HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190827MIN.docxIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING August 27, 2019 – 1:30 P.M. In attendance were CommissionersPaul Kjellander, Kris Raper and Eric Anderson. Commissioner Kjellander called the meeting to order. The first order of business was APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING on Tuesday, August 20, 2019. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes as written. The second order of business was CONSENT AGENDA: 2. Action Item: Matt Hunter’s August 16, 2019, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of the Application of Falls Water Company, Inc., for Approval of Acquisition of the Assets of the Water Business of Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District; Case No. FLW-W-19-01. 3. Action Item: Dayn Hardie’s August 16, 2019, Decision Memorandum re: The Residential and Small Farm Credit Annual Rate Filing of Avista Corporation; Case No. AVU-E-19-08. Commissioner Kjellander made a motion to approve Staff’s recommendation for items 2 and 3 on the Consent Agenda. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. The next order of business was MATTERS IN PROGRESS: 4. Action Item:Edward Jewell’s August 15, 2019, Decision Memorandum re: IdaHydro’s Petition to Intervene in the Matter of Idaho Power’s Application to Evaluate Schedule 84 –Net Metering; Case No. IPC-E-19-15. Mr. Jewell reviewed his Decision Memo and stated;IdaHydo claims a direct and substantial interest in the proceedings and states that its amended petition to intervene would not unduly broaden the issues or delay the proceedings. Does the Commission wish to grant IdaHydro’s petition to intervene. Commissioner Raper made a motion that we grant IdaHydro’s petition to intervene with all our normal language about not preventing disruption, prejudice to existing parties or unduly broadening of the issues pursuant to the procedural rules. 5. Action Item:Daniel Klein’s August 16, 2019, Decision Memorandum re: 2019 Idaho Universal Service Fund Annual Report and Recommendations; Case No. GNR-T-19-06. Mr. Klein reviewed his Decision Memo and stated;doestheCommissionwishto approvetheAdministrator'sUSF 2019-2020budget and adoptStaffsrecommendedfundingoption.DoestheCommissionwishtoacceptStaff'sformalrecommendationforquarterlycashflowreports. Commissioner Raper moved that we approve the Administrator’s USF 2019-2020 budget, adopt Staff’s recommendations funding option as our own going forward for the next years and accept Staff’s final recommendation forquarterly cash flow reports. The next order of business was FULLY SUBMITTED MATTERS: 6. Deliberation re: In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power to Modify Schedule 45, Standby Service; Case No. IPC-E-19-22. [Edward Jewell, Attorney] 7. Deliberation re: In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power for Approval of the First Amendment to the Energy Sales Agreement for the MC^ Hydro LLC Project; Case No. IPC-E-19-21. [Matt Hunter, Attorney] Commissioner Kjellander stated, items 6 and 7 under Fully Submitted matters would be deliberated in private. The next order of business was EXECUTIVE SESSION MATTERS(The Commission must move and vote to enter executive session. Each motion to enter executive session is an “action item.” No action will be taken within the executive session itself.): 8. Pending Litigation,Under Idaho Code § 74-206 (1)(f), Discussion with Counsel re:In the Matter of the Complaint of Raul Mendez Against Intermountain Gas Company; CASE NO. INT-G-19-03. Commissioner Kjellander made a motion toadjourn into Executive Session and cited Idaho Code §74-206(1)(f). He stated that the purpose of the Executive Session would be to communicate with the Commissioner’s attorneys about pending litigation, FERC Case No. EL-18-50-000. A role call was taken and they adjourned into Executive Session. The Executive Session began at 1:40 p.m. and ended at 1:49 p.m. Upon returning from the Executive Session, Commissioner Kjellander stated that they entered the Executive Session to discuss acase under pending litigationunder Idaho Code § 74-206 (1)(f), it was in relationship to an update on a pending litigation against Raul Mendez. Commissioner Kjellander stated, there was no further business before the Commission and he adjourned the meeting. ________________________________________________________ COMMISSION SECRETARYDATE OF APPROVAL