HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161227Application.pdfDecember 15, 2016 Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary PO Box 1004 Redmond, OR 97756 www.tdstelecom.com Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 RE: Case No. 'fOf"' 1 ... / fJ .... 02- RECE IVED ''·D'ror.·"27 P /. ! ) LL Sent Via: Request for Approval of Negotiated Traffic Exchange Agreement between TDS Telecommunications Corporation and Teleport Communications America, LLC ("TCAL") Dear Ms. Jewell: TDS Telecommunications Corporation (TDS) as an agent for Potlatch Telephone Company, Inc., has entered into a traffic exchange agreement with Teleport Communications America, LLC ("TCAL"). This is an original agreement. Due to the length of this agreement, an original plus one (1) Copy of the agreement have been enclosed for filing with this Commission in lieu of the normal quantity of three (1 ). TDS respectfully requests approval of this agreement as filed. If you have questions regarding this agreement, please contact Jeni White of TDS at (865)671-4522 or myself at (541)516-8210. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, ~~""'~ Gail M. Long Manager, State Government Affairs Enclosure Cc: Jeni White -TDS Telecom Sheila Paananen -TCAL I: 18 CW2446008 REr:',E IVED 2C I G DEC 2 7 P i I: l 8 ;u_ic . ViSSIOr~ INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT-UNDER SECTIONS 251 AND 252 OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1996 Between TDSTELECOM and Teleport Communications America, LLC TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 2 I. 2. 3. 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT ......................................................................................... .4 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 EFFECTIVE DA TE ............................................................................................................................................ 13 INTER VENJNG LAW ........................................................................................................................................ 13 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT .................................................................................................................................. 13 6. ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 15 7. DELEGATIONTOAFFILIATE ........................................................................................................................ 15 8. CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ...................................................................... 16 9. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 20 IO. REMEDIES ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 11. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ...................................................................................................................... 22 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. INDEMNITY .................................................................................................................................................. 22 OSHA ST ATEMENT .. : ................................................................................................................................... 25 DEPOSITS ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 BILLING AND PAYMENT OF RATES AND CHARGES .......................................................................... 25 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ............................................................................................................................... 27 TERMINATION OF SERVICE TO TCAL .................................................................................................... 30 NOTICES ........................................................................................................................................................ 31 TAXES ............................................................................................................................................................ 32 FORCE MAJEURE ......................................................................................................................................... 34 PUBLICITY .................................................................................................................................................... 34 NETWORK MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................ 34 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CIVIL PROCESS .......................................................................................... 35 CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBER CARRIER SELECTION ............................................................................... 36 AMENDMENTS OR W ATVERS ................................................................................................................... 36 GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES ................................................................................... 37 AUTHORITY .................................................................................................................................................. 39 BINDING EFFECT ........................................................................................................................................ .40 CONSENT ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 EXPENSES .................................................................................................................................................... .40 HEADINGS .................................................................................................................................................... .40 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES/INDEPENDANT CONTRACTOR ........................................................... .40 MULTIPLE COUNTERPARTS .................................................................................................................... .4 I THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES ............................................................................................................... .41 REGULATORY APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................... .41 REGULATORY AUTHORITY ..................................................................................................................... .41 COMPLIANCE AND CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................... .42 AUDITS .......................................................................................................................................................... 42 COMPLETE TERMS ...................................................................................................................................... 44 COOPERATION ON PREVENTING END USER FRAUD ........................................................................ .44 NOTICE OF NETWORK CHANGES ........................................................................................................... .44 GOOD FAITH PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................................. .44 GOVERNMENT AL COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................................ .45 RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION ......................................................... .45 SUBCONTRACTING .................................................................................................................................... .46 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 46 SEVERABILITY ............................................................................................................................................ .4 7 SURVIVAL OF OBLIGATIONS ................................................................................................................... 48 GOVERNING LAW ...................................................................................................................................... .48 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 48 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 3 51 . APPENDICES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE .................................................................................. .48 52. CUSTOMER INQUIRIES .............................................................................................................................. 49 53. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES ................................................................................................................ 50 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 4 INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT This Interconnection Agreement under Sections 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("Agreement") is dated as of December 10, 2016 by and between Potlatch Telephone Company, ("TDS TELECOM") and, Teleport Communications America, LLC ("TCAL"), a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of business at 1 Bedminster Way, Bedminster, NJ 07921. WHEREAS, the Parties desire to interconnect their networks at mutually agreed upon points of interconnection to provide, directly or indirectly, Telephone Exchange Services and Exchange Access to residential and/or business End Users in the state of Idaho; and WHEREAS, the Parties are entering into this Agreement to set forth the respective obligations of the Parties and the terms and conditions under which the Parties will interconnect their networks and facilities and provide to each other services as required by Sections 251 (a) and (b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 as specifically set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants of this Agreement TCAL and TDS TELECOM hereby agree as follows : This Agreement is composed of General Terms and Conditions, which are set forth below, together with certain Appendices, Schedules, Exhibits and Addenda which immediately follow this Agreement, all of which are hereby incorporated in this Agreement by this reference and constitute a part of this Agreement. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1.1 Pursuant to Sections 251 ( a) and (b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ("Act"), this Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions for the interconnection of TCAL 's network to TDS TEL ECO M's network, compensation for the transport and termination of telecommunications traffic between TDS TELECOM and TCAL, and the provision of ancillary functions by TDS TELECOM and TCAL. 1.2 The Parties acknowledge and agree that by entering into and performing in accordance with this Agreement, the Parties have not waived any applicable exemptions that are provided by or available under the Act, including but not limited to those described in 47 USC 25l(f), or under state law. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 5 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 Capitalized Terms used in this Agreement shall have the respective meanings specified below, in Section 2.2.x of each Appendix attached hereto, and/or as defined elsewhere in this Agreement. 2.2 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 2.2. l "Access Service Request" (ASR) is an industry standard form used by the Parties to add, establish, change or disconnect trunks for the purposes of Interconnection. 2.2.2 "Act" means the Communications Act of 1934 [47 U.S.C. 153(R)], as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law 104-104, 110 Stat. 56 (1996) codified throughout 47 U.S.C. 2.2.3 "Affiliate" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.4 "Alternate Billing Service (ABS)" means a service that allows End Users to bill calls to accounts that may not be associated with the originating line. There are three types of ABS calls: calling card, collect and third number billed calls. 2.2.5 "Applicable Law" means all laws, statutes, common law, regulations, ordinances, codes, rules, guidelines, orders, permits, tariffs and approvals, including those relating to the environment or health and safety, of any Governmental Authority that apply to the Parties or the subject matter of this Agreement. 2.2.6 "As Defined in the Act" means as specifically defined by the Act. 2.2.7 "As Described in the Act" means as described in or required by the Act. 2.2.8 "Automatic Message Accounting" (AMA) is a structure inherent in switch technology that initially records Telecommunication message information. AMA format is contained in the Automated Message Accounting document published by Telcordia (formerly known as Bellcore) as GR-1100-CORE, which defines and amends the industry standard for message recording. 2.2.9 "Business Day" means Monday through Friday, excluding holidays on which TDS TELECOM does not provision new retail services and products. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 6 2.2.10 "Calling Party Number" (CPN) means a Signaling System 7 "SST' parameter whereby the ten (10) digit number of the calling Party is forwarded from the End Office. 2.2.11 "Central Office switch" (Central Office) is a switching entity within the public switched telecommunications network, including but not limited to: "End Office Switch" or "End Office" is a switching machine that directly terminates traffic to and receives traffic from purchasers of local exchange services. An End Office Switch does not include a PBX. "Tandem Office Switch" or "Tandem(s)" are used to connect and switch trunk circuits between and among other Central Office Switches. A Tandem Switch does not include a PBX. 2.2.12 "Commission" means the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 2.2.13 "Common Channel Signaling" (CCS) means an out-of-band, packet­ switched, signaling network used to transport supervision signals, control signals, and data messages. It is a special network, fully separate from the transmission path of the public switched network. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the CCS protocol used by the Parties shall be SS7. 2.2.14 "Common Language Location Identifier" (CLLI) codes provide a unique I I-character representation of a network interconnection point. The first 8 characters identify the city, state and building location, while the last 3 characters identify the network component. 2.2.15 "Consequential Damages" means Losses claimed to have resulted from any indirect, incidental, reliance, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary, multiple or any other Loss, including damages claimed to have resulted from harm to business, loss of anticipated revenues, savings, or profits, or other economic Loss claimed to have been suffered not measured by the prevailing Party's actual damages, and regardless of whether the Parties knew or had been advised of the possibility that such damages could result in connection with or arising from anything said, omitted, or done hereunder or related hereto, including willful acts or omissions. 2.2.16 "Customer" or "End Users" means a third-party residence or business that subscribes to Telecommunications Services provided by any of the Parties at retail. As used herein, the term "End Users" does not include any of the Parties to this Agreement with respect to any item or service obtained under this Agreement. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 7 2.2.17 "Dialing Parity" is As Defined in the Act. As used in this Agreement, Dialing Parity refers to both Local Dialing Parity and Toll Dialing Parity. 2.2.18 "Digital Signal Level" is one of several transmission rates in the time-division multiplex hierarchy . "Digital Signal Level 0" (DS-0) is the 64 Kbps zero-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. 2.2 .18.2 "Digital Signal Level 1" (DS-1) is the 1.544 Mbps first-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. "Digital Signal Level 3" (DS-3) is the 44.736 Mbps third-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy. 2.2.19 "Exchange Access" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.20 "Exchange Area" means an area, defined by the Commission, for which a distinct local rate schedule is in effect. 2.2.21 "Exchange Service" means Telephone Exchange Service, As Defined in the Act. 2.2.22 "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission. 2.2.23 "Feature Group D" (FG-D) is access available to all customers, providing trunk side access to a Party's End Office Switches with an associated uniform 101 XXXX access code for customer's use in originating and terminating communications. 2.2.24 "Fiber Meet" means an Interconnection architecture method whereby the Parties physically interconnect their networks via an optical fiber interface (as opposed to an electrical interface) at a mutually agreed upon location, at which one Party's responsibility or service begins and the other Party's responsibility ends. 2.2.25 "Governmental Authority" means any federal, state, local, foreign , or international court, government, department, commission, board, bureau, agency, official, or other regulatory, administrative, legislative, or judicial authority with jurisdiction over the subject matter at issue. 2.2.26 "Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier" (ILEC) is As Defined in the Act. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 8 2.2.27 "Indirect Interconnection" provides for network interconnection between the Parties through a third party tandem provider performing a transit function. 2.2.28 "Integrated Services Digital Network" (ISDN) means a switched network service that provides end-to-end digital connectivity for the simultaneous transmission of voice and data. 2.2.29 "Intellectual Property" means copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, mask works and all other intellectual property rights. 2.2.30 "Interconnection" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.31 "Interconnection Activation Date" is the date that the construction of the joint facility Interconnection arrangement has been completed, trunk groups have been established, joint trunk testing is completed and trunks have been mutually accepted by the Parties. 2.2.32 "lnterexchange Carrier" (IXC) means a carrier that provides, directly or indirectly, interLATA or intraLATA Telephone Toll Services. 2.2.33 "lnterLATA" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.34 "Intermediary Traffic" means traffic delivered by a Party that originates from an End User served on the network of a third-party, including, but not limited to, another Local Exchange Carrier, another CMRS provider, a Least Cost Routing ("LCR") entity or aggregator, an interconnected VoIP provider or another telecommunications carrier. 2.2.35 "Internet Service Provider" (ISP) is an Enhanced Service Provider that provides Internet Services, and is defined in paragraph 341 of the FCC' s First Report and Order in CC Docket No. 97-158. 2.2.36 "lntraLA TA Toll Traffic" means the IntraLA TA traffic between two locations within one LATA where one of the locations lies outside of the normal local calling area as defined by the applicable Commission. 2.2.37 "IP-PSTN Traffic" means that Non-Access Telecommunications Traffic exchanged between a LEC and another telecommunications carrier, within the scope of §51.701(b)(3) in Time Division Multiplexing (TOM) format that originates or terminates in IP format, to an end-user customer of a service that requires Internet protocol-compatible customer premises equipment. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 9 2.2.38 "Line Information Data Base" (LIDB) means a transaction-oriented database system that functions as a centralized repository for data storage and retrieval. LIDB is accessible through CCS networks. LIDB contains records associated with End User line numbers and special billing numbers. LIDB accepts queries from other network elements and provides return result, return error, and return reject responses as appropriate. Examples of information that Data Owners might store in LIDB and in their Line Records are: ABS Validation Data, Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS) data, ZIP Code data, and Calling Name Information. 2.2.39 "Line Record" means information in LIDB and/or the LIDB administrative system that is specific to a single telephone number or Special Billing Number. 2.2.40 "Local Access Transport Area" (LATA) is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.41 "Local Traffic", for purposes of intercarrier compensation, is Telecommunications traffic originated by a End User Customer of one Party in an exchange on that Party's network and terminated to a End User Customer of the other Party on that other Party's network located within the same exchange or other non-optional extended local calling area associated with the originating customer's exchange as defined by TDS TELECOM's applicable local exchange tariff. Local Traffic does not include: (1) any ISP-Bound Traffic; (2) traffic that does not originate and terminate within the same TDS TELECOM local calling area as such local calling area is defined by TDS TELECOM's applicable local exchange tariff; (3) Toll Traffic, including, but not limited to, calls originated on a 1 + presubscription basis, or on a casual dialed (1OXXX/101 XXXX) basis; ( 4) optional extended local calling area traffic; (5) special access, private line, Frame Relay, A TM, or any other traffic that is not switched by the terminating Party; or, (6) Tandem Transit Traffic. 2.2.42 "Local Exchange Carrier" (LEC) is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.43 "Local Exchange Routing Guide" (LERG) is a Telcordia Reference document used by Telecommunications Carriers to identify NPA-NXX routing and homing information as well as equipment designations. 2.2.44 "Local Number Portability" (LNP) means the ability of users of Telecommunications Services to retain, at the same location, the presence of a previously existing t~lephone number(s). 2.2.45 "Location Routing Number" (LRN) is a ten (10) digit number that is assigned to the network switching elements (Central Office -Host and TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 10 Remotes as required) for the routing of calls in the network. The first six (6) digits of the LRN will be one of the assigned NPA NXX of the switching element. The purpose and functionality of the last four (4) digits of the LRN have not yet been defined but are passed across the network to the terminating switch. 2.2.46 "Loss" or "Losses" means any and all losses, costs (including court costs), claims, damages (including fines, penalties, and criminal or civil judgments and settlements), injuries, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys' fees). 2.2.4 7 ''Meet-Point Billing" (MPB) refers to the billing associated with interconnection of facilities between two or more LECs for the routing of traffic to and from an IXC with which one of the LECs does not have a direct connection. In a multi-bill environment, each Party bills the appropriate tariffed rate for its portion of a jointly provided Switched Exchange Access Service. 2.2.48 "Multiple Bill/Single Tarifr' is the meet-point billing method where each LEC prepares and renders its own meet point bill to the IXC in accordance with its own tariff for that portion of the jointly provided Switched Access Service which that LEC provides. The MECAB documents refer to this method as Multiple Bill/reflecting a single tariff (MM). 2.2.49 "Mutual Compensation" is the compensation agreed upon by the Parties for those "Local Calls" that originate on one network and terminate on the other network. 2.2.50 "Non-Access Reciprocal Compensation" means a compensation arrangement between two carriers in which each of the two carriers receives compensation from the other carrier for the Transport and Termination on each carrier's network facilities of Non-Access Telecommunications Traffic that originates on the network facilities of the other carrier. 47 C.F.R. § 5 l.703. 2.2.51 "North American Numbering Plan" (NANP) A numbering architecture in which every station in the NANP Area is identified by a unique ten­ digit address consisting of a three-digit NPA code, a three digit central office code of the form NXX, and a four-digit line number of the form xxxx. 2.2.52 "Number Portability" is As Defined in the Act. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 11 2.2.53 "Numbering Plan Area" (NPA) also called area code. An NPA is the 3- digit code that occupies the A, B, C positions in the 10-digit NANP format that applies throughout the NANP Area. NP As are of the form NXX, where N represents the digits 2-9 and X represents any digit 0-9. In the NANP, NPAs are classified as either geographic or non-geographic. a) Geographic NPAs are NPAs that correspond to discrete geographic areas within the NANP Area. b) Non-geographic NP As are NP As that do not correspond to discrete geographic areas, but which are instead assigned for services with attributes, functionalities, or requirements that transcend specific geographic boundaries. The common examples are NPAs in the NOO format, e.g., 800. 2.2.54 "NXX" or "Central Office Code" is the three-digit switch entity indicator that is defined by the fourth through sixth digits of a l 0-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NXX Code contains 10,000 station numbers. 2.2.55 "Ordering and Billing Forum" (OBF) is a forum comprised of local telephone companies and inter-exchange carriers whose responsibility is to create and document Telecommunication industry guidelines and standards. 2.2.56 "Party" means either TCAL or TDS TELECOM that is a party to this Agreement. "Parties" means both TCAL and TDS TELECOM. 2.2 .57 "Point of Interconnection" (POI) is a physical location at which the Parties' networks meet for the purpose of establishing Interconnection. POis include a number of different technologies and technical interfaces based on the Parties' mutual agreement. 2.2.58 "Rate Center" means the specific geographic point that has been designated by a given LEC as being associated with a particular NPA­ NXX code that has been assigned to the LEC for its provision of Telephone Exchange Service. The Rate Center is the finite geographic point identified by a specific V &H coordinate, which is used by that LEC to measure, for billing purposes, distance sensitive transmission services associated with the specific Rate Center. 2.2.59 "Rating Point" means the V &H coordinates associated with a particular telephone number for rating purposes. 2.2.60 "Referral Announcement" refers to a process by which calls are routed to an announcement that states the new telephone number of an End User. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 12 2.2.61 Signaling Transport Signal level (STS-n) is an electrical signal that is converted to or from SONET's optically based signal. Level I is 51.84 Mb/s or the electrical equivalent to OC-1 optical signal, level 2 is 155.52 Mb/s or the electrical equivalent to OC-3. 2.2.62 "Signaling System 7" (SS7) means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network. 2.2.63 "Switched Exchange Access Service" means the offering of transmission or switching services to Telecommunications Carriers for the purpose of the origination or termination of telephone toll service. Switched Exchange Access Services include: Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, 8XX access, and 9XX access and their successors or similar Switched Exchange Access Services. 2.2.64 "Synchronous Optical Network" (SONET) is an optical interface standard that allows inter-networking of transmission products from multiple vendors. The base rate is 51.84 Mbps ("OC-1 /STS-1 ") and higher rates are direct multiples of the base rate, up to 13.22 Gbps. 2.2.65 "Tandem Transit Traffic" is defined as local traffic originating or terminating on one Party's network that is switched and/or transported by the other Party and delivered to or from the network of a third party. For purposes of this Agreement, Tandem Transit Traffic does not include overflow traffic between the Parties that is routed through a third party tandem provider. 2.2.66 "Telecommunications" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.67 "Telecommunications Carrier" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.68 "Telecommunications Service" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.69 "Telephone Exchange Service" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2.70 "Telephone Toll Service" is As Defined in the Act. 2.2. 71 "Trunk" means a communication line between two switching systems. 2.2. 72 "Wire Center" is the location of one or more local switching systems. A point at which End User's loops within a defined geographic area converge. Such local loops may be served by one (1) or more Central Office Switches within such premises. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 2.3 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 13 For purposes of this Agreement, certain terms have been defined in this Agreement to encompass meanings that may differ from, or be in addition to, the normal connotation of the defined word. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, any term defined or used in the singular will include the plural. The words "include," "includes," and "including" shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase "without limitation" and/or "but not limited to ." The words "will" and "shall" are used interchangeably throughout this Agreement and the use of either connotes a mandatory requirement. The use of one or the other will not mean a different degree of right or obligation for either Party. A defined word intended to convey its special meaning is capitalized when used. Other terms that are capitalized and not defined in this Agreement will have the meaning in the Act, or in the absence of their inclusion in the Act, their customary usage in the Telecommunications industry as of the Effective Date. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 3.1 This Agreement becomes effective ("Effective Date") when executed by each Party and shall be filed for approval by the Commission under Section 252(e) of the Act. 4. INTERVENING LAW 4.1 The Parties acknowledge that the respective rights and obligations of each Party as set forth in this Agreement are based upon the Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder by the FCC and the Commission as of the Effective Date ("Applicable Rules"). In the event of any amendment of the Act, any effective legislative action or any effective regulatory or judicial order, rule, regulation, arbitration award, dispute resolution procedures under this Agreement or other legal action purporting to apply the provisions of the Act to the Parties or in which the court, FCC or the Commission makes a generic determination that is generally applicable which revises, modifies or reverses the Applicable Rules (individually, "Amended Rules"), either Party may, by providing written notice to the other Party, require that the affected provisions of this Agreement be renegotiated in good faith and this Agreement shall be amended accordingly to reflect the pricing, terms and conditions and collectively of each such Amended Rules relating to any of the provisions in this Agreement. If negotiations fail, disputes between the Parties concerning the interpretation of the actions required or provisions affected by such governmental actions shall be resolved pursuant to the dispute resolution process provided for in this Agreement. The Parties further acknowledge and agree that by executing this Agreement, neither Party waives any of its rights, remedies, or arguments with respect to such decisions and any remand thereof, including its right to seek legal review or a stay pending appeal of such decisions or its rights under this Intervening Law paragraph. 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 14 This Agreement will become effective as of the Effective Date stated above, and unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms hereof, shall continue in effect until December 9, 2017 (the "Initial Term"), and thereafter the Agreement shall continue in force and effect unless and until terminated as provided herein. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, either Party (the "Terminating Party") may terminate this Agreement and the provision of any Interconnection, functions, facilities, products or services provided pursuant to this Agreement in the event that the other Party fails to perform a material obligation or breaches a material term of this Agreement and the other Party (i) fails to cure such nonperformance or breach within forty-five (45) calendar days after receiving written notice thereof pursuant to this Section 5.2; and (ii) has not commenced a dispute regarding the subject of the breach pursuant to Section 16.2.1 within the same forty-five (45) calendar days; and (iii) fails to obtain and provide to the Terminating Party within that same forty-five (45) calendar days an Order by the Commission prohibiting or delaying such termination . Any termination pursuant to this Section 5.2 shall take effect immediately upon delivery of written notice by the Terminating Party to the other Party that it is effecting termination pursuant to this Section 5.2 and that conditions (i) and (ii) above pertain. This Section 5.2 does not apply to billing disputes as defined in Section 15. Upon the expiration of the Initial Term or any time thereafter, either Party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other Party of its intention to terminate, such written notice to be received at least ninety (90) days in advance of the date of termination. Neither Party shall have any liability to the other Party for termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 5.3 other than its obligations under Sections 5.4 and 5.5. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement in accordance with Sections 5.2 or 5.3: 5.4.1 Each Party shall continue to comply with its obligations set forth m Section 44; and 5.4.2 Each Party shall promptly pay all amounts owed under this Agreement, or follow the procedures for billing disputes as set forth herein. 5.4.3 Each Party's confidentiality obligations shall survive; and 5.4.4 Each Party's indemnification obligations shall survive. 5.5 In the event of termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 5.3, TDS TELECOM and TCAL shall cooperate in good faith to effect an orderly transition of service under this Agreement; provided that TCAL shall be solely responsible TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 15 (from a financial, operational and administrative standpoint) to ensure that its End Users have been transitioned to a new LEC by the expiration date or termination date of this Agreement. 5.6 In the event of termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section 5.3, if either Party seeks to renegotiate this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, it must provide written notice thereof to the other Party within ninety (90) days after receive of termination notice. Any such request shall be deemed by both Parties to be a good faith request for Interconnection pursuant to Section 252 of the Act (or any successor provision), regardless of which Party made such request. If the Parties do not execute a new interconnection agreement within the respective periods set under the Act, either Party may exercise its applicable rights under the Act. 5.7 If either Party requests renegotiation of this Agreement pursuant to Section 5.6 above, the rates, terms and conditions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until the effective date of its successor agreement, whether such successor agreement is established via negotiation, arbitration or pursuant to Section 252(i) of the Act; provided, however, when a successor agreement becomes effective, the terms, rates and charges of such successor Agreement shall apply retroactively back to the date this Agreement would otherwise have terminated or expire, whichever is later, and that the retro-active true-up shall be completed within ninety (90) calendar days following the effective date of such successor Agreement. 6. ASSIGNMENT 6.1 Neither Party hereto may assign or otherwise transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement, except with the prior written consent of the other Party hereto, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld; provided, that either Party may assign its rights and delegate its benefits, duties and obligations under this Agreement without the consent of the other party to a one hundred per cent (100%) owned affiliate of the assigning party, provided the performance of any such assignee is guaranteed by the assignor. Nothing in this Section is intended to impair the right of either Party to utilize subcontractors. 6.2 Each Party will notify the other in writing not less than sixty (60) days in advance of anticipated assignment. 7. DELEGATION TO AFFILIATE 7.1 Each Party may, without the consent of the other Party, fulfill its obligations under this Agreement by itself or may cause its Affiliate(s) to take some or all of such actions to fulfill such obligations. Upon such delegation, the Affiliate shall become a primary obligor hereunder with respect to the delegated matter, but such TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 16 delegation shall not relieve the delegating Party of its obligations as co-obligor hereunder. Any Party which elects to perform its obligations through an Affiliate shall cause its Affiliate to take all action necessary for the performance of such Party's obligations hereunder. Each Party represents and warrants that if an obligation under this Agreement is to be performed by an Affiliate, such Party has the authority to cause such Affiliate to perform such obligation and such Affiliate will have the licensure, certification, and all other legal authority required to accomplish the delegated performance. 8. CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 8.1 For the purposes of this Agreement, "Proprietary Information" means confidential or proprietary technical or business information given by one Party ("the Disclosing Party") or its agent, employee, representative or Affiliate to the other in connection with this Agreement, during negotiations and the term of this Agreement: 8.1.1 In written, graphic, electromagnetic, or other tangible form and marked at the time of delivery as "Confidential" or "Proprietary" however, regardless of whether so marked, any non-public information which, because of legends or other markings, the circumstances of disclosure or the information itself, is otherwise reasonably understood by the Receiving Party to be proprietary and confidential to the Disclosing Party, shall be deemed to be Proprietary Information; or 8.1.2 Any portion of any notes, analyses, data, compilations, studies, interpretations or other documents prepared by any Receiving Party to the extent the same contain, reflect, are derived from, or are based upon, any of the information described in this Section 8, unless such information contained or reflected in such notes, analyses, etc. is so commingled with the Receiving Party's information that disclosure could not possibly disclose the underlying proprietary or confidential information (such portions of such notes, analyses, etc. referred to herein as "Derivative Information"). 8.2 Proprietary Information Shall be Held in Confidence 8.2.1 Each Receiving Party agrees that: 8.2.1 .1 all Proprietary Information communicated to it or any of its agents, attorneys, employees, representatives and Affiliates in connection with this Agreement shall be held in confidence to the same extent as such Receiving Party holds its own confidential information of like importance; provided that such Receiving Party and its agents, attorneys, employees, representatives and Affiliates shall not use TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 17 less than a reasonable standard of care in maintaining the confidentiality of such information; it will not, and it will not permit any of its agents, attorneys, employees, representatives and Affiliates to disclose such Proprietary Information to any Third Party; it will disclose Proprietary Information only to those of its agents, attorneys, employees, representatives and Affiliates who have a need for it in connection with the use or provision of any services required to fulfill this Agreement; and it will, and will cause each of its agents, attorneys, employees, representatives and Affiliates, to use such Proprietary Information only to perform its obligations under this Agreement or to use services provided by the Disclosing Party hereunder and for no other purpose, including its own marketing purposes. 8.2.2 A Receiving Party may disclose Proprietary Information of a Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party's agents, attorneys, employees, representatives and Affiliates who need to know such information to perform their obligations under this Agreement; provided that before disclosing any Proprietary Information to any agent, employee, representative or Affiliate, the Receiving Party shall notify such agent, employee, representative or Affiliate of such Party's obligation to comply with this Agreement. Each Receiving Party making such disclosure shall notify the Disclosing Party as soon as possible if it has knowledge of a breach of this Agreement in any material respect. 8.2.3 Proprietary Information shall not be reproduced by any Receiving Party in any form except to the extent (i) necessary to comply with the provisions of Section 8.5 and (ii) reasonably necessary to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 8.3 Unless otherwise agreed, the obligations of confidentiality and non-use set forth in this Agreement do not apply to such Proprietary Information that: 8.3.1 Was at the time of receipt, already known to the Receiving Party, free of any obligation to keep confidential and evidenced by written records prepared prior to delivery by the Disclosing Party; or 8.3.2 Is, or becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Receiving Party; or TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement 8.4 General Terms and Conditions Page 18 8.3.3 Is rightfully received from a Third Party having no direct or indirect secrecy or confidentiality obligation to the Disclosing Party with respect to such information; provided that such Receiving Party has exercised commercially reasonable efforts to determine whether such Third Party has any such obligation; or 8.3.4 Is independently developed by an agent, employee representative or Affiliate of the Receiving Party and such Party is not involved in any manner with the provision of services pursuant to this Agreement and does not have any direct or indirect access to the Proprietary Information; or 8.3.5 Is disclosed to a Third Party by the Disclosing Party without similar restrictions on such Third Party's rights; or 8.3.6 Is approved for release by written authorization of the Disclosing Party, but only to the extent of the authorization granted; or 8.3.7 Is required to be made public by the Receiving Party pursuant to Applicable Law or regulation, provided that such production or disclosure shall have been made in accordance with Section 8.5. Proposed Disclosure of Proprietary Information to a Governmental Authority 8.4.1 If a Receiving Party desires to disclose or provide to a Commission, the FCC or any other governmental authority any Proprietary Information of the Disclosing Party, such Receiving Party shall, prior to and as a condition of such disclosure, (i) provide the Disclosing Party with written notice and the form of such proposed disclosure as soon as possible but in any event early enough to allow the Disclosing Party to protect its interests in the Proprietary Information to be disclosed and (ii) attempt to obtain in accordance with the applicable procedures of the intended recipient of such Proprietary Information an appropriate order for protective relief or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment shall be accorded to such Proprietary Information. 8.4.2 If a Receiving Party is required by any Governmental Authority or by Applicable Law to disclose any Proprietary Information, then such Receiving Party shall provide the Disclosing Party with written notice of such requirement as soon as possible, and in no event later than five (5) calendar days after receipt of such requirement, and prior to such disclosure. Upon receipt of written notice of the requirement to disclose Proprietary Information, the Disclosing Party at its expense, may then either seek appropriate protective relief in advance of such requirement to prevent all or part of such disclosure or waive the Receiving Party's TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2446008 8.5 8.6 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 19 compliance with this Section 8.4 with respect to all or part of such requirement. 8.4.3 The Receiving Party shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with the Disclosing Party in attempting to obtain any protective relief which such Disclosing Party chooses to seek pursuant to this Section 8.4. In the absence of such relief, if the Receiving Party is legally compelled to disclose any Proprietary Information, then the Receiving Party shall exercise all commercially reasonable efforts to preserve the confidentiality of the Proprietary information, including cooperating with the Disclosing Party to obtain an appropriate order for protective relief or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded the Proprietary Information . Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, TDS TELECOM shall be entitled to disclose Proprietary Information on a confidential basis to regulatory agencies upon request for information as to TDS TELECOM 's activities under the Act if TDS TELECOM has provided reasonable prior written notice to TCAL and obtained an appropriate order for protective relief or other reliable assurance that confidential treatment shall be accorded to such Proprietary Information. Return of Proprietary Information 8.6. l All Proprietary Information, other than Derivative Information, shall remain the property of the Disclosing Party, and all documents or other tangible media delivered to the Receiving Party that embody such Proprietary Information shall be, at the option of the Disclosing Party, either promptly returned to Disclosing Party or destroyed, except as otherwise may be required from time to time by Applicable Law (in which case the use and disclosure of such Proprietary Information will continue to be subject to this Agreement), upon the earlier of (i) the date on which the Receiving Party's need for it has expired and (ii) the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.6.2 At the request of the Disclosing Party, any Derivative Information shall be, at the option of the Receiving Party, either promptly returned to the Disclosing Party or destroyed, except as otherwise may be required from time to time by Applicable Law (in which case the use and disclosure of such Derivative Information will continue to be subject to this Agreement), upon the earlier of (i) the date on which the Receiving Party 's need for it has expired and (ii) the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 8.6.3 The Receiving Party may at any time either return the Proprietary Information to the Disclosing Party or destroy such Proprietary TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 20 Information. If the Receiving Party elects to destroy Proprietary Information, all copies of such information shall be destroyed and upon the written request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall provide to the Disclosing Party written certification of such destruction. The destruction or return of Proprietary information shall not relieve any Receiving Party of its obligation to continue to treat such Proprietary Information in the manner required by this Agreement. 8. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Proprietary Information provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all information furnished by either Party to the other in furtherance of the purpose of this Agreement, even if furnished before the date of this Agreement and each Party's obligation to safeguard Proprietary Information disclosed prior to expiration or termination of this Agreement will survive such expiration or termination. 8.8 Pursuant to Section 222(b) of the Act, both Parties agree to limit their use of Proprietary Information received from the other to the permitted purposes identified in the Act. 8.9 Each Party has the right to refuse to accept any Confidential Information under this Agreement, and nothing in this Section 8 shall obligate either Party to disclose to the other Party any particular information. 8.10 The Parties agree that an impending or existing violation of any provision of this Section 8 would cause the Disclosing Party irreparable injury for which it would have no adequate remedy at law, and agree that Disclosing Party shall be entitled to obtain immediate injunctive relief prohibiting such violation, in addition to any other rights and remedies available to it at law or in equity, including both specific performance and monetary damages. In the event of any breach of this Section 8 for which legal or equitable relief is sought, all reasonable attorney's fees and other reasonable costs associated therewith shall be recoverable by the prevailing Party. 9. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION 9.1 Limitation of Liabilities 9.1 .1 Except for indemnity obligations expressly set forth herein or as otherwise expressly provided in specific appendices, each Party's liability to the other Party for any Loss relating to or arising out of such Party's performance under this Agreement, including any negligent act or omission (whether willful or inadvertent), whether in contract, tort or otherwise, including alleged breaches of this Agreement and causes of action alleged to arise from allegations that breach of this Agreement also constitute a violation of a statute, including the Act, shall not exceed in TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 21 total the amount TDS TELECOM or TCAL has charged or would have charged to the other Party for the affected Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and service(s) that were not performed or were improperly performed. 9.1.2 Except for losses alleged or made by an end user of either Party, or except as otherwise provided in specific appendices, in the case of any loss alleged or made by a third party arising under the negligence or willful misconduct of both Parties, each Party shall bear, and its obligation under this section shall be limited to, that portion (as mutually agreed to by the Parties) of the resulting expense caused by its own negligence or willful misconduct or that of its agents, servants, contractors, or others acting in aid or concert with it. 9.2 NO CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES 9.2.1 NEITHER TCAL NOR TDS TELECOM WILL BE LIABLE TO THE 10. REMEDIES OTHER PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL CONSEQUENTIAL, RELIANCE, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES SUFFERED BY SUCH OTHER PARTIES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES FOR HARM TO BUSfNESS, LOST REVENUES, LOST SA VINOS, OR LOST PROFITS SUFFERED BY SUCH OTHER PARTIES), REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION NEGLIGENCE OF ANY KIND WHETHER ACTIVE OR PASSIVE, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE PARTIES KNEW OF THE POSSIBILITY THAT SUCH DAMAGES COULD RESULT. EACH PARTY HEREBY RELEASES THE OTHER PARTY (AND SUCH OTHER PARTY'S SUBSfDfARIES AND AFFILIATES, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AND AGENTS FROM ANY SUCH CLAIM. NOTHfNG CONTAINED IN THIS SECTION WILL LIMIT TDS TELECOM's OR TCAL's LIABILITY TO THE OTHER FOR (i) WILLFUL OR INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT (INCLUDING GROSS NEGLIGENCE); AND (ii) BODILY INJURY, DEATH, OR DAMAGE TO TANGIBLE REAL OR TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY PROXIMATELY CAUSED BY TDS TELECOM's OR TCAL's NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OR THAT OF THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS, SUBCONTRACTORS OR EMPLOYEES, NOR WILL ANYTHING CONTAINED IN THIS SECTION LIMIT THE PARTIES fNDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS, AS SPECIFIED BELOW. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 - CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 22 10.1 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no remedy set forth herein is intended to be exclusive and each and every remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to any other rights or remedies now or hereafter existing under Applicable Law or otherwise. 11. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 11 .1 Any Intellectual Property originating from or developed by a Party shall remain in the exclusive ownership of that Party. 12. INDEMNITY 12.1 Except as otherwise expressly provided herein or in specific appendices, and to the extent not prohibited by Applicable Law and not otherwise controlled by tariff, each Party (the "Indemnifying Party") shall release, defend and indemnify the other Party (the "Indemnified Party") and hold such Indemnified Party harmless against any Loss to a Third Party arising out of the negligence or willful misconduct ("Fault") of such Indemnifying Party, its agents, its End Users, contractors, or others retained by such Parties, in connection with the Indemnifying Party's provision of Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services under this Agreement; provided, however, that (i) with respect to employees or agents of the Indemnifying Party, such Fault occurs while performing within the scope of their employment, (ii) with respect to subcontractors of the Indemnifying Party, such Fault occurs in the course of performing duties of the subcontractor under its subcontract with the Indemnifying Party, and (iii) with respect to the Fault of employees or agents of such subcontractor, such Fault occurs while performing within the scope of their employment by the subcontractor with respect to such duties of the subcontractor under the subcontract. 12.2 A Party (the "Indemnifying Party") shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other Party ("Indemnified Party") against any Claim or Loss arising from the Indemnifying Party's use of Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services provided under this Agreement involving: 12.2.1 Any Claim or Loss arising from such Indemnifying Party's use of Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services offered under this Agreement, involving any Claim for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of Intellectual Property rights arising from the Indemnifying Party's or its End User's use. 12.2.2 The foregoing includes any Claims or Losses arising from disclosure of any End User-specific information associated with either the originating or terminating numbers used to provision Interconnection, functions, facilities, products or services provided hereunder and all other Claims arising out of any act or omission of the End User in the course of using TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 23 any Interconnection, functions, facilities, products or services provided pursuant to this Agreement. 12.2.3 The foregoing includes any Losses ansmg from Claims for actual or alleged infringement of any Intellectual Property right of a Third Party to the extent that such Loss arises from an Indemnifying Party's or an Indemnifying Party's End User's use of Interconnection, functions, facilities, products or services provided under this Agreement; provided, however, that an Indemnifying Party's obligation to defend and indemnify the Indemnified Party shall not apply: where an Indemnified Party or its End User modifies Interconnection, functions, facilities, products or services; provided under this Agreement without authorization of the Indemnifying Party; and no infringement would have occurred without such modification. 12.3 Consistent with and subject to the waiver of subrogation set forth under Section 26.6.2, TCAL shall reimburse TDS TELECOM for damages to TDS TELECOM's facilities utilized to provide Interconnection hereunder caused by the negligence or willful act of TCAL, its agents or subcontractors or TCAL's End User or resulting from TCAL 's improper use of TDS TELECOM's facilities, or due to malfunction of any facilities, functions, products, services or equipment provided by TCAL, its agents or subcontractors or TCAL's End User. Upon reimbursement for damages, TDS TELECOM will cooperate with TCAL in prosecuting a claim against the person causing such damage. TCAL shall be subrogated to the right of recovery by TDS TELECOM for the damages to the extent of such payment. 12.4 Consistent with and subject to the waiver of subrogation set forth under Section 26.6.2, TDS TELECOM shall reimburse TCAL for damages to TCAL's facilities utilized to provide or access Interconnection hereunder caused by the negligence or willful act of TDS TELECOM, its agents or subcontractors or End User or resulting from TDS TELECOM's improper use of TCAL's facilities, or due to malfunction of any facilities, functions, products, services or equipment provided by TDS TELECOM, its agents or subcontractors or TDS TELECOM's End User. Upon reimbursement for damages, TCAL will cooperate with TDS TELECOM in prosecuting a claim against the person causing such damage. TDS TELECOM shall be subrogated to the right of recovery by TCAL for the damages to the extent of such payment. 12.5 Obligation to Defend; Notice; Cooperation TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 24 12.5.1 Should a Claim arise for indemnification under this Section, the relevant Indemnified Party, as appropriate, will promptly notify the Indemnifying Party and request in writing the Indemnifying Party to defend the same. Failure to so notify the Indemnifying Party will not relieve the Indemnifying Party of any liability that the Indemnifying Party might have, except to the extent that such failure prejudices the Indemnifying Party's ability to defend such Claim. The Indemnifying Party will have the right to defend against such liability or assertion in which event the Indemnifying Party will give written notice to the Indemnified Party of acceptance of the defense of such Claim and the identity of counsel selected by the Indemnifying Party. 12.5.2 Until such time as Indemnifying Party provides written notice of acceptance of the defense of such claim, the Indemnified Party shall defend such claim, at the expense of the Indemnifying Party, subject to any right of the Indemnifying Party to seek reimbursement for the costs of such defense in the event that it is determined that Indemnifying Party had no obligation to indemnify the Indemnified Party for such claim. 12.5.3 Upon accepting the defense, the Indemnifying Party shall have exclusive right to control and conduct the defense and settlement of any such claims, subject to consultation with the Indemnified Party. So long as the Indemnifying Party is controlling and conducting the defense, the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable for any settlement by the Indemnified Party unless such Indemnifying Party has approved such settlement in advance and agrees to be bound by the agreement incorporating such settlement. 12.6 At any time, an Indemnified Party will have the right to refuse such compromise or settlement and , at the refusing Party's cost, to take over such defense, provided that in such event the Indemnifying Party will not be responsible for, nor will it be obligated to indemnify the refusing Party against any cost or liability in excess of such refused compromise or settlement. 12. 7 In the event the Indemnifying Party does not accept the defense of any indemnified Claim as provided above, the Indemnified Party will have the right to employ counsel for such defense at the expense of the Indemnifying Party unless it is determined that Indemnifying Party had no obligation to indemnify the Indemnified Party for such claim. 12.8 Each Party agrees to cooperate and to cause its employees and agents to cooperate with the other Party in the defense of any such Claim and the relevant records of each Party shall be available to the other Party with respect to any such defense, subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth in Section 8. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 13. OSHA STATEMENT Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 25 13.1 Each Party, in recognition of the other Party's status as an employer, agrees to abide by and to undertake the duty of compliance with all federal, state and local laws, safety and health regulations relating to the space which Party has assumed the duty to maintain pursuant to this Agreement, and to indemnify and hold the other Party harmless for any judgments, citations, fines, or other penalties which are assessed against the indemnified Party as the result of the indemnifying Party's failure to comply with any of the foregoing. 14. DEPOSITS 14.1 The Parties will, in order to safeguard their interests, only require the billed Party which has a proven history of late payments, defined as two consecutive late payments within a twelve (12) month period, or does not have established credit to make a deposit, prior to or at any time after the provision of service, to be held by the billing Party as a guarantee of the payment of rates and charges. No such deposit will be required of the billed Party which is a successor of a company which has established credit and has no history of late payments to the billing Party. Such deposit may not exceed the actual or estimated rates and charges for the service for a two-month period. The fact that a deposit has been made in no way relieves the billed Party from complying with the billing Party's regulations as to the prompt payment of bills. At such time as the provision of the service to the billed Party is terminated, the amount of the deposit, plus any interest accrued on a cash deposit pursuant to Section 14.2 below, will be credited to the billed Party's account and any credit balance which may remain will be refunded. 14.2 Such a deposit will be refunded or credited to the billed Party's account when the billed Party has established credit or, in any event, after the billed Party has established a one-year prompt payment record at any time prior to the termination of the provision of the service to the billed Party. In the case of a cash deposit, for the period the deposit is held by the billing Party, the billed Party will receive simple interest at the lower of: the rate of 1 % per month ( 12% annually) or the highest rate allowed by applicable law. The rate will be calculated from the date the billed Party's deposit is received by the billing Party up to and including the date such deposit is credited to the billed Party's account or the date the deposit is refunded by the billing Party. Should a deposit be credited to the billed Party's account, as indicated above, no interest will accrue on the deposit from the date such deposit is credited to the customer's account. 15. BILLING AND PAYMENT OF RATES AND CHARGES 15.1 Unless otherwise stated, each Party will render monthly bill(s) to the other for Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services provided hereunder at TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 26 the rates set forth in the applicable Appendix Pricing, as set forth in applicable tariffs or other documents specifically referenced herein and, as applicable, as agreed upon by the Parties or authorized by a Party. 15 .1.1 Remittance in full of all bills rendered by TDS TELECOM is due within thirty (30) calendar days of each bill date (the "Bill Due Date"). 15.1.2 Remittance in full of all bills rendered by TCAL is due within thirty (30) calendar days of each bill date (the "Bill Due Date"). 15.1.3 If either Party fails to remit payment for any undisputed charges for services by the Bill Due Date, or if a payment or any portion of a payment is received after the Bill Due Date, or if a payment or any portion of a payment is received in funds which are not immediately available as of the Bill Due Date (individually and collectively, "Past Due"), then a late payment charge shall be assessed as provided in Section as applicable. 15.1.3. l If any charge incurred under this Agreement is Past Due, the unpaid amounts shall accrue interest from the Bill Due Date at the lesser of (i) one and one-half percent ( I Y2%) per month and (ii) the highest rate of interest that may be charged under Applicable Law, to and including the date that the payment is actually made and available. 15.2 If any portion of an amount due to a Party (the "Billing Party") under this Agreement is subject to a bona fide dispute between the Parties, the Party billed (the "Non-Paying Party") shall give written notice to the Billing Party of the amounts it disputes ("Disputed Amounts") and include in such written notice the specific details and reasons for disputing each item listed in Section The Non-Paying Party shall pay when due all undisputed amounts to the Billing Party. 15 .3 Issues related to Disputed Amounts shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures identified in the Dispute Resolution provisions set forth in Section 16. 15.4 If the Non-Paying Party disputes any charges and any portion of the dispute is resolved in favor of such Non-Paying Party, the Parties shall cooperate to ensure that all of the following actions are taken: 15.4.1 the Billing Party shall credit the invoice of the Non-Paying Party for that portion of the Disputed Amounts resolved in favor of the Non-Paying Party, together with any Late Payment Charges assessed with respect thereto no later than the second Bill Due Date after the resolution of the Dispute; and TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 27 15.4.2 no later than the third Bill Due Date after the resolution of the dispute regarding the Disputed Amounts, the Non-Paying Party shall pay the Billing Party for that portion of the Disputed Amounts resolved in favor of the Billing Party, together with any Late Payment Charges such Billing Party is entitled to receive pursuant to this Section. 15.5 Failure by the Non-Paying Party to pay any charges determined by final non­ appealable order resulting from the dispute resolution process to be owed to the Billing Party within the time specified in the order or if no time is specified, then within the time set forth in Section 15.4.2 shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement. 15.6 If either Party request one or more additional copies of a bill, the requesting Party will pay the Billing Party a reasonable fee for each additional copy, unless such copy was requested due to failure in delivery of the original bill or correction(s) to the original bill. 16. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16. l Finality of Disputes 16. I .1 Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, no claims will be brought for disputes arising from this Agreement more than twenty-four (24) months from the date the occurrence which gives rise to the dispute is discovered or reasonably should have been discovered with the exercise of due care and attention. 16.1.2 The Parties desire to resolve disputes ansmg out of this Agreement without litigation. Accordingly, except for action seeking a temporary restraining order or an injunction related to the purposes of this Agreement, or suit to compel compliance with this Dispute Resolution process, the Parties agree to use the following Dispute Resolution procedure with respect to any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or its breach. 16.2 Commencing Dispute Resolution 16.2.1 Dispute Resolution shall commence upon one Party's receipt of written notice of a controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or its breach. No Party may pursue any claim unless such written notice has first been given to the other Party. There are three (3) separate Dispute Resolution methods each of which is described below: TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement Service Center; Informal Dispute Resolution; and September 2016 CW2446008 Formal Dispute Resolution. Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 28 16.3 Service Center Dispute Resolution 16.3.1 The following Dispute Resolution procedures will apply with respect to any billing dispute arising out of or relating to the Agreement. 16.3 .1.1 If the written notice given pursuant to Section 15 .2 discloses that a dispute relates to billing, then the procedures set forth in this Section 16.3 .1 shall be used and the dispute shall first be referred to the appropriate service center for resolution. In order to resolve a billing dispute, one Party shall furnish the other Party written notice of (i) the date of the bill in question, (ii) BAN number of the bill in question, (iii) telephone number, circuit ID number or trunk number in question, (iv) any USOC information relating to the item questioned, (v) amount billed, (vi) amount in question, and (vii) the reason that the Party disputes the billed amount. 16.3 .1.2 The Parties shall attempt to resolve Disputed Amounts appearing on current billing statements thirty (30) to sixty (60) calendar days from the Bill Due Date (provided the disputing Party furnishes all requisite information and evidence under Section by the Bill Due Date). If not resolved within thirty (30) calendar days, upon request, the Parties will notify each other of the status of the dispute and the expected resolution date. 16.3 .1.3 The Parties shall attempt to resolve Disputed Amounts appearing on statements prior to the current billing statement within thirty (30) to ninety (90) calendar days, but resolution may take longer depending on the complexity of the dispute. Either Party may initiate Informal Resolution of Disputes identified in Section 16.4 prior to initiating Formal Resolution of Disputes identified in Section 16.5 if the Parties are unable to resolve the Disputed Amounts. 16.4 Informal Resolution of Disputes 16.4.1 Upon receipt by one Party of notice of a dispute by the other Party pursuant to Section 16.2 or Section 16.3, each Party will appoint a knowledgeable, responsible representative to meet and negotiate in good faith to resolve any dispute arising under this Agreement. The location, form, frequency, duration, and conclusion of these discussions will be left to the discretion of the representatives. Upon agreement, the TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 29 representatives may utilize other alternative Dispute Resolution procedures such as mediation to assist in the negotiations. Discussions and the correspondence among the representatives for purposes of settlement are exempt from discovery and production and will not be admissible in the arbitration described below or in any lawsuit without the concurrence of both Parties. Documents identified in or provided with such communications that were not prepared for purposes of the negotiations are not so exempted, and, if otherwise admissible, may be admitted in evidence in the arbitration or lawsuit. 16.5 Formal Resolution of Disputes 16.5.1 Except as otherwise specifically set forth in this Agreement, for all disputes arising out of or pertaining to this Agreement, including but not limited to matters not specifically addressed elsewhere in this Agreement which require clarification, re-negotiation, modifications or additions to this Agreement, either Party may invoke dispute resolution procedures available pursuant to the dispute resolution rules, as amended from time to time, of the Commission. Also, upon mutual agreement, the Parties may seek commercial binding arbitration as specified in Section 16.6.1 . 16.5 .2 The Parties agree that the Dispute Resolution procedures set forth in this Agreement are not intended to conflict with applicable requirements of the Act or the Commission with regard to procedures for the resolution of disputes arising out of this Agreement. 16.6 Arbitration 16.6.1 When both Parties agree to binding arbitration, disputes will be submitted to a single arbitrator pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association or pursuant to such other provider of arbitration services or rules as the Parties may agree. The arbitrator shall be a person knowledgeable in the area of telecommunications. The place where each separate arbitration will be held will be Idaho, unless the Parties agree otherwise. The arbitration hearing will be requested to commence within sixty (60) days of the demand for arbitration. The arbitrator will control the scheduling so as to process the matter expeditiously. The Parties may submit written briefs upon a schedule determined by the arbitrator. The Parties will request that the arbitrator rule on the dispute by issuing a written opinion within thirty (30) days after the close of hearings. The arbitrator has no authority to order punitive or consequential damages. The times specified in this Section may be extended or shortened upon mutual agreement of the Parties or by the arbitrator upon a showing of good cause. Each Party will bear its own costs of these procedures. The Parties will equally split the fees of the TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 30 arbitration and the arbitrator. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered m any court having jurisdiction. 16.6.2 All Available Remedies. If the dispute has not been resolved pursuant to Informal Dispute Resolution under Section 16.4, Commission Dispute . Resolution under Section 16.5.1 , or binding arbitration under Section 16.6, then both Parties may resort to any and all available judicial and/or regulatory remedies. 17. TERMINATION OF SERVICE TO TCAL 17.1 Unless otherwise specified therein, Sections 17.1 , 17.2, 17.3, and 17.4 shall apply to all charges billed for all products and services furnished under this Agreement. 17.2 Failure of TCAL to pay charges or, by the due date, provide reasonably specific notice of any disputed charges, (Unpaid Charges), may be grounds for disconnection of Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services furnished under this Agreement. If TCAL fails to pay by the Bill Due Date, any and all undisputed charges billed to them under this Agreement, including any Late Payment Charges as provided for in Section 15.1.3 or miscellaneous charges ("Unpaid Charges"), and any portion of such Unpaid Charges remain unpaid after the Bill Due Date, the Billing Party shall notify the Non-Paying Party in writing that in order to avoid disruption or disconnection of the applicable Interconnection, functions , facilities, products and services furnished under this Agreement, the Non-Paying Party must remit all undisputed Unpaid Charges to the Billing Party. 17.3 Disputes hereunder will be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedures set out in Section 16 of this Agreement. 17.4 If any TCAL undisputed charges remain unpaid at the conclusion of the time period as set forth in Section 15.1.1 above (thirty (30) calendar days from the due date of such unpaid charges), TDS TELECOM will notify TCAL and the appropriate commission(s) in writing, that unless all charges are paid within thirty (30) calendar days, all services rendered to TCAL by TDS TELECOM may be disconnected. 17.5 In the event TDS TELECOM discontinues service to TCAL upon failure to pay undisputed charges only as provided in this section, TDS TELECOM will have no liability to TCAL in the event of such disconnection. 17.6 After disconnect procedures have begun, TDS TELECOM will not accept service orders from TCAL until all unpaid, undisputed charges are paid. TDS TELECOM will have the right to require a deposit pursuant to Section 14 prior to resuming service to TCAL after disconnect for nonpayment. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 31 17.7 Beyond the specifically set out limitations in this section, nothing herein will be interpreted to obligate TDS TELECOM to continue to provide service to any such end users or to limit any and all disconnection rights TDS TELECOM may have with regard to such end users. 17.8 If TCAL desires to dispute any portion of the Unpaid Charges, TCAL shall take all of the following actions not later than fourteen (14) calendar days following receipt of notice of Unpaid Charges: 17.8.1 TCAL shall notify TDS TELECOM in writing which portion(s) of the Unpaid Charges TCAL disputes, including the total amount disputed ("Disputed Amounts") and the specific details listed in Section 16.3.1 of this Agreement, together with the reasons for its dispute; and 17.8.2 TCAL shall immediately pay all undisputed Unpaid Charges. 18. NOTICES 18.1 In the event any notices are required to be sent under the terms of this Agreement, they may be sent by mail and are deemed to have been given on the date received. Notice may also be affected by personal delivery or by overnight courier, and will be effective upon receipt. Notice may also be provided by electronic mail or facsimile, which, will be effective on receipt; provided, however, notices to a Party's 24-hour maintenance contact number will be by telephone and/or facsimile and will be deemed to have been received on the date received. The Parties will provide the appropriate telephone and facsimile numbers to each other. Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, notice will be directed as follows: 18.2 lfto TCAL: TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement AT&T l AT&T Way Room 4Al05 Bedminster, NJ 07921 Attn: Carrier Relations Director Phone: 908-234-3707 Email: dh6491 @att.com With a copy to: AT&T Services, Inc. Legal Department 208 S. Akard Street Dallas, TX 75202 Attn : Interconnection Agreement Counsel September 2016 CW2446008 Fax: 214-746-2214 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 32 18.3 Ifto TDS TELECOM: TDS TELECOM ATTN: Carrier Relations 10025 Investment Dr., Suite 200 Knoxville, TN 3 7932 Fax: (865)966-4 720 CarrierRelations@tdstelecom.com With a copy to: TDS TELECOM ATTN: Regulatory & Corporate Counsel P.O. Box 5366 Madison, WI 53705-0366 Fax: (608) 664-4519 18.4 Either Party may unilaterally change its designated representative and/or address, telephone contact number or facsimile number for the receipt of notices by giving written notice to the other Party in compliance with this Section. Any notice to change the designated contact, address, telephone and/or facsimile number for receipt of notices will be deemed effective ten ( 10) calendar days following receipt by the other Party. 19. TAXES 19.1 With respect to any purchase of service under this Agreement, if any Federal, state or local government tax, fee, surcharge, or other tax-like charge (a "Tax") is required or permitted by applicable law, ordinance or tariff to be collected from a purchasing Party by the providing Party, then (i) the providing Party will bill, as a separately stated item, the purchasing Party for such Tax, (ii) the purchasing Party will timely remit such Tax to the providing Party, and (iii) the providing Party will remit such collected Tax to the applicable taxing authority. 19.2 If the providing Party does not collect a Tax because the purchasing Party asserts that it is not responsible for the tax, or is otherwise excepted from the obligation which is later determined by formal action to be wrong then, as between the providing Party and the purchasing Party, the purchasing Party will be liable for such uncollected Tax and any interest due and/or penalty assessed on the uncollected Tax by the applicable taxing authority or governmental entity. 19.3 If either Party is audited by a taxing authority or other governmental entity, the other Party agrees to reasonably cooperate with the Party being audited in order to respond to any audit inquiries in a proper and timely manner so that the audit and/or any resulting controversy may be resolved expeditiously. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 33 19.4 If applicable law excludes or exempts a purchase of services under this Agreement from a Tax, and if such applicable law also provides an exemption procedure, such as an exemption certificate requirement, then, if the purchasing Party complies with such procedure, the providing Party, subject to Section 19 .2, will not collect such Tax during the effective period of the exemption. Such exemption will be effective upon receipt of the exemption certificate or affidavit in accordance with Section 19 .6. 19.5 If applicable law excludes or exempts a purchase of services under this Agreement from a Tax, but does not also provide an exemption procedure, then the providing Party will not collect such Tax if the purchasing Party (i) furnishes the providing Party with a letter signed by an officer of the purchasing Party claiming an exemption and identifying the applicable law which allows such exemption, and (ii) supplies the providing Party with an indemnification agreement, reasonably acceptable to the providing Party, which holds the providing Party harmless on an after-tax basis with respect to forbearing to collect such Tax. 19.6 To the extent a sale is claimed to be for resale and thus subject to tax exemption, the purchasing Party shall furnish the providing Party a proper resale tax exemption certificate as authorized or required by statute or regulation of the jurisdiction providing said resale tax exemption. Failure to timely provide said resale tax exemption certificate will result in no exemption being available to the purchasing Party for any period prior to the date that the purchasing Party presents a valid certificate. If Applicable Law excludes or exempts a purchase of Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services under this Agreement from a Tax, but does not also provide an exemption procedure, then the providing Party will not collect such Tax if the purchasing Party ( a) furnishes the providing Party with a letter signed by an officer of the purchasing Party claiming an exemption and identifying the Applicable Law that both allows such exemption and does not require an exemption certificate; and (b) supplies the providing Party with an indemnification agreement, reasonably acceptable to the providing Party, which holds the providing Party harmless from any tax, interest, penalties, loss, cost or expense with respect to forbearing to collect such Tax. 19.7 With respect to any Tax or Tax controversy covered by this Section 19, the purchasing Party is entitled to contest with the imposing jurisdiction, pursuant to Applicable Law and at its own expense, any Tax that it is ultimately obligated to pay or collect. The purchasing Party will ensure that no lien is attached to any asset of the providing Party as a result of any contest. The purchasing Party shall be entitled to the benefit of any refund or recovery of amounts that it had previously paid resulting from such a contest. Amounts previously paid by the providing Party shall be refunded to the providing Party. The providing Party will cooperate in any such contest. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 34 19 .8 All notices, affidavits, exemption certificates or other communications required or permitted to be given by either Party to the other under this Section shall be sent in accordance with Section 18 hereof. 20. FORCE MAJEURE 20. l Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, neither Party will be liable for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this Agreement caused by a Force Majeure condition, including acts of the United States of America or any state, territory, or political subdivision thereof, acts of God or a public enemy, fires, floods, labor disputes such as strikes and lockouts, freight embargoes, earthquakes, volcanic actions, wars, acts of terrorism, civil disturbances, cable cuts, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the Party claiming excusable delay or other failure to perform. Provided, Force Majeure will not include acts of any Governmental Authority relating to environmental, health, or safety conditions at work locations. If any Force Majeure condition occurs the Party whose performance fails or is delayed because of such Force Majeure conditions will give prompt notice to the other Party, and upon cessation of such Force Majeure condition, will give like notice and commence performance hereunder as promptly as reasonably practicable. 21. PUB LI CITY 21.1 The Parties agree not to use in any advertising or sales promotion, press releases or other publicity matters, any endorsements, direct or indirect quotes or pictures implying endorsement by the other Party or any of its employees without such Party's prior written approval. The Parties will submit to each other for written approval, prior to publication, all such publicity endorsement matters that mention or display the other's name and/or marks or contain language from which a connection to said name and/or marks may be inferred or implied; the Party to whom a request is directed shall respond promptly. Nothing herein, however, shall be construed as preventing either Party from publicly stating the fact that it has executed this Agreement with the other Party . This does not prohibit the use of valid comparison advertising. 21.2 Nothing in this Agreement shall grant, suggest, or imply any authority for either Party to use the name, trademarks, service marks, trade names, brand names, logos, proprietary trade dress or trade names, insignia, symbols or decorative designs of the other Party or its affiliates without the other Party's prior written authorization. 22. NETWORK MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT 22.1 The Parties will work cooperatively to implement this Agreement. The Parties will exchange appropriate information (e.g., maintenance contact numbers, network information, information required to comply with law enforcement and TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 35 other security agencies of the federal and state governments, etc.) to achieve this desired result. 22.2 Each Party will provide a 24-hour contact number for Network Traffic Management issues to the other's surveillance management center. Each Party will administer its network to ensure acceptable service levels to all users of its network services. Service levels are generally considered acceptable only when End Users are able to establish connections with little or no delay encountered in the network. A facsimile (FAX) number must also be provided to facilitate event notifications for planned mass calling events. 22.3 In the event of interference or impairment of the quality of service between services or facilities of TCAL and TDS TELECOM the Parties agree to the following: 22.3.1 The Party that first becomes aware of the interference will provide notice to the other Party as soon as possible. 22.3.2 The Parties will work cooperatively to determine the source of the interference and to implement mutually agreeable solutions that provide for the minimum negative impact to either Party's products and services. However, TCAL acknowledges that multiple carriers connect to TDS TELECOM's network and in some instances the solution that minimizes the impact to the greatest number of carriers and end users may require that a facility, product, or service of TCAL be temporarily disconnected until the interference can be corrected. 22.3.3 If the Parties are unable to agree upon a solution, either Party may invoke the dispute resolution provisions of the Agreement, provided that a Party may apply for injunctive relief immediately if such is required to prevent irreparable harm. 23. LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CIVIL PROCESS 23.1 TDS TELECOM and TCAL shall reasonably cooperate with the other Party in handling law enforcement requests as follows: 23.1.1 Intercept Devices Local and federal law enforcement agencies periodically request information or assistance from local telephone service providers. When either Party receives a request associated with a customer of the other Party, the receiving Party will refer such request to the appropriate Party. 23.1.2 Subpoenas TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 36 If a Party receives a subpoena for information concerning an end user the Party knows to be an end user of the other Party, the receiving Party will refer the subpoena to the requesting entity with an indication that the other Party is the responsible company. Provided, however, if the subpoena requests records for a period of time during which the receiving Party was the end user's service provider, the receiving Party will respond to any valid request to the extent the receiving Party is able to do so; if response requires the assistance of the other Party such assistance will be provided. 23 .1.3 Law Enforcement Emergencies If a Party receives a request from a law enforcement agency to implement at its switch a temporary number change, temporary disconnect, or one­ way denial of outbound calls for an end user of the other Party, the receiving Party will comply so long as it is a valid emergency request. Neither Party will be held liable for any claims or damages arising from compliance with such requests, and the Party serving the end user agrees to indemnify and hold the other Party harmless against any and all such claims. 24. CHANGES IN SUBSCRIBER CARRIER SELECTION 24.1 Each Party will abide by applicable federal and state laws and regulations in obtaining End User authorization prior to changing an End User's Local Exchange Carrier to itself and in assuming responsibility for any applicable charges as specified in Section 258(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and as implemented by the relevant orders of the FCC. 25. AMENDMENTS OR WAIVERS 25 .1 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement and no consent to any default under this Agreement will be effective unless the same is in writing and signed by an officer of the Party against whom such amendment, waiver or consent is claimed. In addition, no course of dealing or failure of a Party strictly to enforce any term, right or condition of this Agreement will be construed as a waiver of such term, right, or condition. Waiver by either Party of any default by the other Party shall not be deemed a waiver of any other default. Failure of either Party to insist on performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise any right or privilege hereunder shall not be construed as a continuing or future waiver of such term, condition, right or privilege. By entering into this Agreement, the Parties do not waive any right granted to them pursuant to the Act; however, the Parties enter into this Agreement without prejudice to any positions they have TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 37 taken previously, or may take in the future in any legislative, regulatory or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters related to the types of arrangements prescribed by this Agreement. 26. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 26.1 TDS TELECOM and TCAL shall each use commercially reasonable efforts to meet the Interconnection Activation Dates. 26.2 Each Party is individually responsible to provide facilities within its network that are necessary for routing, transporting, measuring, and billing traffic from the other Party's network and for delivering such traffic to the other Party's network in the standard format and to terminate the traffic it receives in that standard format to the proper address on its network. The Parties are each solely responsible for participation in and compliance with national network plans, including the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP). 26.3 The Parties shall exchange technical descriptions and forecasts of their Interconnection and traffic requirements in sufficient detail necessary to establish the facilities required to assure traffic completion to and from all End Users in their respective designated service areas. 26.4 Each Party is solely responsible for all products and services it provides to its End Users and to other Telecommunications Carriers. 26.5 Facilities-based carriers are responsible for administering their End User records in a LIDB. 26.6 During the term of this Agreement, TCAL shall carry, with financially reputable insurers which are eligible to do business in all jurisdictions where any property is located, not less than the following insurance: 26.1.1 Commercial General Liability with limits of not less than $1 ,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and aggregate for bodily injury, property damage and personal and advertising injury liability insurance to include coverage for contractual and products/completed operations liability, including TDS TELECOM as additional insured as respects work under this Agreement; 26.1.2 Business Auto liability, including all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles, in an amount of not less than $1 ,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage liability, including TDS TELECOM as additional insured as respects work under this Agreement; TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 38 26.1.3 Workers Compensation as provided for in the jurisdiction where the Property is located or qualified self insurance, with an Employer's Liability limit of not less than $500,000 per accident or disease policy limit; 26.1.4 Umbrella or excess liability in an amount not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate in excess of the above-referenced Commercial General, Business Auto and Employer's Liability, including TDS TELECOM as additional insured; TCAL may use any combination or primary and excess to meet required total limits; and 26.1.5 "All Risk" property insurance on a full replacement cost basis insuring TCAL's property situated on or within the Property, It is agreed that TDS TELECOM has no liability for loss of profit or revenues should an interruption of service occur. TCAL may self insure this coverage. 26.7 Nothing contained in this Section shall limit TCAL's liability to TDS TELECOM to the limits of insurance certified or carried. 26.8 All policies required of TCAL shall contain evidence of the insurer's waiver of the right of subrogation against TDS TELECOM for any insured loss covered thereunder. All required policies of insurance shall be written as primary policies and not contributing with or in excess of the coverage, if any, that TDS TELECOM may carry. 26.9 TCAL shall furnish to TDS TELECOM a certificate or certificates of insurance, satisfactory in form and content to TDS TELECOM, evidencing that the above coverage is in force. TCAL will provide at least thirty (30) Days prior written notice to TDS TELECOM of any cancellation or non renewal to any required coverage that is not replaced. 26. l O TCAL shall require reasonable and prudent coverage and limits from its subcontractors to provide work hereunder. 26.11 Upon TCAL signature of this Agreement, TCAL shall provide TDS TELECOM with TCAL's state-specific authorized and nationally recognized OCN/AOCNs for facilities-based Interconnection. 26.12 In the event that TCAL makes any corporate name change (including addition or deletion of a d/b/a), change in OCN/AOCN, or makes or accepts a transfer or assignment of interconnection trunks or facilities (including leased facilities), or a change in any other TCAL identifier (collectively, a "TCAL Change"), TCAL shall submit written notice to TDS TELECOM within thirty (30) calendar days of the first action taken to implement such TCAL Change. Within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of that notice, the Parties shall negotiate rates to compensate TDS TELECOM for the costs to be incurred by TDS TELECOM to make the TCAL Change to the applicable TDS TELECOM databases, systems, records and/or recording announcement(s). In addition, TCAL shall compensate TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 39 TDS TELECOM for any service order charges and/or service request charges associated with such TCAL Change. TDS TELECOM's agreement to implement a TCAL Change is conditioned upon TCAL's agreement to pay all reasonable charges billed to TCAL for such TCAL Change. 26.13 When an End User changes its service provider from TDS TELECOM to TCAL or from TCAL to TDS TELECOM and does not retain its original telephone number, the Party formerly providing service to such End User shall upon request furnish a referral announcement ("Referral Announcement") on the original telephone number that specifies the End User's new telephone number, if such service is available. 26.13. I Referral Announcements shall be provided by a Party to the other Party for the period of time and at the rates set forth in the referring Party's tariff(s); provided, however, if either Party provides Referral Announcements for a period different ( either shorter or longer) than the period(s) stated in its tariff(s) when its End Users change their telephone numbers, such Party shall provide the same level of service to End Users of the other Party. 26. I 4 Each Party shall be responsible for labor relations with its own employees. Each Party agrees to notify the other Party as soon as practicable whenever such Party has knowledge that a labor dispute concerning its employees is delaying or threatens to delay such Party's timely performance of its obligations under this Agreement and shall endeavor to minimize impairment of service to the other Party. 27. AUTHORITY 27.1 Each person whose signature appears below represents and warrants that he or she has authority to bind the Party on whose behalf he or she has executed this Agreement. 27.2 ("TDS TELECOM"), on behalf of the companies listed on Schedule I, for which this Agreement is executed represents and warrants that it is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Idaho. 27.3 TCAL represents and warrants that it is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Idaho and has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. TCAL represents and warrants that it has been certified as a LEC by the Commission prior to submitting any orders hereunder and is or will be authorized to provide the Telecommunications Services contemplated hereunder in the territory contemplated hereunder prior to submission of orders for such Service. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 28. BINDING EFFECT Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 40 28.1 This Agreement will be binding on and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and permitted assigns of the Parties. 29. CONSENT 29. l Where consent, approval, or mutual agreement is required of a Party, it will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 30. EXPENSES 30.1 Except as specifically set out in this Agreement, each Party will be solely responsible for its own expenses involved in all activities related to the subject of this Agreement. 31. HEADINGS 31.1 The headings and number of Sections, Parts, Appendices, Schedules and Exhibits to this Agreement are inserted for convenience and identification only and will not be considered to define or limit any of the terms herein or affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. 32. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES/INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 32.1 Each Party is an independent contractor, and has and hereby retains the right to exercise full control of and supervision over its own performance of its obligations under this Agreement and retains full control over the employment, direction, compensation and discharge of its employees assisting in the performance of such obligations. Each Party and each Party's contractor(s) shall be solely responsible for all matters relating to payment of such employees, including the withholding or payment of all applicable federal, state and local income taxes, social security taxes and other payroll taxes with respect to its employees, as well as any taxes, contributions or other obligations imposed by applicable state unemployment or workers' compensation acts and all other regulations governing such matters. Each Party has sole authority and responsibility to hire, fire and otherwise control its employees. 32.2 Nothing contained herein shall constitute the Parties as joint venturers, partners, employees or agents of one another, and neither Party shall have the right or power to bind or obligate the other. Nothing herein will be construed as making either Party responsible or liable for the obligations and undertakings of the other Party. Except for provisions herein expressly authorizing a Party to act for TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 41 another, nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a Party as a legal representative or agent of the other Party, nor shall a Party have the right or authority to assume, create or incur any liability or any obligation of any kind, express or implied, against or in the name or on behalf of the other Party unless otherwise expressly permitted by such other Party. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, no Party undertakes to perform any obligation of the other Party, whether regulatory or contractual, or to assume any responsibility for the management of the other Party's business . 33. MULTIPLE COUNTERPARTS 33 .1 This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original but all of which will together constitute but one, and the same document. 34. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES 34.1 This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the Parties and their permitted assigns, and nothing herein expressed or implied shall create or be construed to create any Third Party beneficiary rights hereunder. This Agreement shall not provide and will not be construed to provide any Person not a party hereto with any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, cause of action, or other right in excess of those existing without reference hereto. 35. REGULATORY APPROVAL 35.1 The Parties understand and agree that this Agreement and any amendment or modification hereto will be filed with the Commission for approval in accordance with Section 252 of the Act and may thereafter be filed with the FCC. Each Party covenants and agrees to fully support approval of this Agreement by the Commission or the FCC under Section 252 of the Act without modification. 36. REGULATORY AUTHORITY 36.1 TDS TELECOM will be responsible for obtaining and keeping in effect all FCC, state regulatory commission, franchise authority and other regulatory approvals that may be required in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. TCAL will be responsible for obtaining and keeping in effect all FCC, state regulatory commission, franchise authority and other regulatory approvals that may be required in connection with its offering of services to TCAL Customers contemplated by this Agreement. TCAL will reasonably cooperate with TDS TELECOM in obtaining and maintaining any required approvals for which TDS TELECOM is responsible, and TDS TELECOM will TDS TELECOMffCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 42 reasonably cooperate with TCAL in obtaining and maintaining any required approvals for which TCAL is responsible. 37. COMPLIANCE AND CERTIFICATION 37.1 Each Party shall comply at its own expense with all Applicable Laws that relate to that Party's obligations to the other Party under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring or permitting either Party to contravene any mandatory requirement of Applicable Law. 37.2 Each Party warrants that it has obtained all necessary state certification prior to ordering any Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services from the other Party pursuant to this Agreement. Upon request, each Party shall provide proof of certification. 37.3 Each Party shall be responsible for obtaining and keeping in effect all approvals from, and rights granted by, Governmental Authorities, building and property owners, other carriers, and any other Third Parties that may be required in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. 38. AUDITS 38.1 Subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 8 and except as may be otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, a Party (the "Auditing Party") may audit the other Party's (the "Audited Party") books, records, data and other documents, as provided herein, once annually, with the audit period commencing not earlier than the date on which services were first supplied under this Agreement ("service start date") for the purpose of evaluating (i) the accuracy of Audited Party's billing and invoicing of the services provided hereunder and (ii) verification of compliance with any provision of this Agreement that affects the accuracy of Auditing Party's billing and invoicing of the services provided to Audited Party hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Auditing Party may audit the Audited Party's books, records and documents more than once annually if the previous audit found (i) previously uncorrected net variances or errors in invoices in Audited Party's favor with an aggregate value of at least five percent (5%) of the amounts payable by Auditing Party for audited services provided during the period covered by the audit or (ii) non-compliance by Audited Party with any provision of this Agreement affecting Auditing Party's billing and invoicing of the services provided to Audited Party with an aggregate value of at least five percent (5%) of the amounts payable by Audited Party for audited services provided during the period covered by the audit. 38.1.1 The scope of the audit shall be limited to the period which is the shorter of (i) the period subsequent to the last day of the period covered by the audit TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 43 which was last performed ( or if no audit has been performed, the service start date) and (ii) the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the date the Audited Party received notice of such requested audit, but in any event not prior to the service start date. Such audit shall begin no fewer than thirty (30) calendar days after Audited Party receives a written notice requesting an audit and shall be completed no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the start of such audit. 38.1.2 Such audit shall be conducted either by the Auditing Party's employee(s) or an independent auditor acceptable to both Parties. If an independent auditor is to be engaged, the Parties shall select an auditor by the thirtieth (301h) day following Audited Party's receipt of a written audit notice. Auditing Party shall cause the independent auditor to execute a nondisclosure agreement in a form agreed upon by the Parties. Audits shall be performed at Auditing Party's expense. 38.1.3 Each audit shall be conducted on the premises of the Audited Party during normal business hours. Audited Party shall cooperate fully in any such audit and shall provide the auditor reasonable access to any and all appropriate Audited Party employees and any books, records and other documents reasonably necessary to assess (i) the accuracy of Audited Party's bills and (ii) Audited Party's compliance with the provisions of this Agreement that affect the accuracy of Auditing Party's billing and invoicing of the services provided to Audited Party hereunder. Audited Party may redact from the books, records and other documents provided to the auditor any Audited Party Proprietary Information that reveals the identity of End Users of Audited Party. 38.1.4 Each Party shall maintain reports, records and data relevant to the billing of any services that are the subject matter of this Agreement for a period of not less than twenty-four (24) months after creation thereof, unless a longer period is required by Applicable Law. 38.1.5 If any audit confirms any undercharge or overcharge, then Audited Party shall (i) promptly correct any billing error, including making refund of any overpayment by Auditing Party in the form of a credit on the invoice for the first full billing cycle after the Parties have agreed upon the accuracy of the audit results and (ii) for any undercharge caused by the actions of the Audited Party, immediately compensate Auditing Party for such undercharge, and (iii) in each case, calculate and pay interest as provided in Section for the number of calendar days from the date on which such undercharge or overcharge originated until the date on which such credit is issued or payment is made and available. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 44 38.1.6 Any disputes concerning audit results shall be referred to the Parties' respective personnel responsible for informal resolution. If these individuals cannot resolve the dispute within thirty (30) calendar days of the referral, either Party may request in writing that an additional audit shall be conducted by an independent auditor acceptable to both Parties, subject to the requirements set out in this section. Any additional audit shall be at the requesting Party's expense. 39. COMPLETE TERMS 39.1 The terms contained in this Agreement and any Appendices, Attachments, Exhibits, Schedules, and Addenda constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior understandings, proposals and other communications, oral or written. 40. COOPERATION ON PREVENTING END USER FRAUD 40.1 Neither Party shall be liable for any fraud associated with the other Party's End User's account, including 1 + IntraLA TA toll, ported numbers, and Alternate Billing Service (ABS). ABS is a service that allows End Users to bill calls to account(s) that might not be associated with the originating line. There are three (3) types of ABS calls: calling card, collect, and third number billed calls. 40.2 The Parties agree to cooperate with one another to investigate, minimize, and take corrective action in cases of fraud. The Parties' fraud minimization procedures are to be cost-effective and implemented so as not to unduly burden or harm one Party as compared to the other. 41. NOTICE OF NETWORK CHANGES 41.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall limit either Party's ability to upgrade its network through the incorporation of new equipment, new software or otherwise. Each Party agrees to provide reasonable notice of changes in the information necessary for the transmission and routing of services using facilities or networks, as well as other changes that affect the interoperability of those respective facilities and networks. 42. GOOD FAITH PERFORMANCE 42.1 In the performance of their obligations under this Agreement the Parties will act in good faith and consistently with the intent of the Act. Where notice, approval or similar action by a Party is permitted or required by any provision of this Agreement, (including, without limitation, the obligation of the Parties to further negotiate the resolution of new or open issues under this Agreement) such action will not be unreasonably delayed, withheld or conditioned. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 45 43. GOVERNMENTAL COMPLIANCE 43.1 TCAL and TDS TELECOM each will comply at its own expense with all applicable law related to (i) its obligations under or activities in connection with this Agreement; of (ii) its activities undertaken at, in connection with or relating to work locations. TCAL and TDS TELECOM each agree to indemnify, defend, (at the other Party's request) and save harmless the other, each of its officers, directors and employees from and against any losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) that arise out of or result from its failure or the failure of its contractors or agents to so comply. Except as expressly specified in this Agreement, TDS TELECOM, at its own expense, will be solely responsible for obtaining from governmental authorities, building owners, other carriers, and any other persons or entities, all rights and privileges (including, but not limited to, space and power), which are necessary for TDS TELECOM to provide services pursuant to this Agreement. 44. RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION 44.1 Each Party will be solely responsible at it own expense for the proper handling, storage, transport, treatment, disposal and use of all Hazardous Substances by such Party and its contractors and agents. "Hazardous Substances" includes those substances: 44.1.1 included within the definition of hazardous substance, hazardous waste, hazardous material, toxic substance, solid waste or pollutant or contaminant under any Applicable Law, and 44.1.2 listed by any governmental agency as a hazardous substance. 44.2 TCAL will in no event be liable to TDS TELECOM for any costs whatsoever resulting from the presence or Release of any Environmental Hazard, including Hazardous Substances that TCAL did not introduce to the affected work location. TDS TELECOM will indemnify, defend (at TCAL's request) and hold harmless TCAL, each of its officers, directors and employees from and against any losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) that arises out of or result from (i) any Environmental Hazard that TDS TELECOM, its contractors or agents introduce to the work locations or (ii) the presence or Release of any Environmental Hazard for which TDS TELECOM is responsible under Applicable Law. 44.3 TDS TELECOM will in no event be liable to TCAL for any costs whatsoever resulting from the presence or Release of any Environmental Hazard that TDS TELECOM did not introduce to the affected work location. TCAL will indemnify, defend (at TDS TELECOM's request) and hold harmless TDS TELECOM, each of its officers, directors and employees from and against any TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 46 losses, damages, claims, demands, suits, liabilities, fines, penalties and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) that arise out of or result from i) any Environmental Hazard that TCAL, its contractors or agents introduce to the work locations or ii) the presence or Release of any Environmental Hazard for which TCAL is responsible under Applicable Law. 45. SUBCONTRACTING 45.1 If any obligation is performed through a subcontractor, each Party will remain fully responsible for the performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, including any obligations either Party performs through subcontractors, and each Party will be solely responsible for payments due the Party's subcontractors. No subcontractor will be deemed a third party beneficiary for any purposes under this Agreement. Any subcontractor who gains access to CPNI or Confidential Information covered by this Agreement will be required by the subcontracting Party to protect such CPNI or Confidential Information to the same extent the subcontracting Party is required to protect the same under the terms of this Agreement. 46. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 46.1 Unless the context shall otherwise specifically require, and subject to Section 21 , whenever any provision of this Agreement refers to a technical reference, technical publication, any publication of telecommunications industry administrative or technical standards, or any other document specifically incorporated into this Agreement, it will be deemed to be a reference to the most recent version or edition (including any amendments, supplements, addenda, or successors) of each document that is in effect, and will include the most recent version or edition (including any amendments, supplements, addenda, or successors) of each document incorporated by reference in such a technical reference, technical publication, or publication of industry standards. 46.2 References References herein to Sections, Paragraphs, Exhibits, Parts, Schedules, and Appendices shall be deemed to be references to Sections, Paragraphs and Parts of, and Exhibits, Schedules and Appendices to, this Agreement unless the context shall otherwise require. 46.3 Tariff References 46.3.1 Wherever any Commission ordered tariff provision or rate is cited or quoted herein, it is understood that said cite encompasses any revisions or modifications to said tariff. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 47 46.3.2 Wherever any Commission ordered tariff provision or rate is incorporated, cited or quoted herein, it is understood that said incorporation or reference applies only to the entity within the state whose Commission ordered that tariff. 46.4 Conflict in Provisions 46.4.1 In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the Act, the provisions of the Act shall govern. 46.4.2 If any definitions, terms or conditions in any given Appendix, Attachment, Exhibit, Schedule or Addenda differ from those contained in the main body of this Agreement, those definitions, terms or conditions will supersede those contained in the main body of this Agreement, but only in regard to the services or activities listed in that particular Appendix, Attachment, Exhibit, Schedule or Addenda. In particular, if an Appendix contains a Term length that differs from the Term length in the main body of this Agreement, the Term length of that Appendix will control the length of time that services or activities are to occur under that Appendix, but will not affect the Term length of the remainder of this Agreement. 46.5 Joint Work Product 46.5.1 This Agreement is the joint work product of the Parties and has been negotiated by the Parties and their respective counsel and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms and, in the event of any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drawn against either Party. 47. SEVERABILITY 47.1 Subject to the prov1s1ons set forth in Section 4 of the General Terms and Conditions, if any term, condition or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, each Party agrees that such provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the Parties, and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not in any way be impaired or affected thereby. If necessary to effectuate the intent of the Parties, the Parties will promptly negotiate in good faith to amend this Agreement with a replacement provision or provisions for the unenforceable language that reflects such intent as closely as possible. If impasse is reached, the Parties will resolve said impasse under the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Section 16. 47.2 Incorporation by Reference The General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, and every Interconnection, function, facility, product or service provided hereunder, shall be subject to all TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 48 rates, terms and conditions contained in the Appendices to this Agreement which are legitimately related to such Interconnection, function, facility, product or service. 48. SURVIVAL OF OBLIGATIONS 48 .1 Any liabilities or obligations of a Party for acts or om1ss10ns prior to the cancellation or termination of this Agreement, any obligation of a Party under the provisions regarding indemnification, Confidential Information, limitations on liability, and any other provisions of this Agreement which, by their terms, are contemplated to survive ( or to be performed after) termination of th is Agreement, will survive cancellation or termination thereof. 49. GOVERNING LAW 49.1 Unless otherwise provided by Applicable Law, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Act, the FCC Rules and Regulations interpreting the Act and other applicable federal law, as well as the laws of the State of Idaho, and the rules and regulations of the Commission. To the extent that federal law would apply state law in interpreting this Agreement, the domestic laws of the state in which the Interconnection, functions, facilities, products and services at issue are furnished or sought shall apply, without regard to that state's conflict of laws principles. The Parties submit to personal jurisdiction in Idaho, and waive any and all objection to any such venue. 50. OTHER REQUIREMENTS 50.1 ACCESS TO RIGHTS-OF-WAY -SECTION 251(b)(4) 50.1.1 TDS TELECOM shall provide to TCAL non-discriminatory access to Poles, Ducts, Conduits and Rights of Way owned or controlled by TDS TELECOM. Such access shall be provided in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law, pursuant to TDS TELECOM's applicable tariffs, or, in the absence of an applicable TDS TELECOM tariff, TDS TELECOM's generally offered form of license agreement. 50.2 DIALING PARITY -SECTION 251(b)(3) 50.2.1 The Parties shall provide Dialing Parity to each other as required under Section 251 (b )(3) of the Act. 51. APPENDICES IN CORPORA TED BY REFERENCE 51.1 This Agreement incorporates the following listed Appendices. These appendices along with their associated Attachments, Exhib its and Addenda constitute the entire Agreement between the Parties. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement ITR-Interconnection Trunking Requirements September 2016 CW2446008 Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 49 NIM-Network Interconnection Methods Number Portability Numbering Pricing Reciprocal Compensation WP-White Pages 911 52. CUSTOMER INQUIRIES 52.1 Each Party will refer all questions regarding the other Party's services or products directly to the other Party at a telephone number specified by that Party. 52.2 Each Party will ensure that all of their representatives who receive inqumes regarding the other Party's services do not in any way disparage or discriminate against the other Party or its products or services. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 53. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES Interconnection Agreement General Terms and Conditions Page 50 53.l EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, NO PARTY MAKES OR RECEIVES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE INTERCONNECTION, FUNCTIONS, FACILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IT PROVIDES UNDER OR CS CONTEMPLATED TO PROVIDE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND EACH PARTY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ADDITIONALLY, NO PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT ASSUMES RESPONSIBILlTY WITH REGARD TO THE CORRECTNESS OF DATA OR INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY ANY OTHER PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT WHEN SUCH DATA OR INFORMATION IS ACCESSED AND USED BY A THIRD PARTY. By: Teleport Communications America, LLC 7Jtj/Jl 17,/g /(p Signature Date David Handal Printed Name Carrier Relations Director Position/Title Potlatch Telephone Company By: TDS Telecommunications Corporation, Joel Dohmeier Printed Name Director-Regulatory Revenue, Strategy Compliance Position/Title Signature Page to the Interconnection Agreement between TDS TELECOM (ID) and Teleport dated the 10th day of December 2016. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Appendix !TR Page I APPENDIX ITR (Interconnection Trunking Requirements) TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix !TR Page 2 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 3 2. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 3 3. ONE-WAY AND TWO-WAY TRUNK GROUPS ............................................................ 3 4. DIRECT END OFFICE TRUNKING ................................................................................ 4 5. TRUNK GROUPS ................................................................................................................ 5 6. FORECASTING RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................ 6 7. TRUNK DESIGN BLOCKING CRITERIA ..................................................................... 7 8. TRUNK SERVICING .......................................................................................................... 7 9. TRUNK DATA EXCHANGE ............................................................................................. 9 10. NETWORK MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 10 TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX ITR Interconnection Trunking Requirements 1. INTRODUCTION Appendix ITR Page 3 1.1 This Appendix sets forth terms and conditions for Interconnection provided by TDS TELECOM and TCAL. 1.2 This Appendix provides descriptions of the trunking requirements between TCAL and TDS TELECOM. All references to incoming and outgoing trunk groups are from the perspective of TCAL. The paragraphs below describe the required and optional trunk groups for local and mass calling. 1.3 Local trunk groups may only be used to transport traffic between the Parties' End Users and specifically may not carry any traffic originated from a third party carrier. In the event that third party traffic is routed over these facilities for any reason, each Party agrees that it will pay compensation to the terminating Party for any and all traffic it sends, on the same basis as if it were the originating carrier. Affiliates of either Party are not considered a third party. 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1 "Network Interconnection Methods" (NIM) designates facilities established between the Parties' Networks. 3. ONE-WAY AND TWO-WAY TRUNK GROUPS 3.1 One-way trunk groups for ancillary services (e.g. mass calling) can be established between the Parties. Ancillary trunk groups will utilize Signaling System 7 (SS7) or multi-frequency (MF) signaling protocol, with SS7 signaling preferred whenever possible. The originating Party will have administrative control of one­ way trunk groups. 3.2 Two-way trunk groups for local and IntraLATA traffic can be established between a TCAL switch and a TDS TELECOM End Office switch. Each Party agrees it will not route any toll traffic across the local trunk group. This trunk group will utilize Signaling System 7 (SS7) or multi-frequency (MF) signaling protocol, with SS7 signaling preferred whenever possible. Two-way trunking will be jointly provisioned and maintained, which shall include sharing of costs. Each party shall be financially responsible for the facilities on their respective sides to the POI. For administrative consistency TCAL will have control for the purpose of issuing Access Service Requests (ASRs) on two-way groups. TDS TELECOM will use the Trunk Group Service Request (TGSR) as described in section 8.0 of this Appendix, to request changes in trunking. Both Parties reserve the right to issue ASRs, if so required, in the normal course of business. TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2446008 Appendix !TR Page 4 3.3 The Parties agree that two-way trunking shall be established when possible and appropriate for a given trunk group. The Parties will negotiate the appropriate trunk configuration, whether one-way or two-way giving consideration to relevant factors, including but not limited to, existing network configuration, administrative ease, any billing system and/or technical limitations and network efficiency. Any disagreement regarding appropriate trunk configuration shall be subject to the dispute resolution process in Section 16 of the General Terms and Conditions. 3.4 The Parties agree to exchange traffic data on two-way trunks upon request. Exchange of traffic data will permit each company to have knowledge of the offered and overflow load at each end of the two-way trunk group, and thereby enable accurate and independent determination of performance levels and trunk requirements. The Parties agree to the electronic exchange of data. 4. DIRECT END OFFICE TRUNKING 4.1 Direct End Office trunks terminate traffic from a TCAL switch to a TDS TELECOM End Office and are not switched at a Tandem location. The Parties shall establish a direct End Office trunk group when End Office traffic requires twenty-four (24) or more trunks. Overflow from either end of the direct End Office trunk group will be alternate routed to the appropriate Tandem. 4.2 4.3 All traffic received by TDS TELECOM on the direct End Office trunk group from TCAL must terminate in the End Office, i.e. no Tandem switching will be performed in the End Office. All traffic received by TCAL on the direct End Office trunk group from TDS TELECOM must terminate in the End Office, i.e., no Tandem switching will be performed in the End Office. Where End Office functionality is provided in a remote End Office of a host/remote configuration, the Interconnection for that remote End Office is only available at the host switch. The number of digits to be received by the terminating Party shall conform to standard industry practices; but in no case shall the number of digits be less than seven (7). Trunk Configuration 4.3.1 Trunk Configuration - 4.3. l. l Where available and upon the request of the other Party, each Party shall cooperate to ensure that its trunk groups are configured utilizing the B8ZS ESF protocol for 64 kbps Clear Channel Capability (64CCC) transmission to allow for ISDN interoperability between the Parties' respective networks. Trunk groups configured for 64CCC and carrying Circuit Switched Data (CSD) ISDN calls shall carry the appropriate Trunk Type Modifier TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Appendix ITR Page 5 in the CLCI-Message code. Trunk groups configured for 64CCC and not used to carry CSD ISDN calls shall carry a different appropriate Trunk Type Modifier in the CLCI-Message code. 5. TRUNK GROUPS 5.1 The following trunk groups shall be used to exchange local traffic between TCAL and TDS TELECOM. 5.2 Local Interconnection Trunk Group(s) in Each Exchange 5.2.1 Direct End Office Trunking The Parties shall establish direct End Office primary high usage Local Interconnection trunk groups for the exchange of Local traffic where actual or projected traffic demand is or will be twenty four (24) or more trunks, as described in Sections 4.1 and 4.2. 5.3 For each NXX code used by either Party, the Party to whom the NXX is assigned must maintain network facilities (whether owned or leased) used to actively provide, in part, local Telecommunications Services in the geographic area assigned to such NXX code. 5.4 TDS TELECOM will not block switched access customer traffic delivered to any TDS TELECOM Office for completion on TCAL's network. The Parties understand and agree that InterLATA trunking arrangements are available and functional only to/from switched access customers who directly connect with any TDS TELECOM End Office. TDS TELECOM shall have no responsibility to ensure that any switched access customer will accept traffic that TCAL directs to the switched access customer. 5.5 TCAL shall provide all SS7 signaling information including, without limitation, charge number and originating line information (OU). For terminating FGD, TDS TELECOM will pass all SS7 signaling information including, without limitation, CPN if it receives CPN from FGD carriers. All privacy indicators will be honored. Where available, network signaling information such as transit network selection (TNS) parameter, carrier identification codes (CIC) (CCS platform) and CIC/OZZ information (non-SS7 environment) will be provided by TCAL wherever such information is needed for call routing or billing. The Parties will follow all OBF adopted standards pertaining to TNS and CIC/OZZ codes. 5.6 High Volume Call In (HVCI) / Mass Calling (Choke) Trunk Group: TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Appendix ITR Page 6 5.6.1 If TCAL should acquire a HVCI/Mass Calling customer, i.e. a radio station, TCAL shall provide written notification to TDS TELECOM. TDS TELECOM reserves the option to provide either a physical or "virtual" trunk group, with a virtual group preferred where technically feasible, for HVCI/Mass Calling Trunking. 6. FORECASTING RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 TCAL agrees to provide an initial forecast for establishing the initial Interconnection facilities. TDS TELECOM shall review this forecast, and if it has any additional information that will change the forecast shall provide this information to TCAL. The Parties recognize that, to the extent historical traffic data can be shared between the Parties, the accuracy of the forecasts will improve. TCAL shall provide subsequent forecasts on demand, but no more frequently than an annual basis. TCAL forecasts should include yearly forecasted trunk quantities for all appropriate trunk groups described in this Appendix for a minimum of two years. Forecasts shall be non-binding on both TDS TELECOM and TCAL. TDS TELECOM shall take TCAL's forecasts into consideration in its network planning, and shall exercise commercially reasonable efforts to provide the quantity of interconnection trunks and facilities forecasted by the TCAL. However, the development and submiss ion of forecasts shall not replace the ordering process in place for interconnection trunks and facilities, and the provision of the forecasted quantity of interconnection trunks and facilities is subject to capacity existing at the time the order is submitted. Furthermore, the development and receipt of forecasts does not imply any liability for failure to perform if capacity is not available for use at the forecasted time. Analysis of trunk group performance, and ordering of relief if required, will be performed on a monthly basis at a minimum (trunk servicing). 6.2 The forecasts shall include: 6.2.1 Yearly forecasted trunk quant1t1es (which include measurements that reflect actual, End Office Local Interconnection trunks, and Tandem subtending Local Interconnection End Office equivalent trunk requirements) for a minimum of two (current and plus I) years; and 6.2.2 A description of major network projects anticipated for the following twelve (12) months. Major network projects include trunking or network rearrangements, shifts in anticipated traffic patterns, orders greater than four (4) OSI 's, or other activities that are reflected by a significant increase or decrease in trunking demand for the following forecasting period. 6.3 The Parties shal l agree on a forecast provided above to ensure efficient utilization of trunks. Orders for trunks that exceed forecasted quantities for forecasted locations will be accommodated as facilities and/or equipment becomes available. TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Appendix !TR Page 7 Parties shall make all reasonable efforts and cooperate in good faith to develop alternative solutions to accommodate orders when facilities are not available. 6.4 TCAL shall be responsible for forecasting two-way trunk groups. TDS TELECOM shall be responsible for forecasting and servicing the one-way trunk groups terminating to TCAL and TCAL shall be responsible for forecasting and servicing the one-way trunk groups terminating to TDS TELECOM, unless otherwise specified in this Appendix. Standard trunk traffic engineering methods will be used by the Parties. 6.5 If forecast quantities are in dispute, the Parties shall meet, either in person or via conference call, to reconcile the differences. 6.6 Each Party shall provide a specified point of contact for planning, forecasting and trunk servicing purposes. 7. TRUNK DESIGN BLOCKING CRITERIA 7.1 Trunk requirements for forecasting and servicing shall be based on the blocking objectives shown in Table 1. Trunk requirements shall be based upon average busy season bouncing busy hour twenty(20) day averaged loads applied to industry standard Erlang-B Trunk Group Capacity algorithms (use Medium day­ to-day Variation and 1.0 Peakedness factor until actual traffic data is available). TABLE 1 Local Direct End Office Hi h Local Direct End Office 1% 8. TRUNK SERVICING 8.1 Orders between the Parties to establish, add, change or disconnect trunks shall be processed by using an Access Service Request (ASR). TCAL will have administrative control for the purpose of issuing ASR's on two-way trunk groups. Where one-way trunks are used (as discussed in section 3.3), TDS TELECOM will issue ASRs for trunk groups for traffic that originates from TDS TELECOM and terminates to TCAL. The Parties agree that neither Party shall alter trunk sizing without first conferring with the other Party. 8.2 Both Parties will jointly manage the capacity of Local Interconnection Trunk Groups. Either Party may send a Trunk Group Service Request (TGSR) to the other Party to trigger changes to the Local Interconnection Trunk Groups based on capacity assessment. The TGSR is a standard industry support interface developed by the Ordering and Billing Forum of the Carrier Liaison Committee TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Appendix !TR Page 8 of the Alliance for Telecommunications Solutions (A TIS) organization. TELECORDIA TECHNOLOGIES Special Report STS000316 describes the format and use of the TGSR. The forms can be obtained from www.atis.org/atis/clc/obf/download.htm. 8.3 In A Blocking Situation: 8.3 .1 In a blocking final situation, a TGSR will be issued by TDS TELECOM when additional capacity is required to reduce measured blocking to objective design blocking levels based upon analysis of trunk group data. Either Party upon receipt of a TGSR in a blocking situation will issue an ASR to the other Party within three (3) business days after receipt of the TGSR, and upon review and in response to the TGSR received. TCAL will note "Service Affecting" on the ASR. 8.4 Underutilization: 8.4.1 Underutilization of Interconnection trunks and facilities exists when provisioned capacity is greater than the current need. This over provisioning is an inefficient deployment and use of network resources and results in unnecessary costs. Those situations where more capacity exists than actual usage requires will be handled in the following manner: If a trunk group is under 75 percent (75%) of CCS capacity on a monthly average basis, for each month of any three (3) consecutive months period, either Party may request the issuance of an order to resize the trunk group, which shall be left with not less than 25 percent (25%) excess capacity. In all cases grade of service objectives shall be maintained. Either Party may send a TGSR to the other Party to trigger changes to the Local Interconnection Trunk Groups based on capacity assessment. Upon receipt of a TGSR the receiving Party will issue an ASR to the other Party within twenty (20) business days after receipt of the TGSR. Upon review of the TGSR if a Party does not agree with the resizing, the Parties will schedule a joint planning discussion within twenty (20) business days. The Parties will meet to resolve and mutually agree to the disposition of the TGSR. If TDS TELECOM does not receive an ASR, or if TCAL does not respond to the TGSR by scheduling a joint discussion within the twenty (20) business day period, TDS TELECOM will attempt to contact TCAL to schedule a joint planning discussion. If TCAL will not agree to meet within an additional five (5) business days TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Appendix ITR Page 9 and present adequate reason for keeping trunks operational, TDS TELECOM will issue an ASR to resize the Interconnection trunks and facilities. 8.5 In all cases except a blocking situation, either Party upon receipt of a TGSR will issue an ASR to the other Party: 8.5 .1 Within twenty (20) business days after receipt of the TGSR, upon review of and in response to the TGSR received. 8.5.2 At any time as a result of either Party's own capacity management assessment, in order to begin the provisioning process. The Parties will mutually agree upon intervals used for provisioning trunk groups. 8.6 Projects require the coordination and execution of multiple orders or related activities between and among TDS TELECOM and TCAL work groups, including but not limited to the initial establishment of Local Interconnection or Meet Point Trunk Groups and service in an area, NXX code moves, re-homes, facility grooming, or network rearrangements. 8.6.1 Orders greater than four ( 4) DS-1 's, shall be submitted at the same time, and their implementation shall be jointly planned and coordinated. 8.7 TCAL will be responsible for engineering its network on its side of the Point of Interconnection (POI). TDS TELECOM will be responsible for engineering its network on its side of the POI. 8.8 Where facilities are available, due dates for the installation of Local Interconnection Trunks covered by this Appendix shall be no longer than twenty­ one (21) days from receipt of a request by either Party. If either TCAL or TDS TELECOM is unable to or not ready to perform Acceptance Tests, or is unable to accept the Local Interconnection Service Arrangement trunk(s) by the due date, the Parties will reschedule the date no more than seven (7) days from the original date. 8.9 Utilization shall be defined as Trunks Required as a percentage of Trunks In Service. Trunks Required shall be determined using methods described in Section 6.0 using Design Blocking Objectives stated in section 7.1. 9. TRUNK DATA EXCHANGE 9.1 Each Party agrees to service trunk groups to the foregoing blocking criteria in a timely manner when trunk groups exceed measured blocking thresholds on an average bouncing busy hour for a twenty (20) day study period. The Parties agree that twenty (20) days is the study period duration objective. However, a study period on occasion may be less than twenty (20) days but at minimum must be at TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Appendix ITR Page 10 least three (3) business days to be utilized for engineering purposes, although with less statistical confidence. 9.2 Exchange of traffic data enables each Party to make accurate and independent assessments of trunk group service levels and requirements. Parties agree to exchange of traffic data upon request. The traffic data to be exchanged will be the Originating Attempt Peg Count, Usage (measured in Hundred Call Seconds), Overflow Peg Count, and Maintenance Usage (measured in Hundred Call Seconds) on a seven (7) day per week, twenty-four (24) hour per day, fifty-two (52) weeks per year basis. These reports shall be made available upon request. Exchange of data on one-way groups is optional. 10. NETWORK MANAGEMENT 10.1 Restrictive Controls 10.1.1 Either Party may use protective network traffic management controls such as 7-digit and 10-digit code gaps set at appropriate levels on traffic toward each other's network, when required, to protect the public switched network from congestion due to facility failures, switch congestion, or failure or focused overload. TCAL and TDS TELECOM will immediately notify each other of any protective control action planned or executed. 10.2 Expansive Controls 10.2.1 Where the capability exists, originating or terminating traffic reroutes may be implemented by either Party to temporarily relieve network congestion due to facility failures or abnormal calling patterns. Reroutes will not be used to circumvent normal trunk servicing. Expansive controls will only be used when mutually agreed to by the Parties. 10.3 Mass Calling 10.3.1 TCAL and TDS TELECOM shall cooperate and share pre-planning information regarding cross-network call-ins expected to generate large or focused temporary increases in call volumes. TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NIM APPENDIX NIM PAGE I (NETWORK INTERCONNECTION METHODS) TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 3 2. PHYSICAL ARCHITECTURE ................................................................ 3 3. METHODS OF INTERCONNECTION .................................................. .4 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES ................................................ 5 5. JOINT FACILITY GROWTH PLANNING ............................................. 6 6. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER RA TES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS .7 APPENDIX NIM PAGE2 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NIM (NETWORK INTERCONNECTION METHODS) 1. INTRODUCTION APPENDIX NIM PAGE3 I. I This Appendix sets forth the terms and conditions that Network Interconnection Methods (NIM) are provided by TDS TELECOM and TCAL. This Appendix describes the physical architecture for Interconnection of the Parties' facilities and equipment for the transmission and routing of Telephone Exchange Service traffic and Exchange Access traffic between the respective Customers of the Parties; provided, however, Interconnection may not be used solely for the purpose of originating a Party's own interexchange traffic. I .2 Network Interconnection Methods (NlMs) include, but are not limited to: Indirect Interconnection, Leased Facilities Interconnection; and other methods as mutually agreed to by the Parties. 1.2. l Trunking requirements associated with Interconnection are contained m Appendix ITR. 1.3 TDS TELECOM shall provide Interconnection for TCAL's facilities and equipment for the transmission and routing of telephone exchange service and exchange access, at a level of quality equal to that which TDS TELECOM provides itself, a subsidiary, an affiliate, or any other party to which TDS TELECOM provides Interconnection and on rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable and non-discriminatory. I .4 The Parties shall effect an Interconnection that is efficient, fair and in a manner that is mutually agreeable to the Parties. 2. PHYSICAL ARCHITECTURE 2.1 TDS TELECOM's network is partly comprised of End Office switches that serve IntraLA TA, Inter LA TA, Local, and EAS traffic. TDS TELECOM's network architecture in any given local exchange area and/or LAT A can vary markedly from another local exchange area/LA TA. Using one or more of the NIMs herein, the Parties will agree to a physical architecture plan for a specific Exchange Area. Where the Parties elect to interconnect indirectly, the physical architecture plan will be completed within thirty (30) days from TCAL's written request for interconnection contingent upon the Parties' Mutual agreement on the architecture. Where the Parties elect to interconnect directly, the physical architecture plan will be completed within sixty (60) days from TCAL's written request for interconnection contingent upon the Parties' mutual agreement on the architecture. TCAL and TDS TELECOM agree to Interconnect their networks directly or indirectly through existing and/or new Interconnection facilities between TCAL switch(es) and TDS TELECOM's End Office(s). The physical architecture plan will, at a minimum, include the location of TCAL's switch(es) TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NIM PAGE4 and TDS TELECOM End Office switch(es) to be interconnected, the facilities that will connect the two networks, the timelines for completion of all major tasks, and which Party will provide (be financially responsible for) the Interconnection facilities. At the time of implementation in a given local exchange area the plan will be documented and signed by appropriate representatives of the Parties, indicating their mutual agreement to the physical architecture plan. 2.2 Points of Interconnection (POis): A Point of Interconnection (POI) is a point in the network where the Parties deliver Interconnection traffic to each other, and also serves as a demarcation point between the facilities that each Party is responsible to provide. At least one POI must be established at or within each LAT A where TDS TELECOM operates as an ILEC and TCAL has End Users in that same LA TA. Both Parties shall negotiate the architecture in each location that will seek to mutually minimize and equalize investment. 2.3 Each Party is responsible for the facilities to its side of the POI(s) and may utilize any method of Interconnection described in this Appendix. Each Party is responsible for the appropriate sizing, operation, and maintenance of the transport facility to the POl(s). 2.4 Either Party, must provide thirty (30) days written notice of any changes to the physical architecture plan. 2.5 Each Party is solely responsible for the facilities that carry OS/DA, 911 or mass calling for their respective End Users. 2.6 Technical Interfaces 2.6.1 The Interconnection facilities provided by each Party shall be formatted using B8ZS with Extended Superframe format framing. 2.6.2 Electrical handoffs at the POI(s) will be OS 1, DS3 or STS-1 as mutually agreed to by the parties. When a DS3 or STS-1 handoff is agreed to by the Parties, each Party will provide all required multiplexing at their respective end. 3. METHODS OF INTERCONNECTION 3.1 Indirect Interconnection TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NIM 3.2 PAGES 3.1.1 The Parties agree that initially and for so long as traffic volumes do not warrant direct interconnection, traffic shall be exchanged by transiting such traffic through third party LEC tandems. Each Party shall be financially and operationally responsible for the entire costs of providing facilities from its network to the third party tandem for the exchange of such traffic. 3 .1.2 Where the traffic exchanged between TCAL and a specific TDS TELECOM host or end office switch requires twenty-four (24) or more trunks for three consecutive months, or it is otherwise economically advantageous, the Parties shall implement direct trunks to the POI associated with the specific host or end office switch in accordance with Appendix ITR Section 4. The Parties agree to negotiate in good faith to reach agreement to accommodate direct interconnection Leased Facility Interconnection ("LFI") 3.2.1 Where facilities exist, TCAL may lease interconnection facilities from TDS TELECOM pursuant to applicable tariff. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 4.1 If TCAL determines to offer local exchange service within a TDS TELECOM area, TCAL shall provide thirty (30) days written notice to TDS TELECOM of the need to establish Interconnection. Such request shall include (i) TCAL's Switch address, type, and CLLI; (ii) TCAL's requested Interconnection activation date; and (iii) a non-binding forecast of TCAL's trunking and facilities requirements. 4.2 Upon receipt of TCAL's notice to interconnect, the Parties shall schedule a meeting to negotiate and mutually agree on the network architecture (including trunking) to be documented as discussed above. The Interconnection activation date for an Interconnect shall be established based on then-existing work force and load, the scope and complexity of the requested Interconnection and other relevant factors. 4.3 If TCAL deploys additional switches after the Effective Date or otherwise wishes to establish Interconnection with additional TDS TELECOM Central Offices, TCAL shall provide written notice to TDS TELECOM to establish such Interconnection. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to such Interconnection. If TDS TELECOM deploys additional End Office switches in a local exchange after the effective date or otherwise wishes to establish Interconnection with additional TCAL Central Offices in such local exchange, TDS TELECOM shall be entitled, upon written notice to TCAL, to establish such Interconnection and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to such Interconnection. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 4.4 4.5 4.6 APPENDIX NIM PAGE6 TCAL and TDS TELECOM shall work cooperatively to install and maintain a reliable network. TCAL and TDS TELECOM shall exchange appropriate information (e.g., maintenance contact numbers, network information, information required to comply with law enforcement and other security agencies of the federal and state government and such other information as the Parties shall mutually agree) to achieve this desired reliability. TCAL and TDS TELECOM will review engineering requirements as required and establish semi-annual forecasts for facilities utilization provided under this Appendix. TCAL and TDS TELECOM shall: 4.6.1 Provide trained personnel with adequate and compatible test equipment to work with each other's technicians. 4.6.2 Notify each other when there 1s any change affecting the service requested, including the due date. 4.6.3 Recognize that a facility handoff point must be agreed to that establishes the demarcation for maintenance and provisioning responsibilities for each party on their side of the POI. 5. JOINT FACILITY GROWTH PLANNING 5.1 The following lists the criteria and processes needed to satisfy additional capacity requirements beyond the initial system. 5.2 Criteria: 5.2.1 Investment is to be minimized . 5.2.2 Facilities will be planned for in accordance with the trunk forecasts exchanged between the Parties as described in Appendix ITR and are to be deployed in accordance with the Processes described below. 5 .3 Processes: 5.3.1 In addition to the annual forecast process, discussions to provide relief to existing facilities can be initiated by either party. Actual system augmentations will be initiated upon mutual agreement. 5.3.2 Both Parties will perform a joint validation to ensure current Interconnection facilities and associated trunks have not been over­ provisioned. If any facilities and/or associated trunks are over­ provisioned, they will be turned down where appropriate. Trunk design TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NIM PAGE 7 blocking criteria described in Appendix ITR will be used in determining trunk group sizing requirements and forecasts. 5.3.3 Both Parties will negotiate a project service date and corresponding work schedule to construct relief facilities prior to facilities exhaust. 5.3.4 The joint planning process/negotiations should be completed within two months of the initiation of such discussion. 6. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER RA TES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6.1 Every interconnection and service provided hereunder shall be subject to all rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement which are legitimately related to such interconnection or service. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NP PAGE I APPENDIX NUMBER PORTABILITY TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX NP PAGE 2 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3 2. LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY ..................................................................................... 3 3. MASS CALLING .................................................................................................................... 6 4. PROVISION OF LNP BY TCALTO TDS TELECOM ..................................................... 6 TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NP NUMBER PORTABILITY APPENDIX NP PAGE3 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Appendix sets forth terms and conditions for Number Portability provided by TDS TELECOM and TCAL. 1.2 The prices at which TDS TELECOM agrees to provide TCAL with Number Portability are contained in the applicable Appendix PR1CJNG and/or the applicable tariff where stated. 2. LOCAL NUMBER PORTABILITY 2.1 General Terms and Conditions 2.2 2.1.1 The Parties agree that the industry has established local routing number (LRN) technology as the method by which local number portability (LNP) will be provided in response to FCC Orders in FCC 95-116 (i.e., First Report and Order and subsequent Orders issued to the date this agreement was signed). As such, the parties agree to provide LNP via LRN to each other as required by such FCC Orders. 2. I .2 The Parties do not offer LNP services and facilities for NXX codes 555, 976,950. Obligations ofTCAL: 2.2. I TCAL is responsible for advising the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) of telephone numbers that it imports and the associated data as identified in the North American Numbering Council's (NANC) Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows as being required for LNP. 2.2.2 For LNP orders TCAL shall adhere to standard Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) Local Service Request (LSR) format. Should TCAL request a coordinated port, the due date and time will be negotiated between TCAL and TDS TELECOM. 2.2.3 TCAL shall adhere to reserved number standards as set by the FCC. 2.3 Obligations of Both Parties 2.3. I The Parties shall cooperate m performing act1v1t1es required to port Customer telephone number(s). The primary responsibility for the coordination of such activities will be assumed by the Party acquiring the End User Customer (porting in the Customer telephone number(s)). TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NP PAGE4 2.3.2 Either Party may request a Customer Service Record (CSR) prior to placing a porting order. Where requested and available, the Parties will make commercially reasonable efforts to return CSRs within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays. 2.3.3 When a ported telephone number becomes vacant, e.g., the telephone number is no longer in service by the original End User, the ported telephone number will be released back to the carrier owning the switch in which the telephone number's NXX is native after appropriate time has elapsed for intercept notification. 2.3.4 Each Party has the right to block default routed calls from entering a network in order to protect the public switched network from overload, congestion, or failure propagation. 2.3.5 NANC Inter-Service Provider LNP Operations Flows approved and adopted by the FCC shall be followed regarding all aspects of porting numbers from one network to another. 2.3.6 Intercompany testing shall be performed upon request prior to the submission of actual porting orders. 2.3.7 Each Party will designate a single point of contact (SPOC) to schedule and perform required testing. These tests will be performed during a mutually agreed time frame. 2.3.8 Each Party shall become responsible for the End User's other telecommunications related items, e.g. E911 , Directory Listings, Operator Services, Line Information Database (LIDB), when they port the End User's telephone number to their switch. 2.3.9 The Parties will provide a 10-digit trigger on all LNP orders, where technically feasible, unless a coordinated conversion of numbers is requested on the LNP order. 2.4 Limitations of Service 2.4.1 Telephone numbers can be ported only within TDS TELECOM rate centers or rate districts, which ever is a smaller geographic area, as approved by the State Commission. If geographic number portability is ordered by the FCC or the Commission during the term of this Agreement, the Parties will promptly negotiate any necessary revisions to this appendix to accommodate geographic number portability. In the event the Parties are unable to negotiate such changes within thirty (30) days, either Party may invoke the dispute resolution procedures under this Agreement. TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NP PAGE 5 2.4.2 Both Parties recognize that a single Central Office may be used to terminate calls for multiple rate centers. As addressed in 2.7. l above, neither Party will assign ported numbers to customer premises outside a number's native rate center or rate district in such a manner as to circumvent FCC rules regarding geographic number portability. 2.5 LNP Querying 2.5.1 The switch 's LRN software determines if the called party is in a portable NXX. If the called party is in a portable NXX, a query is launched to the LNP database to determine whether or not the called number is ported. 2.5.2 The FCI (Forward Call Identifier) field's entry is changed from O to I by the switch triggering the query when a query is made, regardless of whether the called number is ported or not. 2.5 .3 The N-1 carrier (N carrier is the responsible Party for terminating call to the End User) has the responsibility to determine if a query is required, to launch the query, and to route the call to the switch or network in which the telephone number resides. 2.5.4 If a Party chooses not to fulfill its N-1 carrier responsibility, the other Party will perform queries on calls to telephone numbers with portable NXXs received from the N-1 carrier and route the call to the switch or network in which the telephone number resides. TDS TELECOM will perform LNP Query Service for TCAL pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) Tariff FCC No. 5. TCAL will perform N-1 responsibilities on the same terms as TDS TELECOM provides for in its applicable tariff. 2.5.5 A Party shall be responsible for payment of charges to the other Party for any queries made on the N-1 carrier's behalf when one or more telephone numbers have been ported in the called telephone number's NXX. Charges by each Party will be at the rate set forth in TDS TELECOM's applicable tariff. 2.5.6 Both Parties shall populate the Jurisdictional Identification Parameter (JIP) field with the first six (6) digits (NPA NXX format) of the appropriate LRN of the originating switch. 2.6 Pricing 2.6.1 The price of LNP queries shall be the same as those in NECA's FCC No. 5 Access Services Tariff in which TDS TELECOM is a concurring carrier. TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NP PAGE6 2.6.2 Standard Service Order charges for processing Local Service Requests (LSRs) as specified in Appendix Pricing apply to LNP orders. Other than standard Service Order charges, the Parties agree not to charge each other, or any of the other Party's End Users for the provisioning or conversion of ported telephone numbers during regular working hours. To the extent TCAL requests porting to be performed outside of TDS TELECOM's regular working hours, or the work requires TDS TELECOM's technicians or project managers to work outside of regular working hours, premium time and material charges shall apply. 3. MASS CALLING 3.1 General Terms and Conditions 3.1.1 Mass calling codes, i.e., choke/HVCI NXXs, are used in a network serving arrangement in special circumstances where large numbers of incoming calls are solicited by an End User and the number of calls far exceeds the switching capacity of the terminating office, the number of lines available for terminating those calls, and/or the STP's query capacity to the LNP database. Number portability for mass calling codes will be done on an Individual Case Basis. 4. PROVISION OF LNP BY TCAL TO TDS TELECOM 4.1 TCAL shall provide LNP to TDS TELECOM under no less favorable terms and conditions as when TDS TELECOM provides such services to TCAL. TDS TELECOM/ TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX NUMBERING PAGE I APPENDIX NUMBERING TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement APPENDIX NUMBERING PAGE2 3 3 September 20 I 6 CW2446008 1. INTRODUCTION APPENDIX NUMBERING APPENDIX NUMBERING PAGE3 1.1 This Appendix sets forth the terms and conditions under which TDS TELECOM and TCAL will coordinate with respect to NXX assignments. 2. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2 .1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to limit or otherwise adversely impact in any manner either Party's right to employ or to request and be assigned any North American Numbering Plan (NANP) number resources from the numbering administrator including, but not limited to, central office (NXX) codes pursuant to the Central Office Code Assignment Guidelines, or to establish, by tariff or otherwise, Exchanges and Rating Points corresponding to such NXX codes. Each Party is responsible for administering the NXX codes it is assigned. 2.2 At a minimum, in those Metropolitan Exchange Areas where TCAL is properly certified by the appropriate regulatory body and intends to provide local exchange service, TCAL shall obtain a separate NXX code for each TDS TELECOM rate center which is required to ensure compliance with the industry-approved Central Office Code (NXX) Assignment Guidelines (most current version) or other industry approved numbering guidelines and the FCC's Orders pertaining to Local Number Portability (LNP). This will not apply where number pooling is in effect. In areas where thousand block number pooling is in place, TCAL shall obtain a separate thousand block for each rate center. TCAL shall terminate all calls to individual codes to Customers physically located within the codes' respectively assigned rate centers. This will enable TCAL and TDS TELECOM to identify the jurisdictional nature of traffic for intercompany compensation until such time as both Parties have implemented billing and routing capabilities to determine traffic jurisdiction on a basis other than NXX codes. 2.3 Pursuant to Section 7.3 of the North American Numbering Council Local Number Portability Architecture and Administrative Plan report, which was adopted by the FCC, Second Report and Order, CC Docket 95-116, released August 18, 1997, portability is technically limited to rate center/rate district boundaries of the incumbent LEC due to rating and routing concerns. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 2.4 APPENDIX NUMBERING PAGE4 Each Party is responsible to program and update its own switches and network systems to recognize and route traffic to the other Party at all times. 2.5 Each Party is responsible to input required data into the Routing Data Base Systems (RDBS) and into the Telcordia Rating Administrative Data Systems (BRADS) or other appropriate system(s) necessary to update the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERO). 2.6 Neither Party is responsible for notifying the other Parties' End Users of any changes in dialing arrangements, including those due to NPA exhaust. 2.7 NXX Migration 2. 7 .1 Where either Party has activated an entire NXX for a single end user, or activated more than half of an NXX for a single end user with the remaining numbers in that NXX either reserved for future use or otherwise unused, and such End-User chooses to receive service from the other Party, the first Party shall cooperate with the second Party to have the entire NXX reassigned in the LERO (and associated industry databases, routing tables, etc.) to an End Office operated by the second Party provided that the requested rate center is the same rate center that physically serves the customer in a non-foreign exchange arrangement. Such transfer will require development of a transition process to minimize impact on the Network and on the end user(s)' service and will be subject to appropriate industry lead times ( currently forty-five ( 45) days) for movements of NXXs from one switch to another. The Party to whom the NXX is migrated will pay NXX migration charges per NXX to the Party formerly assigned the NXX as described in the Appendix PRICING. In a Thousand-block number-pooling environment, where a provider has a large block of numbers and wants to migrate to another provider, LNP will be the migration method. 2.8 Test Numbers 2.8.1 Each Party is responsible for providing to the other, valid test numbers. One number terminating to a voice announcement identifying the Company and one number terminating to a milliwatt tone providing answer supervision and allowing simultaneous connection from multiple test lines. Both numbers should remain in service indefinitely for regressive testing purposes. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement APPENDIX-PRICING APPENDIX PRICING PAGE I September 2016 CW2446008 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX PRICING PAGE2 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3 2. RECURRING CHARGES ................................................................................................. 3 3. NON-RECURRING CHARGES ....................................................................................... 3 4. BILLING ............................................................................................................................. 4 5. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER RA TES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS ...................... 4 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 1. INTRODUCTION APPENDIX PRICING APPENDIX PRICING PAGE3 1.1 This Appendix sets forth the pricing terms and conditions for TDS TELECOM and TCAL. 1.2 If a rate element and/or charge for a product or service contained in, referenced to or otherwise provided by TDS TELECOM under this Agreement (including any attached or referenced Appendices) is not listed in this Appendix PRICING, such rates and charges shall be determined in accordance with Section 252( d) of the Act; provided however, if TDS TELECOM provides a product or service that is not subject to the pricing principles of the Act, such rate(s) and/or charges shall be as negotiated by TDS TELECOM and TCAL. 1.3 Except as otherwise agreed upon by the Parties in writing or by the publication of or concurrence in tariffs or price lists filed with the FCC or the Commission, TDS TELECOM shall not be required to provide TCAL a product or service under this Agreement unless and until the Parties have agreed upon a rate element or charge (whether a final rate/charge or, as agreed upon by the Parties, an interim rate/charge subject to a true-up, true-down) applicable to the requested product and/or service. 1.4 The pricing list is in Attachment A found in this Appendix PRICING. 2. RECURRING CHARGES 2.1 Unless otherwise identified in Attachment A of this Appendix PRICING, where rates are shown as monthly, a month will be defined as a 30-day calendar month. The minimum term for each monthly rated element will be one (1) month. After the initial month, billing will be on the basis of whole or fractional months used. The minimum term for non-monthly rated services, if applicable, will be specified in the rate table included in this Appendix. 2.2 Where rates are distance sensitive, the mileage will be calculated on the airline distance involved between the locations. To determine the rate to be billed, the Parties will first compute the mileage using the V &H coordinates method, as set forth in the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. Tariff FCC No 4. When the calculation results in a fraction of a mile, the fractional mileage will be rounded up to the next whole mile before determining the mileage and applying rates. 3. NON-RECURRING CHARGES TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX PRICING PAGE4 3.1 Where rates consist of usage sensitive charges or per occurrence charges, such rates are classified as "non-recurring charges." 3.2 TCAL shall pay a service order processing/administration charge for each service order submitted by TCAL to TDS TELECOM. 3.3 Some items, which must be individually charged (e.g., extraordinary charges, TCAL Changes, etc.), are billed as nonrecurring charges. 3.4 Time and Material charges (a.k.a. additional labor charges) are defined in the Pricing Attachment A. 3.5 All charges assume work performed during normal business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday). For work requested outside of normal business hours or on weekends and holidays, premium rates will apply. 4. BILLING 4.1 For information regarding billing, non-payment, disconnects and dispute resolution, see the General Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. 5. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5.1 Every interconnection and service provided hereunder shall be subject to all rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement which are legitimately related to such interconnection or service. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 Local S11rvic11 Non-R11cyrring Chi!r9!1~ (~!1!1 A1111endix NPl Local Service Order (LSR) Per Initial Order: Per Supplemental Order: Miscellaneous Testing and other Additional Labor-each half hour or fraction thereof Overtime per employee Premium Time per employee RECIPRQCAL CQMPENSATIQN (~!1!1 Allll!1ni;!ix R11ci11 CQmlll LQCi!I Tri!ffic T11rminati2n•• Should Local Traffic become out of balance (>60/40) a reciprocal Local Traffic Termination rate shall be developed and this Attachment shall be updated to incorporate such rate. PERCENT LOCAL USAGE FACTOR (PLU) (See Appendix Recip Comp) I TDS Telecom Originated-TCAL Terminated Traffic (PLU) TCAL Originated-TDS Telecom Terminated Traffic (PLU) WHITE PAGES fS!1!1 Allll!1ndix WP} Qir!1.C1Qry Per book copy delivered to TCAL End User Per Book copy Delivered in Bulk to TCAL *5% discount on orders over 500 Appendix Pricing Attachment A TDS TELECOM-TCAL Idaho mv"""Y Recurring Non Recurring $20.00 $5.00 $ 24.50 $ 45.00 Bill and Keep•• $5.00 $5.00* CW2446008 APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION PAGE I APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 20 I 6 CW2444604 APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. TRANSMISSION AND ROUTING OF TELEPHONE EXCHANGE SERVICE TRAFFIC RELEVANT TO COMPENSATION .................................................................................................................................................... 3 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES ................................................................................................................ 5 4. LOCAL TRAFFIC COMPENSATION -Bill and Keep .......................................................................................... 6 5.APPLICABILITY OF OTHER RATES TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................................... 7 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2444604 APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION PAGE3 APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION (Mutual Compensation for Transport, Termination, and Transiting) 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Appendix sets forth terms and conditions for Reciprocal Compensation provided by TDS TELECOM and TCAL. 2. TRANSMISSION AND ROUTING OF TELEPHONE EXCHANGE SERVICE TRAFFIC RELEVANT TO COMPENSATION 2.1 The Telecommunications traffic exchanged between TCAL and TDS TELECOM will be classified as Local Traffic, ISP-Bound Traffic, IP-PSTN Traffic, intraLA TA Toll Traffic, or interLA TA Toll Traffic. 2.1 .1 "Local Traffic," for purposes of intercarrier compensation, is Telecommunications traffic originated by a End User Customer of one Party in an exchange on that Party's network and terminated to a End User Customer of the other Party on that other Party's network located within the same exchange or other non-optional extended local calling area associated with the originating customer's exchange as defined by TDS TELECOM's applicable local exchange tariff. Local Traffic does not include: (1) any ISP-Bound Traffic; (2) traffic that does not originate and terminate within the same TDS TELECOM local calling area as such local calling area is defined by TDS TELECOM 's applicable local exchange tariff; (3) Toll Traffic, including, but not limited to, calls originated on a 1+ presubscription basis, or on a casual dialed (10XXX/101XXXX) basis; (4) optional extended local calling area traffic; (5) special access, private line, Frame Relay, ATM, or any other traffic that is not switched by the terminating Party; or, (6) Tandem Transit Traffic. Local Traffic may include IP-PSTN Traffic. 2.1.2 "ISP-Bound Traffic" means traffic that originates from or is directed, either directly or indirectly, to an information service provider or Internet service provider (ISP) who is physically located in an exchange within the local calling area of the originating End User. Traffic originated from, directed to an ISP physically located outside the originating End User's local calling area will be considered toll traffic and subject to access charges. 2.1.3 "IP-PSTN Traffic" means that Non-Access Telecommunications Traffic exchanged between a LEC and another telecommunications carrier, within the scope of §51.701 (b )(3) in Time Division Multiplexing (TOM) format that originates or terminates in IP format, to an end-user customer of a service that requires Internet protocol-compatible customer premises TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2444604 equipment. APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION PAGE4 2.1.4 IP-PSTN Traffic does not include voice traffic originating on the PSTN in TDM, which is transported through an Internet Protocol Connection (!PC), and which ultimately, terminates on the PSTN in TDM. 2.2 Reciprocal compensation applies for transport and termination of Local Traffic terminated by either Party's switch. The Parties agree that the jurisdiction of a call is determined by its originating and terminating (end-to-end) points. When an End User originates a call which terminates to an End User physically located in the same local calling area and served on the other Party's switch, the originating Party shall compensate the terminating Party for the transport and termination of Local Traffic in accordance with Section 4 of this Appendix. 2.2.1 If TCAL assigns NPA/NXXs to specific rate centers and assigns numbers from those NPA/NXXs to TCAL End-Users physically located outside of the rate center to which the NPA/NXX is assigned, TDS TELECOM traffic originating from within the rate center where the NPA/NXX is assigned and terminating to such End-Users at a location outside the TDS TELECOM originating rate center, shall not be deemed Local Traffic, and therefore, no compensation shall be due from TDS TELECOM to TCAL. 2.2.2 Further, TCAL agrees to identify such traffic to TDS TELECOM and to compensate TDS TELECOM for originating and transporting such traffic to TCAL at TDS TELECOM's tariffed switched access rates. If TCAL does not identify such traffic, TDS TELECOM will, to the best of its ability, determine which whole TCAL NPA/NXXs have been so assigned and TDS TELECOM shall charge the applicable rates for originating access service as reflected in TDS TELECOM's applicable access tariff. TDS TELECOM shall make appropriate billing adjustments if TCAL can provide sufficient information for TDS TELECOM to determine the actual jurisdiction of the traffic. 2.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, Local Traffic does not include ISP-Bound Traffic. TCAL and TDS TELECOM agree to terminate each other's ISP-Bound Traffic on a Bill and Keep basis of reciprocal compensation. "Bill and Keep" shall mean that the originating Party has no obligation to pay terminating charges to the terminating Party, regardless of any charges the originating Party may assess its End Users. 2.4 When TCAL establishes service in a new area, the Parties' obligation for reciprocal compensation to each other shall commence on the date the Parties agree that the network is complete (i.e., each Party has established its originating trunks as well as any ancillary functions (M,., 9-1-1 )) and is capable of fully supporting originating and terminating End Users' (and not a Party's test) traffic. If there is no formal agreement as to the date of network completion, it shall be TDS TELECOMffCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2444604 APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION PAGES considered complete no later than the date that live traffic first passes through the network. 2.5 The compensation arrangements set forth in this Appendix are not applicable to (i) Exchange Access traffic, (ii) traffic originated by one Party on a number ported to its network that terminates to another number ported on that same Party's network or (iii) any other type of traffic found to be exempt from reciprocal compensation by the FCC or the Commission . All Exchange Access traffic and intraLA TA Toll Traffic shall continue to be governed by the terms and conditions of applicable federal and state access tariffs. Optional calling plans, where applicable, will be classified as toll traffic. 2.6 Local IP-PSTN Traffic shall be exchanged on a Bill and Keep basis. Non-Local [P-PSTN Traffic shall be exchanged subject to Non-Access Reciprocal Compensation as set forth in the Parties respective filed interstate and intrastate tariffs. 2.7 Private Line Services include private line-like and special access services and are not subject to local reciprocal compensation. Private Line Services are defined as dedicated Telecommunications channels provided between two points or switched among multiple points and are used for voice, data, audio or video transmission. Private Line services include, but are not limited to, WA TS access lines. 2.8 Except as provided otherwise in this Agreement, the Parties understand and agree that either Party, upon ten ( 10) days notice to the other Party where regulatory environment permits, may block any traffic that is improperly routed by the other Party over any trunk groups and/or which is routed outside of the mutual agreement of the Parties. 2.9 Neither Party shall be obligated to compensate the other Party or any Third Party for Local, EAS, Toll, IXC or any other telecommunications traffic that is inappropriately routed (as reflected in the LERG). 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 3.1 Each Party to this Appendix will be responsible for the accuracy and quality of its data as submitted to the respective Parties involved. [t is the responsibility of each Party to originate and transmit complete and unaltered calling party number (CPN) and Charge Number (CN), as received by an originating party. Each Party is individually responsible to provide facilities within its network for routing, transporting, measuring, and billing traffic from the other Party's network and for delivering such traffic to the other Party's network as referenced in Telcordia Technologies BOC Notes on LEC Networks and to terminate the traffic it receives in that standard format to the proper address on its network. The Parties are each solely responsible for participation in and compliance with national TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2444604 APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION PAGE6 network plans, including the Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System for National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP). 3.2 Each Party is responsible to input required data into Routing Data Base Systems (RDBS) and into Telecordia Technologies Rating Administrative Data Systems (example: BRADS) or other appropriate system(s) necessary to update the Local Exchange Routing Guide. 3.3 Neither Party shall use any Interconnection, function, facility, product, network element, or service provided under this Agreement or any other service related thereto or used in combination therewith in any manner that interferes with or impairs service over any facilities of either Party, its affiliated companies or other connecting telecommunications carriers, prevents any carrier from using its Telecommunication Service, impairs the quality or privacy of Telecommunications Service to other carriers or to either Party 's End Users, causes hazards to either Party 's personnel or the public, damage to either Party's or any connecting carrier's facilities or equipment, including any malfunction of ordering or billing systems or equipment. Upon such occurrence, either Party may discontinue or refuse service for so long as the other Party is violating this provision. Upon any such violation, either Party shall provide the other Party notice of the violation at the earliest practicable time. 3.4 Each Party is solely responsible for the services it provides to its End Users and to other Telecommunications Carriers. 3.5 Where SS7 connections exist, each Party will provide the other with the proper signaling information (e.g., originating Calling Party Number, Charge Number, JIP and destination called party number, etc.), to enable each Party to issue bills in a complete and timely fashion. All CCS signaling parameters will be provided including CPN, JIP, Originating Line Information Parameter (OLIP) on calls to 8XX telephone numbers, calling party category, Charge Number, etc. All privacy indicators will be honored. 4. LOCAL TRAFFIC COMPENSATION -Bill and Keep 4.1 Local Traffic shall be exchanged on a Bill and Keep basis. Bill and Keep shall mean that the originating Party has no obligation to pay terminating charges to the terminating Party; regardless of any charges the originating Party may assess its end users. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2444604 APPENDIX RECIPROCAL COMPENSATION PAGE 7 5. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER RATES TERMS AND CONDITIONS 5.1 Every interconnection and service provided hereunder shall be subject to all rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement which are legitimately related to such interconnection or service. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement APPENDIX WP APPENDIX WP PAGE I September 2016 CW2446008 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX WP PAGE2 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 3 2. SERVICE PROVIDED ...................................................................................................... 3 3. USE OF SUBSCRIBER LISTING INFORMATION ..................................................... 5 4. PRICING ............................................................................................................................. 5 5. LIABILITY ......................................................................................................................... 6 6. BREACH OF CONTRACT ............................................................................................... 6 7. TERM ................................................................................................................................... 7 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX WP (WHITE PAGES DIRECTORY) APPENDIX WP PAGE3 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Appendix sets forth terms and conditions that shall apply to TCAL for inclusion of End User Listings in TDS TELECOM White Page Telephone Directories and Directory Assistance databases where provided by TDS TELECOM. 1.2 The prices at which TDS TELECOM agrees to provide TCAL with White Page and Directory Assistance database services are contained in the applicable Appendix PRICING. 2. SERVICE PROVIDED 2.1 TDS TELECOM publishes White Pages (WP) directories for geographic areas in which TCAL also provides local exchange telephone service, and TCAL wishes to include alphabetical listings information for its End Users in the appropriate TDS TELECOM WP directories and/or Directory Assistance databases. 2.2 TCAL also desires distribution to its End Users of the WP directories that include listings ofTCAL's End Users. 2.3 TDS TELECOM shall provide TCAL and its End Users access to WP and/or directory listings under the following terms: 2.3.1 Prior to the issuance of a particular directory, TCAL shall furnish to TDS TELECOM via a Local Service Request (LSR) all new, changed and deleted subscriber listing information pertaining to TCAL End Users located within the local directory scope, along with such additional information as TDS TELECOM may require to prepare and print the alphabetical listings of said directory. TCAL may provide TCAL's subscriber listing information to TDS TELECOM for inclusion in the WP directory up to thirty (30) days prior to the service order close date. Applicable service order charges as set forth in Appendix PRICING shall apply. 2.3.2 So long as TCAL provides listing information to TDS TELECOM as set forth above, TDS TELECOM will include in appropriate WP directories the primary alphabetical listings of all TCAL End Users located within the local directory scope. TDS TELECOM will also include, where applicable for TCAL business End Users, one alphabetical, non-bold yellow page listing on the same basis as provided for TDS TELECOM business End Users. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX WP PAGE4 2.3.3 TCAL's End User listings will be alphabetically interfiled with TDS TELECOM's subscriber listings of the WP directory. After the service order close date for a particular directory, TDS TELECOM shall provide TCAL the directory publisher's interfiled proof of the subscriber listings as such listings are to appear in the directory. The verification list shall also include Directory Delivery Address information for each TCAL End User. TCAL shall review this verification list upon receipt and shall submit to TDS TELECOM any necessary additions, deletions or modifications within five (5) Business Days. 2.3.4 Each TCAL subscriber will receive one copy per primary End User listing of TDS TEL ECO M's WP directory in the same manner and at the same time that they are delivered to TDS TELECOM's subscribers during the annual delivery of newly published directories. TDS TELECOM has no obligation to provide any additional WP directories above the directories provided to TCAL or TCAL customers after each annual distribution of newly published WP. For WP directories and/or WP directories that are co-bound with Yellow Pages, TCAL may provide to TDS TELECOM written specifications of the total number of directories that it will require, at least sixty (60) days prior to the directory service order close date. In that event, TDS TELECOM will deliver the remaining directories included in the TCAL's order in bulk to an address specified by TCAL. 2.3.5 TDS TELECOM will provide TCAL with l/81h page in each directory (where TCAL has or plans to have local telephone exchange customers) for TCAL to include TCAL specific-information (i.e., business office, residence office, repair bureau, etc.) in the WP directory on an "index­ type" informational page. No advertising will be permitted on such informational page. This page will also include specific information pertaining to other TCALs. At its option, TCAL shall provide TDS TELECOM with its logo and information in the form of a camera-ready copy, sized at l/81h of a page. The content of TCAL's camera-ready copy shall be subject to TDS TELECOM's approval. 2.3.6 TDS TELECOM will include and maintain TCAL End User listings in TDS TELECOM 's Directory Assistance databases. To the extent that TDS TELECOM's directory assistance listings are maintained in a database administered by a third party, TCAL shall cooperate with TDS TELECOM as needed to have TCAL listings loaded into such database. TCAL shall provide such Directory Assistance listings to TDS TELECOM at no charge. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 APPENDIX WP PAGE 5 2.3.7 TCAL shall provide to TDS TELECOM the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all End Users who wish to be listed in the directory assistance database but omitted from publication in WP directories (Non­ published). Non-Published listings will be subject to the rates as set forth in TDS TELECOM's applicable General Subscriber Services Tariff. 3. USE OF SUBSCRIBER LISTING INFORMATION 3.1 TCAL authorizes TDS TELECOM to include and use the subscriber listing information provided to TDS TELECOM pursuant to this Appendix in TDS TELECOM's appropriate printed WP directory and Directory Assistance database(s). Included in this authorization is the exchange of extended area service listings TDS TELECOM provides for Independent Company directory publications and release of TCAL listings to requesting competing carriers as required by Section 251 (b )(3) and any applicable state regulations and orders. Also included in this authorization is TDS TELECOM's use of TCAL's subscriber listing information in TDS TELECOM's current and future directory. TDS TELECOM will afford TCAL's directory listing information the same level of confidentiality that TDS TELECOM affords its own directory listing information. 4. PRICING 4.1 The rates for the services described herein are identified in Appendix PRICING. If TCAL provides its subscriber listing information to TDS TELECOM's listings database, TDS TELECOM will assess a per book copy, per subscriber line, charge at the time newly published directories are distributed to TCAL End Users listed in the directory, plus an annual, per book copy charge at the time directories are delivered in bulk to TCAL. Included in this rate, TCAL will receive for its End User, one primary listing in TDS TELECOM's WP directory; and, at the time of annual distribution of newly published directories, one copy of the directory provided to either TCAL's End Users, or in bulk to the TCAL location. TDS TELECOM has no obligation to warehouse WP directories for TCAL or provide WP directories to TCAL's End Users subsequent to the annual distribution of newly published directories. 4.2 TDS TELECOM has no obligation to provide any additional WP directories above the number of directories forecast by TCAL per Section 2.3.5 above. While TDS TELECOM has no obligation to provide WP directories to TCAL or TCAL's End Users after the annual distribution of newly published directories, TDS TELECOM will in good faith attempt to accommodate TCAL requests for "Subsequent" directory orders (orders placed after the initial order/forecast is provided -see Section 2.3.5 above). Orders for directories above the forecast number(s) will be filled subject to availability. In such event, TDS TELECOM will provide the directories in bulk to TCAL and will assess a per book charge. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 5. LIABILITY APPENDIX WP PAGE6 5.1 TCAL hereby releases TDS TELECOM from any and all liability for damages due to errors or omissions in TCAL's subscriber listing information provided by TCAL or its agent(s) to TDS TELECOM under this Appendix, including such information as it appears in the WP directory, including, but not limited to, special, indirect, consequential, punitive or incidental damages. 5.2 TCAL shall indemnify, protect, save harmless and defend TDS TELECOM (or TDS TELECOM's officers, employees, agents, assigns and representatives) from and against any and all losses, liability, damages and expense arising out of any demand, claim, suit or judgment by a third party in any way related to any error or omission in TCAL's subscriber listing information, caused by TCAL or its agent(s), including any error or omission related to non-published or non-listed subscriber listing information. TCAL shall so indemnify regardless of whether the demand, claim or suit by the_third party is brought jointly against TCAL and TDS TELECOM, and/or against TDS TELECOM alone. However, if such demand, claim or suit specifically alleges that an error or omission appears in TCAL's subscriber listing information in the WP directory, TDS TELECOM may, at its option, assume and undertake its own defense, , in which event the TCAL shall reimburse TDS TELECOM for reasonable attorney's fees and other expenses incurred by TDS TELECOM in handling and defending such demand, claim and/or suit. 5.3 This Appendix shall not establish, be interpreted as establishing, or be used by either Party to establish or to represent their relationship as any form of agency, partnership or joint venture. Neither Party shall have any authority to bind the other nor to act as an agent for the other unless written authority, separate from this Appendix, is provided. Nothing in the Appendix shall be construed as providing for the sharing of profits or losses arising out of the efforts of either or both of the Parties. Nothing herein shall be construed as making either Party responsible or liable for the obligations and undertakings of the other Party. 6. BREACH OF CONTRACT 6.1 If either Party is found to have materially breached this Appendix and the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within ten (I 0) calendar days after receipt of notice from the other Party, the non-breaching Party may terminate the Appendix by providing written notice to the breaching Party, whereupon this Appendix shall be null and void with respect to any issue of TDS TELECOM's WP directory published sixty (60) or more calendar days after the date of receipt of such written notice. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 7. TERM APPENDIX WP PAGE 7 7.1 The term of this Appendix shall be coterminous with the term of the Interconnection Agreement or until terminated by sixty (60) calendar-days prior written notice by either Party to the other. Upon termination, TDS TELECOM shall cease using, for any purpose whatsoever, the subscriber listing information provided hereunder by TCAL, and shall promptly return such subscriber listing information to the TCAL. 7.2 Upon termination of the Interconnection Agreement, this Appendix will be null and void with respect to any issue of directories published thereafter, except that the indemnification provided by Section 6 herein shall continue with respect to any directory published within one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days of termination. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016 CW2446008 TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement APPENDIX 911 APPENDIX 911 PAGE I September 2016 CW2446008 1. INTRODUCTION APPENDIX 911 APPENDIX 911 PAGE2 1.1 This Appendix sets forth terms and conditions that shall apply for 911 (E911) arrangements. 2. 911 SERVICE 2.1 911 Arrangements are arrangements for routing 911 calls from a Party's Customers to the appropriate Public Safety Answering Point ("PSAP"), passing certain customer information for display at the PSAP answering station based on the class of 911 service (Basic 911 or E91 l) deployed in the area. 2.2 As of the Effective Date of this Agreement, TDS Telecom is not the 911 service provider serving the PSAP and each party is solely responsible for making their own 911 Arrangements to connect to the current 911 service provider and for making updates on a timely basis to the ALI database for their respective Customers. In the event that TDS Telecom becomes the 911 service provider for any exchange where CLEC is providing service under this Agreement, TDS Telecom will provide CLEC advance notice and the Parties agree to negotiate terms to amend this Agreement for the provision of 911 Arrangements by TDS Telecom to CLEC. TDS TELECOM/TCAL Interconnection Agreement September 2016