HomeMy WebLinkAboutCANCELLED_Qwest Corp S ID Advanced Communications.pdfSID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog TITLE PAGE SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 REGULATIONS, RATES AND CHARGES ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES IDAHO ADOPTION NOTICE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog PREFACE PAGEPAGE SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: H-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrhWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Pursuant to commitments made in the Settlement Agreement entered into on November 6, 2010, as amended, between CentuiyLink, Inc. (CenturyLink), Qwest Communications International, Inc. (QCI), and Integra Telecom, Inc. (Integra) in the context of CenturyLink's merger with QCI, [Qwest/CenturyLink] hereby provides notice of: Wholesale (Interexchange Carrier, Local Exchange Carrier and Commercial Mobile Radio Service Provider) term agreements for Advanced Communications Services will be extended by 12 months beyond the expiration date of the then existing term, unless the wholesale customer opts out of this extension. S . NOTICE THE INORNRI IOI\ CONTAINED I) IN FHIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.il TRANSMITTAL NO, 1245-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secriaty ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 8, 2011 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a Century.Link QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 index Page 1 . SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 7-28-2011 IJktt 8-8-201 1. . 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE SuB.wcr PAGE Application of the Catalog .......................................................................... 1 CatalogFormat ...........................................................................................12 Explanation of Abbreviations.....................................................................15 Explanation of Catalog Change Symbols ..................................................14 Reference to Other Catalogs.......................................................................16 Reference to Other Publications .................................................................18 Reference to Technical Publications .................................... .......................16 SubjectIndex ..............................................................................................9 Tableof Contents .......................................................................................2 Trademarks, Service Marks And Trade Names..........................................19 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMA'riON C0N.TAJNEDl IN THIS DOCUMENTISStJlJI (. I 1OCHANGE. IRANSMIII 'I NU I1-12-STD SID201 1-017 Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page .1 SOU-.1'HERN ii.Ho Release 2 Issued: 7-28-201 1. L1!tt ii Idaho Public Utilities Commis ,n Office of the Secrla!y ACCEPTED FOR FILING August 8, 2011 Boise, Idaho 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.1 APPLICATION OF THE CATALOG This Catalog applies to the provision of Advanced Communications Services, also known as !NTERPRISE Networking Services, furnished by Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC, hereinafter referred to as the Company to (C) customers. The regulated services offered herein by Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC, whether under that name or the trade or brand name CenturyLink, are subject to the terms and conditions of this Catalog. (C) 17-~ NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED iN THIS DOCI vIL\I 15 SII3JFCI TO CHANGE. 'I R/ NSIV Ii i'd NO 11-12-SID SID201 1-017 SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE PPLICATION OF THE ATALOG ABLE OF ONTENTS UBJECT NDEX ATALOG ORMAT OCATION OF ATERIAL UTLINE TRUCTURE ATE ABLES ESERVED OR UTURE SE XPLANATION OF ATALOG HANGE YMBOLS XPLANATION OF BBREVIATIONS EFERENCE O THER ATALOGS EFERENCE O ECHNICAL UBLICATIONS EFERENCE O THER UBLICATIONS RADEMARKS ERVICE ARKS ND RADE AMES SECTION 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS NDERTAKING F HE OMPANY COPE IMITATIONS IABILITY NSTALLATION ND ERMINATION F ERVICES ROVISION F ERVICES HANGES ND UBSTITUTIONS EFUSAL ND ISCONTINUANCE F ERVICE OTIFICATION F ERVICE FFECTING CTIVITIES OORDINATION ITH ESPECT O ETWORK ONTINGENCIES ROVISION ND WNERSHIP F UMBER ESIGNATIONS PECIAL AXES EES ND HARGES NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho S 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.3.10 2.3.11 Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the SecrWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 3 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 W Issued 11-7-2012 Eftectise 11-17-2012 1.2 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) USE................................................................................................. INTERFERENCE OR IMPAIRMENT ................................................ UNLAWFULUSE ......................................................................... OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER .................................................. ORDERING, PAYMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITHREGULATIONS .................................................................. DAMAGES.................................................................................. OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES ........................................................ EQUIPMENT SPACE AND POWER ................................................ HAZARDOUS AND EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENTS .......................... AVAILABILITY FOR TESTING ...................................................... REFERENCES To THE COMPANY ................................................ CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR DAMAGES .................................... COORDINATION WITH RESPECT To NETWORK CONTINGENCIES ........................................................ TRANSFER OF SERVICE .............................................................. CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND CUSTOMER SERVICES ................................................................. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES ................ TYPES OF RATES AND CHARGES ............................................... PAYMENT OF RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS ......................... MINIMUM PERIODS ..................................................................... CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS .................. VARIABLE TERM PRICING PLANS ............................................... PREPAYMENT DISCOUNT ............................................................ SPREAD OF NONRECURRING CHARGES ....................................... CONNECTIONS ....................... GENERAL ........................... DEFINITIONS........................... 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.5 2.5.1 PKIM PAGE 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 21 22 24 26 27 27 27 28 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI C 110 (FIANCE TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SJD s,pn i Qwest Corporation "/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secr Idaho Public Utilities CommisIay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 4 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) UM SECTION 102. OBSOLETE GENERAL REGULATIONS 102.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES ................1 102.4.3 MINIMUM PERIODS..........................................................................1 102.4.5 VARIABLE TERM RATE PLANS ........................................................1 SECTION 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.1 ORDER MODIFICATION .................................................................... 1 3.1.1 SERVICE DATE CHANGE ............................................................. 1 3.1.2 CANCELLATION OF ORDER FOR SERVICE .................................. 2 . 3.2 SERVICE REARRANGEMENTS .......................................................... 6 3.3 MOVES ............................................................................................ 9 3.4 DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE ....................................................... 11 3.5 REESTABLISHMENT OF SERVICE FOLLOWING FIRE, FLOOD OR OTHER OCCURRENCE .................................................... 15 3.6 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION ................................................................ 15 3.7 MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES ........................................................ 17 3.8 TROUBLE ISOLATION ...................................................................... 17 3.9 ACCEPTANCE TESTING .................................................................... 17 SECTION 103. OBSOLETE ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 103.4 DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE ....................................................... 1 0 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED D IN Fl-US DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Comm iss,ipn Office of the Sec riaIy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 • Page 5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 S 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PAGE SECTION 4. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE SECTION 104. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ( ONI AIM D IN THIS 00€ UMI NT IS SIJBJI ( 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PAGE SECTION 5. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE SECTION 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.1 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. 1 105.1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................... 1 105.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS ................................................................... 2 105.1.3 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS ...................................... 6 105.2 GENERAL REGULATIONS ................................................................ 7 105.2.1 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER ............................................. 7 105.3 RATE REGULATIONS ....................................................................... 7 105.4 RATE ELEMENTS ............................................................................. 9 105.4.1 GENERAL ................................................................................... 9 105.4.2 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS ...................................... 10 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES .................................................................... 11 105.5.1 GENERAL ................................................................................... 11 105.5.2 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS ...................................... 76 (T) (D) (D) (N) (T) (N) (N) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1. • Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) SECTION 6. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE SECTION 7. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE SECTION 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE . 107.1 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. 1 107.1.1 GENERAL ................................................................................... 2 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS ................................................................... 2 107.2 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ............................................... 10 107.2.1 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER................................................ 10 107.3 RATE REGULATIONS ....................................................................... 10 107.4 RATE ELEMENTS ............................................................................. 11 107.4.1 GENERAL .................................................................................... 11 107.5 RATE AND CHARGES ....................................................................... 13 107.5.1 GENERAL .................................................................................... 13 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED 1) IN IHIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO. 1/2-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the SecrhLaly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION .1 • Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 11-7 -2012 Effective: 11 -17-2012 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PAGE . SECTION 8. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE SECTION 9. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE SECTION 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICE 109.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................1 109.1.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................1 109.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS ....................................................................3 109.2 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................5 109.3 RATE REGULATIONS .......................................................................5 109.4 RATE ELEMENTS .............................................................................6 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES .....................................................................7 r NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID , Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrta#y Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 November 17, 2012 Page 8.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) PAGE SECTION 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.1 DESCRIPTION................................................................................... 10.1.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................1 10.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS ....................................................................2 10.2 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS................................................3 10.3 RATE ELEMENTS..............................................................................4 10.4 RATE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.......................................................5 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES .....................................................................6 NOTICE THE INFORMATION (ON I AINEE) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 9 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX SECTION Acceptance Testing .................................................................................... 3 Additions to Service ................................................................................... 3 Advance Payments ..................................................................................... 2 ATM Service Obsolete .................................................................................................. 107 Availability for Testing .............................................................................. 2 Cancellation of Order for Service .............................................................. 3 Central Office Connecting Channel ........................................................... 105 Change of Jurisdiction ................................................................................ 3 Changes and Substitutions ......................................................................... 2 Claims and Demands for Damages ............................................................ 2 Connections ............................................................................................... 2 Change in Speed or Capacity and Conversion to Other Services ............... 3 Coordination with Respect to Network Contingencies ............................. 2 Credit Allowance for Service Interruptions ............................................... 2 Customer-Provided Equipment and Customer Services ............................ 2 Customer Network Management ............................................................... 105 Damages .................................................................................................... 2 Definitions ................................................................................................. 2 Deposits ..................................................................................................... 2 Discontinuance of Service ......................................................................... 3 Equipment Space and Power ..................................................................... 2 Frame Relay Service Obsolete .................................................................................................. 105 General Regulations .................................................................................... 2 Hazardous and Explosive Environments ................................................... 2 Installation and Termination of Services ................................................... 2 Installment Billing ..................................................................................... 2 Interference or Impairment ........................................................................ 2 (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation ti/b/a CenturyLrnk QC Office of the Secrhtafy Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION' Page 10 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont'd) SECTION LAN Switching Services Obsolete..................................................................................................109 Liability......................................................................................................2 Limitations.................................................................................................2 Maintenance of Facilities ...........................................................................3 Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE)................................................................... 10 MinimumBilling Level .............................................................................. 3 MinimumPeriods ....................................................................................... 2 Moves........................................................................................................ 3 Notification of Service-Affecting Activities .............................................. 2 Obligations of the Customer ...................................................................... 2 • Order and Service Modifications and Miscellaneous Charges................... OrderModification .................................................................................... 3 3 Ordering, Payment and Compliance With Regulations ............................. 2 Ownershipof Facilities .............................................................................. 2 Payment of Rates, Charges and Deposits .................................................. 2 PrepaymentDiscount ................................................................................. 2 Provision and Ownership of Number Designations ................................... 2 Provision of Services ................................................................................. 2 Reestablishment of Service Following Fire, Flood or Other Occurrence .................................................................... 3 References to the Company ....................................................................... 2 Refusal and Discontinuance of Service ..................................................... 2 Scope.......................................................................................................2 ServiceDate Change ..................................................................................3 Service Rearrangements .............................................................................3 SpecialConstruction ..................................................................................3 Special Taxes, Fees and Charges ...............................................................2 Spread of Nonrecurring Charges ...............................................................2 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJ! (1 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-S1D Qwest Corporation il/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Si 66 Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page .1 1 November 17, 2012 • SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.3 SUBJECT INDEX (Cont'd) SECTION Transfer of Service .....................................................................................2 TroubleIsolation ........................................................................................3 Types of Rates and Charges .......................................................................2 Undertaking of the Company .....................................................................2 UnlawfulUse .............................................................................................2 Use........................................................................................................2 Variable Term Pricing Plans ......................................................................2 . L NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ONT\IN1 0 IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 12 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.4 CATALOG FORMAT 1.4.1 LOCATION OF MATERIAL 1. Section 1 provides the following for all of the sections in this Catalog. • Table of Contents - a numerical listing to find the desired section and page. • Section Index - an alphabetical listing to find the desired section. 2. Each individual section in the Catalog provides a Subject Index for the material located within that section. 3. Obsolete Service Offerings Obsolete service offerings are identified in the Catalog by adding 100 to the current section number, i.e., obsolete items from Section 5., Frame Relay Service, would be found in Section 105., Obsolete Frame Relay Service. This section is then filed behind Section 5. 1.4.2 OUTLINE STRUCTURE The Catalog uses nine levels of indentations known as Tariff Information Management (TIM) Codes, as outlined below: LEVEL APPLICATION EXAMPLE 1 Section Heading 5. FRAME RELAY SERVICE 2 Sub Heading 5.1 DESCRIPTION 3 Sub Heading 5.1.1 GENERAL 4 Sub Heading/Text A. Description 5 Sub Heading/Text 1. Text 6 Sub Heading/Text a. Text 7 Sub Heading/Text (1) Text 8 Sub Heading/Text (a) Text 9 Footnotes [1] Text (C) (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 13 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.4 CATALOG FORMAT (Cont'd) 1.4.3 RATE TABLES • •– • • 1.4.4 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,jn Office of the SecrLaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation ti/b/a CenturyL.ink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.5 EXPLANATION OF CATALOG CHANGE SYMBOLS SYMBOL EXPLANATION (C) To signify changed regulation, rule, condition or listing (D) To signify discontinued material (I) To signify rate increase (M) To signify material moved from or to another part of the Catalog with no change, unless there is another Catalog change symbol present (N) To signify new material (R) To signify rate reduction (T) To signify a change in text but no change in rate, condition, rule, or regulation NOTICE THE T.NFORNIATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJECT I TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-Sir) SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ACS - Advanced Communications Services ANSI - American National Standards Institute ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode BC - Business Class bps - Bits per second BWP - Bandwidth Profile CCITT - The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee CIR - Committed Information Rate CNM - Customer Network Management COCC - Central Office Connecting Channel CoS - Class of Service CRS - Cell Relay Service DE - Discard Eligibility ENNI - External Network-to-Network Interface EVC - Ethernet Virtual Connection F.C.C. - Federal Communications Commission FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface FRS - Frame Relay Service GD - Guaranteed Data IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers kbps - Kilobits per second LAN - Local Area Network LATA - Local Access and Transport Area LSS - LAN Switching Services (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 15.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.6 EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 16 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 8 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.8 REFERENCE TO OTHER CATALOGS Whenever reference is made in this Catalog to other Catalogs, the reference is to the Catalogs in force as of the effective date of this Catalog and to amendments thereto and successive issues thereof. 1.9 REFERENCE TO TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS A. All service(s) offered in this document must conform to the transmission specification standards contained in this document or in the following Technical References. B. The following Qwest Corporation Technical publications may be obtained from Faison Office Products Company, Customer Services, 3251 Revere Street, Suite 200, Aurora, CO 80011: Publication Title Number Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE), Issue I 77411 Issued: February, 2007 (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.9 REFERENCE TO TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS (Cont'd) C. The following technical publications are referenced in this Catalog and may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI), Customer Services, 11 W. 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036: PUBLICATION TITLE NUMBER ISDN - Data Link Layer Signaling T1.602-1989 Specification for Application at the User-Network Interface Issued: 1989 (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 1 Page 18 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 5-20-16 Effective: 6-1-16 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.10 REFERENCE TO OTHER PUBLICATIONS TITLE TITLE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-03-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING June 1, 2016 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Office of the Secry Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 1 August 8, 2011 Page 19 Boise, Idaho S S01YTHRN IDAHO Release .1 Issued: 7 -28-201 I. Effective: 88201 1 1. APPLICATION AND REFERENCE 1.11 TRADEMARKS, SERVICE MARKS AND TRADE NAMES (M) Trade names, trademarks and/or service marks which may be used for services (N) offered in this Catalog are owned by CenturyLink, Inc. or a subsidiary of CenturyLink, Inc. and are used by the Company with express permission. Trademark and service mark designations will not be listed hereafter in this Catalog. However, the laws regarding trademarks and service marks are applicable. Trade names, trademarks and service marks that are owned by CenturyLink, Inc. or subsidiary of CenturyLink, Inc. cannot be used by another party without authorization. CENTURYLINK CENTURYL1NKTM CENTURYLINKSM Additional marks are identified in the text throughout this document in all caps (C M) and italics, unless trademarked as all lower case letters. Service names which are preceded by Q WESe or "Qwest," and services which include "Qwest" as part of • the service marked or trademarked product name, may also be marketed and/or billed under the trade or brand name CenturyLink, or may be marketed and/or billed without any trade or brand name. A mark identified in the text of this document is in all caps and italics: MARK !NTERPRISE® (C-M) (M) Material moved from Page 18. . NOTICE 1H INJ (IRMA I R)\ CONTAINED N IllS DO( I N I IS ( 13J1 ( I 10 CHANGE. I R ANSMJ I Al No 11-12-SID ZIIfIW4 Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,i,n Sir Lay Office of the ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyL.ink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 111-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS SUBJECT PAGE AdvancePayments ..................................................................................... 18 Availability For Testing ............................................................................. 10 Changes And Substitutions ........................................................................ 5 Claims And Demands For Damages .......................................................... 11 Connections................................................................................................ 27 Coordination With Respect To Network Contingencies ........................... 7, 12 Credit Allowance For Service Interruptions .............................................. 22 Customer-Provided Equipment And Customer Services ........................... 13 Damages..................................................................................................... 9 Definitions.................................................................................................. 28 Deposits...................................................................................................... 15 Equipment Space And Power .................................................................... 9 Hazardous And Explosive Environments .................................................. 10 S Installation And Termination Of Services ................................................. 3 InstallmentBilling ..................................................................................... 20 Interference Or Impairment ....................................................................... 8 Liability...................................................................................................... 2 Limitations................................................................................................. 1 MinimumPeriods ....................................................................................... 21 Notification Of Service-Affecting Activities ............................................. 6 Obligations Of The Customer .................................................................... 9 Ordering, Payment And Compliance With Regulations ............................ 9 Ownership Of Facilities ............................................................................. 9 NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ON! AINI D IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJI (TI JO CHANGE.il TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-S1D S Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrLaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Index Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS SUBJECT PAGE Payment Of Rates, Charges And Deposits ................................................15 Prepayment Discount .................................................................................26 Provision And Ownership Of Number Designations .................................7 Provision Of Services ................................................................................4 References To The Company .....................................................................10 Refusal And Discontinuance Of Service ...................................................6 Scope........................................................................................................1 Special Taxes, Fees And Charges ..............................................................7 Spread Of Nonrecurring Charges ...............................................................27 Transfer Of Service ....................................................................................12 Types Of Rates And Charges .....................................................................14 Undertaking Of The Company ...................................................................1 UnlawfulUse .............................................................................................8 Use.......................................................................................................8 Variable Term Pricing Plans ......................................................................24 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the Sec rhialy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.1 SCOPE A.The Company provides Advanced Communications Services to meet customer communication needs between specified locations. Services are furnished seven (7) days per week, 24 hours per day for a minimum billing period of one month or as defined in Section 2.4.3 following. B.The Company shall be responsible only for the installation, operation and maintenance of the services which it provides under this Catalog, as defined in Sections 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 following. C.The Company does not warrant that its facilities and services meet standards other than those set forth in this Catalog and the associated technical publications listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. D.The Company will, for maintenance purposes, test its services only to the extent necessary to detect and/or clear trouble. 0 2.1.2 LIMITATIONS A.The installation and restoration of services shall be subject to the regulations set forth in the Access Service Catalog, Section 12, concerning the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System. B.Subject to compliance with the rules mentioned in A. preceding, where a shortage of facilities exists at any time, either for temporary or protracted periods, the services offered herein will be provided to customers on a first come, first served basis. C.The furnishing of service under this Catalog will require certain physical arrangements of the facilities of the Company and is subject to the availability of such facilities. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID miss,j.pn Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Com Office of the SecrIay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 2 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont'd) 2.1.3 LIABILITY A. The Company's liability, if any, for its willful misconduct is not limited by this Catalog. With respect to any other claim or suit, by a customer or by any others, for damages associated with the installation, provision, preemption, termination, maintenance, repair or restoration of service and subject to the provisions of B. through G., following, the Company's liability, if any, shall not exceed an amount equal to the proportionate charge for the service for the period during which the service was affected. This liability shall be in addition to any amounts that may otherwise be due the customer under this Catalog as a Credit Allowance for a Service Interruption, as set forth in Section 2.4.4 following. B. The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by the customer against any claim, loss, or damage arising from use of services offered under this Catalog involving: 1.Claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy and infringement of copyright arising from the material transmitted over the facilities or the customer's own communications; 2.Claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with, facilities furnished by the Company, facilities or equipment furnished by the customer; 3.All other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with the facilities provided by the Company. C. The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission of any customer providing a portion of a service, nor shall the Company for its own act or omission hold liable any customer providing a portion of a service. D. The Company does not guarantee or make any warranty with respect to its services when used in an explosive atmosphere. The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by the customer from any and all claims by any person relating to such customer's use of services so provided. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION TNFORMATION CONTAINED &INI I) IN FHIS DOCUMENT is SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secrtay Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING S Page 3 November 17, 2012 SOUTRERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho .ssued, 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY 2.1.3 LIABILITY (Cont'd) E.The Company is not liable for any defacement of or damage to the premises of a customer resulting from the furnishing of any facilities by the Company on the premises or by the installation or removal when defacement or damage is not the result of negligence of the agents or employees of the Company. F.No license under patents (other than the limited license to use) is granted by the Company or shall be implied or arise by estoppel, with respect to any service offered under this Catalog. The Company will defend the customer against claims of patent infringement arising solely from the use by the customer of services offered under this Catalog and will indemnify such customer for any damages awarded based solely on such claims. G.The Company's failure to provide or maintain services under this Catalog shall be excused by labor difficulties, governmental orders, civil commotions, criminal actions taken against the Company, acts of God and other circumstances beyond the Company's reasonable control, subject to the Credit Allowance for a Service S Interruption as set forth in Section 2.4.4 following. 2.1.4 INSTALLATION AND TERMINATION OF SERVICES The services provided under this Catalog will include any Company facilities to that point where provision is made for termination of the Company's network facilities at a suitable location at a customer designated premises. Any customer requested work on the customer side of the network interface will be furnished on a time and material basis. S NOTICE THE 1N14)RMATION (ON! dN1 I) IN FHIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT I' TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-STD Qwest Corporation 41/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissjpn Advanced Communications Office of the SecrWy Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 4 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont'd) 2.1.5 PROVISION OF SERVICES A.The services in this Catalog provided to the network interface shall be maintained by the Company. The customer may not rearrange, disconnect, remove or attempt to repair or permit others to rearrange, disconnect, remove or attempt to repair any facilities installed by the Company to the network interface, except upon the written consent of the Company. B.Facilities on the premises of a customer furnished by the Company to the network interface are the property of the Company, whose agents and employees shall have the right to enter said premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing, inspecting or repairing the facilities, or, upon termination of the service, for the purpose of removing Company facilities. C.The access component of a customer's Advanced Communications Service first enters the ACS Network at a service point. • The Company designates the location of the service point for each customer according to the type of Advanced Communications Services involved. • Service points will generally be where ACS Network equipment for a given service is either located or planned to be located. • Different Advanced Communications Services may either have the same or different service points, according to local circumstances. D.When, as determined by the Company, it becomes necessary to establish a new service point which results in a change in the location of a service point for an Advanced Communications Service, the service will be rerated and redesigned to the new service point. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI C r I 0 (HANOI TRANSMITTAL 10. 1245-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the SecrhWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-117-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont'd) 2.1.6 CHANGES AND SUBSTITUTIONS The Company may, where such action is reasonably required in the operation of its business, (A) substitute, change or rearrange any facilities used in providing service under this Catalog, including but not limited to, (1) substitution of different metallic facilities, (2) substitution of carrier or derived facilities for metallic facilities used to provide other than metallic facilities and (3) substitution of metallic facilities for carrier or derived facilities used to provide other than metallic facilities, (B) change minimum protection criteria, (C) change operating or maintenance characteristics of facilities or (D) change operations or procedures of the Company. In case of any such substitution, change or rearrangement, the performance characteristics will be within the range as set forth in this Catalog. The Company shall not be responsible if any such substitution, change or rearrangement renders any customer-furnished services obsolete or requires modification or alteration thereof or otherwise affects their use or performance. • If such substitution, change or rearrangement materially affects the operating characteristics of the facility, the Company will provide reasonable notification to the customer in writing. Reasonable time will be allowed for any redesign and implementation required by the change in operating characteristics. The Company will work cooperatively with the customer to determine reasonable notification requirements. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION--- ION (ON fAIN! 1) IN THIS 1)OCUMI N f IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)pn Office of the Secrhlaty ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont'd) 2.1.7 REFUSAL AND DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE A.The Company, upon notification to the customer, may immediately discontinue the furnishing of Advanced Communications Services or may refuse additional applications for service and/or refuse to complete any pending orders for service without incurring any liability, upon: • Nonpayment of any sum due the Company, or A violation of any condition governing the furnishing of service. B.In case of such a discontinuance, all applicable charges, including discontinuance charges, shall become due. C.In case of a refusal of a pending order for service, estimated costs incurred by the Company, as set forth in Section 3.1.2, shall apply and become due immediately. S 2.1.8 NOTIFICATION OF SERVICE-AFFECTING ACTIVITIES The Company will provide the customer reasonable notification of service- affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, equipment or facilities additions, removals or rearrangements, routine preventative maintenance and major switching system change-out. Generally, such activities are not individual customer service specific; they affect many customer services. No specific advance notification period is applicable to such service activities. The Company will work cooperatively with the customer to determine the reasonable notification requirements. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED D IN. IHIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID iss,iRn Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLrn Idaho Public Utilities Comm k QC Office of the Secrhtay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog 400- SECTION 2 November 17, 2012 Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 UNDERTAKING OF THE COMPANY (Cont'd) 2.1.9 COORDINATION WITH RESPECT To NETWORK CONTINGENCIES The Company intends to work cooperatively with the customer to develop network contingency plans in order to maintain maximum network capability following natural or man-made disasters which affect communications services. 2.1.10 PROVISION AND OWNERSHIP OF NUMBER DESIGNATIONS The Company reserves the right to assign, designate or change number designations associated with Advanced Communications Services, when necessary in the conduct of its business. Should it become necessary to make a change in such number(s), the Company will notify the customer of the effective date and provide an explanation of the reason(s) for such change(s). 2.1.11 SPECIAL TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES Insofar as practicable, any sales, use, privilege, excise, franchise or occupation is now costs of furnishing service without charge or similar taxes or impositions now or hereafter levied by the Federal, State, or Local government or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof may be billed by the Company to its customers on a pro rata basis in the areas wherein such taxes, impositions or other charges shall be levied against the Company. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ON I '\INl I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL O. 1.2-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commissj.çn Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the SecrLay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 8 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.2 USE 2.2.1 INTERFERENCE OR IMPAIRMENT A.The characteristics and methods of operation of any services, facilities or equipment provided by other than the Company and associated with the facilities utilized to provide services under this Catalog shall not interfere with or impair service over any facilities of the Company, its affiliated companies, or its connecting and concurring carriers involved in its services, cause damage to their plant, impair the privacy of any communications carried over their facilities or create hazards to the employees of any of them or the public. B.If such characteristics or methods of operation are not in accordance with A. preceding, the Company will, where practicable, notify the customer that temporary discontinuance of the use of a service may be required; however, where prior notice is not practicable, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude the Company's right to temporarily discontinue forthwith the use of a service if such action is reasonable under the circumstances. In case of such temporary discontinuance, the customer will be promptly notified and afforded the • opportunity to correct the condition which gave rise to the temporary discontinuance. During such period of temporary discontinuance, Credit Allowance for Service Interruptions as set forth in Section 2.4.4, following, is not applicable. 2.2.2 UNLAWFUL USE Advanced Communications Services shall not be used for any unlawful purpose. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED MNEI) IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJEC 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15SiD Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,j 1on Office of the Secray ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 9 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER 2.3.1 ORDERING, PAYMENT AND COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS The customer shall be responsible for placing all orders for service, payment of all charges offered herein and compliance with Company regulations. 2.3.2 DAMAGES The customer shall reimburse the Company for damages to Company facilities utilized to provide services under this Catalog caused by the negligence or willful act of the customer, or resulting from the customer's improper use of the Company facilities, or due to malfunction of any facilities or equipment provided by other than the Company. Nothing in the foregoing provision shall be interpreted to hold one customer liable for another customer's actions. The Company will, upon reimbursement for damages, cooperate with the customer in prosecuting a claim against the person causing such damage and the customer shall be subrogated to the right of recovery by the Company for the damages to the extent of such payment. 0 2.3.3 OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES Facilities utilized by the Company to provide service under the provisions of this Catalog shall remain the property of the Company. Such facilities shall be returned to the Company by the customer, whenever requested, within a reasonable period following the request in as good a condition as reasonable wear will permit. 2.3.4 EQUIPMENT SPACE AND POWER The customer shall furnish or arrange to have furnished to the Company, at no charge, equipment space and electrical power required by the Company to provide services under this Catalog at the network interface for such services. The selection of ac or dc power shall be mutually agreed to by the customer and the Company. The customer shall also make necessary arrangements in order that the Company will have access to the premises at any reasonable hour for installing, testing, repairing or removing the facilities of the Company. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AINFI) 1 I HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 10. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Comm iss,ipn Office of the SecrhWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 10 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont'd) 2.3.5 HAZARDOUS AND EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENTS The customer shall be responsible for the provision, installation and maintenance of sealed conduit with explosive-proof fittings between facilities furnished by the Company in an explosive atmosphere and points outside the hazardous area where connection may be made with regular facilities of the Company. The customer may also be required to install and maintain Company facilities within the hazardous area if, in the opinion of the Company, injury or damage to Company employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. The applicable standards are found in National Electric Safety Code articles 500 - 503. 2.3.6 AVAILABILITY FOR TESTING The services provided under this Catalog shall be available to the Company at times mutually agreed upon in order to permit the Company to make tests and adjustments appropriate for maintaining the services in satisfactory operating • condition. Such tests and adjustments shall be completed within a reasonable time. No credit will be allowed for any interruptions involved during such tests and adjustment. 2.3.7 REFERENCES To THE COMPANY The customer may advise their end users that certain services are provided by the Company in connection with the service the customer furnishes to their end users; however, the customer shall not represent that the Company jointly participates in these services. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT NTIS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 1 i SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the Secraly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont'd) 2.3.8 CLAIMS AND DEMANDS FOR DAMAGES A.With respect to claims of patent infringement made by third persons, the customer shall defend, indemnify, protect and save harmless the Company from and against all claims arising out of the combining with, or use in connection with, the services provided under this Catalog, any circuit, apparatus, system or method provided by the customer. B.The customer shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the Company from and against any suits, claims, losses or damages including punitive damages, attorney fees and court costs by third persons arising out of the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, or removal of the customer's circuits, facilities, or equipment connected to the Company's services provided under this Catalog, including, without limitation, Worker's Compensation claims, actions for infringement of copyright and/or unauthorized use of program material, libel and slander actions based on the content of communications transmitted over the customer's circuits, facilities or equipment, and proceedings to recover taxes, fines, • or penalties for failure of the customer to obtain or maintain in effect any necessary certificates, permits, licenses, or other authority to acquire or operate the services provided under this Catalog; provided, however, the foregoing indemnification shall not apply to suits, claims, and demands to recover damages for damage to property, death, or personal injury unless such suits, claims or demands are based on the tortious conduct of the customer, its officers, agents or employees. C.The customer shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the Company from and against any suits, claims, losses or damages, including punitive damages, attorney fees and court costs by the customer or third parties arising out of any act or omission of the customer in the course of using services provided under this Catalog. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT F TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL O. 1.2-1.5-SID miss ,j.pn Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Com Office of the SecrhIay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 November 17, 2012 Page 12 Boise, Idaho SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont'd) 2.3.9 COORDINATION WITH RESPECT To NETWORK CONTINGENCIES The customer shall, in cooperation with the Company, coordinate in planning the actions to be taken to maintain maximum network capability following natural or man-made disasters which affect communications services. 2.3.10 TRANSFER OF SERVICE A.Where there is no interruption of use or relocation of services, the customer may assign or transfer the use of services provided under this Catalog. Such assignment or transfer may be made to: 1. Another customer, whether an individual, partnership, association or corporation, provided the assignee or transferee assumes all outstanding indebtedness for such services, and the unexpired portion of the minimum period and the termination liability applicable to such services, if any, or; • 2. A court-appointed receiver, trustee or other person acting pursuant to law in bankruptcy, receivership, reorganization, insolvency, liquidation or other similar proceedings, provided the assignee or transferee assumes the unexpired portion of the minimum period and the termination liability applicable to such services, if any. B.In all cases of assignment or transfer, the written acknowledgment of the Company is required prior to such assignment or transfer which acknowledgment shall be made within 15 days from the receipt of notification. All regulations and conditions contained in this Catalog shall apply to such assignee or transferee. C.The assignment or transfer of services does not relieve or discharge the assignor or transferor from remaining jointly or severally liable with the assignee or transferee for any obligations existing at the time of the assignment or transfer. . NOTICE THE 1N14)RM'\ItON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBII CT O(HANGI TRANSMITTAL iSO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secrh Wy Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Pane 13 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.3 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER (Cont'd) 2.3.11 CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND CUSTOMER SERVICES Subject to the provisions of Section 2.1.6 preceding and compliance with the standards set forth in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications, the customer shall be solely responsible, at its own expense, for customer- provided equipment and services. The customer shall be solely responsible for the overall design of its services and for any redesigning or rearrangement of its equipment or services which may be required because of changes in Company services, operations or procedures, or changes in the minimum protection criteria or operating or maintenance characteristics of the customer's equipment or services. The Company will provide reasonable notification to the customer of any Company-initiated change that may require a change in customer-provided equipment and services. fl . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI( I IO(HANGI TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrMBly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyL.ink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.1 TYPES OF RATES AND CHARGES A. Monthly Rates Monthly rates are recurring rates that apply each month or fraction thereof that Advanced Communications Services are provided. For billing purposes, each month is considered to have 30 days. 1.When the minimum billing period, as set forth in Section 2.4.3, has been met, charges for a fraction of a month will be the monthly rate, prorated for the actual number of days service is furnished. 2.Fractions of a cent are carried throughout the computation of the charge. When the computed charge includes a fraction of a cent; • One-half cent or more is treated as one cent; • Less than one-half cent is disregarded 0 B. Nonrecurring Charges Nonrecurring charges are one-time charges that apply for specific work activities. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED F) IN FHJS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT r Ii) CHANGE TRANSMITTAL 10. 12-15Sll) s,ipn Office of the Secrbtay Qwest Corporation "/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commis Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 15 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont'd) 2.4.2 PAYMENT OF RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS A. Deposits 1. The Company may, in order to safeguard its interests, require an applicant or existing customer to make a suitable deposit to be held by the Company as a guarantee of the payment of charges. 2. A deposit may be required under the following conditions: a.Applicant has had no previous, company-provided service; or b.Applicant does not have verifiable credit with any Qwest Corporation Company anywhere within the region in the same or similar business; or c.Applicant has had previous verifiable service with any Qwest Corporation Company anywhere within the region, but has an outstanding and unpaid bill for • service or has not established satisfactory credit. Satisfactory credit is defined as twelve consecutive months of service without a suspension of service for nonpayment or with no more than one notification of intent to suspend service for nonpayment. d.An initial deposit or an additional deposit will be required of an existing customer when high risk is indicated and existing security is insufficient. Such requirement will be imposed when payment history includes a suspension of service for nonpayment, or includes more than one notification of intention to suspend service for nonpayment during the previous twelve month period. 3. An applicant for service will be given credit for previous nonresidential service only if the applicant is the same business entity to which such service was previously accorded. 4. The Company reserves the right to provide for installment payment of the deposit if the circumstances warrant. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO (HANG! TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-S1D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrh Wy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 16 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 PAYMENT OF RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS A. Deposits (Cont'd) 5. An existing customer who is required to pay a deposit shall be notified by the Company. The deposit shall be due and payable within ten days after the requirement is imposed. If said deposit or installment thereof, as appropriate, is not paid within the aforementioned time frame, the Company may suspend service of the customer without further notice. The following are exceptions to this provision: a.In the event service is suspended for a customer for nonpayment, an initial or additional deposit shall be required prior to the restoration of service if existing security is insufficient. b.In the event prior indebtedness or prior unsatisfactory credit has been determined subsequent to the initial establishment of service due to misrepresentation of the facts by the customer, a deposit shall be due and payable within five days upon verbal notification and written confirmation, or • within ten days when notification can only be provided in writing. The ten day period shall be measured from the mailed date of the written notice. If said deposit is not paid within the aforementioned time frame, the Company may suspend service to the customer without further notice. 6. The amount of the deposit may not exceed the actual or the estimated charges for the service which will accrue for a two-month period. All applicants and existing customers shall be treated uniformly for the determination and application of deposits. 7. When it is determined that a deposit is required under the conditions specified above, the applicant or customer may, in lieu of or in addition to making the deposit, arrange for an acceptable third party to guarantee payment of his charges by executing on his behalf a Guarantee of Payment Agreement with the Company. An acceptable third party guarantor for service is a current nonresidential customer with at least two years' continuous service, whose payment history for the most recent twelve month period is satisfactory. NOTICE THE INIORMA I IOt' CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT NT IS SUBJECT 1 ro (HAMil TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID S Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,i1 n Office of the Secrtay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho . 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 PAYMENT OF RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS A. Deposits (Cont'd) 8.The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves the customer from complying with the Company's regulations as to advance payments as set forth in B., following, or the prompt payment of bills on presentation. 9.The deposit will bear simple interest computed from the date of its receipt by the Company to the date the deposit is refunded or service is terminated, or annually, upon request of the customer. In the event that a deposit is retained during time periods having different rates of interest, the interest accrued on the deposit will be calculated using the interest rate applicable to each time period. 10.The rate of interest paid is as specified in the Access Service Catalog, Section 2.4.1. 11.When the customer is a candidate for political office or is a person or organization acting on behalf of a candidate for political office, the deposit requirement will be adjusted monthly to reflect twice the current month's actual billing. Under these circumstances, a security will be the only acceptable substitute for a cash deposit i.e., surety bond or bank letter of credit equal to the Company's deposit requirement. 12.When the service is terminated, the amount of the initial or additional deposit, with any interest due, will be credited to the customer's account and any credit balance which may remain will be refunded. After an existing customer has established satisfactory credit, the amount of the deposit, with any interest due, will be either credited to the account or, at the option of the customer, refunded. Satisfactory credit for a customer is defined as twelve consecutive months of service without a suspension for nonpayment and with no more than one notification of intent to suspend service for nonpayment. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJ( I 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID , Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLrn Idaho Public Utilities Commission k QC Office of the Si 66 Advanced Comrnunication.s ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 18 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 PAYMENT OF RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS (Cont'd) B.Advance Payments In accordance with the Company's practice of requiring that all regularly recurring rates for services, equipment, and facilities be paid monthly in advance, an applicant for service may be required to pay in advance at the time application for service is made, the nonrecurring and installation charges applicable, together with at least one month's charges for the services, equipment, and facilities applied for, and, where necessary, in the opinion of the Company, the estimated amount of construction charges. 2. The amount of the advance payment will be credited to the customer's account and applied to any indebtedness under the contract for service, equipment, and facilities furnished, and for nonrecurring charges. C.The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for facilities and services furnished in accordance with the Company's regular billing and collection • practices, as contained in this Catalog. D.All charges for service, equipment, and facilities are payable monthly, in advance, except for charges associated with any usage elements and for the Federal Government. E.When new service is installed or added, or changes made to existing service, which involve a change in rates, the new rates will become effective on the day the service is installed, added or changed. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ONFAINFD IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 (HANG! TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secrh Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 191 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 I Boise, Idaho issued: 11.7-2012 Effective: 1 I -17-201.2 i 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 PAYMENT OF RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS (Cont'd) F.In the event a customer is indebted to the Company for charges and service of any nature, rendered at a prior time, or for service under one or more number designations at any location, and the customer does not pay the charges or satisfy such indebtedness, the Company may bill such outstanding charges for the indebted account against the account for other services provided to the customer. G.In the event that payment from a customer is less than the total amount of all charges owing to the Company and the customer does not specifically designate the manner to apply said payment, then the Company will apply the payment to the customer's oldest balance. H.Payment of bills for service may be made by any means mutually acceptable to the customer and the Company. Payment which is not honored or paid by the customer's designated financial institution, will be considered as nonpayment. I.The customer bill is due upon receipt. Customers may pay bills for Company • services by any means mutually acceptable to the customer and the Company. J.In order to avoid collection procedures which could result in a temporary disconnection of service, payment must be received no later than the due and payable date shown on the customer's bill. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT NT IS SUBJECT 10 (HANG! TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissjqn Advanced Communications Office of the SecrtaIy Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 20 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN LDJfo ii 7 Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: - -0 12 Effective: ii - 17-2012 -- 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.2 PAYMENT OF RATES, CHARGES AND DEPOSITS (Cont'd) K.Payments received by the Company on or before the due and payable date on the customer's bill will prevent collection procedures, provided the following billing information is remitted with payment: • Customer's name • Customer's telephone/billing number • Customer's account code • Customer's account type • Amount of payment L.Payments received by the Company after the due and payable date on the customer's bill, but at least one day before the termination date on the suspension notice, may result in discontinuance of the customer's service unless the following billing information is remitted with payment: • All of the items enumerated in K. preceding and • The customer's advised final payment date before discontinuance for 40 nonpayment. M.The Company will not be responsible if a customer's service is disconnected after payment has been remitted, unless the payment is made as set forth in K. or L. preceding, as applicable. N.Installment Billing With approval of the Company, arrangements may be made for the payment of nonrecurring charges in monthly installments spread over a reasonable period, generally not to exceed one year. All unpaid amounts become due upon termination of service. NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ON I MNFD IN THIS DOCUMENT r is suiw r 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 21 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont'd) 2.4.3 MINIMUM PERIODS A. When service is provided on a month-to-month basis, the minimum period for which rates and charges are applicable is one month. When a service is discontinued prior to the expiration of the one month minimum period, a one month charge will apply at the rates in effect at the time service is discontinued. B. When a service is provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan, as set forth in 2.4.5, the minimum period is twelve months for Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE). C. When a service provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan is discontinued prior to the completion of the minimum period, a discontinuance charge will apply, as set forth in 3.4. (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,ipn Advanced Communications Office of the SecrWy Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 22 November 17, 2012 S.OUTHERNIDAHO Release 3 Boise, Idaho Issued: il-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont'd) 2.4.4 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS A.General A service is interrupted when it becomes unusable to the customer because of a failure of facilities used to furnish service under this Catalog. An interruption period starts when an inoperative service is found by the Company or reported to the Company and ends when the service is operative. B.When A Credit Allowance Applies 1. In case of an interruption to an Advanced Communications Service, allowance for the period of interruption, if not due to the negligence of the customer, shall be as follows: a.For each service interruption of one hour or subsequent fraction thereof that the interruption continues, the customer shall be credited at the rate of 1/30 (1 day) • of the monthly charges for the interrupted service or the affected portion thereof. b.MOE Exceptions: When Quality of Service is purchased by the customer then the following applies: The Service Level Availability (SLA) commitment for Quality of Service is that 99.999% of the packets will conform to the bandwidth profile delivered across the core network, without being dropped or lost as a result of a fault within the Virtual Ethernet Network. This equates to a Quality of Service Packet loss ratio of no more that 0.001%. Thus, over any calendar month the MOE network will successfully deliver at least 99.999% of a customer's packets from core to core. - When the SLA is not met, the SLA credit will apply to the monthly recurring charge (MRC) for every increment of 5 megabits of Priority 1 traffic. - The credit will equal 1/30th of the MRC for every 5 Megabits of affected Priority 1 Traffic. - The Maximum amount of credit provided in a given month will not exceed the total MRC for the affected service. r NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION. CONTAIN! I) IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SLII3JI C 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Comm issLon Advanced Communications Office of the Secr1ay Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 22.1 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho .Ssu(. 1-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.4 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS B.1 When A Credit Allowance Applies b. MOE Exceptions: (Cont'd) • When Protect Routing is purchased by the customer then the following applies: - The service guarantee will be for a 99.99% circuit availability over a 30 day period which equates to 4 minutes 20 seconds of downtime. No credit shall be allowed for an interruption of less than 4 minutes 20 seconds, multiple outages of each less than 4 minutes 20 seconds will not be added together. - A credit of 1/30 of the monthly recurring charge (MRC) will be paid out for any outage occurrence that exceeds 4 minutes 20 seconds. Credit shall be limited to one credit for each 24 hour period in which an outage(s) occur. Credit will be comprised of all affected MRC elements. . - The Maximum amount of credit provided in a given month will not exceed the total MRC for the affected service. 2. The credit allowance(s) for an interruption or for a series of interruptions shall not exceed the monthly rate for the service interrupted in any one monthly billing period. For the purpose of determining the allowance, every month is considered to have 30 days. . NOTICE .1 'HE INFORMATION CONAINI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SIJBJI( 110 (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-45-Sir) Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 23 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: H-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,i,on Office of the SecrhWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.4 CREDIT ALLOWANCE FOR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS(Cont'd) C. When A Credit Allowance Does Not Apply No credit allowance will be made for: 1.Interruptions caused by the negligence of the customer. 2.Interruptions of a service due to the failure of equipment or systems provided by the customer or others. 3.Interruptions of a service during any period in which the Company is not afforded access to the premises where the service is terminated. 4.Interruptions of a service when the customer has released that service to the Company for maintenance purposes, to make rearrangements, or for the implementation of an order for a change in the service during the time that was negotiated with the customer prior to the release of that service. Thereafter, a • credit allowance, as set forth in B. preceding, applies. 5.Interruptions of a service which continue because of the failure of the customer to authorize replacement of any element of Special Construction, as set forth in Section 3.6. The period for which no credit allowance is made begins on the seventh day after the customer receives the Company's written notification of the need for such replacement and ends on the day after receipt by the Company of the customer's written authorization for such replacement. 6.Periods when the customer elects not to release the service for testing and/or repair and continues to use it on an impaired basis. D. Use Of An Alternative Service Provided By The Company Should the customer elect to use an alternative service provided by the Company during the period that a service is interrupted, the customer must pay the appropriate rates and charges for the alternative service used. E. Temporary Surrender Of A Service In certain instances, the customer may be requested by the Company to surrender a service for purposes other than maintenance, testing or activity relating to a service order. If the customer consents, a credit allowance will be granted. The credit allowance will be 1/1440 of the monthly rate for each period of 30 minutes or fraction thereof that the service is surrendered. In no case will the credit allowance in any one monthly billing period exceed the monthly rate for the service surrendered. NOTICE THE INIORM'\ I ION (ON I AIM I) II'. THIS DOCUMENT IS SIJBWC I ITO (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,i.pn Office of the Secr1aiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation 4/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 24 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont'd) 2.4.5 VARIABLE TERM PRICING PLANS Advanced Communications Services may be ordered on a month-to-month basis or for fixed periods of one, two, three, four, five, six or seven years, unless otherwise specified. The initial order for Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) must be for one of the fixed service periods; however, at the completion of the initial fixed period, the customer may elect the month-to-month option or any of the fixed service periods. A. Fixed-Period Service Pricing Plans The fixed-period service pricing plans allow the customer to order service with the assurance that, during the period of the service pricing plan, the Company will not initiate any increase in the monthly rates for the purchased service. NOTICE 'THE INFORMATION lOt\ (ONI AINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the SecrhWy Services Catalog SECTION 2 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Pane 2 5 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11 -7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.5 VARIABLE TERM PRICING PLANS A. Fixed-Period Service Pricing Plans (Cont'd) The customer must specify the length of the fixed-period service at the time the service is ordered. At the end of the fixed-service period, the customer may negotiate a new fixed- period service pricing plan, convert to month-to-month service or may terminate service. The monthly rates will be those rates in effect at the time the new service period begins. Should the customer not make a choice by the end of a fixed- service pricing plan, service rates will automatically revert to those in effect for the month-to-month option. If service is continued under any of the pricing plans, including month-to-month, nonrecurring charges will not apply. If a decrease in a monthly rate occurs during a customer's fixed-service period, the reduced rates will automatically be applied to the remaining term of the service pricing plan in effect at that time. Customer-initiated changes tc Sunder month-to-month service affect the monthly rates and related service elements, as Rearrangements. Advanced Communications Services provided plans or fixed-period service pricing plans may minimum service periods for the services or for set forth in B. following and in 3.2, Service Should the customer choose to discontinue fixed-period service prior to the completion of the fixed-period service pricing plan, discontinuance charges will apply, as set forth in 3.4. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SLIBJI C 110 CHANGE.il TRANSMITTAL 1'O. 12-15-SID SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 26 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 2.4.5 VARIABLE TERM PRICING PLANS (Cont'd) B. Changes To Pricing Plans 1. Services provided under the month-to-month plan may be changed to fixed-period plans at any time without the customer incurring any nonrecurring or discontinuance charges. The monthly rates will be those in effect at the time the new fixed-period service begins. New minimum service periods, as set forth in 2.4.3, apply to changes in pricing plans. 2. If a customer chooses to change an existing service offered under a fixed-period service pricing plan to a month-to-month plan, the change will be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and an establishment of new service, and appropriate discontinuance charges, as set forth in 3.4, a new minimum period and new monthly rate(s) for the service will apply. 2.4.6 PREPAYMENT DISCOUNT Recurring rates for services provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan may, at the customer's option, be prepaid in whole or in part. The prepaid amount shall be subject to a prepayment discount, which will be calculated by the Company, using an annuity factor which is based on the after-tax basis of the Company's incremental cost of capital rate at the time of the prepayment and the term for which the prepayment is being made. (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho , Qwest Corporation ct/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrtay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 27 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 111-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (Cont'd) 2.4.7 SPREAD OF NONRECURRING CHARGES Nonrecurring charges for services provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan may, at the customer's option, be spread over the term of the plan and paid monthly as part of the customer's monthly billing. The additional charge will be calculated by the Company, using a composite annuity factor which is based on the Company's cost of money, income tax and depreciation factors. If customer discontinues or converts service provided under a spread of nonrecurring charges, the nonrecurring charges become due immediately. 2.5 CONNECTIONS 2.5.1 GENERAL Equipment and systems; i.e., terminal equipment and communications systems, may be connected with Advanced Communications Services furnished by the Company where such connection is made in accordance with the provisions of this Catalog and the provisions set forth in the technical publication(s) listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. Customer terminal equipment and systems must conform to industry standards set forth in technical publications listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15--S1D Commission Corporation ti/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secr Idaho Public Utilities Commishta)y Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 28 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-201.2 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS Certain terms used herein are defined as follows: ACS Network The commonly-shared, geographically-distributed arrangement of interoperating advanced communications components. Together, these components provide advanced communications services and/or functionalities of a specified type to multiple customers. Bit The smallest unit of information in the binary system of notation. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMAICD A method of controlling access to a shared transmission path, particularly in local area networks. is Class of Service (C0S) (N) Class of Service (C0S) is an optional feature that supports multiple class options to provide a predictable performance based solution by prioritizing customer traffic for traffic management of specific business applications. (N) Committed Information Rate (CIR) The number of bits transmitted per second, under normal conditions, over a Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC). Communication System Communication links and other facilities which are capable of communications between terminal equipment provided by other than the Company. Customer Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, corporation, governmental entity or any other entity which subscribes to the services offered herein. Discard Eligibility (DE) A bit in the Frame Relay header that enables the network to manage congestion. . NOTICE THE 1N11)RMA.1 ION (ON! AINI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT I Ii) (HANG! TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID n Qwest Corporation "/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,i Office of the Secray Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 29 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012------------- 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) Ethernet A local area network design employing CSMA!CD as its access control mechanism. Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC) The term "Ethernet Virtual Circuit" (EVC) denotes an association of two or more Network Interfaces (NI). The EVC connects two or more subscriber sites (NIs) enabling private and secure transfer of Ethernet frames between them. An internal identifier is transparently assigned by the Company to customer traffic and prevents data transfer between subscriber sites not part of the same customer EVC. The EVC also provides customer traffic segmentation over the shared Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) Network. Facilities Data switches, wires, cables, circuits, conduit, poles or space thereon, service entrances, network interfaces and all other company-provided equipment. First Come, First Served A procedure followed when the first order or transmission received will be the first processed. Flag Sequence The sequence of bits employed to delimit the beginning and ending of a frame. Frame A sequence of contiguous bits delimited by beginning and ending flag sequences. Hot Back-Up When a customer has purchased Interface Redundancy, hot back-up is the electronic redundancy of a Data Link interface which becomes active if a Data Link interface fails. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT N r IS StJB!F( 1 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 122-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyL.ink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sec (;y Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 30 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) Local Area Network (LAN) A network permitting the interconnection and intercommunication of a group of computers, primarily for the sharing of resources such as data storage devices and printers. Logical Channel A communications channel through the network that allows transmission of sequenced data packets through the network. No circuit capacity is preassigned to a logical channel; capacity is made available as data is transmitted. Network Interface (NI) The point of interconnection between Company communications facilities and terminal equipment, protective apparatus or other customer-provided facilities. The network interface serving the customer's premises is also referred to as the demarcation point. Network-To-Network Interface (NNI) A frame relay industry-standard interface between two frame relay networks, used to connect private or public frame relay networks. Open Systems Interconnection (OSI A seven-layer, generic network architecture model, used to standardize network protocol. Its purpose is to facilitate interoperability, enabling any OSI compliant computer or device to communicate with any other OSI compliant computer or device for an exchange of information. Overhead Cell Relay overhead is the five byte header of a 53 byte cell. Polling Status inquiry message sent on a data communications facility to give the receiving end of the inquiry an opportunity to transmit and/or receive information. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ON I AINI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO cl-lANG! TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,jn Office of the SecrWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 • Page 31 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) Premises A building, or a portion of a building in a multi-tenant building, or buildings on continuous property (except railroad rights of way, etc.) not separated by a public highway. This term is not limited to one building, but applies as well to a complex, or campus-type configuration of buildings. Private Frame Relay Network Typically a single-owner, single-user network, which may be interconnected with a public frame relay service network. Protocol A set of conditions for conducting interactions between two or more terminals, hosts or peripherals. These conditions consist of syntax (header structure), semantics (actions and reactions that are supposed to occur) and timing (relative ordering and duration of states and events). • Public Frame Relay Network Typically a multi-user, shared network, used by a frame relay service provider to provide frame relay service to its customers. Service Point The geographic location designated by the company at which the access component of a customer's Advanced Communications Service is considered to first enter the ACS Network. Statistical Multiplexing A multiplexing technique in which timeslots are dynamically allocated on the basis of need rather than being predefined. The data is typically transmitted on a first come, first served basis. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO, 1245-SIr) SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 2 Page 32 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.6 DEFINITIONS (Cont'd) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,jn Office of the SecrhLaly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 102 • Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 102. OBSOLETE GENERAL REGULATIONS SUBJECT MinimumPeriods ....................................................................................... Payment Arrangements and Credit Allowances ........................................ Variable Term Rate Plans .......................................................................... PAGE 1 1 1 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AINI I) IN tHis DOCUME.NT is SUB IFCF ro CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commisson Office of the Secrhla)y ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 102 • Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 102. OBSOLETE GENERAL REGULATIONS 102.4 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 102.4.3 MINIMUM PERIODS B. When a service is provided under a standard fixed-period service agreement, as set forth in Section 2.4.5, the minimum period for Frame Relay Service (FRS) is three months. 102.4.5 VARIABLE TERM RATE PLANS A.Fixed-Period Service Agreements Under a standard fixed-period service agreement, the customer may order service for the available term desired at the month-to-month rates for the service. B.Changes To Rate Plans Services provided under a standard fixed-period service agreement may be upgraded to a discounted fixed-period service agreement at any time without the customer incurring any nonrecurring or discontinuance charges. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ON AINEt) IN THIS DOCUMENT N I IS SIJBIE( 110 (HINGE TRANSMITTAL NO. 1215-SII) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sic rialy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation ti/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 • Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 . 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES SUBJECT PAGE AcceptanceTesting .................................................................................... 17 Additionsto Service.................................................................................... 6 Cancellation of Order for Service .............................................................. 2 Change in Speed or Capacity and Conversion to Other Services............... 7 Changeof Jurisdiction ................................................................................ 8 Discontinuance of Service ......................................................................... 11 Maintenance of Facilities ............................................................................ 17 Moves........................................................................................................ 9 OrderModification .................................................................................... 1 Reestablishment of Service Following Fire, Flood or Other Occurrence .....................................................................15 ServiceDate Change ..................................................................................1 Service Rearrangements .............................................................................6 SpecialConstruction ..................................................................................15 TroubleIsolation ........................................................................................17 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.1 ORDER MODIFICATION 3.1.1 SERVICE DATE CHANGE NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.1 ORDER MODIFICATION (Cont'd) 3.1.2 CANCELLATION OF ORDER FOR SERVICE notification by the Company that service is available for the customer’s use. The by written confirmation within ten (10) days. If a customer or a customer’s end • • percentage of the Company’s provi NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dibla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secrhtay Services Catalog SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 3 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN hAHo Release 2 Boise, Idaho .issued: 11-7-012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.1 ORDER MODIFICATION 3.1.2 CANCELLATION OF ORDER FOR SERVICE (Cont'd) C. The Critical Dates monitored by the Company for the purpose of calculating a cancellation charge are as follows: 1.Application Date (APP): The date the customer provides a firm commitment and sufficient information to the Company for order placement. The APP Date is the date the Company enters the order into the Company's order distribution system(s). This is sometimes referred to as the order date. 2.Design Layout Report Date (DLRD): The date the Design Layout Report which contains the design for the service(s) ordered is forwarded to the customer. 3.Plant Test Date (PTD): The date acceptance testing is performed with the customer. 4.Service Date (DD): The date the service is due to be made available to the customer. This is sometimes referred to as the Due Date. . D. The percentage of the total provisioning cost incurred by the Company at a particular Critical Date varies by the type of service as shown in E., following. When a customer cancels an order, or part of an order, before the Service Date, the Company will calculate the cancellation charge by multiplying all the nonrecurring charges associated with the order, or that part of the order being canceled, by the percentage shown in E., following, based on the last monitored Critical Date which has occurred on the order. When a customer cancels an order or part of an order on or after the original Service Date, 100% of the nonrecurring charges plus minimum period charges apply. Nonrecurring charges associated with an order are used to calculate and bill the cancellation charge to the customer even when nonrecurring charges are waived. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AINI[) IN IHIS DOCUMENT N r IS SLIBJI Cl 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.1 ORDER MODIFICATION 3.1.2 CANCELLATION OF ORDER FOR SERVICE (Cont'd) E. The Critical Dates monitored by the Company are as follows: ALL STATES APP DLRD PTD DD % % % % • Frame Relay Service 56 kbps, 64 kbps and two-wire access[2] 13 44 77 [1] • Frame Relay Service all other speeds[2] 10 48 81 [1] • ATM Cell Relay Service[2] 10 48 81 [1] • Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) 10 48 81 [1] [1] Minimum period charges and 100% of the nonrecurring charges apply when the order or part of the order is canceled on or after the original Service Date. [2] ATM and Frame Relay Service is Grandfathered as of October 28, 2018. (T) (T) (T) (D) (N) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Office of the Secrhlaty s,in Qwest Corporation "/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commis Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 5 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.1 ORDER MODIFICATION 3.1.2 CANCELLATION OF ORDER FOR SERVICE (Cont'd) F.When a customer cancels an order for the discontinuance of service, no charges apply for the cancellation. G.If the Company misses a service date due to circumstances over which it has direct control (excluding, e.g., acts of God, governmental requirements, work stoppages and civil commotions), the customer may cancel an order without incurring cancellation charges. H.A request for cancellation after completion of an installation will be treated as a discontinuance of service. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AlNlI) IN IHIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15SII) SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.2 SERVICE REARRANGEMENTS Service rearrangements are changes to existing (installed) services which do not result in a change in the physical location of the network interface. Changes in the physical location of the network interface are treated as moves and are described and charged for as set forth in 3.3, following. A. Additions to Service 1. When service elements are added to an existing Advanced Communications Service, the added elements must meet the minimum period requirements associated with the service to which they are added. 2. An addendum to the existing fixed-period service pricing plan is required when service elements are added to an existing fixed-period service. Service elements added to an existing fixed-period service plan will terminate on expiration date of the fixed-period plan. 3. Related monthly rates and nonrecurring charges for addition(s) to service are the rates and charges in effect at the time of the addition(s). (C) (D) (D) (C) (C) (C) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.2 SERVICE REARRANGEMENTS (CONT'D) B. Change In Speed Or Capacity And Conversion To Other Services 1. An existing Advanced Communications Service that is provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan may be changed in speed or capacity, or may be converted to another service, without incurring a discontinuance charge, provided all the following conditions are met: • Both the existing and the new services are provided solely by the Company; • The order to discontinue the existing service and the order to establish the new service are received by the Company at the same time; • The total value of the new service pricing plan, excluding any special construction charges and any other nonrecurring charges, is equal to or greater than 115% of the total value of the existing plan for the remaining months of that plan; • The new service installation must take place within 30 calendar days of the disconnection of the existing service, unless an installation delay is caused by the Company; and • The customer agrees to pay any previously billed recurring rates and any outstanding nonrecurring charges. These rates and charges shall not be a part of the new service plan. If one or more of the required conditions for change of service is not met, the change will be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and the establishment of a new service. All outstanding minimum period charges and discontinuance charges, as set forth in 3.4, will apply. 2. The monthly rates for the new service will be those rates in effect at the time of the service change. All related nonrecurring charges apply for the new service and are the charges in effect at the time of the service change. This includes changes in speed. 3. All changes to service are subject to facility availability, as set forth in 2.1.2. (C) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.2 SERVICE REARRANGEMENTS (CONT'D) C. Nonbillable Administrative Changes Some Administrative changes to existing service will be made without charge(s) to the customer. Nonbillable administrative changes are as follows: • Change of customer name; i.e., the customer of record does not change but rather the customer of record changes its name; e.g., XYZ Company to XYZ Communications, • Change of customer premises address when the change of address is not a result of a physical relocation of facilities, • Change in billing data (name, address, or contact name or telephone number), • Change of customer contact name or telephone number, and • Change of customer service element identification. • Change in jurisdiction for MOE. (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,i,n Office of the SecrMaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 • Page 9 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-201.2 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.3 MOVES A move involves a customer-initiated change in the physical location of one of the following: • The network interface at the customer's premises • The customer's premises The charges for the move are dependent on whether the move is to a new location within the same building or to a different building. A.Moves Within The Same Building When the move is to a new location within the same building, the charge for the move will be an amount equal to one-half of the nonrecurring charge for the service termination affected. There will be no change in the minimum period requirements. B.Moves To A Different Building . 1. Moves to a different building will be treated as a discontinuance and start of service and all associated nonrecurring charges will apply. New minimum period requirements will be established for the moved services. The customer will also remain responsible for satisfying all outstanding minimum period charges for the discontinued service. Moves to a different building may be eligible for portability, as described in 2. following. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBTh( 1 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secray Services Catalog SECTION 3 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 10 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO , Issued: ii Release 2 Boise, Idaho -oi 2 Effective: 11-17-201.2 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.3 MOVES B. Moves To A Different Building (Cont'd) 2. Portability Portability allows services with fixed-period pricing plans to be moved to a different building without incurring discontinuance charges or establishing new minimum service periods. Moves made under portability provisions are subject to facility availability, as set forth in 2.1.2. Under portability, a customer may choose to move either a portion of or the entire existing service without incurring discontinuance charges, provided the following conditions are met: • Both the existing and the new services are provided solely by the Company; • The customer's request for both the disconnect order for the existing service and the new connect order for the new service are received at the same time and must specifically request portability; • The customer's request for the disconnect order for the existing service must • reference the new connect order; and • The new connection must take place within 30 calendar days of the disconnection of the existing service, unless an installation delay is caused by the Company. Should changes to either the disconnect order or the new connect order for portability exclude one or more of the conditions above, applicable discontinuance charges will be assessed. For service provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan, the remaining term of the pricing plan for the service that is being discontinued shall be the term of the new service, provided the remainder of the existing plan is at least the minimum period of the existing plan. If the remaining term is less than the associated minimum period, the minimum term for the new service shall be the associated minimum period. The monthly rates for the new service will be those rates in effect at the time the new service is installed. All nonrecurring charges apply for the new service. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SIJBII CT JOCHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-Sir) SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 11 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.4 DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE A. Month-To-Month Service When month-to-month service, or any portion thereof, is discontinued prior to the completion of the minimum period (one month), rates and charges for one month will apply at the rate levels in effect at the time service is discontinued. B. Minimum Billing Level When a service, or portion thereof, provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan, is discontinued, a Minimum Billing Level will be established for use in calculating discontinuance charges. The Minimum Billing Level is 100% of the monthly rates of all rate elements being discontinued. (C) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 12 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.4 DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE (CONT'D) C. Fixed-Period Service Pricing Plan 1. Should the customer choose to discontinue service provided under a fixed-period service pricing plan prior to the completion of the minimum service period, a discontinuance charge will apply. a. The discontinuance charge for Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) is the customer's Minimum Billing Level for the remaining months of the minimum service period, plus 40% of the Minimum Billing Level, times the remaining months of the fixed-period service pricing plan (after the minimum service period)[1]. 2. Should the customer choose to discontinue fixed-period service after the minimum service period but before the completion of a fixed-period service pricing plan, a nonrecurring discontinuance charge will apply. a. The discontinuance charge for Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) is equal to 40% of the customer's Minimum Billing Level, times the remaining months of the fixed-period service pricing plan[1]. [1] !NTERPRISE Networking Services pricing plans which were in service prior to the effective date of this page will retain 15% termination liability for the duration of the existing fixed-period. (D) (D) (C) (D) (D) (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,ipn Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secray Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 13 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.4 DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE (Cont'd) D. Prepaid Services Should a customer choose to discontinue fixed-period service which is provided under a prepayment arrangement, as set forth in 2.4.6, the Company will: STEP 1: Recalculate the prepayment discount to determine the appropriate discounted payment for the period of time that the customer actually received the service which is being discontinued; STEP 2: Deduct the amount calculated in step 1 from the total prepayment made by the customer; STEP 3: S Multiply the total monthly discounted prepayment rate of the original term of the fixed-period service pricing plan by the number of months remaining in the fixed-period service pricing plan, as set forth in C.; STEP 4: Apply the discontinuance charge percentages set forth in C. to the result of step 3; then STEP 5: Deduct the result of step 4 from the portion of the prepaid funds that remains after step 2 and refund the balance to the customer. S NOTICE THE 1N1ORMA nON CONTAINED AINFI) IN [HIS DOCUMENT I IS StJBJI C I 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-S1D SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.4 DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE D. Prepaid Services (Cont'd) (D) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)pn Office of the Secraiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.5 REESTABLISHMENT OF SERVICE FOLLOWING FIRE, FLOOD OR OTHER OCCURRENCE A. When Nonrecurring Charges Do Not Apply Charges do not apply for the reestablishment of service following a fire, flood or other occurrence attributed to an Act of God provided that: • The service is of the same type as was provided prior to the fire, flood or other occurrence. • The service is for the same customer. • The service is at the same location on the same premises. • The reestablishment of service begins within 60 days after Company service is available. (The 60 day period may be extended a reasonable period if the renovation of the original location on the premises affected is not practical within the allotted time period). 0 B. When Charges Apply Associated nonrecurring charges and monthly rates apply when service is established at a different location on the same premises, or at a different premises, pending reestablishment of service at the original location. 3.6 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION A. General The regulations, rates and charges for Special Construction are determined in accordance with Company Practices. 2. All rates and charges quoted in other sections of this catalog provide for the furnishing of service when suitable facilities are available or where the design or construction of the necessary facilities does not involve unusual costs. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN I HIS DOCIJMI NT IS SU8JI C I 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID missLpn , Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Com Office of the SecrIay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 3 Page 16 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.6 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (Cont'd) B. Conditions For Special Construction 1. Special Construction is required when a customer requests service and one or more of the following conditions exist: a.The facilities to provide services are not available and, at the request of the customer, the Company designs and/or constructs facilities to provide the services for the customer and there is no other requirement for the facilities so constructed. b.At the request of the customer, the Company designs and/or constructs facilities of a type other than that which they would normally furnish in order to provide services for the customer. c.In order to comply with requirements specified by the customer, construction by the Company involves a routing and/or design of facilities other than that which they would normally utilize to provide services for the customer. . d. At the request of the customer, the Company designs and/or constructs a greater quantity of facilities than that which they would otherwise construct in order to fulfill the customer's initial requirements for services. e.The facilities to provide services are not available and, at the request of the customer, the Company expedites design and/or construction of facilities at greater expense than would otherwise be incurred. f.At the request of a customer, the Company accommodates a change in a service date for the installation of a new service or the rearrangement of an existing service and incurs a greater expense than would otherwise be incurred for the design, construction or rearrangement of the service. g.The facilities to provide services are not available and, at the request of the customer, the Company designs and constructs temporary facilities to provide services for the period during which the permanent facilities are under construction. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AINFD IN IHIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJECT TO (HAMd' TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-Sll) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sec r1aly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 3 • Page 17 SOUTHER.N IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 3. ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 3.6 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (Cont'd) C. Special Construction Agreements Customers requiring Special Construction enter into Special Construction agreements with the Company. 3.7 MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES Maintenance of Company facilities is initiated and furnished by the Company and is generally performed during the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week. At a time agreeable to both the customer and the Company, Company facilities shall be available for maintenance purposes. All ordinary expense of maintaining Company-provided facilities and service is borne by the Company. No credit allowance will be made for the period during which service is interrupted for such purpose. Additional engineering and labor are provided by the Company, as set forth in the Private Line Transport Services Catalog, Section 4. 0 3.8 TROUBLE ISOLATION When a customer reports service trouble to the Company, and a service visit is made, if the trouble is not found in Company equipment or facilities, the customer shall be responsible for payment of Premises Work Charges, as set forth in Section 13. of the Exchange and Network Services Catalog. If the trouble is later found to be due to a failure of Company equipment, services or systems, the related service visit(s) will result in no charge to the customer. Credit allowance will not apply for an interruption of a service due to the failure of equipment, services or systems that are not provided by the Company. 3.9 ACCEPTANCE TESTING At the customer's request, the Company will, at service installation, cooperatively test the compliance of Advanced Communications Services with the appropriate service parameters set forth in technical publications listed in this Catalog, at no charge to the customer. Additional testing is provided by the Company, as set forth in the Private Line Transport Services Catalog, Section 4. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAIM I) IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJI ( f Ii)CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 10. 12-15-SID miss ,jn Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Com Office of the SecrhIay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 103 index Page 1 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7 -2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 103. OBSOLETE ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES SUBJECT PACE Discontinuance of Service ..........................................................................1 Standard Fixed-Period Service Agreement ................................................. 1 S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED D IN THIS DOCUMENT r is SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrMay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 103 • Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 103. OBSOLETE ORDER AND SERVICE MODIFICATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES 103.4 DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE C. Standard Fixed-Period Service Agreement Should the customer choose to discontinue service provided under a standard fixed-period service agreement prior to the completion of the minimum service period, a discontinuance charge will apply. The discontinuance charge is 100% of the customer's Minimum Billing Level for the remaining months of the minimum service period, plus 10% of the customer's Minimum Billing Level for the remaining term of the fixed-period service agreement. Should the customer choose to discontinue standard fixed-period service after the minimum service period but before the completion of a standard fixed-period service agreement, a nonrecurring discontinuance charge equal to 10% of the customer's Minimum Billing Level for the remaining portion of the fixed-period service agreement will apply. For example, a customer has a service which it chooses to discontinue after 33 months of a 5-year (60-month) standard fixed- period service agreement. The discontinuance charge will be .10 multiplied by 27 • months, multiplied by the Minimum Billing Level for that service. If by discontinuing a portion of its service provided under a standard fixed-period agreement, the customer's total monthly billing level falls below the customer's Minimum Billing Level, a nonrecurring discontinuance charge, as set forth preceding, will apply only to the portion of the service being discontinued. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN JEtS DOCUMENT IS SUBJEC 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15SiD Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qi,rest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 4 • index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 1172012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 4. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (T) S r NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJF1 1OCHANGI TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID missl Qn Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Com Office of the SecrhWy Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 104 November 17, 2012 Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3[1] Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 104. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE . [1] This page cancels Section 104 in its entirety. NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ON I AINF 0 IN THIS DOUMI Ni IS SUBJI C 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 1O. 12-15-SID r SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 5 Index Page 1[1] SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 5. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE [1] This page cancels Section 5 of the Catalog and moves it to Section 105. (T) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE SUBJECT PAGE Description ................................................................................................. 1 General Regulations ................................................................................... 7 Obligations of The Customer ..................................................................... 7 Optional Features and Functions ............................................................... 6, 10 Rate Elements ............................................................................................ 9 Rate Regulations ........................................................................................ 7 Rates and Charges ...................................................................................... 11 Service Elements ....................................................................................... 2 (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) (T) (M) (M) (T-M) (T-M) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.1 DESCRIPTION 105.1.1 GENERAL Effective October 28, 2018, CenturyLink’s Frame Relay Access Service will no longer be available to new customers nor will new orders from existing customers be accepted (except to the extent permitted by term discount plan/contract). Existing customers of this service will be grandfathered as follows: ∙ As of October 28, 2018, month-to-month customers will no longer be able to purchase this service. ∙ Existing term discount plans/contracts for this service will not be renewed. ∙ Customers with a term discount plan/contract that expires prior to March 1, 2019 may retain their Frame Relay Service covered by that term discount plan/contract on a month-to-month basis until March 1, 2019. ∙ Customers with a term discount plan/contract that expires after March 1, 2019 may retain their Frame Relay Service covered by that term discount plan/contract until the expiration of the term discount plan/contract. If a customer is currently under a term discount plan/contract and wishes to move to another service, cancellation charges will not apply. Employing digital technology, Frame Relay Service (FRS) provides high speed access and throughput to and among Local Area Networks (LANs), as well as computers. Utilizing statistical multiplexing, FRS enables users to allocate circuit bandwidth to applications as needed, up to the maximum bandwidth purchased, rather than assigning fixed channels to specific applications. FRS supports transmission speeds up to 44.736 Mbps. FRS requires the use of customer terminal equipment that functions as a multiplexer/bridge/router. This terminal equipment must be purchased separately from the FRS and must conform to CCITT and ANSI standards set forth in technical publications listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. The terminal equipment accumulates customer data and puts it into a frame relay format suitable for transmission over the ACS Network. Frame Relay Service conforms to CCITT and ANSI standards set forth in technical publications listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (T-M) (T-M) (N) (N) (M) (M) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.1 DESCRIPTION (Cont’d) 105.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS A. Network Interface The point at which a customer's data transmissions first enter the network supporting Frame Relay Service is the network interface. It is the point of interconnection between Company communications facilities and customer terminal equipment. B. Access Link For 4-Wire 56 kbps through 1.544 Mbps Frame Relay Service, FRS Access Links provide access to the ACS Frame Relay Network, connecting customer facilities at the network interface, or connecting other frame relay networks' facilities at the network interface with an Information Transfer service element. The 56 or 64 kbps Access Link utilizes the 56 or 64 kbps Information Transfer service element, and the 1.544 Mbps Access Link utilizes 56 kbps through 1.544 Mbps Information Transfer service elements. Frame Relay uni-directional polling is required on the Access Link when used in conjunction with User-To-Network Information Transfer. Frame Relay bi-directional polling is required on the Access Link when used in conjunction with the Network-To-Network Information Transfer. Company-provided, private line transport facilities or other compatible facilities provided by another company, which has a point-of-presence in the Company central office from which FRS is provided, must be used to access 44.736 Mbps FRS. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (T-M) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 3 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.1 DESCRIPTION 105.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont’d) C. Stand-Alone Access Link A Stand-Alone Access Link connects customer facilities to frame relay service networks provided by service providers other than the Company. It does not connect to an ACS Frame Relay Network. A Stand-Alone Access Link requires uni-direction polling. Private Line transport mileage may be required in conjunction with a Stand-Alone Access Link in order to connect the customer serving wire center, or node, with the serving wire center, or node, of another frame relay service provider. D. Port In the ACS network, ports are the physical entry points for Access Links and the originating and terminating points for Permanent Virtual Connections. Ports include the electronic equipment used in connecting these service elements to the ACS network. On each port, a customer may allocate bandwidth to applications at customer-designated transmission speeds up to 56 or 64, 112 or 128, 224 or 256, 336 or 384, 448 or 512, 672 or 768 kbps, 1.544 Mbps, or 44.736 Mbps. E. Service Point ACS Network Ports are located at ACS Service Points -- geographic locations designated by the Company where the ACS network is to be accessed. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.1 DESCRIPTION 105.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) F. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) The User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) service element transfers information between the User-To-Network Interface (UNI) and the ACS Frame Relay Service Network. User-To-Network Information Transfer provides the physical entry point into the ACS Network for Access Links. The UNIT includes the associated port, unidirectional Permanent Virtual Connections (PVCs) and ACS Frame Relay switching equipment. UNIT PVCs are provisioned at customer-selected Committed Information Rates (CIRs), and at port speeds, dependent upon the customer's data networking requirements. UNIT provides unidirectional polling between the customer's facilities and the ACS FRS Network. G. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) Available on a 4-Wire basis only, the Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) service element transfers information between the ACS Frame Relay Service Network and another frame relay service network. Network-To-Network Information Transfer provides the physical entry point into the ACS Network for Access Links. The NNIT includes the associated port, unidirectional Permanent Virtual Connections (PVCs) and ACS Frame Relay switching equipment. If the other frame relay service network's switch or facility is not in a location served by a Company serving wire center where an ACS FRS switch is located, private line transport charges will apply at rates set forth in Section 5 of the Private Line Services Catalog. NNIT PVCs are provisioned at customer-selected Committed Information Rates (CIRs), and at port speeds, dependent upon the customer's data networking requirements. Detailed CIR information is set forth in technical publications listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. NNIT provides bi-directional polling between the ACS FRS Network and another frame relay service network. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.1 DESCRIPTION 105.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) H. Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC) A PVC is a unidirectional logical channel from one Frame Relay Port to another Frame Relay Port within the ACS Network. PVCs are provisioned, at customer-selected port speeds, with customer-selected Committed Information Rates (CIRs), depending on the customer's data networking requirements. Although higher numbers of PVCs may be provided, depending on an individual customer's traffic characteristics, the following are the recommended maximum numbers of PVCs for designated FRS port speeds: 4-WIRE FRS PORT SPEEDS RECOMMENDED NUMBER OF PVCS 56 or 64 kbps 30 112 or 128 kbps 40 224 or 256 kbps 80 336 or 384 kbps 120 448 or 512 kbps 125 672 or 768 kbps 125 1.544 Mbps 125 44.736 Mbps [1] [1] The maximum number of PVCs, which may be associated with 44.736 Mbps FRS, is 500. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.1 DESCRIPTION 105.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) I. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) When a customer accesses FRS via a private line transport facility which requires multiplexing to be compatible with FRS transmission speeds or requires port to port connectivity, the COCC provides the ongoing interconnection from the multiplexer or other facility port to an FRS port. An FRS Level One COCC provides connectivity at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps. An FRS Level Two COCC provides connectivity at speeds up to 44.736 Mbps. 105.1.3 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS A. Customer Network Management The Customer Network Management (CNM) feature provides the customer with read-only access to information related to service faults, usage and Frame Relay Service configurations. Utilizing Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), customer-provided network management workstations access CNM and receive solicited and unsolicited service information. CNM includes a PVC which is dedicated to the feature. This CNM-dedicated PVC does not affect the total number of PVCs available to the customer per port. The furnishing of Customer Network Management requires certain technical capabilities of the Frame Relay switch and is therefore available only where switches are so equipped. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) (T-M) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.2 GENERAL REGULATIONS In addition to the regulations in Section 2 and Section 3 of this Catalog, the regulations in this section also apply for Frame Relay Service. 105.2.1 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER Error correction is the responsibility of the customer's Frame Relay-compatible terminal equipment. FRS nodes may discard frames with errors and may discard frames when the network supporting FRS is in a state of congestion. Congestion control and recovery mechanisms are as set forth in technical documents listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. 105.3 RATE REGULATIONS A. 4-Wire FRS may be ordered on a month-to-month basis or for fixed periods of one, two, three, four, five, six or seven years. Pricing plans are further described in 2.4.5. B. A subsequent order to add FRS Access Link(s) to an existing fixed-period service pricing plan must be for one fixed-period of one, two, three, four, five, six or seven years, or for the remainder of the existing fixed-period service pricing plan, provided the remainder of the existing plan is at least the minimum period for that plan, as set forth in 2.4.3. If the remaining term is less than the associated minimum period, the minimum term for the added Access Link(s) shall be the associated minimum period. C. A 4-Wire FRS Access Link is available as a component of FRS or as a stand-alone offering. When a Stand-Alone Access Link is ordered, transport mileage may apply, at rates set forth in Section 5 of the Private Line Services Catalog. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (T-M) (M) (M) (T-M) (M) (M) (T-M) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.3 RATE REGULATIONS (Cont'd) D. A customer may access 4-Wire 56 kbps through 1.544 Mbps Frame Relay Service via an FRS Access Link or via Company-provided, digital, private line facilities. When a customer's serving wire center is not an FRS Service Point, the customer may utilize a combination of an FRS Access Link and Company-provided, digital, private line transport facilities to reach the nearest FRS Service Point. If a customer utilizes private line facilities, or private line transport with an FRS Access Link, to access FRS, the associated regulations, rates and charges for such private line facilities shall apply in addition to the rates and charges associated with the Frame Relay service elements. Company-provided, private line transport facilities or other compatible facilities provided by another company, which has a point-of-presence in the Company central office from which FRS is provided, must be used to access 44.736 Mbps FRS. A customer utilizing private line facilities to access FRS would not incur a nonrecurring charge or monthly rate for a Frame Relay Access Link, but would incur all other monthly rates and nonrecurring charges normally associated with the ordering, installation and provisioning of FRS, as set forth in 5.4. E. When a customer orders a Frame Relay PVC or Customer Network Management after Frame Relay Service (FRS) is established, or a customer orders a change to an established FRS PVC assignment or Committed Information Rate, a nonrecurring, subsequent order charge applies in addition to the nonrecurring charge for the element or feature ordered or changed. However, when FRS PVCs or Customer Network Management are ordered or changed on the same customer service configuration at the same time, only one subsequent order charge applies. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 9 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.4 RATE ELEMENTS 105.4.1 GENERAL A. Access Link A nonrecurring charge and monthly rate, both based on the speed of the Access Link (e.g., 56/64 kbps or 1.544 Mbps), apply per Access Link for each physical connection to the ACS FRS Network. B. Stand-Alone Access Link A nonrecurring charge and a monthly rate, based on the speed of the Stand-Alone Access Link, apply per Stand-Alone Access Link for the physical connection between a customer's facilities and a frame relay service network provided by a service provider other than the Company. In addition to this rate element, transport mileage may apply, at rates set forth in Section 5 of the Private Line Services Catalog. C. Information Transfer (UNIT or NNIT) A monthly rate, based on the speed of the port and the number of PVCs assigned to the port, applies per port for each FRS Access Link or digital private line connection to the network supporting FRS. A "First" nonrecurring charge applies for the first unidirectional PVC ordered on an FRS Port. An "Each Additional" nonrecurring charge applies for each additional unidirectional PVC ordered on the same FRS Port, installed at the same time (same due date) as the first PVC. In addition, private line transport charges may apply for NNIT, as set forth in 5.1.2.G. A subsequent nonrecurring order charge applies when PVCs are added, PVC assignments are changed, or CIR is changed on an existing PVC, in addition to the "Each Additional" nonrecurring charges as defined above. D. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) A nonrecurring charge and a monthly rate apply per COCC. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (T-M) (T-M) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 10 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.4 RATE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) 105.4.2 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS A. Customer Network Management (CNM) A nonrecurring charge and monthly rate apply per customer-provided network management workstation which accesses CNM. B. Subsequent Customer Network Management Order A nonrecurring charge applies per order to add Customer Network Management or to add access of a customer-provided network management workstation to an existing Frame Relay Service. This charge applies in addition to the nonrecurring charge associated with the Customer Network Management feature. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (T-M) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 11 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL A. Access Link 1. 4-Wire NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE a. 56 or 64 kbps, per Access Link • Month-to-Month $450.00 $89.00 • 1-Year 450.00 86.25 • 2-Year 450.00 84.50 • 3-Year 450.00 80.00 • 4-Year 450.00 80.00 • 5-Year 450.00 80.00 • 6-Year 450.00 80.00 • 7-Year 450.00 80.00 b. 1.544 Mbps, per Access Link • Month-to-Month 600.00 150.00 • 1-Year 600.00 142.50 • 2-Year 600.00 140.63 • 3-Year 600.00 138.75 • 4-Year 600.00 136.88 • 5-Year 600.00 135.00 • 6-Year 600.00 135.00 • 7-Year 600.00 135.00 (M) Material moved from Section 5. (T-M) (T-M) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 12 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) B. Stand-Alone Access Link 1. 4-Wire NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE a. 56 or 64 kbps, per Access Link • Month-to-Month $450.00 $89.00 • 1-Year 450.00 86.25 • 2-Year 450.00 84.50 • 3-Year 450.00 80.00 • 4-Year 450.00 80.00 • 5-Year 450.00 80.00 • 6-Year 450.00 80.00 • 7-Year 450.00 80.00 (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 13 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL B. Stand-Alone Access Link 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE b. 1.544 Mbps, per Access Link • Month-to-Month $600.00 $150.00 • 1-Year 600.00 142.50 • 2-Year 600.00 140.63 • 3-Year 600.00 138.75 • 4-Year 600.00 136.88 • 5-Year 600.00 135.00 • 6-Year 600.00 135.00 • 7-Year 600.00 135.00 (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire a. 56 or 64 kbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $50.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 65.93 $ 62.63 2 PVCs 124.00 117.80 3 PVCs 159.29 151.33 4 PVCs 187.75 178.36 5 PVCs 212.80 202.16 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 6.27 5.96 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 3.13 2.97 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.56 1.48 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE a. 56 or 64 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 61.81 $ 60.99 2 PVCs 116.25 114.70 3 PVCs 149.33 147.34 4 PVCs 176.02 173.67 5 PVCs 199.50 196.84 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 5.88 5.80 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.93 2.90 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.46 1.44 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 16 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE a. 56 or 64 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 60.16 $ 59.34 2 PVCs 113.15 111.60 3 PVCs 145.35 143.36 4 PVCs 171.32 168.98 5 PVCs 194.18 191.52 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 5.72 5.64 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.86 2.82 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.42 1.40 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE a. 56 or 64 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 59.34 $ 59.34 2 PVCs 111.60 111.60 3 PVCs 143.36 143.36 4 PVCs 168.98 168.98 5 PVCs 191.52 191.52 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 5.64 5.64 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.82 2.82 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.40 1.40 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 18 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) b. 112 or 128 kbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $135.00 $128.25 2 PVCs 141.00 133.95 3 PVCs 147.00 139.65 4 PVCs 153.00 145.35 5 PVCs 159.00 151.05 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 4.00 3.80 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 2.75 2.61 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.55 1.47 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 19 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE b. 112 or 128 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $126.56 $124.88 2 PVCs 132.19 130.43 3 PVCs 137.81 135.98 4 PVCs 143.44 141.53 5 PVCs 149.06 147.08 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 3.75 3.70 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.58 2.54 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.45 1.43 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 20 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE b. 112 or 128 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $123.19 $121.50 2 PVCs 128.66 126.90 3 PVCs 134.14 132.30 4 PVCs 139.61 137.70 5 PVCs 145.09 143.10 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 3.65 3.60 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.51 2.48 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.41 1.40 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 21 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE b. 112 or 128 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $121.50 $121.50 2 PVCs 126.90 126.90 3 PVCs 132.30 132.30 4 PVCs 137.70 137.70 5 PVCs 143.10 143.10 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 3.60 3.60 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.48 2.48 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.40 1.40 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 22 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) c. 224 or 256 kbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $180.00 $171.00 2 PVCs 190.00 180.50 3 PVCs 200.00 190.00 4 PVCs 210.00 199.50 5 PVCs 220.00 209.00 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 7.00 6.65 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 3.50 3.33 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.60 1.52 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 23 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE c. 224 or 256 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $168.75 $166.50 2 PVCs 178.13 175.75 3 PVCs 187.50 185.00 4 PVCs 196.88 194.25 5 PVCs 206.25 203.50 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 6.56 6.48 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.28 3.24 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.50 1.48 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 24 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE c. 224 or 256 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $164.25 $162.00 2 PVCs 173.38 171.00 3 PVCs 182.50 180.00 4 PVCs 191.63 189.00 5 PVCs 200.75 198.00 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 6.39 6.30 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.19 3.15 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.46 1.44 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 25 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE c. 224 or 256 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $162.00 $162.00 2 PVCs 171.00 171.00 3 PVCs 180.00 180.00 4 PVCs 189.00 189.00 5 PVCs 198.00 198.00 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 6.30 6.30 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.15 3.15 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.44 1.44 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 26 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) d. 336 or 384 kbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $230.00 $218.50 2 PVCs 248.00 235.60 3 PVCs 266.00 252.70 4 PVCs 284.00 269.80 5 PVCs 302.00 286.90 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 9.50 9.03 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 3.75 3.56 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.85 1.76 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 27 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE d. 336 or 384 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $215.63 $212.75 2 PVCs 232.50 229.40 3 PVCs 249.38 246.05 4 PVCs 266.25 262.70 5 PVCs 283.13 279.35 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 8.91 8.79 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.52 3.47 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.73 1.71 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 28 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE d. 336 or 384 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $209.88 $207.00 2 PVCs 226.30 223.20 3 PVCs 242.73 239.40 4 PVCs 259.15 255.60 5 PVCs 275.58 271.80 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 8.67 8.55 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.42 3.38 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.69 1.67 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 29 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE d. 336 or 384 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $207.00 $207.00 2 PVCs 223.20 223.20 3 PVCs 239.40 239.40 4 PVCs 255.60 255.60 5 PVCs 271.80 271.80 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 8.55 8.55 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.38 3.38 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.67 1.67 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 30 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) e. 448 or 512 kbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $270.00 $256.50 2 PVCs 295.00 280.25 3 PVCs 320.00 304.00 4 PVCs 345.00 327.75 5 PVCs 370.00 351.50 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 12.35 11.73 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 4.00 3.80 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 2.10 2.00 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 31 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE e. 448 or 512 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $253.13 $249.75 2 PVCs 276.56 272.88 3 PVCs 300.00 296.00 4 PVCs 323.44 319.13 5 PVCs 346.88 342.25 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 11.58 11.42 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.75 3.70 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.97 1.94 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 32 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE e. 448 or 512 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $246.38 $243.00 2 PVCs 269.19 265.50 3 PVCs 292.00 288.00 4 PVCs 314.81 310.50 5 PVCs 337.63 333.00 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 11.27 11.12 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.65 3.60 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.92 1.89 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 33 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE e. 448 or 512 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $243.00 $243.00 2 PVCs 265.50 265.50 3 PVCs 288.00 288.00 4 PVCs 310.50 310.50 5 PVCs 333.00 333.00 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 11.12 11.12 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.60 3.60 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.89 1.89 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 34 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) f. 672 or 768 kbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $355.00 $337.25 2 PVCs 393.55 373.87 3 PVCs 432.10 410.50 4 PVCs 470.65 447.12 5 PVCs 509.20 483.74 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 19.45 18.48 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 6.35 6.03 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 3.15 2.99 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 35 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE f. 672 or 768 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $332.81 $328.38 2 PVCs 368.95 364.03 3 PVCs 405.09 399.69 4 PVCs 441.23 435.35 5 PVCs 477.38 471.01 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 18.23 17.99 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 5.95 5.87 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 2.95 2.91 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 36 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE f. 672 or 768 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $323.94 $319.50 2 PVCs 359.11 354.20 3 PVCs 394.29 388.89 4 PVCs 429.47 423.59 5 PVCs 464.65 458.28 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 17.75 17.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 5.79 5.72 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 2.87 2.84 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 37 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE f. 672 or 768 kbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $319.50 $319.50 2 PVCs 354.20 354.20 3 PVCs 388.89 388.89 4 PVCs 423.59 423.59 5 PVCs 458.28 458.28 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 17.51 17.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 5.72 5.72 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 2.84 2.84 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 38 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) g. 1.544 Mbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $50.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $270.00 $256.50 2 PVCs 389.75 370.26 3 PVCs 509.50 484.03 4 PVCs 629.25 597.79 5 PVCs 749.00 711.55 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 43.90 41.71 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 9.60 9.12 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 3.55 3.37 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 39 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE g. 1.544 Mbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $253.13 $249.75 2 PVCs 365.39 360.52 3 PVCs 477.66 471.29 4 PVCs 589.92 582.06 5 PVCs 702.19 692.83 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 41.16 40.61 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 9.00 8.88 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 3.33 3.28 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 40 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE g. 1.544 Mbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $246.38 $243.00 2 PVCs 355.65 350.78 3 PVCs 464.92 458.55 4 PVCs 574.19 566.33 5 PVCs 683.46 674.10 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 40.06 39.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 8.76 8.64 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 3.24 3.20 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 41 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE g. 1.544 Mbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $243.00 $243.00 2 PVCs 350.78 350.78 3 PVCs 458.55 458.55 4 PVCs 566.33 566.33 5 PVCs 674.10 674.10 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 39.51 39.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 8.64 8.64 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 3.20 3.20 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 42 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) h. 44.736 Mbps - UNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 50.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $4,000.00 $3,800.00 2 through 50 PVCs[2] 45.00 42.75 51 through 140 PVCs[3] 20.00 19.00 141 through 240 PVCs[4] 15.00 14.25 241 through 500 PVCs[5] 10.00 9.50 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 1, up to and including 50, add this rate to the monthly rate for 1 PVC. [3] For each PVC over 50, up to and including 140, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 50 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 140, up to and including 240, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 140 PVCs. [5] For each PVC over 240, up to and including 500, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 240 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 43 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE h. 44.736 Mbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $3,750.00 $3,700.00 2 through 50 PVCs[1] 42.19 41.63 51 through 140 PVCs[2] 18.75 18.50 141 through 240 PVCs[3] 14.06 13.88 241 through 500 PVCs[4] 9.38 9.25 [1] For each PVC over 1, up to and including 50, add this rate to the monthly rate for 1 PVC. [2] For each PVC over 50, up to and including 140, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 50 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 140, up to and including 240, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 140 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 240, up to and including 500, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 240 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 44 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE h. 44.736 Mbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $3,650.00 $3,600.00 2 through 50 PVCs[1] 41.06 40.50 51 through 140 PVCs[2] 18.25 18.00 141 through 240 PVCs[3] 13.69 13.50 241 through 500 PVCs[4] 9.13 9.00 [1] For each PVC over 1, up to and including 50, add this rate to the monthly rate for 1 PVC. [2] For each PVC over 50, up to and including 140, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 50 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 140, up to and including 240, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 140 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 240, up to and including 500, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 240 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 45 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL C. User-To-Network Information Transfer (UNIT) 1. 4-Wire (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE h. 44.736 Mbps - UNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $3,600.00 $3,600.00 2 through 50 PVCs[1] 40.50 40.50 51 through 140 PVCs[2] 18.00 18.00 141 through 240 PVCs[3] 13.50 13.50 241 through 500 PVCs[4] 9.00 9.00 [1] For each PVC over 1, up to and including 50, add this rate to the monthly rate for 1 PVC. [2] For each PVC over 50, up to and including 140, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 50 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 140, up to and including 240, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 140 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 240, up to and including 500, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 240 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 46 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) D. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) 1. 56 or 64 kbps - NNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $50.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 39.56 $37.58 2 PVCs 74.40 70.68 3 PVCs 93.18 88.52 4 PVCs 96.66 91.83 5 PVCs 100.10 95.10 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 1.18 1.12 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 0.25 0.24 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 0.20 0.19 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 47 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.1. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE 56 or 64 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $37.09 $36.59 2 PVCs 69.75 68.82 3 PVCs 87.36 86.19 4 PVCs 90.62 89.41 5 PVCs 93.84 92.59 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 1.11 1.09 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 0.23 0.23 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.19 0.19 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 48 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.1. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE 56 or 64 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $36.10 $35.60 2 PVCs 67.89 66.96 3 PVCs 85.03 83.86 4 PVCs 88.20 86.99 5 PVCs 91.34 90.09 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 1.08 1.06 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 0.23 0.23 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.18 0.18 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 49 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.1. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE 56 or 64 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $35.60 $35.60 2 PVCs 66.96 66.96 3 PVCs 83.86 83.86 4 PVCs 86.99 86.99 5 PVCs 90.09 90.09 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 1.06 1.06 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 0.23 0.23 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.18 0.18 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 50 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) (Cont'd) 2. 112 or 128 kbps - NNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $100.00 $ 95.00 2 PVCs 105.50 100.23 3 PVCs 111.00 105.45 4 PVCs 116.50 110.68 5 PVCs 122.00 115.90 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 2.50 2.38 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 1.50 1.43 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 0.60 0.57 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 51 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.2. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE 112 or 128 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 93.75 $ 92.50 2 PVCs 98.91 97.59 3 PVCs 104.06 102.68 4 PVCs 109.22 107.76 5 PVCs 114.38 112.85 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 2.34 2.31 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 1.41 1.39 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.56 0.56 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 52 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.2. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE 112 or 128 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 91.25 $ 90.00 2 PVCs 96.27 94.95 3 PVCs 101.29 99.90 4 PVCs 106.31 104.85 5 PVCs 111.33 109.80 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 2.28 2.25 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 1.37 1.35 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.55 0.54 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 53 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.2. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE 112 or 128 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $ 90.00 $ 90.00 2 PVCs 94.95 94.95 3 PVCs 99.90 99.90 4 PVCs 104.85 104.85 5 PVCs 109.80 109.80 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 2.25 2.25 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 1.35 1.35 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.54 0.54 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 54 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) (Cont'd) 3. 224 or 256 kbps - NNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $145.00 $137.75 2 PVCs 154.50 146.78 3 PVCs 164.00 155.80 4 PVCs 173.50 164.83 5 PVCs 183.00 173.85 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 6.50 6.18 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 2.15 2.04 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.05 1.00 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 55 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.3. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE 224 or 256 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $135.94 $134.13 2 PVCs 144.84 142.91 3 PVCs 153.75 151.70 4 PVCs 162.66 160.49 5 PVCs 171.56 169.28 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 6.09 6.01 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.02 1.99 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.98 0.97 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 56 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.3. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE 224 or 256 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $132.31 $130.50 2 PVCs 140.98 139.05 3 PVCs 149.65 147.60 4 PVCs 158.32 156.15 5 PVCs 166.99 164.70 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 5.93 5.85 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 1.96 1.94 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.96 0.95 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 57 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.3. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE 224 or 256 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $130.50 $130.50 2 PVCs 139.05 139.05 3 PVCs 147.60 147.60 4 PVCs 156.15 156.15 5 PVCs 164.70 164.70 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 5.85 5.85 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 1.94 1.94 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.95 0.95 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 58 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) (Cont'd) 4. 336 or 384 kbps - NNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $195.00 $185.25 2 PVCs 212.50 201.88 3 PVCs 230.00 218.50 4 PVCs 247.50 235.13 5 PVCs 265.00 251.75 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 9.00 8.55 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 2.40 2.28 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.20 1.14 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 59 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.4. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE 336 or 384 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $182.81 $180.38 2 PVCs 199.22 196.56 3 PVCs 215.63 212.75 4 PVCs 232.03 228.94 5 PVCs 248.44 245.13 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 8.44 8.33 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.25 2.22 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.13 1.11 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 60 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.4. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE 336 or 384 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $177.94 $175.50 2 PVCs 193.91 191.25 3 PVCs 209.88 207.00 4 PVCs 225.84 222.75 5 PVCs 241.81 238.50 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 8.21 8.10 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.19 2.16 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.10 1.08 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 61 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.4. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE 336 or 384 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $175.50 $175.50 2 PVCs 191.25 191.25 3 PVCs 207.00 207.00 4 PVCs 222.75 222.75 5 PVCs 238.50 238.50 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 8.10 8.10 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.16 2.16 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.08 1.08 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 62 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) (Cont'd) 5. 448 or 512 kbps - NNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $235.00 $223.25 2 PVCs 260.00 247.00 3 PVCs 285.00 270.75 4 PVCs 310.00 294.50 5 PVCs 335.00 318.25 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 12.35 11.73 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 2.85 2.71 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.30 1.24 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 63 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.5. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE 448 or 512 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $220.31 $217.38 2 PVCs 243.75 240.50 3 PVCs 267.19 263.63 4 PVCs 290.63 286.75 5 PVCs 314.06 309.88 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 11.58 11.42 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.67 2.64 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.22 1.20 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 64 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.5. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE 448 or 512 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $214.44 $211.50 2 PVCs 237.25 234.00 3 PVCs 260.06 256.50 4 PVCs 282.88 279.00 5 PVCs 305.69 301.50 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 11.27 11.12 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.60 2.57 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.19 1.17 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 65 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.5. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE 448 or 512 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $211.50 $211.50 2 PVCs 234.00 234.00 3 PVCs 256.50 256.50 4 PVCs 279.00 279.00 5 PVCs 301.50 301.50 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 11.12 11.12 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 2.57 2.57 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.17 1.17 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 66 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) (Cont'd) 6. 672 or 768 kbps - NNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $250.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $325.00 $308.75 2 PVCs 363.55 345.37 3 PVCs 402.10 382.00 4 PVCs 440.65 418.62 5 PVCs 479.20 455.24 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 19.45 18.48 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 4.25 4.04 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 1.90 1.81 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 67 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.6. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE 672 or 768 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $304.69 $300.63 2 PVCs 340.83 336.28 3 PVCs 376.97 371.94 4 PVCs 413.11 407.60 5 PVCs 449.25 443.26 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 18.23 17.99 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.98 3.93 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.78 1.76 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 68 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.6. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE 672 or 768 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $296.56 $292.50 2 PVCs 331.74 327.20 3 PVCs 366.92 361.89 4 PVCs 402.09 396.59 5 PVCs 437.27 431.28 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 17.75 17.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.88 3.83 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.73 1.71 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 69 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.6. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE 672 or 768 kbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $292.50 $292.50 2 PVCs 327.20 327.20 3 PVCs 361.89 361.89 4 PVCs 396.59 396.59 5 PVCs 431.28 431.28 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 17.51 17.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 3.83 3.83 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 1.71 1.71 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 70 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D. Network-To-Network Information Transfer (NNIT) (Cont'd) 7. 1.544 Mbps - NNIT NONRECURRING CHARGE • First PVC $50.00 • Each additional PVC 20.00 • Subsequent PVC(s) order charge, per order[1] 75.00 MONTHLY RATES MONTH-TO-MONTH 1-YEAR RATE RATE • Per port with: 1 PVC $240.00 $228.00 2 PVCs 359.75 341.76 3 PVCs 479.50 455.53 4 PVCs 599.25 569.29 5 PVCs 719.00 683.05 6 through 14 PVCs[2] 43.90 41.71 15 through 24 PVCs[3] 9.60 9.12 Each additional PVC over 24[4] 0.50 0.48 [1] When appropriate, the “Each additional PVC” nonrecurring charge applies in addition to the “Subsequent PVC order charge”. [2] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [4] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 71 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.7. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 2-YEAR 3-YEAR RATE RATE 1.544 Mbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $225.00 $222.00 2 PVCs 337.27 332.77 3 PVCs 449.53 443.54 4 PVCs 561.80 554.31 5 PVCs 674.06 665.08 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 41.16 40.61 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 9.00 8.88 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.47 0.46 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 72 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.7. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 4-YEAR 5-YEAR RATE RATE 1.544 Mbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $219.00 $216.00 2 PVCs 328.27 323.78 3 PVCs 437.54 431.55 4 PVCs 546.82 539.33 5 PVCs 656.09 647.10 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 40.06 39.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 8.76 8.64 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.46 0.45 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 73 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL D.7. (Cont'd) MONTHLY RATES 6-YEAR 7-YEAR RATE RATE 1.544 Mbps - NNIT • Per port with: 1 PVC $216.00 $216.00 2 PVCs 323.78 323.78 3 PVCs 431.55 431.55 4 PVCs 539.33 539.33 5 PVCs 647.10 647.10 6 through 14 PVCs[1] 39.51 39.51 15 through 24 PVCs[2] 8.64 8.64 Each additional PVC over 24[3] 0.45 0.45 [1] For each PVC over 5, up to and including 14, add this rate to the monthly rate for 5 PVCs. [2] For each PVC over 14, up to and including 24, add this rate to the total monthly rate for 14 PVCs. [3] For each PVC over 24 add this rate to the total monthly rate for 24 PVCs. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 74 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) E. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) 1. FRS Level One COCC (56/64 kbps and 1.544 Mbps)[1] NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE Per COCC • Month-to-Month $25.00 $0.65 • 1-Year 25.00 0.62 • 2-Year 25.00 0.62 • 3-Year 25.00 0.60 • 4-Year 25.00 0.60 • 5-Year 25.00 0.59 • 6-Year 25.00 0.59 • 7-Year 25.00 0.59 [1] The FRS Level One COCC rate and charge are the same for 56/64 kbps and 1.544 Mbps applications. (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 75 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES 105.5.1 GENERAL E. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) (Cont’d) 2. FRS Level Two COCC (44.736 Mbps) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE Per COCC • Month-to-Month $50.00 $10.00 • 1-Year 50.00 9.50 • 2-Year 50.00 9.38 • 3-Year 50.00 9.25 • 4-Year 50.00 9.13 • 5-Year 50.00 9.00 • 6-Year 50.00 9.00 • 7-Year 50.00 9.00 (M) Material moved from Section 5. (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-007 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 105 Page 76 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 1 Issued: 10-17-2018 Effective: 10-28-2018 105. OBSOLETE FRAME RELAY SERVICE 105.5 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) 105.5.2 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS A. Customer Network Management NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE 1. Per workstation access • Month-to-Month $14.00 $67.00 • 1-Year 14.00 63.65 • 2-Year 14.00 62.81 • 3-Year 14.00 61.98 • 4-Year 14.00 61.14 • 5-Year 14.00 60.30 • 6-Year 14.00 60.30 • 7-Year 14.00 60.30 B. Subsequent Customer Network Management Order NONRECURRING CHARGE • Per subsequent CNM order on existing service $35.00 (M) Material moved from Section 5. (T-M) (M) (M) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-18-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 28, 2018 Boise, Idaho , Qwest Corporation ct/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrtaty Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 6 index Page 1 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11 -7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 6. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DCUMi NT IS SUBJF(1 ro CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1.2-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secr Services Catalog SECTION 7 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index SOUTHERN IDAHO Page 1[l] November 17, 2012 Release 3 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 7. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE . 0 [1] This page cancels Section 7 of the Catalog and moves it to Section 107. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS HIS DOC UMI N r IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 1O. 1245-SID Qwes Idaho Public Utilities Commissont Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrhy Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 November 17, 2012 Index Page 1 • SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued. 11-72012 Effective: 1.I-172012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE SUBJECT PACE Description.................................................................................................. 1 General........................................................................................................ 2 General Terms and Conditions ................................................................... 10 Obligations of the Customer....................................................................... 10 Rateand Charges ........................................................................................ 13 RateElements ............................................................................................. 11 RateRegulations......................................................................................... 10 Service Elements......................................................................................... 2 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED A'. [HIS DOCUMENT is SUBJI CT ro CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15--SID iss)on Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Se Idaho Public Utilities Commcrh1'ay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page i November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1172012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION Services contained in this section are Grandfathered to existing customers and will not be provided as new items of service. Existing services will be subject to the following service limitations: A.Customers can add, rearrange and move, or continue to subscribe to ATM Service provided equipment and facilities are available. B.Customers with a fixed service period of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 years, may complete the fixed service period. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN tHIS DOCUMENT SUF3H CT ro CHANGE.il TRANSMITTAL NO. I 2- i5SiD Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturvLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)n Advanced Communications Office of the SecrIah! Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 2 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued: ii -7-201.2 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 107, OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.1 GENERAL ATM Cell Relay Service (ATM CRS) is a connection-oriented communications service that uses Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology. The service provides customers with high-speed, low-delay information transfer capacity, which supports applications that require near- real-time mixed media (data, video, image, voice) communications among multiple locations. ATM CRS supports transmission speeds of up to 1.544 Mbps, 45 Mbps, or 155 Mbps. ATM CRS requires the use of customer terminal equipment that functions as a multiplexer/router/hub or ATM switch. This terminal equipment must be purchased separately from the ATM CRS and must conform to standards set forth in technical publications listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. The terminal equipment accumulates customer traffic and puts it into a cell relay format suitable for transmission over the ATM CRS Network. . ATM CRS conforms to standards set forth in technical publications listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications and is only provided over fiber optic facilities. A customer may request that the facilities used to provide ATM CRS be specially routed. The regulations, rates and charges for Special Facilities Routing (i.e., Diversity) are set forth in the Private Line Transport Services Catalog, Section 4. ATM connectivity between two separate LSS networks and/or between LSS and ATM CRS locations can be used for LSS provisioning. The connection between the LSS/LSS or LSS/ATM CRS locations can be an ATM CRS virtual channel connection (VCC). VCCs for the LSS/LSS or LSS to ATM CRS option are only available as Unspecified Bit Rate Service (UBRS) for Monthly or fixed period service rate plans of 12, 36 and 60 Months. 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS A. Network Interface The network interface is the point at which a customer's data transmissions first enter the network supporting ATM CRS. It is the point of interconnection between Company communication facilities and customer terminal equipment. . NOTICE THE IN1ORM\TION. CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT ISSUBJI (T O(HANG1 TRANSMITTAL NO. 1 2-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissi1on Advanced Communications Office of the SecrLay Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 3 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERNIDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho .Issued: 11 -7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM. CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) B.Optical Access Link (OAL) An ATM CRS Optical Access Link provides access to the ATM CRS Network, connecting customer facilities at the network interface with a corresponding ATM CRS Cell Transfer element. An ATM CRS Optical Access Link is only available at ATM CRS Service Points. In lieu of an Optical Access Link, a Private Line Transport Service DS 1 Channel Termination (CT) with Clear Channel Capability, provided by the Company on an individual case basis, is used to provide access to a 1.544 Mbps Cell Transfer. The DS CT provides access to the Company ATM CRS Network switch via a connection between customer facilities at the network interface and a Cell Transfer service element. At the customer's option, an ATM CRS Optical Access Link may be ordered with 45 or 155 Mbps OAL Protection. C.Stand-Alone Optical Access Link (SAOAL) An ATM CRS Stand-Alone Optical Access Link connects customer facilities to • cell relay networks provided by service providers other than the Company. Private line transport mileage and/or a Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) may be required in conjunction with a Stand-Alone Optical Access Link in order to connect the customer's serving wire center, or node, with the serving wire center, or node of another ATM CRS provider. At the customer's option, a Stand-Alone Optical Access Link may be ordered with 45 or 155 Mbps OAL Protection. D.Port ATM CRS ports are the physical entry points into the ATM CRS Network for Optical Access Links or other compatible private line facilities, such as DS3 Service. They are the originating and terminating points for Virtual Path Connections and Virtual Channel Connections. Ports include the electronic equipment used in connecting these service elements to the ATM CRS Network. They enable customers to allocate bandwidth to applications at customer- designated transmission speeds up to 1.544 Mbps, 45 Mbps, or 155 Mbps. E.Service Points Service Points are geographic locations designated by the Company where the ATM CRS Network can be accessed and where ATM CRS Network ports are located. The ATM CRS Service Points are listed in the National Exchange Carrier Association FCC Tariff No. 4. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ONFAINI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT Ni IS S.URJF( I TO (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink Q( Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secrh Wy Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 4 November 17 2012 SOUTHERNIDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) F. Logical Connections ATM CRS logical connections function as bidirectional Permanent Virtual Connections (PVCs), but they are priced as unidirectional PVCs. ATM CRS will support a point-to-point logical connection configuration between two ports. Logical Connections may be any of three service types: Peak Cell Rate Service, Sustained Cell Rate Service, or Unspecified Bit Rate Service. 1.Virtual Channel Connections (VCC) A VCC is a logical connection from one ATM CRS Port to another CRS Port within the ATM CRS Network. VCCs are available as Peak Cell Rate Service and/or Sustained Cell Rate Service, at customer-selected Cell Transfer speed(s), depending on the customer's networking requirements. VCCs are also available as Unspecified Bit Rate • Service. 2.Virtual Path Connections (VPC) A VPC is a collection of VCCs routed together as one unit, for which the customer has the ability to manage the speeds of the individual VCCs within the customer-designated Cell Transfer element. VPCs are available as Peak Cell Rate Service, at customer-selected Cell Transfer speed(s), depending on the customer's networking requirements. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUME.NT IS SUBJF( 110 (HANOI- TRANSMITTAL O. 1.2-15-S1D Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissjçn Advanced Communications Office of the Secra!y Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 5 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS F. Logical Connections (Cont'd) 3. Logical connections are available at base speeds determined by the speed of the ATM CRS Port (1.544 Mbps, 45 Mbps, or 155 Mbps). The customer selects a base speed, which includes appropriate overheads, for each VCC or VPC they purchase. The bandwidth for each VCC or VPC is determined by multiplying the base speed by the number of increments of that base speed selected by the customer. The maximum bandwidth for multiple logical connections on an ATM CRS Port is determined by the customer selected service types. Logical connections are available at the following incremental base speeds: AVAILABLE BASE SPEEDS: On a 1.544 Mbps Port: Increments of 64 kbps Increments of 75 kbps Increments of 1 Mbps On a 45 Mbps Port: Increments of 64 kbps Increments of 75 kbps Increments of 1 Mbps Increments of 1.544 Mbps Increments of 1.787 Mbps Increments of 40.7 Mbps On a 155 Mbps Port: Increments of 64 kbps Increments of 75 kbps Increments of 1 Mbps Increments of 1.544 Mbps Increments of 1.787 Mbps Increments of 40.7 Mbps Increments of 149 Mbps Unspecified Bit Rate Service offers bandwidth increments of 64 kbps and 1 Mbps. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1.245-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,Lpn Office of the SecrhWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 • Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS F.3. (Cont'd) A customer may select multiple logical connections of different service classes on an ATM CRS Port. The speed of a Peak Cell Rate Service logical connection may not exceed the maximum speed associated with its customer-selected incremental base speed, which includes appropriate overheads. The speed of a Sustained Cell Rate Service logical connection may not exceed 80 percent of the maximum speed associated with its incremental base speed; e.g., if a customer selects a base speed of 10 Mbps for a Sustained Cell Rate Service logical connection on a 45 Mbps port, the maximum speed for that logical connection may not exceed 80 percent of 10 Mbps, or 8 Mbps. The logical connection of an Unspecified Bit Rate Service may not exceed the maximum speed associated with its customer-selected incremental base speed, which includes appropriate overhead. The maximum subscription bandwidth allowed is limited by the number of increments of the base speed selected by the customer. For the 64 kbps service increment, the maximum subscription • bandwidth allowed is 23 x 64 kbps, regardless of port speeds. For the 1 Mbps service increment, the maximum subscription bandwidths allowed are: 1 Mbps for the 1.544 Mbps port, 40 Mbps for the 45 Mbps port and 149 Mbps for the 155 Mbps port. For Peak Cell Rate Service, a single logical connection configuration is also available. A customer may choose a single 40.7 Mbps logical connection on a 45 Mbps port or a single 149 Mbps logical connection on a 155 Mbps port. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the Sec rbtay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 • Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-7-201.2 Effective: 11-17-201.2 107, OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) G. Service Types ATM CRS logical connections are provided as Peak Cell Rate Service, Sustained Cell Rate Service or Unspecified Bit Rate Service. The industry standard designation for Peak Cell Rate Service is Service Class A; for Sustained Cell Rate Service it is Service Class C. 1. Peak Cell Rate Service (PCRS) PCRS supports VCCs and VPCs carrying a constant flow of information (Constant Bit Rate traffic). The Peak Cell Rate, which includes appropriate overheads, is the customer-selected, upper limit for cell traffic on a logical connection. When cells exceed the Peak Cell Rate for PCRS logical connections, the cells are discarded upon entry into the ATM CRS Network. The Peak Cell Rate of a PCRS logical connection must be less than the speed of the associated port. 0 2. Sustained Cell Rate Service (SCRS) SCRS supports VCCs carrying information at variable rates (Variable Bit Rate traffic). The Sustained Cell Rate is the average cell rate, including bursts above the average, that can be sustained over an SCRS logical connection. The customer selects the bandwidth characteristics of an SCRS logical connection by choosing the appropriate Sustained Cell Rate, which includes appropriate overheads. A customer may also select maximum burst size levels of 32 cells, 100 cells or 200 cells over a SCRS logical connection at a rate equal to a Peak Cell Rate chosen by the customer, or the port speed when no Peak Cell Rate is chosen; however, the average cell rate transmitted for that logical connection must equal the chosen Sustained Cell Rate. The Peak Cell Rate of an SCRS logical connection may equal, but not exceed, the speed of the associated port. • Maximum Burst Size The Maximum Burst Size (MBS) is the maximum number of cells that can be sent at the Peak Cell Rate on a SCRS connection at one time. Sending a burst at MBS will require the connection to reduce its data rate below the SCR for a fixed period of time before the next burst can be sent. The maximum burst size levels available are: 32 Cells (accommodating one Ethernet Frame); 100 Cells (accommodating one Token Ring Frame); and 200 Cells (accommodating one FDDI Frame). The 32 cell burst size will be assigned unless the customer requests a different level. The MBS of 200 Cells will require the customer to purchase a minimum of 4 Mbps of SCRS service for each VCC. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED EN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBII CI 1O(HAMil TRANSMITTAL O. 1.2-15-SID Qwest Corporation ct/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissJon Office of the Secr Advanced Communications hLay ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 • November 17, 2012 Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS G.Service Types (Cont'd) 3. Unspecified Bit Rate Service (UBRS) UBRS is a best-effort service designed to support a connection carrying information at variable rates, over VCCs. The UBR Service does not provide traffic related service guarantees, specifically, per-connection bandwidth, cell loss, cell transfer delay and cell delay variation. The Peak Cell Rate, which includes appropriate overheads, is the customer-selected, upper limit of cell traffic on a logical connection. The Peak Cell Rate specifies the highest cell rate that will be allowed on a connection, but not guaranteed. When cells exceed the Peak Cell Rate for UBRS logical connections, the cells are discarded upon entry into the ATM CRS Network. The Peak Cell Rate of a UBRS logical connection, may equal but not exceed the speed of the associated port. H.Cell Transfer The Cell Transfer service element transfers information between Network . Interfaces connected to the ATM CRS network at speed(s) selected by the customer for VCCs or VPCs. The customer must designate whether the Cell Transfer for each logical connection is PCRS, SCRS or UBRS. The total speed of Cell Transfer elements on a customer's ATM CRS configuration may not exceed the associated Cell Transfer port speed (1.544 Mbps, 45 Mbps, or 155 Mbps). "First" nonrecurring charge applies for the first logical connection VCC on an LSS/LSS or LSS/ATM CRS configuration. "Each Additional" nonrecurring charge applies for each additional logical connection ordered on the same LSS/LSS or LSS/ATM CRS configuration, installed at the same time (same due date) for the same customer of record as the first logical connection. A nonrecurring charge applies for each subsequent order to add or to change logical connections on an existing LSS/LSS or LSS/ATM CRS configuration, in addition to the "First" and "Each Additional" nonrecurring charges for the logical connections in the subsequent order. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AINI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJI CT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 1O. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissjpn Advanced Communications Office of the Sec4Lay Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 9 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERNIDAHO d Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued: -7-0i2 Effective: 11-17-2012 107, OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.1 DESCRIPTION 107.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) I.Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) A COCC provides the ongoing interconnection from the multiplexer or other Company facility port to an ATM CRS port when a customer accesses ATM CRS via a private line transport facility which requires multiplexing to be compatible with ATM CRS transmission speeds or requires port-to-port connectivity. A COCC may be used to connect a Stand Alone Optical Access Link to a private line transport facility. The COCC provides connectivity up to 1.544 Mbps, or up to 45 Mbps, or up to 155 Mbps. J.45 or 155 Mbps OAL Protection Option 45 or 155 Mbps OAL Protection provides added reliability to ATM CRS transported over fiber optic facilities. This feature provides a separate facility path within the same conduit, cable, sheath, etc. for the protection system between the Serving Wire Center and the network interface. The 45 or 155 Mbps OAL • Protection does not provide for diverse facilities into the building. A customer may request that the facilities used to provide ATM CRS be specially routed. The regulations, rates and charges for Special Facilities Routing (i.e., Diversity) are set forth in the Private Line Transport Services Catalog, Section 4. This added protection is provided by ensuring that backup electronics and two logically separate facility paths are used in the provisioning of the service. One primary (or working) service path is established between the Serving Wire Center and the customer designated premises. In addition, a protect path is provisioned between the customer designated premises and the Serving Wire Center. In the event that the working facility or electronics fail, or the service performance becomes impaired; i.e., the bit error rate degenerates to less than or equal to 10 to the minus 6, the facility automatically switches to the service protect path in order to maintain a near continuous flow of information between locations. The offering of 45 or 155 Mbps OAL Protection contemplates the use of existing facilities. Facilities requiring Special Construction will be provided as set forth in Section 3. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ONTAINF D IN THIS DOCUMENT NI IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissj 1qn Advanced Communications Office of the SecrLay Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 10 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho .ssue 1 1-70i2 Effective: 1.1 -17 -2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.2 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS In addition to the regulations in Section 2 and Section 3 of this Catalog, the regulations in this section also apply for ATM CRS. 107.2.1 OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER The customer is responsible for providing compatible terminal equipment capable of shaping cell transmissions to the parameters associated with the ATM CRS service types. 107.3 RATE REGULATIONS A.The initial order for ATM CRS must be for a fixed period of one, two, three, four, five, six or seven years, as set forth in 2.4.5. At the end of the initial service period, the service may be obtained on a month-to-month basis or for any of the specified fixed service periods. B.A subsequent order to add ATM CRS Optical Access Links and/or logical • connections to an existing fixed-period service pricing plan must be for a fixed period of one, two, three, four, five, six or seven years, or for the remainder of the existing fixed-period service pricing plan, provided the remainder of the existing plan is at least the minimum period for that plan, as set forth in 2.4.3. If the remaining term is less than the associated minimum period, the minimum term for the added Access Link and/or logical connections shall be the associated minimum period. C.ATM CRS rate elements may be ordered under any combination of optional pricing plans. For example, the customer may order the Access Link under the three-year fixed period service pricing plan and the Cell Transfer under the five- year fixed period service pricing plan. D.A customer may access ATM CRS via an Optical Access Link or via Company- provided, digital private line services. A customer utilizing private line services to access ATM CRS does not incur a nonrecurring charge or monthly rate for an ATM CRS Optical Access Link, but does incur a monthly rate and a nonrecurring charge for a Central Office Connecting Channel and all other monthly rates and nonrecurring charges normally associated with the ordering, installation and provisioning of ATM CRS, as set forth in 107.4. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJECT I TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page .1 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,içn Office of the Sec rIay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.4 RATE ELEMENTS 107.4.1 GENERAL A.Optical Access Link (OAL) A nonrecurring charge and monthly rate, both based on the speed of the OAL (45 Mbps or 155 Mbps), apply per OAL for each physical connection to the ATM CRS Network. When a customer accesses a 1.544 Mbps ATM CRS via a Private Line Transport Service DS 1 Channel Termination (CT) with Clear Channel Capability, rates and charges are established on an individual case basis. At the customer's option, an ATM CRS Optical Access Link may be ordered with 45 or 155 Mbps OAL Protection. B.Stand-Alone Optical Access Link (SAOAL) A nonrecurring charge and monthly rate, both based on the speed of the SAOAL (45 Mbps or 155 Mbps), apply per SAOAL. At the customer's option, a Stand- Alone Optical Access Link may be ordered with 45 or 155 Mbps OAL Protection. 0 C. Cell Transfer A "First" nonrecurring charge per port applies for the first logical connection (VCC or VPC) on an ATM CRS configuration. An "Each Additional" nonrecurring charge applies for each additional logical connection ordered on the same ATM CRS Port, installed at the same time (same due date) for the same customer of record as the first logical connection. A Cell Transfer fixed nonrecurring charge also applies per port, based on the port speed. A Cell Transfer fixed monthly rate applies, based on the port speed, for each ATM CRS OAL or DS3 connection to the network supporting ATM CRS. A variable, or incremental, monthly rate applies per port for the total bandwidth of all logical connections, based on the service type (PCRS, SCRS or UBRS) of the connections, the speed of the port and the number of 64 kbps, 75 kbps, 1 Mbps, 1.544 Mbps, 1.787 Mbps, 40.7 Mbps or 149 Mbps increments of bandwidth, or fraction thereof, provided on the connections. Bandwidth increments of 75 kbps, 1.787 Mbps, 40.7 Mbps, and 149 Mbps are not available with SCRS. Bandwidth increments of 75 kbps, 1.544 Mbps, 1.787 Mbps, 40.7 Mbps and 149 Mbps are not available with UBRS. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANCE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secr Wy Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 12 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERNIDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho SSUCu. 11-7-201.2 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.4 RATE ELEMENTS 107.4.1 GENERAL C.Cell Transfer (Cont'd) A SCRS Maximum Burst Size monthly rate applies per VCC, based on the cell level of 100 or 200. In addition, the Maximum Burst Size of 200 Cells requires the customer to purchase a minimum of 4 Mbps of SCRS for each VCC. A nonrecurring charge applies for each subsequent order to add or to change logical connections on an existing ATM CRS configuration, in addition to the "First" and "Each Additional" nonrecurring charges for the logical connections in the subsequent order. D.Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) A nonrecurring charge and a monthly rate apply per COCC, based on the connectivity speed of the COCC. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN THIS DOCUMENT Ni IS SUBJI C 110 (HANG! TRANSMITTAL 1O. 1215SiD Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrLaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation cl/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 13 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL A. Optical Access Link NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE 1.45 Mbps, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N7AXM $ 840.27 $ 710.00 • 1-Year N7AX1 840.27 674.50 • 2-Year N7AX2 840.27 665.63 • 3-Year N7AX3 840.27 656.75 • 4-Year N7AX4 840.27 647.88 • • 5-Year • 6-Year N7AX5 840.27 639.00 N7AX6 840.27 639.00 • 7-Year N7AX7 840.27 639.00 2.45 Mbps optioned with protection, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N7ARM 1,320.00 1,200.00 • 1-Year N7AR1 1,320.00 1,140.00 • 2-Year N7AR2 1,320.00 1,125.00 • 3-Year N7AR3 1,320.00 1,110.00 • 4-Year N7AR4 1,320.00 1,095.00 • 5-Year N7AR5 1,320.00 1,080.00 • 6-Year N7AR6 1,320.00 1,080.00 • 7-Year N7AR7 1,320.00 1,080.00 NOTICE THE 1N10RM'\Tl0N CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI( F 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL TO. 1.2-1.5-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secr , a)y ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 • Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-7-2012 - Effective: 11-17-201.2 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL A. Optical Access Link (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE 3.155 Mbps, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N7AXM $ 860.24 $1,060.00 • 1-Year N7AX1 860.24 1,007.00 • 2-Year N7AX2 860.24 993.75 • 3-Year N7AX3 860.24 980.50 • 4-Year N7AX4 860.24 967.25 • 5-Year N7AX5 860.24 954.00 • 6-Year N7AX6 860.24 954.00 • 7-Year N7AX7 860.24 954.00 4.155 Mbps optioned with protection, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N7ARM 1,380.00 2,800.00 • 1-Year N7AR1 1,380.00 2,660.00 • 2-Year N7AR2 1,380.00 2,625.00 • 3-Year N7AR3 1,380.00 2,590.00 • 4-Year N7AR4 1,380.00 2,555.00 • 5-Year N7AR5 1,380.00 2,520.00 • 6-Year N7AR6 1,380.00 2,520.00 • 7-Year N7AR7 1,380.00 2,520.00 NOTICE THE INI-ORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SIJBJI (r JO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NIO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,ipn Office of the Secrta)y ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 • Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued 11-7-201.2 -- Effectte 1.1-17-201.2 . 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) B. Stand-Alone Optical Access Link NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE 1.45 Mbps, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N1AXM $ 840.27 $ 710.00 • 1-Year N1AX1 840.27 674.50 • 2-Year N1AX2 840.27 665.63 • 3-Year N1AX3 840.27 656.75 • 4-Year N1AX4 840.27 647.88 • 5-Year N1AX5 840.27 639.00 • 6-Year N1AX6 840.27 639.00 • 7-Year N1AX7 840.27 639.00 2.45 Mbps optioned with protection, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N1ARM 1,320.00 1,200.00 • 1-Year N1AR1 1,320.00 1,140.00 • 2-Year N1AR2 1,320.00 1,125.00 • 3-Year N1AR3 1,320.00 1,110.00 • 4-Year N1AR4 1,320.00 1,095.00 • 5-Year N1AR5 1,320.00 1,080.00 • 6-Year N1AR6 1,320.00 1,080.00 • 7-Year N1AR7 1,320.00 1,080.00 . NOTICE THE F.NFOR.MATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commissign Office of the Secrhay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 16 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued 11-7-2012 Ettectc 1.1-17-201.2 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL B. Stand-Alone Optical Access Link (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE 3.155 Mbps, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N1AXM $ 860.24 $1,060.00 • 1-Year N1AX1 860.24 1,007.00 • 2-Year N1AX2 860.24 993.75 • 3-Year N1AX3 860.24 980.50 • 4-Year N1AX4 860.24 967.25 • 5-Year N1AX5 860.24 954.00 • 6-Year N1AX6 860.24 954.00 • 7-Year N1AX7 860.24 954.00 4.155 Mbps optioned with protection, per Access Link • Month-To-Month N1ARM 1,380.00 2,800.00 • 1-Year N1AR1 1,380.00 2,660.00 • 2-Year N1AR2 1,380.00 2,625.00 3-Year N1AR3 1,380.00 2,590.00 • 4-Year N1AR4 1,380.00 2,555.00 • 5-Year N1AR5 1,380.00 2,520.00 • 6-Year N1AR6 1,380.00 2,520.00 • 7-Year N1AR7 1,380.00 2,520.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN [HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBThC r TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL iO..i2-i5-SiD Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,jon Office of the Secrhtaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 • Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: H -7-201.2 Effective: 11-172012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) C. Cell Transfer NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE • First VCC NR9AV $150.00 • Each Additional VCC NR9AW 50.00 • First VPC NR9AX 150.00 • Each Additional VPC NR9AY 50.00 • Per Subsequent VCC or VPC Order NR9AZ 160.00 NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE 1. 1.544 Mbps Fixed Rate, per port • Month-To-Month C3TXM $161.45 $280.00 • 1-Year C3TX1 161.45 266.00 • 2-Year C3TX2 161.45 262.50 • 3-Year C3TX3 161.45 259.00 • 4-Year C3TX4 161.45 255.50 • 5-Year C3TX5 161.45 252.00 • 6-Year C3TX6 161.45 252.00 • 7-Year C3TX7 161.45 252.00 is NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT r P SUBJECT t TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL C). 1 2i5STI) Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secrhtay Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Pane 18 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho I ssued: 11-7-01.2 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE 2.45 Mbps Fixed Rate, per port • Month-To-Month C3TXM $161.45 $440.00 • 1-Year C3TX1 161.45 418.00 • 2-Year C3TX2 161.45 412.50 • 3-Year C3TX3 161.45 407.00 • 4-Year C3TX4 161.45 401.50 • 5-Year C3TX5 161.45 396.00 • 6-Year C3TX6 161.45 396.00 • 7-Year C3TX7 161.45 396.00 3.155 Mbps Fixed Rate, per port . • Month-To-Month C3TXM 161.45 800.00 • 1-Year C3TX1 161.45 760.00 • 2-Year C3TX2 161.45 750.00 • 3-Year C3TX3 161.45 740.00 • 4-Year C3TX4 161.45 730.00 • 5-Year C3TX5 161.45 720.00 • 6-Year C3TX6 161.45 720.00 • 7-Year C3TX7 161.45 720.00 S NOTICE THE INORM\TEON. CONTAINED FN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT r ro (HAMil TRANSMITTAL TO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/bla CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissn Advanced Communications Office of the Secr1ay Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 19 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued. 117-01.2 Effective: 11-17-2012 107, OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 4. Peak Cell Rate Service (PCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on 1.544 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNBM $2.00 - 1-Year CTNB1 1.90 - 2-Year CTNB2 1.88 - 3-Year CTNB3 1.85 - 4-Year CTNB4 1.83 - 5-Year CTNB5 1.80 - 6-Year CTN136 1.80 • - 7-Year CTNB7 1.80 • Per 75 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNJM 2.30 - 1-Year CTNJ1 2.19 - 2-Year CTNJ2 2.16 - 3-Year CTNJ3 2.13 - 4-Year CTNJ4 2.10 - 5-Year CTNJ5 2.07 - 6-Year CTNJ6 2.07 - 7-Year CTNJ7 2.07 • Per 1 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNAM 30.00 - 1-Year CTNA1 28.50 - 2-Year C1'NA2 28.13 - 3-Year CTNA3 27.75 - 4-Year CTNA4 27.38 - 5-Year CTNA5 27.00 - 6-Year CTNA6 27.00 - 7-Year CTNA7 27.00 S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 1 1 () (HANOI TRANSMITTAL O. 1.2-1.5-SID ,ipn Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secr Idaho Public Utilities Commiss htay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 20 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 5. Peak Cell Rate Service (PCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer ona45 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNBM $2.00 - 1-Year CTNB1 1.90 - 2-Year CTNB2 1.88 - 3-Year CTNB3 1.85 - 4-Year CTNB4 1.83 - 5-Year CTNB5 1.80 - 6-Year CTNB6 1.80 - 7-Year CTNB7 1.80 • • kbps Per 75 increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNJM 2.30 - 1-Year CTNJ1 2.19 - 2-Year CTNJ2 2.16 - 3-Year CTNJ3 2.13 - 4-Year CTNJ4 2.10 - 5-Year CTNJ5 2.07 - 6-Year CTNJ6 2.07 - 7-Year CTNJ7 2.07 • Per 1 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNAM 30.00 - 1-Year CTNA1 28.50 - 2-Year CTNA2 28.13 - 3-Year CTNA3 27.75 - 4-Year CTNA4 27.38 - 5-Year CTNA5 27.00 - 6-Year CTNA6 27.00 - 7-Year CTNA7 27.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED It\ IHIS DOCUMENT NI IS SUBJI C 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO.i2-i5-SiD , Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secr1ay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 21 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17 -201.2 107, OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C.5. (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE Peak Cell Rate Service (PCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer ona45 Mbps port • Per 1.544 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNDM $ 40.00 - 1-Year CTND1 38.00 - 2-Year CTND2 37.50 - 3-Year CTND3 37.00 - 4-Year CTND4 36.50 - 5-Year CTND5 36.00 - 6-Year CTND6 36.00 - 7-Year CTND7 36.00 • • Per 1.787 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNKM 46.50 - 1-Year CTNK1 44.18 - 2-Year CTNK2 43.59 - 3-Year CTNK3 43.01 - 4-Year CTNK4 42.43 - 5-Year CTNK5 41.85 - 6-Year CTNK6 41.85 - 7-Year CTNK7 41.85 • Per 40.7 Mbps increment of bandwidth[1] - Month-To-Month CTNGM 1,050.00 - 1-Year CTNG1 997.50 - 2-Year CTNG2 984.38 - 3-Year CTNG3 971.25 - 4-Year CTNG4 958.13 - 5-Year CTNG5 945.00 - 6-Year CTNG6 945.00 - 7-Year CTNG7 945.00 0 [1] Only one increment applies on a45 Mbps port. NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION. CONTAIM I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NC. 1245-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Sec rbtaiy Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 22 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 6. Peak Cell Rate Service (PCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on a 155 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNBM $2.00 - 1-Year CTNB1 1.90 - 2-Year CTNB2 1.88 - 3-Year CTNB3 1.85 - 4-Year CTNB4 1.83 - 5-Year CTNB5 1.80 - 6-Year CTNB6 1.80 - 7-Year CTNB7 1.80 • Per 75 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNJM 2.30 - 1-Year CTNJ1 2.19 - 2-Year CTNJ2 2.16 - 3-Year CTNJ3 2.13 - 4-Year CTNJ4 2.10 - 5-Year CTNJ5 2.07 - 6-Year CTNJ6 2.07 - 7-Year CTNJ7 2.07 NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION CON I AINFD IN THIS DOCUMENT is suwi c r 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,jpn Office of the Secrbtay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 23 SOUTHERN IDAHo Release 4 Issued: 11 -7-2012 Effective: 11-17-201.2 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C.6. (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE Peak Cell Rate Service (PCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on a 155 Mbps port • Per 1 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNAM $30.00 - 1-Year CTNA1 28.50 - 2-Year CTNA2 28.13 - 3-Year CTNA3 27.75 - 4-Year CTNA4 27.38 - 5-Year CTNA5 27.00 - 6-Year CTNA6 27.00 • - 7-Year CTNA7 27.00 • Per 1.544 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNDM 40.00 - 1-Year CTND1 38.00 - 2-Year CTND2 37.50 - 3-Year CTND3 37.00 - 4-Year CTND4 36.50 - 5-Year CTND5 36.00 - 6-Year CTND6 36.00 - 7-Year CTND7 36.00 NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION CON I AINI4) IN rHJS DOCUMENT IS SUBJLC I ro (HANG! TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturvLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissj,çn Advanced Communication Office of the SecrLa!y Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Pane 24 November 17 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release Boise, Idaho Issued: 11 -7-2012 Effective: 11I7-20I2 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C.6. (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE Peak Cell Rate Service (PCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on a 155 Mbps port • Per 1.787 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNKM $ 46.50 - 1-Year CTNK1 44.18 - 2-Year CTNK2 43.59 - 3-Year CTNK3 43.01 - 4-Year CTNK4 42.43 - 5-Year CTNK5 41.85 - 6-Year CTNK6 41.85 - 7-Year CTNK7 41.85 • Per 40.7 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNGM 1,050.00 - 1-Year CTNG1 997.50 - 2-Year CTNG2 984.38 - 3-Year CTNG3 971.25 - 4-Year CTNG4 958.13 - 5-Year CTNG5 945.00 - 6-Year CTNG6 945.00 - 7-Year CTNG7 945.00 • Per 149 Mbps increment of bandwidth[1] - Month-To-Month CTNHM 3,800.00 - 1-Year CTNH1 3,610.00 - 2-Year CTNH2 3,562.50 - 3-Year CTNH3 3,515.00 - 4-Year CTNH4 3,467.50 - 5-Year CTNH5 3,420.00 - 6-Year CTNH6 3,420.00 - 7-Year CTNH7 3,420.00 0 [1] Only one increment applies on a 155 Mbps port. NOTICE THE INFORMATION IO1\ (ONTAINI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJECT TO (HANOI TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)n Qest Corporation "/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrtaty Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 25 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN iDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 7. Sustained Cell Rate Service (SCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on a 1.544 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNEM $2.50 - 1-Year CTNE1 2.38 - 2-Year CTNE2 2.34 - 3-Year CTNE3 2.31 - 4-Year CTNE4 2.28 - 5-Year CTNE5 2.25 - 6-Year CTNE6 2.25 - 7-Year CTNE7 2.25 • of • Per 1 Mbps increment bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNCM 37.50 - 1-Year CTNC1 35.63 - 2-Year CTNC2 35.16 - 3-Year CTNC3 34.69 - 4-Year CTNC4 34.22 - 5-Year CTNC5 33.75 - 6-Year CTNC6 33.75 - 7-Year CTNC7 33.75 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ON IAINI F) IN THIS DOCUMENT NTIS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Qwest Corporation "/a CenturyLink QC Office of the Secrtay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 26 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho W Issued: I 1-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107, OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 8. Sustained Cell Rate Service (SCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on a 45 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNEM $2.50 - 1-Year CTNE1 2.38 - 2-Year CTNE2 2.34 - 3-Year CTNE3 2.31 - 4-Year CTNE4 2.28 - 5-Year CTNE5 2.25 - 6-Year CTNE6 2.25 - 7-Year CTNE7 2.25 • • Per 1 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNCM 37.50 - 1-Year CTNC1 35.63 - 2-Year CTNC2 35.16 - 3-Year CTNC3 34.69 - 4-Year CTNC4 34.22 - 5-Year CTNC5 33.75 - 6-Year CTNC6 33.75 - 7-Year CTNC7 33.75 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUB If C 110 (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO , 1.2-1. 5-SII) Idaho Public Utilities Commis Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC s)on Advanced Communications Office of the Secrhtay ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 • November 17, 2012 Page 27 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho Issued: 1 l-7-012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C.8. (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE Sustained Cell Rate Service (SCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on a 45 Mbps port • Per 1.544 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNFM $45.00 - 1-Year CTNF1 42.75 - 2-Year CTNF2 42.19 - 3-Year CTNF3 41.63 - 4-Year CTNF4 41.06 - 5-Year CTNF5 40.50 - 6-Year CTNF6 40.50 - 7-Year 7-Year CTNF7 40.50 9. Sustained Cell Rate Service (SCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on 155 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNEM 2.50 - 1-Year CTNE1 2.38 - 2-Year CTNE2 2.34 - 3-Year CTNE3 2.31 - 4-Year CTNE4 2.28 - 5-Year CTNE5 2.25 - 6-Year CTNE6 2.25 - 7-Year CTNE7 2.25 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlbia CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissjn Advanced Communications Office of the SecrLa1y Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 28 November 17, 2012 SOIJTHFRN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho - I ssued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C.9. (Cont'd) USOC RATE Sustained Cell Rate Service (SCRS) Incremental Cell Transfer on a 155 Mbps port • Per 1 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNCM $37.50 - 1-Year CTNC1 35.63 - 2-Year CTNC2 35.16 - 3-Year CTNC3 34.69 - 4-Year CTNC4 34.22 - 5-Year CTNC5 33.75 - 6-Year CTNC6 33.75 - 7-Year CTNC7 33.75 of • Per 1.544 Mbps increment bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTNFM 45.00 - 1-Year CTNF1 42.75 - 2-Year CTNF2 42.19 - 3-Year CTNF3 41.63 - 4-Year CTN174 41.06 - 5-Year CTNF5 40.50 - 6-Year CTNF6 40.50 - 7-Year CTNF7 40.50 S NOTICE THE EN}0RMA1 ION (ON I AINF[) IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJI( 1 10 (HANG! TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the Secray Services Catalog SECTION 107 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page 29 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Issued: 11-7-201.2 Release 4 Boise, Idaho a.. Effective: I 1-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 10. Sustained Cell Rate Service (SCRS), Maximum Burst Size - Per VCC 32 Cells - Month-To-Month CTSAM - - 1-Year CTSA1 - - 2-Year CTSA2 - - 3-Year CTSA3 - - 4-Year CTSA4 - - 5-Year CTSA5 - - 6-Year CTSA6 - - 7-Year CTSA7 - S • 100 Cells - Month-To-Month CTSBM $100.00 - 1-Year CTSB1 95.00 - 2-Year CTSB2 93.75 - 3-Year CTSB3 92.50 - 4-Year CTSB4 91.25 - 5-Year CTSB5 90.00 - 6-Year CTSB6 90.00 - 7-Year CTSB7 90.00 • 200 Cells[1] - Month-To-Month CTSCM 200.00 - 1-Year CTSC1 190.00 - 2-Year CTSC2 187.50 - 3-Year CTSC3 185.00 - 4-Year CTSC4 182.50 - 5-Year CTSC5 180.00 - 6-Year CTSC6 180.00 - 7-Year CTSC7 180.00 0 [1] A Maximum Burst Size of 200 Cells requires the customer to purchase a minimum of 4 Mbps of Sustained Cell Rate Service for each VCC. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS HIS DOC (JMFN I IS SIJBJI C r ro CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-S1D miss,ipn Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Com Office of the Secrhtay Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 30 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho W Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 11. Unspecified Bit Rate Service (UBRS), Incremental Cell Transfer on a 1.544 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTUEM $ 0.80 - 1-Year CTUE1 0.76 - 2-Year CTUE2 0.75 - 3-Year CTUE3 0.74 - 4-Year CTUE4 0.73 - 5-Year CTUE5 0.72 - 6-Year CTUE6 0.72 - 7-Year CTUE7 0.72 • 1 increment • Per Mbps of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTUCM 12.00 - 1-Year CTUC 1 11.40 - 2-Year CTUC2 11.25 - 3-Year CTUC3 11.10 - 4-Year CTUC4 10.95 - 5-Year CTUC5 10.80 - 6-Year CTUC6 10.80 - 7-Year CTUC7 10.80 . NOTICE THE 1N}ORMAf1ON. CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI cr ro CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-S1D Qwest Corporation "/a CenturyLink QC sson Office Office of the Sec Idaho Public Utilities Commirhty Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 FOR FILING Page 31 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Boise, Idaho W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012, 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 12. Unspecified Bit Rate Service (UBRS), Incremental Cell Transfer on a 45 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTUEM $ 0.80 - 1-Year CTUE1 0.76 - 2-Year CTUE2 0.75 - 3-Year CTUE3 0.74 - 4-Year CTUE4 0.73 - 5-Year CTUE5 0.72 - 6-Year CTUE6 0.72 - 7-Year CTUE7 0.72 . • Per 1 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTUCM 12.00 - 1-Year CTUC 1 11.40 - 2-Year CTUC2 11.25 - 3-Year CTUC3 11.10 - 4-Year CTUC4 10.95 - 5-Year CTUC5 10.80 - 6-Year CTUC6 10.80 - 7-Year CTUC7 10.80 [1 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI C I TO (HANG! TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the Secra1y ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 Page 32 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued I l720I2 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 107, OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL C. Cell Transfer (Cont'd) 13. Unspecified Bit Rate Service (UBRS), Incremental Cell Transfer on a 155 Mbps port • Per 64 kbps increment of bandwidth MONTHLY RATE - Month-To-Month CTUEM $ 0.80 - 1-Year CTUE1 0.76 - 2-Year CTUE2 0.75 - 3-Year CTUE3 0.74 - 4-Year CTUE4 0.73 - 5-Year CTUE5 0.72 - 6-Year CTUE6 0.72 - 7-Year CTUE7 0.72 • Per 1 Mbps increment of bandwidth - Month-To-Month CTUCM 12.00 - 1-Year CTUC 1 11.40 - 2-Year CTUC2 11.25 - 3-Year CTUC3 11.10 - 4-Year CTUC4 10.95 - 5-Year CTUC5 10.80 - 6-Year CTUC6 10.80 - 7-Year CTUC7 10.80 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED 0 IN IHIS DOCUMENT NT iS SUB]! (1 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 10. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,jn Office of the Secrhlaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 • Page 33 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-72012 Effective: 1.1-17201.2 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL (Cont'd) D. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) 1. ATM CRS Level One COCC (up to 1.544 Mbps) NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE Per COCC • Month-To-Month CFNXM $25.00 $0.65 • 1-Year CFNX1 25.00 0.62 • 2-Year CFNX2 25.00 0.61 • 3-Year CFNX3 25.00 0.60 • 4-Year CFNX4 25.00 0.59 • • 5-Year FNX5 25.00 0.59 • 6-Year CFNX6 25.00 0.59 • 7-Year CFNX7 25.00 0.59 S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT I IS SIJBJF C r 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NIO. 1.2-1.5-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,Lon Office of the Secr1aly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyL.ink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 107 • Page 34 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 107. OBSOLETE ATM CELL RELAY SERVICE 107.5 RATES AND CHARGES 107.5.1 GENERAL D. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) (Cont'd) 2. ATM CRS Level Two COCC (up to 45 Mbps, or up to 155 Mbps) NONRECURRING MONTHLY USOC CHARGE RATE Per COCC • Month-To-Month CFNXM $30.00 $12.50 • 1-Year CFNX1 30.00 11.88 • 2-Year CFNX2 30.00 11.72 • 3-Year CFNX3 30.00 11.56 • 4-Year CFNX4 30.00 11.41 • 5-Year CFNX5 30.00 11.25 • 6-Year CFNX6 30.00 11.25 • 7-Year CFNX7 30.00 11.25 S NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ON I AIMI) IN THIS DOCUMENT N I IS SUBH( 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL INO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sec rhtaly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 8 • Index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3[1] Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 8. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE . {1} Section 8 is cancelled in its entirety. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI C I' Ti) CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the SecrLay Services Catalog SECTION 9 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Index Page 1 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3[1] Boise, Idaho Issued: 11 -7-2012 Effective: 1117-201.2 9. RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE [1] This page cancels all of Section 9 and moves it to Obsolete Section 109. . NOTICE THE [N}4)RMA fION CONTAINED I) IN JHI' DOCUMENT NI IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1215-SIi) Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,i 1on Office of the SecrMaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 • index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11 -7-2() 12 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICE Description.................................................................................................. General Terms and Conditions ................................................................... Rateand Charges........................................................................................ RateElements ............................................................................................. RateRegulations......................................................................................... ServiceElements......................................................................................... PAGE 1 5 7 6 5 3 . 6i NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ON I AIM I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 1() CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissjn Advanced Communications Office of the Secray Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 1 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise, Idaho .Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICE 109.1 DESCRIPTION 109.1.1 GENERAL A.Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links The services, offerings, and regulations specified in this Section are Grandfathered as of November 17, 2003, unless otherwise indicated. Service Limitations (Unless otherwise indicated) Existing Service and Locations - May retain service as it is. - May not renew Fixed Period Service Rate Plans when they expire. Upon completion of a rate plan the service will revert to month-to-month rates. - May not upgrade to a higher speed LAN Link(s) or go from an unprotected to a protected LAN Link • B.All LAN Switching Service (LSS) excepting Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links All LAN Switching Service (LSS), offerings, and regulations and rates specified in this Section are Grandfathered as of November 12, 2008, excepting Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links which were Grandfathered November 17, 2003. And will no longer be available to new customers or for renewal by existing customers. Limitations for existing LSS customers are as follows: • May retain existing service and locations as it is. • May not renew Fixed Period Service Rate Plans when they expire. Upon completion of a rate plan the service will revert to month-to-month rates. • May not move, change or upgrade to a higher speed. Customers may migrate from LSS to another Company Private Line or Advanced Communications Product without paying TLA on their LSS once the Minimum Service Period has been met, and where facilities are available. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION. CON I AIM I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15SID miss,j n Qwest Corporation 4/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Com Office of the Secr Wy Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 2 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise, Idaho W issued: 1172012 Effective: 11-17-2012--------- 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.1 DESCRIPTION 109.1.1 GENERAL B. All LAN Switching Service (LSS) excepting Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links (Cont'd) LAN Switching Service (LSS) is a metropolitan-area and wide-area LAN interconnection service, which provides customers with native speed LAN interconnection. LSS provides a specific amount of bandwidth, and supports both point-to-point and multipoint connectivity between customer-designated locations. LSS is a fully managed service that includes Company bridging equipment located on the customer site. LSS is provided over 45 Mbps and 155 Mbps fiber optic facilities or equivalent. LSS is available in LSS equipped wire centers, the locations are published in the Network Disclosure Announcement. Access options available include unprotected and protected LAN links and digital private line transport service. An LSS customer may request Special Facilities Routing (i.e., Diversity) as set forth in the • Private Line Transport Services Catalog, Section 4. End-to-end connectivity is accomplished by establishing virtual circuits between customer sites within the LSS network. LSS conforms to standards set forth in LAN Switching Service PUB 77396, listed in this Catalog under Reference to Technical Publications. LSS also supports LSS inter-working between two separate LSS networks and between LSS and ATM Service locations. The connection between the LSS/LSS or LSS/ATM Service locations is an ATM Virtual Channel Connection (VCC). VCCs are only available as Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) for Monthly or fixed period service rate plans of 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 Months. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation ti/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities CommissJQn Advanced Communications Office of the SecrhLay Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 3 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-201.2 Effective: 11-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.1 DESCRIPTION (Cont'd) 109.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS A.Network Interface (NI) A network interface is the point of interconnection on a customer's premises between Company communications facilities and customer terminal equipment or other customer provided facilities. The NI includes a piece of electronic equipment on the customer's premises where the Company's responsibility ends. The NI serves as a bridge and converts the electrical signal presented by the customer's LAN to optical signals. B.LAN Link The LAN Link provides the customer access to the Company's network supporting LSS. A LAN Link includes an NI and the related fiber optic facility or equivalent. A customer may select 10 Mbps, 45Mbps, or 100 Mbps LAN Links. A customer may order Unprotected or Protected LAN Links. Unprotected and Protected LAN • Links both provide a dedicated path between the Network Interface and the Company's network. Unprotected LAN Links provide a single path, while protected LAN Links provide a standby path that is automatically activated if the first path fails. Protected LAN Links are only available where the customer's serving wire center is a LSS Service Point. When a customer accesses the Company's LSS network through a LAN Link where the customer's serving wire center is not a LSS Service Point, transport mileage will always apply. An LSS LAN Link is only available at LSS Service Points described in E., following. A customer may order Alternating Current (AC) or Direct Current (DC) with either a Protected or Unprotected LAN Link. An LSS customer may request Local Loop Diversity which provides an alternately routed local loop as referenced in Special Facilities Routing as set forth in the Private Line Transport Services Catalog, Section 4. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1.2I5SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissjon Advanced Communication Office of the SecrhIay Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING is Page 4 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho .ssued. I I-72OI2 Effect:ive: iil72Oi2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.1 DESCRIPTION 109.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) C.Remote LAN Link A Remote LAN Link is only used for access where LSS is not available. A customer may select a 10 Mbps or 45 Mbps Remote LAN Links. D.Virtual Circuits LSS connectivity between customer-designated premises is accomplished by provisioning LSS NIs (virtual circuits) and establishing connectivity through the Company's LSS network. Virtual Channel Connections (VCC5) are only available as UBR. E.Service Point Service Points are geographic locations designated by the Company where LSS is available. Company wire centers LSS equipped are identified in the National Exchange Carrier Association Tariff, F.C.C. No. 4 under ATM. S NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ON f\INl E) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI C 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the SecrhLay Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 5 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-012 Effective: 11-172012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.2 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS In addition to the terms and conditions in Section 2 and Section 3 of this Catalog, the terms and conditions in this section also apply for LSS. A.LSS is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. B.LSS can be provided where Company facilities and equipment are available. Where suitable facilities are unavailable for provision of the service, special construction of the facilities may be necessary and will be charged for as specified in 3.6, preceding. C.For LSS, the Company will secure equipment space furnished by the customer under the terms of 2.3.4. This space must be accessible exclusively to the Company, as if the Company is the lessee. 109.3 RATE REGULATIONS A.The initial order for LSS must be for a fixed service period of one, two, three, four • or five years as set forth in 2.4.5. At the end of the initial service period, a customer may elect the month-to-month option or any of the specified fixed service periods. B.A subsequent order to add LSS LAN Links and/or Remote LAN Links to an existing fixed-period service pricing plan must be for a fixed period of one, two, three, four or five years, or for the remainder of the existing fixed-period service pricing plan, provided the remainder of the existing plan is at least the minimum period for that plan, as set forth in 2.4.3. If the remaining term is less than the associated minimum period, the minimum term for the added LAN Link and/or Remote LAN Link shall be 12 months as set forth in 2.4.3, preceding. C.A customer may access LSS via a Company-provided LAN Link or Remote LAN Link. A customer utilizing a Remote LAN Link to access LSS will incur a monthly rate and a nonrecurring charge for a Remote LAN Link, in addition to the applicable monthly rates for Transport Mileage. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AINtI) It'T IHIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO 0 (HANGE TRANSMITTAL i0. 1245SiI) Qwest Corporation ti/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communication Sir a!y Office of the Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 6 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11 -7-2012 Effective: 11-17-201 .2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.4 RATE ELEMENTS A.LAN Link A nonrecurring charge applies per LAN Link termination for each physical connection to the LSS network. A monthly rate, based on the speed of the LAN Link (10 Mbps, 45 Mbps or 100 Mbps) and whether the LAN Link is protected or unprotected. At the customer's option an LSS LAN Link may be ordered with LAN Link Protection. When a customer accesses LSS through a non-LSS serving wire center, transport mileage as set forth in B., following, applies in addition to the monthly rate for the LAN Link. B.Transport Mileage Transport Mileage provides for the transmission facilities between a non-LSS disclosed serving wire center associated with a customer-designated premises and the LSS network. There are two elements that apply: a fixed rate and a variable rate per mile. C.Remote LAN Link A nonrecurring charge applies per Remote LAN Link termination for each physical connection to the Company's LSS network. The monthly rate is assessed per Remote LAN Link based upon the speed of the Remote LAN Link (i.e., 10 Mbps or 45 Mbps). When a customer accesses LSS via a Remote LAN Link, Transport Mileage, as set forth in D., following, applies in addition to the monthly rate for the Remote LAN Link. D.Remote Transport Mileage Remote Transport Mileage provides for the transmission facilities between a non- LSS disclosed serving wire center associated with a customer-designated premises and the LSS network. Transport Mileage is portrayed in mileage bands. There are two elements that apply for each band, i.e., a flat rate per band and a rate per mile. . NOTICE ,T 'HE INFORMATION CONTAINED fAINI D IN I HIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJ[C 110 (HANOI TRANSMITTAL 10. 1245SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the SecrhIaly Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 7 November 17 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICE 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES A. Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links[ 1] MONTHLY USOC RATE 1.Ethernet, 10 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link • Month-to-Month D5LCX $1,400.00 • 1-Year DLUC1 1,330.00 • 3-Year DLUC3 1,190.00 • 5-Year DLUC5 1,120.00 2.Ethernet, 10 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link • Month-to-Month D5LCP 1,700.00 • 1-Year DPUC1 1,615.00 • 3-Year • DPUC3 1,445.00 • 5-Year DPUC5 1,360.00 3.Fast Ethernet Lite, 45 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link • Month-to-Month D5L1X 1,800.00 • 1-Year DLU11 1,710.00 • 3-Year DLU13 1,530.00 • 5-Year DLU15 1,440.00 [ 1] Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links are Grandfathered as of November 17, 2003. . NOTICE THE 1N10RMA1ff)N CONTAINED I) iN THIS DOCUMENT IS SIJBII C r 10 (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID s,ipn Office of the Secrhta#y Qwest Corporation ti/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commis Advanced Communications ACCEPTED FOR FILING Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 8 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho W issued: 111-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-201 .2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICE 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES A. Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links[ I] (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 4.Fast Ethernet Lite, 45 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link • Month-to-Month • 1-Year • 3-Year • 5-Year 5.Fast Ethernet, 100 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link D5L1P $2,100.00 DPU1 1 1,995.00 DPU13 1,785.00 DPU15 1,680.00 . • Month-to-Month • 1-Year • 3-Year • 5-Year 6. Fast Ethernet, 100 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link • Month-to-Month • 1-Year • 3-Year • 5-Year D5L2X 2,800.00 DLU21 2,660.00 DLU23 2,380.00 DLU25 2,240.00 D5L2P 3,900.00 DPU21 3,700.00 DPU23 3,300.00 DPU25 3,120.00 . [1] Ethernet, Fast Ethernet Lite and Fast Ethernet LAN Links are Grandfathered as of November 17, 2003. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED '\!NFI) us.. THIS DOCUMENT Is SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 10. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the SecrIay Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 9 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho .ssued, 11 -7-2012 Effective: 1.1 -17-201.2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) B. LAN Links[1] NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE 1.Nonrecurring Charge Per LAN Link termination NRBL8 $1,200.00 7037, 1:1 USOC RATE 2.10 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link termination a.AC (Alternating Current) • Monthly DLUDM $1,400.00 • 12 Months DLUD1 1,330.00 • 24 Months DLUD2 1,260.00 • 36 Months DLUD3 1,190.00 • 48 Months DLUD4 1,162.00 • 60 Months DLUD5 1,120.00 b.DC (Direct Current) • Monthly DLUEM 1,400.00 • 12 Months DLUE1 1,330.00 • 24 Months DLUE2 1,260.00 • 36 Months DLUE3 1,190.00 • 48 Months DLUE4 1,162.00 • 60 Months DLUE5 1,120.00 0 [1] The LAN Links found on this page are Grandfathered as of November 12, 2008. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN. IHIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 10. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,ipn Office of the Sec rbtaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 • Page 10 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES B. LAN Links[ I] (Cont'd) USOC 3. 10 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link termination[2] a. AC (Alternating Current) MONTHLY RATE • Monthly DPUDM $1,700.00 • 12 Months DPUD1 1,615.00 • 24 Months DPUD2 1,530.00 • 36 Months DPUD3 1,445.00 • 48 Months DPUD4 1,411.00 • 60 Months DPUD5 1,360.00 • b. DC (Direct Current) • Monthly DPUEM 1,700.00 • 12 Months DPUE1 1,615.00 • 24 Months DPUE2 1,530.00 • 36 Months DPUE3 1,445.00 • 48 Months DPUE4 1,411.00 • 60 Months DPUE5 1,360.00 [1] The LAN Links found on this page are Grandfathered as of November 12, 2008. 0 [2] Protection not available in non-LSS Service Points. NOTICE THE INFORMATION-11 CONTAINED AJNFI) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBIEC 1 10 (HANG! TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturvLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)on Advanced Communications Office of the Secria!y Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Page November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-72012 Effective: 1117-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES B. LAN Links[ I] (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 4. 45 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link termination a.AC (Alternating Current) • Monthly DLUFM $1,800.00 • 12 Months DLUF1 1,710.00 • 24 Months DLUF2 1,620.00 • 36 Months DLUF3 1,530.00 • 48 Months DLUF4 1,494.00 • 60 Months DLUF5 1,440.00 b.DC (Direct Current) • Monthly DLUGM 1,800.00 W • 12 Months DLUG1 1,710.00 • 24 Months DLUG2 1,620.00 • 36 Months DLUG3 1,530.00 • 48 Months DLUG4 1,494.00 • 60 Months DLUG5 1,440.00 is [1] The LAN Links found on this page are Grandfathered as of November 12, 2008. NOTICE THE 1N14)RNRUON CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SLJBTh(T 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245SiD Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)pn Office of the SecrIa)y ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 12 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 W issued: 11 -7-201.2 Effective: 1.117-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES B. LAN Links[ I] (Cont'd) USOC 5. 45 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link termination[2] a. AC (Alternating Current) MONTHLY RATE • Monthly DPUFM $2,100.00 • 12 Months DPUF1 1,995.00 • 24 Months DPUF2 1,890.00 • 36 Months DPUF3 1,785.00 • 48 Months DPUF4 1,743.00 • 60 Months DPUF5 1,680.00 b. DC (Direct Current) • Monthly DPUGM 2,100.00 W • 12 Months DPUG1 1,995.00 • 24 Months DPUG2 1,890.00 • 36 Months DPUG3 1,785.00 • 48 Months DPUG4 1,743.00 • 60 Months DPUG5 1,680.00 [1] The LAN Links found on this page are Grandfathered as of November 12, 2008. 0 [2] Protection not available in non-LSS Service Points. NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION CONTAIN! I) IN [HIS DOCUMENT NI IS SUBJECT TO (HANG! TRANSMITTAL NO, 1215SiD Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commissn Advanced Communication Office of the SecrIaiy Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING Pane 13 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES B. LAN Links[ I] (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 6. 100 Mbps, without protection, per LAN Link termination[2] (T) a.AC (Alternating Current) • Monthly DLUHM $2,175.00 • 12 Months DLUH1 2,066.25 • 24 Months DLUH2 1,957.50 • 36 Months DLUH3 1,848.75 • 48 Months DLUH4 1,805.25 • 60 Months DLUH5 1,740.00 b.DC (Direct Current) • Monthly DLUJM 2,175.00 W • 12 Months DLUJ1 2,066.25 • 24 Months DLUJ2 1,957.50 • 36 Months DLUJ3 1,848.75 • 48 Months DLUJ4 1,805.25 • 60 Months DLUJ5 1,740.00 [1] The LAN Links found on this page are Grandfathered as of November 12, 2008. 0 [2] Protection not available in non-LSS Service Points. NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION. (ON I AINFI) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJI C 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL O. 12-15-SID Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Idaho Public Utilities Commission Advanced Communications Office of the SecraIy Services Catalog SECTION 109 ACCEPTED FOR FILING • Page 14 November 17, 2012 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Boise, Idaho Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1 -17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 1095 RATES AND CHARGES B. LAN Links[ I] (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 7. 100 Mbps, with protection, per LAN Link termination[2] a.AC (Alternating Current) • Monthly DPUHM $3,262.50 • 12 Months DPUH1 3,099.38 • 24 Months DPIJH2 2,936.25 • 36 Months DPUH3 2,773.13 • 48 Months DPUH4 2,707.88 • 60 Months DPIJH5 2,610.00 b.DC (Direct Current) • Monthly DPUJM 3,262.50 W • 12 Months DPUJ1 3,099.38 • 24 Months DPUJ2 2,936.25 • 36 Months DPUJ3 2,773.13 • 48 Months DPUJ4 2,707.88 • 60 Months DPUJ5 2,610.00 [1] The LAN Links found on this page are 'Grandfathered as of November 12, 2008. 0 [2] Protection not available in non-LSS Service Points. NOTICE THE INI0RMCI10k CONTAINED IN THIS HIS DOCIJMI NT IS SLIBJI Cl 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 0. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)n Office of the SecrLay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 issued: 11-7-201.2 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) C. Transport Mileage MONTHLY USOC RATE 1. Interoffice Transport for 10 Mbps or 45 Mbps LAN Link a. Monthly • Fixed JZXAM $500.00 • Per mile JZXAM 62.00 b. 12 Months • Fixed JZXA1 475.00 • Per mile JZXA1 58.90 c. 24 Months • Fixed JZXA2 450.00 • Per mile JZXA2 55.80 d. 36 Months • Fixed JZXA3 425.00 • Per mile JZXA3 52.70 e. 48 Months • Fixed JZXA4 415.00 • Per mile JZXA4 51.46 f. 60 Months • Fixed JZXA5 400.00 • Per mile JZXA5 49.60 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT I iS SUBJI (110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the SecrLay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 • Page 16 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES C. Transport Mileage (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE 2. Interoffice Transport for 100 Mbps LAN Link a. Monthly - Fixed JZXBM $940.00 - Per mile JZXBM 113.53 b. 12 Months - Fixed JZX131 893.00 - Per mile JZX131 107.85 c. 24 Months • - Fixed JZXB2 846.00 - Per mile JZXB2 102.17 d. 36 Months - Fixed JZX133 799.00 - Per mile JZX133 96.50 e. 48 Months - Fixed JZXB4 780.20 - Per mile JZX134 94.23 f. 60 Months - Fixed JZX135 752.00 - Per mile JZX135 90.82 S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN LEES DOCUMENT NT IS SUBJECT 10 (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-Sir) Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,in Office of the SecrMay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) NONRECURRING USOC CHARGE D. Remote LAN Links, per Remote LAN Link NRB6E $1,700.00 MONTHLY USOC RATE 1.Ethernet, 10 Mbps, per Remote LAN Link • Month-to-Month RLUCM $1,700.00 • 1-Year RLUC1 1,615.00 • 3-Year RLUC3 1,445.00 • 5-Year RLUC5 1,360.00 2.Fast Ethernet Lite, 45 Mbps, per Remote LAN Link • Month-to-Month RLU1M 2,100.00 • 1-Year RLU11 1,995.00 • 3-Year RLU13 1,785.00 • 5-Year RLU15 1,680.00 S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED AINI I) [N. [HIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJF( I () CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrhLaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation cl/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page .18 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-201.2 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) E. Remote Transport Mileage MONTHLY USOC RATE 1. Interoffice Transport for 10 Mbps Remote LAN Link a. Month-to-Month Mileage Bands • Over 0to8 - Fixed JZ30A $369.31 - Per mile JZ30A 32.04 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ30B 371.09 - Per mile JZ30B 21.97 • Over 25toSO - Fixed JZ30C 374.06 - Per mile JZ30C 31.94 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ30D 387.13 - Per mile JZ30D 36.20 S NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED I) IN. 1W', DOCUMENT r IS StJBJI CT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 1.0. 1245-SID 5-STD Idaho Public Utilities Commiss)n Office of the SecrhLay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation cl/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 • Page 19 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-201.2 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES E. Remote Transport Mileage 1. Interoffice Transport for 10 Mbps Remote LAN Link (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE b. 1-Year Mileage Bands • Over Oto8 - Fixed JZ3XA $350.85 - Per mile JZ3XA 30.44 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ3XB 352.54 - Per mile JZ3XB 20.87 • Over 25toSO . - Fixed JZ3XC 355.36 - Per mile JZ3XC 30.34 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ3XD 367.77 - Per mile JZ3XD 34.39 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION, iON 'ON I AINI I) fl rHIS DOCUMENT r IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-S1D Idaho Public Utilities Commisipn Office of the Secrhla)y ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyL.ink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 20 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-1 7-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES E. Remote Transport Mileage 1. Interoffice Transport for 10 Mbps Remote LAN Link (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE c. 3-Year Mileage Bands • Over 0to8 - Fixed JZ3ZA $313.92 - Per mile JZ3ZA 27.34 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ3ZB 315.43 - Per mile JZ3ZB 18.68 • Over 25to5O S - Fixed JZ3ZC 317.96 - Per mile JZ3ZC 27.26 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ3ZD 329.06 - Per mile JZ3ZD 30.89 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION (ON I AINE I) IN THIS DOCUMENT f IS SUBJI C 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 10. 1245-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secr1ay ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation J/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 21 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 1095 RATES AND CHARGES E. Remote Transport Mileage 1. Interoffice Transport for 10 Mbps Remote LAN Link (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE d. 5-Year Mileage Bands • Over Oto8 - Fixed JZ35A $295.45 - Per mile JZ35A 25.63 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ35B 296.88 - Per mile JZ35B 17.58 • Over 2StoSO . - Fixed JZ35C 299.25 - Per mile JZ35C 25.55 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ35D 309.70 - Per mile JZ35D 28.96 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJLC 110 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL 10. 142-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secrhlaty ACCEPTED FOR FH 7.JG November 17, Of 2 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 22 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 W issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES E. Remote Transport Mileage (Cont'd) 2. Interoffice Transport for 45 Mbps Remote LAN Link MONTHLY USOC RATE a. Month-to-Month Mileage Bands • Over 0to8 - Fixed JZ36A $590.90 - Per mile JZ36A 51.26 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ36B 593.75 - Per mile JZ36B 35.15 • Over 25toSO - Fixed JZ36C 598.50 - Per mile JZ36C 51.11 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ36D 619.40 - Per mile JZ36D 57.92 is NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED D IN I HIS DOCUMENT I IS SUBJECT TO (HANOI TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sec rtaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 23 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES E. Remote Transport Mileage 2. Interoffice Transport for 45 Mbps Remote LAN Link (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE b. 1-Year Mileage Bands • Over 0to8 - Fixed JZ37A $561.36 - Per mile JZ37A 48.70 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ37B 564.06 - Per mile JZ37B 33.39 • Over 25toSO . - Fixed JZ37C 568.58 - Per mile JZ37C 48.55 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ37D 588.43 - Per mile JZ37D 55.02 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION ION ON I AINI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT NT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE TRANSMITTAL NO. 1245-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Sec ray ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 Page 24 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 kued 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES E. Remote Transport Mileage 2. Interoffice Transport for 45 Mbps Remote LAN Link (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE c. 3-Year Mileage Bands • Over Oto8 - Fixed JZ38A $502.27 - Per mile JZ38A 43.74 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ38B 504.69 - Per mile JZ38B 29.88 • Over 2StoSO S - Fixed JZ38C 508.73 - Per mile JZ38C 43.61 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ38D 526.49 - Per mile JZ38D 49.42 NOTICE I 141 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 1/2-15-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrLaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation 4/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 109 • Page 25 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 109. OBSOLETE LAN SWITCHING SERVICES 109.5 RATES AND CHARGES E. Remote Transport Mileage 2. Interoffice Transport for 45 Mbps Remote LAN Link (Cont'd) MONTHLY USOC RATE d. 5-Year Mileage Bands • Over 0to8 - Fixed JZ39A $472.72 - Per mile JZ39A 41.00 • Over 8to25 - Fixed JZ39B 475.00 - Per mile JZ39B 28.12 • Over 25toSO . - Fixed JZ39C 478.80 - Per mile JZ39C 40.88 • Over 50 - Fixed JZ39D 495.52 - Per mile JZ39D 46.33 . NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT N I IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15--S1D Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecrhLaiy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 • index Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 1 l-72Ol2 Effective: 1.1-17-201.2 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) Description.................................................................................................. General Terms and Conditions ................................................................... RateElements ............................................................................................. Ratesand Charges....................................................................................... Rate Terms and Conditions......................................................................... ServiceElements......................................................................................... PACE (T) 1 3 4 6 5 2 -0 NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 12-15-SID S1D2012-016 SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.1 DESCRIPTION 10.1.1 GENERAL Metro Optical Ethernet (MOE) Service is a flexible, easy-to-use transport service that uses established Ethernet transport technology. MOE allows customers to connect multiple enterprise locations within a service area using native Ethernet protocol. MOE is available over two distinct designs: Customer Premises and Central Office. Customer Premises MOE supports transmission speeds as low as 1 Mbps and up to 1 Gbps in increments of 10 Mbps from 10 to 100 Mbps, and in increments of 100 Mbps from 100 to 1,000 Mbps. Central Office MOE supports transmission speeds of 100 Mbps, 600 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps. A MOE customer may request Special Facilities Routing (i.e., Diversity and Avoidance) as set forth in the Access Service Tariff, Section 11. Technical Specifications for MOE Service are delineated in Qwest Corporation Technical Publication PUB 77411, listed in this Tariff under Reference to Technical Publications. (T) (C) (C) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities CommiiRn Office of the Seci'dkaly ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 • Page 2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 11-17-2012 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.1 DESCRIPTION (Cont'd) 10.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS A. Network Interface (NI) 1.Customer Premises NI The Company network interface is the point of interconnection between Company communications facilities and terminal equipment or other customer-provided facilities. The network interface is the point of demarcation on the customer's premises where the Company's responsibility for the provision of MOE Service ends. 2.Central Office NI The Company network interface is the point of interconnection between Company-provided services within the same central office. The network interface is the point of demarcation in the Company's central office. 0 B. Access Link A MOE Access Link connects a customer facility at the Customer Premises NI to an Ethernet port on the MOE network with a standard optical or copper connection. C. MOE Port MOE Port is an Ethernet port that is the physical entry point to the shared Metro Optical Ethernet Network. Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs) or Operator (C) Virtual Connections (OVCs), originate and terminate on a MOE Port. Customers (C) may choose to connect to an electrical 10/100 port or an electrical or optical 1,000 Mbps port on the Company network. . NOTICE THE INFORMATION IOT\ (MN! INI I) IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 1245-SID S1D2012-016 SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 3 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.1 DESCRIPTION 10.1.2 SERVICE ELEMENTS(Cont'd) D. Bandwidth Profile (BWP) The Bandwidth Profile (BWP) is provisioned over the MOE Port in two distinct designs: • Customer Premises Bandwidth Profile is the standard MOE offering which uses the native Ethernet protocol to connect multiple enterprise locations with the customer’s premises. • Central Office Bandwidth Profile is a MOE offering that originates and terminates in the same central office for use with SST, GeoMax and SHNS Ethernet Ports. 10.2 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS In addition to the terms and conditions in Section 2 and Section 3 of this Tariff, the terms and conditions in this section also apply for MOE A. The provisioning of MOE contemplates the use of existing facilities. There may be occasions when MOE is not available due to facilities limitations, or when it may be necessary to construct facilities. If Special Construction is involved, the regulations as set forth in Section 3.6, preceding will apply. B. For MOE, the Company will secure equipment space furnished by the customer under the terms of 2.3.4. This space must be accessible exclusively to the Company, as if the Company is the lessee. (T) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.3 RATE ELEMENTS A. MOE Port A nonrecurring charge applies per new MOE Port. A nonrecurring charge for a MOE Port will also be assessed when an electrical port is changing to an optical port or an optical port is changing to an electrical port. There will be no charge if a customer goes from one electrical port to another electrical port or from one optical port to another optical port. Customers may choose to connect to an electrical 10/100 port or an electrical or optical 1,000 Mbps port on the Company network. B. Bandwidth Profile (BWP) A monthly rate is assessed per Bandwidth Profile (BWP) subscribed to and the term plan chosen as set forth in 10.4.A, following. Customers may subscribe to one of the following: 1. Customer Premises Bandwidth • 10 Mbps Ports: 1 Mbps, 3 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 7 Mbps and 10 Mbps • 100 Mbps Ports: 1 Mbps, 3 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 7 Mbps, 10 Mbps, 20 Mbps, 30 Mbps, 40 Mbps, 50 Mbps, 60 Mbps, 70 Mbps, 80 Mbps, 90 Mbps and 100 Mbps • 1,000 Mbps Ports: 10 Mbps, 20 Mbps, 30 Mbps, 40 Mbps, 50 Mbps, 60 Mbps, 70 Mbps, 80 Mbps, 90 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps, 300 Mbps, 400 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 600 Mbps, 700 Mbps, 800 Mbps, 900 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps 2. Central Office Bandwidth • 1,000 Mbps Ports: 100 Mbps, 600 Mbps and 1,000 Mbps (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 4.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.3 RATE ELEMENTS (Cont'd) C. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) The Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) rate is comprised of a monthly recurring rate and a nonrecurring rate per connection. This rate will apply when a MOE Bandwidth Port connects to another service. D. Optional Features 1. Multiple Ethernet Virtual Connections (EVCs) or Operator Virtual Connections (OVCs) Each MOE Port provided by the Company will come standard with the capability to provide one Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) or Operator Virtual Connection (OVC) at no additional charge. An OVC is associated with an ENNI port type. Customers may order more than one EVC or OVC per port, but for each additional EVC or OVC, the Company will bill a monthly EVC or OVC charge per port that the EVC or OVC terminate on, at rates set forth in 10.5.D., following. 2. Quality of Service (QoS) Quality of Service (QoS) allows customers to prioritize their traffic managed through the Company’s MOE Service. QoS supports two different Classes of Service management options set forth below: • Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service or • Priority Class of Service Customers must choose the Class of Service management option that will support their Metro Ethernet Network (MEN) requirements. The MOE Service Technical Publication PUB 77411 has specific details to assist in this decision. (T) (T) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 4.2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.3 RATE ELEMENTS D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) (Cont'd) a. Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service offers three options ordered on a per Mbps basis. CIR bandwidths include: • 1 Mbps through 10 Mbps in 1 Mbps increments • 10 Mbps through 100 Mbps in 10 Mbps increments • 100 Mbps through 1000 Mbps in 100 Mbps increments • CIR bandwidths greater than 1000 Mbps are available on an Individual Case Basis (ICB) Class of Service defines performance characteristics of the network that manages business applications designating with the following classes: • Real Time (RT): Supports enterprise applications with the highest prioritization that require low frame delay, minimal frame loss and requires low jitter. Applications include voice, video and Telepresence. • Guaranteed Data (GD): Supports high priority enterprise application with tolerance for frame delay, frame loss and jitter. Applications include interactive services such as web conferencing, CCTV, video and voice. • Business Class (BC): Supports enterprise data applications with greater tolerance for frame delay, frame loss and jitter. BC is the baseline class for serving MOE so there are no additional charges for associated CIR bandwidth. Ordering procedures for BC is assigned for remaining CIR within the Bandwidth Profile. b. Priority Class of Service QoS for MOE allows customers to prioritize their traffic in four levels which are: Priority 1, Priority 2, Priority 3 and Priority 4 with preset templates based on percent allocation for class by the Bandwidth Profile (BWP). The four classes of service or priority levels uses are described below: (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 4.3 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.3 RATE ELEMENTS D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) b. (Cont’d) • Priority 1 – This Quality of Service class of service supports VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and other near real time applications. A Quality of Service Guarantee is provided in 3, following. • Priority 2 – This Quality of Service class of service supports interactive Video applications. • Priority 3 - This Quality of Service class of service supports business data applications. • Priority 4 - This Quality of Service is the default for all other traffic that is not defined in Priorities 1, 2 or 3 above. Priority 4 traffic will have the lowest priority on the network. In all Quality of Service options, at least 3 Mbps or 5 Mbps of the Bandwidth Profile will be Priority 1 traffic. Priority 1 traffic is ordered in 3 Mbps or 5 Mbps increments and customers may order multiples of Quality of Service at monthly and Pricing Plan rates set forth in 10.5.D., following. The 3 Mbps increment of Priority 1 traffic option is only available for 3 Mbps, 5 Mbps and 7 Mbps Bandwidth Profiles. The 5 Mbps increment of Priority 1 traffic is available for 5 Mbps Bandwidth Profiles and higher. Each individual Quality of Service reserves either 3 Mbps or 5 Mbps of the Bandwidth Profile for Priority 1 traffic. Customers may order multiple increments, but 3 Mbps and 5 Mbps increments may not be combined. For example: if a customer orders 4 increments of 5 Mbps of Quality of Service the customer would receive 20 Mbps of the Bandwidth Profile for Priority 1 traffic. In addition to the Priority 1 traffic, customers must specify the traffic percentage levels for Priorities 2, 3 and 4 for the remainder of the Bandwidth using the templates are described below: (T) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 4.4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.3 RATE ELEMENTS D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) (Cont'd) When Quality of Service is ordered 8 different options or templates will be available. Each template specifies how the remaining Bandwidth Profile will be distributed to Priorities 2, 3 and 4 as set forth in the 8 templates, below: Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Template 1 20% 40% 40% Template 2 25% 35% 40% Template 3 30% 30% 40% Template 4 35% 25% 40% Template 5 40% 20% 40% Template 6 45% 15% 40% Template 7 50% 10% 40% Template 8 55% 5% 40% Quality of Service comes with a service guarantee for every 3 or 5 megabits increment of Priority 1 traffic. The SLA credit will be based on a specific calendar month’s performance as set forth in Section 2.4.4.B.1, preceding. (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 4.5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 2 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.3 RATE ELEMENTS D. Optional Features (Cont'd) 3. Protect Routing Protect Routing provides added reliability to MOE transported over fiber optic facilities. Protect Routing provides a separate facility path for the protection system between the serving wire center and the Company point of termination located in the same building as the customers designated premises when the customer or building owner provide the structure for diverse entrance facilities into the building. The Company will bill a monthly Protect Routing Charge as set forth in 10.5.D., following. This added protection is provided by ensuring that backup electronics and two physically separate facility paths are used in the provisioning of the service. One primary (or working) service path is established between the serving wire center and the customer designated premises. In addition, a protect path is provisioned between the customer designated premises and the serving wire center via a Company designated alternate route. In the event that the working facility or electronics fail or the service performance becomes impaired, the facility automatically switches to the service protect path in order to maintain a near continuous flow of information between locations. Protect Routing comes with a service guarantee should the continuity between the customer designated premises and serving wire center fail as set forth in Section 2.4.4.B.1, preceding. (T) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commiss,ipn Office of the SecrWy ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 17, 2012 Boise, Idaho Qwest Corporation dlb/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 • Page 5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-7-2012 Effective: 1.1-17-201 .2 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.4 RATE TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. The initial order for MOE must be for a fixed period service rate plan of one, two, three or five year fixed service period. Pricing Plans are further described in 2.4.5. MOE customers will not receive rate decreases if the Company decreases the rates during their term plan. B. A subsequent order to add or change a Bandwidth Profile, Quality of Service or Protect Routing to an existing fixed-period service pricing plan must be coterminous for the remainder of the existing fixed-period service pricing plan. C. A subsequent order to add or change a MOE Port during the fixed period service rate plan will be assessed the nonrecurring charge. D. A subsequent order to increase a MOE Bandwidth during the fixed period service rate plan will not be assessed the MOE Port nonrecurring charge. The monthly rate will be changed to the new MOE Bandwidth Profile Charge. The customer may subsequently decrease the MOE Bandwidth Profile as low as the originally configured bandwidth without being assessed a Discontinuance Charge. If the . customer chooses to decrease MOE Bandwidth to a lower bandwidth than originally agreed upon prior to the expiration date of the fixed period service rate plan the Discontinuance Charge will apply. E. Rates and Charges as set forth in 10.5, following will apply or Rates and Charges maybe developed on an individual case basis and will be specified in a Service Agreement between the Company and the customer. F. Changes to Rate Plans Changes to rate plans are described in 2.4.5. NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS HI DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT 10 CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO, 12-15-STD SJD201 2-016 SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 6 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES NONRECURRING CHARGE • • • • • • • • • • NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 7 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 8 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 7.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES Customer Premises Bandwidth for 10/100/1,000 Mbps Ports (Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 8 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 9 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 10 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 11 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 12 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 7 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2016-012 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 13 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 12-15-2016 Effective: 1-1-2017 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES MONTHLY RATE ••••• ••••• ••••• NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 16-12-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING January 1, 2017 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 14 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 5 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES B. Bandwidth Profile(Cont'd) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 15 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES B. Bandwidth Profile (Cont’d) (D) (D) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 16 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES(Cont'd) C. Central Office Connecting Channel (COCC) NONRECURRING MONTHLY CHARGE RATE • Monthly $30.00 $10.00 (D) (D) (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 17 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 6 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES (Cont'd) D. Optional Features 1. Ethernet Virtual connection (EVC) or Operator Virtual Connection (OVC) MONTHLY RATE • Monthly: per EVC or OVC $50.00 per port 2. Quality of Service (QoS) a. Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service (CoS) • Per EVC or OVC per port (1) Real Time • 1 Mbps $18.00 • 2 Mbps 26.00 • 3 Mbps 34.00 • 4 Mbps 42.00 • 5 Mbps 50.00 • 6 Mbps 58.00 • 7 Mbps 66.00 • 8 Mbps 74.00 • 9 Mbps 82.00 • 10 Mbps 90.00 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 17.1 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) a. Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service (CoS) (1) Real Time (Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE • 20 Mbps $110.00 • 30 Mbps 130.00 • 40 Mbps 150.00 • 50 Mbps 170.00 • 60 Mbps 190.00 • 70 Mbps 210.00 • 80 Mbps 230.00 • 90 Mbps 250.00 • 100 Mbps 270.00 • 200 Mbps 344.00 • 300 Mbps 418.00 • 400 Mbps 492.00 • 500 Mbps 566.00 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 17.2 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) a. Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service (CoS) (1) Real Time (Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE • 600 Mbps $640.00 • 700 Mbps 714.00 • 800 Mbps 788.00 • 900 Mbps 862.00 • 1000 Mbps 936.00 (2) Guaranteed Data • 1 Mbps 11.00 • 2 Mbps 16.00 • 3 Mbps 20.00 • 4 Mbps 25.00 • 5 Mbps 30.00 • 6 Mbps 35.00 • 7 Mbps 40.00 • 8 Mbps 44.00 • 9 Mbps 49.00 • 10 Mbps 54.00 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 17.3 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) a. Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service (CoS) (2) Guaranteed Data (Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE • 20 Mbps $ 66.00 • 30 Mbps 78.00 • 40 Mbps 90.00 • 50 Mbps 102.00 • 60 Mbps 114.00 • 70 Mbps 126.00 • 80 Mbps 138.00 • 90 Mbps 150.00 • 100 Mbps 162.00 • 200 Mbps 206.00 • 300 Mbps 251.00 • 400 Mbps 295.00 • 500 Mbps 340.00 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 17.4 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 3 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) a. Committed Information Rate (CIR) Class of Service (CoS) (2) Guaranteed Data (Cont’d) MONTHLY RATE • 600 Mbps $384.00 • 700 Mbps 428.00 • 800 Mbps 473.00 • 900 Mbps 517.00 • 1000 Mbps 562.00 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 17.5 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES D. Optional Features 2. Quality of Service (QoS) (Cont’d) b. Priority Class of Service MONTHLY RATE (1) Per 3 Mbps of Priority 1 Traffic [1]; per EVC, per port • Monthly $40.00 • 12 Months 35.00 • 24 Months 30.00 • 36 Months 25.00 • 60 Months 20.00 (2) Per 5 Mbps of Priority 1 Traffic; per EVC, per port • Monthly 65.00 • 12 Months 55.00 • 24 Months 50.00 • 36 Months 40.00 • 60 Months 35.00 NONRECURRING CHARGE (3) Per Change to an Existing Template [2]; • per Template $175.00 [1] 3 Mbps of Priority 1 is only available for 3 Mbps, 5 Mbps and 7 Mbps Bandwidth Profiles. [2] When the initial order is placed for Quality of Service, a Nonrecurring Charge (NRC) per Template will not apply. However, an NRC will apply any time an existing template is changed. (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho SID2018-019 Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC Advanced Communications Services Catalog SECTION 10 Page 18 SOUTHERN IDAHO Release 4 Issued: 11-19-2018 Effective: 11-30-2018 10. METRO OPTICAL ETHERNET (MOE) 10.5 RATES AND CHARGES D. Optional Features(Cont'd) 3. Protect Routing MONTHLY RATE a. Per 10/100 Mbps, MOE Port • Monthly $1,200.00 • 12 Months 1,100.00 • 24 Months 1,050.00 • 36 Months 950.00 • 60 Months 900.00 b. Per 1,000 Mbps, MOE Port • Monthly 1,500.00 • 12 Months 1,400.00 • 24 Months 1,350.00 • 36 Months 1,250.00 • 60 Months 1,200.00 (T) NOTICE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. TRANSMITTAL NO. 18-20-SID Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING November 30, 2018 Boise, Idaho