HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200821Application.pdfLance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attomeys At Law I 725 Windward Concourse Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 +lf_raf!trfl\i'r]:Lti.t' f,tJ :t:$ *lit ? I PH Lr 3$ 4 , , r _P i:i i,ra ir'\:! - l': -; f"+":irLrt,-i;.': :., tC,lih{i$SiOH Also Admitted in New York Email: lsteinhart@telecomcounsel.com Telephone: (77 0\ 232-9200 Facsimile: (770) 232-9208 August 21,2020 VIA EMAIL DELI\MRY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washin$on Boise,Idaho 83702 &-uud-T- eo-o, Re:Q LINK WIRELESS LLC Application to Expand ETC Service Area Dear Ms. Hanian: Attached please find for filing Q LINK WIRELESS LLC's Application to Expand its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Service Area in the State of Idaho. If you have any questions or if I may provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at770-232-7805 or hkirby@telecomcounsel.com. Thank you. Respectfu lly submitted, s/ Heather Kirby Heather Kirby Regulatory Specialist Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C Attorneysfor Q LINKWIRELESS LLC Attachments BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of Q LINK WIRELESS LLC to Expand its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Service Area ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. APPLICATION Or Q LINK WTRELESS TO EXPAND ITS ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER SERVICE AREA I. INTRODUCTION Q LINK WIRELESS LLC ("Q LINK" orthe "Company"), by its undersigned counsel, and pursuant to Section 2la@)Q) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"),r Sections 54.101 through 54.207 of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"),2 and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission") rules and regulations, hereby files this application to expand Q LINK's Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC") service area in the State of Idaho ("Application"). Q LINK was designated as a Lifeline-only ETC by the Commission by Order No. 32995 dated March 13,2014 in Case No. QLW-T-13-01 ("ETC Designation Order"). Q LINK requests to expand its ETC service area solely to provide Lifeline service to additional qualiffing tdaho households through participation in the federal Universal Service Fund's ("USF") low-income program and the Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program ("ITSAP"). The Company does not seek access to USF support for the purpose of providing service to high-cost areas.3 ' 47 U.S.C. $ 2la(eX2) 2 47 C.F.R. $$ 54.101-54.207. 3 Given that Q LINK only seeks support from the low-income program and does not seek any high-cost support, ETC certification requirements for the high-cost program are not applicable to Q LINK. 1 As demonstrated herein, and as certified by Exhibit I affached hereto, Q LINK continues to meet all statutory and regulatory requirements for designation as an ETC, including the requirements outlined in the FCC's Lifeline Modernization Order.a Rapid grant of Q LINK's request would advance the public interest by enabling the Company to expand the availability of Lifeline service to many more low-income consumers in Idaho, especially in light of the current national state of emergency. Accordingly, Q LINK respectfully requests that the Commission expeditiously approve this Application. All correspondence, communications, pleadings, notices, orders and decisions relating to this Application should be addressed to: Lance J.M. Steinhart Managing Attorney Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attorneys for Q LINKWIRELESS, LLC 1725 Windward Concourse, Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770) 232-9200 (Phone) (770) 232-9208 (Fax) E-Mail: lsteinhart@telecomcounsel.com II. DESIGNATED SERYICE AREA ln the ETC Designation Order, the Commission designated Q LINK as an ETC within the wire centers listed in Exhibit 6 of the Company's application for designation as an ETC filed in Case No. QLW-T-13-01 ("ETC Application"). Q LfNK provides wireless Lifeline service to eligible Idaho Lifeline customers utilizing the Sprint Spectrum L.P. ("Sprinf') and/or T-Mobile USA, Inc. ("T-Mobile") wireless networks. Through its agreement with these underlying carriers, Q LINK customers benefit from Sprint and T-Mobile's ability to remain functional in emergency a In the Matter of Lifeline and Link Up Reform and Modernization, Telecommunications Caniers Eligible for Universal Service Support, Connect America Fund, WC Docket Nos. ll-42,00-197, 10-90, Third Report and Order, Further Report and Order, and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 16-38 (rel. Apr.27,2016) (hereinafter,"Third Report and Order" or "Lifeline Modernization Order"). 2 situations, including access to a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source, the ability to reroute traffic around damaged facilities, and the capability of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Q LINK seeks to revise its ETC designated service area as described in attached Exhibit 2 to include additional areas where Sprint and T-Mobile have wireless coverage.s Pursuant to 199 IAC 39.2(3)d, Q LINK adopts the exchange area maps on file with the Commission for the exchange areas listed in Exhibit 2. III. Q LINK MEETS APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS FCC rules, 47 C.F.R. $$ 54.201-54.202 (the "FCC ETC Rules"), set forth the information that must be contained in an application for designation as an ETC. In its ETC Application, incorporated herein by reference, Q LINK provided all of the information required by FCC ETC Rules in effect at the time, including those set forth in the FCC's Lifeline Reform Order.6 The Commission found in its ETC Designation Order that Q LINK met the requirements for designation as an ETC. Q LINK has complied with the conditions of its ETC designation and will continue to do so. In accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.202(a)(l)(i) and by the attached certification, Q LINK certifies that it will comply with the service requirements applicable to the support that it receives. Q LINK hereby also provides additional and updated information as a result ofthe FCC's Lifeline Modernization Order, which was issued after the Company's ETC Designation Order. 5 For convenience, Exhibit 2 contains the wire centers originally approved and the new proposed wire centers which are labeled accordingly. 6 In the Matter of Lifeline qnd Link Up Reform and Modernization, Lifeline and Link Up, Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, Advancing Broadband Availability Through Digital Literacy Training, WC Docket No. ll-42, WC Docket No. 03-109, CC Docket No. 96-45, WC Docket No. 12-23, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC l2-l I (rel. Feb. 6,2012) ("Lifeline Reform Order"). aJ A. Provision of Supported Services Q LINK is able to provide all services supported by the universal service program, as detailed in Section 5a.l0l(a) ofthe FCC's Rules (47 C.F.R. $ 5a.l0l(a)), throughout its requested service area in the State ofldaho, including broadband Internet access service, a supported service as of December 2,2016. Q LINK commits that its Lifeline-supported services will continue to meet or exceed the minimum service standards set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.408, including as they change going forward. The Company's current Lifeline offering is attached hereto as Exhibit 3.7 Q LINK currently offers these Lifeline wireless plans throughout its existing service area in Idaho. B. Eligibility Verification Q LINK determines eligibility of Lifeline subscribers in accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 54.410, utilizing the streamlined eligibility criteria implemented by the Lifeline Modernization Order (see 47 C.F.R. $ 54.409). The FCC has taken steps to curb abuse in the Lifeline program by establishing the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier ("National Verifier") which transfers the responsibility of eligibility determination away from Lifeline providers.s Q LINK will rely on the National Verifier to determine initial and ongoing eligibility of ldaho Lifeline subscribers. The National Verifier queries the National Lifeline Accountability Database ('NLAD") for every enrollment to determine whether a prospective subscriber is currently receiving a Lifeline service from Q LINK or any other ETC, and whether anyone else living at the prospective subscriber's residential address is currently receiving Lifeline service. As such, Q LINK complies with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. $54.404. 7 The Company's terms and conditions can be found at www.glinkwireless.com. 8 See Lifeline Modernizqtion Order, section III.C. 4 C. Non-Usage Policy Q LINK has updated its non-usage policy in compliance with changes in federal regulations. Q LINK will not seek reimbursement from the USF for inactive subscribers and will de-enroll any subscriber that has not used the Company's Lifeline service as set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.a07(c)(2). An account will be considered active if the authorized subscriber establishes usage, as "usage" is defined by 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.a07(c)(2), during the specified timeframe, currently a period of thirty (30) days, or during the notice period set forth in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.405(e)(3), currently a period of fifteen (15) days. In accordance with 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.a05(e)(3), Q LINK will provide the subscriber advanced notice, using clear, easily understood language, that the subscriber's failure to use the Lifeline service within the notice period will result in service termination for non-usage. ry. EXPAI\SION OF Q LINK'S ETC SERYICE AREA WOULD PROMOTE THE PUBLIC INTEREST In its ETC Designation Order, the Commission found that designation of Q LINK as an ETC would serve the public interest. Expansion of Q LINK's ETC service area will increase the number of low-income individuals that can benefit from the advantages offered by the Company's Lifeline service, ensuring they have access to wholly-supported or discounted wireless voice and broadband service, and will thus further the public interest by providing more low-income Idaho consumers with low-priced and high-quality services. Q LINK's prepaid wireless plans enable consumers to enjoy the benefits of wireless telecommunication and mobile broadband access without being subject to extensive credit reviews and long-term service commitments, which historically have prevented many low-income Americans, including many ldaho residents, from reaping the full benefits of the intensely competitive wireless market. 5 Q LINK offers a unique, easy to use, competitive, and highly affordable wireless telecommunications service, which benefits qualified consumers who either have no other service alternatives or who choose a wireless prepaid solution in lieu of more traditional service. Q LINK's Lifeline offerings compare favorably withthose of other competitive ETCs, and provide Lifeline customers with voice minutes, unlimited text messages, and a data allotment (with current plan options meeting the voice andbroadband minimum service standards), at no net cost to the customer after application of Lifeline and ITSAP support. In today's market, consumers, including qualified Lifeline customers, view the portability and convenience of wireless service not as a luxury, but as a necessity. Mobile service allows children to reach their parents wherever they may be, allows a person seeking employment greater ability to be contacted by potential employers, and provides end users with the ability to contact emergency service providers regardless of location. Mobile service often also serves as a key bridge in closing the homework gap for students who live in rural areas with limited access to broadband. Q LINK employs a state-of-the-art proprietary fraud prevention system and does not utilize agents or third-party representatives for Lifeline enrollment, and does not pay any commissions or sales incentives on Lifeline sign-ups. This model, which Q LINK has employed for almost the entirety of its Lifeline operations, was recently endorsed by the FCC which adopted an order to prevent Lifeline ETCs from paying commissions to agents.e This direct-to-customer model utilizes technology to protect against waste, fraud and abuse. Q LINK recognized the value of this approach early and has a detailed, proven methodology that has and will continue to give it a competitive advantage over its competitors, demonstrating Q LINK's commitment to being a e See In the Matter of Bridging the Digital Divide for Low-Income Consumers, Lifeline and Link (Ip Reform and Modernization, Telecommunications Carriers Eligible for Universal Seryice Support, WC Docket Nos. 17-287, I l- 42, 00-197 , Fifth Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 19- l I I , (rel. Nov. 14,2019) (*Ftfth Report and Order"),1168. 6 trusted steward with public resources. Q LINK's business model is unique in that the Company is able to reach unserved and underserved Lifeline-eligible consumers, including in less dense areas that have not been a focus of other Lifeline providers; in fact, on average, eighty percent (80%) of Q LINK's customers are new and have not previously participated in the Lifeline program. With the comprehensive strength and experience of Q LINK's management team, the Company's proven technology-based business model, and Q LINK's solid history as a Lifeline provider, Q LINK is uniquely-positioned to meet the needs of Lifeline customers, utilizing the Company's innovative outreach and high integrity enrollment process, and Q LINK remains committed to careful stewardship of the Lifeline program. Without question, prepaid wireless services have become essential for low-income customers, providing them with value for their money, access to emergency services on wireless devices, and a reliable means of contact for prospective employers, social service agencies or dependents. Providing Q LINK with the authority necessary to offer discounted Lifeline services to eligible residents in additional areas of Idaho undoubtedly promotes the public interest. V. CONCLUSION Q LINK submits that the information contained herein, together with the information in the Company's ETC Application, incorporated herein by reference, demonstrates that Q LINK continues to meet the requirements for ETC designation and that expansion of Q LINK's ETC service area would promote the public interest. 7 WHEREFORE, Q LINK respectfully requests that the Commission promptly grant this Application and expand Q LINK's Lifeline-only ETC service anea as requested herein. Respectfu lly submitted, s/ Lance J.M. Steinhort Lance J.M. Steinhart Maneging Attorney Lance J.M. Steinhart, P.C. Attomeys atlaw 1725 Windward Concourse, Suite 150 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 (770)232-9200 @hone) (770)232-9208 (Fax) E-Mail: lsteinhart@telecomoounsel.com Attorrcysfor Q LINKWIRELESS, LLC August 21,2020 8 EXHIBIT 1 CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION I, Issa Asad, hereby depose and state that I am the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") of Q LINK WIRELESS LLC ("Q LINK"); that I have read the Application of Q LINK to expand its Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Service Area and know the contents thereof; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further certiff that Q LINK will comply with the service requirements applicable to the low-income universal service support that it receives. Q LINK WIRELESS LLC By Issa Asad, CEO EXTIIBIT 2 Proposed Service Area STATE cLU ItEC NAME RATE CENTER NEW (N) ID ALBNIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS ALBION ID ALMOIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS ALMO N ID ARCOIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS ARCO ID ELBAIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS ELBA N ID HLBKIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS HOLBROOK N ID HOWEIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATTONS ARCO ID MALTIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS MALTA ID MCKYIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS MACKAY N ID MLCYIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS MALAD ID MOORIDXC ALBION TELEPHONE CO. DBA ATC COMMUNICATIONS ARCO N ID CMBRIDXC CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY CAMBRIDGE N ID CMBRIDXC CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY COUNCIL N ID CMBRIDXC CAMBRI DGE TELEPHON E COMPANY INDIAN VLY N ID LWMNIDXC CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY LOWMAN N ID BRUNIDXC CENTURYTEL GEM STATE INC-ID DBA CENTURYLINK - ID BRUNEAU ID GRVWIDXC CENTURYTEL GEM STATE INC-ID DBA CENTURYLINK - ID GRAND VIEW N ID RCFDIDXC CENTURYTEL GEM STATE INC-ID DBA CENTURYLINK - ID RICHFIELD ID LEDRIDXC CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. DBA CENTURYLINK LEADORE N ID NFRKIDXC CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. DBA CENTURYLINK SALMON N ID SLMNIDXC CENTURYTEL OF IDAHO, INC. DBA CENTURYLINK SALMON N ID ABRDIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO ABERDEEN ID CARYIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO CAREY N ID cscDtDxc CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO CASCADE ID DNLYIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO DONNELLY ID EKCYIDXA CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO ELK CIW N ID FRFDIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO.FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO FAIRFIELD N ID GRVYIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO GARDEN VLY N ID HMDLIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO HOMEDALE ID HRBNIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO.FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO HORSEHBEND ID MCCLTDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO MCCALL ID MRNGIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO MARSING ID NWMDIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO NEWMEADOWS ID PARMIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO PARMA ID RGNSIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO RIGGINS N ID SPFDIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO SPRINGFLD ID SWETIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO SWEET ID WHBRIDXX CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO-FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO WHITE BIRD N ID WLDRIDXC CITIZENS TELECOM IDAHO.FRONTIER COMM OF IDAHO WILDER ID DRGSIDMA COLUMBINE TELCO DBA SILVER STAR COMMUNICATIPMS DRlGGS ID CHLSIDXC CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, I NC.CHALLIS N ID CYTNIDXC CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.CLAYTON N ID EKBNIDXC CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.ELK BEND N ID MAY IDXC CUSTER TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE, INC.MAY N ID ARBNIDXC DIRECT COM MUNICATIONS ROCKLAN D, INC.ARBON N ID PARSIDXC DIRECT COMMUN ICATIONS ROCKLAND, I NC.PARIS ID RKLDIDXC DIRECT COMMUN ICATIONS ROCKLAND, I NC.ROCKLAND STATE ctU ILEC NAME RATE CENTER NEW (N) ID FRLDIDXX FARM ERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO.FRUITLAND ID FILRIDAA FILER MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO FILER ID HLSTIDXC FILER MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO.HOLLISTER ID STATIDMA FREMONT TELCOM CO ASHTON ID STATIDMA FREMONT TELCOM CO ISLANDPARK ID STATIDMA FREMONT TELCOM CO ST ANTHONY ID FRTNWAXX FRONTIER COMMU NICATIONS NORTHWEST INC.EVERGREEN ID GRFDWAXX FRONTI ER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC CORA ID RCFRWAXB FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC.SETTERS ID FRFDWAXA FRONTIER COMMU NICATIONS NORTHWEST INC ROCK CREEK ID NWPTWAXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST INC.ALBENI ID BNFYIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID BONERSFRRY N ID BOVLIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID BOVILL N ID BWWIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. . ID BAYVIEW ID CLFKIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID CLARK FORK ID CRALIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID COERDALENE ID DERYIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID DEARY N ID GENSIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID GENESEE ID HOPEIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. . ID HOPE ID HRSNIDXA FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID HARRISON ID HYLKIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID HAYDENLAKE ID KLLGIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID KELLOGG N ID MLLNIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID MULLAN N ID MSCWIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID MOSCOW ID ORFNIDXC FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID OROFINO N ID PECKIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID PECK ID PTRCIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID PIERCE N ID PLMRIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. . ID PLUMERWRLY ID PNHRIDXA FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID KELLOGG ID PRLKIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID PRIESTLAKE N ID PRRVIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. . ID PRIEST RIV ID PSFLIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID BLUEBELL ID PSFLIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID POST FALLS ID PTLTIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID POTLATCH N ID RTHDIDXX FRONTTER COMMUNTCATIONS NORTHWESI lNC. - lD RATHDRUM ID SNPNIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID SANDPOINT ID SPLKIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID SPIRITLAKE ID STMRIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID ST MARIES N ID WEPPIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. - ID WEIPPE N ID WLLCIDXX FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST, INC. . ID WALLACE N ID LENRIDXA INLAND TELEPHONE CO.LENORE ID UNTWWAXA INLAND TELEPHONE CO.LEON ID MDVAIDXC MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.MIDVALE ID STNLIDXC MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.STANLEY ID WRLKIDXC MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.WARM LAKE N ID WRRNIDAA MIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC.WARREN N RATE CENTER NEW (N)STATE ctU IIEC NAME YELLOWPINE NIDYLPNIDXCMIDVALE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, INC. ID MUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOICATION, INC.DUBOIS NDUBSIDXC HAMERIDHAMRIDXCMUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOICATION, INC. ID KLGRIDXC MUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOICATION, INC.KILGORE N MONTEVIEW NIDMNVWIDXCMUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOICATION, INC. TERRETONIDTRTNIDXCMUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOICATION, INC. ID OREGON - IDAHO UTILITIES, INC.SOUTH MTNSOMTIDXC JULIAETTA NIDJLTTIDXAPOTLATCH TELEPHONE CO., INC. ID KNDRIDXX POTLATCH TELEPHONE CO., INC.KENDRICK N TROYIDTROYIDXXPOTLATCH TELEPHONE CO., INC ID NRLDIDXC PROJ ECT MUTUAL TELEPHONE COOP.NORLAND PROJ ECT M UTUAL TELEPHON E COOP. ASSOCIATION, I NC.MINIDOKAIDMNDKIDXC OAKLEYIDOKLYIDXCPROJ ECT M UTUAL TELEPHON E COOP. ASSOCIATION, I NC. PROJ ECT M UTUAL TELEPHON E COOP. ASSOCIATION, I NC.PAULIDPAULIDXC RUPERTIDRPRTIDXCPROJ ECT M UTUAL TELEPHON E COOP. ASSOCIATION, I NC. ID AMFLIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO BLACKFOOTIDBLFTIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID BLSSIDMA QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLS qWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO NIDBNCRIDMA BOISEIDBOISIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID BOISIDNW QWEST CORPORATION BOISE BOISEIDBOISIDSWQWEST CORPORATION ID BOISIDWE QWEST CORPORATION BOISE QWEST CORPORATION BURLEYIDBRLYIDMA TWIN FALLSIDBUHLIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID CLWLIDMA QWEST CORPORATION CALDWELL CRAIGMONTIDCRGMIDOlQWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLSIDCSFRIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID QWEST CORPORATION COTTONWOOD NCTWDIDOl BURLEYIDDECLIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID DWNYIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO POCATELLOIDDYTNIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID EAGLIDNM QWEST CORPORATION BOISE QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLSIDEDHZIDMA EMMETTIDEMMTIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID FKLNIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO IDAHOFALLSIDFRTHIDMAQWEST CORPORATION GRANGEVL NIDGAVLIDOlQWEST CORPORATION ID QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLSGDNGIDMA MT HOMEIDGLFYIDMAQWEST CORPORATION NIDGRACIDMAQWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO QWEST CORPORATION KETCHUMIDHALYIDMA TWIN FALLSIDHGMNIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID IDCYIDMA QWEST CORPORATION BOISE N IDAHOFALLSIDIDFLIDMAQWEST CORPORATION ID INKMIDMA qWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO IIIIIIII STATE ctU ItEC NAME RATE CENTER NEW (N) ID JERMIDNM QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLS ID KAMHIDOl QWEST CORPORATION KAMIAH N ID KMBRIDMA QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLS ID KOSKIDOl QWEST CORPORATION KOOSKIA N ID KTCHIDMA QWEST CORPORATION KETCHUM ID KUNAIDMA QWEST CORPORATION BOISE ID LAPWIDOl.QWEST CORPORATION LAPWAI ID LHSPIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO ID LsMNIDMA QWEST CORPORATION RIGBY ID LSTNIDSH QWEST CORPORATION LEWISTON ID MCCMIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO ID MDTNIDMA QWEST CORPORATION BOISE ID MELBIDMA QWEST CORPORATION MELBA ID MRDNIDMA QWEST CORPORATION BOISE ID MRTGIDMA QWEST CORPORATION MURTAUGH ID MTHOIDMA QWEST CORPORATION MT HOME ID MTHOIDSO QWEST CORPORATION MT HOME ID MTPLIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO ID NMPAIDMA QWEST CORPORATION NAMPA ID NPMOIDMA QWEST CORPORATION NEW PLYMTH ID NZPRIDOl qWEST CORPORATION NEZPERCE N ID PCTLIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO ID PCTLIDNO QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO ID PSTNIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO ID PYTTIDMA QWEST CORPORATION PAYETTE ID RBRTIDMA QWEST CORPORATION RIGBY ID RGBYIDMA QWEST CORPORATION RIGBY ID RIRIIDMA QWEST CORPORATION IDAHOFALLS ID RVSDIDMA QWEST CORPORATION BLACKFOOT ID RXBGIDMA QWEST CORPORATION IDAHOFALLS ID SDSPIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO N ID SHLYIDMA QWEST CORPORATION IDAHOFALLS ID SHSHIDMA QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLS ID STARIDNM QWEST CORPORATION BOISE ID THTCIDMA QWEST CORPORATION POCATELLO N ID TWFLIDMA QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLS ID WESRIDMA QWEST CORPORATION WEISER ID WNDLIDMA QWEST CORPORATION TWIN FALLS ID GLFYIDCO RURAL TELEPHONE CO.ATLANTA ID GLFYIDCO RURAL TELEPHONE CO.PRAIRIE ID GLFYIDCO RURAL TELEPHONE CO.TIPANUK ID SHOPIDXC RURAL TELEPHONE CO.SHOUP N ID FRDMWYXC SILVER STAR TELEPHONE CO., INC ALPINE N ID IRWNIDXC SILVER STAR TELEPHONE CO., INC.IRWIN N ID WAYNIDXC SILVER STAR TELEPHONE CO., INC WAYAN N EXHIBIT 3 Current Lifeline Offering Q LrNK WTRELESS LTFELINE OFFERTNG EFFECTIyE lznnog LIFELINE NON.TRIBAL: 1000 Minutes & 3 GB Data (O LINK ALWAYS ON) 1000 anytime minutes per month Unlimited text and picture messaging 3 GB data per month Minutes & data do not rollover Net cost to Lifeline customer: $0 LIFELINE TRIBAL: Unlimited Talk & Text & 3 GB Data (O LINK ALWAYS ON TRIBAL) Unlimited anytime voice minutes per month Unlimited text and picture messaging 3 GB data per month (no rollover) Net cost to Tribal Lifeline customer: $0 ADDITIONAL AIRTIME Available for purchase at https://qlinkwireless.com/members/carilquickpurchase.aspx AII packages include: . Free Wi-Fi enabled Smartphone, or data-capable tablet/hotspot device for qualified applicants. Free calls to Q LINK Customer Service. Free calls to 9l I emergency services. Free access to Voicemail, Caller-ID, and Call Waiting features ' Voice minutes may be used for Domestic Long Distance at no extra cost