HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdaho-3rd-Revised-SGAT-Exhibit-I-5-24-02.docExhibit I – Individual Case Basis 1. This Agreement contains references to both ICB rates and ICB intervals. The purpose of this exhibit is to identify how CLEC’s ICB requests – whether they be for rates or intervals – are processed through and by Qwest. 2. ICB Rate Intervals 2.1 For those products and services identified in the SGAT that contain a provision for ICB rates, Qwest will provide CLEC with a written quote of the ICB rate within twenty (20) business days unless a specific interval for providing the quote is either contained in the SGAT or this Exhibit. 2.2 The purpose of this subsection is to identify those circumstances when the generic twenty (20) business day interval in the aforementioned subsection to this Exhibit does not apply. In these specified circumstances, Qwest shall provide CLEC with an ICB quote within the stated specific intervals: 2.2.1 Quotes for all Bona Fide Requests (BFR) shall be provided in accord with Section 17. 2.2.2 Quotes for all Special Request Processes (SRP) shall be provided in accord with Exhibit F. 2.2.3 Quotes for all collocation requests, regardless of the type of collocation, shall be provided in accord with the Section 8 interval. 2.2.4 Quotes for all Field Connection Point requests shall be provided in accord with Section 9.3. 2.2.5 Quotes for all Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) requests shall be provided in accord with Section 9. 2.3 Upon request, Qwest shall provide CLEC with Qwest’s supporting cost data and/or cost studies for the Unbundled Network Element or service that CLEC wishes to order within seven (7) business days, except where Qwest cannot obtain a release from its vendors within seven (7) business days, in which case Qwest will make the data available as soon as Qwest receives the vendor release. Consistent with the terms and conditions of any applicable vendor contract or agreement, Qwest shall diligently pursue obtaining the release of cost information as soon as reasonably possible. To the extent consistent with the terms and obligations of any applicable vendor contract or agreement, Qwest shall request the release of vendor cost information when Qwest communicates with the vendor(s) when Qwest seeks a quote for the costs of the ICB project. Such cost data shall be treated as confidential information if requested by Qwest under the non-disclosure sections of this Agreement. 3. ICB Provisioning Intervals 3.1 For those products and services provided pursuant to this SGAT that contain a provision for ICB interval but do not contain a specific provision for when the ICB interval shall be provided, the ICB interval shall be provided within twenty (20) business days of receipt of the order, request or application. 3.2 For ICB intervals for those products and services that require negotiated project time lines for installation, such as 2/4 wire analog loop for more than twenty-five (25) loops, the Qwest representative, authorized to commit to intervals, shall meet with CLEC’s representative within seven (7) business days of receipt of the request from CLEC to negotiate intervals. Qwest Idaho Third, Exhibit I May 24, 2002 Page 1