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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050419Reimbursement 1st Qtr 2005.pdfApril 18, 2005 . f" ~ ! \f .L,-,ffi.-l~ ". '. , \ I'~ ' lL, . "' Jean Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 2OtlS t,PR t 9 Pr1 2: Qwe st. Spirit of Servicer. : i U U Lie UT\L fiES~' COr,.r11SSl0N RE: QWEST TECH III FIRST QUARTER 2005 REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT PER ORDER 29197 IN CASE NO. QWE- T -03- Dear Jean Attached are an original and three copies of Qwest's filing for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the first quarter 2005 associated with the Tech III project. Qwest, at this time, is requesting reimbursement in the amount of$329 102 which is 50% of the total reconciled expenditures completed through March, 2005. To validate this level of completed work the Company is providing the following Confidential and Proprietary documents, under separate cover with an attorney s certificate, which are provided for Staff review only and are not to be made available for public review. 1. Attachment A: Excel Spreadsheet: Idaho Tech III Projects 1st Quarter 2005. This spreadsheet shows the individual job number and the dollar amounts spent, by category, by month, for all third quarter work. 2. Attachment B: Individual Job "Common Funding Document" CFD' s which provide detail as to the specific scope of work and the original estimates for each job previously approved by the Staff for inclusion in Tech III. Every job found on Attachment A has a corresponding CFD included on Attachment B. Based upon these supporting documents the Company requests a reimbursement check in the amount of$329 102 for the first quarter 2005 from the Fund Administrator following Staff review. I look forward to working with the Commission Staff in their review of this submission and in answering any follow up questions that may arise. WaYlle Hart is the IPUC Staff contact in this ongoing telecommunications infrastructure improvement proj ect. I can reached on 208-385-8666. Sincerely, ohn Souba irector Regulatory Affairs Att. ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE cr'r~t L-t. i,e ' , ~ , " if ' , II Fnf "... ",~ l1Jr-,., "-=, QWEST CORPORATION (";0 !\tZUllo APR 19 Pi~2: . ' nLl 'f His co ~1!1&SlON This Certificate is made pursuant to Rule 67 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Rules of Procedure LD .P .A. 31.01.01000. The job detail found in Qwest's first quarter 2005 filing is considered proprietary and confidential due to its competitive and sensitive nature. The undersigned hereby asserts that she is familiar with the material claimed not to be available for public inspection, examination and copying, and that she, in good faith, believes that there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information contained therein constitutes a "trade secret" as defined in Idaho Code Section 48-801 and is by virtue the Idaho Trade Secrets Act, Title 48, Chapter 8, Idaho Code subject to protection. DATED this 18th day of April, 2005. Mary S. son Stoel Rives LLP Attorneys Representing Qwest Corporation Boise-183285.1 0029164-00012