HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080623Amendment.pdfQwest 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 398-2504Facsimile (206) 343-040 ('\,1 Z! t;êl 8: \5 Qwest~ Spirit of Service'M Maura E. Peterson Paralegal Regulatory Law Via Overnight delivery June 19,2008 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. QWE-T-04-30 Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement BullsEye Telecom, Inc. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fiing with this Commission on behalf of Qwest Corporation is an original and three (3) copies of the Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. Qwest respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approvaL. Please contact me . have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you for your assistance in this/matt r. mep Enclosure cc: Service list Adam L. Sherr (WSBA# 25291) Qwest 1600 7th Ave, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2504 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 Adam.sherr~qwest.com f 5 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. §252(e) CASE NO.: QWE- T-04-30 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation ("Qwest") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement ("Amendment"), which was approved by the Idaho Public Utilties Commission on November 23,2004 (the "Agreement"). The Amendment with Bullseye Telecom, Inc. ("Bullseye") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntar negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communcations Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission mayreject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portion(s) thereof) discriminates against a telecommuncations carer not a pary to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. Qwest respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable BullsEye to APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 1 BULLSEYE interconnect with Qwest facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among local telecommunications services. Qwest fuher requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearng. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntar negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearng and does not concern other paries not a pary to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would fuher the public interest. Respectfully submitted this 19th day of June, 2008. J Corpration~A~~~ Attorney for Qwest ~ APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INERCONNCTION AGREEMENT - Page 2 BULLSEYE " . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE . I hereby certify that on this 19th day of June, 2008, I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all paries of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 j j ewell(ipuc. state .id. us Hand Delivery U. S. Mail ~ Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Scott R. Loney Vice President~Marketing BullsEye Telecom, Inc. 25900 Greenfield Road, Suite 330 Oak Park, Michigan 48237 Hand Delivery -l U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Maura Peterson Paralegal, Qwest C APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 3 BULLSEYE Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) and Common Area Splitter C,1l!~~~c~np~Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between-~'''' ~i"!i t:~ Nf 8: ¡ 6 Qwest Corporation and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for the State of Idaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment") to the Interconnection Agreement between Owest Corporation ("Owest"), a Colorado corporation, and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. ("CLEC"), a Michigan corporation; (collectively, "the Parties"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into an Interconnection Agreement, for service in the State of Idaho, that was approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on November 23, 2004, as referenced in Order/Case No. OWE-T-04-30 ("Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement under the terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by: 1) Replacing the existing Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Section 9, in its entirety, with the Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Section 9 terms, conditions and rates, as set forth in Attachment 3 and Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and 2) Due to the UNEs Section 9 replacement (noted above), Common Area Splitter Collocation terms, conditions and rates were moved (and updated) from the UNEs Section of the Agreement (Section 9), to the Collocation Section of the Agreement (Section 8), as set forth in Attachment 2 and Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein; and 3) Adding and replacing definitions in the Definitions Section of the Agreement (Section 4), as set forth in Attachment 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein. Rates in Exhibit A shall be updated to reflect legally binding decisions of the Commission and shall be applied on a prospective basis from the effective date of the legally binding Commission decision, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission. Rates in Exhibit A that are "Under Development" shall be updated upon establishment of a rate. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template) Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon Commission approval; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. To accommodate this need, CLEC must generate, if necessary, an updated Customer Questionnaire. In addition to the Questionnaire, all system updates wil need to be completed by Qwest. CLEC will be notified when all system changes have been made. Actual order processing may begin once these requirements have been met. Additionally, Qwest shall implement any necessary billing changes within two (2) billing cycles after the latest execution date of this Amendment, with a true-up back to the latest execution date of this Amendment by the end of the second billing cycle. The Parties agree that so long as Qwest implements the billng changes and the true-up as set forth above, CLEC's bills shall be deemed accurate and adjusted without error. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The provisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, will be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence. Entire Agreement The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. BullsEye Telecom, Inc.Qwe. 5t Corporation ~,-~.~~S' t ~igna ure ~ #~ Signature úJ,uc' A *' tL Ol3&-u'; Name PrintedlTypedL£ Title ç'/?g$Date ,r L. T. Christensen Name PrintedlTyped Director - Interconnection Agreements Title r:/'" l, ~t tDate May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-Q40920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)2 Attachment 1 Section 4 Definitions ATTACHMENT 1 DEFINITIONS The following definitions are added to the Agreement (or replaced as noted below): Section 4.0 . DEFINITIONS "Business Line" means a Qwest-owned switched access line used to serve a business customer, whether by Qwest itself or by CLEC that leases the line from Qwest. The number of Business Lines in a Wire Center shall equal the sum of all Qwest business switched access lines, plus the sum of all UNE loops connected to that Wire Center, including UNE loops provisioned in combination with other unbundled elements. Among these requirements, Business Line tallies (1) shall include only those access lines connecting End User Customers with Qwest end-offices for switched services; (2) shall not include non-switched special access lines; and (3) shall account for ISDN and other digital access lines by counting each 64 kbps- equivalent as one line. For example, a. DS1 line corresponds to twenty-four (24) 64 kbps- equivalents, and therefore to twenty-four (24) Business Lines. "Dark Fiber" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.7.1. "Dedicated Transport" means Qwest transmission facilities between Wire Centers or switches owned by Qwest, or between Wire Centers or switches owned by Qwest and switches owned by CLEC, including, but not limited to, DS1, DS3, and OCn-capacity level services, as well as Dark Fiber, dedicated to a particular End User Customer or carrier. "Exchange Service" or "Extended Area Service (EAS)/Local Traffic" means traffic that is originated and terminated within the Local Calling Area as defined in Qwests Southern Idaho and Northern Idaho Exchange and Network Services Catalogs. "Fiber-based Collocator" means any carrier, unaffiliated with Qwest, that maintains a Collocation arrangement in a Qwest Wire Center, with active electrical power supply, and operates a fiber- optic cable or comparable transmission facility that (1) terminates at a Collocation arrangement within the Wire Center; (2) leaves the Qwest Wire Center premises; and (3) is owned by a party other than Qwest or any affliate of Qwest, except as set forth in this paragraph. Dark fiber obtained from Qwest on an indefeasible right of use basis shall be treated as non-Qwest fiber- optic cable. Two (2) or more affiliated Fiber-based Collocators in a single Wire Center shall collectively be counted as a single Fiber-based Collocator. For purposes of this definition, the term "affiliate" is defined by 47 U.S.C. § 153(1). "Interexchange Service" means telecommunications service between stations in different exchange areas. Modifcation of Final Judgment, § IV(K), reprinted in United States v. Am. Tel. & Tel. Co., 552 F. Supp. 131,229 (D. D.C. 1982) (defining "interexchange telecommunications" as "telecommunications between a point or points located in one exchange telecommunications area and a point or points located in one or more other exchange areas or a point outside an exchange area"). May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEslID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)3 Attachment 1 Section 4 Definitions The following definition replaces the existing "Miscellaneous Charges" definition: "Miscellaneous Charges" mean charges that apply for miscellaneous services provided at CLEC's request or based on CLEC's actions that result in miscellaneous services being provided by Qwest, as described in the Agreement. "Mobile Wireless Service" means all mobile wireless telecommunications services, including commercial mobile radio service (CMRS). CMRS includes paging, air-ground radio, telephone service and offshore radiotelephone services, as well as mobile telephony services, such as the service offerings of carriers using cellular radiotelephone, broadband PCS and SMR licenses. "Non-Impaired Facilties" are those network elements identified in an applicable FCC order as no longer available as unbundled network elements ("UNEs") under 47 U.S.C. § 251 (c)(3) as reflected in the Agreement based on non-impairment or tier designations. "Non-impaired Wire Center" means a Wire Center that meets the loop thresholds identified in 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(a)(4)(i) for DS1 Loops and 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(a)(5)(i) for DS3 Loops. Non- impaired Wire Centers also include Tier 1 and Tier 2 Wire Centers as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(e)(3) and subject to the limitations of 47 C.F.R § 51.319(e)(2)(ii)(A) for DS1 Dedicated Transport and 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(e)(2)(iii)(A) for DS3 Dedicated Transport. "Optional Testing" is testing conducted by Qwest, at the request of CLEC, that is in lieu of testing CLEC should complete to isolate trouble to the Qwest network prior to submitting a trouble ticket to Qwest. "Route" is a transmission path between one of Qwests Wire Centers or switches and another of Qwests Wire Centers or Switches. A route between two (2) points (e.g., Wire Center or Switch "A" and Wire Center or Switch "Z") may pass through one (1) or more intermediate Wire Centers or Switches (e.g., Wire Center or Switch "X"). Transmission paths between identical end points (e.g., Wire Center or Switch "A" and Wire Center or Switch "Z") are the same "route," irrespective of whether they pass through the same intermediate Wire Centers or Switches, if any. "Tier 1 Wire Centers" means those Qwest Wire Centers that contain at least four (4) Fiber- based Collocators, at least thirty-eight thousand (38,000) Business Lines, or both. Tier 1 Wire Centers also are those Qwest tandem switching locations that have no line-side switching facilities, but nevertheless serve as a point of traffc aggregation accessible by CLEC. Once a Wire Center is determined to be a Tier 1 Wire Center, that Wire Center is not subject to later reclassification as a Tier 2 or Tier 3 Wire Center. "Tier 2 Wire Centers" means those Qwest Wire Centers that are not Tier 1 Wire Centers, but contain at least three (3) Fiber-based Collocators, at least twenty-four thousand (24,000) Business Lines, or both. Once a Wire Center is determined to be a Tier 2 Wire Center, that Wire Center is not subject to later reclassification as a Tier 3 Wire Center. "Tier 3 Wire Centers" means those Qwest Wire Centers that do not meet the criteria for Tier 1 or Tier 2 Wire Centers. "Trouble Isolation Charge" - see"Maintenance of Service." May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)4 Attachment 1 Section 4 Definitions The following definition replaces the existing "Wire Center" definition: "Wire Center" means the location of a Qwest local switching facility containing one or more Central Offices, as defined in the Appendix to Part 36, Chapter 1 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Wire Center boundaries define the area in which all End User Customers served by a given Wire Center are located. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEslID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)5 Attachment 2 Section 8 Common Area Splitter Collocation ATTACHMENT 2 Common Area Splitter Collocation The fOllowing language is moved (and updated) from Section 9 (UNEs) to Section 8 (Collocation) as shown below: Section 8.0 - COLLOCATION 8.1 Description Common Area Splitter Collocation - Allows CLEC to place Splitters in a common space area outside its Collocation space near CLEC's DSO termination points. Qwest will install Splitter shelves for shared use by CLECs. . 8.2 Terms and Conditions 8"2.9 Terms and Conditions - Common Area Splitter Collocation If CLEC elects to have Splitters installed in Qwest Wire Centers via Common Area Splitter Collocation, the Splitters will be installed in those Wire Centers in one (1) of the following locations: (a) in a relay rack as close to CLEC's DSO termination points as possible; (b) on an ICDF to the extent such a frame is available; or (c) where options (a) and (b) are not available, or, in Wire Centers with network access line counts of less than 10,000, on the COSMICTM/MDF or in some other appropriate location such as an existing Qwest relay rack or bay. In Wire Centers with access line counts greater than 10,000, when all common area Splitter bays and racks are fully utilized, space permittng, Qwest will allow CLEC to place Splitters on the COSMICTM/MDF. CLEC either may purchase Splitters or have Qwest purchase the Splitters subject to full reimbursement of the cost of the Splitters plus any pass through actual vendor invoice costs, including but not limited to taxes, shipping and handling. The Splitters must meet the requirements for Central Offce equipment Collocation set by the FCC. Qwest will be responsible for installing and maintaining the Splitters, but CLEC will lease the Splitters to Qwest at no cost. Qwest may commingle the Splitter shelves of different CLECs in a single relay rack or bay. Qwest will not be responsible for shortages of Splitters or Qwests inability to obtain. Splitters from vendors, if acting as purchasing agent on behalf of CLEC. Two (2) ITPs and four (4) tie cables will be needed to connect the Splitters to the Qwest network. One (1) ITP will carry both voice and data traffc from the COSMICTM/MDF Loop termination, to an appropriate ICDF. From this frame, one (1) tie cable will carry both voice and data traffic to the Splitter. The voice and data traffic will be separated at the Splitter, and the separated voice and data traffic will be routed to the ICDF via separate tie cables (Le., the second and third tie cables). At the ICDF, the data traffic will be routed to CLEC's Collocation area via a fourth tie cable, and the voice traffic wil be routed to the COSMICTM/MDF Switch termination, via a second ITP. CLEC can also elect a direct connect option pursuant to Section of the Agreement. Qwest will provide the cabling used for tie cables between the Splitter and the ICDF. The Splitter Tie Cable Connection Charge will apply. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)6 Attachment 2 Section 8 Common Area Splitter Collocation The Demarcation Point between Qwests network and CLEC's network will be at the place where the data Loop leaves the Splitter on its way to CLEC's collocated equipment, or at the ICDF, where the data port is cabled to existing CLEC Collocation tie cable. New Splitter shelves may be ordered at the same time as a new Collocation on a single Collocation Application form and a single order processing charge will apply. New Splitter shelves may be ordered with an existing Collocation by submitting a new Collocation Application and the applicable fee. Standard intervals, as contained in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide (SIG) located on Qwests website, will apply. Splitter Deployment New applications for installation of Splitters will be processed in the manner outlned in the Collocation Section for Cage less Collocation. CLEC may submit applications for additional DSO tie cable terminations and/or reclassification to support UNE or other services. Qwest will process any such applications for augmentation and/or reclassification of DSO tie cable terminations under intervals as outlined below in this Section. Augmentation intervals will be thirty (30) Days, subject to the following terms and conditions identified below: The interval for reclassification will be fifteen (15) Days, subject to the following terms and conditions. If the requested reclassification engineering results in additional requirements for DSO tie cable terminations or tie cable support, the interval will default to thirty (30) Days. In the event CLEC, or Qwest acting as purchasing agent for CLEC, is unable to procure any equipment needed to complete all work required by applications submitted to Qwest by CLEC, including but not limited to, Splitters or cabling, Qwest will install the subject equipment when it becomes available. If Qwest is acting as purchasing agent for CLEC and is unable to procure equipment to complete all work in a timely manner, CLEC may provide Qwest with the subject equipment. CLEC will be notified by Qwest of the required material on-site date for the affected Wire Center(s) and CLEC will have two (2) business days to determine if it will be able to provide the subject equipment in advance of the material on-site date. If CLEC does not notify Qwest in writing of its intent to provide the subject equipment within this two (2) business day period, or if the subject equipment is not provided in a timely manner, Qwest will install the subject equipment when available. 8.3 Rate Elements Rate elements for Common Area Splitter Collocation are included in Exhibit A. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11 c5-07 Nego Template)7 Attachment 2 Section 8 Common Area Splitter Collocation 8.3.9 Rate Elements - Splitter Collocation Tie Cable Reclassification Charge - A nonrecurring charge will apply, based on time and materials for reclassification of existing tie cable capacity, by among other things, reclassification of existing tie cables, frame re-stenciling, and any other work performed between CLEC's Collocation and the Interconnection Distribution Frame (ICDF) required to provision UNEs and other services. Trouble Isolation Charge - A Miscellaneous Charge will be applied for trouble isolation in accordance with Maintenance and Repair processes set forth in the Maintenance and Repair Section of the Agreement. Exhibit A includes charges for Trouble isolation. Additional Testing - CLEC may request Qwest to perform additional testing, and Qwest may decide to perform the requested testing on a case-by-case basis. A nonrecurring charge will apply in accordance with Exhibit A. Splitter Shelf Charge - This charge recovers installation and ongoing maintenance associated with Splitter installation, bay installation, lighting costs, aerial support structures and grounding charge for Splitters either in a bay, on the ICDF, or on the MDF/COSMICTM. These are both recurring and nonrecurring charges. Splitter Charge - A nonrecurring -charge will apply for the cost of each Splitter purchased by Qwest on behalf of CLEC. This charge wil cover the cost of the Splitter, plus any associated costs incurred by Qwest to order the Splitter. Engineering - A nonrecurring charge will apply for the planning and engineering associated with placing Splitters in the Central Office, either in a bay, on the ICDF, or on the MDF/COSMICTM. Splitter Tie Cable Connections Charge - A nonrecurring Charge will apply for the cost of each tie cable connected to the Splitters in three (3) different configurations: common area; Collocation space; and Main Distribution Frame. This charge will cover both the tie cables and associated blocks per one hundred (100) pair between the Splitter and the ICDF or Splitter bay. The rates for each of the aforementioned split services rate elements are set forth in Exhibit A. 8.6 Maintenance and Repair 8.6.6 Splitter Collocation When Splitters are installed in Qwest Wire Centers via Common Area Splitter Collocation, CLEC will order and install additional Splitter cards as necessary to increase the capacity of the Splitters. CLEC will leave one (1) unused, spare Splitter card in every shelf to be used for Maintenance and Repair until such time as the card must be used to fil the shelf to capacity. When Splitters are installed in Qwest Wire Centers via standard Collocation arrangements, CLEC may install test access equipment in its Collocation May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEslID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)8 Attachment 2 Section 8 Common Area Splitter Collocation areas in those Wire Centers for the purpose of testing Shared Loops. This equipment must meet the requirements for Central Office equipment set by the FCC in its March 31, 1999 Order inCC Docket No. 98-147. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)9 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) ATTACHMENT 3 UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS (UNEs) The following UNEs Section 9.0 replaces the existing UNEs Section 9. in its entirety: SECTION 9.0 . UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS 9.1 General Terms 9.1.1 Changes in law, regulations or other "Existing Rules" relating to Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs), including additions and deletions of elements Qwest is required to unbundle and/or provide in a UNE Combination, shall be incorporated into the Agreement by amendment pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Agreement. CLEC and Qwest agree that the UNEs identified in Section 9 are not exclusive and that pursuant to changes in FCC rules, the Bona Fide Request Process, or Special Request Process (SRP), CLEC may identify and request that Qwest furnish additional or revised UNEs to the extent required under Section 251 (c)(3) of the Act. Failure to list a UNE herein shall not constitute a waiver by CLEC to obtain a UNE subsequently defined by the FCC. UNEs shall only be obtained for the provision of Telecommunications Services, which do not include telecommunications utilized by CLEC for its own administrative use. CLEC may not access UNEs for the exclusive provision of Mobile Wireless Services or Interexchange Services. If CLEC accesses and uses a UNE consistently with Section 9.1.2, CLEC may provide any Telecommunications Services over the same UNE. To submit an order to obtain a high capacity Loop or transport UNE, CLEC must undertake a reasonably diligent inquiry and, based on that inquiry, self-certify that, to the best of its knowledge, its request is consistent with the requirements discussed in Sections iV, V, and Vi of the Triennial Review Remand Order and that it is therefore entitled to unbundled access to the particular Network Elements sought pursuant to Section 251 (c)(3) of the Act. As part of such reasonably diligent inquiry, CLEC shall ensure that a requested unbundled DS1 or DS3 Loop is not in a Wire Center identified on the list provided by Qwest of Wire Centers that meet the applicable non-impairment thresholds as specified in Section 9.2, and that a requested unbundled DS1, DS3 and/or dark fiber transport circuit UNE is not between Wire Centers found identified on the list of Wire Centers that meet the applicable non-impairment threshold as specified in Section 9.6. Upon receiving a request for access to a dedicated transport or high-capacity loop UNE that indicates that the UNE meets the relevant factual criteria discussed in sections V and Vi of the Triennial Review Remand Order, Qwest must immediately process the request if the UNE is in a location that does not meet the applicable non-impairment thresholds as specified in Section 9.2 or Section 9.6. To the extent that Qwest seeks to challenge any other such UNEs, it subsequently can raise that issue through the dispute resolution procedures provided for in the Agreement. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)10 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Intentionally Left Blank Additional Non-Impaired Wire Centers. When Qwest files a request(s) to add additional Wire Center(s) to the Qwest Non-impaired Wire Center list, Qwest wil follow the procedures for making such requests as agreed to by Qwest and certain CLECs in the Multi-state Settlement Agreement Regarding Wire Center Designations and Related Issues on June 20, 2007. If the Commission approves the Wire Center(s) as non-impaired, fifteen (15) Days after Commission-approval CLEC will no longer order impacted High Capacity Loops, high capacity transport UNEs and Dark Fiber Dedicated Transport UNEs in (for loops) or between (for transport) those Non-impaired Wire Centers. Qwest and CLEC will work together to identify those circuits impacted by such change. . Length of Transition Period for Additional Non-Impairment Designations. . When the Commission approves additional DS1 and DS3 loop or high capacity transport UNE non-impairment designations as described in Section, CLEC will have ninety (90) days from the effective date of the order in which the Commission approves the addition to the Qwest Non-impaired Wire Center list to transition the applicable Non-Impaired Facilties to an alternative service. When the Commission approves additional Dark Fiber transport non-impairment Designations as described in Section, CLEC will have one-hundred and eighty (180) days from the effective date of the order in which the Commission approves the addition to the Qwest Non-impaired Wire Center list to transition to an alternative arrangement. Qwest and CLEC will work together to identify those circuits impacted by such a change. Rate During Transition Period for Additional Non- Impairment Designations. For a ninety (90) day period beginning on the effective date on which the Commission approves an addition to the Qwest Non-impaired Wire Center list, any DS1 Loop UNEs, DS3 Loop UNEs, DS1 Dedicated Transport UNEs, and DS3 Dedicated Transport UNEs that CLEC leases from Qwest as of that date, but which Qwest is not obligated to unbundle, shall be available for lease from Qwest at a rate equal to 115% of the UNE rates applicable as of the effective date on which the Commission adds the Wire Center to the Qwest Non-impaired Wire Center list. For a one-hundred and eighty (180) day period beginning on the effective date on which the Commission approves an addition to the Qwest Non-impaired Wire Center list, any Dark Fiber Dedicated Transport UNEs that CLEC leases from Qwest as of that date, but which Qwest is not obligated to May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)11 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) unbundle, shall be available for lease from Qwest at a rate equal to 115% of the UNE rates applicable as of the effective date on which the Commission adds the Wire Center to the Qwest Non- impaired Wire Center list. The 115% rate described in Sections and will be applied to CLEC bills on the following bil cycle, and may be applied as a manual adjustment. Any manual bill adjustment for the time period for which the facilities were in place will be applied to each account based on the Billing Telephone Number (BTN) and/or Circuit (CKT) identification number per Biling Account Number (BAN) with an effective bill date as of the effective date on which the Commission adds the Wire Center to the Qwest Non-impaired Wire Center list. For high capacity loops and high capacity transport UNE transitions, Qwest will assess the non-recurring charge contained in the appropriate Tariff. No additional non-recurring charges apply for the transition, other than OSS non-recurring charges if applicable. Qwest shall not impose any recurring or nonrecurring OSS charges unless and until the Commission authorizes Qwest to impose such charges and/or approves applicable rates at the completion of appropriate cost docket proceedings. When Qwests tariff rate exceeds $25, Qwest wil provide a clearly identified lump sum credit within three (3) billing cycles that results in an effective net non-recurring charge of $25. This lump sum credit applies until July 31,2010. If it is determined by CLEC or Qwest that CLEC's access to or use of UNEs is inconsistent with Existing Rules, except due to change of law, CLEC has thirty (30) Days to convert such UNEs to alternate service arrangements and CLEC is subject to back billing for the difference between rates for the UNEs and rates for the Qwest alternate service arrangements. CLEC is also responsible for all non-recurring charges associated with such conversions. When CLEC submits an order to convert a special access circuit to a UNE and that circuit has previously been exempt from the special access surcharge pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 69.115, CLEC shall document in its certification when and how the circuit was modified to permit interconnection of the circuit with a local exchange subscriber line. To the extent it is Technically Feasible, CLEC may Commingle Telecommunications Services purchased on a resale basis with an Unbundled Network Element or combination of Unbundled Network Elements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following are not available for resale Commingling: a) Non-telecommunications services; May 28,2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)12 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) b) Enhanced or Information services; c) Features or functions not offered for resale on a stand-alone basis or separate from basic Exchange Service; and d) Network Elements offered pursuant to Section 271. CLEC may Commingle UNEs and combinations of UNEs with wholesale services and facilities (e.g., switched and special access services offered pursuant to Tariff), and request Qwest to perform the necessary functions to provision such Commingling. CLEC will be required to provide the CFA (Connecting Facilty Assignment) of CLEC's network demarcation (e.g., Collocation or multiplexing facilties) for each UNE, UNE Combination, or wholesale service when requesting Qwest to perform the Commingling of such services. Qwest shall not deny access to a UNE on the grounds that the UNE or UNE Combination shares part of Qwests network with access services. When a UNE and other service are Commingled, the service interval for each facility being Commingled will apply only as long as a unique provisioning process is not required for the UNE or service due to the Commingling. Performance measurements and\or remedies do not applicable to the total Commingled arrangement but do apply to each facility or service ordered within the Commingled arrangement. Work performed by Qwest to provide Commingled services that are not subject to standard provisioning intervals will not be subject to performance measures and remedies, if any, contained in the Agreement or elsewhere, by virtue of that service's inclusion in a requested Commingled service arrangement. Provisioning intervals applicable to services included within a requested Commingled service arrangement will not begin to run until CLEC provides a complete and accurate service request, necessary CFAs to Qwest, and Qwest completes work required to perform the Commingling that is in addition to work required to provision the service as a stand-alone facility or service. Qwest will not combine or Commingle services or Network Elements that are offered by Qwest solely pursuant to Section 271 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, with Unbundled Network Elements or combinations of Unbundled Network Elements. Services are available for Commingling only in the manner in which they are provided in Qwests applicable product Tariffs, catalogs, price lists, or other Telecommunications Services offerings. Entrance Facilties and mid-span meet SPOI obtained pursuant to Section 7 of the Agreement are not available for Commingling. Ratcheting. To the extent that CLEC requests Qwest to commingle a UNE or a UNE Combination with one or more facilities or services thatCLEC has obtained at wholesale from Qwest pursuant to a method other than unbundling under Section 251(c)(3) of the Act, Qwest will not be required to bill that wholesale circuit at multiple rates, otherwise known as ratcheting. Such commingling will not affect the prices of May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)13 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) UNEs or UNE Combinations involved. To the extent a multiplexed facilty is included in a Commingled circuit then: (1) the multiplexed facilty wil be ordered and billed at the UNE rate if and only if all circuits entering the multiplexer are UNEs and (2) in all other situations the multiplexed facility will be ordered and billed pursuant to the appropriate Tariff. Service Eligibility Criteria. The following Service Eligibility Criteria apply to combinations and/or Commingling of high capacity (DSt and DS3) Loops and interoffce transport (high capacity EELs). This includes new UNE EELs, EEL conversions (including commingled EEL conversions), or new commingled EELs (e.g., high capacity loops attached to special access transport). Except as otherwise provided in this Section, Qwest shall provide access to Unbundled Network Elements and Combinations of Unbundled Network Elements without regard to whether CLEC seeks access to the Unbundled Network Elements to establish a new circuit or to convert an existing circuit from a service to Unbundled Network Elements. CLEC must certify that the following Service Eligibility Criteria are satisfied to: (1) convert a special access circuit to a high capacity EEL, (2) to obtain a new high capacity EEL; or '(3) to obtain at UNE pricing any portion of a Commingled circuit that includes a high capacity Loop and transport facility or service. Such certification shall be in accordance with all of the following Sections. State Certification. CLEC has received state certification to provide local voice service in the area being served or, in the absence of a state certification requirement, has complied with registration, tariffing, filing fee, or other regulatory requirements applicable to the provision of local voice service in that area. Per Circuit Criteria. The following criteria are satisfied for each combined circuit, including each DS1 circuit, each DS1 EEL, and each DS1-equivalent circuit on a DS3 EEL: Telephone Number Assignment. Each circuit to be provided to each End User Customer will be assigned a local telephone number prior to the provision of service over that circuit. This requires that each DS 1 circuit must have at least one (1) local telephone number and each DS3 circuit has at least twenty-eight (28) local telephone numbers. The origination and termination of local voice traffic on each local telephone number assigned to a circuit shall not include a toll charge. and shall not require dialing special digits beyond those normally required for a local voice calL. 911 or E911. Each circuit to be provided to each End User Customer will have 911 or E911 capability prior to the provision of service over that circuit. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)14 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Collocation. a) Each circuit to be provided to each End User Customer wil terminate in a Collocation arrangement that is established pursuant to Section 251(c)(6) of the Act and located at Qwests Premises within the same LATA as the End User Customer's premises, when Qwest is not the collocator, and cannot be at an Interexchange Carrier POP or ISP POP location; b) Each circuit to be provided to each End User Customer wil terminate in a Collocation arrangement that is located at the third part's premises within the same LATA as the End User Customer's premises, when Qwest is the collocator; and c) When a DS1 or DS3 EEL Loop is connected to a multiplexed facility, the multiplexed facilty must be terminated in a Collocation arrangement that is established pursuant to Section 251 (c)(6) of the Act and located at Qwests Premises within the same LATA as the End User Customer's premises, when Qwest is not the collocator, and cannot be at an Interexchange Carrier POP. or ISP POP location. 9; Interconnection Trunking. CLEC must arrange for the . meaningful exchange of traffc which must include hand-offs of local voice calls that flow in both directions. Where CLEC does not arrange for a meaningful exchange of traffic, those arrangements cannot be attributed toward satisfaction of this criterion. At a minimum, each DS1 circuit must be served by a DSO equivalent LIS trunk in the same LATA as the End User Customer served by the circuit. For each twenty~four (24) DS1 circuits, CLEC must maintain at least one (1) active DS1 LIS trunk in the same LATA as the End User Customer served by the circuit. Calling Party Number. Each circuit to be provided to each End User Customer will be served by an Interconnection trunk over which CLEC will transmit the Calling Party Number in connection with calls exchanged over the trunk. For each twenty-four (24) DS1 EELs or other facilities having equivalent capacity, CLEC will have at least one (1) active DS1 LIS trunk over which CLEC will transmit the Calling Party Number in connection with calls exchanged over the trunk. If the Calling Party Number is not exchanged over an Interconnection trunk, that trunk shall not be counted towards meeting these criteria. End Office Switch. Each circuit to be provided to each End User Customer will be served by an End Office Switch capable of switching local voice traffic. CLEC must certify that the switching equipment is either registered in the LERG as a Class 5 Switch or that it can switch local voice traffic. CLEC must provide certification to Qwest through a certification letter, or other mutually agreed upon communication, that each individual high May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)15 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) capacity loop in combination, or Commingled, with a Qwest-provided high capacity transport facility or service, meets the Service Eligibility Criteria set forth above before Qwest will provision or convert the high capacity facility in combination or Commingled. CLEC's high capacity combination or Commingled facilty Service Eligibilty shall remain valid only so long as CLEC continues to meet the Service Eligibilty Criteria set forth above. If CLEC's Service Eligibility on a given high capacity combination or Commingled facilty is no longer valid, CLEC must submit a service order converting the facility to the appropriate private line/special access service within thirty (30) Days. Service Eligibility Audits. In order to confirm reasonable compliance with these requirements, Qwest may perform Service Eligibilty Audits of CLEC's records. Service Eligibility Audits shall be performed in accordance with the following guidelines: Qwest may, upon thirty (30) Days written notice to CLEC that has purchased high capacity combination and Commingled facilities, conduct a Service Eligibility Audit to ascertain whether those high capacity facilities were eligible for UNE treatment at the time of Provisioning or conversion and on an ongoing basis thereafter. CLEC shall make reasonable efforts to cooperate with any Service Eligibility Audit by Qwest and shall maintain and provide Qwest with relevant records (e.g., network and circuit configuration data, local telephone numbers) which demonstrate that CLEC's high capacity combination and Commingled facilities meet the Service Eligibilty Criteria. An independent auditor hired and paid for by Qwest shall perform any Service Eligibility Audits, provided, however, that if a Service Eligibility Audit reveals that CLEC's high capacity combination and Commingled facility circuit(s) do not meet or have not met the Service Eligibility Criteria, then CLEC shall reimburse Qwest for the cost of the audit. To the extent the independent auditor's report concludes that CLEC complied in all material respects with the Service Eligibility Criteria, Qwest shall reimburse CLEC for its costs associated with .the Service Eligibility Audit. An independent auditor must perform its evaluation in accordance with the standards established by the American Institute for Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and during normal business hours, unless there is a mutual agreement otherwise. Qwest shall not exercise its Service Eligibility Audit rights with respect to CLEC (excluding Affiliates), more than once in any calendar year, unless an audit finds non-compliance. If a Service Eligibility Audit does find non-compliance, Qwest shall not exercise its Service Eligibility Audit rights for sixty (60) Days following that audit, and if any subsequent Service Eligibilty Audit does not find non-compliance, May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEslID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)16 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) then Qwest shall not exercise its Service Eligibility Audit rights for the remainder of the calendar year. At the sametime that Qwest provides notice of a Service Eligibilty Audit to CLEC under this paragraph, Qwest shall send a copy of the notice to the Federal Communications Commission. Service Eligibilty Audits conducted by Qwest for the purpose of determining compliance with Service Eligibility Criteria shall not effect or in any way limit any audit or Dispute Resolution rights that . Qwest may have pursuant to other provisions of the Agreement. Qwest shall not use any other audit rights it may have under the Agreement to audit for compliance with the Service Eligibility Criteria of this Section. Qwest shall not require a Service Eligibility Audit as a prior prerequisite to Provisioning combination and Commingled facilities. CLEC shall maintain appropriate records to support its Service Eligibilty Criteria. However, CLEC has no obligation to keep any records that it does not keep in the ordinary course of its business. If a Service Eligibility Audit demonstrates that a high capacity combination and Commingled facilities do not meet the Service Eligibility Criteria above, the CLEC must convert all non~compliant circuits to private line/special access circuits and CLEC must true-up any difference in payments within thirty (30) days. 9.1.2 Qwest shall provide non-discriminatory access to Unbundled Network Elements on rates, terms and conditions that are non-discriminatory, just and reasonable. The quality of an Unbundled Network Element Qwest provides, as well as the access provided to that element, will be equal between all Carriers requesting access to that element; second, where Technically Feasible, the access and Unbundled Network Element provided by Qwest will be provided in "substantially the same time and manner" to that which Qwest provides to itself or to its Affiliates. In those situations where Qwest does not provide access to Network Elements to itself, Qwest will provide access in a manner that provides CLEC with a meaningful opportunity to compete. For the period of time Qwest provides access to CLEC to an Unbundled Network Element, CLEC shall have exclusive use of the Network Element, except when the provisions herein indicate that a Network Element will be shared. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Qwest shall provide access and UNEs at the service performance levels set forth in Section 20 of the Agreement. Notwithstanding specific language in other sections of the Agreement, all provisions of the Agreement regarding Unbundled Network Elements are subject to this requirement. In addition, Qwest shall comply with all state wholesale service quality requirements. If facilities are not available, Qwest will build facilties dedicated to an End User Customer if Qwest would be legally obligated to build such facilities to meet its Provider of Last Resort (POLR) obligation to provide basic local Èxchange Service or its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) obligation to provide primary basic local Exchange Service. CLEC wil be responsible for any construction charges for which an End User Customer would be responsible. In other situations, Qwest does not agree May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)17 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) that it is obligated to build UNEs, but it will consider requests to build UNEs pursuant to Section 9.19. Upon receipt of an LSR or ASR, Qwest will follow the same process that it would follow. for an equivalent retail service to determine if assignable facilties exist that fit the criteria necessary for the service requested. If available facilities are not readily identified through the normal assignment process, but facilities can be made ready by the requested Due Date, CLEC will not receive an additional FOC, and the order Due Date will not be changed. If cable capacity is available, Qwest wil complete incremental facility work (Le., conditioning, place a drop, add a Network Interface Device, and other routine network modifications as described below) in order to complete facilties to the End User Customer's premises. Qwest shall make all routine network modifications to unbundled Loop and transport facilities used by CLEC where the requested loop or transport facility has already been constructed. Qwest shall perform these routine network modifications to unbundled Loop or transport facilties in a non-discriminatory fashion, without regard to whether the Loop or transport facility being accessed was constructed on behalf, or in accordance with the specifications, of any carrier. A routine network modification is an activity that Qwest regularly undertakes for its own retail End User Customers. Routine network modifications include, but are not limited to, rearranging or splicing of cable; adding an equipment case; adding a doubler or repeater; adding a smart jack; installing a repeater shelf; adding a line card; deploying a new multiplexer or reconfiguring an existing multiplexer; and attaching electronic and other equipment that Qwest ordinarily attaches to a DS1 loop to activate such loop for its own retail End User Customer. They also include activities needed to enable CLEC to light a dark fiber transport facility. Routine network modifications may entail activities such as accessing manholes, deploying bucket trucks to reach aerial cable, and installing equipment casings. Routine network modifications do not include the installation of new aerial or buried cable for CLEC. During the normal assignment process, if no available facilties are identified for the UNE requested, Qwest will look for existing engineering job orders that could fill the request in the future. If an engineering job currently exists, Qwest will add CLEC's request to that engineering job and send CLEC a jeopardy notice. Upon completion of the engineering job, Qwest will send CLEC another FOC with a new Due Date. If facilities are not available and no engineering job exists that could fill the request in the future, Qwest will treat CLECs request as follows: For UNEs that meet the requirements set forth in Section, CLEC will receive a jeopardy notice. Qwest wil initiate an engineering job order for delivery of primary service to the End User Customer. When the engineering job is completed, CLEC will receive May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)18 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) another FOC identifying a new Due Date when the Loop will be ready for installation. Upon receipt of the second FOC, CLEC can request a different Due Date by submitting a supplemental order to change the Due Date toa later date. For UNEs that do not meet the requirements in Section, Qwest will send CLEC a rejection notice canceling the LSR or ASR. Upon receipt of the rejection notice, CLEC may submit a request to build UNEs pursuant to Section 9.19. Qwest wil provide CLEC notification of major Loop facilty builds through the ICONN database. This notification shall include the identification of any funded outside plant engineering jobs that exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in total cost, the estimated Ready for Service Date, the number of pairs or fibers added, and the location of the new facilties (e.g., Distribution Area for copper distribution, route number for copper feeder, and termination CLLI codes for fiber). CLEC acknowledges that Qwest does not warrant or guarantee the estimated Ready for Service Dates. CLEC also acknowledges that funded Qwest outside plant engineering jobs may be modified or cancelled at any time. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.1.3 Intentionally Left Blank. 9.1.4 Qwest will provide a connection between Unbundled Network Elements and a Demarcation Point. Such connection is an Interconnection Tie P-air (ITP). An ITP is required for each Unbundled Network Element or ancillary service delivered to CLEC. The ITP provides the connection between the Unbundled Network Element and the ICDF or other Central 'Offce Demarcation Point. The ITP is ordered in conjunction with a UNE. The charges for the ITP are contained in Exhibit A. The 'lP may be ordered per termination. The Demarcation Point shall be: a) at CLEC-provided Cross Connection equipment located in CLEC's Virtual or Physical Collocation Space; or b) if CLEC elects to use ICDF Collocation, at the Interconnection Distribution Frame (ICDF); or c) if CLEC elects to use an ICDF in association with Virtual or Physical Collocation, at the ICDF; or d) if CLEC elects to use a direct connection from its Collocation space to the distribution frame serving a particular element, at the distribution frame; or e) at another Central Offce Demarcation Point mutually-agreed to by the Parties. 9.1.5 CLEC may connect Network Elements in any Technically Feasible manner. Qwest wil provide CLEC with the same features, functions and capabilties of a particular element or combinations of elements that Qwest provides to itself. Qwest will provide CLEC with all of the features and functionalities of a particular element or combination of elements May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)19 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) (regardless of whether such combination of elements is ordered from Qwest in combination or as elements to be combined by CLEC), so that CLEC can provide any Telecommunications Services that can be offered by means of such element or combination of elements. Qwest will provide Unbundled Network Elements to CLEC in å manner that allows CLEC to combine such elements to provide any Telecommunications Services. Qwest shall not in any way restrict CLEC's use of any element or combination of elements (regardless of whether such combination of elements is ordered from Qwest in combination or as elements to be combined by CLEC) except as Qwest may be expressly permitted or required by Existing Rules. 9.1.6 Except as set forth in Section 9.23, the UNE Combinations Section, Qwest provides UNEs on an individual element basis. Charges, if any, for testing pursuant to this paragraph are contained in Exhibit A. When elements are provisioned by Qwest on an individual element basis (whether or not such elements are combined by CLEC with other elements provided by Qwest or CLEC): a) Qwest wil perform testing necessary or reasonably requested by CLEC, to determine that such UNE is capable of meeting the technical parameters established for each UNE. b) Qwest will repair and maintain such element to ensure that UNE continues to meet the technical parameters established for each UNE. CLEC is responsible for the end-to-end transmission and circuit functionality testing for UNE Combinations created by CLEC. c) Qwest will cooperate with CLEC in any Technically Feasible testing necessary or reasonably requested by CLEC to assist in determining end-to-end transmission and circuit functionality of such UNE. When elements are provisioned by Qwest in combination: a) Qwest will perform testing necessary or reasonably requested by CLEC to determine that such combination and each UNE included in such combination is capable of meeting the technical parameters of the combination. b) Qwest will repair and maintain such combination and each UNE included in such combination to ensure that such UNE continues to meet the technical parameters of the combination. c) Qwest will cooperate with CLEC in 'any Technically Feasible testing necessary or reasonably requested by CLEC to determine end-to-end transmission and circuit functionaliy of such combination. 9.1.7 Installation intervals for Unbundled Network Elements are located in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide (SIG) located on Qwests website. 9.1.8 Maintenance and repair is described herein. The repair center contact telephone numbers are provided in the PCAT, which is located on the Qwest web site. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)20 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) 9.1.9 In order to maintain and modernize the network properly, Qwest may make necessary modifications and changes to the UNEs in its network on an as needed basis. Such changes may result in minor changes to transmission parameters. Network maintenance and modernization activities will result in UNE transmission parameters that are within transmission limits of the UNE ordered by CLEC. Qwest shall provide advance notice of changes that affect network Interoperability pursuant to applicable FCC rules. Changes that affect network Interoperabilty include changes to local dialing from seven (7) to ten (10) digit, area code splits, and new area code implementation. FCC rules are contained in C.F.R. Parts 51 and 52. Qwest provides such disclosures on an Internet web site. 9.1.10 Channel Regeneration. Qwests design will ensure the cable between the Qwest-provided active elements and the DSX will meet the proper signal level requirements. Channel regeneration will not be charged for separately for Interconnection between a Collocation space and Qwests network. Cable distance limitations are based on ANSI Standard T1.1 02-1993 "Digital Hierarchy - Electrical Interface; Annex B." 9.1.11 Recurring and nonrecurring charges apply for Unbundled Network Elements, as provided under "Rate Elements" subsections of this Section 9. 9.1.12 Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellaneous services listed below in this Section, if such miscellaneous services are available with Unbundled Network Elements as provided under "Rate Elements" subsections of this Section 9. Miscellaneous services are provided at CLEC's request or are provided based on CLEC's actions that result in miscellaneous services being. provided by Qwest. Miscellaneous Charges are in addition to recurring and nonrecurring charges that apply under this -Amendment. When more than one miscellaneous service is requested for the same Unbundled Network Element(s), Miscellaneous Charges for each miscellaneous service apply. Basic rates apply for miscellaneous services provided during Qwests regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays; overtime Miscellaneous Charges apply for such services provided between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m., local time, Monday through Friday, or any time Saturday, excluding holidays; and premium Miscellaneous Charges apply for such services provided any. time on Sundays or holidays. a) Additional engineering - engineering work including: 1) additional technical information after Qwest has already provided the technical information normally on the design layout record; 2) customized service; or 3) review of Qwest outside plant records. Basic or overtime rates apply. b) Additional labor - installation - installation work scheduled to be performed outside of Qwests regular business hours. Overtime or premium rates apply. c) Additional labor - other - work not included in "additional labor - installation" above that involves labor only, including testing and maintenance that are not part of initially requested installation or maintenance, or, for example, for Optional Testing when CLEC reports trouble and provides no test results and authorizes Qwest to perform tests on CLEC's behalf. Basic, overtime, or premium rates apply. d) Additional cooperative acceptance testing - performing specific tests requested by CLEC. Qwests participation in such testing is subject to the availability of necessary qualified Qwest personnel and test equipment at test locations, which normally include the Qwest Central Office and may include CLEC's specified location. Tests include, but May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)21 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) are not limited to, loop back, attenuation, intermodulation, phase jitter, noise, delay, echo, and frequency shift tests. Basic, overtime, or premium rates apply. e) Non-scheduled testing - performing specific tests requested by CLEC as described above under "cooperative testing" or "manual testing" on a non-scheduled basis. Tests include, but are not limited to, loss, noise, slope, delay, and echo. Such tests are performed as the result of a repair request and are in addition to tests required to isolate and repair trouble. Basic, overtime, or premium rates apply. f) Cancellation - cancellation of a pending order for the installation of services at any time prior to notification by Qwest that service is available for use. The cancellation date is the date Qwest receives notice from CLEC that the order is cancelled. If CLEC or CLEC's End User Customer is unable to accept service within thirty (30) Days after the original Due Date, the order wil be cancelled by Qwest. Prices for this miscellaneous service are market-based, using Qwests Tariffed, cataloged, price listed, or other similarly documented prices, and are subject to change. Additional information concerning the application of prices for cancellations can be found in Qwests Tariff FCC NO.1, Section 5. g) Design change - information provided by CLEC or a request from CLEC that results in an engineering review and/or a design change to service on a pending service order, per order, per occurrence. Design changes include, but are not limited to: 1) changes to the address on a pending service order when the new address is in the same Qwest Wire Center as the original address; or 2) conversions from an Unbundled Network Element to a private line/Special Access circuit. In addition to a design change Miscellaneous Charge, an address change may result in the application of an expedite Miscellaneous Charge in order to retain the original Due Date. Prices for this miscellaneous service are market-based, using Qwests Tariffed, cataloged, price listed, or other similarly documented prices, and are subject to change. h) Dispatch - 1) information provided by CLEC, or a request from CLEC, in relation to installation of services, resulting in dispatch of a Qwest techniciån(s) when dispatch is not required for Qwest to complete its installation work; 2) information provided by CLEC resulting in dispatch, or a request from CLEC for dispatch, of a Qwest technician(s) in relation to a repair request where no trouble is found in Qwests facilities; and 3) a Qwest technician(s) is dispatched and CLEC or CLEC's End User Customer is not available or ready. Prices for this miscellaneous service are market-based, using Qwests Tariffed, cataloged, price listed, or other similarly documented prices, and are subject to change. i) Expedite - a Due Date that reflects a shorter service interval than is available in Qwests Service Interval Guide; or that is a request for an earlier Due Date than has been established on a pending order: or that is required to meet a Due Date on a pending order due to design or other changes submitted by CLEC. Qwest will accommodate CLEC's request for an expedited installation if it can do so without delaying Due Dates or orders of other CLECs or End User Customers. Charges for expedited installations are in addition to nonrecurring charges for the service ordered. Prices for this miscellaneous service are market-based, using Qwests Tariffed, cataloged, price listed, or other similarly documented prices, and are subject to change. j) Maintenance of ServicelTrouble Isolation - work performed by Qwest when CLEC reports trouble to Qwest and no trouble is found in Qwests facilities. CLEC is May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEslID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)22 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) responsible for payment of charges when the trouble is in equipment or systems provided by a party(ies) other than Qwest. Additionally, when CLEC reports trouble within a quantity of services and circuits, but fails to identify the specific service and circuit experiencing trouble, charges apply for the time spent by Qwest to isolate the trouble. A call-out of Qwest technician at a time not consecutive with that technician's scheduled work period is subject to a minimum charge of four (4) hours. Failure of Qwest personnel to find trouble in Qwest facilities will result in no charge if the trouble is subsequently found in those facilities. Charges apply per Qwest technician, from the time of dispatch unti the work is complete. Trouble Isolation Charges (TIC) apply for trouble isolation work on POTS and Maintenance of Service charges apply for trouble isolation work on other services. Dispatch Miscellaneous Charges may apply in addition to Maintenance of Service charges or TIC. Basic, overtime, or premium rates apply. Prices for this miscellaneous service are market-based, using Qwests Tariffed, cataloged, price listed, or other similarly documented prices, and are subject to change. 9.1.13 Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank.9.1.14 9.1.15 Expedite requests for designed Unbundled Network Elements are allowed. Expedites are requests for intervals that are shorter than the interval defined in Qwests Service Interval Guide (SIG) or Individual Case Basis (ICB) Due Dates. CLEC will request an expedite for designed Unbundled Network Elements, including an expedited Due Date, on the Local Service Request (LSR) or the - Access Service Request (ASR), as appropriate. The request for an expedite will be allowed only when the request meets the criteria outlined in the Pre-Approved Expedite Process in Qwests Product Catalog for expedites at Qwests wholesale web site. 9.1.16 Intentionally Left Blank. 9.2 Unbundled Loops 9.2.1 Description The Unbundled Loop is defined as a transmission facility between a distribution frame (or its equivalent) in a Qwest Central Offce and the Loop Demarcation Point at an End User Customer's premises. The Unbundled Loop includes all features, functions, and capabilities of such transmission facility. Those features, functions, and capabilties include, but are not limited to, attached electronics that are necessary for the full functionality of the loop (except those electronics used for the provision of Advanced Services, such as Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers), and line conditioning. The Unbundled Loop includes DSO, DS1, and DS3 Loops. Loop Demarcation Point - For purposes of this Section, Loop Demarcation Point is the point where Qwest owned or controlled facilities cease, and CLEC, End User Customer, owner or landlord ownership of facilities begins. FTTH and FTTC Loops. For purposes of this Section, a Fiber-to-the- Home (FTTH) loop is a local Loop consisting entirely of fiber optic cable, whether dark or May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)23 Attachment3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) lit, and serving an End User Customets premises, or, in the case of predominantly residential multiple dwelling units (MDUs), a fiber optic cable, whether dark or lit, that extends to the MDU's minimum point of entry (MPOE). For purposes of this Section, a Fiber-to-the-Curb (FTTC) loop is a local loop. consisting of fiber optic cable connecting to a copper distribution plant loop that is not more than 500 feet from the End User Customer's premises or, in the case of predominantly residential MDU, not more than 500 feet from the MDU's MPOE. The fiber optic cable in a FTTC must connect to a copper distribution plant loop at a serving area interface from which every other copper distribution subloop also is not more than 500 feet from the respective End User Customer's premises. FTTH/FTTC New Builds. Qwest shall have no obligation to provide access to an FTTH/FTTC loop as an Unbundled Network Element in any situation where Qwest deploys such a loop to an End User Customer's premises that had not previously been served by any loop facilty prior to October 2,2003. FTIH/FTTC Overbuilds. Qwest shall have no obligation to provide access to an FTTH/FTTC loop as an Unbundled Network Element in any situation where Qwest deploys such a loop parallel to, or in replacement of, an existing copper loop facility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where Qwest deploys a FTTH/FTIC loop parallel to, or in replacement of, an existing copper loop facility: Qwest shall: (i) leave the existing copper loop connected to the -End User Customer's premises after deploying the FTTH/FTTC loop to such premises, and (ii) upon request provide access to such copper loop as an Unbundled Network Element. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Qwest shall not be required to incur any expense to ensure that any such existing copper loop remains capable of transmitting signals prior to receiving a request from CLEC for access, as set forth above, in which case Qwest shall restore such copper loop to serviceable condition on an Individual Case Basis. Any such restoration shall not be subject to Performance Indicator Definition or other performance service measurement or intervals. Qwests obligations under this subsection shall terminate when Qwest retires such copper Loop in accordance with the provisions of Section below. In the event Qwest, in accordance with the provisions of Section below, retires the existing copper loop connected to the End User Customer's premises, Qwest shall provide access, as an Unbundled Network Element, over the FTTH/FTTC loop to a 64 kbps transmission path capable of voice grade service. Retirement of Copper Loops or Copper Subloops and Replacement with FTTH/FTTC Loops. In the event Qwest decides to replace any copper loop or copper Subloop with a FTTH/FTTC Loop, Qwest wil: (i).provide notice of such planned replacement on its web site (www.qwest.com/disclosures); (ii) provide e-mail notice of such planned retirement to CLECs; and (iii) provide public notice of such planned replacement to the FCC. Such notices shall be in addition to any applicable state Commission notification that may be required. Ariy such notice provided to the FCC shall be May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)24 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) deemed approved on the ninetieth (90th) Day after the FCC's release of its public notice of the filing, unless an objection is filed pursuant to the FCC's rules. In accordance with the FCC's rules: (i) CLEC objection to a Qwest notice that it plans to replace any copper Loop or copper subloop with a FTTH/FTTC Loop shall be filed with the FCC and served upon Qwest no later than the ninth (9th) business day following the release of the FCC's public notice of the filing and (ii) any such objection shall be deemed denied ninety (90) Days after the date on which the FCC releases public notice of the filing, unless the FCC rules otherwise within that period. Hybrid Loops. A "Hybrid Loop" is an Unbundled Loop composed of both fiber optic cable, usually in the feeder plant, and copper wire or cable, usually in the distribution plant. Broadband Services. When CLEC seeks access to a Hybrid Loop for the provision of broadband services, including DS1 or DS3 capacity, but not DSL, Qwest shall provide CLEC with non-discriminatory access on an unbundled basis to time division multiplexing features, functions, and capabilities of that Hybrid Loop, only where impairment has been found to exist to establish a complete transmission path between Qwests Central Offce and an End User Customer's premises. This access shall include access to all features, functions, and capabilities of the Hybrid Loop that are not used to transmit packetized information. Narrowband Services. When CLEC seeks access to a Hybrid Loop for the provision of narrowband services, Qwest may either: a) Provide non-discriminatory access, on an unbundled basis, to an entire Hybrid Loop capable of voice-grade service (Le., equivalent to DSO capacity), using time division multiplexing technology; or b) Provide non-discriminatory access to a spare home-run copper loop serving that End User Customer on an unbundled basis. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.2.2 Terms and Conditions Qwest shall provide CLEC, on a non-discriminatory basis, Unbundled Loops (unbundled from local switching and transport) of substantially the same quality as the Loop that Qwest uses to provide service to its own End User Customers. For Unbundled Loops that have a retail analogue, Qwest will provide these Unbundled Loops in substantially the same time and manner as Qwest provides to its own End User Customers. Unbundled Loops shall be provisioned in accordance with Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide (SIG) located on Qwests website, and the performance metrics set forth in Section 20 of the Agreement and with a minimum of service disruption. Use of the word "capable" to describe Loops in Section 9.2 means that Qwest assures that the Loop meets the technical standards associated with the specified Network Channel/Network Channel Interface May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)25 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) codes, as contained in the relevant technical publications and industry standards. Use of the word "compatible" to describe Loops in Section 9.2 means the Unbundled Loop complies with technical parameters of the specified Network Channel/Network Channel Interface codes as specified in the relevant technical publications and industry standards. Qwest makes no assumptions as to the capabilities of CLEC's Central Office equipment or the Customer Premises Equipment. Analog (Voice Grade) Unbundled Loops. Analog (voice grade) Unbundled Loops are available as a two-wire or four-wire voice grade, point-to-point configuration suitable for local exchange type services. For the two-wire configuration, CLEC must specify the signaling option. The actual Loop facilities may utilize various technologies or combinations of technologies. If Qwest uses Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC) systems to provide the Unbundled Loop, Qwest wil first attempt, to the extent possible, to make alternate arrangements such as Line and Station Transfers (LST), to permit CLEC to obtain a contiguous copper Unbundled Loop. If a LST is not available, Qwest may also seek alternatives such as Integrated Network Access (INA), hair pinning, or placement of a Central Office terminal, to permit CLEC to obtain an Unbundled Loop. If no such facilities are available, Qwest will make every feasible effort to provision Unbundled Loops over the IDLC in order to provide the Unbundled Loop for CLEC. In areas where Qwest has deployed amounts of IDLC that are suffcient to cause reasonable concern about CLEC's ability to provide service through available copper facilities on a broad scale, CLEC shall have the ability to gain access to Qwest information sufficient to provide CLEC with a reasonably complete identification of such available copper facilities. Qwest shall be entitled to mediate access in a manner reasonably related to the need to protect Confidential or Proprietary Information. CLEC shall be responsible for Qwests incremental costs to provide such information or access mediation. If there are state service quality rules in effect at the time CLEC requests an Analog Unbundled Loop, Qwest will provide an Analog Unbundled Loop that meets the state technical standards. If necessary to meet the state standards, Qwest will, at no cost to CLEC, remove load coils and Bridged Taps from the Loop in accordance with the requirements of the specific technical standard. Digital Capable Loops - DS1 and DS3 Capable Loops, Basic Rate (BRI) ISDN Capable Loops, 2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loops and xDSL-1 Capable Loops. Unbundled digital Loops are transmission paths capable of carrying specifically formatted and line coded digital signals. Unbundled digital Loops may be provided using a variety of transmission technologies including, but not limited to, metallc wire, metallic wire based digital Loop carrier, and fiber optic fed digital carrier systems. Qwest wil provision digital Loops in a non-discriminatory manner, using the same facilties assignment processes that Qwest uses for itself to provide the requisite service. Digital Loops may use a single or multiple transmission technologies. DC continuity does not May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)26 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) apply to digital capable Loops. If conditioning is required, then CLEC shall be charged for such conditioning as set forth in Exhibit A if it authorized Qwest to perform such conditioning. Intentionally Left Blank. DS1 Unbundled Loops. Subject to the cap described in Section, Qwest shall provide CLEC with non-discriminatory access to a DS 1 Loop on an unbundled basis to any building not served bya Wire Center with at least 60,000 Business Lines and at least four (4) Fiber-based Collocators. Once a Wire Center exceeds both of these thresholds, no future DS1 Loop unbundling will be required in that Wire Center. Cap on Unbundled DS1 Loop Circuits. CLEC may obtain a maximum of ten (10) unbundled DS1 Loops to any single building in which DS1 Loops are available as Unbundled Loops. DS3 Unbundled Loops. Subject to the cap described in Section, Qwest shall provide CLEC with non- discriminatory access to a DS3 Loop on an unbundled basis to any building not served by a Wire Center with at least 38,000 Business Lines and at least four (4) Fiber-based Collocators. If a Wire Center exceeds both of these thresholds, no future DS3 Loop unbundling is required in that Wire Center. Cap on Unbundled DS3 Loop Circuits. CLEC may obtain a maximum of a single unbundled DS3 Loop to any single building in which DS3 Loops are available as unbundled Loops. If CLEC orders a 2/4 wire non-loaded Unbundled Loop for an End User Customer served by a digital loop carrier system, Qwest will conduct an assignment process which considers the potential for an LST or alternative copper facility. If no copper facility capable of supporting the requested service is available, then Qwest will reject the order. Non-Loaded Loops. CLEC may request that Qwest provide a non-loaded Unbundled Loop. In the event that no such facilities are available, CLEC may request that Qwest condition existing spare facilities. CLEC may indicate on the LSR that it pre- approves conditioning if conditioning is necessary. If CLEC has not pre-approved conditioning, Qwest will obtain CLEC's consent prior to undertaking any conditioning efforts. Upon CLEC pre-approval or approval of conditioning, and only if conditioning is necessary, Qwest will dispatch a technician to condition the Loop by removing load coils and excess Bridged Taps to provide CLEC with a non-loaded Loop. CLEC will be charged the nonrecurring conditioning charge (Le., cable unloading and Bridged Taps removal), if applicable, in addition to the Unbundled Loop installation nonrecurring charge. Where Qwest fails to meet a Due Date for performing Loop conditioning, CLEC shall be entitled to a credit equal to the amount of any conditioning charges applied, where it does not secure the Unbundled Loop May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)27 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) involved within three (3) months of such Due Date. Where Qwest does not perform conditioning in accord with the standards applicable under the Agreement, CLEC shall be entitled to a credit of one-half (1/2) of the conditioning charges made, unless CLEC can demonstrate that the Loop as conditioned is incapable of substantially performing the functions normally within the parameters applicable to such Loop as the Agreement requires Qwest to deliver it to CLEC. In the case of such fundamental failure, CLEC shall be entitled to a credit of all conditioning charges, except where CLEC asks Qwest to cure any defect and Qwest does so. In the case of such cure, CLEC shall be entitled to the one-half (1/2) credit identified above. When CLEC requests a Basic Rate ISDN capable or an xDSL-1 capable Loop, Qwest will dispatch a technician, if necessary, to provide Extension Technology that takes into account for example: the additional regenerator placement, Central Office powering, Mid-Span repeaters, if required, and BRITE cards in order to provision the Basic Rate ISDN capable and xDSL-1 capable Loop. Extension Technology may be required in orderto bring the circuit to the specifications necessary to accommodate the requested service. If the circuit design requires Extension Technology, to bring it up to the design standards, it will be added by Qwest, at no charge. Extension Technology can also be requested by CLEC to meet its specific needs. If Extension Technology is requested by CLEC, but is not required to meet the technical standards, then Qwest will provide the requested Extension Technology and will charge CLEC. Qwest will provision ISDN (BRI) capable and xDSL-1 capable Loops using the specifications in the Technical Publication 77384. Refer to that document for more information. CLEC wil be charged an Extension Technology recurring charge in addition to the Unbundled Loop recurring charge, if applicable, as specified in Exhibit A. The ISDN Capable Loop may also require conditioning (e.g., removal of load coils or Bridged Taps). For DS1 or DS3 capable Loops, Qwest will provide the necessary electronics at both ends, including any intermediate repeaters. In addition, CLEC will have access to these terminations for testing purposes. DS1 capable Loops provide a transmission path between a Central Offce network interface at a DS1 panel or equivalent in a Qwest serving Central Office and the network interface at the End User Customer location. DS1 capable Loops transport bi-directional DS1 signals with a nominal transmission rate of 1.544 Mbit/s. DS1 capable Loops shall meet the design requirements specified in Technical Publication 77384 (Unbundled Loops) and 77375 (DS1). DS3 capable Loops provide a transmission path between a Qwest Central Office network interface and an equivalent network interface at an End User Customer location. DS3 capable Loops transport bi-directional DS3 signals with a nominal transmission rate of 44.736 Mbit/s. DS3 capable Loops shall meet the design requirements specified in Technical Publications 77384 (Unbundled Loop) and 77324 (DS3). Qwest is not obligated to provision BRI-ISDN, xDSL-I-capable, DS1 or DS3-capable Loops to End User Customers in areas served exclusively by Loop facilities or transmission equipment that are not compatible with the requested service. Loop Qualification Tools. Qwest offers five (5) Loop qualification tools: May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)28 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) the Loop Qualification Tool, Raw Loop Data Tool, POTS Conversion to Unbundled Loop Tool, MegaBit Qualification Tool, and ISDN Qualification TooL. These and any future Loop qualification tools Qwest develops will provide CLEC access to Loop qualification information in a nondiscriminatory manner and will provide CLEC the same Loop qualification information available to Qwest. CLEC may request an audit of Qwests company records, back office systems and databases pertaining to Loop information pursuant to Section 18 of the Agreement. Loop Qualification TooL. CLEC may use the Loop Qualification tool to pre-qualify the requested circuit utilizing the existing telephone number or address to determine whether it meets DSL specifications. The qualification process screens the circuit for compliance with the design requirements specified in Technical Publication 77399. Raw Loop Data Tools. Qwest offers two (2) types of Raw Loop Data TooL. If CLEC has a digital certificate, CLEC may access the Wire Center Raw Loop Data Tool via www.ecom.qwest.com. The Wire Center Raw Loop Data Tool provides CLEC the following information: Wire Center CLLI code, cable name, pair name, terminal address, ML T distance, segment (F1, F2), sub- segment (e.g., 1 of F1), segment length, segment gauge, Bridged Taps length by segment, Bridged Taps offset distance, load coil type, and pair gain type. CLEC may also access the IMA Raw Loop Data Tool for Loop specific information. The IMA Raw Loop Data Tool may be accessed through IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI. This tool provides CLEC the following information: Wire Center CLLI code, cable name, pair name, terminal address, ML T distance, segment (F1, F2), sub- segment (e.g., 1 of F1), segment length, segment gauge, Bridged Taps length by segment, Bridged Taps offset distance, load coil type, number of loads, and pair gain type. POTS Conversion to Unbundled Loop TooL. The POTS Conversion to Unbundled Loop Tool is available to CLEC through IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI. This tool informs CLEC whether the facility is copper or pair gain and whether there are load coils on the Loop. DSL Qualification TooL. The DSL Qualification Tool is available to CLEC through IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI. This tool provides a "yes/no" answer regarding the Loop's ability to support Qwest DSL service. If the DSL Qualification Tool returns a "no" answer, it provides a brief explanation. ISDN Qualification TooL. The ISDN Qualification Tool is available to CLEC through IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI. This tool permits CLEC to view information on multiple lines and will inform CLEC of the number of lines found. If an ISDN capable Loop is found, the tool identifies the facility and, if applicable, pair gain. If the Loop make-up information for a particular facility is not contained in the Loop qualification tools, if the Loop qualification tools return unclear or incomplete information, or ifCLEC identifies any inaccuracy in the information returned from the Loop qualification tools, and provides Qwest with the basis for CLEC's belief that the information is inaccurate, then CLEC may request, and Qwest will perform a manual search of the company's records, back May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template). 29 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) office systems and databases where Loop information resides. Qwest will provide CLEC, via email, the Loop information identified during the manual search within forty-eight (48) hours of Qwests receipt of CLEC's request for manual search. The email will contain the following Loop makeup information: composition of the Loop material; location and type of pair gain devices, the existence of any terminals, such as Remote Terminals or digital loop terminals, Bridged Tap, and load coils; Loop length, and wire gauge. In the case of Loops served by digital loop carrier, the email will provide the availabilty of spare feeder and distribution facilities that could be used to provision service to the End User Customer, including any spare facilities not connected to the Switch and Loop makeup for such spare facilities. After completion of the investigation, Qwest wil load the information into the Loop Facilties Assignment and Control System (LFACS) database, which wil populate this Loop information into the fields in the Loop qualification tools. Provisioning Options. The following provisioning options are available for Unbundled Loop elements. Charges for these Provisioning options vary depending on the type of Loop requested. Rates are contained in Exhibit A. Testing parameters are described below and in Qwest Technical Publication 77384, Qwest Interconnection Service - Unbundled Loop. Basic Installation. Basic Installation may be ordered for new or existing Unbundled Loops. Upon completion, Qwest will call CLEC to notify CLEC that the Qwest work has been completed. For an existing End User Customer, the Basic Installation option is a "lift and lay" procedure. The Central Offce Technician (COT) "lifts" the Loop from its current termination and "lays" it on a new termination connecting to CLEC. There is no associated circuit testing performed. For new End User Customer service, the Basic Installation option involves the COT and Field Technician (CST/NT) completing circuit wiring and performing the required performance tests to ensure the new circuit meets the required parameter limits. The test results are NOT provided to CLEC. For basic installation of existing 2/4 wire analog Loops, Qwest provides a Quick Loop with or without Locàl Number Portability (LNP) option, that enables CLEC to receive the Quick Loop installation interval as set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. Quick Loop installation without LNP includes only a'simple lift and lay procedure. Quick Loop with LNP installation provides a lift and lay, and the LNP functions. Quick Loop is not available with cooperative testing, coordinated installation, or when unbundling from an IDLC to a copperalternative. Basic Installation with Performance Testing. Basic Installation with Performance Testing may be ordered for new or existing Unbundled Loops. For an existing End User Customer, Basic May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)30 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Installation with Performance Testing is a "lift and lay" procedure. The Central Office Technician (COT) "lifts" the Loop from its current termination and "lays" it on a new termination connecting CLEC. The COT and ImplementorlTester perform the required performance tests to ensure that the new circuit meets required parameter limits. The Qwest ImplementorlTester will read the test results to CLEC on close-out and email the performance test results within two (2) business days to a single, designated CLEC office email address. For new End User Customer service, the Basic Installation with Performance Testing option requires a dispatch to the End User Customer premises. The COT and Field Technician complete circuit wiring and perform the required performance tests to ensure the new circuit meets the required parameter limits. These test results are read to CLEC by the Qwest ImplementorlTester on close-out. Within two (2) business days, Qwest will email the performance test results to a single, designated CLEC office email address. Coordinated Installation With Cooperative Testing. Coordinated Installation With Cooperative Testing may be ordered for new or existing service. For both new and existing service, CLEC must designate a specific "ApPC?intment Time" when it submits the LSR. On the Due Date (DO), at CLEC's designated Appointment Time, the Qwest Implementor/Tester contacts CLEC to ensure CLEC is ready for installation. If CLEC is not ready within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled Appointment Time, then CLEC must reschedule the installation by submitting a supplemental LSR for a new Due Date and Appointment Time. If Qwest is not ready within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled Appointment Time, Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for the installation option, and the Parties will attempt to set a new appointment for the same day. If Qwest fails to perform cooperative testing due to Qwests fault, Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for the installation option. If CLEC still desires cooperative testing, the Parties will attempt to set a new Appointment Time on the same day and, if unable to do so, Qwest will issue a jeopardy notice and a FOC with a new Due Date. For an existing End User Customer, Coordinated Installation With Cooperative Testing .is a "lift and lay" procedure with cooperative testing. The COT completes the installation in the Central Offce and performs testing that CLEC requests. Upon completion of Qwest performance testing, the Qwest Implementor/Tester will contact CLEC, read the Qwest test results, and begin CLEC cooperative testing. Within two (2) business days, Qwest will email the Qwest test results to a single, designated CLEC office email address. CLEC will be charged for any Provisioning test CLEC requests that is not defined in the Qwest Technical Publication 77384. For new End User Customer service, Coordinated Installation With Cooperative Testing may require a dispatch of a technician to the End User Customer premises. The COT and Field May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)31 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Technician complete circuit wiring and perform the required performance tests to ensure that the new circuit meets required parameter limits. Upon completion of Qwest performance testing, the Qwest ImplementorlTester will contact CLEC, read the Qwest test results, and begin CLEC cooperative testing. Within two (2) business days, Qwest will email the Qwest test results to a single, designated CLEC office email address. CLEC will be charged for any Provisioning test not defined in the Qwest Technical Publication 77384. Coordinated Installation Without Cooperative Testing. Coordinated Installation Without Cooperative Testing may be ordered for new or existing service. For both new and existing service, CLEC must designate a specific "Appointment Time" when it submits the LSR. On the Due Date (DO), at CLEC's designated Appointment Time, the Qwest ImplementorlTester contacts CLEC to ensure CLEC is ready for installation. If CLEC is not ready within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled Appointment Time, then CLEC must reschedule the installation by submittng a supplemental LSR. If Qwest is not ready within thirty (30) minutes of the scheduled Appointment Time, Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for the installation option and the Parties will attempt to set a new Appointment Time on the same day and, if unable to do so, Qwest will issue a jeopardy notice and a FOC with a new Due Date. For an existing Unbundled Loop this Coordinated Installation Without Cooperative Testing is a "lift and lay" procedure without a dispatcA that offers CLEC the ability to coordinate the conversion activity. The Qwest Implementor advises CLEC when the "lit and lay" procedure is complete. For new Unbundled Loops, Qwest may dispatch a technician to terminate the new circuit at the End User Customer premises. The Field Technician will not remain on the premises to perform the coordinated installation once the circuit is in place. The COT completes the installation in the Central Office, and the COT and ImplementorlTester complete the required performance tests to ensure that the new circuit meets required parameter limits. CLEC wil not receive test results. When installation is complete, Qwest wil . notify CLEC. Basic Installation With Cooperative Testing. Basic Installation With Cooperative Testing may be ordered for new or existing Unbundled Loops. For an existing End User Customer, Basic Installation With Cooperative Testing is a "lift and lay" procedure with cooperative testing on the Due Date. The COT "lifts" the Loop from its current termination and "lays" it on a new termination connecting to CLEC. Upon completion of Qwest performance testing, the Qwest ImplementorlTester will contact CLEC, read the Qwest test results, and begin CLEC cooperative testing. Within two (2) business days, Qwest wil email the Qwest test results to a single, designated CLEC office email address. CLEC and Qwest will perform a loop back acceptance test, accept the Loop and exchange demarcation information. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)32 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) For new End User Customer service, Basic Installation With Cooperative Testing may require a dispatch to the End User Customer premises. The COT and Field Technician complete circuit wiring and perform the required performance tests to ensure the new circuit meets the required parameter limits. If Qwest fails to perform cooperative testing due to Qwests fault, Qwest will waive the nonrecurring charge for the installation option. If CLEC stil desires cooperative testing, the Parties will attempt to set a new Appointment Time on the same day and, if unable to do so, Qwest wil issue a jeopardy notice and a FOC with a new Due Date. Performance Testing. performance tests for various Loop types: Qwest performs the following a) 2-Wire and 4-Wire Analog Loops No Opens, Grounds, Shorts, or Foreign Volts Insertion Loss = 0 to -8.5 dB at 1004 Hz Automatic Number Identification (ANI) when dial-tone is present b) 2-Wire and 4-Wire Non-Loaded Loops No Load Coils, Opens, Grounds, Shorts, or Foreign Volts Insertion Loss = 0 to -8.5 dB at 1004 Hz Automatic Number Identification (ANI) when dial-tone is present c) Basic Rate ISDN and xDSL-I-Capable Loops No Load Coils, Opens, Grounds, Shorts, or Foreign Volts Insertion Loss = ~ 40 dB at 40 kHz Automatic Number Identification (AN I) when' dial-tone is present d) DS 1-Capable Loops No Load Coils, Opens, Grounds, Shorts, or Foreign Volts e) DS3-Capable Loops Continuity Testing Project Coordinated Installation: A Project Coordinated Installation permits CLEC to obtain a coordinated installation for Unbundled Loops with or without LNP, where CLEC orders Unbundled DS1-capable, Unbundled DS3-capable or twenty-five (25) or more DSO Unbundled Loops. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)33 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) The date and time for the Project Coordinated Installation requires up-front planning and may need to be negotiated between Qwest and CLEC. All requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis and are subject to Qwests ability to meet a reasonable demand. Considerations such as system down time, Switch upgrades, Switch maintenance, and the possibilty of other CLECs requesting the same Frame Due Time (FDT) in the same Switch (Switch contention) must be reviewed. In the event that any of these situations would occur, Qwest will negotiate with CLEC for an agreed upon FDT, prior to issuing the Firm Order Confirmation (FOG). In special cases where CLEC is ordering Unbundled Loop with LNP, the FDT must be agreed upon, the interval to reach agreement will not exceed two (2) days from receipt of an accurate LSR. In addition, standard intervals will apply. CLEC shall request a Project Coordinated Installation by submitting a Local Service Request (LSR) and designating this order as a Project Coordinated Installation in the remarks section of the LSR form. CLEC will incur additional charges for the Project Coordinated Installation dependent upon the coordinated time. The rates are based upon whether the request is within Qwests standard installation hours or out of hours. Qwest standard installation hours for Unbundled Loops are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Where LNP is included, see Section for rate elements. Qwest will schedule the appropriate number of employees prior to the cut, normally not to exceed four (4) employees, based upon information provided by CLEC. If the Project Coordinated Installation includes LNP, CLEC will also have appropriate personnel scheduled for the negotiated FDT. If CLEC's information is modified during the installation, and, as a result, non-scheduled employees are required, CLEC shall be charged a three (3) hour minimum callout charge per each additional non-scheduled employee. If the installation is either cancelled, or supplemented to change the Due Date, within twenty-four (24) hours ofthe negotiated FDT, CLEC will be charged a one (1) Personthree (3) hour minimum charge. For Project Coordinated Installations with LNP, if the Coordinated Installation is cancelled due to a Qwest error or a new Due Date is requested by Qwest, within twenty-four (24) hours of the negotiated FDT, Qwest may be charged by CLEC one (1) Person three (3) hour minimum charge. If CLEC orders Project Coordinated Installation with LNP and in the event the LNP conversion is not successful, CLEC and Qwest agree to isolate and fix the problem in a timeframe acceptable to CLEC or the End User Customer. If the problem cannot be corrected within an acceptable timeframe to CLEC or the End User Customer, CLEC may request the restoral of Qwest service for the ported End User Customer. Such restoration shall begin immediately upon request. If CLEC is in error then a supplemental order shall be provided to Qwest. If May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)34 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Qwest is in error, no supplemental order or additional order will be required of CLEC. If CLEC orders Project Coordinated Installation with LNP, Qwest shall ensure that any LNP order activity requested in conjunction with a Project Coordinated Installation shall be implemented in a manner that avoids interrupting service to the End User Customer. CLEC may request Qwest to Commingle DS1 or DSO analog voice grade unbundled Loops with DS3 or DS1 multiplexed facilities ordered by CLEC from Qwests special access or private line Tariffs. Terms and conditions for this Commingled arrangement are provided in Section 9.25. In order to properly maintain and modernize the network, Qwest may make necessary modifications and changes to Unbundled Loops, ancillary and Finished Services in its network on an as needed basis. Such changes may result in minor changes to transmission parameters. Changes that affect network Interoperabilty require advance notice pursuant to the Notices Section of the Agreement. If there is a conflict between an End User Customer (or its respective agent) and CLEC regarding the disconnection or Provisioning of Unbundled Loops, Qwest wil advise the End User Customer to contact CLEC, and Qwest will initiate . contact with CLEC. Facilities and lines Qwest furnishes on the premises of CLEC's End User Customer up to and including the Loop Demarcation Point are the property of Qwest. Qwest shall have reasonable access to all such facilities for network management purposes. Qwest wil coordinate entry dates and times with appropriate CLEC personnel to accommodate testing, inspection repair and maintenance of such facilities and lines. CLEC will not inhibit Qwests employees and agents from entering said premises to test, inspect, repair and maintain such facilities and lines in connection with such purposes or, upon termination or cancellation of the Unbundled Loop service, to remove such facilities and lines. Such entry is restricted to testing, inspection, repair and maintenance of Qwests property in that facility. Entry for any other purpose is subject to audit provisions in the Audit Section of the Agreement. Intentionally Left Blank. Reuse of Loop Facilities When an End User Customer contacts Qwest with a request to convert their local service from CLEC to Qwest, Qwest wil notify CLEC of the loss of the End User Customer, and will disconnect the Loop Qwest provided to CLEC. Qwest will disconnect the Loop only where Qwest has obtained proper Proof of Authorization. When CLEC contacts Qwest with a request to convert an End User Customer from their Current Service Provider to CLEC, CLEC is rèsponsible for notifying the Current Service Provider of the conversion. Qwest will disconnect the Loop Qwest provided the Current Service Provider and, at CLEC's request, where technically compatible, will reuse the Loop for the service May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)35 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) requested by CLEC (e.g., resale service). When CLEC contacts Qwest with a request to convert an End User Customer from Qwest to CLEC, at CLEC request, Qwest wil reuse the existing Loop faciliies for the service requested by CLEC to the extent those facilities are technically compatible with the service to be provided. Upon CLEC request, Qwest will condition the existing Loop in accordance with the rates set forth in Exhibit A. Upon completion of the disconnection of the Loop, Qwest will send a Loss Notification report to the original competitive Carrier signifying completion of the loss. Lack of Facilities; Priority Right to Facilities. In the event Qwest notifies CLEC that facilities ordered are not available from Qwest at the time of the order, Qwest shall maintain the order as pending for a period of thirty (30) business days. If facilties become available to fill the order within that thirty (30) business day period, Qwest shall notify CLEC of such availability. CLEC and Qwest acknowledge that the availability of facilities hereunder is on a first come, first served basis. Any facility orders placed by any other provider, including Qwest, which predate CLEC's order shall have priority for any facilities made available under the terms of this section. 9.2.3 Rate Elements The following recurring and nonrecurring rates for Unbundled Loops are set forth in Exhibit A. Recurring charges vary based on CLEC selected installation options, conditioning, and extension technology. Exhibit A also provides Miscellaneous Charges. 2/4 Wire Analog Loop (Voice Grade) Recurring and Nonrecurring rates. 2/4 Wire Non-Loaded Loop Recurring and Nonrecurring rates. DS1 and DS3-Capable Loop, Basic Rate (BRI) ISDN and xDSL-I~Capable Loop Recurring and Nonrecurring rates. DSO, DS1, and DS3-Capable Loop Conversion. Nonrecurring rates associated with the conversion of special access or private lines to Unbundled Loops. Extension Technology Recurring and Nonrecurring rates for Digital Capable Loops, including Basic Rate (BRI) ISDN and xDSL-1 Capable Loops. Conditioning Nonrecurring rates for 2/4 wire non-loaded Loops, Basic Rate (BRI) ISDN and xDSL-1 Capable Loop, as requested and approved by CLEC. All miscellaneous services as described in Section 9.1.12 are available with Unbundled Loops. Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellaneous services. Miscellaneous Charges for Out of Hours Coordinated Installations. Intentionally Left Blank. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)36 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. For coordinated installations scheduled to commence Out of Hours, or rescheduled by CLEC to commence Out of Hours, CLEC will incur additional labor - installation Miscellaneous Charges in addition to regular nonrecurring charges for the installation. Conversions of private line/special access circuits to Unbundled Loops. 9.2.4 Ordering Process Unbundled Loops are ordered via an LSR. Ordering processes are contained in the Operational Support Systems Section of the Agreement. Detailed ordering processes are found on the Qwest wholesale web site. Prior to placing orders on behalf of the End User Customer, CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a Proof of Authorization. Based on the pre-order Loop make-up, CLEC can determine if the circuit can meet the technical parameters for the specific service CLEC intends to offer. . Before submitting an order for a 2/4 wire non-loaded Loop, ISDN capable Loop or xDSL-1 capable Loop, CLEC should use one of Qwests Loop make-up tools available via IMA-EDI, IMA-GUI, or the web-based application interface to obtain specific information about the Loop CLEC seeks to order. Based on the Loop make up information provided through Qwest tools, CLEC must determine whether conditioning is required to provide the xDSL service it intends to offer. If Loop conditioning is required, CLEC may authorize Qwest to perform such Loop conditioning on its LSR. If CLEC does not pre-approve Loop conditioning, Qwest will assume that CLEC has determined that Loop conditioning is not necessary to provide the xDSL service CLEC seeks to offer. If CLEC or Qwest determines that conditioning is necessary, and CLEC authorizes Qwest to perform the conditioning, Qwest wil perform the conditioning. CLEC will be charged for the conditioning in accordance with the rates in Exhibit A. If Qwest determines that conditioning is necessary and CLEC has not previously authorized Qwest to perform the conditioning on the LSR, Qwest will send CLEC a rejection notice indicating the need to obtain approval for conditioning. CLEC must submit a revised LSR before the conditioning work will commence. Once Qwest receives the revised LSR, the fifteen (15) business day conditioning interval will begin as described in Section For a 2/4 wire non-loaded Loop, ISDN-capable Loop, and xDSL-I-capable Loop, or DS1-capable Loop, Qwest wil return a Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) to CLEC within seventy-two (72) hours May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)37 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) from receipt of a valid and accurate LSR. Return of such FOC wil indicate that Qwest has identified a Loop assignment. Such FOC will provide CLEC with a firm Due Date commitment or indication that appropriate facilities are not available to fil CLEC's order. If CLEC has pre-approved Loop conditioning, and conditioning is not necessary, Qwest will return the FOC with the standard interval (Le., five (5) ~ays). If CLEC has not pre-approved Loop conditioning and Qwest determines that the Loop contains load coils, Qwest will notify CLECvia a reject notification. CLEC must submit a new version of the LSR approving Loop conditioning. In this scenario, the Application Date wil correspond to the date the new version is received by Qwest. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Installation intervals for all Unbundled Loops are defined in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. The interval will start when Qwest receives a complete and accurate LSR. The LSR date is considered the start of the service interval if the order is received prior to 7:00 p.m. Forservice requests - received after 7:00 p.m., the service interval will begin on the next business day. When CLEC places an order for an Unbundled Loop with Qwest that is complete and accurate, Qwest will reply to CLEC with a Firm Order Confirmation within the time specified in Section 20 of the Agreement. The Firm Order Confirmation wil contain the Due Date that specifies the date on which Qwest will provision the Loop. Qwest will implement adequate processes and procedures to assure the accuracy of the commitment date. If Qwest must make changes to the commitment date, Qwest will promptly issue a jeopardy notification to CLEC that will clearly state the reason for the change in commitment date. Qwest will also submit a new Firm Order Confirmation that will clearly identify the new Due Date. Installation intervals for Unbundled Loops apply when Qwest has facilities or network capacity available. Upon CLEC request, Qwest will convert special access or private line circuits to Unbundled Loops provided the service originates at CLEC's Collocation in the Serving Wire Center. The Loop conversion ordering process applies. Intentionally Left Blank. When ordering Unbundled Loops, CLEC is responsible for obtaining or providing facilities and equipment that are compatible with the service CLEC seeks to provide. The installation interval for xDSL Loops depends on the need to condition May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)38 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) the Loop. When load coils and Bridged Taps do not exist, CLEC may request the standard Due Date interval, which wil apply upon submission of a complete and accurate LSR. When load coils and/or Bridged Taps do exist, CLEC will request the minimum fifteen (15) business days Desired Due Date. CLEC can determine the existence of load coils or Bridged Taps by using one of the Loop make-up tools. CLEC may pre-approve line conditioning on the LSR and, by doing so, CLEC agrees to pay any applicable conditioning charges. If CLEC did not request the fifteen (15) day interval and Qwest determines that conditioning is required, then the fifteen (15) business day interval starts when the need for conditioning is identified and CLEC approves the conditioning charges. Out of Hours Coordinated Installations For purposes of this Section, Qwests standard installation hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. (local time), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. CLEC may request an out of hours Coordinated Installation outside of Qwests standard installation hours. Installations requested outside of standard installation hours are considered to be out of hours Installations. Intentionally Left Blank. To request out of hours Coordinated Installations, CLEC will submit an LSR designating the desired appointment time. CLEC must specify an out of hours Coordinated Installation in the "remarks" section of the LSR. The date and time for out of hours Coordinated Installations may need to be negotiated between Qwest and CLEC because of system downtime, Switch upgrades, Switch maintenance, and the possibility of other CLECs requesting the same appointment times in the same Switch (Switch contention). 9.2.5 Maintenance and Repair CLEC is responsible for its own End User Customer base and will have the responsibility for resolution of any service trouble report(s) from its End User Customers. CLEC will perform trouble isolation on the Unbundled Loop and any associated ancillary services prior to reporting trouble to Qwest. CLEC shall have access for testing purposes at the NID or Loop Demarcation Point. Qwest will work cooperatively with CLEC to resolve trouble reports when the trouble condition has been isolated and found to be within a portion of Qwests network. Qwest and CLEC will report trouble isolation test results to the other. For Unbundled Loops, each Party shall be responsible for the costs of performing trouble isolation on its facilities, subject to Sections and When CLEC requests that Qwest perform trouble isolation with CLEC, a Maintenance of Service charge applies if the trouble is found to be on CLEC's side or on the End User Customer's side of the Loop Demarcation Point. If the trouble is on the End User Customer's side of the Loop Demarcation Point, CLEC is required to perform May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)39 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) its own maintenance. Before submitting a repair request to Qwest, CLEC will isolate trouble to the Qwest network and must submit test results indicating the location of the trouble when submitting the repair request. If a trouble ticket with test results is accepted by Qwest, and Qwest determines that the trouble is on CLEC's or the End User Customer's side of the Loop Demarcation Point, a Maintenance of Service charge applies. If CLEC elects not to perform trouble isolation and Qwest performs tests on the Unbundled Loop at CLEC's request, a Maintenance of Service charge applies. Maintenance and Repair processes are set forth in Section 12.3 of the Agreement. Qwest wil maintain detailed records of trouble reports of CLEC-ordered Unbundled Loops, comparing CLEC provided data with internal data, and evaluate such reports on at a minimum of a quarterly basis to determine the cause of Loop problems. Qwest will conduct a quarterly root cause analysis of problems associated with Loops provided to CLEC by Qwest. Based on this analysis, Qwest will take corrective measure to fix persistent and recurrent problems, reporting to CLEC on the analysis and the process changes that are instituted implemented to fix the problems. Qwest shall allow access to the NID for testing purposes where access at the Demarcation Point is not adequate to allow testing sufficient to isolate troubles; in the event that Qwest chooses not to allow such access, it shall waive any Trouble Isolation Charges that may otherwise be applicable. 9.2.6 Spectrum Management Qwest will provide 2/4 Wire non-loaded Loops, ISDN-capable Loops, xDSL-I-capable Loops, DS1-capable Loops, and DS3-capable Loops (collectively referred to in this Section 9.2.6 as "xDSL Loops") in a non-discriminatory manner to permit CLEC to provide Advanced Services to its End User Customers. Such Loops are defined herein and are in compliance with FCC requirements and guidelines recommended by the Network Reliability and Interoperability Council (NRIC) to the FCC, such as guidelines set forth in T1-417. When ordering xDSL Loops, CLEC will provide Qwest with appropriate information using NC/NCI codes to describe the Power Spectral Density Mask (PSD) for the type of technology CLEC will deploy. CLEC also agrees to notify Qwest of any change in Advanced Services technology that results in a change in spectrum management class on the xDSL Loop. Qwest agrees CLEC need not provide the speed or power at which the newly deployed or changed technology will operate if the technology fits within a generic PSD mask. CLEC information provided to Qwest pursuant to Section shall be deemed Confidential Information and Qwest may notdistribute, disclose or reveal, in any form, this material other than as allowed and described in subsections of The Parties may disclose, on a need to know basis only, CLEC Confidential Information provided pursuant to Section, to legal personnel, if a legal issue arises, as well as to network and growth planning personnel responsible for spectrum management functions. In no case shall the May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)40 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) aforementioned personnel who have access to such Confidential Information be involved in Qwests retail marketing, sales or strategic planning. If CLEC wishes to deploy new technology not yet designated with a PSD mask, Qwest and CLEC agree to work cooperatively to determine Spectrum Compatibility. Qwest and CLEC agree, as defined by the FCC, that technology is presumed acceptable for deployment when it complies with existing industry standards, is approved by a standards body or by the FCC or Commission, of if technology has been deployed elsewhere without a "significant degradation of service". Qwest recognizes that the analog T1 service traditionally used within its network is a "known Disturber" as designated by the FCC. Qwest wil place such T1 s, by whomever employed, within binder groups ina manner that minimizes interference. Where such placement is insufficient to eliminate interference that disrupts other services being provided, Qwest shall, whenever it is Technically Feasible, replace its' T1 s with a technology that will eliminate undue interference problems. Qwest also agrees that any future "known Disturber" defined by the FCC or the Commission will be managed as required by FCC rules. If either Qwest or CLEC claims a service is significantly degrading the performance of other Advanced Services or traditional voice band services, then that Part must notify the causing Carrier and allow the causing Carrier a reasonable opportunity to correct the problem. Upon notification, the causing Carrier shall promptly take action to bring its facilities/technology into compliance with industry standards. Upon request, within forty~eight (48) hours, Qwest will provide CLEC with binder group information including cable, pair, Carrier and PSD class to allow CLEC to notify the causing Carrier. If CLEC is unable to isolate trouble to a specific pair within the binder group, Qwest, upon receipt of a trouble resolution request, will perform a main frame pair by pair analysis and provide results to CLEC within five (5) business days. Intentionally Left Blank. Qwest will not have the authority to unilaterally resolve any dispute over spectral interference among Carriers. Qwest shall not disconnect Carrier services to resolve a spectral interference dispute, except when voluntarily undertaken by the interfering Carrier or Qwest is ordered to do so by the Commission or other authorized dispute resolution body. CLEC may submit any claims for resolution under Section 5.18 of the Agreement. Where CLEC demonstrates to Qwest that it has deployed Central OffiCe based DSL services serving a reasonably defined area, it shall be entitled to require Qwest to take appropriate measures to mitigate the demonstrable adverse effects on such service that arise from Qwests use of repeaters or remotely deployed DSL service in that area. It shall be presumed that the costs of such mitigation will not be chargeable to any CLEC or to any other: Customer; however, Qwest shall have the right to rebut this presumption, which it may do by demonstrating to the Commission by a preponderance of the evidence that the incremental costs of mitigation would be sufficient to cause a substantial effect upon other Customers (including but not limited to CLECs securing UNEs) if charged to them. Upon such a showing, the Commission may determine how May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)41 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) to apportion responsibility for those costs, including, but not limited to CLECs taking services under the Agreement. 9.2.7 Private line/special access circuits may be converted to Unbundled Loops subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including the following criteria: 1) must be Iike-for- like facilities, e.g., DS1 private line to DS1 capable Unbundled Loop; 2) must originate at CLEC's Collocation site in the serving Central Offce; and 3) must terminate at an End User Customer's premises. The provisioning intervals for converting from private line/special access to Unbundled Loop are located in the Service Interval Guide (SIG). Additional information can be found in the Product Catalog for Unbundled Loop. 9.3 Subloop Unbundling 9.3.1 Description An Unbundled Subloop is defined as the distribution portion of a copper Loop or hybrid Loop comprised entirely of copper wire or copper cable that acts as a transmission facility between any point that it is Technically Feasible to access at terminals in Qwests outside plant (originating outside of the Central Office), including inside wire owned or controlled by Qwest, and terminates at the End User Customer's premises. An accessible terminal is any point on the Loop where technicians can access the wire within the cable without removing a splice case to reach the wire within. Such points may include, but are not limited to, the pole, pedestal, Network Interface Device, minimum point of entry, single point of Interconnection, Remote Terminal, Feeder Distribution Interface (FDI), or Serving Area Interface (SAl). CU~C shall not have access on an unbundled basis to a feeder subloop defined as facilities extending from the Central Office to a terminal that is not at the End User Customer's premises or multiple tenant environment (MTE). CLEC shall have access to the feeder facilities only to the extent it is part of fa complete transmission path, not a subloop, between the , Central Offce and the End User Customer's premises or MTE. This section does not address Unbundled Dark Fiber MTE Subloop which is addressed in Section 9.7. Building terminals within or physically attached to a privately owned building in a Multiple Tenant Environment (MTE) are one form of accessible terminaL. Throughout Section 9.3 the Parties obligations around such "MTE Terminals" are segregated because Subloop terms and conditions differ between MTE environments and non-MTE environments. For any configuration not specifically addressed in the Agreement, the conditions of CLEC access shall be as required by the particular circumstances. These conditions include: (1) the degree of equipment separation required, (2) the need for separate cross connect devices, (3) the interval applicable to any Collocation or other provisioning requiring Qwest performance or cooperation, (4) the security required to maintain the safety and reliability of the faciliies of Qwest and other CLECs, (5) the engineering and operations standards and practices to be applied at Qwest facilities where they cire also used by CLECs for Subloop element access, and (6) any otherrequirements, standards, or practices necessary to assure the safe and reliable operation of all Carriers' facilities. Any Party may request, under any procedure provided for by the May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)42 a) b) c) d) Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Agreement for addressing non-standard services or network conditions, the development of standard terms and conditions for any configuration(s) for which it can provide reasonably clear technical and operational characteristics and parameters. Once developed through such a process, those terms and conditions shall be generally available to any CLEC for any configuration fitting the requirements established through such process. Prior to the development of such standard terms and conditions, Qwest shall impose in the six (6) areas identified in Section above, only those requirements or intervals that are reasonably necessary, and shall make its determinations within ten (10) business days and shall apprise CLEC of the conditions for access. If there is a dispute regarding the conditions for access, Qwest shall attempt to accommodate access pending resolution of the specific issues in dispute. MTE Terminals: Accessible terminals within a building in a MTE environment or accessible terminals physically attached to a building in a MTE environment. Qwest Premises located on real property that constitutes a campus environment, yet are not within or physically attached to a non-Qwest owned building, are not considered MTE Terminals. Detached Terminals: All accessible terminals other than MTE Terminals. Intentionally Left Blank. Standard Subloops available. Two-Wire/Four Wire Unbundled Distribution Loop Intentionally Left Blank Two-Wire/Four Wire Non-loaded Distribution Loop Intrabuilding Cable Loop Standard Subloop Access Accessing Subloops in Detached Terminals: Subloop unbundling is available after a CLEC-requested Field Connection Point (FCP) has been installed within or adjacent to the Qwest accessible terminaL. The FCP is a Demarcation Point connected to a terminal block from which Cross Connections are run to Qwest Subloop elements. Accessing $ubloops in MTE Terminals: Subloop unbundling is available after CLEC has notified Qwest of its intention to Subloop unbundle in the MTE, during or after an inventory of CLEC's terminations has been created, and CLEC has constructed a cross connect field at the building terminaL. Field Connection Point May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)43 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Field Connection Point (FCP) is a Demarcation Point that allows CLEC to interconnect with Qwest outside of the Central Office location where it is Technically Feasible. The FCP interconnects CLEC facilities to a terminal block within the accessible terminaL. The terminal block allows a technician to access and combine Unbundled Subloop elements. When a FCP is required, it must be in place before Subloop orders are processed. Placement of a FCP within a Qwest Premises for the sole purpose of creating a cross connect field to support Subloop unbundling constitutes a "Cross Connect Collocation." The terms, conditions, intervals and rates for Cross Connect Collocation are found within Section 9.3. To the extent that CLEC places equipment in a Qwest Premises that requires power and or heat dissipation, such Collocation is governed by the terms of Section 8 of the Agreement and does not constitute a Cross Connect Collocation. A FCP arrangement can be established either within a Qwest accessible terminal, or, if space within the accessible terminal is legitimately exhausted and when Technically Feasible, CLEC may place the FCP in an adjacent terminaL. CLEC will have access to the equipment placed within the Collocation for maintenance purposes. However, CLEC wil not have access to the FCP Interconnection point. MTE Point of Interconnection (MTE-POI) A MTE-POI is necessary when CLEC is obtaining access to the Distribution Loop or Intrabuilding Cable Loop from an MTE TerminaL. CLEC must create the cross connect field at the building terminal that will allow CLEC to connect its facilties to Qwests Subloops. The Demarcation Point between CLEC and Qwests facilities is the MTE-POI. Once a state has determined that it is Technically Feasible to unbundle Subloops at a designated accessible terminal, Qwest shall either agree to unbundle at such access point or shall have the burden to demonstrate, pursuant to the Dispute Resolution provisions of the Agreement, that it is not Technically Feasible, or that sufficient space is not available to unbundle Subloop elements at such accessible terminaL. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.3.2 Standard Subloops Available Distribution Loops Two-Wire/Four-Wire Unbundled Distribution Loop: a Qwest- provided facility from the Qwest accessible terminal to the Demarcation Point or Network Interface Device (NID) at the End User Customer location. The Two- Wire/Four-Wire Unbundled Distribution Loop is suitable for local exchange-type May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)44 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) services. CLEC can obtain access to this Unbundled Network Element at any Technically Feasible accessible terminaL. Two-Wire/Four-Wire Non-Loaded Distribution Loop: a Qwest- provided facility without load coils and excess Bridged Taps from the Qwest accessible terminal to the Demarcation Point or Network Interface Device (NID) at the End User Customer location. When CLEC requests a Non-Loaded Unbundled Distribution Loop and there are none available, Qwest will contact CLEC to determine if CLEC wishes to have Qwest unload a Loop. If the response is affirmative, Qwest will dispatch a technician to "condition" the Distribution Loop by removing load coils and excess Bridged Taps (Le., "unload" the Loop). CLEC may be charged the cable unloading and Bridged Taps removal nonrecurring charge in addition to the Unbundled Loop installation nonrecurring charge. If a Qwest technician is dispatched and no load coils or Bridged Taps are removed, the nonrecurring conditioning charge will not apply. CLEC can obtain access to this Unbundled Network Element at any Technically Feasible accessible terminaL. Intrabuilding Cable Loop: a Qwest-provided facility from the building terminal inside a MTE to the Demarcation Point at the End User Customer premises inside the same building. This Subloop element only applies when Qwest owns the intrabuilding cable. To the extent CLEC accesses a Subloop in a campus environment from an accessible terminal that seRIes multiple buildings, CLEC can access the Subloop by ordering a Distribution Loop (pursuant to either Section or Section A campus environment is one piece of property, owned by one (1) Person or entity, on which there are multiple buildings. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.3.3 MTE Terminal Subloop Access: Terms and Conditions Access to DistributiOn Loops or Intrabuilding Cable Loops at an MTE Terminal within a non-Qwest owned MTE is done through an MTE-POI. Collocation is not required to access Subloops used to access the network infrastructure within an MTE, unless CLEC requires the placement of equipment in a Qwest Premises. Cross Connect Collocation, as defined in Section 9.3, refers to creation of a cross connect field and does not constitute Collocation as defined in Section 8 of the Agreement. The terms and conditions of Section 8 of the Agreement do not apply to Cross Connect Collocation if required at or near an MTE. To obtain such access, CLEC shall complete the "MTE-Access Ordering Process" set forth in Section The optimum point and method to access Subloop elements will be determined during the MTE Access Ordering Process. The Parties recognize a mutual obligation to interconnect in a manner that maintains network integrity, reliability, and May 28, 2008!msd!SullsEye Telecom!UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)45 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) security. CLEC may access the MTE Terminal as a test access point. CLEC will work with the MTE building owner to determine where to terminate its facilties within the MTE. CLEC will be responsible for all work associated with bringing its facilties into and terminating the facilties in the MTE. CLEC shall seek to work with the building owner to create space for such terminations without requiring Qwest to rearrange its facilities. If there is space in the building for CLEC to enter the building and terminate its facilities without Qwest having to rearrange its facilties, CLEC must seek to use such space. In such circumstances, an inventory of CLEC's terminations within the MTE shall be input into Qwests systems to support Subloop orders before Subloop orders are provisioned or in conjunction with the first Subloop order in the MTE. If CLEC requires immediate access to the Subloop, then CLEC may access the Subloop element prior to the completion of the inventory per Section Qwest shall have five (5) Days from receipt of a written request from CLEC, in addition to the interval set forth in Section, to input the inventory of CLEC's terminations into its systems. Qwest may seek an extended interval if the work cannot reasonably be completed within the stated intervaL. In such cases, Qwest shall provide written notification to CLEC of the extended interval Qwest believes is necessary to complete the work. CLEC may dispute the need for, and the duration of, an extended interval, in which case Qwest must request a waiver from the Commission to obtain the extended intervaL. If CLEC submits a Subloop order before Qwest inputs the inventory into its systems, Qwest shall process the order in accordance with Section If CLEC connects Qwests Subloop element to CLEC's facilities using any temporary wiring or cut~over devices, CLEC shall remove any remaining temporary wiring or cut~over devices and install permanent wiring within ninety (90) Days. All wiring arrangements, temporary and permanent, must adhere to the National Electric Code. If there is no space for CLEC to place its building terminal or no accessible terminal from which CLEC can access such Subloop elements, and Qwest and CLEC are unable to negotiate a reconfigured Single Point of Interconnection (SPOI) to serve the MTE, Qwest will either rearrange facilities to make room for CLEC or construct a single point of access that is fully accessible to and suitable for CLEC. 'Qwests obligation to construct a SPOI is limited to those MTEs where Qwest has distribution facilities to that MTE and owns, controls, or leases the inside wire at the MTE. In addition, Qwest shall have an obligation only when CLEC indicates that it intends to place an order for access to an unbundled Subloop Network Element via a SPOI. In such instances, CLEC shall pay the applicable charge, identified in Exhibit A, which shall be ICB, based on the scope of the work required. If Qwestmust rearrange its MTE Terminal to make space for CLEC, Qwest shall have forty~five (45) Days from receipt of a written request from CLEC to complete the rearrangement. Qwest may seek an extended interval if the work cannot reasonably be completed within forty-five (45) Days. In such cases, Qwest shall provide written notification to CLEC of the extended interval Qwest believes is necessary to complete the work. CLEC may dispute the need for, and the duration of, an extended interval, in which case Qwest must. request a waiver from the Commission to obtain an extended intervaL. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)46 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) If Qwest must construct a new detached terminal that is fully accessible to and suitable for CLEC, the interval for completion shall be negotiated between the Parties on an Individual Case Basis. CLEC may cancel a request to construct an FCP or SPOI prior to Qwest completing the work by submitting a written notification via certified mail to its Qwest account manager. CLEC shall be responsible for payment of all costs previously incurred by Qwest as well as any costs necessary to restore the property to its original condition. At no time shall either Party rearrange the other Party's facilities within the MTE or otherwise tamper with or damage the other Party's facilities within the MTE. This does not preclude normal rearrangement of wiring or jumpers necessary to connect inside wire or intrabuilding cable to CLEC facilties in the manner described in the MTE Access Protocol. If such damage accidentally occurs, the Party responsible for the damage shall immediately notify the other and shall be financially responsible for restoring the facilties and/or service to its original condition. Any intentional damage may be reported to the proper authorities and may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 9.3.4 Detached Terminal Subloop Access: Terms and Conditions Except as to access at an MTE Terminal, access to unbundled Subloop elements at an accessible terminal must be made through a Field Connection Point (FCP) in conjunction with either a Cross Connect Collocation or, if power and/or heat dissipation is required, a Remote Collocation. 9.3.42 To the extent that the accessible terminal does not have adequate capacity to house the network interface associated with the FCP, CLEC may opt to use Adjacent Collocation to the extent it is Technically Feasible. Such adjacent access shall comport with NEBS Level 1 safety standards. Field Connection Point Qwest is not required to build additional space for CLEC to access Subloop elements. When Technically Feasible, Qwest shall allow CLEC to construct its own structure adjacent to Qwests accessible terminaL. CLEC shall obtain any necessary authorizations or rights of way required (which may include obtaining access to Qwest rights of way, pursuant to Section 10.8 of the Agreement) and shall coordinate its facility placement with Qwest, when placing its facilities adjacent to Qwest facilities. Obstacles that CLEC may encounter from cities, counties, electric power companies, property owners and similar third parties, when it seeks to interconnect its equipment at Subloop access points, will be the responsibilty of CLEC to resolve with the municipality, utility, property owner or other third part. The optimum point and method to access Subloop elements wil be determined during the Field Connection Point process. The Parties recognize a mutual obligation to interconnect in a manner that maintains network integrity, reliability, and security. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)47 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) CLEC must identify the size and type of cable that will be terminated in the Qwest FCP location. Qwest wil terminate the cable in the Qwest accessible terminal if termination capacity is available. If termination capacity is not available, Qwest will expand the FDI at the request of CLEC if Technically Feasible, all reconfiguration costs to be borne by CLEC. In this situation only, Qwest shall seek to obtain any necessary authorizations or rights of way required to expand the terminaL. It will be the responsibilty of Qwest to seek to resolve obstacles that Qwest may encounter from cities, counties, electric power companies, property owners and similar third parties. The time it takes for Qwest to obtain such authorizations or rights of way shall be excluded from the time Qwestis expected to provision the Collocation. CLEC will be responsible for placing the cable from the Qwest FCP to its equipment. Qwest will perform all of the initial splicing at the FCP. CLEC may cancel a Collocation associated with a FCP request prior to Qwest completing the work by submitting a written notification via certified mail to its Qwest account manager. CLEC shall be responsible for payment of all costs previously incurred by Qwest. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement on the design of the FCP through the Field Connection Point Process, the Parties may utilze the Dispute Resolution process pursuant to the Dispute Resolution Section of the Agreement. Alternatively, CLEC may seek arbitration under Section 252 of the Act with the Commission, wherein Qwest shall have the burden to demonstrate that there is insufficient space- in the accessible terminal to accommodate the FCP, or that the requested Interconnection is not Technically Feasible. At no time shall either Party rearrange the other Party's facilities within the accessible terminal or otherwise tamper with or damage the other Part's facilties. If such damage accidentally occurs, the Party responsible for the damage shall immediately notify the other and shall be financially responsible for restoring the facilities and/or service to its original condition. Any intentional damage may be reported to the proper authorities and may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 9.3.5 Ordering/Provisioning All Subloop Types CLEC may order Subloop elements through the Operational Support Systems described in Section 12 of the Agreement. CLEC shall identify Subloop elements by NC/NCI codes. This information shall be kept confidential and used solely for spectrum management purposes. Additional Terms for Detached Terminal Subloop Access CLEC may only submit orders for Subloop elements after the FCP is in place. The FCP shall be ordered pursuant to Section CLEC will populate the LSR with the termination information provided at the completion of the FCP process. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)48 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Qwest shall dispatch a technician to run a jumper between its Subloop elements and CLEC's Subloop elements. CLEC shall not at any time disconnect Qwest facilties or attempt to run a jumper between its Subloop elements and Qwests Subloop elements without specific written authorization from Qwest. Once the FCP is in place, the Subloop Provisioning intervals, contained in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website, shall apply. Intentionally Left Blank. Additional Terms for MTE Terminal Subloop Access - MTE-Access Ordering Process CLEC shall notify its account manager at Qwestin writing, including via email, of its intention to provide access to End User Customers that reside within a MTE. Upon receipt of such request, Qwest shall have up to ten (10) Days to notify CLEC and the MTE owner whether Qwest believes it or theMTE owner owns the intrabuilding cable. In the event that there has been a previous determination of on-premises wiring ownership at the same MTE, Qwest shall provide such notification within two (2) business days. In the event that CLEC provides Qwest with a written claim by an authorized representative of the MTE owner that such owner owns the facilties on the End User Customer side of the terminal, the preceding ten (10) Day period shall be reduced to five (5) Days from Qwests receipt of such claim. If the MTE owner owns the facilities on the Customer side of the terminal, CLEC may obtain access to all facilities in the building in accordance with Section 9.5 concerning access to unbundled NIDs. If Qwest owns the facilities on the Customer side of the terminal and if CLEC requests space to enter the building and terminate its facilities and Qwest must rearrange facilities or construct new facilities to accommodate such access, CLEC shall notify Qwest. Upon receipt of such notification, the intervals set forth in Section 9.3.3 shall begin. CLEC may only submit orders for Subloop elements after the facilities are rearranged and/or a new facility constructed, if either are necessary. CLEC will populate the LSR with the termination information provided by CLEC at the completion of the inventory process except when submitting LSRs during the creation of the inventory. If CLEC orders Intrabuilding Cable Loop, CLEC shall dispatch a technician to run a jumper between its Subloop elements and Qwests Subloop elements to make a connection at the MTE-POI in accordance with the MTE Access Protocol. If CLEC ordered a Subloop type other than Intrabuilding Cable Loop, Qwest will dispatch a technician to run a jumper between CLECs Subloop elements and Qwests Subloop elements to make a connection at the MTE-POI. CLEC, at its option, may request that Qwest run the jumper for intrabuilding cable in MTEs when the inventory is done and a complete LSR has been submitted. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)49 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) When CLEC accesses a MTE Terminal, it shall employ generally accepted best engineering practices in accordance with industry standards. CLEC shall clearly label the cross connect wires it uses. CLEC wiring will be neatly dressed. When CLEC accesses Subloops in MTE Terminals, it shall adhere to Qwests Standard MTE Access Protocol unless the Parties have negotiated a separate document for such Subloop access. If CLEC requests a MTE Access Protocol that is different from Qwests Standard MTE Access Protocol, Qwest shall negotiate with CLEC promptly and in good faith toward that end. Once inventory is complete and, if necessary, the facilities are rearranged and or a new facility constructed and when Qwest runs the jumper, the Subloop Provisioning intervals, contained in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website, shall apply. For access to Qwests on-premises MTE wire as a Subloop element, CLEC shall be required to submit an LSR, but need not include thereon the circuit-identifying information or await completion of LSR processing by Qwest before securing such access. Qwest shall secure the circuit-identifying information, and will be responsible for entering it on the LSR when it is received. Qwest shall be entitled to charge for the Subloop element as of the time of LSR submission by CLEC. FCP Ordering Process CLEC shall submit a Field Connection Point Request Form to Qwest along with its Collocation Application. The FCP Request Form shall be completed in its entirety. After construction of the FCP and Collocation are complete, CLEC will be notified of its termination location, which will be used for ordering Subloops. The following constitute the intervals for provisioning Collocation associated with a FCP, which intervals shall begin upon completion of the FCP Request Form and its associated Collocation Application in their entirety: Any Remote Collocation associated with a FCP in which CLEC will install equipment requiring power and/or heat dissipation shall be in accordance with the intervals set forth in Section 8.4 of the Agreement. A Cross Connect Collocation in a detached terminal shall be provisioned within ninety (90) Days from receipt of a written request by CLEC. If Qwest denies a request for Cross Connect Collocation in a Qwest Premises due to space limitations, Qwest shall allow CLEC representatives to inspect the entire Premises escorted by Qwest personnel within ten (10) Days of May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)50 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) CLECs receipt of the denial of space, or a mutually agreed upon date. Qwest will review the detailed space plans (to the extent space plans exist) for the Premises with CLEC during the inspection, including Qwest reserved or optioned space. Such tour shall be without charge to CLEC. If, after the inspection of the Premises, Qwest and CLEC disagree about whether space limitations at the Premises make Collocation impractical, Qwest and CLEC may present their arguments to the Commission. In addition, if after the fact it is determined that Qwest has incorrectly identified the space limitations, Qwest will honor the original Cross Connect Collocation Application date for determining RFS unless both Parties agree to a revised date. Payment for the remaining nonrecurring charges shall be upon the RFS date. Upon completion of the construction activities and payment of the remaining nonrecurring charge, Qwest will schedule with CLEC an inspection of the FCP with CLEC if requested. Upon completion of the Acceptance inspection, CLEC wil be provided the assignments and necessary ordering information. With prior arrangements, CLEC can request testing of the FCP at the time of the Acceptance inspection. If Qwest, despite its best efforts, including notification through the contact number on the Cross Connect Collocation Application, is unable to schedule the Acceptance inspection with CLEC within - twenty-one (21) Days of the RFS, Qwest shall activate the applicable charges. Qwest may seek extended intervals if the work cannot reasonably be completed within the set intervaL. In such cases, Qwest shall provide written notification to CLEC of the extended interval Qwest believes is necessary to complete the work. CLEC may dispute the need for and the duration of, an extended interval, in which case Qwest must request a waiver from the Commission to obtain an extended intervaL. 9.3.6 Rate Elements Exhibit A provides recurring and nonrecurring rates for Subloop and also provides Miscellaneous Charges. All Subloop Types Recurring Charges - CLEC will be charged monthly recurring charges for each Subloop. Nonrecurring Charges - One-time charges apply for specific work activities associated with installation of each Subloop. Intentionally Left Blank. Additional Rate Elements for Detached Terminal Subloop Access May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from .11-5-07 Nego Template)51 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Cross Connect Collocation Charge: CLEC shall pay the full nonrecurring charge for creation of a Cross Connect Collocation upon submission of the Collocation Application. The FCP Request Form shall not be considered complete until complete payment is submitted to Qwest, as described in Section of the Agreement. Any Remote Collocation associated with a FCP in which CLEC will install equipment requiring power and/or heat dissipation shall be charged for in accordance with the rate elements set forth in Section 8 of the Agreement. Subloop Nonrecurring Jumper Charge: CLEC will be charged a nonrecurring basic installation charge for Qwest running jumpers within the accessible terminal for each Subloop ordered by CLEC. Additional Rate Elements for MTE Terminal Subloop Access CLEC will be charged the Subloop MTE - POI Site Inventory nonrecurring charge for Qwest to complete an inventory of CLEC's facilities . within the MTE such that Subloop orders can be submitted and processed. CLEC wil be charged the MTE - POI Rearrangement of Facilities nonrecurring charge for Qwest to complete a rearrangement of facilities to make room for an MTE for CLEC. CLEC will be charged the MTE - POI Construction of New SPOI nonrecurring charge for Qwest to construct a new MTE SPOI for CLEC. Nonrecurring charges apply for conditioning for Distribution Subloop. All miscellaneous services as described in Section 9.1.12 are available with Subloop. Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellaneou~ services. 9.3.7 Repair and Maintenance Detached Terminal Subloop Access: Qwest will maintain all of its facilities and equipment in the accessible terminal and CLEC will maintain all of its facilities and equipment in the accessible terminaL. MTE Terminal Subloop Access: Qwest will maintain all of its facilities and equipment in the MTE and CLEC will maintain all of its facilities and equipment in the MTE. 9.4 Intentionally Left Blank 9.5 Network Interface Device (NID) 9.5.1 Description The Qwest NID is defined as any means of Interconnection of on-premises wiring and Qwests distribution plant, such as a cross connect device used for that purpose. Specifically, the NID is a single line termination device or that portion of a multiple line termination device required to May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 . (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)52 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) terminate a single line or circuit at a premises. If CLEC seeks to access a NID as well as a Subloop connected to that NID, it may do so only pursuant to Section 9.3. If CLEC seeks to access only a NID (Le., CLEC does not wish to access a Subloop connected to that NID), it may only do so pursuant to this Section 9.5. Qwest shall permit CLEC to connect its own Loop facilities to on-premises wiring through Qwests NID, or at any other Technically Feasible point. The NID carries with it all features, functions and capabilities of the facilities used to connect the Loop distribution plant to the End User Customer's premises wiring, including access to the Cross Connection field, regardless of the particular design of the NID mechanism. Although the NIDprovides the connection to the End User Customer's premises wiring, it may not represent the Demarcation Point where Qwest ownership or control of the intra-premises wiring ends. The NID contains a protective ground connection that protects the End User Customer's on- premises wiring against lightning and other high voltage surges and is capable of terminating media such as twisted pair cable. If CLEC orders Unbundled Loops on a reuse basis, the existing drop and Qwests NID, as well as any on premises wiring that Qwestowns or controls, wil remain in place and continue to carry the signal over the End User Customer's on-premises wiring to the End User Customer's equipment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Unbundled Loop and any Subloop terminating at a NID shall include the existing drop and the functionality of the NID as more specifically set forth in Section 9.2. The NID is offered in three (3) varieties: Simple NID - The modular NID is divided into two (2) components, one containing the over-voltage unit (protector) and the other containing the End User Customer's on-premises inside yviring termination, and a modular plug which connects the inside wire to the distribution plant or dial tone source. The non-modular NID is a protector block with the inside wire terminated directly on the distribution faciliies. Smart NID - To the extent Qwest has deployed "smart" devices in general meaning a terminating device that permits the service provider to isolate the Loop facility from the premises wiring for testing purposes, and such devices have spare functioning capacity not currently used by Qwest or any other provider, Qwest shall provide unbundled access to such devices. Qwes! shall also continue to allow CLEC, at its option, to use all features and functionality of the Qwest NID including any protection mechanisms, test capabilities, or any other capabilities now existing or as they may exist in the future regardless of whether or not CLEC terminates its own distribution facility on the NID. Multi-Tenant (MTE) NID - The MTE NID is divided into two (2) functional components: one containing the over-voltage unit (protector) and the other containing the terminations of the on-premises inside wiring. Such devices contain the protectors for, and may be located externally or internally to the premises served. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.5.2 Terms and Conditions CLEC may use the existing Qwest NID to terminate its drop if space permits, otherwise a new NID or other Technically Feasible Interconnection point is required. If CLEC installs its own NID, CLEC may connect its NID to the Qwest NID by placing a cross connect between the two. When Provisioning a NID-to-NID connection, CLEC will isolate the Qwest facility in the NID by unplugging the modular unit. If CLEC requires that a non-modular unit be replaced with a modular NID, Qwest will perform the replacement .for the charge described in Section If CLEC is a facilities-based May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)53 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) provider up to and including its NID, the Qwest facility currently in place, including the NID, wil remain in place. Qwest shall allow CLEC to connect its Loops directly to the NID field containing the terminations of the on-premises inside wiring not owned or controlled by Qwest, without restriction. Where Qwest does not own or control the on-premises inside wiring, CLEC and the landowner shall determine procedures for such access. Qwest shall allow CLEC to use all features and functionality of the Qwest NID including any protection mechanisms, test capabilities, or any other capabilities now existing or as they may exist in the future. Pursuant to generally acceptable work pràctices, and provided the inside wire re-termination is required to meet service requirements of either Parties' End User Customer, either Party may remove the inside wire from the NID and connect that wire to that Part's own NID. Future installation of Qwest NIDs will be such that it wil not unnecessarily impede access to the End User Customer's wiring. CLEC may enter the subscriber access chamber or End User Customer side of a dual chamber NID enclosure for the purpose of NID-to-NID connections. Upon CLEC request, Qwest will make other rearrangements to the inside wire terminations or terminal enclosure. Charges will be assessed per Section No such charge shall be applicable if Qwest initiates the rearrangement of such terminations. In all such instances, rearrangements shall be performed in a non-discriminatory fashion and timeframe and without an End User Customer's perceivable disruption in service. Qwest will not make any rearrangements of wiring that is provided by another Carrier that relocates the other Carrier's test access point without notifying the affected Carrier promptly after such rearrangement if CLEC has properly labeled its cross connect wires. Qwest will retain sole ownership of the Qwest NID and its contents on Qwests side. Qwest is not required to proactively conduct NID change-outs, on a wide scale basis. At CLEC's request, Qwest will change the NID on an individual request basis by CLEC and charges will be assessed per Section except where Section applies. Qwest is not required to inventory NID locations on behalf of CLEC. When CLEC accesses a Qwest NID, it shall employ generally accepted best engineering practices and comply with industry standards should -such standards exist when it physically connects its NID (or equivalent) to the Qwest NID and makes Cross Connections necessary to provide service. At MTE NIDs, CLEC shall clearly label the cross connect wires it uses to provide service. Qwest shall label its terminals when a technician is dispatched. All services fed through a protector field in a Qwest NID located inside a building will interface on an industry standard termination block and then extend, via a Cross Connection to the End User Customer's in-premises wiring. All services fed through a protector field in a Qwest NID that is attached to a building wil interface on May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEslID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)54 Attachment 3 SectiOlt9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) industry standard lugs or a binding post type of termination and then extend, via a Cross Connection, to the End User Customer's on-premises wiring. If so requested by CLEC, Qwest shall allow CLEC to connect its Loops directly to the protector field at Qwest NIDs that have unused protectors and are not used by Qwest or any other Telecommunications Carrier to provide service to the premises. If CLEC accesses the Qwest protector field, it shall do so on the distribution side of the protector field only where spare protector capacity exists. In such cases, CLEC shall only access a Qwest NID protector field in cable increments appropriate to the NID. If twenty-five (25) or more metallic cable pairs are simultaneously terminated at the MTE NID, additions must be in increments of twenty-five (25) additional metallic pairs. In all cases, Telecommunications cables entering a Qwest NID must be terminated in compliance with FCC 88-57, section 315 of the National Electric Safety Code and section 800.30 of the National Electric Code. 9.5.3 Rate Elements Exhibit A provides recurring and nonrecurring rates for access or modifications to an existing NID, andExhibit A also provides Miscellaneous Charges. If CLEC requests the current simple NID be replaced with a different simple NID, pursuant to Section, additional labor - other Miscellaneous Charges wil be assessed with CLEC paying only for the portion of the change-out that is specific to and for the functionality that supports CLEC requirements. Recurring rates apply for unbundled access to the protector field in a Qwest NID, pursuant to Section As of the Effective Date of the Agreement, Qwest has not implemented charges for this recurring rate element, but reserves the right to assess such a charge in the future. When CLEC requests that Qwest perform the work to connect its NID to the Qwest NID, the costs associated with Qwest performing such work will be charged to CLEC as additional labor - other Miscellaneous Charges. When Qwest makes rearrangements to the inside wire terminations or terminal enclosure pursuant to Section, charges will be assessed as additional labor - other Miscellaneous Charges. CLEC wil be charged for any change-out Qwest performs pursuant to Section CLEC wil be billed only for the portion of the change-out that is specific to CLEC's request for modified/additional capacity. Charges will be assessed as additional labor - other Miscellaneous Charges. 9.5.4 OrderingProcess Intentionally Left Blank. CLEC may access a MTE NID after determining that the terminal in question is a NID, per the process identified in Section 9.3. If the terminal is a NID and CLEC wishes to access the End User Customer field of the NID, no additional verification is needed by Qwest. CLEC shall tag its jumper wire. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)55 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) When CLEC seeks to connect to a cross connect field other than to the End User Customer field of the NID, CLEC shall submit a LSR for connection to the NID. Qwest shall notify CLEC, within ten (10) business days, if the connection is not Technically Feasible. In such cases, Qwest shall inform CLEC of the basis for its claim of technical infeasibility and, at the same time, identify all alternative points of connection that Qwest would support. CLEC shall have the option of employing the alternative terminal or disputing the claim of technical infeasibility pursuant to the Dispute Resolution provisions of the Agreement. No additional verification is needed by Qwest and CLEC shall tag its jumper wire. Subject to the terms of Section, CLEC may perform a NID-to-NID connection, according to Section, and access the End User Customer field ofthe NID without notice to Qwest. CLEC may access the protector field of the NID by submitting a LSR. 9.5.5 Maintenance and Repair If Qwest is' dispatched to an End User Customer's location on a maintenance issue and finds the NID to be defective, Qwest will replace the defective element or, if beyond repair, the entire device at no cost to CLEC. If the facilties and lines have been removed from the protector field or damaged by CLEC, CLEC will be responsible. for all costs associated with returning the facilities and lines back to their original state. This work is billed to CLEC as additional labor - other Miscellaneous Charges. Maintenance and Repair pi:cesses are contained in the Access to OSS Section 12.3 of the Agreement. 9.6 Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) Qwest shall provide access to Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) in a non- discriminatory manner according to the following terms and conditions. 9.6.1 Description Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) provides CLEC with a Network Element of a single transmission path between. Qwest Wire Centers in the same LATA and state. UDIT provides a path between one (1) CLEC's Collocation in one (1) Qwest Wire Center and a different CLEC's Collocation in another Qwest Wire Center. UDIT is a distance-sensitive, flat-rated bandwidth-specific interoffice transmission path designed to a DSX in each Qwest Wire Center. UDIT is available in DSO through DS3 bandwidths. CLEC can assign channels and transport its choice of voice or data. Specifications, interfaces and parameters are described in Qwest Technical Publication 77389. 9.6.2 Terms and Conditions Intentionally Left Blank. Qwest shall unbundle DS1 transport between any pair of Qwest Wire Centers except where, through application of "Tier" classifications, as defined in the Definition Section 4 of the Agreement, both Wire Centers defining May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)56 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) the Route are Tier 1 Wire Centers. As. such, Qwest must unbundle DS1 transport if a Wire Center at either end of a requested Route is not a Tier 1 Wire Center, or if neither is a Tier 1 Wire Center. On Routes for which no unbundling obligation for DS3 dedicated transport circuits exists but for which DS1 Dedicated Transport is available on an unbundled basis, CLEC may obtain a maximum of ten (10) unbundled DS1 Dedicated Transport circuits. Qwest shall unbundle DS3 transport between any pair of Qwest Wire Centers except where, through application of "Tiet' classifications, as defined in the Definition Section 4 of the Agreement, both Wire Centers defining the Route are either Tier 1 or Tier 2 Wire Centers. As such, Qwest must unbundle DS3 transport if a Wire Center on either end of a requested Route is a Tier 3 Wire Center. CLEC may obtain a maximum of twelve (12) unbundled DS3 dedicated transport circuits on each Route where DS3 dedicated transport is available on an unbundled basis. Intentionally Left Blank. All services provided in this Section 9.6 are subject to the Ratcheting criteria as provided in Section All services provided in this Section 9.6, when combined with high capacity Loops, are subject to the Service Eligibility Criteria as provided in Section To the extent that CLEC is ordering access to a UNE Combination, and Cross Connections are necessary to combine UNEs, Qwest will perform requested and necessary Cross Connections between UNEs in the same manner that it would perform such Cross Connections for its End User Customers or for itself. If not ordered as a combination, CLEC is responsible for performing Cross Connections at its Collocation or other mutually determined Demarcation Point between UNEs and ancillary or Finished Services, and for transmission design work including regeneration requirements for such connections. Such Cross Connections will not be required of CLEC when CLEC orders a continuous UDIT element from one point to another. Intentionally Left Blank. With the exception of combinations provided through the UNE Combinations Section 9.23, CLEC may utilize any form of Collocation at both ends of the UDIT. Qwests design will ensure the cable between the Qwest-provided active elements and the DSX wil meet the proper signal level requirements. Channel regeneration will not be charged for separately for Interconnection between a Collocation space and Qwests network. Cable distance limitations are based on ANSI Standard T1.102.1993 "Digital Hierarchy - Electrical Interface; Annex B." Intentionally Left Blank. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)57 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Upon CLEC request, Qwest will convert special access or private line circuits to UDIT, provided the service originates at CLEC's Collocation in the Serving Wire Center. 9.6.3 Rate Elements Exhibit A provides recurring and nonrecurring rates for UDIT and also provides Miscellaneous Charges. DS1 UDIT includes the following rate elements: a) DS1 Transport Termination (Fixed) Rate Element. This recurring rate element provides a 1.544 Mbps termination at a DSX or DCS. In addition to the fixed rate element, a per-mile rate element, as described below, also applies. b) DS1 Transport Facilties (Per Mile) Rate Element. This recurring rate element provides a transmission path of 1.544 Mbps between QlNest Wire Centers.. This is a mileage sensitive element based on the V&H coordinates of the DS1 UDIT. The mileage is calculated between the originating and terminating Qwest Wire Centers. c) Intentionally Left Blank. d) DS1 Nonrecurring Charge. One-time charges apply for a specific work activity associated with installation of the DS 1 service. e)Intentionally Left Blank. DS3 UDIT rates include the following rate elements: a) DS3 Transport Termination (Fixed) Rate Element. This recurring rate element provides a 44.736 Mbps termination. In addition to the fixed rate element, a per-mile rate element, as described below, also applies. b) DS3 Transport Facilities (Per Mile) Rate Element. This recurring rate element provides an interoffice transmission path of 44.736 Mbps between Qwest Wire Centers. This is a mileage sensitive element based on the V&H coordinates of the DS3 UDIT. The mileage is calculated between the originating and terminating Qwest Wire Centers. c) Intentionally Left Blank. d) DS3 Nonrecurring Charge. One-time charges apply for a specific work activity associated with installation of the DS3 service. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)58 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) e)Intentionally Left Blank. DSO UDIT includes the following rate elements: a) DSO Transport Termination (Fixed). This recurring rate element provides a 64 Kbps termination. In addition to the fixed rate element, a per-mile rate element, as described below, also applies. b) DSO Transport Facilities (Per Mile). This recurring rate element provides a transmission path of 64 Kbps between Qwest Wire Centers. This is a mileage sensitive element based on the V&H coordinates of the DSO UDIT. The mileage is calculated between the originating and terminating Qwest Wire Centers. c) DSO Nonrecurring Charges. One-time charges apply for a specific work activity associated with installation of the DSO service. d) Low Side Channelization. Recurring charges apply for low side multiplexed channel cards and settings at each end of the DSO UDIT. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. .Intentionally Left Blank. Nonrecurring charges apply for rearrangements of UDIT. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. The following miscellaneous services, as described in Section 9.1.12, are available with UDIT. Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellaneous services. a)Additional labor - other b)Cancellation c)Design Change d)Dispatch e)Expedite f)Maintenance of Service. A nonrecurring charge is applied to the conversion of an existing private line/Special Access circuit to UDIT. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)59 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) 9.6.4 Ordering Process Ordering processes and installation intervals are as follows: UDIT is ordered via the .Access Service Request (ASR) process. Ordering processes are contained in the Access to OSS Section 12.2 of the Agreement. Intentionally Left Blank. The interval will start when Qwest receives a complete and accurate ASR. This date is considered the start of the installation interval if the order is received prior to 3:00 p.m. The installation interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received after 3:00 p.m. The installation intervals have been established and are set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. Intentionally Left Blank. An order may be canceled any time up to and including the Due Date/Service Date. Cancellation Miscellaneous Charges apply for such cancellations except when: a) The original Due Date or CLEC-initiated subsequent Due Date was, or CLEC has been notified by Qwest that such Due Date will be, delayed ten (10) business days or. longer; or b) . The original Due Date has been scheduled later than the expiration of the standard interval, set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website, and CLEC cancels its order no later than ten (10) days before such original Due Date. Definitions of the most common critical dates that occur during the ordering and installation process are included in the Definitions Section 4 of the Agreement. UDIT is ordered with basic installation. Qwest will install the UDIT extending connections to CLEC Demarcation Point and will notify CLEC when the work activity is complete. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Qwest will perform industry standard tests, set forth in Technical Publication 77389, when installing UDIT service. To convert an existing private line/special access circuit to UDIT, CLEC must submit two (2) ASRs to change the circuit identification, Network Channel Interface Code (NCI) and billing. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)60 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) CLEC will submit an Access Service Request (ASR) for rearrangement including appropriate termination information (e.g., Connecting Facilty Assignment (CFA) or Network Channel Codes/Network Channel Interface Codes (NC/NCI) codes). 9.6.5 Maintenance and Repair The Parties wil perform cooperative testing and trouble isolation to identify where trouble points exist. CLEC Cross Connections will be repaired by CLEC and Qwest Cross Connections will be repaired by Qwest. Maintenance and Repair processes are contained in the Access to OSS Section 12.3 of the Agreement. 9.6.6 Rearrangement CLEC can submit requests through the ASR process to move or rearrange UDIT terminations on CLEC's Demarcation Point or to change UDIT options. These rearrangements are available through a single Wire Center or dual Wire Center request. Single Wire Center rearrangements are limited to the change in options or movement of terminations within a single Wire Center. Dual Wire Center rearrangements are used to change options or movement of terminations in two (2) Wire Centers. Rearrangement is only available for in-place and working UDITs. The rearrangement of terminations or option changes are completed as an "uncoordinated change" (basic request) and will be completed within the normal intervals outlned in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. If CLEC desires a. coordinated rearrangement of terminations or options changes, additional labor installation as identified in Exhibit A shall apply. CLEC will submit an ASR with the rearrange USOC and appropriate termination information (e.g., CFA) or NC/NCI codes (Network Channel Codes/Network Channel Interface Codes). 9.7 Unbundled Dark Fiber Dedicated dark fiber shall be made available to CLEC on an unbundled basis as set forth below. Dark fiber transport consists of unactivated optical interoffice transmission facilities. 9.7.1 Description Unbundled Dark Fiber (UDF) is a deployed, unlit strand or strands of fiber that connects two (2) Wire Centers within Qwests network within the same LATA or state. UDF exists in two (2) distinct forms: (a) UDF interoffice facility (UDF-IOF), which constitutes a deployed route between two (2) Qwest Wire Centers; and (b) UDF MTE Subloop that begins at or near an MTE premises to provide access to MTE premises wiring. Deployed Dark Fiber facilities shall include all local exchange Dark Fiber Qwest owns directly or to which it has a right to access under agreements with any other party affiliated or not, that do not prohibit Qwests ability to provide access to another Person or entity. Deployed Dark Fiber facilities shall not be limited to facilties owned by Qwest, but wil include in place and easily called into service facilities to which Qwest has otherwise obtained a right of access, including but not limited to capitalized Indefeasible Right to Use (IRUs) or capitalized leases. Qwest shall not be required to extend access in a manner that is inconsistent with the restrictions and other terms and conditions that apply to Qwests access; however, in the case of access obtained from an Affliate: (a) the actual practice and May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)61 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) custom as between Qwest and the Affliate shall apply, in the event that it provides broader access than does any documented agreement that may exist, and (b) any terms restrièting access by CLEC that are imposed by the agreement with the Affliate (excluding good-faith restrictions imposed by any agreement with a third part from whom the Affliate has gained rights of access) shall not be applied to restrict CLEC access. 9.7.2 Terms and Conditions Qwest shall unbundle dark fiber transport between any pair of Qwest Wire Centers except where, through application of "Tier" classifications described in the Definition Section 4 of the Agreement, both Wire Centers defining the Route are either Tier 1 or Tier 2 Wire Centers. As such, Qwest must unbundle dark fiber transport if a Wire Center on either end of a requested Route is a Tier 3 Wire Center. Qwest will provide CLEC with non-discriminatory access to UDF in accordance with Section 9.1. Qwest wil provide UDF of substantially the same quality as the fiber facilities that Qwest uses to provide retail service to its own End User Customers. Qwest provides access to unbundled Dark Fiber at: Accessible terminations such as fiber distribution panels. A poiot of technically feasible access is any point in Qwests outside plant at or near an MTE premises where a technician can access the wire or fiber within the cable without removing a splice case to reach the wire or fiber within to access the wiring in the MTE premises. Such points include, but are not limited to, a pole or pedestal, the network interface device, the minimum point of entry, the single point of interconnection, and the feeder/distribution interface. Intentionally Left Blank. Qwest will provide CLEC with access to deployed Dark Fiber facilities. CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and connecting electronic equipment, whether light generating or light terminating equipment, to the Dark Fiber at both ends, provided that if CLEC requests Qwest to obtain and connect the electronic equipment, Qwest will follow the requirements of Section 9.19 in deciding whether or not to build the facilties for CLEC. Qwest will provide Unbundled Dark Fiber to CLEC in increments of one (1) or two (2) strands. CLEC may obtain up to twenty-five percent (25%) of availableDark Fibers or four (4) Dark Fiber strands, whichever is greater, in each fibet cable segment over a twelve (12) month period. Before CLEC may order additional UDF on such fiber cable segment, CLEC must demonstrate efficient use of existing fiber in each cable segment. Efficient use of interoffice cable segments is defined as providing a minimum of OC-12 termination on each fiber pair. Efficient use of UDF MTE Subloop fiber is defined as providing a minimum of OC-3 termination on each fiber pair. CLEC may designate five percent (5%) of its fibers along a fiber cable segment, or two (2) strands, whichever is greater, for maintenance spare, which fibers or strands are not subject to the termination requirements in this paragraph. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)62 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Qwest shall not have an obligation to unbundle Dark Fiber in the following circumstances: a) Qwest will not unbundle Dark Fiber that Qwest utilizes for maintenance or reserves for maintenance spare for Qwests own use. Qwest shall not reserve more than five percent (5%) of the fibers in a sheath, or two (2) strands, whichever is greater, for maintenance or maintenance spare for Qwests own use. b) Qwest will not be required to unbundle Dark Fiber if Qwest demonstrates to the Commission by a preponderance of the evidence that such unbundling would create a likely and foreseeable threat to its abilty to meet its Carrier of last resort obligations as established by any regulatory authority. Qwest shall initiate such proceeding within seven (7) Days of denying CLEC's request (by written notice) to unbundle Dark Fiber where such fiber is available. In this proceeding, Qwest shall not object to using the most expeditious procedure available under state law, rule or regulation. Qwest shall be relieved of its unbundling obligations, related to the specific Dark Fiber at issue, pending the proceeding before the Commission. If Qwest fails to initiate such pending proceeding within such seven (7) Day period, CLEC's request to unbundle Dark Fiber shall be reinstated and the ordering and Provisioning processes of Section 9.7.3 shall continue. Intentionally Left Blank. Specifications, interfaces and parameters for Dark Fiber are described in Qwests Technical Publication 77383. Qwest. CLEC is responsible for trouble isolation before reporting trouble to i9.7.2.9 Intentionally Left Blank. Upon thirty (30) Days notification to CLEC, Qwest may initiate a proceeding to reclaim Dark Fiber strands from CLEC that were not serving End User Customers at the time of Qwests notice to CLEC. In such proceeding, Qwest shall have the burden to prove that Qwest needs such fiber strands in order to meet its Carrier of last resort obligations as established by any regulatory authority. In such proceeding, CLEC shall not object to using the most expeditious procedure available under state law, rule or regulation. CLEC shall be entitled to retain such strands of UDF for any purpose permitted under the Agreement pending the proceeding before the Commission; provided, however, that such use shall be at CLEC's sole risk of any reclamation approved by the Commission, including the risk of termination of service to End User Customers. CLEC may designate five percent (5%) of its fibers along a fiber cable segment, or two (2) strands, whichever is greater, for maintenance spare, which fibers or strands are not subject to the reclamation requirements in this paragraph. Intentionally Left Blank. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)63 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) CLEC must have established Collocation or other Technically Feasible means of network demarcation pursuant to Section 9.1.4 at both terminating points of the UDF-IOF. No Collocation is required in intermediate Wire Centers within a UDF or at Wire Centers where CLEC's UDFs are cross connected. CLEC has no access to UDF at those intermediate Wire Centers. CLEC-to-CLEC connections with UDF for the mutual exchange of traffic is permissible pursuant to the provisions in Section 9.7. CLEC is responsible for all work activities at the MTE premises. All negotiations with the premises End User Customer and or premises owner are solely the responsibility of CLEC. . Intentionally Left Blank. Access to Dark Fiber MTE Subloops at or near an MTE Terminal within a non-Qwest owned MTE is done through an MTE-POI. Collocation is not required to access MTE Subloops. CLEC wil incur all costs associated with disconnecting the UDF from its side of the network Demarcation Point. Qwest and CLEC will jointly participate in continuity testing within the Provisioning interval established in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. Qwest and CLEC must coordinate on the date and time for this continuity testing. As part of their respective duties regarding this continuity test, Qwest shall furnish a light detector at one (1) termination point of the UDF, and CLEC shall furnish light generating equipment at the other termination point of the UDF as described below: CLEC may identify on its order the Wire Center at which Qwest must provide a light detector and the Wire Center at which CLEC will provide light generating equipment. If CLEC does not identify the Wire Center on its order, Qwest and CLEC shall mutually agree on the Wire Center at which CLEC. will provide the light generating equipment. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. If, within ten (10) Days of the date Qwest provisioned an order for UDF, CLEC demonstrates that the UDF pair(s) provisioned over requested route do not meet the minimum parameters set forth in Technical Publication 77383, and if the trouble is in the Qwest UDF facility, not due to fault on the part of CLEC, then Qwest will at no additional cost, attempt to repair the UDF as it relates to Qwest cross connects and jumpers. If Qwest cannot repair the UDF to the minimum parameters set forth in Technical Publication 77383, Qwest will replace the UDF if suitable UDF pair(s) are available, at no additional nonrecurring charge. If Qwest cannot replace the UDF upon receipt of CLEC's disconnect order, Qwest will refund the nonrecurring charges associated with the Provisioning excluding IRI, FVQP and Field Verification and will discontinue all recurring charges. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)64 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.7.3 Ordering Processes Ordering processes and installation intervals are as follows: The first step of the UDF ordering process is the inquiry process. The UDF inquiry is used to determine the availability of UDF. CLEC must submit a UDF inquiry and CLEC must specify the two (2) locations and the number of fibers requested. Qwest will notify CLEC, within the interval set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website, that: (i) UDF is available to satisfy CLEC's request, (ii) UDF is not available to satisfy CLEC's request; or (iii) Qwest, in writing, denies CLEC's request pursuant to Section Qwest shall provide written notice of denials pursuantto (ii) above. If there is UDF available, the UDF simple inquiry response and the complex inquiry response wil contain up to five (5) available UDF routes between the CLEC-specified end locations. If additional routes are available, Qwest will notify CLEC that such additional routes exist and negotiate how that additional information wil be made available. CLEC will establish network Demarcation Points to accommodate UDF optical terminations via Collocation or other Technically Feasible means or network demarcation pursuant to Section 9.1.4. If Collocation and or other network demarcation arrangements have not been completed, CLEC must have obtained preliminary APOT address information (CFA - Connecting Facility Assignment) for its network Demarcation Points in each Qwest Wire Center where the UDF terminates prior to placing an order for UDF. When preliminary APOT has been established and delivered to CLEC, Qwest can begin processing the UDF Provisioning order upon receipt of the UDF Provisioning request. If the preliminary APOT address is changed by CLEC, a new Provisioning time line for UDF must be established. Based on the CLEC request, (UDF-IOF or UDF MTE Subloop), there are two (2) possible termination scenarios. Termination at an MTE. CLEC shall access the UDF MTE Subloop on the MTE Premises at a Technically Feasible point if possible. If access is not Technically Feasible on the MTE Premises, then CLEC may request access to UDF MTE Subloop at a Technically Feasible point near the MTE Premises. Qwest will prepare and submit to CLEC a quotation along with the original Field Verification Quote Preparation form (FVQP) within the interval set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. Quotations are on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) and wil include costs and an interval in accordance with Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)65 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Intentionally Left Blank. Termination at Qwest Wire Center. If spare fiber is available, and CLEC chooses to proceed, and the request is for UDF terminations at a Qwest Wire Center, Qwest will begin the Provisioning process upon notification from CLEC to proceed and the receipt of fifty percent (50%) of the nonrecurring charges. The notification to proceed is accomplished by completing, signing and returning the original inquiry request to the account manager. Provisioning intervals for this type of request are set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. CLEC will be notified that Provisioning is complete and the remaining nonrecurring charges and associated recurring charges will be biled. An order may be canceled any time up to and including the Service Date. CLEC may reserve Dark Fiber for CLEC during Collocation builds. Prior to reserving space, CLEC must place an inquiry pursuant to Section and receive a UDF inquiry response that reflects that the route to be reserved is available. CLEC is also strongly encouraged to request a field verification that the route to be reserved is available. If CLEC does not obtain a field verification, CLEC assumes the risk that records upon which the UDF inquiry response is based may be in error. CLEC may reserve UDF for thirty (30), sixty (60), or ninety (90) Days. CLEC may extend or renew reservations if there is delay in completion of the Collocation build. All applicable UDF recurring charges specified in Section will be assessed at the commencement of the reservation. Nonrecurring charges for Provisioning and cross connects-will be assessed at the time of installation. 9.7.4 Maintenance and Repair The Parties will perform cooperative testing and trouble isolation to identify where trouble points exist. CLEC Cross Connections will be repaired by CLEC and Qwest Cross Connections will be repaired by Qwest. Maintenance and Repair processes are contained in the Access to OSS Section 12.3 of the Agreement. If it is determined that the UDF does not meet the minimum parameters of Technical Publication 77383 without fault of CLEC, and if the trouble is in the Qwest UDF facility, then Qwest wil attempt to repair the UDF as it relates to Qwest cross connects and jumper at no additional cost. If Qwest cannot repair the UDF to the minimum parameters set forth in Technical Publication 77383, then Qwest will replace the UDF at no additional cost if suitable UDF pair(s) are available. If Qwest cannot replace the UDF with available pairs, then it, upon receipt of CLEC's disconnect order, will discontinue the recurring charges effective as of the date of the commencement of the trouble. 9.7.5 Rate Elements Exhibit A provides recurring and nonrecurring rates for Dark Fiber and also provides Miscellaneous Charges. Dark Fiber includes the following rate elements: May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)66 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) a) Initial Records Inquiry (IRI). This rate element is a pre-order work effort that investigates the availability of UDF. This is a one-time charge for each route check requested by CLEC. A simple IRI determines if UDF is available between two (2) Qwest Wire Centers. A complex IRI is used to determine if a UDF MTE Subloop is available. Qwest wil bil CLEC the IRI immediately upon receipt of the inquiry. The IRI is a record search and does not guarantee the availability of UDF. b) Field Verification and Quote Preparation (FVQP). This rate element is a pre-order work effort to estimate the cost of providing UDF access to CLEC at locations other than Qwest Wire Centers. Qwest wil prepare a quotation which will explain what work activities, timeframes, and additional costs, including recurring and non-recurring costs, are associated with providing access to this FOP location. This quotation wil be good for thirt (30) Days. The FVQP is not necessary when the request is between Qwest Wire Centers (Le., simple IRI). If FVQP is applicable pursuant to this Section and CLEC orders UDF that has been reserved after a Field Verification has been performed, then the charge for FVQP will be reduced by the amount of the Engineering Verification charge assessed in the context of the reservation. c) Engineering Verification. This rate element is an additional records check for Unbundled Dark Fiber MTE Subloop. 9.7,5.2 The following rate elements are used once the availability of UDF has been established and CLfiC chooses to access UDF. Unbundled Dark Fiber - Single Strand - IOF Rate Elements a) UDF-IOF Termination (Fixed) Rate Element. This rate element is a recurring rate element and provides a termination at the interoffice FOP within the Qwest Wire Center. Two (2) UDF-IOF terminations apply per cross connect provided on the facility. Termination charges apply for each intermediate office terminating at an FOP or like cross connect point. b) UDF-IOF Fiber Transport, (Per Strand) Rate Element. Thisrecurring rate element applies per strand. This rate element provides a transmission path between Qwest Wire Centers. This rate element is mileage sensitive based on the route miles of the UDF rounded up to the next mile. c) UDF-IOF Fiber Cross Connect Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and nonrecurring component and is used to extend the optical connection from the IOF FOP to CLEC's optical Demarcation Point (ICDF). A minimum of two (2) UDF-IOF fiber cross connects apply per strand. Cross connect charges apply for each intermediate office terminating at an FOP or like cross connect point. The nonrecurring rate will not be charged for cross connects already in place prior to CLEC's order for UDF-IOF. Intentionally Left Blank. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)67 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Intentionally Left Blank. Order. Unbundled Dark Fiber - Order Charge, First Strand/Route, Per This rate element is the nonrecurring component assessed for installation of Unbundled Dark Fiber, by the strand. The element applies for the first strand that is requested to terminate at a single location. Unbundled Dark Fiber - Order Charge, Each Additional Strand/Route, Per Order. . This rate element is the nonrecurring component assessed for installation of each additional Unbundled Dark Fiber strand. The element applies to each additional strand ordered to the same location, on the same request. Unbundled Dark Fiber per Pair - IOF Rate Elements UDF-IOF Termination (Fixed) Rate Element. This rate element is a recurring rate element and provides a termination at the interoffice FDP within the Qwest Wire Center. Two UDF-IOF terminations apply per pair at each end of the facility. Termination charges apply for each intermediate Central Offce terminating at an FDP or like cross connect point. UDF-IOF Fiber Transport, (Pair) Rate Element. This rate element is a recurring component and applies per pair. This rate element provides a transmission path between Qwest Wire Centers. The recurring component of this rate element is mileage sensitive based on the route miles of the UDF rounded up to the next mile. UDF-IOF Fiber Cross Connect Rate Element. This rate element has both a recurring and nonrecurring component and is used to extend the optical connection from the IOF FDP to CLEC's optical Demarcation Point. A minimum of two (2) UDF- IOF fiber cross connects apply per pair. Cross connect charges apply for each intermediate Central Office terminating at an FDP or like cross connect point. The nonrecurring rate will not be charged for cross connects already in place prior to CLEC's order for UDF-IOF. Order. Unbundled Dark Fiber - Order Charge, First PairlRoute, Per This rate element is the nonrecurring component assessed for installation of Unbundled Dark Fiber, by the pair. The element applies for the first pair that is requested to terminate at a single location. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)68 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Unbundled Dark Fiber- Order Charge, Each Additional Pair/Route, Per Order, Per Location, Per Request. This rate element is the nonrecurring component assessed for installation of each additional Unbundled Dark Fiber pair. The element applies to each additional pair ordered to the same location, or subsequent locations for CLEC. Unbundled Dark Fiber Splice. This rate element is the nonrecurring charge assessed for the splice location, if required, to make the UDF MTE subloop accessible. This rate element is for the work performed at the accessible first manhole or splicing location associated with an UDF MTE subloop order. Unbundled Dark Fiber MTE Subloop. This rate element includes recurring and nonrecurring charges assessed for the UDF MTE subloop and it is ICB (Individual Case Basis). Miscellaneous Services. The following miscellaneous services, as described in Section 9.1.12, are available with Dark Fiber. Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellaneous services. a) Cancellation b) Dispatch c) Maintenance of Service. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)69 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) 9.8 Intentionally Left Blank 9.9 Intentionally Left Blank 9.10 Intentionally Left Blank 9.11 Intentionally Left Blank 9.12 Intentionally Left Blank 9.13 Intentionally Left Blank 9.14 Intentionally Left Blank 9.15 Intentionally Left Blank 9.16 Intentionally Left Blank 9.17 Intentionally Left Blank 9.18 Additional Unbundled Elements CLEC may request non-discriminatory access to and, where appropriate, development of, additional UNEs not covered in the Agreement pursuant to the Bona Fide Request Process. 9.19 Construction Charges Qwest will assess whether to build for CLEC in the same manner that it assesses whether to build for itself. Qwest will conduct an individual financial assessment of any request that requires construction of network capacity, facilities, or space for access to or use of UNEs. When Qwest constructs to fulfill CLEC's request for UNEs, Qwest will bid this construction on a case-by-case basis. Qwest will charge for the construction through nonrecurring charges as described in this Section 9.19. When CLEC orders the same or substantially similar service available to Qwest End User Customers, nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to authorize Qwest to charge CLEC for special construction where such charges are not provided for in a Tariff or where such charges would not be applied to a Qwest End User Customer. 9.19.1 Qwest reserves the right to determine if Qwest will undertake requested construction. Some circumstances under which Qwest will reject a construction request include, but are not limited to, if it is determined that the requested element will jeopardize the reliability of Qwests existing network, endanger Qwests employees or consumers, is not consistent with the National Electrical Code (NEG), or does not meet Network Equipment Building Standards (NEBS) requirements. If Qwest agrees to construct a network element, the following will apply. 9.19.2 CLEC may request that Qwest construct new facilities for use in providing services offered as Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) using the CLEC-Requested Unbundled Network Elements Construction ("CRUNEC") method. CRUNEC is not required for requests that can be resolved through facility work or assignments. CRUNEC is not available for requests for facilities that are not offered as UNEs. Qwests CRUNEC applies to the following Wholesale products and services: . Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL) May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)70 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) · Unbundled Subloop . Unbundled Dark Fiber (UDF) . Unbundled Dedicated Interoffce Transport (UDIT) . Unbundled Local Loop To make a request for construction of facilities, CLEC must submit a CRUNEC request by contacting the Qwest service manager. 9.19.3 Rates for CRUNEC A Records Quote Preparation Fee (RQPF) applies, and is a nonrecurring charge assessed prior to preparation of a Records Quotation, which is a high level overview and estimate of the cost of construction. This construction estimate is based on records only and is not binding on Qwest. Credit in the amount of the RQPF wil be applied to the Construction Quote Preparation Fee that is described below. The Construction Quote Preparation Fee (CQPF) is a nonrecurring charge assessed prior to preparation of the CRUNEC quotation. The CRUNEC quotation provides the amount CLEC will pay should it agree to pursue construction. Credit in the amount of the CQPF will be applied to the cost of construction if CLEC accepts the quoted CRUNEC price and agrees to pursue construction. CLEC may choose to first receive a Records Quotation, or may choose to forego the Records Quotation and pay the CQPF for the CRUNEC quotation, at any time after receiving notification that facilities are not available to complete a service request. Qwest will retain the CQPF if CLEC chooses not to proceed with the construction. At any point after remitting payment for construction, if CLEC decides to begin but then to discontinue construction, Qwest will refund the Construction payment, excluding expenditures already incurred by Qwest for work completed (including work Engineered, Furnished and/or Installed (EF&I)). Qwest will provide a brief description of work completed. EF&I is defined as: · Engineering labor to analyze the needs for the requested UNE and design and issue the required work orders · Furnished material cost · Installation labor costs to complete the work order The amount of the CRUNEC quotation is determined using the same financial analysis criteria, and costs to recover for EF&I, that Qwest uses to assess whether to build the equivalent facilities for itself. Rates are included in Exhibit A. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)71 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) 9.20 Intentionally Left Blank 9.21 Intentionally Left Blank 9.22 Intentionally Left Blank 9.23 Unbundled Network Element Combinations 9.23.1 General Terms Qwest shall provide CLEC with non-discriminatory access to combinations of Unbundled Network Elements, including but not limited to, Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL), according to the following terms and conditions. Qwest will offer to CLEC UNE Combinations, on rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable and non-discriminatory in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement and the requirements of Section 251 and Section 252 of the Act, the applicable FCC rules, and other Applicable Laws. The methods of access to UNE Combinations described in this section are not exclusive. Qwest wil make available any other form of access requested by CLEC that is consistent with the Act and the regulations thereunder. CLEC shall be entitled access to all combinations functionality as provided in FCC rules and other Applicable Laws. Qwest shall not require CLEC to access any UNE Combinations in conjunction with any other sérvice or element unless specified in the Agreement or as required for Technical Feasibility reasons. Qwest shall not place any use restrictions or other limiting conditions on UNE Combinations accessed by CLEC, except as specified in the Agreement or required by Existing Rules. Changes in law, regulations or other "Existing Rules" relating to UNEs and UNE Combinations, including additions and deletions of elements Qwest is required to unbundle and/or provide in a UNE Combination, shall be incorporated into the Agreement pursuant to Section 2.2 of the Agreement. CLEC and Qwest agree that the UNEs identified in Section 9 are not exclusive and that pursuant to changes in FCC rules, or the Bona Fide Request process, CLEC may identify and request that Qwest furnish additional or revised UNEs to the extent required under Section 251 (c)(3) of the Act. Failure to list a UNE herein shall not constitute a waiver by CLEC to obtain a UNE subsequently defined by the FCC. CLEC may Commingle UNEs and combinations of UNEs with wholesale services and facilities (e.g., switched and special access services offered pursuant to Tariff), and request Qwest to perform the necessary functions to provision such Commingling. CLEC will be required to provide the Connecting Facility Assignment (CFA) of CLEC's network demarcation (e.g., Collocation or multiplexing facilties) for each UNE, UNE Combination, or wholesale service when requesting Qwest to perform the Commingling of such services. Qwest shall not deny access to a UNE on the grounds that the UNE or UNE Combination shares part of Qwests network with access services. All requests. for combinations and Commingling will be subject to the terms and conditions in Section 9.1. In addition to the UNE Combinations provided by Qwest to CLEC hereunder, Qwest shall permit CLEC to combine any UNE provided by Qwest May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)72 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) with another UNE provided by Qwest or with compatible network components provided by CLEC or provided by third parties to CLEC in order to provide Telecommunications Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CLEC can connect its UNE Combination to Qwests Directory Assistance and operator services platforms. Intentionally Left Blank. When ordered as combinations of UNEs, Network Elements that are currently combined and ordered togetHer will not be physically disconnected or separated in any fashion except for technical reasons or if requested by CLEC. Network Elements to be provisioned together shall be identified and ordered by CLEC as such. When CLEC orders in combination UNEs that are currently interconnected and functional, such UNEs shall remain interconnected or combined as a working service without any disconnection or disruption of functionality. When ordered in combination, Qwest will combine for CLEC UNEs that are ordinarily combined in Qwests network, provided that facilities are available. When ordered in combination, Qwest will combine for CLEC UNEs that are not ordinarily combined in Qwests network, provided that facilities are available and such combination: Is Technically Feasible; Would not impair .the ability of other Carriers to obtain access to UNEs or to interconnect with Qwests network; and Would not impair Qwests use of its network. When ordered in combination, Qwest will combine CLEC UNEs with Qwest UNEs, provided that facilities are available and such combination: Is Technically Feasible; Shall be performed in a manner that provides Qwest access to necessary facilities; Would not impair the ability of other Carriers to obtain access to UNEs or to interconnect with Qwests network; and Would not impair Qwests use of its network. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.23.2 Description UNE Combinations are available in, but not limited to, the following standard products: EEL, subject to the limitations set forth below. If CLEC desires access to a different UNE Combination, CLEC may request access through the Special Request Process set forth in the Agreement. Qwest will provision UNE Combinations pursuant to the terms of the Agreement May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)73 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) without requiring an amendment to the Agreement, provided that all of the UNEs included in the combination request, and their associated Billing rate elements are contained in the Agreement. If Qwest develops additional UNE Combination products, CLEC can order such products without using the Special Request Process, but CLEC may need to submit a New Customer Questionnaire and execute an amendment before ordering such products. 9.23.3 Terms and Conditions Qwest shall provide non-discriminatory access to UNE Combinations on rates, terms and conditions that are non-discriminatory, just and reasonable. The quality of a UNE Combination Qwest provides, as well as the access provided to that UNE Combination, will be equal between all Carriers requesting access to that UNE Combination; and, where Technically Feasible, the access and UNE Combination provided by Qwest will be provided in "substantially the same time and manner" to that which Qwest provides to itself. In those situations where Qwest does not provide access to UNE Combinations itself, Qwest wil provide access in a manner that provides CLEC with a meaningful opportunity to compete. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL) -- EEL is a combination of Loop and dedicated interoffice transport and may also include multiplexing. EEL transport and Loop facilities may utilize DSO through DS3 bandwidths. The terms and conditions of Section 9.6 shall apply to the Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport portion of the EEL. The terms and conditions of Section 9.2 shall apply to the Loop portion of the EEL. EEL is offered as a conversion from private line/special access or as new installation subject to the terms of Section 9.1.1. Service Eligibility Criteria in Section apply to combinations of high capacity (D81 and DS3) Loops and interoffice transport (high capacity EELs). This includes new UNE EELs, EEL conversions (including commingled EEL conversions) or new commingled EELs (e.g., high capacity loops attached to special access transport). CLEC cannot utilize combinations of Unbundled Network Elements that include DS1 or DS3 Unbundled Loops and DS1 or DS3 Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) to create high capacity EELs unless CLEC certifies to Qwest that the EELs meet the Service Eligibility Criteria in Section Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)74 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. CLEC may request the conversion of an existing private line/special access service to an EEL. Retail and/or resale private line circuits (including multiplexing) may be converted to EEL if the conversion is Technically Feasible and they meet the terms of Section 9.1.1. Qwest will provide CLEC with conversions to EELs according to the standard intervals set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. Work performed by Qwest to provide Commingled EELs at CLEC's request or to provide services that are not subject to_ standard provisioning intervals will not be subject to performance measures and remedies, if any, contained in the Agreement or elsewhere, by virtue of that service's inclusion in a requested Commingled EEL service arrangement. Provisioning intervals applicable to services included in a requested Commingled service arrangement will not begin to run until CLEC provides a complete and accurate service request, necessary CFAs to Qwest, and Qwest completes work required to provide for the Commingling that is in addition to work required to provision the service as a stand-alone facility or service. Intentionally Left Blank. EEL is a combination of Loop and dedicated interoffice transport used for the purpose of connecting an End User Customer to CLEC's Collocation. EEL can also be ordered as a new installation of circuits for the purpose of CLEC providing services to End User Customers. Terms and Conditions Intentionally Left Blank. One (1) end of the interoffce facility of a high capacity EEL must originate at CLEC's Collocation in a Wire Center other than the Serving Wire Center of the Loop. EEL combinations consist of Loops and May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)75 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) interoffice transport of the same bandwidth (Point-to-Point EEL). High capacity point-to-point EELs must originate from CLEC's Collocation in a Wire Center other than the Serving Wire Center of the Loop. When multiplexing is requested, EEL may consist of Loops and interoffice transport of different bandwidths . (multiplexed EEL). Intentionally Left Blank. Installation intervals are set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide (SIG) located on Qwests website, on the following web site address: http://ww.qwest.com/carrier/guides/sig/index.html. Intentionally Left Blank. EEL is available only where existing facilities are available. Rearrangements may be requested for work to be performed by Qwest on an existing EEL or on some private line/special access circuits when coupled with a conversion-as- specified request to convert to EEL. Ordering Intentionally Left Blank. CLEC will submit EEL orders using the LSR process. Qwest will install the appropriate channel card based on the DSO EEL Loop LSR order and apply the charges. Intentionally Left Blank. One (1) LSR is required when CLEC orders Point-to-Point EEL. Multiplexed EEL and EEL Loops must be ordered on separate LSRs. Out of Hours Project Coordinated Installations: CLEC may request project coordinated installations outside of Qwests standard installation hours. This permits CLEC to obtain a coordinated installation for EEL where CLEC requests work to be performed outside of Qwests standard installation hours. For purposes of this Section, Qwests standard installation hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Installations commencing outside of these hours are considered to be out of hours project coordinated installations. The date and time for the out of hours project coordinated installation requires up-front planning and shall be negotiated between Qwest and CLEC. All requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis and are subject to Qwests ability to meet a reasonable demand. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)76 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Considerations such as volumes, system down time, Switch upgrades, Switch maintenance, and the possibility of other CLECs requesting the same appointment times in the same Switch (Switch contention) must be reviewed. To request out of hours project coordinated installations, CLEC will submit an LSR designating the desired appointment time. CLEC must specify an out of hours project coordinated Installation in the "remarks" section of the LSR. Rate Elements Exhibit A provides recurring and nonrecurring rates for EEL and also provides Miscellaneous Charges. EEL Loop. The EEL Loop is the Loop connection between the End User Customer premises and the Serving Wire Center. EEL Loop is available in DSO, DS1, and DS3 bandwidths. Recurring and nonrecurring charges apply, EEL Transport. EEL Transport consists of the dedicated interoffice facilties between Qwest Wire Centers. EEL Transport is available 'in DSO, DS1, and DS3 bandwidths. Recurring charges apply. EEL Multiplexing. EEL multiplexing is offered in DS3 to DS1 and DS1 to DSO configurations. EEL multiplexing is ordered with EEL Transport Recurring and nonrecurring charges apply. DSO Low Side Channelization and DSO MUX Low Side Channelization. EEL DSO Channel Cards are required for each DSO EEL Loop. Channel Cards are available for Analog Loop Start, Ground Start, Reverse Battery, and No Signaling. Intentionally Left Blank. Rearrangements. Nonrecurring charges apply for work performed by Qwest on an existing EEL or on private line/special access circuits when coupled with a conversion-as-specified request to convert to EEL. Nonrecurring charges apply for conversions of private line/Special Access to EEL. Miscellaneous Charges. The following miscellaneous services, as described in Section 9.1.12, are available with EEL. Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellanéous services. a) Additional labor - installation Miscellaneous Charges apply for out-of-hours project coordinated installations scheduled to commence out of hours, or rescheduled by CLEC to commence out of hours, in addition to standard nonrecurring charges for the installation b) Additional labor - other Miscellaneous Charges apply for Optional May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)77 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Testing c) Cancellation d) Design change e) Dispatch f) Expedite g) Maintenance of Service. CLEC may request access to and, where appropriate, development of, additional UNE Combinations. For UNEs Qwest currently combines in its network, CLEC can use the Special Request Process (SRP) set forth in Exhibit F of the Agreement. For UNEs that Qwest does not currently combine, CLEC must use the Bona Fide Request Process (BFR). In its BFR or SRP request, CLEC must identify the specific combination of UNEs, identifying each individual UNE by name as described in the Agreement. Intentionally Left Blank. If CLEC is obtaining services from Qwest under an arrangement or agreement that includes the application of termination liability assessment (TLA) or minimum_period charges, and if CLEC wishes to convert such services to UNEs or a UNE Combination, the conversion of such services will not be delayed due to the applicability of TLA or minimum period charges. The applicability of such charges is governed by the terms of the original agreement, Tariff or arrangement. Nothing herein shall be construed as expanding the rights otherwise granted by the Agreement or by law to elect to make such conversions. For installation of new UNE Combinations, CLEC will not be assessed UNE rates for UNEs ordered in combination until access to all UNEs that make up such combination have been provisioned to CLEC as a combination. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. In the event Qwest terminates the Provisioning of any UNE Combination service to CLEC for any reason, CLEC shall be responsible for providing any and all necessary notice to its End User Customers of the termination. In no case shall Qwest be responsible for providing such notice to CLEC's End User Customers. Qwest shall only be required to notify CLEC of Qwests termination of the UNE Combination service on a timely basis consistent with Commission rules and notice requirements. CLEC, or CLEC's agent, shall act as the single point of contact for its End User Customers' service needs, including without limitation, sales, service design, order taking, Provisioning, change orders, training, maintenance, trouble reports, repair, post- sale servicing, Billing, collection and inquiry. CLEC shall inform its End User Customers that they are End User Customers of CLEC. CLEC's End User Customers contacting May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)78 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Qwest will be instructed to contact CLEC, and Qwests End User Customers contacting CLEC will be instructed to contact Qwest. In responding to calls, neither Party shall make disparaging remarks about each other. To the extent the correct provider can be determined, misdirected calls received by either Part will be referred to the proper provider of local Exchange Service; however, nothing in the Agreement shall be deemed to prohibit Qwest or CLEC from discussing its products and services with CLEC's or Qwests End User Customers who call the other Part seeking such information. 9.23.4 Rates and Charges The rates and recurring and nonrecurring charges for the individual Unbundled Network Elements that comprise UNE Combinations are contained in Exhibit A, and Exhibit A also provides Miscellaneous Charges. Recurring monthly charges for each Unbundled Network Element that comprise the UNE Combination shall apply when a UNE Combination is ordered. Nonrecurring charges, if any, will apply based upon the cost to Qwest of Provisioning the UNE Combination and providing access to the UNE Combination. Miscellaneous Charges will apply based upon Qwest providing miscellaneous services, if made available, with UNE combination. If the Commission takes any action to adjust the rates previously ordered, Qwest will make a compliance filing to incorporate the adjusted rates into Exhibit A. Upon the compliance filing by Qwest, the Parties will abide by the adjusted rates on a going-forward basis, or as ordered by the Commission. CLEC shall be responsible for Billing its End User Customers served over UNE Combinations for surcharges required of CLEC by statute, regulation or otherwise required. Intentionally Left Blank. 9.23.45 Intentionally Left Blank. 9.23.46 Qwest shall have a reasonable amount of time to implement system or other changes necessary to bill CLEC for Commission-ordered rates or charges associated with UNE Combinations. 9.23.5 Ordering Process UNE Combinations and associated products and services are ordered via an LSR or ASR, as appropriate. Ordering processes are contained in the Agreement and in the PCA T. The following is a high-level description of the ordering process: Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)79 Step 1: representative. Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Complete product questionnaire with account team Step 2: Obtain Billing Account Number (BAN) through account team representative. Step 3: Allow two (2) to three (3) weeks from Qwests receipt of a completed questionnaire for accurate loading of UNE Combination rates to the Qwest Billing system. 9". Step 4: After account team notification, place UNE Combination orders via an LSR or ASR, as appropriate. Additional information regarding the ordering processes are located at: http://ww.qwest.com/wholesale/solutions/clecFacility/une_p_c.html. Prior to placing an order on behalf of each End User Customer, CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a Proof of Authorization as set forth in the Agreement. Standard service intervals for each EEL are set forth in Qwests Wholesale Service Interval Guide located on Qwests website. For UNE Combinations with appropriate retail analogues, CLEC and Qwest will use the standard Provisioning interval for the equivalent retail service. CLEC and Qwest can separately agree to Due Dates other than the standard intervaL. Due Date intervals are established when Qwest receives a complete and accurate Local Service Request (LSR) or Access Service Request (ASR) made through the IMA, EDI or Exact interfaces or through facsimile. For EEL, the date the LSR or ASR is received is considered the start of the service interval if the order is received on a business day prior to 3:00 p.m. For EEL, the service interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received on a non-business day or after 3:00 p.m. on a business day. Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Intentionally Left Blank. Intentionally Left Blank. For EELs, CLEC shall provide Qwest and Qwest shall provide CLEC with points of contact for order entry, problem resolution, repair, and in the event special attention is required on service request. 9.23.6 Biling Qwest shall provide CLEC, on a monthly basis, within seven (7) to ten (10) Days of the last day of the most recent Biling period, in an agreed upon standardelectronic Billing format, Biling information including (1) a summary bill, and (2) individual End User Customer sub-account information consistent with the samples available for CLEC review. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)80 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) 9.23.7 Maintenance and Repair Qwest wil maintain facilties and equipment that comprise the service provided to CLEC as a UNE Combination. CLEC or its End User Customers may not rearrange, move, disconnect or attempt to repair Qwest facilities or equipment, other than by connection or disconnection to any interface between Qwest and the End User Customer, without the written consent of Qwest. 9.24 Loop Splitting 9.24.1 Description Loop Splittng provides CLEC/DLEC with the opportunity to offer advanced data service simultaneously with voice service over an existing Unbundled Loop by using the frequency range above the voice band on the copper Loop. The advanced data service may be provided by the Customer of Record (the voice service provider) or another data service provider chosen by the Customer of Record. The Splitter separates the voice and data traffic and allows the. copper Loop to be used for simultaneous DLEC data transmission and CLEC provided voice service to the End User Customer. "CLEC" will herein be referred to as the voice service provider while "DLEC" will be referred to as the advanced data service provider. CLEC and DLEC may be the same entity. With regard to Qwests current requirement that Loop Splittng be offered over an existing Unbundled Loop, Qwest acknowledges that there are ongoing industry discussions regarding the Provisioning of Loop Splitting over a new Unbundled Loop. If as a result of those discussions, a process is developed for Loop Splittng over a new Loop, Qwest will amend its Agreement to eliminate the limitation of Loop Splitting to existing Unbundled Loops. 9.24.2 Terms and Conditions General Qwest is not responsible for providing the Splitter, filer(s) and/or other equipment necessary for the End User Customer to receive separate voice and data service across a single copper Loop. To order Loop Splitting, CLEC/DLEC must have a Splitter installed in the Qwest Wire Center that serves the End User Customer. The Splitter must meet the requirements for Central Offce equipment Collocation set by the FCC or be compliant with ANSI T1.413. There may only be one DLEC at any given time that provides' advanced data service on any given Unl;undled Loop. If Loop Splitting is requested for an analog Loop, the Loop must be converted to a 2/4 wire non-loaded Loop. The Customer of Record will be able to request conditioning of the Unbundled Loop. Qwest will perform requested conditioning of Unbundled Loops to remove load coils and excess May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)81 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Bridged Taps under the terms and conditions associated with Loop conditioning contained in Section 9.2. If requested conditioning significantly degrades the existing service over the Unbundled Loop to the point that it is unacceptable to CLEC, Customer of Record shall pay to convert back to an analog Loop. Splitters may be installed in Qwest Wire Centers at the discretion of CLEC/DLEC via the standard or Common Area Splitter Collocation arrangements set forth in the Collocation Section of the Agreement. Under either option, Splitters wil be appropriately hard-wired or pre-wired so that points of termination are kept to a minimum. For Loop Splitting, Qwest shall use the same length of tie pairs as it uses for other split services provided under the Agreement, except for the additional CLEC-to-CLEC connection, which is required for Loop Splitting. 9.24.3 Rate Elements Recurring and nonrecurring charges for the following Loop Splitting rate elements are contained in Exhibit A, and Exhibit A also provides Miscellaneous Charges. Recurring Rates Interconnection Tie Pairs (ITP) - A monthly recurring charge to recover the costs associated with the use of ITPs. OSS Charge - A monthly recurring charge to recover the cost of the ass modifications necessary to provide access to the high frequency portion of the Unbundled Loop. Nonrecurring Rates Basic Installation Charge - A nonrecurring charge for Loop Splittng installed will apply. Miscellaneous Charges. All miscellaneous services as described in Section 9.1.12 are available with Subloop. Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellaneous services. Section). Rates for Splitter Collocation are included in Exhibit A (Collocation All of these rates are interim and wil be subject to true-up based on either mutually agreed permanent rates or permanent rates established in a cost proceeding conducted by the Commission. In the event interim rates are established by the Commission before permanent rates are set, the interim rates set forth in Exhibit A will be changed to reflect the interim rates set by the Commission; however, no true up will be performed until mutually agreed to permanent rates are established or permanent rates are established by the Commission. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)82 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) 9.24.4 Ordering Process Loop Splitting As a part of the pre-order process, CLEC/OLEC may access Loop characteristic information through the Loop Information Tool described in the Access to OSS Section 12.2 of the Agreement. The Customer of Record will determine, in its sole discretion and at its risk, whether to add data services to any specific Unbundled Loop. The Customer of Record will provide on the LSR, the appropriate frame terminations that are dedicated to Splitters. Qwest will administer all cross connects/jumpers on the COSMIC/MOF and IOF. Basic Installation "lift and lay" procedure will be used for all Loop Splitting orders. Under this approach, a Qwest technician "lifts" the Loop from its current termination in a Qwest Wire Center and "lays" it on a new termination connecting to CLEC's/OLEC's collocated equipment in the same Wire Center. The Customer of Record shall not place orders for Loop Splitting unti all work necessary to provision Loop Splitting in a given Qwest Wire Center, including, but not limited to, Splitter installation and tie cable reclassification or augmentation has been completed. The _Customer of Record shall submit the appropriate LSRs associated with establishing Unbundled Loop and Loop Splittng. If the voice service is disconnected on a Loop Splittng arrangement, the Loop Splitting arrangement shall terminate. CLEC may arrange to provide DSL service to the End User Customer through purchase ofanother product. . 9.24.5 Billng Qwest shall provide a bill to the Customer of Record, on a monthly basis, within seven (7) to ten (10) Days of the last day of the most recent Billing period, in an agreed upon standard electronic Billing format. Qwest shall bill the Customer of Record for all recurring and nonrecurring Loop Splitting rate elements. 9.24.6 Repair and Maintenance Qwest wil allow CLEC/DLEC to access Loop Splitting at the point where the combined voice and data Loop is cross connected to the Splitter. The Customer of Record will be responsible for reporting to Qwest service troubles provided over Loop Splitting. Qwest will be responsible to repair troubles on the physical line between Network Interface Devices at the End User Customer premises and the point of demarcation in Qwest Wire Centers. Qwest, CLEC and DLEC each will be responsible for maintaining its equipment. The entity that May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEslID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)83 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) controls the Spliters will be responsible for their maintenance. Qwest, CLEC and DLEC will continue to develop repair and maintenance procedures for Loop Spliting and agree to document final agreed to procedures in a methods and proçedures document that will be made available on Qwests web site. 9.24.7 Customer of Record and Authorized Agents "Customer of Record" is defined for the purposes of this section as the voice service provider. Qwest will bill the Customer of Record for Loop Splitting. The Customer of Record may designate an authorized agent pursuant to the terms of sections and to perform ordering and/or Maintenance and Repair functions. In order for the authorized agent of the Customer of Record to perform ordering and/or Maintenance and Repair functions, the Customer of Record must provide its authorized agent the necessary access and security devices, including but not limited to user identifications, digital certificates and SecurlD cards, that wil allow the authorized agent to access the records of the Customer of Record. Such access will be managed by the Customer of Record. The Customer of Record shall hold Qwest harmless with regard to any harm Customer of Record receives as a direct and proximate result of the acts or omissions of the authorized agent of the Customer of Record or any other Person who has obtained from the Customer of Record the necessary access and security devices, including but not limited to user identifications, digital certificates and SecurlD cards, that allow such Person to access the records of the Customer of Record unless such access and security devices were wrongfully obtained by such Person through the wilful or negligent behavior of Qwest. 9.25 Loop-Mux Combination (LMC) 9.25.1 Description Loop-mux combination (LMC) is an unbundled Loop as defined in Section 9.2 (referred to in this Section as an LMC Loop) Commingled with a private line (PL T), or with a special access (SA), Tariffed DS1 or DS3 multiplexed facility with no interoffice transport. The PL T/SA multiplexed facility is provided as either an Interconnection Tie Pair (ITP) or Expanded Interconnection Termination (EICT) from the high side of the multiplexer to CLEC's Collocation. The multiplexer and the Collocation must be located in the same Qwest Wire Center. LMC provides CLEC with the ability to access End User Customers and aggregate OS 1 or DSO unbundled Loops to a higher bandwidth via a PL T/SA DS1 or DS3 multiplexer. There is no interoffice transport between the multiplexer and CLEC's Collocation. Qwest offers the LMC Loop as a billing conversion or as new provisioning. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)84 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) 9.25.2 Terms and Conditions An Extended Enhanced Loop (EEL) may be commingled with the PL T/SA multiplexed facilty. LMC Loops will be provisioned where existing facilities are available. The PLT/SA DS1 or DS3 multiplexed facilty must terminate in a Collocation. The multiplexed faciliy is subject to all terms and conditions (ordering, provisioning, and billing) of the appropriate Tariff. The multiplexer and the Collocation must be located in the same Qwest Wire Center. Rearrangements may be requested for work to be performed by Qwest on an existing LMC Loop, or on some private line/special access circuits, when coupled with a conversion-as-specified request to convert to LMC Loop. 9.25.3 Rate Elements Exhibit A provides recurring and nonrecurring rates for LMC and also provides Miscellaneous Charges. The LMC Loop is the Loop connection between the End User Customer Premises and the multiplexer in the serving Wire Center where CLEC is Collocated. LMC Loop is available in DSO and DS1. Recurring and non- recurring charges apply. DSO Mux Low Side Channelization. LMC DSO channel cards are required for each DSO LMC Loop connected to a 1/0 LMC multiplexer. Channel cards are available for analog loop start, ground start, reverse battery, and no signaling. See channel performance for recurring charges. Nonrecurring charges apply for billing conversions to LMC Loop. Nonrecurring charge apply for rearrangements of an existing LMC Loop, or on some private line/special access circuits, when coupled with a conversion-as-specified request to convert to LMC Loop. Nonrecurring charges apply for conversion of private line/special access to LMC. Miscellaneous Charges. The following miscellaneous services, as described in Section 9.1.12, are available with LMC. Miscellaneous Charges apply for miscellaneous services. . a) Additional labor - installation Miscellaneous Charges apply for out-of-hours project coordinated installations scheduled to commence out May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)85 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) of hours, or rescheduled by CLEC to commence out of hours, in addition to standard nonrecurring charges for the installation b) . Additional labor - other Miscellaneous Charges apply for Optional Testìng c)Cancellation d)Design change e)Dispatch f)Expedite g)Maintenance of Service 9.25.4 Ordering Process Ordering processes for LMC Loop(s) are contained in the Agreement and in Qwests Product Catalog (PCAT). The following is a high-level description of the ordering process: Step 1: Complete product questionnaire for LMC Loop(s) with account team representative. Step 2: Obtain billing account number (BAN) through account team representative. Step 3: Allow two (2) to three (3) weeks from Qwests receipt of a completed questionnaire for accurate loading of LMC rates to the Qwest billing system. Step 4: After account team notification, place LMC Loop orders via an LSR. Prior to placing an order on behalf of each End User Customer, CLEC shall be responsible for obtaining and have in its possession a Proof of Authorization (POA) as set forth in the Agreement. Standard service intervals for LMC Loops are in the Service Interval Guide (SIG) available at ww.qwest.com/wholesale. Due date intervals are established when Qwest receives a complete and accurate LSR made through the IMA or EDI interfaces or through facsimile. For LMC Loops, the date the LSR is received is considered the start of the service interval if the order is received on a business day prior to 3:00 p.m. For LMC Loops, the service interval will begin on the next business day for service requests received on a non-business day or after 3:00 p.m. on a business day. Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEye Telecom/UNEs/lD Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)86 Attachment 3 Section 9 Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) Out of Hours Project Coordinated Installations: CLEC may request an out of hours project coordinated Installation. This permits CLEC to obtain a coordinated installation for LMC Loops with installation work performed by Qwest outside of Qwests standard installation hours. For purposes of this Section, Qwests standard installation hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time), Monday through Friday, except holidays. Installations commencing outside of these hours are considered to be out of hours project coordinated installations. The date and time for the out of hours project coordinated installation requires up-front planning and shall be negotiated between Qwest and CLEC. All requests wil be processed on a first come, first served basis and are subject to Qwests ability to meet a reasonable demand. Considerations such as volumes, system down time, Switch upgrades, Switch maintenance, and the possibility of other CLECs requesting the same appointment times in the same Switch (Switch contention) must be reviewed. To request out of hours project coordinated installations, CLEC will submit an LSR designating the desired appointment time. CLEC must specify an outof hours project coordinated Installation in the "remarks" section of the LSR. 9.25.5 Billng Qwest shall provide CLEC, on a monthly basis, within seven to ten (7 to 10) Days of the last day of the most recent billing period, in an agreed upon standard electronic billing format, billing information including (1) a summary bill, and (2) individual End User Customer sub-account information. 9.25.6 Maintenance and Repair Qwest will maintain facilities and equipment for LMC Loops provided under the Agreement. Qwest will maintain the multiplexed facilty pursuant to the Tariff. CLEC or its End User Customers may not rearrange, move, disconnect or attempt to repair Qwest facilities or equipment, other than by connection or disconnection to any interface between Qwest and the End User Customer, without the prior written consent of Qwest. May 28, 2008/msd/BullsEyé Telecom/UNEs/ID Amendment to CDS-040920-0008 - (from 11-5-07 Nego Template)87 BullsEye Telecom, Inc.Exhibit A Idaho Notes 8.0 Collocation 8.1.20 Splitter Collocation TIE Cable Reclassification ICB 3 Splitter Shelf Charae $4.15 $503.72 1 1 EnQineerinQ $1,079,85 B Solitter TIE Cable Connections,1 Splitter in the Common Area - Data to 410 Block $3.05 $2.689.07 B B Solitter in the Common Area - Data Direct to CLEC $3.24 $2,850.97 B B Solitter on the IDF - Data to 410 Block $0.95 $834.92 B B Splitter on the IDF - Data Direct to CLEC $1.84 $1,623.47 B B Splitter on the MDF . Data to 410 Block $0.98 $861.91 B B Splitter on the MDF . Data Direct to CLEC $2.18 $1,922.42 B B Splitter Charae .ICB 3 9.0 Unbundled Network Elements UNEs 9.1 Interconnection Tie Pairs nTPI - Per Termination 9.1.1 DSO $0.38 B 9.1.2 DS1 $1.24 B 9.1.3 IDS3 $14.76 B 9.2 Unbundled Loons 9.2.1 AnaloQ Loo s See 9.2.4 2-Wire Voice Grade Loop Zone 1 $15.65 ## Zone 2 $23.76 ## IZone 3 $40.50 ## Intentionallv Left Blank 4-Wire Voice Grade Looo Zone 1 $30.70 ##. Zone 2 $46.63 ## Zone 3 $79.47 ## 9.2.2 Nonloaded Looos See 9.2.4 2-Wire Nonloaded Loop IZone 1 $15.65 ## IZone 2 $23.76 ## IZone 3 $40.50 ## Intentionallv Left Blank 4-Wire Nonloaded Loon Zone 1 $30.70 ## Zone 2 $46.63 ## Zone 3 $79.47 ## Loop Unloadin $9.00 A,8 92.2.5 Loop Conditionino $22.00 A,8 9.2.3 Dioital Caoable Looos Basic Rate ISDN I xDSL-1 Capable See 9.2.4 IZone 1 $15.65 ## IZone 2 $23.76 ## Zone 3 $40.50 ## Intentionallv Left Blank DS1 Caoable Loop See 9.2.5 IZone 1 $86.48 ## IZone 2 $86.46 ## IZone 3 $99.96 ## DS3 Capable Loop See 9.2.6 Zone 1 $941.95 ## IZone 2 $955.04 ## IZone 3 $1,264.56 ## Intentionallv Left Blank . 2-Wire Extension Technoloov $22.00 A 9.2.4 Loop Installation Charges lor 2 & 4-Wire Analog I Nonloaded, ISDN BRI Capable and xDSL - I See 9.2.1 & Caoable Looos where conditioninQ is not required.9.2.2 Basic Installation IFirst $11.03 A Each Additional $6.07 A Basic Installation with Performance T estinQ First $17.72 A I Each Additional $8.99 A Coordinated Installation with Cooperative Testino I Pro'ect Coordinated Installation I First .$171.87 # Each Additional $94.09 # Coordinated Installation without Cooperative TestinQ I Proiect Coordinated Installation I First $59.81 # I Each Additional $53,32 # Basic Installation with Coooerative Testino First $142.10 # Each Additional $94.09 # Effective 4-1-08 Page 1016 BullsEye Telecom. Inc.Exhibit A Idaho 9.2.5 DS 1 Looo Installation Charaes See Basic Installation I First $128.71 B 9,2.5,1.2 I Each Additional $99.73 B Basic Installation with Performance Testino ~. IFirst $279.37 B lEach Additional $212.57 B Coordinated Installation with Coooerative Testino I Pra'ect Coordinated Installation i First $316.94 B,2 I Each Additional $222.40 B Coordinated Installation without Cooperative TestinQ I Praiect Coordinated Installation IFirst $135.78 B i Each Additional $106.79 B Basic Installation with Cooperative Testino I First $272.24 B lEach Additional $195.68 B 9.2.6 DS3 Loop Installation Charaes See Basic Installation I First $128,71 B lEach Additional $99.73 B Basic Installation with Performance TestinQ i First $279.37 B lEach Additional $212.57 B Coordinated Installation with Cooperative Testino I Pro'ect Coordinated Installation I First $316.94 B I Each Additional $222.40 B Coordinated Installation without Cooperative TestinQ I Project Coordinated Installation First $135.78 B i Each Additional $106.79 B Basic Installation with Cooperative TestinQ I First $272.24 B i Each Additional $195.68 B 9.2.7 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.2.8 Private Line I Special Access to Unbundled Loop Conversion (as is)$34.50 B 9.3 Sublooo - 9.3.1 2-Wire AnaloQ and Nonloaded Distribution Loop First $107.92 1 Each Additional $29.62 .1 First & Each Additional 2-Wire Distribution Loop Zone 1 $11.00 tI IZone 2 $16.70 tI IZone 3 $27.57 1 9.3.2 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.3.3 Intra-Buildin Cable Looo, per Pair $0.70 1 No Dispatch. First $51.97 1 No Dispatch. Each Additional $21.32 1 Dispatch, First $98.14 1 Dispatch, Each Additional $31.62 1 9.3.4 Intenlionallv Left Blank 9.3.5 MTE Terminal Subloop Access ISubloop MTE - POI Site Inventorv, per Reouest $110.46 1 IMTE - POI Rearranaement of Facilities ICB 3 IMTE - POI Construction of New spa I ICB 3 9.3.6 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.3.7 Field Connection Point (FCPl Feasibilitv Fee I Quote Preparation Fee $1.197.07 1 FCP Set-Up. per Reauest $3.291.11 12 FCP Splicina, per 25 Pairs $13.88 12 FCP Reclassifiætion $463.26 1 9.4 Shared Services 9.4.1 intentionallv Left Blank 9.4.2 intentionallv Left Blank 9.4.3 Loon Splittina IBasic Installation Charae for Loop Splittino $33.79 1 9.4.4 ass, per Line, per Month $3.23 1 i 9.5lNetwork Interface Device lNIDI $0.51 $52.76 A,10 B 9.6 Unbundled Dedicated Interoffce Transport lUDln 9.6.1 DSOUDIT(Recurrino Fixed & per Mile $241.74 B Over 0 to 8 Miles $24.67 $0.29 B B Over 8 to 25 Miles $24.69 $0.23 B B Over 25 to 50 Miles $24.86 $0.15 B B Over 50 Miles $24.69 $0.05 B B 9.6.2 DS1 UDIT(Recurrino Fixed & per Mile $284.52 B Over 0 to 8 Miles $36.43 $3.20 B B Over 8 to 25 Miles $37.26 $3.19 B B Effective 4-1-08 Page 2 of6 BullsEye Telecom, Inc.Exhibit A Idaho 9,6.2.3 Over 25 to 50 Miles $39.12 $1.81 B B Over 50 Miles $37.77 $0.78 B B 9.6.3 DS3UDIT Recurrino Fixed & per Mile)$284.52 B Over 0 to 8 Miles $238.61 $54.07 B B Over 8 to 25 Miles $242.03 $16.78 B B Over 25 to 50 Miles $223.90 $21.34 B B Over 50 Miles $235.64 $14.83 B B 9.6.4 Intentionall Left Blank 9.6.5 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.6.6 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.6.7 UDIT DSO Channel Performance DSO UDIT Low Side Channelization $13.10 B 9.6.8 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.6.9 Intentionally Left Blank 9.6.10 Intentionaiiy Left Blank 9.6.11 UDIT Rearranaement DSO, Sinale Ofce $164.40 B DSO, Dual Offce $206.79 B Hiah Capacity, Sinale Offce $221.94 B Hiah Capacitv, Dual Ofce $249.30 B 9.6.12 Private Une I Special Access to UDIT Conversion asis $131.19 12 9.7 Unbundled Dark Fiber IUDFI 9.7.1 Initial Records Inouirv IIRI\ Simole $196.02 B ¡Complex $251.07 B 9.7.2 Field Verification and Quote Preoaration (FVQP $907.28 B 9.7.3 Enaineerina Verification $297.03 B 9.7.4 UDF - Sinale Strand UDF - Interoffce Facilitv (UDF-IOF) - Sinale Strand Charae. per First Strand I Route I Order $492.60 B Order Charae, Each Additional Strand I Route I Order $255.66 B Fiber Transoort. oer Strand I Mile $50.87 9 Termination, Fixed, oer Strand I Offce I Termination $4.80 B Fiber Cross-Connect (Minimum of 2 Crass-Connects apply), per $2.39 $19.38 B B 9.7.5 UDF - per Pair" UDF - Interoffce Facilitv (UDF.IOF) - per Pair Order Charae, oer First Pair I Route I Order $492.60 B Order Charae, Each Additional Pair I Route I Order $255.66 B Fiber Transoort, oer Pair I Mile $66.15 B Termination, Fixed. per Pair I Offce I Termination $7.31 B Fiber Cross-Connect (Minimum of 2 Cross-Connects applv). per Pair $4.43 $19.38 B B 9.7.6 Dark Fiber Splice $602.60 B 9.7.7 UDF MTE Subloop ICB ICB 3 3 I 9.Sllntentionallv Left Blank I 9.91lntentionallv Left Blank I 9.101lntentionallv Left Blank I 9.111lntentionallv Left Blank I 9.121lntenlionallv Left Blank I 9.131lntentionallv Left Blank I 9.141lntentionallv Left Blank I 9.1SlIntenlionallv Left Blank I 9.161lntentionallv Left Blank I 9.17llntentionallv Left Blank I 9.1SlIntentionallv Left Blank 9.19 Construction Charaes 9.19.1 CLEC Reauested UNE Construction ICRUNEC - applies to Unbundled Dark Fiber, Unbundled I Records Quote Preparation Fee $347.46 12 9.19.1,2 IConstruction Quote Preparation Fee $863.43 12 9.19.2 Constrction of Network Capacity, Facilities or Space for Accss to or use of UNEs ICB ICB 3 3 9.20 Miscellaneous Charaes 9.0.1 Additional Enaineerino. oer Half Hour or fracton thereof 9.20.1,1 IAdditional Enaineerina - Basic $31.74 B IAdditional Enaineerina - Overtime $39.61 B 9.20.2 Additional Labor Installation, oer Half Hour or fraction thereof IAdditional Labor Installation - Overtime $9.02 B Effective 4-1-08 Page 3 of6 BullsEye Telecom, Inc.Exhibit A Idaho 9.20.3 Additional Labor Other, per Half Hour or fraction thereof IAdditional Labor Other - Ootional Testino) Basic $27.70 B Additional Labor Other - Ootional Testino) Overtime $36.98 B Additional Labor Other - Ootional TestinQ) Premium $46.29 B 9.20.4 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.20.5 Intentionallv Left Blank . 9.20.6 Additional Cooperative Acceptance Testino, Der Half Hour or fraction thereof Additional Coooerative Acceotance TestinQ - Basic $29.40 B Additional Coooerative Acceptance TestinQ - Overtime $39.28 B Additional Cooperative Acceptance TestinQ - Premium $49.16 B 9.20.7 Nonscheduled Cooperative Testina, Der Half Hour or fraction thereof I Nonscheduled Coooerative T estina - Basic $29.40 B I Nonscheduled Coooerative T estina - Overtime $39.28 B Nonscheduled Coooerative TestinQ _ Premium $49.09 B 9.20.8 Nonscheduled Manual Testina, per Half Hour or fraction thereof Nonscheduled Manual Testina - Basic $29.40 B Nonscheduled Manual Testina - Overtime $39.28 B Nonscheduled Manual Testina - Premium $49.16 B 9.20.9 Intentionall Left Blank 9.20.10 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.20.11 Additional Disoatch, oer Order $87.98 B 9.20.12 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.20.13 DesiQn Chanae. per Order $73.99 B 9.20.14 Exoedite Charae, per Dav Advanced see rates in Qwest s Tariff FCC No, 1 Section 5 $200.00 11 9.20.15 Cancellation Charae ICB 3 9.20.16 Maintenance of Service, oer Half Hour or fraction thereof Maintenance of Service - Basic $28.86 B IMaintenance of Service" Overtime $36.98 B IMaintenance of Service - Premium $46.29 B 9.20.17 Intentionallv Left Blank I 9.21lChannel Reaeneration I 19.21.1 IDS1 $0.00 $0.00 6 6 I 19.21.2 IDS3 $0.00 $0.00 6 6 I 9.22lintentionallv Left Blank 9.23 UNE Combinations 9.23.1 Intentionallv Left Blank 9.23.2 Enhanced Extended Loop (EEL) EEL Loop, DSO 2-Wire Analoa EEL 2-Wire Looo Installation First $245.11 1 I Each Additional $182.97 1 2-Wire Analoa Loop (see rates in IZone 1 $15.65 15 Zone 2 $23.76 15 Zone 3 $40.50 15 EEL Looo, DSO 4-Wire Analoo EEL 4-Wire Looo Installation IFirst $245.11 1 lEach Additional $182.97 1 4-Wire Analoa Looo 'see rates in Zone 1 $30.70 15 IZone 2 $46.63 15 IZone 3 $79.47 15 EEL Loop. DS 1 EEL DS1 Looo Installation First $300.49 1 Each Additional $225.39 1 DS1 Capable Loop (see rates in IZone 1 $86.8 15 IZone 2 $86.46 15 Zone 3 $99.96 15 EEL Looo, DS3 EEL DS3 Looo Installation I First $323.61 1 I Each Additional $248.51 1 DS3 Capable Looo (see rates in Zone 1 $941.95 15 Zone 2 $955.04 15 IZone 3 $1,264.56 15 Private Line I Special Access to EEL Conversion (as is)$34.50 B EEL Rearranaement IDSO $130.83 12 i Hioh Caoacilv $148.50 12 EEL Transoort IDSO (Recurrina Fixed & per Mile) (see rates in 9.6.1) Effective 4-1-08 Page 4 of6 ,. BullsEye Telecom, Inc.Exhibit A Idaho,1 Over 0 to 8 Miles $24.67 $0.29 15 15 Over 8 to 25 Miles $24.69 $0.23 15 15 9,23, Over 25 to 50 Miles $24.86 $0.15 15 15 9.23.2,7.1.4 Over 50 Miles $24.69 $0.05 15 15 DS1 (Recurrno Fixed & oer Mile) (see rates in 9.6.2 9, Over 0 to 8 Miles $36.43 $3.20 15 15 Over 8 to 25 Miles $37.26 $3.19 15 15 Over 25 to 50 Miles $39.12 $1.81 15 15 Over 50 Miles $37.77 $0.78 15 15 DS3 Recurrno Fixed & oer Mile) (see rates in 9,6.3 9.23.2,7.3.1 Over 0 to 8 Miles $238.61 $54.07 15 15 Over 8 to 25 Miles $242.03 $16.78 15 15 Over 25 to 50 Miles .$223.90 $21.34 15 15 Over 50 Miles $235.64 $14.83 15 15 9.23.2,8 EEL Multiolexina DS1 toDSO $263.86 $246.92 B 1 DS3to DS1 $304.22 $246.92 B 1 EEL DSO Channel Performance I DSO Low Side Channelization $13.10 B IDS 1 / DSO Low Side Channelization $7.47 B I 9.241lntentionallv Left Blank 9.25 LOOD Mux Combination LMC 9.25.1 Looo Mux, 2-Wire Analoa 9.25,1.1 LMC 2-Wire Installation First $225.67 1 Each Additional $148.96 1 2-Wire Analoa Looo (see rates inm IZone 1 $15.65 15 IZone 2 $23.76 15 IZone 3 $40.50 15 9.25.2 Looo Mux, 4-Wire Analoa 9.25.2..1 LMC 4-Wire Installation First $225.67 1 Each Additional -$148.96 1 4-Wire Analoa Looo (see rates fin 9.25;2.2.1 IZone 1 $30.70 15 IZone 2 $46.63 15 IZone 3 $79.47 15 9.25.3 Loop Mux, DS1 LMC DS 1 Looo Installation I First $285.08 1 I Each Additional $209.98 1 DS1 Caoable Looo (see rates in Zone 1 $86.48 15 Zone 2 $86.46 15 Zone 3 $99.96 15 9.25.4 Private Line / Soecial Access to LMC Conversion (as is)$34.50 B 9.25.5 DSO Channel Performance I DSO Low Side Channelization $13.10 B IDS1 / DSO Low Side Channelization $7.47 B 9.25.6 LMC Rearranaement DSO $130.83 12 I Hiah Caoacitv $148.50 12 I I I I I I NOTES:.Unless otherwise indicated, all rates are oursuant to Idaho Public Utilites Commission Dockets: A AT&T Arbitration Docket USW-T-96-15. Order No 27738, effective Seotember 17, 1998 B Cost Docket QWE-T-01-11 Order No. 29408 Januarv 5, 2004) rates effective January 5, 2004. #Voluntarv Rate Reduction Docket USW-T-00-3. effective 6/10102. Reductions reflected in the 5/24/02 Exhibit A. ##Second Voluntarv Rate Reduction, Docket USW-T-00-3, effective 6/7102. Reductions reflected in the 7/10102 Exhibit A. ###Third Voluntarv Rate Reduction Docket USW-T-00-3. effective 12/16/02. Reductions reflected in the 10/16/02 Exhibit A. 1 TELRIC rates proposed in Cost Docket QWE-1-01-11 testimony filed on November 12, 2003. The case was bifurcated and the rates using this footnote are orooosed in Phase 2 of the cost docket. 2 Market-based rates. 3 ICB. Individual Case Basis oricina. 4 The State of Idaho has retained the oversiaht on these rates. These rates are not under the 'urisdiction of the FCC. 5 FCC ordered rates pursuant to the FCC's Order on Remand and Report and Order (Intercarrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffc) CC Docket 01-131 (FCC ISP Order). effective June 14 2001. 6 Effective August 1. 2003. Qwest wil no longer bill the recurring and nonrecurring charges for Channel Regeneration. Qwest reserves the right to revert back to the contracutal rate onlv after aoorooriate notice is aiven. 7 The preliminary Quote Preparation Fees (QPF) are included in the space construction charges. Upon completion of the collocation constrtion, the QPF wil be credited to ¡he final space construction charge for the virtual, caged or cageless collocation job. These engineering and planning charges are also incl!Jded in the Virtual Caned and Caneless Quote Prenaration Fees. 8 Eff. 11/04,Qwest (Q) will no longer perform Bridge Tap and/or Load Coil Removal to facilitate provisioning of its Retail DSL offering.To permit CLECs to provision xDSL Capable Loops,Q is now re-instituting the charge to continue Conditioning for the 2/4-Wire UBL,ADSL Compatible UBL,ISDN (BRI) Capable UBL. xDSL-1 Capable UBL, Non-Commercial Line Sharing. Line Splitting.Non-Commercial SDL & Loop Splitting, eff. 3/14/05.Q can t bill the RC rate structure.but wil bill the lower ofthe two rates. Effective 4-1-08 Page 5 of6 ~ BullsEye Telecom, Inc.Exhibit A Idaho 12 13 Owest has chosen to offer this service as part of its 14 15 Effective 4-1-08 Page 6 of6