HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdaho-3rd-Revised-SGAT-Exhibit-G-5-24-02.docThe highlighted portions of this document describe Qwest's current processes. These provisions may be modified through the redesign process. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE 3 2.0 mANAGING THE CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS 4 2.1 Managing the Change Management Process Document 4 2.2 Change Management Point-of-Contact (POC) 4 2.3 Change Management POC List 4 2.4 Qwest CMP Responsibilities 5 2.5 Method of Communication 5 3.0 MEETINGS 7 3.1 Meeting Materials [Distribution Package] for Change Management Meeting 7 3.2 Meeting Minutes for Change Management Meeting 8 3.3 Qwest Wholesale CMP Web Site 8 4.0 TYPES OF CHANGE 11 4.1 Regulatory Change 11 4.2 Industry Guideline Change 11 4.3 Qwest Originated Change 11 4.4 CLEC Originated Change 11 5.0 Change Request Initiation Process 12 5.1 CLEC-Qwest OSS Interface Change Request Initiation Process 12 5.2 CLEC-Qwest OSS Interface Change Request Lifecycle 17 5.3 CLEC Product/Process Change Request Initiation Process 19 5.4 Qwest Initiated Product/Process Changes 22 6.0 OSS Interface Release Calendar 31 7.0 INTRODUCTION OF A NEW OSS INTERFACE 32 7.1 Introduction of a New Application-to-Application Interface 32 7.2 Introduction of a New GUI 34 8.0 CHANGE TO EXISTING OSS INTERFACES 39 8.1 Application-to-Application Interface 39 8.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) 42 9.0 RETIREMENT OF EXISTING OSS INTERFACES 47 9.1 Application-to-Application OSS Interface 47 9.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) 48 10.0 PRIORITIZATION 53 10.1 Regulatory and Industry Guideline Change Requests 53 10.2 Prioritization Process 54 10.3 Special Change Request Process (SCRP) 56 11.0 APPLICATION-TO-APPLICATION INTERFACE TESTING 59 11.1 Testing Process 60 12.0 Production Support 61 12.1 Notification of Planned Outages 61 12.2 Newly Deployed OSS Interface Release 61 12.3 Request for a Production Support Change 61 12.4 Reporting Trouble to IT 63 12.5 Severity Levels 63 12.6 Status Notification for IT Trouble Tickets 65 12.7 Notification Intervals 65 13.0 TRAINING 67 14.0 ESCALATION PROCESS 68 14.1 Guidelines 68 14.2 Cycle 68 15.0 Dispute Resolution Process 70 Appendix A: Sample - IMA 11.0 Rank Eligible CRs 71 Appendix B: Sample - IMA 11.0 Initial Prioritization Form 72 Appendix C: Sample - IMA 11.0 Initial Prioritization List 73 DEFINITION OF TERMS 78 CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS (CMP) The highlighted portions of this document describe Qwest's current processes. These provisions may be modified through the redesign process. 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE This document defines the processes for change management of OSS interfaces, products and processes (including manual) as described below. CMP provides a means to address changes that support or affect pre-ordering, ordering/provisioning, maintenance/repair and billing capabilities and associated documentation and production support issues for local services provided by CLECs to their end users. The CMP is managed by CLEC and Qwest representatives each having distinct roles and responsibilities. The CLECs and Qwest will hold regular meetings to exchange information about the status of existing changes, the need for new changes, what changes Qwest is proposing, how the process is working, etc. The process also allows for escalation to resolve disputes, if necessary. Qwest will track changes to OSS interfaces, products and processes. The CMP includes the identification of changes and encompasses, as applicable, Qwest will process any such changes in accordance with the CMP described in this document. In cases of conflict between the changes implemented through the CMP and any CLEC interconnection agreement (whether based on the Qwest SGAT or not), the rates, terms and conditions of such interconnection agreement shall prevail as between Qwest and the CLEC party to such interconnection agreement. In addition, if changes implemented through the CMP do not necessarily present a direct conflict with a CLEC interconnection agreement, but would abridge or expand the rights of a party to such agreement, the rates, terms and conditions of such interconnection agreement shall prevail as between Qwest and the CLEC party to such agreement. The CMP is dynamic in nature and, as such, is managed through the regularly scheduled meetings. The parties agree to act in Good Faith in exercising their rights and performing their obligations pursuant to this CMP. This document may be revised, through the procedures described in Section 2.0. 2.0 mANAGING THE CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS 2.1 Managing the Change Management Process Document The Change Management Process is dynamic in nature. Proposed modifications to the CMP framework shall be originated by means of discussion at any of the regularly scheduled Monthly Product/Process CMP meetings (standing agenda item at the Monthly Product/Process CMP meetings). The initiator of the change would send an email with the redlined language and the reasons for the request attached at least 14 days in advance of the Product & Process CMP meeting. The request initiator would present the proposal to the CMP participants. The parties would develop a process for input into the proposed change. To incorporate a change into the CMP requires unanimous agreement. Each proposal will be assigned a unique tracking number. Date, version and history log for the CMP. Include the proposal in the distribution package and on the agenda. The requested change will be reviewed at one CMP meeting and voted on no earlier than the following CMP meeting. 2.2 Change Management Point-of-Contact (POC) Qwest and each CLEC will designate primary and secondary change management POC(s) who will serve as the official designees for matters regarding this CMP. The primary POC is the official voting member, and a secondary (alternate) POC can vote in the absence of the primary POC for each CLEC. CLECs and Qwest will exchange POC information including items such as: Name Title Company Telephone number E-mail address Fax number Cell phone/Pager number 2.3 Change Management POC List Primary and secondary CLEC POCs should be included in the Qwest maintained POC list. It is the CLEC responsibility to notify Qwest of any POC changes. The list will be made available to all participating CLECs with the permission of the POCs. 2.4 Qwest CMP Responsibilities 2.4.1 CMP Managers The Qwest CMP Product/Process Manager is the Qwest Product/Process POC and is responsible for properly processing submitted CRs, conducting the Monthly CMP Product/Process Meeting, assembling and distributing the meeting distribution package, and ensuring minutes are written and distributed in accordance with the agreed-upon timeline. The Qwest CMP Systems Manager is the Qwest Systems POC and is responsible for properly processing submitted CRs, conducting the Monthly CMP Systems Meeting, assembling and distributing the meeting distribution package, and ensuring minutes are written and distributed in accordance with the agreed-upon timeline. The CMP Systems Manager also distributes the list of CRs eligible for prioritization to Qwest and the CLECs for ranking, tabulates the rankings, and forwards the resulting prioritization of the CRs to Qwest and the CLECs. In addition, the CMP Systems Manager is responsible for coordinating the publication of any Qwest OSS Interface release notification schedules. 2.4.2 Change Request Project Manager (CRPM) The Qwest CRPM manages CRs throughout the CMP CR lifecycle. The CRPM is responsible for obtaining a clear understanding of exactly what deliverables the CR originator requires to close the CR, arranging the CR clarification meetings and coordinating necessary Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from within Qwest to respond to the CR and coordinate the participation of the necessary SMEs in the discussions with the CLECs 2.4.3 Escalation/Dispute Resolution Manager The Escalation/Dispute Resolution Manager is responsible for managing escalations and disputes in accordance with the CMP Escalation Process and Dispute Resolution Process. 2.5 Method of Communication The method of communication is e-mail with supporting information posted to the web site when applicable (see Section 3.3 Qwest Wholesale CMP Web Site). Communications sent by e-mail resulting from CMP will include in the subject line “CMP”. Email communications regarding document changes will include direct web site links to the related documentation. Redlined PCATs and Technical Publications associated with product, process, and systems changes will be posted to the Qwest CMP Document Review Web site, http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/review.html. For the duration of the agreed upon comment period CLECs may submit comments on the proposed documentation change. At the Qwest CMP Document Review Web site CLECs may submit their comments on a specific document by selecting the “Submit Comments” link associated with the document. The “Submit Comments.” link will take CLECs to an HTML comment template. If for any reason the “Submit” button on the site does not function properly, CLEC may submit comments to cmpcomm@qwest.com. After the conclusion of the applicable CLEC comment period Qwest will aggregate all CLEC comments with Qwest responses and distribute to all CLECs via Notification email within the applicable period. 3.0 MEETINGS Change Management meetings will be conducted on a regularly scheduled basis, at least two consecutive days on a monthly basis. Meeting participants can choose to attend meetings in person or participate by conference call. Meetings are held to review, prioritize, manage the implementation of process and system changes and address change management requests. Qwest will review the status of all applicable change requests. The meeting may also include discussions of Qwest’s development view. CLEC’s request for additional agenda items and associated materials should be submitted to Qwest at least five (5) business days by noon (MST) in advance of the meeting. Qwest is responsible for distributing the agenda and associated meeting materials at least three (3) business days by noon (MST) in advance of the meeting. Qwest will be responsible for preparing, maintaining, and distributing meeting minutes. Attendees with any walk-on items should bring materials of the walk-on items to the meeting. All attendees, whether in person or by phone, must identify themselves and the company they represent. Additional meetings may be held at the request of Qwest or any CLEC. Meeting notification must contain an agenda plus any supporting meeting materials. These meetings should be announced at least five (5) business days prior to their occurrence. Exceptions may be made for emergency situations. 3.1 Meeting Materials [Distribution Package] for Change Management Meeting Meeting materials should include the following information: Meeting Logistics Minutes from previous meeting Agenda Change Requests and responses New/Active Updated Log Issues, Action Items Log and associated statuses Release Summary 12 Month Development View Monthly System Outage Report Any other material to be discussed Qwest will provide Meeting Materials (Distribution Package) electronically by noon 3 business days prior to the Monthly CMP Meeting. In addition, Qwest will provide hard copies of the Distribution Package at the Monthly CMP Meeting. 3.2 Meeting Minutes for Change Management Meeting Qwest will take minutes. Qwest will summarize discussions in meeting minutes and include any revised documents such as Issues, Action items and statuses. Minutes should be distributed to meeting participants for comments or revisions no later than five (5) business days by noon (MST) after the meeting. CLEC comments should be provided within two (2) business days by noon (MST). Revised minutes, if CLEC comments are received, should be distributed within nine (9) business days by noon (MST) after the meeting. 3.3 Qwest Wholesale CMP Web Site To facilitate access to CMP documentation, Qwest will maintain CMP information on its web site. The web site should be easy to use and updated in a timely manner. The Web site should be a well organized central repository for CLEC notifications and CMP documentation. Active documentation including meeting materials (Distribution Package), should be maintained on the website. Change Requests and release notifications should be identified in accordance with the agreed upon naming convention, to facilitate ease of identification. Qwest will maintain closed and old versions of documents on the web site’s Archive page for 18 months before storing off line. Information that has been removed from the web site can be obtained by contacting the appropriate Qwest CMP Manager. At a minimum, the CMP web site will include: Current version of Qwest CMP document describing the CMP’s purpose and scope of setting forth the CMP objectives, procedures, and timelines, including release life cycles. Calendar of release dates OSS hours of availability Links to related web sites, such as IMA EDI, IMA GUI, CEMR, and Notices Current CMP escalation process CMP prioritization process description and guidelines Change Request form and instructions to complete form Submitted and open Change Requests and the status of each Responses to Change Requests and written responses to CLEC inquiries Meeting (formal and informal) information for CMP monthly meetings and interim meetings or conference calls, including descriptions of meetings and participants, agendas, minutes, sign-up forms, and schedules A log of each type of change requests and associated status histories Meeting materials (distribution package) Meeting minutes Release announcements and other CLEC notifications and associated requirements Directory to CLEC notifications for the month Business rules, SATE test case scenarios technical specifications, and user guides will be provided via links on the CMP web site. Contact information for the CMP POC list, including CLEC, Qwest and other participants (with participant consent to publish contact information on web page). Redlined PCAT and Technical Publications - see Section 2.5 Instructions for receiving CMP communications – see Section 2.5 4.0 TYPES OF CHANGE A Change Request should fall into one of the following classifications: 4.1 Regulatory Change A Regulatory Change is mandated by regulatory or legal entities, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a state commission/authority, or state and federal courts, or as agreed to by Qwest and CLECs. Regulatory changes are not voluntary but are requisite to comply with newly passed legislation, regulatory requirements, or court rulings. Either the CLEC or Qwest may initiate the change request. 4.2 Industry Guideline Change An Industry Guideline Change implements Industry Guidelines using a national implementation timeline, if any. Either Qwest or the CLEC may initiate the change request. These guidelines are industry defined by: Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) Sponsored Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) Local Service Ordering and Provisioning Committee (LSOP) Telecommunications Industry Forum (TCIF) Electronic Commerce Inter-exchange Committee (ECIC) Electronic Data Interface Committee (EDI) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 4.3 Qwest Originated Change A Qwest Originated change is originated by Qwest does not fall within the changes listed above and is within the scope of CMP. 4.4 CLEC Originated Change A CLEC Originated change is originated by the CLEC does not fall within the changes listed above and is within the scope of CMP. 5.0 Change Request Initiation Process 5.1 CLEC-Qwest OSS Interface Change Request Initiation Process The change request initiator will complete a Change Request Form (see Appendix D) as defined by the instructions on Qwest’s CMP web site. The Change Request Form is also located on Qwest’s CMP web site. A CLEC or Qwest seeking to change an existing OSS interface, to establish a new OSS interface, or to retire an existing OSS interface must submit a change request (CR). Regulatory or Industry Guideline Change Request The party submitting a Regulatory or Industry Guideline CR must also include sufficient information to justify the CR being treated as a Regulatory or Industry Guideline CR in the CR description section of the CR form. Such information must include specific references to regulatory or court orders, legislation, or industry guidelines as well as dates, docket or case number, page or paragraph numbers and the mandatory or recommended implementation date, if any. If a regulatory CR is implemented by a manual process and later it is determined that a change in circumstance warrants a mechanized solution, the CR originator must provide the evidence of the change in circumstance, such as an estimated volume increase or changes in technical feasibility. Qwest or any CLEC may submit Regulatory and Industry Guideline CRs. Qwest will send CLECs a notice when it posts Regulatory or Industry Guideline CRs to the Web and identify when comments are due, as described below. Regulatory and Industry Guideline CRs will also be identified in the CMP Systems Monthly Meeting Distribution Package. Not later than 8 business days prior to the Systems CMP Monthly meeting, any party objecting to the classification of such CR as Regulatory or Industry Guideline must submit a statement documenting reasons why the objecting party does not agree that the CR should be classified as Regulatory or Industry Guideline change. Regulatory and Industry Guideline CRs may not be presented as walk-on items. If Qwest or any CLEC has objected to the classification of a CR as Regulatory or Industry Guideline, that CR will be discussed at the next monthly Change Management Meeting. At that meeting, Qwest and the CLECs will attempt to agree that the CR is Regulatory or Industry Guideline. At that meeting, if Qwest or any CLEC does not agree that the CR is Regulatory or Industry Guideline, the CR will be treated as a non-Regulatory, non-Industry Guideline CR and prioritized with the CLEC-originated and Qwest-originated CRs, unless and until the CR is declared to be Regulatory or Industry Guideline through dispute resolution. Final determination of CR type will be made by the CLEC and Qwest designated representatives at that monthly meeting, and documented in the meeting minutes. Implementation Plan for Regulatory CRs If agreement is reached at the monthly CMP meeting that a CR constitutes a Regulatory Change, then at that same meeting, Qwest will propose an implementation plan for compliance with a regulatory mandate. The proposal will include the criteria that Qwest used to determine the proposed method of implementation, including estimated volume, an estimated level of effort for implementing a manual solution, and an estimated level of effort for implementing a mechanized solution. Qwest will express the estimated levels of effort for these purposes in terms of a range of hours required to implement. If relied upon, the criteria may also include cost, estimated volume, number of CLECs, technical feasibility, parity with retail, or effectiveness/feasibility of manual process. If the difference between the midpoint of each range of the estimated levels of effort for implementing the manual and mechanized solutions is less than 10% of the larger number, and Qwest did not rely upon other criteria in determining the proposed method of implementation, then the decision regarding whether to implement the manual or mechanized solution will be determined by the desires of the majority of the parties present at the monthly meeting where the implementation plan is presented. For example, if Qwest did not rely on other criteria, this provision applies where the midpoint of the level of effort for the mechanized solution is 2000 hours and the midpoint of the level of effort for the manual solution is 2200 hours, because the difference is 200 hours, which is less than 10% of 2200, or 220. After the implementation plan has been discussed at that meeting, Qwest will request that a representative of each CLEC and Qwest indicate their preference for the manual or the mechanized solution, e.g., by a show of raised hands. The determination will be made by the majority of parties that express a preference. The results will be reflected in the meeting minutes. If Qwest is unable to fully implement a mechanized solution in the first release that occurs after the CMP participants agree that a change has been mandated, Qwest's implementation plan for the mechanized solution may include the short-term implementation of a manual work-around until the mechanized solution can be implemented. In that situation, the CR to implement the mechanized change will be treated as a Regulatory Change, notwithstanding the fact that a manual work-around is required for some interim period, and Qwest will continue to work that Regulatory CR until the mechanized solution is implemented. Qwest's implementation plan for a manual solution may include a plan to implement a mechanized solution when and if estimated volume for the functionality justifies implementation of a mechanized solution. In that situation, a subsequent CR to implement the mechanized change must be submitted when estimated volume justifies implementation of the mechanized solution and will be treated as a Regulatory Change only if the CLECs and Qwest agree to such treatment. If the parties do not agree to treat such a CR as a Regulatory Change, it will be treated as a non-Regulatory Change. CLECs and Qwest will attempt to reach agreement on the implementation plan at the monthly CMP meeting at which the proposed implementation is presented. If any CLEC objects to the proposed implementation plan because it disagrees with Qwest's assessment of the estimated volume, the CLEC must submit information to Qwest demonstrating that Qwest's volume estimate should be revised. The CLEC shall submit such information to Qwest within 5 business days after the monthly meeting. Qwest shall consider all such information submitted and determine whether a revision of its volume estimate is appropriate. Within 10 business days after the monthly meeting, Qwest will notify CLECs via the mailout process whether it has determined that a revision of the volume estimate is appropriate. If it has revised the volume estimate, Qwest will include the revised volume estimate and will state whether the revised volume estimate results in a change to Qwest's estimated levels of effort to implement a manual and/or mechanized solution. If the volume estimate is revised and the revision results in a change to Qwest's estimated levels of effort to implement a manual and/or mechanized solution and/or Qwest's proposed implementation plan, Qwest will include the revised estimated levels of effort and the revised implementation plan in the notification. This implementation plan will be presented at the next monthly CMP meeting. CLECs and Qwest will attempt to reach agreement on the implementation plan at the monthly CMP meeting at which the revised implementation is presented. The final determination regarding the implementation plan will be made by Qwest with input from CLECs, except where the estimated levels of effort for implementing the manual and mechanized solutions are not significantly different and the decision regarding whether to implement a manual or mechanized solution is determined by the CLECs, as set forth above. If no CLECs object to the proposed plan at the monthly meeting where it is first presented, final determinations will be made at that meeting and documented in the meeting minutes. Qwest will present the proposed plan at the next monthly meeting only if all of the following apply: one or more CLECs object to the proposed plan at the monthly meeting where it is first presented, one or more CLECs submit additional volume estimate information as set forth above, and the additional information submitted by CLECs results in a revision to the implementation plan. If all of the above apply, resulting in a revised implementation plan, then Qwest will present the revised implementation plan at the next monthly meeting. Final determinations regarding the implementation plan will be made at that monthly meeting and documented in the meeting minutes. If any CLEC does not agree with the final implementation plan, the objecting CLEC may initiate dispute resolution under the CMP Dispute Resolution process. A CR originator e-mails a completed CR form to the Qwest Systems CMP Manager within two (2) business days after Qwest receives a complete CR: Qwest’s CMP Manager assigns a CR number and logs the CR into the CMP database. The Qwest CMP Manager forwards the CR to the CMP Group Manager. The Qwest CMP Manager sends acknowledgement of receipt to the originator and updates the CR database. Within two (2) business days after acknowledgement: The Qwest CMP Manager posts the complete CR to the CMP web site. The CMP Group Manager assigns a Change Request Project Manager (CRPM) and identifies the appropriate director responsible for the CR. The CRPM obtains from the director the names of the assigned subject matter expert(s) (SME). The CRPM will provide a copy of the detailed CR report to the CR originator which includes the following information: description of CR originator assigned CRPM contact information assigned CR number designated Qwest SMEs and associated director(s) Within eight (8) business days of receipt of a complete CR, the CRPM will coordinate and hold a clarification meeting with the originator and Qwest’s SMEs. If the originator is not available within the above specified time frame, then the clarification meeting will be held at a mutually agreed upon time. Qwest may not provide a response to a CR until a clarification meeting has been held. At the clarification meeting, Qwest and the originator will review the submitted CR, validate the intent of the originator’s CR, clarify all aspects, identify all questions to be answered, and determine deliverables to be produced. After the clarification meeting has been held, the CRPM will document and issue meeting minutes within five (5) business days. Qwest’s SME will internally identify options and potential solutions to the CR. CRs received three (3) weeks prior to the next scheduled CMP meeting will be presented at that CMP meeting. At least one (1) week prior to that scheduled CMP meeting, the CRPM will have the response posted to the web, added to CMP database, and will notify all CLECs via email. CRs that are not submitted by the above specified cut-off date may be presented at that CMP meeting as a walk-on item with current status. Qwest may not provide responses to these walk-on requests until the next months CMP meeting. The originator will present its CR and provide any business reasons for the CR. Items or issues identified during the previously held clarification meeting will be relayed. Participating CLECs will then be given the opportunity to comment on the CR and subsequent clarifications. Clarifications and/or modifications related to the CR will be incorporated. Qwest’s SME will present options and potential solutions to the CR if applicable. Consensus will be obtained from the participating CLECs as to the appropriate direction/solution for Qwest’s SME to take in responding to the CR if applicable. Qwest will review the CRs received prior to the cut off date and evaluate whether Qwest can implement them. Qwest’s responses will be one of the following: “Accepted” (Qwest will implement the CLEC request) with position stated. If the CR is accepted, Qwest will provide the following in its response: Determination and presentation of options of how the CR can be implemented Identification of the Level of Effort Identification of any CR which is a duplicate, in part or whole, to the CR being presented. “Denied” (Qwest will not implement the CLEC or Qwest request) with basis for the denial, in writing, including reference to substantiating material. . CLEC-initiated OSS Interfaces and Product/Process change request may be denied for one or more of the following reasons. Technologically not feasible—a technical solution is not available, (+) Regulatory ruling/Legal implications—regulatory or legal reasons prohibit the change as requested, or if the request benefits some CLECs and negatively impact others (parity among CLECs) (Contrary to ICA provisions) (+) Qwest policy — the procedure is working, the requested change is not beneficial (more objective, less subjective) (-) Outside the Scope of the Change Management Process—the request is not within the scope of the Change Management Process, requests for information (as defined in the Master Red-line document) (+) Economically not feasible—low demand, cost prohibitive to implement the request, or both. (+) Qwest will not deny a CR solely on the basis that the CR involves a change to the back-end systems. Qwest will apply these same concepts to CRs that they initiate. SCRP may be invoked if a CR was denied due to Economically not feasible. If CLECs do not accept Qwest’s response, they may elect to escalate or dispute the CR in accordance with the agreed upon CMP escalation or dispute resolution procedures. If the originating CLEC does not agree with the determination to escalate or pursue the dispute resolution, it may withdraw its participation from the CR and any other CLEC may become responsible for pursuing the CR upon providing written notice to the Qwest CMP Manager. If the CLECs do not accept Qwest’s response and do not intend to escalate or dispute at the present time, they may request Qwest to status the CR as deferred. The CR will be statused deferred and CLECs may activate or close the CR at a later date. At the monthly CMP meeting, the CR originator will provide an overview of its respective CR(s) and Qwest will present either a status or its response. At the last Systems CMP meeting before Prioritization, Qwest will facilitate the presentation of all CRs eligible for Prioritization. At this meeting Qwest will provide a high level estimate of the Level of Effort of each CR and the estimated total capacity of the release. This estimate will be an estimate of the number of person hours required to incorporate the CR into the release. Ranking will proceed, as described in Section 10.2. The results of the ranking will produce a release candidate list. 5.2 CLEC-Qwest OSS Interface Change Request Lifecycle Based on the release candidate list, Qwest will begin its development cycle which includes the following milestones: 5.2.1 Business and Systems Requirements Qwest engineers define the business and functional specifications during this phase. The specifications are completed on a per candidate basis in priority order. During business and system requirements, any candidates which have affinities and may be more efficiently implemented together will be discussed. Candidates with affinities are defined as candidates with similarities in functions or software components. Qwest will also present any complexities, changes in candidate size, or other concerns that may arise during business or system requirements which would impact the implementation of the candidate. During the business and systems requirement efforts, CRs may be modified or new CRs may be generated (by CLECs or Qwest), with a request that the new or modified CRs be considered for addition to the release candidate list (late added CRs). If the CMP body grants the request to consider the late added CRs for addition to the release candidate list, Qwest will size the CR’s requirements work effort. If the requirements work effort for the late added CRs can be completed by the end of system requirements, the release candidate list and the new CRs will be prioritized by CLECs in accordance with the agreed upon Prioritization Process (see Section 10.0). If the requirements work effort for the late added CRs cannot be completed by the end of system requirements, the CR will not be eligible for the release and will be returned to the pool of CRs that are available for prioritization in the next OSS interface release. 5.2.2 Packaging At the conclusion of system requirements, Qwest will present packaging option(s) for implementing the release candidates. Packaging options are defined as different combinations of candidates proposed for continuing through the next stage of development. Packaging options may not exist for the release. I.e. there may only be one straightforward set of candidates to continue working through the next stage of development. Options may be identified due to: affinities in candidates resource constraints which prevent some candidates from being implemented but allow others to be completed. Based upon additional information gathered during the business and systems requirement phase, Qwest will provide an updated Level of Effort of each CR and the estimated total capacity of the release. If more than one option is presented, a vote will be held within 2 days after the meeting on the options. The option with the largest number of votes will continue through the design phase of the development cycle. 5.2.3 Design Qwest engineers define the architectural and code changes required to complete the work associated with each candidate. The design work is completed on the candidates which have been packaged. 5.2.4 Commitment After design, Qwest will present a final list of candidates which can be implemented. Qwest will provide an updated level estimate of the Level of Effort of each CR and the estimated total capacity of the release. These candidates become the committed candidates for the release. 5.2.5 Code & Test Qwest engineers will perform the coding and testing by Qwest required to complete the work associated with the committed candidates. The code is developed and baselined before being delivered to system test. A system test plan (system test cases, costs, schedule, test environment, test data, etc.) is completed. The system is tested for meeting business and system requirements, certification is completed on the system readiness for production, and pre-final documentation is reviewed and baselined. If in the course of the code and test effort, Qwest determines that it cannot complete the work required to include a candidate in the planned release, Qwest will discuss options with the CLECs in the next CMP meeting. Options can include either the removal of that candidate from the list or a delay in the release date to incorporate that candidate. If the candidate is removed from the list, Qwest will also advise the CLECs whether or not the candidate could become a candidate for the next point release, with appropriate disclosure as part of the current major release of the OSS interface. Alternatively, the candidate will be returned to the pool of CRs that are available for prioritization in the next OSS interface release. 5.2.6 Deployment During this phase Qwest representatives from the business and operations review and agree the system is ready for full deployment. The release is deployed and production support initiated and conducted. During any phase of the lifecycle, a candidate may be requested to be removed by the requesting CLEC. If that occurs, the candidate will be discussed at the next CMP meeting or in a special emergency meeting, if required. The candidate will only be removed from further phases of development if there is unanimous agreement by the CLECs and Qwest at that meeting. When Qwest has completed development of the OSS interface change, Qwest will release the OSS interface functionality into production for use by the CLECs. Upon implementation of the OSS interface release, the CRs will be presented for closure at the next CMP monthly meeting. 5.3 CLEC Product/Process Change Request Initiation Process If a CLEC wants Qwest to change a Product/Process the CLEC e-mails a completed Change Request (CR) Form to the Qwest Product/Process CMP Manager. Within 2 business days Qwest’s Product/Process CMP Manager reviews CR for completeness, and requests additional information from the CR originator, if necessary, within two (2) business days after Qwest receives a complete CR: The Qwest CMP manager assigns a CR Number and logs the CR into the CMP Database. The Qwest CMP Manager forwards the CR to the CMP Group Manager, The Qwest CMP manager sends acknowledgment of receipt to the CR submitter and updates the CMP Database. Within two (2) business days after acknowledgement: The Qwest CMP Manager posts the complete CR to the CMP Web site The CMP Group Manager assigns a Change Request Project Manager (CRPM) and identifies the appropriate Director responsible for the CR. The CRPM obtains from the Director the names of the assigned Subject Matter Expert(s) (SME). the CRPM will provide a copy of the detailed CR report to the CR originator which includes the following information: Description of CR originating CLEC assigned CRPM contact information assigned CR number designated Qwest SMEs and associated director(s) Within eight (8) business days after receipt of a complete CR, the CRPM Coordinates and holds a Clarification Meeting with the Originating CLEC and Qwest’s SMEs. If the originating CLEC is not available within the above specified time frame, then the clarification meeting will be held at a mutually agreed upon time. Qwest will not provide a response to a CR until a clarification meeting has been held. At the Clarification Meeting, Qwest and the Originating CLEC review the submitted CR, validate the intent of the Originating CLEC’s CR, clarify all aspects, identify all questions to be answered, and determine deliverables to be produced. After the clarification meeting has been held, The CRPM will document and issue meeting minutes within five (5) business days. Qwest’s SME will internally identify options and potential solutions to the CR CRs received three (3) weeks prior to the next scheduled CMP meeting will be presented at that CMP Meeting. CRs that are not submitted by the above specified cut-off date may be presented at that CMP meeting as a walk-on item with current status. The Originating CLEC will present its CR and provide any business reasons for the CR. Items or issues identified during the previously held Clarification Meeting will be relayed. Then, participating CLECs will be given the opportunity to comment on the CR and subsequent clarifications. Clarifications and/or modifications related to the CR will be incorporated. Qwest’s SME will present options and potential solutions to the CR. consensus will be obtained from the participating CLECs as to the appropriate direction/solution for Qwest’s SME to take in responding to the CR. Subsequently, Qwest will develop a draft response based on the discussion from the Monthly CMP Meeting. Qwest’s Responses will be: “Accepted” (Qwest will implement the CLEC request) with position stated, or “Denied” (Qwest will not implement the CLEC request) with basis for the denial, in writing, including reference to substantiating material. CLEC-initiated OSS Interfaces and Product/Process change request may be denied for one or more of the following reasons. Technologically not feasible—a technical solution is not available, (+) Regulatory ruling/Legal implications—regulatory or legal reasons prohibit the change as requested, or if the request benefits some CLECs and negatively impact others (parity among CLECs) (Contrary to ICA provisions) (+) Qwest policy —the procedure is working, the requested change is not beneficial (more objective, less subjective) (-) Outside the Scope of the Change Management Process—the request is not within the scope of the Change Management Process, requests for information (as defined in the Master Red-line document) (+) Economically not feasible—low demand, cost prohibitive to implement the request, or both. (+) Qwest will not deny a CR solely on the basis that the CR involves a change to the back-end systems. Qwest will apply these same concepts to CRs that they initiate. SCRP may be invoked if a CR was denied due to Economically not feasible. At least one (1) week prior to the next scheduled CMP meeting, The CRPM will have the response posted to the Web, added to CMP Database, and will notify all CLECs via email All Qwest Responses will be presented at the next scheduled CMP meeting by Qwest, who will conduct a walk through of the response. Participating CLECs will be provided the opportunity to discuss, clarify and comment on Qwest’s Response Based on the comments received from the Monthly Meeting, Qwest’ may revise its response and issue a modified response at the next monthly CMP meeting. Within ten (10) business days after the CMP meeting, Qwest will notify the CLECs of Qwest’s intent to modify its response. If the CLECs do not accept Qwest’s response, any CLEC can elect to escalate the CR in accordance with the agreed upon CMP Escalation or dispute resolution Procedures. If the originating CLEC does not agree with the determination to escalate or pursue the dispute resolution, it may withdraw its participation from the CR and any other CLEC may become responsible for pursuing the CR upon providing written notice to the Qwest CMP manager. If the CLECs do not accept Qwest’s response and do not intend to escalate or dispute at the present time, they may request Qwest to status the CR as deferred. The CR will be statused Deferred and CLECs may activate or close the CR at a later date. The CLECs’ acceptance of Qwest’s response may result in: The response answered the CR and no further action is required; The response provided an implementation plan for a product or process to be developed; Qwest Denied the CLEC CR and no further action is required by CLEC. If the CLECs have accepted Qwest’s response, Qwest will provide notice of planned implementation in accordance with time frames defined in the CMP. If necessary, Qwest may request that CLECs provide input during the development stage. Qwest will then deploy the Qwest recommended implementation plan. After Qwest’s revised/new product or process is placed into production, CLECs will have no longer than 60 calendar days to evaluate the effectiveness of Qwest’s revised/new product, or process, provide feedback, and indicate whether further action is required. Continual process improvement will be maintained. Finally, the CR will be closed when CLECs determine that no further action is required for that CR. 5.4 Qwest Initiated Product/Process Changes The following defines five levels of Qwest-initiated product/process changes and the process by which Qwest will initiate and implement these changes. None of the following shall be construed to supersede timelines or provisions mandated by federal or state regulatory authorities, certain CLEC facing websites (e.g., ICONN and Network Disclosures) or individual interconnection agreements. Each notice will state that it does not supercede individual interconnection agreements. The lists provided below are exhaustive/ finite but may be modified by agreement of the parties. Qwest will utilize these lists when determining the disposition (e.g., Level 0–4) to which new changes should be categorized. The changes that go through these processes are not changes to OSS Interfaces. Level 1-4 changes under this process will be tracked and differentiated by level in the History Log. 5.4.1 Level 0 changes Level 0 changes are defined as changes that do not change the meaning of documentation and do not alter CLEC operating procedures. Level 0 changes are effective immediately without notice. Level 0 Change Categories are: Font and typeface changes (e.g., bold to un-bold or bold to italics) Capitalization Spelling corrections and typographical errors other than numbers that appear as part of an interval or timeframe. Hyphenation Acronym vs. non-acronym (e.g., inserting words to spell out an acronym) Symbols (e.g., changing bullets from circles to squares for consistency in document) Word changes from singular to plural (or vice versa) to correct grammar Punctuation Changing of a number to words (or vice versa) Changing a word to a synonym Contact personnel title changes where contact information does not change Alphabetize information Indenting (left/right/center justifying for consistency) Grammatical corrections (making a complete sentence out of a phrase) Corrections to apply consistency to product names (i.e., "PBX - Resale" changed to "Resale - PBX") Moving paragraphs/sentences within the same section of a document to improve readability Hyperlink corrections within documentation Remove unnecessary repetitive words in the same paragraph or short section. For any change that Qwest considers a Level 0 change that does not specifically fit into one of the categories listed above, Qwest shall issue a Level 3 notification. Level 0 Process/Deliverables For Level 0 changes, Qwest will not provide a notification, web change form, or history log to CLECs. Changes to the documentation will be updated and posted immediately. 5.4.2 Level 1 changes Level 1 changes are defined as changes that do not alter CLEC operating procedures or changes that are time critical corrections to a Qwest product or process. Time critical corrections may alter CLEC operating procedures, but only if such Qwest product or process has first been implemented through the appropriate level under CMP. Level 1 changes are effective immediately upon notice. Level 1 Change Categories are: Time Critical Corrections to information that adversely impacts CLECs ability to conduct business with Qwest Corrections/clarifications/additional information that does not change the product or process Correction to synch up related PCAT documentation with the primary PCAT documentation that was modified through a higher level change (notice needs to include reference to primary PCAT documentation) Document corrections to synch up with existing OSS Interfaces documentation (notice needs to include reference to OSS Interfaces documentation) Process options with no mandatory deadline, that do not supercede the existing processes and that do not impose charges, regardless of whether the CLEC exercises the option Modifications to Frequently Asked Questions that do not change the existing product or process Re-notifications issued within 6 months after initial notification (notice will include reference to date of initial notification or, if not available, reference to existing PCAT) Regulatory Orders that mandate a Product/Process change to be effective in less than 21 days Training information (note: if a class is cancelled, notification is provided 2 weeks in advance) URL changes with redirect link For any change that Qwest considers a Level 1 change that does not specifically fit into one of the categories listed above, Qwest shall issue a Level 3 notification. Level 1 Process/Deliverables For Level 1 changes, Qwest will provide a notification to CLECs. Level 1 notifications will state the disposition (e.g. Level 1), description of change, changes are effective immediately, that there is no comment cycle and will advise CLECs to contact the CMP Manager, by email at cmpcr@qwest.com, immediately if the change alters the CLECs’ operating procedures and requires Qwest’s assistance to resolve. Qwest will promptly respond to the CLEC and work to resolve the issue. In addition, Qwest will provide the following for PCAT and NonFCC Technical Publication (“Tech Pub”) changes: A web notification form that includes an exact cut and paste of the changes highlighted in green (PCAT) or redlined (Technical Publications). If necessary, additional text above and below the changes will be provided for context. A history log that tracks the changes 5.4.3 Level 2 changes Level 2 changes are defined as changes that have minimal effect on CLEC operating procedures. Qwest will provide notice of Level 2 changes at least 21 calendar days prior to implementation. Level 2 Change Categories are: Contact Information updates excluding time critical corrections (includes email, fax, TN, personnel changes) Changes to a form that do not introduce changes to the underlying process Changes to eliminate/replace existing Web functionality will be available for 21 days until comments are addressed. (New URL is implemented in parallel with existing; includes reference to existing and vice versa.) Removal of data stored under an archive URL Elimination of a URL re-direct Addition of new Web functionality (e.g., CNLA) either a demo or screen shot presentation will be available at the time of the notification for evaluation during the 21 day cycle.)Re-notifications issued 6 months or more after the initial notification (notice will include reference to date of initial notification or, if not available, reference to existing PCAT) Documentation concerning existing processes/products not previously documented Changes to manually generated notifications normally transmitted to CLECs through their OSS interfaces that are made to standardize or clarify, but do not change the reasons for, such notifications. LSOG/PCAT documentation changes associated with new OSS Interface release documentation resulting from an OSS interface CR Reduction to an interval in Qwest’s SIG For any change that Qwest considers a Level 2 change that does not specifically fit into one of the categories listed above, Qwest shall issue a Level 3 notification. Level 2 Process/Deliverables For Level 2 changes, Qwest will provide a notice to CLECs. Level 2 notifications will state the disposition (e.g. level 2), description of change, proposed implementation date, and CLEC/Qwest comment cycle timeframes. In addition to the notice, any documentation changes required to PCATs and Non-FCC Tech Pubs (red-line for Tech Pubs and green highlights for PCATs) will be available for review in the Document Review section of the CMP Website (http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/review.html), commonly known as the document review site. In the document review site, a comment button will be available next to the document to allow CLECs to provide comments. For Level 2 changes that do not impact PCATs or NonFCC Tech Pubs, a comments link will be provided within the notification for comments. Qwest must provide initial notice of Level 2 changes at least 21 calendar days prior to implementation and adhere to the following comment cycle: CLECs have 7 calendar days following initial notification of the change to provide written comments on the notice Qwest will reply to CLEC comments no later than 7 calendar days following the CLEC cut-off for comments. The Qwest reply will also include confirmation of the implementation date. Qwest will implement no sooner than 21 calendar days from the initial notification. CLECs may provide General comments regarding the change (e.g., clarification, request for modification). Comments must be provided during the comments cycle as outlined for level 2 changes. For general comments, Qwest will respond to comments and provide a final notice of the change. Additionally, Qwest will provide documentation of proposed changes to Qwest PCATs and NonFCC Tech Pubs available to CLECs and implement the change(s) according to the timeframes put forth above. If there are no CLEC comments, a final notice will not be provided and the changes will be effective according to the date provided in the original notification. If the CLECs do not accept Qwest’s response, any CLEC may elect to escalate or pursue dispute resolution in accordance with the agreed upon CMP Escalation or Dispute Resolution procedures. 5.4.4 Level 3 changes Level 3 changes are defined as changes that have moderate effect on CLEC operating procedures and require more lead-time before implementation than Level 2 changes. Qwest will provide initial notice of Level 3 changes at least 31 calendar days prior to implementation. Level 3 Change Categories are: NC/NCI code changes Adding of new features to existing products (excluding resale) Customer-facing Center hours and holiday schedule changes Modify/change existing manual process Expanding the availability and applicability of an existing product or existing feature (excluding resale) Regulatory Orders that mandate a Product/Process change to be effective in 21 days or more For any change that Qwest considers a Level 3 change that does not specifically fit into one of the categories listed above, Qwest shall issue a Level 3 notification. Level 3 Process/Deliverables For Level 3 changes, Qwest will provide a notice to CLECs. Level 3 notifications will state the disposition (e.g. level 3), description of change, proposed implementation date, and CLEC/Qwest comment cycle timeframes. Level 3 notifications will only include Level 3 Changes, excluding notification of changes to Tech Pubs. For Level 3 notifications that Qwest believes represent a new change category under Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4, Qwest should propose such new change category in the notice and CLECs and Qwest will discuss the proposal in the next monthly Product & Process CMP meeting. In addition to the notice, any documentation changes required to PCATs and Non-FCC Tech Pubs (red-line for Tech Pubs and green highlights for PCATs) will be available for review in the Document Review section of the CMP Website (http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/review.html), commonly known as the document review site. In the document review site, a comment button will be available next to the document to allow CLECs to provide written comments. For Level 3 changes that do not impact PCATs or Non-FCC Tech pubs, a link will be provided within the notification for comments. Qwest will provide initial notice of Level 3 changes at least 31 calendar days prior to implementation and adhere to the following comment cycle: CLECs have 15 calendar days following initial notification of the change to provide written comments on the notice Qwest will reply to CLEC comments no later than 15 calendar days following the CLEC cut-off for comments. The Qwest reply will also include confirmation of the implementation date. In the event there are extenuating circumstances, (e.g. requested change requires significant research, information is required from national standards body or industry (e.g. Telcordia)), Qwest’s response will indicate the course of action Qwest is taking and Qwest will provide additional information when available. Once the information is available Qwest will provide a notification and any available updated documentation (e.g. Tech Pubs, PCATs) at least 15 calendar days prior to implementation. Qwest will implement no sooner than 15 calendar days after providing the response to CLEC comments. For example, if there are no CLEC comments, Qwest may send out a final notification on the first day following the CLEC cut-off for comments (day 16 after the initial notification). Thus, implementation would be 31 days from the initial notification. However, if Qwest does not respond to the CLEC comments until the 15th day after the CLEC cut-off for comments, the earliest possible implementation date would be 45 calendar days from the initial notification. CLEC comments must be provided during the comment cycle as outlined for Level 3 changes. Comments may be one of the following: General comments regarding the change (e.g., clarification, request for modification) Request to change disposition of Level. If the request is for a change to Level 4, the request must include substantive information to warrant a change in disposition (e.g. business need, financial impact). Request to change disposition to a Level 0, Level 1 or Level 2 doesn’t have to include substantive information to warrant a change. Request for postponement of implementation date, or effective date For general comments, Qwest will respond to comments and provide a final notice of the change. Additionally, Qwest will provide documentation of proposed changes to Qwest PCATs and Non FCC Tech Pubs available to CLECs and implement the change(s) according to the timeframes put forth above. CLECs and Qwest will discuss requests to change the disposition Level of noticed changes, or to establish new change categories under Levels 0 – 4, at the next monthly Product & Process CMP meeting. In the event that the parties are not able to reach consensus on any such request, CLECs and Qwest will take a vote of the parties in attendance at the meeting. The result will be determined by the majority. If the disposition Level of a change is modified, from the date of the modification forward such change will proceed under the modified Level with notifications and timelines agreed to by the participants. Except that, within five (5) business days after the disposition level is changed to a Level 1, Qwest will provide a Level 1 notification. When a change to the disposition Level of a particular notice also suggests that a new category of change be established under one of the Levels, a separate vote shall be taken for each. For a request for postponement, Qwest will follow the procedures as outlined in Section 4 of this document. If the CLECs do not accept Qwest’s response, any CLEC may elect to escalate or pursue dispute resolution in accordance with the agreed upon CMP Escalation or Dispute Resolution procedures. 5.4.5 Level 4 Changes Level 4 changes are defined as changes that have a major effect on existing CLEC operating procedures or that require the development of new procedures. Level 4 changes will be initiated using the CMP CR process and provide CLEC an opportunity to have input into the development of the change prior to implementation. Level 4 Change Categories are: New products, features, services (excluding resale) Increase to an interval in Qwest’s SIG Changes to CMP New PCAT/Tech Pub for new processes New manual process Limiting the availability and applicability or functionality of an existing product or existing feature Addition of a required field on a form excluding mechanized forms that are changed through an OSS interface CR For any change that Qwest considers a Level 4 change that does not specifically fit into one of the categories listed above, Qwest shall issue a Level 3 notification. Level 4 Process/Deliverables Qwest will submit a completed Change Request no later than 14 calendar days prior to the CMP Product and Process Monthly Meeting. At a minimum, each Change Request will include the following information: A description of the proposed change A proposed implementation date (if known) Indication of the reason for change (e.g., regulatory mandate) Basis for disposition of level 4 Within two (2) business days from receipt of the CR: The Qwest CMP manager assigns a CR Number and logs the CR into the CMP Database. The Qwest CMP Manager forwards the CR to the CMP Group Manager, The Qwest CMP manager sends acknowledgment of receipt to the CR submitter and updates the CMP Database. Within two (2) business days after acknowledgement, The Qwest CMP Manager posts the complete CR to the CMP Web site The CMP Group Manager assigns a Change Request Project Manager (CRPM) and identifies the appropriate Director responsible for the CR The CRPM identifies the CR subject matter expert (SME) and the SME’s Director. The CRPM will provide a copy of the detailed CR report to the CR originator which includes the following information: Description of CR Assigned CRPM Assigned CR number Designated Qwest SME(s) and associated director(s) Qwest will present the Change Request at the monthly Product and Process CMP meeting. The purpose of the presentation will be to: Clarify the proposal with the CLECs Confirm the disposition (e.g., level 4) of the Change (see below). If during the CMP meeting CLECs agree to change the disposition, then the type of change being made will be added to the list for the disposition to which it is changed. Propose suggested input approach (e.g., a 2 hour meeting, 4 meetings over a two week period, etc.), and obtain consensus for input approach. Confirm deadline, if change is mandated Provide proposed implementation date, if applicable At the monthly CMP meeting, the parties will discuss whether to treat the Change Request as a Level 4 change. If the parties agree, the Change Request will be reclassified as a Level 0, 1, 2 or 3 change, and the change will follow the process set forth above for Level 0, 1, 2, or 3 changes, as applicable. If the parties do not agree to reclassify the Change Request as a Level 0, 1, 2 or 3 change, the following process will apply: The parties will develop a process for Qwest to obtain CLEC input into the proposed change. Examples of processes for input include, but are not limited to, one-day conferences, multi-day conferences, or written comment cycles. After completion of the input cycle, as defined during the CMP meeting, Qwest will modify the CR, if necessary, and design the solution considering all CLEC input. For Level 4 changes, when the solution is designed and all documentation is available for review, a notice of the planned change is provided to the CLECs. Level 4 notifications will only include Level 4 Changes, excluding notification of changes to Tech Pubs. This notice will be provided at least 31 calendar days prior to implementation. The notice will contain reference to the original CR, proposed implementation date, and the CLEC/Qwest comment cycle. In addition, any documentation changes required to PCATs and Non-FCC Tech Pubs will be available for review in the document review site (red-line for Tech Pubs and green highlighting for PCAT) with a Comment button available to provide written comments. For Level 4 changes that do not impact PCATs or NonFCC Tech Pubs, a comments link will be provided within the notification. CLECs have 15 calendar days following notification of the planned change to provide written comments on the notice Qwest will reply to CLEC comments no later than 15 calendar days following the CLEC cut-off for comments. The Qwest reply will also include confirmation of the implementation date. In the event there are extenuating circumstances, (e.g. requested change requires significant research, information is required from national standards body or industry (e.g. Telcordia)), Qwest’s response will indicate the course of action Qwest is taking and Qwest will provide additional information when available. Once the information is available Qwest will provide a notification and any available updated documentation (e.g. Tech Pubs, PCATs) at least 15 calendar days prior to implementation. Qwest will implement no sooner than 15 calendar days after providing the response to CLEC comments. For example, if there are no CLEC comments, Qwest may send out a final notification on the first day following the CLEC cut-off for comments (day 16 after the initial notification). Thus, implementation would be 31 days from the initial notification. However, if Qwest does not respond to the CLEC comments until the 15th day after the CLEC cut-off for comments, the earliest possible implementation date would be 45 calendar days from the initial notification. CLEC comments must be provided during the comment cycle as outlined for Level 4. CLEC comments may be one of the following: General comments regarding the change (e.g., clarification, request for modification) Request for stay or delay implementation, or effective date for which comments are being provided. For general comments, Qwest will respond to comments and provide a final notice of the change. Additionally, Qwest will provide documentation of proposed changes to Qwest PCATs and NonFCC Tech Pubs available to CLECs and implement the change(s) according to the timeframes put forth above. For a request to stay or delay, Qwest will follow the procedures as outlined in Section 4 of this document. If the CLECs do not accept Qwest’s response, any CLEC may elect to escalate the CR or pursue dispute resolution in accordance with the agreed upon CMP Escalation or Dispute Resolution procedures. 6.0 OSS Interface Release Calendar Qwest will provide a rolling 12 month OSS Interface release calendar in the distribution package of the first scheduled CMP Systems Meeting of each quarter. The calendar will show release schedules, for all OSS Interfaces within the scope of CMP starting in that quarter and for a total of 12 months in the future. The schedule entries will be made when applicable for application to application interfaces: Name of OSS Interface Date for CMP CR Submission Cutoff Date for issuing Draft Release Notes Date when Initial Notice for New Interfaces and Interface Retirements will be issued; date when comparable functionality will be available. Date for issuing Initial or Draft Technical Specifications Comment cycle timeline Prioritization, packaging and commitment timeline Date for issuing Final Technical Specifications Testing period Date for issuing Final Release Notes Planned Implementation Date Release sunset dates The release calendar will be posted on the CMP web site as a stand-alone document. 7.0 INTRODUCTION OF A NEW OSS INTERFACE The process for introducing a new interface will be part of the CMP. Introduction of a new OSS interface may include an application-to-application or a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It is recognized that the planning cycle for a new interface, of any type, may be greater than the time originally allotted and that discussions between CLECs and Qwest may be held prior to the announcement of the new interface. With a new interface, CLECs and Qwest may define the scope of functionality introduced as part of the OSS Interface. 7.1 Introduction of a New Application-to-Application Interface At least nine (9) months in advance of the target implementation date of a new application-to-application interface, Qwest will issue a Release Announcement, post the Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan on Qwest’s web site, and may host a design and development meeting. 7.1.1 Release Announcement Where practicable, the Release Announcement and Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan will include: Proposed functionality of the interface including whether the interface will replace an existing interface Proposed implementation time line (e.g., milestone dates, CLEC/Qwest comment cycle) Proposed meeting date to review the Preliminary Interface Implementation Plan Exceptions to industry guidelines/standards, if applicable Planned Implementation Date 7.1.2 CLEC Comments/Qwest Response Cycle and Preliminary Implementation Plan Review Meeting CLECs have fourteen (14) calendar days from the initial release announcement to provide written comments/questions on the documentation. Qwest will respond with written answers to all CLEC issues within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the Initial Release Announcement. Qwest will review these issues and its implementation schedule at the Preliminary Implementation Plan Review Meeting approximately twenty-eight (28) calendar days after the Initial Release Announcement. 7.1.3 Initial Interface Technical Specification Qwest will provide draft technical specifications at least one hundred twenty (120) calendar days prior to implementing the release. In addition, Qwest will confirm the schedule for the walk-through of technical specifications, CLEC comments, and Qwest response cycle. 7.1.4 Initial Notification Content This notification will contain: Purpose Logistical information (including a conference line) for walk-through Reference to draft technical specifications, or web site Additional pertinent material CLEC Comment/Qwest Response cycle Draft Connectivity and Firewall Rules Draft Test Plan 7.1.5 Walk Through of Draft Interface Technical Specifications Qwest will sponsor a walk through, including the appropriate internal subject matter experts (SMEs), beginning one-hundred and ten (110) calendar days prior to implementation and ending one-hundred and six (106) calendar days prior to implementation. A walk through will afford CLEC SMEs the opportunity to ask questions and discuss specific requirements with Qwest’s technical team. CLECs are encouraged to invite their technical experts, systems architects, and designers, to attend the walk through. 7.1.6 Conduct Walk-through Qwest will lead the review of technical specifications. Qwest technical experts will answer the CLEC SMEs’ questions. Qwest will capture action items such as requests for further clarification. Qwest will follow-up on all action items. 7.1.7 CLEC Comments on Draft Interface Technical Specifications If the CLEC identifies issues or requires clarification, the CLEC must send written comments/concerns to the Systems CMP Manager no later than one-hundred and four (104) calendar days prior to implementation. 7.1.8 Qwest Response to Comments Qwest will review and respond with written answers to all CLEC issues, comments/concerns and action items captured at the walk through, no later than one hundred (100) calendar days prior to implementation. The answers will be shared with all CLECs, unless the CLECs question(s) are marked proprietary. Any changes that may occur as a result of the responses will be distributed to all CLECs in the final notification letter. The notification will include the description of any change(s) made as a result of CLEC comments. The change(s) will be reflected in the final technical specifications. 7.1.9 Final Interface Technical Specifications Generally, no less than one hundred (100) calendar days prior to the implementation of the new interface, Qwest will issue the Final Release Requirements to CLECs via web site posting and a CLEC notification. Final Release Requirements will include: Final Notification Letter, including: Summary of changes from Qwest response to CLEC comments on Draft Technical Specifications If applicable, Indication of type of change (e.g., documentation change, business rule change, clarification change) Purpose Reference to final technical specifications, or web site Additional pertinent material Final Connectivity and Firewall Rules Final Test Plan (including Joint Testing Period) Release date Qwest’s planned implementation date will not be sooner than one hundred (100) calendar days from the date of the final release requirements. The implementation time line for the release will not begin until final specifications are provided. Production Support type changes within the thirty (30) calendar day test window can occur without advance notification but will be posted within 24 hours of the change. 7.2 Introduction of a New GUI Qwest will issue a Release Notification forty-five (45) calendar days in advance of the Release Production Date. This will include: Proposed functionality of the interface including whether the new interface will replace an existing interface. Implementation time line (e.g., milestone dates, CLEC/Qwest comment cycle, Interface overview date) Implementation date Logistics for GUI Interface Overview At least twenty-eight (28) calendar days in advance of the target implementation date of a new GUI interface, Qwest will issue a Release Announcement. At a minimum, the Release Announcement will include Draft User Guide How and When Training will be administered 7.2.1 Interface Overview The Interface Overview meeting should be held no later than twenty-seven (27) calendar days prior to the Release Production Date. At the meeting, Qwest will present an overview of the new interface. 7.2.2 CLEC Comments and Qwest Response At least twenty-five (25) calendar days prior to the Release Production Date. CLECs must forward their written comments and concerns to Qwest. Qwest will consider CLEC comments and may address them with the release of the Final Notification. 7.2.3 Final Notification Qwest will issue a final notice no less than twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the Release Production date. The final notice will include: A summary of changes from the initial notice, including type of changes (e.g., documentation change, clarification, business rule change). Final User Guide Final Training information Final Implementation date. 8.0 CHANGE TO EXISTING OSS INTERFACES At the first CMP systems monthly meeting of each quarter, Qwest will also provide a rolling twelve (12) month view of its OSS interface development schedule. Qwest standard operating practice is to implement 3 major releases and 3 point releases (for IMA only) within a calendar year. Unless mandated as a Regulatory Change, Qwest will implement no more than four (4) releases per IMA OSS Interface requiring coding changes to the CLEC interfaces within a calendar year. The Major release changes should occur no less than three (3) months apart. Application-to-Application OSS Interface Qwest will support the previous major Interconnect Mediated Access (IMA) EDI release for six (6) months after the subsequent major IMA EDI release has been implemented. Past Releases of IMA EDI will only be modified as a result of production support changes. When such production support changes are made, Qwest will also modify the related documentation.. All other changes become candidates for future IMA EDI releases. Qwest makes one Release of the Electronic Bonding-Trouble Administration (EBTA) and billing interfaces available at any given time, and will not support any previous Releases. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Qwest makes one Release of a GUI available at any given time and will not support any previous Releases. IMA GUI changes for a pre-order or ordering will be implemented at the same time as an IMA EDI release. 8.1 Application-to-Application Interface This section describes the timelines that Qwest, and any CLEC choosing to implement on the Qwest Release Production Date, will adhere to in changing existing interfaces. For any CLEC not choosing to implement on the Qwest Release Production Date, Qwest and the CLEC will negotiate a mutually agreed to CLEC implementation time line, including testing. 8.1.1 Draft Interface Technical Specifications Prior to Qwest implementing a change to an existing interface, Qwest will notify CLECs of the draft Technical Specifications. Qwest will provide draft technical specifications at least seventy-three (73) calendar days prior to implementing the release unless an exception has been granted (see Section 8.0) Technical specifications are documents that provide information the CLECs need to code the interface. CLECs have eighteen (18) calendar days from the initial publication of draft technical specifications to provide written comments/questions on the documentation. 8.1.2 Content of Draft Interface Technical Specifications The Notification letter will contain: Written summary of change(s) Target time frame for implementation Draft Technical Specifications documentation, or instructions on how to access the draft Technical Specifications documentation on the Web site. 8.1.3 Walk Through of Draft Interface Technical Specifications Qwest will sponsor a walk through, including the appropriate internal subject matter experts (SMEs), beginning sixty-eight (68) calendar days prior to implementation and ending no less than fifty-eight (58) calendar days prior to implementation. A walk through will afford CLEC SMEs the opportunity to ask questions and discuss specific requirements with Qwest’s technical team. CLECs are encouraged to invite their technical experts, systems architects, and designers, to attend the walk through. Walk through Notification Content This notification will contain: Purpose Logistical information (including a conference line) Reference to draft technical specifications, or reference to a web site with draft specifications Additional pertinent material Conduct the Walk-through Qwest will lead the review of technical specifications. Qwest technical experts will answer the CLEC SMEs’ questions. Qwest will capture action items such as requests for further clarification. Qwest will follow-up on all action items and notify CLECs of responses 45 calendar days prior to implementation. 8.1.4 CLEC’s Comments on Draft Interface Technical Specifications If the CLEC identifies issues or requires clarification, the CLEC must send written comments to the Systems CMP Manager no less than fifty-five (55) calendar days prior to implementation. 8.1.5 Qwest Response to Comments Qwest will review and respond with written answers to all CLEC issues, comments/concerns no less than forty-five (45) calendar days prior to implementation. The answers will be shared with all CLECs, unless the CLECs question(s) are marked proprietary. Any changes that may occur as a result of the responses will be distributed to all CLECs in the same notification letter. The notification will include the description of any change(s) made as a result of CLEC comments. The change(s) will be reflected in the final technical specifications. 8.1.6 Final Interface Technical Specifications The notification letter resulting from the CLEC’s comments from the Initial Release Notification will constitute the Final Technical Specifications. After the Final Technical Specifications are published, there may be other changes made to documentation or the coding that is documented in the form of addenda. The following is a high level overview of the current disclosure, release and addendum process: Draft Developer Worksheets -- 45 days prior to a release the draft Developer Worksheets are made available to the CLEC’s. Final Disclosure – 5 weeks prior to a release the Final Disclosure documents, including I charts and developer worksheets are made available to the CLECs. Release Day – On release day only those CLECs using the IMA GUI are required to cut over to the new release. 1st Addendum – 2 weeks after the release the 1st addendum is sent to the CLECs. Subsequent Addendum’s – Subsequent addendum’s are sent to the CLECs after the release as needed. There is no current process and timeline. EDI CLECs – 6 months after the release those CLECs using EDI are required to cut over to the new release. CLECs are not required to support all new releases. 8.1.7 Content of Final Notification Letter The Final Release will include the following: Reference to Final Technical Specifications, or web site Qwest response to CLEC comments Summary of changes from the prior release, including any changes made as a result of CLEC comments on Draft Technical Specifications Indication of type of change (e.g., documentation change, business rule change, clarification change) Final Joint Test Plan including transactions which have changed Joint Testing Period Release date Qwest’s planned implementation date will be at least forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of the final release requirements, unless the exception process has been invoked. The implementation time line for the release will not begin until final specifications are provided. Production Support type of changes that occur within the thirty (30) calendar day test window can occur without advance notification but will be posted within 24 hours of the change. 8.1.8 Joint Testing Period Qwest will provide a thirty (30) day test window for any CLEC who desires to jointly test with Qwest prior to the Release Production Date. 8.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) 8.2.1 Draft GUI Release Notice Prior to implementation of a change to an existing interface, Qwest will notify CLECs of the draft release notes and the planned implementation date. Notification will occur at least twenty-eight (28) calendar days prior to implementing the release unless an exception has been granted. This notification will include draft user guide information if necessary. CLECs must provide comments/questions on the documentation no less than twenty-five (25) calendar days prior to implementation. Final notice for the release will be published at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to production release date. 8.2.2 Content of Draft Interface Release Notice The notification will contain: Written summary of change(s) Target time frame for implementation Any cross-reference to draft documentation such as the user guide or revised user guide pages. 8.2.3 CLEC Comments on Draft Interface Release Notice Any CLEC comments must be submitted in writing to the Systems CMP Manager. 8.2.4 Qwest Response to Comments Qwest will consider CLEC comments and may address them in the final GUI release notice within four (4) calendar days after receipt of CLEC comments. 8.2.5 Content of Final Interface release Notice CLEC comments to the draft notice may be incorporated into the final notice, which shall include: Final notification letter Summary of changes from draft interface release notice Final user guide (or revised pages) Release date Qwest’s planned implementation date will be no later than twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of the final release notice. Qwest will post this information on the CMP web site. Production support type changes that occur without advance notification will be posted within 24 hours of the change. The implementation time line for the release will not begin until all related documentation is provided. 9.0 RETIREMENT OF EXISTING OSS INTERFACES The retirement of an existing OSS Interface occurs when Qwest ceases to accept transactions using a specific OSS Interface. This may include the removal of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) or a protocol transmission of information (Application-to-Application) interface. 9.1 Application-to-Application OSS Interface 9.1.1 Initial Retirement Plans At least nine (9) months before the retirement date of Application-to-Application interfaces, Qwest will share the retirement plans via web site posting and CLEC notification. The scheduled new interface is to be in a CLEC certified production release prior to the retirement of the older interface. Alternatively, Qwest may choose to retire an interface if there is no CLEC usage of that interface for the most recent three (3) consecutive months. Qwest will provide thirty (30) calendar day notification of the retirement via web posting and CLEC notification. 9.1.2 Initial Retirement Notice to CLECs: Initial Retirement Notices will include: The rationale for retiring the OSS Interface Available alternative interface options for existing functionality The proposed detailed retirement time line (e.g., milestone dates, CLEC-Qwest comment and response cycle) Targeted retirement date 9.1.3 CLEC Comments to Initial Retirement Notice CLEC comments to the Initial Retirement Notice are due to Qwest no later than fifteen (15) calendar days following the Initial Retirement Notice. 9.1.4 Comparable Functionality Unless otherwise agreed to by Qwest and a CLEC user, when Qwest announces the retirement of an interface for which a comparable interface does or will exist, a CLEC user will not be permitted to commence building to the retiring interface. CLEC users of the retiring interface will be grandfathered until the retirement of the interface. Qwest will ensure that an interface with comparable functionality is available no less than six months prior to retirement of an Application-to-Application interface. 9.1.5 Final Retirement Notice The Final Retirement Notice will be provided to CLECs no later than two-hundred and twenty-eight (228) calendar days prior to the retirement of the application-to-application interface. The Final Retirement Notice will contain: The rationale for retiring the OSS Interface (e.g., no usage or replacement) If applicable, where the replacement functionality will reside in a new interface and when the new interface has been certified by a CLEC Qwest’s responses to CLECs’ comments/concerns Actual retirement date 9.2 Graphical User Interface (GUI) 9.2.1 Initial Retirement Plans At least two (2) months in advance of the target retirement date of a GUI, Qwest will share the retirement plans via web site posting and CLEC notification. The scheduled new interface is to be in a CLEC certified production release prior to the retirement of the older interface. Alternatively, Qwest may choose to retire an interface if there is no CLEC usage of that interface for the most recent three (3) consecutive months. Qwest will provide thirty (30) calendar day notification of the retirement via web posting and CLEC notification. 9.2.2 Initial Retirement Notice to CLECs: Initial Retirement Notices will include: The rationale for retiring the OSS Interface Available alternative interface options for existing functionality The proposed detailed retirement time line (e.g., milestone dates, CLEC-Qwest comment and response cycle) Targeted retirement date 9.2.3 CLEC Comments to Initial Retirement Notice CLEC comments to the Initial Retirement Notice are due to Qwest no later than fifteen (15) calendar days following the Initial Retirement Notice. 9.2.4 Comparable Functionality Qwest will ensure comparable functionality no less than thirty-one (31) days before retirement of a GUI. 9.2.5 Final Retirement Notice The Final Retirement Notice, for GUI retirements, will be provided to CLECs no later than twenty-one (21) calendar days before the retirement date. The Final Retirement Notice will contain: The rationale for retiring the OSS Interface (e.g., no usage or replacement) If applicable, where the replacement functionality will reside in a new interface and when the new interface has been certified by a CLEC Qwest’s responses to CLECs’ comments/concerns Actual retirement date 10.0 PRIORITIZATION Each OSS Interface and Test Environment release is prioritized separately. If the Systems CMP Change Requests for any interface or test environment do not exceed release capacity, no prioritization for that release is required. The prioritization process provides an opportunity for CLECs to prioritize CLEC and Qwest originated OSS Interface change requests (CRs). CLEC or Qwest originated CRs for introduction of a new interface or retirement of an existing interface are not subject to prioritization and will follow the introduction or retirement processes outlined in Sections 7.0 and 9.0, respectively. 10.1 Regulatory and Industry Guideline Change Requests [See Action Items 212 and 169] Regulatory and Industry Guideline changes, are defined in Section 4.0. , Separate procedures are required for prioritization of CRs requesting Regulatory and Industry Guideline changes to ensure that Qwest can comply with the recommended or required implementation date, if any. The process for determining whether a CR is Regulatory Change or Industry guideline is set forth in Section 5.1. Qwest will send CLECs a notice when it posts Regulatory or Industry Guideline CRs to the Web and identify when comments are due, as described in Section 5.1. Regulatory and Industry Guideline CRs will also be identified in the CMP Systems Monthly Meeting Distribution Package. 10.1.1 Regulatory Changes For Regulatory Changes, Qwest will implement changes no later than the time specified in the legislation, regulatory requirement, court ruling. If no time is specified, Qwest will implement the change as soon as practicable. Regulatory CRs will be ranked with all other CRs. If the implementation date for a Regulatory CR requires all or a part of the change to be included in the upcoming Major Release, the CR will not be subject to ranking and will be automatically included in that Major Release. 10.1.2 Industry Guideline Changes For Industry Guideline changes, Qwest will use the national implementation timeline, if any. If no national implementation timeline is specified, Qwest will implement any related changes as soon as practicable, taking into account the benefit of the guideline change and CLEC input regarding the implementation timeline. Industry Guideline CRs will be ranked with all other CRs. If the recommended implementation date for a Industry Guideline CR requires all or a part of the change to be included in the upcoming Major Release, the CR will not be subject to ranking and will be automatically included in that Major Release, unless Qwest and CLECs unanimously agree otherwise. 10.1.3 Regulatory and Industry Guideline Change Implementation When more than one Major Release is scheduled before the mandated or recommended implementation date for a Regulatory or Industry Guideline CR, Qwest will present information to CLECs regarding any technical, practical, or development cycle considerations, as part of the CR review and up to the packaging options, that may affect Qwest's ability to implement the CR in any particular Major Release. At the monthly CMP meeting where the Regulatory or Industry Guideline CR is presented, Qwest will advise CLECs of the possible scheduled releases in which Qwest could implement the CR and the CLECs and Qwest will determine how to allocate those CRs among the available Major Releases, taking into account the information provided by Qwest regarding technical, practical, and/or development considerations. If the Regulatory or Industry Guideline CR is not included in a prior release, it will be implemented in the latest release specified by Qwest. 10.2 Prioritization Process 10.2.1 Prioritization Review At the last Monthly Systems CMP Meeting before Prioritization, Qwest will facilitate a Prioritization Review including a discussion of all CRs eligible for prioritization in a major release. Qwest will distribute all materials five (5) calendar days prior to the prioritization review. The materials will include: Agenda Summary document of all CRs eligible for prioritization. (see Appendix A - Sample – IMA 11.0 Rank Eligible CRs) Both CLECs and Qwest should have appropriate subject matter experts in attendance at the Prioritization Review. The review and discussion meetings are open to all CLECs. The Prioritization Review objectives are to: Introduce newly initiated CLEC and Qwest OSS Interface and test environment change requests. Allow CLECs and Qwest to prioritize eligible OSS Interface or test environment change requests by providing specific input as to the relative importance that CLECs, as a group, and Qwest assign to each such change request. 10.2.2 Ranking Within three (3) business days following the CMP Meeting that includes the Prioritization Review, Qwest will distribute the Prioritization Form for ranking. Ranking should be conducted according to the following guidelines: Each CLEC and Qwest may submit one numbered ranking of the Release Candidate List. The ranking must be submitted by the primary Point of Contact (POC, the secondary POC, or CMP Team Representative). The ranking will be submitted to the Qwest Systems CMP Manager in accordance with the guidelines described in Section 10.2.3 below. Refer to Appendix B: Sample – IMA 11.0 Initial Prioritization Form Qwest and each CLEC ranks each change request on the Release Candidate List by providing a point value from 1 through n, where n is the total quantity of CRs. The highest point value should be assigned to the CR that Qwest and CLECs wish to be implemented first. The total points will be calculated by the Qwest Systems CMP Manager and the results will be distributed to the CLECs in accordance with the Prioritization Process described in Section 10.2.3 below. Refer to Appendix C – Sample – IMA 11.0 Prioritization List. 10.2.3 Ranking Tabulation CLECs and Qwest who choose to vote must submit their completed Prioritization Form via e-mail within three (3) business days following Qwest’s distribution of the Prioritization Form. Within two (2) business days following the submission of ranking, Qwest will tabulate all rankings and e-mail the resulting Initial Prioritization List to the CLECs. The results will be announced at the next scheduled CMP Monthly Meeting. Prioritization is based on the results of the votes received by the deadline. Based on the outcome of the final ranking of the CR candidates, an Initial Prioritization List is produced. Qwest will place in order the candidates based on the ranking responses received by the deadline. 10.2.4 Ranking of Late Added CRs For those late added CRs that are eligible for inclusion, as a candidate, in the most recently prioritized release (Section 10.2.4), the prioritization process will be as follows. Within three (3) business days following the CMP Meeting that resulted in the decision to include the late added CR as a candidate in the recently prioritized release, Qwest will distribute the late added CR for ranking, along with the initial prioritization. Each CLEC and Qwest may submit a suggested rank for the late added CR. The suggested rank will be the number, from 1-n, corresponding to the position on the Initial Prioritization List that the CLEC or Qwest believes the late added CR should be inserted. CLECs and Qwest who choose to vote must return their suggested rank for the late added CR via e-mail within three (3) business days following Qwest’s distribution of the late added CR for ranking. Within two business days following the return of the suggested rank, Qwest will tabulate the results by averaging the returned suggested ranks for the late added CR. Qwest will insert the late added CR into the Initial Prioritization List at the resulting point on the list and will renumber the remaining candidates on the list based on this insertion. Qwest will e-mail the newly resulting Initial Prioritization List to the CLECs. The results will be announced at the next scheduled CMP Monthly Meeting. 10.3 Special Change Request Process (SCRP) In the event that a Systems CR is not ranked high enough in prioritization for inclusion in the next Release, the CR originator may elect to invoke the CMP Special Change Request Process (SCRP) as described in this section. The SCRP does not supercede the process defined in Section 5.0 (Change Request Initiation Process). To invoke the SCRP, the CR originator must send an e-mail to the Qwest CMP SCRP mailbox (URL TBD). The subject line of the e-mail message must include: “SCRP REQUEST” CR originator’s company name CR number and title The text of the e-mail message must include a description of the CR, CR originator’s name, phone number, and e-mail address, and the circumstances which have necessitated the invocation of the SCRP. Qwest will acknowledge receipt of the complete SCRP e-mail with a confirmation e-mail no later than two (2) business days following receipt of the SCRP e-mail. If the SCRP e-mail does not contain the required information, Qwest will notify the originator within two (2) business days following receipt of the SCRP e-mail requesting information not included in the original SCRP e-mail. When the SCRP e-mail is complete, the confirmation e-mail will include: Date and time of receipt of complete SCRP e-mail Date and time of confirmation e-mail SCRP title and number The name, telephone number and e-mail of the Qwest contact assigned to process the SCRP Within ten (10) business days after the confirmation e-mail, Qwest will schedule and hold a meeting to work with the SCRP Originator to prepare the SCRP form. SCRP may be invoked prior to prioritization. Analysis on the cost would be done for a fee. CLEC may decide to invoke SCRP process up to 5 days after prioritization results are posted. If the estimate increases, Qwest will communicate the cost increase. If the CLEC chooses to cancel the request during the process, the CLEC will pay all costs incurred by Qwest up to that point. This form shall be accompanied by the non-refundable Processing Fee specified in Attachment X. The form will request, and the originator will need to provide the following information as well as any additional information that may be helpful in describing and analyzing SCRP originator’s request: [Information TBD] As soon as feasible, but in any case within (x) business days after receipt of a completed SCRP form, Qwest will provide the SCRP originator with a SCRP quote. The SCRP quote will, at a minimum, include the following information: A description of the work to be performed Development costs Targeted release [Additional elements TBD]Qwest agrees with AT&T Comments The SCRP originator has (x) business days, upon receipt of the SCRP quote, to either agree to purchase under the quoted price or cancel its SCRP. Once development work has begun, if at any time the SCRP originator decides to cancel the SCRP, the SCRP originator will pay Qwest’s reasonable development costs incurred in providing the requested functionality. All time intervals within which a response is required from one Party to another under this Section are maximum time intervals. Each Party agrees that it will provide all responses in writing to the other Party as soon as the Party has the information and analysis required to respond, even if the time interval stated herein for a response is not over. The foregoing process applies to Qwest and CLEC originated CRs. In the event a Qwest CR is submitted through this process, Qwest agrees that it will not divert IT resources available to work on the systems CRs for the next Release to support Qwest’s SCRP request. Like CLECs, Qwest will have to apply separate, additional resources to CR it seeks to implement through the SCRP. 11.0 APPLICATION-TO-APPLICATION INTERFACE TESTING If CLEC is using an application-to-application interface, CLEC must work with Qwest to certify the business scenarios that CLEC will be using in order to ensure successful transaction processing in production. If multiple CLECs are using a service bureau provider, the service bureau provider need only be certified for the first participating CLEC; subsequent CLECs using the service bureau provider need not be certified. Qwest and CLEC shall mutually agree to the business scenarios for which CLEC requires certification. Certification will be granted for the specified release of the application-to-application interface. If CLEC is certifying multiple products or services, CLEC has the option of certifying those products or services serially or in parallel if technically feasible. New releases of the application-to-application interface may require re-certification of some or all business scenarios. A determination as to the need for re-certification will be made by the Qwest coordinator in conjunction with the release manager of each release. Notice of the need for re-certification will be provided to CLEC as the new release is implemented. The suite of re-certification test scenarios will be provided to CLEC with the initial and final Technical Specifications. If CLEC is certifying multiple products or services, CLEC has the option of certifying those products or services serially or in parallel, if technically feasible. If multiple CLECs are using a service bureau provider, the service bureau provider need only be re-certified for the first participating CLEC; subsequent CLECs using the service bureau provider need not be re-certified. Qwest provides a separate Customer Test Environment (CTE) for the testing of transaction based application-to-application interfaces for pre-order, order, and maintenance/repair. The CTE will be developed for each major release and updated for each point release that has changes that were disclosed but not implemented as part of the major release. Qwest will provide test files for batch/file interfaces (e.g. billing). The CTE for Pre-order and Order currently includes: Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE) Interoperability Testing Controlled Production Testing The CTE for Maintenance and Repair currently includes: CMIP Interface Test Environment (MEDIACC) Qwest provides initial implementation testing, and migration testing (from one release to the next) for all types of OSS Interface change requests. Controlled Production Testing is also provided for Pre-Order and Order. Such testing provides the opportunity to test the code associated with those OSS Interface exchange requests. The CTE will also provide the opportunity for regression testing of OSS Interface functionality. 11.1 Testing Process Qwest will send an industry notification, including testing schedules (see Section 8.0 – Changes to Existing OSS Interfaces), to CLECs so they may determine their intent to participate in the test. CLECs wishing to test with Qwest must participate in at least one joint planning session and determine: Connectivity (required) Firewall and Protocol Testing (required) Controlled Production (required) Production Turn-up (required) Test Schedule (required) A joint CLEC-Qwest test plan may also include some or all of the following based on type of testing requested: Requirements Review Test Data Development Progression Testing Phase Qwest will communicate any agreed upon changes to the test schedule. CLECs are responsible for establishing and maintaining connectivity to the CTE. Provided a CLEC uses the same software components and similar connectivity configuration as it uses in production, the CLEC should, in general, experience response times similar to production. However, this environment is not intended for volume testing. The CTE contains the appropriate applications for pre-ordering and Local Service Request (LSR) ordering up to but not including the service order processor. Qwest intends to include the service order processor as part of the SATE component of the CTE by the end of 2002. Production code problems identified in the test environment will be resolved by using the Production Support process as outlined in Section 12.0. 12.0 Production Support 12.1 Notification of Planned Outages Planned Outages are reserved times for scheduled maintenance to Operations Support Systems (OSS). Qwest sends associated Notifications to all CLECs. Planned Outage Notifications must include: Identification of the subject OSS. Description of the scheduled OSS maintenance activity. Impact to the CLECs (e.g. geographic area, products affected, system implications, and business implications). Scheduled date and scheduled start and stop times. Work around, if applicable. Qwest contact for more information on the scheduled OSS maintenance activity. Planned Outage Notifications will be sent to CLECs and appropriate Qwest personnel within 2 days of the scheduling of the OSS maintenance activity. 12.2 Newly Deployed OSS Interface Release Following the release production date of an OSS Interface change, Qwest will use production procedures for maintenance of software as outlined below. Problems encountered by the CLEC should be reported to the IT Wholesale Systems Help Desk (IT Help Desk). Qwest will monitor, track, and address troubles reported by CLECs or identified by Qwest, as set forth in Section 12.X. Problems reported will be known as IT Trouble Tickets. A week after the deployment of an IMA Release into production, Qwest will host a conference call with the CLECs to review any identified problems and answer any questions pertaining to the newly deployed software. Qwest will follow CMP process for documenting the meeting (includes issues/action items and status/solution). Issues will be addressed with specific CLECs and results/status will be reviewed at the next Monthly OSS CMP Meeting. 12.3 Request for a Production Support Change The IT Help Desk supports Competitive Local Exchange Carriers who have questions regarding connectivity, outputs, and system outages. The IT Help Desk serves as the first point of contact for reporting trouble. If the IT Help Desk is unable to assist the CLEC, it will refer information to the proper subject matter expert, also known as Tier 2 or Tier 3 support, who may call the CLEC directly. Often, however, an IT Help Desk representative will contact the CLEC to provide information or to confirm resolution of the trouble ticket. Qwest will assign each CLEC-generated and Qwest-generated IT Trouble ticket a Severity Level 1 to 4, as defined in Section 12.X. Severity 1 and Severity 2 IT trouble tickets will be implemented immediately by means of an emergency release of process, software or documentation (known as a patch). If Qwest and CLEC deem implementation is not timely, and a work around exists or can be developed, Qwest will implement the work around in the interim. Severity 3 and Severity 4 IT trouble tickets may be implemented when appropriate taking into consideration upcoming patches, major releases and point releases and any synergies that exist with work being done in the upcoming patches, major releases and point releases. The first time a trouble is reported by Qwest or CLEC, the Qwest IT Help Desk will assign a IT Trouble Ticket tracking number, which will be communicated to the CLEC at the time the CLEC reports the trouble. The affected CLEC(s) and Qwest will attempt to reach consensus on resolution of the problem and closing the IT Trouble Ticket. If no consensus is reached, any party may use the Technical Escalation Process. When the IT Trouble Ticket has been closed, Qwest will notify CLECs with one of the following disposition codes: No Trouble Found – to be used when Qwest investigation indicates that no trouble exists in Qwest systems. Trouble to be Resolved in Patch – to be used when the IT Trouble Ticket will be resolved in a patch. Qwest will provide a date for implementation of the patch. This is typically applied to Severity 1 and Severity 2 troubles, although Severity 3 and Severity 4 troubles may be resolved in a patch where synergies exist. CLEC Should Submit CMP CR – to be used when Qwest’s investigation indicates that the System is working pursuant to the Technical Specifications (unless the Technical Specifications are incorrect), and that the IT Trouble Ticket is requesting a systems change that should be submitted as a CMP CR. Date TBD – to be used when the IT Trouble Ticket is not scheduled to be resolved in a patch or change, but Qwest may resolve in a patch, release, or otherwise, if possible where synergies exist. This disposition is applied to Severity 3 and Severity 4 troubles. Qwest will track ”Date TBD” trouble tickets and report status and resolution of these trouble tickets and associated systems work on its CMP website. The status of these trouble tickets will be regularly discussed in CMP meetings. For ”Date TBD” trouble tickets, either Qwest or a CLEC may initiate the Change Request to correct the problem. (See Section 5.0 for CR Initiation) If the initiating party knows that the CR relates to a trouble ticket, it will identify the trouble ticket number on the CR. Instances where Qwest or CLECs misinterpret Technical Specifications and/or business rules must be addressed on a case-by-case basis. All parties will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any disagreements regarding the interpretation of a new or modified OSS Interface are identified and resolved during the change management review of the change request. 12.4 Reporting Trouble to IT Qwest will open a trouble ticket at the time the trouble is first reported by CLEC or detected by Qwest. The IT Help Desk representative will communicate the ticket number to the CLEC at the time the CLEC reports the trouble. If a ticket has been opened, and subsequent to the ticket creation, CLECs call in on the same problem, and the IT Help Desk recognizes that it is the same problem, a new ticket is not created. The IT Help Desk documents each subsequent call in the primary ticket. If one or more CLECs call in on the same problem, but it is not recognized as the same problem, one or more tickets may be created. When the problem is recognized as the same, one of the tickets becomes the primary ticket, and the other tickets are linked to the primary ticket. When the problem is closed, the primary and all related tickets will be closed. 12.5 Severity Levels Severity level is a means of assessing and documenting the impact of the loss of functionality to CLEC(s) and impact to the CLEC’s business. The severity level gives restoration or repair priority to problems causing the greatest impact to CLEC(s) or its business. Guidelines for determining severity levels are listed below. Severity level may be determined by one or more of the listed bullet items under each Severity Level (the list is not exhaustive). Examples of some trouble ticket situations follow. Please keep in mind these are guidelines, and each situation is unique. The IT Help Desk representative, based on discussion with the CLEC, will make the determination of the severity level and will communicate the severity level to the CLEC at the time the CLEC reports the trouble. If the CLEC disagrees with the severity level assigned by the IT Help Desk personnel, the CLEC may escalate using the Technical Escalation Process. Severity 1: Critical Impact Critical. High visibility. A large number of orders or CLECs are affected. A single CLEC cannot submit its business transactions. Affects online commitment. Production or cycle stopped – priority batch commitment missed. Major impact on revenue. Major component not available for use. Many and/or major files lost. Major loss of functionality. Problem can not be bypassed. No viable or productive work around available. Examples: Major network backbone outage without redundancy. Environmental problems causing multiple system failures. Large number of service or other work order commitments missed. A Software Defect in an edit which prevents any orders from being submitted. Severity 2: Serious Impact Serious. Moderate visibility. Moderate to large number of CLECs, or orders affected. Potentially affects online commitment. Serious slow response times. Serious loss of functionality. Potentially affects production – potential miss of priority batch commitment. Moderate impact on revenue. Limited use of product or component. Component continues to fail. Intermittently down for short periods, but repetitive. Few or small files lost. Problems may have a possible bypass; the bypass must be acceptable to CLECs. Major access down, but a partial backup exists. Examples: A single company, large number of orders impacted Frequent intermittent logoffs. Service and/or other work order commitments delayed or missed. Severity 3: Moderate Impact Low to medium visibility. Low CLEC, or low order impact. Low impact on revenue. Limited use of product or component. Single CLEC device affected. Minimal loss of functionality. Problem may be bypassed; redundancy in place. Bypass must be acceptable to CLECs. Automated workaround in place and known. Workaround must be acceptable to CLECs. Example: Hardware errors, no impact yet. Severity 4: Minimal Impact Low or no visibility. No direct impact on CLEC. Few functions impaired. Problem can be bypassed. Bypass must be acceptable to CLECs. System resource low; no impact yet. Preventative maintenance request. Examples: Misleading, unclear system messages causing confusion for users. Device or software regularly has to be reset, but continues to work. 12.6 Status Notification for IT Trouble Tickets There are two types of status notifications for IT Trouble Tickets: Ticket Notifications: for tickets that relate to only one reporting CLEC Event Notifications: for tickets that relate to more than one CLEC Event Notifications are sent by Qwest to all CLECs who subscribe to the IT Help Desk as described in Process X. Event Notifications will include ticket status (e.g. open, no change, resolved) and as much of the following information as is known to Qwest at the time the notice is sent: Description of the problem Impact to the CLECs (e.g. geographic area, products affected, business implications) Estimated resolution date and time if known Resolution if known Severity level Trouble ticket number(s), date and time Work around if defined Qwest contact for more information on the problem System affected Escalation information as available Both types of notifications will be sent to the CLECs and appropriate Qwest personnel within the time frame set forth in the table below and will include all related system trouble ticket number(s). 12.7 Notification Intervals Notification Intervals are based on the severity level of the ticket. “Notification Interval for any Change in Status” means that a notification will be sent out within the time specified from the time a change in status occurs. “Notification Interval for No Change in Status” means that a notification will be sent out on a recurring basis within the time specified from the last notification when no change in status has occurred, until resolution. “Notification Interval upon Resolution” means that a notification will be sent out within the time specified from the resolution of the problem. Notification will be provided during the IT Help Desk normal hours of operation. Qwest will continue to work severity 1 problems outside of Help Desk hours of operation which are Monday-Friday 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Mountain time and Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Mountain time, and will communicate with the CLEC(s) as needed. A severity 2 problem may be worked outside the IT Help Desk normal hours of operation on a case-by-case basis. The chart below indicates the response intervals a CLEC can expect to receive after reporting a trouble ticket to the IT Help Desk. Severity Level of Ticket Notification interval for initial ticket Notification Interval for any Change in Status Notification Interval for No Change in Status Notification Interval upon Resolution Severity Level 1 Immediate acceptance Within 1 hour 1 hour Within 1 hour Severity Level 2 Immediate acceptance Within 1 hour 1 hour Within 1 hour Severity Level 3 Immediate acceptance Within 4 hours 48 hours Within 4 hours Severity Level 4 Immediate acceptance Within 8 hours 48 hours Within 8 hours 13.0 TRAINING All changes to existing interfaces, as well as the introduction of new interfaces, will be incorporated into CLEC training. Qwest may conduct CLEC workshops. CLEC workshops are organized and facilitated by Qwest and can serve any one of the following purposes: Educate CLECs on a particular process or business function Collect feedback from CLECs on a particular process or business function Provide a forum for Qwest or CLECs to lobby for the implementation of a particular process or business function 14.0 ESCALATION PROCESS 14.1 Guidelines The escalation process will include items that are defined as within the CMP scope. The decision to escalate is left to the discretion of the CLEC, based on the severity of the missed or unaccepted response/resolution. Escalations may also involve issues related to CMP itself, including the administration of the CMP. The expectation is that escalation should occur only after change management procedures have occurred per the CMP. 14.2 Cycle Item must be formally escalated as an e-mail sent to the Qwest CMP escalation e-mail address, http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/escalations_dispute.html. iate provider escalation level. Subject line of the escalation e-mail must include: CLEC Company name “ESCALATION” Change Request (CR) number and status, if applicable Content of e-mail must enclose appropriate supporting documentation, if applicable, and to the extent that the supporting documentation does not include the following information, the following must be provided: Description of item being escalated History of item Reason for Escalation Business need and impact Desired CLEC resolution CLEC contact information including Name, Title, Phone Number, and e-mail address CLEC may request that impacted activities be stopped, continued or an interim solution be established. Qwest will acknowledge receipt of the complete escalation e-mail with an acknowledgement of the e-mail no later than the close of business of the following business day. If the escalation email does not contain the following specified information Qwest will notify the CLEC by the close of business on the following business day, identifying and requesting information that was not originally included. When the escalation email is complete, the acknowledgement email will include: Date and time of escalation receipt Date and time of acknowledgement email Name, phone number and email address of the Qwest Director, or above, assigned to the escalation. Qwest will post escalated issue and any associated responses on the CMP web site within 1 business day of receipt of the complete escalation or response. Qwest will give notification that an escalation has been requested via the Industry Mail Out process Any other CLEC wishing to participate in the escalation must submit an e-mail notification to the escalation URL within one (1) business day of the mail out. The subject line of the e-mail must include the title of the escalated issue followed by “ESCALATION PARTICIPATION” Qwest will respond with a binding position e-mail including supporting rationale as soon as practicable, but no later than: For escalated CRs, seven (7) calendar days of sending the acknowledgment e-mail,. For all other escalations, fourteen (14) calendar days of sending the acknowledgment e-mail. The escalating CLEC will respond to Qwest within seven (7) calendar days with a binding position e-mail. When the escalation is closed, the resolution will be subject to the CMP. 15.0 Dispute Resolution Process CLECs and Qwest will work together in good faith to resolve any issue brought before the CMP. In the event that an impasse issue develops, a party may pursue the dispute resolution processes set forth below: Item must be formally noticed as an e-mail sent to the Qwest CMP Dispute Resolution e-mail address, http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/escalations_dispute.html. Subject line of the e-mail must include: CLEC Company name “Dispute Resolution” Change Request (CR) number and status, if applicable Content of e-mail must enclose appropriate supporting documentation, if applicable, and to the extent that the supporting documentation does not include the following information, the following must be provided: Description of item History of item Reason for Escalation Business need and impact Desired CLEC resolution CLEC contact information including Name, Title, Phone Number, and e-mail address Qwest will acknowledge receipt of the complete Dispute Resolution e-mail within one (1) business day Qwest or any CLEC may suggest that the issue be resolved through an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process, such as arbitration or mediation using the American Arbitration Association (AAA) or other rules. If the parties agree to use an ADR process and agree upon the process and rules to be used, including whether the results of the ADR process are binding, the dispute will be resolved through the agreed-upon ADR process. Without the necessity for a prior ADR Process, Qwest or any CLEC may submit the issue, following the commission’s established procedures, with the appropriate regulatory agency requesting resolution of the dispute. This provision is not intended to change the scope of any regulatory agency's authority with regard to Qwest or the CLECs. This process does not limit any party’s right to seek remedies in a regulatory or legal arena at any time. Appendix A: Sample - IMA 11.0 Rank Eligible CRs # CR Number Interface Submit Date Company Status Title Shirt Size Est LOE Min Est LOE Max CR Presenter Ranking Note Category A: Not Rank Eligible 1 14886 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Pending Withdrawal Pre-order Transaction: Due Date availability & standard Intervals Extra Large 5501 8000 Winston, Connie Category A: Not Rank Eligible 2 23943 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Pending Withdrawal Shared Distribution Loop- Long Term Large 3001 5500 Winston, Connie Category A: Not Rank Eligible 3 25505 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Pending Withdrawal Line Splitting for UNE-P accounts Large 3001 5500 Winston, Connie Category A: Not Rank Eligible 4 25591 IMA Common 9/26/01 Qwest Pending Withdrawal Flowthrough validate LPIC LSR Entries Medium 751 3000 Winston, Connie Category A: Not Rank Eligible 5 25800 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Pending Withdrawal Add New Auto Push Statuses Medium 751 3000 Winston, Connie Category A: Not Rank Eligible 6 27751 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Pending Withdrawal Intrabuilding Cable. Large 3001 5500 Winston, Connie Category A: Not Rank Eligible 7 27756 IMA Common 9/26/01 Qwest Pending Withdrawal Cancellation Remarks Small 201 750 Winston, Connie Category A: Not Rank Eligible Category B: Above the Line 1 SCR013002-6 IMA Common 1/30/02 Qwest Clarification PID Impact - PO-2B: Unbundled Loop and Local Number Portability Edits Large 3001 5500 Martain, Jill Category B: Above the Line 2 SCR013002-7 IMA Common 1/30/02 Qwest Clarification PID Impact - PO-2B: Resale POTS Edits Large 3001 5500 Martain, Jill Category B: Above the Line Category C: Rank Eligible 1 24652 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Presented Unbundled DID/PBX Trunk Port Facility move from LS to PS Medium 751 3000 Winston, Connie Category C: Rank Eligible 2 25091 IMA Common 9/26/01 Qwest Presented DSL Flowthrough - Re-Branding Large 3001 5500 Winston, Connie Category C: Rank Eligible 3 26636 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Presented Shared Loop Enhancements Medium 751 3000 Winston, Connie Category C: Rank Eligible 4 30212 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Presented Add New UNE-P PAL to IMA Large 3001 5500 Winston, Connie Category C: Rank Eligible 5 30215 IMA Common 10/23/01 Qwest Presented Wholesale Local Exchange Freeze Large 3001 5500 Winston, Connie Category C: Rank Eligible 6 31766 IMA Common 9/28/01 Qwest Presented Reject Duplicate LSRs Medium 751 3000 Martain, Jill Category C: Rank Eligible 7 5043011 IMA GUI 8/31/00 Eschelon Presented Add an online glossary of the field title abbreviations to help menu of IMA GUI Medium 751 3000 Eschelon Category C: Rank Eligible Appendix B: Sample - IMA 11.0 Initial Prioritization Form Assigned Point Value (see instructions) # CR Number Title Company Interface Products Impacted Shirt Size Est LOE Min Est LOE Max 1 24652 Unbundled DID/PBX Trunk Port Facility move from LS to PS Qwest IMA Common Unbundled PID/PBX Trunk Port Medium 751 3000 2 25091 DSL Flowthrough - Re-Branding Qwest IMA Common DSL Large 3001 5500 3 26636 Shared Loop Enhancements Qwest IMA Common Shared Loop Medium 751 3000 4 30212 Add New UNE-P PAL to IMA Qwest IMA Common UNE-P PAL Large 3001 5500 5 30215 Wholesale Local Exchange Freeze Based on CSRs Qwest IMA Common All Large 3001 5500 6 31766 Reject Duplicate LSRs Qwest IMA Common All Products Medium 751 3000 7 5043011 Add an online glossary of the field title abbreviations to help menu of IMA GUI Eschelon IMA GUI All Products Medium 751 3000 8 5043076 Create a separate field for line numbers in EDI responses Eschelon IMA EDI Large 3001 5500 9 5206704 Add OCn capable loop LSR to IMA ELI IMA Common DS1, DS3 & OCn Loop Orders Large 3001 5500 10 5405937 CLECs require availability to view completed LSR information in IMA GUI Verizon IMA GUI Resale Large 3001 5500 11 5498578 Ability to send dual CFA information on an LSR for HDSL orders WorldCom IMA Common HDSL Small 201 750 12 SCR010902-1 Limited IMA GUI Access for Pre-Order Transactions Only McLeodUSA IMA GUI All Medium 751 3000 13 SCR012202-1 Incorrect Consolidation of DR5 USOC in IMA Qwest IMA Common ISDN PRI Medium 751 3000 14 SCR013002-3 IMA Pre-Order - Use CCNA to retrieve a Design Layout Report (DLR) Qwest IMA Common Medium 751 3000 15 SCR013002-4 Revision of TOS field in IMA Qwest IMA GUI UNE-P, Resale Medium 751 3000 16 SCR013002-5 PIC Freeze Documentation Qwest IMA Common Resale, UNE Medium 751 3000 Appendix C: Sample - IMA 11.0 Initial Prioritization List RANK TOTAL POINT VALUE CR Number Title Company Interface Products Impacted Shirt Size Est LOE Min Est LOE Max Original List # 1 251 SCR013102-15 LSOG 6 - Upgrade Field Numbering and Naming to Existing Qwest Forms & EDI Maps (FOUNDATION CANDIDATE) (NOTE: Per February CMP Meeting Discussion, this CR should be ranked higher than all other LSOG 6 Change Requests) Qwest IMA Common All Products Extra Large 5501 8000 32 2 231 SCR013002-8 Flowthrough on Sup 2 Category Due Date Qwest IMA Common All Products except Designed Products Large 3001 5500 17 3 227 SCR101901-1 Allow customers to move and change local service providers at the same time. (NOTE: Per February CMP Meeting Discussion, this CR should be ranked higher than #26) Eschelon IMA Common Centrex Resale, UNE-P Extra Large 5500 8000 35 4 214 31766 Reject Duplicate LSRs Qwest IMA Common All Products Medium 751 3000 6 5 211 SCR013002-3 IMA Pre-Order - Use CCNA to retrieve a Design Layout Report (DLR) Qwest IMA Common Medium 751 3000 14 CHANGE REQUEST FORM CR # Status: Originated By: Date Submitted: Company: Internal Ref# Originator: , , / Name, Title, and email/phone# Proprietary for submission to Account Manager Only? Please click appropriate box. Optional -Available Dates/Time Yes No for Clarification Meeting 1. Area of Change Request: Please click appropriate box and fill out the section below. 2. Product/Process System 3. 4. Title of Change: Description of Change: Expected Deliverables: OPTIONAL - THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED FOR PRODUCT & PROCESS CHANGES Products Impacted: Please Click all appropriate boxes and also list specific products within product group, if applicable. Ancillary LNP LIDB Private Line 8XX Resale 911 Switched Service Calling Name UDIT SS7 Unbundled Loop AIN UNE DA Switching Operation Services Transport ( Include EUDIT) INP / LNP Loop Centrex UNE-P Collocation EEL (UNE-C) Physical Other Virtual Wireless Adjacent LIS / Interconnect ICDF Collocation EICT Other Tandem Trans. / TST Enterprise Data Source DTT / Dedicated Transport Other Tandem Switching Local Switching OPTIONAL - THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED IF REQUESTING A PROCESS CHANGE Area Impacted: Please click appropriate box. Pre-Ordering Provisioning Ordering Billing Maintenance / Repair Other OPTIONAL - THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED IF REQUESTING A SYSTEM CHANGE OSS Interfaces Impacted: Please click all appropriate boxes. CEMR IMA EDI MEDIACC TELIS EXACT IMA GUI Product Database Wholesale Billing Interface Directory Listing HEET SATE Other Change Request Form Instructions The Change Request (CR) Form is the written documentation for submitting a CR for a Product, Process or OSS interface (Systems) change. The CR should be reviewed and submitted by the individual, which was selected to act as a single point of contact for the management of CRs to Qwest. Electronic version of the CR Form can be downloaded from the Qwest Wholesale WEB Page at http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/changerequest.html. Product/Process and System CRs may be submitted to Qwest via e-mail at: cmpcr@qwest.com To input data to the form, use the Tab Key to navigate between each field. The following fields on the CR Form must be completed as a minimum, unless noted otherwise: Submitted By Enter the date the CR is being submitted to the Qwest CMP Manager. Enter Company’s name and Submitter’s name, title, and email/Phone#. Optional – identify potential available dates Submitter is available for a Clarification Meeting. Optional – enter a Company Internal Reference No. to be identified. Proprietary Submission If the CR is proprietary (i.e., confidential) and is meant to be directed only to your account manager and not flow through the CMP, then select “Yes”. If the CR is not proprietary and is meant to flow through the CMP, then select “No”. If this field is left blank, the default will be “No”. Area of Change Request Select the type of CR that is being submitted (Product, Process, or Systems). Title of Change Enter a title for this CR. This should concisely describe the CR in a single sentence. Description of Change Describe the Functional needs of the change being requested. To the extent practical, please provide examples to support the functional need. Also include the business benefit of this request. Expected Deliverables Enter the desired outcome required of Qwest (e.g. revised process, clarification, improved communication, etc.). Products Impacted – Optional To the extent known, check the applicable products that are impacted by the CR. Area Impacted – Optional To the extent known, check the applicable process areas that are impacted by the CR. OSS Interfaces Impacted – Optional To the extent known, check the applicable systems that are impacted by the CR. Qwest’s CMP Manager will complete the remainder of the Form. DEFINITION OF TERMS Term Definition CLEC A telecommunications provider that has authority to provide local exchange telecommunications service on or after February 8, 1996, unless such provider has been declared an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier under the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996. Software Defects A problem with system software that is not working according to the Technical Specifications and is causing detrimental impacts to the users. Design, Development, Notification, Testing, Implementation and Disposition Design: To plan out in a systematic way. Design at Qwest includes the Business Requirements Document and the Systems Requirements Document. These two documents are created to define the requirements of a Change Request (CR) in greater detail such that programmers can write system software to implement the CR. Development: The process of writing code to create changes to a computer system or sub system software that have been documented in the Business Requirements and Systems Requirements. Notification: The act or an instance of providing information. Various specific notifications are documented throughout the CMP. Notifications apply to both Systems and Product & Process changesTesting: The process of verifying that the capabilities of a new software Release were developed in accordance with the Technical Specifications and performs as expected. Testing would apply to both Qwest internal testing and joint Qwest/CLEC testing. Implementation: The execution of the steps and processes necessary in order to make a new release of a computer system available in a particular environment. These environments are usually testing environments or production environments. Disposition: A final settlement as to the treatment of a particular Change Request. Good Faith "Good faith" means honesty in fact and the observance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealing. OSS Interface Existing or new gateways (including application-to-application interfaces and Graphical User Interfaces), connectivity and system functions that support or affect the pre-order, order, provisioning, maintenance and repair, and billing capabilities for local services provided by CLECs to their end users. OSS Application to Application Interface Testing Controlled Production Testing Controlled Production process is designed to validate CLEC ability to transmit transactions that meet industry standards and complies with Qwest business rules. Controlled Production consists of submitting requests to the Qwest production environment for provisioning as production orders with limited volumes. Qwest and CLEC use Controlled Production results to determine operational readiness for full production turn-up. Initial Implementation Testing This type of application-to-application testing allows a CLEC to validate its technical development of an OSS Interface before turn-up in production of new transactions or significantly changed capabilities. Interoperability Testing Environment A production copy of IMA. It interfaces directly with Qwest’s production systems for pre-order and order processing. As a result, all interoperability pre-order queries and order transactions are subjected to the same edits as production orders. A CLEC uses account data valid in Qwest production systems for creating scenarios on Qwest-provided templates, obtains approval on these scenario templates, and then submits a minimum set of test scenarios for all transactions it wishes to perform in production. Interoperability testing provides CLECs with the opportunity to validate technical development efforts and to quantify processing results. Level of Effort Estimated range of hours required to implement a Change Request Migration Testing Process to test in the Customer Testing Environment a subsequent application-to-application Release from a previous Release. This type of testing allows a CLEC to move from one release to a subsequent release of a specific OSS Interface. Regression Testing Process to test, in the Customer Test Environment, OSS Interfaces, business process or other related interactions. Regression Testing is primarily for use with ‘no intent’ toward meeting any Qwest entry or exit criteria within an implementation process. Regression Testing includes testing transactions previously tested, or certified. Release Major Release Point Release Patch Release A Release is an implementation of changes resulting from a CR or production support issue for a particular OSS Interface There are three types of releases for IMA.: Major Release may be CLEC impacting (to systems code and CLEC operating procedures) via EDI changes, GUI changes, technical changes, or all. Major Releases are the primary vehicle for implementing systems Change Requests of all types (Regulatory, Industry Guideline, CLEC-originated and Qwest-originated). Point Release may not be CLEC code impacting, but may affect CLEC operating procedures. The point release is used to fix bugs introduced in previous releases, technical changes, make changes to the GUI, and/or deliver enhancements to IMA disclosed in a major release that could not be delivered in the timeframe of the major release. Patch Release is a specially scheduled system change for the purpose of installing the software required to resolve an issue associated with a trouble ticket. Release Production Date The Release Production Date is the date that a software Release is first available to the CLECs for issuance of production transactions. Sub-systems A collection of tightly coupled software modules that is responsible for performing one or more specific functions in an OSS interface. Stand-alone Testing Environment (SATE) A Stand-Alone Testing Environment is a test environment that can be used by CLECs for Initial Implementation Testing, Migration Testing and Regression Testing. SATE takes CLEC pre-order and order transaction requests, passes the requests to the stand-alone database, and returns responses to the CLEC user. SATE uses pre-defined test account data and requests that are subject to the same BPL IMA/EDI edits as those used in production. The SATE is intended to mirror the production environment (including simulation of all legacy systems). SATE is part of the Customer Test Environment. Technical Specifications Detailed documentation that contains all of the information that a CLEC will need in order to build a particular release of an OSS application-to-application interface. Technical Specifications include: A chapter for each transaction or product which includes a business (OBF forms to use) description, a business model (electronic transactions needed to complete a business function), trading partner access information, mapping examples, data dictionary Technical Specification Appendices for IMA include: Developer Worksheets IMA Additional Edits (edits from backend OSS systems) Developer Worksheets Change Summary (field by field, release by release changes) EDI Mapping and Code Conversion Changes (release by release changes) Facility Based Directory Listings Generic Order Flow Business Model The above list may vary for non-IMA application to application interfaces Version A version is the same as an OSS Interface Release (Major or Point Release) If necessary, a CLEC may indicate that such information is confidential by marking each page with the word "Confidential." If Qwest receives information pursuant to this provision that is marked "Confidential", Qwest will not disclose such confidential information to any other CLEC, but Qwest may use such confidential information to revise its demand estimate, if appropriate, and may disclose its revised demand estimate. For a CLEC converting from a prior release, the CLEC implementation date can be no earlier than the weekend after the Qwest Release Production Date, if production LSR conversion is required. Exhibit G Change Management Process (CMP) For Local Service Qwest Idaho SGAT Third Revision, Exhibit G May 24, 2002 Page 1 Exhibit G Change Management Process (CMP) For Local Service Appendix d CLEC/Qwest Industry Change Management Process Qwest Wholesale Program Day 249 Day 242 Qwest Conducts Preliminary Implementation Plan Review Meeting 7 Days Day 100 Qwest Response to CLEC Comments Qwest Issues Final Interface Technical Specifications Day 104 CLEC Comments Due CLEC Walk Through Ends Day 106 CLEC Walk Through Begins Day 110 Qwest Response to CLEC Comments Qwest Issues Initial Interface Technical Specifications 7 Days 14 Days Qwest Response to CLEC Comments CLEC Testing Ends CLEC Testing Begins Qwest Issues Initial Release Announcement and Preliminary Implementation Plan Day 120 7 Days 30 Days Day 0 Day 7 Day 37 Day 270 (Approximately) 9 Month Timeline (Approximately) Qwest-CLEC Change Management Process Introduction of A New Application-to-Application OSS Interface Timeline Release Production Date 4 Days 2 Days Day 25 CLEC Comments Due Day 28 1 Day 17 Days Qwest Conducts Interface Overview Meeting Final Notice Qwest Issues Release Notification Day 27 21 Days Day 0 Day 21 The events listed above are intended to occur on business days. If the date on which any event is scheduled to occur falls on a weekend or holiday, then Qwest and the CLECs may negotiate a revised timeline. Day 55 3 Days CLEC Comments Due CLEC Testing Begins Walk-through 30 Days 15 Days 10 Days 10 Days 5 Days 18 Calendar Days CLEC Comments 10 Calendar Days Qwest Reply and Final Notification Day 0 Day 30 Day 45 Day 68 Day 58 Day 73 73 Calendar Day Timeline Qwest-CLEC Change Management Process Changes to An Existing Application-to-Application OSS Interface Timeline CLEC Testing Final Interface Technical Specifications Issued Qwest Response to CLEC Comments Walk-through Ends Walk-through Begins Qwest Response to CLEC Comments 21 Days 4 Days 3 Days Day 0 Day 21 Day 25 Day 28 28 Calendar Day Timeline Qwest-CLEC Change Management Process Changes to An Existing Graphic User Interface (GUI) Timeline Release Production Final Interface Release Notice and User Guide Issued Comments due from CLECs Draft GUI Release Notes to CLECs Day 179 179 Days ~ (6 months) Comparable Functionality Available 49 Days 27 Days 15 Days Day 0 Day 228 Day 255 Day 270 9 Months (Approximately) Qwest-CLEC Change Management Process Retirement of An Existing Application-to-Application OSS Interface Timeline Retirement Qwest issues Final Retirement Notice CLECs Comments to Initial Retirement Notice Due Qwest Issues Initial Retirement Notice to CLECs Day 21 21 Days Comparable Functionality Available 10 Days 14 Days 15 Days Day 0 Day 31 Day 45 Day 60 2-Month Timeline (Approximately) Qwest-CLEC Change Management Process Retirement of An Existing Graphic User Interface Timeline Retirement Qwest issues Final Retirement Notice CLECs Comments on Initial Notice Due Qwest Issues Initial Retirement Notice to CLECs Day 45 45 Day Timeline (Approximately) Qwest-CLEC Change Management Process Introduction of A New Graphical User Interface (GUI) Timeline Release Production Date Qwest Issues Release Announcement Draft Interface Technical Specifications Submitted to CLECs CLEC Comments Due The events listed above are intended to occur on business days. If the date on which any event is scheduled to occur falls on a weekend or holiday, then Qwest and the CLECs may negotiate a revised timeline. The events listed above are intended to occur on business days. If the date on which any event is scheduled to occur falls on a weekend or holiday, then Qwest and the CLECs may negotiate a revised timeline. The events listed above are intended to occur on business days. If the date on which any event is scheduled to occur falls on a weekend or holiday, then Qwest and the CLECs may negotiate a revised timeline. The events listed above are intended to occur on business days. If the date on which any event is scheduled to occur falls on a weekend or holiday, then Qwest and the CLECs may negotiate a revised timeline. The events listed above are intended to occur on business days. If the date on which any event is scheduled to occur falls on a weekend or holiday, then Qwest and the CLECs may negotiate a revised timeline.