HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030627Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:DOUG COOLEY DATE:JUNE 27, 2003 RE:QWEST APPPLICATION FOR A WAIVER TO ACQUIRE A NEW PREFIX (NXX) IN BOISE; CASE NO. QWE-03-14. BACKGROUND On June 18, 2003, Qwest Corporation filed a request for a waiver regarding denial of an Application Qwest filed with the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANP A). In its earlier Application to NANP A, Qwest requested a central office code (NXX) to meet the growing requirements of 8t. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise, Idaho. Qwest made the Application to NANP A because it does not have an entire discrete prefix available in the Boise rate center to meet the customer s request. As required in its Application to NANP A, Qwest completed a Month- To- Exhaust (MTE) worksheet indicating that Qwest's numbering resources in the Boise rate center would exhaust in approximately 59 months. On June 12 2003, NANPA denied Qwest's NXX request on the grounds that Qwest had not met the 6-month MTE criteria as set forth in the NANPA's guidelines for each rate center. Qwest asserts in its Application to this Commission that NANP A's denial "interferes with Qwest's ability to serve its customers within the state of Idaho. STAFF ANALYSIS Qwest participates in thousand-block-pooling in the Boise rate center and consolidated the Boise rate center with the Idaho City rate center in 2002 to further number pooling effectiveness in this area. While these methods help make number conservation efforts more DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 27, 2003 effective, they are designed to extend the time it takes to exhaust (MTE) a rate center s number resources. Staff agrees with Qwest that, according to FCC Orders and numbering guidelines, carriers can appeal NANP A decisions ofthis nature to the appropriate state regulatory authority. The Commission has granted similar waivers in the past for specific customer requests. (See Order No. 28769, Ricks College. Staff has also been wormed that the customer is prepared to pay Qwest to dedicate all 000 numbers associated with a new prefix for Direct Inward Dial (DID) to assure St. Alphonsus access to numbers within the new prefix as construction of new facilities continues into next year. By paying Qwest now to active all 10 000 numbers (or all ten 1 000 blocks) for St. Alphonsus, all 10 000 numbers are considered assigned and would not be subject to reclamation after six months. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Qwest's request for a waiver regarding denial of an Application Qwest filed with the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANP A) be granted that it may provide a prefix to St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center. Staff also recommends that Qwest continue to follow FCC numbering guidelines by assigning numbers in 1 000 blocks as demand requires before opening new 1 000 blocks within the newly assigned prefix. Further Staff recommends that Qwest remind its customer that unused 1 000 blocks will be returned to the NANP A. COMMISSION DECISION Should Qwest's request for a waiver to provide a new NXX to St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center be approved? i :dmemo/st al nxx memo 1 Number Optimization Order. CC Docket No. 99-200 and 96-, FCC 00-104, rel. Mar. 31, 2000. DECISION MEMORANDUM JUNE 27 2003