HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030815Motion to Re-open & Affidavit.pdfSTOEL ~~, ;iE.CEIVED ~(LED ""- 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900 Boise, Idaho 83702 main 208.389.90002003 HJG 14 PM 4: SO fax 208.389.9040 www.stoel.com ATTORNEYS AT lAW , ".; ,, ' i ,", ,-: v UT!LiflES COi":i,j!SS!ON August 14, 2003 MARY S. HOBSON Direct (208) 387-4277 mshobson(i!)stoel.corn VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ill 83702-5983 RE:Docket No. QWE-O2- Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission are the following: An original and seven (7) copies of QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE- OPEN THE RECORD; An original and nine (9) copies of the AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT. In addition, Qwest is providing an original and nine (9) copies of Exhibit 1 to the Affidavit (one of which is designated the "Reporter s Copy ). Qwest is also providing a disc ofthe testimony contained in Exhibit 1. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours ?c 1Vt/0 !-h0-- Mary S.~bson :blg Enclosurescc: Service List Oregon Washington Caiifo,nia Boise-160632,10029164-00087 Utah Idaho Mary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoe1.com t;~ECEIVED ! L':..O 2003 A.UG 14 PM 1.;: : ,; , 'r';'_; C UTILI TIES COhi'iISSION Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 asherr~qwest.com Attorneys for Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR PRICE DEREGULATION OF BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Case. No. QWE-O2- QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD Qwest Corporation ("Qwest"), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby moves the Commission to re-open the record to permit Qwest to file the supplemental testimony of James M. Schmit. A copy ofMr. Schmit's proposed supplemental testimony is attached as Exhibit 1 to the Affidavit of James M. Schmit submitted herewith. Although Mr. Schmit's testimony is sworn by virtue of the use of the Affidavit, Qwest recognizes that the Commission and parties have not had the opportunity to question Mr. Schmit on the matters contained in his proposed testimony. Therefore Qwest will promptly respond to any questions concerning Mr. Schmit's testimony in writing and will QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 1 Boise-160529.10029164-00087 make no objection should the parties wish to file affidavits or written comments, in response to the supplemental testimony. On April 21 , 2003 , Idaho President James Schmit filed rebuttal testimony in this case. That testimony was admitted to the record on June 4, 2003. Tr. 515-531. In addition to discussing customer input received during the course of the docket, Mr. Schmit's rebuttal testimony outlined several commitments Qwest was willing to make in order to mitigate certain concerns expressed by members of the public, Commission Staff and the Intervenors Meierotto. Those commitments included: A commitment to maintain Qwest's status as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the seven exchanges that are the subject of Qwest's application in this case. A commitment to continue providing Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) support for low-income customers. A commitment to continue offering stand-alone (i., unpackaged) measured and flat- rated residence and business service. A price cap on basic local exchange residential and business recurring rates at current levels through the end of 2004. A one-third increase in the block of time included in the monthly price for residence measured service. A price cap on the per-minute usage rate associated measured service through the end of 2004. A commitment to the deployment of DSL service to at least 10 additional communities during the three years following approval of Qwest's application. Having attended the hearings, heard the questions and statements of the Commissioners and parties and their representatives and having read the legal briefs and analysis, Qwest is aware that the other parties remain hesitant to support Qwest's request for price deregulation in the seven exchanges primarily out of a concern that competition will not adequately constrain Qwest's pricing. While Qwest remains convinced that the record developed in this case strongly supports a finding such QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 2 Boise-160529,10029164-00087 concern is unfounded and that price deregulation is appropriate under Idaho Code 9 62-622(3)(b), Qwest is sensitive to the other parties' continuing concerns. Consequently, Qwest now proposes that the Commission approve Qwest's application in the form ofa provisional Pilot Project , the terms of which are more fully set out in Mr. Schmit's proposed testimony. The Pilot Project constitutes a win-win proposition, in that it grants Qwest the pricing flexibility it seeks, while providing the Commission sufficient oversight authority to allay any potential concerns that Qwest may use its new flexibility irresponsibly. The admission of Mr. Schmit's proposed supplemental testimony into the record will not cause prejudice to any other party in this proceeding. Qwest will agree with any reasonable procedure to allow the parties to understand this proposal and to voice their views. While this may delay ultimate resolution of this case, no party's interests, with the possible exception of those of Qwest, are adversely impacted by such delay. Meanwhile, the proposed Pilot Project holds the potential to provide all of the benefits of market-based pricing while minimizing any potential risks associated with price deregulation. Qwest respectfully submits such a proposal deserves consideration. Submitted this 14th day of August, 2003. Qwest Corporation ::t:; Stoel Rives LLP Adam L. Sherr Qwest Attorneys for Qwest Corporation QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 3 Boise-160529.1 0029164-00087 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 14th day of April, 2003, I served the foregoing QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0300 Fax: (208) 334-3762 iiewell~puc.state.id. Weldon Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 wstutzm~puc.state.id. Executed protective agreement Marlin D. Ard Willard L. Forsyth Hershner, Hunter, Andrews, Neill & Smith LLP 180 East 11 th Avenue O. Box 1475 Eugene, OR 97440-1475 Attorneys for Verizon Executed protective agreement John Gannon, Esq. 1101 West River - Suite 110 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 433-0629 Attorney for Meierotto, Padget, Herrick Neal --X...... Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email --X...... Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery --X...... u. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email --X...... Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 4 Boise-160529.10029164-00087 Dean 1. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2565 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 343-7500 Facsimile: (208) 336-6912 i oeCil),mcdevitt -miller. com Attorneys for WorldCom, Inc. Attorneys for AT&T Attorneys for Time Warner Telecom Executed protective agreement -..lL Dean Randall Verizon Northwest Inc. 17933 NW Evergreen Parkway Beaverton, OR 97006-7438 dean. ran dal1 ~v erizon. com Executed protective agreement -..lL Mary Jane Rasher 10005 South Gwendelyn Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80129-6217 Telephone: (303) 470-3412 mirasher~msn.com Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Emai1 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery -..lL u. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Emai1 Adam Sherr Qwest 1600 ih Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, WA 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 asherr~qwest.com -..lL Clay R. Sturgis Moss Adams LLP 601 West Riverside - Suite 1800 Spokane, W A 99201-0663 -..lL Brian Thomas TimeWarner Telecom 223 Taylor Avenue North Seattle, W 1\ 98109 Brian. Thomas~twtelecom.com -..lL Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 5 Boise-160529.10029164-00087 Susan Travis WorldCom, Inc. 707 17th Street - Suite 4200 Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 390-6333 Susan.a. Travis~worldcom.com Conley E. Ward, Jr. Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th Street - Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 cew~givenspurs1ev.com Attorneys for Idaho Telephone Association Executed protective agreement Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email -2L Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email ~ / c&u !taJ Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 6 Boise-160529.10029164-00087 :ECEIVED Mary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoel.com r;Ll:D f'-" L-... 2CO3l~UG 14 PH 4: 50 ; ,, ,' ' 'I~ UTILITiES CO t11i'(SSION Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 7th Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 asherr~qwest.com Attorneys for Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR PRICE DEREGULATION OF BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Case. No. QWE-O2- AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT IN SUPPORT OF QWEST CORPORATION' MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD STATE OF IDAHO ) ss. County of Ada James M. Schmit, being first duly sworn on oath states as follows: My name is James M. (Jim) Schmit. My office is located at 999 Main Street Boise, Idaho. I am the President of Qwest in Idaho and I am personally familiar with the facts stated herein. AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT IN SUPPORT OF QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page Boise-160631.1 0029164-00087 In my capacity as Qwest's Idaho President, I prepared the Supplemental Testimony that is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the facts and statements contained in that testimony are true and correct. This concludes my affidavit. DATED This 14th day of August, 2003. f'/I. es M. SChmIt State of Idaho ) ss. County of Ada On this 14th day of August, 2003 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared James M. Schmit, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WIT~6'WlQ~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year jp~;c ~~~rst above written. , ~,... .... -fA ~ ~~ ~T - 1 AR l' \ ~ \ gtU1d/~CU/ : ::I ~ _. : * i Notary Public for , c., : .~. T ~y ~ : 0 : ResIdmg at At. , \ My commission expires: Vq~q .. -" . . - ~ .. U l' ........ ~~..:' ### -1 TE O~ \" ##"......." AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT IN SUPPORT OF QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 2 Boise-160631.1 0029164-00087 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 14th day of April, 2003 , I served the foregoing AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES SCHMIT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ID 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0300 Fax: (208) 334-3762 ii ewell~puc.state.id. Weldon Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 wstutzm~puc.state.id. Executed protective agreement Marlin D. Ard Willard L. Forsyth Hershner, Hunter, Andrews, Neill & Smith LLP 180 East 11 th Avenue O. Box 1475 Eugene, OR 97440-1475 Attorneys for Verizon Executed protective agreement John Gannon, Esq. 1101 West River - Suite 110 Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 433-0629 Attorney for Meierotto, Padget, Herrick Neal --L Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email --L Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT IN SUPPORT OF QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 3 Boise-160631.1 0029164-00087 Dean 1. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2565 Boise, ID 83701 Telephone: (208) 343-7500 Facsimile: (208) 336-6912 oe~mcdevitt -miller .com Attorneys for World Com, Inc. Attorneys for AT&T Attorneys for Time Warner Telecom Executed protective agreement Hand Delivery -X....... U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Dean Randall Verizon Northwest Inc. 17933 NW Evergreen Parkway Beaverton, OR 97006-7438 dean. rand all (iJ),v erizon. com Executed protective agreement Hand Delivery -X....... U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Mary Jane Rasher 10005 South Gwendelyn Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80129-6217 Telephone: (303) 470-3412 mi rasher(iJ),msn. com Hand Delivery -X....... u. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Adam Sherr Qwest 1600 ih Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 asherr(iJ),qwestcom Hand Delivery -X....... u. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Clay R. Sturgis Moss Adams LLP 601 West Riverside - Suite 1800 Spokane, WA 99201-0663 Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Brian Thomas TimeWarner Telecom 223 Taylor Avenue North Seattle, W A 98109 Brian. Thomas(iJ),twtelecom.com Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT IN SUPPORT OF QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 4 Boise-16063L1 0029164-00087 Susan Travis WorldCom, Inc. 707 17th Street - Suite 4200 Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 390-6333 Susan.a. Travis~worldcom.com Conley E. Ward, Jr. Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th Street - Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 cew~givenspursley.com Attorneys for Idaho Telephone Association Executed protective agreement Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email ~dtX~ Brandi L. G rhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT IN SUPPORT OF QWEST CORPORATION'S MOTION TO RE-OPEN THE RECORD - Page 5 Boise-16063L1 0029164-00087 Mary S. Hobson, ISB #2142 Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 Adam L. Sherr, WSBA #25291 Qwest 1600 ih Avenue, Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 Attorneys Representing Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR PRICE DEREGULATION OF BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES CASE NO. QWE-02- SUPPLEMENTAL TESTIMONY OF James M. Schmit on behalf of QWEST CORPORATION August 14, 2003 EXHffiIT 1 TO AFFIDAVIT OF JAMES M. SCHMIT Boise-160534,10029164-00004 PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND POSITION WITH QWEST . name James (Jim)Schmit. located 999 Main Street Boise,Idaho. President Qwest Idaho. My office the DID YOU PREVIOUSLY SUBMIT TESTIMONY IN THIS CASE? Yes.I previously submitted rebuttal testimony, which was admitted into the record on June 4 , 2003, during the hearing in this case. WHAT THE PURPOSE YOUR SUPPLEMENTAL TESTIMONY? ' The purpose of my supplemental testimony is offer addi tional conditions which Qwest woul d vol untarily concerning how exercisewould theagree pricing flexibility requested in this case and to provide the Commission authori ty claw back"the flexibility granted determines the public interest has been harmed. DOES THE FACT QWEST IS OFFERING AN ALTERNATIVE AT THIS STAGE OF THE PROCEEDINGS MEAN THAT QWEST BELIEVES THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR PRICE DEREGULATION BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE HAVE NOT BEEN MET? QWE- T -02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534.1 0029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation not at all.Qwest believes the evidence inNo, the record substantial and that wirelessunrefuted services are effectively competing with Qwest's traditional land-line telephone service.Wireless services are functionally equivalent to basic local exchange service in each the exchanges.Wireless servicesseven are reasonably available from least six providers unaffiliated with Qwest in each of the seven exchange s . Wireless services are competitively priced in each of the seven exchanges.Thus strongly believes that theQwest requirements of Idaho Code ~ 62-622 (3) (b) have been met and price deregulation should be granted. IF YOU BELIEVE THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET, WHY THEN ARE YOU PROPOSING ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS? While believes the record overwhelminglyQwest its application al so recogni that theresupports element uncertainty the Commission grantingsome Qwest'application.The depth of the concern about the unknown and abou t possible behaviorQwest'the Commission grants Qwest' s application became more evident to me as I observed the evidentiary hearings and reviewed the other parties ' post-hearing briefs. QWE- T -02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534.10029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation Qwest is asking this Commission to find that wireless services effective thereby pricecompetitionrepresent deregulating basic local service.otherexchange (to my knowledge)regulatory commission in the country has done that. While I strongly believe the evidence in the level of competitionrecord demonstrates that the present will effectively pricing and behaviorregulateQwest' s am proposing here an option that significantlywhat limits the potential risk of approving Qwest' s application addi t ional caps and Commissionprovidingforprices oversight that will virtually guarantee the availability of affordable basic local exchange service for the foreseeable future. PLEASE DESCRIBE CONDITIONS QWESTTHEADDITIONAL IS PROPOSING. First let put these new conditions context. Through rebuttal testimony,Qwest has al ready volunteered substantial commi t men t s meant addre s s While recognition of wireless services as effective competition would be unique , retail price deregulation isnot. In fact , Qwest' s retail prices for basic local exchange service have been price deregulated in Nebraska since the mid-1980's. Most recently the South Dakota commission this week granted retail price deregulation throughout Qwest' s service area in that state. QWE- T -02- August 14, 2003 Boise-160534.1 0029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation specific raised this and the priorconcernscase Burley case.These include committing to continue to act as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier to offer basic measured and flat-rated residence and business service on a stand-alone basis , and to keep rates at their current level through end believe those commi tments2004.year provide substantial protections and benefits.consumer because the precedent-setting and untestedHowever, nature of this case Qwest is willing to operate under a pilot proj ect" with the following additional conditions: First deregulation basicfor localprlce exchange service would granted conditional Pilot proj ect"basis in the seven exchanges of Boise,Nampa,Caldwell Meridian Twin Falls, Idaho Falls, Pocatello. These seven exchanges represent a reasonable group for the Pilot proj ect for several reasons. First, they are the largest exchanges in Qwest' s southern Idaho territory and therefore offer the most attractive markets for all competitors. In fact, all of the Zone 1 (i. e., lowestpriced) wire centers are included within these seven exchanges for purposes of the deaveraged UNE rates. addition, the seven exchanges contain a sufficient number of lines to allow Qwest to operate efficiently in making the marketing, billing and product changes that may be introduced in response to competition. Further the size of this group of customers means that the Pilot proj ect will QWE-02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534,!0029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation Second,the Pilot proj ect would cover approximate 54 -month timeframe divided into two periods.During firstthe period (through the end of 2004) as I previously committed,prlces for basic local exchange services will be capped During the second periodcurrentrates. three full from 2005 throughJanuaryyears December 2007) ,the competitive market will regulate prices.that theHowever any concern market would offer adequa t e constraintnot basic local exchange service prices would mitigated by a "universal service assurance cap that will guarantee prices in the seven exchanges remain below level al ready determined affordable for Idaho basic local exchange the Commissionl i. e. customers the rates established the Commission for Idaho regulated independent companies. offer a meaningful "test" of the impacts of competition andpricing flexibility. 3 In orders dating back as far as 1998 the Commission found that rates of $24.10 for residence and $42.00 for business basic local exchange customers were fair reasonable and in the public interest. See I e.g. I In the QWE- T -02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534.1 0029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation Third,the Commission may determine at any time during the timeframe that price54-month deregulation the Pilot proj ect exchanges should be made permanent.Similarly,Qwest may terminate the plan at any time during the term of the Pilot proj ect at which point basic local exchange service will revert to price regulation under the then current Idaho statutes.the Pilot proj ect terminated Qwest,Qwest that rates will revert to the pre-Pilotagrees Matter of Direct Communications Rockland, Inc. Application for Authori ty to Increase Rates and Disbursements From the Idaho USF, Case No. ROR-97- Order No. 27450 (April, 1998). The conditions that Qwest is agreeing to here would guarantee that from now until January 2008, the maximum rate Qwest customers would be paying would remain affordable and be no more than that other Idahoans have been paying since 1998. While Qwest has said this case is not about raising rates and that ithas no plans to increase rates at this time, Qwest cannot guarantee that rates will never increase. Likewise, neither Qwest nor the Commission can make such a guarantee under rate of return regulation. In addition , Qwest asks that the Commission keep in mind that the seven exchanges primarily represent Zone 1 (lowest cost) for purposes of unbundled loop rates. The current unbundled loop rate of $15.65 thus serves as an additional constraint on Qwest' spricing. This belt (competitive market) and suspenders (unbundled loop rate) approach already provides tremendous constraints on Qwest' s pricing in the seven exchanges. the unlikely event that both of these mechanisms fail , the universal service assurance cap will protect consumers. QWE-02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534,10029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation proj ect rates unless other rates are found by the Commission to be just and reasonable. Fourth basic services thelocalexchange seven exchanges would be subj ect claw back" prlce regulation followingunde r the conditions: QWE- T -02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534.1 0029164-00004 During the pilot proj ect ,term of the upon complaint to the Commission and after notice Qwest and hearing,Commissionthe finds that the quality,general availability terms and basic localconditionsfor exchange service in the seven exchanges are adverse public interest,thethe Commission shall have authority to negotiate require servicesuchchangeshow provided.addition the Commission finds actionthatsuchcorrecti ve inadequate,the authori ty shall have require proj ectthatthePilot terminated.Exercising pricing flexibili ty wi thin the established by pricerange caps SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation grounds correcti venot,itself,for action or terminating the pilot proj ect. the conclusion of the pilot Project,Fifth, claw-back occurred,pricehasassumingnot deregulation in the seven exchanges would become permanent. Sixth, Qwest will not seek expansion of the pilot exchanges during thebeyondtheproj ect seven months of the Pilot proj ect .ini tial twelve ADDRESSESPLEASEEXPLAIN HOW THE PILOT PROJECT CONCERNS THAT WERE EXPRESSED DURING THE PRIOR PROCEEDINGS. Al though tended expressedtheconcerns for example,focusing on applicationsindirectly by, may not be readily adaptable as voicewirelinesthat wireless al ternati ve,believe thatcommunications ultimately the concern is that Qwest will abuse the pricing increasing rates-seeking herefreedoms who changeparticularlyformaynotwantcustomers elderly customers)using access(e. g. , some or customers lines for purposes other than basic local exchange service. offered the compet i t i vetestimonythatWhileQwe s t has market will protect those customers and in fact that those QWE- T -02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534.10029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation will benefi t from the compet i t i ve market thecustomers Pilot Proj ect approach providessuggesting the Commission and all customers with the comfort of limiting the potential risk of price deregulation over the next months, while preserving all of the potential benefits of a competitive market.Given the change thepace industry,and the current trend in access line loss,that deal more certainty than customers includinggreat the elderly and those with fewer perceived choices)have today under price regulation. DOES THIS MEAN THAT CUSTOMERS WILL PAY MORE FOR BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE UNDER THE PILOT PROJECT THAN THEY DO TODAY? Not necessarily.stated,the market will control prices subj ect to the upper limits described above. Customers will choose their provider on the basis of price, service, quality and features-just as they do today.Qwest will need compet it i ve all fronts order retain existing customers and attract new customers. have already testified that oplnion that wireless competition constrains Qwe s t from making arge price increases and have testified that Qwest has QWE- T -02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534.10029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) - Qwest Corporation plans to increase prices.By offering the pilot proj ect, those facts do not change.But,just like the Commission, know exactly what the future will hold.not benefi t Pilotthe proj ect thatapproach The the Commission and customers will know the upper limit of any potential price increase, but customers may still enj oy any stabili zing downward competition bringspressure prices for basic local exchange service. PLEASE SUMMARIZE YOUR TESTIMONY. These conditions,together with all condi tions previously offered,provide significant substantial benefits and protectionsconsumer otherwise continued rate-of -guaranteedcannot return regulatory structure.At the same time,the terms the and that of the Pilot Project give Qwest the ability to more fully the marketplace today.comparedcompete Qwest believes the Pilot proj ect proposalstatus quo, better for consumers,better for the State of Idaho, bet ter for the company,while at the same time minimizing potential risk adverse result the and unintendedany consequence of granting Qwest' s application. DO YOU HAVE ANY FINAL THOUGHTS? QWE- T -02- August 14, 2003 Boise-160534.10029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) -10- Qwest Corporation Yes.Qwest appreciates the long history of the Commission and the Company working together creatively and proactively addre s s emerging issues the telecommunications industry.I believe Idaho has benefited and is better positioned for future economic growth because of it.What I have attempted to do here is continue that tradition. DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR TESTIMONY? Yes.Thank you. QWE-02- August 14 2003 Boise-160534,10029164-00004 SCHMIT, J. (SUPP) -11- Qwest Corporation