HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030604Comment.pdfSent By: 10 ASSOC OF REALTOR;12083367958 ...- -. Jun-03 16:49;Page 1/1
f"'99Y Sawic~1
First Vice President
W. J'I1IS~ JoM.lon
..,monGi OJ_tor
em MoratP\sc'
Natloll8l DifliW'lOr
M;c:tInel J. JOl'ln.IOl'
En"L p~.t11Q1l11e" PresiCSent
~8P I.j;iblsh
Non" Olsblc;t Vleo President
WilliO- Staroe
Sou'" Oi.1nCt VI"" PI...ident
G,il HartnEll!
West District Vies PreEllCl"nt
'"d Heney
PIISI PrllsiCSent
",..., P. Ou"....m
Eltec:UI/llIl Vn President
AffilisleO with
Nsrional A~lallon
of FlEAL.TO!'ilS"
~t:Al..TOR'" .. "r8gl...ereCI
r.olleCtlve 111elTJ!)el'Bl'liD
",:ark 'OInich may be
used uNy by res' c::lsle
ptoless;""ale ...h" are
meT1Dol'S of the
01 REA\.TORS" aM
_--..~_.- :.. ...;,..,
The Voice for Real fstate1'" In Idaho
1450 West Bannock, Boise, 'd;~ho 83702
(208) 342-3585 (800)
FAX: (208) 336-1958
email: iaritidahorealtors.com web site: www.ida"orealtors.con,c:..-..:0 :;;::i
(..o.;! c")
' -
c::::J'Utk~ 2003-4"
:::::C Cf?(fiCif;iJ);"\r
Idaho Public tJtilitie!i Commission
472 W. Washington St.
O, Bo:x 83720
Boise,1I) 83720-0074
RF: poe~~.T -02-
Pear COl11missiond!i:
The Idaho .""","arion of REAI..TORSOb ;, an o,~...izalion of real.,....
p.m..'ional' l'ep=ting nearl,
5 000 members stalewide. We underStand
thot the Conuni"ioD is cum:mly ..n,idcring .. applicallon fJ",n
0""" fur ~rite d""gulation of itS local telephnne ,."ice in ",me Idaho conun""ities, Q"'st'
, .~p\ic.""" is
ba!i~d 01\ the premise that cell pOOllCS provide effective competition for land lines and, therefore
, govemtm;nt
fl~g,ulat;on of pricing is 1'10 longer 1)CCe5sary.
The Idah.. Assucialion ..r Rl;;AL
TORS(!) support, .ffMts to expand th' ,ompetilivc lor
telecomnulnication services. As a large consumer of
lelec011lJnunication services,
Rf.A.l.TORS~ bclie"e that
D,ore competition for local, long dist..~nce. Internet and wireless providers will ultimatel)' lead to lowcrs
and better servic.e for consumcrs. Thc:refore, tbe Idaho Association ofREALTOltS~ supports lhe pl'opo~al.
From 111c perspective of our l11crnbcrs as consu1\,ers, tbcy
aN small business men and women who rely
on cen phoI\c technology tn conduct their busincss. We have wimessed a substantial iDlprovcment in the
quality. a""ilability and pddng of cell phone
"",ice in ,he past fCw ye"". It;s an integra! part nf our
memben;' business open\tions. Cell phones provide the equi"alcilt of land-liIle service at a competitive price
with the significant added value and benefit of mobility.
11'\ lerm:; of our clients. I~EAI.T()RS(JjJ havc witnessed tWO trend~. FiJ:sl, 1101 an home buyers wcorpOl'atC a
lal,d-linc telephone service in thcir hon\e. Cdl phones have become a substitute f01' that service. Second., a
growing nuillber of consumers arc asking for "hroadb;:ind" servlce!:i and facwring availability into their
purchase decision. Cable modem service is one option; the other is OSlo We understand that Qwest h:ijj
comn\itted to providc USL in ten additional communitic!: if you approve their application in this
case. Wt
support eflol1~ to expand broadband cL~pabili!)' throughout the state.
Olll' third reason for supporting this application is economic development.
Please consider the positive impae
on the Idaho economy of Qwest's comnlitmel\t 10 in"~5t in OSlo Many homeo\';ncrs, businesses an'
communities !lCC bn)adband as a critical part of their eeonl Hllle well-being. Anything that fosters in...estment i
broadband will help enlarge Idaho s employment opponunitics by encouraging d,=velop.
mcnt and innovation.
R.J::A LTORS~ underst.and fr.e sllffl1cating hnpact of unnecessary regulation on business.
Allowing markets t
compete on a level playing field leads to efficiency and competitiveness lhat ultimately
bem;fits consumer
AHowing land lincs to t:ffectively compete with lll1regulatcd wireless services Jneans Qwest !ihould ha.vc t1
nexibility to respond to market demands without regulatory oversight that. slows their respo.nsi"eness ar
skcws the market tor local ser...ice in favor oran unregulated telecommunications OptiO11.
Qwest's propos~1 seems 10 be a logical nc):t step in the e\loll1tion
ofldec(!mrounica(ion regulatIon. We belie
the pr~posiil strIkes a reasumlblc balance between consumer
protectioJ'1 and the public policy goal tI!' ,reaLli
an envIronment that prornotcs innovation and il1vestmenL We encourage your approval of the proposal