HomeMy WebLinkAboutCancelled_Potlatch Telephone Sections 8 - 12.pdfIDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 9 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) GENERAL DESCRIPTION Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a public network-based set of communications services that make it possible to send , receive, and modify information using regular telephone facilities. ISDN provides end-to-end digital communications and gives the ability to transmit data and voice over the same telephone line simultaneously. This functionality is provided via channelized transport facilities. The ISDN architecture provides for Primary Rate Interface (PRI) which is typically used when a customer wants to connect large quantities of digital lines to the network. ISDN-PRI uses the ISDN architecture to provide the customer with the capability to transmit voice and data simultaneously over the same digital facility. Under various optional arrangements, PRI provides the customer with access to Circuit-Switched Voice Services and Circuit-Switched Data Services. PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) SERVICE ARRANGEMENT An ISDN-PRI arrangement connects an ISDN-capable Telephone Company central office switch to ISDN-capable customer premise equipment (CPE). Depending on the application, that CPE might be a PBX, a router, a multiplexer, etc. The PRI ISDN arrangement provides a total of twenty-four digital communications channels within a single physical facility. Twenty-three of these channels are called Bearer or B Channels and they carry the actual voice or data. Another channel , called the Delta or 0 Channel, is used to transport signaling for the other 23 channels. This configuration is known as 23B+D. B Channel - The B Channel is a bi-directional synchronous channel capable of supporting digital transmission speeds of 64 kilobits per second (kbps). Each B Channel of a PRI may carry: (1 ) (2) Circuit-Switched Voice Circuit-Switched Data D Channel - The 0 Channel is a 64 kbps digital signaling channel that carries signaling and control for the B Channels. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 r-:; BY: ~ ~ Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIVE: J ~~. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 10 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) SERVICE ARRANGEMENT (Continued) Primary Rate Access Facility - The Primary Rate Access Facility provides a high capacity digital link over which the Primary Rate services are delivered. This facility is based on a 1.544 mbps DS1 carrier (T1 facility). Multiple PRI Arrangement - There may be situations where more than 23 B Channels are needed at a particular customer premise. In those situations, multiple PRI facilities can be assigned to a PRI arrangement. With the multiple PRI arrangement, the 0 Channel in the first PRI facility is used to transport signaling for additional PRI facilities. The first PRI would be configured as 23B+D and the other PRls would be configured as 24B. This use of Non-Facility Associated Signaling (NFAS) allows the overhead of the 0 Channel to be distributed over multiple PRI facilities, thereby increasing channel efficiency. D Channel Backup - In Multiple PRI Arrangements, a second 0 Channel can be assigned (where available) as an automatic backup to the primary 0 Channel. This can be offered when more than one PRI is provided to the same customer in order to provide redundancy of the signaling channel. CIRCUIT SWITCHED SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS Circuit Switching is a switching arrangement in which an entire circuit or B Channel is dedicated to a given call. The circuit is connected on a per call basis and can carry circuit-switched voice or circuit-switched data. Circuit switched related services include: Clear Channel Capability - A characteristic of the transmission paths on the " channel that allows the full bandwidth on the li B" channel, 64 kbps , to be available to the customer. However, ISDN interconnection to non-ISDN equipped central offices will be potentially subjected to analog transmission or sub-rated to 56 kbps. Dedicated Trunk Groups - The B Channels of a PRI can be dedicated for calls to and from the public network: Incoming, Outgoing, 2-way, Direct Outward Dialing (000) or Direct Inward Dialing (DID). IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL 22 'JUL 26 ' d). SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice P sident GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) CIRCUIT SWITCHED SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) Primary Rate Call-By-Call Service - The Primary Rate Call-By-Call (CBC) feature offers access to additional services such as: Foreign Exchange Tie Trunk InWA TS and OutWATS via the B Channels of an ISDN-PRI. With this feature, any B Channel on the PRI can be used to offer the above services on a per-call basis in addition to trunk calls to/from the public network (Le., DODIDID). Multiple Directory Numbers - Each PRI includes an individual directory number. Additional directory numbers, a range of directory numbers, or several ranges of directory numbers can be optionally added. Advanced Calling Services - ISDN-PRI can support access to the following Advanced Calling Services (also called CLASS services) from suitably equipped CPE: Caller ID - Basic- This feature allows the central office and the customer equipment to communicate the calling party directory number on calls carried by the Primary Rate service. The number can then be made available to be displayed on a properly equipped telephone set or adjunct equipment. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' 11). SECRETARY ~:UED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 12 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Transmission Specifications - The Primary Rate Access Facility provides a high capacity digital link over which the Primary Rate services are delivered. This facility is based on a 1.544 Mbps DS1 carrier (T1 facility) whose characteristics are as follows: Line Code Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution (B8ZS) Framing Format Extended Super Frame (ESF) Signaling 931 Signaling Data Rate 64 kbps clear or kbps restricted 0 Channel 24th channel on the T1 facility Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) and Facilities - Compatible CPE is required to utilize ISDN-PRI. All equipment used to interface with these services is required to conform with ISDN guidelines as referenced in the following Bellcore specifications: Document Number Description ISDN Primary Rate Interface Call Control Switching and Signaling Generic Requirements for Class II Equipment TR-NWT-001268 S R -NWT -002343 ISDN Primary Rate Interface Generic Guidelines for Customer Premises Equipment The Telephone Company shall not be responsible if changes in any of the equipment, operations , or procedures of the Company utilized in the provisioning of ISDN services render any facilities provided by the customer obsolete or require modification of such equipment or system , or otherwise affect its use or performance. iDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 JUl26 '02 d\. SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (j BY: ';6J )i1L- Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 13 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS Unless specifically exempted , ISDN services shall be subject to all general regulations applicable to the provision of service by the Telephone Company as stated in the general tariff. ISDN-PRI is provided at the option of the Company. These services are furnished subject to central office switching capacity, capability, and the availability of outside plant facilities. The availability, functionality, and capabilities of ISDN-PRI may vary, or may not be available , dependent upon type of serving central office switch , related software controlling that switch and associated outside plant. (1 )Where facilities are not available, or unusual expenditures are involved in making them available, the customer may be required to pay additional charges to cover the unusual expenditure, or to contract for services beyond the normal service term, or both. (2)Mileage Charges: Provision of the underlying PRI Access facility (T1) is mileage sensitive. As such, additional mileage charges may apply. Payment for Service: The minimum charge period for services provided under this tariff is one month. The customer may choose to pay for the service on a month-to-month basis. Suspension of service is not allowed. Directory Listings: One directory listing is provided without charge for each ISDN- PRI customer. Additional listings may be provided as specified for Additional Listing Service in the Rates & Charges section of this ISDN-PRI tariff. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26 2002 (;i5BY: ~~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pr sident ttJ. SECRETA EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 14 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) Billable Call Treatment: Normal toll charges (including InWA TS and OutWA TS charges) shall apply to calls that are made outside of the Local Service Area. Customer Premise Equipment (CPE): This tariff does not include terminal equipment on the customer s premises. Terminal equipment may be covered under a separate tariff, sold or leased separately by the Telephone Company (under a separate contract), or may be provided by the customer. The customer is responsible for providing the power required for any and all CPE connected to an ISDN-PRI. The Telephone Company shall not be liable for any loss or damages arising out of error, interruptions, defects, failure, or malfunctions of ISDN services or associated equipment. Damages arising out of such interruptions , defects , failures, or malfunctions of the services after the Telephone Company has been notified , and has reasonable time for repair, shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the charges made for the service affected for the period following notice from the customer until service is restored. Service Establishment Charges do not apply for the establishment of the Communication Channels when the customer signs an agreement to subscribe to ISDN-PRI for a minimum of 3 years. If the customer discontinues service prior to the conclusion of the 3 year agreement, the customer will incur a disconnection charge equal to the Service Establishment Charges. The disconnection charge will not apply if the customer purchases other services from the Company which replace ISDN-PRI service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl26 ' dl SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Exchanges: All Section 8 Original Sheet 15 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT INTEGRATED SERVICES DIGITAL NETWORK (ISDN) PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) yJ;g,~J;RYleES DIGITALNETWQRK(ISDN) SERVlCi:: PRI'MRY RATE INTERFACE (PRI) .lSDN.PRI RATE SCHEDULE Montl1lyRate RATES AND CHARGES Included in ISDN-PRI Rate (Communication Channels Mo, Rate) Included in ISDN-PRI Service Establishment (Communications Channels Svc Establishment) b. PRI Access Facility. Mileage Charges (each additional mile) $20.00/each additional mile Included in ISDN-PRI Service Establishment (Communication Channels Svc Establishment) 2. COMMUNICATION CHANNELS: a. B Channels plus D Channel, OR B Channels (Multiple PRI Arrangement) b. T1/PRI Rearrangement Charge (In Lieu of $1 000,00 Service Establishment Charge when the customer already has a T1 in place) $700, $700, N/A $1,000, 000. $200. c. D Channel Backup $100.$150. d. Directory Numbers: Primary Directory Number (w/each ISDN-PRI)No Charge No Charge $25.00/lnitial Service Establishment RequestAdditional Directory Numbers $2.00/Directory Number 3. CIRCUIT SWITCHED FEATURES: a. Features: 1. Clear Channel Capability 2. Call-by-Call Capability for the following: a. Public Network Calls (incoming, outgoing or 2-way trunk calls) b. D/D (1) c. FX: All existing tariff rates apply to FX facilities between CO' d. Tie Facility: All existing tariff rates apply to Tie facilities between CO' e. InWA TS: All existing tariff rates apply to measured InWATS. f. OutWA TS: All existing tariff rates apply to measured OutWATS. No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge $10. $10. No Charge $50. $50. $10. $10. $50. $50. 3. Advanced Calling Services: Caller ID - Basic (per PRI) Included w/ISDN-PRI (Communication Channels Mo. Rate) Included in ISDN-PRI Service Establishment (Communications Channels Svc Establishment) b. Subsequent Feature Additions/Changes: Feature Additions/Changes per PRI N/A $50. c. Move Charge To Move ISDN-PRI Service, perPRI N/A $25. (1) Rates for blocks of numbers are provisioned under the Company s DID tariff. ISSUED: June 26, 2002BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice P esident EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 2 6 ' J1..u..... ill .11.. - g ~"""""_A --- GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 16 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE GENERAL Centrex is a central office-based business communications service that provides capabilities similar to those offered on a Private Branch Exchange, but without requiring switching equipment on the customer s premises. Centrex integrates all of a business customer s lines into a single telecommunications system. All Centrex station lines will be equipped with standard features. Additional optional features may also be selected and generally result in additional charges. The following per-line Centrex rates apply for contract periods ranging from month-to-month to 60 months. The customer is required to pay for the number of months in the service period selected: EXLINERATESCHEDULE FOR " POTLATCH EXCHANGE 24 Months RATES AND CHARGES Centrex Line Rates Number of Centrex Lines2* 22.10 21.50 21.00 20. 5 20.30 19.80 19.20 18. 15 16.80 16.20 15.70 15. 16-25 15.00 14.50 13.90 13.40 26-50 13.20 12.70 12.20 11. 51-100 11.50 10.90 10.40 9.100+ 8.80 8.30 7.80 7. * Rate also applies to single-line off-premise extensions to primary-site Centrex group. 36 Months REX LINEAATE SCHEDULE FOR " " TROY EXCHANGE24 Months 36 MonthsNumber of Centrex Lines2* 23.80 23.20 22.60 22. 5 21.90 21.30 20.70 20.15 18.10 17.50 16.90 16. 16-25 16.20 15.60 15.00 14. 26-50 13.30 12.70 12.20 11. 51-100 10.50 9.90 9.30 8.100+ 8.90 8.40 7.80 7. * Rate also applies to single-line off-premise extensions to primary-site Centrex group. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 '02 JULEFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 zi). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 ( --- BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pre ident --- . h , - ------ GENERAL EXCHANGE TA~FF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 17 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Centrex Line Rates (Continued) Service Charges 1 )Establishment Charqe: A non-recurring service charge will apply for each Centrex line established. These are the only applicable non- recurring charges that apply for the establishment of Centrex lines unless premise work is required. Refer to the service charges section of this tariff for applicable premise work charges. Service Charge Per Line Lines Per Location (Non.recurring Charge) 2 - 5 *$25. 6 - 25 $20. 26-$15. 51 +$10. * Rate also applies to single-line off premise extensions to primary-site Centrex group. Additions/Changes to Individual Station Features: A $5.00 non-recurring additions/changes charge will apply to each Centrex line arranged. IDAHO PUBUC tmlmeS COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE Jtt22 'JUl 26 '02 ~~. SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 CJSL-EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 18 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Centrex Line Rates (Continued) Standard, Non-Chargeable Individual Station Features: The following are standard, non-chargeable individual station features which are included with the Centrex line rate at no charge: (1) Business Group Automatic Identified Outward Dialing(2) Call Park Features:(a) Call Park - Directed(b) Call Park - Local(3) Call Pick-Up Features: (a) Call Pick-Up (non-recurring charge for reprogramming charges only)(b) Call Pick-Up - Directed (non-recurring charge for reprogramming charges only)(4) Call Transfer - Internal Only(5) Centrex Repeat Dialing - Internal Only(6) Direct Inward Dialing (capabilities may be limited by Simulated Facilities)(7) Direct Outward Dialing (capabilities may be limited by Simulated Facilities)(8) Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Indication (9) Do Not Disturb (10) Intercom Dialing (11) 3-Way Calling (12) Touchtone (13) Voice/Data Protection IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl 2 6 ' t!). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: ~, Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 19 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Centrex Line Rates (Continued) Optional, Non-Chargeable Individual Station Features: The following are optional, non-chargeable individual station features which may be added to a Centrex line at no charge: (1 )Call Forwarding Features:(a) Call Forwarding - All Calls (Variable)(b) Call Forwarding - Busy Line(c) Call Forwarding - Don t Answer(d) Call Forwarding - Incoming Only (Option available with (a)-(c))(e) Call Forwarding - Within Group Only (Option available with (a)-(c)) Call Hold Caller Identification-Number - Internal Only Call Transfer - Attendant Call Waiting Features:(a) Call Waiting (Terminating) (may include Cancel Call Waiting)(b) Call Waiting - Incoming Only (may include Cancel Call Waiting) Class of Service Restrictions: (a) Fully-Restricted Line (b) Semi-Restricted Line Off-Premises Station (appropriate Centrex line rates will apply) Single-Digit Dialing Speed Call 8 (customer changeable) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Discount Package Plan: A Centrex customer subscribing to multiple optional chargeable individual station features is eligible to participate in the Discount Package Plan. The Discount Package Plan applies to those optional line features described in Sections 3 and 5: Number of Features Subscribed to Per Centrex Line Number of Features Included When Purchasing Multiple Individual Station Line Features Greater than or equal to 3 features.......... 1 feature of same or lesser value included Greater than or equal to 6 features......... 2 features of same or lesser value included Greater than or equal to 9 features......... 3 features of same or lesser value included Greater than or equal to 12 features....... 4 features of same or lesser value included ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (J rJBY: ~-- Paul E. Pederson, Vice President fD~pOli.H~ qJjJ~~I~M MISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' d). SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 20 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Optional, Chargeable Individual Station Features: The following are optional chargeable individual station features which may be provisioned on any Centrex line at the established monthly tariff rates: Call Transfer - Individual - All Calls Class of Service Restrictions:(1) Toll Restriction (2) Code Restriction & Diversion(3) Outgoing Call Screening Direct Connect Service (a/kla Hot Line) Manual Line Service Night Service Warm Line Advanced Calling Services: (For availability and conditions, see Company s Advanced Calling Services Tariff)(1) Caller 10 - Basic - External 25% off ACS Tariff Rates(2) Other ACS Services 25% off ACS Tariff Rates (excludes Call Trace and Caller ID-Deluxe)(3) Caller 10 - Deluxe (For rate, see Company s Advanced Calling Services Tariff)(4) Call Trace (For rate, see Company s Advanced Calling Services Tariff) Attendant Camp- Call Forwarding - Remote Activation (Add-on to Call FolWarding) Call Waiting Features:(1) Call Waiting - Dial(2) Call Waiting - Originating Way Calling or Conference-Attendant Speed Calling 30-Code (customer changeable) $ . 30 per line $ . 30 per line $ . 30 per line $ . 30 per line $ . 30 per line $ . 30 per line $ . 30 per line $ . 30 per line $1.00 per line $1.00 per line $1.00 per line $1.00 per line $3.00 per line $1.00 per line IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' d). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 21 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Optional, Chargeable Features Associated with Groups of Lines or Centrex Systems: The following are optional, chargeable features/services which may be provisioned on Centrex Groups of Lines or Centrex Systems at the established tariff rates: Account Codes Authorization Codes Automatic Route Selection Features: (1 ) Automatic Route Selection (2) Time-of-Day/Day-of-Week Routing Control(3) Expensive Route Warning Tone(4) Outgoing Queuing Business Group Dialing Plan:(1) Standard Dialing Plan(2) Customized Dialing Plan Centralized Attendant Service Centrex Complex Customer Control Main Satellite Service Music/Message on Hold:(1) Standard Music Audio (audio source resides at telco) $25.00 per month(2) Custom Music/Message Audio $50.00 per month (audio source resides at telco)(3) Custom Music/Message Audio (audio source resides at customer) Special Customer Provided Equipment (CPE) Interface Circuits: (1) Code Calling(2) Improved Radio Paging(3) Loudspeaker Paging(4) Paging Access(5) Recorded Telephone Dictation Special Intercept Announcement:(1) Standard Announcement (audio source resides at telco) $25.00 per month(2) Customer Worded Announcement $50.00 per month (audio source resides at telco)(3) Customer Worded Announcement (audio source resides at customer)(4) Changes to Customer Worded Announcement Station Message Detail Recording No Charge $80.00 non-recurring $25.00 per month + line/trunk circuit tariff rate $5.00 + line/trunk circuit tariff rate $5.00 + line/trunk circuit tariff rate $5.00 + line/trunk circuit tariff rate $5.00 + line/trunk circuit tariff rate $5.00 + line/trunk circuit tariff rate $25.00 per month + line/trunk circuit tariff rate $30.00 non-recurring Rate will be derived from actual cost and filed with the Commission for approval when the Telephone Company receives a request. ISSUED: June 26 200fjBY: ~, ;t~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' /h~ 11\ 11~ gFCRJ;TA~V GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 22 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Hunting Service Optional, Chargeable Hunting Arrangements: The following are optional chargeable hunting arrangement features/services which may be provisioned with Centrex Service at the established rates: (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) Circle Hunting * Regular Hunting * Preferential Hunting * Series Completion * Uniform Call Distribution * Per Line in Hunt Group $ .$ . $ 1. $ . $ 1. Non-Recurring Char~es $10.00 per hunt group $10.00 per hunt group $10.00 per hunt group $10.00 per hunt group $10.00 per hunt group Changes to Hunting Group Arrangements/patterns (Additional Lines/Change Hunting Order) $10.00 non-recurring Hunt Group Options:(1) Queuing for Hunt Group(2) Delay Announcements for Queued Calls:(a) Standard Announcement (audio source resides at telco)(b) Customer Worded Announcement ** (audio source resides at telco)(c) Customer Worded Announcement ** $25.00 per month(audio source resides at customer) + line/trunk circuit tariff rate(d) Changes to Customer Worded Announcement $30.00 non-recurring(3) Stop HunUMake Busy(a) Access Code Activation(b) Key/Switch Activation $ 5.00 each queue sloUmonthly $25.00 per month $50.00 per month 70 per line per month $6.50 per circuit per month IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 2 6 ' Features are included in the Discount Package Plan. JO. SECRETARY ** More than one announcement per UCD group will be charged on an individual case basis. ISSUED: June 26 200tBY: ~~----- Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 23 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE RATES AND CHARGES (Continued) Simulated Facility Groups (SFGs): Simulated Facility Group Arrangements: Non- Monthly Recurring Rate Chan::Je (1)Each Simulated Facility Business N/A (OutWATS , INWATS)One-Party Tariff Rate (2)Rearrangements and changes to Simulated Facilities and routing patterns N/A $15. Normal OutWATS rates (measured time or full business day) will be charged for OutWA TS calls. Normal I NWATS rates will be charged for INWATS calls. Normal Tie Facility rates will be charged for the use of tie facilities. REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS A Centrex customer must have a minimum of two Centrex lines terminating to a primary customer site. The minimum charge period for services provided under this tariff shall be for one month except when the provision of the service requires the construction of additional facilities and/or equipment. The customer will be required to pay all or a portion of the construction and installation charges and/or contract for service beyond the minimum service period in an arrangement agreeable to both the Telephone Company and the customer. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' ~ l!).SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: ~~~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice P esident EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 24 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS (Continued) Centrex is offered subject to the availability of outside plant and/or Central Office facilities. Individual feature availability may differ by exchange. One directory listing is provided without charge for each Centrex line. The customer may choose to pay for the service on a month-to-month basis or under a service contract plan. A month-to-month customer may, at any time convert to a service contract plan by paying the applicable service period plan rate currently in effect. The monthly rate for customers choosing the service period plan is guaranteed against telephone company initiated changes during the selected service contract period. Subsequent line additions/deletions to the original service contract period are stipulated as follows: Subsequent additions will be rated under a new contract or added to an existing contract, based upon the remaining period of the initial contract. If the line addition causes the customer s total Centrex line count at the primary customer location to exceed the threshold of the line count previously contracted, all lines will be billed at the rate for the larger line count. Subsequent line deletions, resulting in reductions equal to or exceeding 30% of the initial quantity of lines under contract, will be considered a termination liability and treated as specified in paragraph C8 below. If the reduction causes the total number of lines to fall into a different line size group, all remaining lines will be billed at rates for the smaller line size group. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' tfi. SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 21, 2010 July 15, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 26 DEFINITIONS SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE The following definition section defines all standard and optional features which either are or may be provided as a part of the Centrex service. The following are standard, non-charqeable individual station features which are included with the Centrex line rate at no charge: Business Group Automatic Identified Outward Dialing Business Group Automatic Identified Outward Dialing provides identification of the calling line or the Centrex Group billing/pilot number on billable calls directed to the public network. Call Park Features: Call Park - Directed Call Park - Directed allows a Centrex user to park (or store) a call against any directory number within the business group and unpark (or retrieve) the call from any other directory number within the business group. Call Park - Local Call Park - Local allows a Centrex user to park (or store) a call against his/her directory number within the business group and unpark (or retrieve) the call from any other directory number within the business group. Call Pick-Up Features: Call Pick- Call Pick-Up enables a station user to answer a call that is ringing at another station within the Centrex Group by dialing an access code. Call Pick-Up - Directed Call Pick-Up - Directed enables a station user to answer a call that is ringing at another station within the Centrex Group by dialing an access code and the ringing station number. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26' SECRETARY EFFEC VE: J Iy 26, 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 / BY: ~&~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice resident GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 27 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) Call Transfer - Internal Only Call Transfer - Internal Only allows a station user to transfer calls to another station within the Centrex Group by flashing the switch hook and dialing the transfer- number. Centrex Repeat Dialing - Internal Only Centrex Repeat Dialing - Internal Only allows the customer to automatically redial the last intercom number dialed. When the recalled telephone number is busy, the Company s equipment will make repeated attempts to establish the call for a thirty (30) minute period beginning with the customer s activation. Direct Inward Dialing Direct Inward Dialing allows Centrex station users to directly receive incoming calls without the assistance of an attendant. Direct Outward Dialing Direct Outward Dialing enables Centrex station user to call outside the Centrex Group directly without the assistance of an attendant. Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Indication Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting Indication allows a Centrex station user to listen to the cadence of the ringing pattern or Call Waiting tone to determine whether a call is coming from within the business or from outside the business. Distinctive Ringing and Call Waiting tones are applied under the following conditions: 1) Pattern A: (normal ringing and Call Waiting tones) is used with intercom calls. These are internal calls that originate within the business; 2) Pattern B: (two short rings or Call Waiting tones) is used with Direct Inward Dialing calls. These are incoming calls that originate outside the business. Pattern B is also used for calls completed by way of the attendant and calls incoming from a tie facility; 3) Pattern C: (short- short-long ringing or three short Call Waiting tones) is used with Dial Call Waiting, Call Waiting-Originating, and Night Service calls. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' d). SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 () (; BY: ~XL.._._- Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 28 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb allows a station user to prevent incoming calls from ringing at his/her station by diverting them to a tone or recorded announcement. This feature can be offered with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) override option that selected callers can dial to override Do Not Disturb. 10. Intercom Dialing Intercom Dialing allows Centrex station users to call other stations within their Centrex Groups by dialing abbreviated codes. 11. 3-Way Calling Way Calling allows a station user to add a third party to an existing call, and thus enables a simultaneous conference between parties at multiple locations. 12. Touchtone Where Central Office facilities are available, a type of high-speed address signaling (dialing) in which buttons in a bank of twelve can be depressed to give one of a group of audio tone pairs for signaling directly over the circuit. 13. VoicelData Protection Voice/Data Protection allows a station user to inhibit intrusion features such as Call Waiting and Operator Verification which are directed to that line when it is busy. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl 26 t 'f-lt). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 ~~ BY: EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 29 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) The following are optional, non-charaeable individual station features which may be added to a Centrex line at no charge: 14. Call Forwarding Features: Call Forwarding - All Calls (Variable) Call Forwarding - All Calls (Variable) enables a station user to divert all incoming calls to another directory number. Activation, deactivation and the forward-to destination are controlled by the station user. Call Forwarding - Busy Call Forwarding - Busy causes all calls to be redirected to an alternate station when the called station is busy. Call Forwarding - Don t Answer Call Forward - Don t Answer allows all calls that terminate to a user s station to be redirected to an alternate station after a predetermined number of rings. Call Forwarding - Incoming Only (Add-on to Call Forwarding) Call Forwarding - Incoming Only is an option that can be used with any of the Call Forwarding features (Call Forwarding - All Calls (Variable), Busy, and Don t Answer) and allows only incoming calls (calls that originate outside the Centrex Group) to be forwarded. Calls from within the group or a private facility are not forwarded. Call Forwarding - Within Group Only (Add-on to Call Forwarding) Call Forwarding - Within Group Only is an option that can be used with any of the Call Forwarding features (Call Forwarding Variable, Don t Answer, and Busy Line) and restricts call forwarding to only directory numbers within the same Centrex group, thus preventing the station user from forwarding calls outside the Centrex group. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILlTIESCOMM'SSlONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 ~~); BY: ~dl~ SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 30 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 15. Call Hold Call Hold allows a station user to place a call on hold in order to initiate a second call , answer a waiting call , consult privately with another party, or return to the previously held call. 16. Caller Identification-Number - Internal Only Caller Identification-Number - Internal Only allows for the display of the calling party s telephone number (intercom number) on calls made within the Centrex Group. This feature requires a special customer-provided display device which may be either attached to the telephone or built into the telephone. Caller Identification- Basic - External (calls from outside the Centrex Group) can be subscribed to at rates established in this tariff. 17. Call Transfer - Attendant Call Transfer - Attendant allows members of a customer group, who do not have station-controlled call transfer capability, to transfer calls with the aid of the attendant. During a call incoming to the customer group via direct distance dialing, the called party can reach the attendant to request the transfer by flashing and dialing the access code to the attendant. The attendant can only transfer the incoming call to another station within the customer group. 18. Call Waiting Features: Call Waiting (Terminating) Call Waiting provides a burst of tone to inform a station user with a call already in progress that another call is waiting to be answered. The station user may answer the waiting call by hanging up or flashing the switchhook. This feature may include Cancel Call Waiting. Call Waiting - Incoming Only Call Waiting - Incoming Only gives the Centrex user a call waiting tone only for calls incoming to his/her group from outside the business. All other calls receive busy tone, and no call waiting tone is provided to the called party. This feature may include Cancel Call Waiting. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26'02 ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vi Sl ent t- LC SECAEWW EFFECTIV : July , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 31 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 19. Class of Service Restrictions: Fully-Restricted Line A Fully-Restricted Line is prevented from making calls to and/or receiving calls from stations outside the Centrex Group. It is also prevented from making calls to and/or receiving calls from the attendant, thereby denying it indirect access to/from outside the Centrex Group. Blocked calls may be routed to reorder tone or a recorded announcement. Semi-Restricted Line A Semi-Restricted Line is prevented from making calls to and/or receiving calls from stations outside the Centrex Group. It may, however, make and/or receive outside calls indirectly via the attendant, Call Forwarding, Call Transfer, and Call Pick-Up features. Blocked calls may be routed to reorder tone or a recorded announcement. 20. Off-Premises Stations Off-Premises Stations enable a secondary business location to access the same Centrex features and services as the main business location. The secondary locations must be served by the same Digital Central Office as the primary location. Appropriate Centrex line rates will be applied to Off-Premises Stations. 21. Single-Digit Dialing Single-Digit Dialing permits a Centrex station user to reach a line or facility, or to access a feature by dialing a single-digit code. The Single-Digit Dialing codes are shared by all users in a Centrex Group and are preprogrammed by the TelephoneCompany. 22. Speed Calling 8-Code (Customer Changeable) Speed Calling 8-Code enables a station user to call a list of up to 8 preselected directory numbers by dialing one-digit codes instead of the directory numbers. This list may be programmed from the Centrex user s telephone set. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 () (\ BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice P esident d). SECRETA EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 32 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) The following are optional. charqeable individual station features which may be provisioned on any Centrex line at established tariff rates: 23. Advanced Calling Services Advanced Calling Services are offered as optional, chargeable features and are outlined in the Advanced Calling Services' section of this Company tariff. Advanced Calling Services are a group of features which allow customers to efficiently manage the call flow generated over exchange access lines. The rates for Advanced Calling Services for Centrex users are defined in this Centrex tariff. 24. Attendant Camp- Attendant Camp-On allows an attendant attempting to transfer a call to a busy station within the Centrex Group to place the call in waiting until the station becomes available. The busy station receives a special call waiting indication and may either flash the switchhook or hang up to answer the camped-on call. 25. Call Forwarding - Remote Activation Call Forwarding - Remote Activation allows the Centrex user to activate and deactivate Call Forwarding from any location. 26. Call Transfer - Individual - All Calls Call Transfer - Individual - All Calls allows the Centrex user to transfer any established call to another person. Calls may be transferred to other parties both within and outside the business. The Centrex user may transfer a call by flashing the switch hook and dialing the station to which the call is to be transferred. When the Centrex user hangs up, the call be will transferred. In addition, this feature may be used to transfer calls to Tie Facilities. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl 2 6 ' If). seCRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (BY: )4L-- Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 33 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 27. Call Waiting Features: Call Waiting - Dial Call Waiting - Dial allows the Centrex user to dial a special code prior to calling another station in the Centrex Group and cause a Call Waiting tone to be applied to the station if it is busy (regardless of whether it has Call Waiting). Once alerted , the station called can either flash the switch hook or hang up to answer the waiting call. Call Waiting - Originating Call Waiting - Originating allows the Centrex user to automatically apply Call Waiting tones whenever he/she calls another station in the Centrex Group and the line is busy, even if the station called does not have the Call Waiting feature. Once alerted , the station called can either flash the switch hook or hang up to answer the waiting call. In contrast to Dial Call Waiting, this feature does not require the Centrex user to dial an access code prior to making the call. 28. Class of Service Restrictions: Toll Restriction Toll Restriction blocks the completion of calls that are directed to the outside operator or to numbers outside the local calling area. Blocked calls may be routed to reorder tone, a recorded announcement or to a designated station (e.g. the attendant). Code Restriction & Diversion Code Restriction blocks the completion of calls that are directed to customer specified area codes (NPAs) and/or central office codes (NXXs). Blocked calls may be routed to reorder tone, a recorded announcement or to designated station (e.g. the attendant). IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26' III SECRETARY ~Q- Paul E. Pederson, Vice President ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 34 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 28. Class of Service Restrictions: (Continued) Outgoing Call Screening Outgoing Call Screening blocks the completion of calls to specific directory numbers (3, 6, 7 , or 10 digit basis). Blocked calls may be routed to reorder tone , a recorded announcement or to a designated station (e.g. the attendant). 29. Conference - Attendant Conference - Attendant allows an attendant to initiate a conference call of up to six parties (including the attendant). The selection of a special Conference Attendant can be done from any subscribing station within the same customer group by dialing a specific access code. 30. Direct Connect Service (a/kla Hot Line) Direct Connect Service allows a station user to automatically place a call to a preselected directory number by lifting the receiver off the switch hook. No dialing is required for the calling party to reach the specified destination. 31. Manual Line Service Manual Line Service automatically places a call to the operator when the station user lifts the receiver off the switchhook. 32. Night Service Night Service allows calls directed to the attendant to be re-routed to predesignated station lines within the same Centrex Group when the attendant position is not staffed (i.e., evening hours, weekends). 33. 6-Way Calling Way Calling allows the Centrex user to sequentially call up to five other people and add them together to make up a six-way call. The Centrex user must first dial an access code to implement this feature. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 '02 JUl26 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY. Paul E. Pederson , Vice President t- an. SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 35 SPECIALIZED ACCESS/TRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 34. Speed Calling 30-Code (Customer Changeable) Speed Calling 30-Code enables a station user to call a list of up to 30 preselected directory numbers by dialing one-digit codes instead of the directory numbers. This list may be programmed from the Centrex user s telephone set. In addition, Speed Calling 30 lists may be shared by multiple users within a Centrex Group. When the list is shared , only one user is allowed to change the list. 35. Warm Line Warm Line provides a time-out option with either Direct Connect Service or Manual Line Service. The time-out interval may be set at 1 to 14 seconds. During the time- out interval , a station user will receive normal dial tone and can originate calls. However, after the time-out interval expires , a call is automatically set up and routed to the specified destination. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl2 2 'JUl 26 '02 t- t1). SECRETARV ~:U ED: June 26, 2002 ~-- Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 36 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) The following are optional. charaeable features/services which may be provisioned on Centrex Groups of lines or Centrex Systems at established tariff rates: 36. Account Codes Account Codes allow the Centrex user to add an account code for allocating charges. These charges can be printed out on a report or made part of the monthly phone bill. 37. Authorization Codes Authorization Codes allow the Centrex user to dial a special code prior to making a call and override the dialing restrictions at a particular station. 38. Automatic Route Selection Features: Automatic Route Selection Automatic Route Selection provides a list of route choices (OutWA TS , tie facilities, public carriers, direct distance dialing and foreign exchange) for each outgoing call. The routes on the list are searched sequentially and automatically for idle facilities until an idle facility is found or all route selections are determined unavailable. Time-of-DaylDay-of-Week Routing Control Time-of-Day/Day-of-Week Routing Control allows the list of facility groups over which the Automatic Route Selection feature hunts to complete a given cali to be manually altered based on Time-of-Day and/or Day-of-Week considerations. Expensive Route Warning Tone Expensive Route Warning Tone provides a per-call method of cost control by giving the Centrex user a tone when a call is being routed over the most expensive facility in the group. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' tf). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 ' ,'--- BY: ~ ~ - Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pr sident EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 37 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 38. Automatic Route Selection Features: (Continued) Outgoing Queuing Outgoing Queuing allows outgoing calls to be placed into a queue and wait for an available facility when all allowed/available facilities are in use. When a facility becomes idle, the call can be made. This feature allows callers to automatically be placed in waiting for an outgoing facility on either an on-hook or off-hook basis. 39. Business Group Dialing Plan A Business Group Dialing Plan enables a Centrex Group to have a unique dialing scheme which includes Intercom Dialing; access to an attendant, private network and/or special facilities using 1 to 5 digit codes; Single-Digit Dialing; and customized feature activation/deactivation codes. Each Centrex Group may use either a standardized or a customized Business Group Dialing Plan. 40. Centralized Attendant Service Centralized Attendant Service provides a centralized attendant group for the business which is distributed over geographically separate switching systems. Attendants are normally located at one location and all calls requiring attendant assistance (for all locations) are routed to the attendant location. 41. Centrex Complex Centrex Complex allows the association of multiple Centrex Groups in a single system. All Centrex Groups within the Complex share intercom calling privileges but may have separate private facility groups or separate dialing plans. 42. Customer Control Customer Control allows for the ability to change the operation of certain features via the attendant console. The features which may be changed are Time-of- DaylDay-of-Week Routing Control, Outgoing Queuing and Authorization Codes. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 ' d). SECRETARY JUL 26 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (J ~( ~ BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 38 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 43. Main Satellite Service Main Satellite Service allows the Centrex user to tie together several business locations which may be serviced from different central office switches. All attendant services are normally provided from the "main" location, and this location is the only one with a listed directory number. Tie trunks connect all locations for intercom calling. 44. Music/Message on Hold Music/Message on Hold provides music/message for calls put on call hold (or parked) by Centrex subscribers. The music/message and audio source may be telephone company provided or customer provided. Standard Music Audio - Standard Music and audio source is provided by the telephone company-Music is only available for Standard. Custom Music/Message Audio (audio source resides at telco) - The production of the Custom Music/Message is provided by the customer. The telephone company reserves the right to refuse any audio source equipment in or on the telephone company s premises due to physical size, electronic emissions, safety concerns, etc. Custom Music/Message Audio (audio source resides at customer) - The production of the Custom Music/Message is provided by the customer. The audio is located at the customer s premises and a line/trunk tariff will apply and be necessary to supply the Music/Message to the telephone company. 45. OutWATS,INWATS, and Tie Facilities: OutWATS OutWA TS is a form of Direct Distance Dialing service that allows a station user to place long distance calls to specified geographical areas at reduced rates. Each OutWA TS call is screened to ensure that the call destination is within the band limits of the OutWA TS station user. Simulated Facility Groups may be used to control the number of simultaneous OutWATS calls that can be made from a business. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl26 ' EFFECTIVE: frr-~~ SECRETARVISSUED: June 26, 2002 (BY: ~~--- Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 39 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 45. OutWATS, INWATS, and Tie Facilities: (Continued) NWATS INWATS service provides the ability to receive calls which would be dialed as 800-type numbers. This allows individuals calling a business to do so without incurring toll charges. Simulated Facility Groups may be used to control the number of simultaneous INWATS calls that can be made to the business. Tie Facilities Tie Facility Access allows the Centrex user to make and receive calls to other switches via Tie Facilities. For outgoing Tie Facilities, stations in the business dial a special access code. Access to Tie Facilities can be controlled or restricted by Simulated Facility Groups. 46. Special Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) Interface Circuits: Special CPE Interface Circuits provide access to special customer-owned equipment, such as paging equipment, code calling equipment, dictation and radio paging equipment by dialing an intercom or access code. Depending upon the customer-owned equipment used, either line circuits or trunk circuits will be required: Code Calling Code Calling allows for dial access via an access code to connect to a customer-provided signaling device using a bell or some other audible signal. During the time that the user is on the line to the device, the person called can pick up any line within the Centrex Group and dial a code to automatically connect to the user. Improved Radio Paging Improved Radio Paging allows attendants and other users to page other people in the business using radio paging equipment. Anyone receiving a page can establish a connection by dialing a code from a Centrex phone. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILmESCOMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl 26'02 11). SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002~:UED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 40 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 46. Special Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) Interface Circuits: (Continued) Loudspeaker Paging Loudspeaker Paging allows dial access via an access code to page someone on the business' premises. The user can use this feature when someone is on hold , but the person on hold cannot be transferred to the paging device. Paging Access Paging Access allows selected stations to have dial access to customer- provided loudspeaker paging equipment. A line or a tie-trunk is required to support the customer s paging equipment. Recorded Telephone Dictation Recorded Telephone Dictation allows the Centrex user to connect a telephone dictation machine so that users can dial an access code and dictate information. 47. Special Intercept Announcement A Special Intercept Announcement may optionally be used to address the following conditions: a) If a Centrex station user dials a code which is not defined or assigned in the Business Group Dialing Plan , or b) If the call is restricted due to various restriction arrangements (Le., Semi-Restricted, etc. 48. Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) SMDR provides detailed call information on billable and non-billable calls made from the Centrex Group. This feature requires special equipment which must be located on the customer s premises. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl26 ' d1. SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 41 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) The following are optional, chargeable hunting features which may be provisioned with Centrex Service at established tariff rates: 49. Hunting Arrangements: Circle Hunting Circle Hunting allows calls directed to busy stations in the middle of the hunt group to search through to the end of the hunt group and then return to the beginning of the hunt list in search of an idle station. The caller is connected to the first idle station encountered. Preferential Hunting Preferential Hunting allows any station in a Hunt Group to have its own (preferential) hunting list. If a call is made to a station with a Preferential Hunting list assigned to it, and that station is busy, the preferential list is first hunted until an idle station is found. If an idle station is not found on the preferential list, the hunt will proceed to the entire hunt group. Regular Hunting Regular Hunting or Linear Hunting is performed in a sequential fashion across all members of a Multiline Hunt Group. The search for an idle station starts with the pilot number. If the first station is busy, the group is sequentially hunted until an idle station is found. If there are no idle stations available, the caller receives a busy signal. Series Completion Series Completion is a hunting arrangement in which individual stations always have their own directory numbers and classes of service. Two different hunting arrangements can be selected with Series Completion: linear or circle. Uniform Call Distribution Uniform Call Distribution is intended to distribute calls evenly among the stations in a Hunt Group. When a caller is connected to an idle station, the location of the next station is marked as the starting point for hunting when the next incoming call is received. Once hunting begins, it proceeds in a circular manner until an idle station is found. (2, ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: EFF'ltYIHt5~d~L~a~WEs COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl 2 6 'Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL22 ' tn. SECRETARV GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 42 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT CENTREX SERVICE DEFINITIONS (Continued) 50. Delay Announcements for Queued Calls Delay Announcements can optionally be used to inform a caller that his or her call has been placed in a queue. The delay announcement can be repeated at regular intervals until an idle station becomes available. 51. Make Busy Features: Make Busy Make Busy can be used to temporarily make a particular station in a Hunt Group appear busy to incoming callers. Make Busy causes the hunt to skip over a station during the search for an idle station. Group Make Busy Make Busy can be used to temporarily make a group of stations or an entire Hunt Group appear busy to incoming callers. Make Busy causes the hunt to skip over a group of stations during the search for an idle station and is operated via a physical switch. 52. Queuing for Hunt Groups Queuing may optionally be used when all stations in a Hunt Group are busy. When this occurs , a call is placed into a queue. The call remains in the queue until an idle station is located. Up to ten calls can be in queue for a Multiline Hunt Group. Queuing cannot be provided for Preferential Hunt Groups or Series Completion Groups. 53. Stop Hunt Stop Hunt allows a station user to stop the normal hunting process at a predetermined point. Activating this feature at a particular station in a Hunt Group will cause the search for an idle line to stop there. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26'02 11). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: ~ - Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pre dent EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 First Revised Sheet 43 Cancels Original Sheet 43 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT DIGITAL TRANSPORT SERVICE GENERAL Digital Transport Service (DTS) provides customers with a cost effective option to deliver voice grade service from the serving Central Office to a customer s premises. DTS is only provided with a DS1 Channel (1.544 Mbps) as provisioned in the Local Private Line tariff. DTS supports Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service, Dedicated 800 Service, and Local Exchange Business Trunks. The primary users of this service include Internet Service Providers and owners of PBX Systems. DEFINITIONS DSO - One voice grade circuit. This circuit generally has a 64 Kbps transmission speed. DS1 - Digital facility that is equivalent to 24 DSOs. Total transmission speed is 1.544 Mbps. REGULATIONS DTS is subject to the availability of central office equipment and appropriate outside plant facilities. The rate structure for DTS requires charges for Trunk Terminations , DS1 facility, Digital Interface Termination and Subscriber Line Charges (SLC). The Digital Interface Termination rate is available on a month to month basis or under variable rate periods with rates based on lengths of 12 months, 36 months and 60 months. The total number of Trunk Terminations activated by the customer may not exceed the capacity of each DS1 facility. Applicable F.C. charges will be assessed per the NECA F.C. Access Tariff No.(C) (C) 6. Additional charges for Central Office services and features , such as telephone numbers associated with Direct Inward Dialing (DID) Service, are applicable when appropriate , as specified elsewhere in this tariff. ISSUED: February 15, 2006 ::Vice Letter No. 06 ~ Q Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: March 17 2006 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE MAR 1 - MAR 1 7' lfi.1J"wJJ g~"-D~A ....~ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 21, 2010 July 15, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 21, 2010 July 15, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 46 SPECIALIZED ACCESS/TRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT DEDICATED DS1 SERVICE GENERAL Dedicated DS1 Service is a point-to-point intraexchange service that provides for simultaneous two-way transmission at 1.544 Megabits per second (Mbps). This service only transmits digital signals and uses only digital transmission facilities. Dedicated DS1 service and its features are offered subject to the availability of central office equipment and appropriate outside plant facilities. This service is specifically designed for customers that require dedicated OS 1 facilities from a TDS TELECOM Central Office to their location. DEFINITIONS Clear Channel Capability - An optional feature of DTS that allows a customer to transport 1.536 Mbps on a 1.544 Mbps line with no constraint on quantity or bit sequence. DS1 - Digital facility that is equivalent to 24 DSOs. Total transmission speed is 1.544 Mbps. DiQital Local Channel - A transmission path for Dedicated DS1 Service furnished from the Central Office to the demarcation point on the customer s premises. REGULATIONS Dedicated DS1 Service is available for a minimum service period of one month. Dedicated DS1 Service is available on a month-to month basis or under variable rate periods, with rates based on lengths of 12 months, 36 months and 60 months. Rates for Dedicated DS1 under contract will not be increased by Company initiative until the contract period expires. Rates in effect at the time the service is installed will be applicable until the contract expires. Upon expiration of the customer current payment period option , the customer may select a new payment period option at current rates or revert to current rates on a month-to-month basis. For channelization of Dedicated DS1 Service, please see Digital Transport Service listed in Section 8, Sheets 43 through 45. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 ~ BY: ~~ ~L_ Paul E. Pederson, Vice Pre ident EFFECTIVE: J ~~ SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective June 21, 2010 July 15, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 8 Original Sheet 48 SPECIALIZED ACCESSITRANSMISSION ARRANGEMENT DEDICATED DS1 SERVICE (Continued) RATES AND CHARGES The following rates apply on a per customer basis, regardless of the number of terminating locations. Recurring Rates 60 Months 1 Channel 2 Channels 3+ Channels Monthly Trans Rate Code $230.T1MM1 200.T1 MM2 200.T1 MM3 210.T1 L 11 180.T1 L 12 160.T1 L 13 190.T1 L31 160.T1 L32 140.T1 L33 180.T1 L51 150.T1 L52 130.T1 L53 Non-recurring Trans Char Code $700.T1 DOC 650.T1C1 500.T1 C2A 350.T1 CCC Month to Month 1 Channel 2 Channels 3+ Channels 12 Months 1 Channel 2 Channels 3+ Channels c) 36 Months 1 Channel 2 Channels 3+ Channels Non-recurring Charges Design Order Charge, Per Order Installation Charge , First Channel Installation Charge, Second and Additional Channels, per common end Clear Channel Capability ISSUED: June 26, 2002 - . .r--..., ~~------ EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' /1..1"'" .l\ 11,._0 I ~......__._. GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 9 Original Sheet 1 SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES GENERAL 1. A service charge consisting of one or more of the charges shown in this section is applicable for connections or additions to present services undertaken at customer request. 2. Non-recurring service charges are in addition to rates and any other charges normally applying under the tariffs, except where such application is specifically excluded. They apply in addition to installation , outside move , change, termination or construction charges specifically stated in connection with the various services described in the Company s tariffs. The non-recurring charges in this tariff section also apply for service connection or change of miscellaneous services that have no other non-recurring charge. 3. Payment of Service Charges a. Payment of service charges for the initial establishment of service may be required prior to the establishment of service. 4. The charges specified herein do not contemplate work begun being interrupted by the customer. If the customer interrupts work once begun, a charge in addition to the specified charges will be made equal to the additional cost involved. CONDITIONS These charges are intended to cover the expense incurred by the Company in conjunction with the following: Establishment of service. Change in location of a service to other premises. Transfer of service from one customer to another. Restoration of service disconnected for nonpayment. Charges shown in this schedule are based on work being performed during regularly scheduled working hours of the Company s employees. Work performed with overtime labor costs will be performed at direct cost to the customer. Hourly rate schedules are available at the company s business office. In instances where a premise visit is required to restore service, the line connection charge plus the service order charge will apply. When service can be restored at the central office, the central office charge plus the service order charge will apply. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 _. ~.__._-- EFFIf5I~YiPdEt~a~rteR1Es COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President JUl22 'JUL 26 '02 th SEc~mJW ...__ ll_..u. ;.!.- -_.-.......... GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 9 Original Sheet 2 SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES APPLICATIONS 1. Service Order Charge a. The service order activity is classified as either Initial, Subsequent or Record Only Charge. The charges are applicable for work done in receiving, recording, and processing information necessary to execute each customer request for connections of service (Initial Order Charge applies), to each order for a move change, or addition to existing service (Subsequent Order Charge applies) or to each requested change which only involves changing the Company s records (Record Only Order Charge applies). b. A single service order will be issued for all work or service ordered to be performed or provided at the same time on the same premises. Service order charges apply separately where business and residence service are located on the same premises. c. One Service Order Charge is applicable for each mileage circuit between points on separate premises. Multiple channels between the same points , or multipoint channels, or additional stations on mileage channels , ordered at the same time are included under the same Service Order Charge. d. Unless otherwise specified, the appropriate Service Order Charge is applicable for a customer order for equipment or service , and is in addition to any Initial Non-Recurring Charge which may be applicable for the equipment or service furnished. e. The Service Order Charge is applicable , but not limited to the following customer requests that do not involve line connection or premises work. 1) Changes or additions involving Directory Listings. 2) Changes in the name, responsibility or billing address. 3) Changes in service requested by a customer that requires the issuance of a service order. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl26 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 : -- \ r-- ;y~ BY. -I. Paul E. Pederson, Vice President t!). SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 ,..-_-....- J"""""'~~. ."-- ",.,.-,,,-,",y IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 9 Original Sheet 4 SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES APPLICATIONS (Continued) 3. Line Connection Charge (Continued) c. Line Connection Charges would not be applicable for customer service requests which do not require work, performed on plant facilities. RATES Non-Recurring Trans Char Code Service Order Initial- Residence $26.SOCR - Business $28.SOCB Subsequent - Residence $12.SOSR - Business $12.SOSB Record Only - Residence $7.SORR - Business $8.00 SORB Central Office Charge - Residence $6.COWR - Business $6.COWB Line Connection Charge - Residence $21.LCR - Business $21.LCB ~~R6~~~C UTILITIES COMMISSION EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl 2 6 ' ~10.SECRETARY ~:UED: June 26, 2002 ~ ~-- Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TA~FF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 9 Original Sheet 5 SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES EXCEPTIONS 1. Service Charges Do Not Apply to: a. Visits to a customer s premises solely for the purpose of repair maintenance or disconnection of Telephone Company provided service and equipment. b. Upgrades in service, or concurrent moves or changes necessitated by a change in the class or grade of service or by a change in central office operation. c. Service reestablished after the destruction of the customer s premises by fire flood, or other similar causes beyond the customer s control, where the same amount of service is reestablished within a reasonable period of time at the same or different location. If, under the preceding conditions, service is installed at another location and then subsequently reestablished at the original location Service Charges will apply for the subsequent installation. d. A change from listed telephone service to unlisted or nonpublished telephone service necessitated by communications, which are received that are of an annoying, foul or profane nature. e. A change of telephone number when initiated by the Company. f. Moves or changes required for the proper maintenance of service. g. Moves or changes made at the initiative of the Company for service reasons.h. Installations made in response to Company promotional offerings. Such offerings will be made for defnied time periods after giving the Commission at least fifteen (15) days written notice. i. Establishment of or changes to Custom Calling or Advanced Calling Services. RESTORAL OF SERVICE CHARGE 1. In the event service is temporarily suspended for nonpayment of charges, such service will be restored upon payment of: All charges due. A charge equivalent to the Subsequent Service Order Charge and Central Office Charge will apply to each customer service disconnected for nonpayment. 2. When a customer s service has been disconnected in accordance with this Tariff and the service has been terminated through the completion of a Company "out" service order, service will be reestablished only on the basis of an application for new service or an "" order and the service connection charges. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ~:u ED: June 26, 2002 2, ~~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: JUI~ SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 9 Original Sheet 6 SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES RESTORAL OF SERVICE CHARGE (Continued) 3. When at the request of a customer service is temporarily suspended (vacation/seasonal), Service Charges equal to the sum of the Initial Ordering Charge and C.O. Charge will apply for the subsequent restoral of that service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl26 ' t- III SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 ( AI BY: YJ,/~ )6'l-. --_. Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 16, 2012 Aug 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 16, 2012 Aug 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 16, 2012 Aug 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective July 16, 2012 Aug 1, 2012 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Jan. 12, 2016 Jan. 17, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 12 Original Sheet 1 N11 SERVICES General (N) In compliance with FCC Order 00-256 in CC Docket 92-105 and subsequent orders, N11 Service N11") establishes a three-digit local dialing arrangement in the Central Office that automatically transfers "N11" calls to another pre- programmed telephone number (point-to number) determined by the N 11 Subscriber. Definitions The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) administers the N11 codes, and has nationally assigned 211 , 311 , 511 , 711 , and 811 to the following special services. 211" 211 is assigned for community information and referral services. 311" 311 is assigned for non-emergency police and other governmental information. 511" 511 is assigned for traffic and transportation information. 711" 711 is assigned for access to Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS). 811 " 811 is assigned for state One Call Services for providing advance notice of excavation activities to underground facility operators. Conditions and Limitations Requests for utilization of the N11 dialing code must be submitted in writing to the state regulatory authority, consistent with applicable state law for the assignment of the N11 code. N11 service is provided subject to the availability of the N11 code and where facilities permit. Only one 7 digit or 10 digit or 800 toll-free number may be used as the lead number per basic local calling area. Directory listings may be provided for N11 under the terms, conditions, and rates specified in Section 6 of this Tariff.(N) ISSUED: February 5 , 2007 Advice Letter NO.BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FEB26 'MAR 7 - ' tn. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 12 Original Sheet 2 N11 SERVICES (Continued) C. Conditions and Limitations (Continued)(N) 5. Access to N 11 is not available to the following classes of service: . 0+0- (credit card, third-party billing, collect calls) 101XXXX In addition, operator assisted calls to the N11 Subscriber will not be completed. 6. Suspension of N11 Service is not allowed. 7. The N 11 Subscriber will subscribe to adequate telephone facilities initially and subsequently as may be required to adequately handle calls to N 11 without impairing the Company s general telephone service or telephone plant. 8. The Company will provide both oral and written notification when a N11 Subscriber service unreasonably interferes with or impairs other services rendered to the public by the Company or by other Subscribers of N 11. The Company reserves the right once notification is made to institute protective measures up to and including termination at any time and without further notice. The Company may take protective measures when the N11 Subscriber make no modification or is unwilling to accept modification in method of operation , or continues to cause service impairments. 9. Calls to N11 will be delivered over existing facilities. If the N11 Subscriber requires different facilities or services; the terms, conditions, and rates for those services found elsewhere in this tariff will apply. 10. N11 Service does not provide calling number information in real time to the N11 Subscriber. If the N11 Subscriber needs this type of information, the Subscriber must subscribe to a compatible Caller Identification Service as specified elsewhere. 11. The company will provision the Subscriber's order within a reasonable time, given the complexity of the order. The N11 Subscriber will be billed the charges when the service is provisioned by the Company. If the N11 Subscriber cancels the order or decides to discontinue service, the N11 code will be recalled and the number will be considered available for reassignment. Any non- recurring charges associated with the establishment of service may not be refunded or waived.(N) ISSUED: February 5, 2007 Advice Letter No. 07 BY: ';G:Q ~ ~ Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTJl!E:. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FEB 26 MAR 7 - ' ~.n. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 12 Original Sheet 3 N11 SERVICES (Continued) Conditions and Limitations (Continued)(N) 12. If the point-to number provided by the N11 Subscriber is disconnected, the Company will route the N11 call to a pre-recorded announcement for 60 days. The announcement will advise the N11 caller that the service is not available. 13. The Company only provides N11 dialing to its own customers. The N11 Subscriber should work separately with other providers of telecommunication services for the arrangement of N11 to their customers. 14. The N11 Subscriber is responsible for obtaining all necessary permission licenses, written consents, waivers and releases, and all other rights from all persons whose work, statements or performances are used in connection with the service, and from all holders of copyrights, trademarks, and patents used in connection with said service. 15. The N 11 Subscriber is restricted from selling or transferring the N 11 code to an unaffiliated entity, either directly or indirectly. 16. The N11 Subscriber shall abide by all terms and conditions, which may be identified by the FCC in CC Docket 92-105 or subsequent dockets regarding the use and return of the N11 dialing code. The N11 Subscriber will be required to migrate to any access arrangement offered in the Company s tariff within the required notice period. If a recall is ordered, the company will work with the N11 Subscriber affected by such recall to transfer their service arrangements within the required notice period. The N11 Subscriber will be charged the appropriate tariff rates for the establishment of the new access arrangement. 17. The N11 Subscriber, will be liable for, and will indemnify, protect, defend and save harmless the Company against all suits, actions, claims, demands and judgments and of all costs , expenses and counsel fees incurred on account thereof, arising out of and resulting directly or indirectly from the service or in connection therewith, including but not limited to, any loss, damage, expense or liability resulting from any infringement or claim of infringement, or any patent, trademark , copyright, or resulting from any claim of liable and slander. 18. The Company is not responsible for any and all complaints lodged with any regulatory authority against any service provided via N11.(N) ISSUED: February 5, 200 Advice Letter No. 07 ~BY: ~, Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FEB26 'MAR 7 - ' ~~. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 12 Original Sheet 4 N11 SERVICES (Continued) Conditions and Limitations (Continued)(N) 19. The Company may take all legal and practical steps to disassociate itself from N Subscribers whose business and/or public conduct (whether demonstrated or proposed) is of a type that in the Company s discretion generates unacceptable levels of complaints by end users. 20. The Company will not be responsible for calls that cannot be completed as a result of repair or maintenance difficulties in Company facilities and equipment or on equipment owned or leased by the Subscriber. 21. The Company, its employees, or its agents are not liable to any person for civil damages resulting from or caused by any act or omission in the development design, installation , operation, maintenance, performance or provision of N11 service, except for willful or wanton misconduct. 22. This service will also be subject to the general regulations of the Company as listed in Section 2 of this tariff. Rates and Charges N 11 Subscribers will pay the normal tariffed charges for the local exchange access arrangements used for transporting and terminating messages at the N 11 Subscriber designated premises. Service Order Charge, per point-to number Nonrecurring Charqe (1 ) Central Office Switch Activation Charge Per Central Office Switch Translated or Changed $85. (1) Service Order Charges as specified in Section 9 will apply.(N) BY: ~ ~ Paul E. Pederson, EFFECiB)(~ PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: February 5, 2007 Advice Letter No. 0 FEB 26 'MAR 7 - ' ~ ti).~ SECRETARY