HomeMy WebLinkAboutCancelled_Potlatch Telephone Sections 5 - 7.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 First Revised Sheet 2 Cancels Original Sheet 2 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF SERVICENACATION SERVICE * GENERAL Upon request, the exchange telephone service may be temporarily suspended without termination of contract, as provided hereinafter. Service may be suspended temporarily prior to the expiration of the initial service period. However, such suspension shall not serve to reduce the total charges otherwise applicable for the initial period. Temporary suspension of service is not extended to service station customers or to Foreign Exchange Service interexchange mileage, and extended Foreign Exchange mileage in an adjacent exchange. The minimum period of temporary suspension for local service is one (1) month. Basic local exchange access line service may be temporarily suspended for a maximum period of four (4) months of any consecutive 12 months period. The rates or charge for such service will be one-half of the regular monthly rate or charge for that service during the period of suspension. To qualify under this schedule the subscriber must be away from his premises at least one month. No service will be given during the vacation period. The telephone instrumentalities will be left in place on the subscriber s premises and the subscriber s telephone number retained. Service Charges as specified elsewhere in this tariff are applicable for subscribers going from suspended to regular service. TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF ENTIRE SERVICE A customer for any grade of local business or residence service may temporarily suspend the entire service furnished with the exception of directory listings and/or directory advertising. Residence Service - The rate to be charged during the period of suspension shall be 50% of the local exchange monthly charges. Business Service - The rate to be charged during the period of suspension shall be 50% of the local exchange monthly charges. No reduction applies on charges for cable on private property furnished at charges based on cost in lieu of mileage charges. As of July 30, 2004, this service will no longer be available to new customers. Once current customers disconnect this service, they will not be able to reestablish it. (N) (N) ISSUED: June 30, 2004 Advice Letter No. BY: ~ Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIMAHO PUBLIC UlllmESCOMMISS1QNAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUll 9 'JUt 3'0 ' t-Itl. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 First Revised Sheet 3 Cancels Original Sheet 3 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF SERVICEN ACA TION SERVICE * (Continued) TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF A PORTION OF SERVICE A customer for Private Branch Exchange Service, or Type II or Type III Button Telephone Service may suspend a portion of the service furnished. Such suspension is applicable only to such positions, turrets, key cabinets, trunks, telephones, telephone lines and auxiliary telephone equipment as can temporarily suspended without suspension of the entire service. The rate to be charged during the period of suspension shall be equal to 500/0 of the monthly exchange service charge for the service and facilities suspended, excluding cable carrying charges on which no reduction applies. Customers desiring reserved telephone service annually, Le., a reserved cable pair continued listing in directory, or the same telephone number reserved each year, are governed under Rules and Regulations for Temporary Suspension of Service. Telephone service without reservation of any of the above, may be obtained subject to availability of facilities and billed on an "as used basis" subject to the initial period of service as defined in other sections of this tariff. As of July 30, 2004 , this service will no longer be available to new customers. Once current customers disconnect this service, they will not be able to reestablish it. (N) (N) ISSUED: June 30 , 2004 ::~ice Letter No. o ~ Q.Paul E. Pederson, 'V'ice PreSIdent EFFECTIDiHO PUBLIC UTIUTIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTJVE JUl19 'JUL 3 0 '.04 t-lt1. seCRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 4 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS EMPLOYEES TELEPHONE SERVICE GENERAL Employees' Telephone Service is offered to all permanent full time employees at their listed permanent residence , when such service is provided by the Company. RATES 1. Company personnel who reside within an area served by the Company shall be granted a concession on residential basic service. 2. No concessions for toll message services are made to employees. CONDITIONS 1. One primary listing may be provided in the name of the employee (except that the listing of a married woman may be in her or her husband's name). 2. Retired Company employees who reside in exchanges operated by the Company shall receive Employees' Telephone Service at the same rate as at their time retirement. 3. Employees' Telephone Service at their residence is available to all permanent employees of the Company having at least three month's continuous service with the Company. 4. Service provided to employees other than as listed in B. Rates, above, will be provided at regular filed tariff rates. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' tt). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (J~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 BY: GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 5 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS AUTOMATIC DIALING AND ANNOUNCING DEVICES (ADADs) GENERAL 1. Automatic dialing and announcing devices (ADADs) are devices programmed automatically to dial customers and to provide an unsolicited message. 2. An ADAD may be connected to the telephone network only when it meets the criteria outlined in Conditions below. However, such conditions do not apply to requested or contracted for automatic announcements for return calls, notification-of-termination- of-service warnings from telephone companies, or security, paging or alarm systems subscribed to by a customer. RATES Per Access Line Monthly $11. CONDITIONS 1. ADADs that do not automatically disengage the called party s line when the called party hangs up his/her/its receiver are absolutely prohibited, except when the called party has previously agreed to receive the ADADs and to allow its line to be engaged in this manner. 2. ADADs are prohibited from making unsolicited calls before 9:00 a.m. or after 9:00 m. in the called party s local time. 3. ADADs are prohibited from calling public safety number such as police , fire and emergency services. Except as allowed in Section A.2 above , ADADs are prohibited from unsolicited calling to unlisted, unpublished or inward WA TS numbers. ADADs are prohibited from calling more than one number held by a given called party. 4. ADADs must pay measured or message business service rates when either is available or flat rates reflecting their intensive use of the telephone network when measured and message services are not available. 5. All customers operating ADADs must notify the local telephone company(ies) providing local services to the exchanges in which they originate and terminate their calls from and estimate how intensively the ADAD is expected to use local access lines. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ~:UED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pr sident JUl22 '02 .IUL 2 6 ' EFFECTIVEJr.uly 26, 2002 to. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 6 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE* GENERAL Foreign Exchange Service is local service provided to a customer from a central office of an exchange other than the one that normally serves the area in which the customer is located. This type of service can be accomplished over interexchange channel facilities or by cross boundary foreign exchange. DEFINITIONS ForeiQn ExchanQe Any exchange other than the one in which the customer premises is located. Local ExchanQe Exchange that normally serves the area in which the customer premises is located. InterexchanQe Channel Facility The portion of the foreign exchange service circuit that is provided between the local central office and the foreign exchange central office. Cross Boundary Dial tone is provided directly to the customer from the foreign office rather than passing over an interexchange channel facility. CONDITIONS 1. Foreign Exchange Service is not in accord with the normal plan of furnishing telephone service. Such service is provided at the rates shown herein where facilities are available or can readily be made available without unusual cost. Where foreign exchange service is furnished at remote or isolated locations or where unusual costs are involved additional service, construction and/or monthly charges may apply, depending on the circumstances in the individual case. 2. Foreign Exchange Service may be provided only in connection with Private Branch Exchange trunk lines, and individual line business or residence service. The service shall be furnished only at the one location or premises for each channel or circuits. 3. The regulations and rates contained herein apply to Foreign Exchange Service where (1) the normal and foreign exchange areas are contiguous and (2) where the service may be provided by the normal extension of exchange plant. * This service is going to be grandfathered to existing customers at the existing locations and it will not be available to new customers after the effective date of this tariff. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: JUL22 'JUL 26 ' l!). SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 7 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE* (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) 4. Where the normal exchange is operated by this Telephone Company, Foreign Exchange Service is furnished only on the condition that the applicant is a customer to individual line business or residence service, or Private Branch Exchange Service in the normal exchange and at the same location where such service is proposed to be installed. 5. Where the Foreign Exchange is operated by, or where all or a portion of the interexchange channel is furnished by another telephone company, Foreign Exchange Service will be provided only when satisfactory arrangements can be negotiated with such company to furnish its portion of the necessary facilities. 6. Existing Foreign Exchange customers will continue to be provided two and four-party message and mileage service. However, as of the effective date of this tariff, future subscribers to this service will be limited to connection with business or residence one-party service only. 7. Foreign Exchange Service is furnished subject to the same conditions as to the use of the service as apply in connection with other classes of exchange service. 8. Foreign Exchange Service will not be provided to or from exchanges of other telephone companies to which there is Extended Area Service. 9. The local service area, local message charges and message toll charges of the serving (foreign) exchange apply to Foreign Exchange Services. 10. Calls beyond the local calling area of the serving exchange will not be permitted. Local calling area is considered to be the telephones served by the serving exchange , plus any extended area service which may be provided from the serving exchange. * This service is going to be grandfathered to existing customers at the existing locations and it will not be available to new customers after the effective date of this tariff. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 C6Q IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSI AJJJJROVED EFFECTIVEEFFECTIVE: July 26 200T JUl22 '02 JUL 26 ' l!). SECRETARY BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 8 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE* (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) 11. Main stations connected for Foreign Exchange Service will be listed in the directory of the exchange from which the customer is served. Listings in other directories will be furnished at the regular rates for foreign listings. 12. Foreign Exchange Service is not furnished in connection with public or semi-public services. 13. The following two Arrow Junction residents reside in the Julieatta exchange: Brenda White Rt. 1 , Arrow Junction Julieatta , ID Telephone # 843-2613 William Stevens, Jr. Rt. 1 , Arrow Junction Julieatta , ID Telephone # 843-2527 These two residents are served and billed 100% by U.S. West. As per Order No. 23001 , Case Nos. POT-89-2 and PNB-89-, dated March 13, 1990, the two residents will be grandfathered to the existing customer at the existing location. RATES 1. Foreign Exchange Service Over Interexchange Facilities Rates and charges will apply for service provided from the end user premise to the local central office and over interexchange facilities. Charges will be billed to the end user or the connecting telephone company depending on billing arrangements agreed upon by the companies. Interexchange mileage is the V and H coordinate miles between local central office and foreign central office of the two exchanges involved. For that portion of the interexchange channel facilities furnished by another telephone company between the local central office and the foreign central office of the two exchanges involved the interexchange channel facility mileage charges of such company will apply to the exchange boundary. * This service is going to be grandfathered to existing customers at the existing locations and it will not be available to new customers after the effective date of this tariff. Paul E. Pederson, Vice IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMI~ION EFFEmRJil6VIUUy 26, 2002 EFFECTIVEISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY:JUL22 'JUL 26 ' t!). SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 9 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE* (Continued) RATES (Continued) The charge for this service will be the sum of items 1 , 2 and 3. 1. The rate of the foreign exchange (serving exchange) for the class and grade service provided, plus the message charge indicated below per month: MessaQe CharQe Private Service Party Party $6. $3. $1. 2. Foreign Exchange mileage in the local exchange - the airline distance from the customer s primary station to the nearest point on the common boundary of the local an9 foreign exchanges, per month: Party, 2-Party or 4-Party service $1.50 per 1/2 mile or fraction thereof, for the first mile $3.00 per 1/2 mile orfraction thereof, for the second mile $6.00 per 1/2 mile or fraction thereof, for each mile after two miles IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' u). SECRETARY * This service is going to be grandfathered to existing customers at the existing locations and it will not be available to new customers after the effective date of this tariff. BY:~U-EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 10 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS INTEREXCHANGE RECEIVING SERVICE CONDITIONS 1. This is an arrangement where a customer may offer his patrons in another exchange the privilege of calling him without charge or without requesting the reversal of toll charges. 2. This service is provided from our exchange for individual business line or PBX services (except public and semi-public telephone service). 3. This service includes the listing of a special number in both the published directory and information records of the exchange from which calls are to be accepted. 4. The service may be non-published at the option of the customer under that portion of this tariff. 5. The charges for each message will be billed to the customer of this service at the regular sent-paid station date. RATES Monthly Rate S& E Code 1. Each interexchange receiving service per exchange $5.RCTS NON-RECURRING CHARGES 1. Non-recurring charges as found in Section 9 apply. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' l~. SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 \2, EFFECTIVE: July 26 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 13 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS EMERGENCY CONFERENCE SERVICE GENERAL 1. The Tellabs 291 Conference Altering System is a multi-point ring down telephone conference circuit used in emergency reporting and alerting, or business conference applications. The System provides simultaneous access to up to 30 conference stations. An emergency call placed into the 291 through a dispatcher or via a directory number rings all phones in the emergency network. A non-emergency call in progress on an emergency crewmember s home phone may optionally be overridden , or the crewmember may be provided with a tone to advise him to terminate his conversation and take the emergency call. Remote access capability permits an emergency crewmember away from his telephone to dial into the conference from a paystation or other handy phone in response, for example, to community siren. The 291 System even offers an optional module to activate and time the community siren. RATES Monthly Rates Installation or Move CharQes 1/ 1. Tellabs System a. Common Equipment b. 30 Position Basic System c. Conference Termination Line Circuit, each d. Remote Siren Control Optione. Fire Siren Control Unit No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge 2. Access Line Access Line Rate 11. Rate grandfathered to Troy Fire Department and will no longer be offered after equipment has been removed. Installation charges do not apply at time of initial installation of System. Appropriate service connection charges (S.O. Charge, C.O. Charge) applies for any additional installations, changes or moves subsequent to installation of System as found in Section 9. ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 I DMb~tl~lYt Jri~,i~stD8~ MISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL22 ' A). SECRETARY JUL 26 ' GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 14 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS EMERGENCY CONFERENCE SERVICE (Continued) CONDITIONS 1. This service may be furnished in connection with individual line service. 2. Equipment, instruments and lines on the customer s premises, furnished by the Company, shall be and remain the property of the Company whose agents and employees shall have the right to enter said premises at any reasonable hour for the purpose of installing, inspecting or repairing equipment, instruments and lines. 3. Such Emergency Conference equipment is not to be used for performing any function other than the reporting or dissemination of information of an emergency nature. 4. The customer must not use or permit any electrical or mechanical apparatus or device to be used in connection with the equipment or facilities furnished by the Company without the written consent of the Company. 5. Company liability in connection with Emergency Conference Service is specified in Section 2 of this Tariff. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUt 2 2 'JUL 2 6 ' 0/.4.'" J.!). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 \2~EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 15 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS ROTARY TRUNK HUNT SERVICE GENERAL 1. Rotary Hunt Service provides access to two or more Business or Residence lines or trunks of a customer when the primary listed telephone number is dialed. 2. In instances where rotary hunt is offered in conjunction with key and PABX service certain custom calling features might not be available. RATES S& E Monthly Code Rate Per arrangement ROTL $2. 2. Service connection charges as stated in Section 9 apply. If the rotary hunt feature is ordered at the same time as initial service is ordered, no additional service connection charges will apply. If rotary hunt is ordered after initial service has been installed, the Subsequent Service Order and Central Office Work Charges will apply. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' Jf). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (2~EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 16 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS DIRECT INWARD DIALING (DID) SERVICE GENERAL The Telephone Company will provide, subject to the availability of facilities, Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service. DID service provides for the completion of local and toll calls to associated station numbers without intermediate handling by an attendant. RATES 1. The rates and charges for central office trunk associated with Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service are as found below: b. DID Software Translation Charge, Per Trunk Monthly Rate NRC (1)(1) N/A $50. $5.$50.00 (2) a. DID Facility Charge, Per Trunk c. DID Number Assignment Charge (Blocks of 10 numbers)* Numbers sold in conjunction with DID Service only. CONDITIONS 1. The service is furnished subject to the availability of Central Office facilities and compatibility of customer-provided equipment. 2. The service includes central office switching equipment for in-dialing from the exchange and toll network directly to stations associated with customer premises equipment. (1) See Section 4 , Sheet 1 for associated PBX trunk rate and Section 9 for the installation charge. (2) Not applicable if installed with initial installation. Subsequent installations are subject to non-recurring costs. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 () BY: 'x:S, Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EEF.ECTIVE' Ju!y 26 2002IDAHO PUBLIC lJTIUTIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL 2 2 'JUl 26 ' d). SECRETARV GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 First Revised Sheet 17 Cancels Original Sheet 17 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS DIRECT INWARD DIALING (DID) SERVICE (Continued) CONDITIONS 3. The service must be provided on a minimum of 10 lines in a trunk group arranged for inward service. 4. The rates herein contemplate the use of standard Telephone Company equipment and serving arrangements and are in addition to rates and charges for the service with which it is furnished. When equipment or service of a special type is requested and provided rates and charges are related to the costs involved to meet the individual requirements of each case. 5. Operational characteristics of interface signals between the Telephone Company- provided connecting arrangements and the customer-provided equipment must conform to the rules and regulations the Telephone Company considers necessary to maintain proper standards of service. 6. The Telephone Company shall not be responsible to the customer or authorized user or joint user if changes in protection criteria or in any of the facilities , operations or procedures of the Telephone Company render any facilities provided by a customer authorized user or joint user obsolete or require modification or alternation of such equipment or system or otherwise affect its use or performance. 7. Directory listings will be provided in accordance with the regulations of the "Directory Listings" section of this Tariff. DID numbers furnished herein are not entitled to free directory Isitings. 8. Customer-provided equipment must be arranged by the customer to provide for the intercepting of assigned but unused station numbers. 9. The customer being provided DID service will be responsible for all toll calls billed to the DID numbers. 10. DID numbers will be sold in conjunction with DID service only. 11. The assignment of the telephone numbers and the sequence of numbers assigned to a DID service is determined by the Company based on the rules established in FCC order 00-104. The customer may request a sequential block of numbers to be placed into service at a later date. Non-Recurring Charges for DID numbers may apply to recover the cost of reserving the numbers. Reserved numbers can only be held for a maximum of six months. After six months, the reserved numbers must be placed into service for that specific customer or the numbers will be categorized as available for use by other customers. (N) (N) ISSUED: October 21 2002 ::Vice Leue G ~6PPaul E. Ped rson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: November 20, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE NOV 2S NOV 2 0 ' 4\. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 18 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS CABLE AND CIRCUIT RENTAL GENERAL Cable Pair Circuit is a voice-grade circuit provided for Key or PBX tie lines, private lines alarm circuits, etc. to furnish communications between two or more terminations directly connected to it. Such terminations do not have access to the general exchange and interexchange networks. The rates and charges contained herein are in addition to all other applicable rates and charges located in other parts of this tariff. RATES Installation Char Circuits , per pair, per tenth mile or fraction $20. CONDITIONS Per Month 1st 1/4 mL - $2. ~add 1/4 mL - $1. The circuit will consist of the entire loop required to provide the service between all terminations within the local exchange. The circuit will consist of no more than one (1) cable pair (two wires) which may terminate onto another cable pair in the central office of the local exchange. a. The circuit, suitable for basic voice communications, will be provisioned as a two-wire interface engineered for a 1000Hz net loss of 0 to 10dB. Mileage applicable to Cable Pair Circuits will be determined in the following manner: a. When the terminals are located in the same Central Office area, the mileage measurement is the airline distance between the terminals. b. If the circuit passes through a Central Office , the airline mileage must include the Central Office. When the service is provisioned for Key or PBX tie lines, the total monthly rate for mileage service will be the sum of the basic rate for the primary service furnished and the appropriate mileage charges above. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (;iJ, BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President JjJL 2 2 '02 JUL2 6 ' EFFECTIVE~ 26, 2002 rF - to. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 19 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS CABLE AND CIRCUIT RENTAL (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) When facilities must be constructed additional charges shall be determined once the specific requirements and costs are known to establish service. Special repeater or other line treatment, where required , will be provided at rates and charges to be established when specific requirements are known. This service will only be provided in the local exchange. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' l!). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 Original Sheet 20 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS ACCOUNT RETENTION (N) GENERAL This service allows a customer to retain their current phone number and associated services when they temporarily disconnect service. When the customer reconnects service they will receive the same phone number and associated services as when they previously held service. CONDITIONS Customers may retain their current phone number for a minimum of one (1) month and a maximum of ten (10) months. The customer must furnish a forwarding address for billing purposes. The customer may purchase in advance the retention of the phone number if a forwarding billing address cannot be furnished. Account Retention is available on all one-party residence lines and up to three one-party business lines subject to the availability of facilities. The customer must have at least one month of regular telephone service paid prior to the establishment of Account Retention. Account Retention may begin and terminate on any day of the month, provided notice is given sufficiently in advance for arrangements to be made. The Company will not provide installations, moves , changes, or maintenance during the period when the customer is billed at the reduced rate. Only two suspension periods will be allowed and shall not exceed ten months in anyone calendar year nor exceed ten continuous months at any time regardless of the year.(N) ISSUED: June 30, 2004 Advice Letter No. 04-BY: ~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIV~AHO PUBLIC UTfllTJESCOMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUll 9 JUL 30' t-- .a. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 5 First Revised Sheet 21 Cancels Original Sheet MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS ACCOUNT RETENTION (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) The Company assumes no liability for failure of a calling party to reach the customer while on account retention. 10. The Company reserves the right to refuse Account Retention in the case of a customer whose account is delinquent. 11. The ten (10) month maximum does not apply to military personnel who are active duty. (N) (N) RATES AND CHARGES The monthly rate will be $5.00 per line on account retention. The Subsequent Service Order Charge and Central Office Charge applies for reconnect to regular service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE MM 28 'APR 14 ' ISSUED: March 15, 2005:::ice Letter '- Paul E. Pederson, Vice President 11\. SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective August 31, 2015 Sept. 28, 2015 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 13, 2010 Dec. 30, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective August 31, 2015 Sept. 28, 2015 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 9, 2015 March 4, 2015 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 1 DIRECTORY SERVICES DIRECTORY LISTINGS GENERAL 1. The rates and regulations set forth below apply in connection with listings in the official Telephone Company directory and apply only to the alphabetical section of the directory containing the regular alphabetical list of customers and do not apply to listings or advertising appearing in the classified section. 2. A listing must conform to the Telephone Company s specifications with respect to its directories. 3. The Telephone Company has the right to limit the length of any listing to one line in the directory by the use of abbreviations when the clearness of the listing or the identification of the customer is not impaired thereby. 4. Listings are regularly provided in connection with all classes of exchange service except Public Telephone Service. A listing may be omitted from the directory upon request of a customer in writing and under the conditions specified for Nonpublished Service, and/or Nonlisted Directory Service. 5. The Company may refuse to insert any listing which in its judgment does not facilitate the use of the directory. 6. The Telephone Company is not liable for damages arising from errors or omissions from its directory, except in cases where a specified charge has been made for a listing and then the liability of the Telephone Company shall not exceed the amount of such charges. RATES 1. The following rates are applicable to the alphabetical section of the telephone directory for business or residence customers. Rate Per Month S&E Res Bus Code NRC Additional Listings $1.$1.DLAR/DLAB (1) Alternate Call Listing $1.$1.DLALR/DLALB (1) Cross-Reference Listing $1.$1.DLALR/DLALB Duplicate Directory Listing $1.$1.DLALR/DLALB Additional Line of Information $1.$1.DLALR/DLALB (1 )Service Connection Charges as filed in Section 9 of this tariff apply. BY:G), EFFECTIVE: July26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL 2 2 ' ~~ tf). SECRETARY JUL 2 6 ' GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 2 DIRECTORY SERVICES DIRECTORY LISTINGS (Continued) RATES (Continued) Rate Per MonthRes Bus S&E Code NRC f. Office Hours Listings g. Foreign Listing h. Temporary Listing Nonlisted Service j. Nonpublished Service N/A $1. $1. $2. $3. $1. $1. $1. $2. $3. DLALB) FDLL/FDLLB DLALR/DLALB NLN NPN (1 ) CONDITIONS 1 . Primary Listings a. A primary listing is furnished as part of and in the rate for Local Exchange Access Line Service. The primary listing may include the name, address and telephone number of: 1) The individual, organization, firm or corporation contracting for the service. 2) The same surname with no more than two individual given names. Each given name for the purposes of this Tariff is defined as any combination, not to exceed two , of the following: a) First name b) Middle namec) Initial d) Nickname e) Maiden name 3) An additional listing reversing the order of the individually given names in 2. above, may be provided at the rates for additional listings, shown in B. Rates, above. 2. Additional Listings a. Business additional listings may be the names of partners or members of a partnership or firm, the names of officers of the corporation, or the names of business associates or employees of a business establishment. Business additional listings may be the bona fide names of individuals, firms or corporations which the customer owns or controls or is duly authorized to represent. Listings, which are designed primarily to give publicity to a commodity or service, are not accepted. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: JUL22 'JUL 26 ' ~th~ SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 3 DIRECTORY SERVICES DIRECTORY LISTINGS (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) 2. Additional Listings (Continued) b. Residence additional listings may be the names of members of the customer s family or of other persons residing in the customer s household as part of the family unit. c. Business additional listings in connection with semi-public coin stations are furnished under rates and regulations as specified for business additional listings. d. An additional listing may include the same address and telephone number as the primary listing, except that a different address may be shown for off-premises stations located on other premises occupied solely by the customer. 3. Alternate Listings a. An alternate call listing refers a calling party to certain other telephone numbers after business hours or on Sundays or holidays, or if there is no answer on the first listed number. 1. Where the Alternate Call number is to be that of another customer, the listing will be furnished only with written approval of the other customer. 4. Duplicate Listings Duplicate listings, Le., listing of nicknames, abbreviated names, names which are commonly spelled in more than one way and rearrangements of names are permitted when, in the opinion of the Telephone Company they are necessary for the proper identification of the customer, and are not designed to secure a preferential position in the directory or for advertising purposes. 5. Additional Lines of Information Listings Listings of office hours or other lines of information which are not required by the Telephone Company in order to efficiently handle telephone traffic are not included in the regular charges for service. Regular additional listing rates apply to the listing of office hours or other information desired by the customer in connection with his/her listing. A phrase directing the method of calling when a PBX operator is not on duty may be listed in the directory, at extra charges, whenever night connections are provided. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (4~EFF'&~~A~~U~I.iI~TIM11~S COMMISSION )(pP'R'oyroy ,"v EFFECTIVE BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL22 'JUL 26 ' tfi. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 4 DIRECTORY SERVICES DIRECTORY LISTINGS (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) 6. Cross Reference Listings Cross Reference directory listings enable a customer to use a former listing to refer customers to his new listing appearing elsewhere in the directory. Cross-reference listings do not include an address or telephone number and are permitted when, inthe opinion of the Telephone Company, they are necessary for the proper identification of the customer, and are not desired to secure a preferential position in the directory or for advertising purposes. 7. Office Hours Listings Business customers who desire that their office hours appear in connection with their primary listing may obtain this directory service. 8. Foreign Directory Listings Arrangements may be made by customers to list their telephone service in the directories for other exchanges other than that in which the listed service is furnished, such arrangements to be made by the Company in whose exchange service area the customer s premises are located at the regular additional listing rate for the alphabetical directory in which the listing appears. 9. Temporary Listings of Tenants Sub-Leasing Customer s Premises a. Residence customers who temporarily lease their premises for periods of less than one year and who request the Telephone Company to render service to their tenants without change in the billing, may arrange for directory listings for such tenants. Such listings are not permitted in the event the customer and the tenant occupy the premises at the same time. b. All billings and contractual agreements remain unchanged, the customer being responsible for the payment of all charges. c. The regular additional listing rate applies for each listing. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL 2 2 'JUL 26 ' U). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: ~~ \L. Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 5 DIRECTORY SERVICES IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE DIRECTORY LISTINGS (Continued) JUL22 'JUl 2 6 'CONDITIONS (Continued) 10.Nonlisted Service t.O. SECRETARY Nonlisted Service is the omission of a customer s listing from the telephone directory only. It may be obtained from the directory assistance operator. 11.Nonpublished Service Nonpublished Service is the omission of a customer s listing from both the telephone directory and directory assistance records. a. When non published service is to be furnished, the customer will hold the Company harmless from any damages which might arise and will absolve the Company from any responsibility for the failure of the customer to receive calls because of the nonpublished listing. b. The rate for nonpublished service is specified in B. Rates above. c. The charge will not apply to non published numbers for customers having the following services: 1) When the customer has another published number for the same class of service in the same exchange. 2) Public Telephone Service 3) Special Reversed Long Distance Service (Enterprise) 4) Foreign Exchange Service 5) Temporary Service (service provided for a period not more than 30 days) 6) Special services such as teletypewriters or data services provided for customers with impaired hearing having a limited requirement for voice communication. 7) Local Exchange Service for customers living in a hotel, hospital , retirement complex, apartment complex, boarding house, or club provided the customer is listed under the telephone number of the establishment and where the customer has another published number for the same class of. service. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 \2~EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TA~FF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 6 DIRECTORY SERVICES DIRECTORY LISTINGS (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) 12. The charge for additional , alternate , nonlisted or nonpublished listings begin on the day the information records are posted. 13. The length of contract period for directory listings , where the listing actually appears in the directory, is the directory period. The directory period is from the day on which the directory is distributed to the customers to the day the succeeding directory is distributed to the customers , unless the listing no longer serves the customers because of disconnection , removal, etc., of the service. 14. A Record Order Charge applies if a customer requests a directory listing change other than at the same time service is order, provided no other service charges are applicable. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 dJ. SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 7 DIRECTORY SERVICES IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEDIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE DESCRIPTION JUL22 'JUL 26 ' Directory Assistance Service provides the calling party with: tfi.11wJ.1 If SECRETARY 1. Telephone numbers available from the Company s Directory Assistance operator. 2. Information that the Customer has requested the number not be given out to the public. 3. Information that the name requested does not appear on the records. CONDITIONS 1. The allowance of three calls per month at no charge is administered for multi-line services as follows: a. A Customer with two or more lines and/or PBX trunks on the same premises and billed on the same account is allowed three calls per line and/or trunk accumulated to the total lines and/or trunks in service. 2. The rate does not apply to the following: a. Requests originating from public or semi-public coin telephones. b. Requests originating from hospitals or convalescent homes. c. Requests originating from telephone services the Company has determined are used on a continuing basis by a person or persons incapable of using a published telephone directory because of a physical or functional handicap. 3. The allowance is not transferable between separate accounts of the same Customer. 4. One of the following situations constitutes a single request: a. Any "if no answer" or "" number associated with a listing. b. Any suggestion of a way a number may be listed when the original listing cannot be located. c. A final not found" report applies even after checking for alternate listings as shown in 2 above. d. A maximum of two listings from a caption provided to satisfy a request for one number. ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 BY: GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 Original Sheet 8 DIRECTORY SERVICES DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE (Continued) CONDITIONS (Continued) 5. Directory Assistance requests from exempted handicapped persons may be third number billed to a home telephone number. RATES There is a maximum of two requested telephone numbers per customer call. Charqes 1. First three calls, local and/or intrastate, requested from Directory Assistance operator, per line, per month No Charge 2. Each additional call $0. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl 26 ' t.O. SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (;3. BY: ---- Paul E. Pederson , Vice Presi ent EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 6 First Revised Sheet 9 Cancels Original Sheet 9 DIRECTORY SERVICES (D) (D) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE APR 1 0 'APR 24 ' tfi. SECRETARY ISSUED: March 24, 2006 Advice Letter No.BY: ~c;).&.- Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIVE: April 24 , 2006 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 1 OPTIONAL SERVICES IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' GENERAL tfJ. SECRETARY Custom Calling Services are optional services offered in addUion toUregular exchange service to those customers served by central offices arranged to provide such services. The number of Custom Calling Services available depends upon the exchange central office providing the service and is subject to the availability of its facilities. SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS 1 )CALL FORWARDING This service redirects incoming calls to another telephone number. The customer can activate this service by dialing a code and entering the number to which calls should be forwarded. When activated, all calls that are forwarded when the line is idle cause a short ring on the forwarded line as a reminder that the service is active. To deactivate Call Forward, a customer must dial a special access code. All calls forwarded are subject to transmission limitations and all applicable local and long distance charges. This service is available on a flat monthly rate and a pay-per-use basis. Pay-per- use Call Forwarding will have a per activation rate and a monthly price cap. After the monthly price cap has been reached , each activation thereafter will be at no charge. CALL FORWARD - BUSY (CUSTOMER PROGRAMMABLE) This service routes incoming calls to another telephone number when the customer s dedicated number is busy. The customer can activate this service by dialing a code and entering the number to which calls should be forwarded. To deactivate Call Forward - Busy, a customer must dial a special access code. All calls forwarded with this service are subject to transmission limitations and all applicable local and long distance charges. CALL FORWARD - NO ANSWER (CUSTOMER PROGRAMMABLE) This service redirects incoming calls not answered after a predetermined number of rings to another telephone number. The number of rings is determined and set by the Company unless otherwise specified by the customer. The customer can activate this service by dialing a code and entering the number to which calls should be forwarded. To deactivate Call Forward - No Answer, a customer must dial a special access code. All calls forwarded are subject to transmission limitations and all applicable local and long distance charges. \2~ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 BY: EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 First Revised Sheet 2 Cancels Original Sheet 2 OPTIONAL SERVICES CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) CALL FORWARD-BUSYfNO ANSWER This service automatically redirects incoming calls to another telephone number or voice mail service when the customer s line is either busy or the customer's telephone is not answered after a predetermined number of rings. The number of rings is determined and set by the Company unless otherwise specified by the customer. The customer can activate this service by dialing a code and entering the number to which calls should be forwarded. To deactivate the service, the customer must dial a special access code. All calls forwarded are subject to transmission limitations and all applicable local and long distance charges. WAY CALLING This service allows a customer to add a third party to an existing telephone call. To add a third party, the customer depresses the switch hook once to place the current party on hold , receives a dial tone, dials the third party's number, and then depresses the switch hook again to establish the three-way connection. All 3-way calls are subject to transmission limitations and all applicable local and long distance charges. This service is available on a flat monthly rate and a pay-per-use basis. Pay-per-use Way Calling will have a per activation rate and a monthly price cap. After the monthly price cap has been reached , each activation thereafter will be at no charge. WAY CALLING This service allows a customer to call up to five parties and establish a six-way conference call. To activate this service, the customer dials an access code, dials the desired telephone number (calling party must answer), depresses the switch hook to add the calling party to the line, then depresses the switchhook again to receive a new dial tone. If the called party line is busy or there is no answer, the customer must dial a special access code to drop the line. This process needs to be repeated until all parties (up to five) have been connected to the customer s line. All 6-Way Calls are subject to transmission limitations and all applicable local and long distance charges. (T)CALL TRANSFER * This service allows the customer to hold and transfer incoming, out-going and intragroup calls. If the customer has established a three way call, this service will allow the customer to hang up while the other two parties remain connected. Any applicable long distance charges will apply for the duration of the call, even if the customer drops off the call. * As of December 5, 2003, this service will no longer be available to new customers. Once current customers disconnect this service, they will not be able to reestablish it. (N) (N) ISSUED: November 5 , 2003 Advice Letter No.: 03-05P IDAHO PUBLIC UTILlTESlODMNKSSlONcember 5, 2003APPROVED EFFECTIVE BY:DECl - 'DEC 5 - ' Paul E. Pederson, Vice President lfI. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 3 OPTIONAL SERVICES CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) WAY CALLING WITH CALL TRANSFER This service allows the customer to hold and transfer incoming, out-going and intragroup calls. Where the customer originates both legs of a 3-Way Call , those legs will remain bridged together when the subscriber goes on-hook when at least one of the legs is a call for which both the originating and terminating points are served by the same switch. Where the customer originates two interswitch legs of a three-way call , both legs will remain bridged when the subscriber goes on-hook. Any applicable long distance charges will be incurred by the customer originating the call for the duration of the call , even if the customer drops off the call. This feature shall not be used to extend calls on a planned and continuing basis to intentionally avoid the payment in whole or in part of usage charges, toll or otherwise, that would regularly be applicable between the stations bridged together by the Customer. CALL WAITING/CANCEL CALL WAITING This service alerts a customer who is on the phone that another local or long distance caller wants to get through the line. The customer will receive a tone signal to indicate another incoming call and the caller will receive the usual ringing tone. To place the first call on hold and answer the incoming call, the customer depresses the switch hook once. The customer can then toggle between both calls by depressing the switchhook. If the customer hangs up when a call is still on hold, the customer s line will automatically ring back. Cancel Call Waiting allows a Call Waiting customer to deactivate the Call Waiting service by dialing a code. When this service is activated , the customer will not be interrupted by the Call Waiting tone and the incoming caller will receive a busy signal. Call Waiting will remain disabled for the rest of the call , but will be automatically restored upon call termination. 10) HOME INTERCOM - BASIC This service allows customers to redial their own directory number in order to talk to another party at a different extension. To activate this service, customers redial their own directory number and then hang-up. After a short interval, the phone will ring back. Once both parties pick-up the phone , they will be able to have a two- way conversation. This service is also known as Revertive Ringing. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL 2 2 'JUL 26 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (;J r-" BY: ~~ Paul E. Pederson, Vice P sident EFFECTIVE: JUIY ~~ SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 5. OPTIONAL SERVICES CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES (Continued) LIMITATIONS (M) Custom Calling Services require special central office equipment and will be provided only where facilities are available. Custom Calling Services are only available on single-line party service. Custom Calling Services will not be provided in connection with Paystation Service (except for the business line extension), Private Branch Exchange Trunk Line Service, or Centrex Service.(M) (M) Material that now appears on this page was previously located on Sheet 5 of this Section. ISSUED: November 5, 2003 Advice Letter No.: 03-05P IDAHO BLIC EFFECTIVE: December 5, 2003TILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President DECl - 'DEC 5 - ' U). SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TA~FF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 7 OPTIONAL SERVICES CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES RATES AND DISCOUNTS (Continued) MULTI-SERVICE PLAN DISCOUNT, EACH LINE A discount will apply to additional Custom Calling Services subscribed to based on the following: Per Service Credita) Two Servicesb) Three Servicesc) Four Servicesd) Five Servicese) Six Servicesf) Seven Services g) Eight Servicesh) Nine Servicesi) Ten Services Credit Per Month (1.00) (1.50) (2.50) (3.00) (3.75) (5.25) (6.00) (6.75) (7.50) PAY PER USE RATES Trans. Code CFD2 CFD3 CFD4 CFD5 CFD6 CFD7 CFD8 CFD9 CFD1 Per Successful Activation Monthly Cap Call Forwarding Three-Way Calling $0. $0. $4. $5. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' u). SECRETARV ~:UED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice Presi ent EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 8 OPTIONAL SERVICES ADVANCED CALLING SERVICES GENERAL Advanced Calling Services (ACS) are optional services , offered in addition to regular exchange service, which allow customers to efficiently manage the call flow generated over their Exchange Access Line(s). Customers will be able to screen, redirect, or return selected calls. These services offer Customers convenience, time savings, and a greater degree of control over the use of their telephones. Advanced Calling Services are available to residence and business customers where facilities are available. Individual feature availability may differ by exchange. SERVICE DESCRIPTION ANONYMOUS CALL REJECTION This service enables a Customer to reject incoming calls from which a privacy indicator is received. The service is activated by dialing a unique code. When the service is active, the Telephone Company ("Company ) will not complete calls to its customer when the calling party has activated Caller ID blocking services. Such calls will be routed to a Company recorded announcement. Anonymous Call Rejection is included with Caller ID at no charge. CALL REJECTION This service enables a Customer to reject up to a maximum of six (6) preselected incoming telephone numbers from which he/she does not wish to receive calls. To select a telephone number, the Customer dials a unique code and then constructs or modifies a telephone number screening list. add an unknown telephone number to the list, a Customer can activate a code immediately after receiving an unwanted incoming call. The Company equipment will screen incoming calls against the Customer s list and reject those on the list. Callers whose numbers are rejected are directed to a Company recorded announcement. If facilities are unavailable to provide incoming call screening via the Customer s list, standard call completion will occur. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' t"- 11'). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 9 OPTIONAL SERVICES IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ADVANCED CALLING SERVICES JUL22 'JUL 26 ' SERVICE DESCRIPTION (continued)CALL RETURN r ~.~ SECRETARY This service enables the Customer to automatically redial the telephone number of the most recent incoming call. The Company s equipment will make repeated attempts to establish the call for approximately a thirty (30) minute period , beginning with the Customer s activation of Call Return if the most recent incoming call is busy. If the most recent incoming call is blocked, the Customer will get a Company recorded announcement indicating the number is a private number and the call can not be returned. The service cannot be activated for calls originating from a line that is forwarded or from a line not associated with a telephone number, e., multiline hunting groups. Call Return is available on a per usage or flat rate basis. This service will have a per activation rate and a specified number of chargeable activations. After the specified number of chargeable activations, each activation thereafter will be at no charge. PREFERRED CALL FORWARDING This service enables the Customer to forward up to a maximum of six (6) preselected incoming telephone numbers to another telephone number. To forward a telephone number, the Customer dials an activation code and then constructs or modifies a telephone number screening list. The Company equipment will screen incoming calls against the Customer s list and forward only those telephone numbers on the list. Calls forwarded by this service are subject to all applicable local and long distance charges. These calls are also subject to transmission limitations. PRIORITY RINGING This service allows the subscriber to provide up to a maximum of six (6) preselected incoming telephone numbers with a distinctive alerting signal or ring (or a distinctive Call Waiting tone if the Customer has subscribed to Call Waiting), when the Customer receives calls from them. To program a telephone number, the subscriber dials a unique code and then constructs or modifies a telephone number screening list. The Company s equipment will screen incoming calls against the Customer s list and provide the Priority Ringing service for the preselected telephone numbers on the Customer s list. Gj, ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 BY: EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice President IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 14 OPTIONAL SERVICES IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEADVANCED CALLING SERVICES SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' 1 )Special Conditions for Caller ID:t.tJ. SECRETAAY a) An originating caller s data may not be displayed to the called party under the following conditions: The caller s data will not be displayed if the called party is off-hook. The called party must be on-hook to receive the caller data. If the customer subscribes to both Call Waiting and Caller 10 , and is on an existing call, the second incoming call information will not be displayed. Instead, the called party will receive the usual Call Waiting tone. The caller s data will not be displayed if the called party answers the incoming call during the first ring interval. Caller 10 services cannot be provided with any distinctive ringing lines having a maximum silent interval duration that is not long enough to allow transmission of the date message. Identification of names, specific stations or extensions served by a PBX or Key System is not possible. The main directory number or name and number (if available) of the PBX or Key System will be displayed. Caller 10 services cannot be provided if the calling party is from a multi- party line. The called party will receive an "Unavailable" display. The caller s data will be unavailable if it is from another office that is not linked by appropriate facilities with the called party s office. The calling party has activated blocking. Caller ID services do not display a directory number or name and number (if available) for operator assisted calls, calls marked private by the originator or calls originating from pay and party line stations. ~-- EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 15 OPTIONAL SERVICES ADVANCED CALLING SERVICES SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS (continued) 1 )Special Conditions for Caller ID: (continued) b) The following special conditions apply to Caller ID services based on the FCC Caller ID Order effective 12/1/95: If a customer dials a "800" or other Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Service number, the telephone number that they are calling from will be revealed to the called party through ANI technology. Even if the customer has per line blocking or has activated per call blocking, the 800 number party has the right to obtain this information through ANI. ANI information may not be reused or resold for other purposes without a caller s consent, even where the called party has paid for the call. Caller ID services are available on all long distance calls where technically feasible. All calling data will be displayed to E911 through ANI technology, even if the customer has per line blocking or has activated per call blocking. All calling data will be passed, even for customers who do not subscribe to Caller ID. Per Call Blocking will be available to all customers. (The FCC Order overrules all state PUC/PSC decisions on Per Call blocking. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ill. SECRETARY BY:\2 ~-EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 7 Original Sheet 16 OPTIONAL SERVICES ADVANCED CALLING SERVICES SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS (continued) Limitations of Advanced Calling Services: The management of these services is possible only: Where the calling party s data can be forwarded from the central office originating the call to the terminating central office serving the called party; . When both the originating customer and the call terminating customer are served from the same central office; . When both the call originating customer and the call terminating customer are served from different central offices equipped for ACS and are linked by appropriate facilities; If offering Caller ID - Deluxe, the Calling Name will be displayed only where appropriate facilities are available to provide a match of Calling Name to Calling Number. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damages arising out of error interruptions, defects, failures, or malfunctions of ACS Services or equipment. Such damages of services after the Company has been notified , and has had reasonable time for repair, shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the rates charged for the service affected from the time the customer gives notice until service is restored. It shall be the responsibility of the Customer to provide customer premise equipment (CPE) compatible with ACS. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COM ~~~N APPROVED EFFE JUL22 'JUl 26 ' ~. SECRETARY ::UED: June 26, 2002 ~, CZ-. Paul E. Pederson, Vice Pre ident EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 15, 2013 Aug. 8, 2013 Jean D. Jewell Secretary