HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060309Complaint.pdf, ';-:;", , 'c- .~ DENNIS 1. SALLAZ, ISB No. 1053 SALLAZ & GATEWOOD, CHID. 1000 S. Roosevelt Boise, ID 83705 Home Telephone: (208) 344-1021 Work Telephone: (208) 336-1145 Facsimile: (208) 336-1263 Mail: sallaz~sallazlaw.com e !; -. I Li: nL~ , - f ', i ' ,'" ,'' '-', - , .. i.)::;;,j, STATE OF IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DENNIS 1. SALLAZ Plaintiff, vs. QWEST COMMUNICATIONS Defendant. FORMAL COMPLAINT IDAPA 31.01.01 QWC -t-Ob-OS- Plaintiff at all times herein has been a customer of Defendant for in excess of30 years, with uninterrupted phone service to various numbers including (208) 344-1021 , (208) 336-1145 thru (208) 336-1148 and (208) 336-1263, in Boise, Ada County, Idaho, at the address of 1000 and 1004 S. Roosevelt Street, all of which service being fully paid at all times, including the date hereof That Defendant has wrongfully and improperly charged Plaintifffor phone service and charges to a phone number located in Canyon County, Idaho, listed as (208) 454-5144, evidently ordered by Plaintiff's ex-wife, one Renee Baird. Said service was never ordered by Plaintiff, used by Plaintiff FORMAL COMPLAINT IDAPA 31.01.01- 4R'JF\n~r, r Y~ll:; , :; was never even known by Plaintiff prior to receipt of a billing and threat made by Defendant to terminate Plaintiff's phone service. Said threat and demand is attached hereto. (See Exhibit A) The Plaintiff has notified Defendant by phone and writing (see Exhibit B attached hereto) their error herein, and the facts herein stated. Defendant acknowledged their error and mistake and have cancelled all phone service to said Renee Baird, but have once again wrongfully threatened to terminate Plaintiff's phone service which continues to be in full force and effect , and paid in full. Said unlawful and wrongful termination would cause irreparable harm and damage to Plaintiff both personally and professionally, in a sum that would well exceed $100 000.00. That this Commission is charged with the duty of preventing this unilateral and unlawful act by Defendant and protecting Plaintiff from this arbitrary action and Plaintiff demands that an immediate Temporary Order be issued, preventing said termination and that this matter and any claims against Plaintiff by Defendant be set for formal hearing and determination, to prevent said irreparable harm to Plaintiff. WHEREFORE, PLAINTIFF PRAYS for the immediate issuance of an Ex-Parte Restraining Order, preventing the above termination of Plaintiff's phone service for the reasons herein stated and that this Formal Complaint and said Temporary Restraining Order, be immediately served on the Defendant by the Commission Secretary. FORMAL COMPLAINT IDAPA 31.01.01- VERIFICATION DENNIS 1. SALLAZ, Being first duly sworn upon oath, depose and says: That I am the Plaintiff above named and have read the foregoing and believe the same is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. DATED This day of March, 2006. 11 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO Before me this --clay of March, 2006._ ---------' - Jdd~ NOT PUBL2IoR IDAHO Residing at Boise, Idaho My Commission Expires: /0 - ..2/- .:2tJ .._e"""" 'i'. ., r-- .. JwI "....' 4, "JI* .... /vo ~ '\,. . '7\is ~ i ~ ~ '~i; ~ \ c.A , ~ i en .. ,..,. 7, 8 '\ -:P """ e- 8 : . ---. ~ ~ ...-... "" "Ii iJ) " A HO ... ,.........." FORMAL COMPLAINT IDAPA 31.01.01- Qwest RPS Center RPS Center Denver, CO 80244-0001 Q we s t-12. Wednesday, November 16, 2005 DENNIS J SALLAZ PO BOX 8956 BOISE ill 83707-2956 Telephone Number 208-454-5144-265 We understand how hectic life can get; how things can get shoved aside and overlooked. Our records still indicate an unpaid balance for an account you formerly had with us. Qwest values your business and wants to work with you to resolve this issue. Our goal is to ensure your present service, (208) 344-1021 0 I 0 continues without interruption.need to: . Hear from you to resolve this matter. . Receive payment no later than December 1 2005. In order to do that, we The total amount due for your previous account is $279.40.Service Provider Amount Past DueQWEST LONG DIST $82. QWEST LONG DIST $18. QWEST UNREGULATED $113.QWEST $65. Below is an itemization of the important past due amounts: Your current Qwest local service will not be disconnected for non-payment of charges for Qwest unregulatedservices, Wireless services or other companies' services. If the above itemization includes amounts for past-due services that you currently have, those current services may besubject to interruption or removal if: . We do not receive payment for the past due services from your former account by December I , 2005.. You fail to make satisfactory payment arrangements on your former account. If your current service(s) are disconnected or removed, you may be required to pay:. A restoral charge of $20.00 per line and/or a new installation charge. . A security deposit. We have a number of electronic payment options you can use to expedite payment of your former account. You can makean electronic payment by calling our office at 1-800-423-8994. Please Note: If you make payment from an account withinsufficient funds, your current serVice(s) will be disconnected without further notice. If you have alread~former~ount, or if you disagree with the amounts past due, as shown above, pleasecontact us at once will review your former account and correct our records if necessary. Qwest Credit Management Center Please see reverse side of this notice for state ree:uIatorv e:uidelines. 1994 EX I D114 """"!I , : .- "~~~", ft'~' ::' SALLAZ & GATEWOOD, CHARTERED 1000 South Roosevelt Street Post Office Box 8956 Boise ill 83707 Telephone (208) 336-1145 Facsimile (208) 336-1263 E-mailDennis 1. Sa11az G. Scott Gatewood September 1 , 2005 QWEST Payment Center Denver, CO 80244-0001 11~ n. ... f.~J ~~;j ~J ~..J . Re: Acct. No. 208-454-5144F 2651 To Whom It May Concern: I received a bill from you today, in reference to the above account. Please note that this isnot my bill, is not my telephone number, nor has it ever been my telephone number or responsibility. Please remove my name from this account or terminate service immediately. Please do not hesitate to contact me at the number above should you have any questions. DJS/kw ' L''i' tt.il B1\ r~ ~. ~....., . Qwest.-t2. Spirit of Service THIS BILL INCLUDES THESE QWEST SERVICES: Page 1 of HOME INTERNET lONG OISTANCE WIRELESS DIGITALlY DENNIS SALLAZ Account Number: 208 454-5144F 2651 Bill Date Aug 18, 2005 Qwest Customer Service Repair Account Summary Final Bill 1 800 244 -1111 1 800 573-1311 Previous BalanceCharges......................... ,................ PastDueBalance..................................252 . 66 $252 . 66Visit www.qwest.com New Charges QwestHomeService....................(Page 3)..QwestLongDistance....................(Page 4).. TotaINewCharges.................. .............. 11. 15. $26 . 41 imijt~J:::Am.:ijijijj::pj~~t:~:::~::i~:::~:i:~:::~:::~:::~:::~:::~:::~:::~:::~:::~::~::i~i::~:::~:::~:::~i::~:::~:::~:j:~:::;:::::::i::::ji:i:i::::j:::$2ii::~:ij7::::::i::ji::::::::: This is your Final Bill for services billed by Owest and reffects all charges applied to your account through Aug 18- Now that four account is closed, your calling cards are no longer valid. Please destroy them. Please fold, tear here and return this portion with your payment. Q w e s ..t2. To change your billing addreas, call us at 800-244-1111 V"I r::::: I,.:J "'""'" \C) 1111111111.11,1111111 1111 1,1 11,1111 111 11111 111111111 DENNIS SALLAZ PO BOX 8956 BOISE ID 83707-2956 Spirit of Service Account Number: Bill Due Date: 208-454-5144F 2651 Upon Receipt TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:$279.QWEST PAYMENT CNTR DENVER, CO 80244-0001 Amount Enclosed III,II'I!"III".II",II!"",II,,!III 61 03208454514402653 0127081805 000002526606 000002790707 c;::.&PRINTEO ON RECYCLABLE PAPER OR FOR PAPERLESS BILLING, VISIT QWEST.COM Qwe st (', Spirit of Service Page 2 of DENNIS SALLAZ Account Number: 208 454.5144F 2651 Information About Your Account At Qwest, our top priority is providing you with quality customer service. As part of that commitment, we have prepared thefollowing information to help you understand your account. If you need additional assistance, please call Customer Serviceat the number listed on the front of this statement. To make additional payments, make a check payable to Qwest. Write your account number on your check and mail to:Qwest Payment Cntr Denver, CO 80244-0001, pay online (g) www.qwest.com Messages Visit qwest.com - To view and pay your bill - To change your billing address - To order new products and services - To check your Qwest Wireless minutes Thank you for your business! Qwest SPlflt of S6MC!'. THIS PAGE INCLUDES THESE QWEST SERVICES: Page 3 of 6lf HOME INTERNET LONG DISTANCE WIRELESS DIGITAL TV DENNIS SALLAZ Account Number: 208 454-5144F 2651 Customer Service 1 800 244-1111 .~, %I!~.~,Vt~gI9.ik1WJ1iit._'I..\~t&"I"'_- Item Rate Subtotal Visit www.qwest.com Service Additions & Changes Aug 18, 2005 Order Number 033083846Remove Service 208 454-5144 Credit For Telephone Assistance Plan - Federal Credit For Telephone Assistance Plan - Federal Credit For Telephone Assistance Plan - State Non-Published Service Owest Choice Home With 3 selected features (Charges for lines & features appear separately on the bill) Residence Line Federal Access Charge Credit for Service Previously Billed from Aug 18 to Aug 25 - $4 . 85 ;; Directory Assistance Directory Assistance Calls at $1.--.-J 5 . 00 Local Long Distance $15 . 00 Date 1. Aug 03 Time Place9:41 A To ONTARIO Number Type Minutes541 881 8822 Type of Call Codes: Dial Day Full Rate Taxes, Fees & Surcharges The following charges are permitted by local , state and federalgovernments. For more information, visit our website atwww.qwest.com. Federal Excise at 3% Total Owest Home Service $11. I ! Q~e'4. I Long Distance THIS PAGE INCLUDES THESE QWEST SERVICES: Page 4 of HOME INTERNET LONG DISTANCE WIRELESS DIGITAL TV DENNIS SALLAZ Account Number: 208 454-5144F 2651 Customer Service 1800244-1111 Visit www.qwest.com Owest Long Distance Summary of Charges for July Your LO Account Balance - Owest Long Distance Current Service Charges Gove r nmen t Fees and TaxesFederal Excise TaxSubtotal $13. Other Fees & Monthly ChargesFederal Universal Service FundFed Telecom Relay & Admin Fee Idaho Universal Service FundSubtotal Icurrent Total Charges 1 . $1 . $15. Current Total Charges, detai I by sub-account DENNIS SALLAZ Owest Choice Long Current Service Charges Federal Excise TaxFederal Universal Service Fund Fed Telecom Relay & Admin Fee Idaho Universal Service FundSubtotal 'Current Total Charges Distance 13. 1 . $15. $15.15 Service Summary of Charges DENN I S SALLAZ Usage Nonrecur.Monthly To t a ICall s M in: Sec Charges Charges Char ges ChargesPlan/Feature Chrgs 0: 00LongDistance206: 00 10.10. !Tot a 206: 00 $10.$0.$2.$13. Q w ~ s t:1;2. I Long Distance THIS PAGE INCLUDES THESE QWEST SERVICES: Page 5 of HOME INTERNET LONG DISTANCE WIRELESS DIGITAL TV DENNIS SALLAZ Account Number: 208 454-5144F 2651 Customer Service 1 800 244-1111 Visit www.qwest.com Summary of Usage Repor Domes tic Summary Repor t DENN I S SALLAZ Owest Choice Long Distance Description Pe r i od Ca II s M in: Sec1 +I NT ERST A TE DAY 133:001 +INTERSTATE NI TE 68: 00Subtotal 201 : 001 +I NTRALATA DAY 2: 001 +I NTRALATA NITE 3: 00Subtotal 5: 00To t a I 206: 00 Do you have questions about your Owest Long Distance Service or bill?Simply call 1-800-244-1111 and a Owest Service Representative wi II behappy to assist you. Charges 10. . 10 . 15 $10.30 Service Detai - Plan/Feature Charges DENN I S SALLAZ Nonrecur ringDescription Oty. Period ChargesOwest Domestic Plan Fee 1 JUL 16-AUG 15 0.Interstate Services Fee 1 JUL 16-AUG 15 0. Total Plan/Feature Charges $0. MonthlyCharges $2. To ta ICharges $2.Service Detai - Long Distance Usage DENN I S SAL LAZ 208-454-5144 No. Date Time Called Number1. Jul 1810:32A 541 915-75042. Jul 1810:48A 541 915-75043. Jul 1810:55A 503 663-3022 Loca t ion EUGENE EUGENE GRESHAM M in: Sec8: 004: 00 4: 00 Charges H " ,," ,---- '--u. ---- Q we s t I long Distance Page 6 of THIS PAGE INCLUDES THESE QWEST SERVICES: HOME.INTERNET LONG DISTANCE WIRELESS DIGITAL 1V DENNIS SALLAZ Account Number: 208 454-5144F 2651 Customer Service 1 800 244-1111 Visit www.qwestcom Service Detai I Long Distance Usage 208-454-5144 No. Da t e Time Ca II ed Number Loca t ion M in: Sec ChargesJu I 1812:51P 503 708 - 3348 PORTLAND 13: 00Ju I 2: 45P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 1: 00Ju I 4: 26P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 2: 00 . 10Ju I 4: 34P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 5: 00Ju I 8: 41A 541 915-7504 EUGENE 1: 00Ju I 9: 30P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 15: 00Ju I 9: 31 P 503 695-5715 CORBETT 1: 00Ju I 6: 59A 541 915-7504 EUGENE 16: 00J u I 8: 12P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 1: 0010.Ju I 2912:31P 541 380-0689 HOOD RIVER OR 1: 001 1.Ju I 3010:25A 208 315-1308 MCCALL 3: 00 . 1512.Aug 01 12:25P 541 857-2961 MEDFORD 15: 0013. Au 0210:34A 801 973-2210 SALT LAKE 5: 0014. Au 8: 14A 541 915-7504 EUGENE 6: 0015. Au 03 10:21A 541 889-0668 ONTAR 10 7: 00,16. Au 6: 22P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 11: 0017. Au 0310:17P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 1: 0018. Au 0311:06P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 10: 0019. Au 8: 42A 541 915-7504 EUGENE 19: 0020. Au 0410:43P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 9: 0021. Au 6: 12P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 1: 0022. Au 0611:22P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 3: 00 . 1523. Au 9: 28A 541 915-7504 EUGENE 7: 0024. Au 0810:49A 208 315-1308 MCCALL 1: 0025. Au 08 10: 49A 208 628 - 3725 R I GG I NS 1: 0026. Aug 9: 22A 541 485-1700 EUGENE 5: 0027. Aug 09 5: 51P 541 277 - 3605 J UNTURA 3: 00 . 1528. Au 8: 22P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 13: 0029. Au 6: 23P 541 915-7504 EUGENE 2: 00 . 1030. Au 1 1 9: 02P 503 663 - 3022 GRESHAM 10: 0031.Aug 8: 03A 541 915-7504 EUGENE 1: 0032. Au 9: 05A 541 915-7504 EUGENE 1: 00 To t a I ca II s for 208-454-5144 206: 00 $10. This Portion of Your Bill Reflects Calls Served By Qwest Long Distance.