HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101104Amendment.pdf"rtf" ,ir'\v itJnÛ (m, -4 Aii 9=22 Qwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 398.2504Facsimile (206) 343.4040 RE Maura E. Peterson Paralegal Regulatory Law Qwest8 Spirit of Service8 Via Overnight delivery November 3,2010 Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. QWE-T-06-03 Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement Navigator Telecommunications, LLC Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission on behalf of Qwest Corporation is an original and three (3) copies of the Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. Qwest respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approvaL. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you for your assistance in t . mep Enclosure cc: Service list Adam L. Sherr (WSBA# 25291) Qwest 1600 7th Ave, Room 1506 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2504 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 Adam.sherr(g q west.com RECEl 281û NOV - 4 AM 9: 22 lDßtd'1C) UTILITiES BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. §252(e) CASE NO.: QWE- T -06-03 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT . Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement ("Amendment"), which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on March 7, 2006 (the "Agreement"). The Amendment with Navigator Telecommunications, LLC ("Navigator") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications' Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commssion finds that: the amendment (or portiones) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carer not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. Qwest respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commssion. Expeditious approval of this Amendment wil enable Navigator APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page i Qwest Local Services Platform Agreement to interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. Qwest further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearing. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a pary to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further tl~UbliC interest. . Respectfully submitted thiS~ day of November, 2010. ~~ At.torney for Qwest APPLICATION FOR APPRO V AL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 2 Qwest Local Services Platform Agreement CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ')(1 I hereby certify that on this ~ day of November, 2010, I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ¡jewell (gpuc.statejd.us Hand Delivery U. S. Mail -X Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Kenrick LeDoux Vice President, Engineering and Chief Technical Officer Navigator Telecommunications, LLC 8525 Riverwood Park Drive North Little Rock, Arkansas 72113-0860 Phone: 501-954-4320 Email: ken(gnavtel.com _ Hand DeUvery _X_ U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Maura Peters Paralegal, Qwest ~..i:Z~ iç: 5t ~f!NN APPLICATION FOR APPRO V AL OF AMNDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 3 Qwest Local Services Platform Agreement DocuSign Envelope ID: 9B843FCS.ASn-4721.B478.678S0BD071 09 OocuSi(ln Envelope ID: 9El843fC5.I\S/I.4721.B47tl.afliSOtl0071LHl /.'..,.1 ::'C; ~;d ".This Owsl Local SeNiees PlatformtM COLSpt..,,) Agreement, togetter wih \he Atlachments hereto and ~~Sh~ incorporated herein by referenoe ("Agreement") is betwen Qwøi¡t Corporation ("Qwst".. a Colorado corp~(ior.a~ Navigator Te-Icc:ommunlc:atlons. LLC ("CLEC"), (each identified for purpses of this Agreement in the signarl,fC blO~ below, and referrd to separately as a "Party' or collecively as Ihe "Parties"). The undersigned Parties have read;;¿nd agreNto the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.-- QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMtM AGREEMENT ~..c;:: c.'".. 1i; Ow$t Corporatlon~ Sy: Name: L. T. Christensen Tit/a: Director - Wholesale Conr.~ Date: NaVi9lltorTe,ecommuzns, LLG:BY:~ ~ Name: . KQnn~k L§D2Y~ Title: Vice President, Enflineering and Chief TeChnicalQt Dale:f,tr /1 10 NOTICE INFORMATION: All wrilteii notices required under this AgrnomQnt shall be sent to the following; Qwest Corporation Director. Intercnnection Agreenmnts 1801 California Strcei. 24-' Floor Oerver, CO 80202 Phone; 303.985.3029 Fax; 303-965-3527 Email: ¡!li.gr~~.~t¡~~st.èom With CORY to: Owest Law Departent - Whoesale 1801 Caliornia Street, 10"' Floor Denver. CO 80202 Phone: 303,,383,,6553 ~mail: L.egal.lnterconnectionClgwest.com CLEC: Kãk LeDQux Vice PresKJent. Engineerig and Chief TeChnical Offcer NavigalOr Telecommunications, LLC 8525 Riverwod Park Drive North L.ittle Rock. Arkansas 72113-0860 Phone: 501-954-4320 Email: ken(tnavtel.eom APPLICABLE STATES:South Dakota Ul",h Wuhlngton 7.0 (with Commercial Perfrmance Measures and Reporting. Perfmance Targi;ts and Service Credits, as descibed in Seclion 7.0 of AtI$chrnenl 2 to this Agreorrnt); or OweSI i'!ltiieS to offer and GLEe intends to pUÌ'liase Seivice in the states indieated below by ClEe's signatory initialing (or an "X") on the applicable blanks. Note: If CLEC c:hOO$e$ to indicate Washington, CLSe must select only one (1) of the Washington Service offerings. CLEC may not çhifge its Washington selection after this Agreømont is exiieuted. -L.. XX-X- X 'x"' X Ari7.0oa Colorado Idaho Iowa Minnesoia MontanA Nebraska New Mexico North Dakota Oregon -.Washington 8.0 (wìth Service Performance Measures and Reportng and Performance AssuranCQ Plan (PIO/PAP) for Wai¡hington only. as descrbed in Section 8.0 of Atlachmenl2 to this Agrement). _.2'_ Wyoming 9.24.10teiie/Navigior TaleGomm - Qwest QLSP r.. MSA. (v8.20.10) Paiia 1 01 11 AZ .1009~4.o(i9; CO.1 0024.011 0: IA.1 00924-0011; ID.10024.0012: MN.1 00024.0013; MT.1 00924.0014; ND.100924.001 5; NM-1009::4.0016; OR-100!l24.0017; WA-l00R?4-001l1; WY.10094.0019 DocuSign Envelope 10: 9B843FC5.A577.4721.B478-67B50BD07109 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORM'" AGREEMENT This Owest Local Service PlatrmTU ("QLSp1I") Agrement, togeter wit the Atthments hereto and. Rate Sheets, incorporatei herein by reference ("Agr.ment) is betwn Qwest Corpo..t1on ("Qwst"" ii Coloriii;o corporation, and Navigator relecommunlcatlons. LLC ("CLEC",. (each ii;entifíei; for purpses of this Agreement in the signature blocks below, and referrød to separately as a -Party" or collectely as the -Partes"). The undersigned Piirties have read and agree to the terms and conditions set fort in this Agn;iement. Owest Corporation:Navigator TelecommunleaUons. LLC: b' ';' .;;¡~" ..... IL T Ch .~Do.uSign."Bv L T Clvi.ton..nJ,. os nseO Director - Wholesale COntracts 10/6/2010 By: Name: Title: Dale: By: Name: Kenrick LeDoux Title: VIce Presidnt, EngIneering and.Cbie( Iecboical~ Date: c' NOTICE INFORMATION: All written notices require under this Agreement shall be sent to the following: Qwest Corporation Diretor - Intercnnection Agreements. 1801 California Street. 2411 Floor Oenver, CO 80202Phone: 303.965029 ,Fax: 303-965-3527Email: ilJ~g~i.tgm WIth COPy to: owst Law Oépartent - Wholesale 1801 California Street. 10lh Floor Oi¡nver. CO 80202 Phone: 303-383-553 Email: Legal.ntercnnecontgqwest.com~ Kenrick LeDoux Vice Pn:sident, Engineerng and Chief Tecnical Ofcer Navigator Telecommunications. LLC 6525 Riverwod Park Drivi¡ NOrt Litte Roek. Arknsa 72113-0860 Phone: 501-954-4320 Email: ken~navtel.com APPLICABLE STATES:South Dakota Utah Qwest agres to offe( and CLEC Intends to purcase Service in the states indicated below by CLECos signary initaling (or an .X") on the applicable blanks, Not: If CLEC chooses to indicate Washington, CLEC must select only one (1) of the Washington Service offrings. CLEC may not change its Washington selection after this Agreement is execute. Washingtn 7.0 (with Commercial Performance Measures and Reportng, Perfrmance Targets and Service Credits. as described in Section 7.0 of Attachment 2 to this Agreement): or -l Arizona~ Colorado .- Idaho~ iow .. Minnesota .- Montana Nebraska -l New Mexico .. North Dakota .- Oron ..WMhlngtn 8.0 (with Servce Peiformance Meesures and Reporting and Perfomance MI5Urance Pian (PIDIPAP) for Washington only, as described in Section 8.0 of Attachment 2 to this Agrement). -- Wyoing 9024.1 OIceclNavîat Teleeomm - Qwesi QLSr-ni MB. (v8.2Q.10) Page 1 of 11 A,.100924.0009; CO.100924-O10; IA-1009-O11: 1D-10092~012: MN-10024-013; MT-100924-0014; NO.10024.0015; NMo100924-00i6; OR-1 00924-0017; WA.1 00924-0018; WY.1 00924.0019 Ooci.Sisn Envelope liJ: 99843~C5-M7i-4i21-B478-67B50BD071D9 WHEREAS, Ci.EC desires to purahase from Qwe.t wrtin iimbinatîon. of Networ Elemii, ancillary function., and additional features, Including without limittion. the locall.op, Port _Itching. and Shared Transpon. Now. therefore. in cosiration of the terms and conditi01 contained herein, ci.ec and Qwtõt mutuaiiy agre a$ follo\o; 1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used herein are defined in Attachment 1. 2. Effctjy pate. This Agrement iii efective upon lhe lalet of (I) January 4, 2011 or (II) the date ihat ILLS fully execuiad by all of the Partes /"ffeetive Date"), 2.1 CLEC's OwtPlatform PlusIV Master Sers Agrement, if any, is terminated immediately upon exection of this Agreemenl, and Qwest will prideCi.EC lOai piatform servoe oniy pUluant to th terms and conditions of this Agreement The efecve bUling date fOf OL$P sel'ìC/$ will be the lalest date of eXGÇtlon by the Paries. 3. Is. The ter of Ihis Agrement begintõ on the Effective Date and continues tIh Decmber 31. 2013. In the 8Vénl that al the expitalion of Ihls Agreemeni CLEC has any remaining Cl,tõtoers $Ø(Ø( undet this Agement, Qwest may immØ(ately convert Ci.SC to an equivaient eiiemative sel'ce at matk$t-based wholesale rates, 4. Scop. of Aa...ment Service Provisioning; CotroUlng Documents; Çhang of la; Eligibility fo Servicts yndir this Agreement; Npo.Applip.b;I¡ty of Cbing. M'p'alßnl PrOC'. 4.1 The ServiceG rServiC") dlGcritid in thiG Agreement whl only be proidd in Qwel, incumbent i.EC Mrvce teinory in the $t.l" of Ar~ne, CoIOfSdO, IdahO. Iowa, Minneii!a, MOIl$ne, Nebraska, New Mexic, Nort Dakota, Oregon. Sout Oakot, Utah, Washington and Wyoing. 4,2 In the evenl of a confliet in any ler of any dom$(ts that govern the prision of Services hereunder, the follng orer of preçel1e will apply in descnding orer of contr: an Attmenl,Rate Sheet, this Agreement. and any efctive Order Form hereundr. The Parties agree that the S8es offered an purdas un~tr Ill$ Agteemeni ate sl,bje to CQmp~ance wih Applicable Law and obtaining any domestic or forign appals and authorizationsrequired or advisabl. . 4,3 Th provisions In this Ag..met are Intended 10 be in compliance with and bàsed on the existing stte of Applicale law, including but 001 11m lIed 10 Federl tultS, tegulatiOlG, and laws, 85 of the Effeetí\l Dale ïExiGling RuleG"). Noting in this Agreement shall be deemed an admission by Owetor CLEC eoeemlng the intetpt81ation Ot effèC of the EiôGting Rulea or an admission by Owest or CLEC that the Exisling Ril. $Iould nQ be i;;inge, Vlicaed, dismisse. siayéd Ot mQ(lifiEi. Nohing in ttiis Agrement shall pteclude Of Elsto Owest or Ciee from tliking sny poiitin in any fotum eonOEi'nÎng theprciper. intrpretation or effect of the Existing Rule$ or conceing wether the E:xisüng Rules shold be changed. vacated, dismissed. slayed or moified. 4.4 If any change In Aplicble Law malEally impaJl' a Part'$ ability to perrm Ot Obl$Îna beefi LInGer tnit Agrement, bot Partieu agree to negotiate in good faith suc changes as may be necessry to address suc materal impainnenl 4.5 TO reoeive $ei'ioø$ undt this Agreement, CLEC mi.t be a certfied CLEe under Applicable i.aw. ei.ec may not purChase orutilze Services coered undr this Agreeent for its ow administrative use or for the use by an Affliate. 4.6 Excpt lI otherwse proided in this Agreement. the Par1ies agree that SeNIC( prvided under Ihls Agreement are noi subject to the Owst Wh..1e Change Managemeni Procss ("CMP"). Owets Perfrmafle lndÎca rpIO'), Per'ance AiSréncø Pl$n ti:AP"), or any otr wholesale serce quality slandards. or liquidated damages and remedies, Except as otherwse provided. CLEC hereby waiv MY nghts il may have under the PIO, PAP and all oll'r wholesale serce quality standards to liquidated damages, andremedie with respect to Serices prvided pursuant to this Agrement. Any CLEC-pi'posed changes 10 Iht aUtbutes of any Sere or pross enhancements wil be communicated through Ihe standrd acilt inlerfs. Change requests common to shard tõyGtems eri pi'e$$$$ Gubjeot to CMP wiU eonlinu$ to bEl addtessad via the CMP prl,res, 5, ci.ec lnfonnatlon, CLEC agrees to work with awest in gl) faith to pi'mpty complete 01 I,pcale, a$ applical), Qwe$t'.."New O,stomet aveGtnnaire" 10 the extent thaI ci.ec ha$ not already doe so, and CLEC shll hold Owest hannless for any damaglo or dalms fro ci.ec eaUled by CLEO's fallute to pl'plIy copleie or update the qi;e$lionnaite, 6. Fjnancjal Tenns, 6.1 The CleliCtpton of th Servce and applicable fates are set fo in the Atthments hereto and Rate Sheetu. The Parts agree Ihallhe rerence rete5 .are jU5t and reonlible. 6.2 Ii." Fe.,! ..ndotbtr Ggmmintl ImQ9WQn,. All chargéa for SfIlCM pl'ded Mtein al' exclusiVe of any fedEltal. state. or lol sales, use. excise, grs reeipts, tranGClion or SimNår taxes, fes or surchares ("Tax" or "Taxlis"). Taxes resulting from the performanc of this Agreent shall be borne by the Paty upon whichihe obligation for payment Is impod I,ndr Applicabie La, even if the oblgat to collect and remit such Taxe is pled upon th other Part. . Howver. where the seltng Pany Is lipeelfieally pemiiued by Applíeabe Law to coiie such Taxes from the purchasing Par. such Taxes shall be born by the Par purchasing th slis. Taxe $hl be biUed as a sepate itm on the invoice in accance with Appicabe Law. The Part. billin such Taxes snail, at the wriLten requet of the Party being biiied, provide the billed Part with detailed information regarding billed Taxes. Induding Ihe epplicabie Tax Jurisdictin, rate. and base upon which Ihe Tax is aplie. If either Par (the Cotesting Part) contois the application Qf any Tax colleced by tha otht Part ilhe COllecting Part), the Collecing Part shaH reasonably coerate In gOO faiLh with lhe Con5ling Party'tõ challenge. proided thatlle Conte$lig Pary pays all re¡¡ni;b! CQ1.. incurre by th Collecting Part. Tho Conteslîng party ¡50 enlilll;c; to Ihe benefi of any tefund Ot tecovery r$$LIltiÍ'g fn lhe conttõ, prvidedthaI lh Contesting Pary 1'$$ paid lhe Tii conteale, If the PUI'hasing Part pi'dei tle selfing Part with 8 resale or other exemption certcate, the seling Part shall exempt the purchasingPar if tt iieiling Pli aççepts the ceitcae in good faith. If ii Part beçomes aware that any Tax is incorrÇlly or enollusly collected by that Part fre the other Pary or paid by the olht Party 10 thal Party. the Part that recived such Tax shall refund thEl InCOf8ctiy or Elti'niisly colleted Tax or paid Tax to the OthEit Party. 6.3 Eadl Part is solely resposible for any lax on its corporte existence, stas or Incoe and each Party shall be solely responsible for alllallS on Iii own business. the l1aaSiJre of which is Its own nel Income or nel W( and shall be teponslble fot any related la !lUngs, payment, ptotEll, audit end litigalion. EaCh Party shall bEl SOIE'y 9.24.1 OJcaclNavigat Teleoom . Owet OI.PIV MSA . (v8-2o-10) page 2 0111Az.ioo924-0oo9; CQ-100924.0010¡ 1A-1004.oo11: ID.1OO924.0012; MN.100924-0013; Mí.100924.Q014: NO"100-o015: NM.1009:i4-i)i)1$: OR-100924-0017; WA-100924-0018; WY.100924-019 OocuSign Envelope 10: 98843FCS.A577-4721.B476-7B50BD071D9 reponsible for the billng. coløc an pro ntitcø of all spplic.l)lØ i.ills røl$ting to it own setvces proided to its ow CU$tome/S. 7. Intell.ctl F!r:rt. 7.1 Except. for a lic 10 use any facilties or equipment (Including softare) $Olely for the purpses of thÏ$ Agreemeni or to reve ServiC soieiy as proided inthÎs Agreement or as specicaily require by the then.applicable federl rules and reulatios relating to SaMeas PtOvided under this Agreement, nolhlng eolalniid In this Agreeen 5Iallbe costrued liS the grant of a license, either eicess or implie, with respecl to any patent, copyrihl. trade name, trademark. service mark. ,trade seet, or other proprietary interest or inieleçtat pto'PEy, n(I or herøÕlfler owed, conlrolled or licnsab by either Pcirt. Neilter Piirt miiy Ule any patent, copyht. trade name. trademark. servce mark. tr secrt. no ot prrietary inleresl or inlellecal property, no or héreaftr owned. conlilled or iicen$able by øilJer Party wihol eiueu!În of a separatø writen agrement between the Parties. 7,2 Subject to th generl Indemnity prvisions of this Agreement. each Part (an Indemnifyng Par) shal indemnif and hold the other Paty (an Indemnified Party) hailess fro and against any lOSS, cost. expense or liability arsing out of a Claim, that Ile servces provided by the Indemnifng par provided or used pursuant to the ters of ihis Agreement misppopnate or otherwise violte the InlelleCl¡,a! propørty rigtil$ of any thÎii part. The obRgatin for indemnifitin recited in this pararaph shall nol extend toinfringemønt which l'ults from: ". A, any cobinaiion of the falities or se of th Indemnifying Part with falities or servce of an other Pe (including the Indemnifed Pan but exeudng it Indifyng Pary and any of its Afliates). which camblnaon Is nol mad by or at the direcn of the Indemnifying Part or is not reanay necessary to CLEC's use of the Servce. of by Qwt under this Agreemem: or B. any modification made to the facliltes or service of ih Indømnlfying Patt by, on bøal of, or at the reuest of the Indenifi Part and not required by the Indenifyng Pary. 7.3 In lhe e\lnt of ari claim, the Indemnifying Par may. at its $ole option, obtain the right for the Indemnifid par to contnue to use any infringing facilty or iierlc or replace or modif any infringing faeilily or service to make such facility or serve non,infrlnglng. 7.4 If the Ind9mnifyng Paty is not reaobl able to obtan the right for colin ued us or to repla 01 mOClf th facUit Qr serv ,¡S prvided abve and either th raciUty or servce is held to be ¡nflnglngby a coun of OOmpelenl luri$Cicli or the Indemnifyinli Par reasonably bølies that the facility or lervce win be held to infrnge. lJe Indemnifng Par will noti the Indemnified Part and th Parts will netiate in go faih. rerding reaSQn;e mQClfllii;s 10 this Agreement necry 10 mitigate damag or comply with an injuncton which may reSult frm such infririement or allow cesstion of furthe infingemnl. 7,5 The Indemnifng Part may riquiis! that the Indeimified Party lake steps to miligai. damages resulting fro lte infringement or alleged inrringømeni in(l,(lng, but not -limited to, acxeptnli modifiealion:s to the racilities or :seric$$, and $uCh reue:st iiàll not be unreionably denied. 7.6 To lhe ext reuired under Applicble Law, Ow.st shall uie coercly reasnable effort 10 obain, fro its vendors who hav licemied inlectal propert rights 10 Owest in connection with Serice prde hereunder. licenses under such intellectual propeny rits as nessary for CLEO to use such Servce as coniempialed hereunde and al lel in lhe sae manner I,$ed by Qwesi for the Servce, pred hernder. Owest shall notify CLECimmediately in the evnt tht Qwell believe it has used its commerially reasonable effrt to obin such right, but has ben unsuccessful in obtaining such nghl$. Noting in this subsecton shall be contred in any way 10 codition, limit. or alter a Par'ii h'idemnirication Obligations under Secton 7.2. preoing. 7,7, Neither Part shl without th express wrtten peissio of the oth Par, stte or imply that il Ï$ connecled, or in any way affllalE wi th otr or il Afflia; it is part of. a joint biainee5 alliielion or any sinilar arngem wi the oter or it Affliates: the othr Part and 11$ Afllales are In any way sponsoring, endoring or cerllfylng il and its goods and setviee:s; or wilh respeel to its mai1eling. advétsing or protional acvities or materals. stale or imply that the servces are in any way assiated with or orginaed fra th ot Party or any of It Afiates. In addit. CLEe. Including its employees. represat and agants. will not :slate or oterwise indica, ditèetly or indiretly, to itii end.Yllni or prOlpeclive end-useni: (a) tht Ihey will be Qw custoer or tht they may obtain Owest seice fro CU~C or (b) Ihat CLEO has or thø encser will have any relationShip with Owe. Witout Rmitinli the foreoing, CLEC must not use a nae. tradear. serice mark, copyright or any other lntelleçal prOPery owne by Qwvsl or il$ Affliate, except that CLEC may comunicate that Qwet is one of Ihe underlying camer fra whic CLEC purhases servces If CLEC ha obtained the prr wrn COG$lt orth Owt Law Døeni This Is a no-exclusive agrllmant.Nothing in th Agreent prnt Qw from ofing to sell or selMng any sece to oter pal'. 7.8 Nothing In ths Section ptevènlS .llJer Party fro lrlJfully descing the Séices it use 10 proide servce to it End User CuSlOet, prvid it do not renient the Services as originating fro the other Part or it Afliate or otarwse attmpt to sell its End Use Custoers using the name of the other Part or its Affliats. Qwst., na and the names of its affliats are proprltary andnotng ii this Agl1ent constitute a liÇ(se authotlg thr use, and in no evnt will CLEC, including its employees. rer8Snlatves and agts, atpt to sell any Seivlces to il$ end-users using Ihe name. brand or identity of Owor Owsts Affiate In any way. 7,9 Because a bre of the matrial provisions of this Secn 7 may caus irreparale harm fo which monetary Clages may be inadeuat, In adtion to oter avahable remedies. the nonobreaching Par may SG injooctive relief. 8. Financial Besp'jbmty, favr.nt and §ecnty. 8.1 Paynt Obllait!ao. Amount payable under this Agreement are duii and payablè wiihin lhirty (30) Days after Ihe date of Invoice ("Payment Due Oate'). ir the Payment Due Date falls on a Sunday or on a hoidy which is observ on a Monday, the payment date will be the first non.holiday day follong such Sunday or holiday. If such a payment dae falls on a Saturday or on a holiday which III obsered on Tuesday, Wedllay, ThlJay or Friday. the payment date shal be th lasl rin-holidåy day preceding lluCl SEltuiiay or holday. For invoices diilrbued eletronically, the date of Ihe invoice date ia the same a5 if th invokie were billed on paper. not the date theelectronki deivery oocurs. If CLEC fails to make payment on or bef the Paymen Due Date. OWest may invoke all available rihts and remedies, 9.24-1OJcacIavigator Telecm - Qw QLSp. MSA, (\'20-10) Page 3 of 11 AZ-100924-0009: CO-100924-0010; 1A-100924-0011; 10-100924-0012; MN-100924-0013; MT-1OO924-0014: NO-100924-O15; NM-1oo924-00111¡ OR,100924.I017; WA-100924-018; WY-100924-0019 Doi;u$ign Envelopé ID: 9B843FG5.A577-4721.6478.67B50BD071D9 8.2 Cessation of Orar Procasslng. Qwsl may discontinue processing orders for S6fices for any brh by CLEC Df Ihis Agremenl including without limittion. the failure 01 CLEC 10 make full paymeni for Sei'lees, leu any goo faith disput amount as prvided for in Ihis Agrement, within thirt (30) Days followng 1M Payment Due Dale; provided Ihal Owest has firs notifed CLEC in wrting at least ten (10) buiness days pr to discontinuing th processing of Ol'er$ for Services. If Owest d(lsnot refus 10 aeeepi addilloal orders for Services on Ihe date speced in the ten (10) bu&lneS$ diiyiõ nolica, and GLEC's non-eompllance conllnue. nothing cotained herein shaipreclude Owesl's riht to refuli to aCCtaddi\iona ol'er$ for SeNic from CLEC wilhout fu nalice, For orer proesng to resume, GLEG will be required 10 cure any breach and make full payment of all Pêst-dUe ehaies for Sei'lcas not dlspuied In god fait under this Agreement, and Owst may tequlre a dept (or recalculate the Qeposit) puril,nt 10 Seoton 8.6, In addition 10 other temedies ihat may be available al law or equit, Owst reervs the ñght to seek equ~iable relief including injunctive relief ,and spec performarI. 8.3 DllçonnKtOQ. Qwsl may disonne any Sers provided under thi$ AgreØ/t for any breac by ClEC 01 this Agreement Ihat is not cure by CLEC in 8Qrdance wilh Sectin 11 hetein. Including wlthoui limitation. failure by CLEC 10 make full payment for sueh $el'oes, Ie" any goo faith dlspuied amount as proded for in this Agr""ent, wiin sixty (60) O$yG followig th Paymenl Due Dale prvided Ihat Owst has first noified CLEC in wiilíng aileasl ten (10) buslnas days prior to disconnecting Sece. CLEC will pay the applieabl charge set foi1 In th Rate Sheetrequired to reconnect Serces for each End U&er CU$tòer disconnected pursuant to this Seon 8.3. In case of such disconnection. all appicle undlspuled charges. including terminatin charges. will become due and payable. If Owest doøs nOl disconnect CLEC's Service on the date specified in the ten (10) business days notice. and CLEG's noncopliance collnue. nOllngcolned herein $haii preelude Qwesrs right to disonneet any or all Stics. For feçonneçlion Of the ServiC 10 OQQIr, CieC will i: tequil'd 10 make full payment of all past and culTnt undispute chrge under this Agreeent fo Serices and OwS! may require a deposit (or recalculate the depoit) pursuani to Secti 8.5. In addillon to oth remedies that may be available at law òr equity, Qwt resees Ihe right 10 seek equitale relief, Ineudlng Injuneiie relief and spile perlmate. NQtwlit$landîng ttie fOtegoing. Qwit will /'1 effect a disonnecon pursant tolhis Secon 8.3 in such manner that CLEC may 1'01 I'asonably comply witJ Applicble Law ixoeming End Ulir CU$tomer dÎ&eonneetio and notifietiOl, provided tht, the foegoing is subject to CLEC's reasnable dilignce in effecting such compliance. 8.4 Biling Dlsput!. S1ould ClEC disput, In goo faitl', and withhold paymenl on any porton of the chaes under this Agreeent. CLEC will not awest in wrting within fifeen (15) Days foiiowng the Payment Due Dal( identifying the amOunt, reæon IInQ riilioniile of sueh dispute. Ai a minimum, CLEC will pay all undisputed amounts due to QWét, Bolh CLEC and Owel agree to expedile the invetigalion of any dispute amunts. propt proide reasnably reuested documentation rearding the amount displed. an work in good faith In an effot11O resolve and sell the dlspule throi.h Informal means poor to involdng any other righls or remedie. A. If CLeC disputes charges and does not pay such charges by the Payment Due Date, such charges may be subjec to late paymeni charges. If the disputed chargs have be wilhheldand the dlspU1 is resolved in favor of awe. CLEC will pay the dispute amount and applicble late payment marges no laterthan 1M naxt B~i Date following lh resokitln. CLEC may not continue 10 withhOld ih di$pulé amount following the Initial resolution while pursuing further dispte reuton. If \he disputed chares have ben wihheld and the dispute il resolved in favor of CLEC. awest will crel CLEC's bin for the amount of the dispu çtrgs an any lal8 paymeni chaes thi have ben ane$Sed /' later than the iiecon Bil Dete lifter ite resoution of the dispute. B. If CU~C pa the disputed charges and Ihe di5Pute is resolved In favor Of awest, no furt action is required. If CLEC pays the chaes dl$puled at th time of payment or at anytimeIher88fter, and the dÎlipule js reSòved in favor of Ihe CLEC, Owst wil ólJust Ihe Billing, usually within two Billing,cyes after the relÏlution of the dhspute, as follOW: OWest will creit the CLEC's bill fo the dispted amount and any ássociated interest; or if the disputed amount 1$ greter than the bill to bß creited. pay the remaiiing amount 10 CLEC. C, The Inl(l'l calçulate on the dl$pul8d amounts will be th same rate aii lalepayment Çf8feli. ló nO event, howver, will any lat paent charges belis&e5sed On eny preioU$IY asses lata paymenl charges, D. If CLEC falls 10 dispute a ral8 or charge within 60 Days fOllOng the invce date on w1ieh the rate or eharge appeard, adjustment will be made on agoing.forard basis only, beinning with the date of th dìspi,e. 8.5 Security Deposits. In the event of a materil advers change in CLEC's financil conditon subsuent 10 the Effectie Oate of ihls Agreement, owet may requel a iiecnt deit. A "maleal adverse ctige In flnaneal contion" means CLEC Is a ne CLEC with no establishe credit histor, or is a CLEC that has 111 establishd safacry credit with Owesl. or the Part is retely delinquet in making it payment, or is being reconnected. after II discnen of Servoe or discontinuance of the prooessing 01 orrs by Owet dUB to a preious failure to pay undispued ctarges in II 11m ely manner or due to the failure by CLEC 10 cure a breach of this Agl'ement in a timély mannet. Owt may requil' a deposit to be I'eld as senty for Ihe payment of cherge$ before the orers fr CLEC will be prvisioned and completed or bere reconeon of Serice. "Repeaadly Delinquet" means any paymeni of a male amOtt of total monthly Biling under this Agreement received after lhe Paymert Due Date, thre (3) or more limes during the last twlve (12) 'monlh peñod. The depit may not exced the estimate totl montly chare$ fo a tw (2) mont peri base upon recent 811Ung. The depoit may be an irvocable bank .leer of credil, 8 letr of crt wit tenns and conditon acceptble to Owsl. or soe oter fonn of mutuly aceplable "curlty IiUc: al a cash deposit, The deposit may be adjust by CLECs actual moly avrage ctarges, payment history under this Agreement. or ot relevat fa. but in no event will the seriy depoit excee five miNion dOllars ($5.00,000,00). Reuired depoits are due and payable wilhin thirt (30). Days after demand and /'n-øaymenl ls $Ibjeot to Ihe temsand prosions of Secon 8.2 and Secti 8.3 of this Ageement. 8.6 Inte gn DeWÎts. Any intert earned on cash deposits wil be credit to CLEC in the amouiit aclly earned or at the rate set fort In See:on 8.7 below. whlehever Is lowr, exçept as otherwlse required by lew, provided that, for eliminaion of doi.t, \h Parts agre thai such depoit are not subject to slate laws or regulations rllting to consmer or End User Cuslomer cash deposit. Cash deposits and aced Inteest, If applicale. wil be crite to CLEC's aecnt or reunded, as aipnptaie, utin the earier of ite expration . of the lern of ths Agl'meni or the establshment of satisfac creil with QWIst, which wil gllerlly be one full year of cotive timely paymenti of undispul(d amounti ìr full by CLEe. Upon a matflal change in financiel slandìng, CLEC may teqUest. and awesl will considè, a recalCulation of the deposit, The fact thai a depoit has been made does not relieve CLEC from iiny requil'rnenl$ of this Agreement. 9.24.10/caclavigalorTelecomm. Qwest OLSP'" I\SA - (v82o-10) Page 4 of 11 AZ-100924-0009; CO-10094-0010; IA-100924.0011; 11::1.100924.0012; MN.100~4-0013: MT.1001;:!4-1014: ND-100Q24-001S; NM.100Q24-0016; OR.100924-017: WA.100924.Q18; WY.100924-o019 DOCIJSign envelope 10: 9B843i:C5-A577-4721-B478-67B50BD071D9 8.7 Lal! Payment Charge. If art po of the pent Ìl receive by Owsl aft the Payment Due Date, or If any porllo of th payment is received by Owell In funds Ihai are not immeaiely available. then a late payment che will be duii to Owsl The latii payment charg ls the port otthe pament nol reived by the F'ayment Oue Daie mullplie by à iate facr. The iate fêl is the lesser of (i) the highest interet rate (in decUnal valuii) w1ich may be levied by law for comercla transas, coponded daily for the numbe of Days from ihe Payment Pl,e Paie to and Including !h date thiit the CLeC actually malw the paymnt to Owt; or (ii) 0,00007 per Day. compounded daYy for the number of Days fro th Payment Due Date to and including the date that the CLEC aeMy makes the paymenlto Owe$!. a. ci.ec mui¡l not remit ptymerit fet \h Sel'ce witt fund Qbt¡¡ined Ilrough the Amencan Reco ind Reinvetm Ac (or ARR) or other similar stiulus grants or loans that wold oblgl8 Owe$1 to pi'ide çeain infoiatin Of perorm certêln functns i'niess 1l5e funcions and obfigations ar speifcaly agred to by the parts in this Agreement or in an amendment to this Agreement 9. C9nye($jpns, If Ci.C is obtaining sers from awest under an arrangement or agremenl th includes the appliealion of tenninatin liability assesent (TLA) et miimun peri Charg$$, and if CieC wishes to coiwsutl serviceto a Servic undér thili Agreement, the oonverson of such serv will not be delaye due to . the applicability of TLA or minimum pe charges,The applicabiit of such chages is govern by th lemi of thoñginalagreemønt. Tari or arrment Notg hen will bé construed as expanding til t1hl$ otét gra by triAgre$lerit or by law to elecl to mak iiih coio, 10. Custoer Contacts, CLEC, Ot ClEC's $l,thed agent, are the single point of cotaet for its end Us Custors' sece needs, including withut limitaton. saes. S8 desn, orer taking,Provisioning, ehange orders, .raining, mamleanc, truble re, repair, pos'~le servicing, Billing, collecon an inquir. CLEC will infor it End User CU$tomefG thOit !h we End User CustoelS of ci.ec. CLEC's End User Customers contacting Qwest wil beiflstricted to contat CLEC. and Qwrs End User CUstomei' contacting CLI;C will bé instrèle to contact Qwst. In responding to call$. neîlher Part will make disparaging remaks about the odier Party. io the eldnt the cocl provider can be deteined, misdirecd calls received by either Party will bel'err 10 the propr piovider or local ExChange Seci; howr. noting In this Agrøeni ihall be diiemed to prohibi Qwt 01 CLEC frodiscussing ilS prodi.ts and servce$ wi CLECs or Owefs End User C\lstomers who call th other Part. 10.1 In the event OW$t tennin.. Servci to CLEC for any reason, CLEO will provide any and all necery notice to its End U$er Customel$ or the teiinàlion, In no cae wi awt be respon$lble for pl'vÎdÎng such notice to CLEC's End User Customèi'. 11. Def.ultind Br.ach. If either Par defauJts in the payment of any amount due hereunder, or if either Part viola any othr mateiial prOlsion of thlS Agi'eient and iucl def.uli or violation contínuet for thirty (3O)OaY5 after wrtten notice thereof. the other Pary may teminate this Agremen and llek relief In ;irdanee wilh any remedy available undørthis Agrement, including witht limitalion, the Dispute Resolution provlsios of Seeton 25 herein and. in additon to the foregong, Owest may cese to acc orders fro CLEe fer Servces In accordance with sectn 8.2 abOve, The remedié$ availabie to eaci Part pUI'ant to this Agrement are no to be considerd exclusive of one another and will be cumulative. 12.LlmltltlaD pf L!lb!ltv. 12.1 CLEC's exuse reies for claims under this Agreement are limited to CieC's proven dire d.aagu unless CLEC',. damag$a are othel'e limi\é by this Agreement to outae credits or other' service Cfdits. in w1ich case Owest's total liability will not exceed \he aggregate amounlof any applicable credíl$ due. 12.2 Exept fOr indemnifcation and payment obligàlions under ihls Agrement, neither Part shall be liable to the othr for indirect. incidental, conseuential, exemplaiy, pinltlve, or $peclal damages. inoludíng, WÎthllîmitlion, daàgei for l06t profîts, IOlÕlrevel'elÕ, Il)t savings suen by the oIer Par regardless of the form of action.whth In cotrac waty, str liability, tort, Including. without' limitio, negigence of any kind àrd rerdelJ of whelher the Partiea kno the poibilily.that suc damages cold reult. 12.3 Nothng cotaned in this setin shall limit eithar pars lialit to th othr for willful miscoduct, pn:vided that, a Pary's tialit to lhe otl Part PUlSoot to the foregong exclusion, oter thn dire damages. will be limited to a total cap equal to one hundred pe cet (100%) of the ann\laliied I\n rate of tolal åmounts Charged byOwst to CLEC ullr this Agreement. 13. lndtmn!tv. 13. 1 The Partes agre tht unles otherwise specicaly set forth in Ihis Agreent, the foRowng constitute the sole indemnificatinobligtions been and amng th Part: A Ea Part (the Indnifyng Pat) agrs to releØ$, Indnify, defen and tid harmiess the other Part and each of ils of, dirtors, employees and agnts (each. an Indnite) fr' and againlJ and in respe of any loss. debt. liability, damge, obligaöon, claim. demnd. Judgment or setent of any nature or kind. known Of unknow, liCluicated or unliquidted induelng, but not Umitei to, reasonable cots and expset (incuding atrn' fees). whether sufered, made, Instited, or aserted by any Peron or enti, for invason of pracy, bodily Injury or death of any Per$(n or PèI$, or forIOS, damage 10, or destl\ction of tangible property. whther or not owed by othrs, r8$ulüng fro lhe Indemnifyng Parts brech of or f$ilure to pe under this Agreement. regardless of the foi of aClon, whethèr in cotract, warrant. str liabilit, Or tort including (withoutlimitali) neglignçe of any kind. B, In the ea of dalms or loses alieged or incuir by an End user Cuser of either Part añsing out of or in conection with Service pred to the end USer Customer by the Party. the Par whse End Use Customer alleged or incurred such elams or lo (the Indemnifying Party) shaQ defed and indemnify the other Pør and each ofits ofcers. directors. employ"!: and agent (eaeh, an Indemniried Part) against any and all such OIaims or los by the Indemnifyng Paits End Ustir Cuttomel' regardlo of whther th underlying Servce was prvided or wai prosioned by the Indemnifed Parly, unless l/e IO was caused by the gross negUgenee or willful mÎi¡COduct of the Indemnified Par. Tl1e obllàlon to indemnify wi respii to claims of the Indemnifying Party" End Ui¡li Cuitomer shall not extend to any elt¡Îm,. for physica bodily injury or death of any Perso or periOO/,, or fo loss, damage to. or destruClIo of tagibie proery, w1ether or not own by others, alleged to have relted directly fr the negligenc or intentinal conduCl of the emplyees, conlracto, agents, or other I'presentalíes of li Indemnifed Part. 13.2 Th indemnifcaon provided herein is conditioned upon the followng: 9-24a10/caciNavlgatorTeleeom. Owst OLSP1M MSA. (vS.2o.0) Page 5 of 11 AZ-100924-00Q9; CO.100924.o01 0; IA.1(109~.o011; 10.100924-12; MN.100924.0013; MT.10024-014: NO-1 00924.0015: NM.100924-O16: OR.100924-o017: WA.100924a0018; WY.1Q0924-o019 OocuSign Envelopii ID: 9B843FCS-A577..721-B478.67850BD071D9 A. . The Indemnified Party will prmptly noify th Indemnifying i:arty of $ny aelÎn tóken ag¡Î/st Ihe Indemnifi Par relating to the ind~mnilcatin. Failure to so notify the Indemnifying Part will not relieve the Indnifyng Part of any liability thaI the Indemnifying Party might have, except to the eicnl that suCh faiiure prejudices the Indemnifyng Parts ability to defend suchciiiim, ' n ~ B, If the Indenifying Par wishes to defend against suc action. it will give wrluen nollce to the Indemnllk Part 01 acceptance of the defenlie of such aClion. In 5uc event, the Indemnifying par has sole authority to defend any su action. including the selection of legal counsel, and the Indemnltlèd Party may engage sepal'le iegel QOsel OIly et its sOl COt and e)(pense, In tne event that the Indemnifing Part dos not accept the defense of th action. the Indemnified Part has the right to employ counsel for such defense al the eiense of the Indemnifying Party. eac Part agrees to coperat with the other Part in the defense of liny such actin an the relevnt recrds of eac Party will be available to the oth8l Part with rl!spl!ct to ai' sueh defen$Ø. C, In no l!ént will the Indemnifying Pary sette Of col'ent to any ju(lgment for relief other than monetary damages pertaining to any such action without the prior writt consent of' th Indemnifi Part. In the evet that thelndemniled Pary withholds consent, Ihe Indemni"Ø( Pary may, al its 001. take over such defense; pr that. in such event: the IndmnifyngParty shall not be rensble fo, no shall It be obllgat8d 10 indemnify Ihe relèvsnt lndønîf Part against, any co81 or liability in /iXQSS of euch resed compromise or settement. 14. Limited Warrnties, 14.1 Eaoh Party will i:rovi(l $ull$bly i:uelified peonnel to perfOf its Obîgations under Ihis Agremenl and provide all Servce herunder in a good and workanlike manner and In materil oontomance with aii Applicable Laws and regulations. 14.2 eXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. OWesT SPECIFiCALLY DISCLAMS ANY AND ALL WARRATIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLlEO. AS TO ANY SEFMCE PROVIDED HEREUNDER. OWEST SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND All IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTES OF MERCHANTABILITY. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. OR TITLE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRO PARTY RIGHTS. 15., . Re!lt1onsbjp. E~ to the limited exent expessly i:roided in this Agreement, neith8l Part has the authority 10 bind theother by CQnlraçt or OIeie or make any r.ptlSentations. or guarantees on behalf of Ihe other or othel'se act on ih other's behalf. The relationship arising from this Agi'émeni doéS nQt constiute an agency. joint venlure. pai1rship. emplyEè relelinlõhip or franchise. Owsl is aotingas en indpendenlcontrtor and will haYééxi;lut;ivè control Of thè menner and means of perfing its obigations, Notwittstanding anything herein to th contrary. Qwest reserves the right, In Its sole discrèlion, ió modify,the Serices at any time, inCll,ding wiout timÎtation, changing the name of the Servce. 16. Assignment. 16.1 CLEC may not 1!t;t;n this Agreemènt or any tightlõ Of ObligiiíOn$ herèun(ler withOut lt prior wrt1en (:$Øtt of OweGt, whic consent will not be unrenably withheld. Notwitstanding th foreoing and subject to prir credit review. submission of apppriate legal documentation (including, but not limied to, any appropriate Secr$lry of State or other fiings or documents speified by Owesi) and approal by Owst of CLEC's proposed assignee. CLEC may assign this Agreement without pri writen consnt of Owet 10 any Aff~lale, $UCCEl through merer, or acquirer of si.lantially all 0111$ asets; and Oweiit may lissign this Agreent withol prir wrien consent to any Affliate. sucssor through merger. or acquirer' of substatially all of its busine assets: prvided that in all cases Ih8 asgnee of ClEC Of Owst, as applicble, ack!'owledgè in wriUng il$ a$$ptn of the obigations of the alÕlÕignOt herunder, Any attempted assignment in violati heref is of no fOfe or eff and is void, Withoul IImlling the gen.rallty of Ihe foregoing, this Agreeent will be binding as to the' Parts' respective succiS$S and a$igns. 16.2 In th event that Owst transfers to any unaffliate party exchange. incuding End User Customers that CLEC sers in whole or In i:art thugh Serices proided by Owst under this Agrement. Qwst will ensure tlii the' tranféelÕervs " a succesSO to and fully performs allof Owfs responsibilities and obigations under this Agreement for a peod of nineiy (90) Days frm the effective daie of 1iUClisfer or unlR such later time as the FCC may direct pursuant to the FCC's then applicable statulory authority to impos such responsibilit eith as a coditi of the transfer or under such other slate stólutory authority as may giv it tluch po. In tle evnt of such a prcied ttnsfer, Ow" will use it$ best èffOr1 to leolitete dÎ$cussiona blitwn CLEC and the trnsferee with respec to the transferee's assumption of Qwels obligations, after th transition perid set fort above in aceordanCE with lt terms anc i:roisions of this Agreement. 17. R'PPrt1nc Btgulrtm.nls. If reporing obligatons or requiremenl$ are Im¡)d upo either Part by any third patty or regulato agency In coMeOtion with this AgiMénl or thl! Sl!iCè$. including use of the Servce by CLEC or Its End Usel', the olher Party aQI' to a$$1$ thai Paty in eomplying witl suCh Obligations and requíreenta, as renably required by that Part. 18. !!,The exirati or terminalion of this Agrement doe not relieve eith Party of thse obligations that by Iheir neiut ar.lntended to $urvive. 19. Contdtntalltv Nondlaclosure. 19,1 Neither Part will, withou the prior wrtten, consent of the othr Part (a) Issue any public announCEmerit regarding, or make any other discosure of th terms of. this Agreent or use the nae or mark of the oter Par or Its Affliates; or (b) dÎ5Cose or use (except as expressly permitted by. or require to achieve the purposs of, this Agreement) the Confderitîai Irifomation of the olher Part. Conent may only be given on behalf of a Part by il$ Legal Depaent. Hower. a Party may disse Confidetiai Informati if required 10 do so by a goVemml!ntal agency. by operat of law, Qr if nlleISlIryin any proding to establish rights or Qbigeli(l uni;èr thie Agrement. provided that the disosing P$r gives Ihe non.;isclosing par reasonab prior written notice and Ihè receiving Patty willcooperte with the dii;ciolng Party to seek or take ai:i:roiate proieelve measurs and will make such disclsure in a manner to bestproteCl the Coñdenlial Inforation from furthe disclosure, Nolwthtanding the foregoing, if reing or filing obligations or requirements are Imposed upon QwSl by any ttiit( part Of reguiatory .gency in connectio with this Agrèement, CLEC agreei to 815ist QweGI in coplying with such obligats and reuireents, as reasobl reuire by Owest and to hold Owet h8lleg for any failure by CLEC in this regard. Qwsl's compliance with any regulatoty filing obigatin will not consttute a violalion of this seon. .liach Pary will use resonable efrt to protect the oth8l's Confidental Information, and will use at Iiast the same efort to protct such Confldenlallnformation as the par would us to protect it own. 9.24.10/caclNaviatTelecom . Oweit QLSP'" MSA. (v8-20-10¡ i:age a 0111 AZ.100924.0009; 00-100924-0010; IA.10024-0011; 10.10024-0012; MN.100924-0013; MT.100924-o014; NO.100924.001S' NM.100924-0016'OR-100924-o017; IIA-l0092~la: WV-100924-19 ' , DacuSign Envelope 10: 9B843FC5-A5n-4721.B478-67BSOBD07109 19.2 All Cordertial InfoimatÎon will remain the propert of the disciosing Part, A Party wh receives Confdential Infaton via an oral communication may request written confirmation \ht the matàl is Confidenlial lnfonation. A Part who dølivei' Confientiai InforatiOn via al) oral COmmunicatiOn may request wrtten confmi alion that the Part receiving the ¡nfonnation undertands tht the material is Confidenlial lnfnnation. Each Part' hàs the right ID CQrreet an jn~vertøni faili¡ ie lO li:nli Informatio as Confidenlial Informatin by gMng written notificatio wiin thirt (30) OaY5 aft th infonatin is disclosed, The f8eMng Part will fr thaI tie forwrd, tr$ai $i. infor.,tion a$ Confienlillnformalin. 19.3 Upon reuest by the disosing par, the reciving Part will rerum all iangible copies of Cofidenllal Informatin. whelh wrten. graphie or otherse. except that the reeiving Party may reiain one copy for areivai pi.l'se$, 19.4 Eaeh Part will keep all of the other Part's Confidertial Infrmation confiential and wiU discle If on a need 10 know basis oniy. eaçt Pary will 1,$$ thø oter Parts Confidntal InformatiOn only in connection with this Agreement and in accrdanoe with Applicabl Law, Neilher Part will use the other Parts CofidentialInformatin lor any olr purpse ex upon such ters and concition$ as mey be agreec upo be th Pares in wring. If eilher Part loses. 'or makes an unauthoñz dislosre of. the othr Party's Confiential. Inforall, It will notify si. olh Par immi'diati'ly and U$ reasonable effOi1 to rétrieve the information. 19,5 Effecive pae of ti¡s Seon. Notstanding any ot provision of this Ageement. the Cofidentil Inforatkm prosions of this Agrment apy lO. all inforon lumi$hd by eiter Par to th oter In furtherance otihe purpo of this AgrMeni, fIn if fumishé before the Effcllve Cate. 19.6 Each Party agi' that the di$dng Party eold bi irreparably injured by e breech of the confenlialily obligatins of this Agreement by the reving Part Of its representaes and that the disclsing Part is entilld to see equitable røief, incuding injuncte ti'lièt and apeçtic performance in the evn! Of any breach of the confdentíality provîsions of this Agreement. Such remedes are not the exclusive remedies for a breach of the cofidentiality prvisions of OiÎ$ Agrement. I;l ar in additn to alf oter remedies available at la or in equity. 19,7 Nothing hØn shold be constll as limitng eiter Party's ôghts with respet 10 ¡IS own Conndentia Informatin or its Obligations with respe to thii othi'r Pary'$ Confi(entiällnfomiatin under Section 222 of the Act. 20. WJ. Excepl as otrwse proided hein, neither Party's failure to enforc any right or remedy available 10 ít undør this Agr"ment will bi construed as a waiver ot suen rlgnt or a waivér Of any oiher provision hereundél. 21. Reguiatory App!'val. EeCh Par1 renives its ôghts wih respect to whether this Agreent is subject to Sections 251 and 252 of tte Act. In th _nt the FCC, a stal$ commi$$on or any other governmental aulhOrity Ot ag$ncy rejeet Or moifes any matenal provision in this Agret'ént, whether by dire acton or by virte of genøiic prOCding,., incli.ng wihou limittion, any priing ters. eihe Part. may immediately upo wrl1en noia to the other Part terinate this Agreeen in whol. or in part. Including withut Iimitalion. with respect to ServCf In any state. In thi' i'veni a Party éxørciseS its righl to Iérminate pursuani to this $$lion 21. lIe other Pary agrees to consent to any reguiatoty appals necessary to disconnect eny Circuil$ ptOvided pUi'uant 10 this Agrement anCl fl.i1her i¡greeit to provide any required notiCe to affected Customeri wittin tive (5) business days of such not. If a Part is required by a lawful. binding order to tile this Agrement or a provisiOn thereof with the FCC Or atate regulato authorties for approal or regulator review, tte fiing Part shall provide written nolice 10 the other Part of the e~$lenee of such lawful, binding order so lhat lhe olher Pary may $e$k Eì injunciio or other reÎef fro such order. In addilion, tte fiing Part agrees to reasonably coperate to' amend and . make modifications to this Agreeent 10 allo Ihe filing of this Agreement or the specifc part of this Agreent affected by the order to the eKlentrey ne"at. 22. Jm Any nolice required by or conceming lI,i,. Agreemeni wil be in wrlng and will bil $Uffiently given If deliVfred peally, ciiv by pr ovight expre$s søriÎce, senl by f8mile wi eleroic colimiatiOn, or senfby certfied mail, ritum recept reuested. or by email where specified in this Agreement to Qw and CLEC at the addrees shown on the cover sheet of this Agreement. NQtwithstanding anyting h~in 10 it eonltty. Qwesi mliY provide notice via emaH or by pCltinQ 10 Qw,.1'5 WØ$ite withOUI duplicate wrtt notilication for. (v) marketing notices; (w) notices provided under Sectio 8: (x) rale change notces: or (y) natics regardirig Changes in maintenane windOWS. 23. FI!D Mil!!!. Neiter Part shall be liable for any delay or failuf' in perfance of any part of tth. Agreent from any cau5e bend its col and withou it fault or neligence including, without limitaton. act of nature. ac of civil or miltar authority. governm ent reulations. embargs, epidemiC$, terist aet, rio16, in$Un'etions.fires, eXpiOGiOls, eai'hquakeS, nudear aCCidenti;, floods, WO stoppags, powr blackouts, vocanic action, oter major enviromental disrbnces. or unusually sever weather condillons (eac. a Foree Maeure Event). Inability to SØ(ure pruCl& or serviO$,.of oter Pens or transportatin falities or act or omission of IrlinsrttiQ Cler ,.hi¡ll be coi¡dered Forçe Majeure EVent¡ to th éXnt any delay or faiure ir peorranQe C8uied by theie cirmstace is beyond the Parts control and without ttat Par faull or riegligene. ThePart affd by a Forc Majeure Event shall giv propt notce to the oter Part. shaM be 8Jcused from peorance of Its obllgallons herndr on a day to day basis to th extnt those obllgatons are prevented by the Forc Majeure Even!. and shall us resonable effOl to remove 01 mitigatelh Fore Majeur Evai'L In the event of a la dispute or strike Uie Paries agree to proide Serice to eac other at a level equivalent to the level thy proide themseles. 24. GAXtt... Colorado state law, wilhi.t regard lO cholc:-of-Iaw prnciples. goves all maters aôsing out of. or relating 10. ttis Agreement. 25. Dis. Resolution. 25,1 The Partes will attmpt in go faith to resolve through negtiation any dispute. daim or controversy arii¡ing out of, or i'laling to. thi5 Agreement. Either Part may glve wrtten notice 10 tri oller Part of any dispute nol resolved In !he normal course of bU6inG66. Each Part wiD. within seven (7) Dayi¡ after dslivry of the written notce of dispute, di¡gnate a viC$-preSÎdent level employee or i¡ rétHSéntativ$ with euthority 10 malu¡i cOImilmeri to reew, met, and negotiate, in good faitt. to rese the dispute. The Parties Intend that thee negotitions be coduetéd by non-lawyr, bu$Îrl$s$ reresntatves. and the Iocalls. foraL. frUèIcy, duralion. andconclusions of th8S dlscuS$iOn$ will bé at the di$Cetion of the réPreiienlativø. 6y mutuill agr"ment, the representatives may use otél proui'S to assÌ$t in the$é negotiations. Ihe discussions lind COrrespondel'$ among the i'rEentives for the purpose of tte,enegoti¡tiria will be trated as Cofidentil Iriformtiondeveloped for putO$es Of $Øttemeni, and will be exempt from di$Cvery and prouction. and are not admÎnible in any subsequent proeediri$ without the COfcurrençe' of bO Partea. 25.2 If the designated representatives have not reached a 9024.10lcaclNavigalor Telecmm. Qwst QLSp1U MSA. (v8-20.10) ~ege 7 of 11 AZ-100924-o009: CO-100924.0010: IA.1oo92...0eJ1: 10-100924-012: MN.100924-0013: MT.100924.0014: ND.100924-0015; NM.1oo924.0016; OR.100924.(17; WA-100924-Q18; WY-100924-0019 DocuSign Envelope 10: 96843FC5-A577-4721-6478-78tiOa007109, r'oIutior of the dispuie within fiften (15) Days after ite wrtt rilice (Of such longer perid as agreed to in wrllng by the Partes). \hn either Part may commence a civil acon. Any action will be brought in !h United Siaies Oistrlct Court for ite DIstict of Colra If It has subject matte jurisdiCtin over the actn, and iihall othEIise be brought in' the Denver Djstrit Cort for the State of Colorado. The Partes agree Ihai such courts have personal Juridicli over them, 25. WaiVèr of Jyiy Trial and Class Action. each Pary, IQ the extent peimilted by law, knongiy. voluntnly. and intentnaiiy waÎVell its riht 10 a tral by juiy and any ñght to pursue an claim or action arising out of or I'lating to Ihis Agl'øient on a class or eonsoUdate basis or in ø repr"entatîve cepaeity. 25.4 No C$se of aCtion reardleH of the form of action. al'ing out of. Of relating to this Agrement. may be brought by either Par more than lV (2) year after the,cause of action arises, ~ . '. 28. Headings. The héadiris uSéd in this Agreement al' fo convenienc only and.do not in any way limit or otherwse affect th meaning of any tenn of this Agreement 21. Authorjzidjqn. Each PaJt rePfesntli and warrnts that: A. the full lega name of the legal entity Intended to provide andrecee the benefits cid Séi'ices urier tl'tis Agreel' is accurately se foh he~in; B. th person signing this Agreement has lin duly authorized to exeeue this Agl'enent 91' that Pary's behalf; C. the: exeçutiQn heref is not in ixnficl wih Ici. the termlO of any charter, bylaw, artiCles of asciadon, or any agent to whch such Part is bound or affcted; and O. eah Pary may act În relianc upon any inslnction. instnmønt. or sinature reasonab believed by it to be authoiz and genuine, 28. . Third Pam B.n.flclarl.s. The terms, repterition$, wa..antl$G and agreements of the Parties set fort in this Agreeent are not intende fo. no will they be for the benerit Qf Qr enforceable by. any ihird part (Ineluding. withut dmitalin, CLEC'li Affiate and End Usel'). 29. !n,yrpnCl, Each Par shl at aU ties during the teml ofthis Agreeent. ai lis ow cost and éxpnse. can an maintan the insuranCe coeragé Iill below with insure haing a "8esrs" ralng of B+XIII wi respect to Iiabilil arising from 115 OpeUOnS fo whiCh that Patty has assumed iiagai resibility in this Agent. If a Party or ils parent company has. assets equal to or eieeing $10.000,000,000. that Part may utilze an Afliate captive Insuranccompany in lieu ofa "Best's" rate insurer. To tti eiilent that the patent -:pany of a Pal'y is relie upOiIO mee the $10,000,00,000 asset threshold, such parent shall be responsible for the insuranee obligations cotained in this SeClion. IQ lhe extenl Its affliated Pary fails 10 meet such obligations, 29.1 Workers' CQmpElsati with statutory limits ali required in the slate ot opration i¡n(l EmplQyel'' i.iabîlity insurance with limits of nol less than $100,000 e. accident. 29,3 "Ali Rik. Propert coverage ona full replceent cot basis insuring all of such Part's persal propert situated on or wiltiin ItiePreisfl. 29.4 Eac Part may be asked by the othr to prvide ce(s) of iniiurance evidencing coverage, an(l tl'el'afr shall proe such iiertlite(s) upòn reuei;t. SuCh certiticalell ShaR; A. nam. the oth Pary as an aditional insured under commercial genera/liability coverage; B, prvide thirty (30) Days prir written notice of cancellation of. m&tl Change or $KClusions in the ixlicy(s) to which iierficate(s) rete; C. indicate that coverage is primary and not excess of. Of conlrbutoiy with, any other válid and collectible insurance purchased by sucl Part; and D. ackn(idg. sllverblllty of Interestl(: Ilabillly coerage. 30. CpmmuncaiOO AJ.lstnp' . Liw . Enforaept Act 9f 11. Eacl Party reples and warrnts tht any equipent.facilitis or Servces prided tQ the other Part undr this Agreement coply with il CAt.A. Eah Pay wi. indemnif and hOld the oter Part harless from any and all penalti impoed upon the oter Part for such noncpliance and wìl al the non-epliat Party's soe CO and expse. modify or I'Piace Øny equipment, facilities orServices pJvided to the othe( Part under this Agrent to enure that suc equipmen faclites and servces fully comply with GALEA. 31. Enilre Aqriemem. This Agrtmtint (Including ati Atchent. Rate Shøø. and other douments referred 10 herein) constitute the tuN and eftire undertanding and agreent bèiwn the Partes with reard to the subjec of this Agreement and supt any prr understiilngs, agrüments, or resentatio by or been the Parties, wren or oral. including but no limited to,eny term Gheel or memorandum of undetanding enlered into by th Parties. to ti eiile the relate in any way to th subjec of this Agreeent. Notwthstanding th foreging, cerain elenl$ uséd in combinaton will the Servce proVided undr this Agreent are provide by Qwst to CLEC under the ters and conditions of It$ inlerconneon agreement. snd nothing contaned herein is intende by the Part to amend. alter. or otise modify those tems andconditins, ' 32. Proof 9f Autbqrjzpjan. 32.1 Each Pary shall be mponsÎble for obtaining and malnt;lnlng Proof of Aulln (POA), as required by applicable fedør iiri stte lew. Ø$ ßlended frm time to time, 32.2 EaCh Part wi. make POAs aVlllable to the oter Part upon reuest. In the event of an allegtion of an unauthorized change or unauthonze service In accordance with Apllcab law, the Party chrged wlth the alk¡ged infradin shall be I'po$Îbl$ for resOlvin such clim. and It shall Indemnify and hold hakiss tle Oller PMy fo iiny IOGlõØl, darrsges. penaltes, or other. claims in connection wilh the alleged unauthriied change or lIervice. 33. general Terms.29,2 Commeiiil Giel'iliebility Jtiul'nce coering Claims for bi:dily injury, death, p$lonai injury or prOprt damøge, incuding coverage for independent contracr's protection (required if any work will be subconiracied), products and/or completed QPrallll and cotractual lÎ.bilît with l'i: tl) th liability aa$l$d by each Part hereunder. The limits of insuranc shall not be Illli than $1,000,000 each occurrence and $2.000.000 general aggre limit. 9.24-101carJavigatorTelecomm. Owest aLSP~ MSA. (vS.2Q.10). Page a of 11 AZ"100924-09: CQ-100924-o010; 1A.100924.0011: 1D-100924-0012; MN.100924-0013: MT.100924.0014; NO.10092400015; NM-10092400016;OR.100924-o017; WA.1OO924.0018; WY-100924-0019 ' 33.1 Owest will proVide general repair and maintenance services on 11$ faclities, including those facilities SuPrting Se..lces purcha by CLEC under Uilli Agement. at a level tl'at is coosÎ!alént with other coparable seice provided by Qwest. OocI,Sign envElIOpe 10: 98843f:C5-A5774721.B478-67B50BD07109 33.2 In order to maintain and modernize tt netw prolly. OwEit may make neeessary modífe.iOn$ and Cl'iing_l(.its netw On an as needed bais. SuCh etaoge$ may result in min etang totrnsmission paraete. Nelw maintenace an morniz activilies wil result In transm'"lon paeter& that are withIn transmission limits of the. Servce ordere by CLEC. Owesl wil prde advance notice of changes that affct netwrk Intro~bilit pursant 10 applieabla FCC rulas. ~.3 Netwrk Seçuril\(, A. P(QQn gf Servi'i 5!n~ Pr~. Eaen Pary wil exerce the same degree of care to prent hann or dage to th other Pany and any third partes. its employees. agents or End User Custoers. or thair propert as Ii emplys 10 pml8 lIs own employees, agents, End Uiier Customeni and prope. , but in no case less than a commerclly reaonable dege of care. B. Eaeh Party Is resPOnslble 10 prvIde serily aM privacy of comunications. This entails proecting ti cofidential nature of Telecommunicions transmission betwn End User Custoer during téctnlclan work operalln$ lind ai ali Iímes. Specally, no empioyw, aQlnt or reresentiv lIhall monito any ciritsexpt as required to reair or prvi Serice of any End UseCustomer at any time. Nor shall an employe. agt or represntative disclose ite naure of O\rhard CQ~ios, Of wh partcipated in suc comi,nicalionsor even that. si. eommi,nication ~ taIWri place. Vioiation of such seciity may entail state and federal cnminal penalt, as wilI as civi penaltis. CL.EC is responsile fo corig ils employeø on such Strl requirements and pealti, . C. The Part' netwm are part of the natial sentnetrk. and as such, are pr by føllaw. Deliberatesabotage. or dlsabletent of any poi1 of the i,nierying $qi,ipmeni 1,$Ø to pre th netw js a viat of fe1 statute wilh severe penales, espe8lly in times of natinal emergency or state of war, The Paries ar responsible for lhelr employees with respe to suh security requirements an penailis. D. awt shall not be liae for any losses. damages or oiher claims, incuding. but no limied to, uncolectible Qr unblUable reiieni,S, resulting fr acidnlal, erOneos, maficious, fraudulent or othse unauthrid us of Service or facUlI/ ('Unauthrize Use"), wielher or no wch Unauthorii:ed Use could have been reasonably prevented by Owet. excpt to ite axlenl Owst has ben rilìed in advance by CLEC of the exisience of $uch Unauthiii: Use, and falls 10 tae comercially reonable steps to asis In stppng or preventingSuch acvity. . 33.4. CgnslclpQ, Owst will provide nsceiisaiy coslruetlon only to the extent reqi,rE by Applicable Law. 33.. Ini:ildu¡il Qw hils Bequäl. CLEC may requeet additioal Services not spEIified in this Agremenl and Owe will consider such requests on an Individual Ca Basis. 33.6. Responsibility For Enviromental Conllmlnalon. A. Neither Part shall be liable to th other for any oolswhalSer resulling fro th prenc or release of any Envir(lmenial Haud thai ellher Par did n9t Intruce to Ihe affec wol1 iocatio,. Each p$rt shall defend and hol hannless the other Part and ils respectiVl 0f director. and employees. from and against any losse, damages, claims, deands, suits. liabit, fines. pealtes and exense (inuding tebk altey' fees) that arse 01,1 of 01 rei,ltfr: 1. any Environental Ha tha the Indemnifyng Party, it CQ1t or agents inb'i,ce 10 ll' W(k Ioalions: Of 2. tl preseri or relea" of eny Environmental Ha%dfor whch the Indemnifyng Part is responsible under Applicable Law. B. In the eýent any suspect malerils within Owest-owned, opraied or leased faclities are idlilìed to CLeC by QWi;Si 10 beasbest containing, CLEC will ensure that 10. the extent any activities which it undertkes in th facility disturb such suspect malerlals, such CieC aevilles wil be In accdance with Applicable La. inoJuding wihou limitaion, applicàbie iocai. state 8n fediil enviroentl an heal and safety statuts and reulatlons. Excet for abatent activities underaken by CLEC or equipent plaent actiies tht relt in the genertin of asestoscontaining materal, CLEC does 001 have any resibiliy for managing, nor is it the ower of, nor dOes it haveany liabilit fo. or ¡nconnection with. any asestos-etaining matenal. Owst agrees 10 immediately noify CLeC if. Owesi undertkes :Jy aiesios C(lrol Of a$lst(sebltement acilvitie6 that poienliaiiy could afft CLEC, peonnel, equipment or operatns, inoJuding. but not limited to. contamination of equipment. 9-24-101eaclNavlgatorTelecomm. Owest OLSpTM MSA. (v8.20.10) Page!l of 11 AZ-100Q24-0000; CO-100Q24-0010; IA-100924-0011; 10-100924-0012; MN-l00924-0013: IIT.l00924.0014: Ni:100924.00HI; NM.10094-0016: OR.100924-o017; WA-100924-0018; wy-l00924-0019 DocuSign Envelope 10: 96843i:C5-A577-4721-B478-67B50BC071D9 QWE$T LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMll AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 1- DEFINITONS "Acl" means !he Communications Act of 193 (47 U.S,C. 151 et. seq,), as ameni:ed. "Advanced IntelUgent Netrk" or "AIN" Ie a Teleoomuniions rietwol' ariteotur' in whiOh oell prSGit, ceii routing and netw mllagement are provided by means of centralize databases. "Affliate" means a Persn tha (directy or indirecly) ows or contrls, is Owned or oontrolled by, or iG under comO/ OWrGhip or contro with, Rnolher pers. For purpses of this paragph, Ihe temi 'own' means to ow an lluity interest (or the equivalent thereof) of more than 10 perct. "Automalic Loction Identification' or . ALI" is the autoatic display at tlM Public Safety Answeng Point of the caller's telepone number, lh ~dre55l1QÇtion Of the telepone end 5uppiementÈry emergency Geices infomialion for Enhanced 911 (E911). "Applicable Law" means all laws. statues, common law including, but notlimited to, the Ac, the regulatons, rules, and final orders of the FCC, a slale regulatory authorily. ~d ..ny final 0f$I and decisions ofa cort of copetent jurisdictiOn reviewing the reulatn5, rules, or orers of Ihe FCC or a slate regulatory authorily, "Biil Date" means the dale on which a Biling peri ends, all identied on the bill. "aUling" involves the provision of appropriate usage data by' on Telecommunications Carer to anoter 10 faciltaÜl Custr Biling wlih attendant acknoledgméllS and staliS repC. Ii elGO invoves the exchange 01 Information between Teleemmunicatians Carrel$ 10 ¡)I'(:claims and adjustents. . "Carrier Of "Cmon Carrer" See Teleccmun!etlons Carier, "Central Offce" mè8ns a building or a. space within a building wtre Itan$li$$Í(n fiililie5 (i circuils are connect Of switched. "Commercial Mobile Radio Setiee" (I 'CMRS. is define in 47 U.S.C. SeeQn 332 el' FCC rues and ordrs intrpreting tht statute, ~Comunications Assistanc for Law Enforcement All or "CALEA" refers ~ the diJlies ~d obfigations of Carrrs under Section 229 of \he Ac ~onfidential Information" means any inlomalln that Is no geilly available to Ihe public. \\etherof a ieehnica, business, or othe nature and that: (a) the i'ceiving F'art know or has reason to know 1$ eonfiClenlial, prietary, or tr HCellnforatlon Of the di$Oslng P8l; andor (b) is of suc .. n;ire ttat the recevlng Par shold resonably undrslaru tlit the djsçlng Par desires to protlll suCh informaton against unrestricted dlselosute.COiridenlial Infomation will not includeinformatin that is In Ihe public domain throuh no breach of this A:greement by Ihe reeiving Part or is alredy known or is indepedetly deloped by the receiving Part. 'Custoer" means th PØIn purchaiing a Telecommunicatis SelVce or an information service or both frm a Carner. .Day" mean5 Calendar days unless oIeiw speced. .Oemat'lin Point" ÎS defed 1i5 the point ill whicl the LEC ceses to own or control Custoer Premises wiring including wit Umitalioo insie wiring. "Dirøctry Asistance Datae" contans only those published and non" listed telephc numbe Uslings obElìned by Qwi¡st from Ît own End User CuGtomei and other 'leleommunication5 Carrers. .Diretory AGÎSl8rice servic' inciude, but. is not limited to, making available to ca"ers, upo requet. infonnlion contined in the Dirctry Assistance Database. Director Assisance Seiv includes. where available. the option to coplet. the call at the caller's dlreclin. "Oue Date" means ttllupecife dete on whÎ(h the reque¡¡ted Servce is to be available to the CLEC or to CLEC's End Use Custoer, 85 applicable, "End User Customer" means a third part retal Customer thaI subscr~ 10 a Telcomunication Serice provided by either of the Partes or byanother Carrl or by I' (2) or mol' Carll. -Environmettal 'Hæard" means any subsiance Il'e prsence, use, ,transprt abandonment or dispo58of whioh (i) requires investition. remediation. compensation. fine or pealty Und8r any Appllcabl8 Law (includng, wiU'out IirnilGlion, the Comptetin5ive Environmental ReponseCompensalio and Liability Act, Superfund Amdmen andReauthorization Act Reurce Conservtin Recovry Ac, th Occupatina Safety and Heath Ac and Pl'visions with similar puroses in appicable roreign, stale ana io jUlÎs.ietions) or (Ii) p05Ø5 r¡5ks to human healt, 58et or Ihe enviroment (mcludlng. withou imittion. indoor. outdoo or orbital spaCl environments) and is regulated under any AøHea Law. -FCC" means the Federl Communications Commission. 'Interootilnge Carrer" or "IXC" meas a Carrer Ihat provides Intei1TA or intraLATA TOll lIervce. 'Llne InfOmition Database". or "LIDS". slars var telephone line numbers and Speial BHling Number (SBN) data used by oprator servces systes to pr and bill Altematly Bille Serices (AS) cals. The opertor servces system acesse L1DB data to ørovlde Oninatjng line (calling numba). Biling number and tel'inaling line (called l1mber) Infoiaton. LIDS is used fo caling car vaUdatin, fraud preventin, Billng or servce restrctions and the 5ub-loCunt informatn to be Included on the call's Billing reco. Telcordia's GR~6-eRe defines the int belen the admlnl$trtln syste and LIDe including specific message forts (Telcordia's 'lR-NWP.QO029. Siin 10), "Line Side" refer to End Ofce Swtch coneotion$ that. have been prorammed to trat the elreit as a ki line Conect 10 a terminatingslõtlon (e,g" an End User Customlls teephone sttion set. a pax,ans'Nng macine. facmile machine, coputer, or similar cutoer devie). "Loc Exchange carrr" or "LEC" means any carrier that is engage in lhe pl'vi51on of Telephone Exange Service or Exchange Access, . Such term does not indude a Carrer insofar as such Carrlør Is engaged in Il'e proon of Comercial Moble Raio servce under SeOton 332(c) of the Act, exceptio th extt that the FCC finds that such service should be, incuded in Ih.definilion of such Ü1nn, "L.oop" 0( "Unbundled Loop. is defied as a trnsmission facility between a dl&trbuilon frame (or Its øquivalnt) in a Qwest centrl Off(\ and the i.oo Demarcon Polnl at an End User CU$lomer'S Preml$8 "LOOI Service Reque" or i.SR" means the Industr standard forms and supportng doumentatlon used for ordering local servces. ., 9-24.1 OIcaclNavigator Telecomm " Owesl aLSP~ MSA - (vO"2D-10) Pag 10 of 11 AZ-100Q24-0009; CO-100924-O10; 1A-100924-o011; 10-100924-012; MN-100Q24-0013; MT-100Q24-o014; ND-100924-0015; NM-100924-o016: ÒR.10024.Q17; WA-10024.001B; WY.100924.0019 ,: ~l . I '" DocuSign Envelpe 10: 98843FC5.A577.4721.B478067BSOBD071D9 QWEST LOCAL SERVICES PLATFORMTU AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT 1- DEFINITONS "Miscellaneous Charges" mean charges that Owt may as in acitio to teeutting and nontecl,lTng rats set fort in the Rae Sheet. for actvilll CLEe teql,elÕllÕ Qwest to peioo, actities CLEC auth. or chrgesthaI are 8 resull of CLEC's acons. such as cancn charg$$ additional labor and maintenance. Miscellaeous Ch$$ 8te not ellÝ included in Qwesl's teertlng Ot nontetring tales. MiIlIa ChatgEliõ $hall be contaned in or ~ferenced in the Ra Sheet. "Netwrk Element" is a facllty or equipment iised in the provision of Telecommunications Ser'ice Ot àn infonnation sece or both. It also !ncluds features. functins. and capabUities thai are provided by means of !l~ch ,facilty or eQuipmeni. including subscrber numbel8, databaHS,.signaling syste... and infonnatlon sufcÎènt for Billng antI colJetin Of ,g$éd in tl' ttansmislÕion, routing. or other prision of a Telecommunications Servce or an informaton servce Of bo, as is mor fully debed in this Agreeent . ,~Operational Suppor Systemt" Ot DOSS. mean pre-cering. Provsining, maintenance, repair and bilßng systems, ,.Order For- meas service order requet fori l$Sued by QW$t, as amenckd from time to time. .Person" is a general term meaning an indivdua or as&Olali corpration. fimi. joint.sto copany, oranliallon, partnership, tnst o~ any oller fom or kind of ei'líly. "Port" means a line Ot ttnk COnnectin pont, inoluding a line card and assoted perieral equipment, 00 a cetrl Offa Swich bu does not include Swich features. The Por s_s as th hawa tenninali fOtline or Trunk Side faciIties eonneetecHo the Cenlil Of SwIC. EactLine Side Port is typicaly assial with on or mOt teiepti nube that serve as the Customers netw adre. , sPreises' refers to Owt's Cental Offee and Søg Wite Centenl' l!l 'wildings or similar strucures owed. le, or at cotri;le' by 9west thai house its netw faclites; aU structures tht house Qw facilties Ol public rightf-way, including but 001. Umiie to vaultiõ eontainiog Loop concentralOI' or sim~ar strures; and all land OW, leased, or otrwse cotrolled by Qw that is adjacet to thsø Centrl Offce~. Wire Centers, bl,ilíngs andslruures. 'PtOQf of Auttri¡¡ation" or "POA" shall consst of veati of th End llser Cuslomers select and. authzatin adequate to dOment theEnd USët CUSl(ets seleon of its lol service provldør and may take lhe fonn of a third pa vøificaton fomiat. "Provisioning" involves the exetange of infomiation be,n Teleeomunications Carers where one exeçtes a reues fot a se of proucts and services from the otref with atendan acknowledgments and status reports. , "Public Switched Netw(l' includes all Switches and transmission facUitie whelhet by wÎ.. or radio, provided by any Common Carrier Including Lees' IXCIõ and CMR$ proiders thai use the Nort American Niimbering Plan Î~ connection wiih the provision of switched $ØrvÎce5. ::1 7,servlng Wire Cente'" denotes. the Wir Center fRl. which dial tone forløl eXChange Hrvce would nonally be proded to a particular Qvstoer Pi'mi$E. Ac Taiøm Swiches), and betw Tandem SwitÓ'es within the Lol Calling Ar, as descbec more fully in this Agreement. "Switch" meai a swiicing device employed by ii Carrier within the Public Switcled Nelw. Switch incudes but is not limiled to End OfflC Switches. Tandem SwitChes. Accss Tandem Swite/es, Remote SwitChing Modules, and Packel Switches. Switee5 may be iimpioyed as a. cobinaton of End Ofceandem Switches. "Switched Access Traffc:' as specifically defined in Owsl's interstate Swiicd Acees Tarffs, iiõ traffc that originøtèl øl oJi i; the Psiy'5 End User CIiGIen and teinates at an IXC Point of Presence, or originates- at an IXC Point of Pres and terminate at one of the Parts End User Customer. whtl or not the trffc tral'lIs the other Part's network. "Tarltr as used thl'ghout this. Agteement Mer to Owest ihterstale Tarff and stte Tari, prie lists. an price schedule, "Telecmunlcatl('l' Cafer"møas any ptovder of TelecommunÎclitions SøI'IeØ$, except that sUC lenn doe not include agreators. of Telvcommunications Sers (as defined InSeetlon 226 of thli Aet). A T e1ecommunlcatJri Carrier sh.;l be Iii¡iite ll ii Common Carrier under the Act. only 10 the extenl thai it iii englied in providing Teleeomuriicatio SelvÎoes, excpt that the FCC shall determine whetr the prsion of fiKe and mobile satellte sel'ie shal be tl'aledas como caiage, "Tøløcnlctlns $eCé" meane the oferg of teecmunicationsfor a fee diletly to the pubic, Or l9 euc çlues of uinmi as to be effeclv availae direcy 10 the public, teardleH of the faclitis use. "Telephone Exchage servce' mens a Sll'ic' wiitin a telKone eiean, Ot witin a conecleiililem of telephone exchanges Yihin the iame lJxdane area operaie 10 furnish to End - User Customer$ intercommunicang SQl'lca (' the etiiiir$(:er Qn;inarily fumished by a single exchange. an which I' cover by the exchange Seivice etarge, orcomparable Sø pro.d throh a system of Swtces, transission equipmeni or othe falities (or combinaliOls thereof) by whIch a subscrbe call oriinate and terminate a Telecommunications Service. "Trunk Sid." refers 10 Swilth connectons tha have been prorammed 10 trat the circuit as connøeted to another swihing entity. "Wil' Cenler detes a building or spac within a building thet GeNes as an aggretin pot on a given Carrer's nelwQr', wher trailission faclities are CQnneCled or iv.teed. Wire Center can al$ denote a building wheii one or more Central Offìës. used for the pn;\Iliion of basiç exchange Teleemuniè8tions Services and access Serces, are kicated, Terms not olhrwise defined here but defined in Il'e Acl and the (HØl and the roes implementing the Ac or elsewh(lre in this Agreemeni, ,hall haVE Ihe meaning defllEi thete. The di¡finitin of lerms that are included here and ate ehio defined in the Act, or its implementing orders or rules. are íntended 10 include the definiton 85 set fort in the Ac and the rules implementing the Act. "Shared Transp" Is defned. looal Întel'ce ttan$lÎllÎon facilites $hai'd by moi' thiin one Carrer. ¡"eludinli Owst, betw End Ofce ~witche5, betwn End Offce Switcles and Tandem Switches (local and J" 9-24-101câCNávigator Teiecmm - Qwe" QLSP'" MSA - (v8-2o-iO) P4ige 11 of 11 AZ.100924-009: CO.100924-010; IA.100924.0011; 10.10092400012: MN.100924.Q013: M'.10092400014: ND-100924-0015: NM-100924-0016'uR-10094-117: WA-100024-0018: WY.10092400019 . DocuSign Envelope 10: BBOBCFEB-A7F5-485F-926B-FB7A4F530790 ATTACHMENT 3 Performance Targets for Qwest QLSP ™ Service 1 0-04-1 O/caCiQuantumShift dba vCom AZ-100916-0001; CO-100916-0002; IA-100916-0003; 10-100916-0004; MN-100916-0005; MT-100916-0006; NO-100916.0007; NE- 100916-0008; NM.100916-0009; OR-1 00916-0010; SO-100916-0011; UT-100916-0012; WA-100916-0013; WY-100916-0014 ATTACHMENT 3 - Performance Targets for Qwest QLSp™ Service OocuSign Envelope 10: BBOBCFEB-A7F5-485F-926B-FB7A4F53079D Exclusions:.LSRs involving individual case basis (ICB) handling based on quantities of lines, as specified in the "Performance Targets" section below, or servicelrequest types, deemed to be projects..Hours on Weekends and holidays. (Except for FOC-1A, which only excludes hours outside the scheduled system up time?).LSRs with CLEC-requested FOC arrangements different from standard FOC arrangements. .Records with invalid product codes..Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the measure definition. ..Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #'s.).Invalid starUstoo dates/times. Product Reporting:Penormance Taroet: FOC-1A 95% within 20 minutes QLSP-POTS FOC-1B 95% within standard FOC intervals (specified below) Standard FOe Intervals Product Group NOTE 1 FOe Interval QLSP-POTS(1~39 lines)FOC-1A:20 Minutes FOC-!B24 .hrs 24 hrs Availabilty: Performance wil be measured beginning the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting). Notes: LSRs with quantities above the highest number specified for each product type are considered ICB. 10-04-10/caCiQuantumShift dba vCom Page 3 AZ-100916-0001;CO-100916-0002; IA-100916-0003; ID-100916-0004; MN-100916-0005; MT-100916-0006; ND-100916-0007; NE- 100916-0008; NM-100916-D009; OR-100916-0010; SO-100916-0011; UT-100916-0012; WA-100916-0013; WY-100916-0014 ATTACHMENT 3 - Performance Targets for Qwest QLSp™ Service OocuSign Envelope 10: BBOBCFEB-A7F5-485F-926B-FB7A4F530790 Product ReDortina Performance Target: MSA-TvDe: QLSP-POTS QLSP-POTS (Dispatch and No Dispatch)195% Zone-Type: Availabilty:Notes: Performance will be measured beginning the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting)., 1 0-04-1 O/caCiQuantumShift dba vCom Page 5 AZ-100916-0001; CO-100916-0002; IA-100916-0003; 10-100916-0004; MN-100916-0005; MT-100916-D006; NO.1 00916-0007; NE- 100916-0008; NM-100916-0009; OR-100916-0010; SO-100916-0011; ÚT-100916-0012; WA-100916-0013; WY-100916-0014 ATTACHMENT 3 - Performance Targets for Qwest QLSp™ Service DacuSign Envelope 10: BBOBCFEB-A7F5-485F.926B~FB7A4F530790 Zone-T e- Performance Target: QLSP-POTS (Dispatched) QLSP-POTS (No Dispatch) 6 Days 3.5 Days Availabilty:Notes: 1. According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per successive CLEC-initiateddue date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (Le., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest-initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change, any further CLEC-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest-initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest- initiated due date change and subsequent CLEC-initiated due date change or delay.. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and CLEC-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of .this approach is that Qwest-initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and CLEC-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported intervaL. Performance wil be measured beginning in the first full month of QLSP service (for the following month's reporting). 1 0-04-1 O/caCiQuanturnShift dba vCarn Page 7 AZ-100916-0001; CO-100916-0002; IA-100916-0003; 10-100916-0004; MN-100916-D005; MT-100916-0006; NO-100916-0007; NE- 100916-0008; NM-100916-0009; OR-100916-0010; SO-100916-0011; UT-100916-0012; WA-100916-0013; WY-100916-0014 ATIACHMENT 3 - Perfonnance Targets for Qwest QLSpTM Service