HomeMy WebLinkAbout200404291st Response of QCC to Staff.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 South Capitol Boulevard - Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Telephone: (208) 387-4277 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 mshobson~stoe1.com RECEIVED 0 Frl..ED 2DDl APR 2' PM 4: 47 U F'ur!! 1(' UTILITIES COf'1t1t'SSlON Adam L. Sherr (WSBA #25291) Qwest 1600 ih Avenue - Room 3206 Seattle, W A 98191 Telephone: (206) 398-2507 Facsimile: (206) 343-4040 adam.sherr~qwest.com BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY OF QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CASE NO. QCC- T -04- RESPONSES OF QCC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Qwest Communications Corporation (QCC), by and through its undersigned attorneys files the, attached Responses to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff. Dated this 29th day of April, 2004. // " 7// ttt~V!JN-C:/~ Mary S. bson Stoel Rives, LLP Adam L. Sherr Qwest Attorneys for Qwest Corporation RESPONSES OF QCC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF- Boise-170636.10029164-00033 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 29th day of April, 2004, I served the foregoing RESPONSES OF QCC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF upon all parties of record in this matter as follows: Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 -1L Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 -1L Hand Delivery U. S. Mail Overnight Delivery Facsimile urie Rehder Legal Secretary to Mary S. Hobson Stoel Rives LLP RESPONSES OF QCC TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF - 2 Boise-170636.l 0029164-00033 Idaho Case No. QCC-04-STF 01-001 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:001 What is the intended market of Qwest Communications Corporation (QCC). What products does QCC intend to sell to which types of customers? a. Does QCC intend to enter the residential basic local exchange service (POTS) market? b. Does QCC intend to enter the small business POTS market? RESPONSE: Geographic market for QCC:State of Idaho Product market for QCC: QCC currently provides inter-exchange data and services to Idaho customers. At present it intends to offer additional services, including packaged product offers, using resold PRI, business exchange service and local T-1 spans to large business and governmentcustomers. voice local QCC has no plans at this time to enter the residential basic local exchangeservice (POTS) market or the small business (5 lines or fewer) POTS market. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-04- STF 01-002 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:002 QCC is already certified to provide local exchange service in Verizon 'service area in Idaho. Please describe the types of services currently beingprovided in Idaho by QCC. How many local exchange customers does QCC haveVerizon I s service area. RESPONSE: QCC is not currently providing local exchange services in Verizon territoryin Idaho. However, QCC is providing interexchange services to customers in Idaho as described in detail in its Catalog. QCC is also providing data services in Idaho, including in the Verizon ILEC service area. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-T-04- STF 01-003 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:003 Does QCC intend to construct or own any facilities? RESPONSE: QCC currently has significant transport, private line, and switching/router facilities in Idaho, used in connection with its existing inter-exchangecarrier and data service operations. With regard to the provision of local exchange services, QCC will likely rely on the purchase of wholesale and retail services and facilities that will be used in combination with its own facilities where appropriate. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-T- 04-1 STF 01-004 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:004 QCC and Qwest Corporation (QC) are currently subject to the federal separate affiliate requirements of Section 272. Qwest may seek to eliminate someseparation requirements 3 years after Qwest obtained 271 authority. What isthe intent of Qwest in regards to maintaining such separation at the end of the mandatory period? Will both QCC and QC continue to operate. RESPONSE: QCC and QC have not finalized any plans with regard to the possible elimination of separation requirements at the end of the mandatory period. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-04- STF 01-005 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:005 What is the extent of joint marketing expected between QC and QCC? Will QCC use QC customer service representatives (CSRs)? If so, how will branding beprovided for QCC? How will branding be provided for QC? What provisionswill be made to ensure that the CSRs are discussing the correct company policies, terms and conditions? RESPONSE: QC and QCC currently jointly market services within the legal framework created by Section 272 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Qwest intends to continue to do so, consistent with Section 272 and QCC'expanded authori ty. As discussed in response to Production Request No. STF 01-001, QCC anticipates serving large business and government customers in Idaho as a CLEC. Those types of customers do not typically obtain service by telephoning into a centralized call center, but instead are served by large business account teams which sell services provided by various entities within the Qwest family of companies. Qwest anticipates that QCC large business local exchange customers will be served by the same large business account teams as currently assist QC large business customers. Currently, it is anticipated that both QCC and QC will continue to use the Qwest brand. As required, Qwest I s various ordering end billing systems, and their associated methods and procedures, will be developed and maintained in such a manner as to insure accurate information is provided to all customers. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-04-1 STF 01-006 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:006 How will customers be made aware of the different "Qwest 's"? Will they have different 800 numbers? If a potential new customer calls "Qwest" to sign upfor basic local exchange service, will they initially be offered such servicefrom Qwest the ILEC or Qwest the CLEC? If the rates or terms are different, how will this be made clear to the customer? Will the bonuses or commissions paid to dales personnel be greater of different for QCC than QC? RESPONSE: New residenence and small business customers requesting basic local exchange service from Qwest will be provided services by QC, where available; QCC doesnot presently plan to provide such services. QCC has generally described the products it initially plans to offer in its application. Subject to the continuously evolving nature of business plans, Qwest states that it has not developed detailed Idaho-specific business plans for QCC CLEC operations. Hence, QCC cannot respond in more detail to that portion of the request seeking information about rates for services offered by QCC or salesincenti ves for QCC products, Presently, questions regarding customer billing and customer service mattersare addressed as follows: Business customers: If Qwest Corporation is your local provider: (800) 630-6000 If Qwest Corporation is not your local provider: (800) 860-1020 Residential customers: If Qwest Corporation is your local provider: (800) 244-1111 If Qwest Corporation is not your local provider: (800) 860-2255 Primary interexchange carrier ("PIC") disputes:(800) 244-1111 Respondent:John McCormick Idaho Case No. QCC-04-1STF 01-007 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:007 Can an individual be a customer of QC for some products and a customer of QCCfor other products? (Same location). If so, please describe. RESPONSE: Yes. Indi viduals may be, and many currently are, customers of QC localexchange-related products and of QCC interexchange products. Also, anindi vidual or business could be a customer purchasing QC local voice or data products and also QCC data products. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-04- STF 01-008 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:008 In its Application, QCC indicated it had obtained certificates to provide local exchange services in a number of other states in which QC is the ILEC. What is the scope of QCC operations in those states? How many customers for what types of services? Please provide the terms under which any joint marketing may be conducted between QCC and QC in those states? RESPONSE: QCC is not yet providing local exchange telecommunications services in any in-region state, although it is authorized to do so in all or parts of WA, OR, ID, UT, IA, MT, CO, WYand MN. QCC is providing interexchange and information services in all 14 in-region states. With regard to joint marketing, see QCC' s response to Production Request No. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-04- STF 01-009 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:009 Has QCC signed any interconnection agreements with QC in any other states. Of so, please identify? With Verizon or other ILECs? RESPONSE: No. QCC requested to opt into the 14 QC SGATs. QCC understands that QC is preparing the contracts for QCC review and execution. QCC and QC have notyet signed any interconnection agreements. As the agreements are completed, QC will file these with the regulatory commission in each state. With regard to other ILECs, see Attachment A. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager INTERVENOR: REQUEST NO: Idaho Case No. QCC-04-STF 01-010 Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 010 Will the line splitting policies of QCC be the same as those of QC?please describe. RESPONSE: QCC has no line splitting obligations under the Act. John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager No. Respondent: If not, Idaho Case No. QCC-04- STF 01-011 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:011 Please explain how the presence of a Qwest Corporation affiliate as a competitor to Qwest I s own services is in the public interest RESPONSE: QC's and QCC's operations will serve the public interest by allowing Qwest to operate through a single entity where customers ' needs demand complex telecommunications solutions. Many business customers require multiple complex services that are networked or managed as a single set of sharedservices for their businesses. In such businesses central budgeting, service management and service activation drive decision makers to seek a single entity to service its needs on a state-wide, regional, or national basis. In many states Qwest has been unable to respond competitively to statewide, regional, or national bids due to its lack of a geographically independent product set and inability to offer a complete product set through a single entity. QC (the ILEC) has limitations in its ability to serve multiple LATAs and QCC (the CLEC) is not certified to operate and/or does not have the interconnection contracts with ILECs necessary to provide the local components to be responsive to a typical Request For Proposal (RFP). Qwest has difficulty competing with CLECs, CLEC/IXC combinations, and ILEC consortiums that are able to respond in such a manner. To be at full parity with competitors Qwest requires certification as a CLEC. Qwest desires to fully develop its functionality so that it may lead and react to competitive opportunities. As changes in technology, regulation, and customer needs occur, Qwest needs to be positioned to competitively respond to and serve customers. Adding Qwest to the competitive marketplace to provide innovative solutions for local and interexchange telecommunications services benefits consumers and serves the public interest by stimulating competition in the market for telecommunications, which generally results in better service, lower prices, greater availability, and improved innovation. Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager Idaho Case No. QCC-04- STF 01-012 INTERVENOR:Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission REQUEST NO:012 What title 62 services, other than long distance services, is QCC currently providing in QC I S certificated territory? RESPONSE: See QCC' s responses to Production Request Nos. 2 and Respondent:John R. McCormick, Qwest Manager IDAHO Case No. QCC-04- STF 01-009 Attachment A PacBell SWBT Ameritech Ameritech Ameritch Ameritech Ameritech Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic Bell Atlantic SWBT SWBT SWBT SWBT CBP GTE" GTE" GTE" GTE" Sprint" BeliSouth BeliSouth BeliSouth BeliSouth BeliSouth