HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020522order_no_29033.pdfa o BEFORE THE TDATIO PT'BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE I{ATTER OF THE JOINT APPI,. OF QWEST CORPORATION AND I,EVEI, 3 COMMT'NICATIONS, I,I,C FOR APPROVAI, OF AN INIERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANI To 47 U.S.C. S 252 (e) . IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPI,. OF QWEST CORPORATION AIID AT&T WIREIJESS FOR APPROVAI' OF AN ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CERTIF]CATE OF MAII,ING OF oRDER NO. 29033 CASE NO.owE-T- 02 - I usw-T- 97 - 10 vzN-T- 02 -4 AITTEIIDMENT TO AI{ INTERCONN. ECT.... ) STATE OF IDAHO) )ss COUNTY OF ADA ) I hereby certify that I am employed as a secretary 1n the office of the Secretarv, IPUC. and that on the 22nd dav of Maw 2002, I served oRDER NO. 29033 in the above entitled matter, pursuant to NAME.ADDRESS_ PLEASE SEE ATTACHED I,IST. MISC. MAILING I,ISTS (A & D-1) by depositing in the United States Mai1, Lrue copy thereof for each enclosed in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid, addressed to each of them respectively at his respective place of address, and that there is regular mail service to each of said addresses. WITNESS by hand and seal, of said Commission at Boise, Idaho, this '2nd day of Mav ,-C^o,^ Urt".*"--^ qwet0208. etl 2002 ffi directions and instructions of the Secretary on each of the foLlowing: o o o o QVrE-T-02-8 /USW-T- 97 -L0 vzN-T- 02-4 MARY S HOBSON STOEL RIVES LLP STE 19OO101 S CPITAL BLVD BOISE rD 83702-5958 ALLAN THOMS VERIZON NORTHWEST INC PO BOX 1100 BEAVERTON OR 97075-1100 PARTIES OF RECORD MICHAEL R ROMANO DIR STATE REG AFFA]RS LEVEL 3 COMMUN]CAT]ONS 1.025 ELDORADO BLVD BROOMF]ELD CO 80021 KEV]N PAUL VP GLOBAL SOFTSW]TCH DEP LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 1,025 ELDORADO BLVD BROOMFIELD CO BOO21 .f]LL MOUNSEY D IRECTOR - ]NTERCONNECT AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES7277 1O4TH AVE NE REDMOND WA 98052 o oMISCELLAI{EOUS MAII,ING tIST tIsT rAll UTILITTES LAW REPORTS COMMERCE CLEARING HOUSE 4025 W PETERSON AVE CHICAGO IL 50646 IDAHO POWER COMPAI{Y GENERAL COUNSEL PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-OO70 .fOHN ROTONDO THE PRINDEN CORPORATION PO BOX 71,2 PARKR]DGE N.J 07 656-071-2 B LAW PO PO, 62L (ELECTRIC ONLY)oR 97208 WALTON HILL UNITED WATER 2OO OLD HOOK RD HARR]NGTON PK NJ CAROL DOSCHLER ARGUS RESEARCH CORP61 BROADWAY RM 17OO NEW YORK NY 10006-270L (NO WATER ORDERS)07 640 PUBLIC UT]LITY REPORTS ATTN LAW DEPARTMENT 8229 BOONE BLVD STE 4OO V]ENNA VA 221,82 GOBLE ]DAHO (ELECTRIC ONLY) COW ID LAW 3 843 -41,71, .]AMES F FELL STOEL RIVES BO]-,EY ET AL sTE 2300 9OO SW 5TH AVE PORTLAND OR 97204-]-268 WRI ,fR ALMOFFET PO BOX BOI D 83701-0829 o oMISCELLAI{EOUS M.AILING LIST run( ) LIST rD - 1tl LOIS D CASHELL SECRETARY FERC 888 F]RST ST NE WASH]NGTON DC 20426 DEAN J MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW PO BOX 2564 BOISE ]D B37OL_2564 ROY L EIGUREN G]VENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOISE rD 8370L-2720 SCOTT PASLEY .JR SIMPLOT COMPANY PO BOX 27 BO]SE rD 83707-0027 KEVIN KELLY TCA INC E-IITAIL IJIST PH]LLIP C NELSON PRESIDENT HAMILTON TELEPHONE CO E-I'IAIL LIST BCA WOOD RIVER VAI,LEY PO BOX 2723 KETCHUM ID 83340_2723 STEVE PETERSON PO BOX 3662 MOSCOW rD 83843 WAYNE WATSON TCI CABLEVISION OF T V 84OO W PARK BOISE ID 83704 PAMELA DONOVAN SUPERV]SOR TARIFFS CENTURYTEL E-MA,IL LIST AL PO THOMS ST ]NCVER 100 R oR 97075-l_100 .]AN GIESE]., TARIFF RESEARCH NATIONAL UTILITY SERVICE PO BOX 712 PARK R]DGE NJ 07656-0'71,2 JANICE KROMER TELE-TECH SERVICES 5OO OAKBROOK LANE SUMMERVILLE SC 29485 MARK NORV]EL ]DAHO STATE UNIVERSITY E-MAII, LIST RONALD L WTLL]AMS ESQ ATTORNEY AT LAW PO BOX 2L28 BOrSE rD 83701-21,28 MYRNA K AASHEIM IDAHO POWER COMPANY E-!T,AII LIST KATHY MAIORANA 3307 4TH STREET C LEWISTON ID 83501,-4552 ALYSON ANDERSON]D UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND 3785 WILL]AMSBURG WAY BOISE ID 83706-5505 EILEEN BENNER AT&T COMMUNICATIONS 6120 CASTLE DR BOISE ID 83703 CONLEY WARD ESQ GIVENS PURSLEY LLP E-MAII, IJIST LIBRARY PRESTON GATES & ELL]S E-MAIL LIST BART KL]NE ESQ IDAHO POWER COMPANY E-MAII, LIST HOUSEL CONSTRUCT]ON PO BOX 445 KETCHUM ID 83340 HERB KIRCHOFF STATE TELECOM REG. REPORT 10403 SCIPIO HIGHWAY VERMONTVILLE MI 49096 SCOTT DANIELS ALDRICH KILBRIDE & TATONE STE L2O ].01]- COMMERCIAL ST SALEM OR 97301, ALOA STEVENS MGR REGU]-.,ATORY AFFAIRS CITIZENS TELECOMMUN CO E-MAIIJ I,IST o oMISCELIJAI{EOUS MAILING trD _ 1r coII:IrD NORTHWEST PAYPHONE ASSOC PO BOX 589 FRUITLAND ID 835]-9 MOLLY OILEARY R]CHARDSON & O'LEARY E-MAII, LIST MARGARET B GRAHAM BECKY DeCOOK AT&T COMMUNICATIONS 1875 LAWRENCE ST STE 1575 DENVER CO 80202 SUZ]E RAO WESTERN WIRELESS CORP E-MAIL LIST ERIC S HEATH ESQ SPR]NT COMMUNICATIONS CO ].OO SPEAR ST STE 930 SAN FRANCTSCO CA 94105 V-COMM NETWORK ENGINEER DIR E-MAIL I,IST TONY CENTER FEDERAL TRANSTEL TNC E-MAIL LTST SARAH PERRY ARTHUR ANDERSON LLP 902 MAIN ST STE 5600 DALLAS TX 75202 MAX VAUGHN ASSESSOR MINIDOKA COUNTY BOX 358 RUPERT ID 83350 MORGAN W R]CHARDS ,JR ESQ MOFFATT THOMAS ET AL PO BOX 829 BOrSE ID 83701,-0829 BROOKS E HARLOW M]LLER NASH ET AL 4400 TWO UNrON SQUARE SEATTLE WA 98101 -2352 VAUGHN HEINRTCH VALLEY VTEW SCHOOLDIST # 139 5207 S MONTANA AVE CALDWELL ID 83607 JOHN RAMSEY SW]DLER & BERL]N 3OOO K ST STE 3OO WASHINGTON DC 2OOO7 BARRY WEISS UTIL]SAVE LLC 1 RAMADA PLAZA NEW ROCHELLE NY 10801 TELETECH SERV]CES 5OO OAKBROOK LANE SUMMERVILLE SC 29485 J ALFRED BAIRD PATHNET ]NC 1-1720 SUNRISE VALLEY DR RESTON VA 20191-1413 HINDY STERN DPC42 MELNICK DR MONSEY NY 10952 ROY SN]DER 3105 W CHERRY LANE #4BOISE ID 83705 LANCE TADE DIRECTOR ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE INC4 TR]AD CENTER STE 2OO SALT LAKE CITY UT 84180 HELEIN & ASSOCIATES PC SUITE 70O 8].80 GREENSBORO DR McLEAN VA 22102 BONNTE FARMIN KELLOGG SCHOOL DIST. 8OO BUNKER AVE KELLOGG ID 83837 JAN NOWAK M]CRON TECHNOLOGY ]NCE-}fAIL LIST KATHLEEN GREENAN SWIDLER BERLIN ET AL E-MAIIJ I'IST DON DENNIS CENTURYTEL 81,02 SKANSIE AVE GIG HARBOR WA 98332 TELECOMM RESELLERS ASSOCc/o MTLLER rsAR rNC 7901- SKANSIE AVE #240GIG HARBOR WA 98335 LANCE SENTMAN D]RECTOR REG AFFA]RS INTERNA]TONAL TELCOM LTD 4]-7 SECOND AVE WEST SEATTLE WA 981]-9 SAMEENA SAB]R STATESCAPE 1911 N FORT MYER STE 702 ARLTNGTON VA 22209 oa Office of the Secretary Service Date May 22,2002 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION oF QWEST CORPORATTON AND LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, LLC FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCOIINECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. $ 2s2(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION oF QWEST CORPORATION AND AT&T WIRELESS FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT To 47 U.S.C. $ 2s2(e). IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION oF vERrzoN NoRTrtwEST, INC. AND LEVEL 3 CoMMUNICATIONS, LLC. FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO 47 U.S.C. $ 2s2(e). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. QWE-T-02-8 CASE NO. USW.T.97.1O CASE NO. VZN.T-02.4 ORDER NO. 29033 In these cases the Commission is asked to approve two new interconnection agreements and an amendment to a previously approved interconnection agreement. BACKGROUND Under the provisions of the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval. 47 U.S.C. $ 252(e)(1). The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiations only if it finds that the agreement: (l) discriminates against telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement; or (2) implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. 47 U.S.C. $ 252(e)(2)(A). As the Commission recently noted in Order No.28427, companies voluntarily entering into interconnection agreements "may negotiate terms, prices and conditions that do not comply with either the FCC rules or with the provisions with Section 251(b) or (c)." Order No.28427 at ll (emphasis original). This comports with the FCC's statement that"a state commission shall have authority to approve an interconnection agreement adopted by negotiation even if the terms of the agreement do not comply with the requirements of [Part 5l]." 47 C.F.R. $ 51.3. ORDER NO. 29033 1 o o THE CURRENT APPLICATIONS The Agreements and amendment to an Agreement are discussed in greater detail below. 1. Owest Corporation and Level 3 Communications. LLC. (Case No. OWE-T-02- 8). In this Application the parties request that the Commission approve Level 3's adoption of the interconnection agreement between Qwest and Bridgeband Communications, Inc. See Order No. 28940. 2. Qwest Corporation and AT&T Wireless. (Case No. USW-T-97-10). In this Application the parties request that the Commission approve an amendment to the existing interconnection agreement. This amendment adds terms and conditions for Internet Service Providers. 3. Verizon Northwest. Inc. and Level 3 Communications. LLC. (Case No. VZN-T- 02-4\. In this Application the parties request that the Commission approve Level 3's adoption of the interconnection agreement between Verizon Northwest, Inc. and Ciera Network Systems, Inc. See Order No. 28965. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff has reviewed these Applications and did not find any terms and conditions to be discriminatory or contrary to the public interest. Staff believes that these new agreements and the amendment to a previously approved interconnection agreement are consistent with the pro-competitive policies of this Commission, the Idaho Legislature, and the federal Telecommunications Act. Accordingly, Staff believes that the Applications merit the Commission' s approval. COMMISSION DECISION Under the terms of the Telecommunications Act, interconnection agreements must be submitted to the Commission for approval. 47 U.S.C. $ 252 (e)(1). The Commission's review is limited, however. The Commission may reject an agreement adopted by negotiation only if it finds that the agreement discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement or implementation of the agreement is not consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity. Id. Based upon ow review of the Applications, the Stafls recommendation and on the fact no other person commented on these Applications, the Commission finds that the new interconnection agreements and the amendment to a previously 2ORDER NO. 29033 oo approved interconnection agreement are consistent with the public interest, convenience and necessity and do not discriminate. Therefore, the Commission finds that these Applications should be approved. However, approval of these Applications does not negate the responsibility of any of the parties to these agreements to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity if they are offering local exchange services or complying with Idaho Code $$ 62-604 and 62-606 if they are providing other non-basic local telecommunications services as defined by Idaho Code $ 62-603. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the new interconnection agreements and the amendment to the previously approved interconnection agreement discussed above are approved. Terms of the agreements that are not already in effect shall be effective as of the date of this Order. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and Level 3 Communications, LLC, Case No. QWE-T-02-8, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the amendment to the interconnection agreement between Qwest Corporation and AT&T Wireless, Case No. USW-T-97-10, is approved. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the interconnection agreement between Verizon Northwest, Inc. and Level 3 Communications, LLC, Case No. VZN-T-02-4, is approved. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in these Case Nos. QWE-T- 02-8, USW-T-97-10 and VZN-T-02-4 may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in these cases. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code $$ 6l-626 and 62-619. JORDER NO. 29033 oa DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this ,?A 4 day of May 2002. ATTEST: n*A* {lh,,e MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER S.SIONER n^a h^il t{"lro r"*J[ Cd'mmission Secretary O: QWET0208_USWT97 I 0_VZNT0204_jh 4oRDER NO. 29033