HomeMy WebLinkAboutParadigm Communications Corporation.pdfPARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Title Page PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK TELECOMMUNICA nONS PRICE LIST PARADIGM COMMUNICA nONS CORPORA nON Toll-free Telephone Number: 800-480-0875 This Price List contains the rates, terms and conditions applicable to the IntraLA T A and InterLATA Resale Telecommunications Services provided by Paradigm Communications Corporation d/b/a Global Communications Network within the State of Idaho. DATED: April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Terms and Abbreviations .......................................... 2 Rules and Regulations ............................................ Description of Service and Rates .................................... DATED: April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Paradigm Communications Corporation Office of the Secretary 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor ACCEPTED FOR FILING Santa Monica, California 90401 APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, \daho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 2 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Access Line - An arrangement which connects the Subscriber s or Customer s location to the Carrier s designated point of presence or network switching center. Account - The Customer who has agreed, verbally or by signature, to honor the terms of service established by the Company. An account may have more than one access code billed to the same Customer address. Authorization Code - A pre-defined series of numbers to be dialed by the Customer or End User upon access to the Company s system to notify the caller and validate the caller s authorization to use the services provided. The Customer is responsible for charges incurred through the use of his or her assigned Authorization Code. Authorized User - A person, firm or corporation, or any other entity authorized by the Customer or Subscriber to communicate utilizing the Company s services. Available Usage Balance - The amount of usage remaining on a Debit Account at any particular point in time. Each Debit Account has an Initial Account Balance which is stated either in US. dollars or Call Units, depending upon the type of service. The Available Balance is depleted as services provided by the Company are utilized by the Customer. Carrier or Company - Whenever used in this tariff , " Carrier" or "Company " refers to Paradigm Communications Corporation d/b/a Global Communications Network unless otherwise specified or clearly indicated by the context. Commission - Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Customer - The person, firm or corporation, or other entity which orders, cancels, amends, or uses service and is responsible for the payment of charges and/or compliance with tariff regulations. Debit Account - An account which consists of a pre-paid usage balance depleted on a real-time basis during each Debit Service call. DATED:April 10, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Effective: April 24, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaiY ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 Boise, Idaho idi989o.tms . "c.. ~ .. .",. ,.- J PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 3 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Debit Card - A card issued by the Company which provides the Customer with a Personal Identification Number and instructions for accessing the Carrier s network. Debit Service Call - A service accessed via a "800" or other access code dialing sequence whereby the Customer or Authorized User dials all of the digits necessary to route a call. Netw0Fk usage for each call is deducted from the available usage balance on a Company issued Debit Account. End User - Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity which uses the service of the Company under the terms and conditions of this tariff. The End User is responsible for payment unless the charges for the service utilized are paid by the Customer. Equal Access - The ability of the Company to serve Customers on a presubscribed basis rather than through the use of dial access codes. GCN - Refers to Paradigm Communications Corporation d/b/a Global Communications Network unless otherwise indicated by the context. Initial Usage Balance - The amount of usage on a Debit Account upon issuance and before any depleting call activity. LATA - Local Access Transport Area (LATA) denotes a geographical area established by the US. District Court within which a local exchange company provides communications services. LEC - Local Exchange Company. Marks - A collective term to mean such items as trademarks, service marks, trade names and logos; copyrighted words, artwork, designs, pictures or images; or any other device or merchandise to which legal rights or ownership are held or reserved by an entity. DATED:April 10, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro , President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Effective: April 24, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise. Idaho -- n.....,.. '" --,... '" "--"""-"" C""~ PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 4 SECTION 1 - TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS, (CONT' Personal Identification Number - See Authorization Code. Renewal- A method of replenishing a Debit Account's Available Usage Balance with additional minutes of usage as authorized and paid for by the Customer. Sponsor-- A corporation or other legal entity that exclusively permits the use of its Marks to the Company for use with telephone cards or other merchandise, and contracts with the Company for the marketing of the services described herein. Subscriber - The person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity which arranges for services of the Company on behalf of transient third party Customers or Authorized Users. The Subscriber is responsible for compliance with the terms and conditions of this tariff. A Subscriber is also a Customer under the terms of the tariff. Switched Access Origination/Termination - Where access between the Customer and the interexchange carrier is provided on local exchange company Feature Group circuits and the connection to the Customer is a LEC-provided business or residential access line. The cost of switched Feature Group access is billed to the interexchange carrier. V & H Coordinates - Geographic points which define the originating and terminating points of a call in mathematical terms so that the airline mileage of the call may be determined. Call mileage is used for the purposed of rating calls. DATED:April 10 , 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Effective: April 24, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 Idi9800.\ms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 5 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS Undertaking of GCN GCN's services and resold facilities are furnished for intraLA T and interLA T communications originating at specified points within the state of Idaho under terms of this tariff. GCN installs, operates, and maintains the communications services provided hereinunder in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under this tariff. GCN may act as the Customer s agent for ordering access connection facilities provided by other carriers or entities, when authorized by the Customer, to allow connection of a Customer location to the GCN network. The Customer shall be responsible for all charges due for such service arrangement. The Company s services and resold facilities are available twenty-four hours per day, 7 days per week. Limitations Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subj ect to the provisions of this tariff. GCN reserves the right to discontinue or limit service when necessitated by conditions beyond its control, or when the Customer is using service in violation of provisions of this tariff, or in violation of the law. The Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities when available, and will not be liable for errors in transmission or for failure to establish connections. DATED:April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, \daho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 6 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Limitations, (Cont' 2.4 All services and resold facilities provided under this tariff are directly or indirectly controlled by GCN and the Customer may not transfer or assign the use of service or facilities without the express written consent of the Company. Such transfer or assignment shall only apply where there is no interruption of the use or loGation of the service or facilities. Prior written permission from the Company is required before any assignment or transfer. All regulations and conditions contained in this tariff shall apply to all such permitted assignees or transferees, as well as all conditions of service. Use Services provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited. DATED:April 10, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro , President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Effective: April 24, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise. IdahD PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 7 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' 2.4 Payment for Service All charges due by the Customer are payable to GCN or any agency duly authorized to receive such payments. Payments for service provided in association with Company-issued Debit Accounts must be received by the Company or its authorized agent prior to the activation of the Customer s Debit Account. Any objections to billed charges or Debit Account depletions must be reported to the Company within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Adjustments to Customers' bills or Debit Account Available Usage balance shall be made to the extent that circumstances exist which reasonably indicate that such changes are appropriate. The Customer shall be responsible for all calls placed via the Debit Account as the result of the Customer s intentional or negligent disclosure of their Personal Identification Number. Renewal of Customer Account Balances made by charges to commercial credit cards are subject to the terms and conditions of the issuing commercial credit card company and those of GCN's credit card processing agent. Renewals of Customer Account Balances made by cashier s checks are subject to the terms and conditions of the issuing financial institution. Taxes All federal, state and local taxes, including but not limited to federal excise tax, state gross receipts taxes, sales taxes, and municipal utilities taxes are included in the rates listed in this tariff. Cancellation The Customer may cancel service by fully depleting the available balance of the Customer account and/or by not renewing a renewable account. DATED:April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Paradigm Communications Corporation Office of the Secretary 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor ACCEPTED FOR FILING Santa Monica, California 90401 APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 8 SECTION 2 - RULES AND REGULATIONS, (CONT' Other Rules The Company reserves the right to discontinue service, limit service, or to impose requirements on Customers as required to meet changing regulatory rules and standards of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. DATED: April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryParadigm Communications Corporation ACCEPTED FOR FILING 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 9 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES 1 Timing of Calls 1.1 Long distance usage charges are based on usage of the Company s network. Chargeable time begins when the calling and the called station are connected. 1.2 Chargeable time ends when one party "hangs up" the telephone, thereby releasing the network connection. 1.3 The minimum call duration and call increments for billing purposes are specified on a per-product basis. 1.4 The Company shall not bill for unanswered calls. DATED: April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Paradi m Communications Co oration Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho ....~.._ PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 10 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Unless otherwise specified in this tariff, the following rate periods apply services subject to time of day discounts: MON I TUES I WED I THUR I FRI SAT I SUN 8:00 AM PEAK PERIOD 5:00 PM* 5: 00 PM 11 :00 PM*OFF-PEAK PERIOD 11:00 PM 8:00 AM* * Up to but not including. DATED: April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 Idaho Public Utilities Commission NIls A. Shaplfo, PresIdent Office of the Secretary Paradigm Communications Corporation ACCEPTED FOR FILING 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 ISSUED BY: APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho , '.. - ' PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 11 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' Determination of Mileage Calls are measured and rounded to the higher full minute from the Serving Wire Center of the originating Customer s terminal or switch location to the Serving Wire Center of the destination of the call. The distance between the Serving Wire Center of the Customer s switch and that of the destination point is calculated by using the vertical (") and horizontal ) coordinates as defined in the BellCore V &H Coordinates Tape and NECA Tariff FCC No.4 in the following manner: Step 1 - Obtain the "V" and "H" coordinates for the originating and destination points. Step 2 - Obtain the difference between the "V" coordinates of each of the Serving Wire Centers. Obtain the difference between the "H" coordinates. Step 3 - Square the differences obtained in Step 2. Step 4 - Add the squares of the "V" difference and "H" difference obtained in Step 3. Step 5 - Divide the sum of the squares obtained in Step 4 by ten (10). Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction results from the division. Step 6 - Obtain the square root of the whole number obtained in Step 5. Round to the next higher whole number if any fraction is obtained. This is the distance between the Serving Wire Centers. Formula: DATED:April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 Idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 12 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' 3.4 Paradigm One Plus Switched Service - Direct Paradigm One Plus Switched Service is a service designed for outbound calling. Calls are billed in sixty (60) second increments with an initial billing period of sixty (60) seconds. Calls originate from Customer-provided standard business or residential switched access lines. Usage-and a monthly recurring charge applies. Customers are billed directly by the Company. Rate per minute:$0.099 Monthly recurring charge:$0.990 Paradigm One Plus Switched Service - LEC Paradigm One Plus Switched Service is a service designed for outbound calling. Calls are billed in sixty (60) second increments with an initial billing period of sixty (60) seconds. Calls originate from Customer-provided standard business or residential switched access lines. Usage and a monthly recurring charge applies. Charges appear on the Customers local exchange company bill. Per minute rate:$0.099 Monthly recurring charge:$2.990 DA TED:April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 idi9800jtms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' GCN Debit Card Service - I GCN Debit Card Service is a Debit Card service available to residential and business Subscribers for placing calls while away from home or office. Calls are originated by dialing the 800 access number printed on the card, followed by an account identification number and personal identification number. Debit card accounts maintain a balance which is depleted on a real-time basis as calls are placed. Customers are notified of their remaining account balance at the beginning of each call. Calls are billed in one (1) minute increments. The minimum call duration for billing purposes is one (1) minute. GCN Debit Card Service is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week. Calls may originate from standard residential, business or pay telephone access lines and may terminate to any interstate or intrastate location. The number of available cards is subject to technical limitations. Cards will be offered to customers on a first come, first served basis. Exclusions Calls to 500, 700, 800 and 900 numbers Calls requiring the quotation of time and charges Air to ground and high seas service DATED:April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 Id19800.tms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 14 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' GCN Debit Card Service - I, (Cont' Service Availability All calls must be charged against a Company Debit Card that has sufficient available balance. A Customer s call will be interrupted with an announcement when the balance is about to be depleted. Such announcement will occur before the balance will be depleted. The Customer will be required to contact Customer Service and recharge their current card, or initiate another call under a separate number. Calls in progress will be terminated by the Company if the balance on the Company Debit Card is insufficient to continue the call and the Customer fails to recharge their card number. Payment for the Company Debit Card and any Available Usage in a Customer s Debit Account is non-refundable. DATED:Effective: April 24, 1998April 10, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 15 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' GCN Debit Card Service - I, (Cont' Rates The per minute rate for Debit Card service is dependent upon either the volume ofeards or minutes committed to be purchased within one year, or the market for which the card has been developed. Card Service A Volume Rate Minute Less than 50 000 minutes 001 to 100 000 minutes 100 001 to 300 000 minutes 300 001 to 500 000 minutes 500 001 to 1 000 000 minutes 000 001 to 2 000 000 mins. Greater than 2 000 000 mins. Card Service B Less than 20 minutes/card 21 to 30 minutes/card 30 to 39 minutes/card 40 to 99 minutes/card Greater than 100 minutes/card Peak/Off-Peak Card Service Less than 50 000 minutes 001-100 000 minutes 100 001-300 000 mins. 300 001-500 000 mins. 500 001-000 000 mins 000 001-000 000 mins Greater than 2 000 000 Peak/min. $.42 $.40 $.40 Off- Peak/min. $.32 DATED: April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Idaho Public Utilities Commission Paradigm Communications Co oration Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 APR 2 4 1998 idi9800,tms Boise, Idaho PARADIGM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION d/b/a GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK Idaho Price List No. Original Page 16 SECTION 3 - DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AND RATES, (CONT' GCN Debit Card - Sponsor Program The Debit Card Sponsor Program is offered to organizations or commercial entities for distribution to their members or patrons. The marketing vehicle and expiration period is selected by the Sponsor upon joint agreement between the Company and the Sponsor. The Sponsor isresponsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for the use of any trade mark, trade name, service mark or other image on the card. The Sponsor may distribute the Carrier s debit card accounts at reduced rates or free of charge to end users for promotional purposes. At the option of the sponsor, these cards may not be replenished. The Company reserves the right to approve or reject any image and to specify the customer information language and use of the Carrier s trade mark, trade name, service mark or other image on the card. Per Minute Rate:$0. DA TED:April 10, 1998 Effective: April 24, 1998 ISSUED BY:Nils A. Shapiro, President Paradigm Communications Corporation 401 Wilshire Boulevard, 9th Floor Santa Monica, California 90401 Idaho P~blic Utilities Commission ACC Office of the Secretary EPTED FOR FILING APR 2 4 1998 idi9800.tms Boise, Idaho