HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020607Application.pdfP.O.eortl 1regon City, 0R 97U5-1 566 Telep h o n e : 503- 656- 8399 FAX' 503.656-8660 ETELE.'M Government and Regulatory Atfairs May 30,2002 Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission ' 472 W . Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 RE: case N.. PoT- f- d 2' 0 i Application of TDS Telecommunications Corporation for Approval of a Negotiated Wireless lnterconnection Agreement with Sprint PCS. Dear Ms. Jewell: TDS Telecommunications Corporation (TDS) as an agent for Potlatch Telephone Company, lnc., has entered into a voluntary wireless interconnection agreement with Sprint PCS. Eight (8) Copies of the agreement have been enclosed for filing with this Commission. TDS respectfully requests approval of this agreement as filed. lf you have questions regarding this agreement, please contact Linda Lowrance of TDS at (865)6714758. Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, ll}\Jy'=lG=-e - -h --Gail M. Long Manager, External Relations Enclosure Cc: Linda Lowrance - TDS Telecom Jeff Pfaff - Sprint PCS cht - E -rlf5r E5 =m =T E BE 3:t j g 3,ll h3r\r ' =,a7 0ca's 3EB WIRELESS INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT TDS TELECOM.IDAHO This Agreement is made effective on the lst day of March, 2002, between TDS Telecommunications Corporation subsidiaries or affiliates identified on Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof (collectively, "TDS TELECOM"), and Sprint Spectrum, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership d/b/a Sprint PCS, with offrces at 6160 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, Kansas 66251("SPRINT PCS"). The TDS TELECOM companies are local exchange carriers in Idatro. SPRINT PCS is a commercial mobile radio service carrier operating in idaho. TDS TELECOM and Sprint PCS desire to interconnect for the purpose of exchanging traffic between the parties' customers. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows. SECTION I SCOPE OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall cover local interconnection arrangements between SPRINT PCS' network in Idatro and TDS TELECOM's network in Idatro. The exchange of non- local traffic between other portions of TDS TELECOM's network and SPRINT PCS' network shall be accomplished using the existing toll telephone network. The designations "local" and "non-local" shall be as defined by federal law for the purpose of the exchange of wireless traffic. SECTION N TRAFFIC EXCHANGE The default point of interconnection shall be at an appropriate access tandem. Each party shall be responsible for the cost of providing the trunks from its network to the point of interconnection for the calls which that party originates. Either parry shall be allowed to establish a different point of interconnection for the calls which that party originates, provided that the new point of interconnection does not increase the cost of transporting or terminating calls for the other party. Each party shall bill the other for calls which the billing party terminates to its own customers and which were originated by the billed party. Applicable local transport and termination rates and billing procedures are set forth on the attached Appendix A, which is incorporated by reference. The billed party shall pay the billing party for all charges properly listed on the bill. Such payments are to be received within thirty (30) days from the effective date of the statement. The billed party shall pay a late charge on any undisputed charges that have been billed that are greater than thirty (30) days old. The rate of the late charge shall be the lesser of 15% per month or the maximum amount allowed by law. The billed party shall pay the billing party the reasonable arnount of the billing party's expenses related to collection of overdue bills, such amounts to include reasonable attorney's fees. Neither WIN_Sprint PCS_lDVerS.doc Page I March 1,2002 party shall bill the other for traffrc that is more than one hundred and eighty (180) days old, with the exception of traffic that pre-dates the effective date of this Agreement. SECTION III INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS The parties to this Agreement are independent confiactors. Neither party is an agent, representative, or partner of the other party. Neither party shall have the right, power or authority to enter into any agreement for or on behalf of, or incur any obligation or liability of, or to otherwise bind the other party. This Agreement shall not be interpreted or construed to create an association, joint venture, or partrtership between the parties or to impose any partnership obligation or liability upon either parry. SECTION IV LIABILITY A. Neither party nor any of their affiliates shall be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages arising from the other party's use of service provided under this Agreement. Each party shall indemnifu and defend the other party against any claims or actions arising from the indemniffing party's use of the service provided under this Agreement, except for damages caused by the sole recklessness of the indemnified party. B" Neither party makes any warranties, express or implied, for any hardware, software, goods, or services provided under this Agreement. All warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly disclaimed and waived. C. In any event, each party's iiability for all claims arising under this Agreement, or under the use of the service provided under this Agreement, shall be limited to the arnount of the charges billed to the party making a claim for the month during which the claim arose. SECTION V Intentionally Ieft blank. SECTION VI TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall commence on the ef,fective date stated on the first page, and shall terminate one (l) year after the effective date. This Agreement shall renew automatically for successive one (1) year terms. cornmencing on the termination date of the initial term or latest renewal term. The automatic renewal shall take effect without notice to either party, except that either party may elect not to renew and terminate by giving the other party written notice of its intention not to renew at least ninety (90) days prior to each anniversary date. WIN_Sprint PCS_IDVerS.doc Page2 March 1.2002 SECTION VII THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES This Agreement is not intended to benefit any person or entity not a party to it and no third party beneficiaries are created by this Agreement. SECTION VIII GOVERNING LAW. FORUM, AND VENUE To the extent not governed by the laws and regulations of the United States, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the State of Idatro. Disputes arising under this Agreement, or under the use of service provided under this Agreement, shall be resolved in state or federal court in ldaho. SECTION IX ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement incorporates all terms of the agreement between the parties. This Agreement may not be modified except in writing signed by both parties. This Agreement is a result of a negotiation bemreen the parties, and it was jointly drafted by both parties. SECTION X NOTICE Notices shall be effective when received or within three (3) business days of being sent via first class mail, whichever is sooner, in the case of SPRINT PCS to: Business Name: Sprint PCS. Mailing Address: 6450 Sprint Parkway, Bldg. 14 Mailstop: KSOPHN02l2 Citylstatelzip Code: Overland Park. KS 66251 Attention: Legal/Regulatory Dept. With a copy to: Business Name: Mailing Address: Sprint PCS 11880 College Blvd. KSOPAMOIOl Overland Park, KS 66210-2035 Director, Number and Interconnection Management City/StatelZip Code: WIN_Sprint PCS lDVcr5.doc Bills and payments shall be effective when received or within three (3) business days of being sent via first class mail. whichever is sooner, in the case of SPRINT PCS to: Business Name: Mailing Address: Shipping Address: CitylStatelZip Code: Attention: Sprint PCS P. O. Box 6827 Leawood. KS 66206-0827 Access Verification or to such other location as Sprint PCS may direct in writing. Notices shall be effective when received or within three (3) business days of being sent via first class mail, whichever is sooner, in the case of TDS TELECOM to: BusinessName: TDS Telecommunications Corporation Mailing Address: P. O. Box 22995 Shipping Address: 9737 Cogdill Road, Suite 230 Citylstatelzip Code: Knoxville, TN 37933-0995 (37932 for Shipping) Attention: Carrier Relations Contact Phone Number: (865) 9664700 Bills and payments shall be effective when received or within three (3) business days of being sent via first class mail. whichever is sooner, in the case of TDS TELECOM to: BusinessName: TDS Telecommunications Corporation Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5158 Citylstatelzip Code: Madison, WI 53705-0158 Attention: Kris Groth. Local Interconnection Billing or to such other location as the receiving party may direct in writing. SPRINT PCS shall ensure bills and payments reference the specific TDS TELECOM company name(s) for which traffic is being billed or paid (see Appendix A for company list). SECTION xI ASSIGNMENT Either Party may assign this Agreement upon the written consent of the other pffiy, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notrvithstanding the foregoing, no consent shall be required for the assignment of this Agreement in the context of the sale of all or substantially all of the assets or stocks of either of the parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either Party may assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations hereunder to an affiliate of such Party without the consent of the other Party. WIN_Sprint PCS_lDVer5.doc Page 4 March 1,2002 SECTION )(II MISCELLANEOUS This Agreement has been reached pursuant to 47 USC 251(a) and 251(b)5. This is not an interconnection agreement under 47 USC 251(c). The parties acknowledge that TDS TELECOM may be entitled to a rural exemption as provided by 47 USC 251(f) and TDS TELECOM does not waive such exemption. TDS Telecommunications Corporation, (not individually but as agent for the TDS Louis D. Reillv.III Director - Carrier Relations Printed name and title: Dennis Huber Sr. Vice President - Operations Signature Page to Wireless Interconnection Agreement between TDS Telecommunications Corporation flD Companies) and Sprint Spectrum, L.P. dated the f i day of Marchr 2002 relating to the exchange of Local TraIIic. on Appendix A) Printed nzrme and title: Sprint Spectrum, L.P. WIN_Sprint PCS_IDVerS.doc Page 5 March l,2002 APPENDIX A, Local Transport and Termination Rates and Billing Procedures The parties shall reciprocally and symmetrically compensate one another for local traJfic terminated to their respective customers at the rates set forth below: COMPANY $A{OU Potlatch Telephone Company, Inc.0.01s9s TDS TELECOM shall obtain a monthly traffic distribution report from the tandem operator summarizing traffic originated by SPRINT PCS and terminating to TDS TELECOM. This report information shall be used by TDS TELECOM for billing SPRINT PCS for traffrc terminating to TDS TELECOM. The parties agree to accept the monthly traffic distribution report from the tandem operator as an accurate statement of traffic exchanged between the parties. SPRINT PCS elec* to measure actual terminating local traffrc through its own recording equipment and utilize these measurements in place of the traffrc distribution reports from the tandem operator. Either parfy may perform an audit of the other party's billing information related to terminating minutes of use of the billed party. The parties agree that such audits shall be performed no more than one time per calendar year. Each party shall bear its own expenses associated with such audit. The audits shall be conducted on the premises of the audited party during normal business hours. Either party may bill on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. Transport and termination of non-local traffic shall be billed per applicable access taritr WIN_Sprint PCS_IDVerS.doc Appcndix A March 1.2002