HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuasar Communications Corp.pdfQUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 1 TITLE SHEET IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TARIFF This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations and rates applicable to the furnishing of service and facilities for telecommunications services provided by Quasar Communications Corporation, with principal offices at 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084. This tariff applies for services furnished within the state of Idaho. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, and copies may be inspected, during normal business hours, at the Company s principal place of business. The address of the Company s agent in Idaho for service of process by the Commission is c/o CT Corporation System, 300 North Sixth Street, Boise, ill 83702. Consumer inquiries, complaints or questions may be addressed to the Company at its principal offices at the address listed above. Such inquiries may also be made via toll free telephone call during regular business hours at 1-800-396-6216. The Company designates Elise Escamilla, its president, as contact for the Commission staff in resolving consumer complaints, responding to consumer inquiries and answering matters concerning this tariff. Ms. Escamilla can be reached at the Company s principal office, or by telephone at 1-281-859-7072. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MARl 82004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04-01 First Revised Sheet 2 Replaces Original Sheet 2 CHECK SHEET The sheets listed below, which are inclusive of this tariff, are effective as ofthe date shown at the bottom ofthe respective sheet(s). Original and revised sheets as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as ofthe date ofthe bottom of this page. SHEET REVISION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Original 1st Revised* Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 1st Revised* Original ISSUED: September 12, 2012 EFFECTIVE : September 24, 2012 By: Elis e Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 24, 2012 Boise, Idaho QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Sheet......................................................................................... Check Sheet....................................................................................... Table of Contents............................................ ..................................... Symbols Sheet..................................................................................... Tariff Format Sheets.............................................................................. Section 1 - Technical Terms and Abbreviations......................................... ..... Section 2 - Rules and Regulations. ............ ....... ........ .... ...... .................. ... ... Section 3 - Description of Service.... ...... ...... ................ ..................... ... .... Section 4 -Rates................................................................................. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18, 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 4 SYMBOLS SHEET D - Delete or Discontinue I - Change Resulting in an Increase to a Customer s Bill M - Moved from Another Tariff Location N - New R - Change Resulting in a Reduction to a Customer s Bill T - Change in Text or Regulation but No Change in Rate or Charge Idaho Public Utilities Comm ' , Office of the S 0 ISSlon ACCEPT ecrvr~ry FOR FlUNG MARl 82004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18 , 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 5 TARIFF FORMAT SHEETS A. Sheet Numbering - Sheet numbers appear in the upper right corner of the page. Sheets are numbered sequentially. However, new sheets are occasionally added to the tariff. When a new sheet is added between sheets already in effect, a decimal is added. For example, a new sheet added between sheets 14 and 15 would be 14. B. Sheet Revision Numbers - Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of each page. These numbers are used to determine the most current sheet version on file with the IPUC. For example, the 4th revised Sheet 14 cancels the 3rd revised Sheet 14. C. Paragraph Numbering Sequence - There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level: 1.1. 1.1.A. 1.1.A. 1.1.A.1.(a). (a). 1.1.A.1.(a).(i). (a).(i).(1). D. Check Sheets - When a tariff filing is made with the IPUC, an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the sheets contained in the tariff with a cross reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). There will be no other symbols used on this page if these are the only changes made to it (i., the format, etc., remains the same, just revised revision levels on some pages). The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular sheet is the most current on file with the IPUc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17, 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18 , 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 6 SECTION 1 - TECHNICAL TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the customer s location to the Company network switching center. Authorization Code - A numerical code, one or more of which are available to a customer to enable him/her to access the carrier, and which are used by the carrier both to prevent unauthorized access to its facilities and to identify the customer for billing purposes. Company or Carrier - Quasar Communications Corporation. Customer - The person, firm, corporation or other entity which orders service and is responsible for payment of charges due and compliance with the Company s tariff regulations. Day - From 8:00 AM up to but not including 5:00 PM local time Sunday through Friday. Evening - From 5 :00 PM up to but not including 11 :00 PM local time Sunday through Friday. Holidays - The Company s recognized holidays are New Year s Day, July 4th Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. IPUC - The Idaho Public Utilities Commission Night/Weekend - From 11 :00 PM up to but not including 8 :00 AM Sunday through Friday, and 8:00 AM Saturday up to but not including 5:00 PM Sunday. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18, 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 7 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company The Company s services and facilities are furnished for communications originating and terminating at specified points within the state of Idaho under terms of this tariff. The Company installs, operates and maintains the communications services provided herein in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. It may act as the customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities when authorized by the customer, to allow connection of a customer s location to the Company s network. The customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and facilities are provided on a monthly basis unless ordered on a longer term basis, and are available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Limitations 2.2.Service is offered subject to the availability of facilities and provisions of this tariff. 2.2.2 The Company reserves the right to discontinue furnishing service, or limit the use of service necessitated by conditions beyond its control: or when the customer is using the service in violation of the law or the provisions of this tariff. 2.2.All services and facilities provided under this tariff are directly controlled by the Company and the customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities, except with the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or location of the service or facilities. 2.2.4 All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions for servIce. ISSUED: March 17 2004 By:Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 EFFECTIVE: March 18, 2004 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 8 2004 Pr';,e, Id~br' QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 8 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) Liabilities of the Company The Company s liability arising out of mistakes, interruptions, omissions delays, errors or defects in the transmission occurring in the course of furnishing service or facilities, and not caused by the negligence of its employees or its agents, in no event shall exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period during which the aforementioned faults in transmission occur, unless ordered by the Commission. 3.2 The Company shall be indemnified and held harmless by the customer against: (A)Claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising out of the material, data, information, or other content transmitted over the Company s facilities. (B)All other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with any service or facility provided by the Company. The included tarifflanguage does not constitute a determination by the IPUC that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court oflaw. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court's responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court's responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. I~aho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR flUNG MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17, 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 9 2.4 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) Interruption of Service 2.4.Credit allowances for the interruption of service which is not due to the Company s testing or adjusting, negligence ofthe customer, or due to the failure of channels or equipment provided by the customer, are subject to the general liability provisions set forth in Subsection 2.1. It shall be the customer s obligation to notify the Company immediately of any service interruption for which a credit allowance is desired. Before giving such notice, the customer shall ascertain that the trouble is not being caused by any action or omission by the customer within his control, or equipment, if any, furnished by the customer and connected to the Company s facilities. No refund or credit will be made for the time that the Company stands ready to repair the service and the subscriber does not provide access to the Company for such restoration work. 2.4.2 No credit shall be allowed for an interruption of a continuous duration of less than twenty-four hours after the subscriber notifies the Company. 2.4.The customer shall be credited for an interruption of more than twenty- four hours as follows: Credit Formula: Credit = A/720 x C A" - outage time in hours B" - each month is considered to have 720 hours C" - total monthly charge for affected facility Disconnection of Service by Carrier The Company (Carrier), upon 7 days written notice to the customer, may discontinue service or cancel an application for service, without incurring any liability, for non-payment of any sum due to carrier for regulated service for more than thirty days beyond the date of rendition of the bill for such service. Such notice shall conform to the requirements ofIDAPA 31.41.301 etseq. ISSUED: March 17 2004 By: EFFECTIVBaff\rIar~ ~8~t~Qe6h,mission Elise Escamilla, President Office of the Secretary 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive ACCEPTED FOR FlUNG Houston, TX 77084 MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, Idaho QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 10 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS (continued) Disconnection of Service by Carrier (Cont. Service may be disconnected without notice for any of the following reasons: (A)A violation of any regulation governing the service under this tariff; (B)A violation of any law, rule, or regulation of any government authority having jurisdiction over such service; (C)The company has given the customer notice and has allowed a reasonable time to comply with any rule, or remedy and deficiency as stated under Idaho rules and regulations; (D)Tampering with company equipment, for interfering with the service to other customers, for fraud, or in the event of a hazardous condition. Deposits The Company does not require a deposit from the customer. Taxes All state and local taxes (e., gross receipts tax, sales tax, municipal utilities tax) are listed on customer bills as separate line items and are not included in the quoted rates. Billing of Calls All charges due by the subscriber are payable at any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Any objection to billed charges should be promptly reported to the Company. Adjustments to customers' bills shall be made to the extent that records are available and/or circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such charges are not in accordance with approved rates or that an adjustment may otherwise be appropriate. ISSUED: March 17 2004 By: Idaho P bl' UtjJlt.' EFFECTIVE: Mam~~c~, HI~'~~r ~~~'ss'on Elise Escamilla, President ACCEPTED FOR FILING 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, IdeM QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 11 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Timing of Calls 1.1 When Billing Charges Begin and End for Calls The customer s long distance usage charge is based on the actual usage of the Company s network. Usage begins when the called party picks up the receiver (i., when two-way communication, often referred to as conversation time" is possible.When the called party picks up is determined by hardware answer supervision in which the local telephone company sends a signal to the switch or the software utilizing audio tone detection. When software answer supervision is employed, up to 60 seconds of ringing is allowed before it is billed as usage of the network. call is terminated when the calling or called party hangs up. 1.2 Billing Increments The minimum call duration for billing purposes is 1 minute for a connected call and calls beyond 1 minute are billed in 1 minute increments. 1.3 Per Call Billing Charges Billing will be rounded up to the nearest penny for each call. 1.4 Uncompleted Calls There shall be no charge for uncompleted calls. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17, 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18, 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 12 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) Calculation of Distance Usage charges for all mileage sensitive products (if any) are based on the airline distance between rate centers associated with the originating and terminating points of the call. The airline mileage between rate centers is determined by applying the formula below to the vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the rate centers involved. The Company uses the rate centers that are produced by Bell Communications Research in the NPA-NXX V & H Coordinates Tape and Bell' NECA Tariff No. 4. Formula: The square root of:(V1-V2)2 + (H1-H2)2 Minimum Call Completion Rate A customer can expect a call completion rate (number of calls completed/number of calls attempted) of not less than 99% during peak use periods for all Feature Group D services ("+" dialing). 3.4 Service Offerings 3.4.Quasar Long Distance Service Quasar Long Distance Service is offered to residential customers. The service permits direct dialed outbound calling at a single per minute rate. Service is provided from pre-subscribed, dedicated or shared use access lines. Calls are billed in one minute increments. A monthly service charge also applies. Quasar offers multiple service plans for its long distance service. Rates for Quasar s service plans are set forth in Section 4.1 of this tariff. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 8 2004 Boise Idaho ISSUED: March 17, 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18 , 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 13 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE (continued) 3.4 Service Offerings (Cont. 3.4.Quasar Calling Card Service Quasar Calling Card Service is a calling card service offered to residential customers who subscribe to a Quasar Long Distance Service calling plan. Customers using the Carrier s calling card service access the service by dialing a 1-800 number followed by an account identification number and the number being called. This service permits subscribers utilizing the Carrier s calling card to make calls at a single per minute rate. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments after the initial minimum period of one (1) minute. 3.4.Directory Assistance The Company will connect requesting customers to the local exchange company directory assistance service for directory assistance calls within the state. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MAR 1 8 2004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18, 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 14 SECTION 4 - RATES Quasar Long Distance Service Quasar offers four service plans, the Quasar 6-12 Plan, the Quasar 7-14 Plan, the Quasar 8-16 Plan and the Quasar One Rate Plan. Except for the One Rate Plan the rates for each plan vary between in-state and out-of-state calls. Rates listed in this tariff are for in-state calls only. Quasar 6-12 Plan Rate per minute: 12 cents Plan is billed in full minute increments. 1.2 Quasar 7-14 Plan Rate per minute: 14 cents Plan is billed in full minute increments. 1.3 Quasar 8-16 Plan Rate per minute: 16 cents Plan is billed in full minute increments. 1.4 Quasar One Rate Plan Rate per minute: 14 cents Plan is billed in full minute increments. Minimum monthly usage: $4. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING MARl 8 2004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17, 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18, 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04-01 First Revised Sheet 15 Replaces Original Sheet 15 SECTION 4 - RATES (continued) 4.2 Quasar Calling Card Service Rate per minute - 19 cents Plan is billed in full minute increments. 4.3 Service Charges Quasar Long Distance Service Monthly Service Charge: Quasar 6-12 Plan-$5.95 (I ) Quasar 7-14 Plan-$5.95 (I ) Quasar 8-16 Plan-$5.95 (I ) Quasar One Rate Plan - $5.95 (I ) Quasar Calling Card Service Monthly Service Charge - $5.95 (I) 4.4 Director Assistance Directory Assistance is billed on a per call basis at a rate of 85 cents per call. 4.5 Payment of Calls 4.5.1 Late Payment Charges Customers failing to pay a bill for services by the due date will be charged a one-time late payment penalty on the amount owed for such services. Any payment received by Company will first be applied to the bill for services rendered 4.5.2 Return Check Charge A return check charge of $10.00 will be assessed for checks returned for insufficient funds. ISSUED: September 12, 2012 EFFECTIVE : September 24, 2012 By: Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING September 24, 2012 Boise, Idaho QUASAR COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Idaho Tariff No. 04- Original Sheet 16 SECTION 4 - RATES (continued) Special Promotions The Company will, from time to time, offer special promotions to its customers waiving certain charges. These promotions will be filed with the IPUC with specific starting and ending dates, and be made part of this tariff. Idaho ~blic Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryEPTED FOR FlUNG MAR 1 82004 Boise, Idaho ISSUED: March 17, 2004 By: EFFECTIVE: March 18 , 2004 Elise Escamilla, President 15610 Boulder Oaks Drive Houston, TX 77084