HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030422Schmit Rebuttal.pdfMary S. Hobson, ISB #2142 Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958Telephone: (208) 389-9000Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 Adam L. Sherr , WSBA #25291 Qwest 1600 7 th Avenue, Room 3206Seattle, WA 98191Telephone: (206) 398-2507Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 Attorneys Representing Qwest Corporation RECEIVED 0FILED 20ll3 APR 22 AH 8: 21 , , ; '" 1 n i ';' 1('ILiP;r\C-, r GCLlv UTILITIES CO~lMISSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF QWEST CORPORATION FOR PRICE DEREGULATION OF BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF James M. Schmi t on behalf of QWEST CORPORATION April 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 CASE NO. QWE-T- 02 - SUBJECT II. III. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION CONSUMER INPUT - PUBLIC WORKSHOPS GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY INPUT QWEST' COMMITMENTS TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 QWEST . I. INTRODUCTION PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND POSITION WITH My name is James (Jim) M.Schmit.My office located at 999 Main Street, Boise, Idaho. I am the President of Qwest in Idaho. DID YOU PREVIOUSLY SUBMIT DIRECT TESTIMONY IN THIS CASE? No. this case. I am submitting only rebuttal testimony in WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR REBUTTAL TESTIMONY? Qwest' s representati ve all three the public workshops,I will provide a review of the workshops and the comments made the public during those sessions.I will also describe certain commitments Qwest is prepared to make in response to various public interest issues raised by the Staff and customers who commented in this case. QWE-T- 02 -SCHMIT, J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 II. CONSUMER INPUT - PUBLIC WORKSHOPS WHY DID THE COMMISSION DECIDE TO HOLD THE PUBLIC WORKSHOPS? The Commission held the workshops to allow the public the and to providequestionsabou task case written electronic stating their opinionscomments concerning pricing flexibility for basicallowing Qwest local exchange service. WHAT WAS THE FORMAT OF THE WORKSHOPS? The informal in nature.Bothworkshopswere Commission Staff and Qwest personnel attended.The Staff provided an overview of Qwest' s application and described the statutory requirements that must be met in order to gain flexibility.the Staff providedpricingFurther, forms that could be used for submitting written comments to the Commission and explained the process for submitting letters or e-mail comments. then opportuni ty address thegiventhewas workshop attendees.explained the competitivehow market for wireless services has ~veloped and why Qwest believes it must gain pricing freedom in order to continue operating also indicated whysuccessfully in Idaho. QWE-T- 02 -SCHMIT, J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 bel ieves have been metQwe s t the statutory requirements due to the current state of wireless competition in the exchanges application.included Qwest'seven concl uded discussion explaining whyeachworkshop fel t the approval of Qwest' s application was important to Qwest's future and would benefit Idahoans as well. WHERE WERE THESE WORKSHOPS HELD? The workshops were held in pocatello, Twin Falls and Boise.for the workshops wereThe dates and times provided Commission publicmediathroughthethe information Twin forFalls,office.The workshop example, was held at the Red Lion motel, which advertised the meeting on its marquee the day of the event.That day,had prominenttheTwinFallsTimesNewssame article in the business section reminding consumers of the meeting and its purpose. WHAT CONSUMER INPUT DID THE COMMISSION RECEIVE FROM THE THREE WORKSHOPS? The workshops had very little public attendance. In addition to Qwest employees that I asked to attend to respond to consumer issues if they arose, there were five individuals and three representatives of organizations who attended the workshop in pocatello.One individual,who QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT, J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 lives covered Qwest' soutsideexchangesthe application,expressed a concern that if Qwest raised its rates too high residents would drop their landlines and with sentiment actuallycellularservice.That consistent wireless serviceswithQwest'advocacy that offer wireline basic localcompetitioneffecti ve exchange that willserviceanddemonstratescustomers switch if Qwest unduly increases wireline prices. The Executive Director of the pocatello Chamber of questioned regulationwhythereCommercewas wireless service.Another attendee who identified herself retiree supported application forQwestQwest' pricing flexibility.A small business owner indicated he had four lines,one of which was a landline and three of which were wireless lines.He also said that two of his grown children had disconnected their landlines and gone to using only wireless service.A member of the Bannock Development urged CommissiontheCorporationCounty develop policies that encouraged new investment and fair competition among all providers.The administrator of the 911 system for Bannock County stated that 60% to 70% of the calls from ~reless phones.Thatthey recei ve are indi vidual Bannockthatfurtherstated County QWE-02 -SCHMIT, J. (REB) 4 - Qwest CorporationApril 21 , 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 -00087 experiencing a decline in surcharge revenues assessed on landline phones. WHAT OCCURRED AT THE TWIN FALLS WORKSHOP? organization representati ve and threeOne attended Executi veworkshop.the Kent Just,consumers Vice President of the Twin Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, submi t ted Qwest' sspokefavorletterand application.Chamber support i vethatthestated comments also reflected the opinlon Dave McAlindin, Economi c Development Director for the City Twin Falls. Another participant,who identified himself Qwe s t retiree,application for pricingalsosupported Qwest' s flexibility. John Gabica, a recently-retired employee of Qwest and Twin Falls local President of the Communications Workers of America, was also at the meeting.He recalled that in prior years Qwest used to be very busy installing phones for the influx of students coming back to the College of Southern Idaho every fall.He indicated that type of work had dried students usedsincetheup"most now cellular phones. WHAT CONSUMER INPUT CAME ~OM THE BOISE WORKSHOP? QWE-T- 02 -SCHMIT , J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21 , 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 Representati ves Boise Chamber oftheMetro and Economic CouncilCommercetheBoiseDevelopment submi t ted spoke favorandlet ter support Qwest'application.Two businessmen who operate small businesses heavily cellularrelystatedthatthey service as a fundamental means of communications.Also, a third individual who identified himself as a Qwest retiree expressed support for approval of Qwest' s application. one spoke against Qwest' s application or expressed concern about deregulation at the Boise workshop. DOES THE FACT THAT THE WORKSHOPS WERE LIGHTLY ATTENDED MEAN THE COMMISSION FAILED IN ITS EFFORT TO GAIN CONSUMER INPUT FROM THESE MEETINGS? Quite believe Kent Just,the contrary. Executive Director of the Twin Falls Area Chamber, said it best that few peopleindicatedthefactwhen attended the workshop spoke for itself.He said that, the attended number publichadoveryears, workshops for various regulated companies and,typically, there would be of people saying "don ' t room full this. "He then looked around the nearly-empty room and observed that there was no one ex~ressing opposition. These workshops were well publicized through theagree. QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT, J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 -00087 media.I f there was a groundswell of concern over Qwest' s achieving would havepricingbelieveflexibility, seen a large number of consumers appearing at the three separate workshops to express those concerns.We didn ' t see that.I believe the scant attendance by interested citizens at the workshops indicates a lack of concern over Qwest's application and consumer acceptance that wireless phones are a substitute for Qwest' s landline service. DID QWEST RECEIVE ANY COMPLAINTS ABOUT THE QUALITY OF ITS SERVICE DURING THE WORKSHOPS? Al though I had asked various Qwest serviceNO. personnel have fewassumingmightattend, complaints based past experience public meet ings , there was not single complaint expressed about the quality of Qwest' s telecommunicat ions service. III. GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY INPUT DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER OBSERVATIONS REGARDING PARTIES' REACTION TO QWEST'S REQUEST FOR PRICING FLEXIBILITY? I think it is worth noting that we do notYes. other industry telecommunications providers activelysee QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT , J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 - 00087 participating case opposingthis Qwest' application.cellular wireless provider,otherNotone incumbent compet it i veserviceprovider,Idaho landline local ( CLEC)nationalexchangecarrier telecommunications company filed testimony in this case. virtually telecommunications caseothermajorevery involving Qwest, we have seen some industry opposition to Qwest's position.Here, that has not happened. I believe if the industry in general was concerned about abou t QwestthevalidityQwest' s request abusing the anticipated pricing freedom to the detriment taken activethosefirms,they would havethen stand.The fact that there is so little opposition for allowing Qwest pricing flexibility either from the public or from the industry should provides the Commission with a deal in its examination of the publiccomfortgreat interest issue associated with this case. HAS IDAHO'S LEGISLATURE ALSO EXPRESSED A PREFERENCE FOR MARKET REGULATION ONCE EFFECTIVE COMPETITION HAS DEVELOPED? Way back in 1983, the legislature foundYes. that the rates,charges and service of mobile telephone QWE-T- 02 -SCHMIT , J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21 , 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 - 00087 providers,removed from theforexample,should jurisdiction the Utilities CommissionIdahoPublic because canmarketplacethecompetitiveforcesthe provide regulation the legislaturebet ter Thus, expressed its intent nearly years ago that compet i t i ve marketplace preferable government regulation.This was reaffirmed the passage the Telecommunications economically1988,whichAct deregulated except basicvirtually localeverything exchange for residential small businessserviceand The regulation wasformarketpreferencecustomers. reaffirmed again in 1997 with legislation that directed the Commission basiceconomicallyderegulate local exchange service once effective competition is present. IV. QWEST'S COMMITMENTS TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST LEGISLATURE REQUIRE THEDIDN'THE COMMISSION TO EXAMINE THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC DEREGULATION ON THE PUBLIC INTEREST OF THE STATE OF IDAHO? L 1983, ch. 172 , Section QWE-T- 02 -SCHMIT, J. (REB) Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 -00087 its deliberations,Yes.all the Commission consequencesweighthe its actionsmust against many factors, including the public interest. IN THE BURLEY CASE (USW-99-15), DID THE STAFF PROVIDE A "ROAD MAP" AS TO HOW FUTURE APPLICANTS SHOULD ADDRESS THE MATTER OF THE PUBLIC INTEREST? Staff witness Joe Cusick testified2 thatYes. the should thoroughly . specify how the publicappl icant interest would be served by economic deregulation. also said any pricing commitments should be time-bound. IS QWEST PREPARED TO MAKE SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ALONG THE LINES SUGGESTED BY STAFF IN THE BURLEY CASE? Yes. PLEASE DESCRIBE THOSE COMMITMENTS. First,Qwest will continue its responsibilities the foreligibletelecommunications(ETC)carrier sevenprovidinguni versal service thepurposes exchanges unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. Second, Qwest will continue providing service pursuant to Direct testimony of Joe Cusick, p. 17. QWE-T-02 -SCHMIT, J. (REB) 10- Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 the Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Plan (ITSAP), which currently provides a $13.monthly credit to qualified low-income customers.Third,in response to Staff and to those customers who expressed a concern that Qwest would no longer offer stand-alone dial tone service (but instead would only offer packaged services), Qwest commits that it will continue to provide both local measured and flat - rated residence and business services on an a la carte basis,authori zed the Commissionunless otherwise. STAFF SUGGESTED THIS CASE WAS REALLY ALL ABOUT QWEST'S ABILITY TO RAISE ITS RATES.IS QWEST WILLING TO COMMITMENTS ADDRESS THIS CONCERN ITSMAKEANY APPLICATION IS GRANTED? In order to address Staff's concern thatYes. this ability raiseallQwest' saboutcase rates" , (Hart, page 37, line 11), Qwest will commit to cap basic residence and business recurringlocalexchange rates for both flat-rated and measured service, at current levels through the end of 2004.Qwest'At that point, 3 The current monthly recurring rate for flat-rated service is $17. for residence and $32.51 for business. The current monthly recurring rate for measured service is $10.51 for residence and $17.51 for business. QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT, J. (REB) 11- Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 regulated will beenhavebasiclocalexchangerates essentially unchanged for approximately seven years. ADDITIONALQWESTWILLINGMAKEANY ASSUMING THECOMMI TMENT S MEASURED SERVICEREGARDING COMMISSION GRANTS PRICE DEREGULATION? Qwest is willing to agree to increase byYes. one-third the block of time included in the monthly price fourresidenceservicefrom three hoursmeasured hours.could placeThisthatwouldcustomersmean outbound local calls,including calls within the expanded extended area service areas, with a usage allowance(EAS) of 240 minutes per month.It should also be noted that inbound local and long-distance calls, as well as outbound long-distance measuredcalls,are not counted against service expanded four-time including theblocks,usage hour block I propose here. In addition to capping the monthly recurring rate, Qwest will cap the per-minute usage rate associated with measured service through 2004 as well. 4 The current per-minute rate for residence and business measured service is $0.02. Residence customers only pay the per-minute rate if they exceed the block of time included in the monthly rate. QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT, J. (REB) 12 - Qwest CorporationApril 21 , 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 -00087 WILLING OFFER THESE PRICINGQWESTWHY COMMITMENTS? Although Qwest firmly believes has met all the requirements gain pricingstatutorynecessary flexibili ty, we appreciate the concerns expressed by Staff and some customers that Qwest' s immediate goal would be to raise prices.wi th these commitments,Qwest has assured the Commission and those customers that this case is not all about raising prices.Also,in the Burley case,the Staff suggested specific,time-bound pricing commi,tments of this nature would assist the Commission in evaluating the future application.public interest aspect any While Qwest does not view these pricing commitments as a pre-requisite Commission approval Qwest' sthis application , Qwest is nevertheless trying to be responsive to both the direction provided by the Staff in the Burley and expressed this Finally,case concerns case. believe demonstrate desirethesecommitmentsQwest continue to provide a broad range of services to address the broad ranging needs of our customers even after Qwest gains pricing flexibility under Section 62-622 (3) . QWE-T- 02 -SCHMIT J. (REB) 13- Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 THE STAFF EXPRESSED A CONCERN ABOUT PRICING IN REMAINING QWEST PRI CE - REGULATED EXCHANGES SHOULD THE COMMI S S ION APPROVE ECONOMIC DEREGULATION THE SEVEN WILL PRICES FOR BASIC LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICEEXCHANGES. IN QWEST' S REMAINING REGULATED EXCHANGES BE AFFECTED BY PRICE DEREGULATION IN THE SEVEN EXCHANGES? These prices will continue to be regulated by the Commisslon just they are today.Any price adj ustments for basic local exchange service the remainlng exchanges will have approved the Commission following a full review of the circumstances. As always,the Commission will take the public interest well in mindintereststhetheCompany setting rates. CUSICK SUGGESTED THEIN THE BURLEY CASE,MR. REGARD ING ADVANCED SERVICESAPPLICANTSPECIFICANY CUSTOMERS COULD EXPECT TO RECEIVE (USW-T- 99-15,CUSICK, DI, PAGE 17).IS QWEST PREPARED TO MAKE A COMMITMENT TO THE COMMI S S ION APPROVESDEPLOYADVANCEDSERVICES QWEST'S APPLICATION? QWE-T- 02 -SCHMIT , J. (REB) 14- Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 Today indi vidual wellcustomers,Yes. business,deve 1 opmen t leaders,government and economi c often broadband service.Communi t Yrequesthigh-speed, leaders want this service as an economic development tool and advanced services to homes andforthedelivery of businesses.both Staff'Therefore,response suggestion and requests customers,Qwest' s application granted,Qwest will commi t the deploYment Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)service minimum of 10 additional communities in Idaho during the following application.SinceapprovalQwest'years DSL is already available in the seven exchanges,this DSL deploYment outside the price deregulatedwilloccur exchanges additional benefit the remaining regulated exchanges.is wi 11 ing to work wi th theQwest Commission,and local business andwellstate leaders,to assist Qwest in determining whichgovernment communities positioned recei ve thisbestQwestare investment. V. CONCLUSION AND RECOJIMENDATION QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT, J. (REB) 15- Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164-00087 DO YOU HA~E ANY FINAL COMMENTS FOR THE COMMISSION'S CONSIDERATION? Qwest has provided compelling testimony inYes. this the test forhasdemonstratingthatmetcase establishing the presence of effective competi tion for its exchange service in the seven southernbasiclocal Idaho interventionmeaningfulexchanges.With opposition by other industry members;with virtually no opposition expressed by the public during the workshops held in three of Qwest's biggest exchanges; with only a small number of customer comments filed in opposition to application;filedand wi fewQwest'comments support of Qwest' s application,seems clear that the public for pricingis unconcerned about Qwest' s request flexibility.Members of various Chambers of Commerce and Economic support Qwest' sorganizationsDeve 1 opmen t application.even though Qwest is not requiredMoreover take establish itsadditionalaffirmati ve steps right to the pricing freedom offered by section 62 -622 (3) , Qwest has made a number of commitments about how it will exercise that freedom issues raised the Staff Burl ey case. address the public interest both in thi s case and in the QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT, J. (REB) 16- Qwest CorporationApril 21 , 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 - 00087 reached point Idaho competitive telecommunications market where wireless subscription has reached traditional andl i nethatnearly80% subscribership.And al though a few years ago,some may have would materialize fromfirstthoughtcompet it ion another mode of entry,effective competition nevertheless has arrived in full bloom via wireless providers.This form of competition meets the criteria adopted when the legislature crafted the "functionally equivalent II language found in Section 62 - 622 (3) (b) . conclusion this Commission toQwestencourages find effecti vely withthatwirelessservicecompetes Qwest'landline service.By approving this application under here,Commi s s ion willthetermsofferedthe encourage greater competition while providing a degree of price stability and .investment in advanced services that under theguaranteed presentcannot scope regulation.the CommissionTherefore,encourage approve Qwest' s application for pricing flexibility in the seven southern Idaho exchanges. DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR T~TIMONY? Yes, it does. QWE - T - 02 - 2 5 SCHMIT, J. (REB) 17- Qwest CorporationApril 21, 2003 Boise-155946.1 0029164 - 00087 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 21 st day of April, 2003, I served the foregoing REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JAMES M. SCHMIT upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ill 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0300 Fax: (208) 334-3762 i i ewell~puc.state.id. us Weldon Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street - P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 334-0300 Facsimile: (208) 334-3762 W stutzm~puc.state.id. Marlin D. Ard Willard L. Forsyth Hershner, Hunter, Andrews, Neill & Smith LLP 180 East 11 th Avenue O. Box 1475 Eugene OR 97440-1475 Attorneys for Verizon Executed protective agreement John Gannon, Esq. 1101 West River-Suite 110 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 433-0629 Attorney for Meierotto, Padget, Herrick Neal Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2565 Boise, ill 83701 Telephone: (208) 343-7500 Facsimile: (208) 336-6912 i oe~mcdevitt -miller. com Attorneys for WorldCom, Inc. Attorneys for AT&T Attorneys for Time Warner Telecom Executed protective agreement Dean Randall Verizon Northwest Inc. 17933 NW Evergreen Parkway Beaverton, OR 97006-7438 dean. randall ~v erizon. com Executed protective agreement Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery-L U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Mary Jane Rasher 10005 South Gwendelyn Lane Highlands Ranch, CO 80129-6217 Telephone: (303) 470-3412 mirasher~msn.com Hand Delivery-L U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Adam Sherr Qwest 1600 ih Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 asherr~Qwest.com Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Clay R. Sturgis Moss Adams LLP 601 West Riverside - Suite 1800 Spokane, WA 99201-0663 Brian Thomas TimeWarner Telecom 223 Taylor A venue North Seattle, W A 98109 Brian. Thomas~twtelecom.com Hand Delivery-L U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email H~d Delivery-L U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Susan Travis WorldCom, Inc. 707 1 ih Street - Suite 4200 Denver, CO 80202 Telephone: (303) 390-6333 Susan.a. Travis~worldcom.com Conley E. Ward, Jr. Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th Street - Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 cew~givenspursley.com Attorneys for Idaho Telephone Association Executed protective agreement Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Email 6~~~ Brandi L. Gearhart, PLS Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoe1 Rives LLP All