HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170829Application.pdfp-gertR August 25,2017 ?uN - r- i"-o l Idaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary 472 W . Washington Street Boise, \D 83702 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY RE: Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Dear Secretary Hanian Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ("Peerless") hereby submits an original and seven copies of an Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. Peerless seeks authority to provide local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services in the state. Also enclosed are an original and seven copies of associated Attachments. There is one confidential attachment (Attachment C, consisting of financial statements) which is being provided in a separate, sealed envelope marked confidential. Importantly, Peerless respectfully requests that the confidential version of the financial statements be protected from public disclosure and available only to assigned Commission Staff and those who sign an appropriate non-disclosure agreement. Please date stamp the extra copy of this transmittal letter and return it in the enclosed postage- paid envelope. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (312) 506-0933 or regulatory @ peerlessnetwork.com. Sincerely G:.#,k- Patrick Phipps Director Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730, Chicago, lL 60606 Phone: 312-506-0920 i)BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO Application of Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and ) Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold ) Local Exchange and Interexchange Services ) in the State of Idaho ) Docket No. PE,/* r - /7o I APPLICATION OF PEERLESS NETWORK OF IDAHO, LLC FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO PROVIDE FACILITIES.BASED AND RESOLD LOCAL EXCHANGE AND INTEREXCHANGE SERVICES IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ("Peerless" or "Applicant"), pursuant to Idaho Code $$61-526 through 6|-528,IDAPA (Rule 111), Order No. 26665, and the rules of the Public Utilities Commission of Idaho ("Commission"), hereby applies for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to authorize the Applicant to provide facilities-based and resold local exchange telecommunications services throughout the State of Idaho. Peerless also hereby notifies the Commission of its intent to provide interexchange services. The State of Idaho has adopted a policy of allowing competition in the local and long distance telecommunications markets, recognizing that it is in the public interest to develop effective competition to ensure that all consumers will have access to high-quality, low-cost, and innovative telecommunications services. The federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 also seeks to promote competition and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices and higher quality telecommunications services for American consumers. Both goals will be fostered by granting Peerless's Application. In support of this Application, Peerless submits the following information: Page 1 \_,,1 { I. PROPOSED SERVICES Peerless intends to provide facilities-based and resold local exchange and interexchange telecommunications services. Peerless's parent company - Peerless Network, Inc. ("PNI") - has operating subsidiaries (i.e., Peerless Network of [STATE], LLC) authorized to provide local/interexchange telecommunications services in 42 states and the District of Columbia. The Applicant is proposing to offer the same services in Idaho as its operating affiliates offer in these other jurisdictions. Peerless intends to provide telecommunications services to large business/enterprise customers, and wholesale facilities-based services to other competitive local exchange carriers ("CLECs"), Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") providers, and wireless providers. Peerless does not intend to offer telecommunications services to residential or small business customers. The Applicant intends to focus its service offerings in the service territories of incumbent local exchange carriers ("ILECs") Centurylink and Frontier. Once certified, Peerless will seek an interconnection agreement with these ILECs for the purpose of exchanging traffic with the public switched telephone network. II. FORM OF BUSINESS A. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC is an Idaho Limited Liability Company. Peerless is headquartered at 222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730, Chicago, IL 60606. B. Peerless has a certificate of authority to operate in Idaho which is attached as Exhibit A C. Officers of the Applicant are: John Barnicle (President and Chief Executive Officer), Douglass Lee (Chief Financial Officer), Scott Kell (Executive Vice President of Operations), and Richard Knight (Executive Vice President of Sales). Profiles of these officers are attached as Exhibit B. Page 2 III. A. B. C. D. Applicant has had no formal or informal actions against it. Applicant further states that it has not received any judgment, penalty, sanction in any other jurisdiction that would adversely affect its ability to provide telecommunications in Idaho. E. Peerless's Registered Agent in Idaho is: Cogency Global, Inc.,92l S. Orchard Street, Suite G, Boise, Idaho 83705. F. There are no subsidiaries owned or controlled by Applicants. Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC is a subsidiary of PNI, who owns and controls operating subsidiaries authorized to provide telecommunications services in 42 states and the District of Columbia. PNI owns lol%o of Applicant, and in turn, PNI is a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of Peerless Network Holdings, Inc. ("Peerless Holdings"). The following individuals/entities hold at least 57o or greater ownership in Peerless Holdings: John Barnicle and Adams Street Partners. SERVICE AND TERRITORY Peerless will seek an interconnection agreement with ldaho ILECs - Centurylink and/or Frontier - shortly after its certificate is approved by the Commission. Peerless intends to begin operations in Idaho once it has interconnection agreements in place. Peerless's service areas and local calling areas will be identical to those of the ILECs. Peerless intends to offer retail services to large business and enterprise customers, as well as wholesale services to CLECs, VoIP providers, and wireless providers. Peerless will use a combination of its own facilities and the facilities o other carriers to provision its telecommunications services. Peerless does not currently own property or equipment in Idaho, and will make business decisions regarding the purchase of property/equipment in the future. Page 3 IV. FINANCIAL INFORMATION A. Peerless provides an audited balance sheet and income statement of its parent company, PNI, for year ending 2016 as Exhibit C (under seal). B. Peerless considers its financial statements as proprietary and confidential and seeks confidential treatment for Exhibit C. Public disclosure of this information would result in substantial harm to Applicant's competitive position. Peerless asks that Exhibit C only be made available to Commission Staff members reviewing Peerless's Application and those who have signed an appropriate protective agreement. V. TARIFFS AND PRICE LISTS A. Peerless provides its proposed initial local exchange tariff/interexchange price list as Exhibit D, and initial switched access tariff as Exhibit E. B. Peerless does not intend to collect customer deposits or advance payments. Therefore, neither a security bond nor escrow account is needed. C. Peerless provides its proposed initial tariffs/price list in both paper and electronic form. The electronic versions are in PDF format on the enclosed CD-ROM. VI. TARIFF AND CUSTOMER CONTACT A. The name, address and telephone number for the person responsible for tariff/price list questions and for customer complaints/inquiries is as follows: Patrick Phipps, Director of Regulatory Affairs,222S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730, Chicago,IL 60606, (312) 506- 0933, re gulatory @ peerlessnetwork.com . B. Applicant has a fully-staffed Network Operations Center ("NOC") in Chicago, IL with trained personnel to diagnose network problems and address them in an urgent manner. NOC personnel are responsible for monitoring the telecommunications network for Page 4 alarms or certain conditions that may require special attention to avoid customer- affecting impact on the network's performance. C. The toll-free telephone number for customer inquiries/complaints is l-888-380-2121 VII. INTERCONNECTIONAGREEMENTS A. Peerless has not initiated interconnection agreement negotiations yet. It will begin those negotiations shortly after obtaining a certificate of authority from the Commission. B. Peerless intends to negotiate an interconnection agreement with Centurylink and./or Frontier. VI[. COMPLIANCE WITH COMMISSION RULES A. Peerless has reviewed all of the Commission's rules and agrees to comply with them. B. Peerless is not requesting a waiver from any of the Commission's rules at this time. Ix. CONSERVATION OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS A. Peerless acknowledges that it is subject to numbering conservation measures including mandatory thousand block pooling. B. Peerless also acknowledges its obligations to monitor number utilization rates and file appropriate utilization reports. X. CONCLUSION Peerless possesses the technical, managerial and financial resources to provide telecommunications services in the State of Idaho. Granting Peerless's Application will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity by promoting customer choice, competition and innovation in local and interexchange telecommunications markets. Page 5 WHEREFORE, Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC respectfully requests the Commission issue an order approving this Application issuing a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide local exchange telecommunications services in ldaho. Respectfully submitted, el;k" Julie Oost Vice President Regulatory Affairs Peerless Network, Inc. (3t2) 878-4131 Re gulatorlr @ peerlessnetwork. com Page 6 BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO Application of Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and ) Necessity to Provide Facilities-Based and Resold ) Local Exchange and Interexchange Services ) in the State of Idaho ) Docket No. AFFIDAYIT IN SUPPORT State of Illinois ) )ss County of Cook ) John Barnicle, being duly sworn, makes this statement. I. I am President of Chief Executive Offrcer of Peerless Network, Inc., parent company of Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC. I have personal knowledge of the facts contained in this Application, and I certify their truth and accuracy to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. II. I also state that Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC will comply with applicable Idaho laws and Commission rules, regulations and Orders. Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC will also provide safe, reliable, and high-quality telecommunications services in Idaho. l()a 7 Barnicle, President Subscribed and sworn to before me on rf uf tat My Commission expires fu^ni [/*7.t 2l JULIE M. OOST OFFICIAL SEAL Notary Public, Slaro ot lllrnois Mv Commission ExPiIos JulY 21,2019 ffi",y S,g*t*"Date ATTACHMENT A .251 CERTIFICATE OF O RGAN IATION L|M|TED LtABtLtTy COMpAiry FTLED EFFECTTVE (lnstructions on back of application) ?S{}0CI 25 AH 9: 02 'T#ir i 1. The name of the limited liability company is: PccrlcssNetwork of ldaho, LLC 2. The complete street and mailing addresses of the initial designated office: 222 South Rivcrsidc Plaza" Suite 2730 (Slreet &ffiess) Chicasq 1L606AG6202 (MaiInS Address. lf dlfierent thsn 8treel addrBss) 3. The name and complete street address of the registered agent: C T Corporation Systerr 921 S Orchsrd Strect, Suite G, Boisc, Idatro 83705 (NarrE)(Street Address) 4. The name and address of at least one member or manager of the limited liability company: Xrmr Arlrlm! John Barnicle 222 S Riverside plaza, Stc 2730, Chicago,lL6of0[{lz0z Douglass Lee 222 S Rivenide Plaza, Ste 2730, Chicago,lLfiffi-6202 5. Mailing address for future conespondence (annual report notices): 222 S Rivcrsidc Plaza, Ste 2730, Chicugo, IL 606066202 6. Future effective date of filing (optional) Signature of a manager, member or authorized person. Signature Typed Namg: Brian C. Kalas, Esq Signature Typed Name: Seoetary of State use only IDSB SICf,EIMI $ SIEIEa/ r59l ?5/?8L3 65 =ts671? CTr t7tl99 Hk 139!iltil f$ = lf.f ffiGel tl0 I ?lm. gatn0t2 lD!2- 0129/10t3 Wohn Xhrc Oolir cart_cg_llc 1 C[:ll Wt0o56 Bt17tn17 IDSOS CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE State of ldaho CERTIFICATE OF E}fl STEN CE OF PEERLESS NETWORK OF IDAHO, LLC Ffu Nunrber W- 130535 I, LAWERENCE DENNEY, Secretary of State ofthe State of Idaho, hereby certify that I am ttre custodian ofthe limited liabiltry corpany records ofthis State. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the records ofthis office show that the above-nanpd limited liabrlity conpany filed a certificate of organization in Idaho on 1012512013. I FURTHER CERTIFY That the lirnited lilabilrty conpany's certifcate oforganization has not been dissolved. Dated: 8ll7l20l7 rc26 ANI SECRETARY OF STATE Authentic Access ldaho Docunrcnt ( http://www.accessidaho.org/public/portaUauthenticate.htrnl ) Tag:b5ae5ffff&l74087cla70f5286f;8%290be3dlOb291el06cb68278286edcc669adl9ab2d95bbb9 Office of the Secretary of State htQs :i/waaru.accessi daho. org /securdsos/corp/cert.hh 1t1 ATTACHMENT B Attachment 1 John Barnicle. President. Chief Executive Officer John Barnicle has over 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. In his current role as President, he is responsible for operating and managing Peerless. He has a proven track record of success in this role, and in this specific area of telecommunications. Prior hereto, Mr. Barnicle was President and Chief Executive Officer for Lynch Interactive Corp., where under his leadership, the firm: a) grew non-regulated revenue streams on a 20Vo per year pace to reduce the company's reliance on USF (Universal Service Fund) financial support; b) completed the "going dark" process necessary to take the company private, thereby minimizing the financially-onerous aspects of the Sarbanes-Oxley requirements; and c) led the refinancing of all, or portions of, six different operating company loan agreements. Prior thereto, Mr. Barnicle served as Co-founder, President and Chief Operating Officer of Neutral Tandem Inc., which he grew from inception to an annualized revenue run rate of over $40 million in just twenty months. Under Mr. Barnicle's control, Neutral Tandem became EBITDA positive within twelve months of providing service and currently has virtually every major competitive wireless and wireline carrier in the country as a customer. Neutral Tandem filed an S-l with the SEC in January 2007 for an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Mr. Barnicle's responsibilities at Neutral Tandem included overseeing the sales, marketing, engineering, operations and IT departments, as well as full P&L responsibility for the business. He also was instrumental in raising over $35 million in private equity and debt capital necessary to establish and grow the company. Prior thereto, Mr. Barnicle was the Co-founder, President, and Chief Operating Officer for Focal Communications Corporation. Under Mr. Barnicle's direction, the company grew to an annualized revenue run rate of approximately $350 million per year, with nearly I million DS-0 equivalents of voice and data services in service across twenty-three markets. As part of its business plan Focal offered local phone service (POTS, T-ls, Primary Rate ISDN), long distance, private lines, internet access, managed modem, co-location, and DSL. Its customers included half of the Fortune 100, Wireless and VoIP providers, and ISPs. His responsibility included overseeing marketing, engineering, operations and IS departments, as well as sales and business development. Under his direction, service-related customer churn was reduced to an average of approximately l7o pil year on his watch, leading to Focal's recognition as an industry-leader among its peers, as well winning various awards from customer groups, Innovation Week, and CIO Magazine. During this time, he also had full P/L responsibility, including responsibility for the capital budget, which peaked at nearly $300 million per year. He also led a private equity fund raising round, and then later an Initial Public Offering (IPO), two high yield bond offerings, a bank credit facility, and a private recapitalization, totaling over $800 million. Subsequent to Mr. Barnicle's departure from Focal, Focal filed for protection and reorganization in federal bankruptcy court and was later acquired by Broadwing Corporation which was later acquired by Level 3 Communications, Inc. Mr. Barnicle earned his M.B.A. in Finance (with Distinction), from DePaul University, 1995 and his B.S. Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on RF communications systems, University of Illinois at Champaign, 1987. Attachment 1 Douelass B. Lee. Chief Financial Officer Douglass B. Lee has over l5 years of telecommunications industry experience, and has known and worked with fellow members of the Management Team in a number of previous organizations. Mr. Lee has demonstrated a proven track-record for performance at both established companies, and at emerging growth companies. Prior hereto, Mr. Lee served as Founder and EVP/Chief Financial Officer of TeleGuam Holdings, LLC (the lncumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) on Guam, an integrated provider of communications services in the Western Pacific, offering wireline, wireless, long distance, and broadband communication services to consumers and businesses). As a founding member for TeleGuam, he was responsible for managing all financial and accounting functions for the company, upon the company's leveraged buyout of the government run phone company. Mr. Lee also managed corporate development, IT, strategy, investor relations, and risk management, and was part of core team that successfully won the competitive bid over the Carlyle Group in 2004. During Mr. Lee's employment with TeleGuam he successfully accomplished the following: o Raised over $45 million in private equity and $100 million in debt, to fund the purchase; and then served as company liaison to the Board of Directors, major equity investors, and senior debt holders.o Co-managed the launch of new long distance, broadband ISP and cellular businesses. o Year over year, reduced costs in overtime up to 937o; reduced payroll administrative costs by 507o, and reduced purchasing administrative costs by 607o.o Negotiated large vendor contracts while managing a $20 million capital expenditures budget; managed new billing platforms and collections processes, particularly the migration process toward more electronic methods for collection and distribution of cash; and developed the budgets for subsidiary and consolidated entities, including the key performance operating metrics for all subsidiary entities. Prior thereto, as Chief Financial Officer of ethnic food manufacturer, Mr. Lee participated as a founding member of management in a private equity leveraged buyout of the founding family, and managed all financial and accounting functions for the company. He also managed strategy, IT, telecommunications, risk management, and human resources for the company, while playing a major role in growing revenue over 20Vo, re-aligning and streamlining back-office functions, and achievinga30Vo reduction in overhead. Attachment 1 Prior thereto, as Vice President of Finance of Focal Communications Corporation, Mr. Lee managed pricing, revenue assurance, sales compensation, business analysis, real estate, corporate planning and budgeting. Reporting directly to the Chief Financial Officer, he aided in the development of unique applications for large corporate customers, which helped drive revenue growth of over l5OVo, and managed revenue assurance preventing the loss of several million dollars annually in incorrect billings from lncumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs). He also developed business cases and pricing models for new products/services, and managed the compensation policy for the sales force. He further provided pricing support for sales, and managed sales promotions and sales contests. Prior thereto, he was a Senior Associate at PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Telecom, and Media in San Francisco CA, and at Coopers & Lybrand Consulting in Chicago Illinois. Mr. lee earned his M.B.A. from Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, and a B.S. in Finance from the University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, Illinois. Mr. Lee also is a Certified Public Accountant. Attachment 1 Scott Kell. Executive Vice President of Operations Scott Kell has nearly 16 years of experience providing the telecommunications industry with futuristic products and services. In his current role as Vice President of Voice Operations, he has responsibility for all network engineering, provisioning, translations and cosUmargin for all voice services, including VolP and related 9l I ESGW services. Prier thereto, Mr. Kell was Vice President of Telephony Engineering and Enhanced Services for Broadwing Communications, where he oversaw the post-acquisition engineering and operational integration of the disparate local and long distance networks of Focal Communications and Broadwing Communications, into a single network entity (Broadwing acquired Focal Communications in 2004). He also directed the implementation of Broadwing's first VoIP network, and the introduction of all resulting Broadwing products to the marketplace. Prior thereto, Mr. Kell was the Director of all data and converged packet voice network engineering functions at Focal Communications, where under his control the first packet-based integrated access services were deployed on a national basis. This technology was further pushed into the network core to provide singular solutions for customers needing an instant national footprint. He also led the engineering team which was responsible for the company's DSL deployment in five major metropolitan markets. Mr. Kell's industry roles have ranged from marketing, product, and business development, to operations, and core engineering. He has also worked at AT&T Bell Labs (now Lucent Technologies), where he worked in international 5ESS Switch development and customer support, later transitioning to a sales role designing and selling custom SONET solutions within AT&T's Global Accounts for the Midwest. Scott earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, an M.S. in Telecommunications from Southern Methodist University and an M.B.A. from The Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Attachment 1 Richard Knieht. Executive Vice President of Sales Richard Knight has 17 years of award winning business building experience encompassing the launching of new technologies and products, creating local and national marketing programs, acquiring new customers, and directly impacting corporate margins by increasing gross revenues. He has developed, sold, supported, engineered and implemented customer solutions that achieved high-margin revenues. His experience includes Fortune 500, affinity, and wholesale market segments. As Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for TeleGuam Holdings, he was responsible for developing sales and support teams, revenue assurance, network purchasing and interconnections agreements, while selling mobile, long distance, data and local services. His efforts included development of a national account, business account, and residential account teams that were focused on revenue generation while maintaining margins in excess of 757o. Prior thereto, as founder and President of Origin Communications, he provided customers in the call center and telecommunications markets with the latest cost savings technological solutions. His programs increased customers' efficiencies and profitability by a minimum of 50Vo. The company's areas of expertise include Voice-over Internet Protocol and sales and marketing strategies. Origin Communications delivered results to both small to medium enterprises and to Fortune 500 Companies, to drive profitability. Key accounts included Gateway Computers, TeleGuam Holdings, RWT Telephone, Excel Energy, and Bramah Security Systems UK. Richard Knight earned his M.B.A. from DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, and a B.B.A from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, [owa. - ATTACHMENT C Peerless NetworK oI loano, LLU PUBLIC Attachment CREDACTED VERSION Peerless Network, lnc. and Subsidiaries Balance Sheet ASSETS Cash Accounts Receivable Net Other current assets Total Current Assets Property Plant & Equlpment Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total PP&E Other Assets Total Assets uAErLrTlES Accounts Payable Other current liabilities Total Current Liabilities Note Payable Advances for Construction Allowances Capital Lease Obligation Warrant Liability Valuation Deferred lncome Taxes Total Long Term Liabilities STOCI(HOIOERS EOUITY Total Liabilities and Equity Cash Flow Statement Beginning Cash Cash provided by Operating Activities Cash used in lnvesting Activities Cash used in Financing Activities Net Decrease in Cash Ending Cash lncome Statement Revenue Cost of Sales Gross Profit Operating Expenses Operating lncome Other lncome/(Loss) Other Expenses lncome (loss) before lncome Taxes lncome Taxes Net lncome Audited 2016 ATTACHMENT T) Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page I ldaho Local Exchange, lnterlata and lntralata Services Tariff Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC REGULATIONS AND SCHEDULE OF INTRASTATE CHARGES APPLICABLE TO COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES REGULATED BY THE STATE OF IDAHO PULBIC SERVICE COMMISSION Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 2 CHECK SHEET Pages, as listed below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective page(s). Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. PAGB I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10ll t2 l3 t4 l5 t6 t7 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 REVISION Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original x Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original * Original x Original * Original * Original x Original * Original * Original * PAGE REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original PAGE REVISION 67 Original x 68 Original * 69 Original x 70 Original * 7l Original * 72 Original * 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l 62 63 64 65 66 * * ,( * * * * * * ,. ,< * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,< * ,( * * * * * Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CHECK SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS EXPLANATION OF REVISION MARKS APPLICATION OF TARIFF DEFINITIONS SECTION 1 _ REGULATIONS SECTION 2 - SERVICES SECTION 3 _ SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Paoe No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 36 71 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 4 EXPLANATION OF REVISION MARKS The following symbols will be used throughout this tariff for purposes of revising the tariff as indicated below (c) (D) (t) (M) (N) (o) (r) lndicates change in text of regulations; Indicates a decrease in rates; lndicates an increase in rates; lndicates material moved; lndicates new rates or regulations; lndicates omissions; lndicates temporary rates and/or surcharges. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 5 APPLICATION OF TARIFF This tariff sets forth the services, offerings, rates, terms and conditions applicable to Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC (the "Company")furnishing of intrastate communications services in the State of ldaho. Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 6 DEFINITIONS Certain terms used generally throughout this tariff are defined below: Authorized-User A person, firm, corporation or other legal entity authorized by the provider of the service to use the service being provided. Carrier A company certified by or registered with the ldaho Public Service Commission (IDPSC) to provide telecommunications services within the State of ldaho. Class of Service -- Business. Residential The classification of a Customer's service as Business or Residential is determined by these regulations which define the character of use for rate purposes. A. Service will be classified as Business if: (1) The service is used primarily or substantially for a paid commercial, professional or institutional activity; or (2) The service is situated in a commercial, professional or institutional location, or other location serving primarily or substantially as a site of an activity for pay; or (3) The service number is listed as the principal or only number for a business in any telecommunications di rectory; or (4) The service is used to conduct promotions, solicitations, or market research lor which compensation or reimbursement is paid or provided. However, such use of service, without compensation or reimbursement, for a charitable or civic purpose shall not constitute business use of service unless other factors are involved. B. Service will be classified as Residential if none of the conditions of A. preceding apply, and: (1) The use of the service is primarily and substantially of a social or domestic nature, and (2)Service is located in a residence (the Company is not offering residential services at this time) or, in the case of a combined business and residence premises, the service is located in bona fide residential quarters of such premises while business service is isolated in the business quarters of the same premises. C Service classification is determined at the sole discretion of the Company pursuant to the conditions stated above. The Company may, at its discretion, levy charges for services which have been misclassified. Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original PageT DEFINITIONS Company Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC, the issuer of this tariff. Customer (as distinguished from Applicant) A person, firm, corporation or other entity that is authorized by the Company to use the Company's telecommunications services included in this tariff, is responsible for payment of charges included in this tariff, and is responsible for compliance with the Company's tariff regulations. A Customer is distinguished from an Applicant in that an Applicant has only applied to become a Customer and has not been approved by the Company to be a Customer. Direct lnward Dial A service attribute that routes incoming calls directly to stations, by-passing a central answering point Exchanqe A basic unit for the administration of communication service in a specified area, called the exchange area. It usually consists of one or more central offices together with the associated plant used in furnishing communication service in that area. lnstallation Charoes Charges which are assessed on a non-recurring basis at the establishment of a service. The terms "installation charges" and "non-recurring charges" are used interchangeably within this tariff to refer to non- variable charges. Joint-User An authorized-user (as defined above) who is co-authorized by the provider of the service to jointly use the service being provided. Kbps Kilobits per second, which denotes thousands of bits per second. Monthlv Charoes Charges which are assessed for services included within this tariff on a recurring, monthly basis. lt can be assumed that all services offered within this tariff are charged a monthly charge unless otherwise identified. Mbps Megabits, or millions of bits per second. Multi-Frequencv or ("MF") An inter-machine pulse-type used for signaling between telephone switches, or between telephone switches and PB)UKey systems. Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 8 DEFINITIONS Service Surcharqe An additional sum added to the usual amount or cost. Station Telephone equipment from or to which calls are placed Trunk A communications path connecting two switching systems in a network, used in the establishment of an end{o-end connection. User A Customer or any other person authorized by the Customer to use seruice provided under this tariff Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued:XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 9 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.'1 Undertakinq of the Comoanv 1.1.1 Scope The Company undertakes to furnish communications service in connection with one-way and/or two-way information transmission between points within the State of ldaho under the terms of tariff. The Company's services are available to business customers. Customers may use services and facilities provided under this tariff to obtain access to services offered by other service providers. The Company is responsible under this tariff only for the service and facilities provided herein, and it assumes no responsibility for any service provided by any other entity that purchases access to the Company network in order to originate or terminate its own services, or to communicate with its own Customers. 1.1.2 Shortaoe of Eouioment and Facilities The Company reserves the right to limit or allocate the use of existing facilities, or of additional facilities offered by the Company when necessary because of lack of facilities or due to some other cause beyond the Company's control. 1 .1 .2.2 The f urnishing of service under this tariff is subject to the availability on a continuing basis of all the necessary facilities and is limited to the capacity of the Company's facilities as well as facilities the Company may obtain from other carriers, from time to time, to furnish service as required at the sole discretion of the Company. 1.1.3 Terms and Conditions 1 .1 .3.1 . Except as otherwise provided herein, service is provided and billed on the basis of a minimum period of at least one month, and shall continue to be provided until canceled by the Customer, in writing, on not less than 30 days' notice. Unless otherwise specified herein, for the purpose of computing charges in this tariff, a month is considered to have 30 days. All calculations of dates set lorth in this tariff shall be based on calendar days, unless otherwise specified herein. Customers may be required to enter into written Service Orders which shall contain or reference the name of the Customer, a specific description of the service ordered, the rates to be charged, the duration of the services, and the terms and conditions in this tariff. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 10 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.1 Undertakino of the Comoany (continued) 1.1.3 Terms and Conditions (continued) 1 .1 .3.3 At the expiration of the initial term specif ied in the applicable Service Order, or in any extension thereof, service shall continue on a month to month basis at the then current tariff rates until terminated by either party upon 30 days'written notice. Any termination shall not relieve Customer of its obligation to pay any charges incurred under the Service Order and this tariff prior to termination. The rights and obligations which by their nature extend beyond the termination of the term of the Service Order shall survive such termination. This tariff shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of ldaho without regard for the State's choice of laws provisions. 1 .1 .3.5 Another telephone company must not interfere with the right of any person or entity to obtain service directly from the Company. The Customer has no property right to the telephone number or any other call number designation associated with services furnished by the Company. The Company reserves the right to change such numbers, or the central office designation associated with such numbers, or both, assigned to the Customer, whenever the Company deems it necessary to do so in the conduct of its business. 1 .1 .3.7 The Customer agrees to operate Company provided equipment in accordance with instructions of the Company or the Company's agent. Failure to do so will void Company liability for interruption of service and may make the Customer responsible for damage to equipment pursuant to Section below. The Company is not liable for interruption of service due to any failure of Customer premises equipment provided by the Company or the Customer. ' The Customer agrees to return to the Company all Company provided equipment delivered to Customer within five (5) days of termination of the service in connection with which the equipment was used. Said equipment shall be in the same condition as when delivered to Customer, normalwear and tear only excepted. Customer shall reimburse the Company, upon demand, for any costs incurred by the Company due to Customer's failure to comply with this provision. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 11 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.1 Undertakino of the Comoany (continued) 1.1.4 Notification of Service-Affectinq Activities The Company will provide the Customer reasonable notification of service affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business. Such activities may include, but are not limited to, equipment or facilities additions, removals or rearrangements and routine preventive maintenance. Generally, such activities are not specific to an individual Customer but affect many Customers' services. No specific advance notification period is applicable to all service activities. The Company will work cooperatively with the Customer to determine the reasonable notifications requirements. With some emergency or unplanned service affecting conditions, such as outage resulting from cable damage, notification to the Customer may not be possible. 1.2 Liabilitv of the Comp?nv The Company shall not be liable for claim or loss, expense or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any interruption, delay, error, omission, or defect in any service, facility (including services and facilities involved in emergency calling activity) or transmission provided under this tariff, if caused by any person or entity other than the Company, by any malfunction of any service or facility provided by any other carrier, by an act of God, fire, war, civil disturbance, or act of government, or by any other causes beyond the Company's direct control. 1.2.2 The Company shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by Customer and Subscriber against any claim or loss, expense, or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for defamation, libel, slander, invasion, infringement of copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, tradename or service mark, unfair competition, interference with or misappropriation or violation of any contract, proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property or entity arising out of the material, data, information, or other conduct revealed to, transmitted by, or used by the Company under this tariff; or for any act or omission of the Customer or Subscriber; or for any personal injury or death of any person caused directly or indirectly by the installation, maintenance, location, condition, operation, failure, presence, use, or removal of equipment or wiring provided by the Company, if not caused by negligence of the Company. 1.2.1 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.2 Liabilitv of the Comoany (continued) 1.2.3 The Company shall not be liable lor any defacement of or damages to the premises of a Customer or Subscriber, resulting from the furnishing of service, which is not the result of the Company's negligence. 1.2.4 Except when a court of competent jurisdiction finds that gross negligence, willful neglect, or willful misconduct on the Company's part has been a contributing factor, the liability of the Company for any claim or loss, expense or damage (including indirect, special or consequential damage) for any interruption, delay, error, omission, or defect in any service, facility (including services and facilities involved in emergency calling activity) or transmission provided under this tariff shall not exceed an amount equivalent to the prorata charge to the Customer or Subscriber for the period of service or facility usage during which such interruption, delay, error, omission or defect occurs. For the purpose of computing this amount, a month is considered to have thirty (30) days. Issued:XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 12 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 13 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.3 Provision of Equioment and Facilities 1.3.1 General The Company shall use reasonable efforts to make available services to a Customer on or before a particular date, subject to the provisions of and compliance by the Customer with, the regulations contained in this tariff. The Company does not guarantee availability by any such date and shall not be liable for any delays in commencing service to any Customer. The Company shall use reasonable efforts to maintain facilities that it furnishes to the Customer. The Customer may not, nor may the Customer permit others to, rearrange, disconnect, remove, attempt to repair or otherwise interfere with any of the facilities installed by the Company, except upon the written consent of the Company. Equipment installed at the Customer Premises for use in connection with the services the Company offers shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which the Company has provided it. The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation, or maintenance of any Customer provided communications equipment. Where such equipment is connected to the facilities furnished pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of facilities offered under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such facilities. Beyond this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for: (a) the transmission of signals by Customer provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission; or (b) the reception of signals by Customer provided equipment; or (c)network control signaling where such signaling is performed by Customer provided network control signaling equipment. 1.3.2 Non-Routine I nstallation At the Customer's request, installation and/or maintenance may be performed outside the Company's regular business hours or in hazardous locations. ln such cases, charges based on cost of the actual labor, material, or other costs incurred by or charged to the Company will apply. lf installation is started during regular business hours but, at the Customer's request, extends beyond regular business hours into time periods including, but not limited to, weekends, holidays, and/or night hours, additional charges may apply. 1.3.3 Ownershio of Facilities Title to all facilities provided in accordance with this tariff remains in the Company, its agents or contractors. Issued: XXX Effective: XXX Issued by:Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 14 1.3 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS Provision of Equipment and Facilities (continued) 1.3.4 Use of Service Service is furnished for use by the Customer and may be used only by others as specif ically provided elsewhere in this tariff. UnlaMul Use of Service Service shall not be used for any purpose in violation of law or for any use as to which the Customer has not obtained all required governmental approvals, authorizations, licenses, consents and permits. The Company shall refuse to furnish service to an applicant or shall disconnect the service of a Customer when: (1) An order shall be issued, signed by a judge finding that probable cause exists to believe that the use made or to be made of the service is prohibited by law, or The Company is notified in writing by a Law Enforcement Agency acting within its jurisdiction that any facility furnished by the Company is being used or will be used for the purpose of transmitting or receiving gambling information in intrastate, interstate, or foreign commerce in violation of law. Termination of service shalltake place after reasonable notice is provided the Customer, or as ordered by the Court. lf communications facilities have been physically disconnected by Law Enforcement officials at the premises where located, and if there is not presented to the Company the written finding of a judge, then upon written request of the Customer, and agreement to pay restoral of service charges and other applicable Service Charges, the Company shall promptly restore such service. Obscenitv Service shall not be used to make any oral or written comment, request, suggestion or proposal, or to transmit any nonverbal material, which is obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy or indecent, regardless or the format or avenue of transmitting the indecent or obscene material (e.9., 900 or 999 service). lmpersonation Service shall not be used to impersonate another person with fraudulent or malicious intent. (2) (3) Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 15 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.3 Provision of Eouipment and Facilities (continued) 1.3.4 Use of Service (continued) Harassment Service shall not be used to call another person so frequently or at such times of day or in any other manner so as to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass such other person. Fraudulent Use Service shall not be used to transmit a message, to locate a person, or to otherwise give or obtain information without payment of the charges applicable to such use. No device shall be used by a Customer with the service or facilities of the Company for the purpose of avoiding payment of the applicable charge. Service shall not be used in any manner which interferes with other persons in the use ol their service, prevents other persons form using their service, or otherwise impairs the quality of seruice to other Customers. The Company may require a Customer to immediately shut down its transmission of signals if said transmission is causing interference to others or impairing the service of others. Subscribino to Adequate Service lf a Customer's use of service interferes unreasonably with the service of other Customers, the interfering Customer will be required to take service in sufficient quantity or of a different class or grade. Telephone Solicitation by Use of Recorded Messaoes Service shall not be used for the purpose of solicitation by recorded messages when such solicitation occurs as a result of unrequested or unsolicited calls initiated by the solicitor by means of automatic dialing devices. Such devices, with storage capability of numbers to be called or a random or sequential number generator that produces numbers to be called and having the capability, working alone or in conjunction with other equipment, of disseminating a prerecorded message to the number called and which are calling party or called party controlled, are expressly prohibited. A B. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 lnterference with or lmoairment of Service Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 16 1.3 Provision of Eouipment and Facilities (continued) 1.3.4 Use of Service (continued) Common Receptionist A business Customer may extend service capable of two-way communication to the location of another business Customer for the purpose of performing clerical services which include the answering and originating of telephone calls. All regulations governing use of service and the charges normally associated with the equipment and channels involve are applicable. 1.4 Obliqations of the Customer 1.4.1 General The Customer shall be responsible for: (a) the payment of all applicable charges pursuant to this tariff; (b) reimbursing the Company for damage to, or loss of, the Company's facilities or equipment caused by the acts or omissions of the Customer; or the noncompliance by the Customer, with these regulations; or by fire or theft or other casualty on the Customer's premises, unless caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the employees or agents of the Company. The Company will, upon reimbursement for damages, cooperate with the Customer in prosecuting a claim against he person causing such damage and the Customer shall be subjugated to the Company's right of recovery of damages to the extent of such payment; (c)providing at no charge, as specif ied f rom time to time by the Company, any needed personnel, equipment, space and power to operate Company facilities and equipment installed on the premises of the Customer, and the level of heating and air conditioning necessary to maintain the proper operating environment on such premises; (d)Obtaining, maintaining, and otherwise having full responsibility for all rights-of-way and conduit necessary for installation of all cable and associated equipment used to provide local exchange service to the Customer from the Cable building entrance or property line to the location of the equipment space described in 1.4.1(c). Any costs associated with obtaining and maintaining the rights-of-way described herein, including the costs of altering the structure to permit installation of the Company provided facilities, shall be borne entirely by, or may be charged by the Company to, the Customer. The Company may require the Customer to demonstrate its compliance with this section prior to accepting an order for service; Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 17 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.4 Oblioations of the Customer (continued) 1.4.1 General(continued) (e) providing a safe place to work and complying with all laws and regulations regarding the working conditions on the premises at which Company employees and agents shall be installing or maintaining the company's facilities and equipment. The Customer may be required to install and maintain Company facilities and equipment within a hazardous area if, in the Company's opinion, injury or damage to the Company's employees or property might result from installation or maintenance by the Company. The Customer shall be responsible for identifying, monitoring, removing and disposing of any hazardous material (e.9., friable asbestos) prior to any construction or installation work; Complying with all laws and regulations applicable to, and obtaining all consents, approvals, licenses and permits as may be required with respect to, the location of Company facilities and equipment in any Customer premises or the rights-of- way for which Customer is responsible under Section 1.4.1(d) above; and granting or obtaining permission for Company agents or employees to enter the premises of the Customer at any time for the purpose of installing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, or upon termination of service as stated herein, removing the facilities or equipment of the Company; not creating or allowing to be placed or maintained any liens or other encumbrances on the Company's equipment or facilities or Customer premises equipment leased or purchased by the Customer from the Company; and making Company facilities and equipment available periodically for maintenance purposes at a time agreeable to both the Company and the Customer. No allowances for interruptions in service will be made for the period during which service is interrupted for such purposes. 1.4.2 Claims (f) (g) (h) With respect to any service or facility provided by the Company, Customer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from all claims, actions, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses for: (a) any loss, destruction or damage to property of the Company or any third party, or the death of or injury to persons, including, but not limited to, employees or invitees of either the Company or the Customer, to the extent caused by or resulting from the negligent or intentionalact or omission of the Customer, its employees, agents, representatives or invitees; or Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 18 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.4 Oblioations of the Customer (continued) 1.4.2 Claims(continued) (b) any claim, loss, damage, expense or liability for infringement of any copyright, patent, trade secret, or any proprietary or intellectual property right of any third party, arising from any act or omission by the Customer, including, without limitation, use of the Company's services and facilities in a manner not contemplated by the agreement between the Customer and the Company. 1.4.3 StationEquipment The Customer is responsible for providing and maintaining any terminal equipment on the Customer premises. The electric power consumed by such equipment shall be provided by, and maintained at the expense of, the Customer. All such terminal equipment must be registered with the FCC under 47 C.F.R., Part 68 and all wiring must be installed and maintained in compliance with those regulations. The Company will, where practicable, notify the Customer that temporary discontinuance of the use of a service may be required; however, where prior notice is not practicable, nothing contained herein shall be deemed to impair the Company's right to discontinue forthwith the use of a service temporarily if such action is reasonable under the circumstances. ln case of such temporary discontinuance, the Customer will be promptly notified and afforded the opportunity to correct the condition which gave rise to the temporary discontinuance. During such period of temporary discontinuance, credit allowance for service interruptions as set forth in Section 1.10 following is not applicable. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that Customer provided equipment connected to Company equipment and facilities is compatible with such equipment and facilities. The magnitude and character of the voltages and currents impressed on Company provided equipment and wiring by the connection, operation, or maintenance of such equipment and wiring shall be such as not to cause damage to the Company provided equipment and wiring or injury to the Company's employees or other persons. Any additional protective equipment required to prevent such damage or injury shall be provided by the Company at the Customer's expense. 1.4.4 lnterconnection of Facilities Any special interface equipment necessary to achieve compatibility between the facilities and equipment of the Company used for furnishing local exchange service and the channels, facilities, or equipment of others may be provided at the Customer's expense. Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 19 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.4 Obliqations of the Customer (continued) 1.4.4 lnterconnection of Facilities (continued) The Company's services may be connected to the services or facilities of other communications carriers only when authorized by, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions of the tariffs of the other communications carriers which are applicable to such connections. Facilities furnished under this tariff may be connected to Customer provided terminal equipment in accordance with the provisions of this tariff. 1.4.5 lnsoections Upon reasonable notification to the Customer, and at a reasonable time, the Company may make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine that the Customer is complying with the requirements set forth in Section 1.4.3 for the installation, operation, and maintenance of Customer provided facilities and equipment to Company owned facilities and equipment. No credit will be allowed for any interruptions occurring during such inspections. lf the protective requirements for Customer provided equipment are not being complied with, the Company may take such action as it deems necessary to protect its facilities, equipment, and personnel. The Company will notify the Customer promptly if there is any need for further corrective action. Within ten days of receiving this notice the Customer must take this corrective action and notify the Company of the action taken. lf the Customer fails to do this, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including the suspension of service, to protect its facilities, equipment and personnel from harm. The Company will, upon request 24 hours in advance, provide the Customer with a statement of technical parameters that the Customer's equipment must meet. 1.5 Establishment of Seruice 1.5.1 Aoplication for Service An application for service whether made orally, in writing, or by action of the Customer (e.9., use of Company's services) establishes the contract between the Company and the Customer on the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff. Neither the contract nor any rights acquired there under may be assigned or in any manner transferred. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page20 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.5 Establishment of Service (continued) 1.5.2 Minimum Contract Periods Except as otherwise provided, the minimum contract period is one month lor all services furnished. However, if a new single line business Customer notifies the Company within twenty days after receipt of the first bill that certain services or equipment are not desired, the Company will delete such services or equipment from the Customer's account without a record keeping or service ordering charge. The Customer nonetheless shall be responsible for all monthly usage and installation charges incurred for the use of such service and equipment. Except as provided in preceding, the length of minimum contract period for directory listings, and for joint user service where the listing actually appears in the directory, is the directory period. The directory period is from the day on which the directory is first distributed to the Customers to the day the succeeding directory is first distributed to Customers. The Company may require a minimum contract period longer than one month at the same location in connection with special (non-standard)types or arrangements of equipment, or for unusual construction, necessary to meet special demands and involving extra costs. 1.5.3 Cancellation of Application for Service Prior to Establishment of Service Where the Company cancels an order for service prior to the start of installation or special construction of facilities, no charge applies, except to the extent Company incurs a service order or similar charge from a supplying carrier prior to the cancellation. Where installation of facilities, other than those provided by special construction, has been started prior to the cancellation, the lower of the following charge applies: The total costs (including overheads) in connection with providing and removing such facilities. The monthly charges for the entire initial contract period of the service ordered by the Customer as provided in this tariff plus the full amount of any installation and termination charges applicable. Where special construction of facilities has been started prior to cancellation and there is another requirement for the specially constructed facilities, in place, no charge applies. A. B. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 2l SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.5 Establishment of Service (continued) 1.5.3 Cancellation of Application for Service Prior to Establishment of Service (continued) Where special construction of facilities has been started prior to the cancellation, and there is no other requirement for the specially constructed facilities, a charge equal to the costs incurred in the special construction (including overheads) applies. Where one or more, but not all, of the services involved in the special construction are canceled, a charge equal to the cost (including overheads) incurred for the discontinued seruice applies. lnstallation or special construction of facilities for a Customer starts when the Company incurs any expense in connection therewith which would not otherwise have been incurred and the Customer has advised the Company to proceed with the installation or special construction. 1.5.4 EstablishinoCredit 1 .5.4.1 The Company, in order to assure the payment of its charges for service, will require applicants and Customers to establish and maintain acceptable credit. The establishment or re-establishment of acceptable credit as provided in this section shall not relieve the applicant or Customer from compliance with other provisions of this tariff as to advance payments and the payment of bills, and shall in no way modify the provisions regarding disconnection and termination of service for failure to pay bills due for service furnished. Aoolicants for Service The Company may refuse to furnish service to an applicant that has not established acceptable credit or has not paid charges for service of the same classification previously furnished by the Company or another carrier at the same or another address, until arrangements suitable to the Company have been made to pay such charges. The Company may also refuse to furnish service to an applicant that has not paid charges for service of the same classification, previously furnished by any telephone company at the same or another address, until arrangements suitable to the Company are made. lssued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page22 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.5 Establishment of Service (continued) 1.5.4 Establishinq Credit (continued) Aoolicants for Service (continued) (1) Service applicants may establish credit in one of the following ways: a.Responding in a manner satisfactory to the Company to a set of standard questions, known as the Credit Evaluation Process (CEP). The applicant may be required to provide proof in support of these responses. The written procedures for the CEP are available for public inspection at the Company's main otlice a1222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730; Chicago, lL 60606. I ntentionally Omitted. Providing a sufficient written guarantee of payment for service by a guarantor satisfactory to the Company. The guarantee shall be made in a letter that is substantially similar to the form in below. Providing a surety bond, provided that such surety bond has been issued by an insurance company that is satisfactory to the Company. (2)Business service applicants may establish credit by meeting the requirements of the Company's Business Credit Evaluation Plan of (1) b. or (1) d. preceding. During the verification of an applicant's credit, the Company will permit service to be installed upon the advance payment by the applicant of an amount equal to applicable service charges and initial non-recurring charges applicable for service installation plus the estimated amount of the applicant's bill based upon one month's service. Such advance payment will be credited to the applicant's service account but does not relieve the applicant of his responsibility to subsequently establish credit in accordance with (1) or (2) preceding. lf credit is not so established, the Company may disconnect the service no sooner than five days after delivery or eight days after mailing of written notice of intention to disconnect. When a Customer's service has been disconnected in accordance with the above, service will not be reconnected until the Customer has established credit. (4) Advance Payments only apply to business customers b. c. d. (3) Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 23 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.5 Establishment of Service (continued) 1.5.4 Establishino Credit (continued) 1 .5.4.4 Existino Customers (1) A Customer may be required to reestablish credit when any of the following conditions occur: a.After the first twelve months that the Customer has received service, the Customer has had service disconnected twice by the Company or the Company provides evidence that the Customer used a device or scheme to obtain service without payment. (2)Payment by the Customer of delinquent bills will not of itself relieve the Customer from the obligation of establishing his credit with respect to the account involved or with respect to any other account in connection with the same or any other class of service which the Company may be providing such Customer. A Customer may be required to reestablish credit in accordance with when the amount of service furnished or the basis on which credit was formerly established has significantly changed. (4)lf a Customer fails to reestablish his credit as required by the Company his service may be disconnected not sooner than five days after delivery or eight days after mailing of written notice of intention to disconnect. (3) Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 24 1.5 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS Establishment of Service (continued) 1.5.5 lntentionallyOmitted. Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 25 1.5 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS Establishment of Service (continued) 1.5.5 lntentionallyOmitted. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page26 1.6 Billinq/Pavment 1.6.1 Customer Billinq These practices relate to billing and bill collection, telephone service termination, and disputes with their telecommunications carrier. IDPSC rules will prevail if a conflict exits between the Company's guidelines and IDPSC rules. The Company is available 24 hours a day for rate information. Rate information is available from the Company at 1-888-380-2721 Bills will be issued once each month during a thirty (30) day period. Special bills for long distance service may be issued to Customers business Customers at any time) when charges exceed 175 percent of the average of the past three months' long distance charges or of the average long distance charge for that class of service if three months actual data is not available. These bills will catry a due date which is ten days after the date that they are mailed or seven days if delivered by hand. ' Services which are charged for at other than monthly rates are billed in arrears. An unused portion of a usage allowance (which is included in the monthly rate for certain services) in one monthly period cannot be used in any other monthly period nor will refund or credit be given. Detailed call information, such as the time at which the call was made, its destination will not be generally provided other than for toll telecommunications message service. Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 27 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.6 Billinq/Pavment(continued) 1.6.2 Pavment of Charqes for Service The Customer is responsible for the payment of charges for all services furnished, including, but not limited to, all calls originated or accepted at a Customer's service location regardless of the carrier providing service. Payment shall be in United States currency or by instruments so denominated and payable on demand at par in Commercial banks in the locality where facilities and service are furnished. Payment is due on the due date shown on the bill and may be paid by mail to the authorized payment locations. When payment for service is made by check, a charge of $25.00 will be made by the Company lor each check returned by a bank to the Company for reason of not sufficient funds. lf the Customer remits to the Company on more than one occasion during a twelve month period a check, draft, or other instrument which is dishonored, the Company may refuse acceptance of further checks and place the Customer on a guaranteed basis. Under a guaranteed basis, the Company may refuse acceptance of anything as payment other than money orders, cashier's checks, or guaranteed instruments denominated in U.S. dollars and guaranteed by or issued by a third party acceptable to the Company. The Company shall advise the Customer in writing of the restriction and of the various options available to paying by cash. 1.6.3 Late Pavment Charoe Late payment charges imposed by incumbent local exchange companies on unpaid non-residential accounts are calculated in conformance with IDPSC rules. 16.3.2 Business Customers will incur a late payment charge ol 1.5"/o per month (orthe highest amount lawfully allowed, whichever is lower) shall apply to amounts shown on a monthly bill which remain unpaid after the due date referred to in 1.6.2 preceding, except that the charge is not applicable as specified in 1.6.4 following. Failure to bill interest in one month does not mean the Company has waived its right to bill a Customer for accrued interest. Issued: XXX Effective: XXX Issued by Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page28 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.6 Billinq/Pavment(continued) 1.6.3 Late Pavment Charqe (continued) Reoulations A. lntentionally Omitted. B. This charge does not apply to: (1) Amounts which are in dispute at the time the late payment charge would otherwise be applied.(2) federal excise tax or any other taxes levied by law directly on the Customer.(3) amounts billed by the Company for other entities for which the charge is not authorized by those entities' appropriate tariffs or contracts. Credit and collection procedures outlined in this Section are not waived or foreclosed by the application of a late payment charge. 1.6.4 Failure to Pav Charoes for Service A Customer is considered to be delinquent in the payment of a bill when the total amount due is not received on or before the due date printed on the bill. 1 .6.4.2 The Company shall give written notice at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled termination. The telephone company shall also make at least two attempts at personal notice by telephone at least twenty-four hours prior to termination. However, the inability of the telephone company to perfect personal notice shall not prevent the telephone company from terminating service. 1.6.5 Restoral of Service lf any Customer's service is restored after having been disconnected in accordance with this tariff but a Company service order to terminate such service has not been completed when such service is restored, the Customer will be required to apply a restoral of services charge specified in this tariff. Monthly service charges will not apply for the period between the disconnection and reconnection. When a Customer's service has been disconnected in accordance with this tariff and the service has been terminated through the completion of a Company service order, service will be reestablished only upon the basis of application for new service. c. lssued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page29 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.7 Termination. Discontinuance or Refusal of Service These practices relate to billing and bill collection, telephone service termination and disputes with their telecommunications carrier. 1.7.1 A written notice of discontinuance of service, with reasons specified, will be sent f ifteen (15) days prior to discontinuance, followed by a second written notice f ive (5) days prior to discontinuance of service. Notices will be sent via First Class Mail. 1.7.2 Service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the minimum contract period upon notice being given the Company ten days in advance and upon payment of the termination charges given below in addition to all charges due for service which has been f urnished. ln case of additional directory listings and joint user service, where the listing has appeared in the directory, the termination charges are the charges due to the end of the directory period. ln the case of special equipment forwhich the minimum contract period is in excess of one month at the same location, such proportion of the sum of the cost of the equipment and of its installation, plus the cost of removal, less the salvage value of the equipment removed, as the unexpired portion of the minimum contact period bears to the full minimum contract period. ln the case of termination prior to completion of the minimum contract period, upon Company being notified ten (10) days in advance and upon payment of all charges due as a result of the early termination. 1.7.3 Service may be terminated after the expiration of the minimum contract period, upon the Company being notified ten days in advance and upon payment of all charges due to the date of termination of the service. A. B. C Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 30 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.7 Termination. Discontinuance or Refusal of Service (continued) 1.7.4 The Company may discontinue or refuse service for any of the reasons stated below:(1) For failure to establish credit pursuant to applicable rules set forth in 1.5.4 preceding. For failure to pay a past due bill owed the Company, including one for the same class of service furnished to the applicant or Customer at the same or another location, or where the applicant or Customer voluntarily assumed, in writing, responsibility for the bills of another applicant or Customer. For failure to provide Company representatives with necessary access to Company owned service or equipment, after the Company has made a written request to do so. For failure to make payment in accordance with the terms of a Deferred Payment Agreement as defined by the IDPSC. When the Company has reason to believe that a Customer has used a device or scheme to obtain service without payment and where the Company has so notified the Customer prior to disconnection. For violation or noncompliance with a IDPSC order. For violation or noncompliance with any rules and regulations of the Company on file with the WV PSC for which violation of or noncompliance with the Company is authorized by tariff to deny or refuse service. For violation of or noncompliance with municipal ordinances and/or other laws pertaining to telephone service. For lailure to pay past due bill of a previous Customer of the premises to be served, provided that the applicant for service voluntarily signed a form agreeing to assume responsibility for the bills of the previous Customer, or that the previous Customer is currently a member of the same household as the applicant. (10) Without notice in the event that the Customer's use of equipment adversely affects the Company's service to others. (1 1) Without notice in the event that the Customer's use of equipment will endanger public safety or health. (12) For a Customer who has not used the service for a period of 90 days and who appears, after investigation, to have left the community or who advised the Company that he or she does not desire to continue to be carried as a Customer. (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) (8) (e) Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 3l 1.7 1.8 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS Termination. Discontinuance or Refusal of Service (continued) 1.7.4 The Company may discontinue or refuse service for any of the reasons stated below: (continued) (13) Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company to provide service to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair. (14) Without notice upon the Customer's insolvency, assignment for the benelit of creditors, filing for bankruptcy or reorganization, failing to discharge an involuntary petition within the time permitted by law, or abandonment of service. (15) Without notice upon any governmental prohibition, or required alteration of the services to be provided or any violation of any applicable law or regulation. (16) Without notice if the Company deems that such action is necessary to prevent or to protect against fraud or to otherwise protect its personnel, agents, facilities or services. (17) The Customer provides false information to the Company regarding the Customer's identity, address, credit worthiness, past or current use of common carrier communications services, or its planned use of the Company's service(s). 1.7.5 The suspension or discontinuance of service(s) by the Company pursuant to this section does not relieve the Customer of any obligation to pay the Company for charges due and owing for service(s) furnished during the time of or up to suspension or discontinuance. 1.7.6 Upon the Company's discontinuance of service to the Customer under this Section, all applicable charges, including termination charges, shall become due. This is in addition to all other remedies that may be available to the Company at law or in equity or under any provision of this tariff. Cancellation of Service 1.8.1 Cancellation of Aoplication for Service Applications for service are non-cancelable unless the Company otherwise agrees. Where the Company permits Customer to cancel an application for service prior to the start of service or prior to any special construction, no charges will be imposed except for those specified herein. Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 32 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.8 Cancellation of Service (continued) 1.8.1 Cancellation of Application for Service (continued) Where, prior to cancellation by the Customer, the Company incurs any expenses in installing the service or in preparing to install the service that it otherwise would not have incurred, a charge equal to the costs the Company incurred, less net salvage, shall apply, but in no case shall this charge exceed the sum of the charge for the minimum period of service ordered, including installation charges, and all charges others levy against the Company that would have been chargeable to the Customer had service begun. The special charges described in and will be calculated and applied on a case-by-case basis. 1.8.2 Cancellation of Service bv the Customer lf a Customer cancels a Service Order or terminates services before the completion of the term for any reason whatsoever other than a service interruption (as defined in 1 .10 below), Customer agrees to pay to Company the following sums which shall become due and owing as of the effective date of the cancellation or termination and be payable within the period set forth in 1.6, all costs, fees and expenses incurred in connection with: (1) all Non-Recurring charges reasonably expended by Company to establish service to Customer, plus any disconnection, early cancellation or termination charges reasonable incurred and paid to third parties by Company on behalf of Customer, plus (3)all Recurring Charges specified in the applicable Service Order tariff for the balance of the then current term, and 1.9 (4) any termination liability for early termination Miscellaneous 1.9.1 Special Conditions or Requirements Where special conditions or special requirements of a Customer involve unusual construclion or installation cost, the Customer may be required to pay a reasonable proportion of such costs. (2) Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 33 SECTION 1:REGULATIONS 1.9 Miscellaneous(continued) 1.9.2 TelephoneNumbers The Customer has no property right in the telephone number. The Company may change the telephone number of a Customer for engineering, technical, or other reasons. However, it will not change a telephone number as a penalty or to enforce payment for Company di rectory advertising charges. 1.9.3 Ownershio and Access to Facilities Facilities furnished by the Company remain the property of the Company until transferred or abandoned. The Customer shall provide employees and agents of the Company access to Company facilities, at all reasonable times, for the purpose of installing, rearranging, repairing, maintaining, inspecting, disconnecting, removing, or otherwise servicing such facilities. 1.9.4 lnstallation. Rearranoement, Reoair Maintenance. Disconnection. and Removal of Facilities All facilities furnished by the Company will be installed and maintained by it, except where such facilities are situated, in the judgment of the Company, in hazardous or inaccessible locations. Customers may not rearrange, disconnect, remove, or otherwise tamper with, or permit others to rearrange, disconnect, remove, or tamper with any facilities furnished by the Company, authorized in this tariff, except with the Company's written consent or as otherwise specified in this tariff. 1.9.5 Transfer and Assionments Customer may not assign or transfer its rights or duties in connection with the services and facilities provided by the Company without the written consent of the Company and payment of the applicable charges. 1.9.6 Notices and Communications The Customer shall designate on the Service Order an address to which the Company shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that Customer may also designate a separate address to which the Company's bills for service shall be mailed. The Company shall designate on the Service Order an address to which the Customer shall mail or deliver all notices and other communications, except that Company may designate a separate address on each bill for service to which the Customer shall mail payment on that bill. lssued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 34 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS 1.9 Miscellaneous(continued) 1.9.6 Notices and Communications (continued) All notices or other communications required to be given pursuant to this tariff will be in writing. Notices and other communications of either party, and all bills mailed by the Company, shall be presumed to have been delivered to the other party on the third business day following deposit of the notice, communication or bill with the U.S. Mail or a private delivery service, prepaid and properly addressed, or when actually received or refused by the addressee, whichever occurs first. The Company or the Customer shall advise the other party of any changes to the addresses designated for notices, other communications or billing, by following the procedures for giving notice set forth herein. 1 .10 Allowances for lnterruotions of Service 1.10.1 Credit for lnterruotions When the use of service or facilities furnished by the Company is interrupted due to any cause other than the negligence or willful act of the Customer, or the operation or failure of the facilities or equipment provided by the Customer, a pro rata adjustment of the monthly Recurring Charges subject to interruption will be allowed for the service and facilities rendered useless and inoperative by reason of the interruption whenever said interruption continues for a period of 12 hours or more from the time the interruption is reported to or known to exist by the Company, except as otherwise specified in the Company's tariffs. lf the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired, but not interrupted. For calculating credit allowances, every month is considered to have 30 days. A credit allowance is applied on a pro rata basis against the monthly Recurring Charges specified hereunder for Local Line or Local Trunk Service and is dependent upon the length of the interruption. Only those facilities on the interrupted portion of the circuit will receive a credit. Service outages between 12 and 24 hours in duration shall receive a credit lor 24 hours. Credit allowances for service outages that exceed 24 hours in duration will be rounded up to the next whole 24 hours. Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 35 1.10 SECTION 1: REGULATIONS Allowances for lnterruotions of Service (continued) 1.10.2 Restrictions on Allowance No credit allowance will be made for: (a) interruptions due to the negligence or willful act of the Customer, Authorized-User or Joint-User, including but not limited to noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff. (b) interruptions due to the failure or malfunction of Customer provided facilities or the failure or malfunction of any other non-Company equipment; (c) interruptions due to electric power failure where the Customer furnishes such electric power; (d) interruptions of service during any period in which the Company is not given full and free access to its facilities and equipment for the purpose of investigating and correcti ng i nterruptions; (e) interruptions of service during a period in which the Customer continues to use the service on an impaired basis; (f) interruptions of service during any period when the Customer has released service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arrangements; (g) interruption of service due to circumstances or causes beyond the control of the Company. 1 .10.3 Use of Alternative Service Provided bv the Companv Should the Customer elect to use an alternative service provided by the Company during the period that a service is interrupted, the Customer must pay the tariffed rates and charges for the alternative service. Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 36 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.1 Apolication of Rates 2.1.1 lntroduction The regulations set forth in this section govern the application of rates for services contained in other sections of this tariff. An application for service, whether made orally, in writing, or by use of service, establishes a contract between the Company and the Customer pursuant to the terms and conditions included within this tariff. Neither the contract nor any rights acquired hereunder may be assigned or in any manner transferred to a third party by the Customer, without the Company's written approval. 2.1.2 Charoes Based on Duration of Use Where charges for a service are specified based on the duration of use, such as the duration of a telephone call, the following rules apply: Calls are measured in durational increments identified for each service. All calls held for a fraction of a measurement increment are rounded-up to the next whole measurement unit. (b)Timing on completed calls begins when the call is answered by the called party. Answering is determined by hardware answer supervision in all cases where this signaling is provided by the terminating local carrier and any intermediate carrier(s). Timing for operator service person{o-person calls starts with completion of the connection to the person called or an acceptable substitute, or to the PBX station called. (c)Timing terminates on all calls when the calling party hangs up or the Company's network receives an off hook signalfrom the terminating carrier. (d)Calls originating in one time period and terminating in another will be billed in proportion to the rates in effect during different segments of the call and will be billed according to applicable eastern standard or eastern daylight savings time. (a) Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,lL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 37 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.1 Aoplication of Rates (continued) 2.1.3 Rates Based Upon Distance Where charges for a service are specified based upon distance, the following rules apply: Distance between two points is measured as airline distance between the rate centers of the originating and terminating telephone lines. The rate center is a set of geographic coordinates, as referenced in the Local Exchange Routing Guide issued by lconectiv (formerly Telcorida), associated with each NPA-NXX combination (where NPA is the area code and NXX is the first three digits of a seven digit telephone number). Where there is no telephone number associated with an access line on the Company's network (such as a dedicated 800 or WATS access line), the Company will apply the rate center of the Customer's main billing telephone number. The airline distance between any two rate centers is determined as follows: Obtain the "V" (vertical) and "H" (horizontal) coordinates for each Rate Center from the above referenced lconectiv document. (b)Compute the difference between the "V" coordinates of the two rate centers; and the difference between the two "H" coordinates. (c) Square each difference obtained in step (b) above. Add the square of the "V" difference and the square of the "H" difference obtained in step (c)above. Divide the sum of the squares by 10. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. Obtain the square root of the whole number result obtained above. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the airline mileage. FORMULA (vr-vz)2+(ttt-ttz)2 (a) (d) (e) (f) (g) 10 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 38 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.2 Service Area The Company's Local Usage Service Area adopts the local calling areas of incumbent local exchange carriers as defined in its tariffs on file with the ldaho PSC. 2.3 Connection Charoes 2.3.1 General The Connection Charge is a nonrecurring charge which applies to the following: (a) the installation of a new service; (b) the transfer of an existing service to a different location; (c) a change from one class of service to another at the same or a different location; or (d) restoral of service after suspension or termination for nonpayment. Connection Charges are listed with each service to which they apply. 2.3.2 Exceotions to the Charqe A No charge applies for a change to a service for which a lower monthly rate applies, made within 90 days after any general rate increase, if a lower grade of service is offered in the customer's exchange. B The Company may from time to time waive or reduce the charge as part of a promotion. A restoral charge applies each time a service is reconnected after suspension or termination for nonpayment but before cancellation of the service. Business $25.00 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX 2.4 RestoralCharqe Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 39 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.5 Moves. Adds and Chanoes The Company alone may make changes in the location of its lines and equipment. When it is found that a move or change of such lines or equipment has been made by others, the Connection Charge for the underlying service will apply as if the work had been done by the Company. The customer will be assessed a charge for any move, add or change of a Company service and is charged in addition to any other monthly or installation charge which is associated with the service the customer orders. Move, Add and Change are defined as follows: Move: The disconnection of existing equipment at one location and reconnection of the same equipment at a new location in the same building or in a different building on the same premises. Add The addition of a vertical service to existing equipment and/or service at one location. Change: Change - including rearrangement or reclassification - of existing service at the same location. Business Charge per Order Line Connection (per line) Move $50.00 $100.00 Add $50.00 $100.00 Chanoe $50.00 $100.00 Record Work Only (This charge is applicable for changes that do not involve central office or premise work.) $50.00 2.6 Charoes Associated With Premises Visit Trouble lsolation Charge: When a visit to the customer's premises is necessary to isolate a problem reported to the Company but identified by the Company's technician as attributable to customer- provided equipment or inside wire, a separate charge applies in addition to all other charges for the visit. Per Premises Visit, Business: 2.7 Primary lnterexchanoe Carrier Chanoe Charoe $100.00 Customers may be presubscribed to the carrier of their choice for both interLATA and intraLATA service. The customer will incur a charge each time there is a change in the long distance carrier associated with the customer's intraLATA or interLATA service after the initial installation of service. $2.50 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 40 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.8 Business Network Switched Services 2.8.1 General B. c. Business Network Switched Service provide a business customer with a connection to the Company's switching network which enables the customer to: A. receive calls from other stations on the public switched telephone network; access the Company's local calling service; access the Company's operators and business office for service related assistance; access toll-f ree telecommunications service such as 800 NPA; and access 911 service for emergency calling; and access the service of providers of interexchange service. A customer may presubscribe to such provider's service to originate calls on a direct dialed basis or to receive 800 service from such provider, or may access a provider on an ad hoc basis by dialing the provider's Carrier ldentification Code (1OXXX). Business Network Switched Service is provided via one or more channels terminated at the customer's premises. Each Business Network Switched Service channel corresponds to one or more analog, voice-grade telephonic communications channels that can be used to place or receive one callat a time. D Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 4l SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.8 Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.2 Service Descriotions and Rates The following Business Access Service Options are offered Basic Business Line Service PBX Trunks All Business Network Switched Service may be connected to customer-provided terminal equipment such as station sets, key systems, PBX systems, or facsimile machines. Service may be arranged for two-way calling, inward calling only or outward calling only. Optional Voice Mail Service is available. Service Establishment Charge This charge applies when the Company initially establishes the Customer's account for any service provided by the Company. This charge is applied in addition to any other monthly or installation charge that is associated with the service the Customer orders. -Per Order -Per Visit -After Hours Line Connection Service Order (1 hour) (1 hour) $50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $50.00 Custom Features are also available as described in this tariff Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 42 2.8 SECTION 2:SERVICES Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.3 Basic Business Line Service A. General B. Basic Business Line Service provides a customer with a one or more analog, voice- grade telephonic communications channelthat can be used to place or receive one call at a time. Local calling service is available at a flat rate included in the line price, or on a message usage basis. Basic Business Lines are provided for connection of customer-provided single-line terminal equipment such as station sets or facsimile machines. Each Basic Business Line has the following characteristics: Terminal lnterface: 2-wire Signaling Type: Loop Start Pulse Type:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) Directionality:Two-way, ln-Only, or Out-Only, as specified by the customer. Flat Rate Basic Business Line Service Service to points within the local calling area is included in the charge for Flat Rate Service. ln addition to the nonrecurring charges listed below, service order charges apply as described in this tariff. Nonrecurring Connection Charge $50.00 Monthly Recurring Charges: Business Single Line (per line) $40.00 Business Multi-Line (per line) $45.00 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 43 2.8 Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 PBX Trunk Service A. General Analog and/or digital PBX trunks are provided for connection of customer-provided PBX terminal equipment. Analog trunks are delivered on a DSO level and digital trunks are delivered at the DS1 level. All trunks are equipped with multiline hunting. DID service allows callers to reach the called party without going through a PBX attendant. DOD service allows end users to dial outside of a PBX system without going through the PBX attendant to get access to an outside line. Digital trunks cannot be two-way trunks, but must be ordered as with either Direct lnward Dialing (DlD) or Direct Outward Dialing (DOD). For DID configured PBX trunks additional charges apply for Direct lnward Dial Station numbers. Each Analog Trunk has the following characteristics: Terminal lnterface 2-wire or 4-wire, as required for the provision of service Signaling Type: Pulse Type: Directionality: Loop, Ground, E&M I, ll, lll Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) ln-Coming Only (DlD), Out-Going Only (DOD), or Two-Way Issued: XXX lssued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 SECTION 2: SERVICES Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 44 2.8 SECTION 2: SERVICES Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 PBX Trunk Service (continued) B. Flat Rate Analog PBX Trunks 1. General Service to points within the local calling area is included in the charge for Flat Rate Analog PBX Trunk Service. 2. Rates ln addition to the nonrecurring charges listed below, service order charges apply as described in this tariff. Nonrecurring Connection Charge: $50.00 Monthly Recurring Charges: $75.00 Terminal Numbers: 1-10lines in terminalgroup $15.00 1 1-20 lines in terminal group $25.00 21 + lines in terminalgroup $30.00 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 45 2.8 SECTION 2:SERVICES Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 PBX Trunk Service (continued) C. Message Rate Analog PBX Trunks 1. Description Message Rate Analog PBX Trunks provide the customer with a single, analog, voice grade telephonic communications channelthat can be used to place or receive one call at a time. Local calls on two-way trunks and DOD trunks are billed on a message rate basis. DID trunks are arranged for one- way inward calling only. 2. Rates Charges for each Message Rate PBX Trunk include a monthly recurring Base Service Charge and usage charges for completed calls originated from the customer's lines based on the total number of calls during the billing period. ln addition to the nonrecurring charges listed below, service order charges apply as described in this tariff. Nonrecurring Connection Charge: $50.00 Monthly Recurring Charges: $75.00 Terminal Numbers: 1-'l0lines in terminalgroup $15.00 1 1-20 lines in terminal group $25.00 21 + lines in terminalgroup $30.00 3. Message Usage Charges Per Message Charge $0.15 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 46 2.8 SECTION 2:SERVICES Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 PBX Trunk Service (continued) D. Analog DID Trunks Nonrecurring Connection Charge Monthly Recurring Charges (per trunk) DID Station Numbers: - Each Group of 20 - Each Group of 100 $60.00 $35.00 $6.00 $26.00 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 47 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.8 Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 PBX Trunk Service (continued) E. Digital PBX Trunk Service 1. Description Digital PBX Trunk Service provide a customer with connection to the Company switch via a DS1 digital fiber optic transmission facility operating al 1.544 Mbps and time division multiplexed inlo 24 analog voice grade telephonic communications channels. Digital PBX Trunks are provided for connection of customer-provided PBX equipment or trunk capable key systems to the Company switch. Each Digital PBX Trunk has the following characteristics: Terminal lnterface: Channel Bank or DSX-1 panel Signaling Type: Loop, Ground, E&M I, ll, lll Start Dial lndicator: lmmediate Wink, Delay Dial, DialTone Pulse Type: DualTone Multi-Frequency (DTMF) Directionality: ln-Coming or Out-Going Only, as specified by the customer Service to points within the local calling area is included in the charge for Digital PBX Trunk Service. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC 2.8 SECTION 2: SERVICES Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 PBX Trunk Service (continued) E. Digital PBX Trunk Service (continued) 2. Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges ln addition to the nonrecurring charges listed below, service order charges apply as described in this tariff. Charges for each Message Rate Digital PBX Trunk include a monthly recurring Base Service Charge and usage charges for completed calls originated from the customer's lines based on the total number of calls during the billing period. Where appropriate facilities do not exist, Special Construction charges will also apply. Nonrecurring Connection Charge: $250.00 Monthly Recurring Charges: Flat Rate: - Facility $500.00 - Per Active Channel (DlD) $25.00 - Per Active Channel (DOD) $75.00 Message Rate: - Facility $100.00 - Per Active Channel (DlD) $25.00 - Per Active Channel (DOD) $75.00 3. Message Usage Charges Per Message Charge $0.15 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued:XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX ID Tariff No. I Original Page 48 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 49 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.8 Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 lP Control Service lP Control is a DID voice line equivalent service used to connect the public switched telephone network and a customer's lP-based telephone equipment for the transmission of voice, data, or video traffic using Session lnitiation Protocol (SlP). lP Control may be provisioned using Company or customer provided access Trunk and port charges will be based on DS-O equivalent concurrent SIP sessions derived by taking the total incoming DID traffic divided by 7,000,000 minutes multiplied by 672. A minimum of 24 DSO equivalent SIP sessions is required and each additional concurrent SIP session will be billed individually. When customer provided access is used (including but not limited to public internet access), trunk and end user common line (EUCL) charges will not apply. EUCL charges will be applied according to the Peerless Network FCC Tariff for all Company provided access. MRC $0.15 $0.20 NRC $0.1 0 $0.20DID - 3'd Party SMS-Enablement Port Charges Per DSO equivalent.$10.00 Trunk Charges Per DSO equivalent $1s.00 Non-Recurring Charges lnstallation Charge Per DS1 equivalent $500.00 Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Managed Service DID Charges, Per DID DID - Standard .............. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 50 2.8 SECTION 2:SERVICES Business Network Switched Services (continued) 2.8.4 lP ControlService (Cont'd.) Local Number Portability (LNP) The following LNP pricing and rate structure applies to allcurrent and future Company Markets: Rate Port-in - First telephone number, per Order $12.00 Port-in - Each add'l telephone number, per Order $6.00 Port-outs, per telephone number $6.00 Expedite Charge, per Order $100.00 Snapback Port Fee $300.00 Cancellation of Port Request $50.00 "Snapback" fees are incurred when a telephone number is ported due to Customer error or Customer requests a telephone number not be ported after porting has already taken place. Snapback requests must be done within twenty-four (24) hours of the port. However, Company provides no guarantee that a Snapback request will be successful. Customer is responsible for the Snapback fee regardless of whether the Snapback was successful or not. Customer is not responsible for Snapback fees if Company was responsible for the port error. Issued:XXX Effective: XXX Issued by:Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 5l SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.9 Supolemental Services 2.9.1 Custom Callinq Service General The features in this section are made available on an individual basis or as part of multiple feature packages. All features are provided subject to availability; features may not be available with all classes of service. Transmission levels may not be sufficient in all cases. Feature Descriptions and Rates Rates in this section are applied on a monthly basis unless otherwise specified CALL WAITING $1.00 Provides a tone signal when a second call is coming in on a busy line. CALL FORWARDING-Variable $1.00 Permits a customer lo automatically transfer all incoming calls to another dialable telephone number. THREE.WAY CALLING $1.00 Adds a third party to an established connection without operator assistance. SPEED CALLING - 39 Number List $1.00 Allows a customer to call other telephone numbers by dialing a code rather than the complete telephone number. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 52 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.9 SupolementalServices(Cont'd) 2.9.1 Custom Callinq Service Feature Descriptions and Rates (continued) DISTINCTIVE RINGING This feature allows a customer to designate up to ten telephone numbers from which incoming calls will have a distinctive ring. For customers with call waiting, a distinctive call-waiting signal will be received if a call from one of the designated telephone numbers is waiting. CALL SCREENING Customer can designate '10 numbers from which incoming calls will be connected to a pre-recorded announcement that calls are not being taken now. PREMIUM NUMBER SERVICE $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $100.00 Premium Number Service: Premium numbers are those telephone numbers that end in 00, 000 or 0000. Premium numbers are assigned on a first come, first served basis and are limited to those numbers that exist in the Company's inventory, as acquired, according to industry numbering assignment practices. Premium numbers can be used in conjunction with other services offered by the Company. Standard usage charges that appear in this tariff for other services used with premium numbers will also apply. Service Set Up Charge (non-recurring) Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 53 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.9 SuoplementalServices(Cont'd) 2.9.1 Custom Callino Service Feature Descriptions and Rates (continued) CALLER ID This Central Office feature provides for the display of the incoming telephone number on a customer provided display device attached to the customer's telephone or answering machine with a built-in display screen. The Caller lD feature will forward the calling numberfrom the appropriately equipped terminating central office to the customer provided display device. The Company will forward all telephone numbers subject to technical limitations. CALLER ID WITH NAME This Central Office feature is only offeredto customers being served by appropriately equipped central offices and subscribing to caller lD. This feature provides for the display of the listed name associated with the telephone number from which the call is being made. The name will be delivered to a customer provided display device. The company will forward all calling names subject to technical limitations. $3.00 $s.00 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 54 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.9 SuoolementalServices(Cont'd) 2.9.1 Custom Callino Service Feature Descriptions and Rates (continued) BUSY LINE TRANSFER ln the event that the called telephone number is busy, this feature automatically forwards incoming calls toa predetermined telephone number served by the same central office switch, or provides inter-switch forwarding to a predetermined, dialable telephone number where technically available. lf incoming calls are transferred to a number served by the same or a different central office switch, multiple calls will be transferred simultaneously provided that there are sufficient facilities to accept the calls. This feature is not compatible with Call Waitino or Direct lnward Dialino Seruice. ALTERNATE ANSWERING ln the event that the telephone number is not answered within the Company designated parameters, normally three to four rings, this feature automatically forwards incoming calls to a predetermined, or a different central office switch, multiple calls will be transferred simultaneously provided that are sufficient facilities to accept the calls. $1.00 $1.00 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 55 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.9 SupplementalServices(Cont'd) 2.9.1 Custom Callinq Service Feature Descriptions and Rates (continued) MESSAGE WAITING TONE Allows an audible signal, stutter dial tone,to be present on the line when a message is waiting. BUSY L!NE TRANSFER, ALTERNATE ANSWERING, MESSAGE WAITING TONE Allows access to allthree seruices. CUSTOMER CONTROL OPTION Allows the customer to activate/ deactivate the Busy Line Transfer and Alternate Answering features and to change the number to which the calls are forwarded. Busy Line Transfer Alternate Answering EASY CALL Provides automatic dialing of a number when the customer's line is taken off- hook, at 7-second intervals. SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE When a busy or don't answer condition exists on an outgoing call, this feature automatically forwards the calling party to a pre-determined telephone number. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,lL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 56 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.9 SuoolementalServices(Cont'd) 2.9.1 Custom Callinq Service Feature Descriptions and Rates (continued) CALL CONTROL $2.00 Available with Basic Exchange Access Service and ISDN service. Customer has the ability to screen outgoing call, then block or allow calls. This feature can be activated and deactivated and provides a PIN number to the subscriber. Customer can block long distance, Operator Assisted, specific telephone numbers, prefix and/or area codes, and/or all outgoing calls. REMOTE CALL FORWARDING First Second $5.00 $5.00 Remote Call Forwarding (CO Based), provides a method to automatically transfer all incoming calls to another dialed number at all times. The dialable number is user defined. The dialed number can be either 7 or 10 digit numbers (POTS) and can be changedvia a service order. No physical telephone is required at the subscribed dialed number. Multiple simultaneous call paths can be provided, with each additional path priced at the rates above. (Business Service Ordering and Line Connection Charges apply.) Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 57 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.9 SupplementalServices(Cont'd) 2.9.1 Custom Callinq Service Feature Descriptions and Rates (continued) 9OO SPECIAL ACCESS CODE BLOCKING N/C Blocks access from a company provided Exchange Access Service to customer dialed 900 numbers. 976 PREFIX BLOCKING SERVICE N/C Blocks access from a company provided Exchange Access Service to customer dialed 976 numbers. AUTOMATIC CALL BACK Per Activation $1.00 Allows a customer to return most recent incoming calls whether answered or not. lf the line to which the request is made is idle, the call goes through, if the line is busy, the automatic callback continues to attempt untilthe line is free. The request is deactivated after 30 minutes or six unanswered ring backs if the call is not completed. REPEAT DIALING Per Activation $1.00 Allows a Customer, by dialing a particular code, to redial a dialed number a specified number of times or until a party answers the call. Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 58 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.10 OoeratorAssistance Surcharoes 2.10.1 General Operator Assistance Surcharges apply when a customer utilizes either an automated or live Company operator for purposes of completing or billing a call. Operator Assistance Surcharges apply in addition to local usage or long distance usage services as identified in this tariff. 2.10.2 Operator Assistance Surcharoes -- Rate Schedule PERSON-TO-PERSON $5.00 Operator assists caller by beginning to bill the call only when a specifically identified party answers the phone. BILLED TO A THIRD NUMBER $5.00 Operator assists the caller by billing the call to a verified number other than the station number from which the call is being made or by which the call is received.) COLLECT CALLS $5.00 Operator assists the caller by verify charges with, and billing the call to, the party receiving the call. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 59 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.10 OperatorAssistanceSurcharoes (continued) 2.10.2 Operator Assistance Surcharqes -- Rate Schedule (continued) CALLING CARD ASSISTANCE Operator assists the caller by accepting and/or billing, and/or completing a call based upon information pertaining to a billable calling card. Automated Assistance (where available) Non-Automated Assistance SENT . PAID/OPERATOR ASSISTED Operator assistance provided to stations capable of accepting pre-payment by terms of coin or non-calling card credit arrangements. BUSY LINE VERIFICATION Operator assists caller by verifying the busy status of an exchange access line. Charged for each verification. BUSY LINE VERIFY AND INTERRUPT Operator assists caller by first verifying the busy status of an exchange access line and then by interrupting the communications on the line to alert the communicating parties of the caller's need to reach the busy line. $5.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 60 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.11 DirectorvServices 2.11.1 General Directory services allow customers to customize the manner in which their Company assigned telephone numbers appear in published directory and/or are used by dialable directories and Company operators. This section applies only to services provided by the Company. 2.11.2 Directorv Services -- Rate Schedule ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY LISTING N/C One listing, without charge, is provided in the alphabetical section of the directory of the local exchange area in which the Customer's premises is located. This listing is termed the primary listing and is provided for each line provided pursuant to the Company's Exchange Access Service. Where two or more lines are arranged to hunt, all of those lines so arranged constitute a separate Customer Service. EXTRA LISTINGS An Extra Listing is any listing of a name or information in connection with a Customer's access line number beyondthat provided pursuant to the Alphabetical Directory Listing Service provided above.) Per Month for each listing:$1.00 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 6l SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.11 DirectoryServices(continued) 2.11.2 Directorv Services -- Rate Schedule (continued) PRIVATE LISTING A telephone number that is not listed in either the directory assistance records or the alphabetical directory or that section of the directory containing the regular alphabetical list of names of Exchange Access Customers. SEMI.PRIVATE LISTING A telephone number that is not listed in the alphabetical directory or that section of the directory containing the regular alphabetical list of names of Exchange Access Customers. The telephone number is listed in the directory assistance records and will be furnished upon request of the calling party. Per Month for each listing DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE CALL D.A. Call services furnish the customerwith either automated or operator assisted access to the Company's Directory Services database on a dial-up basis. A maximum of two number requests will be accommodated per D.A. Call Service call. Per Call $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Issued:XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Per Month for each listing: Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 62 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.11 DirectorvServices(continued) 2.11.2 Directorv Services -- Rate Schedule (continued) INFORMATION CALL COMPLETION lnformation Call Completion (lCC) is available as an add-on to the Company's D.A. Call Service. ICC allows the customer to connect directly to a number requested via the Company's D.A. Call service by means of operator dialing. Per Call Completed Mobile telephone service customers will only be eligible for ICC service if an alternate billing option is used, i.e., calling card, billed-to-third number, collect and person-to-person special handling. However, should a mobile carrier request the option, the Company will provide ICC to a mobile carrier on a sent-paid basis. $1.00 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 63 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2j2 Direct lnward Dial(DlD) Services 2.12.1 General DID is a service which permits incoming dialed calls to be dialed directly by a calling party station associated with a switching system located on the Carrier's Customer Premises. These lines support inbound calling traffic only. 2.12.2 Direct lnward DialService -- Rate Schedule Monthly Recurring Charge Non-Recurring Charge DID Trunk Termination Charges Each DID trunk termination in central office, per trunk Each DID trunk termination in Central Office arranged for Touch-Tone signaling. Subsequent additions, deletions or rearrangements of DID trunk terminations in addition to above charges, per occasion. DID Number Charges Each group of 10 assigned DID station numbers or fraction thereof, each group Each group of 1O Reserved DID station numbers or fraction thereof, each group Business DID Service from a Remote CentralOffice Mileage charges apply in addition to the rates specified preceding. Mileage charges are those specified for Foreign District Service as appropriate. Each new installation, addition, or rearrangement of trunks that provide DID service from a Remote Central Office, per occasion. $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $2.00 $2.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $2.00 $2.00 $5o.oo Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.13 2-Wav Direct lnward Dialino (DlD) With CallTransfer 2.13.1 General 2.14 MiscellaneousServices TOLL RESTRICTION SERVICE Toll Restriction Service will not allow inter-MSA 1+, 0+, 0-, 1OXXX, or 700 calls to be completed. - per line equipped Toll billing exception that prevents third number billed and collect call is also a customer option. INTERCEPT REFERRAL EXTENSION SERVICE Provides notification to calling parties about changes in the status of the called party's telephone line. (An Add / Change Charge applies to add or change the length of months requested) TEMPORARY !NTERCEPT Enables a Customer to have incoming calls intercepted for 1 month. (Regular Exchange Access Service billing continues and an Add/Change charge applies) - per CentralOffice Line - per Port lntercepted 2-Way Direct lnward Dialing (DlD) with Call Transfer is a service that permits incoming calls to reach customer provided equipment, without the assistance of an attendant, and allows the transfer of those calls to another line. Touch-Tone is a standard feature of this service. Monthly Rate $1.00 $1.00 Non-Recurrinq Charqe $5.00 $5.00 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 64 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 65 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.15 Customer Requested Service Susoensions 2.15.1 At the request of the customer the Company will suspend incoming and outgoing service on the customer's access line for a period of time not to exceed one year. The equipment is left in place and directory listings are continued during the suspension period without change. At the customer's request the Company will provide the customer with an intercept recording referring callers to another number. 2.15.2 The Company will assess a lower monthly rate for Customer Requested Service Suspension as noted below. However, any mileage charges, monthly cable charges or monthly construction charges are still due, without reduction during the period of suspension. Period of Suspension Charoe - First Month or Partial Month Regular Monthly Rate (no reduction)- Each Additional Month (up to the one year limit) 1/2 Regular Monthly Rate 2.16 ServiceandPromotionalTrials 2.16.1 General The Company may establish temporary promotional programs wherein it may waive or reduce nonrecurring or recurring charges, to introduce a present or potential customer to a service not previously subscribed to by the customer. 2.16.2 Requlations C. A. B Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Appropriate notification of the Trial will be made to all eligible customers and to the Commission. Appropriate notification may include direct mail, bill inserts, broadcast or print media, direct contact or other comparable means of notification. During a Trial, the service(s) is provided automatically to all eligible customers, except those customers who choose not to participate. Customers will be offered the opportunity to decline the service both in advance and during the trial. A customer can request that the service be removed during the trial and not be billed a charge for the period that the feature was in place. At the end of the trial, customers that don't contact the Company to indicate they wish to retain the service will be disconnected at no charge. During a Promotional Trial, the service is provided to all eligible customers who ask to participate. Customers will be notified in advance of the opportunity to receive the service in the trial for free. A customer can request that the service be removed during the trial and not be billed a charge for the period that the service was in place. At the trial's end, customers that don't contact the Company will be disconnected from the service. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 66 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.16 ServiceandPromotionalTrials(continued) 2.16.2 Reoulations (continued) Customers can subscribe to any service listed as part of a Promotional Trial and not be billed the normal Connection Charge. The offering of this trial period option is limited in that a service may be tried only once per customer, per premises. E. The Company retains the right to limit the size and scope of a Promotional Trial 2.17 Messaoe Toll Services 2.17.1 General The Company offers MTS intrastate, interLATA, and intraLATA interexchange long distance service utilizing switched or dedicated access arrangements between the Customer's premise and the Company's facilities for call origination. Calltermination is completed through a combination of Company facilities and LEC switched access arrangements. 2.17.2 Timinq of Calls Long distance usage charges are based on the actual usage of the Company network. Chargeable time begins when a connection is established between the calling station and the called station. Chargeable time ends when either party "hangs up" thereby releasing the network connection. Unless otherwise specified in this Tariff, the minimum call duration for billing purposes is sixty (60) seconds. ln addition, unless otherwise specified in this Tariff, usage is measured thereafter in sixty (60) second increments and rounded to the next higher sixty (60) second period. 2.17.3 Wide Area ("WATS") and Messaqe ("MTS") Toll Services The Company offers WATS and MTS intrastate interexchange long distance service utilizing switched or dedicated access arrangements between the Customers Premises and the Company's facilities for call origination. Call termination is completed through a combination of Company facilities and LEC switched access arrangements. D Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 67 SECTION 2:SERVICES 2.17 Messaqe Toll Services (continued) 2.17.4 Lonq Distance Usaqe Rates SwitchedServices The Company's Switched Service is offered to business customers for both inbound and outbound, intraLATA, and interLATA, calling over standard switched lines. Calls are billed in sixty (60) second increments after an initial minimum call duration of sixty (60) seconds. The following rates are not time of day sensitive or distance sensitive, and apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A. Switched lnbound Usage Charges DAY/EVE NI NG/NIG HT/WEE KEN D B. Switched Outbound Usage Charges DAY/EVE N I NG/NIG HT/WE E KEN D Mileage/Time of Day !nitial60 Seconds Additional60 Seconds ALL $0.03 $0.03 Mileage / Time of Day !nitial60 Seconds Additional60 Seconds ALL $0.03 $0.03 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page 68 SECTION 2: SERVICES 2.17 Messaoe Toll Services (continued) 2.17.4 Lono Distance Usaoe Rates (continued) DedicatedServices The Company's Dedicated Service is offered to business customers for both inbound and outbound, intraLATA and interLATA, calling over dedicated access lines. Calls are billed in sixty (60) second increments after an initial minimum call duration of sixty (60) seconds. The following rates are not time of day sensitive or distance sensitive, and apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A. Dedicated lnbound Usage Rates DAY/EVENING/NIGHT/WEEKEND B. Dedicated Outbound Usage Rates DAY/EVE N ING/NI G HT/WE E KE N D Mileage / Time of Day lnitial60 Seconds Additional60 Seconds ALL $0.03 $0.03 Mileage/Time of Day lnitia!60 Seconds Additional60 Seconds ALL $o.os $0.03 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original Page 69 2.17 SECTION 2:SERVICES Messaqe Toll Services (continued) 2.17.4 Lono Distance Usaoe Rates (continued) RecurringCharges Customers will incur the following monthly Recurring Charges SWITCHED ACCFSS DEDICATED ACCESS Per 800 Number Accounting Codes (non-verified)$t .OO Authorization Codes/BTN (verif ied) Authorization Code change/add/delete Monthly Recurring Charge Per T-1 Per 800/888 Number Accounting Codes (non-verif ied) Authorization Codes/BTN (verif ied) Authorization Code change/add/delete Set and lnstallation Charge $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 N/A $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $200.00 DEDICATED ACCESS Non-Recurring Charges Customers will incur the following Non-recurring Charges: SWITCHED ACCESS $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 $s.00 $s.00 $5.00 $5.00 $s0.00 Issued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. I Original PageTO 2.17 SECTION 2: SERVICES Messaoe Toll Services (continued) 2.17.4 Lono Distance Usaqe Rates (continued) DirectoryAssistance The Company provides Directory Assistance as an ancillary service exclusively to its customers. Directory Assistance is accessible by dialing "1" plus the area code of the desired number, and 555-1212. The customer may request up to two numbers per call to Directory Assistance. Directory Assistance, per call $0.7s $2.50Long Distance Operator Assistance Service Pay Telephone (Payphone) Surcharge A surcharge shall be assessed for each call made from a pay telephone to an 800 number or using a travel card and dialing the carrier prefix in the form 101XXXX. Although collected on the customer's bill, this charge is reimbursed to pay telephone service provider. Per Call $0.50 Non-SufficientFundsChecks A return check charge of $25.00 will be assessed for checks returned for insuff icient funds. Late Payment Charge Customers will be charged 1.5"/"ol any amounts owed to the Company beyond the due date for such payment. lssued: XXX Issued by Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original PageTl SECTION 3: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 3.1 General Where the Company furnishes a facility or service for which a rate or charge is not specified in the Company's tariffs, charges will be based on the costs incurred by the Company and may include:(1) non-recurring type charges; (2) recurring type charges; (3) termination liabilities; (4) combinations thereof. 3.1 .1 Special Contractual & lndividual Case Basis Arranoements The Company may enter into contractual arrangements with Customers for services. The rates for special contractual arrangements will be included in this tariff, or may include products or services in the case of unique or special arrangements. These contractual arrangements may include additionalterms and conditions that are consistent with tariffed provisions. 3.2 Basis for Comoutino Rates for SpecialArranqements The costs referred to in 3.1 preceding may include one or more of the following items to the extent they are applicable: cost of installing the facilities to be provided including estimated costs for the rearrangements of existing facilities. Costs may include the following: i. equipment and materials provided or used,ii. engineering, labor and supervision,iii. transportation, andiv. rights of way; cost of maintenance, depreciation on the estimated cost installed of any facilities provided, based on the anticipated useful service life of the facilities, with an appropriate allowance for the estimated net salvage; administration, taxes and uncollectible revenue on the basis of reasonable average costs for these items; license preparation, processing and related fees; tariff preparation, processing and related fees; any other identifiable costs related to the facilities provided; or an amount for return and contingencies A. B. c. D E. F. G. H. Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 1 Original Page72 SECTION 3: SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 3.3 Termination Liabilitv for Special Arranoements To the extent that there is no other requirement for use by the Company, a termination liability may apply for facilities specially constructed at the request of the Customer as follows: A. the termination liability period is the estimated service life of the facilities provided, B. the amount of the maximum termination liability is equalto the estimated amounts for: Cost installed of the facilities provided including estimated costs for rearrangements of existing facilities and/or construction of new facilities as appropriate, less net salvage. Cost installed includes the cost of: C. The applicable termination liability method applies to calculations regarding the unpaid balance of a term obligation. The amount ol such charge is obtained by multiplying the sum of the amounts determined as set forth in Section 3.3 (B) preceding by a factor related to the unexpired period of liability and the discount rate for return and contingencies. The amount determined in Section 3.3 (B) preceding shall be adjusted to reflect the re-determined estimate net salvage, including any reuse of facilities provided. This product is adjusted to reflect applicable taxes. Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXX Issued by: Effective: XXX (a) equipment and materials provided or used,(b) engineering, labor and supervision,(c) transportation, and(d) rights of way; ii. license preparation, processing, and related fees;iii. tariff preparation, processing, and related fees;iv. cost of removal and restoration, where appropriate; andv. any other identifiable costs related to the specially constructed or rearranged facilities. ATTACHMENT E, Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 1 REGULATIONS AND SCHEDULE OF INTRASTATE CHARGES GOVERNING THE PROVISION OF SWITCHED ACCESS SERVICES FOR CONNECTION TO COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES WITHIN THE STATE OF IDAHO Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 2 CHECK SHEET Pages, as listed below, are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective page(s). Original and revised pages as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff and are currently in effect as of the date on the bottom of this page. PAGE REVISION Title (1)Original * Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original PAGE REVISION Original * Original * Original * Original * Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original PAGE REVISION Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original Original 67 68 69 70 7t 72 73 74 75 76 77 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l 62 63 64 65 66 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 )l< d. * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,< * * * * * * * * * * * * ,< * >k * * * * ,< ,. {. * *< * ,< * ,( i< * * ,< ,< ,. * * * * * {. {< * ,< * * * * * * * * lssued: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Effective: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE CHECK SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS APPLICATION SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS SECTION 3 - SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS SECTION 4 - BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES SECTION 5 - RATES PAGE NO. 2 -) 4 5 6 t2 36 59 69 Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 4 ATION OF SYMBOLS MARKS. AND ABBREVIATIONS OF TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN THIS TARIFF The following symbols shall be used in this tariff for the purpose indicated below To signify a changed regulation or rate structure. To signify discontinued material. To signify the correction of an error made during a revision. To signify an increased rate. To signify a new rate or regulation To signify a reduced rate. To signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation. C D E I N R T Issued:XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 5 APPLICATION This tariff sets forth the competitive services offerings, rates, terms and conditions applicable Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC (Company) furnishing intrastate, IntraMSA and InterMSA communications services. Except as provided in 3.1.3(A), this tariff applies only to the extent that services provided hereunder are in use by a Customer for the purpose of originating or terminating intrastate communications. A communication is "intrastate" only if all points of origination and termination are located within the State of Idaho. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 6 DEFINITIONS Access Services The Company's intrastate telecommunication services offered pursuant to this tariff. Act The Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC 153(R)), as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Public Law 104-104, 1 l0 State. 56 (1996), codified throughout 47 USC, as interpreted by applicable law. Automatic Number Identification (ANI) A multi-frequency, signaling common switching feature that provides the automatic transmission of a seven or ten digit number and information digits to the customers premise for calls originating in the LATA to identify the calling party or station. Calling Party Number (CPN) A Signaling System 7 parameter that uses the ten (10) digit number is to identify the calling or originating party. Central Office Prefix (NXX) The first three digits of the seven digit telephone number assigned to an end user's local exchange service. Central Office Switch A switch providing Telecommunications Services, including, but not limited to an End Office Switch or End Office which is a switching entity that is used to terminate Customer station lines for the purpose of interconnection to other switches and trunks; and, a Tandem Switch or Tandem Office or Tandem that is a switching entity that has billing and recording capabilities and is used to aggregate and deliver traffic to carriers' aggregation points, points of termination, or points of presence, and to provide Switched Exchange Access Services. Central Office Switches may also be used as a combination End Office/Tandem Office Switch. Common Carrier Any individual, partnership, association, joint- stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged for hire in intrastate communication by wire or radio, between two or more exchanges. Common Channel Signaling Network Digital data network carrying signaling, routing and control information that interfaces with the telecommunications network. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Collocation An arrangement where the equipment of a local exchange carrier is installed and maintained on the premise of another LEC's equipment. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original PageT DEFINITIONS Company Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC, the company that issued this tariff. Customer The person, firm, govemment agency or entity, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust or corporation that orders from, uses or subscribes to the services in this tariff. Customer Proprietarv Network Information (CPNI) Information that relates to the quantity, technical configuration, type, destination, location, and amount of use of a telecommunications service subscribed to by any customer of a the Company and that is made available to the Company by the customer solely by virtue of the Company-customer relationship; and information contained in the bills pertaining to telephone exchange service or telephone toll service received by a customer of a carrier; except that such term (CPNI) does not include subscriber list information. Digital Signal Level 1 (DSl The 1.544 Mbps first level signal in the time division multiplex hierarchy. In the time division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS I is the initial level of multiplexing. Digital Signal Level 3 (DS3) The 44.736 Mbps third level in the time division multiplex hierarchy. In the time division multiplexing hierarchy of the telephone network, DS3 is defined as the third level of multiplexing End Office A local switching system where customer station loops are terminated for the purpose of interconnecting to trunks. End User A customer of telecommunications services provided by the Company that is not a carrier. End users can include a business, company or enhanced service providers (including but not restricted to, internet service providers, conference calling providers, and Voice over Internet Protocol service providers) or other entities. Exchange A unit generally smaller than a Market Service Area (MSA), established by a local service provider for the administration of communications services in the specific area. One or more exchanges comprise a MSA. Exchanee Telephone Company Denotes any individual, partnership, association, joint- stock company, trust, or corporation engaged in providing switched communication within an exchange. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 8 DEFINITIONS Extended Area Service (EAS) A switching and trunking iurangement which provides for non-optional, unlimited, two-way, flat rate calling service between two or more telephone exchanges, provided at either the applicable local exchange rate or the applicable local exchange rate plus an EAS increment rather than at the toll message rate. FCC The Federal Communications Commission Grandfathered Services ordered under the provisions of this tariff but are no longer available to new customers. Individual Case Basis A condition in which the regulations (if applicable), rates and charges for an offering under the provision of this tariff are developed based on the circumstance in each case. Intrastate Access Service Provides for a two-point communications path between a Customer's premises or a collocated interconnection location and an end user's premises for originating and terminating calls within the state. Internet Traffic Any traffic exchanged between Company and the customer that is originated by or delivered to an Enhanced Service Provider, including an Internet Service Provider. Local Access and Transoort Area (LATA) A Local Access and Transport Area established pursuant to the Modification of Final Judgment entered by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in Civil Action No. 82-0192; or any other geographic area designated as a LATA in the NATIONAL EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOCIATION, INC. TARIFF F.C.C. NO.4. Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) The telecommunications industry database tool used to provision NPAAINXs and provide routing information to facilitate call completion. Local Traffic Traffic, including but not limited to Intemet Traffic, that is originated by a Customer, user, subsidiary or affiliate of the Customer on the customer's network or service and terminates to the Company or another customer of the Company on the Company's network, within a given local calling area, or expanded area service ("EAS") area as defined in the originating carrier's effective Customer Tariffs, or, if the State Commission has defined local calling areas applicable to all LECs, then as so defined by the State Commission. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 2225 Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 9 DEFINITIONS Loss The value placed on injury or damages due to an accident caused by another's negligence, a breach of contract or other wrongdoing. Meet Point Billing When two or more exchange telephone companies are involved in the provisioning and billing of telecommunications service. MOUs Minutes of Use North American Numbering Plan (NANP) A three-digit area code (also known as a Number Plan Area (NPA), and a seven digit telephone number, made up of a three digit central office code and a four-digit station number. The NANP is administered by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA). Originating Carrier The carrier whose end user originates a call on the carrier's network or switching equipment. Percentage of Interstate Usage (PIU) The interstate jurisdictional use of a telecommunications service, as reported by the customer. This percentage is stated as a whole number percentage (a number from 0 through 100 percent) which is the best estimate of the percentage of the total use of the service that will be interstate in nature by the customer. Percent of Local Usage (PLU) The local jurisdictional use of a telecommunications service as reported by the customer. This percentage is stated as a whole number percentage (a number from 0 through 100 percent) which is the best estimate of the percentage of the total use of the service that will be local in nature by the customer. Point of Interconnection (POI) The physical location, building or equipment where two separate networks connect in order to pass telecommunications traffic and signaling. Recurring Charges The charges to the Customer for services, facilities and equipment which continue to apply for duration of the service. These usually occur on a monthly basis. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 10 DEFINITIONS Service Commencement Date The first date on which the Company notifies the Customer that the requested service or facility is available for use, unless extended by the Customer's refusal to accept service which does not conform to standards set forth in the Service Order or this tariff, in which case the Service Commencement Date is the date of the Customer's acceptance. The Company and the Customer may mutually agree on a substitute Service Commencement Date. Service Order The request for access services, written or electronic, executed by the Customer and the Company in the format devised by the Company. Such a request for service by the customer and the acceptance of the request by the Company initiates the respective obligations of the parties as set forth therein and pursuant to this tariff, but the duration of the service is calculated from the Service Commencement Date. Servins Wire Center The wire center from which the customer designated premises would normally obtain dial tone from the Company. Shared A facility or equipment system or subsystem that can be used simultaneously by several customers. Signaling Transfer Point (STP) A specialized switch that provides SS7 network access and performs SS7 message routing and screening State Commission The State agency responsible for the regulation of telecommunications service within a particular state's or commonwealth's borders. Tandem Transit or third party Tandem Transit An arrangement that provides indirect Interconnection, via a third party's tandem, that is used by the Company and the Customer for the reciprocal exchange of Local and IntraLATA Toll Traffic between their respective networks and/or service. Telecommunications Service The offering of Telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, provided through a system of switches, transmission equipment, or other facilities (or combination thereof) by which a subscriber can originate and terminate a Telecommunications Service, regardless of the facilities used. Telecommunications Service generally provides the Customer with a telephonic connection to, and a unique telephone number address on, the public switched telecommunications network, and enables such Customer to place or receive calls to all other stations served by the public switched telecommunications network. It also provides service within a telephone exchange or within a connected system of telephone exchanges within the same exchange area operated to furnish subscribers intercommunicating service of the character ordinarily furnished by a single exchange Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued:XXXX Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 11 DEFINITIONS Terminating Carrier The carrier who terminates a call to the carrier's end user a call on the carrier's network or switching equipment. Termination Point The point of demarcation within a customer designated premises or point of interconnection at which the Company's responsibility for the provision of service ends. Toll Traffic Traffic between stations in different exchange areas for which there is a separate charge not included in contracts for local exchange service. User A Customer or any other person authorized by the Customer to use service provided under this tariff. Wire Center A building in which one or more end offices, used for the provision of Exchange Services, are located. V and H Coordinates Method A method of computing the distance, in airline miles, between two point by utilizing an established formula which is based on the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the two points. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 12 2.1 REGULATIONS Undertaking of the Company 2.1.1 Scope The Company undertakes to furnish access services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this tariff. 2.1.2 Shortage of Facilities All service is subject to the availability of suitable facilities. The Company reserves the right to limit the length of communications or to discontinue fumishing services when necessary because of the lack of transmission medium capacity or because of any causes beyond its control. 2.1.3 Terms and Conditions Service is provided on the basis of a minimum period of at least one-month, 24- hours per day. For the purpose of computing charges in this tariff, a month is considered to have 30 days. (B)Customers may be required to enter into written service orders which shall contain or reference a specific description of the service ordered, the rates to be charged, the duration of the services, and the terms and conditions in this tariff. Customers will also be required to execute any other documents as may be reasonably requested by the Company. Should a Customer use the Company's access service without an executed Service Order, the Company will then request the Customer to submit a Service Order. If the Company does not have an executed Service Order from a Customer, the Service Commencement Date will be the first date on which the service or facility was used by a Customer. (C) This tariff shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of Idaho without regard for its choice of laws provision. (D) The installation and restoration of Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) system services shall be subject to the Federal Communications Commission's rules and regulations. (E)The Company will provide the customer reasonable notification of service affecting activities that may occur in normal operation of its business. Activities may include, but are not limited to, equipment or facilities additions, removals or rearrangements, routine maintenance and major network reconfiguration or switch changes. (A) lssued: XXXX Effective: XXXX lssued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 13 REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (cont'd.) 2.1.4 Liability of the Company (A) Except as otherwise stated in this Tariff, the liability of the Company for damages arising out of the furnishing of its Services, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, or errors, or other defects, representations, or use of these services or arising out of the failure to furnish the service, whether caused by acts or omission, shall be limited to the extension of allowances for intemrption as set forth in Section 2.7. The extension of such allowances for intemrption shall be the sole remedy of the Customer and the sole liability of the Company. The Company will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages to the Customer as a result of any Company service, equipment or facilities, or any acts or omissions or negligence of the Company's employees or agents. (B)The Company shall not be liable for (a) any act or omission of any entity furnishing to the Company or to the Company's Customers facilities or equipment used for interconnection with Network Services; or (b) for the acts or omissions of common carriers or warehousemen. (c)The Company shall not be liable for any delay or failure of performance or equipment due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to: acts of God, fire, flood, explosion or other catastrophes; any law, order, regulation, direction, action, or request of the United States government, or of any other government, including state and local governments having or claiming jurisdiction over the Company, or of any department, agency, commission, bureau, corporation, or other instrumentality of any one or more of these federal, state, or local governments, or of any civil or military authority; national emergencies; insurrections; riots; wars; unavailability of rights-of-way materials; or strikes, lock-outs, work stoppages, or other labor difficulties. (D)The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses due to the fault or negligence of the Customer or due to the failure or malfunction of equipment or facilities provided by the Customer or third parties. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 14 REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (cont'd.) 2.1.4 Liability of the Company The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to installations it provides for use in an explosive atmosphere. The Customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any other party or person(s), and for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location, or use of any installation so provided. The Company reserves the right to require each Customer to sign an agreement acknowledging acceptance of the provisions of this Section 2.1.4(E) as a condition precedent to such installations. (F)The Company is not liable for any defacement of or damage to Customer premises resulting from the furnishing of services or equipment on such Premises or the installation or removal thereof, unless such defacement or damage is caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Company's agents or employees. (G) The Company shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by the Customer against any claim, loss or damage arising from Customer's use of services, involving claims for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or infringement of copyright, patent or trademark arising from the Customer's own communications. (H) The entire liability for any claim, loss, damage or expense from any cause whatsoever shall in no event exceed sums actually paid the Company by the Customer for the specific services in the month in which the event giving rise to the liability occurred. No action or proceeding against the Company shall be commenced more than one year after the event giving rise to the liability occurred. (r)THE COMPANY NOR ITS AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR ASSIGNS, MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. (E) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 2225 Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page l5 REGULATIONS 2.1 Undertaking of the Company (cont'd.) 2.1.5 Claims The Company shall be indemnified and saved harmless by the Customer from and against all loss, liability, damage and expense, including reasonable counsel fees, due to claims of libel, slander, or infringement of copyright in connection with the material transmitted over the Company's facilities; and any other claim resulting from any act or omission of the Customer or end users of the Customer relating to the use of the Company's services or facilities. 2.1.6 Provision of Equipment and Facilities Except as otherwise indicated, any customer-provided station equipment at the Customer's premises for use in conjunction with this service shall be so constructed, maintained and operated as to work satisfactorily with the facilities of the Company. (B)The Company shall not be responsible for the installation, operation or maintenance of any Customer-provided communications equipment. Where such equipment is connected to service furnished pursuant to this tariff, the responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the furnishing of services under this tariff and to the maintenance and operation of such services in the proper manner. Subject to this responsibility, the Company shall not be responsible for: (l) the through transmission of signals generated by Customer-provided equipment or for the quality of, or defects in, such transmission; or (2) the reception of signals by Customer-provided equipment; or (3)network control signaling where such signaling is performed by Customer-provided network control signaling equipment. 2.1.7 Ownership of Facilities Title to all facilities provided in accordance with this tariff remains in the Company, its agents, contractors or suppliers. (A) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 REGULATIONS (A) The services the Company offers shall not be used for any unlawful purpose or for any use for which the Customer has not obtained all required governmental approvals, authorization, licenses, consents and permits. (B)The Company may require applicants for service who intend to use the Company's offering for resale and/or for shared use to file a letter with the Company confirming that their use of the Company's offerings complies with relevant laws and regulations, policies, orders, and decisions. The Company may require a Customer to immediately shut down its transmission if such transmission is causing interference to others. A Customer, joint user, or authorized user may not assign, or transfer in any manner, the service or any rights associated with the service without the written consent of the Company. The Company will permit a Customer to transfer its existing service to another entity if the existing Customer has paid all charges owed to the Company for regulated access services. Such a transfer will be treated as a disconnection of existing service and installation of new service, and non-recurring installation charges as stated in this tariff will apply. (E)The above list is not meant to be all inclusive and may change due to an order or decision from a regulatory agency, from a court of competent jurisdiction or by a decision of the company. 2.3 Obligations of the Customer 2.3.1 CustomerPremisesProvisions (A) The Customer shall provide the personnel, power and space required to operate all facilities and associated equipment installed on the premises of the Customer. (B)The Customer shall be responsible for providing Company personnel access to premises of the Customer at any reasonable hour for the purpose of testing the facilities or equipment of the Company. 2.3.2 Liability of the Customer The Customer will be liable for damages to the facilities of the Company caused by negligence or willful acts of its offices, employees, agents or contractors of the Customer where such negligence is not the direct result of the Company's negligence. (c) (D) Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page l6 Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 2.2 Prohibited Uses Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 17 REGULATIONS 2.3 Obligations of the Customer 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (A) For Feature Group D Switched Access Service(s), the Company, where jurisdiction can be determined from the call detail, will determine the projected interstate percentage as follows. For originating access minutes, the projected interstate percentage will be developed on a monthly basis by end office trunk group when the Feature Group D Switched Access Service access minutes are measured by dividing the measured interstate originating access minutes (the access minutes where the calling number is in one state and the called number is in another state) by the total originating access minutes when the call detail is adequate to determine the appropriate jurisdiction. For terminating access minutes, the Customer has the option to provide the Company with a projected PIU factor. Customers who provide a PIU factor shall supply the Company with an interstate percentage of the Feature Group D terminating access minutes for each account to which the Customer may terminate traffic. Should the Customer not supply a terminating PIU Factor, the data used by the Company to develop the projected interstate percentage for originating access minutes will be used to develop projected interstate percentage for such terminating access minutes. When a Customer orders Feature Group D Switched Access Service, the Customer shall supply a projected interstate percentage of use for each end office trunk group involved to be used in the event that originating call details are insufficient to determine the jurisdiction for the call. This percentage shall be used by the Company as the projected interstate percentage for such call detail. For purposes of developing the projected interstate percentage, the Customer shall utilize the same considerations as those set forth in Section 2.3.3(B) following. The Company will designate the number obtained by subtracting the projected interstate percentage for originating and terminating access minutes from 100 (100 -projected interstate percentage = intrastate percentage) as the projected intrastate percentage of use. (B)For purposes of developing the projected interstate percentage, the Customer shall consider every call that enters the Customer's network at a point within the same state as the state where the called station is located to be intrastate and every call that enters the Customer's network at a point in a state different from the state in which the called station is located to be interstate. (c)These whole number percentages will be used by the Company to apportion the use, rates, and/or nonrecurring charges between interstate and intrastate until a revised report is received. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 18 2.3 REGULATIONS Oblieations of the Customer (cont'd.) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (cont'd.) (D) The projected interstate percentage of use will be used to determine the charges as follows: The number of access minutes for a trunk group will be multiplied by the projected interstate percentage of use to determine the interstate access minutes. (i.e., number of access minutes x projected interstate percentage of use = interstate access minutes). The number of interstate access minutes so determined will be subtracted from the total number of access minutes (i.e., number of access minutes - interstate access minutes = intrastate access minutes). The intrastate access minutes for the group will be billed as set forth in Section 5 following. (E)Effective on the first of January, April, July and October of each year, the Customer may update the jurisdictional reports that require a projected interstate percentage. The Customer shall forward to the Company, to be received no later than 20 calendar days after the first of each such month, a revised report showing the interstate percentage of use for the past three months ending the last day of December, March, June and September, respectively, for each service arranged for interstate and intrastate use. Except as set forth in Section 2.3.3(A) preceding where jurisdiction can be determined from the recorded message detail, the revised report will serve as the basis for the next three months billing and will be effective on the bill date in the following month (i.e., February, May, August, and November) for that service. No prorating or back billing will be done based on the report. If the Customer does not supply the report, the Company will assume the percentage to be the same as that provided in the last quarterly report. For those cases in which a quarterly report has never been received from the Customer, the Company will assume the percentage to be the same as that provided in the order for service as set forth in Section 2.3.3(A) preceding. (F)The Customer reported projected interstate percentage of use as set forth in Section 2.3.3(A) preceding will be used for the apportionment of any monthly rates or nonrecurring charges associated with Feature Group D Switched Access Service until the end of the quarter during which the service was activated. Thereafter, a projected interstate percentage for such apportionment will be developed quarterly by the Company based on the data used to develop the projected interstate percentage of use as set forth in Section 2.3.3(A) preceding. Where call detail is insufficient to make such a determination, the Customer will be requested to project an interstate percentage of use to be used by the Company for such apportionment. lssued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 19 REGULATIONS 2.3 Obligations of the Customer (cont'd.) 2.3.3 Jurisdictional Report Requirements (cont'd.) The Customer may provide an additional percentage of interstate use for Entrance Facility and Direct Trunked Transport subject to the reporting requirements previously listed in this section. The percentage of interstate use may be provided per individual facility or at the billing account level. Should the Customer not provide a percentage of interstate use, the Company will use the reported Feature Group B or Feature Group D aggregated percentage of interstate use. 2.4.1 InterconnectionofFacilities In order to protect the Company's facilities and personnel and the services furnished to other Customers by the Company from potentially harmful effects, the signals applied to the Company's service shall be such as not to cause damage to the facilities of the Company. Any special interface equipment necessary to achieve the compatibility between facilities of the Company and the channels or facilities of others shall be provided at the Customer's expense. 2.4.2 Inspections (A) The Company may, upon notification to the Customer, at a reasonable time, make such tests and inspections as may be necessury to determine that the requirements regarding the equipment and interconnections are being complied with in respect to the installation, operation and maintenance of Customer-provided equipment and in the wiring of the connection of Customer channels to Company-owned facilities. (B)If the protective requirements in connections with Customer-provided equipment are not being complied with, the Company may take such action as necessary to protect its facilities and personnel and will promptly notify the Customer by registered mail in writing of the need for protective action. In the event that the Customer fails to advise the Company within l0 days after such notice is received or within the time specified in the notice that corrective action has been taken, the Company may take whatever additional action is deemed necessary, including canceling service, to protect its facilities and personnel from harm. The Company will upon request 24 hours in advance provide Customer with a statement of technical parameters that the Customer's equipment must meet. (H) (A) lssued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 2.4 Customer Equipment and Channels Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 20 REGULATIONS 2.5 Customer Deposits 2.5.1 Intentionally Left Blank. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 xxxx Peerless Network of [daho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page2l REGULATIONS 2.6 Payment Arrangements 2.6.1 Pavment for Service The Customer is responsible for the payment of all charges for facilities and services furnished by the Company to the Customer. (A) Taxes The Customer is responsible for payment of any sales, use, gross receipts, excise, access or other local, state and federal taxes (however, designated) (excluding taxes on the Company's net income) imposed on or based upon the provision, sale, delivery or use of Network Services. (B) Surcharges. Fees and Assessments The Customer is responsible for payment of any surcharge, assessment or fee, including but not limited to universal service fees, 91 I charges, right of way fees or other types of infrastructure fees, and regulatory assessments, where allowed by applicable law. 2.6.2 Billing and Collection of Charges The Customer is responsible for payment of all charges incurred by the Customer or other users for services and facilities furnished to the Customer by the Company. (A)Non-recurring charges are due and payable within 15 days after the date of the invoice. (B)The Company shall present invoices for Recurring Charges monthly to the Customer, in advance of the month in which service is provided, and Recurring Charges shall be due and payable within 15 days after the date of the invoice. When billing is based upon customer usage, usage charges will be billed monthly for the preceding billing period. (c)When service does not begin on the first day of the month, or end on the last day of the month, the charge for the fraction of the month in which service was furnished will be calculated on a pro rate basis. For this purpose, every month is considered to have 30 days. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page22 REGULATIONS 2.6 PavmentArrangements(cont'd.) 2.6.2 Billine and Collection of Charges (cont'd.) Billing of the Customer by the Company will begin on the Service Commencement Date, which is the day on which the Company notifies the Customer that the service or facility is available for use, except that the Service Commencement Date may be postponed by mutual agreement of the parties, or if the service or facility does not conform to standards set forth in this tariff or the Service Order. Billing accrues through and includes the day that the service, circuit, arrangement or component is discontinued. (E)If any portion of the payment is received by the Company after the date due, or if any portion of the payment is received by the Company in funds which are not immediately available upon presentment, then a late payment penalty shall be due to the Company. The late payment penalty shall be the portion of the payment not received by the date due, multiplied by a late factor. The late factor shall be the lesser of: (a) a rate of 1.5 percent per month; or (b)the highest interest rate which may be applied under state law for commercial transactions. (F)The Customer will be assessed a charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each check submitted by the Customer to the Company which a financial institution refuses to honor. (G)Customers have up to 90 days (commencing 5 days after remittance of the bill) to initiate a dispute over charges or to receive credits. (H) If service is disconnected by the Company in accordance with Section 2.6.3 following and later restored, restoration of service will be subject to all applicable installation charges. (r)Any charges for service provided by the Company but did not appear on a customer's invoice can be back billed for a period of up to twenty fow (24) months from the date of discovery of the un-billed charges. (D) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 23 REGULATIONS 2.6 PaymentArrangements(cont'd.) 2.6.3 Discontinuance of Service for Cause Upon nonpayment of any amounts owing to the Company, the Company may, by giving 24 hours prior written notice to the Customer, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. (B)Upon violation of any of the other material terms or conditions for furnishing service the Company may, by giving 24 hours prior notice in writing to the Customer, discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability if such violation continues during that period. (c)Upon condemnation of any material portion of the facilities used by the Company to provide service to a Customer or if a casualty renders all or any material portion of such facilities inoperable beyond feasible repair, the Company, by notice to the Customer, may discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. (D)Upon the Customer's insolvency, assignment for the benefit of creditors, filing for bankruptcy or reorganization, or failing to discharge an involuntary petition within the time permitted by law, the Company may immediately discontinue or suspend service without incurring any liability. Upon any governmental prohibition, order or required alteration of the services to be provided or any violation of an applicable law or regulation, the Company may immediately discontinue service without incurring any liability. In the event of fraudulent use of the Company's network, the Company may without notice suspend or discontinue service. The Customer will be liable for all related costs. The Customer will also be responsible for payment of any reconnection charges. (G)Upon the Company's discontinuance of service to the Customer under Section 2.6.3(A) or 2.6.3(8), the Company, in addition to all other remedies that may be available to the Company at law or in equity or under any other provision of this tariff, may declare all future monthly and other charges which would have been payable by the Customer during the remainder of the term for which such services would have otherwise been provided to the Customer to be immediately due and payable (discounted to present value at six percent). (A) (E) (F) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX lssued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page24 2.6 REGULATIONS Pavment Arran gements (cont'd.) 2.6.4 Notice to Company for Cancellation of Service Customers desiring to terminate service shall provide Company thirty (30) days written notice of desire to terminate service. Notice should be sent to: Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Attn: Customer Care 2.6.5 Orderins. Rating and Billing of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved Meet point billing applies when more than one Exchange Telephone Company is involved in the provision of Access Service. All recurring and nonrecurring charges for services provided by each Exchange Telephone Company are billed under each company's applicable rates as set forth in Section 2.6.5 (A) following. The Company accepts and adheres to the Ordering and Billing Forum guidelines, Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing (MECAB) and Multiple Exchange Carrier Ordering and Design (MECOD). The Company will handle ordering, rating and billing of Access Services under this tariff where more than one Exchange Telephone Company is involved in the provision of Access Service as follows. (A) For Feature Group D Switched Access Service, when the first point of switching is not in the same Exchange Telephone Company's territory as the Customer premises, the Customer must supply a copy of the order to the Exchange Telephone Company in whose territory the Customer premises is located and any other Exchange Telephone Company(s) involved in providing the service. Each Exchange Telephone Company will provide the portion of Local Transport to an interconnection point (IP) with another Exchange Telephone Company, and will bill the charges in accordance with its Access Service tariff. The rate for the Transport elements will be determined as set forth in (B) following. All other appropriate charges in each Exchange Telephone Company tariff are applicable. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX lssued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 25 REGULATIONS 2.6 PaymentArrangements(cont'd.) 2.6.5 Ordering. Rating and Billing of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved (cont'd.) (B) The charge for the Local Transpo( Facility and Termination rate elements for services provided as set forth in Section 2.6.5 (A) preceding are determined as follows: (t)Determine the appropriate Switched Access Local Transport mileage by computing the airline mileage between the two ends of the Local Transport Facility, as defined in 3.1.2(B) following. Determine the airline mileage for the Local Transport Facility charge using the V&H method as set forth in Section 2.8.2 following. (2)For Feature Group D Switched Access Service, the Local Transport Facility and Termination charges are determined by using the steps set forth in (a) through (c) following for the total Local Transport-Common Switched Transport charges. (a) Multiply: The number of access minutes by the number of airline miles as determined in (1) preceding by the Company's appropriate Local Transport Facility per mile per access minute rate by the Company's billing percentage factor. (b) Multiply: The number of access minutes by the Company's appropriate Local Transport Termination per minute rate. The resulting amount is the Company's total Local Transport Termination charge. (c) Add: The products of (a) and (b) for the Company's total Local Transport-Common Switched Transport charges. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page26 REGULATIONS 2.6 PaymentArrangements(cont'd.) 2.6.5 Ordering. Rating and Billing of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company is Involved (cont'd.) The interconnection points will be determined by the Exchange Telephone Companies involved. Should any changes be made to the meet point billing arrangements as set forth in Section 2.6.5 (A) preceding, the Company will give affected Customers 30 days' notice. Should the Company act as an intermediate, non-terminating local exchange carrier, Local Transport Termination rates, as determined in Section 2.6.5 (B) preceding, will not be applied to the meet point billing arrangement. 2.6.6 Changes in Service Requested If the Customer makes or requests material changes in circuit engineering, equipment specifications, service parameters, premises locations, or otherwise materially modifies any provision of the application for service, the Customer's installation fees shall be adjusted according to the term and conditions set forth in following, Access Order Modifications. 2.6.7 CustomerOverpayment The Company will pay interest on a Customer overpayment. Customer overpayment shall mean a payment to the Company in excess of the correct charges for service when caused by erroneous billing by the Company. The rate of interest shall be the unadjusted interest rate paid on Customer deposits or the late payment penalty rate, whichever is greater. Interest shall be paid from the date when the Customer overpayment was made, adjusted for any changes in the deposit interest rate or late payment penalty rate, and compounded monthly, until the date when the overpayment is refunded. No interest shall be paid on Customer overpayments that are refunded within thirty (30) days after such overpayment is received by the Company. (c) (D) (E) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 27 REGULATIONS 2.7 Allowances for Intemrptions in Service Except as set forth rn2.l.4(B) preceding and2.7.2 following, intemrptions in service, which are not due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff by, the Customer or the operation or malfunction of the facilities, power or equipment provided by the Customer, will be credited to the Customer as set forth in 2.7 .l for the part of the service that the intemrption affects. 2.7.1 Credit for Intemrptions A credit allowance will be made when an intemrption occurs because of a failure of any component furnished by the Company under this tariff. An intemrption period begins when the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be intemrpted and releases it for testing and repair. An intemrption period ends when the service, facility or circuit is operative. If the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired, but not interrupted. (B)For calculating credit allowances, every month is considered to have 30 days. A credit allowance is applied on a pro rata basis against the rates specified hereunder and is dependent upon the length of the interruption. Only those facilities on the intemrpted portion of the circuit will receive a credit. (A) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX lssued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 28 2.7 REGULATIONS Allowances for Intemrptions in Service (cont'd.) 2.7.1 Credit for Intemrptions (cont'd.) (B) (cont'd.) A credit allowance will be given for intemrptions of 30 minutes or more. Credit allowances shall be calculated as follows: Intemrptions of 24 Hours or Less Intemrption Period Length of Interruption To Be Credited Less than 30 minutes None 30 minutes up to but not including 3 hours 1/10 Day 3 hours up to but not including 6 hours ll5 Day 6 hours up to but not including t hours 215 Day t hours up to but not including 1 2 hours 315 Day l2 hours up to but not including l5 hours 415 Day l5 hours up to but not including 24 hours One Day Two or more intemrptions of 15 minutes or more during any one Z4-hour period shall be considered as one intemrption. lssued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 29 REGULATIONS 2.7 Allowances for Intemrptions in Service (cont'd.) 2.7.1 Credit for Intemrptions (cont'd.) (B) (cont'd.) Intemrptions Over 24 Hours and Less Than 72 Hours. Intemrptions over 24 hours and less than72 hours will be credited ll5 day for each 3-hour period or fraction thereof. No more than one full day's credit will be allowed for any period of 24 hours. Intemrptions Over 72 Hours. Intemrptions over 72 hours will be credited 2 days for each full 24-hour period. No more than 30 days credit will be allowed for any one-month period. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 30 REGULATIONS 2.7 Allowances for Intemrptions in Services (cont'd.) 2.7.2 Limitations on Allowances No credit allowance will be made for: (A)intemrptions due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff by the Customer, authorized user, joint user, or other common carrier providing service connected to the service of the Company; (B)Intemrptions due to the negligence of any person other than the Company, including but not limited to the Customer or other common carriers connected to the Company's facilities; (c) (D) Intemrptions due to the failure or malfunction of non-Company equipment; Intemrptions of service during any period in which the Company is not given full and free access to its facilities and equipment for the purpose of investigating and correcting intemrptions ; (E) (F) Intemrptions of service during a period in which the Customer continues to use the service on an impaired basis; Intemrptions of service during any period when the Customer has released service to the Company for maintenance purposes or for implementation of a Customer order for a change in service arrangements; or (G) Intemrption of service due to circumstances or causes beyond the control of Company. (H)Intemrption of service due to the Company following a lawful order of a government agency to discontinue a service to a customer. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 lssued: XXXX REGULATIONS 2.7 Allowances for Intemrptions in Service (cont'd.) 2.7.3 Cancellation for Service Intemrption Cancellation or termination for service intemrption is permitted only if any circuit experiences a single continuous outage of 8 hours or more or cumulative service credits equaling l6 hours in a continuous l2-month period. The right to cancel service under this provision applies only to the single circuit which has been subject to the outage or cumulative service credits. 2.8 Aonlication of Rates The regulations set forth in this section govern the application of rates for services contained in other sections of this tariff. 2.8.1 Charges Based on Duration of Use Customer traffic to end offices will be measured by the Company at end office switches. Originating and terminating calls will be measured by the Company to determine the basis for computing chargeable access minutes. For originating calls over Feature Group D, usage measurement begins when the originating Feature Group D switch receives the first wink supervisory signal forwarded from the Customer's point of termination. The measurement of originating call usage ends when the originating Feature Group D switch receives disconnect supervision from either the originating end user's end office, indicating the originating end user has disconnected, or the Customer's point of termination, whichever is recognized first by the switch. For terminating calls over Feature Group D, the measurement of access minutes begins when the terminating Feature Group D switch receives the set up message to initiate the call set up. The measurement of terminating call usage over Feature Group D ends when the terminating Feature Group D switch receives disconnect supervision from either the terminating end user's end office, indicating the terminating end user has disconnected, or the Customer's point of termination, whichever is recognized first by the switch. Access minutes or fractions thereof are accumulated over the billing period for each end office and are then rounded up to the nearest access minute for each end office. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 3l Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX lssued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 32 2.8 REGULATIONS Application of Rates (cont'd.) 2.8.2 Rates Based Upon Distance Where the charges for service are specified based upon distance, the following rules apply: (A) Distance between two points is measured as airline distance between the wire centers of the originating and terminating telephone lines. The wire center is a set of geographic coordinates associated with each NPA-NXX combination (where NPA is the area code and NXX is the first three digits of a seven-digit telephone number). (B) The airline distance between any two wire centers is determined as follows (1) Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for each wire center (2)Compute the difference between the "V" coordinates of the two wire centers; and the difference between the two "H" coordinates. (3) Square each difference obtained in step (2) above. (4)Add the square of the "V" difference and the square of the "H" difference obtained in step (3). (s)Divide the sum of the squares by 10. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. (6)Obtain the square root of the whole number result obtained above. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the airline mileage. (7) Formula =(Vt -V2 )'z+(Hl - H2 )' l0 Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 REGULATIONS 2.8 Application of Rates (cont'd.) 2.8.3 Mileage The mileage to be used to determine the Local Transport Facility monthly rates are calculated on the airline distance between the end office switch where the call carried by Local Transport originates or terminates and the customer's serving wire center. The V&H coordinates method is used to determine mileage. This method is set forth in Section 2.8.2. The Local Transport Facility mileage rates are shown in Section 5.1.3 in terms of per mile per access minute. To determine the rate to be billed, first compute the mileage. Should the calculation result in a fraction of a mile, the result will be rounded up to the next whole mile. Then multiply the mileage by the appropriate Local Transport Facility rate. The amount to be billed shall be the product of this calculation (i.e., the number of miles multiplied by the per mile rate) multiplied by the number of access minutes. 2.9 Individual Case Basis (ICB) Arrangements will be developed on a case-by-case basis in answer to a bona fide request from a Customer or prospective Customer to develop a competitive bid for a service offered under this tariff. Rates quoted in response to such competitive requests may be different than those specified for such service in this tariff. ICB rates will be offered to the Customer in writing. Contracts will be used in the circumstance of ICB service offerings. The terms and conditions of each contract offering are subject to the agreement of both the Customer and Company. Such contract offerings will be made available to similarly situated Customers in substantially comparable circumstances. Contracts are obtainable to any similarly situated Customer that places an order within 90 days of their effective date. In the event of a conflict between the Customer and the Company, the contract will take precedence over this tariff in regards to resolution of the conflict. Contracts are subject to applicable law of a competent jurisdiction. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 33 Issued:XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 2.10 Identification and ratine of VOIP Traffic (A) General 1. VOIP traffic is defined as traffic that is exchanged between a Company end user and the customer in time division multiplexing (TDM) format that originates and/or terminates in Internet protocol (IP) format. These rules establish the method of separating such traffic from the customer's traditional intrastate access traffic, so that such relevant VOIP traffic can be billed in accordance with the FCC Order (see Report and Order in WC Docket Nos. l0-90, etc. FCC Release No. l1-161 (November 18. 2011)). 2. This section will be applied to the billing of switched access charges to a customer that is a local exchange carrier only to the extent that the customer has also implemented billing of interstate access charges for relevant VOIP tariff in accordance with the FCC order. 3. The rates, terms, and conditions of this section will apply to transit services provided in connection with the origination or termination of LEC-CMRS intraMTA traffic. (B) Rating of VOIP traffic The relevant VOIP traffic that is identified in accordance with this tariff section will be bill at rates equal to the Company's applicable tariffed intrastate access rates as specified in Section 5 in accordance with the FCC Order in WC Docket Nos. 10-90, etc., DA Release No. l2-147 (February 3, 2012). (C) Calculation and Application of Percent VOIP Usage Factor The Company will determine the number of relevant VOIP traffic minutes of use (MOU) to which the interstate rates will be applied under subsection B above, by applying a percent VOIP usage (PVU) factor to the total intrastate access MOU exchanged between a Company end user and the customer. The PVU will be determined and applied as follows: ( I ) The customer will calculate and furnish to the Company a factor (customer factor) representing the percentage of the total intrastate and interstate access MOU that the customer exchanges with the Company in the state, that (a) is sent to the Company and that originated in IP format; or (b) is received from the Company and terminated in IP format. This customer factor shall be based on information such as traffic studies, call details, the number of the customer's retail VOIP subscriptions in the state (as reported in FCC Form 477) or other relevant and verifiable information. (2) The Company will also calculate a factor (Company factor) representing the percentage of the Company's total intrastate and interstate access MOU in the state that the Company originates or terminates on its network in IP format. This Company factor shall be based on information such as traffic studies, call details, the number of the customer's retail VOIP subscriptions in the state (as reported in FCC Form 477) or other relevant and verifiable information. Issued:XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 34 REGULATIONS Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 35 REGULATIONS 2.l0ldcntification and rating of VOIP Traffic (cont'd) (C) Calculation and Aoplication ol'Percent VOIP Usagc Factor (3) The Company will use the Company factor and the customer factor to calculate a PVU factor that represent the percentage of total intrastate and interstate access MOU exchanged between a Company end user and the customer that is originated or terminated in IP format, whether at the Company's end, at the customer's end or at both ends. The PVU factor will be calculated as the sum of: (A) the customer factor and (B) the Company factor times (1.0 minus the customer factor). (4) The Company will apply the PVU factor to the total intrastate access MOU exchanged with the customer to determine the number of relevant VOIP traffic MOUs. Example I : The Company factor is at 2OVo and the customer factor is 4OVo. The PVU factor is equal to 4OVo + (2OVo x 607o)= 52Vo.The Company will bill 52Vo of the customer's intrastate access MOU at the Company's applicable tariffed interstate access rates. (5) If the customer does not supply the Company with a customer factor according to the preceding paragraph 1, the Company will use a PVU equal to the Company's factor. (D) Initial PVU Factor If the PVU factor is not available and/or cannot be implemented in the Company's billing systems by January 1,2012, once the factor is available and can be implemented the Company will adjust the customer's bills to reflect the PVU retroactively to January l,2012.In calculating the initial PVU, the Company will take the customer specified PVU into account retroactively to January l,2Ol2, provided that the customer provides the factor to the Company no later than April 15,2Ol2; otherwise the Company with set the initial PVU equal to the Company factor as specified in subsection (cX5) above. (E) PVU Factor Uodates The customer may update their factor quarterly using the method set forth in subsection (C)(l), above. If the customer chooses to submit such updates, it shall forward to the Company, no later than 15 days after the first day ofJanuary, April, July and/or October ofeach year, a revised customer factor based on data for the prior three months, ending the last day of December, March, June and September, respectively, The Company will use the revised customer factor to calculate a revised PVU. The revised PVU factor will apply prospectively and serve as the basis for billing until superseded by a new PVU. (F) Verification oIPVU Not more than twice in any year, the Company can ask the customer to verify the customer factor that they furnished to the Company and the customer can ask the Company to verify the Company factor and the calculation of the PVU factor. The party so requested shall comply, and shall reasonably provide the records and other information used to determine the respective Company and customer factors. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 36 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services Switched Access Service, which is available to Customers for their use in furnishing their services to end users, provides a two-point communications path between a Customer's premises (or a collocated interconnection location) and an end user's premises. It provides for the use of common terminating, switching and trunking facilities. Switched Access Service provides for the ability to originate calls from an end user's premises to a Customer's premises (or a collocated interconnection location), and to terminate calls from a Customer's premises (or a collocated interconnection location) to an end user's premises in the LATA where it is provided. Switched Access Service must be ordered separately for each LATA in which the customer desires to originate or terminate calls. The minimum interconnection level with the Company's network and services is at a DS I level. Switched Access Service is provided in the following service categories, which are differentiated by their technical characteristics and the manner in which an end user or Customer accesses them when originating or terminating calls. FGD Access, either tandem or end office, which is available to all Customers, provides trunk side access to Company end office switches with an associated uniform I0XXX or l0lXXXX access code for the Customer's use in originating and terminating communications. End users may also originate calls to a selected FGD Access Customer by dialing l+NPA-NXX-XXXX when using the Company's presubscription service. Toll Free Data Base Access Service, which is available to all Customers, provides trunk side access to Company end office switches in the originating direction only, for the Customer's use in originating calls dialed by an end user to telephone numbers beginning with the prefix "800", "866", "888", or"877", forexample. Toll Free Data Base Access Service is offered in conjunction with Feature Group D Access. Transit Traffic Service is an access service in which the Company transits traffic originated by a third party who is not an End User or other user of the Company's local exchange or exchange access service through its wire centers to a Customer. Transit Traffic Service is comprised of various facilities, connections, features and functions. It provides for the use of common terminating, common switching and switched transport facilities of the Company but does not include local switching. Termination and transport consists of the connection between the Company's end office switch and another company's tandem office switch. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 37 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order An Access Service Order is used by the Company to provide a Customer Access Service. When placing an order for Access Service, the Customer shall provide, at a minimum, the fol lowing information : (A)For Feature Group D Switched Access Service, the Customer shall specify the number of busy hour minutes of capacity (BHMC) from the Customer's premises to the end office by traffic type. This information is used to determine the number of transmission paths. The Customer shall also specify the Local Transport and Local Switching options. When FGD is ordered by specifying the number of trunks and direct routing to an end office is desired, the customer shall specify: the end office and the Local Transport and Local Switching options desired. When FGD is ordered by specifying the number of trunks and end office routing via an access tandem operated by another Exchange Telephone Company is desired, the customer shall specify: the access tandem, the Local Transport and Local Switching options desired, and an estimate of the amount of traffic to be generated to and/or from each Company end office subtending another Exchange Telephone Company's access tandem. In addition, for Feature Group D with the SS7 signaling option, the Customer shall specify the switching point codes and trunk circuit identification codes for trunks with the SS7 signaling option, and the STP point codes, signaling link codes and link type for each Common Channel Signaling Access (CCSA) connection ordered. When a Customer orders FGD in trunks, the Customer is responsible to assure that sufficient access facilities have been ordered to handle its traffic. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 38 3.1 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) (B) For Toll Free Data Base Access Service, the Customer shall order the service in accordance with the preceding provisions set forth for Feature Group D. (C) For Transit Termination Service, the Customer shall order the service in accordance with the preceding provisions set forth for Feature Group D. Access Order Service Date Intervals Access Service is provided with one of the following Service Date Intervals: -Standard Interval -Negotiated Interval -Advance Order Interval (A) Standard Interval A schedule of Standard Intervals applicable for Switched Access Services and is as follows: Trunk Groups Standard Interval I to 4 Trunks 5 to 24 Trunks 28 Days 30 Days Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 39 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.I Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1 .1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) Access Order Service Date Intervals (cont'd) (B) Negotiated Interval The Company will negotiate a service date interval with the Customer when: (l) There is no Standard Interval for the service, or; (2)The quantity of Access Services orders exceeds the quantities specified in the Standard Intervals, or; (3)The Customer requests a service date beyond the applicable Standard Interval service date except as set forth in (C) following. The Company will offer a service date based on the type and quantity of Access Services the Customer has requested. The Negotiated Interval may not exceed by more than six months the Standard Interval service date, or, when there is no Standard Interval, the Company offered service date. All services for which rates are applied on an individual case basis are provided with a Negotiated Interval. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 2225 Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 40 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) 3.l.l.l Access Order Service Date Intervals (cont'd.) (B) Negotiated Interval (cont'd.) Common Channel Signaling Access (CCSA) links will be provided on a Negotiated Interval. New or existing FGD trunks ordered with the SS7 signaling option will be provided on a Negotiated Interval. The addition and/or deletion of Toll Free Access Service six digit customer identification NXX is provided with a Negotiated Interval. The addition of a Toll Free Access Service ten digit customer identification record to the Toll Free Access Service data base or the deletion of a Toll Free Access Service ten digit customer identification record from the Toll Free Access Service data base is provided with a Negotiated Interval. Maximum Interval Initial establishment of service where Customer is: - Not yet provided with any Trunk Group service in the LATA - Provided Trunk Group service in the LATA 6 months 90 Days Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 41 3.1 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) 3.l.l.l Access Order Service Date Intervals (cont'd.) (C) Advance Order Interval When placing an Access Order, a Customer may request an Advance Order Interval for a service date of 12 to 24 months from the Application Date for the following services: A minimum of 24 voice grade equivalent Switched Access Service lines or trunks or 720 BHMCs Orders for less than the minimum quantities will be accommodated under Standard or Negotiated Interval provisions. Advance Order Interval Access Orders are subject to all ordering conditions of Standard and Negotiated Interval Access Orders except for the following: Is XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, tL 60606 Effective: XXXX Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 42 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) Access Order Service Date Intervals (cont'd.) (C) Advance Order Interval (cont'd.) (l) Advance Payment A nonrefundable Advance Payment will be calculated as follows: Advance Payment (Nonrefundable) The minimum monthly charge for the minimum period plus the applicable Nonrecurring Charges for the services ordered. This Advance Payment is due l0 working days from the date the Company confirms acceptance of the order, or on the Application Date, whichever date is the later date. If the Advance Payment is not received by such payment date, the order will be canceled. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 43 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1 .l Access Service Order (cont'd.) 3.l.l.l Access Order Service Date Intervals (cont'd.) (C) Advance Order Interval (cont'd.) (l) Advance Payment (cont'd.) When the Access Services are connected on the service date, the Advance Payment will be applied, as a credit, to the Customer's billed service charges. When there has been a decrease in the number of services originally ordered, as set forth in (2) following, only the portion of the Advance Payment for services actually installed will be credited. (2)Cancellation or Partial Cancellation of an Advance Order Interval Access Order When the Customer cancels an Access Order, the order will be withdrawn. The Advance Payment will not be credited or refunded. Any decrease in the number of ordered Access Services will be treated as a partial cancellation, and the portion of the Advance Payment for the services canceled will not be credited or refunded. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 44 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.I Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) Access Order Modifications The Customer may request a modification of its Access Order at any time prior to notification by the Company that service is available for the Customer's use or prior to the service date, whichever is later. Any increase in the number of Switched Access Service lines, trunks or busy hour minutes of capacity or CCSA signaling connections will be treated as a new Access Order (for the increased amount only). (A) Service Date Chanse Charge Access Order service dates for the installation of new services or rearrangements of existing services may be changed, but the new service date may not exceed the original service date by more than 30 calendar days. When, for any reason, the Customer indicates that service cannot be accepted for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days, and the Company accordingly delays the start of service, a Service Date Change Charge will apply. If the Customer requested service date is more than 30 calendar days after the original service date, the order will be canceled by the Company and reissued with the appropriate cancellation charges applied. A Service Date Change Charge will apply, on a per order per occurrence basis, for each service date changed. The applicable charge is found in Section 5.1.1. (B) Partial Cancellation Charge Any decrease in the number of ordered Switched Access Service lines, trunks or busy hour minutes of capacity ordered with a Standard or Negotiated Interval Access Order will be treated as a partial cancellation and the charges as set forth in Section following will apply. Partial cancellation charges do not apply to Advance Order Interval Access Orders. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 45 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) (C) Design Change Charge The Customer may request a design change to the service ordered. A design change is any change to an Access Order which requires engineering review. Design changes do not include a change of customer premises, end user premises, or end office switch. Changes of this nature will require the issuance of a new order and the cancellation of the original order with appropriate cancellation charges applied. The Design Change Charge will apply on a per order per occurrence basis, for each order requiring a design change. The applicable charge is found in Section 5.1.1. If a change of service date is required, the Service Date Change Charge will also apply. (D)Expedited Order Charee When placing an Access Order for service(s) for which Standard Intervals exist, a Customer may request a service date that is prior to the Standard Interval service date. A Customer may also request an earlier service date on a pending Standard, Negotiated or Advance Order Interval Access Order. If the Company agrees to provide service on an expedited basis, an Expedited Order Charge will apply. If the Company receives a request for an expedited service date at the time a Standard Interval Access Order is placed, the Expedited Order Charge is calculated by summing all the nonrecurring charges associated with the order and then dividing this total by the number of days in the Standard Interval. The charge is then applied on an per day of improvement basis, per order, but in no event shall the charge exceed fifty percent of the total nonrecurring charges associated with the Access Order. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Access Order Modifications (cont'd.) Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 46 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRTPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) Cancellation of an Access Order (B) (A)A Customer may cancel an Access Order for the installation of service at any time prior to notification by the Company that services available for the Customer's use or prior to the service date, whichever is later. The cancellation date is the date the Company receives written or verbal notice from the Customer that the order is to be canceled. The verbal notice must be followed by written confirmation within l0 days. If a Customer or a Customer's end user is unable to accept Access Service within 30 calendar days after the original service date, the Customer has the choice of the following options: The Access Order shall be canceled and charges set forth in (B) following will apply, or Billing for the service will commence. If no cancellation request is received within the specified 30 calendar days, billing for the service will commence. In any event, the cancellation date or the date billing is to commence, as applicable, shall be the 3lst day beyond the original service date of the Access Order. When a Customer cancels a Standard or Negotiated Interval Access Order for the installation of service, a Cancellation Charge will apply as follows: (l) When the Customer cancels an Access Order, a charge equal to the estimated provisioning costs incurred at a particular date for the service ordered by the Company shall apply. (2)If the Company misses a service date for a Standard or Negotiated Interval Access Order by more than 30 days, due to circumstances such as acts of God, governmental requirements, work stoppages and civil commotions, the Customer may cancel the Access Order without incurring cancellation charges. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 47 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) Minimum Period (A) The minimum period for which Access Service is provided and for which charges are applicable, is one month. (B)The following changes will be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and an installation of a new service. All associated nonrecurring charges will apply for the new service. The changes listed below are those which will be treated as a discontinuance and installation of service and for which a new minimum period will be established. (l) A move to a different building.(2) A change in type ofservice.(3) A change in Switched Access Service Interface Group.(4) A change in Switched Access Service traffic type. (5) A change in STP Access link.(6) A change in STP Port.(7) A change in Company-provided Switched Access Service to a Collocated Interconnection ilrangement or vice versa. (8) A change to an existing Feature Group D Service to include the provision of 64 kbps Clear Channel Capability. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, tL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 48 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) Minimum Period Charges When Access Service is disconnected prior to the expiration of the minimum period, charges are applicable for the balance of the minimum period. The Minimum Period Charge for monthly billed services will be determined as follows: For Switched Access Service, the charge for a month or fraction thereof is equal to the applicable minimum monthly charge for the capacity. All applicable nonrecurring charges for the service will be billed in addition to the Minimum Period Charge. 3.1 .1.6 Nonrecurring Charges Nonrecurring charges are one-time charges that apply for a specific work activity (i.e., installation or change to an existing service). Types of nonrecurring charges that apply for Switched Access Service are: installation of service and service rearrangements. ( I ) Installation of Service Nonrecurring charges apply to each Switched Access Service installed. For Switched Services ordered on a per trunk basis, the charge is applied per trunk or out of band signaling connection. For Switched Services ordered on a busy hour minutes of capacity basis, the charge is also applied on a per trunk basis but the charge applies only when the capacity ordered requires the installation of an additional trunk(s). In addition, nonrecurring charges apply when an out of band signaling connection is installed for use with FGD. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 49 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) 3. 1. 1.6 Nonrecurring Charges (cont'd) (2) Service Rearrangements All changes to existing services other than changes involving administrative activities only will be treated as a discontinuance of the existing service and an installation of a new service. The nonrecurring charge described in (l) preceding will apply for this work activity. Moves that change the physical location of the point of termination are described below. (a) Moves Within the Same Building When the move is to a new location within the same building, the charge for the move will be an amount equal to one half of the nonrecurring charge for the capacity affected. There will be no change in the minimum period requirements. (b) Moves to a Different Building Moves to a different building will be treated as a discontinuance and start of service and all associated nonrecurring charges will apply. New minimum period requirements will be established for the new service. The Customer will also remain responsible for satisfying all outstanding minimum period charges for the discontinued service. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 50 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.1 Access Service Order (cont'd.) Network Blockins Charge The Customer will be notified by the Company to increase its capability (busy hour minutes of capacity or quantities of trunks) when excessive trunk group blocking occurs on groups carrying Feature Group D traffic and the measured access minutes for that hour exceed the capacity purchased. If the order for additional capacity has not been received by the Company within l5 days of the notification, the Company will bill the Customer, at the rate set forth in 5.1.3(E) following, for each overflow in excess of ordered capacity. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 51 SERVTCE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.2 Standard Service Components The following service components apply to all forms of Switched Access Service, except as stated in 3.1.3: Tandem Switching Local Transport End Office Switching Multiplexing Common Port (A) Tandem Switching (B) The Tandem Switching rate category provides for the processing and aggregation of minutes between various end office switches and the tandem switch that those end office switches sub-tend. The traffic that is tandem switched can be local, intraLATA, intrastate, transit or other traffic. Local Transoort The Local Transport rate category provides for transmission facilities between the Customer's premises or collocated interconnection location and the Company's end office switch(es) where the Customer's traffic is switched to originate or terminate its communications. Except as stated in the following paragraph, Local Transport service is can be provided in conjunction with an incumbent local exchange company. Charges for Local Transport service are computed in accordance with Section 2.6.5 preceding (Ordering, Rating, and Billing of Access Services Where More Than One Exchange Telephone Company Is Involved). For purposes of determining Local Transport Mileage, distance will be measured from the wire center that normally serves the Customer's premises to the end office switch(es). Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 52 3.1 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.2 Standard Service Components (cont'd.) (B)Local Transport (cont'd.) The Company will provide Direct Trunked Transport between a Customer's premises and the Company's end office switch(es) upon request. At the Customer's option, Entrance Facility, Direct Trunked Transport, and STP Link Transport, may be provided by the Company, by the Customer, or by another carrier. If Direct Trunk Transport facilities are terminated at a Company end office switch location by a Customer, or by another carrier on behalf of a Customer, Entrance Facility Termination charges as described in 3.1.2(B)(l) will apply, but no other Local Transport elements will be charged. Where Common Channel Signaling Access is ordered by a Customer that uses Direct Trunk Transport facilities, the STP Port charge as described in 3.1.2(BX7) will also apply. The following paragraphs describe the Local Transport rate elements. Local Transport - Entrance Facility; Common Switched Transport; Direct Trunked Transport; ( I ) Local Transport-Entrance Facility A Local Transport-Entrance Facility provides the communication path between a Customer's premises and the Company serving wire center of that premises for the sole use of the Customer. The Local Transport- Entrance Facility category is comprised of a DS 1 rate. A Local Transport- Entrance Facility is required whether the Customer's premises and the serving wire center are located in the same or different buildings. (2) LocalTransport-CommonSwitchedTransport (a)The Local Transport Termination service component provides for that portion of the voice frequency transmission path at the end office and at the Customer's premises. (b)The Local Transport Facility service component provides for that portion of the voice frequency transmission path between the end office and at the Customer's premises. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 53 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.2 Standard Service Components (cont'd.) (B) Local Transport (cont'd.) (3) Local Transport- Direct Trunked Transport The Local Transport-Direct Trunked Transport provides the transmission path from the serving wire center of the Customer's premises to an end office or as an option from the serving wire center to a tandem. This transmission path is dedicated to the use of a single Customer. The Local Transport-Direct Trunked Transport rate category is comprised of a monthly fixed rate and a monthly per mile rate based on the facility provided. The fixed rate provides the circuit equipment at the ends of the transmission links. The per mile rate provides the transmission facilities, including intermediate transmission circuit equipment, between the end points of the circuit. The Local Transport- Direct Trunked Transport rate is the sum of the fixed rate and the per mile rate. For purposes of determining the per mile rate, mileage shall be measured as airline mileage between the serving wire center of the Customer's premises and the end office or directly to the access tandem using the V&H coordinates method. (4) LocalTransport-InterconnectionCharge The Local Transport-lnterconnection Charge provides for interconnection with the Company's Switched Access network. This rate element will be applied to all Switched Access minutes of use (except Local Exchange Access Service) that originate or terminate at a Company end office. DS I facilities are available for Local Transport-Entrance Facilities and for Local Transport-Direct Trunked Transport facilities. A DSI facility is capable of transmitting electrical signals at a nominal 1.544 Mbps, with the capability to channelize up to 24 voice-frequency transmission paths. Issued:XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 (5) Local-Transport Facilities Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 54 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.2 Standard Service Components (cont'd.) (B) Local Transport (cont'd.) (6) Common Channel Signaling Access Common Channel Signaling Access (CCSA) is comprised of a STP Port Termination rate and a STP Link Transport rate. The STP Port Termination rate provides for the point of termination to the signal switching capability of the STP. The STP Link Transport rate provides for the transmission facilities between the serving wire center of the customer designated premises and the Company STP. (7) Interface Groups The Interface Group is provided for terminating the Local Transport at the Customer's premises. The Interface Group provides a specified premises Interface. Where transmission facilities permit, the individual transmission path between the Customer's premises and the first point of switching may at the option of the Customer be provided with optional features. Interface Group I provides DSI level digital transmission at the point of termination at the Customer's premises. The interface is capable of transmitting electrical signals at a nominal L544 Mbps, with the capability to channelize up to 24 voice frequency transmission paths. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 55 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.2 Standard Service Components (cont'd.) (C) End Office Switching The End Office service component provides the local end office switching and end user termination functions necessary to complete the transmission of Switched Access communications to and from the end users served by the Company's end office. The End Office rate category consists of the Local Switching rate element. The Local Switching service component provides for: a) the use of end office switching equipment; b) the terminations for the end user common lines terminating in the local end office; and c) the termination of a call at a Company Intercept operator or recording. The operator or recording tells a caller why a call, as dialed, could not be completed, and if possible, provides the correct number. Intercept rates are assessed to a Customer based on the total number of access minutes. (D) Common Port The Common Port service component provides a non-discriminatory access to a port on the Company's switch for the origination or termination of telecommunications traffi c. (E) Multiplexing The Multiplexing service component provides a lower rate of speed service to connect with a higher rate of speed transport element. It also allows for a higher rate of speed service to disseminate traffic to lower speed services or transport. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 56 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 3.1.3 Other Rate Categories (A) Toll Free Data Base Access Service Toll Free Data Base Access Service is a service offering utilizing originating trunk side Switched Access Service. The service provides for the forwarding of end user dialed Toll Free calls to a Company Service Switching Point which will initiate a query to the database to perform the Customer identification and delivery function. The call is forwarded to the appropriate Customer based on the dialed Toll Free number. (l) CustomerldentificationCharge The Toll Free Data Base Access Service Customer Identification applies for the identification of the appropriate Customer. The charge is assessed to the Customer on a per query basis and may include an area of service which may range from a single NPAI{XX to an area consisting of all LATAs and NPAs in the given state under which this tariff applies. (2) Toll Free Number Reservation The Toll Free Number Reservation service applies to the request of the Customer to have the Company attempt to reserve a specific toll free number for the Customer. The Company will not guarantee that a specific toll free number in any of the toll free prefixes (800, 877, 888, 866 or future prefixes as designated by the NANPA) will be available at the time a Customer requests the specific number. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX lssued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 57 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2 MiscellaneousServices 3.2.1 Presubscription (B) (A)Presubscription is an arrangement whereby an end user may select and designate to the Company an interexchange carrier (IC) to access, without an access code, for intrastate interLATA calls and interstate interLATA calls subject to the Company's FCC Access Services Tariff. This IC is referred to as the end user's Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC). The end user may select as its PIC the Company, or any other IC that orders originating Feature Group D Switched Access Service at the end office that serves the end user. After the end user's initial selection of a pre-designated IC, for any additional change in selection, a non- recurring charge, as set forth in Section 5.2.1, applies. At the request of a new or existing end user served by a Feature Group D end office, the Company will provide a list of ICs the end user may select as its PIC. At no additional charge for the initial selection, the customer may choose either of the following options. Designate an IC as a PIC and dial I0XXX or 101XXXX to reach other ICs. Designate that they do not want to be presubscribed to any IC and choose to dial I0XXX or l0lXXXX for all calls to all ICs. New end users subscribing to the Company's Local Exchange Service which do not specify a PIC will default to the Company as their initial PIC selection. Subsequent to the installation of Local Exchange Service, and after the end user's initial selection of a PIC, for any additional change in selection, a nonrecurring charge as set forth in Section 5.2.1, applies. This charge is billed to the end user who is the subscriber to the Local Exchange Service and applies only for selection of an IC which provides only intrastate service. Issued:XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 58 SERVICE AND RATE DESCRIPTIONS 3.2 MiscellaneousServices(Cont'd.) 3.2.2 Per-Call Payphone Compensation A surcharge shall be assessed for each call made from a pay telephone to a Company- provided toll-free number or placed by using a calling card and dialing the Company's prefix in the form 1010XXXX. This charge is to compensate the Company for the Federal Communications Commission ordered assessment, which is paid by the Company to pay telephone service providers for the use of their pay telephone instruments. The surcharge is also known as a "dial around" charge. 3.2.3 Local Number Portability (LNP) Ouery Service LNP Query Service is a capability that utilizes Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) technology to query a data base to secure network routing instructions before completion of a call. The database contains information about end users which have ported their service from the donor switch. At a minimum, the database contains the Location Routing Number (LRN) which identifies the Local Service Provider's (LSP) switch serving each ported end user. The LRN is used to direct the call to the correct switch for completion to the end user. Where more than one network is involved in completing the call, the network just before the terminating network (i.e., the N-l Network) is responsible for querying a LNP data base to secure the LRN. The rates and charges associated with LNP Query Services are "query" based and will be billed on a monthly basis, based on recorded usage. Query charges will be applied by the Telephone Company based upon the recordings of carrier queries to the database. If such recordings are not available, the Telephone Company will develop monthly charges based on an average number of queries per month. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 59 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES 4.1 General The Company will provide the following services: Recording Service Automatic Number Identification (ANI) Billing Name and Address (BNA) 4.2 Recording Service Recording is the entering on magnetic tape or other acceptable media the details of Customer messages originated through Switched Access Service. Recording is provided 24 hours a day,7 days a week. The Company will provide Recording Service in association with the offering of Feature Group D Switched Access Service for Customer messages that can be recorded by Company provided automatic message accounting equipment. At the request of the Customer, Recording Service will be provided for Feature Group D Switched Access Service on an end office and type of call basis. Type of call means message telecommunications service (MTS) including 700 and 900 Service, calls originating and/or terminating over a WATS access line, and station message detail recording for MTS and calls originating from a WATS access line. The Company will provide Recording Service in its operating territory. The minimum territory for which the Company will provide Recording Service is all the appropriately equipped offices in a state operating territory for which the Customer has ordered Feature Group D Switched Access Service. A state operating territory of particular telephone company includes all its LATAs or market areas which are located in the same state including the areas in contiguous states which are assigned to such LATAs or market areas and served by the same Company. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 60 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES 4.2 Recording Service (cont'd.) For Feature Group D Switched Access Service, the term "customer message" used herein denotes an intrastate call originated by a Customer's end user. Station message detail recording is an optional feature which provides a record of customer messages originated by MTS and WATS access lines. Such detail will be provided as part of Feature Group D end office and type of call Recording Service when requested by the Customer. 4.2.I Undertaking of the Company (A) The Company will record all customer messages carried over Feature Group D Switched Access Service that are available to Company provided recording equipment of operators. Unavailable customer service messages will not be recorded. The recording equipment will be provided at locations selected by the Company. (B)A standard format for the provision of the recorded customer message detail will be established by the Company and provided to the Customer. If, in the course of Company business, it is necessary to change the format, the Company will notify the involved Customers six months prior to the change. Assembly and Editing, Provision of Customer Detail, Data transmission to a Customer location, special orders for recording and program development will be provided to the Customer on a contractual basis. (c)Recorded customer message detail which is used at the request of the Customer to provide Message Processing and Message Bill Processing Service is not retained by the Company for longer than 45 days. The rated but unbilled message detail and the billed message detail are retained for reference in place of the recorded customer message detail. For recorded customer message detail not used by Message Processing Service at the Customer's request, the Company will make every reasonable effort to recover recorded Customer message detail previously made available to the Customer and make it available again for the Customer. The charges as set forth in 5.3.1 following will apply for all such detail provided. Such a request must be made within thirty (30) days from the date the details were initially made available to the Customer. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 4.2 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES Recording Service (cont'd.) 4.2.2 Liability of the Company Notwithstanding 4.2.1 preceding, the Company liability for Recording Service is as follows: Unless there is an expressed written agreement to the contrary, in the absence of gross negligence or willful misconduct, no liability for damages to the Customer or other person or entity other than as set for in (A) and (B), preceding shall attach to the Company for its action or the conduct of its employees in providing Recording Service. 4.2.3 Obligations of the Customer The Customer shall order Recording Service under a Special Order. The Customer shall order Recording Service at least one month prior to the date then the Customer message detail is to be recorded, unless Customer's request requires that Recording Service be provided by end office and type of call, then the ordering interval will be determined on an individual case basis. 4.2.4 Payment Arrangements and Audit Provision (A) Notice and Scope The Customer shall order Recording Service for Feature Group D Switched Access by end office and type of call in accordance with the terms and conditions established on an individual case basis Special Order. (l) Upon forty five (45) days' prior written notice by the Customer to the Company (or such shorter period as the parties may mutually agree upon), the Customer or its authorized representative shall have the right to commence an audit during normal business hours and at intervals of no more than one audit in any six month billing period. The audit will be limited to all such records and accounts as may, under recognized accounting practices, contain information bearing upon amounts subject to being billed to the Customer's end users by the Company as part of its provision of Billing and Collection Services and the changes to the Customer for other services provided by the Company pursuant to this tariff. (2) The written notice of audit shall identify the date upon which it is to commence, the location, the Customer's representatives, the subject matter of the audit, and the materials to be reviewed. (3) The written notice of audit shall be directed to the Company's representative at the address stipulated by such representative. (A) Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 61 Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 62 4.2 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES Recordine Service (cont'd.) 4.2.4 Pavment Arrangements and Audit Provision (cont'd.) (A) Notice and Scope (cont'd.) (4) The Company may, within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Customer's notice of audit, postpone commencement by written notice for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days, but only for good cause. The Company shall also indicate the new date for commencement of said audit. (s)Upon completion of the audit, the Customer's auditors are to provide an oral report of their findings to the Company prior to their departure, followed by a letter within thirty (30) days confirming findings and postponed completion. (B) Payment of Expense (c)Req uests forlExaCIqry[iarc (l)In addition to audits, the Customer, or its representatives, may request, from time to time, the opportunity to conduct an examination, as defined in (2) following. The Company will make reasonable efforts to accommodate requests for examination and to cooperate in the conduct of an examination. (2)An "Examination" shall, for purposes of this section, constitute a reasonable inquiry on a single issue or a specific topic related to Billing and Collection Service for a stated reason. Upon concurrence by both parties that errors or omissions exist, adjustment shall be made by the proper party to compensate for any errors or omissions disclosed by such examination or audit. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Each party shall bear its own expenses in connection with the conduct of an audit. Special data extractions required by the Customer for its representative to conduct the audit will be paid for by the Customer. "Special data extraction" for auditing purposes shall mean programming, clerical and computer time required to create an output record (from existing data files) that cannot normally be created from current software programs in the production program library. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 63 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES 4.2 Recording Service (cont'd.) 4.2.4 Payment Arrangements and Audit Provision (cont'd.) (D) Audit Provision All information received or reviewed by the Customer or its authorized representative is to be considered confidential and is not to be distributed, provided or disclosed in any form to anyone not involved in the audit, nor is such information to be used for any other purposes. (E) Minimum Period and Minimum Monthllr Charge The minimum period for which Recording Service without sorting is proved and for which charges apply is one month. (F) Cancellation of a Soecial Order A Customer may cancel a Special Order for Recording Service on any date prior to the service date. The cancellation date is the date the Company receives written or verbal notice from the Customer that the Special Order is to be canceled. Their verbal notice must be followed by written confirmation within ten (10) days. The service date for Recording Service is the date the Customer requests the recording to start. When a Customer cancels a Special Order for Recording Service after the order date but prior to the start of service, a Special Order charge and the minimum monthly charges will apply. (G) Changes to Special Orders When the Customer requests material changes to a pending Special Order for Recording Service, the pending Special Order will be canceled and the requested changes will be undertaken if they can be accommodated by the Telephone Company under a new Special Order. All cancellation charges as set forth in (C) preceding will apply for the canceled Special Order. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES 4.2 Recordine Service (cont'd.) 4.2.5 Rate Regulations The Special Order charge applies for each Special Order accepted by the Company for Recording Service or for a subsequently requested change. 4.3 AutomaticNumberldentification Automatic Number Identification (ANI) provides the automatic transmission of a seven or ten digit number and information digits to the Customer's premises for calls originating in the LATA, to identify the calling telephone number. The ANI feature is an end office software function which is associated on a call-by-call basis with (l) all individual transmission path in a trunk group routed directly between an end office and a Customer's premises or, where technically feasible, with (2) all individual transmission paths in a trunk group between an end office and an access tandem, and a trunk group between an access tandem and a Customer's premises. 4.3.1 Rate Regulations When Automatic Number Identification (ANI) is delivered (with Feature Group D originating) and the Customer is charged the recording rate as set forth in Section 5.3.1, the ANI rate does not apply. If the Customer is not charged the recording rate, the ANI rate as set forth in Section 5.3.2 will apply for each ANI record delivered to the Customer. 4.4 Billing Name and Address Service Billing Name and Address (BNA) Service is the provision of the complete billing name, street address, city or town, state and zip code for a telephone number assigned by the Company. BNA Service is provided for the sole purpose of permitting the Customer to bill its telephone communications service to its end users and may not be resold or used for any other purpose, including marketing activity such as market surveys or direct marketing by mail or by telephone. The Customer may not use BNA information to bill for merchandise, gift cenificates, catalogs or other services or products. BNA Service is provided on both a manual and mechanized basis. On a manual basis, the information will be provide by voice telecommunications or by mail, as appropriate. On a mechanized basis, the information will be entered on magnetic tape containing recorded Customer messages. BNA information is furnished for sent-paid, collect, bill to third number, 700 and 900 service messages and messages charged to a calling card that is resident in the Company's data base. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, tL 60606 Peerless Network of [daho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 64 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 65 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES 4.4 BillingName and Address Service (cont'd.) 4.4.1 Undertaking of The Comoany (A) A request for information on over 100 and up to 500 telephone numbers should be mailed to the Company. The Company will provide the response by first class U.S. Mail within ten (10) business days. (B)Upon receipt of a magnetic tape of recorded Customer messages, the Company will, at the request of the Customer, provide BNA Service on a mechanized basis. The tape of messages may be provided by the Customer or, where the Customer subscribes to Recording Service as set forth in 4.1.2 preceding, may be the output from that service. The Company will enter the BNA information on the recorded message tape and send the tape to the Customer by first class U.S. Mail. Other methods of delivering the data may be negotiated, and charges based on cost will apply. The Company will provide a response to Customer-provided tapes by mail within six (6) business days of receipt. The Company will process and mail tapes which are the output of Recording Service every fifth business day. (c)The Company will specify the format in which requests and tapes are to be submitted. (D) The BNA information will be provided for the calling number furnished to the extent a billing name and address exists in the Company' records, including non- published and non-listed numbers. If the billing name and address information for a specific calling number is confidential due to legal, national security, end user or regulatory imposed requirements, the Company will provide an indicator on the confidential records. (E)The Company will provide the most current BNA information resident in its database. Due to normal end user account activity, there may be instances where the BNA information provided is not the BNA that was applicable at the time the message was originated. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of [daho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 66 4.4 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES Billing Name and Address Service (cont'd.) 4.4.2 Obligations of the Customer (A) With each order for BNA Service, the Customer shall identify the authorized individual and address to receive the BNA information. (B)A Customer which orders BNA Service on a mechanized basis and which intends to submit tapes of record messages for processing must provide the Company with an acceptable test tape or transmission which includes all call types for which BNA information may be requested. (c)The Customer shall institute adequate internal procedures to insure that BNA information, including that related to non-published and non-listed telephone numbers, is used only for the purpose set forth in this tariff and that BNA information is available only to those Customer personnel or agents with a need to know the information. The Customer must handle all billing name and address information designated as confidential by the Company in accordance with the Company's procedures concerning confidential information. The Company will provide to the Customer a statement of its procedures concerning confidential information. (D) The Customer shall not publicize or represent to others that the Company jointly participates with the Customer in the development of the Customer's end user records, accounts, data bases or market date, records, files and data bases or other systems it assembles through the use of BNA Service. (E)When the Customer orders BNA Service for both interstate and intrastate messages, the projected percentage of interstate use must be provided in a whole number to the Company. The Company will designate the number obtained by subtracting the projected interstate percentage from 100 (1OO-projected interstate percentage = intrastate percentage) as the projected intrastate percentage. This whole number percentage will be used by the Company to apportion the rates and nonrecurring charges between interstate and intrastate in those circumstances where the recorded message detail is not sufficient to permit the Company to determine the appropriate jurisdiction. This percentage will remain in effect until a revised report is received as set forth following. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 2225 Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 67 BILLING AND COLLECTION SERVICES 4.4 Billine Name and Address Service (cont'd.) 4.4.2 Obligations of the Customer (cont'd.) (E) (cont'd.) Effective on the first of January, April, July and October of each year the Customer may update the jurisdictional report. The Customer shall forward to the Company, to be received no later than 20 calendar days after the first of each such month, a revised report showing the interstate percentage of use for the past three months ending the last day of December, March, June and September, respectively. Except where jurisdiction can be determined from the recorded message detail, the revised report will serve as the basis for the next three months billing and will be effective on the bill date in the following month (e.g., February, May, August and November). No prorating or back billing will be done based on the report. If the Customer does not supply the report, the Company will assume the percentages to be the same as those provided in the last quarterly report. For those cases in which a quarterly report has never been received from the Customer, the Company will assume the percentages to be the same as those provided in the order for service. (F)The Company shall use reasonable efforts to provide accurate and complete lists. The company makes no warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of these lists. Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX 4.4 BILLING AND COLLECNON SERVICES Billins Name and Address Service (cont'd.) 4.4.3 Rate Regulations (A) Service Establishment Charges apply for the initial establishment of BNA Service on a manual basis, for the initial establishment of BNA Service on a mechanized basis and for establishment of a Master List for a Customer. (B)A charge applies for each request for BNA information for a telephone number provided on a manual basis. A charge applies for each message processed to supply BNA information on a mechanized basis. The Company will keep a count of the requests and of the messages processed. The Company will bill the Customer in accordance with these counts whether or not the Company was able to provide BNA information for all requests and messages. (c)Where the recorded message detail is sufficient to determine a message is an intrastate message, the rates set forth in 5.3.3 following apply to each such message. Usage for which the recorded message detail is insufficient to determine jurisdiction will be prorated by the Company between interstate and intrastate. The percentages provided in the reports as set forth in 4.4.2(E) preceding will serve as the basis for prorating the charges. The intrastate charges are determined as follows: For usage sensitive (e.g., requests or messages processed) chargeable rate elements, multiply the intrastate percent times actual use times the stated tariff rate. (D)When a Customer cancels an order for BNA Service after the order date, the Service Establishment Charge applies. Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 68 Issued:XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page 69 5.1 5.1.2 RATES Access Service 5.1.1 Service Orders (A) Service Implementation (l) Installation Charge -Per circuit (2)Access Order Charge -Per Access Request (B)Service Date Change -Per Access Order Design Change -Per Access Order Switched Access Service Tandem Switched Access (Originating) Tandem Switched Access (Terminating) End Office Switched Access (Originating) End Office Switched Access (Terminating) Transport and Termination (Originating) Transport and Termination (Terminating) Nonrecurring Charge (c) $2s0 $100 $ 100 $100 Per Access Minute *** * *r< *** *** *** * *.* *** Denotes rates that are benchmarked to the corresponding rates in Peerless Network, Inc. FCC Tariff No. 4. Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original PageTO 5.1 RATES Access Service (cont'd.) 5.1.3 Local Transport (A) Entrance Facilit), (l) DSI -Per Point of Termination DS3 -Per Point of Termination (3) Installation -Per DSI -Per DS3 (B)Direct Trunked Transport Facility Mileage DSI DS3 Monthly Recurring $158.00 $700.00 Non-recurring Charge (NRC) $s00.00 s775.00 (2) Monthly Rate $30.00 $3s0.00 Per Mile $ 13.00 $s7.00 NRC $300.00 $1,200.00 Issued:XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original PageTl RATES 5.1 Access Service (cont'd.) 5.1.3 Local Transport (cont'd.) (C) Network Blocking Charger (D) Chargeable Optional Features (l) SS7 Signaling Option Conversion, non-recurring -Per First Trunk Converted -Per Additional Trunk Converted (2) Change in Point Code -Per change Multiplexing DS3 to DSl, per multiplexer Dedicated Switch Port Per DSI port (G) Cross Connect Per connection (DS I level) rApplies to FG D only (E) (F) Rate Per Call Blocked $0.01 $175 $s0 $200 ss00 $ls $60 Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page72 RATES 5.1 Access Service (cont'd.) 5.1.3 Local Transport (cont'd.) (H) Non-chargeableOptionalFeatures (l) SupervisorySignaling DX Supervisory Signaling arrangement -Per Transmission Path SF Supervisory Signaling arrangement -Per Transmission Path E&M Types I,II, & ilI Supervisory Signaling arrangement -Per Transmission Path (2)Signaling System 7 -Per signaling connection arranged (3)64 kbps Clear Channel Capability -Per Transmission Path Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page73 RATES 5.1 Access Service (cont'd.) 5.1.4 End Office (l)Common Switchin g Chargeable Optional Features Rate Automatic Number Identifi cation/ SS7 Charge Number -Per Attempt $0.002s (2) Common Switching Non-Chargeable Ootional Features Service Class Routing (available with FGD) -Per Transmission Path Group Altemate Traffic Routing (available with FGD) -Per Transmission Path Group International Carrier Option (available with FGD) -Per End Office and Access Tandem SS7 Signaling Option -Calling Party Number (available with FGD) -Carrier Selection Parameter (available with FGD) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606 Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page74 RATES 5.1 Access Service (cont'd.) 5.1.4 End Office (cont'd.) Local Switching (cont'd.) (3) Trunk Side Transport Termination Non-Chargeable Options Standard Trunk for Originating, Terminating or Two-Way Operation (available with FGD) Operator Trunk, Full Feature Arrangement (available with FGD) Operator Trunk, Assist Feature (available with FGD) (4) Non-Chargeable SS7 Signaling Option Calling Party Number (available with FGD) Charge Number (available with FGD) Carrier Selection Parameter (available with FGD) Access Transport Parameter (available with FGD) Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Peerless Network of ldaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page75 RATES 5.1 Access Services (cont'd.) 5.1.5 Toll Free Data Base Access Service (A) Customer ldentification -Per Query Rate $0.00s (B)Toll Free Number Reservation -Per Toll Free Number $ 1.00 Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 xxxx Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page76 RATES 5.2 MiscellaneousServices 5.2.1 Presubscription Presubscription, -Per Telephone Exchange Service Line or Trunk, Manual Non-Recurring Charge $1.2s -Per Telephone Exchange Service Automatic $0.00 5.2.2 Per-Call Payphone Recovery per call 5.2.3 LNP Ouery per query Recurring Charge $0.s0 $0.002 Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago, IL 60606 Issued: XXXX Peerless Network of Idaho, LLC ID Tariff No. 2 Original Page77 5.3 Billins and Collection Services 5.3.1 Recording -Per Customer Message 5.3.2 Automatic Number Identification -Per Attempt s.3.3 5.4 Transit Traffic Service Per Minute of Use RATES Billing Name and Address Mechanized Transaction - Service Establishment Charge - Query Charge Per Telephone Number Recurring Charge $0.02s $0.020 $125.00 $0.20 $0.03000 Issued: XXXX Effective: XXXX Issued By: Vice President, Regulatory Affairs 222 S Riverside Plaza, Suite 2730 Chicago,IL 60606