HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021018Craig Rebuttal.pdfMary S. Hobson, ISB #2142 Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise,ID 83702-5958 Telephone: (208) 389-9000 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 Stephanie L. Boyett-Colgan Qwest Services Corporation 1801 California Street, 47 Floor Denver,CO 80202-1984 Telephone: (303) 896-0784 Facsimile: (303) 896-8120 Attorneys Representing Qwest Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION, CITIZENS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY OF IDAHO, CENTLJRYTEL OF IDAHO, CENTURYTEL OF THE GEM STATE, POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY and ILLUMINET, INC. Complainants QWEST CORPORATION, Respondent. REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JOSEPH CRAIG QWEST CORPORATION October 18, 2002 1 I.IDENTIFICATION OF WITNESS 2 3 PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME. 4 MY name is Joseph Craig. 5 ARE YOU THE SAME JOSEPH CRAIG THAT PREVIOUSLY FILED 6 DIRECT TESTIMONY IN THIS CASE? 7 8 Yes,I am. PLEASE EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MY testimony responds to issues raised in the direct testimony of Illuminet witnesses Paul Florack and F. Wayne Lafferty.Mr. Lafferty also testifies on behalf of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho, Electric Lightwave,and the Idaho Telephone Association. I address these responses from a network, technical perspective. 16 Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. 17 18 ON PAGE 15, LINES 1 THROUGH 16 OF HIS DIRECT TESTIMONY, MR. FLORACK DESCRIBES JOINTLY PROVIDED EXCHANGE ACCESS AND THEN ALLEGES THAT QWEST IS INAPPROPRIATELY BILLING 19 20 21 A. 22 23 24 FOR THE 557 FUNCTION IT PROVIDES.IS MR. FLORACIC'S ALLEGATION CORRECT? No,it is not.This is an example of where Mr. Florack is confusing SST messaging with calls or traffic.There is no such thing as a jointly provided exchange access SS7 message.SSI is an out of band s~ignaling network. QWE-T-02-11 October 18, 2002 Craig, J (DI)-l- Qwest Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 To use Mr. Floracks words, "Signaling occurs "out-of- band" on dedicated channels rather than on the voice channels"'.Access charges apply to the voice trunk on the terminating side of a toll call and are billed based on minutes of use.SS7 message charges are for the SS7 messages that use the Qwest SS7 network and have nothing to do with the access billed on a voice trunk.This is an attempt by Mr.Florack to confuse the signaling network with the voice network, and is contradictory to his own testimony. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Also,this really is a non-issue, since the signaling message requirements to set up a local trunk or a toll trunk are identical.The only difference is the information included in the signaling message parameters. Q.ON PAGE 19, LINES 9 THROUGH 11 OF HIS DIRECT TESTIMONY, MR. LAFFERTY ALLEGES THAT QWEST IS ALREADY BEING COMPENSATED FOR TRAFFIC VIA EXISTING INTERCONNECTION 19 AGREEMENTS.DO YOU AGREE WITH MR. LAFFERTYS ALLEGATION? 20 A. No,I do not. Mr.Lafferty is confusing 557 messaging 21 with trunks,the same mistake that Mr. Florack makes. 22 The ELI Interconnection Agreement addresses the ' Direct testimony of Illuminet witness Florack, filed September 27, 2002,at page 6,lines 18 and 19. QWE-T-02-11 October 18, 2002 Craig, J (DI)-2- Qwest Corporation 1 interconnection trunk group and the associated 2 3 4 5 transport,and Qwest is compensated for the trunk group and the associated transport accordingly.This compensation does not include the 557 messaging function as asserted by Mr. Lafferty. 6 7 8 9 10 I.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 To be clear,Interconnection Agreements ('ICA") are established between Qwest and Competitive Local Exchange Carriers ("CLEC") for the purpose of exchanging traffic. If a CLEC,such as ELI,wants to purchase interconnection transport and associated trunking from Qwest as detailed in their ICA, and 557 network functionality from a third party provider, such as Illuminet,then they have not purchased any SS7 functionality from Qwest.All the CLEC has purchased from Qwest is interconnection transport and the associated trunking. Q.WITNESSES OF EVERY COMPLAINANT HAVE ALLEGED THAT QWEST SHOULD DISTINGUISH 557 MESSAGES AS LOCAL AND EXCHANGE ACCESS (i.e., TOLL).DO YOU AGREE? A. No.The distinction between local and toll is only relevant to voice/data calls on the Public Switch Telephone Network and has no bearing on the 557 network. The SS7 network has to perform for all messages that access the 557 network regardless of whether the QWE-T-02-11 October 18, 2002 Craig, J (DI)-3- Qwest Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q- I 8 9 A. 10 Q. 11 12 13 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 associated voice/data call traversing the voice network is local or toll.Costs are generated by each and every message that accesses the SS7 network.From the perspective of the 557 network,a message is a message is a message. SINCE ALL MESSAGES CREATE COSTS TO TEE SS7 NETWORK, TEEN WHAT IS GAINED BY SEPARATING MESSAGES INTO LOCAL AND EXCEANGE ASSESS (i.e., TOLL)? Nothing.There are no "nonchargeable" messages. ON PAGE 18, LINE 3 OF HIS DIRECT TESTIMONY, MR. FLORACK STATES TEAT IT IS NOT TECHNICALLY FEASIBLE TO ESTABLISH~ SEPARATE SIGNALING LINK CONNECTIONS FOR THE EXCBANGE OF LOCAL AND TOLL CONNECTIONS.IS THIS TRUE? No it is not.Mr. Florack states earlier in his testimony that Illuminet does not own or operate Signal Switching Points ("SSP"), or end office switching equipment,and then goes on to offer an incorrect opinion.Switch vendors,such as Lucent and Nortel, have the capability for multiple point code assignments in the switch, or SSP.If Illuminet's carrier customers want to separate their SS7 messages based on the local or toll nature of their voice trunks, switch vendors have made this technically possible. QWE-T-02-11 October 18, 2002 Craig, J (DI)-4- Qwest Corporation CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this l$day of October, 2002, I served QWEST CORPORATION’S REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JOSEPH CRAIG as follows: Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 412 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 jjewell@mx.state.id.us Conley Ward Givens Parsley 277 North 6’ Street - Suite 200 P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 cew@,tivensuurslev.com [L] Hand Delivery [A U. S. Mail u Overnight Delivery u Facsimile u Email [A] Hand Delivery u U. S. Mail u Overnight Delivery u Facsimile U Email Morgan W. Richards Moffatt Thomas 10 1 South Capitol Boulevard - lO* Floor Boise, ID 83701 mwr@moffatt.com m] Hand Delivety U U. S. Mail U Overnight Delivery U Facsimile m Email Thomas J. Moorman Km&in, Lesse & Cosson LLP 2120 L Street NW - Suite 520 Washington DC 20037 Phone: (202) 296-8890 Fax: (202) 296-8893 tmoorman@klctele.com U H a n d Delivev m] U. S. Mail U Overnight Delivery U Facsimile [X] Email Clay Shugis Moss Adams LLP 601 West Riverside-Suite 1800 Spokane, WA 99201-0663 u Hand Delivery [L] U. S. Mail u Overnight Delivery U Facsimile Ted Hankins, Director U Hand Delivery State Government Relations [z] U. S. Mail P.O. Box 4065 U Overnight Delivery Monroe. LA 712114065 [A Facsimile Gail Long, Manager External Relations P.O. Box 1566 Oregon City, OR 97045-1566 U Hand Delivery [L] U. S. Mail [A Overnight Delivery U Facsimile QWEST CORPORATION’S DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOSEPH CRAIG AND SCOTT A. MCINTYRE-Page 1 *oise-l‘moa., w29,6MKoS2 Richard Wolf Illwninet, Inc. 4501 Intelco Loop SE P.O. Box 2909 Olympia, WA 98507 Lance Tade Citizens Telecommunications 4 Triad Center - Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84180 F. Wayne Lafferty LKAM Services, Inc. 2940 Cedar Ridge Drive McKinney, TX 75070 u Hand Delivery [A] U. S. Mail L] Overnight Delivery u Facsimile L] Hand Delivery [x] U. S. Mail u Overnight Delivery u Facsimile u Hand Delivery [x] U. S. Mail m Overnight Delivery m Facsimile Legal Secretary to hmy S. Hobson Steel Rives LLP QWEST COP.PORATlON’S DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JOSEPH CRAIG AND SCOTT A. MCINTYFS - Page 2 Boise-l475OS.l i3329164GMS2