HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040506Exhibit B Modification.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoel.com ECEIVED i'iLED 0 lDa~ HAY -S PHl,:3S iUJ\HO PUBliC UTILITIES GOMI"1/SSION Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 adam.sherr~qwest.com Attorneys for Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF QWEST CORPORATION'S (FIKJA/U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS, INC.) FILING OF A STATEMENT OF GENERALLY A V AILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS PURSUANT TO 47 US.c. 9 252(F) Case No. QWE-O3- QWEST CORPORATION'S NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY AVAILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS MODIFICATIONS TO THE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DEFINITIONS CONTAINED IN EXHIBIT B (December 2003-March 2004) Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"), pursuant to 47 US.C. 9 252(f)(3), submits the attached updated Exhibit B to its Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions ("SGAT"). I Exhibit B contains the Performance Indicator Definitions ("PIDs ). This submission results Qwest is submitting "clean" and "red-lined" versions of Exhibit B, as modified. QWEST CORPORA nON'S NonCE OF MODIFICA nON TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY AVAILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Page 1 Boise-170850.1 0029164-00098 from work completed during Long Term PID Administration ("L TP A") sessions in which participants identified and agreed upon a number of modifications to the PIDs. These agreements were reached between Qwest and the CLECs in LTPA meetings from December 18 2003 , through March 25 2004, and in one instance, during the subsequent impasse process. The agreed-upon changes fall into the following categories: new product reporting and/or standards, association between certain tem1S in the PIDs and their corresponding entries in the "Definition of Terms" section of Exhibit B, language clarifications, PID deletion, and PID reVIsIOns. First, new product reporting and/or standards for line sharing, line splitting and EELs were adopted. These changes may be summarized as follows: The parties agreed to change the standard for line sharing, in OP-, from Diagnostic" to "Parity with retail Qwest DSL" and in, OP-, from "Diagnostic" to Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Qwest DSL)." In addition, through negotiations during the impasse process, the CLECs accepted Qwest's proposal to begin reporting line sharing in PO-, with a diagnostic standard and to suspend PO- benchmark standard discussions until Triennial Review Order ("TRO") issues are resolved. Agreement was reached during L TP A to report line splitting on a disaggregated basis for OP-, OP-, OP-, OP-, MR-, MR-, MR-, MR-, and MR-3 The following standards were also agreed upon: OP-, 95%; OP-, 3.3 days; OP-, Parity with retail Qwest DSL; OP-, Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Qwest DSL); and MR- 7, Parity with retail Qwest DSL. Standards for MR-, MR-, MR-, and MR- and a change to the existing standard of diagnostic for OP-5A are currently at impasse within the L TP A collaborative process. As a result , " TBD" (to be determined) is shown as the standard for MR-, MR-, MR-, and MR-8 since the disaggregation ofline See CLECs' email to the LTPA stating agreement , dated April 27, 2004 at 12:19 PM (Denver time) attached as Attachment 1 to this Notice. OP-3 measures installation commitments met; OP-4 measures installation intervals; OP- measures delayed days; OP-15 measures intervals for pending orders delayed past due dates; MR-3 measures out-of-service cleared within 24 hours; MR-4 measures all troubles cleared within 48 hours; MR-6 measures mean time to restore; MR- 7 measures repair repeat report rate; and MR-8 measures trouble rate. QWEST CORPORATION'S NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY A V AILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Page 2 Boise-170850.1 0029164-00098 splitting is being added to these rIDs. However, OP-5A retains its "diagnostic" standard designation because the disaggregation ofline splitting exists in the current OP- definition. The parties agreed to apply the categories and standards for EELs as they apply in the Colorado Performance Assurance Plan, to PO-, OP-, OP-, OP-, MR-, MR- MR-, andMR- Second, certain terms that appear in a rID's definition have been associated with their corresponding explanations in the "Definition of Terms" section of Exhibit B. The parties agreed to accomplish this association for electronic versions of Exhibit B through a Hyperlink. A Hyperlink takes the reader of the document to the definition in the Definition of Terms section when the reader either clicks on the term, or holds down the CTRL key and then clicks the term. The first appearance of these linked terms (Application Date, Business Day, Interval Zone l/Zone 2, Inward Activity, Lack of Facilities, MSAlNon-MSA, Projects, Ready for Service (RFS), Ready for Service Date (RFS Date), and Repeat Report) are underlined in blue in each of the rIDs where they appear. In the electronic version of the redlined Exhibit B, the Hyperlink is also shown in blue to distinguish it from other types of changes in the Pill. In conjunction with the Hyperlink of "Inward Activity," the parties agreed to remove some of the language in the applicable rIDs that also appeared in the definition. Therefore in PO-9 the parenthetical phrase with 'I' and 'T' action coded line USOCs " has been removed. Third, the parties agreed to clarify certain language on the Introduction page i, and in Pills BI-, MR-, MR-, MR-, MR-, MR-, BI-3A4 Language was changed to increase the clarity, accuracy, or completeness of the PIDs, but not to change the meaning of the rIDs. Specifically, the changes either update information or make certain terms and phrases consistent BI-I measures the time to provide recorded usage records; MR-5 measures all troubles cleared within 4 hours; MR-9 measures repair appointments met; and BI-3A measures billing accuracy - adjustments for errors - for UNEs and resale. QWEST CORPORATION'S NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY A V AILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Page 3 Boise-170850.10029164-00098 throughout the PID. For MR-, MR-, MR-, MR-, and MR-9 where the phrase "ofreceipt" is being replaced by "that Qwest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC," the parties agreed that the time interval begins when the repair trouble ticket is created. Fourth, agreement was reached to delete PO- , " LSR Accountability. Fifth, agreement was reached to revise MR- 7 , " Repair Repeat Report Rate , to more closely tie a repeated trouble report with the initial trouble report. This revision results in the PID being reported one month in arrears to provide the time to identify a repeat trouble report that occurs within 30 days of the initial trouble report (i., July s results would be reported in September). Last, the parties adopted language from PO-1 and PO-19 in the Arizona PIDS. The standards of25 seconds for the ninth pre-order transaction, i. Connecting Facilities Assignment " and 30 seconds for the tenth pre- order transaction, i. , " Meet Point Inquiry," were agreed upon. In the merged PO-1 PID, these benchmarks were stated for Arizona only and TBD" was the listed standard for the other 13 states. With this PID update the Arizona standards are being adopted region-wide. The Arizona version ofPO-19 has two sub-measures while the prior version of PO-19 for the other 13 states only had one. The additional sub- measure measures the extent that SATE mirrors production by identifying the percentage of transactions that produce comparable results in SATE and the production environment. The Arizona version is being adopted region-wide. All of these above-mentioned changes were discussed by the L TP A in one or more of the weekly LTPA sessions. A number of Staff members from various state commissions attended those discussions as well. The parties agreed that these substantive changes would be submitted together after completion of the negotiation sessions, rather than individually as agreement was PO-l measures pre-order/order response times; and PO-19 measures the accuracy of SATE, the Stand-Alone Test Environment. QWEST CORPORATION'S NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY AVAILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Page 4 Boise-170850.10029164-00098 reached. Since the last negotiation session took place on Thursday, March 25, 2004, Qwest now submits these agreed-upon changes. Qwest respectfully requests that the Commission permit the attached revised Exhibit B to go into effect no later than 60 days after submission in accordance with 47 US.c. 9252(f)(3). Qwest further requests that the Commission deem this revised Exhibit B to modify the SGAT and existing interconnection agreements that currently contain the PIDs as an exhibit. Submitted this 5th day of May, 2004. Qwest Corporation -:1f~(!~ Stoel Rives LLP Adam L. Sherr Qwest Attorneys for Qwest Corporation QWEST CORPORATION'S NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY A V AILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Page 5 Boise-170850.1 0029164-00098 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 5th day of May, 2004 , I served the foregoing QWEST CORPORATION'S NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY A V AIL ABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 i i ewell(c4puc.state.id. us Weldon Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 LXJ (.lLJ (---.J Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email ~~~~ Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Assistant to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP QWEST CORPORATION'S NOTICE OF MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT B TO ITS STATEMENT OF GENERALLY A V AILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Page 6 Boise-170850.10029164-00098 From: Sent: To: Subject: Maiser~puclist.state.id.us on behalf of Chad Warner (chad.warner~mci.com) Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:19 PM L T271 ~puclist.state.id. RE: Extension on Qwest's Responses to CLECs' Counterproposals forPO-2 and Reporting of xDSLi Loops Covad, MCr, and Qwest have had follow up discussions related to the PO- impasse on BenC?marks for Line Sharing and Covad and Mcr are willing to accept the last Qwest proposal submitted on April 9,2004. Parties agree that Qwest will begin reporting Line Sharing results separately as diagnostic beginning with the July results (reporting in August) and suspend discussions of a benchmark until the until TRO issues reach resolution. Thanks Chad Warner Carrier Management (Qwest Region) 303 -217-4214 V 625-4214 - - - - - Original Message- - - -- From: Maiser~puclist.state.id.us (mailto:Maiser~puclist.state.id.usJ On Behalf Of Buhler, Dean Sent: Wednesday, April 21 , 2004 2:37 PMTo: LT271~puclist. state. id. us Subject: Extension on Qwest I s Responses to CLECs I Counterproposals for PO- and Reporting of xDSLi Loops LTPA Qwest originally planned on providing its responses to the CLECs' counterproposals regarding PO-2 (UNE-P Centrex 21 and linesharing) and the reporting of xDSLi capable loops by today - I just talked to John Kern and gained his approval to provide our responses on Wednesday, April 28th. Thank you Dean Buhler You are currently subscribed to the LT271 E-mail list (Hosted by Idaho Public Utilities Commission). To unsubscribe send a message to whart~puc. state. id. us. You are currently subscribed to the LT271 E-mail list (Hosted by Idaho Public Utilities Commission). To unsubscribe send a message to whart~puc state - id. us - Attachment 1 Qwest Spirit of Service Service Performance Indicator Definitions (PID) 14-State 271 PIC Version 7. QWEST'S SERVICE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DEFINITIONS (PID) 14-State 271 PID Version 7. Introduction Owest will report performance results for the service performance indicators defined herein. Owest will report separate performance results associated with the services it provides to Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) in aggregate (except as noted herein), to CLECs individually and, as applicable, to Owest's retail customers in aggregate. Within these categories , performance results related to service provisioning and repair will be reported for the products listed in each definition. Reports for CLECs individually will be subject to agreements of confidentiality and/or nondisclosure. The definitions in this version of the PID apply in the 14 states of Owest's local service region: Arizona Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Individual state Performance Assurance Plans may specify and apply state specific variations from the Performance Measure definitions and/or standards contained herein. Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page i Qwest's Service Performance Indicator Definitions Table of Contents ELECTRONIC GATEWAY AVAilABiliTY ........................................................................... GA-1 - Gateway Availability - IMA-GUI........ ........................ ...................... ........ ................ GA-2 - Gateway Availability - IMA-EDI.............................................................................. 2 GA-3 - Gateway Availability - EB- T A.... ....... ........ .............................................................. GA-4 - System Availability - EXACT.... ......................... ........ ............ .......... ....... ................ GA-6 - Gateway Availability - GUI -- Repair ...................................................................... 5 GA-7 - Timely Outage Resolution following Software Releases ........................................ PRE-ORDER/ORDER ........................................................................................................... PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Response Times.......................................................................... PO-2 - Electronic Flow-through...... ........................................ .......................................... 10 PO-3 - LSR Rejection Notice Interval............................. ........ ........ ............... ........ ........... 12 PO-4 - LSRs Rejected...................................................................................................... PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time.......................................................... 14 PO-6 - Work Completion Notification Timeliness ............................................................. PO-7 - Billing Completion Notification Timeliness ............................................................ PO-8 - Jeopardy Notice Interval.............. ........................ ......... ........ .............. .................. PO-9 - Timely Jeopardy Notices ...................................................................................... PO-15 - Number of Due Date Changes per Order .........................."............................... 22 PO-16 - Timely Release Notifications.. ......................... ............... ...... ................. .......... PO-19 - Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracy.............................................. 25 ORDERING AND PROVISION ING ........... ...... .......... ......... ................ ........ .......:................. OP-2 - Calls Answered within Twenty Seconds -Interconnect Provisioning Center ....... OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met....................... ........ ............................... ................ OP-4 - Installation Interval. ................ ........ ................ ........ ................. ....................... ....... OP-5 - New Service Quality..................................... ................. ........ ........................ ....... OP-6 - Delayed Days ................ ................ ........ ......................... ....... ........ ....................... OP-7 - Coordinated "Hot Cut" Interval- Unbundled Loop................................................ 43 OP-8 - Number Portability Timeliness ................ ........ ......................... ...... ................. ...... OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop................. ......... .......... ......... ...... 45 OP-15 -Interval for Pending Orders Delayed Past Due Date ..........................................47 OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders..................................... 50 MAl NTENANCE AN D REPAIR .................. .................... ........ ....................................... ...... MR-2 - Calls Answered within 20 Seconds - Interconnect Repair Center ....................... 52 MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours ............................................................... MR-4 - All Troubles Cleared within 48 hours....... ................ ................ ................. ............ 55 MR-5 - All Troubles Cleared within 4 hours...................................................................... 57 M R-6 - Mean Time to Restore...... ....... ................. ....... .......... .."... ......... ....... ........ ............ 59 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate............................. ................................. ....... ............. MR-8 - Trouble Rate ........................................................................................................ MR-9 - Repair Appointments Met. ...... ........................... ................. ............ ...................... 68 MR-10 - Customer and Non-Qwest Related Trouble Reports.......................................... 69 MR-11 - LNP Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours .................................................. BilliNG .............................................................................................................................. BI-1 - Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records ............................................................ 73 81-2 - Invoices Delivered within 10 Days........ ................................ ........ ....... ........ ........... Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5. 2004 Page ii Table of Contents (~ontinued) BI-3 - Billing Accuracy - Adjustments for Errors .............................................................. 75 BI-4 - Billing Completeness ................. .............................................. ...........oO'" "'oO... ....... DATABASE U PDA TES ........ .......... ..... .... ..... ....... .......... ........ ................ ....................... ....... 77 DB-1 - Time to Update Databases ................................................................................... DB-2 - Accurate Database Updates................................... ....""""oO" ........................ ...... DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE ................................................................................................ DA-1 - Speed of Answer - Directory Assistance................. ............... ......oO ........ ......... oO'" OPERATOR SERVICES ..................................................................................................... OS-1 - Speed of Answer - Operator Services ...... ....... ........ ........ ..... ................... ....... ..... NETWORK PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................. NI-1 - Trunk Blocking ....................................................................................................... 82 NP-1 - NXX Code Activation......................... ........ ........ ........ ..........oO........... .................... 84 COLLOCATION .................................................................................................................. CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval............................................................................ 86 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals ............................................. 89 CP-3 - Collocation Feasibility Study Interval.................................................................... 92 CP-4 - Collocation Feasibility Study Commitments Met""oO............................................. DEFINITION OF TERMS ............ ....... ...... ........... ........ ....... ................ ...... .......... .... .............. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ............................................................................................. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page iii Electronic Gateway Availability GA-1 - Gateway Availability - IMA-GUI Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC access to the IMA-GUI electronic gateway and one associated system focusinq on the extent they are actually available to CLECs. Description: GA-1A: Measures the availability of the IMA-GUI (Interconnect Mediated Access- Graphical User Interface), and reports the percentage of Scheduled Availability Time the IMA-GUI interface is available for view and/or input Scheduled Up Time hours for preorder, order, and provisioning transactions are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. GA-1 D: Measures the availability of the SIA system, which facilitates access for the IMA-GUI interface and the IMA-EDI interface (see GA-2), and reports the percentage of scheduled time the SIA system is available. Scheduled availability times will be no less than the same hours as listed for IMA-GUI and IMA-EDI. Time Gateway is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i.e., IMA-GUI , SIA), affecting Qwest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. results Results will be reported as follows: GA-1A IMA Graphical User Interface Gateway GA-1 D SIA system Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) + (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 1 GA-2 - Gateway Availability - IMA-EDI Purpose: Evaluates the quality of GLEG access to the IMA-EDI electronic gateway, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to GLEGs. Description: Measures the availability of IMA-EDI (Interconnect Mediated Access - Electronic Data Interchange) interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the IMA-EDllnterface is available for view and/or input Ali times during which the interface is scheduled to be operating during the reporting period are measured. Scheduled Up Time hours for IMA-EDI based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time Gateway is Available to GLEGs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i., IMA-EDI), affecting Owest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. am:JreQate results (See GA-1D for reportinQ of SIA svstem availability. Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to GLEGs During Reporting Period) -;- (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period) ) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5 2004 Page 2 GA-3 - Gateway Availability - EB-T A Purpose: Evaluates the quality of GLEG access to the EB-TA interface, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to GLEGs. Description: Measures the availability of EB-TA (Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration) interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the EB-TA Interface is available. Scheduled Up Time hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time Gateway is Available to GLEGs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i., EB-TA), affecting Owest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data , collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event manaQement systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to GLEGs During Reporting Period) -;- (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 3 GA-4 - System Availability - EXACT Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC batch access to the EXACT electronic access service request system focusinq on the extent the system is actually available to CLECs. Description: Measures the availability of EXACT system and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the EXACT system is available. Scheduled Up Time hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.Qwestcomiwholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time System is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the system is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i., EXACT), affecting Qwest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes EXACT is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) -7- (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 4 GA-6 - Gateway Availability - GUI -- Repair Purpose: Evaluates the quality of GLEG access to the GUI Repair electronic gateway, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to GLEGs. Description: Measures the availability of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) repair electronic interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the interface is available for view and/or input All times during which the interface is scheduled to be operating during the reporting period are measured. Scheduled Up Time" hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://W'NW.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time Gateway is Available to GLEGs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i.e., GUI-Repair), affecting Qwest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data , collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. aQQreQate results Formula: (Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to GLEGs During Reporting Period -i- Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 5 GA-7 - Timely Outage Resolution following Software Releases Purpose: Measures the timeliness of resolution of gateway or system outages attributable to software releases for specified OSS interfaces, focusing on GLEe-affecting software releases involving the specified gateways or systems. Description: Measures the percentage of gateway or system outages, which are attributable to OSS system software releases and which occur within two weeks after the implementation of the OSS system software releases, that are resolved NOTE 1 within 48 hours of detection by the Owest monitoring group or reporting by a GLEe/co-provider. Includes software releases associated with the following OSS interfaces in Owest: IMA-GUI, IMA- EDI, and CEMR, Exchan~e Access, Control, & Tracking (EXACT)NOTE 2, Electronic Bonding- Trouble Administration (EB -TA) OTE 3 An outage for this measurement is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component, affecting Owest's ability to serve its customers or data loss NOTE 4 on the Owest side of the interface. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. The outage resolution time interval considered in this measurement starts at the time Owest's monitoring group detects a failure, or at the date/time of the first transaction sent to Owest that cannot be processed (Le. lost data), and ends with the time functionality is restored or the lost data is recovered. Reporting Period: Monthly Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ((Total outages detected within two weeks of a Software Release that are resolved within 48 hours of the time Owest detects the outage) .;. (Total number of outages detected within two weeks of Software Releases resolved in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: Outages in releases prior to any CLEC migrating to the release. Duplicate reports attributable to the same software defect. Product Reporting: None Standards: Volume = 1-20: 1 miss Volume;:. 20:95% Availability:Notes: 1. "Resolved" means that service is restored to the reporting CLEC, as Available experienced by the CLEC. 2. EXACT is a Telecordia system. Only releases for changes initiated by Owest for hardware or connectivity will be included in this measurement. 3. Outages reported under EB-TA are the same as outages in MEDIACC. 4. For data loss to be considered for GA-, a functional acknowledgement must have been provided for the data in question (e., EDI 997 , LSR 10 or trouble ticket number). Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5. 2004 Page 6 Pre-Order/Order PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Response Times Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of responses to specific preordering/ordering queries for CLECs through the use of Qwest's Operational Support Systems (OSS). Qwest's ass are accessed through the specified gateway interface. Description: PO-1A & PO-1 B: Measures the time interval between query and response for specified pre-order/order transactions through the electronic interface. . Measurements are made using a system that simulates the transactions of requesting pre- ordering/ordering information from the underlying existing ass. These simulated transactions are made through the operational production interfaces and existing systems in a manner that reflects, in a statistically-valid manner, the transaction response times experienced by CLEC service representatives in the reporting period. . The time interval between query and response consists of the period from the time the transaction request was "sent" to the time it is "received" via the gateway interface. . A query is an individual request for the specified type of information. PO-1 C: . Measures the percentage of all IRTM Queries measured by PO-1A & 1 B transmitted in the reporting period that timeout before receiving a response. PO-1D: . Measures the average response time for a sampling of rejected queries across preorder transaction types. The response time measured is the time between the issuance of a pre-ordering transaction and the receipt of an error message associated with a "rejected query." A rejected query is a transaction that cannot be successfully processed due to the provision of incomplete or invalid information by the sender which results in an error messaqe back to the sender. NOTE 1 Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: PO-, PO-, & PO-1D: Seconds PO-1 C: Percent Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 7 PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Response Times (continued) Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate. Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Results are reported as follows: PO-1A Pre-Order/Order Response Time for IMA-GUI PO-18 Pre-Order/Order Response Time for IMA-EDI Results are reported separately for each of the following transaction types: NOTE 2 1. Appointment Scheduling (Due Date Reservation, where appointment is required)2. Service Availability Information3. Facility Availability4. Street Address Validation 5. Customer Service Records 6. Telephone Number 7. Loop Qualification Tools NOTE 3 8. Resale of Qwest DSL Qualification 9. Connecting Facility Assignment NOTE 4 10. Meet Point Inquiry NOTES For PO-1A (transactions via IMA-GUI), in addition to reporting total response time, response times for each of the above transactions will be reported in two parts: (a) time to access the request screen , and (b) time to receive the response for the specified transaction. For PO-1A 6, Telephone Number, a third part (c) accept screen, will be reported. For PO-1 8 (transactions via IMA-EDI), request/response will be reported as a combined number. PO-1 C Results for PO-1 C will be reported according to the gateway interface used: 1. Percent of Preorder Transactions that Timeout IMA-GUI2. Percent of Preorder Transactions that Timeout IMA-EDI PO-1 D Results for PO-1 D will be reported according to the gateway interface used:1. Rejected Response Times for IMA-GUI2. Rejected Response Times for IMA-EDI Formula: PO-1A & PO-1 B = L:((Query Response Date & Time) - (Query Submission Date & Time)) -;- (Number Queries Submitted in Reporting Period) PO-1 C ((Number of IRTM Queries measured by PO-1 A & 18 that Timeout before receiving response) -;- (Number of IRTM Queries Transmitted in Reporting Period)) x 100 po-L:((Rejected Query Response Date & Time) - (Query Submission Date & Time))-;- (Number of Rejected Query Transactions Simulated by IRTM) Exclusions: PO-1A & PO-18: Rejected requests/errors, and timed out transactions PO-1C: Rejected requests and errors po- Timed out transactions Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 8 PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Response Times (continued) Product Reporting: None Standards: Total Response Time: 1. Appointment Scheduling2. Service Availability Information3. Facility Availability4. Street Address Validation 5. Customer Service Records 6. Telephone Number 7. Loop Qualification ToolsNOTE 3 8. Resale of Qwest DSL Qualification 9. Connecting Facility Assignment 10. Meet Point Inquiry PO-1C- PO-1C- PO-1D-1 & 2 Availability: Available IMA-GUI 0:::10 seconds 0:::25 seconds 0:::25 seconds 0:::10 seconds 0:::12.5 seconds 0:::10 seconds ::; 20 seconds ::; 20 seconds ::; 25 seconds ::; 30 seconds IMA-EDI 0:::10 seconds 0:::25 seconds 0:::25 seconds 0:::10 seconds 0:::12.5 seconds 0:::10 seconds ::; 20 seconds ::; 20 seconds ::; 25 seconds ::; 30 seconds Diagnostic Notes:1. Rejected query types used in PO-1D are those developed for internal Qwest diagnostic purposes. 2. As additional transactions, currently done manually, are mechanized they will be measured and added to or included in the above list of transactions , as applicable.3. Results based on a weighted combination of ADSL Loop Qualification and Raw Loop Data Tool.4. Results based on Connecting Facility Assignment by Unit Query.5. Results based on meet Point Query, POTS Splitter option for Shared loops. 6. Times reflect non-complex services, including residential, simple business, or POTS account. Does not include ADSL or accounts:-25 lines. 7. Benchmark applies to response time only. Request time and Total time will also be reported. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 9 PO-2 - Electronic Flow-through Purpose: Monitors the extent Owest's processing of CLEC Local Service Requests (LSRs) is completely electronic, focusing on the degree that electronically-transmitted LSRs flow directly to the service order rocessor without human intervention or without manual ret in. Description: PO-2A - Measures the percentage of all electronic LSRs that flow from the specified electronic gateway interface to the Service Order Processor (SOP) without any human intervention. Includes all LSRs that are submitted electronically through the specified interface during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. PO-28 - Measures the percentage of all flow-through-eligible LSRs NOTE 1 that flow from the specified electronic gateway interface to the SOP without any human intervention. Includes all flow-through-eligible LSRs that are submitted electronically through the specified interface durin the re ortin eriod, sub'ect to exclusions s ecified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (per multi- state system serving the state). Results for PO-2A and PO-28 will be reported according to the gateway interface* used to submit the LSR: LSRs received via IMA-GUI LSRs received via IMA-EDI CO also reports an aggregate of IMA-GUI and IMA-EDI results. Formula: PO-2A = ((Number of Electronic LSRs that pass from the Gateway Interface to the SOP without human intervention) 7 (Total Number of Electronic LSRs that pass through the Gateway Interface)) x 100 PO-2B = ((Number of flow-through-eligible Electronic LSRs that actually pass from the Gateway Interface to the SOP without human intervention) 7 (Number of flow-through-eligible Electronic LSRs received through the Gateway Interface)) x 100 Exclusions: Rejected LSRs and LSRs containing CLEC-caused non-fatal errors. Non-electronic LSRs (e., via fax or courier). Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid startlsto dates/times. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 10 PO-2 - Electronic Flow-through (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Resale PO-2A: Unbundled Loops (with or CO: CO PO-2B benchmarks minus 10 percent NOTE 2 without Local Number All Other States: Diagnostic Portability) PO-: NOTE 2Local Number Portability UNE-P (POTS) Line Sharing Resale:95% Unbundled Loops:85% LNP:95% UNE-95% Line Sharing:Diagnostic NUIt:~ Availability:Notes: Available (except as The list of LSR types classified as eligible for flow through is contained in follows):the "LSRs Eligible for Flow Through" matrix. This matrix also includes availability for enhancements to flow through. Matrix will be distributed through the CMP process. In Colorado the standard for PO-2 is considered met if the standard for Line Sharing -either PO-2A or PO-2B is met. For both Pq-2A and PO-, the beginning with Jul 04 benchmark percentages shown apply to the aggregations of PO-2A-1 and data on the Aug 04 PO-2A-2 (Le., the combined PO-2A result) and of PO-2B-1 and PO-2B- report (Le., the combined PO-2B result). The standard and future disaggregated reporting of the Line Sharing product is TBD, pending resolution of TRO issues. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 11 PO-3 - LSR Rejection Notice Interval Purpos~: Monitors the timeliness with which Owest notifies CLECs -that electronic and manual LSRs were rejected. Description: Measures the interval between the receipt of a Local Service Request (LSR) and the rejection of the LSR for standard categories of errors/reasons. Includes all LSRs submitted through the specified interface that are rejected during the reporting period. Standard reasons for rejections are: missing/incomplete/mismatching/unintelligible information duplicate request or LSR/PON (purchase order number), no separate LSR for each account telephone number affected, no valid contract, no valid end user verification, account not working in Owest territory, service-affecting order pending, request is outside established parameters for service, and lack of CLEC response to Owest question for clarification about the LSR. Included in the interval is time required for efforts by Owest to work with the CLEC to avoid the necessity of rejecting the LSR. . With hours: minutes reporting, hours counted are (1) business hours for manual rejects (involving human intervention) and (2) published Gateway Availability hours for auto-rejects (involving no human intervention). Business hours are defined as time during normal business hours of the Wholesale Delivery Service Centers, except for PO-3C in which hours counted are workweek clock hours. Gateway Availability hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmo/ossHours.html. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: PO-3A-, PO-3B-1 & PO-3C - Hrs: Mins. PO-3A-2 & PO-3B-2 - Mins: Sees. Disaggregation Reporting: Results for this indicator are reported according to the gateway interface used to submit the LSR: . PO-3A-, LSRs received via IMA-GUI and rejected manually: Statewide . PO-3A -, LSRs received via IMA-GUI and auto-rejected: Region wide . PO-3B-, LSRs received via IMA-EDI and rejected manually: Statewide . PO-3B -, LSRs received via IMA-EDI and auto-rejected: Region wide . PO-3C, LSRs received via facsimile: Statewide Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results Formula: L ((Date and time of Rejection Notice transmittal) - (Date and time of LSR receipt)) -;- (Total number of LSR Rejection Notifications) Exclusions: Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid starUstop dates/times. Product Reporting: Not applicable (reported by ordering interface). Standards: . PO-3A-1 and -38-1: s; 12 business hours . PO-3A -2 and -3B -2: s; 18 seconds . PO-3C: s; 24 work week clock hours Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 12 PO-4 - LSRs Rejected Purpose: Monitors the extent LSRs are rejected as a percentage of all LSRs to provide information to help address potential issues that might be raised by the indicator of LSR rejection notice intervals. Description: Measures the percentage of LSRs rejected (returned to the CLEC) for standard categories of errors/reasons. Includes all LSRs submitted through the specified interface that are rejected or FOC'd during the reporting period. Standard reasons for rejections are: missing/incomplete/mismatching/unintelligible information; duplicate request or LSR/PON (purchase order number); no separate LSR for each account telephone number affected; no valid contract; no valid end user verification; account not working in Owest territory; service-affecting order pending; request is outside established parameters for service; and lack of CLEC response to Owest c uestion for clarification about the LSR. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent of LSRs Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: individual CLEC results Results for this indicator are reported according to the gateway interface used to submit the LSR: PO-4A-LSRs received via IMA-GUI and rejected manually - Region wide PO-4A -2 LSRs received via IMA-GUI and auto-rejected - Region wide PO-4B-LSRs received via IMA-EDI and rejected manually - Region wide PO-4B -2 LSRs received via IMA-EDI and auto-rejected - Region wide PO-LSRs received via facsimile - Statewide Formula: ((Total number of LSRs rejected via the specified method in the reporting period) of- (Total of all LSRs that are received via the specified interface that were rejected or FOC'd in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid start/stop dates/times. Product Reporting: Not applicable (reported by Standard: Diagnostic orderinq interface). Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 13 PO.5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time Purpose: Monitors the timeliness with which Owest returns Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) to CLECs in response to LSRs/ASRs received from CLECs , focusing on the degree to which FOCs are provided within specified intervals. Description: Measures the percentage of Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) that are provided to CLECs within the intervals specified under "Standards" below for FOC notifications. Includes all LSRs/ASRs that are submitted through the specified interface or in the specified manner (Le., facsimile) that receive an FOC during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. (Acknowledgments sent separately from an FOC (e., EOI 997 transactions are not included. . For PO-5A, the interval measured is the period between the LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time) and Owest's response with a FOC notification (notification date and time). . For PO-5B, 5C, and 50, the interval measured is the period between the a lication date and time, as defined herein, and Owest's response with a FOC notification (notification date and time). . " Fully electronic" LSRs are those (1) that are received via IMA-GUI or IMA-EOI, (2) that involve no manual intervention, and (3) for which FOCs are provided mechanically to the CLEC. NOTE 2 . " Electronic/manual" LSRs are received electronically via IMA-GUI or IMA-EOI and involve manual processing. . " Manual" LSRs are received manually (via facsimile) and processed manually. . ASRs are measured only in business da . LSRs will be evaluated according to the FOC interval categories shown in the "Standards" section below, based on the number of lines/services requested on the LSR or, where multiple LSRs from the same CLEC are related , based on the combined number of lines/services requested on the related LSRs. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: PercentReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (per multi-state system Comparisons: CLEC serving the state). aggregate and individual Results for this indicator are reported as follows: CLEC results . PO-5A:FOCs provided for full electronic LSRs received via: - PO-5A-1 IMA-GUI - PO-5A-2 IMA-EOI . PO-5B:FOCs provided for electronic/manual LSRs received via: - PO-5B-1 IMA-GUI - PO-5B-2 IMA-EOI . PO-5C:FOCs provided for manual LSRs received via Facsimile. . PO-50: FOCs provided for ASRs requesting LIS Trunks. * Each of the PO-, PO-5B and PO-5C measurements listed above will be further disaggregated as follows:(a) FOCs provided for Resale services and UNE-(b) FOCs provided for Unbundled Loops and specified Unbundled Network Elements(c) FOCs provided for LNP Formula: PO-SA = nCount of LSRs for which the original FOC's "(FOC Notification Date & Time) - (LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time))" is within 20 minutesl~ (Total Number of original FOC Notifications transmitted for the service category in the reporting periodn x 100 PO-, 5C, & 50 = nCount of LSRs/ASRs for which the original FOC's "(FOC Notification Date & Time) - (Application Date & Time)" is within the intervals specified for the service category involved) ~ (Total Number of original FOC Notifications transmitted for the service category in the reporting periodH x 100 Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 14 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time (continued) Exclusions: LSRs/ASRs involving individual case basis (ICB) handling based on quantities of lines, as specified in the "Standards" section below, or service/request types, deemed to be ects. Hours on Weekends and holidays. (Except for PO-5A which only excludes hours outside the scheduled up time). LSRs with CLEC-requested FOC arrangements different from standard FOC arrangements. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid start/stop dates/times. Additional PO-50 exclusion: Records with invalid a lication or confirmation dates. Product Reporting: Standards: For PO-5A (all): For PO-5B (all):For PO- , - 5B and 5C: (a) Resale services UNE-P (POTS) and UNE-P Centrex (b) Unbundled Loops and specified Unbundled Network Elements. (c) LNP For PO-50: LIS Trunks. For PO-5C (manual): 95% within 20 minutes 90% within standard FOC intervals (specified below) 90% within standard FOC intervals s ecified below PLUS 24 hours NOTE 85% within ei ht business da s Standard FOC Intervals for PO-5B and PO- Product Group NOTE 1 Resale Residence and Business POTS ISDN-Basic Conversion As Is Adding/Changing features Add primary directory listing to established loop Add call appearance Centrex Non-Design with no Common Block Configuration Centrex line feature chan es/adds/removals all LNP 24 lines Unbundled Loops 24 loops 2/4 Wire analog DS3 Ca able Sub-loop included in Product Re ortin Line Sharing/Line Splitting 24 shared included in Product Re ortin rou b 100 s Unbundled Network Element-Platform (UNE-P POTS) 1 - 39 lines Foe Interval 39 lines 10 lines 24 hours 19 lines 24 sub-loops Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 15 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time (continued) Resale ISDN-Basic 10 lines Conversion As Specified New Installs 48 hours Address Changes Change to add Loop ISDN-PRI (Facility) PBX 24 trunks DSO or Voice Grade Equivalent DS1 Facility DS3 Facility LNP 25-49 lines Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) (included in Product Reporting group (b)) DS1 24 circuits Resale Centrex (including Centrex 21 , Non-design Centrex 21 Basic ISDN, Centrex-Plus Centron , Centrex Primes)10 lines With Common Block Configuration required Initial establishment of Centrex CMS services Tie lines or NARs activity Subsequent to initial Common Block Station lines Automatic Route Selection 72 hours Uniform Call Distribution Additional numbers UNE-P Centrex 10 lines UNE-P Centrex 21 10 lines Unbundled Loops with Facility Check(NOTE2,3) 1 - 24 loops 2/4 wire Non-loaded ADSL compatible ISDN capable XDSL-I capable DS1 capable Resale ISDN-PRI (Trunks)12 trunks 96 hours For PO-5D:8 business LIS Trunks 240 trunk circuits days Availability:Notes: Available LSRs with quantities above the highest number specified for each product type are considered ICB. Unbundled Loop with Facility Check can be processed electronically; however, because this category always carries a 72-hour FOC interval the FOC results for this product will appear in PO-5B if received electronically or PO-5C if received manually. Unbundled Loop with Facility Check will not add an additional 24 hours to the 72-hour interval if the LSR is submitted manually. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 16 PO-6 - Work Completion Notification Timeliness Purpose: To evaluate the timeliness of Owest issuing electronic notification at an LSR level to GLEGs that provisioning work on all service orders that comprise the GLEG LSR have been completed in the Service Order Processor and the service is available to the customer. Description: PO-6A & 68: Includes all orders completed in the Owest Service Order Processor that generate completion notifications in the reporting period, subject to exclusions shown below. The start time is the date/time when the last of the service orders that comprise the GLEG LSR is posted as completed in the Service Order Processor. The end time is when the electronic order completion notice is made available (IMA-GUI) NOTE 1 or transmitted (IMA-EDI) to the GLEG via the ordering interface used to place the local service request. The notification is transmitted at an LSR level when all service orders that comprise the GLEG LSR are complete. With hours: minutes reporting, hours counted are during the published Gateway Availability hours. Gateway Availability hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: httD:/lwww.awestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Reporting Period: I Unit of Measure:One month PO-6A - 68:Hrs:Mins Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual PO-Notices transmitted via IMA-GUI CLEC results.PO-Notices transmitted via IMA-EDI Formula: For completion notifications generated from LSRs received via IMA-GUI: PO-6A = L((Date and Time Completion Notification made available to CLEC) - (Date and Time the last of the service orders that comprise the CLEC LSR is completed in the Service Order Processor)) + (Number of completion notifications made available in reporting period) For completion notifications generated from LSRs received via IMA-EDI: PO-68 = L((Date and Time Completion Notification transmitted to GLEC) - (Date and Time the last of the service orders that comprise the CLEC LSR is completed in the Service Order Processor. )) + (Number of completion notifications transmitted in reporting period) Exclusions: PO- 6A & 68: Records with invalid completion dates. LSRs submitted manually (e., via facsimile). ASRs submitted via EXACT. Product Reporting:Standard: PO - 6A & 68 Aggregate reporting for all products ordered through 6 hours IMA-GUI and, separatelv, IMA-EDI (see disaggregation reporting). Availability:Notes: Available The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-GUI is the time Owest stores a status update related to the completion notice in the IMA Status Updates database. When this occurs, the notice can be immediately viewed by the CLEC using the Status Updates window or by using the LSR Notice Inquiry function. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 17 PO-7 - Billing Completion Notification Timeliness Purpose: To evaluate the timeliness with which electronic billing completion notifications are made available or transmitted to CLECs, focusing on the percentage of notifications that are made available or transmitted for CLECs or osted in the billin s stem for Owest retail within five business da s. Description: PO-7A & 7B: This measurement includes all orders posted in the CRIS billing system for which billing completion notices are made available or transmitted in the reporting period , subject to exclusions shown below. Intervals used in this measurement are from the time a service order is completed in the SOP to the time billing completion for the order is made available or transmitted to the CLEC. - The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-GUI consists of the time Owest stores the completion notice in the IMA Status Updates database. When this occurs, the notice can be immediately viewed by the CLEC using the Status Updates window. - The time a notice is "transmitted" via IMA-EDI consists of the time Owest actually transmits the completion notice via IMA-EDI. Applicable only to those CLECs who are certified and setup to receive the notices via IMA-EDI. . The start time is when the completion of the service order is posted in the Owest SOP. The end time is when, confirming that the order has been posted in the CRIS billing system, the electronic billing completion notice is made available to the CLEC via the same ordering interface (IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI) as used to submit the LSR. Intervals counted in the numerator of these measurements are those that are five business days or less. PO- This measurement includes all retail orders posted in the CRIS Billing system in the reporting period , subject to exclusions shown below. Intervals used in this measurement are from the time an order is completed in the SOP to the time it is posted in the CRIS billing system. . The start time is when the completion of the order is posted in the SOP. The end time is when the order is posted in the CRIS billing system. Intervals counted in the numerator of this measurement are those that are five business days or less. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: PO-7A and -7B: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results. PO-7C: Owest retail results. Formula: For wholesale service orders Owest enerates for LSRs received via IMA: PO-7 A = (Number of electronic billing completion notices in the reporting period made available within five business days of posting complete in the SOP) + (Total Number of electronic billing completion notices made available during the reporting period) (Number of electronic billing completion notices in the reporting period transmitted within five business days of posting complete in the SOP) + (Total Number of electronic billing completion notices transmitted during the reporting period) Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. . PO-7A Notices made available via IMA-GUI . PO-7B Notices transmitted via IMA-EDI . PO-7C Billing system posting completions for Owest Retail PO-7B = For service orders Owest enerates for retail customers the retail analo ue for PO-7A & - PO-7C = (Total number of retail service orders posted in the CRIS billing system in the reporting period that were posted within 5 business days) + (Total number of retail service orders osted in the CRIS billin s stem in the re ortin eriod Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 18 PO-7 - Billing Completion Notification Timeliness (continued) Exclusions: PO-, 7B & 7C Services that are not billed through CRIS, e.g. Resale Frame Relay. Records with invalid completion dates. PO-7A & 7B LSRs submitted manually. ASRs submitted via EXACT. Product Reporting:Standard: Aggregate reporting for all products ordered through IMA-PO-7A and -7B: Parity with PO- GUI and, separately, IMA-EDI (see disaggregation reporting). Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 19 PO-8 - Jeopardy Notice Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of jeopardy notifications, focusing on how far in advance of original due dates jeopardy notifications are provided to CLECs (regardless of whether the due date was actually missed). Description: Measures the average time lapsed between the date the customer is first notified of an order jeopardy event and the original due date of the order. Includes all orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notifications. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Average Business days NU I t; Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate, individual CLEC and Owest (This measure is reported by jeopardy notification process Retail results as used for the categories shown under Product Reporting. Formula: (:E(Date of the original due date of orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification - Date of the first jeopardy notification) -;- Total orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification) Exclusions: Jeopardies done after the original due date is past. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standards: Non-Designed Services A Parity with Retail POTS Unbundled Loops (with or without B Parity with Retail POTS Number Portability) LIS Trunks C Parity with Feature Group 0 (FGD) services UNE-P (POTS)Parity with Retail POTS Availability:Notes: Available 1. For PO-8A and -0, Saturday is counted as a business day for all non-dispatched orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business, and UNE- (POTS), as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For dispatched orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business and UNE-P (POTS) and for all other products reported under PO-8B and -, Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due on Saturday. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 20 PO.9 - Timely Jeopardy Notices Purpose: When original due dates are missed, measures the extent to which Owest notifies customers in advance of jeopardized due dates. Description: Measures the percentage of late orders for which advance jeopardy notification is provided. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Owest and which are completed/closed in the reporting period that missed the original due date. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all C orders representing inward activity Missed due date orders with jeopardy notifications provided on or after the original due date is past will be counted in the denominator of the formula but will not be counted in the numerator. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate, individual CLEC and (This measure is reported by jeopardy notification process as Owest Retail results used for the cateQories shown under Product ReportinQ. Formula: ((Total missed due date orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification in advance of original due date) + (Total number of missed due date orders completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Orders missed for customer reasons. Records with invalid product codes. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standards: Non-Designed Services A Parity with Retail POTS Unbundled Loops (with or without Number B Parity with Retail POTS Portability) LIS Trunks C Parity with Feature Group D (FGD) Services UNE-P (POTS)D Parity with Retail POTS Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 21 PO-15 - Number of Due Date Changes per Order Purpose: To evaluate the extent to which Qwest chanaes due dates on orders. Description: Measures the average number of Qwest due date changes per order. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) that have been assigned a due date in the reporting period subject to the exclusions below. Change order types for additional lines consist of all "C" orders representing inward activit Counts all due date changes made for Qwest reasons following assignment of the original due date. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Average Number of Due Date Changes Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. GLEC aggregate, individual CLEC, and Qwest retail results. Formula: L(Count of Qwest due date changes on all orders) 7 (Total orders in reporting period) Exclusions: Customer requested due date changes. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standard: None Diagnostic Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 22 PO-16- Timely Release Notifications Purpose: Measures the percent of release notifications for changes to specified ass interfaces sent by Owest to CLECs within the intervals and scope specified within the change management plan found on Owest's ChanQe ManaQement Process, (CMP) website at http://www.qwestcom/whoiesale/cmp/whatiscmp.htmi. Description: . Measures the percent of release notices that are sent by Owest within the intervals/timeframes prescribed by the release notification procedure on Owest's CMP website. NOTE 1 Release notices measured are: Draft Technical Specifications (for App to App interfaces only); Final Technical Specifications (for App to App interfaces only); Draft Release Notices (for IMA-GUI interfaces only); Final Release Notices (for IMA-GUI interfaces only); and - ass Interface Retirement Notices. NOTE For the following ass interfaces: - IMA-GUI, IMA-EDI; CEMR; Exchange Access, Control, & Tracking (EXACT); NOTE 3 Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration (EB - T A); NOTE 4 lABS and CRIS Summary Bill Outputs; NOTE 5 Loss and Completion Records; NOTE New ass interfaces (for introduction notices only.) NOTE 6 - Also included are notifications for connectivity or system function changes to Resale Product Database. Includes ass interface release notifications by Owest relating to the following products and service categories: LlS/Interconnection , Collocation, Unbundled Network Elements (UN E), Ancillary, and Resale Products and Services. Includes ass interface release notifications by Owest to CLECs for the following ass functions: Pre-Ordering, Ordering, Provisioning, Repair and Maintenance, and Billing. Includes Types of Changes as specified in the "Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document" (Section 4 - Types of Changes). Includes all ass interface release notifications pertaining to the above OSS systems, subject to the exclusions specified below. Release Notifications sent on or before the date required by the CMP are considered timely. A release notification "sent date" is determined by the date of the e-mail sent by Owest that provides the Release Notification. NOTE 7 Release Notifications sent after the date required by the (CMP) are considered untimely. Release Notifications required but not sent are considered untimely. Reporting Period: One month Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate Unit of Measure: Percent Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ((Number of required release notifications for specified ass interface changes made within the reporting period that are sent on or before the date required by the change management plan (CMP) 7 Total number of required release notifications for specified ass interface changes within reporting period)jx100 Exclusions: Changes to be implemented on an expedited basis (exception to OSS notification intervals) as mutually agreed upon by CLECs and Owest through the CMP. ChanQes where Owest and CLECs aQree , throuQh the CMP , that notification is unnecessary. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 23 PO-16 Timely Release Notifications (continued) Product Reporting:None Standards: Vol. 1-10: No more than one untimely notification Vol. ;:. 10: 92.5% timely notifications Availability: Available Notes: 1. The Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document specifies the intervals for release notifications by type of notification. These intervals are documented in the change management plan. 2. The documents described in section "0 - Retirement of Existing ass Interfaces" of the "Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document" as "Initial Retirement Notice" and "Final Retirement Notice." 3. EXACT is a Telecordia system. Only release notifications for changes initiated by Owest for hardware or connectivity will be included in this measurement. 4. EB-TA is the same system as MEDIACC. 5. CRIS, lABS, and Loss and Completions will adhere to the notification intervals documented in section 8.1 - Changes to Existing Application to Application Interface. 6. The documents described in section "0 - Introduction of New ass Interface" of the "Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document" as "Initial Release Announcement and Preliminary Implementation Plan" (new App to App only), "Initial Interface Technical Specification" (new App to App only), "Final Interface Technical Specifications (new App to App only), "Release Notification (new GUI only). CMP notices for "Introduction of a New aSS" are to be included in this measurement even though the new system is not explicitly listed in the Description" section of this PID. However, once implemented , the system will not be added to the measurement for purposes of measuring release, change and retirement notifications unless specifically incorporated as an authorized change to the pro. 7. The intervals used to determine timeliness are based on CMP guidelines. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 24 PO-19 - Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracy Purpose: Evaluates Qwest's ability to provide accurate production-like tests to CLECs for testing new releases in the SATE and production environments and testinq between releases in the SATE environment. Description: PO-19A Measures the percentage of test transactions that conform to the test scenarios published in the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE) that are successfully executed in SATE at the time a new IMA Release is deployed to SATE. In months where no release activity occurs , measures the percentage of test transactions that conform to the test scenarios published in the current IMA EDI Data Document-for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE) that are successfully executed in SATE during the between-releases monthly performance test. Includes one test transaction for each rest scenario published in the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE). Test transactions will be executed for each of the IMA releases supported in SATE utilizing all test scenarios for each of the current versions of the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SA TE). The successful execution of a transaction is determined by the Qwest Test Engineer according to: The expected results of the test scenario as described in the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE) and the EDI disclosure document. The transactions strict adherence to business rules published in Qwest's most current IMA EDI Disclosure Documentation for each release and the associated Addenda. NOTE 1 For this measurement, Qwest will execute the test transactions in the Stand-Alone Test Environment. Release related test transactions will be executed when a full or point release of IMA is installed in SATE. These transactions will be executed within five business da s of the numbered release being originally installed in SATE. This five-business day period will be referred to as the "Testing Window. Mid-release monthly performance test transactions will be executed in the months when no Testing Window for a release is completed. These transactions will be executed on the 15 , or the nearest working day to the 15th of the month, in the months when no release related test transactions are executed. Test transaction results will be reported by release and included in the Reporting Period during which the release transactions or mid-release test transactions are completed. PO-19B Validates the extent that SATE mirrors production by measuring the percentage of IMA EDI test transactions that produce comparable results in SATE and in production. Transactions counted as producing comparable results are those that return correctly formatted data and fields as specified in the release s EDI disclosure document and developer worksheets related to the IMA release being tested. Comparability will be determined by evaluating the data and fields in each EDI message for the test transactions against the same data and fields for Preorder queries, LSRs, and Supplementals, and returned as Query Responses, Acknowledgements, Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) for flow-through eligible products, and rejects. Test transactions are executed one time for each new major IMA release within 7 days after the IMA release. Test transactions consist of a defined suite of Product/Activity combinations. Qwest's three regions will be represented. NOTE 2 - Pre-order, Order, and Post-order transactions (FOCs for flow-through products) are included. With respect to the comparability of the structure and content of results from SATE and production environments, this measurement focuses only on the validity of the structure and the validity of the content, per developer worksheets and EID mapping examples distributed as part of release notifications. NOTE 3 Reporting Period: PO-19A -- One month PO-19B: -- One month (for those months in Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B Unit of Measure:Percent May 5, 2004 Page 25 PO -19 Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracy (continued) which release-related test transactions are completed) Reporting Comparisons: None Disaggregation Reporting: PO-19A - Reported separately for each release tested in the reporting period PO-19B -- None Formula: PO-19A ((Total number of successfully completed SATE test transactions executed for a Software Release or between-releases performance test completed in the Reporting Period) -;- (Total number of SATE test transactions executed for each Software Release or between-releases performance test completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 PO-19B ((Total number of completed IMA ED! test transactions executed in SATE and production that produce comparable results for each new major IMA Software Release completed in the Reporting Period) -;- (Total number of completed IMA EDI test transactions executed in SATE and production for each new major IMA Software Release completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: For PO-19B: Transactions that fail due to the unavailability of a content item (e., TN exhaustion in SATE or the production environment) or a function in the SATE or production environments (e., address validation query or CSR query) that is unsuccessful due to an outage in systems that interface with IMA-EDI (e., PREMIS or SIA). Transactions that fail because of differences between the production and SATE results caused when an IMA candidate is implemented into IMA and not SATE (Le., where CMP decides not to implement an IMA candidate in a SATE release: e., the Reject Duplicate LSR candidate in IMA 12.0). This exclusion does not apply during reporting periods in which there are no differences between production IMA and SATE caused by SATE releases packaged pursuant to CMP decisions.Product Reporting: None Standard: PO-19A - 95% for each release tested PO-19B - 95% Notes: 1 . Transactions that are executed and found to have inconsistencies with the data and format rules will be corrected and rerun. Rerun volumes will not be counted in the denominator for PO-19. Such corrections and re-executions are intended to enforce strict adherence to business rules published in Owest's most current IMA EDI Data and Disclosure Documents. 2. The product and activity combinations that make up the test decks for PO-19B will be updated after each major IMA software release and provided to CLECs with the publication of IMA EDI Draft Interface Technical Specifications for the next major IMA software release as defined in the CMP process. All combinations with EDI transaction volumes ::- 100 in the previous 12-month period will be included in the test deck. 75 days prior to the execution of the test, Owest will run a query against IMA to determine which combinations meet the criteria for inclusion (Le., volumes ::- 100). Availability: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 26 PO -19 Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracy (continued) 3. The intent of this provision is to avoid including the effects of circumstances beyond the SATE environment that could cause differences in SATE and production results that are not due to problems in mirroring production. For example, because of real-time data manipulation in production , an appointment availability query transaction in SATE will not return the same list of available appointments as in production. Available appointments in production are fully dependent on real-time activities that occur there, whereas available appointments in SATE are based on a pre- defined list that is representative of production. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 27 Ordering and Provisioning OP-2 - Calls Answered within Twenty Seconds -Interconnect Provisioning Center Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of CLEC access to Owest's interconnection provisioning center(s) and retail customer access to the Business Office, focusinq on the extent calls are answered within 20 seconds. Description: Measures the percentage of (Interconnection Provisioning Center or Retail Business Office) calls that are answered by an agent within 20 seconds of the first ring. Includes all calls to the Interconnect Provisioning Center/Retail Business Office during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Abandoned calls and busy calls are counted as calls which are not answered within 20 seconds. First ring is defined as when the customer s call is first placed in queue by the ACD (Automatic Call Distributor). Answer is defined as when the call is first picked up by the Owest agent. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Owest Retail results Formula: ((Total Calls Answered by Center within 20 seconds) + (Total Calls received by Center)) x 100 Exclusions: Time spent in the VRU Voice Response Unit is not counted. Product Reporting: Not applicable Standard: Parity Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 28 OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Qwest installs services for Customers by the scheduled due date. Description: Measures the percentage of orders for which the scheduled due date is met. All inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all Corders representing inward activit . Also included are orders with customer-requested due dates longer than the standard interval. Completion date on or before the Applicable Due Date recorded by Qwest is counted as a met due date. The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the oriqinal due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated , changed due date, if any. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: PercentReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for producUservices listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate, Disaggregation" will be reported according to orders involving:individual CLEC OP-3A Dispatches within MSAs; and Qwest Retail OP-3B Dispatches outside MSAs; andresults OP-3C No dispatches- Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to installations: OP-3D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and OP-3E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Total Orders completed in the reporting period on or before the Applicable Due Date) ~ (Total Orders Completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: . Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. . Due dates missed for standard categories of customer and non-Qwest reasons. Standard categories of customer reasons are: previous service at the location did not have a customer- requested disconnect order issued , no access to customer premises, and customer hold for payment. Standard categories of non-Qwest reasons are: Weather, Disaster, and Work Stoppage. . Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. . Records with invalid completion dates. . Records with invalid product codes. . Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 29 OP - 3 Installation Commitments Met (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-Tvee Disaaareaation - Resale Residential sinqle line service Parity with retail service Business sinqle line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service DSO (non-desiqned provisioninq)Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (non-desiqned provisioninq)Parity with retail service Primary ISDN (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN (non-desianed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (non-desiqned provisioning)Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting 95% Line Sharing 95% Sub-Loop Unbundling co: 90% All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-Tyee Disaaareaation - Resale Primary ISDN (desianed provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN (desianed provisioning)Parity with retail service DSO (desiqned provisioninq)Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (desianed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (desianed provisioning)Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aqqreqate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Parity with retail DS1 Private Line UDIT - Above DS1 level Parity with retail Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diaqnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop 90% Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)90% Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail OS 1 Private Line DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-aualified Loop 90% Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aaareaate)Line services (aqqregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic Loops with Conditioning 90% E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO WA: 90% level)All Other States: Diagnostic Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 30 OP - 3 Installation Commitments Met (continued) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (081 90% level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (D83 WA: 90% level)All Other States: Diagnostic Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho 8GAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 31 OP-4 - Installation Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Owest's installation of services for customers, focusing on the average time to install service. Description: Measures the average interval (in business da s) NOTE 1 between the a lication date and the completion date for service orders accepted and implemented. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Owest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types for additional lines consist of all C orders representing inward activit Intervals for each measured event are counted in whole days: the application date is day zero (0); the day following the application date is day one (1). . The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Owest changes a due date for Owest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a6 subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Owest-initiated, changed due date, if any. N TE2 . Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Owest-initiated due date, if any, followin~ the Applicable Due Date, from the subsequent customer-initiated due date, if any. NOTE Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Average Business DaysReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under MSA TypeCLEC Disaggregation" will be reported according to orders involving: aggregate, OP-4A Dispatches within MSAs;individual CLEC OP-4B Dispatches outside MSAs; andand Owest OP-4C No dispatches. Retail results Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to installations: OP-4D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and OP-4E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ~((Order Completion Date) - (Order Application Date) - (Time interval between the Original Due Date and the Applicable Date) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) + Total Number of Orders Completed in the reporting period lanation: The average installation interval is derived by dividing the sum of installation intervals for all orders (in business days) NOTE 1 by total number of service orders completed in the reportinq period. Exclusions: . Orders with customer requested due dates greater than the current standard interval. . Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or application dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with inyalid product codes. Records missinq data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 32 OP-4 -Installation Interval (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-Tvne Disaaareaation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business sinqle line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service DSO (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (non-designed provisioninQ)Parity with retail service Primary ISDN (non-designed Parity with retail service provisioninq Basic ISDN non-desiQned provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting 3 days Line SharinQ 3 days Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: 6 days All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-TvDe Disaaareaation - Resale Primary ISDN (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN(designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DSO (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Parity with DS1 Private Line Service UDIT - Above DS11evei Parity with Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop 6 days Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)6 days Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS 1 Private Line DS 1-capable Loop Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Wyoming: Parity with retail DS1 Private Line Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, Washington: 5.5 days ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop 6 days Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate services (aggregate)(aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic Loops with Conditioning 15 days Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 33 OP-4 -Installation Interval (continued) E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 6 days level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level) Availability:Notes: Available For OP-, Saturday is counted as a business day for all orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business, and UNE-P (POTS), as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For all other products under OP-4C and for all products under OP- , - , and -4E. Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due or completed on Saturday. According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (i.e., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest-initiated due date change , if any- Following the first Qwest- initiated due date change, any further customer-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest-initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer- initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest-initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported interval. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 34 OP-New Service Quality Purpose: Evaluates the quality of ordering and installing new services (inward line service orders), focusing on the percentage of newly-installed service orders that are free of GLEG/customer-initiated trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days following installation completion , and focusing on the quality of Owest's resolution of such conditions with respect to multiple reports. Description: Measures two components of new service provisioning quality (OP-5A and -58) and also reports a combined result (OP-5T), as described below, each as a percentage of all inward line service orders completed in the reporting period that are free of GLEG/customer-reported provisioning and repair trouble reports, as described below. Also measures the percentage of all provisioning and repair trouble reports that constitute multiple trouble reports for the affected service orders. (OP-5R) Orders for new services considered in calculating all components of this performance indicator are all inward line service orders completed in the reporting period, including Ghange (G-type) orders for additional lines/circuits, subject to exclusions shown below. Ghan~e order types considered in these measurements consist of all G orders representing inward activity. OTE 1 Orders for new service installations include conversions (Retail to GLEG, GLEG to GLEG , and same GLEG converting between products). Provisioning or repair trouble reports include both out of service and other service affecting conditions such as features on a line that are missing or do not function properly upon conversion, subject to exclusions shown below. OP-New Service Installation Quality Reported to Repair Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of repair trouble reports NOTE 2 within 30 calendar days of installation completion , subject to exclusions below. Repair trouble reports are defined as GLEG/customer notifications to Owest of out-of-service and other service affecting conditions for which Owest opens repair tickets in its maintenance and repair management and tracking systems NOTE 3 that are closed in the reporting period or the following month, NOTE 4 subject to exclusions shown below. NOTE 5 Owest is able to open repair tickets for repair trouble reports received from GLEGs/customers once the service order is completed in Owest's systems. OP-New Service ProvisioninQ Quality Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of provisioning trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days of installation completion, subject to exclusions shown below. Provisioning trouble reports are defined as GLEG notifications to Owest of out of service or other service affecting conditions that are attributable to provisioning activities , including but not limited to LSRlservice order mismatches and conversion outages. For provisioning trouble reports, Qwest creates call center tickets in its call center database. Subject to exclusions shown below, call center tickets closed in the reporting period or the following month NOTE 4 are captured in this measurement. Gall center tickets closed to Network reasons will not be counted in OP-58 when a repair trouble report for that order is captured in OP-5A. NOTE 5, 6 OP-5T: New Service Installation Quality Total Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of repair or provisioning trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days of installation completion, subject to exclusion shown below. OP-5R: New Service Quality Multiple Report Rate Evaluates the quality of Owest's responses to repair and provisioning trouble reports for inward line service orders completed in the reporting period. This measurement reports, for those service orders that were not free of repair or provisioning trouble reports in OP-5A or OP-, the percentage of trouble reports affecting the same service orders that were followed by additional repair and provisioning trouble reports, as specified below. Measures the percentage of all repair and provisioning trouble reports considered in OP-5A and OP-58 that are additional repair or provisioning trouble reports received by Owest for the same service order during the provisioning process or within 30 calendar days following installation Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit 8 May 5, 2004 Page 35 op. 5 - New Service Quality (continued) completion. Additional repair or provisioning trouble reports are defined as all such reports that are received following the first report (whether the first report is represented by a call center ticket or a repair ticket) relating to the same service order during the provisioning process or within 30 calendar days following installation completion. In all cases, the trouble reports counted are those that are defined for OP-5A and OP-5B above. NOTE Reporting Period: One month, reported in arrears (I.e., results first appear in reports one month later than results for measurements that are not reported in arrears), in order to cover the 30-day period following installation. Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level individual CLEC and Owest Retail results Formulas: OP-5A = (Number inward line service orders completed in the reporting period - Number of inward line service orders with any re air trouble re orts as specified above) """ (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 Unit of Measure: Percent OP-5B = (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period - Number of inward line service orders with any rovisionin trouble re orts as specified above)""" (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 OP-5T = ((Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) - Number of inward line service orders with re air or rovisionin trouble re orts as defined above under OP-5A or OP- as applicable)""" (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 OP-5R = (Number of all repair and provisioning trouble reports, relating to inward line service orders closed in the reporting period as defined above under OP-5A or OP-, that constitute additional repair and provisioning trouble reports , within 30 calendar days following the installation date """ Number of all repair and provisioning trouble reports relating to inward line service orders closed In the reporting period, as defined above under OP-5A or OP-5B) x 100 Exclusions: licable to OP-OP-5T and OP-5R: Repair trouble reports attributable to CLEC or coded to non-Owest reasons as follows: For products measured from MTAS data, repair trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous- Non-Dispatch , non-Owest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider); and Reports from other than the GLEe/customer that result in a charge if dispatched. For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data, repair reports coded to codes for: Carrier Action (IEC); Customer Provided Equipment (CPE); Commercial power failure; Customer requested service order activity; and Other non-Owest. Repair reports coded to disposition codes for referral to another department (I.e., for non-repair ticket resolutions of non-installation-related problems, except cable cuts, which are not excluded). licable to OP-OP-5T and OP-5R onl Provisioning trouble reports attributable to CLEC or non-Owest causes. Call center tickets relating to activities that occur as part of the normal process of conversion (i.e., while Owest is actively and properly engaged in process of converting or installing the service). Provisioning trouble reports involving service orders that, at the time of the calls, have fallen out for manual handling and been disassociated from the related service order, as applicable, will be considered as not in the normal process of conversion and will not be excluded. licable to OP-OP-OP-5T and OP-5R: Repair or provisioning trouble reports related to service orders captured as misses under measurements OP-13 (Coordinated Cuts Timeliness) or OP-17 (LNP Timeliness). Subsequent repair or provisioning trouble reports of any trouble on the installed service before the original repair or provisioning trouble report is closed. Service orders closed in the reporting period with App Dates earlier than eight months prior to the Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 36 op. 5 - New Service Qualit continued beginning of the reporting period. Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. When out of service or service affecting problems are reported to the call center on conversion and move requests, the resulting call center ticket will be included in the calculation of the numerator in association with the related inward order type even when the call center ticket reflects the problem was caused by the Disconnect or From order. Records involving official Qwest company services. Records missin data essential to the calculation of the measurement as defined herein. Product Reporting Categories: Standards: As specified below - one OP-5A: percentage result reported for OP-5B: each bulleted category under the sub-measurements shown. Parity with retail service Diagnostic for six months following first reporting. After six months Benchmark (TBD) OP-5T: Diagnostic OP-5R: Diagnostic for six months following first reporting. Possible standard (TBD) (Where parity comparisons involve multiple service varieties in a product category, weighting based on the retail analogue volumes may be used if necessary to create a comparison that is not affected by different proportions of wholesale and retail analogue volumes in the same reporting categor . Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 37 op. 5 - New Service Quality (continued) Product Reporting:I Standards: Reported under OP-5A. OP-5B. OP-5T and OP-5R: (Product categories may be combined as agreed upon by the parties in Long-Term PID Administration. OP-OP-OP-5T & OP- Resale Residential single line Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic service Business single line Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic service Centrex Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Centrex 21 Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic PBX Trunks Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Basic ISDN Parity with retail service 6 mo. DiaQnostic; Benchmark TBD DiaQnostic Owest DSL Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Primary ISDN Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic DSO Parity with retail service 6 mo. DiaQnostic; Benchmark TBD DiaQnostic DS1 Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic DS3 and higher bit-Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic rate services (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Unbundled Network Parity with like retail 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Element - Platform service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Parity with retail Centrex 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Element - Platform (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Parity with retail Centrex 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Element - Platform (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting Diagnostic DiaQnostic Diagnostic Line Sharing Parity with retail RES &6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res &6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Bus POTS with dispatch Non-loaded Loop (2-Parity with retail ISDN 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic wire)BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-Parity with retail OS 1 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic wire) DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail OS 1 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic DSL with dispatch Loop types of DS3 and Parity with retail DS3 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic higher bit-rates and higher bit-rate (aggregate)services (aQQregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 38 OP- 5 - New Service Quality (continued) Enhanced Extended Loops Diagnostic until volume Diagnostic until volume criteria are Diagnostic (EELs) - (DSO level)criteria are met met Enhanced Extended Loops Parity with retail DS1 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark Diagnostic (EELs) - (DS1 level)Private Line TBD Enhanced Extended Loops Diagnostic until volume Diagnostic until volume criteria are Diagnostic (EELs) - (above DS1 criteria are met met level) ReDorted under OP-5A and under OP-5R leer OP-5A sDecifications): OP-OP- LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Diagnostic Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT (DS1 Level)Parity with Retail Private Diagnostic Lines (DS1) UDIT (Above DS1 Level)Parity with Retail Private Diagnostic Lines (Above DS1 level) Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Diagnostic E911/911 Trunks Parity with Retail Diagnostic E911/911 Trunks Availability:Notes: The specified Change order types representing inward activity exclude Change Available orders that do not involve installation of lines (in both wholesale and retail results). Specifically this measurement does not include changes to existing lines, such as number changes and PIC changes. Including consideration of repeat repair trouble reports (I.e., additional reports of trouble related to the same newly-installed line/circuit that are received after the preceding repair report is closed and within 30 days following installation completion) to complete the determination of whether the newly-installed line/circuit was trouble free within 30 days of installation. Qwest's repair management and tracking systems consist of WFA (Work Force Administration), MTAS (Maintenance Tracking and Administration System), and successor repair systems, if any, as applicable to obtain the repair report data for this measurement. Not included are Call Center Database systems supporting call centers in logging calls from customers regarding problems or other inquiries (see OP-5B and OP-5T). The "following month" includes also the period of a few business da s (typically four or five) afterward, up to the time when Qwest pulls the repair data to begin processing results for this measurement. Includes repair and provisioning trouble reports generated by new processes that supersede or supplement existing processes for submitting repair and provisioning trouble reports as specified in Qwest's documented or agreed upon procedures. For purposes of calculating OP-, a call center ticket for multiple orders with provisioning trouble reports will result in all orders reporting trouble counting as a miss in OP-5B. If a repair trouble report(s) is received for the same orders, the number of orders counted as a miss in OP-5B for Network reasons will be reduced by the number of orders with repair troubles counted as a miss in OP-5A. OP-5R will be counted on a per ticket basis. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 39 OP-6 - Delayed Days Purpose: Evaluates the extent Qwest is late in installing services for customers, focusing on the average number of days that late orders are completed beyond the committed due date. Description: OP-6A - Measures the average number of business da s NOTE 1 that service is delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for non-facility reasons attributed to Qwest. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) that are completed/closed during the reporting period , later, due to non-facility reasons, than the Applicable Due Date recorded by Qwest, subject to exclusions specified below. OP-6B - Measures the average number of business days NOTE 1 that service is delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for facility reasons attributed to Qwest. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) that are completed/closed during the reporting period later due to facility reasons than the original due date recorded by Qwest, subject to exclusions specified below. For both OP-6A and OP-6B: . Change order types for additional lines consist of "C" orders representing inward activit . The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Owest reasons the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Owest-initiated, changed due date, if any. NOTE 2 Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Owest- initiated due date, if any, following the Applicable Due Date, from the subsequent customer-initiated due date, if any. NOTE 2 Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Average Business DaysReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for products/services listed under Product Reporting under "MSA type CLEC aggregate, Disaggregation" will be reported for OP-6A and OP-6B according to ordersindividual CLEC involving: and Owest Retail 1. Dispatches within MSAs;results 2. Dispatches outside MSAs; and3. No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to installations:4. In Interval Zone 1 areas; and5. In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: OP-6A :: 2:((Actual Completion Date of late order for non-facility reasons) - (Applicable Due Date of late order) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) -;. (Total Number of Late Orders for non-facility reasons completed in the reporting period) OP-6B :: 2:((Actual Completion Date of late order for facility reasons) - (Applicable Due Date of late order)) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date) -;. (Total Number of Late Orders for facility reasons completed in the reporting period) Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 40 OP- 6 - Delayed Days (continued) Exclusions: Orders affected only by delays that are solely for customer and/or CLEC reasons. Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missina data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-TvDe Disaaareaation - Resale Residential sinqle line service Parity with retail service Business sinQle line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service DSO (non-desiQned provisionina)Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (non-desianed provisioning)Parity with retail service Primary ISDN (non-desianed provisioning)Paritv with retail service Basic ISDN (non-desianed orovisioninQ)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (non-desianed orovisioning)Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splittina Parity with retail Owest DSL Line SharinQ Parity with retail Owest DSL Sub-Looo Unbundlina Diagnostic Zone-tyee Disaaareaation - Resale Primarv ISDN (desianed orovisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN (desiQned provisioning)Parity with retail service DSO (designed orovisionina)Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (desianed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (desianed orovisioninQ)Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aQareaatef Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS11evei Parity with retail DS 1 Private Line- Service UDIT - Above DS11evei Parity with retail Private Line- Services above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diaanostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Looo Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS with dispatch Non-loaded Looo (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line DS 1-capable Looo Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Looo Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-Qualified Looo Parity with retail Owest DSL, with disoatch Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aggreaate)Line services (aggregate) Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 41 OP. 6 - Delaved Davs (continued) Dark Fiber - Loop DiaQnostic E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 OP-6A: Parity with retail OS 1 Private Line level)OP-6B: Diagnostic Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level) Availability:Notes: Available For OP-6A-3 and OP-6B-3, Saturday is counted as a business day for all orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business , and UNE- (POTS), as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For all other products under OP-6A-3 and OP-6B-3, and for all products under OP-6A-1, -6A-2, -6A-4, -6A-5, -6B-1, -6B-2, - 6B-4, and -6B-5, Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due or completed on Saturday. According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (Le., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest-initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change, any further customer-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest- initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer-initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest- initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported interval. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5 2004 Page 42 OP-7 - Coordinated "Hot Cut" Interval - Unbundled Loop Purpose: Evaluates the duration of completing coordinated "hot cuts" of unbundled loops, focusing on the time actually involved in disconnectinq the loop from the Owest network and connectinq/testinq the loop. Description: Measures the average time to complete coordinated "hot cuts" for unbundled loops, based on intervals beginning with the "lift" time and ending with the completion time of Owest's applicable tests for the loop. Includes all coordinated hot cuts of unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Hot cut" refers to moving the service of existing customers from Owest's switch/frames to the CLEC's equipment, via unbundled loops, that will serve the customers. Lift" time is defined as when Owest disconnects the existing loop. Completion time" is defined as when Owest completes the applicable tests after connecting the loop to the CLEC. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Hours and Minutes Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate and individual CLEC results Formula: L(Completion time - Lift time) -;- (Total Number of unbundled loops with coordinated cutovers completed in the reporting period) Exclusions: Time intervals associated with GLEC-caused delays. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid scheduled date/times. Product Reporting: Coordinated Unbundled Standard: Loops - Reported separately for:CO: 1 hour Analog Loops All Other States: Diagnostic in light of OP- All other Loop Types (Coordinated Guts On Time) Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 43 OP-8 - Number Portability Timeliness Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of cutovers of local number portability (LNP). Description: OP-8B - LNP Timeliness with Loop Coordination (percentl: Measures the percentage of coordinated LNP triggers set prior to the scheduled start time for the loop. All orders for LNP coordinated with unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured, subject to exclusions specified below. OP-8C -LNP Timeliness without Loop Coordination (percent): Measures the percentage of LNP triggers set prior to the Frame Due Time or scheduled start time for the LNP cutover as applicable. All orders for LNP for which coordination with a loop was not requested that are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured (including standalone LNP coordinated with other than Qwest-provided Unbundled Loops and non-coordinated, standalone LNP), subject to exclusions specified below. For purposes of these measurements (OP-8B and -8C), "trigger" refers to the "10-digit unconditional trigger" or Line Side Attribute (LSA) that is set or translated by Qwest. Scheduled start time" is defined as the confirmed appointment time (as stated on the FOC), or a newly negotiated time. In the case of LNP cutovers coordinated with loops, the scheduled time used in this measurement will be no later than the "lay" time for the loop. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent of triggers set on time Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC results Formula: OP-8B = ((Number of LNP triggers set before the scheduled time for the coordinated loop cutover) + (Total Number of LNP activations coordinated with unbundled loops completed)) x 100 OP-8C = ((Number of LNP triggers set before the Frame Due Time or Scheduled Start Time) + (Total Number of LNP activations without loop cutovers completed)) x 100 Exclusions: GLEe-caused delays in trigger setting. LNP requests that do not involve automatic triggers (e., DID lines without separate , unique telephone numbers and Centrex 21). LNP requests for which the records used as sources of data for these measurements have the following types of errors: Records with no paN (purchase order number) or STATE. Records where triggers cannot be set due to switch capabilities. Records with invalid due dates, a lication dates, or start dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid frame due or scheduled date/times. Product Reporting: None Standard:95% Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 44 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop Purpose: Evaluates the percentage of coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are completed on time, focusing on cuts completed within one hour of the committed order due time and the percent that were started without CLEC approval. Description: .. Includes all LSRs for coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. .. OP-13A - Measures the percentage of LSRs (CLEC orders) for all coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are started and completed on time. For coordinated loop cuts to be counted as " time" in this measurement, the GLEG must agree to the start time, and Qwest must (1) receive verbal CLEG approval before starting the cut or lifting the loop, (2) complete the physical work and appropriate tests, (3) complete the Qwest portion of any associated LNP orders and (4) call the CLEC with completion information , all within one hour of the time interval defined by the committed order due time. .. OP-138 - Measures the percentage of all LSRs for coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are actually started without CLEC approval. .. " Scheduled start time" is defined as the confirmed appointment time (as stated on the FOC), or a newly negotiated appointment time. .. The "committed order due time" is based on the number and type of loops involved in the cut and is calculated by adding the applicable time interval from the following list to the scheduled start time: - Analog unbundled loops: 1 to 16 lines: 1 Hour 17 to 24 lines: 2 Hours 25+ lines: Project* All other unbundled loops: 1 to 5 lines: 1 Hour 6 to 8 lines: 2 Hours 9 to 11 lines: 3 Hours 12 to 24 lines: 4 Hours 25+ lines: Project* For Pro ects scheduled due dates and scheduled start times will be negotiated between GLEG and Qwest, but no committed order due time is established. Therefore, projects are not included in OP-13A (see exclusion below). .. " Stop" time is defined as when Qwest notifies the GLEG that the Qwest physical work and the appropriate tests have been successfully accomplished, including the Qwest portion of any coordinated LNP orders. .. Time intervals following the scheduled start time or during the cutover process associated with customer-caused delays are subtracted from the actual cutover duration. .. Where Qwest's records of completed coordinated cut transactions are missing evidence of GLEG approval of the cutover, the cut will be counted as a miss under both OP-13A and OP-138. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: PercentReporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate and individual CLEC Results for this measurement will be reported according to:results OP-13A Cuts Completed On Time OP-13B Cuts Started Without GLEG Approval Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit 8 May 5, 2004 Page 45 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop (continued) Formula: OP-13A = ((Count of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop cuts completed "On Time ) 7 (Total Number of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundied Loop Cuts completed in the reporting period)) x 100 OP-138 = ((Count of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop cuts whose actual start time occurs without CLEC approval) 7 (Total Number of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop Cuts completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Applicable to OP-13A: . Loop cuts that involve CLEC-requested non-standard methodologies , processes , or timelines. OP-13A & OP-138: . Records with invalid completion dates. . Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the riD which are not otherwise designated to be "counted as a miss Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid scheduled date/times. Projects involving 25 or more lines. Product Reporting: Coordinated Unbundled Loops - Reported separately for: . Analog Loops All Other Loops Standards: OP-13A: AZ.: 90 Percent or more All Other States: 95 Percent or more Availability: OP-13B: Diagnostic Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit 8 May 5, 2004 Page 46 OP-15 - Interval for Pending Orders Delayed Past Due Date Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Qwest's pending orders are late, focusing on the average number of days the endin orders are dela ed ast the A licable Due Date, as of the end of the re ortin eriod. Description: OP-15A - Measures the average number of business da s that pending orders are delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for reasons attributed to Qwest. Includes all pending inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) for which the Applicable Due Date recorded by Qwest has been missed, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all "C" orders representing inward activit . The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is ~a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated, changed due date, if any- NOTE . Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Qwest- initiated due date, if any, following the Applicable Due Date, from the subsequent customer-initiated due date , if any. NOTE 1 OP-15B - Reports the number of pending orders measured in the numerator of OP-15A that were delayed for Qwest facility reasons. Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate, individual CLEC, Qwest retail Unit of Measure: OP-15A - Average Business Days NOTE OP-15B - Number of orders endin facilities Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide Reporting Period: One month Formula: OP-15A = L((Last Day of Reporting Period) - (Applicable Due Date of Late Pending Order) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) -;- (Total Number of Pending Orders Delayed for Qwest reasons as of the last day of Reporting Period) OP-15B = Count of pending orders measured in numerator of OP-15A that were delayed for Qwest facility reasons Exclusions: . Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. . Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. . Records with invalid product codes. . Records missin data essential to the calculation of the measurement er the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 47 OP-15 - Interval for Pending Orders Delayed Past Due Date (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: OP-15B = diagnostic only For OP-15A: Resale Residential single line service Diaqnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service Business single line service Diaqnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service Centrex Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service Centex 21 Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service) PBX Trunk Diaqnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service) Basic ISDN Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service Owest DSL Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service) Primary ISDN Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service DSO Diaqnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service) DS1 Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) (aggregate) Frame Relay Diaqnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Centrex 21) (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Centrex) (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Owest DSL) Line Sharing Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Owest DSL) Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic LIS Trunks Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate)) (separately reported) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with DS1 Private Line- Service) UDIT - Above DS1 level Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with Private Line- Services above OS 1 level) Dark Fiber - (OF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS with dispatch) Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail ISDN BRI) Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail DS1) DS1-capable Loop Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail DS1) ISDN-capable Loop Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with ISDN-BRI) ADSL-qualified Loop Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Owest DSL with dispatch) Loop types of DS3 or higher bit rate Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail DS3 and (aqqreqate)higher bit-rate services (aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diaqnostic E911/911 Trunks Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs)Diagnostic Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 48 OP-15 -Interval for Pending Orders Delayed Past Due Date (continued) Availability: Available Notes: 1. According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (Le., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first qwest-initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change, any further customer-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest- initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer-initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest-initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported interval. 2. For OP-15A, Saturday is counted as a business day for all non-dispatched orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business , and UNE-P (POTS), as well as for non-dispatched orders in the retail analogues specified above as standards. For all other non-dispatched products and for all dispatched products under OP-15A, Saturday is not counted as a business day. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 49 OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders Purpose: Evaluates the quality of Qwest completing LNP telephone number porting, focusing on the degree to which portinq occurs without implementinq associated disconnects before the scheduled time/date. Description: OP-17 A Measures the percentage of all LNP telephone numbers (TNs), both stand alone and associated with loops, that are ported without the incidence of disconnects being made by Qwest before the scheduled time/date, as identified by associated qualifying trouble reports. Focuses on disconnects associated with timely GLEG requests for delaying the disconnects or no requests for delays. The scheduled time/date is defined as 11 :59 p.m. on (1) the due date of the LNP order recorded by Qwest or (2) the delayed disconnect date requested by the GLEG, where the GLEG submits a timely request for delay of disconnection. - A GLEG request for delay of disconnection is considered timely if received by Qwest before 8:00 m. MT on the current due date of the LNP order recorded by Owest. OP-178 Measures the percentage of all LNP telephone numbers (TNs), both stand alone and associated with loops, that are ported without the incidence of disconnects being made by Owest before the scheduled time/date, as identified by associated qualifying trouble reports. Includes only disconnects associated with untimely GLEG requests for delaying the disconnects. A GLEG request for delay of disconnection is considered "untimely" if received by Qwest after 8:00 p.m. MT on the current due date of the LNP order recorded by Qwest and before 12:00 p.m. MT (noon) on the day after the current due date. Disconnects are defined as the removal of switch translations, including the 10-digit trigger. Disconnects that are implemented early, and thus counted as a "miss" under this measurement, are those that the GLEG identifies as such to Qwest via trouble reports, within four calendar days of the actual disconnect date, that are confirmed to be caused by disconnects being made before the scheduled time. Includes all CLEC orders for LNP TNs completed in the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Reporting Comparisons: GLEG Aggregate and Individual GLEG Formula: ((Total number of LNP TNs ported pursuant to orders completed in the reporting period - Number of TNs with qualifying trouble reports notifying Qwest that disconnection before the scheduled time has occurred) + Total Number of LNP TNs ported pursuant to orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 Unit of Measure:Percent Disaggregation Reporting:Statewide Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 50 . OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders (continued) Exclusions: OP-17 A only Trouble reports notifying Qwest of early disconnects associated with situations for which the CLEC has failed to submit timely requests to have disconnects held for later implementation. OP-17A & B Trouble reports not related to valid requests (LSRs) for LNP and associated disconnects. LNP requests that do not involve automatic triggers (e., DID lines without separate, unique TNs, and Centrex 21 Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared , closed or due dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. OP-17B only Trouble reports notifying Qwest of early disconnects associated with situations for which the CLEC did not submit its untimely requests by 12:00 p.m. MT (noon) on the day after the LNP due date to have disconnects held for later implementation. Product Reporting:LNP Standards: OP-17 A - 98.25% OP-178 - Diagnostic only, in light of its measuring only requests for delay of disconnect that are defined as untimelv. Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit 8 May 5, 2004 Page 51 Maintenance and Repair MR-2 - Calls Answered within 20 Seconds -Interconnect Repair Center Purpose: Evaluates Customer access to Qwest's Interconnection and/or Retail Repair Center(s), focusing on the number of calls answered within 20 seconds. Description: Measures the percentage of Interconnection and/or Retail Repair Center calls answered within 20 seconds of the first ring. Includes all calls to the Interconnect Repair Center during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. First ring is defined as when the customer s call is first placed in queue by the ACD (Automatic Call Distributor). Answer is defined as when the call is first picked up by the Qwest agent. Abandoned calls and busy calls are counted as calls which are not answered within 20 seconds. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Qwest Retail levels. Formula: ((Total Calls Answered by Center within 20 seconds) + (Total Calls received by Center)) x 100 Exclusions: Time spent in the VRU (Voice Response Unit) is not counted. Product Reporting: None Standard: Parity Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 52 MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services, focusing on trouble reports where the out-of- service trouble reports were cleared within the standard estimate for specified services (Le., 24 hours for out-of-service conditions). Description: Measures the percentage of out of service trouble reports, involving specified services, that are cleared within 24 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers. Includes all trouble reports , closed during the reporting period, which involve a specified service that is out-of-service (Le., unable to place or receive calls), subject to exclusions specified below. . Time measured is from date and time that Owest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: Results for producUservices listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate , Disaggregation" will be disaggregated and reported according to troubleindividual CLEC reports involving:and Owest Retail MR-3A Dispatches within MSAs;results MR-3B Dispatches outside MSAs; and MR-3C No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-3D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-3E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Number of Out of Service Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 24 hours) + (Total Number of Out of Service Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). . Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. . Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. . Records missinQ data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 53 MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours (Continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-Tvpe Disaaareaation - Resale Residential sinQle line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with appropriate retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting TBD Line Sharing CO: Parity with Qwest DSL All Other States: Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with retailISDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-tvee Disaaareaation - Resale Qwest DSL Parity with retail service Unbundled Loops Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2 wire)Parity with retail ISDN-BRI ISDN-capable Loop Parity with ISDN-BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Qwest DSL Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 54 MR-4 - All Troubles Cleared within 48 hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services, focusing on trouble reports of all types (both out of service and service affecting) and on the number of such trouble reports cleared within the standard estimate for specified services (i., 48 hours for service-affectinq conditions). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports, for specified services, that are cleared within 48 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers. Includes all trouble reports, closed during the reporting period, which involve a specified service, subject to exclusions specified below. . Time measured is from date and time that Owest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared.Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: PercentReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate, Disaggregation" will be disaggregated and reported according to troubleindividual CLEC reports involving:and Owest Retail MR-4A Dispatches within MSAs;results MR-4B Dispatches outside MSAs; and MR-4C No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-4D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-4E In Interval Zone 2 areas Formula: ((Total Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 48 hours) + (Total Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch , non-Owest (includes CPE Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). . Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. . Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. . Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. . Records missinq data essential to the calculation of the measurement oer the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 55 MR-4 - All Troubles Cleared within 48 Hours (Continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-TvDe Disaaareaation Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business sinQle line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with appropriate retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line SplittinQ TBD Line Sharing Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop UnbundlinQ Diagnostic Zone-Tvee Disaaareaation Resale Qwest DSL I Parity with retail service Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2 wire)Parity with retail ISDN-BRI ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retaillSDN-BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Qwest DSL Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5 2004 Page 56 MR-5 - All Troubles Cleared within 4 hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services , focusing on all trouble reports of all types (including out of service and service affecting troubles) and on the number of such trouble reports cleared within the standard estimate for specified services (i.e., 4 hours). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports for specified services that are cleared within 4 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers. Includes all trouble reports , closed during the reporting period , which involve a specified service subject to exclusions specified below. Time measured is from date and time that Owest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. CLEC aggregate, individual Results for listed products will be disaggregated according to trouble CLEC and Owest Retail results reports: MR-In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Number of Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 4 hours) ~ (Total Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured using WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technicianlinstaller as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 57 MR-5 - All Troubles Cleared within 4 hours (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Zone-Type Disaggregation - Resale Primary ISDN Parity with retail service OSO Parity with retail service OS1 Parity with retail service OS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Parity with DS1 Private Line Service UDIT - Above DS11evei Parity with Private Line Services above DS1 level Unbundled LOODS: Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail OS1 OS1-capable Loop Parity with retail OS 1 Loop types of OS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate services (aqQregate)(aggregate) E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (OS1 Parity with retail OS 1 Private Line level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level) Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 58 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair, focusinQ how 10nQ it takes to restore services to proper operation. Description: Measures the time actually taken to clear trouble reports. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Includes customer direct reports, customer-relayed reports, and test assist reports that result in a trouble report. . Time measured is from date and time that Qwest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Hours and Minutes Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: Results for producUservices listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate, Disaggregation" will be reported according to trouble reports involving:individual CLEC MR-6A Dispatches within MSAs;and Qwest Retail MR-6B Dispatches outside MSAs; andresults MR-6C No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-6D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-6E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: I((Date & Time Trouble Report Cleared) - (Date & Time Trouble Report Opened)) + (Total number of Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period) Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch , non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). . Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. . Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation . For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. . Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. . Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. . Records with invalid product codes. . Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 59 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore (Continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-TvDe Disaaareaation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting TBD Line Sharing CO: Parity with Owest DSL All Other States: Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with retailISDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-Tvee Disamlreqation - Resale Owest DSL Parity with retail service Primary ISDN Parity with retail service DSO Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Parity with retail DS1 Private Line UDIT - Above DS1 level Parity with retail Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diaqnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest DSL Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aggregate)Line services (aqqreqate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diaqnostic E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (OS1 Parity with retail DS1 Private Line level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (OS3 Diagnostic level) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 60 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore (Continue AvaHabmty' Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 61 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy of repair actions, focusing on the number of re eated trouble re orts received for the same line/circuit within a specified period (30 calendar days). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports that are repeated within 30 days on end user lines and circuits. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period that have a repeated trouble report received within thirty (30) days of the initial trouble report for the same service (regardless of whether the report is about the same type of trouble for that service), subject to exclusions specified below. In determining same service Owest will compare the end user telephone number or circuit access code of the initial trouble reports closed during the reporting period with reports received within 30 days of when the initial trouble report closed. Includes reports due to Owest network or system causes , customer-direct and customer-relayed reports. . The 3D-day period applied in the numerator of the formula below is from the date and time that the initial trouble report is closed to the date and time that the next, or "repeat" trouble report is received (i., opened). Reporting Period: One month , reported in arrears (i., results first appear in reports one month later than results for measurements that are not reported in arrears), in order to cover the 30-dav period following the initial trouble report.Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA TypeCLEC Disaggregation" will be reported according to trouble reports involving: aggregate, MR-7A Dispatches within MSAs;individual MR-7B Dispatches outside MSAs; andCLEC and MR-7C No dispatches. Owest Retail Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-typeresults Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-7D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR- 7E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Unit of Measure: Percent Formula: ((Total trouble reports closed within the reporting period that had a repeated trouble report received within 30 calendar days of when the initial trouble report closed) .;. (Total number of Trouble Reports Closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). . Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technicianlinstaller as complete. . Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 62 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate (Continued) . Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. . Records with invalid product codes. Records missinq data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-TvDe Disaaareaation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business sinqle line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform (UNE-Parity with retail Centrex P) (Centrex) Line Splitting Parity with Owest Retail DSL Line Sharing AZ & CO: Parity with Owest Retail DSL All Other States: Diagnostic Comparison with Owest Retail DSL Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with Retail ISDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-TvDe Disaaareaation - Resale Owest DSL Parity with retail service Primary ISDN Paritv with retail service DSO Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (agqreqate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS11evei Parity with retail DS1 Private Line UDIT - Above DS11evei Parity with retail Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest DSL Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aggregate)Line services (aggreqate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911 /911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 63 MR-? - Repair Repeat Report Rate (Continued) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (D81 Parity with retail D81 Private Line level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (D83 Diagnostic level) Availability:Notes: Targeted availability with July 2004 results reported in September 2004 Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 64 MR-8 - Trouble Rate Purpose: Evaluates the overall rate of trouble reports as a percentage of the total installed base of the service or element. Description: Measures trouble reports by product and compares them to the number of lines in service. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Includes all applicable trouble reports, including those that are out of service and those that are only service-affectinq. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: ((Total number of trouble reports closed in the reporting period involving the specified service grouping) + (Total number of the specified services that are in service in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data, trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA data trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missinq data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 65 MR-8 - Trouble Rate (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Owest DSL Parity with Owest DSL service Primary ISDN Parity with retail service DSO Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggreaate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element -Parity with retail Centrex Platform(UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splittinq TBD Line Sharing co: Parity with Owest DSL All Other States: Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with retail ISDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1level Parity with retail OS 1 Private Line Service UDIT - Above DS1 level Parity with retail Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF . Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analoq Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail OS 1 Private Line OS i-capable Loop Parity with retail OS 1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-Qualified Loop'Parity with retail Owest DSL Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate services (aqareaate)(aqqregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 Parity with retail DS1 Private Line level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level) Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 66 MR-8 - Trouble Rate (continued) Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 67 MR-9 - Repair Appointments Met Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Qwest repairs services for Customers by the appointment date and time. Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports for which the appointment date and time is met. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Time measured is from date and time that Qwest is first notified of the trouble by CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: CLEC Results for listed services will be disaggregated and reported aggregate, individual according to trouble reports involving: CLEC and Qwest Retail MR-Dispatches within MSAs results MR-Dispatches outside MSAs; and MR-No dispatches. Formula: ((Total Trouble Reports Cleared by appointment date and time) -;. (Total Trouble Reports Closed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data , trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction , Carrier, Alternate Provider). Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time by using the rescheduled appointment time to determine if the repair appointment is met. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standard: Parity Resale: Residential single line service Business single line service Centrex Centrex 21 PBX Trunks Basic ISDN Unbundled Elements - Platform (UNE- (POTS) Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 68 MR-10 - Customer and Non-Qwest Related Trouble Reports Purpose: Evaluates the extent that trouble reports were customer related, and provides diagnostic information to help address potential issues that might be raised by the core maintenance and repair performance indicators. Description: Measures the percentage of all trouble reports that are attributed to the customer as a percentage of all trouble reports resolved during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Includes trouble reports closed during the reporting period coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data, trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant, Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non- Dispatch, non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider) and trouble reports involving a "no access" delay for MSA type disaggregated products. For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (lEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC and Qwest Retail results Formula: ((Number of Trouble Reports coded to disposition codes specified above) 7 (Total Number of Trouble Reports Closed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 69 MR-10 Customer and Non-Qwest Related Trouble Reports (continued) Product Reporting:I Standards: Resale Residential sinQle line service Diagnostic Business sinQle line service Diagnostic Centrex Diagnostic Centrex 21 Diaqnostic PBX Trunks Diaqnostic Basic ISDN Diagnostic Qwest DSL Diagnostic Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (UNE-P) (Centrex) Resale Primary ISDN Diagnostic DSO DiaQnostic DS1 Diagnostic DS3 and higher bit-rate services Diagnostic (aggreqate) Frame Relay Diaqnostic LIS Trunks Diagnostic Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Diagnostic UDIT - Above DS11evei I Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Diagnostic Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Diagnostic Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Diagnostic DS 1-capable Loop Diagnostic ISDN-capable Loop Diagnostic ADSL-qualified Loop Diaqnostic Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Diagnostic (aggregate) E911/911 Trunks Diagnostic Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 70 MR-11 - LNP Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of clearing LNP trouble reports, focusing on the degree to which residence and business, disconnect-related , out-of-service trouble reports are cleared within four business hours and all LNP-related trouble reports are cleared within 48 hours. Description: MR-11A: Measures the percentage of specified LNP-only (i., not unbundled-loop), residence and business, out-of-service trouble reports that are cleared within four business hours of Owest receiving these trouble reports from CLECs. Includes only trouble reports that are received on or before the currently-scheduled due date of the actual LNP-related disconnect time/date, or the next business da , that are confirmed to be caused by disconnects being made before the scheduled time, and that are closed during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. MR-11 B: Measures the percentage of specified LNP-only trouble reports that are cleared within 48 hours of Owest receiving these trouble reports from CLECs. Include!? all LNP-only trouble reports, received within four calendar days of the actual LNP- related disconnect date and closed during the reporting period. The "currently-scheduled due date/time" is the original due date/time established by Owest in response to GLEe/customer request for disconnection of service ported via LNP or, if CLEC submits to Owest a timely or untimely request for delay of disconnection, it is the GLEe/customer-requested later date/time. . A request for delay of disconnection is considered timely if received by Owest before 8:00 p.m. MT on the due date that Owest has on record at the time of the request. . A request for delay of disconnection is considered untimely if received by Owest after 8:00 p.m. MT on the due date and before 12:00 p.m. MT (noon) on the day after the due date Time measured is from the date and time Owest receives the trouble report to the date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate and Individual CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (all are non-dispatched" Formula: MR-11A = ((Number of specified out-of-service LNP-only Trouble Reports, for LNP-related troubles confirmed to be caused by disconnects, that Owest executed before the currently-scheduled due date/time, that were closed in the reporting period and cleared within four business hours) 7 (Total Number of specified out of service LNP-only Trouble Reports for LNP-related troubles confirmed to be caused by disconnects that Owest executed before the currently- scheduled due date/time, that were closed in the reporting period)) x 100 MR-11 B = ((Number of specified LNP-only Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that were cleared within 48 hours) 7 (Total Number of specified LNP-only Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 71 MR-11 - LNP Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours (Continued) Exclusions: . Trouble reports attributed to customer or non-Owest reasons Trouble reports not related to valid requests (LSRs) for LNP and associated disconnects. . Subsequent trouble reports of LNP trouble before the original trouble report is closed. . For MR-11 B only: Trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. . Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. . Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. . Records with invalid product codes. . Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the riD. Product Reporting: LNP Standards: MR-11A: If OP-17 result meets its standard , the MR-11A standard is Diagnostic. If OP-17 result does not meet its standard , the MR-11A standard is as follows: For 0-20 trouble reports : No more than 1 ticket cleared in :;. four business hours For:;. 20 trouble reports : The lesser of 95% or Parity with MR- results for Retail Residence and Business MR-11 B: For 0-20 trouble reports : No more than 1 ticket cleared:;' 48 hours For:;. 20 trouble reports : The lesser of 95% or Parity with MR- results for Retail Residence and Business * Based on MR-11A denominator. Based on MR-11 B denominator. Availability: Available Notes: Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 72 Billing BI-1 - Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness with which Owest provides recorded daily usage records to CLECs. Description: Measures the average time interval from date of recorded daily usage to date usage records are transmitted or made available to CLECs as applicable. BI-1A - Measures recorded daily usage for UNEs and Resale and includes industr~ standard electronically transmitted usage records for feature group switched access N TE 1 local measured usage, local message usage, toll usage, and local exchange service components priced on a per-use basis, subject to exclusions specified below. BI-1 B - Measures the percent of recorded daily usage for Jointly provided switched access provided within four days.This includes usage created by the CLEC and Owest or IXC providing access, usually via 2-way Feature Group X trunk groups for Feature Group A, Feature Group , Feature Group D , Phone to Phone IP Telephony, 8XX access , and 900 access and their successors or similar Switched Access services. BI-1C - Provides separate reporting for two elements captured in BI-1A above, as follows: BI-1 C-1 - Measures recorded daily usage for UNEs and Resale and includes industry standard electronically transmitted usage records for feature group switched access, NOTE 1 subject to exclusions specified below. BI-1 C-2 - Measures recorded daily usage for UNEs and Resale and includes industry standard electronically transmitted usage records for local measured usage local message usage , toll usage, and local exchange service components priced on a per-use basis, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: BI-, BI-1C-, BI-1C-Average Business Days BI-1B:Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: State level. individual CLECs, and Owest Retail results Formula: BI-, BI-1 C-, BI-1 C-2 (for specified products & records) = I(Date Record Transmitted or made available - Date Usage Recorded) + (Total number of records) BI-1 B = ((# of daily usage records for Jointly provided switched access sent within four days) + (Total daily usage records for Jointly provided switched access in the report period)) x 100 Exclusions: Instances where the CLEC requests other than daily usage transmission or availability. Duplicate records. Product Reporting:Standards: UNEs and Resale BI-1A: Parity with Owest retail. Jointly-provided Switched Access BI-1 B: 95% within 4 business days BI-1 C-, BI-1C-2: Diagnostic Comparison with the Owest Retail results used in standard for BI- Availability:Notes: Available Feature group switched access" includes all type 11 OXXX detail records for Feature Groups A, B, C , and D. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 73 81-2 - Invoices Delivered within 10 Days Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness with which Owest delivers industry standard electronically transmitted bills to CLECs, focusinq on the percent delivered within ten calendar days. Description: Measures the percentage of invoices that are delivered within ten days , based on the number of days between the bill date and bill delivery. Includes all industry standard electronically transmitted invoices for local exchange services and toll , subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: Combined Owest Disaggregation Reporting: State level Retail/CLEC results (Parity by design) Formula: ((Count of Invoices for which Bill Transmission Date to Bill Date is ten calendar days or less) -;- (Total Number of Invoices)) x 100 Exclusions: Bills transmitted via paper, magnetic tape, CD-ROM , diskette. Records with missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standard: UNEs and Resale Parity by design. Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 74 BI.3 - Billing Accuracy - Adjustments for Errors Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy with which Qwest bills CLECs , focusing on the percentage of billed revenue adjusted due to errors. Description: Measures the billed revenue minus amounts adjusted off bills due to errors, as a percentage of total billed revenue. Both the billed revenue and amounts adjusted off bills due to error are calculated from bills rendered in the reporting period. Amounts adjusted off bills due to errors" is the sum of all bill adjustments made in the reporting period that involve , either in part or in total, adjustment codes related to billing errors. (Each adjustment thus qualifying is added to the sum in its entirety. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: State level. individual CLECs, and Qwest Retail results Formula: (I:(Total Billed Revenue Billed in Reporting Period - Amounts Adjusted Off Bills Due to Errors) .;- (Total Billed Revenue billed in Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: . BI-3A - UNEs and Resale - None . BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of Use - Billing adjustments as a result of GLEe-caused errors in return of minutes of use Product Reporting:Standards: BI-3A - UNEs and Resale BI-3A - UNEs and Resale: Parity with Qwest BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of retail bills. Use (MOU)BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation (MOU) - 95% Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 75 BI-4 - Billing Completeness Purpose: UNEs and Resale - Evaluates the completeness with which Qwest reflects non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders on the bills. Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of Use (MOU) - Evaluates the completeness with which Qwest reflects the revenue for Local Minutes of Use associated with CLEC local traffic over Qwest's network on the bills. Description: BI-4A - UNEs and Resale: Measures the percentage of non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders appear on the correct bill.* BI-4B - Reciprocal Compensation (MOU): Measures the percentage of revenue associated with local minutes of use appearing on the correct (current) bill.* * Correct bill = next available bill Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLECs, and Qwest Retail results Formula: BI-4A - UNEs and Resale = (I(Count of service orders with non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders on the bills that are billed on the correct bill -i- total count of service orders with non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders billed on the bill)) x 100 BI-4B - Reciprocal Compensation MOU = (I(Revenue for Local Minutes of Use billed on the correct* bill -i- Total revenue for Local Minutes of Use collected during the month)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting:Standards: UNEs and Resale 81-4A - UNEs and Resale: Parity with Qwest Reciprocal Compensation (MOU)Retail bills. 81-48 - Reciprocal Compensation (MOU): 95% Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5,2004 Page 76 Database Updates DB-1 - Time to Update Databases Purpose: Evaluates the time required for updates to the databases of E911 , LlDB, and Directory Builder. Description: Measures the average time required to update the databases of E911 , LlDB, and Directory Builder. Includes all database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed during the reporting period. For DB-1A the time to update the E911 database is provided by the third party vendor that performs the update. The elapsed time is captured automatically by the database system. There are no "individual E911 database update records" provided with which to measure the database update process. The numerator of DB-1A is calculated by multiplying the vendor-calculated results (Average Minutes in Process Time) by the denominator (Count of records Processed). This method produces a result from the vendor data that is the same as that which would be produced by totallinQ the update times from individual E911 database update records. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: E911 - Hrs: Mins. LlDB & Directory ListinQs - Seconds Disaggregation Reporting: DB-1A: E911 for Owest Retail and Reseller GLEe-State level DB-1B: LlDB for Owest Retail, Reseller CLEC and Facilities Based CLEC - Multi state region-wide level DB-1C-1: Listings for all Provider types including Owest Retail , Reseller CLEC, and Facilities Based CLEC , (LEC and Unknown Provider, Electronically Submitted , Electronically Processed- Sub-region applicable to state Reporting Comparisons: DB-1 A - E911: Combined results for Owest Retail and Reseller CLEC Aggregate; DB-1 B - LlDB: Combined results for all Owest Retail, Reseller CLEC and Facilities Based CLEC updates; DB-1 C-1 - Listings: Combined results for all Provider types including Owest Retail , Reseller CLEC, and Facilities Based CLEC, ILEC and Unknown Provider, Electronically Submitted Electronically Processed updates. NOTE 1 Formula: L((Date and Time of database update for each database update as specified under Disaggregation Reporting in the reporting period) - (Date and Time of submissions of data for entry into the database for each database update as specified under Disaggregation Reporting in the reporting period)) ~ Total database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed in the reporting period Exclusion: Invalid start/stop dates/times. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 77 DB-1 - Time to Update Databases (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Not applicable (Reported by database type)DB-1A-E911: Parity by design DB-1B-LlDB: Parity by design DB-1G-1 - Listings: Parity by design Availability:Notes: Available 1 .Because they cannot be separated, results for Qwest Retail, Reseller GLEG, Facilities-based GLEGs, ILEG and Unknown Provider updates are reported combined within these disaggregations. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 78 DB-2 - Accurate Database Updates Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy of database updates completed without errors in the reporting period. Description: Measures the percentage of database updates completed without errors in the reporting period. Includes all database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed during the reportinq period. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: DB-2C-1 Listings - Combined results for all DB-2C-1. Listings for Qwest Retail, Reseller Qwest Retail , Reseller CLEC and Facilities-CLEC, and Facilities-Based CLEC Electronically Based CLEC Electronically Submitted,Submitted, Electronically Processed updates: Electronically Processed updates Statewide Formula: (Total database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed without errors in the reporting period 7 Total database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed in the reporting period) x 100 Exclusions: Invalid starUstop dates/times. Product Reporting:Standards: Not applicable (Reported by database type)DB-2C-1 - Listings: Parity by design NOTE 1 Availability:Notes: Available Qwest retail and Reseller CLECs are parity by design. Because Facilities-based CLEC Electronically Submitted, Electronically Processed cannot be separated out from Reseller CLECs they are reported combined within this disaggregation. Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 79 Directory Assistance DA-1 - Speed of Answer - Directory Assistance Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of customer access to Owest's Directory Assistance operators, focusing on how long it takes for calls to be answered. Description: Measures the average time following first ring until a call is first picked up by the Owest agent/system to answer Directory Assistance calls. Includes all calls to Owest directory assistance during the reporting period. Because a system (electronic voice) prompts for city, state, and listing requested before the actual operator comes on the line, the first ring is defined as when the voice response unit places the call into queue. Measurements are taken by sampling calls from the network queue at 10-second intervals. A count of calls in the queue is taken for every sampling event (10-second snapshot), and this count is multiplied by 10 to get a measurement of waiting intervals. Using this method, calls that enter the queue after a sample is taken but exit before the next sample is taken are not counted , i., are effectively counted as a zero interval. However, this situation is offset by calls that enter just prior to a sampling time, but exit before the next sampling time, and which are counted as 10 seconds. The call intervals shorter than 10 seconds that are counted as 10 seconds are offset by those calls shorter than 10 seconds that are not counted. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Seconds Reporting Comparisons: Results for Owest and Disaggregation Reporting: all CLECs are combined.Sub-region applicable to state Formula: L:((Date and Time of Call Answer) - (Date and Time of First Ring)) -;- (Total Calls Answered by Center) Exclusions: Abandoned Calls are not included in the total number of calls answered by the center. Product Reporting: None Standard: Parity by design Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 80 Operator Services OS-1 - Speed of Answer - Operator Services Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of customer access to Owest's operators , focusing on how long it takes for calls to be answered. Description: Measures the time following first ring until a call is answered by the Owest agent. Includes all calls to Owest's operator services during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Measurements are taken by sampling calls from the network queue at 10-second intervals. A count of calls in the queue is taken for every sampling event (10-second snapshot), and this count is multiplied by 10 to get a measurement of waiting intervals. Using this method, calls that enter the queue after a sample is taken but exit before the next sample is taken are not counted, i.e., are effectively counted as a zero interval.However, this situation is offset by calls that enter just prior to a sampling time, but exit before the next sampling time, and which are counted as 10 seconds. The call intervals shorter than 10 seconds that are counted as 10 seconds are offset by those calls shorter than 10 seconds that are not counted. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Seconds Reporting Comparisons: Owest and all CLECs Disaggregation Reporting: are aggregated in a single measure.Sub-region applicable to state Formula: L((Date and Time of Call Answer) - (Date and Time of First Ring)) 7 (Total Calls Answered by Center) Exclusions: Abandoned Calls are not included in the total number of calls answered by the center. Product Reporting: None Standard:Parity by design Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 81 Network Performance NI-1 - Trunk Blocking Purpose: Evaluates factors affecting completion of calls from Owest end offices to CLEC end offices, compared with the completion of calls from Owest end offices to other Owest end offices, focusing on average busy-hour blocking percentages in interconnection or interoffice final trunks. Description: Measures the percentage of trunks blocking in interconnection and interoffice final trunks. Includes blocking percentages on all direct final and alternate final interconnection and interoffice trunk groups that are in service during the reportina period , subiect to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Blockage Reporting Comparisons: Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. CLEC aggregate Reports the percentage of trunks blocking in interconnection final trunks individual CLEC, and reported by:Owest Interoffice trunk NI-1A Interconnection (LIS) trunks to Owest tandem offices , with TGSR-blocking results. related exclusions applied as specified below; NI-1 B LIS trunks to Owest end offices , with TGSR-related exclusions applied as specified below; NI-1 C LIS trunks to Owest tandem offices, without TGSR-related exclusions; NI-1 D LIS trunks to other Owest end offices , without TGSR-related exclusions. Formula: UI(Blockage in Final Trunk Group of Specified Type)x(Number of Circuits in Trunk Group)) + (Total Number of Final Trunk Circuits in all Final Trunk GroupsH x 100 Explanation: Actual average percentage of trunk blockage is calculated by dividing the equivalent average number of trunk circuits blocking by the total number of trunk circuits in final trunks of the type being measured. Exclusions: For NI-1A and NI-1 B onl Trunk groups, blocking in excess of one percent in the reporting period, for which: - A Trunk Group Service Request (TGSR) NOTES 1 & 2 has been issued in the reporting period; or CLECs do not submit, within 20 calendar days of receiving a TGSR: a) Responsive ASRs (or have ASRs pending that are delayed for CLEC reasons NOTE b) Trouble Reports; orc) Notification of traffic re-routing (as described in Note 1 below). For NI-NI-1 B NI-and NI-1D: Trunk groups, blocking in excess of one percent in the reporting period, for which Owest can identify, in time to incorporate in the regular reporting of this measurement, the cause as being attributable to: Trunk group out-of-service conditions arising from cable cuts , severe weather, or force majeure circumstances; The CLEC placing trunks in a "busy" condition; Lack of interconnection facilities to fulfill LIS requests for which the CLEC did not provide a timely forecast to Owest. (This portion of the exclusion is limited to being applied in (a) the month the LIS requests could not be fulfilled, due to lack of facilities, and (b) each month thereafter up to the month following facility availability OR uf, to five months after the month the LIS requests could not be fulfilled, whichever is sooner NOT \ or Isolated incidences of blocking, about which Owest provides notification to the CLEC, that (a) are not recurring or persistent (affecting the same trunk groups), (b) do not warrant corrective action by CLEC or Owest, and (c) thus, do not require an actionable TGSR. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 82 NI-1 - Trunk Blocking (Continued) . Trunk groups recently activated that have not been in service for a full "20-high-day, busy hour" review period. Toll trunks , non-final trunks, and trunks that are not connected to the public switched network. . One-way trunks originating at GLEG end offices. . Qwest official services trunks, local interoffice operator and directory assistance trunks, and local interoffice 911/E911 trunks. Records with invalid product codes. . Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the riD. Product Reporting: Standards:LIS Trunks Where NI-1A::; 1%: Where NI-1A" 1%: Where NI-1B::; 1%: Where NI-1B" 1%: NI-1G and NI-1D: Availability: Available 1 % Parity with Qwest Interoffice Trunks to tandems 1 % Parity with Qwest Interoffice Trunks to end offices Diagnostic NOTE Notes: 1. Qwest uses TGSRs to notify GLEGs when trunk blocking exceeds standard thresholds or is determined to be persistent. To respond properly to TGSRs, a GLEG must (a) submit within 20 days ASRs to provide necessary trunk augmentations to avoid further blocking, (b) notify Qwest within 20 days that it is initiating a Trouble Report where Qwest traffic routing problems are causing the blocking referenced by the TGSR, or (c) notify Qwest that the GLEG will undertake its own re-routing of traffic within 20 days to alleviate the blocking. 2. The TGSR-related exclusion is applied in the month in which the TGSR is issued and in the month in which the above-specified 20-day response period ends. Thus, any trunk group excluded in one month will not be excluded in the next month, unless there is (a) a 20-day period following a TGSR ends in that month , (b) there is another TGSR applicable to the next month for the same trunk group or (c) an exception documented, in lieu of issuing a subsequent TGSR, where the GLEG's response to the previous TGSR indicated that, for its own reasons, it plans to take no action at any time to augment the trunk group. 3. GLEG delays are reflected by GLEG-initiated order supplements that move the due date later. a) Qwest-initiated due date delays, including supplements made pursuant to Qwest requests to delay due dates, shall not be counted as GLEG delays in this measurement. b) Qwest-initiated due date changes to earlier dates that the GLEG does not meet shall not be counted as a GLEG delay in this measurement unless the earlier dates were mutually agreed-upon. c) GLEG delays (e. , " customer not ready" in advance of a due date) that do not contribute to a Qwest-established due date being missed shall not be counted as a GLEG delay in this measurement. 4. The limitation on part (3) of this exclusion is intended to bound its applicability to a period of time that treats the unforecasted ASR as if it were, in effect, the first forecast for the facilities needed. a) Given that forecast advance intervals are currently six months, this provision allows the exclusion to apply for no longer than that period of time. b) Nevertheless, this limitation to the exclusion also recognizes that facilities may become available sooner and, if so, reduces the limitation accordingly. In that context, this limitation recognizes that, absent a GLEG forecast, Qwest still retains a responsibility to provide facilities for the ASR, although in a longer timeframe than for ASRs covered by forecasts. NI-1G and NI-1 0 will be reported for information purposes only, with no standard to be applied. c) This limitation may change depending on the outcome of separate workshops dealing with issues of interconnection forecasting. 5. NI-1G and NI-1 D will be reported for information purposes only, with no standard to be applied. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 83 NP-1 - NXX Code Activation Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Owest's NXX code activation prior to the LERG effective date or by the revised" effective date, as set forth herein. Description: NP-1A: Measures the percentage of NXX codes activated in the reporting period that are actually loaded and tested prior to the LERG effective date or the "revised" date, subject to exclusions shown below. NP-1 B: Measures the percentage of NXX codes activated in the reporting period that are delayed beyond the LERG date or "revised" date due to Owest-caused Interconnection facility delays subject to exclusions shown below. Included among activations counted as a Owest delay in this sub-measurement are cases in which "6 codes" NOTE 1 associated with the Owest interconnection facilities are provided late by Owest to the CLEC. . Owest must receive complete and accurate routing information required for code activation, which includes but is not limited to "6 codes" for all interconnection trunk groups associated with the activation no less than 25 days prior to the LERG Due Date or Revised Due Date. . The "revised" date, for purposes of this measurement, is a GLEG-initiated renegotiation of the activation effective date that is no less than 25 days after Owest receives complete and accurate routing information required for code activation, which includes but is not limited to "6 codes" for all interconnection trunk groups associated with the activation. . The NXX code activation notice is provided by the LERG (Local Exchange Routing Guide) to Owes\. . NXX code activation is defined as complete when all translations associated with the new NXX are complete by 11 :59 p.m. of the day prior to the date identified in the LERG or the "revised" date (if different than the LERG date). The NXX code activation completion process includes testing, including calls to the test number when provided. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate individual GLEC and Owest Retail results. Formula: NP-1A = ((Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period prior to the LERG effective date or the "revised" date) -;- (Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period)J x 100 Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide. NP-1 B = ((Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period that were delayed past the LERG effective date or "revised" date affected by Owest Interconnection Facility Delays) -;- (Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period , including NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period that were delayed past the LERG effective date or the "revised" date due to Interconnection Facility Delays)) x 100 Exclusions: NP-1A: NXX code activations completed after the LERG date or "revised" date due to delays in the installation of Owest provided interconnection facilities associated with the activations. NOTE 2 NP-1A and NP-1 B: NXX codes with LERG dates or "revised" dates resulting in loading intervals shorter than industry standard (currently 45 calendar days). NXX codes where OWEST received complete and accurate routing information required for code activations less than 25 days prior to the LERG due date or Revised due date. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 84 NP-1 - NXX Code Activation (continued) Product Reporting: None Standards: NP-1A: Parity NP-1 B: Diagnostic Availability:Notes: Available 6 codes" are industry-standard designators for local interconnection trunk groups, consisting of 2 alpha letters and six numeric digits. Only Qwest-provided interconnection facilities are noted in this exclusion, because delays related to facilities provided by GLEGs or others are accounted for by revising the due date. Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 85 Collocation CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Owest's installation of collocation arrangements for CLECs , focusing on the averaqe time to complete such arrangements. Description: Measures the interval between the Collocation Application Date and Owest's completion of the collocation installation. Includes all collocations of types specified herein that are assigned a Ready for Service (RFS) date by Owest and completed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical cageless, rhysical caged, shared physical caged, physical- line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. NOT 1 . The Collocation Application Date is the date Owest receives from the CLEC a complete and valid application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's collocation application is received by Owest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday. . Major Infrastructure Modifications include conditioning the collocation space , obtaining permits, and installing DC power plant, standby generators, heating, venting or air conditioning equipment. Completion of the collocation installation is the date on which the requested collocation arrangement is Ready For Service as defined in the Definition of Terms section herein. Establishment of RFS Dates: RFS dates are established according to intervals specified in interconnection agreements. Where an interconnection agreement does not specify intervals , or where the CLEC requests, RFS dates are established as follows: Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and, for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and , for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Virtual Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations : 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the GLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 86 CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval (continued) collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Virtual Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready- for virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. All Collocations sica virtual forecasted or unforecasted uirin Infrastructure Modifications: the later of (1) up to 150 calendar days (as specified in the quote) after the Collocation Application Date, or (2) for virtual collocations, 45 days following the date equipment to be collocated is provided to Owest for collocations in which Major Infrastructure Modifications are required. Owest will provide to the CLEC, as part of the quotation, the need for and the duration of, such extended intervals. When a CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state, completion intervals will be individually negotiated. These collocation arrangements will be included in CP- , - 1 B, or -1 C according to the interval criteria specified below for these measurements. Where there is a GLEe-caused delay, the RFS Date is rescheduled . RFS dates may be extended beyond the above intervals for CLEC reasons, or for reasons beyond Owest's control, but not for Owest reasons. . Where CLECs do not accept the quote within thirty days of the quote date, the application is considered expired. CP-1 A Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 90 calendar days or less. CP-1 B Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 91 to 120 calendar days. CP-1 C Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 121 to 150 calendar days. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Calendar Days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide. Formula: (for CP-, CP-1B and CP-1C) ~((Collocation Completion Date) - (Complete Application Date)) -7 (Total Number of Collocations Completed in Reporting Period) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 87 CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval (continued) Exclusions: . CP-1A: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals longer than 90 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. . CP-1 B: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals shorter than 91 calendar days or longer than 120 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. . CP-1C: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals shorter than 121 calendar days or longer than 150 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. Cancelled or ex ired a Product Reporting: None lications. Standards: CP-1A: 90 calendar days CP-1B: 120 calendar days CP-1 C: 150 calendar da s Availability: Available Notes: 1. Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms , conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (i.e., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting re ortin i.e., consistentl more than two er month in an state). Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 88 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Owest completes collocation arrangements for CLECs within the standard intervals or intervals established in interconnection agreements. Description: Measures the percentage of collocation applications that are completed within standard intervals , including intervals set forth in interconnection agreements. Includes all collocations of types specified herein that are assigned a Ready for Service Date RFS date Owest and that are completed within the reporting period , including those with GLEe-requested RFS dates longer than the standard interval and those with extended RFS dates negotiated with the CLEC (including supplemented collocation orders that extend the RFS date) subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical ca~eless, physical caged, shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. OTE 1 . The Collocation Application Date is the date Owest receives from the CLEC a complete and valid application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's collocation application is received by Owest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday. Major Infrastructure Modifications are defined as conditioning the collocation space, obtaining permits, and installing DC power plant, standby generators, heating, venting or air conditioning equipment. . A collocation arrangement is counted as met under this measurement if its RFS date is met. Establishment of RFS Dates : RFS dates are established as follows, except where interconnection agreements require different intervals, in which case the intervals specified in the interconnection agreements apply: Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and , for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations : 90 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date for physical collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations : 120 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date for physical collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and, for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Virtual Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Virtual Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 89 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals (continued) virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. All Collocations sical virtual forecasted or unforecasted uirin or Infrastructure Modifications: the later of (1) up to 150 calendar days (as specified in the quote) after the Collocation Application Date, or (2) for virtual collocations, 45 calendar days following the date equipment to be collocated is provided to Owest for collocations in which Major Infrastructure Modifications are required. Owest will provide to the CLEC, as part of the quotation , the need for, and the duration of such extended intervals. . When a CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state completion intervals will be individually negotiated. These collocation arrangements will be included in CP- , - , or -2C according to the criteria specified below for these measurements. . Where there is a GLEe-caused delay, the RFS Date is rescheduled. . Where CLECs do not accept the quote within thirty calendar days of the quote date, the application is considered expired. CP-Forecasted Collocations: Measures collocation installations for which CLEC provides a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. CP-Non-Forecasted and Late Forecasted Collocations: Measures collocation installations for which CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. CP-All Collocations requiring Major Infrastructure Modifications and Collocations with intervals longer than 120 days: Measures all collocation installations requiring Major Infrastructure Modifications and collocations for which the RFS date is more than 120 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level.Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results Formula: (for CP-, CP-2B and CP-2C) ((Count of Collocations for which the RFS is met) -7 (Total Number of Collocations Completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: . RFS dates missed for reasons beyond Owest's control. Cancelled or expired requests. Product Reporting: None Standards: CP-2A & -2B: 90% CP-2C: 90% Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 90 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals (continued) Availability: Available Notes:1. Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms , conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (i.e., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting re ortin i., consistent! more than two er month in an state). Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5 , 2004 Page 91 CP-3 - Collocation Feasibility Study Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of the Qwest sub-process function of providing a collocation feasibility study to the CLEC. Description: Measures average interval to respond to collocation studies for feasibility of installation. Includes feasibility studies, for collocations of types specified herein that are completed in the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical cageless , ~hysical caged, shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. NOT Interval begins with the Collocation Application Date and ends with the date Qwest completes the Feasibility Study and provides it to the CLEC. The Collocation Application Date is the date Qwest receives from the CLEC a complete application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's application for collocation is received by Qwest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business da following the weekend or holiday. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Calendar Days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC results Formula: 1:((Date Feasibility Study provided to CLEC) - (Date Qwest receives CLEC request for Feasibility Study)) -;- (Total Feasibility Studies Completed in the Reporting Period) Exclusions: CLEC-caused delays of, or CLEC requests for feasibility study completions resulting in greater than ten calendar days from Collocation Application Date to scheduled feasibility study completion date. Product Reporting: None Standard:10 calendar days or less Availability:Notes: Available Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (Le., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (Le., consistently more than two per month in any state). Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 92 CP-4 - Collocation Feasibility Study Commitments Met Purpose: Evaluates the degree that Qwest completes the sub-process function of providing a collocation feasibility study to the CLEC as committed. Description: Measures the percentage of collocation feasibility studies for installations that are completed within the Scheduled Interval The Scheduled Interval is ten calendar days from the Collocation Application Date or, if interconnection agreements call for different intervals, within intervals specified in the agreements or if otherwise delayed by the CLEC , the interval resulting from the delay. Includes all feasibility studies for collocations of types specified herein, that are completed in the reporting period. Collocation types included are: physical cageless, physical caged, shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. NOTE 1 Considers the interval from the Collocation Application Date to the date Qwest completes the Feasibility Study and provides it to the CLEC. The Collocation Application Date is the date Qwest receives from the CLEC a complete application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's application for collocation is received by Qwest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business da following the weekend or holiday. Subject to superceding terms in the CLEC's interconnection agreement, when a CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state, feasibility study intervals will be individually negotiated and the resulting intervals used instead of ten calendar days in this measurement. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. and individual CLEC results Formula: ((Total Applicable Collocation Feasibility studies completed within Scheduled Intervals) 7 (Total applicable Collocation Feasibility studies completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:90 percent or more Availability:Notes: Available Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized, accepted, mature (i.e., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (i.e., consistently more than two per month in any state). Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 93 DEFINITION OF TERMS Application Date (and Time) - The date (and time) on which Owest receives from the CLEC a complete and accurate local service request (LSR) or access service request (ASR) or retail order subject to the following: For the following types of requests/orders, the application date (and time) is the start of the next business day: (1) LSRs and ASRs received after 3:00PM MT for Designed Services and Local Number Portability (except non-designed, flow-through LNP). (2) Retail orders received after 3:00 PM local time for Designed Services. (3) LSRs received after 7:00PM MT for POTS Resale (Residence and Business), Non-Design Resale Centrex, non-designed UNE-, Unbundled Loops, and non-designed, flow-through LNP. (4) Retail orders for comparable non-designed services cannot be received after closing time, so the cutoff time is essentially the business office closing time. For all types of orders that are received from Friday at 7:00 PM MT through Sunday, or on holidays, and do not flow through, the application date (and time) is the next, non-weekend business day. Automatic Location Information (All) - The feature of E911 that displays at the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) the street address of the calling telephone number. This feature requires a data storage and retrieval system for translating telephone numbers to the associated address. All may include Emergency Service Number (ESN), street address, room or floor, and names of the enforcement, fire and medical agencies with jurisdictional responsibility for the address. The Management System (E911) database is used to update the Automatic E911 Location Information databases. Bill Date - The date shown at the top of the bill, representing the date on which Owest begins to close the bill. Blocking - Condition on a telecommunications network where, due to a maintenance problem or an traffic volumes exceeding trunking capacity in a part of the network, some or all originating or terminating calls cannot reach their final destinations. Depending on the condition and the part of the network affected, the network may make subsequent attempts to complete the call or the call may be completely blocked. If the call is completely blocked, the calling party will have to re-initiate the call attempt. Business Day - Workdays that Owest is normally open for business. Business Day = Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and Owest published Holidays including New Year s Day, Memorial Day, July 4 , Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Individual measurement definitions may modify (typically expanding) this definition as described in the Notes section of the measurement definition. Cleared Trouble Report - A trouble report for which the trouble has been cleared, meaning the customer is "back in service Closed Trouble Report - A trouble report that has been closed out from a maintenance center perspective , meaning the ticket is closed in the trouble reporting system following repair of the trouble. Code Activation (Opening) - Process by which new NPAlNXXs (area code/prefix) is defined, through software translations to network databases and switches, in telephone networks. Code activation (openings) allow for new groups of telephone numbers (usually in blocks of 10,000) to be made available for assignment to an ILEC's or CLEC's customers, and for calls to those numbers to be passed between carriers. Common Channel Signaling System 7 (CCSS7) - A network architecture used to for the exchange of signaling information between telecommunications nodes and networks on an out-of-band basis. Information exchanged provides for call set-up and supports services and features such as CLASS and database query and response. Common Transport - Trunk groups between tandem and end office switches that are shared by more than one carrier, often including the traffic of both the ILEC and several CLECs. Completion - The time in the order process when the service has been provisioned and service is available. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 94 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Completion Notice - A notification the ILEC provides to the CLEC to inform the CLEC that the requested seNice order activity is complete. Coordinated Customer Conversion u Orders that have a due date negotiated between the ILEC the CLEC, and the customer so that work activities can be performed on a coordinated basis under the direction of the receiving carrier. Customer Requested Due Date - A specific due date requested by the customer which is either shorter or longer than the standard inteNal or the interval offered by the ILEC. Customer Trouble Reports - A report that the carrier providing the underlying seNice opens when notified that a customer has a problem with their seNice. Once resolved, the disposition of the trouble is changed to closed. Dedicated Transport - A network facility reseNed to the exclusive use of a single customer, carrier or pair of carriers used to exchange switched or special , local exchange, or exchange access traffic. Delayed Order - An order which has been completed after the scheduled due date and/or time. Directory Assistance Database - A database that contains subscriber records used to provide live or automated operator-assisted directory assistance. Including 411 555-1212, NPA-555-1212. Directory Listings - Subscriber information used for DA and/or telephone directory publishing, including name and telephone number, and optionally, the customer s address. DS-O - Digital SeNice Level O. Service provided at a digital signal speed commonly at 64 kbps, but occasionally at 56 kbps. DS-1 - Digital Service Level 1. Service provided at a digital signal speed of 1.544 Mbps. DS-3 - Digital Service Level 3. Service provided at a digital signal speed of 44.736 Mbps. Due Date - The date provided on the Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) the ILEC sends the CLEC identifying the planned completion date for the order. End Office Switch - A switch from which an end users ' exchange services are directly connected and offered. Final Trunk Groups - Interconnection and interoffice trunk groups that do not overflow traffic to other trunk groups when busy. Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) - Notice the ILEC sends to the CLEC to notify 'the CLEC that it has received the CLECs service request, created a service order, and assigned it a due date. Flow-Through -The term used to describe whether a LSR electronically is passed from the OSS interface system to the ILEC legacy system to automatically create a seNice order. LSRs that do not flow through require manual inteNention for the seNice order to be created in the ILEC legacy system. Interval Zone 1/Zone 2 - InteNal Zone 1 areas are wire centers for which Owest specifies shorter standard service inteNals than for InteNal Zone 2 areas. Installation - The activity performed to activate a service. Installation Troubles - A trouble, which is identified after service order activity and installation, has completed on a customer s line. It is likely attributable to the seNice activity (within a defined time period). Interconnection Trunks - A network facility that is used to interconnect two switches generally of different local exchange carriers Inward Activity - Refers to all orders for new or additional lines/circuits. For change order types additional lines/circuits consist of all C orders with "I" and 'T' action coded line/circuit USOCs that represent new or additional lines/circuits , including conversions from retail to CLEC and CLEC.to CLEC. Jeopardy - A condition experienced in the seNice provisioning process which results potentially in the inability of a carrier to meet the committed due date on a service order Jeopardy Notice - The actual notice that the ILEC sends to the CLEC when a jeopardy has been identified. lack of Facilities - A shortage of cable facilities identified after a due date has been committed to a customer, including the CLEC. The facilities shortage may be identified during the inventory assignment process or during the service installation process , and typically triggers a jeopardy. local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) - A Bellcore master file that is used by the telecom industry to identify NPA-NXX routing and homing information , as well as network element and equipment designations. The file also includes scheduled network changes associated with activity within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). local Exchange Traffic - Traffic originated on the network of a LEC in a local calling area that terminates to another LEC in a local calling area. Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 95 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Local Number Portability (formerly defined under Permanent Number Portability and also known as - Long Term Number Portability) - A network technology which allows end user customers to retain their telephone number when moving their service between local service providers. This technology does not employ remote call forwarding, but actually allows the customer s telephone number to be moved and redefined in the network of the new service provider. The activity to move the telephone number is called "porting. , Local Service Request (LSR) - Transaction sent from the CLEC to the ILEC to order services or to request a change(s) be made to existing services. MSAlNon-MSA - Metropolitan Statistical Area is a government defined geographic area with a population of 50 000 or greater. Non-Metropolitan Statistical Area is a government defined geographic area with population of less than 50 000. Owest depicts MSA Non-MSA based on NPA NXX. Where a wire center is predominantly within an MSA, all lines are counted within the MSA. Mechanized Bill - A bill that is delivered via electronic transmission. NXX, NXX Code or Central Office Code - The three digit switch entity indicator that is defined by the " , " , and "F" digits of a 10-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NXX Code contains 10 000 station numbers. Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) - Refers to basic 2-wire, non-complex analog residential and business services. Can include feature capabilities (e., CLASS features). Projects - Service requests that exceed the line size and/or level of complexity which would allow for the use of standard ordering and provisioning processes. Generally, due dates for projects are negotiated, coordination of service installations/changes is required and automated provisioning may not be practical. Query Types - Pre-ordering information that is available to a CLEC that is categorized according to standards issued by OBF and/or the FCC. Ready For Service (RFS) - The status achieved in the installation of a collocation arrangement when all "operational" work has been completed. Operational work consists of the following as applicable to the particular type of collocation: . Cage enclosure complete; . DC power is active (including fuses available, BDFB (Battery Distribution Fuse Board) in place and cables between the CLEC and power terminated); Primary AC outlet in place; Cable racking and circuit terminations are complete (e.g. fiber jumpers placed between the Outside Plant Fiber Distribution Panel and the Central Office Fiber Distribution Panel serving the CLEG). and The following items complete, subject to the CLEG having made required payments to Owest (e.g., final payment): (If the required CLEG payments have not been made , the following items are not required for RFS): Key turnover made available to CLEC. APOT/CFA complete, as defined/required in the GLEG's interconnection agreement and Basic telephone service and other services and facilities complete , if ordered by GLEG in time to be provided on the scheduled RFS date (per Owest's published standard installation intervals for such telephone service). Ready for Service Date (RFS date) - The due date assigned to a collocation order (typically determined by regulatory rulings, contract terms, or negotiations with CLEC) to indicate when collocation installation is scheduled to be ready for service, as defined above. Reject - A status that can occur to a GLEG submitted local service request (LSR) when it does not meet certain criteria. There are two types of rejects: (1) syntax, which occur if required fields are not included in the LSR; and (2) content, which occur if invalid data is provided in a field. A rejected service request must be corrected and re-submitted before provisioning can begin. Repeat Report - Any trouble report that is a second (or greater) report on the same telephone number/circuit ID and at the same premises address within 30 days. The original report can be any category, including excluded reports, and can carry any disposition code. Service Group Type - The designation used to identify a category of similar services , . , UNE loops. Service Order - The work order created and distributed in ILEGs systems and to ILEG work groups in response to a complete, valid local service request. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5 , 2004 Page 96 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Service Order Type - The designation used to identify the major types of provisioning activities associated with a local service request. Standard Interval - The interval that the ILEG publishes as a guideline for establishing due dates for provisioning a service request. Typically, due dates will not be assigned with intervals shorter than the standard. These intervals are specified by service type and type of service modification requested. ILECs publish these standard intervals in documents used by their own service representatives as well as ordering instructions provided to CLECs in the Qwest Standard Interval Guidelines. Subsequent Reports - A trouble report that is taken in relation to a previously-reported trouble prior to the date and time the initial report has a status of "closed. Tandem Switch - Switch used to connect and switch trunk circuits between and among Central Office switches. Time to Restore - The time interval from the receipt, by the ILEG, of a trouble report on customer s service to the time service is fully restored to the customer. Unbundled Network Element - Platform (UNE-P) - Combinations of network elements, including both new and conversions, involving POTS (i., basic services providing dial tone). Unbundled Loop - The Unbundled Loop is a transmission path between a Qwest Central Office Distribution Frame, or equivalent, and the Loop Demarcation Point at an end user premises. Loop Demarcation Point is defined as the point where Qwest owned or controlled facilities cease, and CLEC, end user, owner or landlord ownership of facilities begins. Usage Data - Data generated in network nodes to identify switched call data on a detailed or summarized basis. Usage data is used to create customer invoices for the calls. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised , Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 97 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ACRONYM DESCRIPTION ACD Automatic Call Distributor ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line All Automatic Line Information (for 911/E911 systems) ASR Service Request (processed via Exact system) BRI Basic Rate Interface (type of ISDN service) CABS Carrier Access Billing System CKT Circuit CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier Central Office CPE Customer Premises Equipment CRrS Customer Record Information System CSR Customer Service Record Directory Assistance Decibel Database DSO Digital Service 0 DS1 Digital Service 1 DS3 Digital Service 3 E911 MS E911 Management System EAS Extended Area Service EB-Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration EDI Electronic Data Interchange EELS Enhanced Extended Loops EmerQency Services (for 911/E911 ) FOC Firm Order Confirmation GUI Graphical User Interface HDSL High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line HICAP High Capacity Digital Service IEC Interexchange Carrier ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier INP Interim Number Portability IOF Interoffice Facilities (refers to trunk facilities located between Qwest central offices) ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network IMA Interconnect Mediated Access LATA Local Access Transport Area LERG Local Exchange Routing Guide LlDB Line Identification Database LIS Local Interconnection Service Trunks LNP Long Term Number Portability LSR Local Service Request , T Service Order Types - - N (new), T (to or transfer), C (change) NANP North American Numberinq Plan NDM Network Data Mover NPAC Number Portability Administration Center NXX Telephone number prefix OBF Ordering and Billing Forum Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 98 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS (continued) ACRONYM DESCRIPTION OOS Out of service (type of trouble condition) OSS Operations Support Systems PBX Private Branch Exchange PON Purchase Order Number POTS Plain Old Telephone Service PRI Primary Rate Interface (type of ISDN service) RFS Ready for Service (refers to collocation installations) SIA SAAFE (Strategic Application Architecture Framework and Environment) Information Access SOP Service Order Processor SOT Service Order Type SS7 Signaling System 7 STP Signaling Transfer Point Telephone Number UDIT Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport UNE Unbundled Network Element UNE-Unbundled Network Element - Platform VRU Voice Response Unit WFA Work Force Administration XDSL (x) Digital Subscriber Line. (The "" prefix refers to DSL generically. An "" replaced by an "A" refers to Asymmetric DSL, and by an "H" refers to High-bit-rate OSlo) Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised, Fourth Amended Exhibit B May 5, 2004 Page 99 Qwest Spirit of Service Service Performance Indicator Definitions (PID) 14-State 271 PID Version 6.07. QWEST'S SERVICE PERFORMANCE INDICATOR DEFINITIONS (PID) 14-State 271 Pin Version 6.0 Introduction Owest will report performance results for the service performance indicators defined herein. Owest will report separate performance results associated with the services it provides to Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) in aggregate (except as noted herein), to CLECs individually and , as applicable , to Owest's retail customers in aggregate. Within these categories , performance results related to service provisioning and repair will be reported for the products listed in each definition. Reports for CLECs individually will be subject to agreements of confidentiality and/or nondisclosure. The definitions in this version of the PID apply in the 14 states of Owest's local service region: Arizona Colorado, Idaho , Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Individual state Performance Assurance Plans mav sDecifv and aDDly state sDecific variations from the Performance Measure definitions and/or standards contained herein. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~F9 rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page i Febru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 Qwest's Service Periormance Indicator Definitions Table of Contents ELECTRONIC GATEWAY AVAILABILITY............ ....... .......... ..... ....."........................... ....... GA-1 - Gateway Ayailability - IMA-GU I....................... ....................................................... 1 GA-2 - Gateway Availability - I MA-EDI ......................................... ..................................... 2 GA-3 - Gateway Availability - EB- T A... ........ ........ ...... ......... ......... ............... ............... ........ 3 GA-4 - System Availabilitv - EXACT.................................................................................. GA-6 - Gateway Availability - GUI -- Repair ..................................................--.................. 5 GA-7 - Timely Outaae Resolution followina Software Releases ........................................ 6 PRE-ORDER/ORDER """"""""""""".""'."""""""""'"..............................,."......,............ 7 PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Resoonse Times.......................................................................... 7 PO-2 - Electronic Flow-throuah........................................................................................ PO-3 - LSR Reiection Notice IntervaL......--.............................--....................................... 12 PO-4 - LSRs Reiected... ................................................................................................... PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time.......................................................... 14 PO-6 - Work Comoletion Notification Timeliness ............................................................. PO-7 - Billina Comoletion Notification Timeliness ............................................................ PO-8 - Jeopardv Notice Interval..... ....... ........ .......... ....... ......... ....... ........ ....... ......... .......... 2Q PO-9 - Timely Jeopardy Notices..... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .......... 21 PO-15 - Number of Due Date Chanaes per Order ...................................................--...... 23 PO-16 - Timely Release Notifications.. ......................................................................... 24 PO-19 - Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracy.............................................. 26 ORD ERING AN D PROVISION I N G .................... ........ ......................................................... 29 OP-2 - Calls Answered within Twenty Seconds - Interconnect Provisionina Center ....... 29 OP-3 - Installation Commitments Met m"""""""""""""""""",--""""--""""...m""""",, 30 OP-4 -Installation Interval.......................................... ..................................................... OP-5 - New Service Ouality ............................................................................................. OP-6 - Delayed Days "...... ..--... ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ....."... ........ ....... OP-7 - Coordinated "Hot Cut" Interval - Unbundled Loop................................................ OP-8 - Number Portability Timeliness............... ............... ................................................ OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Looo................................................... 46 OP-15 - Interval for Pendina Orders Delayed Past Due Date ..........................................48 OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders..................................... MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ....,....................,..................................................,.............. MR-2 - Calls Answered within 20 Seconds - Interconnect Reoair Center ....................". 53 MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours ............................................................... MR-4 - All Troubles Cleared within 48 hou rs.............. ........ ................. ....................... ...... 56 MR-5 - All Trou bles Cleared within 4 hours...................................................................... 58 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore.......................................................................................... 60 MR-7 - Reoair Reoeat Reoort Rate.................................................................................. MR-8 - Trouble Rate ........................................................................................................ 67 MR-9 - Reoair Apoointments Met..................................................................................... MR-10 - Customer and Non-Owest Related Trouble Reoorts.......................................... MR-11 - LNP Trouble Reoorts Cleared within 24 Hours .................................................. 81 LLING .......................................... ................. ........ ...... ......... ......... ........ ........................... 75 BI-1 - Time to Provide Recorded Usaae Records ............................................................ Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 FourthJ '" rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 1 7Mav 5, 2004 Page ii Table of Contents (continued) 81-2 -Invoices Delivered within 10 Davs.......................................................................... 76 81-3 - 8illina Accu racv - Adjustments for Errors.......................................... """""""""" 77 81-4 - 8illina Comoleteness................................ ;............................................................. DATABASE UPDATES...................................................................................................... 79 D8-1 - Time to Uodate Databases................................. .................................................. 79 D8-2 - Accurate Database Uodates ........ ....... ........ ......... ........ .............. ...... .......... ........... DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE.................... ................................. .......... ................................. DA-1 - 8oeed of Answer - Directorv Assistance.............................................................. 82 OPERATOR SERVICES .. ........................... ~..................................................... .................. 08-1 - Soeed of Answer - Ooerator Services ................................................................. NETWORK PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................. NI-1 - Trunk 81ockina ....................................................................................................... NP-1 - NXX Code Activation ..................................:......................................................... 86 COLLOCATION ......................... ......... """"""""""""""""",.."".""" ................................ CP-1 - Collocation Comoletion Interval....................;....................................................... 88 CP-2 - Collocations Com Dieted within Scheduled Intervals ......................---.................... CP-3 - Collocation Feasibility Study Interval.................................................................... 94 CP-4 - Collocation Feasibility Study Commitments Met................................................... 95 DEFINITION OF TERMS ..................................................................................................... GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ...........................................................................................100 ELECTRONIC GA TEW A. Y l\ V 1\1 LABI LlTY ................. ................. ......... """"""""""""'.""" 1 GA 1 G:JteIN:JY /\v:Jil:Jbility IM/\ GUI.............................................................................. 1 GA 2 G:Jtew3Y:'\'.'3ibbility 1M/' EDI.............................................................................. 2G/\ 3 G:Jtew:JY /\'v':Jibbility EB T/\ .............................................:................................... 3G/\ 1 System /\v:Jibbility EXACT................................................................................. .G/\ 6 G:Jtew:JY /\'.':Jil:Jbility GUI Rep:Jir ...................................................................... 5G/\ 7 Timely Out:Jge Resolution foliolNing SOftW3ro Rele:Jsos ........................................ 6 PRE ORDER/ORDER ........................................................................................................... PO Pre Order/Order Recponce Timec.......................................................................... 7 PO 2 Electronic FlolN through ........................................................................................ 10 PO 3 LSR Rejection Notice Interv31............................................................................... 12 PO 1 LSRs Rejected...................................................................................................... PO 5 Firm Order Confirm:Jtions (FOCs) On Time.......................................................... PO 6 Work Completion Notific:Jtion Timelinecc ............................................................. 17 PO 7 8illing Completion Notific3tion Timeliness .............................."............................ 18 PO 8 Jeop3rdy Notice Interv31... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......... ....... ................ ........ ............ 20 PO 9 Timely Jeop:Jrdy Notices ...................................................................................... PO 10 LSR /\ccount:Jbility ............................................................................................. PO 15 Number of Due D3te Ch:Jngec per Order ........................................................... PO 16 Timely Rele3se Notific3tions........................................................................... 21 PO 19 St:Jnd Alone Test Environment (SATE) /\ccur3cy .............................................. ORDERING AN D PRO'lISIONING .......................................................................... ........... OP 2 C311s /\ns'Nered v.'ithin TINenty Seconds Interconnect Provisioning Center ....... OP 3 I nst3113tion Commitmentc Met.......... ........ ........... ............" ........ """"""""""""'" 28 OP 1 Im:t3lbtion I nterv31.... .......... ........ ....... ........ ......... ................ ........ ....... ...... ............. 31 OP 5 NC'.'Service Qu:Jlity ............................................................................................. 31 OP 6 Del:Jyed D3Ys ....................................................................................................... 39 OP 7 Coord in3ted "Hot Cut" Interv31 Unbundled Loop....... ............... ............... .......... . Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit FourthJ '" rcvisionAmended Exhibit B Fcbru:3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Table of Contents (continued) OP 8 Numbor Port3bility Timeliness................................. ............................................ ."13 OP 13 Coordin3ted Cutc On Time Unbundled Loop................................................... "1"1 OP 15 Interv31 for Pending Orders Del3yed P3St Due D3te .........................................."16 OP 17 Timeliness of Disconnects 3ssoci3ted with LNP Orders..................................... "19 Ml\1 NTENJ\NCE AND REPAIR .............................. ................................. ..................... ....... MR 2 C311s l\ns'Nered within 20 Seconds Interconnect Rep3ir Center ....................... 51 MR 3 Out of Service Cle3red 'Nithin 2"1 Hourc ............................................................... 52 MR "1 1\11 Troubles Cle3red within "18 hours.................................................................... 5"1 MR 5 1\11 Troubles Clo3rod within "1 hours...................................................................... MR 6 Me3n Time to Restore...................................................................................... .. MR 7 Rep3ir Repe3t Report R3te.................................................................................. MR 8 Trouble R3te ...... ...... .......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........... 6"1 MR 9 Rep3ir I\ppointments Met..................................................................................... 67 MR 10 Customer 3nd Non 0'.'.'e8t Rel3ted Trouble Reports.......................................... 68 MR 11 LNP Trouble Reports Cle3red within 2"1 Hours .................................................. 70 BILL! N G ...... ............... ...... .......... ........ ................................................ ............... ........ .......... 72 81 1 Time to Provide Recorded Ucoge Records ............................................................BI2 Invoices Delivored v.'ithin 10 Days.......................................................................... 73BI 3 Billing /\ccur3cy I\djustments for Errors .............................................................. 7"1 BI "1 Billing Completeness.............................................................................................. DATABASE U POA TES...... """""""""""""""""""" ........ ......... ............... ................ ......... 76 DB 1 Time to U pdote Dotobocec .......... ....................................................... .................. 76 DB 2 /\ccur3te D3t3b3se Upd3tes................................. ................................................ 78 DIRECTORY ASSIST AN CE ....................................... ........................ on.............. ................D/\ 1 Speed of J\nsv'Jer Directory /\ssictonce.............................................................. 79 OPER/\TOR SERVICES .......... ............ ...................... ........ ......... ...................".......... ......... OS Speed of /\nc'i.'er Oper3tor Services ................................................................. NET'f!ORK PERFORMANCE ...... ..................... ........... ....................................................... I'JI 1 Trunk Blocking ....... ......... ............... ......... ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 81 NP NXX Coda /\ctiv3tion ..................................... ............................... ................. ....... 83 CO LLOCJ\TION .... ....... ......... ....... ......... ........ ........ ....... ................. ................ ...................... 85 CP Colloc3tion Completion Interv31............................................................................ 85 CP 2 Collocotions Completed within Scheduled Interv31s ............................................. 88 CP 3 Colloc3tion Feosibility Study !nterv31 .................................................................... CP "1 Colloc3tion Foasibility Study Commitmonts MoL................................................. 92 DEFI N ITION OF TERM S ........ ........................................ ................................ ................ ..... GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ............................................................................................. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B FourthJFG rovicionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5 2004 Electronic Gateway Availability GA-1 - Gateway Availability - IMA-GUI Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC access to the IMA-GUI electronic gateway and one associated system focusing on the extent they are actually available to CLECs. Description: GA-1 A: Measures the availability of the IMA-GUI (Interconnect Mediated Access- Graphical User Interface), and reports the percentage of Scheduled Availability Time the IMA-GUI interface is available for view and/or input. Scheduled Up Time hours for preorder, order, and provisioning transactions are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. GA-1 D: Measures the availability of the SIA system , which facilitates access for the IMA-GUI interface and the IMA-EDI interface (see GA-2), and reports the percentage of scheduled time the SIA system is available. Scheduled availability times will be no less than the same hours as listed for IMA-GUI and IMA-EDI. Time Gateway is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i., IMA-GUI, SIA), affecting Qwest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. results Results will be reported as follows: GA-1A IMA Graphical User Interface Gateway GA-1D SIA system Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) 7 (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit Fourth uI rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Page 1 GA-2 - Gateway Availability -IMA-EDI Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC access to the IMA-EDI electronic gateway, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to CLECs. Description: Measures the availability of IMA-EDI (Interconnect Mediated Access - Electronic Data Interchange) interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the IMA-EDI Interface is available for view and/or input. All times during which the interface is scheduled to be operating during the reporting period are measured. Scheduled Up Time hours for IMA-EDI based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time Gateway is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i., IMA-EDI), affecting Owest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. aggreQate results (See GA-1D for reporting of SIA system availability. Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) 7 (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period) ) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth revisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav ~, 2004 Page 2 GA-3 - Gateway Availability - EB-T A Purpose: Evaluates the quality of GLEG access to the EB-TA interface, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to GLEGs. Description: Measures the availability of EB-TA (Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration) interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the EB-TA Interface is available. Scheduled Up Time hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwesLcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time Gateway is Available to GLEGs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i., EB-TA), affecting Owest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ONumber of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to GLEGs During Reporting Period) -0- (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 GA-4 - System Availability - EXACT Purpose: Evaluates the quality of CLEC batch access to the EXACT electronic access service request system focusing on the extent the system is actually available to CLECs. Description: Measures the availability of EXACT system and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the EXACT system is available. Scheduled Up Time hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.Qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time System is Available to CLECs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the system is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i.e., EXACT), affecting Qwest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Qwest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ((Number of Hours and Minutes EXACT is Available to CLECs During Reporting Period) 7 (Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability During Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth r4 rovi8ionAmended Exhibit B February 17Mav 5, 2004 GA-6 - Gateway Availability - GUI -- Repair Purpose: Evaluates the quality of GLEG access to the GUI Repair electronic gateway, focusing on the extent the gateway is actually available to GLEGs. Description: Measures the availability of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) repair electronic interface and reports the percentage of scheduled availability time the interface is available for view and/or input. All times during which the interface is scheduled to be operating during the reporting period are measured. Scheduled Up Time" hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http:!/www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Time Gateway is Available to GLEGs is equal to Scheduled Availability Time minus Outage Time. Scheduled Availability Time is equal to Scheduled Up Time minus Scheduled Down Time. Scheduled Down Time is time identified and communicated that the interface is not available due to maintenance and/or upgrade work. Notification of Scheduled Down Time for routine maintenance and/or upgrade work will be provided no less than 48 hours in advance. An outage is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component (i.e., GUI-Repair), affecting Owest's ability to serve its customers. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data , collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. aggregate results Formula: (Number of Hours and Minutes Gateway is Available to GLECs During Reporting Period """ Number of Hours and Minutes of Scheduled Availability Time During Reporting Period) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:99.25 percent Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B, Fourth '" ro'lisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 GA-7 - Timely Outage Resolution following Software Releases Purpose: Measures the timeliness of resolution of gateway or system outages attributable to software releases for specified OSS interfaces, focusing on GLEe-affecting software releases involving the specified gateways or systems. Description: Measures the percentage of gateway or system outages , which are attributable to ass system software releases and which occur within two weeks after the implementation of the ass system software releases, that are resolved NOTE 1 within 48 hours of detection by the Owest monitoring group or reporting by a GLEe/co-provider. Includes software releases associated with the following ass interfaces in Owest: IMA-GUI, IMA- EDI, and CEMR, Exchan~e Access, Control, & Tracking (EXACT)NGTE 2, Electronic Bonding- Trouble Administration (EB -TA) GTE 3 An outage for this measurement is a critical or serious loss of functionality, attributable to the specified gateway or component, affecting Owest's ability to serve its customers or data loss NOTE 4 on the Owest side of the interface. An outage is determined by Owest technicians through the use of verifiable data, collected from the affected customer(s) and/or from mechanized event management systems. The outage resolution time interval considered in this measurement starts at the time Owest' monitoring group detects a failure, or at the date/time of the first transaction sent to Owest that cannot be processed (i.e. lost data), and ends with the time functionality is restored or the lost data is recovered. Reporting Period: Monthly Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ((Total outages detected within two weeks of a Software Release that are resolved within 48 hours of the time Owest detects the outage) .;. (Total number of outages detected within two weeks of Software Releases resolved in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: Outages in releases prior to any CLEC migrating to the release. Duplicate reports attributable to the same software defect. Product Reporting: None Standards: Volume = 1-20: 1 miss Volume )0 20:95% Availability:Notes: 1. "Resolved" means that service is restored to the reporting CLEC, as Available experienced by the CLEC. 2. EXACT is a Telecordia system. Only releases for changes initiated by Owest for hardware or connectivity will be included in this measurement. 3. Outages reported under EB-TA are the same as outages in MEDIACC. 4. For data loss to be considered for GA-, a functional acknowledgement must have been provided for the data in question (e., EDI 997, LSR 10 or trouble ticket number). Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth '" rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Pre-Order/Order PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Response Times Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of responses to specific preordering/ordering queries for CLECs through the use of Qwest's Operational Support Systems (OSS). Qwest's ass are accessed through the specified gateway interface. Description: PO-1A & PO-1B: Measures the time interval between query and response for specified pre-order/order transactions through the electronic interface. . Measurements are made using a system that simulates the transactions of requesting pre- ordering/ordering information from the underlying existing ass. These simulated transactions are made through the operational production interfaces and existing systems in a manner that reflects, in a statistically-valid manner, the transaction response times experienced by CLEC service representatives in the reporting period. . The time interval between query and response consists of the period from the time the transaction request was "sent" to the time it is "received" via the gateway interface. . A query is an individual request for the specified type of information. PO-1C: . Measures the percentage of all IRTM Queries measured by PO-1A & 1 B transmitted in the reporting period that timeout before receiving a response. PO-1D: . Measures the average response time for a sampling of rejected queries across preorder transaction types. The response time measured is the time between the issuance of a pre-ordering transaction and the receipt of an error message associated with a "rejected query." A rejected query is a transaction that cannot be successfully processed due to the provision of incomplete or invalid information by the sender which results in an error message back to the sender. NOTE 1 Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: PO-, PO-, & PO-1D: Seconds PO-1 C: Percent Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth fG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page 7 Febru3ry 17M..av 5, 2004 PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Response Times (continued) Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate. Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Results are reported as follows: PO-1A Pre-Order/Order Response Time for IMA-GUI PO-1 B Pre-Order/Order Response Time for IMA-EDI Results are reported separately for each of the following transaction types: NOTE 2 1. Appointment Scheduling (Due Date Reservation, where appointment is required)2. Service Availability Information3. Facility Availabi!ity4. Street Address Validation 5. Customer Service Records 6. Telephone Number 7. Loop Qualification Tools NOTE 3 8. Resale of Qwest DSL Qualification 9. Connecting Facility Assignment NOTE 4 10. Meet Point Inquiry NOTE 5 For PO-1A (transactions via IMA-GUI), in addition to reporting total response time response times for each of the above transactions will be reported in two parts: (a) time to access the request screen , and (b) time to receive the response for the specified transaction. For PO-1A 6, Telephone Number, a third part (c) accept screen, will be reported. For PO-1 B (transactions via IMA-EDI), requesUresponse will be reported as a combined number. PO-1 C Results for PO-1 C will be reported according to the gateway interface used: 1. Percent of Preorder Transactions that Timeout IMA-GUI2. Percent of Preorder Transactions that Timeout IMA-EDI PO-1 D Results for PO-1 D will be reported according to the gateway interface used:1. Rejected Response Times for IMA-GUI2. Rejected Response Times for IMA-EDI Formula: PO-1A & PO-1B = L((Query Response Date & Time) - (Query Submission Date & Time)) 7 (Number of Queries Submitted in Reporting Period) PO-= ((Number of IRTM Queries measured by PO-1A & 1 B that Timeout before receiving response) 7 (Number of IRTM Queries Transmitted in Reporting Period)) x 100 PO-1 D L((Rejected Query Response Date & Time) - (Query Submission Date & Time)) 7 (Number of Rejected Query Transactions Simulated by IRTM) Exclusions: PO-1A & PO-1 B: Rejected requests/errors, and timed out transactions PO-1C: Rejected requests and errors PO-1 D: Timed out transactions Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth~rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17~av 5, 2004 PO-1 - Pre-Order/Order Response Times (continued) Product Reporting: None Standards: Total Response Time: 1. Appointment Scheduling2. Service Availability Information3. Facility Availability4. Street Address Validation 5. Customer Service Records 6. Telephone Number 7. Loop Qualification Tools NOTE: 3 8. Resale of Qwest DSL Qualification 9. Connecting Facility Assignment 10. Meet Point Inquiry PO-1C- PO-1C- PO-1D-1 & 2 Availability: Available IMA-GUI -:::10 seconds -:::25 seconds -:::25 seconds -:::10 seconds -:::12.5 seconds -:::10 seconds S; 20 seconds s; 20 seconds I\b--.s; 25 seconds 1\11 Other Stettos :mg I\b--.s; 30 seconds 1\11 Other Slatoc :mg IMA-EDI -:::10 seconds -:::25 seconds -:::25 seconds -:::10 seconds -:::12.5 seconds -:::10 seconds s; 20 seconds s; 20 seconds I\b--.s; 25 seconds Al+-G#\er Stettos :mg I\b--.S; 30 seconds /\11 Other Stette€: :mg Diagnostic Notes:1. Rejected query types used in PO-1D are those developed for internal Qwest diagnostic purposes. 2. As additional transactions, currently done manually, are mechanized they will be measured and added to or included in the above list of transactions, as applicable.3. Results based on a weighted combination of ADSL Loop Qualification and Raw Loop Data Tool.4. Results based on Connecting Facility Assignment by Unit Query.5. Results based on meet Point Query, POTS Splitter option for Shared loops. 6. Times reflect non-complex services, including residential, simple business, or POTS account. Does not include ADSL or accounts::.25 lines. 7. Benchmark applies to response time only. Request time and Total time will also be reported. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B , Fourth~ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 PO-2 - Electronic Flow-through Purpose: Monitors the extent Owest's processing of CLEC Local Service Requests (LSRs) is completely electronic, focusing on the degree that electronically-transmitted LSRs flow directly to the service order processor without human intervention or without manual retyping. Description: PO-2A - Measures the percentage of all electronic LSRs that flow from the specified electronic gateway interface to the Service Order Processor (SOP) without any human intervention. Includes all LSRs that are submitted electronically through the specified interface during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. PO-2B - Measures the percentage of all flow-through-eligible LSRs NOTE 1 that flow from the specified electronic gateway interface to the SOP without any human intervention. Includes all flow-through-eligible LSRs that are submitted electronically through the specified interface during the reportinq period, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (per multi- aggregate , individual CLEC state system serving the state). Results for PO-2A and PO-2B will be reported according to the gateway interface* used to submit the LSR: LSRs received via IMA-GUI LSRs received via IMA-EDI CO also reports an aggregate of IMA-GUI and IMA-EDI results. Formula: PO-2A = ((Number of Electronic LSRs that pass from the Gateway Interface to the SOP without human intervention)..;. (Total Number of Electronic LSRs that pass through the Gateway Interface)) x 100 PO-2B = ((Number of flow-through-eligible Electronic LSRs that actually pass from the Gateway Interface to the SOP without human intervention)..;. (Number of flow-through-eligible Electronic LSRs received through the Gateway Interface)) x 100 Exclusions: Rejected LSRs and LSRs containing GLEe-caused non-fatal errors. Non-electronic LSRs (e., via fax or courier). Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid start/stop dates/times. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth '" revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 I Page 10 PO-2 - Electronic Flow-through (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Resale PO-2A: Unbundled Loops (with or CO: CO PO-2B benchmarks minus 10 percent NOTE 2 without Local Number All Other States: Diagnostic Portability) PO-: NOTE 2Local Number Portability UNE-P (POTS) Line SharinG Resale:95% Unbundled Loops:85% LNP:95% UNE-95% Line SharinG:Diaanostic ",U"'J Availability:Notes: Available exce t as The list of LSR types classified as eligible for flow through is contained in follows ).; the "LSRs Eligible for Flow Through" matrix. This matrix also includes availability for enhancements to flow through. Matrix will be distributed through the CMP process. In Colorado the standard for PO-2 is considered met if the standard for Line SharinQ..=either PO-2A or PO-2B is met. For both PO-2A and PO-, the beGinninG with Jul 04 benchmark percentages shown apply to the aggregations of PO-2A-1 and data on the Aua 04 PO-2A-2 (i.e., the combined PO-2A result) and of PO-2B-1 and PO-2B- reoort (i., the combined PO-2B result). The standard and future disaaareaated reoortina of the Line SharinG oroduct is TBD. oendina resolution of TRO issues. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit Fourth FG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-3 - LSR Rejection Notice Interval Purpose: Monitors the timeliness with which Owest notifies CLECs that electronic and manual LSRs were rejected. Description: Measures thE) interva, between the receipt of a Local Service Request (LSR) and the rejection of the LSR for standard categories of errorsJreasons. Includes all LSRs submitted through the specified interface that are rejected during the reporting period. Standard reasons for rejections are: missing/incomplete/mismatching/unintelligible information duplicate request or LSR/PON (purchase order number), no separate LSR for each account telephone number affected, no valid contract, no valid end user verification, account not working in Owest territory, service-affecting order pending, request is outside established parameters for service, and lack of CLEC response to Owest question for clarification about the LSR. Included in the interval is time required for efforts by Owest to work with the CLEC to avoid the necessity of rejecting the LSR. . With hours: minutes reporting, hours counted are (1) business hours for manual rejects (involving human intervention) and (2) published Gateway Availability hours for auto-rejects (involving no human intervention). Business hours are defined as time during normal business hours of the Wholesale Delivery Service Centers, except for PO-3C in which hours counted are workweek clock hours. Gateway Availability hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHoUrs.html. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: PO-3A-, PO-3B-1 & PO-3C - Hrs: Mins. PO-3A-2 & PO-3B-2 - Mins: Sees. Disaggregation Reporting: Results for this indicator are reported according to the gateway interface used to submit the LSR: . PO-3A-, LSRs received via IMA-GUI and rejected manually: Statewide . PO-3A -, LSRs received via IMA-GUI and auto-rejected: Region wide . PO-3B-, LSRs received via IMA-EDI and rejected manually: Statewide . PO-3B -2, LSRs received via IMA-EDI and auto-rejected: Region wide . PO-3C, LSRs received via facsimile: Statewide Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results Formula: ((Date and time of Rejection Notice transmittal) - (Date and time of LSR receipt)) -7 (Total number of LSR Rejection Notifications) Exclusions: Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid start/stop dates/times. Product Reporting: Not applicable (reported by ordering interface). Standards: . PO-3A-1 and -3B-1: ::; 12 business hours . PO-3A -2 and -3B -2: ::; 18 seconds . PO-3C: ::; 24 work week clock hours Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth FG rcvicionAmended Exhibit Fcbru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-4 - LSRs Rejected Purpose: Monitors the extent LSRs are rejected as a percentage of all LSRs to provide information to help address potential issues that might be raised by the indicator of LSR rejection notice intervals. Description: Measures the percentage of LSRs rejected (returned to the GLEG) for standard categories of errors/reasons. Includes all LSRs submitted through the specified interface that are rejected or FOG'd during the reporting period. Standard reasons for rejections are: missinglincomplete/mismatching/unintelligible information; duplicate request or LSRlPON (purchase order number); no separate LSR for each account telephone number affected; no valid contract; no valid end user verification; account not working in Qwest territory; service-affecting order pending; request is outside established parameters for service; and lack of GLEG response to Qwest ( uestion for clarification about the LSR. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent of LSRs Reporting Comparisons: GLEG aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: individual GLEG results Results for this indicator are reported according to the gateway interface used to submit the LSR: PO-4A-LSRs received via IMA-GUI and rejected manually - Region wide PO-4A -2 LSRs received via IMA-GUI and auto-rejected - Region wide PO-4B-LSRs received via IMA-EDI and rejected manually - Region wide PO-4B -2 LSRs received via IMA-EDI and auto-rejected - Region wide PO-LSRs received via facsimile - Statewide Formula: ((Total number of LSRs rejected via the specified method in the reporting period) ~ (Total of all LSRs that are received via the specified interface that were rejected or FOG'd in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid start/stop dates/times. Product Reporting: Not applicable (reported by Standard: Diagnostic ordering interface). Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth~rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time Purpose: Monitors the timeliness with which Qwest returns Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) to CLECs in response to LSRs/ASRs received from CLECs, focusing on the degree to which FOCs are provided within specified intervals. Description: Measures the percentage of Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) that are provided to CLECs within the intervals specified under "Standards" below for FOC notifications. Includes all LSRs/ASRs that are submitted through the specified interface or in the specified manner (Le., facsimile) that receive an FOC during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. (Acknowledgments sent separately from an FOC (e., EDI 997 transactions are not included. . For PO-5A, the interval measured is the period between the LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time) and Owest's response with a FOC notification (notification date and time). . For PO-, 5C, and 50 , the interval measured is the period between the a lication date and time as defined herein, and Qwest's response with a FOC notification (notification date and time). . " Fully electronic" LSRs are those (1) that are received via IMA-GUI or IMA-EOI, (2) that involve no manual intervention, and (3) for which FOCs are provided mechanically to the CLEC. NOTE 2 . " Electronic/manual" LSRs are received electronically via IMA-GUI or IMA-EOI and involve manual processing. . " Manual" LSRs are received manually (via facsimile) and processed manually. . ASRs are measured only in business da . LSRs will be evaluated according to the FOC interval categories shown in the "Standards" section below, based on the number of lines/services requested on the LSR or, where multiple LSRs from the same CLEC are related, based on the combined number of lines/services requested on the related LSRs. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (per multi-state system Comparisons: CLEC serving the state). aggregate and individual Results for this indicator are reported as follows:CLEC results . PO-5A:* FOCs provided for full electronic LSRs received via: - PO-5A-1 IMA-GUI - PO-5A-2 IMA-EOI . PO-5B:FOCs provided for electronic/manual LSRs received via: - PO-5B-1 IMA-GUI - PO-5B-2 IMA-EOI . PO-5C:FOCs provided for manual LSRs received via Facsimile. . PO-50: FOCs provided for ASRs requesting LIS Trunks. * Each of the PO-, PO-5B and PO-5C measurements listed above will be further disaggregated as follows:(a) FOCs provided for Resale services and UNE-(b) FOCs provided for Unbundled Loops and specified Unbundled Network Elements(c) FOCs provided for LNP Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 FourthJfG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page 14 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time (continued) Formula: PO-5A = UCount of LSRs for which the original FOC's "(FOC Notification pate & Time) - (LSR received date/time (based on scheduled up time))" is within 20 minutes) -;- (Total Number of original FOC Notifications transmitted for the service category in the reporting period)! x 100 PO-, 5C, & 50 = UCount of LSRs/ASRs for which the original FOC's "(FOC Notification Date & Time) - (Application Date & Time)" is within the intervals specified for the service category involved) -;- (Total Number of original FOC Notifications transmitted for the service category in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: LSRs/ASRs involving individual case basis (ICB) handling based on quantities of lines, as specified in the "Standards" section below, or service/request types , deemed to be ects. Hours on Weekends and holidays. (Except for PO-5A which only excludes hours outside the scheduled up time). LSRs with GLEe-requested FOC arrangements different from standard FOC arrangements. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Duplicate LSR numbers. (Exclusion to be eliminated upon implementation of IMA capability to disallow duplicate LSR #' Invalid starUstop dates/times. Additional PO-50 exclusion: Records with invalid a )plication or confirmation dates. Product Reporting:Standards: For PO-5A (all):95% within 20 minutes NUIU For PO- , - 5B and For PO-5B (all):90% within standard FOC intervals 5C:(specified below) (a) Resale services For PO-5C (manual):90% within standard FOC intervals UNE-P (POTS)specified below PLUS 24 hours NOTE 3 and UN E-P Centrex For PO-50 (LIS Trunks):85% within eight business days(b) Unbundled Loops and specified Standard FOe Intervals for PO-5B and PO-Unbundled Network Elements.Product Group NOTE FOe Interval(c) LNP Resale For PO-50: LIS Residence and Business POTS 39 lines ISDN-Basic 10 linesTrunks.Conversion As Is 24 hours Adding/Changing features Add primary directory listing to established loop Add call appearance Centrex Non-Design 19 lines with no Common Block Configuration Centrex line feature changes/adds/removals (all) LNP 24 lines Unbundled Loops 24 loops 2/4 Wire analog DS3 Capable Sub-loop 1-24 sub-loops fincluded in Product Reporting group (b Line Sharing/Line Splitting 24 shared fincluded in Product Reporting group (b))loops Unbundled Network Element-Platform (UNE-P POTS) 1 - 39 lines Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Resale Centrex (including Centrex 21 , Non-design Centrex 21 Basic ISDN , Centrex-Plus Centron, Centrex Primes) 1-10 lines - With Common Block Configuration required Initial establishment of Centrex CMS services Tie lines or NARs activity Subsequent to initial Common Block Station lines Automatic Route Selection Uniform Call Distribution Additional numbers UNE-P Centrex 1-10 lines UNE-P Centrex 21 1-10 lines Unbundled Loops with Facility ChecklNOTE 2, 3) 1 - 24 loops 2/4 wire Non-loaded ADSL compatible ISDN capable XDSL-I capable DS1 capable Resale ISDN-PRI (Trunks) For PO-5D: LIS Trunks Notes: 1. LSRs with quantities above the highest number specified for each product type are considered ICB. 2. Unbundled Loop with Facility Check can be processed electronically; however, because this category always carries a 72-hour FOC interval the FOC results for this product will appear in PO-5B if received electronically or PO-5C if received manually. 3. Unbundled Loop with Facility Check will not add an additional 24 hours to the 72-hour interval if the LSR is submitted manually. PO-5 - Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) On Time (continued) Resale ISDN-Basic Conversion As Specified New Installs Address Changes Change to add Loop ISDN-PRI (Facility) 1-PBX 1-24 trunks DSO or Voice Grade Equivalent 1-DS1 Facility 1-DS3 Facility 1-LNP 25-49 lines Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) 'Nashington only (included in Product Reporting group (b))DS1 1-24 circuits 10 lines 12 trunks 240 trunk circuits Availability: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth '" rovisionAmended Exhibit B 48 hours 72 hours 96 hours 8 business days Febru3ry 17Mill' 5 , 2004 PO-6 - Work Completion Notification Timeliness Purpose: To evaluate the timeliness of Owest issuing electronic notification at an LSR level to CLECs that provisioning work on all service orders that comprise the CLEC LSR have been completed in the Service Order Processor and the service is available to the customer. Description: PO-6A & 68: Includes all orders completed in the Owest Service Order Processor that generate completion notifications in the reporting period, subject to exclusions shown below. The start time is the date/time when the last of the service orders that comprise the CLEC LSR is posted as completed in the Service Order Processor. The end time is when the electronic order completion notice is made available (IMA-GUI) NOTE 1 or transmitted (IMA-EDI) to the CLEC via the ordering interface used to place the local service request The notification is transmitted at an LSR level when all service orders that comprise the CLEC LSR are complete. With hours: minutes reporting, hours counted are during the published Gateway Availability hours. Gateway Availability hours are based on the currently published hours of availability found on the following website: http://www.qwestcom/wholesale/cmp/ossHours.html. Reporting Period: I Unit of Measure:One month PO-6A - 6B:Hrs:Mins Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual PO-Notices transmitted via IMA-GUI CLEC results.PO-Notices transmitted via IMA-EDI Formula: For completion notifications qenerated from LSRs received via IMA-GUI: PO-6A = l:((Date and Time Completion Notification made available to CLEC) - (Date and Time the last of the service orders that comprise the CLEC LSR is completed in the Service Order Processor)) ~ (Number of completion notifications made available in reporting period) For completion notifications qenerated from LSRs received via IMA-EDI: PO-68 = I:((Date and Time Completion Notification transmitted to CLEC) - (Date and Time the last of the service orders that comprise the CLEG LSR is completed in the Service Order Processor.)) ~ (Number of completion notifications transmitted in reporting period) Exclusions: PO - 6A & 68: Records with invalid completion dates. LSRs submitted manually (e., via facsimile). ASRs submitted via EXACT. Product Reporting:Standard: PO - 6A & 68 Aggregate reporting for all products ordered through 6 hours IMA-GUI and , separately, IMA-EDI (see disaggregation reporting). Availability:Notes: Available The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-GUI is the time Owest stores a status update related to the completion notice in the IMA Status Updates database. When this occurs, the notice can be immediately viewed by the GLEC using the Status Updates window or by using the LSR Notice Inquiry function. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised~~Fourth '" rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page 17 February 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-7 - Billing Completion Notification Timeliness Purpose: To evaluate the timeliness with which electronic billing completion notifications are made available or transmitted to CLECs, focusing on the percentage of notifications that are made available or transmitted (for CLECs) or posted in the billinQ system (for Owest retail) within five business days. Description: PO-7A & 7B: This measurement includes all orders posted in the CRIS billing system for which billing completion notices are made available or transmitted in the reporting period, subject to exclusions shown below. Intervals used in this measurement are from the time a service order is completed in the SOP to the time billing completion for the order is made available or transmitted to the GLEC. - The time a notice is "made available" via the IMA-GUI consists of the time Owest stores the completion notice in the IMA Status Updates database. When this occurs, the notice can be immediately viewed by the CLEC using the Status Updates window. ~ The time a notice is "transmitted" via IMA-EDI consists of the time Owest actually transmits the completion notice via IMA-EDI. Applicable only to those CLECs who are certified and setup to receive the notices via IMA-EDI. . The start time is when the completion of the service order is posted in the Owest SOP. The end time is when , confirming that the order has been posted in the GRIS billing system, the electronic billing completion notice is made available to the CLEC via the same ordering interface (IMA-GUI or IMA-EDI) as used to submit the LSR. Intervals counted in the numerator of these measurements are those that are five business days or less. PO- This measurement includes all retail orders posted in the CRIS Billing system in the reporting period, subject to exclusions shown below. Intervals used in this measurement are from the time an order is completed in the SOP to the time it is posted in the CRIS billing system. . The start time is when the completion of the order is posted in the SOP. The end time is when the order is posted in the GRIS billing system. Intervals counted in the numerator of this measurement are those that are five business days or less. Reporting Period: One month Reporting Comparisons: PO-7A and -7B: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results. PO-7C: Owest retail results. Formula: For wholesale service orders Owest enerates for LSRs received via IMA: PO-7A = (Number of electronic billing completion notices in the reporting period made available within five business days of posting complete in the SOP) + (Total Number of electronic billing completion notices made available during the reporting period) (Number of electronic billing completion notices in the reporting period transmitted within five business days of posting complete in the SOP) + (Total Number of electronic billing completion notices transmitted during the reporting period) I Unit of Measure: Percent Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. . PO-7A Notices made available via IMA-GUI . PO-7B Notices transmitted via IMA-EDI . PO-7C Billing system posting completions for Owest Retail PO- 7B = For service orders Owest enerates for retail customers the retail analo ue for PO-7A & - PO-7C = (Total number of retail service orders posted in the CRIS billing system in the reporting period that were posted within 5 business days) + (Total number of retail service orders posted in the CRIS billing system in the reporting period) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 2004 Page 18 PO-7 - Billing Completion Notification Timeliness (continued) Exclusions: PO-, 7B & 7C Services that are not billed through CRIS, e.g. Resale Frame Relay. Records with invalid completion dates. PO-7A & 7B LSRs submitted manually. ASRs submitted via EXACT. Product Reporting:Standard: Aggregate reporting for all products ordered through IMA-PO-7 A and -7B: Parity with PO- 7C GUI and, separately, IMA-EDI (see disaggregation reporting). Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B, Fourth f€I rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 2004 PO-8 - Jeopardy Notice Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of jeopardy notifications, focusing on how far in advance of original due dates jeopardy notifications are provided to GLEGs (regardless of whether the due date was actually missed). Description: Measures the average time lapsed between the date the customer is first notified of an order jeopardy event and the original due date of the order. Includes all orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notifications. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Average Business days '"Vlt: Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate, individual CLEC and Qwest (This measure is reported by jeopardy notification process Retail results as used for the categories shown under Product Reporting. Formula: (~(Date of the original due date of orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification - Date of the first jeopardy notification) + Total orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification) Exclusions: Jeopardies done after the original due date is past. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standards: Non-Designed Services A Parity with Retail POTS Unbundled Loops (with or without B Parity with Retail POTS Number Portability) LIS Trunks C Parity with Feature Group 0 (FGD) services UNE-P (POTS)Parity with Retail POTS Availability:Notes: Available 1. For PO-8A and -, Saturday is counted as a business day for all non-dispatched orders for Resale Residence , Resale Business, and UNE- (POTS), as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For dispatched orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business and UNE-P (POTS) and for all other products reported under PO-8B and -, Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due on Saturday. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page 20 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-9 - Timely Jeopardy Notices Purpose: When original due dates are missed, measures the extent to which Qwest notifies customers advance of jeopardized due dates. Description: Measures the percentage of late orders for which advance jeopardy notification is provided. Includes all inward orders (Change , New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed in the reporting period that missed the original due date. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all C orders representing inward activity (vvith ::tnd :Jction coded line USOCs) Missed due date orders with jeopardy notifications provided on or after the original due date is past will be counted in the denominator of the formula but will not be counted in the numerator. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate, individual CLEC and (This measure is reported by jeopardy notification process as Qwest Retail results used for the categories shown under Product Reporting. Formula: ((Total missed due date orders completed in the reporting period that received jeopardy notification in advance of original due date) ~ (Total number of missed due date orders completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Orders missed for customer reasons. Records with invalid product codes. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PIO. Product Reporting:Standards: Non-Designed Services A Parity with Retail POTS Unbundled Loops (with or without Number B Parity with Retail POTS Portability) LIS Trunks C Parity with Feature Group 0 (FGO) Services UNE-(POTS)Parity with Retail POTS Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth 'II re'lisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO 10 LSR Accountability Purpoze: Ev:Jlu:Jtee the degree to which Q....est c::m 3ccount for ::III LSRe received electronic3l1y. Description: Measures the number of LSRs received vi3 IM/\ GUI ::md IM/\ EDI interbces that Qwest has issued (confirmed) or accounted for in specific sbtus categories , as a percentage of all LSRs received in the reporting period. Includes all LSRs that ::Ire recei'.'ed vi3 the IM/\ GUI ::md IM.'\ EDI interbces, subject to exclusions specified below. ?t3tus categories ::Iccounted for include: Pending (Le., assigned to a center represent3tive for h3ndling); Supplemented (i subsequent version of request that has not been confirmed or rejected 3t time of reporting); Cancelled (by the CLEC prior to Qwest returning confirmation to the CLEC); Rejected (i., rejection notice has been sent to the CLEC); : Issued (i., the order has been processed 3nd confirm3tion has been returned to the CLEC); Error (Le auto logging error indicating a field value mism::ltch between the electronic interface ::Ind the Customer Request Management (CRM) system, 3t time of reporting, in p3r311el vlith the ordering processing in a m3nner that does not impede timeliness); Project (Le., routed to project management for handling); Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure:Percent Reporting Comparisons:CLEC aggregate results Disaggregation Reporting:Region '.'lido 10'101. Formula ((Count of 311 LSRs issued or in St3tUS c3tegBFie-s--specified abovo)(Tot::ll numbor of LSRs received in reporting period)) x 1 00 Exclusions: :::'Front end rejects-(e., 997notific3tions) th::lt would not be eligible for confirmation or rejection Product Reporting:None Standard: GQT 99 percent All Other States: Diagnostic NG+&-:! Availability:Notes'-. /\v3i13ble Rm:ults th3t nominally exceed 100 percent m3Y be due to timing differencec in obtaining the quantities for the status categories (numerator) and for the total LSRs received (denomin::ltor).It ie ::Ileo possible for recults to nominally fall chort of 100 percent for the e3me re3con. Bec::luse Q'Nect h3c ::I mechanized auto logging process for tr::lcl~ing LSRe , Qwect believes the ROC TJ\G Nill determine this measurement to be unneceec3ry 3fter being audited in the ROC Teet.Aooordingly, vect may appre::lch the TAG to withdraw thic me3surement 3fter the Tect, after reporting multiple consecutive monthc demonctr3ting that r'\,~n,.j ~~~~, onl" f~r I QO" Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~ ,g revisionA.,mended Exhibit B Febru3ry 1-7Mav 5, 2004 PO-15 - Number of Due Date Changes per Order Purpose: To evaluate the extent to which Owest changes due dates on orders. Description: Measures the average number of Owest due date changes per order. Includes all inward orders (Change . New, and Transfer order types) that have been assigned a due date in the reporting period subject to the exclusions below. Change order types for additional lines consist of all "C" orders representing inward activity ('.'3nd 'T 3ction codod line USaCE:.. Counts all due date changes ':lade for Owest reasons following assignment of the original due date. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Average Number of Due Date Changes Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. CLEC aggregate, individual GLEC, and Owest retail results. Formula: L(Gount of Owest due date changes on all orders) -;- (Total orders in reporting period) Exclusions: Customer requested due date changes. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the riD. Product Reporting:Standard: None Diagnostic Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-16- Timely Release Notifications Purpose: Measures the percent of release notifications for changes to specified ass interfaces sent by Owest to CLECs within the intervals and scope specified within the change management plan found on Owest's Change Management Process, (CMP) website at http://www.qwesLcom/wholesale/cmp/whatiscmp.html. Description: . Measures the percent of release notices that are sent by Owest within the intervals/timeframes prescribed by the release notification procedure on Owest's CMP website. NOTE 1 Release notices measured are: Draft Technical Specifications (for App to App interfaces only); Final Technical Specifications (for App to App interfaces only); Draft Release Notices (for IMA-GUI interfaces only); Final Release Notices (for IMA-GUI interfaces only); and - OSS Interface Retirement Notices. NOTE For the following OSS interfaces: - IMA-GUI , IMA-EDI; CEMR; Exchange Access, Control, & Tracking (EXACT); NOTE 3 Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration (EB -TA); NOTE 4 lABS and CRIS Summary Bill Outputs; NOTE 5 Loss and Completion Records; NOTE 5 New ass interfaces (for introduction notices only.) NOTE 6 - Also included are notifications for connectivity or system function changes to Resale Product Database. Includes ass interface release notifications by Owest relating to the following products and service categories: LlSllnterconnection, Collocation, Unbundled Network Elements (UN E), Ancillary, and Resale Products and Services. Includes ass interface release notifications by Owest to CLECs for the following ass functions: Pre-Ordering, Ordering, Provisioning, Repair and Maintenance , and Billing. Includes Types of Changes as specified in the "Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document" (Section 4 - Types of Changes). Includes all ass interface release notifications pertaining to the above ass systems, subject to the exclusions specified below. Release Notifications sent on or before the date required by the CMP are considered timely. A release notification "sent date" is determined by the date of the e-mail sent by Owest that provides the Release Notification. NOTE 7 Release Notifications sent after the date required by the (CMP) are considered untimely. Release Notifications required but not sent are considered untimely. Reporting Period: One month Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate Unit of Measure: Percent Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Formula: ((Number of required release notifications for specified ass interface changes made within the reporting period that are sent on or before the date required by the change management plan (CMP) + Total number of required release notifications for specified ass interface changes within reporting period))x100 Exclusions: Changes to be implemented on an expedited basis (exception to ass notification intervals) as mutually agreed upon by CLECs and Owest through the CMP. Changes where Owest and CLECs agree, throuQh the CMP, that notification is unnecessary. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page 24 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-16 Timely Release Notifications (continued) Product Reporting:None Standards: Vol. 1-10: No more than one untimely notification Vol. ;;. 10: 92.5% timely notifications Availability: Available Notes: 1. The Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document specifies the intervals for release notifications by type of notification. These intervals are documented in the change management plan. 2. The documents described in section "0 - Retirement of Existing ass Interfaces" of the "Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document" as "Initial Retirement Notice" and "Final Retirement Notice. 3. EXACT is a Telecordia system. Only release notifications for changes initiated by Owest for hardware or connectivity will be included in this measurement. 4. EB-TA is the same system as MEDIACC. 5. CRIS, lABS, and Loss and Completions will adhere to the notification intervals documented in section 8.1 - Changes to Existing Application to Application Interface. 6. The documents described in section "0 - Introduction of New ass Interface" of the "Owest Wholesale Change Management Process Document" as "Initial Release Announcement and Preliminary Implementation Plan" (new App to App only), "Initial Interface Technical Specification" (new App to App only), "Final Interface Technical Specifications (new App to App only), "Release Notification (new GUI only). CMP notices for "Introduction of a New 088" are to be included in this measurement even though the new system is not explicitly listed in the Description" section of this PID. However, once implemented , the system will not be added to the measurement for purposes of measuring release, change and retirement notifications unless specifically incorporated as an authorized change to the PID. 7. The intervals used to determine timeliness are based on CMP guidelines. Owest Idaho 8GAT Third Revised Exhibit B FourthJfG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO-19 - Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracy Purpose: Evaluates Owest's ability to provide accurate production-like tests to CLECs for testing ge#t--new releases ~nd botwoon rolo~GoG in the SATE and roduction environments and testin between releases in the SATE environment. Description: PO-19A Measures the percentage of test transactions that conform to the test scenarios published in the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE) that are successfully executed in SATE at the time a new IMA Release is deployed to SATE. In months where no release activity occurs, measures the percentage of test transactions that conform to the test scenarios published in the current IMA EDI Data Document-for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE) that are successfully executed in SATE during the mif:lbetween-release~ monthly performance test. Includes one test transaction for each test scenario published in the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE). Test transactions will be executed for each of the IMA releases supported in SATE utilizing all GYfFef1t test scenarios for each of the current versions of the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE). The successful execution of a transaction is determined by the Owest Test Engineer according to: The expected results of the test scenario as described in the IMA EDI Data Document for the Stand Alone Test Environment (SA TE) and the EDI disclosure document. The transactions strict adherence to business rules published in Owest's most current IMA EDI Disclosure Documentation for each release and the associated Addenda. NOTE 1 For this measurement, Owest will execute the test transactions in the Stand-Alone Test Environment. Release related test transactions will be executed when a full or point release of IMA is installed in SATE. These transactions will be executed within five business da s of the numbered release being originally installed in SATE. This five-business day period will be referred to as the "Testing Window. Mid-release monthly performance test transactions will be executed in the months when no Testing Window for a release is completed. These transactions will be executed on the 15 , or the nearest working day to the 15th of the month, in the months when no release related test transactions are executed. Test transaction results will be re orted b release and included in the Reporting Period during which the release transactions or mid-release test transactions are completed. 19B Validates the extent that SATE mirrors Droduction bv measurinG the oercentaae of IMA ED! test transactions that oroduce comoarable results in SATE and in oroduction. Transactions counted as oroducina comoarable results are those that return correctlv formatted data and fields as SQecified in the release s EDI disclosure document and develooer worksheets related to the IMA release beinG tested. Comoarabilitv will be determined bv evaluatinG the data and fields in each EDI messaGe for the test transactions aGainst the same data and fields for Preorder Queries LSRs and Suoolementals. and returned as Query Resoonses Acknowledaements Firm Order Confirmations (FOCs) for flow-throuGh eliGible oroducts and reiects. Test transactions are executed one time for each new maior IMA release within 7 davs after the IMA release. Test transactions consist of a defined suite of Product/Activitv combinations. Qwest's three reGions will be reoresented. NU i "- Pre-order. Order. and Post-order transactions (FOCs for flow-throuGh oroducts) are included. With resoect to the comoarabilitv of the structure and content of results from SATE and oroduction environments. this measurement focuses on Iv on the validitv of the structure and the validitv of the content oer develooer worksheets and EID maDDinG examoles distributed as Dart of release notifications. NUIt: j Reporting Period: Unit of Measure:Percent Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourtl1 HI rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page 26 Febru3ry 17May 5, 2004 PO 19 Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracv (continued) PO-1 9A -- One month PO-1 98: -- One month (for those months in which release-related test transactions are completed) Reporting Comparisons: None Disaggregation Reporting: NeAe PO-19A - Reported separately for each release tested in the re ortinG period PO-19B -- None Formula: PO-19A ((Total number of successfully completed SATE test transactions executed for a Software Release or MiGbetween-release~ performance test completed in the Reporting Period) -;- (Total number of SATE test transactions executed for a-each Software Release or MiElbetween-release~ performance test completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 PO-19B Inotal number of com Dieted IMA EDI test transactions executed in SATE and production that Droduce comDarable results for each new maior IMA Software Release completed in the Reportina Period) + (Total number of completed IMA EDI test transactions executed in SATE and Droduction for each new maior IMA Software Release completed in the ReDortina Period)l x 100 Exclusions: NeAe For PO-19B: Transactions that fail due to the unavailabilitv of a content item (e.a.. TN exhaustion in SATE or th~ production environment) or a function in the SATE or production environments (e.o. address validation Query or CSR Query) that is unsuccessful due to an outage in systems that interfac:e with IMA-EDI (e.a.. PREMIS or SlAt Transactions that fail because of differences between the Droduction and SATE results caused when em IMA candidate is implemented into IMA and not SATE (i.e. where CMP decides not to implement an IMA candidate in a SATE release: e.o.. the Reiect Duplicate LSR candidate in IMA 12.0). This exclusion does not aoolv durinG reportinG periods in which there are no differences between nroduction IMA and SATE caused bv SATE releases packaGed pursuant to CMP decisions. Product Reporting: None Standard:9&% PO-19A -- 95% for each release tested PO-19B - 95% Availability:Notes: Available Transactions that are exec.uted snd found to have incODsistenci~s with the data and format rules will be corrected and rerun. Rerun. volumes will not be counted in the denQminator for PO-19. Such corrections and re-executions are intended to enforce strict adherence to sjness rules published in Owest's most current IMA EDI Data and Disclosure Documents. The product and CJctivitv combinations that make UP the test decks for PO-1 98 will be updated after each maior IMA software release and provided to CLEGs with the oublicCJtion of IMA EDI Draft Interface Technical Specifications for the next maior IMA software release as defined in the GMP process. All combinations with EDI transaction volumes ;:. 100 in the.....Qrevious 12-month period will be included in the test deck. 75 days prior to the execution of the test. Owest will run a query Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth r4 revisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 PO -19 Stand-Alone Test Environment (SATE) Accuracy (continued) aGainst IMA to determine which combinations meet the criteria for inclusion (i.e. volumes)- 100 ). 3. The intent of this orovision is to avoid includinG the effects of circumstances bevond the SATE environment that could cause differences in SATE and oroduction results that are not due to oroblems in mirrorinG oroduction. For exam ole because of real-time data manioulation in oroduction an aooointment availabilitv auerv transaction in SATE will not return the same list of available aooointments as in oroduction. Available aooointments in oroduction are fullv deoendent on real-time activities that occur there whereas available aooointments in SATE are based on a ore- defined list that is reoresentative of oroduction. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Ordering and Provisioning OP-2 - Calls Answered within Twenty Seconds - Interconnect Provisioning Center Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of CLEC access to Owest's interconnection provisioning center(s) and retail customer access to the Business Office, focusing on the extent calls are answered within 20 seconds. Description: Measures the percentage of (Interconnection Provisioning Center or Retail Business Office) calls that are answered by an agent within 20 seconds of the first ring. Includes all calls to the Interconnect Provisioning Center/Retail Business Office during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Abandoned calls and busy calls are counted as calls which are not answered within 20 seconds. First ring is defined as when the customer's call is first placed in queue by the ACO (Automatic Call Distributor). Answer is defined as when the call is first picked up by the Owest agent. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Owest Retail results Formula: ((Total Calls Answered by Center within 20 seconds) -;- (Total Calls received by Center)) x 100 Exclusions: Time spent in the VRU Voice Response Unit is not counted. Product Reporting: Not applicable Standard: Parity Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Op.3 - Installation Commitments Met Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Qwest installs services for Customers bv the scheduled due date. Description: Measures the percentage of orders for which the scheduled due date is met. All inward orders (Change , New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured, subject to exclusions specified below.Change order types included this measurement consist of all orders representing inward activitv (v.'ith "I" 3nd "T" 3ction coded line USOCs). Also included are orders with customer-requested due dates longer than the standard interval. Completion date on or before the Applicable Due Date recorded by Qwest is counted as a met due date. The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated, changed due date , if anv. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons:Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate Disaggregation" will be reported according to orders involving: individual CLEC OP-3A Dispatches within MSAs; and Qwest Retail OP-3B Dispatches outside MSAs; and results OP-3C No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to installations: OP-3D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and OP-3E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Total Orders completed in the reporting period on or before the Applicable Due Date) -;- (Total Orders Completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: Disconnect , From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. Due dates missed for standard categories of customer and non-Qwest reasons. Standard categories of customer reasons are: previous service at the location did not have a customer- requested disconnect order issued , no access to customer premises , and customer hold for payment. Standard categories of non-Qwest reasons are: W?ather, Disaster, and Work Stoppage. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~F!I rovisionAmended Exhibit B Page 30 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP - 3 Installation Commitments Met (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-Tvoe Disaaareaation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service DSO (non-designed provisioninQ)Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Primary ISDN (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting W3chington only Di3gno~tic95% Line Sharing 95% Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: 90% All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-TvDe Disaaareaation - Resale Primary ISDN (desiQned provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN (desiQned provisioning)Parity with retail service DSO (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Parity with retail DS1 Private Line UDIT - Above DS11evei I Parity with retail Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analoq Loop 90% Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)90% Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop 90% Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aggregate)Line services (aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic Loops with Conditioning 90% E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO WA: 90% level)'/'13shington only All Other States: Diaanostic Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP - 3 Installation Commitments Met (continued) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (081 90% level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (083 WA: 90% level)VV3shington only All Other States: Diaanostic Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho 8GA T Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~r4 rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-4 - Installation Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Qwest's installation of services for customers, focusing on the average time to install service. Description: Measures the average interval (in business da s) NOTE 1 between the a lication date and the completion date for service orders accepted and implemented. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) assigned a due date by Qwest and which are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types for additional lines consist of all C orders representing inward activit (with and 'T Dction coded line USOCe) Intervals for each measured event are counted in whole days: the application date is day zero (0); the day following the application date is day one (1). . The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (ab subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated, changed due date, if any. N TE 2 . Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Qwest-initiated due date , if any, followin~ the Applicable Due Date, from the subsequent customer-initiated due date , if any. NOTE Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Average Business DaysReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for product/services listed in Product Reporting under "MSA TypeCLEC Disaggregation" will be reported according to orders involving: aggregate , OP-4A Dispatches within MSAs;individual CLEC OP-4B Dispatches outside MSAs; andand Qwest OP-4C No dispatches. Retail results Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to installations: OP-4D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and OP-4E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: L((Order Completion Date) - (Order Application Date) - (Time interval between the Original Due Date and the Applicable Date) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) + Total Number of Orders Completed in the reporting period lanation: The average installation interval is derived by dividing the sum of installation intervals for all orders (in business days) NOTE 1 by total number ef service orders completed in the reporting period. Exclusions: Orders with customer requested due dates greater than the current standard interval. . Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or application dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth 1G revisionAmended Exhibit B Page 33 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-4 -Installation Interval (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-Tvce Disaaareaation - Resale Residential sinqle line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service DSO (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Primary ISDN (non-designed Parity with retail service provisioning) Basic ISDN (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (non-designed provisioninq)Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splittin~Di3gnostic3.3 davs Line Sharing 3 days Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: 6 days All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-Type Disaaareaation - Resale Primary ISDN (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN(designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DSO (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retaii service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS11evei Parity with DS1 Private Line Service UDIT - Above DS1 level Parity with Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop 6 days Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)6 days Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line DS1-capable Loop Idaho. Iowa, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota. Oreaon. Wvomina' Parity with retail DS1 Private Line Arizona , Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico South Dakota Utah Washinntnn: l::.'::' rI~,,~ ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop 6 days Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate services (aggregate)(aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic Loops with Conditioning 15 days Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi FBVi5ieJ:1.Amended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-4 - Installation Interval (continued) E911 /911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks :::'Enh3nced Extended Loops (EELs)1\11 St3tes Di3gnostic excluding VV3shington Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnosticlevel' . ~~ Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 6 days level '" ~~ Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level Availability:Notes: Available For OP-, Saturday is counted as a business day for all orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business, and UNE-P (POTS), as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For all other products under OP-4C and for all products under OP- , - , and -4E. Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due or completed on Saturday. According to this definition , the Applicable Due Date can change per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (i.e., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest-initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest- initiated due date change , any further customer-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest-initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer- initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest-initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported interval. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~iG revisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-5 - New Service Quality Purpose: Evaluates the quality of ordering and installing new services (inward line service orders), focusing on the percentage of newly-installed service orders that are free of GLEe/customer-initiated trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days following installation completion, and focusing on the quality of Owest's resolution of such conditions with respect to multiple reports. Description: Measures two components of new service provisioning quality (OP-5A and -58) and also reports a combined result (OP-5T), as described below, each as a percentage of all inward line service orders completed in the reporting period that are free of GLEe/customer-reported provisioning and repair trouble reports , as described below. Also measures the percentage of all provisioning and repair trouble reports that constitute multiple trouble reports for the affected service orders. (OP-5R) Orders for new services considered in calculating all components of this performance indicator are all inward line service orders completed in the reporting period , including Change (C-type) orders for additional lines/circuits, subject to exclusions shown below. Change order types considered in these measurements consist of all C orders representing inward activity (with "I" :.1nd "T" 3ction coded line/circuit USOCS)OTE 1 Orders for new service installations include conversions (Retail to CLEC, CLEC to CLEC, and same CLEC converting between products). Provisioning or repair trouble reports include both out of service and other service affecting conditions such as features on a line that are missing or do not function properly upon conversion, subject to exclusions shown below. OP-New Service Installation Quality Reported to Repair Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of repair trouble reports NOTE 2 within 30 calendar days of installation completion, subject to exclusions below. Repair trouble reports are defined as GLEe/customer notifications to Qwest of out-of-service and other service affecting conditions for which Qwest opens repair tickets in its maintenance and repair management and tracking systems NOTE 3 that are closed in the reporting period or the following month, NOTE 4 subject to exclusions shown below. NOTE 5 Qwest is able to open repair tickets for repair trouble reports received from GLEes/customers once the service order is completed in Owest's systems. OP-New Service Provisionina Quality Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of provisioning trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days of installation completion, subject to exclusions shown below. Provisioning trouble reports are defined as CLEC notifications to Owest of out of service or other service affecting conditions that are attributable to provisioning activities, including but not limited to LSR/service order mismatches and conversion outages. For provisioning trouble reports , Qwest creates call center tickets in its call center database. Subject to exclusions shown below, call center tickets closed in the reporting period or the following month NOTE 4 are captured in this measurement. Call center tickets closed to Network reasons will not be counted in OP-5B when a repair trouble report for that order is captured in OP-5A. NOTE 5. 6 OP-5T: New Service Installation Quality Total Measures the percentage of inward line service orders that are free of repair or provisioning trouble reports during the provisioning process and within 30 calendar days of installation completion , subject to exclusion shown below. OP-5R: New Service Quality Multiple Report Rate Evaluates the quality of Qwest's responses to repair and provisioning trouble reports for inward line service orders completed in the reporting period. This measurement reports, for those service orders that were not free of repair or provisioning trouble reports in OP-5A or OP-, the percentage of trouble reports affecting the same service orders that were followed by additional repair and provisioning trouble reports, as specified below. Measures the percentage of all repair and provisioning trouble reports considered in OP-5A and Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 , FourthJrG revision Amended Exhibit B Page 36 Fcbru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 OP. 5 - New Service Quality (continued) OP-5B that are additional repair or provisioning trouble reports received by Owest for the same service order during the provisioning process or within 30 calendar days following installation completion. Additional repair or provisioning trouble reports are defined as all such reports that are received following the first report (whether the first report is represented by a call center ticket or a repair ticket) relating to the same service order during the provisioning process or within 30 calendar days following installation completion. In all cases, the trouble reports counted are those that are defined for OP-5A and OP-5B above. NOTE Reporting Period: One month , reported in arrears (i., results first appear in reports one month later than results for measurements that are not reported in arrears), in order to cover the 30-day period following installation. Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level individual CLEC and Owest Retail results Formulas: OP-5A = (Number inward line service orders completed in the reporting period - Number of inward line service orders with any re air trouble re orts as specified above) 7 (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 Unit of Measure: Percent OP-58 = (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period - Number of inward line service orders with any rovisionin trouble re orts as specified above) 7 (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 OP-5T = ((Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) - Number of inward line service orders with re air or rovisionin trouble re orts as defined above under OP-5A or OP- as applicable) 7 (Number of inward line service orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 OP-5R = (Number of all repair and provisioning trouble reports, relating to inward line service orders closed in the reporting period as defined above under OP-5A or OP-, that constitute additional repair and provisioning trouble reports, within 30 calendar days following the installation date -;- Number of all repair and provisioning trouble reports relating to inward line service orders closed In the reporting period, as defined above under OP-5A or OP-5B) x 100 Exclusions: licable to OP-OP-5T and OP-5R: Repair trouble reports attributable to CLEC or coded to non-Owest reasons as follows: For products measured from MTAS data, repair trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous- Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE , Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider); and Reports from other than the GLEe/customer that result in a charge if dispatched. For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data , repair reports coded to codes for: Carrier Action (IEC); Customer Provided Equipment (CPE); Commercial power failure; Customer requested service order activity; and Other non-Owest. Repair reports coded to disposition codes for referral to another department (i., for non-repair ticket resolutions of non-installation-related problems, except cable cuts, which are not excluded). licable to OP-OP-5T and OP-5R onl Provisioning trouble reports attributable to CLEC or non-Owest causes. Call center tickets relating to activities that occur as part of the normal process of conversion (i., while Owest is actively and properly engaged in process of converting or installing the service). Provisioning trouble reports involving service orders that, at the time of the calls, have fallen out for manual handling and been disassociated from the related service order, as applicable, will be considered as not in the normal process of conversion and will not be excluded. licable to OP-OP-OP-5T and OP-5R: Repair or provisioning trouble reports related to service orders captured as misses under measurements OP-13 (Coordinated Cuts Timeliness) or OP-17 (LNP Timeliness). Subsequent repair or provisioning trouble reports of any trouble on the installed service before the Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B FourthJRI rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 op. 5 - New Service Quality (continued) original repair or provisioning trouble report is closed. Service orders closed in the reporting period with App Dates earlier than eight months prior to the beginning of the reporting period. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. . Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. When out of service or service affecting problems are reported to the call center on conversion and move requests, the resulting call center ticket will be included in the calculation of the numerator in association with the related inward order type even when the call center ticket reflects the problem was caused by the Disconnect or From order. Records involving official Owest company services. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement as defined herein. Product Reporting Categories: Standards: As specified below - one OP-5A: percentage result reported for OP-5B: each bulleted category under the sub-measurements shown. Parity with retail service Diagnostic for six months following first reporting. After six months Benchmark (TBD) OP-5T: Diagnostic OP-5R: Diagnostic for six months following first reporting. Possible standard (TBD) (Where parity comparisons involve multiple service varieties in a product category, weighting based on the retail analogue volumes may be used if necessary to create a comparison that is not affected by different proportions of wholesale and retail analogue volumes in the same reporting category. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth r4 revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP- 5 - New Service Quality (continued) Product Reporting:I Standards: Reported under OP-5A, OP-58, OP-5T and OP-5R: (Product categories may be combined as agreed upon by the parties in Long-Term PID Administration. OP-OP-OP-5T & OP- Resale Residential single line Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic service Business single line Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic service Centrex Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Centrex 21 Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic PBX Trunks Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Basic ISDN Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Owest DSL Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Primary ISDN Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic DSO Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic DS1 Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic DS3 and higher bit-Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic rate services (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Unbundled Network Parity with like retail 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Element - Platform service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Parity with retail Centrex 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Element - Platform (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Parity with retail Centrex 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Element - Platform (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic Line Sharing Parity with retail RES &6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res &6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic Bus POTS with dispatch Non-loaded Loop (2-Parity with retail ISDN 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic wire)BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-Parity with retail DS1 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic wire) DS 1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic DSL with dispatch Loop types of DS3 and Parity with retail DS3 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark TBD Diagnostic higher bit-rates and higher bit-rate (aggregate)seryices (aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic Diagnostic Diagnostic Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 op. 5 - New Service Quality (continued) Enhanced Extended Loops Diagnostic until volume Diagnostic until volume criteria are Diagnostic (EELs) - (DSO level)criteria are met met Enhanced Extended Loops Parity with retail DS1 6 mo. Diagnostic; Benchmark Diagnostic (EELs) - (DS1 level)Private Line TBD Enhanced Extended Loops Diagnostic until volume Diagnostic until volume criteria are Diagnostic (EELs) - (above DS1 criteria are met met level) ReDorted under OP-5A and under Op.5R (ner OP-5A snecifications\: OP-OP- LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Diagnostic Group D (aqgregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT (DS1 Level)Parity with Retail Private Diagnostic Lines (DS1) UDIT (Above DS1 Level)Parity with Retail Private Diagnostic Lines (Above DS 1 level) Dark Fiber - 10F Diagnostic Diagnostic E911 /911 Trunks Parity with Retail Diagnostic E911 /911 Trunks Availability:Notes: The specified Change order types reoresentina inward activitv (i.a., with "I" &. " Available :JCtion cod os) exclude Change orders that do not involve installation of lines (in both YAGef wholesale and retail results). Specifically this measurement does not include Development:changes to existing lines, such as number changes and PIC changes. (Subject to fin31 Including consideration of repeat repair trouble reports (i., additional reports of refinements during trouble related to the same newly-installed line/circuit that are received after the implomont3tion)preceding repair report is closed and within 30 days following installation OP 51\, OP 5B completion) to complete the determination of whether the newly-installed line/circuit OP 5T and was trouble free within 30 days of installation Owest's repair management and tracking systems consist of WFA (Work Force beginning Itiith Administration), MTAS (Maintenance Tracking and Administration System), and No'! 03 dat3 successor repair systems , if any, as applicable to obtain the repair report data for reported in this measurement. Not included are Call Center Database systems supporting call JaR-Q4.centers in logging calls from customers regarding problems or other inquiries (see OP-5B and OP-5T). The "following month" includes also the period of a few business da s (typically four or five) afterward , up to the time when Owest pulls the repair data to begin processing results for this measurement. Includes repair and provisioning trouble reports generated by new processes that supersede or supplement existing processes for submitting repair and provisioning trouble reports as specified in Owest's documented or agreed upon procedures. For purposes of calculating OP-, a call center ticket for multiple orders with provisioning trouble reports will result in all orders reporting trouble counting as a miss in OP-5B. If a repair trouble report(s) is received for the same orders, the number of orders counted as a miss in OP-5B for Network reasons will be reduced by the number of orders with repair troubles counted as a miss in OP-SA. OP-SR will be counted on a per ticket basis. Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit FoLillb '" rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav S, 2004 OP-6 - Delayed Days Purpose: Evaluates the extent Qwest is late in installing services for customers, focusing on the average number of days that late orders are completed beyond the committed due date. Description: OP-6A - Measures the average number of business da s NOTE 1 that service is delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for non-facility reasons attributed to Qwest. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) that are completed/closed during the reporting period, later, due to non-facility reasons, than the Applicable Due Date recorded by Qwest, subject to exclusions specified below. OP-6B - Measures the average number of business days NOTE 1 that service is delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for facility reasons attributed to Qwest. Includes all inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) that are completed/closed during the reporting period later due to facility reasons than the original due date recorded by Qwest, subject to exclusions specified below. For both OP-6A and OP-6B: . Change order types for additional lines consist of "C" orders with ~md 3ction codod lino USOCs resentin inward activit . The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Qwest changes a due date for Qwest reasons the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is (a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Qwest-initiated, changed due date, if any. NOTE 2 Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Qwest- initiated due date , if any, following the Applicable Due Date , from the subsequent customer-initiated due date, if any. NOTE 2 Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Average Business DaysReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for products/services listed under Product Reporting under "MSA type CLEC aggregate , Disaggregation" will be reported for OP-6A and OP-6B according to ordersindividual CLEC involving: and Qwest Retail 1. Dispatches within MSAs;results 2. Dispatches outside MSAs; and3. No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to installations:4. In Interval Zone 1 areas; and5. In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: OP-6A = 2.:((Actual Completion Date of late order for non-facility reasons) - (Applicable Due Date of late order) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) -0- (Total Number of Late Orders for non-facility reasons completed in the reporting period) OP-6B = 2.:((Actual Completion Date of late order for facility reasons) - (Applicable Due Date of late order)) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date) -0- (Total Number of Late Orders for facility reasons completed in the reporting period) Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~ffI revision Amended Exhibit B Page 41 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP- 6 - Delayed Days (continued) Exclusions: Orders affected only by delays that are solely for customer and/or CLEC reasons. Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missinQ data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-Tvoe Disaaareaation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business sinqle line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service DSO (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Primary ISDN (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Qwest DSL (non-designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line SplittinQ Di3gnosticParit with retail west DSL Line Sharing Di3gnosticParitv with retail Owest DSL Sub-Loop UnbundlinQ Diagnostic Zone-type Disaaareaation - Resale Primary ISDN (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Basic ISDN (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service DSO (desiQned provisioninq)Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks (designed provisioning)Parity with retail service Owest DSL (desiqned provisioning)Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS11evei Parity with retail DS1 Private Line- Service UDIT -Above DS11evei Parity with retail Private Line- Services above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: AnaloQ Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS with dispatch Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest DSL , with dispatch Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aggregate)Line services (aggregate) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B FourthafG revicionAmended Exhibit B February 17Mav 5, 2004 OP- 6 - Delayed Days (continued) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic E911 /911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks :.cEnh:mcod Extendod Loops (EELs)1\11 StateD Diagnostic 9*GI Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 OP-6A: Parity with retail DS1 Private Linelevel) M OP-6B: Diagnostic Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level) Availability:Notes: Available For OP-6A-3 and OP-6B-, Saturday is counted as a business day for all orders for Resale Residence , Resale Business, and UNE- (POTS), as well as for the retail analogues specified above as standards. For all other products under OP-6A-3 and OP-6B-, and for all products under OP-6A- , - 6A- , - 6A- , - 6A- , - 6B- , - 6B- , - 6B-, and -6B-. Saturday is counted as a business day when the service order is due or completed on Saturday. According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays, up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (i.e., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest-initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change. any further customer-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent. in cases where multiple Qwest- initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer-initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest- initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval, and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported interval. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised~j.t...g Fourth fG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-7 - Coordinated "Hot Cut" Interval- Unbundled Loop Purpose: Evaluates the duration of completing coordinated "hot cuts" of unbundled loops, focusing on the time actually involved in disconnecting the loop from the Owest network and connecting/testing the loop. Description: Measures the average time to complete coordinated "hot cuts" for unbundled loops , based on intervals beginning with the "lift" time and ending with the completion time of Owest's applicable tests for the loop. Includes all coordinated hot cuts of unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Hot cut" refers to moving the service of existing customers from Owest's switch/frames to the CLEC's equipment, via unbundled loops. that will serve the customers. Lift" time is defined as when Owest disconnects the existing loop. Completion time" is defined as when Owest completes the applicable tests after connecting the loop to the CLEC. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Hours and Minutes Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate and individual CLEC results Formula: I(Completion time - Lift time) -0- (Total Number of unbundled loops with coordinated cutovers completed in the reporting period) Exclusions: Time intervals associated with CLEC-caused delays. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Invalid starUstop dates/times or invalid scheduled date/times. Product Reporting: Coordinated Unbundled Standard: Loops - Reported separately for:co: 1 hour Analog Loops All Other States: Diagnostic in light of OP- All other Loop Types (Coordinated Cuts On Time) Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B, Fourth F9 re'lisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-8 - Number Portability Timeliness Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of cutovers of local number portability (LNP). Description: OP-8B - LNP Timeliness with Loop Coordination (percent.l: Measures the percentage of coordinated LNP triggers set prior to the scheduled start time for the loop. All orders for LNP coordinated with unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured, subject to exclusions specified below. OP-8C -LNP Timeliness without Loop Coordination (percent): Measures the percentage of LNP triggers set prior to the Frame Due Time or scheduled start time for the LNP cutover as applicable. All orders for LNP for which coordination with a loop was not requested that are completed/closed during the reporting period are measured (including standalone LNP coordinated with other than Qwest-provided Unbundled Loops and non-coordinated standalone LNP), subject to exclusions specified below. For purposes of these measurements (OP-8B and -8C), "trigger" refers to the "1 a-digit unconditional trigger" or Line Side Attribute (LSA) that is set or translated by Qwest. Scheduled start time" is defined as the confirmed appointment time (as stated on the FOC), or a newly negotiated time. In the case of LNP cutovers coordinated with loops, the scheduled time used in this measurement will be no later than the "lay" time for the loop. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent of triggers set on time Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC results Formula: OP-8B = ((Number of LNP triggers set before the scheduled time for the coordinated loop cutover) .;- (Total Number of LNP activations coordinated with unbundled loops completed)) x 100 OP-8C = ((Number of LNP triggers set before the Frame Due Time or Scheduled Start Time) .;- (Total Number of LNP activations without loop cutovers completed)) x 100 Exclusions: GLEe-caused delays in trigger setting. LNP requests that do not involve automatic triggers (e., DID lines without separate, unique telephone numbers and Centrex 21). LNP requests for which the records used as sources of data for these measurements have the following types of errors: Records with no paN (purchase order number) or STATE. Records where triggers cannot be set due to switch capabilities. Records with invalid due dates, a lication dates , or start dates. Records with invalid completion dates. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid frame due or scheduled date/times. Product Reporting: None Standard:95% Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth F9 rovi8ion Amended Exhibit B Page 45 Febru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop Purpose: Evaluates the percentage of coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are completed on time, focusing on cuts completed within one hour of the committed order due time and the percent that were started without CLEC approval. Description: Includes all LSRs for coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are completed/closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. . OP-13A - Measures the percentage of LSRs (CLEC orders) for all coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are started and completed on time. For coordinated loop cuts to be counted as " time" in this measurement, the CLEC must agree to the start time, and Owest must (1) receive verbal CLEC approval before starting the cut or lifting the loop, (2) complete the physical work and appropriate tests, (3) complete the Owest portion of any associated LNP orders and (4) call the CLEC with completion information , all within one hour of the time interval defined by the committed order due time. . OP-13B - Measures the percentage of all LSRs for coordinated cuts of unbundled loops that are actually started without CLEC approval. . " Scheduled start time" is defined as the confirmed appointment time (as stated on the FOC), or a newly negotiated appointment time. . The "committed order due time" is based on the number and type of loops involved in the cut and is calculated by adding the applicable time interval from the following list to the scheduled start time: Analog unbundled loops: 1 to 16 lines: 1 Hour 17 to 24 lines: 2 Hours 25+ lines: Project* All other unbundled loops: 1 to 5 lines: 1 Hour 6 to 8 lines: 2 Hours 9 to 11 lines: 3 Hours 12 to 24 lines: 4 Hours 25+ lines: Project* For Pro ects scheduled due dates and scheduled start times will be negotiated between CLEC and Owest, but no committed order due time is established. Therefore, projects are not included in OP-13A (see exclusion below). . " Stop" time is defined as when Owest notifies the CLEC that the Owest physical work and the appropriate tests have been successfully accomplished, including the Owest portion of any coordinated LNP orders. . Time intervals following the scheduled start time or during the cutover process associated with customer-caused delays are subtracted from the actual cutover duration. . Where Owest's records of completed coordinated cut transactions are missing evidence of CLEC approval of the cutover, the cut will be counted as a miss under both OP-13A and OP-13B.Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. aggregate and individual CLEC Results for this measurement will be reported according to:results OP-13A Cuts Completed On Time OP-13B Cuts Started Without CLEC Approval Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth FG revision Amended Exhibit B Page 46 Fobru3ry--:t-+Mav 5, 2004 OP-13 - Coordinated Cuts On Time - Unbundled Loop (continued) Formula: OP-13A = ((Count of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop cuts completed "On Time ) -+- (Total Number of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop Cuts completed in the reporting period)) x 100 OP-13B = ((Count of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop cuts whose actual start time occurs without CLEC approval) -+- (Total Number of LSRs for Coordinated Unbundled Loop Cuts completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Applicable to OP-13A: . Loop cuts that involve CLEC-requested non-standard methodologies, processes, or timelines. OP-13A & OP-13B: . Records with invalid completion dates. . Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID which are not otherwise designated to be "counted as a miss Invalid start/stop dates/times or invalid scheduled date/times. Projects involving 25 or more lines. Product Reporting: Coordinated Unbundled Loops - Reported separately for: . Analog Loops All Other Loops Standards: OP-13A: AZ.: 90 Percent or more All Other States: 95 Percent or more Availability: OP-13B: Diagnostic Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~FII rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-15 - Interval for Pending Orders Delayed Past Due Date Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Owest's pending orders are late, focusing on the average number of days the pending orders are delayed past the Applicable Due Date, as of the end of the reporting period. Description: OP-15A - Measures the average number of business da s that pending orders are delayed beyond the Applicable Due Date for reasons attributed to Owest. Includes all pending inward orders (Change, New, and Transfer order types) for which the Applicable Due Date recorded by Owest has been missed, subject to exclusions specified below. Change order types included in this measurement consist of all "C" orders representing inward activity (with ~md ::lOtion coded line U80Cs). The Applicable Due Date is the original due date or, if changed or delayed by the customer, the most recently revised due date, subject to the following: If Owest changes a due date for Owest reasons, the Applicable Due Date is the customer-initiated due date, if any, that is ~a) subsequent to the original due date and (b) prior to a Owest-initiated , changed due date, if any. NOTE Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date, as applied in the formula below, are calculated by subtracting the latest Owest- initiated due date, if any, following the Applicable Due Date , from the subsequent customer-initiated due date, if any. NOTE 1 OP-15B - Reports the number of pending orders measured in the numerator of OP-15A that were delayed for Owest facility reasons. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: OP-15A - Average Business Days NOTE OP-15B - Number of orders pending facilities Reporting Comparisons: .Disaggregation Reporting: CLEC aggregate, individual CLEC, Owest retail Statewide Formula: OP-15A =L((Last Day of Reporting Period) - (Applicable Due Date of Late Pending Order) - (Time intervals associated with customer-initiated due date changes or delays occurring after the Applicable Due Date)) .;- (Total Number of Pending Orders Delayed for Owest reasons as of the last day of Reporting Period) OP-15B =Count of pending orders measured in numerator of OP-15A that were delayed for Owest facility reasons Exclusions: . Disconnect, From (another form of disconnect) and Record order types. . Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid due dates or a lication dates. . Records with invalid product codes. . Records missinQ data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourthd revision Amended Exhibit B Page 48 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-15 -Interval for Pending Orders Delayed Past Due Date (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: OP-15B = diagnostic only For OP-15A: Resale Residential single line service Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) Business single line service Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) Centrex Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) Centex 21 Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) PBX Trunk Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) Basic ISDN Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service Owest DSL DiaQnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) Primary ISDN Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) DSO Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail service) DS1 Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) DS3 and higher bit-rate services Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) (aggregate) Frame Relay Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail service) (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Centrex 21) (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Centrex) (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line S littin Diaqnostic (Expectation: Paritv with.r:~tail Owest DSL.) Line Sharing Diagnostic (Exoectation: Paritv with retail Owest DSlj Sub-Loop Unbundling Diagnostic LIS Trunks Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with Feature Group D (aggregate)) (separately reported) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1levei Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with DS1 Private Line- Service) UDIT - Above DS1 level Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with Private Line- Services above DS 1 level) Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS with dispatch) Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail ISDN BRI) Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Diagnostic Expectation: Parity with retail DS1) DS1-capable Loop DiaQnostic Expectation: Parity with retail DS1) ISDN-capable Loop Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with ISDN-BRI) ADSL-qualified Loop Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail Qwest DSL with dispatch) Loop types of DS3 or higher bit rate Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail DS3 and (aggreQate)higher bit-rate services (aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic E911/911 Trunks Diagnostic (Expectation: Parity with retail E911 /911 Trunks) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs)Diagnostic Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised~Fourth f9 roviEionAmended Exhibit B Fobru~ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-15 - Interval for Pending Orders Delayed Past Due Date (continued) Availability: Available Notes: 1. According to this definition, the Applicable Due Date can change, per successive customer-initiated due date changes or delays , up to the point when a Qwest-initiated due date change occurs. At that point, the Applicable Due Date becomes fixed (i., with no further changes) as the date on which it was set prior to the first Qwest-initiated due date change, if any. Following the first Qwest-initiated due date change, any further customer-initiated due date changes or delays are measured as time intervals that are subtracted as indicated in the formula. These delay time intervals are calculated as stated in the description. (Though infrequent, in cases where multiple Qwest- initiated due date changes occur, the stated method for calculating delay intervals is applied to each pair of Qwest-initiated due date change and subsequent customer-initiated due date change or delay. The intervals thus calculated from each pairing of Qwest and customer-initiated due dates are summed and then subtracted as indicated in the formula.) The result of this approach is that Qwest-initiated impacts on intervals are counted in the reported interval , and customer-initiated impacts on intervals are not counted in the reported interval. 2. For OP-15A, Saturday is counted as a business day for all non-dispatched orders for Resale Residence, Resale Business, and UNE-P (POTS), as well as for non-dispatched orders in the retail analogues specified above as standards. For all other non-dispatched products and for all dispatched products under OP-15A, Saturday is not counted as a business day. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~ffI revisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders Purpose: Evaluates the quality of Owest completing LNP telephone number porting, focusing on the degree to which porting occurs without implementing associated disconnects before the scheduled time/date. Description: OP-17A Measures the percentage of all LNP telephone numbers (TNs), both stand alone and associated with loops, that are ported without the incidence of disconnects being made by Owest before the scheduled time/date, as identified by associated qualifying trouble reports. Focuses on disconnects associated with timely CLEC requests for delaying the disconnects or no requests for delays. The scheduled time/date is defined as 11 :59 p.m. on (1) the due date of the LNP order recorded by Owest or (2) the delayed disconnect date requested by the CLEC , where the CLEC submits a timely request for delay of disconnection. - A CLEC request for delay of disconnection is considered timely if received by Owest before 8:00 m. MT on the current due date of the LNP order recorded by Owest. OP-178 Measures the percentage of all LNP telephone numbers (TNs), both stand alone and associated with loops, that are ported without the incidence of disconnects being made by Owest before the scheduled time/date, as identified by associated qualifying trouble reports. Includes only disconnects associated with untimely CLEC requests for delaying the disconnects. A CLEC request for delay of disconnection is considered "untimely" if received by Owest after 8:00 p.m. MT on the current due date of the LNP order recorded by Owest and before 12:00 p.m. MT (noon) on the day after the current due date. Disconnects are defined as the removal of switch translations, including the 1 a-digit trigger. Disconnects that are implemented early, and thus counted as a "miss" under this measurement, are those that the CLEC identifies as such to Owest via trouble reports, within four calendar days of the actual disconnect date, that are confirmed to be caused by disconnects being made before the scheduled time. Includes all CLEC orders for LNP TNs completed in the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure:Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC Aggregate and Individual CLEe- Formula: ((Total number of LNP TNs ported pursuant to orders completed in the reporting period - Number of TNs with qualifying trouble reports notifying Owest that disconnection before the scheduled time has occurred) I ~ Total Number of LNP TNs ported pursuant to orders completed in the reporting period) x 100 Disaggregation Reporting:Statewide Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth revision Amended Exhibit B Page 51 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 OP-17 - Timeliness of Disconnects associated with LNP Orders (continued) Exclusions: OP-17 A only Trouble reports notifying Qwest of early disconnects associated with situations for which the CLEC has failed to submit timely requests to have disconnects held for later implementation. OP-17 A & B Trouble reports not related to valid requests (LSRs) for LNP and associated disconnects. LNP requests that do not involve automatic triggers (e., DID lines without separate, unique TNs and Centrex 21). Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared, closed or due dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. OP-17B only Trouble reports notifying Owest of early disconnects associated with situations for which the CLEC did not submit its untimely requests by 12:00 p.m. MT (noon) on the day after the LNP due date to have disconnects held for later implementation. Product Reporting:LNP Standards: OP-17A - 98.25% OP-17B - Diagnostic only, in light of its measuring only requests for delay of disconnect that are defined as untimely. Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised-€xJ:Heit-BFourth~FG ro'li8ionAmended Exhibit B February 17Mav 5, 2004 Maintenance and Repair MR-2 - Calls Answered within 20 Seconds - Interconnect Repair Center Purpose: Evaluates Customer access to Owest's Interconnection and/or Retail Repair Center(s), focusing on the number of calls answered within 20 seconds. Description: Measures the percentage of Interconnection and/or Retail Repair Center calls answered within 20 seconds of the first ring. Includes all calls to the Interconnect Repair Center during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. First ring is defined as when the customer s call is first placed in queue by the ACO (Automatic Call Distributor). Answer is defined as when the call is first picked up by the Owest agent. Abandoned calls and busy calls are counted as calls which are not answered within 20 seconds. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Region-wide level. Owest Retail levels. Formula: ((Total Calls Answered by Center within 20 seconds) -'- (Total Calls received by Center)) x 100 Exclusions: Time spent in the VRU (Voice Response Unit) is not counted. Product Reporting: None Standard: Parity Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi revision Amended Exhibit B Page 53 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services , focusing on trouble reports where the out-of- service trouble reports were cleared within the standard estimate for specified services (i.e., 24 hours for out-of-service conditions). Description: Measures the percentage of out of service trouble reports , involving specified services, that are cleared within 24 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers. Includes all trouble reports, closed during the reporting period, which involve a specified service that is out-of-service (i., unable to place or receive calls), subject to exclusions specified below. . Time measured is from date and time of rocoiptthat west is first notified of the trouble b GLEC to date and time trouble is indic3ted 3S cleared. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: PercentReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for producUservices listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate, Disaggregation" will be disaggregated and reported according to troubleindividual CLEC reports involving:and Owest Retail MR-3A Dispatches within MSAs;results MR-3B Dispatches outside MSAs; and MR-3C No dispatches. Resuits for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-3D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-3E In Intervai Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Number of Out of Service Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 24 hours) -;- (Total Number of Out of Service Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE Customer Instruction , Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). . Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. . Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. . Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. . Records with invalid product codes. . Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi revision Amended Exhibit B Page 54 Febru3ry 17Mav 5 2004 MR-3 - Out of Service Cleared within 24 Hours (Continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-TvDe Disaaareaation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with appropriate retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting .., Di3gnosticTBD Line Sharing CO: Parity with Owest DSL All Other States: Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with retailISDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-type Disaaareaation - Resale Owest DSL Parity with retail service Unbundled Loops Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2 wire)Parity with retail ISDN-BRI ISDN-capable Loop Parity with ISDN-BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Paritv with retail Owest DSL Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised--€xhibit B Fourth6FE1 rovicionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5 2004 MR-4 - All Troubles Cleared within 48 hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services, focusing on trouble reports of all types (both out of service and service affecting) and on the number of such trouble reports cleared within the standard estimate for specified services (i., 48 hours for service-affecting conditions). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports, for specified services, that are cleared within 48 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers. Includes all trouble reports, closed during the reporting period, which involve a specified service subject to exclusions specified below. . Time measured is from date and time of rocoiptthat west is first notified of the trouble b CLEC to date and time trouble is indic3tod 3S cleared.Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: PercentReporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for producUservices listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate, Disaggregation" will be disaggregated and reported according to troubleindividual CLEC reports involving:and Owest Retail MR-4A Dispatches within MSAs;results MR-4B Dispatches outside MSAs; and MR-4C No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-4D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-4E In Interval Zone 2 areas Formula: ((Total Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 48 hours) ~ (Total Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). . Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. . Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~FfI revision Amended Exhibit B Page 56 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-4 - All Troubles Cleared within 48 Hours (Continued) Product Reporting:I Standards: MSA-Tvee Disaaareaation Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business sinqle line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with appropriate retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting Di3gnosticTBD Line Sharing Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundlinq Diagnostic Zone-Tvee Disaaareaation Resale Owest DSL Parity with retail service Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2 wire)Parity with retail ISDN-BRI ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retailISDN-BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest DSL Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~fEI revisionAmended Exhibit 8 February 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-5 - All Troubles Cleared within 4 hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair for specified services, focusing on all trouble reports of all types (including out of service and service affecting troubles) and on the number of such trouble reports cleared within the standard estimate for specified services (i., 4 hours). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports for specified services that are cleared within 4 hours of receipt of trouble reports from CLECs or from retail customers. Includes all trouble reports, closed during the reporting period , which involve a specified service subject to exclusions specified below. Time measured is from date and time of rocoiptthat Owest is first notified of the trouble bv CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. CLEC aggregate, individual Results for listed products will be disaggregated according to trouble CLEC and Owest Retail results reports: MR-In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Number of Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that are cleared within 4 hours) -;. (Total Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured using WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time. Trouble reports the day of installation before the installation work reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B fourth~FG revision Amended Exhibit B Page 58 Fobru:Jry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-5 - All Troubles Cleared within 4 hours (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Zone-Type Disaggregation - Resale Primary ISDN Parity with retail service DSO Parity with retail service . DS1 Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group 0 (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT UDIT - DS1 level Parity with DS1 Private Line Service UDIT - Above DS1 level Parity with Private Line Services above DS1 level Unbundled Loops: Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail OS 1 DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate services (aggregate)(aggregate) E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks nEnh3nced Extended Loops (EELs)/\11 St3tOS Diagnostic -I: Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnosticlevel) . M Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 Parity with retail DS 1 Private Line level)~~I, Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level) Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourthgffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of repair, focusing how long it takes to restore services to proper operation. Description: Measures the time actually taken to clear trouble reports. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Includes customer direct reports, customer-relayed reports, and test assist reports that result in a trouble report. . Time measured is from date and time of rooeiptthat west is first notified of the trouble b CLEC to date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Hours and Minutes Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: . Results for producUservices listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC aggregate, Disaggregation" will be reported according to trouble reports involving:individual CLEC MR-6A Dispatches within MSAs;and Owest Retail MR-6B Dispatches outside MSAs; andresults MR-6C No dispatches. Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-6D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-6E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: I((Date & Time Trouble Report Cleared) - (Date & Time Trouble Report Opened)) 7 (Total number of Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period) Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch , non-Owest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction , Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). . Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. . Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type Disaggregation . For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. . Records involving official company services. . Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. . Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. . Records with invalid product codes. . Records missinQ data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth FG revision Amended Exhibit B Page 60 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore (Continued) Product Reporting:I Standards: MSA-Tvoe DisaaareQation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex (UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting Di3gnosticTBD Line Sharing CO: Parity with Owest DSL All Other States: Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with retail ISDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-Type Disaaareaation - Resale Owest DSL Parity with retail service Primary ISDN Parity with retail service DSO Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Parity with retail DS1 Private Line UDIT - Above DS1 level Parity with retail Private Lines above DS 1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line DS1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest DSL Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aggregate)Line services (aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks :=Enh::moed Extended Loops (EELs)1\11 St3tes Di3gnostic Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 Parity with retail DS1 Private Linelevel) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B, Fourth~FII revisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-6 - Mean Time to Restore (Continue Ava;lab;Uty: Note., Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ,e rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru:JrY 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-? - Repair Repeat Report Rate Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy of repair actions , focusing on the number of re eated trouble re orts received for the same trouble line/circuit within a specified period (30 calendar days). Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports that are repeated within 30 days on end user lines and circuits. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period that have a re eated trouble re ort received within thirtv (30) davs of the initial trouble report that are received within thirty (30) days of tho previous trouble report for the same service (regardless of whether the report is about the same type of trouble for that service), subject to exclusions specified below. In determining same service Owest will compare the end user telephone number or circuit access code number of the initial trouble reports closed durin the re ortina period with reports received within in the prior 30 days of when the initial trouble re ort closed. Includes reports due to Owest network or system causes, customer-direct and customer-relayed reports. The 30-day period applied in the numerator of the formula below is from the date and time that the initial immediCitely preceding trouble report is closed to the date and time that the next, or "repeat" trouble report is received (i., opened). Reporting Period: One monthJ~l2.orted in Unit of Measure: Percent arrears (i.e.. results first aj:)pear in reports one month later than results for measurements that are not reported in arrears). in order to cover th~ 30-dav neriod followinG the initial trouble r~l1orJ. Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons:Results for producUservices listed in Product Reporting under "MSA Type CLEC Disaggregation" will be reported according to trouble reports involving: aggregate MR-7A Dispatches within MSAs; individual MR-7B Dispatches outside MSAs; and CLEC and MR-7C No dispatches. Owest Retail Results for products/services listed in Product Reporting under "Zone-type results Disaggregation" will be disaggregated according to trouble reports involving: MR-7D In Interval Zone 1 areas; and MR-7E In Interval Zone 2 areas. Formula: ((Total repeated trouble reports closed within the reporting period that had a re eated trouble re ort received were received-within 30 calendar days of when the preceding initial trouble report closed) + (Total number of Trouble Reports Closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data (products listed for MSA-type disaggregation), trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data (products listed for Zone- type disaggregation) trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involvinq official company services. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B FourthaF9 rovit;ion Amended Exhibit B Page 63 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate (Continued) Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~ '" rcvisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-? - Repair Repeat Report Rate (Continued) Product Reporting:Standards: MSA-Tvee Disaqqreaation - Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform (UNE-Parity with retail Centrex P) (Centrex) Line Splitting W:Jchington only Di3gnoctioParitv with Owest Retail DSL Line Sharing AZ & CO: Parity with Owest Retail DSL All Other States: Diagnostic Comparison with Owest Retail DSL Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with RetaiIISDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic Zone-Tyee Disaaareaation - Resale Owest DSL Parity with retail service Primary ISDN Parity with retail service DSO Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service LIS Trunks Parity with Feature Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - OS 1 level Parity with retail DS1 Private Line UDIT - Above OS 1 level Parity with retail Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - 10F Dia!::Jnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog LOOD Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line OS 1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable LOOD Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified LOOD Parity with retail Owest DSL Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate Private (aggreqate)Line services (aqqreqate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic E911/911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks ~Enh3ncod Extondod Loops (EELs)1\11 8t3tes Di3gnostic Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnostic level)I.. Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 Parity with retail DS1 Private Line level)Washington only Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth revisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-7 - Repair Repeat Report Rate (Continued) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnosticlevel) . ,~ Availability:Notes: Taraeted availabilitv with Julv 2004 results reoorted in Seotember 2004!\V3i13blo Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth f!J revisionAmended Exhibit 8 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-8 - Trouble Rate Purpose: Evaluates the overall rate of trouble reports as a percentage of the total installed base of the service or element. Description: Measures trouble reports by product and compares them to the number of lines in service. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Includes all applicable trouble reports, including those that are out of service and those that are only service-affectinQ. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC and Owest Retail results Formula: ((Total number of trouble reports closed in the reporting period involving the specified service grouping) 7 (Total number of the specified services that are in service in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data, trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch, non-Owest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction, Carrier, Alternate Provider). For products measured from WFA data trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth~ffi revision Amended Exhibit B Page 67 Febru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 MR-8 - Trouble Rate (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Resale Residential single line service Parity with retail service Business single line service Parity with retail service Centrex Parity with retail service Centrex 21 Parity with retail service PBX Trunks Parity with retail service Basic ISDN Parity with retail service Owest DSL Parity with Owest DSL service Primary ISDN Parity with retail service DSO Parity with retail service DS1 Parity with retail service DS3 and higher bit-rate services Parity with retail service (aggregate) Frame Relay Parity with retail service Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with like retail service (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Parity with retail Centrex 21 (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element -Parity with retail Centrex Platform(UNE-P) (Centrex) Line Splitting Di3gnosticTBD Line Sharing CO: Parity with Owest DSL All Other States: Parity with RES and BUS POTS Sub-Loop Unbundling CO: Parity with retaillSDN-BRI All Other States: Diagnostic LIS Trunks Parity wfth Feature Group D (aggregate) Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Parity with retail DS1 Private Line Service UDIT - Above DS1 level Parity with retail Private Lines above DS1 level Dark Fiber - IOF Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Parity with retail Res and Bus POTS Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Parity with retail ISDN BRI Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Parity with retail DS1 Private Line OS 1-capable Loop Parity with retail DS1 Private Line ISDN-capable Loop Parity with retail ISDN BRI ADSL-qualified Loop Parity with retail Owest DSL Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Parity with retail DS3 and higher bit-rate services (aggreqate)(aggregate) Dark Fiber - Loop Diagnostic E911 /911 Trunks Parity with retail E911/911 Trunks :::Enh::mced Extended Loops (EELs)1\11 St3tos Di3gnostic Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DSO Diagnosticlevel ~~I" Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS1 Parity with retail DS1 Private Line level) Enhanced Extended Loops (EELs) - (DS3 Diagnostic level)W3shington only Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth3FG revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-8 - Trouble Rate (continued) AyaHabHity' Available I Noteso Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~fd revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 2004 MR-9 - Repair Appointments Met Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Qwest repairs services for Customers by the appointment date and time. Description: Measures the percentage of trouble reports for which the appointment date and time is met. Includes all trouble reports closed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Time measured is from date and time of roooiptthat Qwest is first notified of the trouble bv CLEC to date and time trouble is indic3tod 30 cleared. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. Comparisons: CLEC Results for listed services will be disaggregated and reported aggregate, individual according to trouble reports involving: CLEC and Qwest Retail MR-Dispatches within MSAs results MR-Dispatches outside MSAs; and MR-No dispatches. Formula: ((Total Trouble Reports Cleared by appointment date and time) -7 (Total Trouble Reports Closed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: Trouble reports coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data, trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant; Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non-Dispatch , non-Qwest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction , Carrier, Alternate Provider). Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed. Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. Time delays due to "no access" are excluded from repair time by using the rescheduled appointment time to determine if the repair appointment is met. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missinq data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standard: Parity Resale: Residential single line service Business single line service Centrex Centrex 21 PBX Trunks Basic ISDN Unbundled Elements - Platform (UNE- (POTS) Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth fEI revision Amended Exhibit B Page 70 Fobru3ry 17Ma'L_. 2004 MR-10 - Customer and Non-Qwest Related Trouble Reports Purpose: Evaluates the extent that trouble reports were customer related , and provides diagnostic information to help address potential issues that might be raised by the core maintenance and repair performance indicators. Description: Measures the percentage of all trouble reports that are attributed to the customer as a percentage of all trouble reports resolved during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Includes trouble reports closed during the reporting period coded as follows: For products measured from MTAS data , trouble reports coded to disposition codes for: Customer Action; Non-Telco Plant, Trouble Beyond the Network Interface; and Miscellaneous - Non- Dispatch , non-Owest (includes CPE, Customer Instruction , Carrier, Alternate Provider) and trouble reports involving a "no access" delay for MSA type disaggregated products. For products measured from WFA (Workforce Administration) data trouble reports coded to trouble codes for Carrier Action (IEC) and Customer Provided Equipment (CPE). Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC and Owest Retail results Formula: ((Number of Trouble Reports coded to disposition codes specified above) .;. (Total Number of Trouble Reports Closed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: Subsequent trouble reports of any trouble before the original trouble report is closed Information tickets generated for internal Owest system/network monitoring purposes. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Trouble reports on the day of installation before the installation work is reported by the technician/installer as complete. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth F6 revision Amended Exhibit B Page 71 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-10 Customer and Non-Qwest Related Trouble Reports (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Resale Residential single line service Diagnostic Business single line service Diagnostic Centrex Diagnostic Centrex 21 Diagnostic PBX Trunks Diagnostic Basic ISDN Diagnostic Qwest DSL Diagnostic Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (UNE-P) (POTS) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (UNE-P) (Centrex 21 ) Unbundled Network Element - Platform Diagnostic (UNE-P) (Centrex) Resale Primary ISDN Diagnostic DSO Diagnostic DS1 Diagnostic DS3 and higher bit-rate services Diagnostic (aggregate) Frame Relay Diagnostic LIS Trunks Diagnostic Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport (UDIT) UDIT - DS1 level Diagnostic UDIT - Above DS1 level Diagnostic Unbundled Loops: Analog Loop Diagnostic Non-loaded Loop (2-wire)Diagnostic Non-loaded Loop (4-wire)Diagnostic DS 1-capable Loop Diagnostic ISDN-capable Loop Diagnostic ADSL-qualified Loop Diaonostic Loop types of DS3 and higher bit-rates Diagnostic (aggregate) E911/911 Trunks Diagnostic Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi rO'.'isionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-11 - LNP Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of clearing LNP trouble reports, focusing on the degree to which residence and business, disconnect-related, out-of-service trouble reports are cleared within four business hours and all LNP-related trouble reports are cleared within 48 hours. Description: MR-11A: Measures the percentage of specified LNP-only (i.e., not unbundled-loop), residence and business, out-of-service trouble reports that are cleared within four business hours of Owest receiving these trouble reports from GLEGs. Includes only trouble reports that are received on or before the currently-scheduled due date of the actual LNP-related disconnect time/date, or the next business da , that are confirmed to be caused by disconnects being made before the scheduled time, and that are closed during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. MR-11 B: Measures the percentage of specified LNP-only trouble reports that are cleared within 48 hours of Owest receiving these trouble reports from GLEGs. Includes all LNP-only trouble reports, received within four calendar days of the actual LNP- related disconnect date and closed during the reporting period. The "currently-scheduled due date/time" is the original due date/time established by Owest in response to GLEG/customer request for disconnection of service ported via LNP or, if GLEG submits to Owest a timely or untimely request for delay of disconnection , it is the GLEG/customer-requested later date/time. . A request for delay of disconnection is considered timely if received by Owest before 8:00 p.m. MT on the due date that Owest has on record at the time of the request. . A request for delay of disconnection is considered untimely if received by Owest after 8:00 p.m. MT on the due date and before 12:00 p.m. MT (noon) on the day after the due date Time measured is from the date and time Owest receives the trouble report to the date and time trouble is cleared. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG Aggregate and Individual GLEG Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level (all are non-dispatched" Formula: MR-11 A = ((Number of specified out-of-service LNP-only Trouble Reports, for LNP-related troubles confirmed to be caused by disconnects, that Owest executed before the currently-scheduled due date/time, that were closed in the reporting period and cleared within four business hours).;. (Total Number of specified out of service LNP-only Trouble Reports for LNP-related troubles confirmed to be caused by disconnects that Owest executed before the currently- scheduled due date/time, that were closed in the reporting period)) x 100 MR-11 B = ((Number of specified LNP-only Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period that were cleared within 48 hours) .;. (Total Number of specified LNP-only Trouble Reports closed in the reporting period)) x 100 Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth '" revision Amended Exhibit B Page 73 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 MR-11 - LNP Trouble Reports Cleared within 24 Hours (Continued) Exclusions: Trouble reports attributed to customer or non-Qwest reasons Trouble reports not related to valid requests (LSRs) for LNP and associated disconnects. . Subsequent trouble reports of LNP trouble before the original trouble report is closed. . For MR-11 B only: Trouble reports involving a "no access" delay. Information tickets generated for internal Qwest system/network monitoring purposes. Records involving official company services. Records with invalid trouble receipt dates. Records with invalid cleared or closed dates. . Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting: LNP Standards: MR-11A: If OP-17 result meets its standard , the MR-11 A standard is Diagnostic. If OP-17 result does not meet its standard, the MR-11A standard is as follows: For 0-20 trouble reports : No more than 1 ticket cleared in ;:. four business hours For;:. 20 trouble reports : The lesser of 95% or Parity with MR- results for Retail Residence and Business MR-11 B: For 0-20 trouble reports : No more than 1 ticket cleared;:. 48 hours For;:. 20 trouble reports : The lesser of 95% or Parity with MR- results for Retail Residence and Business . Based on MR-11 A denominator. Based on MR-11 B denominator. Availability: Available Notes: Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B FourthdFG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru:xy 17Mav 5, 2004 Billing BI-1 - Time to Provide Recorded Usage Records Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness with which Qwest provides recorded daily usage records to GLEGs. Description: Measures the average time interval from date of recorded daily usage to date usage records are transmitted or made available to GLEGs as applicable. BI-1A - Measures recorded daily usage for UNEs and Resale and includes industr~ standard electronically transmitted usage records for feature group switched access,N TE 1 local measured usage, local message usage, toll usage, and local exchange service components priced on a per-use basis, subject to exclusions specified below. BI-1 B - Measures the percent of recorded daily usage for Jointly provided switched access provided within four days.This includes usage created by the GLEG and Qwest or IXC providing access , usually via 2-way Feature Group X trunk groups for Feature Group A, Feature Group , Feature Group D, Phone to Phone IP Telephony, 8XX access, and 900 access and their successors or similar Switched Access services. BI-1G - Provides separate reporting for two elements captured in BI-1A above, as follows: BI-1 G-1 - Measures recorded daily usage for UNEs and Resale and includes industry standard electronically transmitted usage records for feature group switched access, NOTE 1 subject to exclusions specified below. BI-1 G-2 - Measures recorded daily usage for UNEs and Resale and includes industry standard electronically transmitted usage records for local measured usage local message usage, toll usage , and local exchange service components priced on a per-use basis, subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: BI-, BI-1C-, BI-1G-2: Average Business Da BI-1B:Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: State level. individual GLEGs, and Qwest Retail results Formula: BI-, BI-1G-, BI-1C-2 (for specified products & records) = I(Date Record Transmitted or made available - Date Usage Recorded) 7 (Total number of records) BI-1 B = ((# of daily usage records for Jointly provided switched access sent within four days) 7 (Total daily usage records for Jointly provided switched access in the report period)) x 100 Exclusions: Instances where the CLEC requests other than daily usage transmission or availability. Dunlicate records. Product Reporting:Standards: UNEs and Resale BI-1A: Parity with Qwest retail. Jointly-provided Switched Access BI-1 B: 95% within 4 business days BI-1 C-, BI-1 G-2: Diagnostic Comparison with the Qwest Retail results used in standard for BI- Availability:Notes: Available Feature group switched access" includes all type 11 OXXX detail records for Feature Groups A, B, G, and D. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi revision Amended Exhibit B Page 75 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 BI-2 - Invoices Delivered within 10 Days Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness with which Owest delivers industry standard electronically transmitted bills to CLECs, focusing on the percent delivered within ten calendar days. Description: Measures the percentage of invoices that are delivered within ten days , based on the number of days between the bill date and bill delivery. Includes all industry standard electronically transmitted invoices for local exchange services and toll , subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: Combined Owest Disaggregation Reporting: State level Retail/CLEC results (Parity by design) Formula: ((Count of Invoices for which Bill Transmission Date to Bill Date is ten calendar days or less) -;- (Total Number of Invoices)) x 100 Exclusions: Bills transmitted via paper, magnetic tape, CD-ROM , diskette. Records with missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting:Standard: UNEs and Resale Parity by design. Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth fd feVi.&iooAmended Exhibit B February 17Mav 5, 2004 BI-3 - Billing Accuracy - Adjustments for Errors Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy with which Owest bills CLECs, focusing on the percentage of billed revenue adjusted due to errors. Description: Measures the billed revenue minus amounts adjusted off bills due to errors, as a percentage of total billed revenue. Both the billed revenue and amounts adjusted off bills due to error are calculated from bills rendered in the reporting period. Amounts adjusted off bills due to errors" is the sum of all bill adjustments made in the reporting period that involve, either in part or in total , adjustment codes related to billing errors. (Each adjustment thus qualifying is added to the sum in its entirety. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: State level. individual CLECs, and Owest Retail results Formula: (I(Rovonue Billod without ErrorTotal Billed Revenue Billed in Reoortina Period - Amounts Adjusted Off Bills Due to Errors) -;- (Total Billed Revenue billed in Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: . BI-3A - UNEs and Resale - None . BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of Use - Billing adjustments as a result of CLEC-caused errors in return of minutes of use Product Reporting:Standards: BI-3A - UNEs and Resale BI-3A - UNEs and Resale: Parity with Owest BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of retail bills. Use (MOU)BI-3B - Reciprocal Compensation (MOU) - 95% Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth F9 revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 BI-4 - Billing Completeness Purpose: UNEs and Resale - Evaluates the completeness with which Qwest reflects non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders on the bills. Reciprocal Compensation Minutes of Use (MOU) - Evaluates the completeness with which Qwest reflects the revenue for Local Minutes of Use associated with CLEC local traffic over Qwest' network on the bills. Description: BI-4A - UNEs and Resale: Measures the percentage of non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders appear on the correct bill.* BI-4B - Reciprocal Compensation (MOU): Measures the percentage of revenue associated with local minutes of use appearing on the correct (current) bill.' , Correct bill = next available bill Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate.Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLECs, and Qwest Retail results Formula: BI-4A - UNEs and Resale = (I(Count of service orders with non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders on the bills that are billed on the correct bill -7 total count of service orders with non-recurring and recurring charges associated with completed service orders billed on the bill)) x 100 BI-4B - Reciprocal Compensation MOU = (I(Revenue for Local Minutes of Use billed on the correct' bill -7 Total revenue for Local Minutes of Use collected during the month)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting:Standards: UNEs and Resale BI.4A - UNEs and Resale: Parity with Qwest Reciprocal Compensation (MOU)Retail bills. BI.4B - Reciprocal Compensation (MOU): 95% Availability:Notes: Available Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 FourthJ '" rovi8ionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Database Updates DB-1 - Time to Update Databases Purpose: Evaluates the time required for updates to the databases of E911 , LlDB, and Directory Builder. Description: Measures the average time required to update the databases of E911 , LlDB , and Directory Builder. Includes all database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed during the reporting period. For DB-1 A the time to update the E911 database is provided by the third party vendor that performs the update. The elapsed time is captured automatically by the database system. There are no "individual E911 database update records" provided with which to measure the database update process. The numerator of DB-1 A is calculated by multiplying the vendor-calculated results (Average Minutes in Process Time) by the denominator (Count of records Processed). This method produces a result from the vendor data that is the same as that which would be produced by totalling the update times from individual E911 database update records. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: E911 - Hrs: Mins. LlDB & Directory Listings - Seconds Disaggregation Reporting: DB-1A: E911 for Owest Retail and Reseller GLEe-State level DB-1 B: LlDB for Owest Retail, Reseller CLEC and Facilities Based CLEC - Multi state region-wide level DB-1 C-1: Listings for all Provider types including Owest Retail, Reseller CLEC, and Facilities Based CLEC, ILEC and Unknown Provider, Electronically Submitted , Electronically Processed- Sub-region applicable to state Reporting Comparisons: DB-1 A - E911 : Combined results for Owest Retail and Reseller CLEC Aggregate; DB-1 B - LlDB: Combined results for all Owest Retail , Reseller CLEC and Facilities Based CLEC updates; DB-1C-1 - Listings: Combined results for all Provider types including Owest Retail, Reseller CLEC, and Facilities Based CLEC, ILEC and Unknown Provider, Electronically Submitted Electronically Processed updates. NOTE 1 Formula: ~((Date and Time of database update for each database update as specified under Disaggregation Reporting in the reporting period) - (Date and Time of submissions of data for entry into the database for each database update as specified under Disaggregation Reporting in the reporting period)) .;. Total database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed in the reporting period Exclusion: Invalid starVstop dates/times. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth3f9 revision Amended Exhibit B Page 79 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 DB-1 - Time to Update Databases (continued) Product Reporting:Standards: Not applicable (Reported by database type)OB-1 A-E911: Parity by design OB-1 B-LlOB: Parity by design OB-1 C-1 - Listings: Parity by design Availability:Notes: Available Because they cannot be separated , results for Owest Retail, Reseller CLEC, Facilities-based CLECs , ILEC and Unknown Provider updates are reported combined within these disaggregations. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth F4 revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 DB-- Accurate Database Updates Purpose: Evaluates the accuracy of database updates completed without errors in the reportina period. Description: Measures the percentage of database updates completed without errors in the reporting period. Includes all database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed during the reportina period. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons:Disaggregation Reporting: DB-2C-1 Listings - Combined results for all DB-2C-, Listings for Owest Retail , Reseller Owest Retail, Reseller CLEC and Facilities-CLEC, and Facilities-Based CLEC Electronically Based CLEC Electronically Submitted Submitted , Electronically Processed updates: Electronically Processed updates Statewide Formula: (Total database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed without errors in the reporting period 7 Total database updates as specified under Disaggregation Reporting completed in the reporting period) x 100 Exclusions: Invalid starUstop dates/times. Product Reporting:Standards: Not applicable (Reported by database type)DB-2C-1 - Listings: Parity by design NOTE 1 Availability:Notes: Available Owest retail and Reseller CLECs are parity by design. Because Facilities-based CLEC Electronically Submitted, Electronically Processed cannot be separated out from Reseller CLECs they are reported combined within this disaggregation. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi rovisionAmended Exhibit B February 17Mav 5, 2004 Directory Assistance DA-1 - Speed of Answer - Directory Assistance Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of customer access to Owest's Directory Assistance operators, focusing on how long it takes for calls to be answered. Description: Measures the average time following first ring until a call is first picked up by the Owest agenUsystem to answer Directory Assistance calls. Includes all calls to Owest directory assistance during the reporting period. Because a system (electronic voice) prompts for city, state, and listing requested before the actual operator comes on the line, the first ring is defined as when the voice response unit places the call into queue. Measurements are taken by sampling calls from the network queue at 10-second intervals. A count of calls in the queue is taken for every sampling event (1 a-second snapshot), and this count is multiplied by 10 to get a measurement of waiting intervals. Using this method, calls that enter the queue after a sample is taken but exit before the next sample is taken are not counted, i.e., are effectively counted as a zero interval. However, this situation is offset by calls that enter just prior to a sampling time, but exit before the next sampling time, and which are counted as 10 seconds. The call intervals shorter than 10 seconds that are counted as 10 seconds are offset by those calls shorter than 10 seconds that are not counted. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Seconds Reporting Comparisons: Results for Owest and Disaggregation Reporting: all CLECs are combined.Sub-region applicable to state Formula: L((Date and Time of Call Answer) - (Date and Time of First Ring)) -7 (Total Calls Answered by Center) Exclusions: Abandoned Calls are not included in the total number of calls answered by the center. Product Reporting: None Standard: Parity by design Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised~.J:Hbi.t...g Fourth Fd revision Amended Exhibit B Page 82 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Operator Services OS-1 - Speed of Answer - Operator Services Purpose: Evaluates timeliness of customer access to Owest's operators , focusing on how long it takes for calls to be answered. Description: Measures the time following first ring until a call is answered by the Owest agent. Includes all calls to Owest's operator services during the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Measurements are taken by sampling calls from the network queue at 10-second intervals. A count of calls in the queue is taken for every sampling event (10-second snapshot), and this count is multiplied by 10 to get a measurement of waiting intervals. Using this method, calls that enter the queue after a sample is taken but exit before the next sample is taken are not counted, i.e., are effectively counted as a zero interval.However, this situation is offset by calls that enter just prior to a sampling time, but exit before the next sampling time, and which are counted as 10 seconds. The call intervals shorter than 10 seconds that are counted as 10 seconds are offset by those calls shorter than 10 seconds that are not counted. Reporting Period: One month'Unit of Measure: Seconds Reporting Comparisons: Owest and all CLECs Disaggregation Reporting: are aggregated in a single measure.Sub-region applicable to state Formula: L:((Date and Time of Call Answer) - (Date and Time of First Ring)) -;- (Total Calls Answered by Center) Exclusions: Abandoned Calls are not included in the total number of calls answered by the center. Product Reporting: None Standard:Parity by design Availability:Notes: Available Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~ '" revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 Network Performance NI-1 - Trunk Blocking Purpose: Evaluates factors affecting completion of calls from Owest end offices to CLEC end offices, compared with the completion of calls from Owest end offices to other Owest end offices , focusing on average busy-hour blocking percentaQes in interconnection or interoffice final trunks.Description: Measures the percentage of trunks blocking in interconnection and interoffice final trunks. Includes blocking percentages on all direct final and alternate final interconnection and interoffice trunk Qroups that are in service durinq the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent BlockageReporting Comparisons: Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. CLEG aggregate, Reports the percentage of trunks blocking in interconnection final trunks individual GLEG , and reported by:Owest Interoffice trunk NI-1A Interconnection (LIS) trunks to Owest tandem offices, with TGSR-blocking results. related exclusions applied as specified below; NI-1 B LIS trunks to Owest end offices, with TGSR-related exclusions applied as specified below; NI-1 C LIS trunks to Owest tandem offices, without TGSR-related exclusions; NI-1 D LIS trunks to other Owest end offices, without TGSR-related exclusions. Formula: UI(Blockage in Final Trunk Group of Specified Type)x(Number of Circuits in Trunk Group)) -;- (Total Number of Final Trunk Circuits in all Final Trunk GroupsH x 100 Explanation: Actual average percentage of trunk blockage is calculated by dividing the equivalent average number of trunk circuits blocking by the total number of trunk circuits in final trunks of the type being measured. Exclusions: For NI-1A and NI-1 B onl Trunk groups, blocking in excess of one percent in the reporting period , for which: - A Trunk Group Service Request (TGSR) NOTES 1 & 2 has been issued in the reporting period; or CLEGs do not submit, within 20 calendar days of receiving a TGSR: a) Responsive ASRs (or have ASRs pending that are delayed for GLEC reasons NOTE b) Trouble Reports; orc) Notification of traffic re-routing (as described in Note 1 below). For NI-NI-1 B NI-1 C and NI-1D: Trunk groups, blocking in excess of one percent in the reporting period, for which Owest can identify, in time to incorporate in the regular reporting of this measurement, the cause as being attributable to: Trunk group out-of-service conditions arising from cable cuts , severe weather, or force majeure circumstances; The ClEC placing trunks in a "busy" condition; lack of interconnection facilities to fulfill LIS requests for which the CLEC did not provide a timely forecast to Owest. (This portion of the exclusion is limited to being applied in (a) the month the LIS requests could not be fulfilled, due to lack of facilities, and (b) each month thereafter up to the month following facility availability OR uf, to five months after the month the LIS requests could not befulfilled, whichever is sooner NOT 4); or Isolated incidences of blocking, about which Owest provides notification to the GLEC, that (a) are not recurring or persistent (affecting the same trunk groups), (b) do not warrant corrective action by . CLEG or Owest, and (c) thus, do not require an actionable TGSR. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth rG revision Amended Exhibit B Page 84 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 NI-1 - Trunk Blocking (Continued) . Trunk groups recently activated that have not been in service for a full "20-high-day, busy hour" review period. Toll trunks, non-final trunks , and trunks that are not connected to the public switched network. . One-way trunks originating at GLEG end offices. . Qwest official services trunks, local interoffice operator and directory assistance trunks, and local interoffice 911 /E911 trunks. Records with invalid product codes. Records missing data essential to the calculation of the measurement per the PID. Product Reporting: Standards:LIS Trunks Where NI-1A S;; 1%: Where NI-1A:;. 1%: Where NI-1B s;; 1%: Where NI-1B:;. 1%: NI-1 G and NI-1 D: Availability: Available 1 % Parity with Qwest Interoffice Trunks to tandems 1 % Parity with Qwest Interoffice Trunks to end offices Diagnostic NOTE 5 Notes: 1. Qwest uses TGSRs to notify GLEGs when trunk blocking exceeds standard thresholds or is determined to be persistent. To respond properly to TGSRs, a GLEG must (a) submit within 20 days ASRs to provide necessary trunk augmentations to avoid further blocking, (b) notify Qwest within 20 days that it is initiating a Trouble Report where Qwest traffic routing problems are causing the blocking referenced by the TGSR, or (c) notify Qwest that the GLEG will undertake its own re-routing of traffic within 20 days to alleviate the blocking. 2. The TGSR-related exclusion is applied in the month in which the TGSR is issued and in the month in which the above-specified 20-day response period ends. Thus, any trunk group excluded in one month will not be excluded in the next month , unless there is (a) a 20-day period following a TGSR ends in that month, (b) there is another TGSR applicable to the next month for the same trunk group or (c) an exception documented, in lieu of issuing a subsequent TGSR, where the GLEG's response to the previous TGSR indicated that, for its own reasons , it plans to take no action at any time to augment the trunk group. 3. GLEG delays are reflected by GLEG-initiated order supplements that move the due date later. a) Qwest-initiated due date delays , including supplements made pursuant to Qwest requests to delay due dates , shall not be counted as GLEC delays in this measurement. b) Qwest-initiated due date changes to earlier dates that the GLEG does not meet shall not be counted as a GLEG delay in this measurement unless the earlier dates were mutually agreed-upon. c) GLEG delays (e. , " customer not ready" in advance of a due date) that do not contribute to a Qwest-established due date being missed shall not be counted as a GLEG delay in this measurement. 4. The limitation on part (3) of this exclusion is intended to bound its applicability to a period of time that treats the unforecasted ASR as if it were , in effect, the first forecast for the facilities needed. a) Given that forecast advance intervals are currently six months , this provision allows the exclusion to apply for no longer than that period of time. b) Nevertheless, this limitation to the exclusion also recognizes that facilities may become available sooner and , if so, reduces the limitation accordingly. In that context, this limitation recognizes that, absent a GLEG forecast, Qwest still retains a responsibility to provide facilities for the ASR, although in a longer timeframe than for ASRs covered by forecasts. NI-1G and NI-1D will be reported for information purposes only, with no standard to be applied. c) This limitation may change depending on the outcome of separate workshops dealing with issues of interconnection forecasting. 5. NI-1G and NI-1 D will be reported for information purposes only, with no standard to be applied. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth rovisionAmended Exhibit B Febru3rj 17Mav 5, 2004 NP-1 - NXX Code Activation Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Qwest's NXX code activation prior to the LERG effective date or by the revised" effective date, as set forth herein. Description: NP-1A: Measures the percentage of NXX codes activated in the reporting period that are actually loaded and tested prior to the LERG effective date or the "revised" date, subject to exclusions shown below. NP-1B: Measures the percentage of NXX codes activated in the reporting period that are delayed beyond the LERG date or "revised" date due to Qwest-caused Interconnection facility delays subject to exclusions shown below. Included among activations counted as a Qwest delay in this sub-measurement are cases in which "6 codes" NOTE 1 associated with the Qwest interconnection facilities are provided late by Qwest to the GLEG. . Qwest must receive complete and accurate routing information required for code activation, which includes but is not limited to "6 codes" for all interconnection trunk groups associated with the activation no less than 25 days prior to the LERG Due Date or Revised Due Date. . The "revised" date, for purposes of this measurement, is a GLEG-initiated renegotiation of the activation effective date that is no less than 25 days after Qwest receives complete and accurate routing information required for code activation, which includes but is not limited to "6 codes" for all interconnection trunk groups associated with the activation. . The NXX code activation notice is provided by the LERG (Local Exchange Routing Guide) to Qwest. . NXX code activation is defined as complete when all translations associated with the new NXX are complete by 11 :59 p.m. of the day prior to the date identified in the LERG or the "revised" date (if different than the LERG date). The NXX code activation completion process includes testing, including calls to the test number when provided. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: GLEG aggregate individual GLEG and Qwest Retail results. Formula: NP-1 A = ((Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period prior to the LERG effective date or the "revised" date) 7 (Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period)) x 100 Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide. NP-1 B = ((Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period that were delayed past the LERG effective date or "revised" date affected by Qwest Interconnection Facility Delays) 7 (Number of NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period, including NXX codes loaded and tested in the reporting period that were delayed past the LERG effective date or the "revised" date due to Interconnection Facility Delays)) x 100 Exclusions: NP-1A: NXX code activations completed after the LERG date or "revised" date due to delays in the installation of Qwest provided interconnection facilities associated with the activations. NOTE 2 NP-1A and NP-1B: NXX codes with LERG dates or "revised" dates resulting in loading intervals shorter than industry standard (currently 45 calendar days). NXX codes where QWEST received complete and accurate routing information required for code activations less than 25 days prior to the LERG due date or Revised due date. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth 1'G revision Amended Exhibit B Page 86 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 NP-1 - NXX Code Activation (continued) Product Reporting: None Standards: NP-1A: Parity NP-1 B: Diagnostic Availability:Notes: Available 6 codes" are industry-standard designators for local interconnection trunk groups , consisting of 2 alpha letters and six numeric digits. Only Qwest-provided interconnection facilities are noted in this exclusion , because delays related to facilities provided by GLEGs or others are accounted for by revising the due date. Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth ffi revisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 Collocation CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of Owest's installation of collocation arrangements for CLECs, focusing on the average time to complete such arrangements. Description: Measures the interval between the Collocation Application Date and Owest's completion of the collocation installation. Includes all collocations of types specified herein that are assigned a Ready for Service (RFS) date by Owest and completed during the reporting period, subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical cageless , fhysical caged, shared physical caged , physical- line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. NOT 1 . The Collocation Application Date is the date Owest receives from the CLEC a complete and valid application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's collocation application is received by Owest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday. Major Infrastructure Modifications include conditioning the collocation space, obtaining permits, and installing DC power plant, standby generators, heating, venting or air conditioning equipment. Completion of the collocation installation is the date on which the requested collocation arrangement is "Ready For Service as defined in the Definition of Terms section herein. Establishment of RFS Dates:RFS dates are established according to intervals specified in interconnection agreements. Where an interconnection agreement does not specify intervals, or where the CLEC requests, RFS dates are established as follows: Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and , for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after the Collocation Application Dale for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and, for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations:120 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Virtual Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~m -feVisioo Amended Exhibit B Page 88 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval (continued) Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Virtual Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready- for virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. All Collocations sical virtual forecasted or unforecasted uirin Infrastructure Modifications: the later of (1) up to 150 calendar days (as specified in the quote) after the Collocation Application Date, or (2) for virtual collocations, 45 days following the date equipment to be collocated is provided to Owest for collocations in which Major Infrastructure Modifications are required. Owest will provide to the CLEC, as part of the quotation , the need for and the duration of, such extended intervals. When a CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state completion intervals will be individually negotiated. These collocation arrangements will be included in CP-1 A , - 1 B, or -1 C according to the interval criteria specified below for these measurements. Where there is a GLEe-caused delay, the RFS Date is rescheduled . RFS dates may be extended beyond the above intervals for CLEC reasons, or for reasons beyond Owest's control , but not for Owest reasons. . Where CLECs do not accept the quote within thirty days of the quote date, the application is considered expired. CP-Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 90 calendar days or less. CP-1 B Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 91 to 120 calendar days. CP-1C Measures collocation installations for which the scheduled interval from Collocation Application Date to RFS date is 121 to 150 calendar days. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Calendar Days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide. Formula: (for CP-, CP-Band CP-1 C) 2:((Collocation Completion Date) - (Complete Application Date)) 7 (Total Number of Collocations Completed in Reporting Period) Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~RI rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 1-lMav 5, 2004 CP-1 - Collocation Completion Interval (continued) Exclusions: . CP-1A: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals longer than 90 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. . CP-1 B: CLEC collocation appl ications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals shorter than 91 calendar days or longer than 120 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. . CP-1C: CLEC collocation applications with RFS dates yielding scheduled intervals shorter than 121 calendar days or longer than 150 calendar days from Collocation Application Date to RFS date. Cancelled or expired applications. Product Reporting: None Standards: CP-1A: 90 calendar days CP-1 B: 120 calendar days CP-1 C: 150 calendar days Availability: Available Notes: 1. Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered , they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms , conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized , accepted, mature (i., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (i., consistently more than two per month in any state). Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth rG revision Amended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals Purpose: Evaluates the extent to which Owest completes collocation arrangements for CLECs within the standard intervals or intervals established in interconnection agreements. Description: Measures the percentage of collocation applications that are completed within standard intervals, including intervals set forth in interconnection agreements. Includes all collocations of types specified herein that are assigned a Ready for Service Date RFS date Owest and that are completed within the reporting period, including those with GLEe-requested RFS dates longer than the standard interval and those with extended RFS dates negotiated with the CLEC (including supplemented collocation orders that extend the RFS date) subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical ca~eless, physical caged , shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. aTE 1 . The Collocation Application Date is the date Owest receives from the CLEC a complete and valid application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's collocation application is received by Owest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business day following the weekend or holiday. Major Infrastructure Modifications are defined as conditioning the collocation space, obtaining permits, and installing DC power plant, standby generators, heating, venting or air conditioning equipment. . A collocation arrangement is counted as met under this measurement if its RFS date is met. Establishment of RFS Dates: RFS dates are established as follows , except where interconnection agreements require different intervals , in which case the intervals specified in the interconnection agreements apply: Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and , for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations : 90 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date for physical collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 120 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date for physical collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and, for Virtual Collocations, also with Timely Equipment Ready - for collocation applications where the CLEC accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and , for virtual collocations, where the CLEC provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest 53 calendar days or less after the Collocation Application Date the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 90 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. U nforecasted Collocations:120 calendar days after the quote acceptance date for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Virtual Collocation Applications with Timely Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in seven or fewer calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Owest Idaho SGA T Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ffi revision Amended Exhibit B Page 91 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals (continued) Virtual Collocation Applications with Late Quote Acceptance and Late Equipment Ready - for virtual collocation applications where the CLEC (1) accepts the quote in eight or more calendar days after the quote date and (2) provides the equipment to be collocated to Owest more than 53 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date, the RFS date shall be: Forecasted Collocations: 45 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC provides a complete forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. Unforecasted Collocations: 75 calendar days after the equipment is provided to Owest, for collocations for which the CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. All Collocations sical virtual forecasted or unforecasted uirin or Infrastructure Modifications: the later of (1) up to 150 calendar days (as specified in the quote) after the Collocation Application Date, or (2) for virtual collocations, 45 calendar days following the date equipment to be collocated is provided to Owest for collocations in which Major Infrastructure Modifications are required. Owest will provide to the CLEC, as part of the quotation, the need for, and the duration of such extended intervals. . When a CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state completion intervals will be individually negotiated. These collocation arrangements will be included in CP- , - , or -2C according to the criteria specified below for these measurements. . Where there is a GLEe-caused delay, the RFS Date is rescheduled. . Where CLECs do not accept the quote within thirty calendar days of the quote date, the application is considered expired. CP-Forecasted Collocations: Measures collocation installations for which CLEC provides a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. CP-Non-Forecasted and Late Forecasted Collocations: Measures collocation installations for which CLEC does not provide a forecast to Owest 60 or more calendar days in advance of the Collocation Application Date. CP-All Collocations requiring Major Infrastructure Modifications and Collocations with intervals longer than 120 days: Measures al! collocation installations requiring Major Infrastructure Modifici:,tions and collocations for which the RFS date is more than 120 calendar days after the Collocation Application Date. Reporting Period: One month I Unit of Measure: Percent Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level.Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and individual CLEC results Formula: (for CP-, CP-28 and CP-2C) ((Count of Collocations for which the RFS is met) -0- (Total Number of Collocations Completed in the Reporting Period)) x 100 Exclusions: . RFS dates missed for reasons beyond Owest's control. Cancelled or expired requests. Product Reporting: None Standards: CP-2A & -2B: 90% CP-2C: 90% Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth '" re'/isionAmended Exhibit 8 Febru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 CP-2 - Collocations Completed within Scheduled Intervals (continued) Availability: Available Notes:1. Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements , after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized , accepted , mature (i., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting re ortin i., consistent! more than two er month in an state). Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth FG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 CP-3 - Collocation Feasibility Study Interval Purpose: Evaluates the timeliness of the Qwest sub-process function of providing a collocation feasibility study to the CLEC. Description: Measures average interval to respond to collocation studies for feasibility of installation. Includes feasibility studies, for collocations of types specified herein that are completed in the reporting period , subject to exclusions specified below. Collocation types included are: physical cageless, rhysical caged, shared physical caged , physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. NOT Interval begins with the Collocation Application Date and ends with the date Qwest completes the Feasibility Study and provides it to the CLEC. The Collocation Application Date is the date Qwest receives from the CLEC a complete application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's application for collocation is received by Qwest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business da following the weekend or holiday. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Calendar Days Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate and Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. individual CLEC results Formula: L((Date Feasibility Study provided to CLEC) - (Date Qwest receives CLEC request for Feasibility Study))-o.- (Total Feasibility Studies Completed in the Reporting Period) Exclusions: GLEe-caused delays of, or CLEC requests for feasibility study completions resulting in greater than ten calendar days from Collocation Application Date to scheduled feasibility study completion date. Product Reporting: None Standard:10 calendar days or less Availability:Notes: Available Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements, after the terms conditions , and processes for such collocation types become finalized , accepted, mature (Le., six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (Le. consistently more than two per month in any state). Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B FourtlJ.ffi revision Amended Exhibit B Page 94 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 CP-4 - Collocation Feasibility Study Commitments Met Purpose: Evaluates the degree that Owest completes the sub-process function of providing a collocation feasibility study to the CLEC as committed. Description: Measures the percentage of collocation feasibility studies for installations that are completed within the Scheduled Interval The Scheduled Interval is ten calendar days from the Collocation Application Date or, if interconnection agreements call for different intervals , within intervals specified in the agreements or if otherwise delayed by the CLEC, the interval resulting from the delay. Includes all feasibility studies for collocations of types specified herein, that are completed in the reporting period. Collocation types included are: physical cageless, physical caged , shared physical caged, physical-line sharing, cageless-line sharing, and virtual. NOTE 1 Considers the interval from the Collocation Application Date to the date Owest completes the Feasibility Study and provides it to the CLEC. The Collocation Application Date is the date Owest receives from the CLEC a complete application for collocation. In cases where the CLEC's application for collocation is received by Owest on a weekend or holiday, the Collocation Application Date is the next business da following the weekend or holiday. Subject to superceding terms in the CLEC's interconnection agreement, when a CLEC submits six (6) or more Collocation applications in a one-week period in any state, feasibility study intervals will be individually negotiated and the resulting intervals used instead of ten calendar days in this measurement. Reporting Period: One month Unit of Measure: Percent Reporting Comparisons: CLEC aggregate Disaggregation Reporting: Statewide level. and individual CLEC results Formula: ((Total Applicable Collocation Feasibility studies completed within Scheduled Intervals) .;. (Total applicable Collocation Feasibility studies completed in the reporting period)) x 100 Exclusions: None Product Reporting: None Standard:90 percent or more Availability:Notes: Available 1 .Collocations covered by this measurement are central office related. As additional types of central office collocation are defined and offered, they will be included in this measurement. Non-central office-based types of collocation (such as remote collocation and field connection points) will be considered for either inclusion in this measurement, or in new, separate measurements , after the terms, conditions, and processes for such collocation types become finalized , accepted , mature (Le. six months of experience from first installations), and ordered in volumes warranting reporting (Le., consistently more than two per month in any state). Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth uI revision Amended Exhibit B Page 95 Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 DEFINITION OF TERMS Application Date (and Time) - The date (and time) on which Owest receives from the CLEC a complete and accurate local service request (LSR) or access service request (ASR) or retail order subject to the following: For the following types of requests/orders , the application date (and time) is the start of the next business day: (1) LSRs and ASRs received after 3:00PM MT for Designed Services and Local Number Portability (except non-designed , flow-through LNP). (2) Retail orders received after 3:00 PM local time for Designed Services. (3) LSRs received after 7:00PM MT for POTS Resale (Residence and Business), Non-Design Resale Centrex, non-designed UNE-, Unbundled Loops, and non-designed, flow-through LNP. (4) Retail orders for comparable non-designed services cannot be received after closing time, so the cutoff time is essentially the business office closing time. For all types of orders that are received from Friday at 7:00 PM MT through Sunday, or on holidays, and do not flow through , the application date (and time) is the next, non-weekend business day. Automatic Location Information (All) - The feature of E911 that displays at the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) the street address of the calling telephone number. This feature requires a data storage and retrieval system for translating telephone numbers to the associated address. All may include Emergency Service Number (ESN), street address, room or floor, and names of the enforcement, fire and medical agencies with jurisdictional responsibility for the address. The Management System (E911) database is used to update the Automatic E911 Location Information databases. Bill Date - The date shown at the top of the bill, representing the date on which Owest begins to close the bill. Blocking - Condition on a telecommunications network where, due to a maintenance problem or an traffic volumes exceeding trunking capacity in a part of the network, some or all originating or terminating calls cannot reach their final destinations. Depending on the condition and the part of the network affected, the network may make subsequent attempts to complete the call or the call may be completely blocked. If the call is completely blocked, the calling party will have to re-initiate the call attempt Business Day - Workdays that Owest is normally open for business. Business Day = Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and Owest published Holidays including New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4 , Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Individual measurement definitions may modify (typically expanding) this definition as described in the Notes section of the measurement definition. Cleared Trouble Report - A trouble report for which the trouble has been cleared, meaning the customer is "back in service Closed Trouble Report - A trouble report that has been closed out from a maintenance center perspective, meaning the ticket is closed in the trouble reporting system following repair of the trouble. Code Activation (Opening) - Process by which new NPAlNXXs (area code/prefix) is defined through software translations to network databases and switches, in telephone networks. Code activation (openings) allow for new groups of telephone numbers (usually in blocks of 10 000) to be made available for assignment to an ILEC's or CLEC's customers, and for calls to those numbers to be passed between carriers. Common Channel Signaling System 7 (CCSS7) - A network architecture used to for the exchange of signaling information between telecommunications nodes and networks on an out-of-band basis. Information exchanged provides for call set-up and supports services and features such as CLASS and database query and response. Common Transport - Trunk groups between tandem and end office switches that are shared by more than one carrier, often including the traffic of both the ILEC and several CLECs. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~Fd revision Amended Exhibit B Page 96 Febru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Completion - The time in the order process when the service has been provisioned and service is available. Completion Notice - A notification the ILEC provides to the CLEC to inform the CLEC that the requested service order activity is complete. Coordinated Customer Conversion -- Orders that have a due date negotiated between the ILEC the CLEC, and the customer so that work activities can be performed on a coordinated basis under the direction of the receiving carrier. Customer Requested Due Date - A specific due date requested by t~e customer which is either shorter or longer than the standard interval or the interval offered by the ILEC. Customer Trouble Reports - A report that the carrier providing the underlying service opens when notified that a customer has a problem with their service. Once resolved, the disposition of the trouble is changed to closed. Dedicated Transport - A network facility reserved to the exclusive use of a single customer, carrier or pair of carriers used to exchange switched or special , local exchange, or exchange access traffic. Delayed Order - An order which has been completed after the scheduled due date and/or time. Directory Assistance Database - A database that contains subscriber records used to provide live or automated operator-assisted directory assistance. Including 411 , 555-1212, NP A-555-1212. Directory Listings - Subscriber information used for DA and/or telephone directory publishing, including name and telephone number, and optionally, the customer s address. DS-O - Digital Service Level O. Service provided at a digital signal speed commonly at 64 kbps, but occasionally at 56 kbps. DS-1 - Digital Service Level 1. Service provided at a digital signal speed of 1.544 Mbps. DS-3 - Digital Service Level 3. Service provided at a digital signal speed of 44.736 Mbps. Due Date - The date provided on the Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) the ILEC sends the CLEC identifying the planned completion date for the order. End Office Switch - A switch from which an end users' exchange services are directly connected and offered. Final Trunk Groups - Interconnection and interoffice trunk groups that do not overflow traffic to other trunk groups when busy. Firm Order Confirmation (FOC) - Notice the ILEC sends to the CLEC to notify the CLEC that it has received the CLECs service request, created a service order, and assigned it a due date. Flow-Through -The term used to describe whether a LSR electronically is passed from the OSS interface system to the ILEC legacy system to automatically create a service order. LSRs that do not flow through require manual intervention for the service order to be created in the ILEC legacy system. Interval Zone lIZone 2 - Interval Zone 1 areas are wire centers for which Qwest specifies shorter standard service intervals than for Interval Zone 2 areas. Installation - The activity performed to activate a service. Installation Troubles - A trouble, which is identified after service order activity and installation , has completed on a customer s line. It is likely attributable to the service activity (within a defined timeperiod). Interconnection Trunks - A network facility that is used to interconnect two switches generally of different local exchange carriers Inward Activity - Refers to all orders for new or additional lines/circuits. For change order types additional lines/circuits consist of all C orders with "I" and 'action coded line/circuit USOCs that represent new or additional lines/circuits, including conversions from retail to CLEC and CLEC to CLEC. Jeopardy - A condition experienced in the service provisioning process which results potentially in the inability of a carrier to meet the committed due date on a service order Jeopardy Notice - The actual notice that the ILEC sends to the CLEC when a jeopardy has been identified. Lack of Facilities - A shortage of cable facilities identified after a due date has been committed to a customer, including the CLEC. The facilities shortage may be identified during the inventory assignment process or during the service installation process, and typically triggers a jeopardy. Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) - A Bellcore master file that is used by the telecom industry to identify NPA-NXX routing and homing information , as well as network element and equipment designations. The file also includes scheduled network changes associated with activity within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourthd "" ro'/isionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5 , 2004 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Local Exchange Traffic - Traffic originated on the network of a LEC in a local calling area that terminates to another LEC in a local calling area. Local Number Portability (formerly defined under Permanent Number Portability and also known as - Long Term Number Portability) - A network technology which allows end user customers to retain their telephone number when moving their service between local service providers. This technology does not employ remote call forwarding, but actually allows the customer s telephone number to be moved and redefined in the network of the new service provider. The activity to move the telephone number is called "porting. Local Service Request (LSR) - Transaction sent from the CLEC to the ILEC to order services or to request a change(s) be made to existing services. MSAlNon-MSA - Metropolitan Statistical Area is a government defined geographic area with a population of 50 000 or greater. Non-Metropolitan Statistical Area is a government defined geographic area with population of less than 50 000. Owest depicts MSA Non-MSA based on NPA NXX. Where a wire center is predominantly within an MSA, all lines are counted within the MSA. Mechanized BiII- A bill that is delivered via electronic transmission. NXX, NXX Code or Central Office Code - The three digit switch entity indicator that is defined by the " , " , and "F" digits of a 10-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NXX Code contains 10 000 station numbers. Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) - Refers to basic 2-wire, non-complex analog residential and business services. Can include feature capabilities (e., CLASS features). Projects - Service requests that exceed the line size and/or level of complexity which would allow for the use of standard ordering and provisioning processes. Generally, due dates for projects are negotiated , coordination of service installations/changes is required and automated provisioning may not be practical. Query Types - Pre-ordering information that is available to a CLEC that is categorized according to standards issued by OBF and/or the FCC. Ready For Service (RFS) - The status achieved in the installation of a collocation arrangement when all "operational" work has been completed. Operational work consists of the following as applicable to the particular type of collocation: . Cage enclosure complete; . DC power is active (including fuses available, BDFB (Battery Distribution Fuse Board) in place and cables between the CLEC and power terminated); Primary AC outlet in place; Cable racking and circuit terminations are complete (e.g. fiber jumpers placed between the Outside Plant Fiber Distribution Panel and the Central Office Fiber Distribution Panel serving the CLEC). and The following items complete, subject to the CLEC having made required payments to Owest (e., final payment): (If the required CLEC payments have not been made, the following items are not required for RFS): Key turnover made available to CLEC. APOT/CFA complete , as defined/required in the CLEC's interconnection agreement and Basic telephone service and other services and facilities complete, if ordered by CLEC in time to be provided on the scheduled RFS date (per Owest's published standard installation intervals for such telephone service). Ready for Service Date (RFS date) - The due date assigned to a collocation order (typically determined by regulatory rulings, contract terms , or negotiations with GLEG) to indicate when collocation installation is scheduled to be ready for service, as defined above. Reject - A status that can occur ,to a GLEG submitted local service request (LSR) when it does not meet certain criteria. There are two types of rejects: (1) syntax, which occur if required fields are not included in the LSR; and (2) content, which occur if invalid data is provided in a field. A rejected service request must be corrected and re-submitted before provisioning can begin. Repeat Report - Any trouble report that is a second (or greater) report on the same telephone number/circuit 10 and at the same premises address within 30 days. The original report can be any category, including excluded reports, and can carry any disposition code. Service Group Type - The designation used to identify a category of similar services, ., UNE loops. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth~FG rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru:Jry 17Mav 5, 2004 DEFINITION OF TERMS (continued) Service Order - The work order created and distributed in ILECs systems and to ILEC work groups in response to a complete, valid local service request. Service Order Type - The designation used to identify the major types of provisioning activities associated with a local service request. Standard Interval - The interval that the ILEC publishes as a guideline for establishing due dates for provisioning a service request. Typically, due dates will not be assigned with intervals shorter thanthe standard. These intervals are specified by service type and type of service modification requested. ILECs publish these standard intervals in documents used by their own servicerepresentatives as well as ordering instructions provided to CLECs in the Owest Standard Interval Guidelines. Subsequent Reports - A trouble report that is taken in relation to a previously-reported trouble prior to the date and time the initial report has a status of "closed. Tandem Switch - Switch used to connect and switch trunk circuits between and among Central Office switches. Time to Restore - The time interval from the receipt, by the ILEC, of a trouble report on a customer s service to the time service is fully restored to the customer. Unbundled Network Element - Platform (UNE-P) - Combinations of network elements, includingboth new and conversions, involving POTS (Le., basic services providing dial tone). Unbundled Loop - The Unbundled Loop is a transmission path between a Owest Central Office Distribution Frame, or equivalent, and the Loop Demarcation Point at an end user premises. Loop Demarcation Point is defined as the point where Owest owned or controlled facilities cease, and CLEC, end user, owner or landlord ownership of facilities begins. Usage Data - Data generated in network nodes to identify switched call data on a detailed or summarized basis. Usage data is used to create customer invoices for the calls. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit 8 Fourth F6 rovisionAmended Exhibit B Fobru3ry 17Mav 5, 2004 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ACRONYM DESCRIPTION ACD Automatic Call Distributor ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line All Automatic Line Information (for 911/E911 systems) ASR Service Request (processed via Exact system) BRI Basic Rate Interface (type of ISDN service) CABS Carrier Access Billing System CKT Circuit CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier Central Office CPE Customer Premises Equipment CRIS Customer Record Information System CSR Customer Service Record Directory Assistance Decibel Database DSO Digital Service 0 DS1 Digital Service DS3 Digital Service 3 E911 MS E911 Management System EAS Extended Area Service EB- T A Electronic Bonding - Trouble Administration EDI Electronic Data Interchange EELS Enhanced Extended Loops Emergency Services (for 911 fE911) FOC Firm Order Confirmation GUI Graphical User Interface HDSL High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line HICAP High Capacity Digital Service IEC Interexchange Carrier ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier INP Interim Number Portability IOF Interoffice Facilities (refers to trunk facilities located between Qwest central offices) ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network IMA Interconnect Mediated Access LATA Local Access Transport Area LERG Local Exchange Routing Guide LlDB Line Identification Database LIS Local Interconnection Service Trunks LNP Long Term Number Portability LSR Local Service Request N, T Service Order Types - - N (new), T (to or transfer), C (change) NANP North American Numbering Plan NDM Network Data Mover NPAC Number Portability Administration Center NXX Telephone number prefix OBF Ordering and Billing Forum Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth Fd revision Amended Exhibit B2004 Page 100 Febru3ry 17Mav 5 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS (continued) ACRONYM DESCRIPTION OOS Out of service (type of trouble condition) OSS Operations Support Systems PBX Private Branch Exchange PON Purchase Order Number POTS Plain Old Telephone Service PRI Primary Rate Interface (type of ISDN service) RFS Ready for Service (refers to collocation installations) SIA SAAFE (Strategic Application Architecture Framework and Environment) Information Access SOP Service Order Processor SOT Service Order Type SS?SiQnaling System ? STP Signaling Transfer Point Telephone Number UDIT Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport UNE Unbundled Network Element UNE-Unbundled Network Element - Platform VRU Voice Response Unit WFA Work Force Administration XDSL (x) Digital Subscriber Line. (The "U prefix refers to DSL generically. An "U replaced by an "An refers to Asymmetric DSL, and by an "H" refers to High-bit-rate DSL. Owest Idaho SGAT Third Revised Exhibit B Fourth ro'JisionAmended Exhibit B2004 ----- Febru3ry 17Mav 5 Page 101