HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021104Order No 29149.pdfOffice of the Secretary Service Date November 4 2002 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION CITIZENS TELECO MMUNI CA TI 0 NS CASE NO. QWE-O2- COMPANY OF IDAHO, CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, CENTURYTEL OF THE GEM STATE, POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY AND ILLUMINET, INc. COMPLAINANTS vs. QWEST CORPORATION, INc.,ORDER NO. 29149 RESPONDENT. Qwest filed on October 30, 2002, a Motion to Continue Hearing in this case "for a period of not less than thirty days." The hearing is set to convene Wednesday, November 6 2002. Qwest filed a motion "to allow Qwest an opportunity to conduct discovery, and to prepare and file testimony," in response to new direct testimony filed by the Idaho Telephone Association (ITA). Qwest states that the testimony was filed on the date for rebuttal testimony by a witness not previously identified and that his direct testimony identifies an entity not previously disclosed to Qwest relevant to the provision of SS7 service to ITA members. Qwest asserts that "the additional time requested herein, will at a minimum, allow. Qwest and the other parties to this case to clarify the issues for presentation to the Commission.Qwest also expressed hope that a postponement "will facilitate narrowing of the issues and the possibility of settlement. " A response in opposition to Qwest's motion was filed November 1, 2002, by the complaining parties. The Complainants contend the inconvenience resulting from a delay is too great because the parties have made travel arrangements for witnesses and attorneys. Regarding the direct testimony filed on the date for rebuttal testimony, the parties assert the witness testimony was filed to rebut a Qwest witness ' testimony and was merely mislabeled as direct testimony. In response to Qwest's suggestion a delay may facilitate settlement discussions , the Complainants contend their complaint was filed "only after extensive efforts were made to ORDER NO. 29149 resolve the issues without formal Commission resolution " and Qwest "has failed to initiate any substantive discussions in an effort to resolve those issues since the filing of the Complaint." The Commission has determined to grant the Motion to Continue Hearing filed by Qwest. Although granting a continuance at this late date no doubt will create an inconvenience the Commission strongly supports attempts to clarify issues and the positions of the parties prior to convening a hearing. The Commission also encourages the parties to make a good faith effort to discuss settlement now that their positions have been set out in prefiled testimony. The fact that Qwest may have been unresponsive to previous settlement attempts should not now preclude meaningful discussions. In order to minimize the delay caused by granting Qwest's motion , the Commission will reschedule the hearing in this case for December 10-, 2002. This Order will serve as notice to the parties that the hearing will convene on that date in the Commission s hearing room. In addition, because Qwest's motion was filed so near the hearing date, Qwest should be prepared to compensate the Complainants for any extra travel costs incurred as the result Qwest's motion. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Motion to Continue Hearing filed by Qwest is granted. The hearing date of November 6-, 2002 is vacated and the hearing is rescheduled to convene December 10 2002, at 9:30 a.m. in the Commission s Hearing Room in Boise, Idaho. ORDER NO. 29149 DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this Lfof1t. day of November 2002. ~IDENT Commissioner Smith Dissents wi thout Opinion MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: ~t).if.D. Jewell Commission Secretary bls/O:QWETO211 ws3 ORDER NO. 29149