HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090730Application.pdfRECEtvED l009 JUL 30 AM 8: 24 IDAHO Pü8L.\(~"'lo~i UT\UT\ES cot'lU,'iIS;:1 ','l July 27, 2009 Sent Via: First Class Mail Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, 10 83720-0074 RE: Case No. Pot -'(-09 -of Application of TOS Telecommunications Corporation for Approval of a Negotiated Wireless Traffic Exchange Agreement with Verizon Wireless. Dear Ms. Jewell: TOS Telecommunications Corporation (TOS) as an agent for Potlatch Telephone Company, Inc., has entered into a voluntary wireless traffic exchange agreement with Verizon Wireless. An original plus three (3) Copies of the agreement have been enclosed for filing with this Commission. :rOS respectfully requests approval of this agreement as filed. If you have questions regarding this agreement, please contact Linda Lowrance of TOS at (865)671-4758 or myself at (503)656-8399. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely,t~~. Gail M. Long Manager, External Relations Enclosure Cc: Linda Lowrance - TOS Telecom Mary Bacigalupi - Verizon Wireless POBOX 1566 OREGON CITY OR 97045-1566 OFFICE: 503,656.8399 FAX: 503.656,8660 po-t-t-oc¡ -01 RECEIVED 2009 JUl 30 AM 8: 24 PUEUG OMMISSIONWireless Traffc Exchange Agreement "Agreement" dav of December 2008 between OUIIY.r" " identified on Appendix A Verizon Wireless entities on the each having an office and principal place of Ridge. Ne\v J (collectively "VERIZONand are individually a to This on the Corporation Basking the lDS TELECOM is a LocalWIRELESS Mm of Idaho. their for the customers. Services provided by TDS to VER Agreement arc provided pursuant to VERIZON WIRELESS' N to desire to their WIREU::SS this , as a CMRS provider. In of the mutual CO\ cnant 'd in Agreerncnt, agree as sr~CTION 1 DEFINITIONS L means the Cormmmications Act of 1 amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Înterpreted the duly authorized rules and state tJ . 1 eL seq.), as and as from time to time or a 2. Mobile Radio Service: r'CMRS") is defined as a mobile serviceprovided for profit (h~., with the of oris available to~h loa of the public, or the functional equivalent of such a mobile 3, ttílìties Commission. S.. VZW RC L.56440 4. 5. 6. "Intcrexchange Canier" or ("IXC") means a carrier that provides or carries. directly or indirectly, InterLA TA service or ImraLAI'A Toll Trallïc. IXC does not include CMRS carriers as herein defined, 7."lntem1ediary Traffc" is ier or network WIRELESS, delivered to or from a ions carrier such . m or to an end g,located in a 9,Traffc" means those Int callng area as defined in the' . on calls that are outside of ble TDS TELECOM tariff. 10. "Local Access and Transport Area" or ("LATA' as described in the Act denotes a geographical area established for the and administration of communications services. It encompasses one more designated exchanges, . are grouped to serve common social, economic and other purposes. 11. Exchange Carier" or f'LEC") means any entity provision of telephone exchange service or exchange access. Su include an entity insofar as such entity is engaged the of a commercial mobile service under Section 332(c) of the Act, except to the extent that the F'CC finds that such service should included in the definition of such term. 12. "Local Traffic" , m.eans Wireless to and terminate within the sameMTA based on the 1 ng the wireless subscriber at the beginning of the call and the central oft1ce serving the landline end-user. 13. "Major Trading Area" or ("MTA") means the service areas based on the Rand McNally 1992 Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide, 123rd edition, at pagcs 38- 39, 47 .R. §24,202(a). 15."Non-Local 'fraffic" for . ier completion of intcrMT A calls based on the subscriber roamer on the VERIZON TELECOM ne end-user. purposes means the n of the VERIZON WIRELESS ELESS network and the TDS 14, "Mobile Switching Center" or ("MSC") is , r the routing of calls among' December 2008 16."Point of Connection" or ( WIRELESS is interconnected with a physical 10' ELECOM.. VER 17. "Rate Center" as defined by the North American Numbering Counsel (NANC) and used in this Agreement means that uses a common surrogate caB origination or can termination point ining point-to-point local or toll callng charges. 18,Carrier" means the Act of telecommunications services a 19. "Wireless" is telecommunications services provided by a CMRS carner in accordance with its CMRS licensees). 20. "WireLine" is telecommunications services provided by 'IDS 'fELECOM or oiler Non-CMRS Telecommunications CatTier. SECTIONH SCOPE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement sets forth the tenns, c and prices under agree to provide Interconnection for use by RELESS only with (MRS services and compensation for the exchange of traffc TELECOM and VERIZON for the purpose of offeringservices, The Interconnectio Agr to the exchange of traffc VERIZON WIRELESS provision of t\-vo-way herein wil not be used by V N ESS to terminate other types of traffc on TDS 'fELECOlv1"s network. Other Interconnection arrangements are covered by separate contract, tariff or price lists. Execution this Agreement does not judice any positions either Party has taken previously or may take in the future in , regulatory, or other public forum addressing any matters, including matters specifically related to, the types of anangements prescribed in this Agreement. SECTION HI INTERCONNECTlON Dit.eçtJgterÇQIJJ)eçtion: l)epending upon VERIZON n 'CDS 'fELECO, anangements are ELESS's needs and the technical capabilty and switches, various Wireless Interconnections and possible. Wireless Interconnection and service L 'IDS - VZW RCC ID CEL-56440 the rc GR-145-CORE Telcordia on .')4. Loca! Traffic. Type customers served ~,) .may be optioned for common channel 5. VERIZON ~ shall pro delivery of traffic fronì its Mobile acceptable Point of Connection Altemative1y, VERIZON third party or from TDS facilities and tran specified in 'IDS two-way facilties provided byVERIZON and factor based on the percentages identified The Point(s) of Connection between 'IDS are defined in B, which is . shaH not re availa VERIZON WIR ignaling System nections shall Signaling System 7 ("CCS T) protoc technically feasible för both Parties. Where requested and IDS TELECOM agree . nnect their networks either directly or U I'd paries. generally accepted industryconstrued toP 6. 7, direct interconnection arc technically VERIZON WIRELESS Agreement TDS VZW RCC lD CEL-56440 8. Nothing in this Agreement shalllìmit either Party's ability to network through the incorporation of software. or Party agrees to reaso . the facilities or networks, as wen asthat interoperability of those or provided, that, neither Party may change the poe without the written consent of the other. 9. local trunk group(s) be established Parties for of the Local Traftk at POe. trunking wiH be provisioned and maintained. from of the local intercoimection trunk group may be alternately routed to access tandem. L to terminate each other's Local Traffic that is service provider in with Section IV below. a 2. Where the Local Traffic exchanged between VERIZ0N WlRELESS and a TELECOM host or end offce switch 500,000 minutes permonth three co irnplemem direct apoe asso the direct 3. The Parties have a lùndamemal disagreement regarding the poe associated withindirect1 charges that by the third ting carrier. It is IDS does not estahlish an with 0 services at a geo point outside of . for tandem switching and ta.ndem ) xiv, if there is further obligations of party Tal1deni Switch. In addition, on either TralTic to event of a Material may requiTe that in good faith and, if nee other Party, shaH represent a .:V1ateria! either by to the other cted provisions bmitted to the Commission for L BILLING bil other the biling Party to own customers which were originated the bíHed Party using the applicable Reciprocal Cornpensaüon rates and biling procedures set forth on the attached Appendix which is incorporated by reference. For originating Non-Local Traffic, each Party shall pay the other TDS interstate, as appropriate, switched network access rate n a per minute of use which are set out in TOS TELECOM's applicable Access as those tariH's may be amended from time to time term incidenuiI to the other P are incurred. otherwise in any manner either Party to its end-users. J Actual measurements in each of the appropriate bíHing traffc. However. Non-Local group(s), A a",; a measure intercoimectIon fbrth in Paries is based on the specific consideration territory boundaries) and tramc Party provides to the other a valid InterMTA study reexamínation of network configuration ufeither Party's network, the Parties wil use A traHìc study or reexamimition to negotiate in good faith a mutually acceptable ínterMTA good t~ìith to amend such studies or Except traffc Spt in no cycnt indirectly, '",) .biled Such that have been bHled that are greater than forty-five (45) days old. The rate ofthe be the of 1 amount allowed by shall pay the biling related to collection amounts to include It shall be the responsibility of each Pary to program and update in accordance with the Local Exchange Routing Guide (!!LERG!!) order to route traffc to the other Party's assigned NXX codes at aU times. Neither Party shall impose any fees or charges whatsoever on the other Party for such as set forth in this Agreement. ~TIONS The Parties shall only assign NPA-NX to meaning for to serve customers. to Rate Center(s) in which they are WIRELESS where it has cell sites SECTION VI INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS Parties to this Agreement are independent contractors. Party is an agent, or partner of the other Pa.rty. Neither Party shaH have the right. po'\\er or to enter into any agreement for or on behalf of: or incur any obligationor liability or to othenvise bind This shaH not beinterpreted or construed to create an behveen or to partnership obligation A. nor any of their affliates shaH be arising from Each Party shaH indemnify and from the indemnifying dmnages caused liable for any incidentaL. use service Party against any under under this claims or the Party. B.makes any or implie(L software, goods or scrvìces provided under this Agreement. All warranties, includingthose and fltness íhr a particular are in an)' event, use the the C. liabilty for service provided under this be biled to the Party making. a clai üJl the month or to the the TDS ..... vzw Ree H) 40 December 2008 th.e other the of privacy, or \viHfuJ the the Agreement or the of Indemnifying Party to perf 01111 obligations Agreement In the event said loss, cost, or expense to third is the result of the faule in whole or in to this Agreement, the Parties shaH be entitled to indemnification the extent peimittcd by applicable state law governing the apportionment, if any, of said loss, claim, liability, damage or expense. In addition, the Indemnifying Party shall, to the extent of obligations to indemnify hereunder, defend any action or suit brought by a third party against the Indemnified Party. or also c1airn, reasonably and lndemniiìed participate Party shall (i notify the Indemnifying lawsuits, or demand by Indem.nifying Party is responsible under lawsuit or demand to lndemni every reasonable or 1invsuit. The timely apprised of status of the claim, have the right to retain o\m but not direct the defense. promptly in vvTitíng the Indemnified Section and tender The Indemnifying Party shall not be liable under this Section fbr settlements or compromises Indemnified Pary any claim, demand, or lawsuit unless the Indemnifying Party has approved the or compromise in advance or unless the defense or the claim, demand, or lawsuit has been tendered to the Indemnifying Party in. writing and Indemnifying Party has failed to promptly undertake the defense. S.ECTlON MAJEURE shall held liable for any from anv cause beyond" , Cìod, aets civil or miltary insurrections, explosions, or Lì1usually weather. In the eventof a under he extended the de which it TDS ..... VZW RCC lD CEL.56440 December 2008 SECTION NON-DISCLOSURE The Parties that it may be necessary to exchimge certain confidential information during the term of this including, Vvithoiit limitation, and plans, technical proposals, for information in any form, customer account Information ("CPNI") as term isand the of similar information ("Coiil1dential lnfonnation"). Confidential Information shall include (1) all information delivered in written form marked "confidential" or "proprietary" or bearing mark of simílar import~ and (li) information derived by the Recipient from a Disclosing Party's usage of network. Confidential Information is deem,ed proprietary to the Di it shall be protected by the Recipient as the Recipient would protect information. Confidential shall not be disclosed orother to as in this10, Party mean owner of Confidential Infonnation, Recipiem srwll mean Party to whom Confidential Information is disclosed. bligation to safeguard Confidential Infimrmti free of restriction prior to its receip known or available throughit is rightfully by or (iv) after it is Co Recipient may Confidential Infoby law, a or governmental Each agrees Disclosing irreparably by a breach of this Agreement by Recipient or its and that Disclosing Pary shall be entitled to seek equitable relict: including injunctive relief and specific perforuu:mce, in the event of any breach this Such remedies shal1 not be but shaH be in addition to ali at law or ) which (Ising this of by not ired would commence on the effective date stated on I\'lO (2) years provided that Party shall have the with or without cause on sixty (60) days notice. Agreement shall renew automatically tor successive one (l) year periods, unless terminated as provided above. TDS - VZW RCC m CEL.56440 SECTION XII RESOLUTION Except as this Agreement, any dispute between the Partics regarding the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement or any of its terms shaH be addressed good negotiation between the Parties. To iniiiate such negotiation, a Party must other Party written notice of dispute includes both a detailed or alleged nonpeiiormance and the name of anindividual initiating Party's in other have ten (10) days to negotiation. representatives shall meet after date of the initiating .Party's wT1tten notice an attempt to reach a good faith resolution of the dispute. Upon agreement, the Parties' representatives may utilize other dispute resoh.ition procedures such as private mediation to assist in to notice, aniìlabie to it Agreement, at limited institutìng an appropriate proceeding the dispute \\ithin (60) days Party may pursue an:y remedies indudin(yeo Commission, SECTIONxm THIRD PARTY BENEr'ICIARIES Agreement is not intended to benefit any person or entity not a party to it and no third party bendìciaries are created by this Agreenicnt. SECTION xiv LA W, FORUM, AND the laws and regulations be governed by laws and regulations the to its conflct of laws principals, In the event of a change applicable law (including, without limitation. any legislative, regulatory, judicial or other legal action) that materially any material tenn of this the or obligations of either or the abílty of either Part to perform any material provision hereof: thein good faith to modifY as may required of such legislative, regulatory, judicial or shaH or pennined us a SECfION XV AGREEMENT This Agreement incorporates all terms of the agreement between the supersedes ali oral or written agreements, representations, statements, proposals, and akings with respect to the subject m'T'his not be m except writing by s, is a a negotiaiion Parties, and was jointly dratìed both TDS- VlW Rec lD CEL-56440 December 2008 SECTION NOTICE shaH effectíve when received or \vithin three (3) business days of being class maiL. whichever is sooner, in the case ofVERIZON WIRELESS to: Name: Code: Phone: 8-1 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Badgalupi 925-~79-6006 and payments shall be effective when received or within (3) business days of being sent via first dassmait whichever is sooner, in the case of VERJZON to: Address: Code: Attention: Contact Phone Number: or to such Wireless Area Budgets & Results 15505 Sand Irvine, CA 92618 Vicki Nguyen 949-286-7940 location as VERIZON \VIRELESS may direct writing. days to:sent received or within maiL. whichever is sooner, in case of Business Name: Address: Shipping Address: Code: Attention: N Wiih a to: Address: Code: Attention: Bills shall class TDSfelecommLmica1Íons P. O. Box 9737 Cogdil Road, Suite 230 K . ,'11, TN' "'79"''' 0('''('':; (3793'" (' Sh' , lnOX\l (;,..1 ,) .u- .7.7. .. .... ior, ippmg) Relations (865 ) 966~4 700 IDS'l'decom P. O. Box 366 Madison, WI 53705-0366 Legal Affairs when received or within three (3) days is sooner, in the case ofTDS TELECOM to: sent TDS ..... vzw Ret ~D CEL-56440 Decembcr 2008 TDS Telecommunications Corporation P.O. Box 5158 Madison, WI 53705-0158 Recip Comp Verifkation Mailing Address: City/State/Zip Code: Attention: or to such sent to location as the on invoice. direct in are to shall bils payments cornpany name(s) for \-vhich traffic is being biHcd or paid. SECTION XVI( ASSIGNMENT Party may assign this Agreement upon the written consent of \vhìch consent shaH not unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding no consent be for the assignment of this the context of all or substantially all of assets or stocks either the Paries. Notwithstanding foregoing, either Party may assign this or any or to an aftì l¡ate of such Pary without the consent of the other SECTIONxvm BUSINESS RI.:CORDS Each Party is responsible fûr the accuracy of its data as reasonable wTitten to conduct a shallof by other Pary toof this \vil verification of data involving records, procedures and infonmition to the services performed by either as it to charges or payments made in connection \v.lth this Agreeinent. Each Pary's to access infi.mnation for a verification revicw purposes is limited to data not in excess of twenty- lûur (24) months old, Party requesting a veritkation review shaB fully bear its own costs associated conducting a review. The Party being provide reasonable access to necessary and applicable information normal at no charge to the Pary. xix FOREiGN-BASED SERVICES represents, warrants, and covenants no service perfom1ed by 'IDS pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided, directed, controlled, supervised, or managed, and no data or VERIZON WIRELESS customer communication (voice or data) to any such service shall stored or transmitted, in, or through, a located outside of the United States without advance \\TÌ1ten consem - vzw Rec JD CEL.56440 200S is not an interconnection under 47 tliatlDS may be entitled to J. rural1 and not TDS TClt:c(m:lmtmtcations Corporation (not individually but as aftìliates identified on Appendix A) Printed name S. Vcrizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b/a Veruon Wire!es~ Cdlco d/b/a Verixon \-Vireless Vcrizmi Telecom, Inc.ace Inc. Printed name West Area dated TDS- vzw Rec m CEL-56440 for 'IDS TDS t\yelfh of December 2008 as 'The Parties shaH reciprocally and symmctricaUy compensate one another for tht~ transport and termination of Localfraffc tcrminated to their respective customers at the rates set forth belmv: lnc.$0.01595 For Direct Interconnection,Parties \Nil bil based on actual usage, For Indirect Intercomicction, TDS TELECOM shaH obtain a monthly report tandem operator summarizing traf1k originated and terminating to 'IDS 'fELECOM. This biling VERIZON WIRELESS for traffc may obtain a monthly traffk originated by TDS TELECOM and to WIRELESS. This report inlhrmation may he by VERIZ0N W1RELESS f()r invoking TDS krminatil1g traffc to VERllON distribution by VERIZON shaH be used to If VERIlON WIRELESS elt:cts operator. the agree to the another: a traffic report from the tandem billng tenninating usage to one tratlk originated VER1ZON 2.shaH calculate estimated 'IDS terminating traffc WIRELESS using the following formula: VER!ZON shall based on the MOUs in L above, divided by 0.70 (seventy the cakulation shaH then he multiplied by 0.30 (thirty percent) originated by TDS TELECOM and temlÌnated to VERIZON agree to monthly traffic distribution operator as an accurate statement may to measure actual tenninatil1g local traffic own and utilize measurements in place of the tra:ik distribution reports operator. In data loss or errors in usageon estimated as an actual hiling data the of agree to preceding IDS - VZW RCC !D CEL.56440 No TDS VIWRCC m CEL-5644D Appendix B Point(s) of Omnection at time. B December 2008 ~ Appendix C VerIzon Wireless F:ntities Minnesota, Inc. TDS " VZW RCC JD CEL-5644Q Appendix C