HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220211Amended Application.pdfir !- hi j-r --lii'tsll FIEGON TELEPHONE COFIPOHATIc]N . -, r'Il i I f,li 9:29 P. O. Elo< 60Sl a Mt. Vernon, Onegon 974Ei5 [541)9s,24411 FAX (5411932449,4 @ a -ll a February LL,2022 Ms. Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO BOX 83720 Boise,lD 837L4 secretarv@ouc.idaho.ogv with copy to Daniel.klein@ouc.idaho.qov CLT-I'L)--ol RE: Oregon Telephone Corporation AMENDED Appllcatlon for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Dear Ms. Noriyuki: Enclosed for filing, please find the AMENDED Application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to provide local exchange services in the State of ldaho. lt is our lntent to provide wholesale transport along with retail broadband and VOIP services. Please direct any questions to myself at 541-932.4411 or deedeek@otcconnections.net or to Marcus Bott at 541-932-7 413 or ma rcusb @otcco n nectio ns. net. Vice-Pres, Manager EEGc]N TELEPHONE COFIPOHATIc]N P. O. Elox 6OE,a ME. Verrron, Onegon S7ElEiS @ a Oregon Telephone Corporation (OTC) is an established, well-resourced private partner which has been ln business for 105 years. Through the use of traditional RUS funding OTC has built hundreds of miles of fiber throughout Oregon and Washington. OTC and is subsidiaries, including MD Communicatlons, d.b.a. OTC Connections, deliver broadband access in more than 20 communities across Oregon including Halfiray, Dufur, Condon, Mt. Vernon, Prairie City, Dayvllle, Unity, Baker City, Brogan John Day, and Canyon City. OTC also serves customers in Granite Falls, Tonasket and Goldendale, Washington. Collectively OTC currently offers broadband service to over 2,4(X) customers. OTCs delivery of broadband is as diverse as the communities it serves. Fiber to the home, fiber to the node, copper delfuery and point to point wireless are the common platforms offered. OTC's business model is to serve all premises in the areas it serves, and its network supports local area networks (lANs), which connect geographically different places as though they were in one secure office. OTC is fully staffed to offer engineering, construction, maintenance, lT support, and billing and customer service support. OTC has built and operated fiber network between Dayville and Weiser, ldaho (more than 250 miles) and has demonstrated the ability to do all necessary procurement, permitting, contracting, and other tasks. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTITLITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE ) AMENDED APPLICATION OF ) Oregon Telephone Corporation ) For a Certificate of Public ) Convenience and Necessity to ) Provide Local Exchange Telecommunications ) Services Within the State of ldaho ) APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CO}.N/ENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO PROVIDE WHOLESALE TRANSPORT ALONG WITH RETAIL BROADBAND AND LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES Application is hereby made to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing Oregon Telephone Corporation ("Applicanf'or "OTC") to provide wholesale transport and retail broadband and local exchange services pursuant to IDAPA 3l.0l.0l.ll4andbyOrderNo.32277 inCaseNo.GNR-T-ll-01. Thefollowinggeneralinformationand exhibits are furnished in support thereof: I .) Applicant's legal name, address of if principal offices and telephone number are: Oregon Telephone Corporation P O BOX 609 I Telephone Drive MT Vernon, OR 97865 Telephone: 541-932-4411 Facsimile: 541-9324498 The applicant has no oftice located in the State of ldaho. The Applicant intends to provide wholesale transport and retail broadband and local exchange services as a Competitive local Exchange Carrier (CLEC). 2.) Applicant is incorporated in the State of Oregon and is in good standing under the laws of that state. In addition, the Company is authorized to do business as a foreign corporation in the State of ldaho. Attached as Exhibit I to the application is a copy of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation. A copy of the Applicant's Certificate of Authority to transact business in ldaho is attached hereto as Exhibit 2, 3.) The name and business address of Applicant's registered agent for service in ldaho is: Garrin Bott 352 Shoshone Rockland,lD 83271 4.) The names and addresses of the common stockholder of the Applicant owning 100 percent of the shares of the common stock are: Name And Address Shares Owned Percentage of All Shares Issued and Outstandins Percentage of Votins Conhol Ganin Bott 34.252 Address: See company address listed in l.) above 100%t00% 5.) The names and addresses and ownership of Applicant's Officers and Directors are: Officers: Garrin Bott, President Deborah Bott, Secretary Marcus Botl Vice-Pres, Operations Sam Farr, Vice-Pres, Operations Colten Richards, Vice-Pres, Sales & Marketing Delinda Kluser, Vice-Pres, Finance Wendy Ottnan, Vice-Pres, Finance Directors: Same Each can be reached at Applicant's primary place of business and telephone number as follows: Oregon Telephone Corporation P O BOX 609 I Telephone Drive MT Vernon, OR 97865 Telephone: 541-932441 I Facsimile: 541-9324498 6.) The name and address of any corporation, association, or similar organization holding 5% or greater ownership or management interest in Applicant are as follows: See answer to 4.) above. 7.) The name and address of subsidiaries owned or controlled by Applicant are as follows: Not applicable. Applicant seeks authority to provide wholesale transport along with retail broadband and local exchange services throughout the State. Applicant does not intend to service areas serviced by and LEC's which are eligible for a small or rural carrier exemption pursuant to Section 251 of the Federal Telecom Act of 1996. A copy of Oregon Telephone Corporation's financial statements is attached as Exhibit 3 and marked *CONFIDENTIAL'. 8.) Applicant is proposing to provide service statewide 9.) Applicant will file a proposed price list establishing its proposed services and charges however, broadband services and VOIP services will be provided on a de-tariffed basis with rates, terms and conditions will be posted on its website (otcconnections.net) 10.) Questions conceming this application should be directed to Applicants Representative: Marcus Bott PO BOX 609 MT Vernon, OR 97865 541-932-74t3 m arcusb@otcconnection s.net Customer complains and inquiries are to be addressed to: Colten Richards PO BOX 609 MT Vernon, OR 97865 54t-932-7209 coltenr@otcconnections.net I l.) No interconnection agreements are necessary for the applicant to transact business in the State. Applicant intends to construct a fiber route and will rely on its own established network for the transport of both voice and data traffic. 12.) Applicant has reviewed the laws and regulations of the Commission governing telecommunications services in Idaho and will provide service in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations to the extent they are not preempted by thc Federal Act. 13.) Applicant will not require advance payments, or deposits, therefore no escrow account is being filed. WHEREFORE, Oregon Telephone Corporation requests that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission enter an order granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing Oregon Telephone Corporation to provide wholesale transport and retail broadband services within the State of ldaho. Respcctfully submitted ttris t\F day of €*u9 .zo2z Corporation Vice-President Oregon Telephone Corporation E)(}IIBIT I EXHIBIT2 E)(HIBIT3 LXSTOTENtrIBIIE CERfIFICATE OF INCORPORTTON CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSINESS FTNAI{CIAI. INFOBMATION - CONFIDENTIAL ' ii,, :!.l{i)? 1' :8Alv1 l!:. liil P , State of'Oregon OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE Corporation Division Certificate ofExistence 7r0c101Kl I, SHEMIA &IGAN, SECREIARY OFSTITA and Custodlan of the Seal of said &ate, do hercby certlfy: OREG ON TELEPHONE CORPORATION Incorporatcd tnder tlp lms ofTln Statc of Oregon ard ts acltve on the rccordr of the Corpratbn Divlslon as olthe dote of thts urlitlute, In Tbsthtony ffierco$ I han harcunto sct nylndadafinilhereto the Seal ofthe $ae of Oregon. Is SHEMIA PIGIIN, SECREIARY OF STATE t/t1t2022 Comevlsll uc onthe tnternet al soE.oregon.goV&Usince EXHIBIT2 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY TO TRANSACT BUSTNESS STATE OF IDAHO Lawerence Den ney I Secretary of State Business Offlce 450 North 4th Street PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720 January 12,2022 Req uest Type: Certlficate of Existence/Fllln g Request#: 0004566694 Receipt#: 000598364 lssuance Dale:. 01 I 1212022 Copies Requested: 0 Regardlng: Oregon Telephone Corporatlon Filing Type: General Business Corporation (D) Formation/Qualifi cation Dale: 1210812O2'lStatus: Active-Good Standing Duration Term: Perpetual File # :4521959 Formation Locale: IDAHO lnactive Date: Certlffcate of Exlstence l, Lawerence Denney, Secretary of State of the State of ldaho, do hereby certiff that effective as of the issuance date noted above Oregon Telephone Gorporatlon is a Corporation duly incorporated under the law of this State with a date of incorporation and duration as given above. Denney ldaho Secretary of State Processed By: Business Division Verlfl catlon #r, 01 5921 222 Phone:208-334-2301 * Email: business@sos.ldaho.gov * Website: sosbiz.idaho.gov EXHIBIT 3 FINANCIAL INFORMATION - CONFIDENTIAL