U WEST's duct prior to the start of construction. SUch approval shall not be unreasonably delayed, withheld or conditioned. A T& T shall provide notice to U S WEST of any work activity not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of construction 47.22 Where U S WEST has any ownership or other rights to ROW to buildings building complexes, or within buildings or building complexes, U S WEST shall offer such ROW to AT&T. (a)Subject to the approval of the buHdingowner, if required, the right to use any available space owned or controlled by U S WEST in the building building complex to install A T& T equipment and facUities; (b)SUbject to the approval of the buDding owner, if required, ingress and egress to such space; and (c)Subject to the approval of the building owner, if required, the right to use electrical power at parity with U WEST's rights to such power. 47.23 Whenever U S WEST Intends to modify or alter any poles, ducts, conduits or ROW which contain A T& rs facUities, U S WEST shan provide written notification of such action to AT&T so that AT&T may have reasonable oppoTtunityto acid to modify its facRities, A T& T shall advise U S WEST, in writing, of its intentions to add or modify the facHities withinfifleen(15) Business Days of U S WEST's notffication. If A T& T adds to or modifies its facJ71ties according to this paragraph, A T& T shaN bear proportionate share of the costs Incufflld by US WEST in making such facilities accessible. 47.24 A T& T shall not be required to bear any of the costs of rearranging or replacing its facilities, if such rearrangement or rep,acement is, required as a result of additional attachment or the modification of an existing attachment sought by any entity other than A T& T, including U S WEST. , 47.4.25 U S WEST shall maintain the poles, ducts, conduits and ROW at its sole cost. T& shall maintain its own facifdies installed within the poles, ducts,' conduits and ROW at its sole cost. In the event of an emergency, U S WEST shaH begin repair of its facilities containing A T& T's facilities within reasonable time frame based industry standards or a time frame requested by A T& T. If U WEST cannot begin USWCIAT&T Interconnection Agreement-Idaho 60 07/27/98 Exhibit 5 Case # ATT-04- AT &T Complaint, Page 9 of 10 """"""""""-"'--"-"'----"", ", \, , ,~, ., , ". ":,.,,"., " " repair within the requested time frame. upon notice and approval of S WEST, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, A T& T may begin such repairs without the presence of U S WEST personnel. AT&T may climb poles and enter the manholes, handholds, conduits and equipment spaces containing U S WESrs faeRities in order to perform such emergency maintenance, but only until such time as qualified personnel of U WEST arrives ready to continue such repairs. For both emetgency and' non-emergency repairs, A T& T may use spare innerduct or conduits, including the innerduct or conduit designated by U WEST emetgency spare for maintenance purposes; prOvided, however, that A T& T may only use such spare conduit or innerduct for a maximum period of ninety (90) days. 47.4.26 In the event of a relocation necessitated by govemmental entity exercising the power of eminent domain, when such relocation is not reimbursable, all parties shall share pro tata in costs for relocating the base conduit or poles and shall each pay its own cost of cable and installation of the faCl7ities In the newly rebuilt U WEST poles, ducts" conduits and ROw. 48.Bona Fide Request Process for Further Unbundling 48.Any request for Interconnection or access to an unbundled Network Element not already available via price lists, tariff, or as described herein shall be treated as a Request under this Section. 48.U S WEST shall use the Bona Fide Request Process iBFR' process as described in this Section 48. to determine the technical feasibility of the requested interconnection or Network Bement(s) and, for those items found to be technically feasible, to provide the terms and timetable for providing the requested items. Additionally, elements, services and functions which are materially or substantially different from those services, elements or functions already provided by U WEST to itself, its Affiliates, CUstomers, or end users may, at the discretion of A T& T, be subject to this BFR process. 48.A Request shall be submitted in Writing and, at a minimum, shaH include: (a) a complete and accurate technical description of each requested Network Element or Interoonnection; (b) the desired interface specifications; (e) a statement that the Interconnection or Network Element will be used to provide Telecommunications Service; (d) the quantity requested; (e) the location(s) requested; and (f) whether A T& T Wants the requested item(s) and terms made generaUyavanable. A T& T may designate Request as Confidential. 48.Within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of a Reques~ U WEST shall acknowledge IBCeipt of the Request and review such Request for initial compliance with Subsection 48. 3 above. In its acknowledgment, U WEST shall advise A T& T of any missing information reasonably necessary to move the Request to the preliminary analysis descnbed in SUbsection 48.5 below. 48.Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, within thirty (30) calendar days of its I8C8ipt the Request and all infarmationnecessary to process It, US WESt shaH provide to AT&T preliminary analysis of the Request. As reasonably requested by A T& T, WEST agrees to provide status updates to A T& T. WEST will notify A T& T if the quote preparation fee, if any. will exceed $5,000. A T& T wHI approve the continuation of the development of the USWCIAT&T Interconnection Agreement - Idaho 61 07/27/98 Exhibit 5 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 10 of 10 """-'---"--'-""""""----_.'-" -"" ".....,._,-,"'.,. _, ,..u EXHIBIT Qwest:--~\'~' ~~i8I--_: . '. ,~~ - ~ BR'Jl~ ACCOUNT NO: ID BJIDO027 INVOICE DATE: 01-2B-200~ INVOICE NO: A831695- PREVIOUS BALANCE PAYMENTS + CURRENT CHARGES + LATE CHARGE = NEW BALANCE AMOUNT DUE PAYMENT DUE DATE 121.825. DO 121.825.121.825.D2-28-2DD~ CONDUIT RENTAL LICENSE AGREEMENT I-OOOIC APPLICATION' 88-1 (ID)ONE INNERDUCT FROM POCATELLOJUNCTION TO DANBY ROAD IN POCATELLO. ID~4. 300 FEET ~ $2.75 PER FOOT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1. 2004 THRU DECEMBER 31. 2004 PREVIOUS BANI BJOO125E REFER BILLING QUESTIONS TO JERI ROGAN (303)707-8594 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES CHARGES CURRENT CHARGES 121.825. TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES 121.825. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. PLEASE CALL (303) 792-6975 'ife f u;.~ -this - ;;;- .:1 i ;-n -;'1 ~iii -you,: - payment- -:- ;;Ye;;;-;'--;;;'1-t;-'rh;- 1 n;o1 i;- i- -(j n -y(j~;.- ch;;c k . ACCOUNT NO: ID BJIDO027 INVOICE DATE: 01-28-2004 INVOICE NO: A831695-050102 11902132 , AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ~~r~~II&I~~il!~i:~~~~~: ~~:~;i~!~~llilljfil~~~~~1 m1iltlli!!:~:~lj RETURN PAYMENT TO: QWEST O. BOX 2348 SEATTLE. WA 98111 2348 ATTN: ATTN: GRE LEASE ADMIN AT&T 55 CORPORATE DRRM 21C70 BRIDGEWATER. NJ 08807 ! . '20501021 D 18 J I D 0 027 A 8 31 b '5012 8 20D~ aDD 012182 50DD7US wel Exhibit 6 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 1 of 5 _. .. -, Qwest.--~f"~J- ..... ACCOUNT NO I ID BJIDO028 INVOICE DATE: 01-28-2004 INVOICE NO: A831696- ::r D COil/)) AA 8 ~().6l)lJ PREVIOUS - PAYMENTS + CURRENT + LATE =: NEW AMOUNT PAYMENTBALANCECHARGESCHARGEBALANCEDUEDUE DATE 82,959.82,959.82,959.02-28-2004 CONDUIT RENTAL LICENSE AGREEMENT I-OOlC APLICATION I 88-3 (ID) ONE INNERDUCT FROM 619 BANNOCK (BOISE MAIN) TO FEDERAL WAY AND AMITY25,526 FEET a $3.25 PER FOOT FOR tHE PERIOD JANUARY I, 2004 THRU DECEMBER 31, 2004 PREVIOUS BANI BJOO126E REFER BILLING QUESTIONS TO JERI ROGAN (303)707-8594 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES CHARGES CURRENT CHARGES 82,959. TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES 82,959. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL (303) 792-6975 if; t ~ ,:n- t ii is -;;0- rt i o-n -with - y- ;~ ,,- - ;;;-;;ii:t -::- ;;Y;; 5"8-- ;;::r.f; - 7fti;-in v ;;'i" -on - y Our-- ~ heck. ACCOUNT NO: ID BJIDO028 INVOICE DATE: 01-28-2004 INVOICE NO. A831696-050102 11902132-_D 111~~~!jj!~I~K~:~:::. :Ji~I!:ji~i 1t~~~m~~~:1iitlll~;~~~~~1 i~~~gl~lil~~ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: RETURN PAYMENT TO: QWES1 O. BOX 2348 SEATTLE, WA 98111 2348 ATTN: ATTN: GRE LEASE ADMIN AT&T 55 CORPORATE DR RH 21C70 BRIDGEWATER, NJ 08807 CJ2DSD1D2ID /BJIDDD28A831bl:JbD1282DD4SDDDD82~ r;q cnnAII't"I.lr Exhibit 6 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 2 of 5 1.: Qwest~.FEB 2004 1)..- - -. ACCOUNT NO: ID BJIDO026 INVOICE DATE: 01-28-2004 INVOICE NO: A831694- 'XD ColV~R. 86~ilJa PREVIOUS - PAVMENTS + CURRENT + LATE = NEW AMOUNT PAVMENTBALANCECHARGESCHARGEBALANCEDUEDUE DATE -111506.151119.612.612.02-28-2DG'" CONDUIT RENTAL LICENSE AGREEMENT I-OOOIC APPLICATION I 88-2 ONE INTERDUCT FROM BIRCH TO FILMORE STREET IN JEROME IDAHO 652 FEET a $3.25 PER FOOT PER VEAR FOR THE PERIOD JANUARV 1, 2004 THRU DECEMBER 311 2004 PREVIOUS BANI BJOO124E REFER BILLING QUESTIONS TO JERI ROGAN (303)707-8594 SUMMARV OF CURRENT CHARGES " ,. CHARGES CURRENT CHARGES 15,119. TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES 15,119. IF VOU HAVE ANV QUESTIONS I PLEASE CALL (303) 792-6975if; of u~n.thi-s ;~-rtio n -wi-ih-you;,--pBYmen :r-;Yeasewrrte-t"he-invol.cei'-on-y aur-ch e~k . ACCOUNT NO: ID BJIDO026 INVOICE DATE: 01-28-2004 INVOICE NO: A831694-087318 11902132I_" il~i~~j~l i~j~f~1i~~lfii_l~ lli1~~I~ilt~~lti AMOUNT ENCLOSED: RETURN PAVMENT TO I QWEST O. BOX 2348 SEATTLE, WA 98111 2348 ATTN: GRE LEASE ADMIN AT&T 55 CORPORATE DR RM 21C70 BRIDGEWATER I NJ 08807 CJ208 7318ID IBJIDOD2bA83JrbCW40Jr2820D4:1. DDDOD4J.' ::111 an r......... . Exhibit 6 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 3 of 5 , , Qwest~' ~-- ACCOUNT NO : ID BJIDO026 STATEMENT DATE: 01-28-2004 CUSTOMER ID I 087318 O~IVJA\e Zb~6l BILLING AUTHORITY NUMBER ACCOUNT STATEMENT DATE INVOICE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS + CURRENT + LATE = NEWBALANCE& CREDIT CHARGES CHARGES BALANCE 01-28-04 A831694 15,119.15,119. 06-04~02 A716837 -10,506.-10,506. TOTAL 612. Exhibit 6 Case # ATT-O4-AT&T Complaint, Page 4 of 5 Q w e s t-----t~ . lllil ~t iiI. 4 IUU4 I~~jr-' - ~m 1m ~~ij;"...~r;rmlli ~.III " ",?-~S/,i,.;,t' :\/: O';\l ";;':;'2';;-;' ;\;;) , ;:;;r':',W.';!~'!:Wf';:' ACCOUNT NO: ID BJIDO029 INVOICE DATE:' 01-28-2004 INVOICE NO: A831697- ./'. J-D&JIUDA A3' ;)700 PREVIOUS - PAVMENTS + CURRENT'+ LATE = NEW AMOUNT PAVMENTBALANCECHARGESCHARGEBALANCEDUEDUE DATE 208.419.208.1t19.208.419.02-28-2014 CONDUIT RENTAL LICENSE AGREEMENT I-0001C APPLICATION NUMBER 88-4 (10) ONE INNERDUCT FROM BOISE MAIN TO MERIDAN. LINDER ROAD & PINE 64,129 FEET a $3.25 PER FOOT FOR THE PERIOD JANUARV 1. 2004 THRU DECEMBER 31. 2004 PREVIOUS BANI BJOO127E REFER BILLING QUESTIONS TO JERI ROGAN (303)707-8594 SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES CHARGES CURRENT CHARGES 208.419 . TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES 208.419. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL (303) 792-6975 if e iu rn--i h 1- p~- ;H~- ;,' r ili -Y-ou r- p-;ym-;nF- :-pYea;;- - ;r1- i;- th; in v;; 1""i ;-.- 0 n - you .,.-- c he c-k" . ACCOUNT NO: ID BJIDO029 INVOICE DATE: 01-28-2004 INVOICE NO: A831697-050102 11902132 AMOUNT ENCLOSED: RETURN PAYMENT TO I , QWEST O. BOX 2348 SEATTLE WA 98111 2348 ATTN: ATTN: GRE LEASE ADMIN AUT 55 CORPORATE DR RM 21C70 BRIDGEWATER. NJ 08807 '120501021)) IBd 1 0029A831b'1701282004 20002084 ).1:I;ll;;n 1;;1I~ldr / Exhibit 6 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT exhibit A Idaho. --_j! lr'~~~III Jl\~i.i1~i.!~;ljl,i~~I~1.0'ReN. Ie'Wholesale WhoI888Ie DIscount DIScount Percenlage Pen:entage RecurrIng ,Nonrecurring Charges Charges Wholesale Discount Rates Sou1hem Idaho BasIc ExChanae Residential line Service 18.25%11.25%BasIc ExChanae Business Une SefVIce 18,25%18.25%IntraLATA Toll 18.25%18.25'ICPackagelSpecial Servi""" (e.9-, Centrex, DIscounted LlnelFealure Packages,18.25%18.25'11ISON, PBX-TNnks, DSS & UAS, Frame Relay Service, LAN, MegaBit and other ACS) UstI""". CO Features & InIOrmaIIon S8fVIces 18.25%18.25%PrIva1e line 18,25%18.25%0ltemItIr Services Dlrectorv AssIs1ance IOSIDAI 18.25%18,25'110Volume PIICkaIIed SenIIces . Hlah Volume Customel$65%65%1.8 Public Access LIne PALl Service 00%oo'!ll Nollhem Idaho 2.1 Basfc Excnsnaa Residential Une Service 19.37%19,37%1.2.2 Basic Exchanae Bualness Une ServIce PBX 19,37%19.37%2.3 InlraLATA TOIl 19.37%19,37%2.4 Package/Speclal Servfcea (e.g" Centrex, Discounted UnelFeature Packages,19.37%19.37%ISON, PBX- TNnke, DSS & OAS, Frame Relay Service. LAN, MegaBit and oilierACSI 2.5 UstInns CO Features & Information Services 19.19.37%2.5 Private Une 19.87%19.37%2.7 OrIsrator Services Dlrectorv Assfstance OSIDAI 19,37%19,37'!C1.2.8 Volume PaCKaaIKI Services - Hloh Volume CusIDfI1IIIII 67%87'1112.9 Public Access Una (PAL ServIce 00%00% 6.2 Customer Transfer Cham. lercl 62.1 erc for POTS Service 2.1.Manual FRSt Line ~16,Each Additional Una 52.27 6.2.1.MeChanized FirstUne SO.Each Additional Une SO. 2.2 CTC for Private Une TrenSMrt Services 62.2. 1 First CIrcuit $36.6.2,2.2 Additional CIrcuit. D8I' clrcul same CSR $33. erc for Advanced Convnunicatians Se~ oer CIrcuit iHtI. InterconnecUon 7.1 Entrance Faclities Left Blank OSI 1103.S208,1.3 DS3 1524.42 5Zf7. 7.2 USEICT 2.1 PerDSI SO.SO.2.2 Per DS3 SII SO. 7.3 erred Tranked T.........." intentionallY Left Blank 7.3,DS1 3.2.1 Over 0 to 8 MBes .35 $ Over 8 to 25 Miles 7.35 $1.827.3.2.3 Over 25 to 60 MIles 7.35 11.89Over 60 MUes 7.35 51.90 DS3 Over 0 to 8 Mias $2S7,119,3.3.Owr8 1025 Miles S26Q,524,Over 2510 60 MBes 1260.$26.4SOver 60 MIles 5259.128.35 7.4 MulUalexlnn DSIIo DSO 12&3.88 $193.30 Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision ExhJbI A 5th Amended Aprt1 28, 2004 Exhibit 7 , Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 1 of 18 Exhibit A Idaho 1...:111 7.5 Trunk Non Irmnflnn..uv left Blank 5.2 DS11n1erface F"U8t Trunk 2.2 Each Additional Trunk DS3 Interface 3.1 First Trunk $235,Each Addttlonal Trunk $11. Ellchanaa Service tEASILocan TraffIC End Office Call Termination ~er Minute of Use $0.001343 l1li#Tandem SwItched TRIllS""" Per Minute of Use $0.000890 Tandem Transmission nAr Minute of Use 6.3,Over 0 to 8 Mles SiiOOO4564 OIIOO3878.3.2 Over 8 \0 25 MBea OOO4584 $0.l1OOO867Over 25\0 50 Miles $0.0004584 OOOO387Over 50 MIles . ItnOOO4280 $0.0000144 L0C81 Traffic-FCCfSP Rate Cane MOU June 14 2OQ3.June 13 2004 $0,0007 Miscellaneous Chllnles 7.8,Expedite Charge (LIS Trunks)Qwests Idaho Acceaa S8IVIce Caialog 8.2 Cancellation Charge (US Trunks)0Nesfs Idaho Access ServIce Catalog AddItIonal Testing (US Trunks)0west'8 Idaho Accesl SeIYIce CaIaIog Transit Traffic Local Transtt (Local Transit Assumed Mleage = 7 Mias)Sea TIItICIem S. Tandem Switching and SwItching and Tandem TlIt1dem Transmission Transmission Rates NKNe.Rates Above. IntraUt.TA Transit Tol (IntralATA Transit ToU Assumed Mlea9a = 7 Mles)a--. Idaho QweaI's Idaho Access SeMce Aa:as SenIk:e CaIaIog Calalog JoinUy PIVVIdecI SwIIched Access aWS'e kI8ho Qwest's awest'8ld8hoAcce8a SeMce Ac:cess S8Mce Acceu 8eMce CaIIIog Catalog Catalog Cats""'" 11 Mechanized Record~. -rRecord 1tn0014877 CoIIoc8Uon All CoIlocaUon Plannlno and IntenIIa~... Left Blank 1.2 Cable Quole Pre""- Filii S1 ""'.30 EnItance FaciiiU 1.2. 1 Standard Shared. "'" Fiber 5818.328.1.2.2 Cross eon- -- fiber $5.~852.3 Cable 1A8,1il009. Callie Snlkft1 3.1 fiber. Per Set~~$389.1.8,""r Fiber Snllced $37. Power U"""" -48 Volt DC PowerU reo """Month Power Plant 1.4,Power Plimt - Leas than 80 $10. Qwest Idaho SGATThlrd RevIsIon Exhibit A , 5th Amended Apt1125, 2004 Page 2 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 2 of 18 Exhibit A Idaho 1lIr((1it1I1~~jJ~!i ~: B!1~_lli~~'11111.4,1.1.Power Plant - Equal1D or GIeater Than 60 Amps $8, Power USa\18 Power Usaae 611 Amos or Less, ller Ama $2.471. Power U....... Mare Than 60 $4.113 N:; Power Feed 1.5.N:; Power Feed Month 5.1.120 V S18. 208 V SinGle Phase $27,1.5.1,208 V Th- Phase 548, 8.1.6,240 V SlIXI1e Phase $32.19240 V Three _.. 5!I!leB 1.6 480 V Three Phase &111. N:; Power FIHIII. aer FoaL ner Month 5.2.1 20 AmP. SInGle Phase 00841.5.2.2 20 Arne. Three Phase 0105 $8, Arne. SInaIe Phase .GO911.5,311 AII1b. Three Phase 0125 11, 40 AII1D, SIIKIIB Phase $0.0107 2.8 40 ARID. Three Phase 0147 50 ARID, Sina18 Phase 10,0127 50 Anm. Three Phase $0.0177 15,5.2.9 60 Ama, Sinale Phase 10.0144 12, 60 Arne. Three Phase $0,0204 $17,5.2.11 100 AmP. Slno/e Phase 10.0178 :li15.5.2,100 AmD. Three Phase 0277 $24. 1.8 Insoectar Lebar. oer Half Hour :m~1.8.Remdar Haws Rate 6.2 After HaulS Rate minimum 3 hOUlS Channel Reaeneratian 1.7.OSI $0,7.2 OS3 Reaeneratlon so.OO Collocation TennInatians Shared Access OSO Cable PIaaImBnt. oar 100 PaIr Black 50.2262 S2IIII.81.Cable Placement. oerTarmInaIIon $O.G0901.3 Cabl... 081' 100 PaIr Block 10.3304 $304.1.4 Ca"" -TermlnaUan 0066 54.50 1.5 Black&. oer 100 Pair Block 5730 $528,1.8,Blocks -TennInaIIan 0116 Block r 100 PaIr Block .2381 5219.1.8 Block PI TermlnaUan 0048 $3, 1.2 OS1 1.8,1.2.Cable PlacemenL - 28 DS18 .111 ~141.8,1.2.2 Cable Termnatian ;0442 Cable 28 DSI..3!193 5351. 1.2.4 Cable Tennination 0429 1.8,1.2.5 Panel 28 OSI. ..2742 1.691.2.8 Panel Tennloelion cO33O1. Pm1eI 211 OS1.0847 4.681.2.8 Panel PI TennInaIIoo .GO91 $8, 1.3 OS3 Cable P rTermIn8IIon 1521 too 1.3.Cable -Tennlnatfon 50.25781.8,Canriactor. nerTerminatton SII.21125 1.211.3,Canneclor Placement. ller T ermINIIIan $0.0204 18. FiberTennInaIIon,TemIInatIons. oor 12 FIbers S21L24 11.513,1.8.AddiIIonaI ConnecCar (If aDOlIcabIe 10.S811.1.8.Cable Rackino. ShaIed. OBI 12 F'obenI S26 Ractdng . Oedlcaled $1.63 $1.433.96 Securllv Ch:mIA PerE Card SII9.2 Card Office $7, Qwest Idaho SGAT ThIrd Revision ExhIbIt A 5th Amended ApII 28, 2004 Page3af18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 3 of 18 Exhibit A Idaho Camoos~e Clock Cenllal OIliCl!SVnchronizalion 1.10.Svm:hronaatfon - Comooslte Clock. Iier Port 51. IntentionallY Left Blank Saace AvaDabIIltv Chame 1313, Collocation Space ReSIIIVaIion Fee Tho cIIaIge wi .. 25% the NonreamfngFe Collocation Soao& Oction Administration Fee $1107, Collocation S Fee, oer 5aUare Foot ili2.0Q 8.2 VIrtual Colloca1lon Plannl.... and Fees 8.2.1.Quote Pr&OaratJon Fee 13 148.B 7 8.2.2 MaInIenance Labor. IHY'HalfHour Reaular HourI Rate $ Aller Hours lImA $39, Traln!na Labor. IHY'HalfHour 8.2.3,ReouIar HoulB Rate 2.4 IbvSo:II!A 8.2.4.Eoul Shelf 2.4.2 VIrtual SD8C8 Constlllctlon Inftfal Bav Provided $20.S17749.Each Addillonal Bay SDaC8 $3.24 52.854.33V1r1uaf Cable Raddltll. per Shelf 50,$384. EMineerina Labor. per Half Hour 2.5.Reoular Hours Rate 532.942.5.AJtar HouI1l Rate $43. Instanatfon Labor. ner Half Hour 8.2.6.ReouJar Hours Rate 131.8.2,6.2 Atfer HouI1l Rate 541.32 8.2.7 Rent 8.2.Floor Space Leaae. D8f 5011818 Foot 52.702.7.2 Rent. "'" Shelf 2.8 IntenUonaIIv l8II Blank Power Plant 2.9,~8 DC Power Cable Arm Power FefId $4.52 985. 30 ArnD Power Feed SII $4.1i37.878.2.9.40 Amp Power Feed 81.22 $Ii 1te0,8.2.9.eo MID Power Feed 511-708.038.2.9,1.5 100 AmD Power Feed 18,1018.370.518.2.9.200 AmD Power Feed $30"'73.2.9,300 ArnD Power Feed 1047917.2.8.400 AIm Power Feed 037. PhVIIlcal CoIIDCatlon PllII1nln" end ~lneerIna Fee 8.3,Quale P'--Fee 103.148.41 Soam ConstJuctlon and S1Ie 2.1 Site PnlDaratlon Fee ICE2.2 2 BaIIR 523.$20 803.402.3 I-HIt l8II 81ank 2.4 l8II Blank 2.5 SD8C8 Construclon for Each Additlonallbv $3.24 52 854.33 8,3,2.8 Adloslmenl for BaY - ChanOB 10 S1andard Deslon 153.24 1li2 854, DC Power Cable 8.3,2.7.20 AmD Power Feed $4.52 53.985.2.7.2 30 ArnD Power Feed 1iS $4637, . 40 Amn Power Feed SB,111480.42 Qwest Idaho SGA T Third RevisIon ExhIbit A 5Ih Amended ApriI2fI, 2004 Page 4 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 4 of 18 exhibit A Idaho ~t~!~J~~t,j~n~i~'~11~~IJ~'~B~~; ~ ~'j 8.3. . .2,eo. Power Feed 11.$9 708.1ooAm Power Feed S16J170.613.2.7,200 Am Power Feed S30.473.11, AIr PO\Y8I' Feed 5471117,11711.400 Am PawIll'Feed 77.S6II 037,02 3.3 Floor SDaC8 Lease. IIer SlllJare Foot 12. can.d -leal Collocation Plannlna and Quote Prenanollnn Fee S3.185. SNIt!A ConslnJctlon and SRe Preaaration Site PreoaraUon Fee JCI'4.2,Intentionally l.el Blank 2.3 Intentionally Left Blank 4.2.4 Soaae ConstnJcIIDn 4.2.4.r- Unto 100 80, Fl 161 133,927, C- -101 Sa. A. la 200 50. Fl $30 113. ~ . 201 80, Fl to 300 Sa. Fl 2.18 537154,2.4,CaD. . 301 So. Fl to 400 So. R.$44.$38,922.82 4.2,IntenIIOIIBIIY Left Blank IntanllonaAv Left Blank 4.2.DC Power Cable 2.7,20 Arm Power Feed $5,54.854.852.7.2 30 .6"", Power Feed S6.20 $5457.4.2.7,40 Amn Pawer Feed M.5262.7.60 Am.. Power Feed 12.23 $10772.11.4.2,~Pawer Feed 1.2911."'.2.7. Amn Power Feed 11,2.7.. 400 Amn Power Feed 8J!.1.29 Soace ConsInJcIIDn - FencIn Credit c.mo. Uato 100 , R.10.071 58723.124.3.caae 101 . 200 G. Fl 12.70 trr 135.89 11,4.3.~2O1 -300 . Fl 14.471 ft6.2811.4.3.L;aae 301 -400 ill. FI,18,1.38 FIODr SallC8 Lease, DOr 5aUaJ'B Foot 52.70 Inl8nlionallv Left Blank IntentionallY Left Blank IntentiDnallv Left Blank Groundlna 2/0AWG r Foal 00978.2 1/0AWG Foot $0.0170 S14,8.3 4/0AWG ...Foot 0200 $17.84350 kI:miI rFDDt 8.6 500 kcIriI FDDt 0299 750 Foal 0468 S40, 8.5 Adw..nt Colloc8tion Re- ~nlloc:aIIon Phvslcal &. VorIuBI Remote CoIIoca1Ion 11,11.SDIICB tiler Standard Ununtlnn Un.!1It'J $665,11.1.2 FDI~2S PAIr!10.35 1.3 Power U""'" 11,1.3,Power Usa... 80 or Leas. IIer Amn $2.47 11,8.1.3.Power Usaoe More Than 80 $4.9311.1.4 Quote S1 JIII4.62 6.2 Ad'-nt Remota CoUocaIIon 11,2.1 AdIal:snI R8I1IOIe Collocation New'ICB11,2.2 Adiacent RentDIII Collocation lExIsIIno! SDaC8 ,...., Standard MountIna Una FDI Termina1klns tD8f25 Pair!$0.35 Power Usa- QwetlldahoSGA T ThIrd RevIsIon ExhIbR A 5th Amended Aprl 28, 2004 P8ge5of18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 5 rift8 Exhibit A Idaho 8.2.2,3.2 Power Usa"" Mare Than 60 2.2.4 QuoI8 -ration Fee 11:1 064.52 8.3 Additional VIrtual R.......... CoI1acaIIon Bernera 8.3.Flat Cha~ Job 8.3.Rate -Half Hour 8.3.3 HalfHaur 8.3.1nstaI1- -Half Hour Tralnlftn -- Half Hour $29.40 ClI't". '" CLEC Deslan E~"""""'" & InS1aUation Flat C n ~nnlneerinn . No Cables\ FIber Flat C"s_S1 """.81 7.2 Cable "-""",, Per Foot DSO n;r FtW er Cable 118482.2 DS1 -rF"'"- Cable 130767.2.DS3 ruwFoot ... Cable 10234FIber-Fnot """ Fiber 83313 7.3 VII1uel ConnectIona ""'"""lcable - Connections onIv; No cables DSO 100 Connections 11:184,3.2 DS1tPer 28 ConnedIoni\11:01, 3.3 DS3 II2cw 1 CoI1lll!Gllon 7.3.Fiber ConnectIons:- Mr FIber SnUMtt 11:.'17 Cable Hole If AnnIlcabIGY CLEC to CLEC Cross Connection 11:- Inten:onnecllon Distribution Frame "CD~ Colloc.oUon ICE 8JI A-cation 10 Reauest C.ncellaUon NoCh Microwave CoIocaUon -c-Under D8II8I-111 IntentJonaDv Left Blank 8.12 Intentl""~11v left Blank = P-r Reduction 13.1 QuOte PnI""ratJon Fee 5703,13.2 Power Reduc:Iion Less than 6O AiiiiHo~ IAS 13.Power Reduction ........ to 80 13,Power Reduction Greater than 60 Arn-= 13.Power On Off $821.0913.IbIMIv DIstributIon F\I8e SoardTBDFBI Rent $84, 8.14 Collocation Transfw of R.siiwiCibliiiV 14.Left Blank 14.~Fee S1 038.0014.3 Network AdmInIsIraIIon Fee 1.1 588.00 L18 IntentIonaIIv Left Blank 8.J1 Unbundled Ne_rk Elements tUNES' Intefconn P.Ir8/ITD' - Par Tennlnlltlon DSO !.n 1.2 DS1 S1. 1.3 DS3 11:14, 8.2 Unhun 2.1 Analoa Loo""See Voice 8.2.1,Zone 1 115,88 8,2,1.2 Zone 2 "'23.78 Zone 3 S4a.60 Intentional'" Left Blank 2.1.3 ..we Voice Grade Looo Zone 1 70 Qwesf Idaho SGA T ThInI RevIsIon ExhIbIt A 5th Amended Ap1t12S, 2004 Page 8 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04-AT&T Complaint, Page 6 of 18 ExhibIt A Idaho 2.1,ZOne 2 83 2.1.3,Zone 3 47 2.2 Nonloaded looM See &.2.4&.2.2.2-'dlnn" 2.2.ZOne 1 185 8.2.2,1.2 ZOne 2 till2.2.1.3 ZOne 3 """"tiMaUv I .... Blank &.2.2.3 4-WIre NanIoacIed lMft &. Zone 1 S3O. Zone 2 548,83 Zone 3 S79.47 Loon Un/nsuRnn Looo Concrollonlna S22.oo A.8 &.2.3 DitlItaJ 2.3.Basic Rate ISDN / xDSL-I ('--able / ADSL S-'I,,1.1 Zone 1 166 2.3.Zone 2 2.3.1.Zone 3 .50 Intention""" Left Blank 9.2.3,DS1 Cariable LooD See- 1 586.48 8.2.Zone 2 $68.48 2.3.Z"""3 $99.98 DS3 Canable Lnnrt Se&4I.2.67n_' "'" 2.3,4.2 ZOne 2 04 Zone 3 S1 264,till 2.3.OC-nCs"""'elnnn See-, OC-12 , S1314m2.3.5.OC-46 53.528. 2.3.WInt Extension TAclwonIntN S22, 8.2.4 =..,":IIIIlation CIIa ~~: ~ 4 win! Analog / d~ed. ADSl CompatiIIIe. ISDN BRI See 8.2. 1 &and xDSL -I Ca e Loons where cond . Is not Mnufred. Inslallation 2.4,FIrst S11,2.4,1.2 Each Additional 1A07 9.2.4.BaaIc Installation with Pedoonance TAIIIIna 8.2.4,2.1 Fnt LooD ~7, Each Additional 58, CoordInated InsIaIatIon with CooperatIve Testing I PnIject CoonIinated InsIaIIaIIon,FirslloDD 5171.872.4.3.2 Each Additional SD4 9.2.4,CcIonIinaIed Installation without Coopemllve T88Ik1g / PItIject Coordinated lnsIIIIIation 9.2.4,FIrst LooD $69.812.4,4.2 Each AddIttDnaI 5""".32 Bask: III&IaUatlDn wfth 2.4.5.FIrst .........5142.1092""7 E"""A"""""'a'SAI. 2.5 DSt LOOD Installation ChamAs See BasIc Installallon 9.2.6.Find LooD 5128.&. Each'Addltlonai 5911 Basic: InsIaIlalion with Performance Testi"" Qwest Idaho SGAT ThIrd Revl&lonlExlibiC A lith Amended AprI28, 2004 PIIge 7 at 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 7 of Exhibit A Idaho Each Addlllonal 2.5T CoonI1nated InstaIation wlthCooperaIive Testing PIOje!:t Coordinated Installation 9.2.First UXID 5318.5.3.2 Each Additional S~40 2.5.4 CooIdInated Installation without Cooperative Testing Project CoordinatedInstallation 9.2.Find: Loco 8135. Each Addlllonal 108. Basic: Installation with Coo-lYe Tm:l1nn Fht UXID 5272.24 Each Adcfdlonal :&195, 9.2.8'DS3 l.ooD Installelion aJames See 9.2.3,2.8.Basic installation 2.8,FIrst Loop 5128, Each Additional 5119. 9.2.8.Basic Installation with Perfonnance TestIno 2.8,FIrst L.oop $279.372.8.2.2 ElICh Additional $212.57 Coordinated Installation with Cooperallve Testing Projeel Coordinated Installation 2.6.3.FIrst LooD 15318.8.2.6.Each Additional S222.4O 9.2.Coordinated Ins1ell8tlon wilhout CooperaIive Testing Project CoordlnaledIns1aIation ' 9.2.8,Find lJxID $135.Each Additional 108. Basfc InstaUatIon wllh CooIIIII'atiWI TeBIInD FIf&! Looo S272.24 Eech ACldillonal 195.l1li aC-3 12,48 LooplnsialationChames See Instanelion 9.2.7.FInIt Loop S128. Each AddIIionaII..OOo 599, Basic Installation with P8Ifonnanoe T 2.7.2,Firat loaD $279.37E- AddlUlIII81 Loon :&212. 2.7.Coordinated JnsIaUaIIan willi Tesllna 9.2.7.Find: LooD,Each AddItIonal Loon S222.4O 2.7.Coordinated IlI8IaIIeIion wIIhcIuI TestIno 2.7.~Lnnn $135,'7.4.2 BasIc Installation with Teallna 9.2.7,FIrst UXID 8.2.7,5.2 Each AddHIonaII..OOo $195. 2.8 Privale line to Unbundled loaD Conv8I1ion8 $34.110 1.3 SuIII- 3.1 Wire DisIribuUon Loop (Applies to both AnIIkta end NonIoaded 8.3,Fht 107.82 Each Addllonal 1i2II.113 FIrst & Each Add'1IIonaI 2.Wire DisIdbutIon l.ooD 1.3,Zone 1 511.001.3.Zone 2 :&16.701.3.Zone 3 527.5'1 IrdenUonallY Left Blank Intra-Buildinn Cable LoaD, Per Pair $0. Qwest IdahO SGAT ThIrd RevIsIon ExhIbIt A 5th Amended AprI 28. 2004 Paee8of18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 8 of 18 Exhibit A ldaho* 9.3,3.2 No DlsDBICIL Each Addllfonal &21 9.3.3.CIs- First ' - 9.3.DlsDaICIL Each Addllfonal SUe: 3.4 Feeder LoaD OS I caMbia Feeder loon 9,3,4,t,FIIst S310,9,3,1.2 Each Additional 5221,FInit & Each Addllfonal OS1 CaMbie Feeder LaOD 1 571.20 D:3A. 1 ,3.2 Zone 2 ST1, tiff.1.3,Zone 3 590, MTE T enrinal SubJooo Access 3.5.SublooD MTE - POI Site Invent uestl MTE . POI Rea""""""'" of Faclllles MTE . POI CoiIstruc:Ifon of New SPOt Ice IntenI!onatlv Left Blank 9.3.7 FIeld Connection PoIntlFCPI FeaslbliIY Fee Quote --on Fee $1197.9,3,7.2 FCP Reclassification _.2111 IntenllOnallv Left Blank lntenIIonanv Left Blank Intentionally Left Blank Construc:tIon Fee lei' Shared Services ShanId LaoD. ,per Looo SO.$3S. 8.4.2 UNE - P Line SDliIIIDa 2.1 Basic Installation for UNE-P Line SDIiIIino $33. LaOD Solillina Basic Instanallon CIuImA for LaoD Snl1tllnn $33 ass, Une. Del'Mon\I1 U.23 Reclass1fication Chams ICBSDiIter Shelf CharlIe $503. 8A.Snlitler TIE Cable ComectIons S IIIIIBr in the Common Area-Dala 10 410 block 06 ' s 889,. S Utter In the Conmm Ar8a-Data direct ID ClEC 3.248A,Iller an the IDF. Data 10 410 Block S Iter on the IDF - Data dInIct 10 CLEC 1 823.S liter on the MDF-Oata ID 410 block SO,5881,9.4.S Iftteran the MDF - Data dliectto CLEC !I:"S1 822.42 Ennlneertnn 51 079.85 1.5 Networtllnterr- DevIce !NIDI !I:O.51 ~76 Unbundled Dedicated Interom.... TransDort UDm 8:6,DSO UDIT n41,0-0 to 8 MDes .211.2 0-61D25Mlas $24..231.3 0- 2510 50 Mias 524 Over 50 MIas 524. OS1 UOIT 1i2II4.5262.0vRr01o8 Miles s:!8 S3.20Over 8 to 25 MItes !l:37.26 $3,. B6.2.Over 25 to 50 Mias,$38, Over 50 Miles U7,$0, DS3 UDIT S284.52Over 0 10 8 Mles $238,$54,3.2 Over81D 25 MItes 5242.03 516,0- 25 10 50 Miles 1223.90 521.34 Qwest Idaho SGAT ThInI Revlston Exhibit A 5th Amended AprIlS, 2004 Page 9 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 9 of 18 Exhibit A Idaho 6.4 oc-s UDIT 0.- 0 to 8 MRea ot703.S38 Over 8 to 25 Mles $763.S38.Over 25 to 50 MnBS *763.70 $38,Over 50 Miles $763.70 $86.83 &.5 oc.12 UDIT $295.086.6.Over 0 to 8 Miles "" 163.&1 S72.685.2 Over 8 to 25 MIles ,,? 103,S72J!8Over 25 to 50 Mlea "" 163.*72.88Over 50 Miles "2 163,5135.97 0C48 UDIT *""".08Over 0 to 8 Miles !U. 420,*183,Over 8 to 25 Mies 54~2O,5183.75 8.8.Over 25 to 50 Mles $4 420,911 $183.75 Over 50 MOBS u,42O.-28 11.UDIT DSO Channel Performance DSO UDIT Low SIde Channelization "13,7.2 DS11 DSO Muv Law SIde ChannellzalJon rf.7.rf.191.93 UDIT MulliDlexi~ DS1 to DSO -,86 52S8.D38.2 DSStoDS1 S3M.22 51 996. Extended Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Tnm.'IfItVt 8.9.DS1 E-UDIT $80,DS3 E-lJDIT ~1,5347.84QC..3 E-lJDIT 12.63OC-12 E-lJDIT S427.8904:0"ni- -::Ail E-UD ....' 1"n., Remote Node I Remote Port 10.QC..3 Remote Node 10,Remote Node !U.78, 10.DS1 Remote Port S3.65 "198.10,1.3 DS3 Remote Port u9.$198.88 10.OC-12 Remote Node 10,2.1 Remota Node ""94,10.2.2 DS1 Remote Port 112.87 $198.8810.DSS Remote Port rr..""OQ rf.198.88 10.2.4 oc-a Remote Port $103.198. 10.QC..48 Remote Node 10.Remote Node $3'Jt1'710.3.2 DS3 Remote Port $22.34 198.88 10.QC..3 Remote Port rf.121,rf.198.88 10.3,OC-12 Remote Port 'U79.98.88 UDIT ReeIl1l- 11.DSO S"""" 0tIice 184.408.6.11.2,DSO Dual 0IIIcIJ 11.3 SI""'" Office 8.11.Dual 0IIIce 1.7 Unbundled Darte FIber RJnR 11.initial ~s IMuiN RRI' Simnle rf.1118.02 Comnlex -1. 7.2 Field Vedlica1lon and Quote PAI"""'1Ion IFVOP1 7.28 Field VerfficatIon n:~I"""""" VerlicaIIon\'7. UDF-Strand UDF -Interoffice Fadiitu 'UDF"~. SlnnIA Strand 7.4,Older Strand I Route I Order 2.801.2 Order Cha~ Each Adcf&tlonalSlrand I Same -... $266.881.3 Fiber T Strand I MIle SIIO 7.4,1.4 Termination Fixed """ Strand I Office I Temdnallon u,.80 7.4,1.5 fiber Strand I Office S2.M 19, QwBst Idaho SGA T ThIrd Revision Exhibit A 5th Amended AprI28, 2004 Page 10 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT8d Complaint, Page 10 of 18 , i 2.1 OnIerOl"""".......FlratStrancl/RcuIe/OrcIer 60 4.2.2 0nI00r Charae. Each Additional StnInd / Same Route $255.86 4.2.3 FIber lmn. ""r StIwid / Rcuta S8II98 '7A.2.4 Termnalion FIxed -Strand/Office 14.83 TennlnaUon fixed. "'" StnInd / PremIse $3.94 fiber r Strand / 0III0e 52.71 11:19.38 B Extended Unbundled Calk fiber IE-UI)F\. Slnme SItand OrcIerCha- """FlrstStnlnd/Rauta/Order 11.Order ChaIU8. Each A~dftlonal Sltand I Same RouteFiberTrana r"~""/Strand 1I.7A,TermkiatIon Fixed .u.rStrancl/OfIIce Terminallon Fixed. niorStrand/Prerrise 4.3.FlberCroas-Conneci """Pair exhIbit A Idaho $98. 14, S3.94 12.71 11:19,38 B UDF - DBr P8Ir UDF-tOF Chant8!l. ...... Pair 7.5.Order75.1.2 Order 11,1.3 FlberT Pair/Mia Termlnatfon FIxBd,""" PaIr / OIIIce / TarminBlionFIber rPaIr/OIIice r First Pair / Route I Older / 5am8 Route "'" 588 57, 11:4,43 519.38 B 5.2 UDF.I """ Chounes . oar Pair2.1 OrderCh........ ner first Pair/ Route/Order 2.2 0n1ar Charue. Each MdilionsI-PBIr / Same Route 5.2.3 FiberLMD, oerRcuta/-PaIr2.4 TennInation Fixed,-Palr/OIIice5.2.5 TeminaIIon. FIXed PaIr/ PnuriIlB5.2.6 FlberClo PaIr/Oftice Extended Unbundled Dark Fiber tE..UDFf Order ChB""""" First PaIr/Route / Order 7.5.Order DuInte. Each AddilonaJ.Par / Same Route7.6.:U F'lIIer ouI8/PerPair TennInaUon FIxBd Per Pair / 0IIice 7.6,TennlnaIIon Fixed Per Pair / Premise 7.6,fiber CIoas-Connect. rIM PaIr lI:i~1M 57, $8, ~:: 519.38 B 2.60 5131.32 57, l1:li 53,92 519.38 B 7.5, , . bar Shared Trans""" ParMlnu!eo so. 1.9 Unbundled Customer Controlled Rearranaement Element IUCCREI DS1 Port DS3 Port DIBI Uo Access AIIendant Access VIr1ueI Ports ICI! ICB 1C8 1C8 ICB ICI! 3 ICB 3 10 Local Tandem Switc""'" 10.DS1Loc81MessaneTrunkPM """Oilier10.2 DS1TrunkGrmm 10.2.1 FJrstTnlnk-Order 10.2.2 Each AddIUonal Trunk. ...... Order10.3 Per Mlnu\e of Use so.oootl9O S187AC lI:2nA $21.11! Local Swltchlna 11,Ports 11,Analoo Una Side Port 11,1;1 FIrstPnrt 11,1.2 Each AddlUonal Port 11:10.21 A 11:549 A 11:1.34 51.34 11.1.2 DioItaJ Una SIde Port SuDDDlllna BRlISDN1 FIr8I& EechAdditional 512.53 S21J5..70 B 11;1.D/ol1a/ Trunk Ports 11.1.3.PBX/DID Trunk Port, perDSO $213.14 B$2.43 11.1.3. DS1loc81-eTnmkPOIt M88S8ge Trunk Gnlup, first Trunk M- Trunk Gmom: Each Additional DS1 PRIISON Trunk Port 5'111,:5""'33 $178.18 11.3.4 11.1.3,51118, $37,~11,49 B Qweat Idaho SGAT Third Revf&1on ExhIbit A 5th Amended April 26, 2004 Page 11 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04-AT&T Complaint, Page II of 18 exhibit A daho .ilitllll(iii~~Jllj!r&1fi~I!~1~~II i~.Ifi~ 11.1,4 DSO Arudna Trunk Port 111.4,first Port S14.56 1115.11,Each Additional Port S14.58 , 1 11.1.5 Local U""",,- ...... MlnuIa of Use 511001343 11.2 V8llical Fealums 8.1 1.2.BasIc l'ubt... 11.2.1.Account Codes-$77.4111.2.1.Altendanl Access line. ...... Station Une !l1.1211.2.1,Audible Me_"" Waltlna SU811.2.1.AuthorfzaIIon Codes . Dt!!r svstam 1,0811.2,Automatic Line 11.2.1,Automatic Route Selection . Common En..)6.2111,CaU Dmn .2311.2.1.Call Exclusion - Automallc 11.2.1.Call Exdusion . M&nWII .4811,1.10 Call FnlWanllnlI; BURV lIn..' Don' Answer '7711.2.1.11 Call Fmwanllnn: Don' hwwer' Call Forw:mIfnn B""" Customer 11,2.1.Cd Wallna Indication - 1181' TIm/no Stale 11,2.1.CenInIx Conunon EttuI- 11.2.1,CaD Forwanllna BuSY line . I On'"20,11.2.1,can F-- Don't Answer I $ - ContInuous Redial 11.2811,2.1.ClASS - last Call ReIUm 1.1.2911.2.CLASS -11.2111.2,ClASS -Selective Call Forwardina S1.2811.2.1.CLASS - Selective Call Rele 1.1.2111,Direct S ' 8w Lamn FIeld 50.2411.2,1.22 DInIcted Call with lIB 18-11 18.0111.2.1.23 Dllected Call without larlle-In 13.8711,2.1.DIs6nc:ttve Rlnntnl8llnctlve Call W 11.2.1,25 EtrnenslveRou1BWamlnnTone -S-11.2.1,F- RestricIion 11.2.1.GRHlO Int8rmm Hot LkIe .- line !11M11.2.1.29 Hunllna;Hunt Queulna 5211.2511.2.1.Hun&1'"MuItiIlMlllnn with Announcement In Queue 591, with Music in QUeue $28,11.2.1.ISON ShoItHunt S1.1711.2.1,LoudsDl!8I1er Trunk GrolID 5183.6011.2,Make Bu ms. -Grn.."50.5311,2.1.Make 8uRv Ana line .5S11.2.1.36 -""""" Center. OBI' Main StatIon line .3111.2.1.37 L4AuMeWaftlnaVlaual 11.1.38 Music On Hold. ...... SVSII!m 11.P- Release .4211.2.1.40 QuelY TIme 11.2.StaIIon Camo.On SefYIce. per MaIn StatIon .3111.2.1,TIme of n.u Control for ARS 111118 of Dav NCOS 11.2.1.TIme of D line11.2.1.Tnmk Verification S1aIIDn .3511.2.1,UCD in Hunt Grouo. D8I' line 11.2,SUDR.p . SeMce Establishment CIIa-. InIIeIlnstaIIaIü 11.2.1,SMDR.p - An:hfved Data !l1 9.1 1.2.2 Pnomlum Port. Additional Chelae ~.42 8.111.z.z.1 ".... " b- .lnlllallMIJIIletlon11,2.2.2 CMS. ~1nsIaI1atIon11.2.2.3 CMS - Packet ConInII ConfereiIce Cal fi" Meet 11,2.2,6 Confel1ll1C8 CaD . Preael Con . S1atIon DIal fR.W_1 1.48 11.2.3 ClASS CaB Tra"'"- ..... Occurr81tC8 51.43 11.Subselluent Order Cha-!l12.11 11.4 Local SwitchIng - Market Based Rates The8e I8Ies .. only ......... In Zone 1 in Zone 11Mn1 Centeno Centers 8.12 Cuslamized RouUnll Qwest Idallo SGAT ThIrd RevIsion ExhIbit A 6th Amended AprIl 25, 21104 . Page12of18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT~T-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 12 of 18 Exhibit A Idaho_5if ~~~ililll.II~Ilmr~'1I ll'l~r;I~13i~lljl~'11 ~~ 12.1 12.2 12. DsveI', - o. pme . . rot. of. Custom line. . Class , . Code. - DInIctory A88I8Iance or Operator SeNIcea RoutIng . on.vInsiaRation ch - DltRnfrvv AssIstance or nn."""r Service Routine OnlYAU Other Custom $235.89 ICB ICB 3 Common Channel SlanalllttllSS7. 13,CCSACSTPPort 11, 13.2 13. 13. 13.6 13.6 13, 52l1li.05 CCSAC OoIIDns Adfvation Charue 13.2.1 BasicTransIaIIonB 13.2.1,FIIst Activation. OBr Older 13.2.1,Each Additional AdivaIIon. -r Older 5100, $8. 13.2.CCSAC 00IIItns Database Translallon813.2.2.1 first Order 13,2.2 Each Addlfonal ActIvation, Del' Order SianaI Fol111J!atlon ISUP. oerCall est S"'nalTransa. ISUP.-CalISet-U..R- 51ana! Tru..... TCAP. IIer Data Reauest Sinnal Switchi ISUP- "",,Call 5et-U" ReauestSlansl Swftch TCAP. -Data ReauesI 1118. $53, 50,000524 000178 000019 $O,0D0983 $0.000837 Advanced Intell/aent Network lAIN! 14.AlN Customized Selllicea ACS\ 14.AIN Platfonn Access APAI 14.AIN QueN Process lOB ICB IC8 1C8 3 9.15 15. Una Infonnatkm Det~"".... LlDB 15.LlDB Storaae Une Validation AdmlnlstraUon SvdRm A....""" ILVAS 15. 15. 15.2.LlDB line Record Initial Load 15.2.1.U.. to 20.000 line Recorda Over 20 000 UneRecords 52601. ICB 15.2.2 MechanImd Service Account UDdate, OBI' Addition or UrvI"'" PIOC8S8ed15.2.3 Individual line Record Aud"1! 15.2.4 Account Groun Audit15.2.5 exned1ted RemJest Chame tor Manual LlDB Querv ServIce. ...... QueN 10.0008230 Fraud Alert r Alert No Ghame 8)0( Datab- Ououv Service 18.1 Bas/cOIlAl"- -rQuery 18.2 POTS Translation 18.ea. Handllna & Destination _.... $0,0130355 $O,OOOOOO4a $0.I10OOO145 11.18 11.17 I~u Pei'DuelY 000788 IntantktnaDv Left Blank Constnrction Charaes IC8 ICB 3 Misce.neous CIIanI8s 20,Additional Enol Half Hour or fracIIon II8eof 20,AddIIIon8I Enlllne&rlna- BasIc 9.20,1.2 Addlional -0wrtIme 131. 139 20.2 20.3 9.20, AdditlonailaMr InstaIIation- NIl' Half Hour or -n thereof9.20.2. 1 AddItIonal labor Instalatlon - OvertIme9.20.2.2 Add"""""llabor Installalion - Plemlum Addlllonal LaborOlher. --Half Hour or fraeIIon thereof 20,3.1 Additional UIbOI' Other Basic20.3.2 AddIttonaI Labor Other..;, Overtime 20.AddItional Labor Other - Pnlrrium $18. :m;29 TestinD and Mal Half Hour or fraction thenlOf 20,TesIIna and Malnlenance- Basic 20.2 T- and MaIntenance - Overtime 20.Testina and Maintenance PremIum S2II ISS.57 549, Qwest Idaho SGAT ThIrd Revision ExhIIItA 5th Amended Apd 28. 2004 Pag813of18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-O4- AT&T Complaint, Page 13 of 18 Exhibit A Idaho 20.Maintenance of HalfHouror fradIon Iher8af 20.6,Malnlen8nce Of Service - BasIc $28.20.MaIntenance Of Service - OvertIme 20.Maintenance of SeIVIc8 - PnImIum 20.Additional r--1IIIfve PDca"'- Testfnn. """ Half Hour or fraction thllAlDf 8.20.AddiIIon8I Coo T..otbvo - BasIc AddlUonal Coo lance T- - Overtime 20.Addlllonal Coo....ratfve Acce""""'" Testino - PremIum 8.20.Nonscheduled Co"""""- T-.. ...... Half Hour or fraction 1her8of 8.20,NOI18CIieduled Coonmmlu.loTMKM - Basic 529, Nol18Checluled r.........raIJve T..- - Overtime s"" 8.20,7.3 Nonscheduled TestInn - PnIriIm $49, 8.20.Nonscheduled Manual T-"n ...... Half Hour or fnIcIIon thenIof 20.Nonscheduled MaIM!! T"""'" - Basic 20.Nonscheduled Manual TMI/nn- OvertIme $38,20.Nonscheduled Manual T""""" - Premium 20,InIentionallv Left Blank 8.20.Il'IIentIonallv Left Blank 8.20,Add1IfonaI 587,20,Date Channe "10.20.n-Inn ChannA 20. CanC8Ra6on ICB9.20.IC8 8.21 Channel R."...-allon 21,OSI $0.21.DS3 $0. 8.22 Intentionallv Left Blank 8.23 UNE CombJnaUons 23.IntentionaDv left Blank 23.UNE-P Conversion Nonrecurri"" Chato8S 23.2. 1 UNE-P POTS CenIr8x AnaIM PBX Mechanized 23.2.1.First Adcflllonal 8.23.UNE-P POTS CenJrex p,\I Ana"'" PBX Manual 9.23,2.2.1 FIrst 1118.22 Each Additional 23,2.3 UNE-P PBX DID Trunks,Finst S28"Ji'23.2.3.Each AddItIonal $2, UNE-P ISDN BRI S90 8I! .Each Additional UNE-PISDNPR OSS""'-OS1 FIIItiv 23.2.8 UNE-PISDNPRI OSS.-Trunk Arst Each Additional S2. 23.3 UNE-P New ComecJlon NonI8cun123.3.1 UNE-P POTS Mechanized 9.23,FIrst $5723,Each Additional 515 23.3.UNE-P POTS r...- p.o.. Anal"'" -" Manual 8.23,3.2.1 "'... Each Additional 518.2 23.3,UNE - P PBX 010 . -r Trunk 515.2 23.3,UNE - P ISDN SRI 272,'" Qwest Idaho SGA T Thkd RevIsIon ExhIbit A 5th Amended ApIII 26, 2004 Page 14 of18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 14 of 18 exhibit A Idaho. 23.3.UNE-PTnmIaI Basic TRInk-in Onlv. Out Only: or1\vo2-Wav 574.218.28,3.5.2 Dss,1SDN PRI Advanced Trunk - In only w DID & Hunting, or 2-$73,Way w DID, HunIk1g & ArIfter Supervision 9.23.3.DSS. ISDN PRI Advanced Trunk - OUt Only w/AMNet SupeNlsJon $74, 23.3.FacAl6esforUNE-P DSS UNE-P ISDN PRI 23.3,DS1lNvo 5279, DS31.JJon FaoiIitv S27II 23.UNE-PPRI lIS =III 23.UNE.fO PRI DedIcated PRl23 + D 8.28,7.2 UNE.fO PRI DIIdIcaIBd PRI 24B UNE.fO PAl PRI 23B + Back-Un D Cnnfinllration - 6E 23.U-aneGus UNE.fO DID Trunks Ch8m.. 8.23.UNe.P Como/ex Translations Dlalls IJUlDUIsed Chanae SI..nallna $158.23.UNe.P DID Coma/ex TransIaIfons S 23,UNE.fO DID Block Cormronise 23.UNe.fO DID Groll.. 0120 Numbers 531.323,UNe.P DID Seauential # Block 23.UNE.fO DID Re8eMI Nons""'lAtllial Teleohone Numbers23,UNE.fO DID NoMlHluential T-ne Numbers $33, 9.28.5 UNE - P Qwest DSL See applicable QwesI RaI8II Tariff, Catalog, or Price Uat 23.UNE Combinations. Loo.. MUX Combinatione fLMC 8.23.InterconnecIIon Toe Pair IlTPt .- T8/1RlnaUon 11.248.23,8.1.2 DS3 514. Lnnn MUX 2-WinI AnaInn we 2..wJ.. Installation 8.23,6.2.1.First $226.23.8,2.1.2 Each AddIUanaI $146.1118.23.2.2 WIrB AnaIOa Loo.. Zone 1 $15,23, ZnnA 2 ~~7623.8.2.2.Zone 3 $40.50 111# , , 23.LOOD MUX 4-Wore AnaIoa LMC 4-Wire lnatalalion 8.23,8.3.FirIt 5225.23.Each Additional 5148.1123.3.2 4-WIre Analoa loaD Zone 1 ~7023.3.2.2 Zone 2 Zone 3 78.47 8.23.OS1 Looo MUX 23,8.4.LMC DS1loaD Installatian 9.23.6.First 12115.08 8.23.6.Each AdditIanaI ' 52l1li,8.23,6.4.2 DS1 23, Zone 1 $30, Zone 2 $48.838. Zone 3 579, 23.Private line to loaD MUX Conversion 534. 23, 23,8.6,LMC OS1 to DSO 1183.3023,LMC DS3 to DS1 183.30 23.OSO Channel 23.6.DS1/ DSO L1ux. Low Slda Channelization 23,Enhanced Extended 9.23.7,EEL DSO 2-WinI AmInft 23,EEL 2..wJre I..mD InstaIIatfan 23.7,F'II'III $245, Owe8tklaho SGATThird Revision Exhibit A 5th Amended AprI 28, 2004 page 15 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case it ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 15 of 18 Exhibit A Idaho lili_IIIt ;~$li_li~f~t~~lt1~~1~llr.l~jlffJI~&hj'I~~I ",' n'23.1.2 2-WInI AnaI- "",," 23,2.1 Zone 1 "15.23,Zone 2 ~789.23.7,1.2.Zone 3 50 EEL DSO 4-W118 Analntl 23,EEL 4-W1re Loo" Installation 23,2.1.FinIt S245 Each Additional $182.923,7.2.2 4-Wn Anal"" I ...... Zone 1 -:I.~70 Zone 2 ""8, Zone 3 !ITA 23.EELOS1 EEL OS1 I ...... Inslallalion 23.7.first 9.23.7,1.2 Each Additional 23.7.3.DS1 CRneble I..tinft 23.2.1 Zone 17....., 23 '7"".3 23.EEL OS3 23,EEL DS3 I ...... Inslalatlon 23.7.4.first 23.Eech Addlttonal 23.4.2 DS3 ~ble Loon 23.4.2.Zone 1 $941. Zone 2 !tQ!;" Zone 3 &1 284. 23.7,InIenlional~ Left Blank 23.7,Private Une to EEL ConversIon 23.InIentionaHv Left Blank 23.EEL T"'n..nNf 23.OSO 9.23.Over 0 to 8 Miles 1.?I..67 SO,29 23.Over 8 to 25Uiles &24, Over 25 to 50 Miles "24.$ 50 MHes $24,5O.G5 OS1 Over 0 10 8 MIles 13. Over 8 ID 25 MDes .28 $3.1923,8.2.3 Over 2510 50 MIles $1.819. Over 50 Miles 9.23,8.3 DS3 23.7.8,Over 0 ID 8 Miles """" $54, Over 81D 25 MI1es $242.03 1:18, Over 251D 50 Ulea 121.9.23,7.8.3,Over50MDes !1:?\\6 "14. 9.23.Left Blank 23,EEL MuIliiilSinon 9.23.7,10.OS1 toOSO $2&3.869.23.10.2 OS31D OS1 !I:AA.I..22 $246.9 23.DSO Channel Pedonnance 9.23.11,DSO LcM Side Channelization 113. OS1 , DSO M\.fx Low SIde Channellza1lon $7. 23.ConcenIraIion c..n..IiIHV ICB 1.24 Unbundled Packet SwltdtllIlII 24.Unbundled Packet SwIch Customer Channel 9.24,DSlAM 'and ~\ FuncIfonaIHv 1:21, 24,VIrtual Trans"'- 24.2 Cu8tomer ChaMeI ShanId DlsIrIbuIIon SubIaon ""1, "-' 9.237112 Each Addlllo aI 182.9 Qwest Idaho $GAT TI*d RevIaIon ExhIbIt A 5th AmIInded Aprl 26, 2004 Page 16 of 18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 16 of 18 ExhIbit A Idaho 8.24.3 Unbundled PadtAf !':wIfr.h InI8Iface Port 9.24,DSI 24,3.2 DS3 10,0 Ancillarv Services 10.LacaI Numller Portabilitv 10,LNP Queries 10.2 10.1.2 lNPM 10,2.1 10, 10, Standard MAIISItIM Cuts Half Hour OvertIme Msnsoed Cuts. ...... Person. OSt Half Hour Premium Mananed Cuts ""r Pel8Ol1. Del' Half Hour 911/E911 10.2.IJ1l1E911 10.3 WhIte Panes Dlnctorv UsUna. FacUltv Based Providers10.3.1 P 10.Premium PIIvacy UstInge 10..4 Dr-""" Assistance Facilltv Based ProvIde" 10.4.Local Direolnrv Assislance. ..... CaD 10.4.2 National DlI1ICIDrv AssIsIance. Call 10.4.3 CaR Brandinn. Set- UD and Recordinn10.4.4 loadtna Brand.oerSwilch 10.4.5 CaR ComaIetion link. """CaD 10.5 Dlrectorv Assistance Ust information 10.InImI D 10.5.Reload of Database 10.5.DaDv U UsIlna 10.5.Qne.&ne Set-UD Fee 10.5.Media Charaes for fie DelIvAtv 10.5.5,E1ectmn1c: Transmission 10.5.2 T ~~ analv if this Is selected as the normal delivAnt medklm for 10.&,3 Shio~for 10,TolI.nd Assistance OD8rator Services Facilitv Based ProvIdllnL10.lhtllon A - Per M"""""" 10.ODeratafHandledCallinnCard 10.8:1.2 Machin. Handled CaDInn Card 10,1.3 SIaIIon Call 10,Person Cau 10.CGnn8cIIo DlntdDrv Assistance 10,8.1.BuavLhtV-' -CaD 10,1.7 Busv line InIenuDl . 10,6.1,ooerator Assistance """CaI 10,8.2 0nfIftn B - Per n.......tnr Work Second and SIdled Calla 10,8.2.1 IJIM!mkIt Handled. """ a-Work Second 10,8.2.2 Machk1e Handled. ""r CaD CaI Brandlna, s~ & RecordIna Uladlna BrandIPer SwItch 10.'1' Access to .......... Duc:b Conduits and RI"hts ofWav 'ROW! 10.1 PoIelnqullyFee,perlnquky 10. 10. 10, 10. 10. 10. 10.7.8 10. 10. Innenluct Inquiry Fee. per inquiry ROW Inquiry Fee, per Inquiry ROW Documont P~n Fee Field Verllicalion Fee -Pole Field VedftcaIIon Fee Manhole PfannerVeriftcaIIan..... Manhole Manhale Vsrtllcallon Ins-. !tAI'ManhclsManhole I \SO8CIor. ...... Manhole Transfer of ResDOll8lbW Owes! Idaho SGATThird Revision ExIu'bitA 5th Amended April 28, 2004 $158, $272.7". $210.3! 5210, See FCC Tariff 1111 SedIon 13 & $34. 542.21 No Chamo No ChamS No Chams ~raI Exchange TerilfReIII, La.. Wholesale DJscaunl No Coo"'" Gens~~ ExdtengeT..ir Rate, Less Wholesale DIsc:ounI 156 $0, ~: 0893 StI O25 SO,O2Q SO.250 573, SO,OO2O $30. lea S1, !!in SI, $3.50 $0, $0. $0.87 SII $O.D2800 SII.25000 S10 !iOO. SIKIO.OQ $341, $233, $378, S122.9 flO 1190.8 $18 $92.1 . $245, $108. Page 17of18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT- T-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 17 of 18 exhibit A Idaho 12.4 Trouble Isolation Cha $10. .00 1.40 000419 Sell 9.20 1 851, 12,rational Su stems 12.1 DeveIo nt and Enhancemenls Order 12.2 Malnlenance Order 12.3 ReconJ Fie.Record 17.0 Bona FIde est Process 17,Processl Fee NOTES: Unle5S oth4!rwise Indicatud, all mtea are "pul&U8l1t to Idaho Public UtiDtl811 CorrmIss/on DockeIa: A AT&T ArbItration Docket USW-T-96-15, Order No 27738, eII'ecIIve SepteniJer 17, 1988. B Cost Docket OWE-.01-11, Order No. 29408 (J8IIUaIy 5. 21104) raIe8 elreclive J8IIUaIy 5,2004, , Voluntary Rate Reductton, Docket USW. T~. etrecllve 1111 0102. Reductions reIIecIed In the 5/2W2 ExhIbit A. till- Second VoIunIary Rate Reduction. Docket USW-T.oo-3, eIfecIive 611102. Reductions reflected In the 7/10102 ExhIbiI A.11## Third Voluntary Rate Reduction, Docket USW-T.oD-3, elYective 12/18102, Reductions reflected In the 10118102 exhibit A (1)1ELRIC mtea proposed in Cost Docket testimony filed on NIW8TI1ber 12, 2003 (2) Market-based ratBs. (3) ICB, Individual Case Beals pricing, (4) The Stale otklaho hBs retained the owraighton these rates, These rates are notunclarthejurisd'lCtion otthe FCC. (5) FCC ordered rates pursuanlto the FCC'. Older on Remand and Report and Order (lnteraurier fer ISP-8ound Traffic) CC Docket 01-131 (FCCISP Order), effective June 14,2001. (6) Efi'ecUve Augus11, 2003, Qwest WIll no longer blithe recunlng and nDI1IBCII'I1ng charges for Channel Regenenlllon. Qw8&t I'888MIS the IIghIltlleVeIt back tothe contracutaI rate only after aplJRlPllalB notice Is given. (7) The preliminary Quote Preparation F- (QPF) are Included In the apace COII5trucIIon charges. Upon c:ompIetion otthe collocation construcUon, the QPFwIIbe c:n!Cfded to the final space consInIction charge roribe virtual, caged or cage(1I&S coIocation job, These engineering and plamlng charges 88 alto IndudedIn the VIrIuaI, Caged and CageIess Quote Preparation Feas. (8) The Cable Unloading / Bridge Tap Removal chaIga does not apply unW further notice. (9) Qwast Is valuntarily raducIng this rete In Older to keep rate reIaIionahIp with the FiberTransporl "per Pair" rate element.(10) Owest hBs nul Implemented lids UNE rate or charge In lis bif'1I1II system but reserves the right to -- such a chatge In the future.(II) All technicaI1y l'easlble Vertical SwItch Features are 8vaIIabIe with compatible unbundled awitch polIS. No manIhIy reaming charge applies for Basic V8IticaI Switch FeaIIn8, Only b8s1c Vertical SwItch FeBllna with I1OI1/'BCI.II'I c:hargeallrB II$ted, Nonrecunfng charges are applicable whenever a fe8IunI Is added -whalher on new InsIaJlatIon, conversion, or change order actMIy. Vertical SWItch FeatUlUS not listed are Included In the cost of the switch port and have a rateof Z8lO for both recurring and nonl1lCUn1ng charges. (12) The PremIum Port J:IIOnthly reamtng chaIge applies k1 addition to the Analog or DIgital Una Side Pori recurring chaJges when Pnm1Ium Featuraa 818 orderedwith analog or digital ports. Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revision ExhibH A 5th Amended Aprl 26, 2004 Page 18 ar18 Exhibit 7 Case # ATT-04- AT&T Complaint, Page 18 of 18 BEFORE THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Gregory Scott Edward A. Garvey Marshall Johnson LeRoy Koppendrayer Phyllis A. Reha Chair Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner In the Matter of the Complaint of the Minnesota Department of Commerce Against Qwest Corporation Regarding Unfiled Agreements ISSUE DATE: March 12 2002 DOCKET NO. P-421/C-02-197 NOTICE AND ORDER FOR HEARING PROCEDURAL HISTORY On February 14, 2002, the Minnesota Department of Commerce (DOC) filed a Complaint against Qwest claiming Qwest had violated state and federal law by not submitting for Commission approval numerous agreements with Competitive Local Exchange Cwers (CLECs). Among . other things, the Complaint requested an expedited hearing and temporary relief, pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~ 237.462. On March 1 , 2002 Qwest filed its Answer to the Complaint of the DOc. As part of its answer Qwest joined the DOC in its request for an expedited proceeding in this case. On March 1 , 2002, Qwest filed its Opposition to Temporary Relief. On March 1 2002, Qwest also filed its Conditional Application for Approval of certain negotiated agreement provisions between Qwest and Eschelon Telecom, Inc" Covad Communications Company, Small CLECs, McLeod USA, US Link, InfoTel and Advanced Telecommunications, Inc, Pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~ 237.462, Subd. 7, when there is a request for temporary relief, the Commission has 20 days from the filing of the complaint to issue a decision on such a request. March 6, 2002, is the twentieth day from the date of filing. Further, pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~ 237.462, Subd. 6 (t), when there has been a request for an expedited hearing, the Commission has 15 days from the receiving an answer to determine whether an expedited hearing is warranted. March 16, 2002 is the fifteenth day from the filing of Qwest's answer. These matters came before the Commission on March 5, 2002, Qwest Motion to Dismiss Exhibit E FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Background Summary ofthe Complaint The complaint alleges, among other things, that Qwest has entered into numerous! secret agreements with Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) to provide interconnection access to network elements, resale, number portability, dialing parity, access to rights-of-way, reciprocal compensation and collocation to the CLEC. Further, the complaint alleges that Qwest has not submitted these agreements for Commission approval, as required by statute? As a result the terms of these agreements are unknown to CLECs not a party to these agreements and are not available for adoption by other CLECs, as required. The complaint requests expedited proceedings, temporal)' relief and penalties. II.Jurisdiction The Commission has jurisdiction over this complaint pursuant to 47 V.C. ~ ~ 252( e) and 251 (c )(2), (authority of state commissions to enforce interconnection agreements, and duty of incumbent carriers to interconnect with CLECs, respectively) and Minn. Stat. ~ ~ 237.08 I (Commission investigations) and 237.462 (competitive enforcement). III.The Request for Temporary Relief and Expedited Hearings The DOC requested that the Commission order Qwest to immediately make any and all of the specified terms or conditions of interconnection or service public, and also make the specified terms and conditions immediately available to any other CLEC that wishes to adopt these provisions. Both the DOC and Qwest requested expedited proceedings. Approximately thirty-three provisions in eleven agreements. 47 V.C. ~ 252(e). 3 47 V.C. ~ 252(i). IV.Parties Positions on the Issue of Temporary Relief DOC Inits Complaint the DOC argued that temporary relief was necessary to protect the public interest in fair and reasonable competition. It argued that Qwest was offering terms and conditions of interconnection in a discriminatory manner. If Qwest were not required to make the specified terms or conditions of interconnection immediately available to all CLECs, Qwest would be continuing to limit competition and to provide access to its network and its services in a discriminatory manner. At the hearing before the Commission, the DOC did indicate that a Commission decision to resolve the Complaint under expedited time lines would significantly mitigate the need for temporary relief. Qwest Qwest argued that the relief the DOC is requesting is not temporary relief but is, in fact immediate, complete and permanent relief. Qwest further argued that it has submitted the terms of the agreements to the Commission without a request for confidential treatment and in doing so has made the terms public. Qwest also argued that the DOC has not met the statutory requirements4 for such relief. The DOC has made assertions but has not adequately shown that there has been any effect on competition from the non-filing of the agreements. Further, Qwest argued, the DOC is unlikely to succeed on the merits because the terms at issue were not properly the subject of interconnection agreements. Commission Action The Commission recognizes that there are contested issues of material fact arising from this . complaint that the Commission cannot satisfactorily resolve on the basis of the parties' filings. For this reason the Commission will refer this matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) for contested case proceedings. The Commission will request that the OAR hear this matter on an expedited time schedule following the guidelines for expedited hearings set forth in Minn. Stat. 9237.462, Subd. 6. Hearing this matter on an expedited schedule will address the concerils of both parties that this issue be quickly resolved. 4 See Minn. Stat. 237.462, Subd 7(c) requiring: (1) the party seeking relief will likely succeed on the merits, (2) the order is necessary to protect the public s interest in fair and reasonable competition, and (3) the relief sought is technically feasible. Further, the Commission recognizes that to make a determination on whether temporary relief should be granted, the merits of the case would necessarily need to be addressed. Since the merits of the case will be addressed on an expedited basis, and the complainant has indicated its agreement, the Commission will not award temporary relief at this time. VI.Issues to be Addressed The scope of the issues to be addressed in the contested case hearing are as follows: whether the agreements or any portion thereof needed to be filed with the Commission for review; if the agreements needed to be filed whether they were filed under other settings; whether there were any exculpatory reasons why they were or were not filed; recommendations as to whether disciplinary action/penalties are appropriate. VII.Procedural Outline Administrative Law Judge The Administrative Law Judge assigned to this case is Allan W. Klein. His address and telephone number are as follows: Office of Administrative Hearings, Suite 1700, 100 Washington Square Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138; (612) 341-7609. Hearing Procedure Controlling Statutes and Rules Hearings in this matter will be conducted in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, Minn. Stat. ~~ 14.57-14.62; the rules of the Office of Administrative Hearings, Minn. Rules, parts 1400.5100 to 1400.8400; and, to the extent that they are not superseded by those rules, the Commission s Rules of Practice and Procedure, Minn. Rules, parts 7829.0100 to 7829.3200. Copies of these rules and statutes may be purchased from the Print Communications Division of the Department of Administration, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155; (651) 297-3000. These rules and statutes also appear on the State of Minnesota's website at www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us. 5 The Commission clarified that this included terminated agreements. The Office of Administrative Hearings conducts contested case proceedings in accordance with the Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct and the Professionalism Aspirations adopted by the Minnesota State Bar Association. Right to Counsel and to Present Evidence In these proceedings, parties may be represented by counsel, may appear on their own behalf, or may be represented by another person of their choice, unless otherwise prohibited as the unauthorized practice oflaw. They have the right to present evidence, conduct cross-examination and make written and oral argument. Under Minn. Rules, part 1400.7000, they may obtain subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents. Parties should bring to the hearing all documents, records, and witnesses necessary to support their positions. Discovery and Informal Disposition Any questions regarding discovery under Minn. Rules, parts 1400.6700 to 1400.6800 or informal disposition under Minn. Rules, part 1400.5900 should be directed to Kevin O'Grady, Public Utilities Rates Analyst, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, 121 Seventh Place East Suite 350, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2147, (651)282-2151; or Karen Hammel, Assistant Attorney General, 1100 NCL Tower, 445 Minnesota Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 , (651) 297-1852. Protecting Not-Public Data State agencies are required by law to keep some data not public. Parties must advise the Administrative Law Judge if not-public data is offered into the record~ They should take note that any not-public data admitted into evidence may become public unless a party objects and requests relief under Minn. Stat. ~ 14., subd. 2. Accommodations for Disabilities; Interpreter Services At the request of any individual, this agency will make accommodations to ensure that the hearing in this case is accessible. The agency will appoint a qualified interpreter if necessary. Persons must promptly notify the Administrative Law Judge if an interpreter is needed. Scheduling Issues The times, dates, and places of public and evidentiary hearings in this matter will be set by order of the Administrative Law Judge after consultation with the Commission and intervening parties. Notice of Appearance Any party intending to appear at the hearing must file a notice of appearance (Attachment A) with the Administrative Law Judge within 20 days of the date of this Notice and Order for Hearing. Sanctions for Non-compliance Failure to appear at a prehearing conference, a settlement conference, or the hearing, or failure to comply with any order of the Administrative Law Judge, may result in facts or issues being resolved against the party who fails to appear or comply. Parties and Intervention The current parties to this case are Qwest and the Minnesota Department of Commerce. Other persons wishing to become formal parties shall promptly file petitions to intervene with the Administrative Law Judge. They shall serve copies of such petitions on all current parties and on the Commission. Minn. Rules, part 1400.6200. Prehearing Conference A prehearing conference will be held in this case on Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room B of the Public Utilities Commission, 121 Seventh Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. Persons participating in the prehearing conference should be prepared to discuss time frames, scheduling, discovery procedures, and similar issues. Potential parties are invited to attend the pre-hearing conference and to file their petitions to intervene as soon as possible. Time Constraints The Commission requests that this matter be heard on an expedited time schedule following the guidelines in Minn. Stat. 237.462, Subd. 6 for expedited hearings. VIII. Application of Ethics in Government Act The lobbying provisions of the Ethics in Government Act, Minn. Stat. ~~ lOA.Ol et seq , may apply to this case. Persons appearing in this proceeding may be subject to registration, reporting, and other requirements set forth in that Act. All persons appearing in this case are urged to refer to the Act and to contact the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, telephone number (651) 296-5148, with any questions. IX.Ex Parte Communications Restrictions on ex parte communications with Commissioners and reporting requirements regarding such communications with Commission staff apply to this proceeding from the date of this Order. Those restrictions and reporting requirements are set forth at Minn, Rules, parts 7845.7300- 7845.7400, which all parties are urged to consult. ORDER The Commission hereby refers this case to the Office of Administrative Hearings for contested case proceedings as set forth above, A preheaTing conference shall be held on Wednesday March 20 2002, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room B, Public Utilities Commission, 121 Seventh Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. This Order shall become effective immediately. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION Burl W. Haar Executive Secretary (S E A L) This document can be made available in alternative formats (i., large print or audio tape) by calling (651) 297-4596 (voice), (651) 297-1200 (TTY), or 1-800-627-3529 (TTY relay service). ATTACHMENT A BEFORE THE MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS 1O0Washington Square, Suite 1700 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2138 FOR THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 121 Seventh PI8;ce East Suite 350 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-2147 In the Matter of the Complaint ofthe Minnesota Department of Commerce Against Qwest Corporation Regarding Unfiled Agreements MPUC Docket No. P-421/C-02-197 OAH Docket No. NOTICE OF APPEARANCE Name, Address and Telephone Number of Administrative Law Judge: Allan W. Klein, Office of Administrative Hearings, Suite 1700, 100 Washington Square Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401; (612) 341-7609. TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW WDGE: You are advised that the party named below will appear at the above hearing. NAME OF PARTY: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: PARTY'S ATTORNEY OR OTHER REPRESENTATIVE: OFFICE ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY: DATE: