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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030403Comments.pdfJean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellWednesday, April 02 , 2003 8:00 PMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Wednesday, April 02 , 20037 : 5 9 : 3 4 Case: QWE-T-02-Name: Norris LynchStreet Addres s: 1224 E. Hays City: BoiseState: IDZIP: 83712-7414HomeTelephone: (208) 343-4059E-Mail: nlynch~veloci tus . netQwes Company: Qwestmailinglist _yes _no: yesCommentdescription: I have just read Mr. Clyde Dailey , Idaho Director AARP , March 23letter to your office which states that 145 000 AARP members support no deregulation ofwire telephone lines in 7 Idaho Ci ties. I am here to state that he does not speak for atleast two long time AARP members. Please reduce the stated number to 144 998 - (or less)opposing the change. Contrary to Mr. Dailey s observation on cell phones I see many of myretired friends purchasing and using cell phones. They feel the need for greater securi tyat home and when they are away from home. A cell phone provides them wi th a device thatthey can carry wi th them at all times. Presently there is great competi tion in thecommunication field for my communication needs and it is only fair to let all partiescompete evenly. Wi th competi tion for my communication dollar the servers will have
compete wi th each other and if one gets out of line wi th excessive rates their Company
will not survive. I urge you to approve the request by Qwest to deregulate wire lines inthe 7 Idaho exchanges and give them a fair chance to compete. It is the American way.
Norris & Mary Lou Lynch
Transaction ID: 421959.
Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc
Use r Add res s: 2 1 6 . 2 2 2 . 4 . 1 0 1
Us e r Ho s tname: 216. 222 . 4 . 101
Jean JewellFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Ed HowellWednesday, April 02 , 2003 10:53 AMJean Jewell; Ed Howell; Gene Fadness; Tonya ClarkComment acknowledgementWWW Form Submission:Wednesday, April 02 , 200310:53:20 AMCase: QWE-T-02-Name: William U. HouseStreet Address: 1020 Queen of Hills Dr. Box 181Ci ty: HaileyState: IdahoZIP: 83333HomeTelephone: 208-788-2935E-Mail: bucmhouse~earthlink. netCompany: Qwestmailinglist _yes _no: noCommentdescription: We are AARP members but strongly disagreethey represent us on the Deregulation proposal now beforethe PUC. WE FAVOR the deregulation of Boise , CaldwellNampa and Twin Falls.There is plenty of competion in these areas and Qwest needs tobe in a posi tion to also compete. The use of telephones wi wire is decreasing which is all the more reason to deregulateQwest from these areas.Please give Qwest a chance to enter the deregulation field.Thanks.
Mr & Mrs William u. House
P. S. The members of my wife s Bridge Club and my morningcoffee group who for the most part are AARP members also
disagree and upset over AARP saying they represent them inthis issue.
wi th them saYlng
Transaction ID: 421053.
Referred by: http: / /www. puc. s tate. id. us scripts /polyform. dll/ ipuc
Use r Add res s: 2 0 5 . 1 8 7 . 2 1 7 . 2 0 4
Us e r Ho s tname: 205. 187 . 21 7 . 204