HomeMy WebLinkAboutCancelled_Potlatch Telephone Sections 1- 4.pdfGENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho First Revised Title Page Cancels Original Title Page TITLE LP.C. No.5 - Telephone Potlatch Telephone Company Potlatch , Idaho d/b/a TDS Telecom TARIFF FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE Effective in the Towns of Kendrick - Juliaetta - Troy IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE APR 1 8 'APR 1 - ' t-Ifl SECRETARY (N) (N) ISSUED: March 2, 2005 ::~ice Lette~ ~1 Paul E. Ped rson, Vice President EFFECTIVE: April 1 , 2005 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Title Page 2 TITLE EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS The following symbols are applicable to all sections of this tariff. (C) To signify changed rate, regulation or condition. (0) To signify discontinued rate, regulation or condition. (I) To signify increase. (M) Move from one page to another with no change to text, regulation or tariff. (N) To signify new rate, regulation or condition. (R) To signify reduction. (S) To signify reissued matter. (T) To signify change in text but no change in rate or regulation. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COM ~~~N APPROVED EFFE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' Jf:I. SECRETARY ~:UED June 26, 2 ~ Q Paul E. Pederson , V e President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 9, 2016 May 28, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Feb. 9, 2015 March 4, 2015 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 1 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS The regulations set forth herein apply to intrastate services and facilities furnished withinthe state of Idaho by Potlatch Telephone Company, hereinafter referred to as the Company, subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. No officer, employee or agent of the Company has authority to change, amend or waive any rate or regulation approved or prescribed by the Commission. Rates and regulations may be changed or cancelled only with the consent or approval of the Commission. The Company furnishes exchange, toll and private line service throughout the territory it serves, as shown by its filed rates, regulations and maps. The Company also furnishes interexchange toll service to the territory served by connecting companies, subject to their rates and regulations. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES Advance Payments a. At the time an application for service is made, an applicant may be required to pay an amount equal to at least one month's local service rate plus installation charges that may be applicable in addition to such special construction charges as are to be borne by the applicant. The amount of the advance payment is credited to the customer account on a pro-rated basis , beginning with the first bill rendered. b. Federal, State or Municipal governmental agencies may not be required to make advance payments. Deposits for Residential Service a. If it is deemed necessary by the Company in safeguarding its interests and in accordance with the criteria outlined in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission s Rulesand Regulations governing customer relations, applicants for service or present customers may be required to make a deposit. b. The deposit amount shall not exceed two month's average billing of local service and toll usage for new customers within the State of Idaho. When a deposit may be required under rules 1.1A or 1.1 B of the Commission s Rules and Regulations, the deposits will be based upon two month's local service for the new location and two months' toll usage as reflected by his/her former account. c. The deposit may be monitored for as long as the deposit is required and may be increased when toll usage in a one-month period exceeds by $50.00 or more the portion of the customer s deposit covering one month's toll usage. This portion equals one-half the deposit less the customer s non-toll monthly obligations. ~~UED: June 26, 20 \2 Paul E. Pederson, Vi e President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 26 ' 4-. t!). !1:twJ1 ~i:=t"DCTJI GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 2 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) Deposits for Residential Service (Continued) d. The fact that a deposit has been made shall in no way relieve the customer from complying with the Company s regulations as to the prompt payment of bills , nor constitute a waiver or modification of the regular practices of the Company providing for the temporary suspension of service or the termination of the contract for non-payment of bills. e. Interest will be payable on all deposits at the rate provided in Idaho Code 9 28-22-104. Interest will accrue from the date of deposit or deposit installment is made until the date of refund or application to the customer s telephone bill. Interest will not accrue on a deposit or deposit installment if: a. Service is discontinued temporarily at the request of a customer who leaves the deposit with the utility for future use as a deposit, or b. Service has been permanently discontinued and the utility has been unsuccessful in its attempt to refund a deposit. Upon termination of service, the deposit with accrued interest shall be credited to the final bill, and the balance shall be returned promptly to the customer. The deposit, with accrued interest, shall be refunded promptly upon satisfactory payment by the customer of all proper charges for telephone service for a period of twelve consecutive months. The Company may retain the deposit pending resolution of a termination dispute, continuing to pay interestif the resolution is in the customer s favor. The Company may refund a deposit plus accrued interest in whole or part at any time before the time prescribed above. g. Deposits are not transferable from one customer to another, when a customer who has a deposit on file transfers his/her service to a new location within the Company s service area the deposits and any outstanding balance shall be transferred to the account for the new location. Deposit for Non-Residential Customers Deposits for non-residential basic exchange and toll service shall be refunded within eighteen months after the customer has established good credit. If, however, the average charges for non-residential basic exchange and toll service exceed $100.00 per month , the Company may retain the deposit longer than eighteen months. This rule shall not preclude maintenance of reasonable deposits for services other than non-residential basic exchange and toll service, including (but not limited to) vertical services, WATS, Private Lines, Mobile Telephone Telecommunications, or other non-basic services. However, the deposit for any such service for which there is a flat charge rather than a variable charge depending upon usage shall not exceed two month's billing for that charge nor shall deposits for usage- dependent charges for which the customer has established a consistent usage pattern exceed two months' peak usage based upon previous patterns of usage. ~:U ED: June 26, 2 ~ Q Paul E. Pederson, Vi'ce President IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROvl::u FECTIVEEFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 JUl22 'JUL 2 6 ' lfi. SECRETARV GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 First Revised Sheet 3 Cancels Original Sheet 3 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) Provision of Equipment a. All equipment necessary for the provision of a given service will be furnished and owned by the Company, except as provided elsewhere in this Tariff. The customer may be required to provide suitable housing or other protective measures where equipment is to be installed in locations exposed to weather or other hazards. Commercial power will be furnished by the customer at a suitable outlet when and where required. b. Customer-owned terminal equipment and communications systems may be connected with the facilities furnished by the Company in accordance with Part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and regulations. In these instances , the Company will take all reasonable precautions to assure that the telecommunications network is not exposed to harmful or hazardous voltages as a result of interconnection with customer-owned equipment. Customer Billing a. The customer is responsible for all charges in conjunction with the services furnished him , including collect toll messages, which have been accepted at the customer s telephone. b. Monthly recurring charges are billed in advance and toll charges are billed in arrears. Special billing arrangements may be established for services provided to governmental agencies. c. Bills are due within 15 days of the postmark date and may be paid to the Company or at any agency authorized by the Company to receive such payments. (T) (T) d. As prescribed in Rule 3.1 (a) of the Commission s Rules and Regulations, a preferred payment may be established. e. For billing purposes, each month is presumed to have thirty days. f. The Company may temporarily suspend service in the event the customer fails to pay any amount due. Such suspensions shall not be made until at least seven days (measured from the day after the date of mailing) following written notification to the customer of the intention to suspend service. ISSUED: December 29 , 2006 ::~ ce Letter No.: O Paul E. Pederson , Vice President IDAHO POed8oo/itn1~g~m.~Tstl~OAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN9 - 'JAN 29 ' 10. SECAErARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 4 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) Minimum Contract Period a. Except as specified elsewhere in this tariff, the minimum contract period is one month from the date service or additions to service are established and the minimum charge is the established rate for one month. b. Special contractual arrangements for special equipment or special assembles of equipment are developed as required. Abuse or Fraudulent Use of Service a. The service is furnished subject to the condition that there will be no abuse or fraudulent use of the service. Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes: 1 )the use of service or facilities of the Company to transmit a message or to locate a person or otherwise to give or obtain information, without payment of the charge applicable for service. the obtaining, or attempting to obtain, or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain service, by rearranging, tampering with , or making connection with any facilities of the Company, or by any trick, scheme false representation , or false credit device whatsoever, with intent to avoid the payment, in whole or in part, of the regular charge for such service. the use of service or facilities of the Company for a call or calls anonymous or otherwise, if in a manner which could reasonably be considered frightening, abusive, tormenting, or harassing to others. the use of profane or obscene language. the use of the service in such manner as to interfere unreasonably with the use of the service by one or more other customers. The impersonation of another with fraudulent intent. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl 2 6 ' ~. SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002~:UED June 26, 2 (4 Paul E. Pederson ice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TA~FF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 5 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) Termination of Service a. By the Company 1 )The Company may terminate service to a customer after adequate notice has been given without his/her permission for one or more of the following reasons: a) Non-payment of an account for which a bill has been rendered to a customer for telephone service and which remains unpaid after the due date of the bill. b) Failure to make a security deposit or obtain a guarantee when one is required. c) Obtaining service by subterfuge. d) Unauthorized interference, diversion, or use of the telephone service situated or delivered on or about the customer s premises. e) Violation of any rule of the Company on file with and approved by the Commission which adversely affects the safety of the customers or other persons or the integrity of the Company s system, or f) Determination by the Commission that the customer is willfully wasting service through improper equipment or otherwise. If there are grounds to terminate service the Company may exercise its option to terminate service by mailing to the customer a written notice of termination at least seven days before termination. If the service is not terminated within five working days of the proposed termination date , and the matter is not the subject of a pending complaint filed with the Commission , or other arrangements are not made with the customer by the Company, the Company shall again make a diligent attempt to contact the customer, either in person or by telephone, to apprise him/her of the proposed action, and service will not be terminated until at least twenty-four hours after giving this notice or after making a diligent attempt to give notice. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26, 20 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFEC~ SU , 2002 6 ' lfi. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 6 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) Termination of Service (Continued) a. By the Company (Continued) 3) The Company may terminate service without prior notice only: a) If a condition immediately dangerous or hazardous to life, physical safety, or property exists. b) Upon order by any court, the Commission, or any other duly authorized public authority, or. c) If the service was obtained fraudulently or without the authorization of the Company. d) The Company may terminate service if it has tried diligently to meet the notice requirements , but has been unsuccessful in its attempt to contact the customer affected. 4) Other conditions regarding termination of service are fund in the Commission Rules and Regulations governing customer relations. b. By the Customer 1) Contracts for service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the contract period, provided advance notice is given to the Company and upon agreement to pay all charges due for the service furnished , plus any termination charges which might be applicable. 2) Where a contract for service with a one-month minimum period is cancelled before establishment of the service is completed , a charge not to exceed the service charge specified is applied if all or a portion of the facilities have been installed. 3) No minimum or termination charge will apply (unless otherwise stated specifically in this Tariff) where a new customer takes over the service of the former customer provided the service is to be furnished at the same location without interruption and that the new customer assumes all unpaid charges on the original contract. Minimum and termination charges will apply for any service furnished under the original contract, which is not retained by the new customer. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ~:UED: June 26, 20 Paul E. Pederso I e resident ~2JEFFEC : :.J , 2002 J"(i(""T6 ~. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 7 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) Termination of Service (Continued) b. By the Customer (Continued) 4) No minimum or termination charge will apply in the event the service is terminated because of condemnation, destruction or damage to property by fire or other cause beyond the control of the customer. Restoral of Service Charge a. Where service has been discontinued for non-payment and the customer is now requesting connection of service, a restoral of service charge shall be made and collected by the Company. 10.Resale of Service a. The resale of any service provided by the Company is not permitted except as provided elsewhere in this tariff or as specifically authorized by the Company. 11.Telephone Numbers a. The customer has no property right to the telephone number nor any right to continuance of service through any particular central office. b. The Company reserves the right to change the customer s telephone number or the central office associated with such number, or both, as may be required for the proper conduct of its business. 12. Application of Business and Residence Rates a. Business Rates apply if anyone or more of the following criteria are met: 1) In all locations of a business nature, including clubs or lodges; public, private or parochial schools or colleges; hospitals; libraries; churches; government building and other similar institutions. 2) When the telephone number is regularly advertised for business purposes. 3) When the place of business and residence of the customer occupy the same premises and the business use of the service is more than incidental. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26, 200 2f) BY: t; ~ Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIJOO6, 2002 JUL 26 ' lfi. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 8 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) 12. Application of Business and Residence Rates (Continued) a. Business Rates apply if anyone or more of the following criteria are met: (Continued) 4) In any residence location where the principal use is of a business professional or occupational nature. 5) When the service is provided by the customer primarily for the use patrons, patients, or the general public. b. Residence Rates apply if anyone or more of the following criteria are met: 1) In private residences , including the individual apartments of hotels apartment buildings, boarding houses , and dormitory rooms, where the service would not be classified as a business service by the regulations. 2) In a residence of a person conducting business in the residence, providing the customer has other service at business rates. Where it is determined that a customer with residence service is using the service in a manner that should be classified as business service, the Company may discontinue service if the customer refuses to pay the applicable business rate. 13.Directories a. The Company will furnish to its customers , without charge, such directories as are necessary for the efficient use of the service. Copies of other directories may be provided at a nominal charge. b. Directories regularly furnished to customers shall remain the property of the Company. c. In the event of error in the listed number of any customer, the Company shall intercept all calls to the listed number (if central office equipment permits, and the number is not in service) until the next directory is published. In such case and in case of an error in or omission of the name listing of a customer, the correct listing and number shall be available from the intercept operator and through directory assistance. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: JUL22 'JUl 26 ' A~ t!). SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF LP.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 9 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICES (Continued) 13.Directories (Continued) d. The liability of the Company for an error or omission in its telephone directory or for error or omission on intercept service shall not exceed the amount of actual damage suffered , and in no event shall exceed an amount equal to local exchange service charged to the customer for the listed service for the period during which the directory containing the error or omission is the last published directory of the exchange. e. The telephone directory will remain the property of the Company. Each customer shall be entitled to the use of one directory for each access line and each extension telephone station in excess of the number of access lines being furnished under current tariffs. 14.Alterations a. The customer agrees to notify the Company promptly whenever alterations or new construction on premises owned or leased by him necessitate changes in the Company s wiring or equipment, and the customer agrees to pay the Company current charges for such changes. 15.Combination Main Telephone Service a. Combination Main Telephone Service will apply to a customer with a private line on which are installed both a business telephone and a residence telephone, located in separate buildings. The residence telephone will not be considered extension. The customer shall pay the rates for both a one-party residence and a one-party business telephone. 16.Customer Service--Use of a. Customer telephone service, as distinguished from public and semi-public telephone service , is furnished only for use by the customer , his family, employees or business associates, or persons residing in the customer s household , except as the use of the service may be extended to joint users or to persons temporarily subleasing a customer s residential premises. The Company has the right to refuse to install customer service or to permit such service to remain on premises of a public or semi-public character when the station is so located that the public- in-general or patrons of the customer may make use of the service. At such locations, however, customer service may be installed provided the instrument is so located that it is not accessible for public use. ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 n t; BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 2002 IDAHO PUBLlC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ~l-.l!). SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 10, 2014 Dec. 5, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 23, 2013 Jan. 15, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 23, 2013 Jan. 15, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 23, 2013 Jan. 15, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 17 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS CONNECTIONS WITH CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES 1. General a. Customer-provided circuitry and terminal equipment may be connected at the customer s premises to facilities of the Company for use with individual-line exchange service in compliance wit Part 68, Subpart 8 of the Federal Communication Commission Rules and Regulations. b. The General Regulations contained in Section II of this Tariff apply when the customer elects to provide his own equipment. In any instance where the Tariff of the Company conflicts with the effective order of the FCC, the FCC order will have precedence. 2. Responsibility of the Customer a. A customer desiring to connect customer-provided equipment to the exchange and message toll network must make application to the Company. Such application may be made verbally and followed by written application prior to the desired in-service date and shall include the following: 1) The type and manufacture of each item of the grandfathered equipment or the registration number and ringer equivalence of the registered equipment. 2) The number of access services desired. b. A customer must notify the Company of his intent to disconnect customer-provided equipment or services from the Company s Access lines. c. Upon notification from the Company that the customer-provided equipment is causing or is likely to cause harm , the customer shall make such change as is necessary to remove such harm. Failure to make such change will result in disconnection of service until such change is completed to the satisfaction of the Company. d. The customer will be responsible for the payment of charges under Maintenance of Service Charges for service calls by company employees to the customer s premises where a service difficulty or trouble report results from customer-provided equipment. e. The customer may be required , as a condition of service, to pay in full all sums due the Company including, but not limited to, installation charges, service connection charges, termination charges, minimum charges, reimbursement for loss or damage to Company facilities, and maintenance of service charges as may apply. BY:\2~ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPRO\/ED EFFECTIVE EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 JUL 2 2 '02 JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice President ~. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 18 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS CONNECTIONS WITH CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES (Continued) 2. Responsibility of the Customer (Continued) f. An access-line customer must subscribe to, and be capable of providing operation for, sufficient quantities of access lines to provide adequate access to his customer-provided equipment in accordance with accepted communications industry standards. g. When a customer elects to connect his own equipment, he must provide all of the terminal equipment on the customer s side of the point of demarcation. h. Use of Company facilities or service in connection with any device for recorded public announcements is subject to the following conditions: 1) For purposes of identification , customers to telephone service who transmit recorded public announcements over facilities provided by the Company must include in the recorded message the name of the organization or individual responsible for the service and the address at which the service is provided. 2) Customers transmitting factual public announcements such as time , stock market quotations , airline schedules and similar information are excluded from the preceding condition. 3) Nonpublished telephone service will not be furnished for use with recorded public announcements. 4) Failure to comply with the provisions of this Tariff shall be cause for termination of the service. 3. Responsibility of the Company a. The technical criteria relative to provision of customer-provided systems and equipment is as set forth in Part 68 of the FCC Rules. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl 26 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 lfI. SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 19 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS CONNECTIONS WITH CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES (Continued) 3. Responsibility of the Company (Continued) b. The Company shall not be responsible to the customer for changes in the technical criteria or in any of the facilities , operations or procedures initiated by the Company or appropriate regulatory agencies which might render any customer-provided equipment obsolete or require modification or alteration of such equipment or otherwise affect its use or performance. The Company will make a reasonable effort to notify a customer in advance of changes in technical criteria , operations or procedures which might affect customer-provided equipment or systems. c. The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of any customer-provided communications systems or equipment. 4. Access Service a. General 1) Customers providing their own communications systems or telephone stations must subscribe to access service as a means of connection to the Company s switching network. Access service will be that customer s sole means of connection to the Company s switching network and cannot be combined with any other exchange service. Access service are available as specified in Section IV of this tariff. 2) In the event an existing multi-line business customer to local exchange service decides to provide his own system , the Company reserves the right to assess the fair value of its wiring facilities within that customer s premises beyond the point of demarcation and to physically recover its facilities or negotiate for the purchase of said facilities at their fair value. 3) Customers to access service may place calls to any location within the "local" calling area without additional charge. The local calling area is shown in the Company filed Tariff. Calls by access-service customers to any point outside of the respective local calling area will be charged at the appropriate message toll charges. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl 2 6 ' ~:UED: June 26, 2002 ~ QPaul E. Pederson, Vice Pr sident EFFECTIVE:SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 2 Original Sheet 20 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS CONNECTIONS WITH CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES (Continued) 4. Access Service (Continued) b. Rates 1) See Section IV of this tariff. 5. Customer-Owned Inside Wire a. General 1) Premise inside wire and jacks associated with residence and business line Exchange Telephone Services may be provided by either the Company or the customer as determined by the customer. Such eligible services are those filed in the Local Exchange Tariff, which terminate on the same premises in only one or two line stations. 2) Premise inside wire provided by the customer is connected to Exchange Telephone Service at the Standard Network Interface. 3) The Standard Network Interface is provided as part of Exchange Telephone Service at no additional monthly rate and will be installed at a location determined by the Company which is accessible to the customer. The location of the Standard Network Interface shall be in close proximity to the protector or equivalent. 4) In the event that the customer, or someone on the customer s behalf provides, maintains or attempts to provide or maintain inside wire , the customer shall indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any and all liability for damage to property or death of or injury to any person or persons directly or indirectly arising out of or caused , in whole or in part by the customer s acts or those of anyone acting on the customer s behalf. b. Responsibility of the Customer 1) In the event that the customer provides , maintains, or attempts to provide or maintain inside wire, the customer assumes the risk of loss of service damage to property or death to or injury of the customer or anyone acting on behalf of the customer. ~:U ED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vi e ent E~DljH(5I)/ffBt~Lfrk~~~ COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl 26 ' 0.(~ ~. SECRETARY IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 23, 2013 Jan. 15, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 1 DEFINITIONS ACCESS LINE A circuit between a switching center and a subscriber premises, which includes a network interface Uack). ACCESSORI ES Devices which are mechanically attached to, or used with, the facilities furnished by the Telephone Company and which are independent of, and not electrically connected to, the conductors in the communications system. These devices may not replace any of the component parts of the Company facilities of equipment nor be injurious to the telecommunications network. ACOUSTIC INDUCTIVE COUPLER Denotes a device, which makes connection with the telephone instrument through use of sound waves/electromagnetic waves as opposed to direct electrical connection. ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT A term applied to a category of terminal equipment which includes automatic dialers , alarm senders, audible signals , call diverters, headsets, key system conferencing devices loudspeakers, telephone answering and recording equipment, toll restrictors, couplers, and other miscellaneous devices. APPLICANT Any person, firm partnership, corporation municipality, cooperative, organization governmental agency, etc., applying to the Company for new service or reconnection of discontinued service. APPLICATION A request made verbally or in writing for telephone service and including a request for a change in existing service. AUTHORIZED USER A person, firm or corporation (other than the customer) on whose premise a telephone Private Branch exchange, or Private Line Service or Channel is located and who may communicate over such channels in accordance with the terms of this tariff. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Gf, Paul E. Pederson, Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: JUL22 'JUl26 ' A,.M. /f).~1=r.RJ:TA~V GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 2 DEFINITIONS AVAILABLE COMPANY STOCK Service and equipment that will be installed new or expanded only when the necessary equipment is available in existing Telephone Company stock. BASE RATE A scheduled rate for any form of exchange service or equipment that does not include zone or exchange line mileage charges. BATTERY POWER Direct current electrical energy furnished on the customer s premises by means of a circuit from the central office or other source of supply to a private branch exchange system or other equipment requiring separate electrical energy. BUILDING The term "same building " or "building " is to be interpreted to mean a structure under one roof or two or more structures which are connected by and enclosed passageway in which the wires or cables of the Telephone Company may be placed without exposure to outside electrical circuits or the weather. In no case can conduit be considered as an enclosed passageway. BUSINESS SERVICE Business service is exchange service furnished to customers whose actual or obvious use of the service is for conducting a business , trade, or profession or whose use of the service is obviously not confined to domestic use. Use of a telephone number on business cards billboard and vehicle signs , or in newspaper and magazine advertising in conjunction with the continuing provision of goods or services, shall constitute business service. CCSA ommon ontrol ~witching 8rrangements are switching arrangements provided on Telephone Company premises to interconnect channels for (1) private line telephone service and (2) alternate private line telephone-data service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 (J t; BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President lfi. SECRETAR EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 3 DEFINITIONS CENTRAL OFFICE A switching unit, in a system which provides telecommunications service to the general public, having the necessary equipment and operating arrangements for terminating and interconnecting customer lines and trunks or trunks only. There may be more than one central office in a building or exchange. CENTRAL OFFICE CONNECTION FACILITY A facility furnished to another common carrier by the Telephone Company between the terminal location of the other common carrier and a point of connection on the telephone company premises for intra or interstate use. CHANNEL A path for communication between two or more stations, or central offices, furnished in such a manner as the Company may elect, whether by wire , radio, or a combination thereof, and whether or not by a single physical facility or route. CIRCUIT A channel used for the transmission of electrical energy in the furnishing of telephone and other communication services. CLASS OF SERVICE A description of Exchange Access Line service furnished a Customer in terms of: For Exchange Service: (a) (b) Grade of Line: Individual line, etc. (See also "Primary Class of Service Type of Rate: Flat Rate or Message Rate. (c) (d) Character of use: Business or Residence. Dialing Method: Touch Calling or Rotary.IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE For Long Distance Service: JUl22 'JUL 26 '(a)Type of Call: Station-to-station or person-to-person. t1). SECRETARY ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 4 DEFINITIONS COLLECT CALL The procedure by which certain messages, upon request, may be reversed (charged to the called station) upon acceptance of the call at the called station. COMMISSION The Idaho Public Utilities Commission COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Denotes channels or other facilities , which are capable, when not connected to long distance message telecommunications service, of 2-way communications between customer-provided terminal equipment or Telephone Company stations. The term "Communications Systems" when used in connection with communications systems provided by an Other Common Carrier (OCC), denotes channels and other facilities furnished by the OCC of private line services as such OCC is authorized by the Federal Communications Commission or Utilities and Transportation Commission to provide. CONNECTING ARRANGEMENT The equipment provided by the Company to accomplish the direct electrical connection of customer-provided facilities with the facilities of the Company or of facilities of the Company with other facilities of the Company. CONNECTING COMPANY A corporation, association , partnership or individual owning or operating a toll line and/or one or more central offices providing local exchange telephone service to the public and with whom the Company interchanges traffic. CONNECTION The term "Connection" denotes the establishment of telephone service. A move of existing service to a different premise requires a "connection. CONSTRUCTION CHARGE A separate nonrecurring charge made for the construction of facilities in excess of those contemplated under the rates quoted in the Exchange Tariff. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ~:UED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pr sident EFFECTI , 2002 JUL 2 6 ' lfi. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TA~FF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 5 DEFINITIONS CONTIGUOUS EXCHANGES Two exchanges whose boundaries adjoin. CONTINUOUS PROPERTY The plot of ground , together with any building thereon , occupied by the customer, which is not divided by public highways or separated by property occupied by others. Where a customer occupies property on both sides of a street, alley, highway, body of water, railroad right-of-way, etc., and the properties would otherwise be continuous, such properties are treated as continuous property provided local wire or cable facilities are used and the customer furnishes all local distribution pole line facilities or underground conduit required in connection therewith. CONTRACT The agreement between a customer and the Company under which service and facilities are furnished in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Tariff. COST The cost of labor and materials , which includes appropriate amounts to cover the Company general operating and administrative expenses, and return requirements. CUSTOMER Any person, firm partnership, corporation, municipality, governmental agency, or other entity which contracts the telecommunications services, including services provided from a coin telephone, and is responsible for the payment of charges and compliance with filed tariffs and regulations of this Company. DATA ACCESS ARRANGEMENT A protective connecting arrangement for use with the network control signaling unit, or in lieu of the connecting arrangement, an arrangement to identify a central office line and protective facilities and procedure to assure proper operation and protection of the telecommunications network. DATE OF PRESENTATION The date upon which a bill or notice is mailed first class postage prepaid, to the customer or if not mailed , the date upon which that bill or notice is presented to the customer by a representative of the Company. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26, 2002 ~ QBY: .:; Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL 2 2 '02 JUl:-2-6 ' EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 ~. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 6 DEFINITIONS DIAL SWITCHING EQUIPMENT A unit of electronic switching equipment used in a central office. DISCONNECT NOTICE The written notice sent to a customer following billing, notifying him that his service will be discontinued if charges are not satisfied by the date specified on the notice. DROP WIRE The portion of a circuit between the pole line or cable distributing box and the building in which the station or switchboard is located. ENTRANCE FACILITIES Facilities extending from the point of entrance on private property to the premises on which service is furnished. EXCHANGE An exchange is a specified area established for the furnishing of communication service. usually embraces a city, town , village or unincorporated community and environs. It may consist of one or more central offices, together with the associated plant used in furnishing service within that area. When an exchange includes only one central office, it is termed a single office exchange, but when it includes more than one central office , the exchange is termed a multi-office exchange. EXCHANGE ACCESS LlNE(Central Office Line) An exchange access line denotes the line between the serving central office and the customer s premises. Exchange access lines are subdivided as follows: Central Office Line: A circuit connecting an individual line or party line main station KEY, PBX or Centrex system with a central office. Station Line: A circuit connecting a secondary or additional station with a main station, or a circuit connecting a PBX station with the common equipment of a PBX system or with another PBX station. Tie Line: A circuit connecting PBX systems and/or Centrex systems. ISSUED: June 26, 2002 EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEBY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President JUL22 'JUL 26 ' /I.;.I.~SFt"'.D!:T~Ov GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 7 DEFINITIONS EXCHANGE SERVICE AREA The territory, including the base rate, suburban and rural areas served by an exchange, within which local telephone service is furnished at the exchange rates applicable within that area. EXCHANGE SERVICE (Individual Line) The general telephone service rendered in accordance with tariff provisions. Exchange service is a general term describing as a whole the facilities provided for local intercommunication, together with the right to originate and receive a specified or an unlimited number of local messages at charges in accordance with the provisions of the tariff. Flat and Message Rate (a)Flat Rate Service: A classification of exchange service for which a stipulated charge is made, regardless of the amount used. (b)Message Rate Service (Measured Rate): A classification of non-coin box exchange service which is charged for on the bases of amount of use. Individual and Party Line (a)Individual Line Service: A classification of exchange service which provides that only one main station shall be served by the circuit connecting such station with the central office or other switching unit. Foreign Exchange Service: A classification of exchange service furnished to a Customer from an exchange other than the one from which he would normally be served. Touch-Calling Access Service: A classification of exchange service furnished from certain specified central offices whereby calls are originated through the use of pushbuttons in lieu of a rotary dial. EXISTING CUSTOMERS ONLY Service and equipment that is in service and is restricted to the existing installation for the specific customer and may be expanded subject to the availability of in stock equipment. EXTENDED AREA SERVICE Interexchange telephone service to other specified exchanges furnished at a flat rate or message rates between one or more exchange areas. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUl 26 '::UED: June 26, 2002 (6 Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pre dent EFFECTIVE: JW~. 26, 2002 lfj. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 8 DEFINITIONS FACILITIES Instrumentalities, supplemental equipment, apparatus, wiring, poles, cables and other materials and mechanisms necessary to, or furnished in connection with telephone service. GRADE OF SERVICE Also refers to the measurement of the busy hour traffic capacity of a trunk group. GRANDFA THERED SERVICE Existing service not available to new customers. HARM Harm consists of hazards to personnel , damage to Company equipment, and impairment of service to persons other than the user of the customer-provided equipment. Types of harm include, but shall not be limited to, voltages dangerous to personnel, destruction of or damage to equipment, induced noise or cross talk, incorrect dial pulsing, failure of supervision, false answer, incorrect billing, absence of voice bank transmission path for call progress signals and loss of capability to answer an incoming call. INITIAL SERVICE PERIOD The minimum length of time for which a customer is obligated to pay for service, facilities and equipment whether or not retained by the customer for such minimum length of time. INSTALLATION CHARGE nonrecurring charge made at the time of installation of communications service or equipment, which may apply in place of or in addition to service charges and other applicable charges for service or equipment. INTERCOMMUNICATING SYSTEM An arrangement involving two or more stations which enables a user to signal and connect with other stations in the system. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl 2 6 ' BY: lfi. SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 9 DEFINITIONS INTEREXCHANGE RECEIVING SERVICE A combination of exchange and toll service , whereby a business customer in one exchange may arrange to receive calls placed to a special number by customers from another exchange. The customer agrees to accept such calls on a prepaid station toll call basis. The special number may be published in the directory of the exchange where the call originates. KEY LINE SERVICE A central office line providing service to a key telephone or key telephone system. KEY TELEPHONE SYSTEM A service arrangement consisting of multiline telephone sets equipped with either rotary dial or touch call pads and may be self-contained or common equipment systems. LINE EXTENSION line extension is the outside plant required in addition to existing facilities to render telephone service, exclusive of instrumentalities. LOCAL CHANNEL That portion of channel which connects a station to an interexchange channel or a channel connecting two or more stations within an exchange area. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE Exchange service whereby a Customer can complete calls from his station to other stations within the exchange area without the payment of long distance charges, in accordance with the provisions of the company s Tariffs. LOCAL MESSAGE A completed call between stations located within the same local calling area. LOCAL PRIVATE LINE A non-switched line located wholly within an exchange, furnished for the customer s own use for communication or signaling between points on that line. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 EFFECTIVE: JU p~~ SECRETARYBY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice Pre ident GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 10 DEFINITIONS LOCAL SERVICE Telephone service furnished between customer s stations located within the same local service area. LOCAL SERVICE AREA The area within which telephone service is furnished customers under a specific schedule of exchange rates and without toll charges. A local service area may include on (1) or more exchange areas or portions of exchange areas. MEASURED SERVICE A local service for which charges may be based upon; frequency, time-of-day, duration and distance. MESSAGE A completed customer call between two telephone access lines. MILEAGE A charge applying for the use of part or all of a circuit furnished by the Company. Airline Measurement: The shortest distance between two point. Exchange Line Mileage: A charge applying in addition to the base rate for service when a Customer s station, KEY, PBX or Centrex system is outside the base rate area but is located within the exchange area. Station Line Mileage: The measurement applying on an extension line, for the use of which a circuit charge is made in accordance with tariff provisions. Foreign Exchange Mileage: The measurement applying to a circuit connection a Customer s main station, KEY, PBX or Centrex system with a central office of an exchange other than that from which the Customer would normally be served , for the use of which a separate charge is made in addition to the base rate, plus extra exchange line mileage if any apply. Route Measurement: The actual length of a circuit between two points. Tie Line Mileage: The measurement upon with the rate for tie lines is based in accordance with tariff provisions. ::UED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pr ident ijfjAij~mtill~flgr~eo M MISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 26 ' ~. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 11 DEFINITIONS MINIMUM CONTRACT PERIOD The minimum length of time for which a customer is obligated to pay for service, facilities and equipment, whether or not retained by the customer for such minimum length of time. MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE A communication service provided by means of radio frequencies through a land radio- telephone base station. Connections may be established between a wire station and a mobile or fixed unit or between two mobile or fixed units. MOVE AND CHANGE CHARGES Initial non-recurring charges made to cover in whole or part the cost of changes in location type of instrumentalities or in wiring on a customer's premises at the request of the customer where there is no interruption to service, other than that incident to the work involved , and where such changes are not required for the proper maintenance of the equipment or service. MUL TIPORT EQUIPMENT Equipment that has more than one telephone connection with provisions internal to the equipment for establishing transmission paths among two or more telephone connections. NETWORK CONTROL SIGNALING The terms "Network Control Signaling" denotes the transmission of signals used in the telecommunications system which perform functions such as supervision (control, status and charging signals), address signaling (e., dialing,) calling and called number identification audible tone signals (call progress signals indicating reorder or busy conditions, alerting, coin denominations, coin collect and coin return tones) to control the operation of switching machines in the telecommunications system. NETWORK CONTROL SIGNALING UNIT The term "Network Control Signaling Unit" denotes the terminal equipment furnished , installed and maintained by the Company for the provision of network control signaling. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 c;~t!\. SECRETAAV EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 12 DEFINITIONS NETWORK INTERFACE DEVICE (NID) A device that serves as the point of interconnection between terminal equipment or premised wiring and the telecommunications network. The standard network interface or other modular jack, which serves as the interface, is provided by the telephone company. NON-CONTIGUOUS EXCHANGES Two exchanges whose boundaries do not adjoin. NORMAL WORKING DAY The normal working day for installation , repair and construction will be all days between the hours of 8:00 AM. and 5:00 P.M. except Saturdays, Sundays, and legal Holidays. NOTICE See "Disconnect Notice. ONE-PARTY SERVICE A grade of exchange service furnished by means of a central office line arranged to serve one primary station only, although additional stations may be connected to the line as extensions. ONE-PORT EQUIPMENT Equipment, which has either exactly one telephone connection or a multiplicity of telephone connection , arranges so that no transmission among such telephone connections, within the equipment, is intended. OTHER COMMON CARRIER (OCC) The term "Other Common Carrier" denotes specialized Common Carriers, Domestic and International Record Carriers and Domestic Satellite Carriers engaged in providing telecommunications services as such carriers may be authorized by the Federal Communications Commission and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL 2 2 'JUL 2 6 ' ~:U ED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vic re I n lfi. SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 13 DEFINITIONS OUTSIDE PLANT The telephone equipment and facilities installed on, along, or under streets, alleys , highways or on private rights-of-way between the central office and Customers' locations or between central offices. PERMANENT DISCONNECT A discontinuance of service in which the facilities used in the service are immediately made available for use for another service. PERSON A Natural Person and any partnership, corporation , agency of government, association , trust or other legal entity. POINT OF CONNECTION Denotes the location of a customer premise where facilities, provided by the Telephone Company, terminate at which point transmitting or receiving terminal equipment or switching equipment used for communications with terminal equipment on the premises may be connected. PORTABLE STATION Telephone equipped with cord and plug for use in connection with standard mini-jacks. PREASSIGNED TELEPHONE NUMBER A telephone number preassigned in the "Telephone Number Space" of the service order with a specific (predetermined) in-service date. PREINSTALLED WIRING The term "Preinstalled Wiring " denotes telephone wiring, which is placed in a building during the construction of that building and prior to the installation of exchange service. The Company will determine when such wiring will be placed. Generally, it will be installed at the point in construction when the framing members are in place and prior to the application of surfacing materials to ceilings and interior sides of walls. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 C2, EFFECTIVE~'~~h?9fJj. SEC. () -- - ro. -r--RETARY BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 14 DEFINITIONS PREMISES The buildings, portion or portions of a building on continuous property used and/or occupied at one time by the customer in the conduct of his business or as a residence. Where the roof in adjoining buildings is made continuous and all floor space in both buildings is considered as the same premises insofar as the customer who uses and occupies such continuous floor space is concerned , the two buildings otherwise being considered as separate buildings. PRIMARY SERVICE That portion of the facilities necessary to communicate with a customer including central office equipment, circuit equipment and one station and excluding such items as additional stations, auxiliary gongs, bells , lights, buzzers, etc. This includes PBXlPABX trunks and Key Lines, but not common equipment or system options. PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE communication system furnished to a customer and consisting of various stations equipment and facilities to connect these stations to central office lines or to other stations in the system either manually or automatically. PRIVATE LINE A circuit provided to furnish communication only between the two or more telephones directly connected to it, and not having connection with either central office or PBX switching apparatus. REGISTRATION A program whereby the FCC grants a Registration Number to a particular terminal device which meets particular criteria , prescribed by the FCC. Registration may be granted for terminal equipment or protective circuitry. A registration number will appear on all equipment so certified. REGISTERED PROTECTIVE CIRCUITRY Separate, identifiable and discrete electrical circuitry designed to protect the telephone network from harm, which is registered in accordance with Part 68 of FCC Rules and Regulations. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL 2 6 ' lfi. SfiCnCTAffT EFFECTIVE: Ju~y 26, 2002 BY: GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 15 DEFINITIONS RESALE OF SERVICE An activity wherein one entity Customers to the communications services and facilities of another entity and then reoffers communications service and facilities to the public (with or without adding value) for profit. RESERVED TELEPHONE NUMBER A telephone number reserved for use by the customer at some undetermined future date. RESIDENCE SERVICE Telephone service furnished to customers when the actual or obvious use is for domestic purposes. ROUTE MILEAGE The distance measured along the route of the circuit between any two or more given points on that circuit. RURAL LINE SERVICE A type of service furnished the customers in certain sections outside the Base Rate Area, but within the Exchange area , with the addition of rural or extra exchange mileage, if applicable. The facilities are owned and maintained by the Company, except that in some cases the customer may be required to bear a part of the excess construction costs of providing the service. SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE The non-recurring charges intended to cover, in part, the expense incurred by the Company for work performed at the customer s request associated with a Service Order, Central Office Work, Line Connection , Station Handling and/or Time and Material Charges. SERVICE STATIONS Service Station service is exchange service furnished to customers beyond the base rate area by means of lines and stations which are owned and maintained beyond a designated junction by organized associations of customers. SPECIAL RATE AREA IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE A portion of an exchange area in which special base flat rates apply. JUL 2 2 'JUl 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 \2~J!). SECRETARY EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 16 DEFINITIONS STANDARD NETWORK INTERFACE The point of interconnection between terminal equipment and telephone company communication facilities. This point is at the Standard FCC jack furnished by the telephone company. The Standard Network Interface may be located outside the customer premises, as determined by the Company, but within close proximity to the protector or equivalent. For existing installations the protector or point where the facilities enter a customer premises may be established as the point of demarcation. Access Line Service provided to newly constructed customer premises will be connected to the telecommunications network through the Standard Network Interface. STATION A telephone instrument installed for the use of the subscriber to provide toll and exchange service. SUPERSEDURE A supersedure of a service means the transfer of total service , including the telephone number, from one party to another. SUSPENSION OF SERVICE A temporary discontinuance of service without terminating the contract or removing the telephone equipment from the customer s premises. Suspension of service may be divided into two general classifications as follow: At Customer s Request: Temporary suspension of service at customer s request. (Vacation Rate Service) Initiated by Company:Temporary suspension (denial) for nonpayment of service charges either local and/or toll. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL 2 2 'JUl 2 6 ' BY: ~. SECRETAR EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 17 DEFINITIONS TARIFF A schedule of recurring and nonrecurring charges together with general regulations , properly filed with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission , applicable to the customers of the Company of services furnished. TELEPHONE COMPANY A corporation , association, partnership or individual engaged in the business of furnishing telephone and other telecommunication services to the public, under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Whenever used in this Tariff "Company" refers to the Potlatch Telephone Company, unless the content clearly indicates otherwise. TELEPHONE NETWORK The public switched telephone network. TELEPHONE SERVICE A service including both exchange and toll services , or private line. TELEPHONE STATION SET A telephone instrument, consisting of a transmitter, receiver and associated apparatus connected so as to permit transmission and receiving of telephone messages. Company Station Set: A station set owned by the company, receiving service through central office equipment and lines normally owned , maintained and operated by the company, and provided as a part of the company s service. Customer Provided Station Set: A station owned by the customer, receiving service through central office equipment lines normally owned , maintained and operated by the company. TEMPORARY DISCONNECT A service is temporarily disconnected when service is denied or suspended by the Telephone Company, but the telephone facilities are held available for the customer of the service. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL 2 2 'JUL 2 6 ' ISSUED: June 26, 2002 (6~EFFECTI 02lECRETARY BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 18 DEFINITIONS TEMPORARY SERVICE Local service definitely known to be required for a short period , such as service provided for contractors for use during the construction of a building, sales campaigns, athletic contests conventions, fairs, circuses, etc. TERMINAL EQUIPMENT Company-provided or customer-provided devices utilized for transmission or reception of communications when attached to the telecommunications line network and includes but not limited to standard rotary-dial telephone station sets , answering devices, dialers, computer terminals , etc. TERMINAL LOOP The wire facility used in providing an off-premises access line. TERMINATION CHARGE A charge made to a customer upon termination of contract for service before the expiration of the contract period. TIE LINE A circuit connecting two PBX systems for the purpose of intercommunicating between the stations connected with such PBX switching apparatus. TOLL CENTER A telephone switching center at which the operations functions (message timing, switching and recording) takes place in connection with the provision of toll message service. TOLL ACCESS LINE A circuit used exclusively for the transmission of messages between points located in different exchange areas where specific charges for each such message are applicable. TOLL STATION A telephone instrument connected for toll service only and to which message telephone toll rates apply for each call made therefrom. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President JUL22 '02 JUL 26' EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 to. SECRETARYBY: GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 3 Original Sheet 19 DEFINITIONS TOUCH CALLING SERVICE A service arrangement permitting use of telephone instruments equipped with keys/buttons each of which generates a distinctive tone, for the origination of calls. Touch Calling service is offered for use with customer lines served form a central office equipped to furnish the service. TRENCHING COSTS Cost of excavating, backfilling and compacting, and where necessary, cost of breaking and replacing pavement and of restoring landscaping. TRUNK An "Access Line Arrangement" providing service for a PBX or PABX. UNDERGROUND SERVICE CONNECTION A customer s "drop" wire, which is run underground from a pole line or an underground distributing cable. WATS (WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE) The furnishing of inward or outward switched telephone communication service between a wide area service line and specified service areas or bands. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' ~. SECRETARY ~:U ED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice Pre ident EFFECTIVE: July 26, 2002 Demo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.comDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.com IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Demo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.comDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.com IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Original Sheet 3 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 16, Town 40 North , Range 4 West, Latah County, Idaho; thence East 2.0 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 15, T.40 N, R.4 W; thence South 1.0 mile to the Southeast corner of Section 15, T.40 N, R.4 W; thence East 7.5 miles to the North quarter corner of Section 24, T.40 N , R.3 W; thence, South 2.0 miles to the North quarter corner of Section 36, T.40 N, R.3 W; thence East 0.5 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 36 , T.40 N, R.3 W; thence South 0.5 miles to the East quarter corner of Section 36 , T.40 N , R.3 W; thence West 0.5 miles to the center of Section 36 , T.40 N, R.3 W; thence South 0.5 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 36, T.40 N , R.3 W; thence East 0.5 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 6 , T.39 N , R.2 W; thence South 0.5 miles to the West quarter corner of Section 6, T.39 N , R.2 W; thence East 1.0 mile to the East quarter corner of Section 6 , T.39 N , R.2 W; thence North 0.5 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 5, T.39 N , R.2 W; thence East 0.5 miles to the North quarter corner of Section 5, T.39 N, R.2 W; thence, South 1.5 miles to the center of Section 8 , T.39 N , R.2 W; thence West 1.5 miles to the West quarter corner of Section 7 , T.39 N, R.2 W; thence South 0.5 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 13, T.39 N , R.2 W; thence East 4.0 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 15 , T.39 N , R.2 W; thence South 2 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 22, T.39 N t R.2 W; thence East 7.0 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 26 , T.39 N , R.1 W; thence South 2 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 35, T.39 N, R.1 W; thence East 3.5 miles to the North quarter corner of Section 4, T.38 N , R.1 E; thence South 3.0 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 16, T.38 N , R.1 E; thence West 3.0 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 13, T.38 N, R.1 W; thence South 3.0 miles in Clearwater County to the South quarter corner of Section 36 T.38 N, R.1 W; thence West 2.0 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 34, T.38 N, R.1 W; thence South 1.5 miles to the center of Section 10 , T.37 N , R.1 W; thence West 3.5 miles into Nez Perce County to the East quarter corner of Section 12 T.37 N , R.2 W' thence South 1.25 miles to the Southeast corner of the NE 1/4, of the NE 1/4 of Section , T.37 N t R.2 W; thence Southwesterly approximately 6.0 miles to the Northeast corner of the SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 18 , T.37 N , R.2 W; thence South 2.25 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 25, T.37 N , R.3 W; thence West 0.5 miles to the North quarter corner of Section 36, T.37 N, R.3 W; IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ~:UED: June 26, 2002 ~ Q Paul E. Pederson , Vice Pre ident EFFECTI~~ 2002 JUL 2 6 ' lfi. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Original Sheet 4 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION (Continued) Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section 16, Town 40 North , Range 4 West, Latah County, Idaho; (Continued) thence South 0.5 miles to the center of Section 36, T.37 N , R.3 W; thence West 0.5 miles to the West quarter corner of Section 36 , T.37 N, R.3 W; thence South 0.5 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 35, T.37 N , R.3 W; thence West 2.0 miles to the Southwest corner of Section 34, T.37 N , R.3 W; thence North 0.5 miles to the East quarter corner of Section 33 , T.37 N, R.3 W; thence West 2.0 miles to the East quarter corner of Section 31 , T.37 N , R.3 W; thence South 1.5 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 6, T.36 N, R.3 W; thence West approximately 0.5 miles to a point which intersects the center line of Clearwater Creek on the South line of Section 6 , T.36 N, R.3 W; thence meandering Southwesterly with the center line of Clearwater Creek through Section 7 , T.36 N , R.3 W to the West line of said Section 7 , T.36 N , R.3 W; thence North 3.25 miles more or less to the West quarter corner of Section 30, T.37 N R.3W; thence East 0.5 miles to the center of Section 30, T.37 N , R.3 W; thence North 2.5 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 7, T.37 N , R.3 W; thence West approximately 0.5 miles to the center line of Little Potlatch Creek; thence meandering Northwesterly approximately 4.0 miles more or less to a point at the South quarter corner of Section 23, T.38 N , R.4 W; thence North 0.5 miles to the center of Section 23, T.38 N, R.4 W; thence East 0.5 miles to the East quarter corner of Section 23, T.38 N , R.4 W; thence North 0.5 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 24, T.38 N, R.4 W; thence East 2.0 miles to the Northeast corner of Section 19 , T.38 N , R.3 W; thence North 1.0 mile to the Southeast corner of Section 7 , T.38 N , R.3 W; thence West 1.0 mile to the Southwest corner of Section 7 , T.38 N , R.3 W; thence North 2.0 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 36, T.39 N , R.4 W; thence West 3.0 miles to the Southwest corner of Section 34, T.39 N , R.4 W; thence North 2.0 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 27 , T.39 N , R.4 W; thence West 0.5 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 21 , T.39 N , R.4 W; thence North 2.0 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 9 , T.39 N , R.4 W; thence West 0.5 miles to the Southwest corner of Section 9, T.39 N , R.4 W; thence North 1.0 mile to the Northwest corner of Section 9, T.39 N , R.4 W; thence East 0.5 miles to the South quarter corner of Section 4, T.39 N, R.4 W; thence North 1.0 mile to the South quarter corner of Section 33, TAO N , R.4 W; thence West 0.5 mile to the Southwest corner of Section 33 , TAO N , R.4 W; thence North 4.0 miles back to the point of beginning at the Northwest Corner of Section , TAO N, RA W, Latah County, Idaho. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ISSUED: June 26, 2002 GR-EFFECTI'iJDL 2002 JUL 2 6 ' BY: Paul E. Pederson , Vice President ~. SECRETARY GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Original Sheet 5 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE .",--:;~ cEC'" IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE BY:(6R-EFFECUiE2lu~~6, 2002 JUL 2 6 'ISSUED: June 26, 2002 Paul E. Pederson , Vice President lfi. SECRETARY Demo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.comDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.com IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Demo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.comDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.com IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 21, 2016 Dec. 2, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Original Sheet 8 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE PAYSTATION SERVICE GENERAL Paystation Service provides telephone service to a customer-leased or owned paystation with or without coin collecting devices. A Paystation Access Line permits providers of such service to provide pay telephone service to the public. DEFINITIONS Coin Supervision - Provides signaling capability from the central office for paystations that do not have signaling capability within the telephone. This signaling capability provides operators and/or operator systems coin control. Customer - For the purposes of this tariff, the customer is the Paystation Service Provider. Network Interface Device - A company-provided jack or its equivalent. It is the point of connection between the Company owned wiring and wiring owned by the customer. For the purposes of this tariff, the network interface device will be installed at a location mutually agreed upon by the customer and the Company. OriQinatinQ Line ScreeninQ (OLS)- Enables operator service providers to determine whether there are billing restrictions on the exchange access line from which a call originates. OLS service delivers codes on operator assisted calls to identify calls originating from privately owned paystations, inmate locations, and hotels/motels, etc. Rates for this service are found in the appropriate interstate access tariff, when facilities and service are available. Pavstation Access Line - A basic coin transmission dial tone line. It is a line side connection from the local exchange switch to the point of demarcation at the customer premises. Selective Class of Call ScreeninQ - Enables the customer to restrict outgoing operator- handled calls, placed over the Company s network, from the service point to only those calls which are charged to a called telephone, a third number or a calling card. Selective Class of Call Screening will be provided at the customer s option, where such facilities are available. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUl 26 ' BY:(2~EFFECTIISSUED: June 26 , 2002 Paul E. Pederson, Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Original Sheet 9 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE PAYSTATION SERVICE (Continued) RULES AND REGULATIONS Paystation Service will be considered a business service for the purpose of applying the terms, rates and conditions found elsewhere in this tariff. Only one paystation instrument may be connected to each Paystation Access Line. Off-Premise Extensions are not permitted. The customer shall be responsible for the installation , operation and maintenance of any paystation instrument used in connection with this service. Requests to Directory Assistance Service originated from paystations will be charged the applicable rate of the Directory Assistance Service Provider. Directory Listings may be provided under the regulations that govern the furnishing of listings for business customers. Coin-free operator and emergency 911 access must be available from all paystations. One directory will be distributed to the customer without charge for each paystation business exchange line. The customer is responsible for the provision of booths, shelves, directories and all other ancillary equipment. The customer shall be responsible for the payment of charges for all local and toll messages originating from or accepted at this type of service, including any Directory Assistance Calls. The Company shall not be liable for shortages or coins collected and deposited at the customer s paystation instrument. 10. The Company reserves the right to disconnect service when the customer does not comply with the F.C. and state rules and regulations related to paystation service and equipment. 11. The Multiline Business Subscriber Line Charge, found in the interstate access tariff, is applicable to all paystation access line. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUL22 'JUL 2 6 ' SECRETARYEFFECTIV : July 6 , 2002ISSUED: June 26, 2002 BY: t;~ Paul E. Pederson , Vice President GENERAL EXCHANGE TARIFF I.P.C. No. POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY Idaho Section 4 Original Sheet 10 LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS LINE SERVICE PA YST A TION SERVICE (Continued) RATES AND CHARGES Monthly Rate Paystation Access Line Troy Exchange Kendrick/Julietta Exchanges See B 1 Rates See B1 Rates Coin Supervision Selective Class of Call Screening $2. $2. Coin Rate Each outgoing local message $0. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JUl22 'JUL 2 6 ' lfi. SECRETARY Installation , move and change charges will be those applicable to business service. This rate will be detariffed effective October 6, 1997. ISSUED: June 26 , 2002 C6R-EFFECTIVE: July 26 , 2002 BY: Paul E. Pederson, Vice President IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 13, 2010 Dec. 30, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 13, 2010 Dec. 30, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective March 7, 2011 March 21, 2011 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Nov. 24, 2008 Jan. 7, 2009 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 1, 2014 Dec. 19, 2014 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 13, 2010 Dec. 30, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Dec. 13, 2010 Dec. 30, 2010 Jean D. Jewell Secretary