HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130814Application.pdff-lf + -,, .liii: - i iBlS *UG ltl AFi B: ZS li.1 1 :-:'rtir i,;1UTll.ll ir:S l. *.j.,;',1,,.. ..r August L3,2Ot3 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 ,WIJ-T- tV-Dl Enclosed is the 2012 ldaho Broadband Tax Credit application for One Wave Networks, LLC. Please review the information for approval. Don't hesitate to contact us if you should need any additional information. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, fi /\-'' Dallas Gray One Wave Networks, LLC 451Main Ave. E. Twin Falls, ldaho 83301 ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Companv lnformation Name of company: Address: Type of company: Contact Person: OneWave Networks, LLC 451 Main Ave. E. Twin Falls, ldaho 83301 lnternet Service Provider Dallas Gray 451Main Ave. E. Twin Falls, ldaho 83301 Phone: (208].734-7337 Fax: (208) 735-5682 e-mail: dallas@onewavenetworks.com Equipment Description Broadband services offered: OneWave Networks offers Fixed Wireless Broadband connectivity services to our customers in the Magic Valley and surrounding areas. Network description: Since 2009 OneWave Networks has been building and engineering a core network with the goal to deliver high speed broadband connectivity to the Magic Valley and surrounding rural areas. We have built a high speed packet switched, carrier class, core network using state of the art wireless technology in order to deliver high speed reliable lnternet service to our customers. ln 2O!2 we have added several new sites in order to better serve our customers and bring increased bandwidth to underserved areas desperately in need of lnternet access. Transmission rate: Our core network is capable of transmitting over 1 Gbps of traffic, which allows us to deliver anywhere from lMbps to 50Mbps to our customers. Number and percentage of ldaho customers served: OneWave Networks has added approximately 550 customers in 2072. We only serve customers in our service area. Equipment list: See attached broadband equipment list. I hereby certify that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under ldaho Code 63- 3029r. Please review the above information and the attached equipment list and approve the 2012 equipment purchases of OneWave Networks, LLC as being eligible for the three percent ldaho Broadband Equipment Tax Credit. Dallas Gray OneWave Networks, LLC Date ln service 01rc3no12 01nu2012 01to3t2012 011o3t2012 01tou2012 01nu2012 o'110312012 01lMt2012 ollo4Do12 uto4r2u2 0'U04t2012 01l06,no12 oll06/DO'12 01t06,12012 01t06,12012 01tc6,t2012 01t6no12 011o7t2012 o2t0112012 02t6DO12 o?,1012012 02,10t2012 o211iJ2012 w1212012 o2t12t2012 02t12t2012 o2l122012 0213t2012 o2t14DO12 02,142012 oztur2012 oa14t2012 02t'1512012 o2l't5Do12 02n1D012 o2123t2012 o2t23t2012 03t05no12 o3t0€t2012 03t'to12012 o3t10t2012 03t10t2012 ou13t2012 03113t2012 o3113t2012 o3t1312012 o3t13t2012 0u't3t20't2 og13no12 ou't3t20't2 $t142012 ou14t2012 o3114f2012 0u14r2u2 03/142012 ou14t2012 One Wave Networks LLC Broadband Equipment Listing As of December 3'1,2012 Item Description PST PS1,IOOAS.4EG PIPE CLAMP PVC 1PT CEMENT WBRUSH TOP PVC 2]N SCHEDULE-40 CONO PVC 4-IN SCHEDULE-80 CONOUIT PST PS2OOEH.1O-PGAL DEEP CHANNEL - ELONGATEO HOLES PREGALV 1-5/8X1.5/8X10' 'I2 GA 2' 18Ghz Radiowave Antenng 2' 'l8chz Radiowave Ant€nna Dsscription 4.9-5.gGHZ PARABOLIC DISH 30DBl OUAL-POL RACK SUPPLY 2OAI24.29V RACK SUPPLY 2OAI24.29V Outdoor Cstse Shieldsd 1000ft spool PVC 2IN CONDUIT CPLG PVC 2.IN gOD CONO ELL sOFT LC.ST DUPLEX MULTIMODE OUTOOOR RATED 62.5/,I25, WITH BO KITS AND TEST RESULTS sOFT LC-SC DUPLEX MULTIMODE OUTDOOR RATED 62.5/125, WITH BO KITS ANO TEST RESULTS lOOFT LC.SC OUPLEX MULTIMODE OUTDOOR RATEO 62.5/125, WTH BO KITS AND TEST RESULTS lPmu-i4/4T'lIUTP/UTP (C) RAD Stap Down Transfomer 208V in 120V RM 2U Out with 5-20 R6cepiacl6s 120 OEG 19DB OUTOOOR SGHZ SECTOR ShiEId KiI HC AC hst w/O Conn MiIAINKHCMACNARI DRAGONWAVE Horizon Compacl R€lease 1 AC lnstallation Kit w... Nanostation loco 802.'l 1B/G Sdbi CPE Aimax Omni2G'13 GB ETHERNET MODULE CISCO 45OO SERIES 1OOOAC POWER SUPPLY 4500 24 PORT 10/100/'1000 MOD RJ45 CISCO CATALYST 45OO CHASSIS 3SLOT FAN NO P/S SUPERVISOR 2 ENGINE SWitChEd 24 VOIT WISP AP POE INJECTOR PV150 '150W Power lnv€rte|l-Outlels Cig Lighter Plug Adaptsr 20A UBNT 90 Degre sGHz MIMO 20dBiWcablss Outdmr UAP with antonna and POE USA ver Outd@r Catse Shielded 100oft spool LEVITON 4925,I.W64 4POS WALL BRACK LEV 5G596.U89 CsE 12P PP 66 BLOCK STYLE 90 Oegroo sGHz MIMO l7dBiw/€blas H.264 megapixol Gmsra, IMP/HDTV 3 pack H.26,4 megapixsl cam€ra, 1 MP/HDTV 3 pack APC SmaTi-UPS XL 3OOOVA TomT/RacK.mountab|e UPS SMART-UPS XL 3OOOVA RT NET PKG F/WIRING CLOSET... LC/SC DX MM 62.5/125 OUTOOOR CABLE WITH BO KITS ANO TEST 160 FEET 3FT CatSe 350MHz UTP Ethemot Network Cable - Red 10FT Calse 350MHz UTP Ethsmet Nstwork Cable - R6d sFT CatS€ 35OMHZ UTP Ethemet Network Cabls - Red 90 Degros SGHZ MIMO lTdBiMc€bl€s UBNT 120 D€gEs SGHZ MIMO l6dBiWebl€s TP-ESPI00-POE24 - Network Lightning/Surge Prctector 100Mbs NANOSTATION LOCO M2 UBNT 90 Oegres sGHz MIMO 20dBiWcabl€s 90 OEGREE 2.4 GHz MlMl 16dBiW€bl6s 120 O6grs6 2.4 Ghz MIMO l5 dbi w/cables Rsvolutionary, CosuPerfomanca Breakthrough Cari€r C|... 802.11NM|MO2.4GhzRock€tAP ROCKETM5: 2.4cHz{iPoilet2xzMlMOAirMaxTOMABasestation 802.1 1N MIMO 5 GHz Rockst AP US APC UPS Nstwo* Management Card BaCK-UPS HS sOOVA 12OV Trylon - 2tt Stand-Off Antenna Mounl, Small Backing Kit 17.7-19.7GH2 2' HP Antenna Outdoor Catss Shisldod 'l0o0ft spool Item cost 4.'19 7.03 28.69 31.10 44.13 500.00 500.00 258.00 310.46 3'10.46 990.01 7.21 't9.32 54.69 57.32 85.55 400.00 447.26 599.70 '1,120.00 180.00 440.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 690.00 295.00 48.98 125.00 125.00 424.29 63.42 77.29 85.00 266.00 532.00 1,&5.24 308.17 '13.60 28.80 43.00 '136.40 136.40 170.60 '176.00 2U.@ 238.00 238.00 300.00 375.00 223.42 429.70 465.66 595.00 707.'t5 Pago 'l of 4 One Wave Networks LLC Broadband Equipment Listing As of December 31,2012 0311912012 NETGEAR Prosafe GS108T-200NAS 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Sma( Switch 0911912012 17.7-19.7GH22' HPAntsnna 0U1912O12 ORAGONWAVE Horizon Compact Rsleas€ 1 AC lnstallation Kit with CATsE Connectors 0311912012 17.7-19.7GH23'HPAntenna 031'1912012 17.7-19.7GHz 4' HP Antenna 03l'1912012 catalyst 2960 I 10/100+-1 T SFP LAN Lit6 lmage 0311912012 HC 18GHz HP 10MB 81 00' oWOf2U2 Tower Time 0312612012 Duracomm Corp. - Power Block, 3.2A,/48-56V 0312812012 OutdoorCalseShieldedl000ftspool og2at2012 NB-5G25 0411012012 17.7-'l9.7GHz2' HPAntenna lhsrupsrl 041A2012 N Fsmale/N Male Rt. Angle O4\A2O12 Univ clamp sst, pole UPS 04112,2012 60"H Non-Pen Roof Mount O4I'1212O12 N MALE HDSKNURL LMR€OO EZ6OO-NMH-D ul12n,''12 Mast is 2-318" OD and 120" in height. 62" Square. UnADOl2 50MHz RISC, Five 10/'100/1000 ports, SWOS M2ol2o12 3FT CetSB 350MHz UTP Ethemet Network Cable - Red Ul20l2O12 sFT Catse 350MHz UTP Ethemot Nstwork Cable - Red O4l2Ol2O12 RJ-45 MODULAR PLUGS RJ45 100 packforsolid 0510212012 '19'H X 24?W X 20"D (10 RU) wAC Outdoor Enclosure o5to7t2012 WPI2000ESATRCONDITIONER O5IO7I2O12 UBNT AIRCAM o5t10120'12 NANOSTATTON LOCO M2 0il1012o12 SGHZ 90 DEGREE 20DB SECTOR SHIELD KIT 3 for sugar o1t1OrzOP 120 OEG 19DB OUTOOOR sGHZ SECTOR Shield Kit 0512112012 HC LICENSE UPGRAOE IOMBTO4OOMB oSE3Do12'10.7-11.7GH26'HPAnten osl29l2o12 Dsscription 4.9-5.9GHZ PARABOLIC DISH 30oBl oUAL-POL 06,10/,12012 cisco3550-'l2T 610512012 1A GHz,2' Micrcwave Antonna m,10512012 Ouo 600 SP 11 A 00' DSU 610712012 WS-C2960G€TC-L Catalyst29607 10/100/1000 + 1 T/SFP LAN Base c6,I0812012 N MALE HDGIKNURL LMR6OO EZ.6OO.NMH-O 06,t1z2012 NB-5G25 c6,11412012 3FT Catse 350MHz UTP Ethemet Network Cable - Red W1412O12 5FT Catse 350MHz UTP Ethomst Network Cabls - Rod @l14l2o12 24 Volt POE 1A wilh US power @rd 06,11412012 60"HNon-PonetratingMt. cE,11412012 UBNT 90 Degr8e sGHz MIMO 20dBiW€bl6s c6,11912012 opmanager c6,12112012 TP-ESP-I00-POE24- Network Lightning/Surge Protector'100Mbs c6,12112012 Outdoor Catse Shielded 100oft spool 612212012 UniFiAP Pro, GigE, 802.3sf, Oual Radio 06,t26t20'.t2 NB-5G25 6l29DO'12 '18 GHz,2' Miqowavs Antenna 6129120'12 'Duo @0 SP 11 B 00" DSU O7DaDO12 Timss Mimave LMR600 o7t10120't2 Fiber Patch cable Lc-sc 1 METER O7I1OI2O12 4-STRAND MM 62.5/125 OUTDOOR FC-ST WITH BREAKOUTS, NO PULLING 2OFT 0711712012 Multimode Duplex62.5/125fib€rjumperLC-SC 10mtr 0711712012 20Amp/S6.2VPowerSupply 07l'1812012 Outdoor Catse Shieldsd l000ft spool 0711812012 3.65GHz Powsr8ridge MIMO, AIRMAX 07f2412O12 50'Telos@pingMasl Oll25l2i12 Airmax Omni 2G 13 Norlh Amerimn 101.99 595.00 700.00 '1,050.00 'I,575.00 1,65t.40 7,000.00 230.00 142.47 707.15 4,250.00 1,190.00 38.50 41.17 1 03.51 107.70 350.24 189.75 31.50 43.00 49.00 2,006.00 360.39 500.00 264.00 269.85 899.50 2,800.00 'r1,760.00 260.00 375.00 200.00 9,400.00 779.52 '139.20 4,089.00 31.50 86.00 240.00 255.24 468.00 1,999.50 400.00 707.15 2,835.00 5,525.00 100.00 4,700.00 1,400.00 44.U 254.10 29.33 592.11 714.20 1,436.00 139.78 430.00 Paga 2 ot 4 One Wave Networks LLC Broadband Equipment Listing As of December 31,2012 o7l3ol2o12 7FT 24AWG Cat6 550MHz UTP Ethemet Bars Copp€r N€twork Cable - Grs€n 0713012012 802.34f POE unit Outdoor O7I3OI2O12 UBNT AIRCAM 07l3Ol2O12 1000FT 23AWG Cat6 500MHz UTP Solid, Riser Rated (CMR), Bulk Ethemet Bare Copper Cable - Purplo 0713112012 H.264 megapixel emera, '1MP/HOTV 3 pack ""3 3PACKS"" 0713'll2i12 Outdoor UAP with antenna and POE USA ver ou0'll2012 Catalyst 2960 I 10/100+-1 T SFP LAN Lite lmage ou06,n012 mFl temperature sensor 0U06,12O12 '18 GHz, 2' Microwavs Antenna OU06,|2O12 'Duo 600 SP 1l B 00" OSU 08107 t2012 802.1 'l N MIMO 5 GHz Rockst AP US O8IO7I2O'12 30 D8I SGHZ DUAL POL 2' DISH WCABLES 0810712012 Outdoor Cat58 Shielded 1000ft spool Ogl11l2012 Non-Pen P€ak Roof Mount 0911712012 RJ-45 MODULAR PLUGS RJ45 100 pack for solid @l'1712012 3FT Catss 350MHz UTP Eihsmst N€twork Cable - Red OAl17l2O12 sFT Catse 350MHz UTP Ethemet N€lwork Cable - Red O,l17l2o12 loFT Catse 350MHz UTP Ethemet Network Csble - Red 08nal2o12 90 DEGREE 2.4 GHz MlMl l6dBivc€blas 08t18t2012 NANOBRTDGE2GlE ou2'll2O12 ''10.7-'l1.7GHz 6' HP Anten 0812212012 5 GHz Variable BBam Soctor 60-120 Dsg Ti 0812212012 Titanium Rocket 5 Ghz Aimax MIMO GPS US ou24t2012 NB-5G25 OAI27I2O12 3 AMP GMT FUSE 0812712012 5 AMP GMT FUSE OU27I2O12 NETGEAR PROSAFE FS108 ETHERNET SWTCH 8 X 1O/1OO BASE-TX O8I27DO12 NETGEAR PROSAFE FS108 ETHERNET SWTCH 8 X 1O/'IOO BASE-TX O8f27f2O12 -48 Trimm Fuse Panel 0812912012 'Horizon 23GHz 'l2" Ant Ogl29l2o12 Ouo 600 SP 11 A 00" oSU 0812912012 'Duo 600 SP 1 1 B 00' DSU 0812912012 'Duo 800 HP 23 C 00" DSU OU3OI2012 802.'l l N MIMO 2.4 Ghz Rocket AP o8t3r,t2012 RoHN 265', SSMW TOWER 0910112012 NanoBridgs M Series, sGHz 22dBi dual pol ogl04l2012 Duracomm CoIp. - Rack Supply, 50A,/48-56V VMETER 09106,12012 802.3af POE unit lndoor 091c6,12012 5 FT LIGHT DUTY TRIPOD R.TRT6O 091cE,12012 Outdoor Catse Shielded 1000ft spool o9tc62012 NB-5G25 o9l'l1l2o'12 120' Sector Kit 5 GHz - small (USK1205) Ogl11l2112 Smart-UPS RT 10KVA Rack Tower 208V OutpuU2oSV lnput 0911312012 19tN RACKMOUNT FOR CAT 2960/3560 0911712012 90' Seclor Kit 2/5 GHz - 4 pack OgnAr2O1z 90 Oegree sGHz MIMO 17dBiw/€bl€s Ogl18l2o12 go'Seclor Kit 5 GHz - small o9n8r20'12 802.11NMIMO5GHZROCKETAP Og21nU2 4 INCH CABLE TIES ('100 per pack) Ogl2lDO'12 AOHESIVE BACKED MOUNTING BASES (10 pack) 09121120'12 Hook and Loop WRAP 50 PIECES PER ROLL Ogl21l2o12 2u (3.5in) Horizontal Csble Manag€m€nt Panol Ogl21l2o12 Package of 50 cge nuts w/10-32 screws o9t21t2i12 VERTTCAL LACER STRIP- 3.24'W, 37 SPACE WTIE POSTS (6/PK) 0912612012 OC-2.4GHZ REPL GAS TUBE 1Oo1DO12 2u (3.5in) Horizontal Cable Managemsnt Panel 101o1t2012 WS-X6148A-GE-45AF-48-PT 4SPORTPOE 1OlO3l2O12 Outdoor Cat5e Shielded 1000ft spool 14.40 5'1.00 249.99 312.42 750.00 1,180.00 542.54 70.50 100.00 4,700.00 375.00 685.00 716.70 231.55 49.00 63.00 86.00 137.00 1,190.00 1,420.00 5,880.00 1,990.00 2,050.00 1,360.00 16.40 32.80 59.99 59.99 518.00 3,500.00 4,700.00 4,700.00 1 06,575.00 750.00 9,000.00 3,450.00 2,709.80 160.00 273.90 716.70 4,250.00 299.85 4,881.70 69.03 't ,169.85 356.00 399.80 899.50 2.64 7.50 17.O9 34.99 67.93 '185.25 292.'15 40.00 1,200.00 740.25 Page 3 of 4 One Wave Networks LLC Broadband Equipment Listing As of December 31,20'12 10t03ao12 NB-5G25 1011012012 3U 19 inch Stesl Voltical Rack and Wsll Mounlabl8 Soruer Rack 1U1OaO12 Bac&-UPSHS500VA120V csi 10l10f2o12 3U 19 inch Ste€l Vsrlical Rack and Wall Mountabls Servor Rack 1U1O|2O12 CiscoWS{2940€TT-SSwitchWS-C29408TTS 10111DO12 Ci8@ Systems Cat€lyst 2960 24-Port 10/100 2 Port SFP 10/100/1000 LAN Lite Software 1on2no12 Bad(-UPS HS 500VA 120v 1U12I2O12 WS{296OG€TC-L Catalyst 2960 7 10/'100/1000 + 1 T/SFP LAN Base 1011512012 N MALE H$UKNURL LMR6OO EZ6OO-NMH-D 10115t2012 IgtNRACKMOUNTFORCAT2960/3560 1011512012 Duracomm Corp. - Poi€r Bl6k, 3.2Al4&56V 1U15nO12 Timss Micro\,vave LMR€q) 1O|16DO12 N Famale/N Male Rt. Angls 1011712012 Catalyst6506-E Chassis Fan Tray 1U17r2012 48 PORT 10/100/1000 GE MOD 1OI17NO12 CATALYST60004OOOWAC POWERSUPPLY 1011712012 CATALYST6 SLOT CHASSIS 10t17120'12 ws-suP720-38 1O|1WO12 Cisco Asts M22900 341{037{t Catalyst 4500 1000W Chassis Power Suppty 10t26,no12 NB-5G25 1012912012 50'Teles@pingMast 11n5n012 mFi, mPort 111191i2O12 3.65GHz Po rerBridge MIMO, AIRMM 1112'v2012 NB€G25 'l1D9f2O12 2 inch OD Mast Foot Mount 1t29f2$2 Timss Microwave LMR€oo fngl2012 l lGHz Oual Pols Rigid Mount Jerome Butte - 360 POP f ngnl12 '23GHz Oual Pole Rigid Mo A-OPT-HWR-DPRM-18 444 Main Ave S - SILO 11BOa012 NB-5G25 1113012012 NB-5G25 1AO3AO12 Shiolded RJ45 Cat.se Straight Cabls Plug Bayongt Lock. lP67 (Mated) 12n3eo12 Sin9l6 SeclorChain Mount 121O5f2O12 Switchsd 24 Volt WISP AP POE INJECTOR 1211112012 N F6male/N Male Rt, Angle 12111f2O12 CCP N Plug for 6Cl0 - Hex 12111DO12 WBless Solutiorc - 3'LMR400 Jump€r NM - NM '12111DO12 DC-2.4 GHz Repl Gas tub€ RGT PolyPhaser 1211412012 5 FT LIGHT DUTY TRIPOD R-TRT6O 12hsf2o12 n male hex knutl lmr - 600 3% ldaho Broadband Credit 4,250.00 120.00 125.@ 237.20 420.00 1,071.60 473.85 2,278.14 130.90 137.43 16'1.67 385.00 42.25 75.00 550.00 700.00 1,250.@ 3,500.00 102.90 4,250.00 '151.06 219.00 718.00 1,820.00 900.00 1,440.00 1,470.00 1,470.@ 1,700.00 2,550.00 18.(x) r88.25 590.00 4Ai2 133.20 198.60 584.30 691.50 59.02fi;; _!9!,6re.9L f;-i,';;l P8ge 4 of 4