HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111031Amendment.pdf. . . CENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 733.5178 Facsimile (206) 343.4040 RECEIVED ~~'~M ~~ CenturyLink™ ZOLL OCT 31 AM 9: 20 Maura E. Peterson Paralegal Regulatory Law lùP;Ì;'U Uï!UTIES C Via Overnight delivery October 28, 2011 Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. QWE-T-03-6 Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement PageData LLC Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for fiing with this Commission on behalf of Qwest Corporation d//a Centurylink is an original and three (3) copies of the Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement. CenturyLink respectfully requests that this matter be placed on the Commission Decision Meeting Agenda for expedited approvaL. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the enclosed. Thank you for your assistance in t . m tte . ,- mep Enclosure cc: Service list www.centurylink.com .Lisa A. Anderl (WSBA# 13236) CenturyLink 1600 7th Ave, Room 1506 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2502 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 Adam.sherr(g q west.com RECEIVED 10 II OCT 3 1 AM 9= 21 iDAHO UTILITiES BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION D/B/A CENTURYLINK FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. §252(e) CASE NO.: QWE- T -03-6 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT Qwest Corporation d//a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") hereby files this Application for Approval of Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement ("Amendment"), which was . approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on February 25,2003 (the "Agreement"). The Amendment with PageData, LLC ("PageData") is submitted herewith. This Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations without resort to mediation or arbitration and is submitted for approval pursuant to Section 252(e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the "Act"). Section 252(e)(2) of the Act directs that a state Commission may reject an amendment reached through voluntary negotiations only if the Commission finds that: the amendment (or portiones) thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carer not a party to this agreement; or the implementation of such an amendment (or portion) is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. CenturyLink respectfully submits this Amendment provides no basis for either of these findings, and, therefore requests that the Commission approve this Amendment expeditiously. This Amendment is consistent with the public interest as identified in the pro-competitive policies of the State of Idaho, the Commission, the United States Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission. Expeditious approval of this Amendment will enable PageData. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMNDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 1 PAGEDATALLC 800PAGELINE AMNDMENT . . . to interconnect with CenturyLink facilities and to provide customers with increased choices among paging services. CenturyLink further requests that the Commission approve this Amendment without a hearng. Because this Amendment was reached through voluntary negotiations, it does not raise issues requiring a hearing and does not concern other parties not a party to the negotiations. Expeditious approval would further tht¡UbliC interest. Respectfully submitted this 1! day of October, 2011. It- t t. APPLICATION FOR APPRO V AL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 2 PAGEDATA LLC 800 PAGELINE AMNDMENT . CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this i '6f'day of October, 2011, I served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ¡¡ewell (gpuc.state.id.us Hand Deli very U. S. Mail -- Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email PageData LLC P.O. BOX 15509 BOISE, IDAHO 83715 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail -- Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email .~;~hns~$rA~ . APPLICATION FOR APPRO V AL OF AMENDMENT TO THE INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT - Page 3 P AGEDAT A LLC 800 P AGELINE AMENDMENT , .. DocuSign Envelope 10: 202E84C9-EF42-43A5-B977-03AAECCA790 . . . 800 Pageline Amendment to the Type 1 and Type 2 Paging Connection Service Agreement between Qwest Corporation and Page Data LLC for the State of Idaho This is an Amendment ("Amendment') to the Type 1 and Type 2 Paging Connection Service Agreement between Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"), a Colorado corporation, and PageData LLC ("Paging Provider"), incorporated in the State of Idaho. Qwest and Paging Provider shall be known jointly as "the Parties". RECITALS WHEREAS, the Parties entered into a Type 1 and Type 2 Paging Connection Service Agreement ("Agreement", for service in the State of Idaho, that was approved by the Commission on March 10,2009; and WHEREAS, Qwest provides 800 Pageline to Paging Provider; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement under the rates, terms and conditions contained herein. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Amendment and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Amendment Terms The Agreement is hereby amended by adding terms, conditions and rates for 800 Pageline, as set forth in Attachment 1 and Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Effective Date This Amendment shall be deemed effective upon approval by the Commission; however, the Parties may agree to implement the provisions of this Amendment upon execution. Further Amendments Except as modified herein, the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and efect. The provisions of this Amendment, including the provisions of this sentence, may not be amended, modified or supplemented, and waivers or consents to departures from the provisions of this Amendment may not be given without the written consent thereto by both Parties' authorized representative. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, wil be deemed tò extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence. May 4, 2011/mmsl800 Page line Amd/PageData/lD Amendment to CDS-080917-Q002 ~ " DocuSign Envelope 10: 202E84C9-EF42-43A5-B977 -D3AAECCA 790 Entire Agreement . The Agreement as amended (including the documents referred to herein) constitutes the full and entire understanding. and agreement between the Parties with regard to the subjects of the Agreement as amended and supersdes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subjects of the Agreement as amended. The Parties intending to be legally bound have executed this Amendment as of the dates set forth below, in multiple counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one.andthe same instrument. PageData LLC ¡¡prJ Qwest Corporation /~~~L:: Signature Joseph McNeal Name PrintedlTypedT!f T/ZC/2D//Oat I L. T. Christensen Name PrintedlTyped Director - Wholesale Contracts Title iohhfI I .Date May 4, 2011/mms/aOO Pageline Amd/PageData/lD Amendment to CDS-oa0917 -0002 2 . . DocuSign Envelope 10: 202E84C9-EF42-43A5-B977-03AA4ECCA790 .ATTACHMENT 1 800 Pageline 1.0 SERVICE DESCRIPTION 800 Pageline provides toll-free, intrastate/intraLA TA, LATA-wide callng for Landline end- users to contact Type 1 Paging Providets paging customers. 800 Pageline allows Type 1 Paging Provider to provide its customers individual 800 numbers utilzing 800 NXX codes designated for FCC Part 22 or Part 90 carriers only. 2.0 PROVISIONING OF SERVICE (a) Qwest provides blocks of twenty sequential 800 Service Numbers. Type 1 Paging Provider may reserve these numbers. Provisioning of 800 Pageline is subject to availabilty of 800 Service Numbers. (b) To acquire 800 Pageline. it is necessary to subscribe to Type 1 Service, provided by Qwest under this interconnection agreement. 3.0 CHARGES AND PAYMENTS 800 Pageline Service numbers are offered per Exhibit A.. .May 4, 20111mms/800 Pageline Amd/PageData/lD Amendment to CDS-080917 -0002 3 ~ OocuSign Envelope 10: 202E84C9-EF42-43A5-B977-03A4ECCA790 Paging Type 1 Exhibit A Idaho Select the appropriate ty of contrct below.EA I Locl Traffc Reciprocal For cost docket changes, leave blank:Compensation Election 4.5 Paging Traffic . 4.5.1 Entnce Faclltv & Trunklna Chames Analoo 2-Wire Analo Channels, 1-Way In (Land to Moble)MT1X $0.00 $0.00 .. 4-Wire Analog Channels, 1-Way In (Land to Mobile)MTJ1X $0.00 $0.00 .. Dianal 4-Wire Digitl Channels, 1-Way In (Land to Mobile)M4W1X $0,00 . Entrance Faciltv DS1 Level MF31X $0.00 $0.00 .. DS3 Level MF33X $0.00 $0.00 .. 4.5.2 Intentionally Left Blank 4.5.3 Connectivity Analog, per Analog Channel CK6AX $0.00 . DS1 Level, per DS1 Facility CK61X $0.00 . DS3 Level, per DS3 Facilty CK63X $0.00 . 4.5.4 Channel Pe~onnance 4.5.1 Loop Start PM2GG $0.00 . 4.5.2 Ground Strt PM2HG $0.00 . 4.5.3 Loop wnh Reverse Baer PM2JG $0.00 . 4.5.5 Dedicated Transoort Recurrnn Chames DSO Over 0 to 8 Miles JZ3TA $0.00 $0.00 .. XU2T1 Over 8 to 25 Miles JZ3TB $0.00 $0.00 .. XU2T2 Over 25 to 50 Miles JZ3TC $0.00 $0.00 .. XU2T3 Ovr 50 Miles JZ3TD $0.00 $0.00 .. XU2T4 . DS1 . Over 0 to 8 Miles JZ3JA $0.00 $0.00 .. XUWJ1 Over 8 to 25 Miles JZ3JB $0.00 $0.00 .. XUWJ2 Over 25 to 50 Miles JZ3JC $0.00 $0.00 .. XUWJ3 Over 50 Miles JZ3D $0.00 $0.00 .. XUWJ4 4.5.6 Multiplexing DS1 toDSO MXG1X $0.00 $0.00 .. DS3to DS1 MXG3X $0.00 $O.OC .. 4.5.7 DialOutnulsinn Per Each 1-Wav In or 2-Wav Channel Land to Mobile Analog 2-Wire OUPAX $0.00 . Analog 4-Wire OUPDX $0.00 . Digital OUPDX $0.00 . 4..8 Operational Support Systems Development and Enhancements, pe Order URCTC $0.00 . Ongoing Maintenance, per Order URCTD $0.00 . Daily Usage Recod File, per Recrd $0.0~0 . . . . Qwest Idaho 1 st Revision April 29, 2005 Page 1 012 ., DoêuSign Envelope 10: 2D2E84C9-EF42-43A5-B977-03AA4ECCA790 Paging Type 1. Exhibit A Idaho 4.6.0 800 Pa ellne Per block of 20 numbe $15.00 NOTES: Unless otherwise indicaed. all raes are pursuant to Idaho Public Utilties Commission dockets listed below: B: Cost Docket OWE-T -01-11, Order No. 29408 (January 5, 200) Rates efecve January 5, 200 · Type 1 land to pager tric wil be exchanged on a bill and keep basis betwen the Parties. . . Owest Idaho 1st Revision April 29,2005 Page 2 012