HomeMy WebLinkAbout200208256Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL DON HOWELL JOHN HAMMOND RANDY LOBB JOE CUSICK CAROLEE HALL DOUG COOLEY BIRDELLE BROWN RON LAW TONYA CLARK GENE FADNESS WORKING FILE FROM:WAYNE HART DATE:AUGUST 30,2002 RE:STAFF REVIEW OF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS:CASE NOS.SPR-T-01-1,USW-T-99-23,QWE-T-02-13,QWE-T-02-15,VZN-T-02-9. BACKGROUND Under the provisions of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996,interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval.47 U.S.C.§252(e)(l).The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiations only if it finds that the agreement: (1)discriminates against telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement;or (2) implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest,convenience and necessity.47 U.S.C.§252(e)(2)(A). THE CURRENT APPLICATIONS 1.Owest and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.(Case No.SPR-T-01-1).This is an amendment to an existing wireline interconnection agreement adding terms for unbundled network element combinations. DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 AUGUST 30,2002 2.Qwest and New Edge Networks.(Case No.USW-T-99-23).This Application involves an amendment to an existing agreement adding terms for the conversion of private lines to unbundled loops. 3.Qwest and Big Sky Telecom,Inc.(Case No.QWE-T-02-13).This Application is for a new agreement based upon Qwest's Statement of Generally Available Terms (SGAT).This agreement is based upon the current SGAT,which includes the new,lower,rates proposed by Qwest in its 271 filing. 4.Qwest and Now Communications,Inc.(Case No.QWE-T-02-15).This Application is for a new wireline agreement,and includes terms and conditions similar to those in previously approved agreements. 5.Verizon and Sprint Communications Company,L.P.(Case No.VZN-T-02-9).This is a new wireline interconnection agreement.It includes terms and conditions similar to previously approved agreements. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed these Applications and did not find any terms and conditions that it considers to be discriminatory or contrary to the public interest.With the exception of the Qwest/Big Sky agreement,all contain terms and conditions that are similar to those contained in previouslyapproved amendments or agreements. The Qwest/Big Sky agreement is the first agreement presented to the Commission that includes the reduced rates proposed by Qwest in its Application for 271 approval.The Commission has not thoroughlyreviewed these rates and only views them as interim rates.There remains an open cost docket in Case No.QWE-T-01-11 to examine these rates.Staff does not necessarily object to the rates in this agreement,but recommends that any Commission approval of an agreement includingthese interim rates also include language that clarifies that approval of the agreement does not imply the Commission has adequatelyreviewed the rates and has not verified that the interim rates meet TELRIC standards. Staff believes that the Agreements and Amendments are consistent with the pro-competitive policies of this Commission,the Idaho Legislature,and the federal Telecommunications Act. Accordingly,Staff believes that the Agreements and Amendments to previouslyapproved interconnection agreements merit the Commission's approval. DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 AUGUST 30,2002 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve the Applications for Approval of the Interconnection Agreements and Amendments listed above? If so,does the Commission wish to include limitinglanguage as recommended by Staff in its approval of the Qwest/Big Sky agreement. 'Wayne H WH:i:udmemos/int dm 8 30 02 DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 AUGUST 30,2002