HomeMy WebLinkAboutOR-ID UTILITIES.pdfOrigina1' S-heet No.1 00 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR ~8~VED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 2- ( \ 90 APR 27' ? -'VI -f1.). ;;2;3C)~ 9- Jl.. .JIa. .(6.,.4...SECRETARY PUCOr. No. 22735 OREGON;JD~9 pTILITIES, INC. , ' STAT E;;,()F.,j; 'a;p'~HO Schedule of Rates and Charges Together with Rules and Regulations Applicable to Telephone Service Provided In the Territory Served by the Company Within the State of Idaho as follows: OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES , INC. ROBINSON , ILLINOIS O. Box 161 Robinson , Illinois 62454 As filed wi STATE OF IDAHO -- . PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ~~~ ' 1989 ISS"o: :;~~. ~lark TITt.F.~ ;:Pres~~~0~,. ' Janua:r;y 1, 1990 EFFECTIVE PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. SECTION SUBJECTS Original Sheet No. 101 IDAHO PUBliC UTILITIES COM~SSION FOR RE~OVED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 27 '90 APR 27' p~ . c.l'\). ~ 30'7Cf Jl. ~~~ Sf N ARY SUBJECTS STATE OF IDAHO SECTION Section Index Subject Index Symbol Index Definitions General Regulations III Local Service Rates Service General Services Concurrences Private Une Toll Service WArS Intrastate Access ... ,,~ ~ Maps Base Rate Areas Exchange Areas , '":, '", APV~l~ , ..,.. i~mber ISsuEtr=_.., ' . , ISSUED tW Larry Prestdent TITLE , 1989 January 1, 1990EFFECTIVE W. Clark First Revised Sheet No. 102 Replacing all Previous Sheets OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. LOCAL SERVICE SECTION INDEX SECTION I II Ill IV Title Page Section Subjects Section Index Page Subject Index Page Explanation of Symbols Definitions GENERAL REGULATIONS Local Service INDEX PAGE Local Access Line Rate Measured Service Extended Area Service Optional Calling Features Semi-Public and Public Telephone Service Customer Provided Pay Telephone Service Off-Premises Extensions/ Access Loop Mileage/Zone Charges Local Private Line and Channels Nonrecurring Charges Line Extension Charges Special construction 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Systems GENERAL SERVICES Combination Main Service Joint User Service Directory Service Directory Assistance Service Facility Reservation Service Special Equipment and Arrangements lnterexchange Receiving Service Employees' Rates and Other Concessions SHEET 100 101 102 104 110 111 200 300 300 300 303 304 305 307 308 309 310 311 316 318 400 401 402 405 406 407 408 409 Oregon-Idaho Issued Per I PUC Order No. Effective- Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Ryan C. Clark, President Address: 1023 N. Horton St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 31, 2016 June 13, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary PUC Or. No.22735 ' INDEX PAGE Original Sheet No.1 03 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR ~e~VED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 2 7 '90 APR 2 7 'ft). ~309~ J2. .(~"-A-SECRET R'I OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO SECTION INDEX SECTION SHEET CONCURRENCES Interexchange Private Une Service Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Intrastate Access Message Toll Telephone Service (MTS) 500 500 500 501 MAPS Exchange Area Special Rate Area 600 601 ~DVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President First Revised Sheet No. 104 Replacing all Previous Sheets OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. LOCAL SERVICE SUBJECT INDEX ITEM Abuse or Fraudulent Use of Service Access Line Charge Additional Listings Adjustment of Bills Advance Payments Allowance for Interruptions Application of Regulations Application for Service Automatic Dialers, (Telephone Solicitation) Base Rate Area Maps Billing Adjustments Billing, Customer Change Charge City Tax Class Services Combination Main Service INDEX PAGE Commerce Number, (See lnterexchange Receiving Service) Communications System-Customer Provided Equipment Companion Service, (Combination Main Station Service) Concurrences Connection with Customer Provided Equipment Connection with Customer Provided Terminal Equipment and Communications Systems Construction, Private Property Special Construction Construction, Rural Line, (Line Extension Charges) Construction, Special Construction, Underground Contract Period, Minimum Contractual Arrangements County Taxes Custom Calling Services Customer Billing Oregon-Idaho Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective- SECTION II Ill IV VI II II Ill II Ill IV IV II IV v II II Ill Ill Ill Ill II II II Ill II 208 310 402 202 200 209 200 200 206 600 202 201 310 213 303 400 408 210 400 500 210 210 316 311 316 316 203 203 213 303 201 Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Ryan C. Clark, President Address: 1023 N. Horton St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 31, 2016 June 13, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Original Sheet No.1 05 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFOR RMPROVED EFFECTIVE STAMP 2 7 t90 AM 2 7 ' f~ 1\). ~ ~oc:r'1 N J2 ~~ ~'- SECRE ARY PUC Or. No.22735 - '; OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO SUBJECT INDEX INDEX PAGE ITEM SECTION Customer Premises Inside Wiring, (CPIW) Customer Provided Equipment Customer Provided Pay Phones III Definitions Deposits-Residential Deposits-N onresid ential Deposit Refunds Deposit Records Directories Directory Assistance Service Directory Service Discqnnection Notice Disconnection of Service Reserved for Future Use Employee Rates and Concessions Establishment of Service Exchange Area Maps Explanation of Symbols Extended Area Service, (EAS)1/1 Facility Reservation Service Foreign Exchange Usting Fraudulent Use of Service Furnishing of Service General Regulations Grandfathered Service Grounds for Disconnection of Service Groups, Rate III SHEET 211 210 305 111 200 201 201 201 208 405 402 205 205 318 409 200 600 110 300 406 403 208 209 200 205 205 300 I)VICE NO. December 28 , 1989ISSUED EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 Larry W. ClarkISSUED BY President TITLE PUC Or. No.22735 Original Sheet No.1 06 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO INDEX PAGE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFOR RrMfIDROVED EFPECTfVE STAMP APR 2? '90 APR 2 7 ' f .QA C. 'tJ. OJ 30Cj ~-"M.. J2 SEC ARY SUBJECT INDEX ITEM SECTION SHEET 101 310 500 408 201 209 500 401 202 200 211 301 311 402 300 309 501 209 209 600 300 501 ' 308 203 Index Installation Charges, (Nonrecurring Charges) Interexchange Private Une Service Interexchange ReceMng Service Interest on Deposits Interruptions of Service, Allowance fqr' . Intrastate Access Joint User Service Late Payment Charge Letter of Guarantee. (See Deposits) Uability. of Company Uterine Une Extension Charges Ustings, Directory Local Access Service Rate Groups Local Private Une Long Distance Telephone Service, (Message Toll Service) Maintenance and Repair Maintenance of Service Due to Customer-Provided Equipment Maps Measured Service Message Toll Service. (MIS) Mileage Charges, (See Zone Charges) Minimum Contract Period ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989ISSUED Larry W. ClarkISSUED BY President EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 TITLE First Revised Sheet No. 107 Replacing all Previous Sheets OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. LOCAL SERVICE SUBJECT INDEX ITEM Move Charges, (Relocation of Facilities) Multiple Exchange Service, (See EAS) Reserved for Future Use Non-Listed Service NON-Published Service Nonrecurring charges NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) Check Charge Notice of Disconnection Obligation of Company Off-Premise Extensions Optional Calling Features Overtime Charges Overpayment Liability Pay Telephone Services Payment for Services Pay Station Services Public Telephone Semi-Public Telephone Private Line, (lnterexchange) Private Line, Local, {lntraexchange) Private Property Provision in Event of Nonpayment of Bills Public Telephones Oregon-Idaho Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective- INDEX PAGE SECTION SHEET II 209 Ill 300 318 IV 403 IV 403 Ill 310 II 202 II 205 II 200 Ill 307 Ill 303 II 209 II 202 Ill 304 II 200 Ill 304 Ill 304 v 500 Ill 309 Ill 316 II 203 Ill 304 Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Ryan C. Clark, President Address: 1023 N. Horton St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 31, 2016 June 13, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Original Sheet No. 108 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR RE~f.ROVED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 2 7 '90 APR 2 7 'P.a-,. c. rt). ~:,o~ '1 N~n.&.J2 ~SEC TARY PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO SUBJECT INDEX INDEX PAGE ITEM Rate Groups Reconnection Charge - Nonpayment Refusal of Service Regulations - General Refund of Deposit Relocation or Rearrangement of Facilities Resale of Service Returned ~eck Charge, (NSF) Seasonal Service - Facility Reservation Service Semi-Public Telephone Service Service Charge, (Customer-Provided Equipment) Service Connection Charges - Residence-Business SeNice Rates - Local Special Construction Special Equipment and Arrangements Special Reverse Toll Charge Service, (lnterexchange ReceMng Service) Supersedure Symbols Tax Adjustments Telephone Numbers, Ownership of Telephone Solicitation, (Automatic Dialing & Announcing Devices) Temporary Suspension of Service Terminal Loop, (Off-Premises Extensions) Termination of Service - By Company Termination of Service - At Customer s Request Toll Service, Message Touch Calling, (Une) Transfer of Toll Charge Services, (Interexchange ReceMng Service) SECTION SHEET III 300 III 310 202 200 201 209 206 202 406 III 304 210 III 310 III 300 III 316 407 408 205 110 213 208 206 203 III 307 204 204 501 III 300 408 4,DVlCE NO. December 28 , 1989 January 1, 1990ISSUEDEFFECTIVE Larry W. Clark ISSUED BYPresident TITLE PUC Or. No.22735 - ': Original Sheet No.1 09 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFOR REC'AfPROVED EFFECTIVE STAMP INDEX PAGE eR 27 'APR 27 ' p~. c.Y\J. ~&o'1~ ~..-. J2. ~SEC ETARV SUBJECT INDEX ITEM SECTION SHEET III 316 III 316 III 316 500 III 308 Underground, (Special Construction) Underground Entrance Facilities Underground Distribution Facilities Wide Area Telephone Service, (WATS) Zone Charges '\DVlCE NO. ISSUED December 28, 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITlE President PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. , , " Original Sheet NQ. 110 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. STAMP APR 27'90 APR 27' , , P-c!A .J0.;;;"30CJ9 ~~ J2 SEC TARV STATE OF IDAHO EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS C - To signify changed listing, condition, rule, or regulation.D - To signify discontinued material. - To signify increase. M - To signify material moved from one sheet to another sheet of the same or a differentschedule. N - To signify new material.R - To signify reduction. - To signify change In text but no change in rate, condition, rule. or regulation. ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989ISSUED Lar W. ClarkISSUED BY January 1 , 1990EFFECTIVE TITLE President PUC Or. No.2 2 7 3 5 ~ ' OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. DEFINITIONS Original Sheet No. 111 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR RE~~f.ROVED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 2 7 '90 APR 2 7 '. 0.Y\.). ~ "309Cj "R. SE RETARY STATE OF IDAHO Access Une A line between a central office and a customer's premises which includes a standard network in- terface (SNI) and which provides access to local and toll calling. Access Une Installation Charge A nonrecurring charge made to cover all or a portion of the cost associated with the installa- tion of telephone access line. Air Une MReage The shortest distance between the poi~ts involved. Applicant A person or other legal entity who (1) applies for service with a utility or (2) reapplies for ser- vice at a new or existing location after service has been discontinued for more than 20 days. Automatic Dialing and Announcement Device, (ADAD) A device that can be programmed to dial telephone numbers, randomly or in a predetermined s~uence, and playa recorded message when a call is answered. Base Rate Area A specific area within any exchange service area as set forth in the tariff map. Local exchange service within this area is furnished at uniform rates without extra mReage charges. (See Special Rate Area. Billing Date The latest of: 1. Date stated on the billing 2. Date billing was placed in the mail Building A structure under one roof, or ~o or more structures under separate roofs but connected byenclosed passageways, not crossing a public thoroughfare other than an alley, in which telephone wires or cables may be safely run. Pipes and conduits are not considered enclosed passageways. ADVICE NO. December ISSUED LarryISSUED BY President , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 W. Clark TITLE PUC Or. No.22735 DEANITIONS Original Sheet No. 112 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR ~g~9.VED EFFECTIVE STAM ~PR 27'90 APR 27'p-u . 0.1\.). a30~ J2 SECRETA~ OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Business Service Exchange service furnished to customers whose actual or obvious use of the service is for con-ducting a business, trade, or profession. Includes political accounts. Call Forwarding A function which allows inComing calls to be advanced to another telephone number. The num-ber the calls are advanced to may be changed as required by the customer. Call Waiting A tone provided to the party using the" telephone to Indicate another call Is waiting on the line.Successive transfers between calling parties can be accomplished through hookswitch operation. Central Office A switching unit in a telephone system which provides service to the general public via equip-ment and operating arrangements for terminating and Interconnecting customer lines and trunks. Central Office Connecting Facility A facility furnished to an inter exchange common carrier by the Company between the terminallocation of the interexchange and a point of connection on the Company premises for intra or interstate use. Channel A path for communication or signaling between two or more locations which provides service tothe general public, having the necessary equipment and operating arrangements for terminatingand interconnecting customer lines and trunks. Oass of Service The various categories of service generally avaDabie to the customers: business, residence,public, and semi-public. Oient A caller to an Information Delivery Service number Is a Information provider. Combination Main Service This service provides for serving separate business and residence locations from the same one-party line with separate rings for each location. DVlCE NO. ISSUED December 1989 ISSUED BY Larry Clark TITLE President EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 PUG Or. No. 22735 DEANITIONS Original Sheet No. 113 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR R~~OVED EFfECTIVE STAMP PR 27 90 APR 2 7 ' . 6.1'\:). ~3aCJ~ ~--- J2. SE ETARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Commerce Number (See Interexchange ReceMng Service. Commission Idaho Public utilities Commission. Communications System A combination of equipment and facilities which fulfills the communication requirements of a cus-tomer. Companion Service (See Combination Main Service. Company Name of Company, (specify). Connection Charge (S'ee Access Une Installation Charge. Contiquous Exchanges Two exchanges whose boundaries adjoin. Continuous Property Property owned or leased and occupied by a customer, which is not separated by publicthoroughfare or by property occupied by others. Contract The service application-agreement between a customer and the Company under which serviceand/or facilities are furnished in accordance with the provisions of applicable tariffs and underspecial conditions, not found in the tariffs. Cost The actual cost of material, labor, and incidentals, plus a charge for administration. Custom Calling Features A term describing special features provided from specially equipped central offices. These can in-elude call forwarding, call waiting, speed calling, and three-way calling. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989.January 1 , 1990EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 Original Sheet No. 114 DEFINmONS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFORAPPQO"ttED EFFECTIVE STAMP 7 '90 APR 27' ~~ . lb- ~ 3(;JCf9 J2 .(.~ SECRE ~RV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Customer A person or I~gal entity who has applied for, been accepted, and is currently receMng service. Customer Premises Equipment, (CPE) Telecommunication devices, equipment. and associated wiring located on the customer's side of the protector/standard networ1c interface. Customer Premises Inside WirinQ. (CPIW) Wire for telecommunications purposes which is on the customers premises. Customer Premises Inside Ware begins on the customer's side of the standard network interface (SNI). Customer Provided Pay Telephone Service (PAL) Pay telephone service provided through an instrument owned by the customer. Date of Presentation The date a bill or notice Is maDed with first dass postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope proper-ly addressed to the customer, or if not mailed, the date that the bUl or notice is presented to the customer by a representative of the Company. Demarcation Point (See Standard Network Interface, SNI.) Deposit A cash payment made by the customer to establish or reestablish credit with the Company. Direct 8ectrical Connection Denotes a physical connection of the electrical conductors in the communications path. Directory UstinQs Essential information in the telephone directory or information records of the Company wheret?ytelephone users may ascertain the telephone number of a listed customer. ' Drop Wire Wires between on open wire lead, aerial, or underground cable terminal and the point ofentrance to the buDding in which the customer s telephone service is located. Emergency Communication Service (9- See Nine-One-One Service (9- ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989ISSUED EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 DEFINITIONS Original Sheet No. 115 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. STAMAPR 27 '90 APR 27 'r-~. 0.Y\). ~ 309'1 J2 j/.~ l.-...SE ARV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO End User A client of an interexchange carrier taking services offered in combination with telephone com- panies and other carriers. Exchange Access Service A specified area established for the furnishing of communication service. It usually embraces a city, town, VIllage, or unincorporated community and surrounding area and may consist of oneor more central offices together with the associated plant used in furnishing service within that area. exchange Service (See Local Service. Extended Area Service, (EAS) Interexchange telephone service fumished at flat or measured rates between one or more ex- changes. FaCIlities Supplemental equipment, apparatus, poles. cables, and other materials and mechanisms neces- sary to, or furnished in connection with, telephone service. Rat Rate Service Service furnished at a fIXed monthly rate. Foreign Exchange Directory Usting An alphabetical listing in the directory of an exchange other than the exchange in which a cus- tomer is furnished local service. Foreign Exchange Service Exchange service furnished to a customer from a central office located in an exchange otherthan that in which the customer's primary station is located, or off-premises station service fur-nished a customer in an exchange other than that in which the customer's primary station is lo-cated, (a grandfathered service). Grade of Service Refers to the number of parties served on a telephone line. For example: one-party, two-party, four-party, multi-party, etc. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December LarryISSUED BY , 1989 January 1 , 1990 EFFECTIVE W. Clark TITIt:'Pres ident PUG Or. No. 22735 DEANmONS Original Sheet No. 116 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR ~ED EFFECTIVEST~P ffi.2 7 '90 APR 2 7 ' ~ . '0. 0)3099 J2 )t. ~.... SECRET Y OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Grandfathered Equipment Equipment dassified by the Federal Communications Commission as having been directly con- nected to the network by a telephone company. Its use may be continued as long as the equip-ment rernains- serviceable and the circuitry is not revised. Grandfathered Service A service that is no longer avaRable to new customers. Individual Une Service (See One-Party Service. Information Provider A person or company. unaffiliated with the company. that provides announcements or interactive programs. Inside Wire (See' Customer Premises Inside Wire. Installation Charge (See Access Une Installation Charge. Interactive Programs A program or service whereby a caller, once connected to an information provider's an- nouncement machine, can through the use of a Touch Call pad or similar device, access more specific or individualized announcement information. Interconnection (See Connecting Arrangement) Interexchange Carrier Arty individual or special groups engaged for hire in interstate, intrastate inter-lATA, or foreign communication with or without wires. Services are normally provided to end users. Interexchange Receiving Service A combination of exchange and toll service, whereby a business customer in one exchangemay arrange to receive calls placed to a special number by customers from another exchange. I\OVlCE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TIT! C President PUC Or. No. 22735 DEFINmONS Original Sheet No. 117 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR~~~~D EFF~CTIVE MA~R 27'90 APR 27' V -JL.t . cvu. ;;;) 309Cf ~~ J2. SECRElfiRV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Interexchange Service Communication service between two exchanges. Interexchange Toll Carrier A competitive interexchange toll provider. Joint User An individual or concern authorized by the Company and the customer to share In the use ofthe customer's business telephone service. Une Connection Installation of facilities provided by the Company for a circuit from the central office to thestandard network interface. indusive. Une Extension The outside plant required in addition to existing facilities to render telephone service. Une Transfer Service. (Subscriber Transfer Service) A service provided by equipment in a central office. controlled by operating a key or switch atthe customer's station which transfers incoming calls to another designated line. Unk-Up America Unk-Up America is a national consumer education and outreach program designed to promote universal service to low income households and to bring those who do not have service ontothe telephone network. Local Exchange The area within the boundaries of exchange maps filed with and approved by the Idaho Pub utilities Commission. Local Measured Service (See Measured Service. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY TITlE ' Pres ident Larry W. Clark PUC Or. No. 22735 DEFINmONS Original Sheet No. 118 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. STAMAPR 27 '90 APR 27 ' f.iVl' rD. ~309'7 ~--- J2 ~SECRET~Y OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Local Messaoe A message not subject to toll charges. Local Private Une A non-switched line located Wholly within an exchange, furnished for the customer's own usefor communication or signaling between points on that line. Local Service and Local Service Area Telephone service furnished between customer's premises within the same local SeMce area and the area within which telephone service is furnished under a specific schedule of rates. Measured Service A local service for which charges may be based upon: frequency. time-d-day. duration. and dis-tance. Messaoe A completed customer telephone call. Mileage Rate Charges In addition to the access line charge. A recurring charge based on distance measure-ments as provided in tariff. (See also Zone.) Minimum Contract Period The minimum length of time for which a customer is obligated to pay for service. facilities. and~uipment. whether or not retained by the customer for such minimum length of time. Multi-Party Service Party line service, other than one-party service. Network Interface The points of common tennination ,of company-provided and customer-provided facilities. Some-times referred to as the standard network interface (SNI). Nine-One-One Service (9-1- A nationwide emergency telephone number that provides citizen access to emergency fire, medi-cal, and police assistance. DVlCE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE Pres ident PUC Or. No. 22735 Original Sheet No. 119 DEANITIONS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFO~D EFFECTIVE STAMP 90 APR 27 ' p.J2.,.z . o. 'l,j . ;;;:r?:J 0 9 9 ~n..t. J2. .JIr. .(?-f.-c.......SECR N ARV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Non-contiquous Exchanaes Two exchanges whose boundaries do not adjoin. Non-listed Service An arrangement whereby a customer's number Is omitted from the telephone directory but not from the informatlon records, at the customer's request. Non-published Service Art arrangement whereby a customer's listing is omitted from both the telephone directory and information records at the customer'-s' request. Nonrecurring Charge, (NRC) A one-time charge covering installation, move, or change of facilities accomplished at customer request. Off-Premises extensions The wire facility used In providing an off-premises access line. One-Party Service Art access line serving only one customer. Party Une Service Art access line serving more than one customer. Pay Telephone Service Public and semi-public pay telephone service provided by the telephone company. Permanent Disconnect A service is permanently disconnected when the customer s service has been totally discontinued. Premises The customer's premises will indude a buDding or buDdings occupied by one customer on con- tinuous property. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 January 1, 1990EFFECTIVE TITLE Pres ident Larry W. ClarkISSUSD B '( PUC O~ No. 22735 DEFINITIONS Original Sheet No. 120 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR Rt6fT~OVED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 27'90 APR 27'p~. o.l\j. .;;1 3CCj~ fl. seC*er ARV OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Private Une A line consisting of dedicated communication channels connecting two or more locations. Protector (See Standard Network Interface. Public Access Une (PAL) Art exchange line. using a measured rate where available. to which a customer provided instru-ment is connected. to provide pay telephone service (pAL). Public Telephone Service A non-listed, non-customer exchange station installed for the convenience of the public at a loca- tion chosen or accepted by the Company: Rate A recurring monthly charge made in conjunction with the provisions of a service. Registered Equipment Denotes terminal equipment. multi-line terminating systems. and protective circuitry which comply with and have been approved within the registration provisions of Part 68 of the Federal Com-munications Commission Rules and Regulations. Residence Service A class of exchange service furnished to an individual at a residence or place of dwellingwhere the actual or obvious use of" the service is prirnanly for domestic purposes. Route Mifeage The distance measured along the route of the circuit between any two or more giVen points onthat circuit Screening and Blocking Where avaRabfe. these features provide operator call screening and/or central office call blocking. Semi-Public Telephone Service Exchange service provided at the customer s request. and designed for use. of the customerand the public at locations somewhat public in character and involving a stipulated charge for each outgoing local message. ADVICE NO. ISSUED ISSUED BY December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 Larry W. Clark TITLE Pres ident PUG Or. No. 22735 DEANITIONS Revis~d Sheet No. 121 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR ~~VED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 27 '90 APR 27 ' PJL-1. C. '1.). .;) 3099 J2. ..J-k .(~~ SEC~ARV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Service Connection Charges (See Access Une Installation Charge. Speculative Project An undertaking of a speculative nature which, in the opinion of the Company, appears to in- volve risk of faaure. Speed Calling A feature allowing a telephone user to reach frequently called numbers by abbreviated dialing. Standard Network Interface The points of common termination of company-provided and customer-provided facilities. Some- times referred to as the SNI. Suburban Area The portion of the exchange located outside the base rate area. Supersedure The transfer of service, induding the telephone number from one customer- to another with the express written consent of both the relinquishing customer and the new customer. Tariff The index, definitions. rules and regulations. rates. charges. conditions of service. concurrencesand maps adopted and filed by the Company and approved by the Idaho Publ ic Uti l ities COIII11ission. Telecommunications Service Two way switched access and transport of voice communications. \DVICE NO. ISSUED ADril 20, 1990 Larry W. Clark EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY TITLE Pres ident PUC Or. No.22735 DEFINITIONS Original Sheet No. 122 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFoWft~~iP EFFECTIVESTAMP ~?,u, .;)30 27 ' J2. ~ SECRHAR OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO TempOrary Disconnect The suspension of telephone service at the request . of the customer or on the initiative of theCompany without permanent disconnect of service. TempOrary Service Local service definitely known to be required for a short period, such as service provided for contractors for use during the construction of a buDding, sales campaigns, athletic contests, con- ventions, fairs, circuses, etc. Tenninal Loop (See Off-Premises Extension.) Tenninatlon Charge The charge applicable when an agreement for service is tenninated by the customer before the expiration of the minimum agreement period. Three-Way Calling A feature providing the capability to add a third party to an existing conversation. TIme and Material Charges TIme and material spent by a Company representative exdusive of work required to establishnetwork access. Toll efecommunications service between exchang~ carried on the public switched network forwhich charges are made on a per-unit basis. Toll Une A line between two or more exchanges over which service is furnished on a toll message ratebasis. Toll Message A completed call between two exchange stations located in different local service areas, be-tween two toll stations, or between a toll station and an exchange station, for which chargesare made on a per-unit basis. DVlCE NO. ISSUED ISSUED BY December 28, 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 Larry W. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 DEFINmONS Original Sheet No. 123 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONF~P~'tJlD. EFFECTIVE tWZ7 '90 APR 27'0./0, (). 3D9cr J2 ~SECRETA~ OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Toll Rate The rate prescribed for toll messages based upon the duration of the message, time of day,number of calls, and distance between exchanges. (May be Intrastate or Interstate. Toll Restriction A feature placing restrictions on interexchange calling. Toll Service Telephone service between exchanges . or locations for which a toll rate is charged. Touch Calling. (Tone Dialing, Touchtone, U-Touch, Dual Tone Multi. Freq. Where central office facilities are avaUable, a type of high-speed address signaling (dialing) in which buttons In a bank of twelve can be depressed to give one of a group of audio tonepairs for signaling directly over the circuit Trunk Une A telephone circuit between two central offices or between a private branch exchange and acompany central office. Type of Service Refers to flat rate service. measured service. or toll service. Zone Designated areas within an exchange embracing customer groups having relatively equivalent ser- vice costs. (See Special Rate Area.) ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28, 1989 January 1 , 1990EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TIT' t:President PUC Or. No.22735 Revised Sheet No. 200 GENERAl REGULATIONS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~1P~~ EFFECTIVE Mf27 '90 APR 27' Y\). 023C9cy J2. ~;'~"~ SECRETAth OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. $TATE OF IDAHO APPUCATION OF REGULATIONS The regulations set forth herein aJJDly to intrastate service and facUities furnished within the State 01 Idaho by OREG IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. Thereinafter referred to as the Company, subject to the jurisdiction of the Idaho Public utilities Commission. No officer, employee, or agent of the Company has authority to change, amend, or waive any rate or regu(atiolJ approved or prescribed by the Idaho Publ ic Util ities Conmission. Rates and regulations may be changed or cancelled only with the consent or approval of the Idaho Public utilities Commission. The Company furnishes exchange toll and private line service throughout the territory it serves, as shown by its filed rates, regulations, and maps. The Company also furnishes toll service to the territory served by connecting companies subject to their rates and regulations. ESTABUSHMENT OF SERVICES Advance Payments , N. the time an application for service is made, an applicant may be required to pay an amount equal to one months local sP.rvice rntc plus insta!l~!ioi1 charges that may be applicable if: audi- tion to such special construction ~harges as are to be borne by the applicant Deposits-Resid~ntial Before an application for service is accepted, the Company shall require establishment of credit based on its reasonable credit standards appiied 'consistently with applicable rules of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Requlations forAll Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which maybe hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public utilities Commission. Copies of these Rules and Requlations are on file in the businessoffice and are available for public inspection. ADVICE NO. ISSUED April, 20, 1990 EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President -,- PUC Or. No. 22735 GENERAL REGULATIONS Original Sheet No. 201 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. sTM4PR 27 '90 APR 2 7 ' p~ . a.lt.). ~ 3o'7~ J2. SECRETARV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO, Deposits-N onresid ential Nonresidential deposits may be required based on reasonable credit standards. Interest and Deposit Records Interest, at the rate prescribed by the Idaho Public Utilities Coomission, will be paid ondeposits. Interest payments will be made annually as a credit on the bill for service. Interest WIllbe prorated when a deposit is held for less than a fun year. Upon payment of a deposit. the utDity shall fumish a receipt showing the date, name of the ap- plicant or customer, the service address, the amount of deposit, a statement that the depositwill accrue interest at the rate prescribed by the Idaho Publ ic Util ities Coomission, and an explanation of the conditions under which the deposit will be refunded. Deposit Refund A customer's deposit. plus accrued interest, shall be promptly refunded when service is discon- tinued, provided that refunds due shall first be applied to any unpaid balance on the customer'saccount The Company may continue holding a deposit until such time as credit is satisfactorily estab- lished or reestablished. After satisfactory credit has been established or reestablished, thedeposit plus any accrued interest shall be promptly refunded or credited to the customer's ac- coul11 or a refund upon request. Customer Billing BDls .are due when rendered unless otherwise specified on the bill and may be paid by mail, atany business office of the Company, or at any agency authorized to receive such payments.Bars become delinquent 15 days after date of presentation. The customer is responsible for all charges for services furnished inducting an to/1 messages which have been property bDled to the customer's telephone. The customer is responsible for allthird-party calls billed to the customer's number except in those situations involving fraud. Inthis case, the Company WIll pursue prosecution of the offending party. In those situations wherethe customer feels there has been an improper billing, an app~1 may be made to theIdaho Public utilities Commission. Monthly recuning rates are billed in advance and toll charges are billed as accumulated. TheCompany shall provide detailed local charges on the customer s monthly bill. ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989ISSUED EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 Larry W. ClarkISSUED BY PresidentT,T,r=- PUC Or. No. 42735 Revised Sheet No. 202 GENERAl REGULATIONS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONF(ARPRmED ' EFFECTIVESTAMP A~9 APR 27' 'P~. 6./0. ~3o99 J2 ~.. .o"f.~ 11.,..SECRET N OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Customer BDling (continued) Opening and dosing bars will be prorated on the basis of a 30-day month. Exceptions are ser- vices with a specific minimum bming period. The customer shall be given the option of designating a third party to receive bills and noticeswhen service is initiated and once annually thereafter. Annual notice may be provided by a bDlinsert rstuffer") or a separate mailing. Adjustment of BDls When an under or ovecbDling occurs, the utRity shall provide written notice to the customer detaRing the circumstances, period of time, and amount of adjustment The over or underchargeshall be computed back to the date of the error If the date can be fIXed. If no date can be fIXed, the over or undercharge shall be computed for no more than six months' usage. In noc'Jent shall the over or undecbRling be for more than three years' usage. Refusal of Service The Company may refuse to provide service where the following conditions exist: (a) an over-due balance has been incurred by a person at a service address, (b) an applicant for service resided at the service address during the time the overdue balance was incurred, and (c) the person who incurred the overdue balance will reside at the location to be served under thenew application. ADVICE NO. 7, ,,~ISSUED April 20, 1990 Larry W. Clark EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY TITI~Pres ident PUC Or. No. 22735 GENERAL REGULATIONS Original Sheet No. 203 'DAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMtSSION~PAe8~f.D EFFECTIVE AMJR27 '90 APR 2 7 '. 0.'0. 02 309'7 ~n..L J2 ~ SECRETAR OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Refusal of Service (continued) Service can also be refused: (a) until the Company receives fun payment of any overdueamount and any other obligation related to a prior account; (b) for, noncompliance with stateand municipal codes and regulations governing service; (c) when the Company does not have adequate facilities to render the service applied for; (d) when the service will unfavorably affectservice to other customers; or (e) when the faCIlities of the applicant or customer are unsafe. The Company shall notify the refused .party of the reasons for refusal and their rights of appealto the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Residential service cannot be denied or disconnected due to fanure to pay for nonresidential ser-vice, or to meet obligations in connection with nonresidential service. Temporary Suspension of Service In lieu of permanent disconnection. the Company may temporarily suspend service or institutetoll denial If the customer fails to pay any amounts due. Service may also be temporarilysuspended for violation of any regulations governing the furnishing of telephone service. Suchsuspension shall not be made until at least five days following written notification to the cus- tomer of the intention to suspend service. The notice shall state that permanent disconnectionwill follow within 10 days unless tun payment of any overdue amount or any other obligationsare made. It shan be indicated on the written notice of suspension that the customer has the right to appeal the action to the, Idaho Publ ic Uti l ities Conmission. Temporary service discon-nection for nonpayment shall not take place on a day before a weekend or a state or utnityrecognized holiday without prior consent of the Idaho P1:lblic utilities commission. Minimum Contract Period Except as specified elsewhere in this tariff. the minimum contract period is one month from the date service or additions to service are established. The minimum charge is the established ratefor one month. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Cl~FK ,..,_. T'TI~President GENERAl REGULATIONS Revised Sheet No. 204 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. ST 2 7 '90 APR 2 7 'JU. ~3o99 J2. -i/r.;.~J-t..SECRET~Y PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Minimum Contract Period (continued) Where a contract for service with a one month minimum period is cancelled before estab- lishment of the service Is completed, a charge not to exceed the installation charge specified - isapplied if all or a portion of the facDities have been installed. No minimum or termination charge wDi apply in the event the service is terminated because of the condemnation, destruc- tion, or damage to property by fire or other cause beyond the control of the customer. Special contractual arrangements for special equipment or special assemblies of equipment aredeveloped as required Termination of Service at Customer's Request Contracts for service may be terminated prior to the expiration of the contract period provided advance notice is given to the Company and upon agreement to pay all charges due for the service furnished, plus any termination charge which might be applicable. Termination of Service Initiated by the Company The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Requlations forAll Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Publicutili ties Commission and all amendments to those rules which maybe hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public utilities Commission. Copies of these Rules and Requlations are on file in the business office and are available for public inspection. ADVICE NO. ISSUED April 20~ 1990 EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark '.. . TITLE President GENERAL REGULATIONS Revised Sheet No. 205 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. STH 27 ' 90 APR 27' yo, ~3C:ft9 )2 SECRET AR~ PUC Or. No.2 27 35 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Disconnection Notice At least seven days before a utUity disconnects service for nonpayment for services rendered. writ- ten notice of disconnection must be provided to the customer and the customer's designated representative. if any. The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Requlations forAll Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules which maybe hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public utilities Commission. Copies of these Rules and Requlations are on file in the businessoffice and are available for public inspection. Supersedure A service order charge WIll apply where a new customer takes over the service of a former cus-tomer. provided the service is furnished at the same location without interruption and the new customer assumes all unpaid charges on the original contract. Termination charges will applyfor any service furnished under the original contract which is not retained by the new customer. The act of supersedure must be accomplished in writing and must be signed by both the form- er and new customers indicating their understanding of the' supersedure and their responsibilities. Grandfathered Service Grandfathered service is not available for use by a subsequent customer at the same location.Changes in dass. grade or location by the customer are considered changes in service. andtherefore will result in cancellation of the grandfathered service. Permanent disconnection of a grandfathered service makes that service unavailable to the disconnected customer. 6JJVlCE NO. ISSUED APril 20, 1990 Larry W. Clark - ,.. . EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY TITLE President PUC Or. No.22735 GENERAL REGULATIONS Original Sheet No. 206 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COM~SSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. , STIK 27 '90 APR 27' . D. ~. i;)3C,?( ~J2. ~~~ SECRETAIW OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Grandfathered Service (continued) GeneraUy, a grandfathered service may not be superseded nor changed without loss of the par-ticular service. Exceptions are instances where the customer dies or divorces. In these instan- ces. a direct relative or spouse of the customer may request supersedure of the grandfatheredservice, except where the relative or spouse intends to move the location of the service, as ex- plained above. Resale of Service The resale of any service provided by the Company is pennitted only as provided elsewhere inthis tariff. Telephone Solicitation by Use of Automatic Dialing and Announcing Devices, (ADADs)The following conditions do not apply to ADADs programmed only to caI1 a law enforcement agency or another number in an emergency. 1. Certification to Company a. Before any ADAD, other than one that will be used to deliver a message in response toan emergency, may be connected to the telephone network. the potential user must cer-tify in writing to the Company that the ADAD(s) will have the capacity to comply with the requirements of these tariff provisions and that the user will use the ADAD(s) only in compliance with these provisions. b. The potential user must notify the Company in writing of the intended use of the ADAD(s). The notice shall list the calendar days and dock hours during which the ADAD(s) WIll be used and shall estimate the me~ge attempts per hour and the average length of completed messages. c. The ADAD user (customer) must notify the Company in writing within 30 days of anychanges in the ADAD operation that results in either an increase or decrease in the, num-ber of message attempts. per hour. 2. Connection The ADAD must be connected to business measured lines where avaftable, except ADADs activated only in emergencies. Where measured service is not avaftable, non-emergencyADADs wDl be connected to flat rate business access lines. See Section 3, Local ServiceRates. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 TITLE President Larry W. Cli\r1$,ISSUED BY PUC Or. No. 22735 " ,,- ..,-" -,,~ OriginaL-Sheet No. 207 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. SAAt1~ 7 '90 APR 2 7 ' JV. 60Cj9 ~...-. J2. ~~~..~ secRETArrf OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL REGULATIONS Telephone Solicitation by Use of Automatic Dialing and Announcing Devices, (continued)3. Non-Solicitation Calls If an ADAD Is to be used only in cases in which the called, party has previously consentedto receive calls or consent can be inferred from the relationship between the caller and the called party, such as a dentist reminding patients of appointments or a school informingparents of student absences, then only the above tariff provisions apply to that ADAD. 4. Conditions on All Other ADADs a. A human operator or a recorded message, within 30 seconds of the called party answer-ing the call, must identify the individual making the call and the entity for whom the call Is being made, state the purpose and length of the call, give a telephone number at which a person can be consulted, describe In plain language the tenns of any goods or services offered for sale" and inquire whether the called party is interested in listening to a recorded message. b. The ADAD must immediately disconnect. releasing the called party's telephone line, ifthe called Party gives a negative response to the inquiry. If this negative response is tobe Indicated by hanging up or silence, the Instructions must Inform the listener that an audible response of any kind will cause the recorded message to play. c. During the course of the solicitation. the operator or recorded message must state thetotal cost of the goods or services offered for sale and the number, timing, and amountof installment payments if installment payments are offered as an option. d. The ADAD may not be used to call unlisted, unpublished, emergency, or in-WArS (800)numbers or to call more than one number held by a called party. e. The ADAD may not be used before 9 80m. nor after 9 p.rn. f. The ADAD must disconned and release the line when the called party is using an answering machine. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY TITLE President Larry W. Clark PUC Or. No. 22735 Revised Sheet No. 208 GENERAL REGULATIONS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMfSSION ~~VH. EFFECTIVE S"tAMP APR APR 2 7 '. C)Jt). ~ 3099 ,e. ~SECRETA OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Telephone Solicitation by Use of Automatic Dialing and Announcing Devices, (continued)5. Enforcement Anyone violating provisions of this tariff may be subj ect appropriate enforcement action including disconnection. Abuse or Fraudulent Use of Service Telephone service is furnished subject to the condition that there will be no abuse or fraudulentuse of the service. Service of any customer may be discontinued if use of the service is suchthat it constitutes fraud or abuse or may tend to injuriously affect the customers or the efficien- cy of the Company's plant. property. .personnel or service. after the customer has been advisedof that fact Service may be disconnected without notice when fraudulent use of service is detected. Telephone Numbers The customer has no property right to the telephone number nor any right to continuance ofservice through any particular central office of an exchange. Should the customer want to be served from a particular central office. mileage charges between the central offices within the ex- change wRl apply on a monthly basis. The Company reserves the right to change the customer's telephone number or the central of- fice associated with such number. or both. as may be required for the proper conduct of itsbusiness. Directories The Company wRl furnish to Its customers. without charge. such local directories as are neces-sary for the use of the service. Copies of other directories may be provided at a charge. The Company is not liable for damages arising from errors in or omissions of directory listingsfor which there is no charge, or listings obtained from directory assistance. In the case of list-ings for which a charge is made, its liability shall be limited to the monthly rate for each suchlisting for the charge period during which the error or omission continues. ADVICE NO. ISSUED - April 20 , 1990 EFFECTIVE "l ' ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark ffiLE presiC1em:. PUC Or. No. 22735 GENERAL REGULATIONS OriginaLSheet No. 209 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSIONFcM~~ EFFECTIVE 11R 27 '90 APR 27 ' 1U. ~3099 ~':t4. J2 SECRETA N OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Furnishing of Service The Company s obligation to furnish service Is dependent upon Its abiity to ~re and retain,without unreasonable expense, suitable facilities and rights for the COnstruction and maintenance of the necessary circuits and equipment Where facilities beyond those normally requiied are provided to satisfy customer requests, char-ges based on the additional costs incurred war apply. When a customer orders installations which cannot be completed during scheduled wor1dnghours, overtime charges will apply. SuC?fJ overtime charges will be the difference betweenstraight time and overtime, and will be in addition to the normal installation, move, or changecharge. The customer must agree to this provision before such overtime work will be performed. The Company will determine the type of outside plant facilities to be provided for the furnishing of a service. Relocation or Rearrangement of FaCIlities , The Company will be reimbursed for the costs associated with customer requests for relocation or rearrangement of faCIlities. Maintenance and Repair All costs associated with the maintenance and repair of services furnished by the Company willbe borne by the Company except as specified elsewhere in this tariff. Cost of maintenance and repair of customer premises Inside wire will be borne by the customer. The Company will be reimbursed for any loss or damage to its facilities on the customer'spremise resulting from intentional destruction, neglect, or carelessness. Access to customer's premises, at any reasonable hour , will be given to representatives of theCompany for the purpose of inspecting, repairing, testing, or removing any part of theCompany's facilities. Allowance for Interruptions In the event of an interruption to the service, which Is not due to the negligence of the cus-tomer, an allowance will be made if the interruption continues for more than 24 hours and it Isreported to or detected by the Company. The allowance will be the prorated portion of the monthly rate -or monthly guarantee for the ser- vice or the portion of the service made inoperative. ADVICE NO. ISSUED Dpcember 28. 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE STATE OF IDAHO Original Sheet No. 209A MAR 12 'OCT 1 - ' J2. ~-l..l'-SECRETARY GENERAL REGULATIONS Allowance for InterruDtions In the event of an interruption to the service, which is not due to the negligence of the customer, an allowance will be made in accordance with provisions of the Commission s Rules and Regulations governing customer relations of telephone companies. Under this rule, in the event an outage is not restored within (a) 24 hours of its being reported to the Company (16 hours in cases of emergency) or (b) for outages reported between noon on Saturday and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, within48 hours or by 6:00 p.m. on the following Monday, then in either such instance, barring extenuating circumstances, a credit will be issued to the customer s account equal to the monthly rate for one month of basic local exchange service. A service interruption within the meaning of this rule occurs when a customer cannot make or receive local calls or cannot use the service for voice grade communication. Advice No.93- Issued February 22. 1993 Effective October 1. 1992 Issued By Larry W. Clark Title President PUG Or. No.22735 ",' ", . GENERAL REGULATIONS Originalc...$heet No. 210 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~8~~T. EFPECTIVE N~7 90 APR 27 . . 6/l)~3~9'1 ~-"V- J2. .(.~"" SECRETAR N , ) OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Customer-Provided Equipment The Company will be reimbursed by the customer for all tim:e spent by Company personnellocating trouble caused by customer-provided equipment Where telephone service Is used in connection with customer-provided tenninal equipment or communications systems. the operating characteristics of such equipment or systems shall besuch as not to interfere with any of the service offerings by the Company. Satisfactory perfor-mance of the telephone network requires continuing functional compatibility of the network con-trol signals and the switching equipment Inv~ed. Such use is subject to the further provisions that the customer-provided equipment or systems do not endanger the safety of Company employees or the public; damage. require change in or alteration of. the equipment or other facUities of the Company: Interfere with the properfunctioning of such equipment or facUities; impair the operation of the telephone network orotherwise injure the public in its use of the Company's services. Where any customer-provided equipment or system -is used with telephone service in violationof 'any of these conditions. the Company will take such Immediate action as necessary for the protection of the network and WIll promptly notify the customer of the violation. Upon notice from the Company that the customer-provided equipment or system Is causing Is likely to cause such hazard or Interference. the customer shall make such change as shallbe necessary to remove or prevent such hazard or intetference. Customers shall be notified Inadvance of their responsibility for the payment of all Company charges for visits by the Com- pany to the customer's premises where a service difficulty or trouble report results from cus-tomer-provided equipment or facUities. The Company shall not be responsible for the installation. operation. or maintenance of any cus- tomer -provided terminal equipment or communications systems. The responsibility of the Com- pany shall be limited to the furnishing, operation. and maintenance of such facUities In amanner suitable for telecommun~tions service. The Company shall not be responsible for sig- nals generated by the customer-provided equipment or systems or for the quality of. defects in or the reception of signals by customer-provided equipment or systems. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. Original Sheet No. 211 GENERAL REGULATIONS IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFMPReuen EFFECTIVESTAMP APR 2 7 '.Q....( . a. 1'\.). 02. 3 c)Cr '1 ~J2 seCRETAR'I STATE OF IDAHO Customer -Provided EQuipment (continued) The Company shall not be responsible to the customer or otherwise If changes In the criteria contal~ed in these conditions or In any of the facDities. operations. or procedures of the Com-pany render any customer-provided equipment or facilities obsolete or require modification or al-teration of such equipment or otherwise affect its use or performance. The customer shall begiven advance notice of significant changes to enable conformance of customers' equipment to the revised service. , ; '\I~~ Customer Premises Inside Wiring, (CPIW) Telephone wiring located on the customer's premises beginning at the standard network inter- face and tenninating at the point of connection with terminal equipment Work on CPIW may be performed by the customer, by a technician designated by the customer, or by the Company atthe customer's request. The connection to Company facilities wilt be at a standard network Interface (SNI) provided ' bythe Company. Terminal equipment will be connected to the inside wire at each location of use via a customer provided modular jack or similar device. Federal' Communications Commission registered/approved equipment must be used. Use of unapproved or altered equipment canresult in aasContinuance of service and/or a service charge for costs to eliminate harm from thenetwork. Maintenance of customer provided inside wire Is the responsibility of the customer unless other- arrangements are made. The Company may offer, on a deregulated basis. either a monthly main-tenance plan or offer to do work requested by the customer on a time and material basis. If It Is necessary for the Company to make a service call to clear a line having a fault inCPIW, a visit charge will apply. UabBity The liabDity of the Company for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays. or errors or defects In transmission occurring in the course of furnishing a service andnot caused by the negligence of the customer, shall, In no event, exceed an amount equivalentto the proportionate rate to , the customer for the period of service during which such mistake,omission, Interruption, delay, or error or defect In transmission occurs. ~VlCE NQ. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITlE President PUC Or. No. 22735 , .','.. _, , Origlnal"Sheet No. 212 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. mft '90 APR 2 7 ' ~--M tV. 02301 ~ J2 ~.(~t.---SECRETARY ,.: OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL REGULATIONS Uabnity (continued) When the facilities of other companies are used In establishing connections to points not reached by the Company's ,facilities. the Company Is not raable for any act or omission of the-other company or companies. The Company Is not liable for any damage to the cust~s premises. resulting from the attach-ment of wiring on such premises, or from the Installation or removal thereof. ADVICE NO. ISSUED Decerober 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark 11TLE President PUG Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. TAX ADJUSTMENTS Original Sheet No. 213 IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION F&fFfmbW! EFFECTIVE 1tMf 27 '90 APR 2 7 ' . o.r'\.). ~ 3D9'1' Jl ..JIn..( tc t.AL SECRET STATE OF IDAHO City Taxes The aggregate amount of all business or occupation taxes, 'license, franchise, or operating per- mit fees, or other simBar exactions Imposed on the Company by a city, which exceeds three percent of gross revenues derived from exchange service provided within the city's corporate limits, will be bBled pro rata to customers whose services are located within the city's corporate limits. Gross revenues Include all local service revenues as presently defined in the Uniform System of Accounts adopted by the Federal Communications Commission, less net uncollectibles. When the Company makes prorate charges, as herein provided, such amounts will be separate- ly 6tated on the customer's regular bDlings. County Taxes In the event any county, other than a city-county, should impose upon the Company any new taxes. or Ucense, franchise. or operating permit fees. or Increase any such taxes or fees. theCompany shaD collect from Its customers within the county Imposing suCh taxes or fees the amount of the taxes or fees or the amount of Increase In such taxes or fees provided. If the taxes or fees cover the operations of the Company In only a portion of a county. then theCompany shaD recover the amount of the taxes or fees or Increase in the amount thereof fromcustomers In the portion of the county which is subject to the taxes or fees. Taxes. as usedhere. mean sales. use. net Income. gross receipts, payroll, business or occupation taxes, levies,fees. or charges other than ad valorem taxes. The amourit collected from each customer pursuant to the foregoing paragraphs shall beseparately stated and Identified on all customer bDlings. 1V1CE NQ. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 BTECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BX. Larry W. Clark TITlE President PUC Or. No. 22735 LOCAl SERVICE Revised snoot No. 300 IDAHO PU8L1C UTILITIES COMMtSSlON"f8nqy~T. EFFECTIVE ~7 '90 APR 27' '1.). 023D99 ~--.. J2 J/..1 ~"""-seCRFJ AR, OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO LOCAl ACCESS UNE RATES BUSINESS SERVICE RATES Trunks. semi-public. one-party and two-party apply within the base rate area and supplementary base rate areas. MuIti-par service stations apply in suburban areas. Trunks. ~ublic. one-party and two-party can be provided in suburban area for additional charge (mileage). Monthly rates for local access rmes are: ExchangeNames PBX Trunks SemI- Pubr.c One-Two-Four- , ' Party South Mountain 41.35*17 . 77* '" , T- - ' )./ (:7i"i1f' i~ ,,-vt'J.,.t., '-""'- t/Y\-R. A J.;) oJ.. ~ f!:,fl.-II 7 ! 7 .IS" *Rate for service established and retained by same customer and same premise while service was being provided by Contel of the West , Inc. until disconnected or moved. will not be offered fornew installations. Above rates do not include customer premises inside wire , thetelephone instrument , or other terminal equipment. Semi-publicservice requires an additional monthly charge of $14.00 for rotaryequipment and $19.00 for Touch Tone equipment. ADVICE NO. l\T?ril 20 1 1990 Larry W.Clark . ISSUED BYPresident T1l1.E SSUED EFFECTIVE First Revised Sheet No,301 Replacing all Previous Sheets N-lDAQjffiLfflES INC. LOCAL SERVICE Local Access Line Rates.(Continued) Residence Service Effective for period December 01,2014 through May 31,2016 Exchange Names PBX Trunks jge Part South Mountain 20.70 16.00 Effective for period June 01,2016 through May 31,2017 Exchge Names PBX Trunks Single Party South Mountain 20.70 18.00 Effective for period June 01,2017 Single Party South Mountain 20.70 20.00 Above rates are flat rate monthly service and do not include applicable fees and taxes, customer premises inside wire,the telephone instrument or other terminal equipment. Oregon-Idaho Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities,Inc. Issued Per IPUC Order No.Ryan Clark,President Effective—Address:1023N.Horton, Nampa,Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective Oct. 28, 2014 Dec. 1, 2014 Per O.N. 33158 Jean D. Jewell Secretary PUC Or. No.22735 Original ,~h~eJ No.301.1 ORE GON- IDAHO UTILITIES , INC.IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~~T. EFFECTIVE STAMP AER / 7 90.APR 2 7 ' p~. I\). 02 309'7 J2 #)o. ~..... SECRETARY STATE OF IDAHO Idaho Telecommunications Assistance Program The Idaho Telecommunications Assistance Program provides for a credit against the recurring monthly rate for the provision of local residential service for certain low income customers. The Idaho Telecommunications Assistance Program credi t is onlyavailable to residence customers who meet eligibility requirements shown below established by House Bill No. 298. To be considered for the telecommunications service assistance program , applicants must be the head of a household , shall be sixty(60) years of age or older and participate in the low income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP). The Department of Health andWelfare shall develop procedures for taking applications for assistance and for determining and certifying program eligibility. Sucb applications shall contai~ the disclosure of information authorization necessary to process the assistance discounts. Individuals who qualify for assistance under this chapter must be periodically recertified by the Department of Health and Welfare. At least: once each year the Department shall provide a list of names addresses and , if applicable , telephone numbers of all eligiblerecipients to each local exchange telephone company. The localexchange telephone company shall determine from the list those recipients to whom the company provides service. The credit is applicable only to the customer s principal residenceline. In connection with the Idaho Telecornrnunica tions Assis tanceProgram, a montly surcharge will be assessed on all access lines of $.03 for residential lines and $.07 for businesslines. ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989~UED EFFECT1VE January 1 , 1990 TITlE President Larry W. ClarkISSUED BY OREGON - IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original Sheet No. 301. LOCAL SERVICE LIFELINE ASSISTANCE 1. Description Lifeline Assistance offers a $5.25 discount on monthly basic service rates, consisting of a waiver of the $3.50 FCC resident subscriber line charge and an additional $1.75 discount of the access line rate for subscribers who qualify for assistance as outlined below. 2. Qualifications An applicant must meet all of the following criteria in order to qualify for Lifeline Assistance: The applicant must a recipient of benefits from at least one of the following public assistance programs: - Medicaid - Food Stamps - Supplemental Security Income - Federal Public Housing Assistance - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance The residence premises at which service is requested is theapplicant I s principal place of residence. There is ONLY ONE telephone line serving the residence premises. The residence premises household (dwelling unit) shall consist of that portion of an individual house or building or one flat or apartment occupied by a single family or individuals functioning as one domestic establishment. room or portion of a residential premises occupied exclusively by an individual not sharing equally as a member of the domestic establishment may be considered a separate dwellingunit (premises) for the application of Lifeline Assistance. The subscriber must provide the company with immediate notification when he/she no longer qualifies to receive Lifeline Assistance. The subscriber will be required to submit to recertification on an annual basis. If at ,any time it is determined that the subscriber no longer qualifies to receive Lifeline Assistance, the subscriber will automatically be billed at the normal tariffed rate and will be required to pay an amount equivalent to the discount received retroactively to the time the subscriber first became ineligible to receive Lifeline Assistance. Advice No. Issued Effective December 17. 1997 Issued by Larry W. Clark, President IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 1 - Januarv 1. 1998 DEC 23 ' ~/7&L j2 SECRETARY OREGON - IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original Sheet No. 301. LOCAL SERVICE LIFELINE ASSISTANCE - Cont' d Lifeline Assistance will NOT apply to: Any business service. Any optional residential services such as a custom callingfeatures. Any private line services whether for residence use orotherwise. Deposits used for the establishment of credit. Anyone-time charges or credits. 4. No service deposit will be charged for a lifeline subscriber to initiate service if the subscriber elects voluntarily to receive call blocking. Toll blocking will be offered to all Lifeline subscribers without charge. 5. Local service of a qualifying lifeline customer will not be disconnected for failure to pay charges for toll calls. 6. The Company will offer Lifeline Assistance only during such periods as reimbursement of the discount is available to the Company from federal and/or state revenue sources. LINK UP ASSISTANCE 1. Description Link Up Assistance consists of a 50% discount, up to a maximum of$30.00 for Service Order and CO Line Connection charges for new residential customers who meet the qualifications set forth in following. Discounts may not be taken on service order or connection charges that pertain to deregulated services such asinside wiring or terminating equipment. The remaining portion of the service order and connection charges may be paid by the subscriber in four equal monthly installments without interest. 2. Qualifications An applicant must meet the following criteria in order to qualify for Link Up Assistance: Advice No. Effective Januarv 1, 1998 Issued by IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONLarry W. Clark, President APPROVED EFFECTIVE Issued December 17, 1997 DEC 23 'JAN 1- ' ~n4L- J2 O!v SECRETARY OREGON - IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original Sheet No. 301. LOCAL SERVICE LINK UP ASSISTANCE - Cont I d The applicant must be a recipient of benefits from at least one of the following public assistance programs: - Medicaid - Food Stamps - Supplemental Security Income - Federal Public Housing Assistance - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance The residence premises at which service is requested is theapplicant I s principal place of residence. The applicant may not have previously received Link Up Assistance at the same place ofresidence. There is ONLY ONE telephone line serving the residence premises. The residence premises household (dwelling unit) shall consist of that portion of an individual house or building or one flat or apartment, occupied by a single family or individuals functioning as one domestic establishment. room or portion of a residential premises occupied exclusively by an individual not sharing equally as a member of the domestic establishment may be considered a separate dwellingunit (premises) for the application of Link Up America. 3. Link Up Assistance will NOT apply to: Any business service. Any optional residential services such as a custom callingfeatures. Any private line services whether for residence use orotherwise. Deposits used for the establishment of credit. Any monthly recurring charges. 4. The Company will offer Link Up Assistance only during such periods as reimbursement of the discount is available to the Company from federaland/or state revenue sources. Advice No. IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEIssued Effective December 17. 1997 Issued by Larry W. Clark, President Januarv 1. 1998 JAN 1 - tDEC 2 3 ' 12 SECRETARY OREGON - IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original Sheet No. 301. LOCAL SERVICE ADDITIONAL LIFELINE AND LINK UP BENEFITS AND OUALIFICATION REOUIREMENTS FOR FEDERALLY -DESIGNATED TRIBAL LANDS (N) Description The following Lifeline and Link Up program benefits and qualification standards apply to all residence subscribers residing on Indian "tribal lands," as the same are from time to time defined by the Federal Communications Commission. 2 .Quali fications In addition to the qualification standards set out above for Lifeline and Link up program participants, residents of tribal lands may qualify for these programs if they participate in anyone of the following federal assistance programs: Bureau of Indian Affairs general assistance; Tribally administered Temporary Assistance for needy families; Head Start (only those meeting its income qualifying standard); or National School Lunch Program's free lunch program. Those who qualify under the provisions of this paragraph must provide written cert~fication of such qualification under penalty of perjury and must further agree to notify the Company if the customer ceases to participate in the program or programs. Lifeline and Link Up Benefits Additional federal Lifeline support will be provided to reduce the qualifying customer's basic monthly service rate to $1.00 per month, inclusive of the federal End-User Common Line charge. Additional federal Link Up support will be provided to pay 100% of the charges between $60.00 and $130.00 for both service connection and line extension charges in connection with commencing telecommunications service to the qualifying customer I s principal place of residence. ( t-1) Advice No. Issued September 2000 LarryEffectiveOctober2000 Issued by IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION W. Clark, Pres~dent APPROVE EFFECTIVE SEP 1 8 'OCT 1- ' ~~ J2 SECRETARY PUG Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. LOCAl SERVICE Original Sheet No. 302 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~Ci\~T. EFFECTIVE STAMP PR 27 APR 27' P-Q..1, rv. o;3CFJ9 ~,/l JIr,. ~ ~A SECRETARY lOCAL ACCESS UNE RATES, (Continued) STATE OF IDAHO RATES Optional Features Touch Calling service wi thin the exchange areas asfacili ties become available (per line equipped): Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. .. 2. Residence.......... ..................... l. Rotary hunting additional charges per line arranged in rotary group............ 1. CONDmONS Local service is provided through facUities owned and maintained according to the standards of the Company. The tenitory served is shown on maps filed with the Commission by the Com- pany. This territory is referTed to as an exchange. Trunks, one-party, two-party, and mufti-party service are provided. The application of business or residenCe rates is determined by the actual or obvious use made of the service by the customer. Where only one primary station is provided at a location whichis both business and residence. the business rate will apply. Rat rate service will not be In- staJled on premises of a public or semi-public character in a location where the telephone would be accessible for use by the patrons of the customer or by the public In genecat Local service rates Include the rUle which provides access to the central office switching equip-ment. CUstomer premises equipment (CPE) are excluded; except one telephone Is Included with semi-pubr.c service.. CUstomer premises inside wire Is excluded. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 ISSU~ BY ).Iarrv W. Clark EFFECTIVE January l , 1990 TITLE President First Revised Sheet No. 303 Replacing all Previous Sheets OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. LOCAL SERVICE General Terms and Conditions OPTIONAL CALLING FEATURES The Company offers optional calling features listed and described in this tariff that may be provided to customers along with residential and business access line service. Complete descriptions of these features together with operating instructions are available from Company Customer Service Personnel. The terms and conditions listed in each optional feature section that are specific to those features apply to their provisioning in addition to the rules, regulations, and conditions for the provision of service specified elsewhere in this tariff. Not all optional calling features are compatible with other services and features offered in this tariff. The Company reserves the right to restrict which features may be installed on an access line to preserve the proper operation of that line. Additionally the Company may install other features on an access line that may or may not be transparent to the customer to preserve the proper operation of that line. Optional Calling Features will not be offered where the facilities used to provide service do not support their operation. Nonrecurring charges will be applied to an account when a customer adds optional calling features to an access line in accordance with the nonrecurring charge section of this tariff. The listed rates for these optional calling features do not include applicable taxes and surcharges. Oregon-Idaho Issued Per I PUC Order No. Effective- Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Ryan C. Clark, President Address: 1023 N. Horton St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 31, 2016 June 13, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary First Revised Sheet No. 303.1 Replacing all Previous Sheets OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONAL CALLING FEATURES CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES Custom Calling Features Call Forwarding Call Waiting Three-Way Calling Speed Calling, 8 numbers Call Forward Busy/Don't Answer Monthly Recurring Rate Residential $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Monthly Recurring Rate Business $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 Cust om Calling Features Purchased in combinations of 2, 3, 4, or 5 features Per Feature Purchased $1.60 $2.20 Conditions for Custom Calling Features Call forwarding includes the ability of a customer to change the forward destination or telephone number from a remote location by use of a customer-designated PIN and a Company-specified access number. Dialing the call forward access number from outside the local calling area may result in a toll charge. Customers are responsible for any toll charges incurred for calls forwarded to a destination or telephone that is outside the local calling area of the forwarded telephone. Remote Call Forwarding Service Per each network access line equipped $20.00 $20.00 Rernote Call Forwarding Service involves the Company permanently forwarding a customer network access line to a fixed forward destination upon request of the customer. This destination may be either inside or outside the company service area . The customer has no direct control to manage the forward from his telephone or through a remote access number. Customers are responsible for any toll charges incurred for calls forwarded to a destination or telephone that is outside the local calling area of the forwarded telephone. Oregon-Idaho Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective- Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Ryan C. Clark, President Address: 1023 N. Horton St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 31, 2016 June 13, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary First Revised Sheet No. 303.2 Replacing all Previous Sheets OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. LOCAL SERVICE CLASS SERVICES Class Feature Caller ID Selective Call Screening Conditions for Class Features OPTIONAL CALLING FEATURES Monthly Recurring Rate Residential $5.00 $3.00 Monthly Recurring Rate Business $7.00 $4.00 Caller ID allows the customer to view the telephone number of an incoming call before answering. Caller ID service includes the automatic call back and automatic recall features. Lines also equipped with call waiting will have the caller ID on call waiting feature added to preserve the operation of Caller ID with those lines. To utilize Caller ID, customers must purchase specialized customer premises equipment that is Caller ID­ equipped. The Company does not sell or service Caller ID-equipped customer premises equipment. Selective Call Screening allows customers (a) to block calls from customer-specified numbers, (b) to block calls from callers who have blocked their Caller ID identity, and (c) to block calls from telemarketers. The callers whose calls are blocked receive a recorded announcement explaining why the call has not been completed. Customer Originated Trace is only provided in connection with an official law enforcement investigation and is provided without charge to the customer. Caller ID blocking capability is automatically installed without charge on each access line at the inception of service. The customer may choose either per-call or per-line blocking. If the customer does not specify, per call blocking will be provided. Nonrecurring charges will apply if the customer chooses to change the blocking type after service is initially installed. Per-line blocking is not automatically included with non-listed or non-published directory services. Oregon-Idaho Issued Per IPUC Order No. Effective- Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Ryan C. Clark, President Address: 1023 N. Horton St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 31, 2016 June 13, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Sheet No. 303.3 Replacing all Previous Sheets OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. LOCAL SERVICE OPTIONAL CALLING FEATURES CLASS SERVICES Conditions for Class Features (continued) Except for willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Company, each customer releases, indemnifies, and holds harmless the Company and its employees and agents from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted by the customer, or by any other party or person, for any business loss, personal injury to or death of any person or persons or for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether owned by the customer or others, arising out of the use of Class Features or call blocking services. Oregon-Idaho Issued Per I PUC Order No. Effective- Issued by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. Ryan C. Clark, President Address: 1023 N. Horton St. Nampa, Idaho 83651 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Effective May 31, 2016 June 13, 2016 Jean D. Jewell Secretary PUC Or. No. 2 27 LOCAL SERVICE Revised_She~No. 304 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR .wf~ED EFFECTIVE ~pa 2 7 '90 APR 27' P-'Ut o~ 0)3099 )l ~f.~ SECRE NARY SEMI-PUBUC AND PUBUC TELEPHONE SERVICE OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO RATES Each outgoing local message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Each outgoing local message baled to a credit card or specialbaling number, (applies in addition to charge) ................. Each outgoing local message billed collect or to a third number,(applies In addition to 25 cents) ........... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . 1.00 TOLL MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ESTABUSHED TOLL RATE CONDmONS. (semi-pub/ic) . Semi-pubrlC telephone service Is furnished to business customers at locations where the use is shared by the customer and the general publ"1C. One directory listing may be provided for each seml-public customer. Suburban maeage charges will apply for semf-public telephones located outside the base ratearea or supplementary base rate area. Installation. move. and change charges will be those applicable to business service. CONDmONS. (public) The telephone number provided by the Company wUl be displayed on the telephone Instrument at all times. Public telephone service Is furnished at the option of the Company for the use by the generalpublic. Directory flStings will not be provided for public telephones. Where a customer has only one coifH)perated telephone, the rate charged by a telephone com- pany for a local call shall not exceed the rate set forth above, unless a showing can be made that competition for the custom~s coiCK)perated telephone business Is present The above rates do not Indude the Service AssIstance Program Surcharge. ADVICE NO. SUED April 20, 1990 EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No.22735 Original' Sheet No. 305 -.., IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. STAMP APR 27 '90 APR 27' ' ~ -€.-1. O. /iJ . 0) 3:)C;C:; 12 ~se TARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO lOCAL SERVICE CUSTOMER PROVIDED PAY TElEPHONE SERVICE RATES - Public Access Une (PAL)Per Month South Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . CONDmONS 1. Customer provided coIn-operated telephones may be provided at the option of the cus-tomer. This service must be provided through a measured public access line where avail-able, or a flat rate fine where measured selVice Is not avaDable. 2. Customer provided cofn.operated telephones must be Instrument-lmplemented. The cus-tomer shaH be responsible for the Installation. operation. and maintenance of any customer-provided pay telephones used In connection with this service. 3. The telephone Instrument must be registered with the Federaf Communications Commis- - sion and will comply with aU their rules and regulations relative to handicapped access. 4. The telephone Instrument must be able to access 9-1-1 Emergency Service, where aval-able, and the local operator at no charge and without requiring prepayment 5. I The telephone Instrument must snow 0 + long distance , diafcng unless the Instrument Is restricted to local calf'U1g areas. 6. The provision of pubI".c pay tef~ service shaH the access requirements of theOregon Uniform BuUcfang Code. ADVICE NO. .~ED December 28 , 1989 : EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TIT1.E President PUC Or. No. 2 2 7 3 5 LOCAL SERVICE Revised-Sheet~ No. 306 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMiSSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. STAMP APR 27'90 APR 27' p.eA . 6. 'l). ;;J 30 Cj 9. ~~ J2. SECR~ ARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO CUSTOMER PROVIDED PAY TELEPHONE SERVICE CONDITIONS, (Continued) 7. The telephones must carry a labeling which identifies the owner, and the person to callfor reporung problems; whether such telephone has extensions which enable eavesdrop-ping on calls; the price of a call within the local calling area; and, any toll or local call- ing restrictions such as minutes of use per coin inserted. 8. The Instrument may be either pre-payor post-pay. The label advise the user as to the method of payment required. In. the case of pre-pay, It must also state whether or notthe coin will be returned if the called party does not answer. 9. When any customer provided equipment Is used with telecommunications services in viola- tion of any of the provisions In this tariff, the Company will take proteCtive action as necessary. The Company will promptly notify the customer in writing Of the violation within fIVe days of receMng notice, the customer shall discontinue use of the equipment or correct the violation and shall Confirm their actions In writing to the Company. Cus-tomers fanure to comply shall result In suspension of the customer's service until the cus- tomer complies with the provisions of this tariff. 10. Directory listings for subscribers to public access line service are provided under the regulations governing the furnishing of listings to business access line customers. .1. In addition to the rates and charges above, public access lines (pAL) shall bear all spe- cial charges related to business access line service such as directory assistance, main- tenance of service, and toll 12. The customer shall be responsible for the payment of a time charge for visits by atelephone company employee to the customer's premises when a service difficufty or trouble report results from the use of customer-provided pay telephones. 13. The Company adopts by reference the Rules and Requlations f All Telephone Companies Under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho , PubllC Utilities Commission and all amendments to those rules WhlCh maybe hereafter adopted by the Idaho Public Uti lit~es commis~ion. Copies of these Rules and Requlations are on fl1e ln the buslness office and are available for public inspection. ADVICE NO. 3SUED April 20 , 1990 EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY Larry W. ,Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 LOCAL SERVICE Original Sheet No. 307 IC UTILITIES COMMISSIONIDAHO PUBL FECTIVEAPPROVED FOR RECPT. STAMIAPR 27 '90 p~ (). tV. 013097. Jl. ~(!"y- SECRtJrARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO, OFF-PREMISES EXTENSION/ACCESS LOOP RATES OFF-PREMISES EXTENSION. (Terminal Loop) ContiQUous property Special construction charges (rime and ,Materials) apply If necessary to buRd faCIlity-no monthly rate. Non-contiQUous property CONDmONS Off-Premises Extension applies to each extension located outside the buDding In which the primary station Is located. Off;Premlses Extension may be furnished In connection with all classes and grades of local ser-vice except public telephone service. Off-Premlses extension may be terminated on the premises of another customer provided theother customer has separate service at the same location. All mDeage Is measured In airline mOes. Unusual or Special Construction A departure from the rates and special conditions specified In this schedule may be madewhen a line extension Involves unusual construction or disproportionately large expenditures when compared with the usual types of plant construction. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original -=-sneet No. 308 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FO~PA~8~tD EFFECTIVE 2 7 '90 ,APR 2 7 ' . 0,1'0. C;; ~cr J2 ~)oCA..'-SECRET N RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989ISSUED January 1990 EFFECTIVELarry W. Clark ISSUED BY- President TITLE Original 'Sh1DA~ PBBltC UTiliTIES COMMIsS,ONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR ij~ro STAMAJJH 2.7 '90 APR 2 7 ' P~.. JL) . - d;( 3:J9? J2.. JI-a-( l'seCRetARy PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO lOCAl SERVICE lOCAl PRNATE UNE SERVICE AND CHANNElS A non-switched line located wholly within an exchange furnished for the customer's use for com-munication or signaling between points on that line. RATES Local channels Local loop Each signal grade circuit..............Each voice grade circui t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Each data circuit...................... Each extended loop outside REA............ Local channel mileage Channels on the same premises Same building................. ~ . . . . . . . . . Different building, each l/lO mile or fraction thereof.................... Local channel bridging Each channel bridged................... Each telephone bridged................. Local channel conditioning Type 't! C" se'ies........................ Type 'D" se'ries ................. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ Monthly Rate $ 8.10. 20. 16. 1.00 50. 45. *Applicable nonrecurring charge elements from Sheet 3l0 apply. "OVICE NO. iSSUED December 28 , 1989 BTE~ January l , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark 1TTlE President PUG Or. No. 22735' --. .'~ ~ Original' St\eet No. 309. 1 - . - . LOCAL SERVICE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFOR "flMOVED EFfECTfVESTAMP 7 '90 APR 27'f~ . o.yU. ~3O'79 ~Jl.. ~~~ SECRET RVLOCAl PRIVATE UNE SERVICE AND CHANNELS OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES , INC. STATE OF IDAHO Monthly Rate Installation Charge FIrSt quarter air mile or fraction thereOf from central office. $ 4 . 2 0 Each additional quarter air mile or fraction thereof . . . . . $ 2. lO Additional paraUei drop wire facility. . - - . . . . . - . . . . (See Special Construction Sheet) CONDmONS Channels provided are for connection of stations, all of which are In the same exchange and are measured from the central office. ADVICE NO. SUED December 28 , 1989 EFFE C1lVE January l , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark .,.~- President PUC Or. No.22.7.35 . NONRECURRING CHARGES Rev~~ed: $neef No. 310 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMtSSION FOR nmVED EFFECTIVE STAMPAPR 27 '90 APR 27 ' p.JV1. o. ru. OJ 3099, ~~ J2 ...o()o.t.~--SEC ~TARY CHARGE OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO LOCAL SERVICE Busines Res ide nee Customer request charge per order........$22~OO'$16. Line access charge, per line.......... - . . 33.16. Special services # . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll. 00 Restoral of service charg~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.15. Lifeline Connection Assistance (Link Up America) credit access per line........ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . *50% of service connection charge or $30.00,whichever is less. CONDmONS ( 16 . 50 ) These charges are intended to cover the expense incurred by the Company In conjunction with the following: establishment of service (Service Order. Central Office and line connection. and so forth); change of telephone numb~, at customer's request; transfer of service from one customer to another. Restoral of service charge applies if a customer whose service is temporarily disconnected due to nonpayment of exchange servicetoll service , or other charges requests reconnection. If acustomer has been permanently disconnected service will bereestablished only upon the basis of a new application for service and appropriate connection charges will apply. ADVICE NO. SSUED April 20, 1990 EFFE cnve "nu... ISSUED BY _arry W. Clark TITlE Pres iden t PUG Or. No.22735 .Originai: Sheet No. 310. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMiSSION FOR ~~VED EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 27'90 APR 27'OIV. c;J3099 J2. ~(.~ SEC ARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO LOCAL SERVICE NONRECURRING CHARGES CONDITIONS (continued) No charge will apply under the following circumstances: When a move or change is initiated by the utility. Disconnection of a network access line or other service. Change in the grade of service. Reestablishment of service after the destruction or partial destruction of the customer I s premises by means beyond the control of the customer. The service is assumed by a receiver or trustee , executor , oradministrator of an estate.The customer's name has been changed by marriage or courtorder. A change of billing address is required. Change in a directory listing service. A number change is made due to annoyance calls.Existing customers subscribing to touchtone and/or custom calling services. This offer is limited to a sixty (60) daypromotional period , specified by the utility. ADVICE NO. '~UED April 20 1990 EFFEC1lVE ISSUED BY _arry W. Clark 11TlE President OREGON - IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original Sheet No. 310. LOCAL SERVICE (N) NONRECURRING CHARGES The Company concurs in National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) FCC Access Tariff regarding the terms, conditions, and charges associated with ini tial selection and subsequent changes to a customer 's presubscribed Interexchange Carrier (PIC). The Company applies these same terms, conditions, and charges to initial selection and subsequent changes to a customer I s PIC for intrastate intraLATA toll services. The nonrecurring PIC Change service charge for a customer I s intrastate intraLATA toll services are: Manually Processed Electronically Processed $5. 1.25 When both the intraLATA and interLATA PIC are changed at the same time, the above charges are reduced by 50%' (i. e. the manually processed charge is $2.75, and the electronically processed charge is $0.62). (tJ Issued December 22 2005 Advice No. Issued By rry W. Clark President Effective January 1 , 2006 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE JAN 4 - 'JAN 1 - ' d\ SECRETARY PUG Or. No.22735 Revised Sheet No. 311 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR~~~~-r.ED EFFECTIVESTA~ ArR 2 7 '90 APR 2 7 ' PJ2/10 a.iV. ~3o9c; J2 ~SECRETA OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO LOCAL SERVICE UNE EXTENSION SERVICE RATES Une extension charges are applicable In connection with all dasses, types, and ' grades of ser- vice when established by means of an extension to the Company's plant consisting of buried or aerial construction. This indudes extensions by means of poles to be owned by the Company jointly with others and by means of contacts or contact space on poles of others. Une exten- sion charges wnl apply, when appropriate, throughout each exchange of the Company. NON RECURRING CHARGES PER FOOT 1. Une extension on public roadway , Rrst five-tenths of a mile Additional distance n/c 2. Une extension on private property Company provided trench or pole Farst 'L-wo-tehths of mile Additional distance Customer provided trench or pole Rrst two-tenths of a mne Additional distance n/c n/c DEANmONS Customer Provided poles or trench- are poles or trench previously put in place by a power or cable company, the applicant. or some other entity. The poles or trench must meet the c0n- struction standards of the Company before they wilt be utJIized for line extension. Public roadway" Is any roadway that Is dedicated to public use and does not Indude roads on state or federal lands Intended primarily for the use of government or private Interests. ADVICE NO. $SUED April 2,0, 1990 EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY Larrv \.'7. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. LOCAL SERVICE Original" Sheet No. 312 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMfSSIONF6~PR~ EFFECTIVE STAMP APR 27 '90 - APR 27'rU. 0)3099 ~nwL J2. ~ ;.~.. SECRETAR STATE OF IDAHO UNE EXTENSION SERVICE CONomONS 1. Une extensions are measured from the Company's nearest network facUity and the Com- pany shall endeavor to provide line extension at the lowest possible cost to the customer consistent with the Integrity and efficiency of the telecommunications network. 2. An applicant may furnish and set the required poles or provide a trench on his/her private property in accordance with the construction standards of. the Company. The ownership of all such facilities- On the network side of the network interface shall be vested entirely In the Company. 3. If, in the Company's judgment, applicant or his/her contractor is competent to place wire or cable in a previously opened trench, then the Company may, but is not required to, provide such wire or cable to the applicant for such, purpose. Such wire or cable is be paced in accordance with Company procedures and standards and may be subject Inspection by the Company before the dosure of the trench. This will be pennitted, If at all, only on private property. 4. Under no clfcumstances will an applicant or hls/her contractor be pennitted to attach wire or cable to poles. 5. Under no circumstances will an applicant or his/her contractor be pennitted to purchase wire or cable for placement on the network side of the network interface. 6. Distances mentioned In this schedule are the shortest feasible route d"astances. Routing of aD line extensions will be determined by the Company. Where routing CNer private proper- ty is selected by the Company to serve general customers Instead of routing on publicroadways, and easements are avaDabie. the construction will be treated as being on pubi"1C roadways. 7. The customer shall allow the Company free access at reasonable times to hlslher premises for aD work. including tree trimming, deemed necessary by the Company to maintain safety, quality, and continuity of service. ADVICE NO. ISSUED Decerqber 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 ISSUED BY Lar W. Clark TITlE Pres iden t PUC Or. No.22735 Original Sheet No. 313 ,,- ' d:~ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMtSSION FMFfi9Y~-f? EFFECTIVE ST N-1P APH 27 '90 APR 27 ' f.Q.1 N. ;;)30 '19 ~n.L J2 ~ 4-...SECRET OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES , INC. STATE OF IDAHO LOCAL SERVICE UNE EXTENSION SERVICE CONDITIONS (continued) 8. Replacement of the lawn, shrubbery, pavement. or other items damaged In the process of construction or maintenance on the customer's property will be the respooslbnity of the customer when such defacement or damage Is not the result of negligence of the C0m- pany or its agents. 9. Actual cost of construction charges will apply when a customer requests moves or chan-ges to existing outside plant facilities. 10. Actual cost of construction charges will apply when a customer line extension charge ex- ceeds $2,500. COLLECTIVE APPUCATIONS When line extension Is required to serve a new applicant. the Company wUl make a survey , aI~ prospects who might be served from the line extension project. A project will Include aU ap- plicants that are grouped together where there is no more than one mDe of line extension be- tween successive applicants. Allowances will be made only for bona fide applicants for service. The overall charge for the project, minus the collective public roadway allowances of aU ap- plicants, Is divided equally among all the applicants. Charges for line extensions on private property are assumed by the applicants on whose property such extensions are made. ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990ISSUED ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TiTL:::President PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. LOCAL SERVICE Revised Sl1eet No. 314IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT.~7'90 APR'27' JU. .;;)3099 ~~ J2 ~ seCRETArrt STATE OF IDAHO UNE EXTENSION SERVICE PAYMENT OF CHARGES Une extension charges may be paid in a lump sum or, when mutua!!y zcrg~...j octweero. thg cus- tomer and the Company, the following payment schedule WIll apply: 100.months maximum 100.500.months maximum 500 . 00 1000.months maximum 1000.1500.months maximum 1500.months maximum Customers on installment plan may prepay line extension charg~s at any time without penalty. Billing will commence as soon as the line extension is complete and the customer has dial tone. The customer will be required to take service within 30 days of completion or the line exten- sion amount w1ll be due in full. Io. A contract WIll be required by the Company from each customer making Installment line exten- sion payments. Such contracts must be signed by both Company and customer prior to the in- stallation of the line extension. Subsequent Disconnection The Company will not refund any part of a lump payment upon disconnect If the customer is making Installment line extension payments. ,he/she Will be required to pay in full the amount owing on the contract at the time of disconnect Temporary Une Extension When construction for an installation is required for temporary service. temporary meaning that there Is no Immediate prospect of reusing the plant provided. the subscriber will be required to pay in advance the entire line extension cost, plus the estimated cost of removing the line ex- tension. ADVICE NO. ISSUED April 20, 1990 EFFECTIVE , , ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President PUG Or. No.22735 Revised Sheet No. 315 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFPECTIVEFOR RECP~ STW 27 '90 APR 27 ' P.1vl . o.rt) , ;;J 3099 J2. ~SECReTARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO LOCAL SERVICE UNE EXTENSION SERVICE Subsequent Connection If additional customers connect to an existing line extension (other than a speculative line exten- sion) within three years after Its construction, line extensIon charges for' the original and ad- ditional customers shall be prCHated as follows: Monthly line extension payments will be recalculated usIng the additional customers as a base and thereby reducing the pa~ents of the original applicant accordingly. The recalculated payments WIll begin at the time of the additional customers connection. If the original applicants paid the line extension charge in full before the subsequent connec- tion, a refund of the amount paid by the subsequent applicants (calculated as above) shaD be made to the original applicant at the time of the subsequent connection. Speculative Une Extension Une extensions to serve platted new single famDy residential developments, mufti-famDy residen- tial structures, and mobDe home parks are considered by the Company to be a speculative fine extension. In this case the 'applicant (the developer) shan be required to pay In advance to the Company the entire cost of the line extension. There will be no refund from the Company for subsequ~nt connections as the applicant is in the position to be reimbursed through the sale of the property or other private rental arrange- ments. ADVICE NO. ISSUED - - April 20, 1990 EFFECTIVE ! , ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITLE President ......_---" PUG Or. No. 22735 OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. LOCAL SERVICE Original Sheet No. 316 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONrtrff~~. EFFECTIVEStAMe Af"H 2 7 '90 APR 2 7 ' JZA. 6'yl). 0)'3099 N J2 ~~,-- SECRETA STATE OF IDAHO, SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION RATES For construction other than normal, the customer will pay the actual cost above normal cost in accordance with the conditions below. For changing from one type construction to another on the custome(s property, the customer will pay the costs of constructing the new and removing the old construction. For moving existing construction, the' customer will pay the actual cost. less salvage. CONDmONS Except where required by law, the type of construction (direct burial, underground conduit. or aerial) is the prerOgative of the company. The Company will not be required to instaD or furnish selVice by underground conduit or direct burial facilities on the property of the customer at Its expense. If the customer requests underground conduit or direct burial construction on the customer's property, payment will be required for the difference between the cost of providing such under- ground facilities and the estimated cost of constructing equivalent aerial facilities. If direct burial construction Is requested on private property, the customer may participate tothe extent of excavating and backfilling to the specifications of the company and shan replace lawn. shrubbery, pavement, sidewalks. or other Item damaged in the process of construction. If underground construction is the type used to the property line of the customer, the customer will be required to furnish, install, and maintain the conduit on the customer's property in ac- cordance with the Company's specifications. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 ( 19 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 ORE GON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. SPEaAL CONSTRUCTION Original Sheet No. 317 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFOIot~D EFFECTIVE STAMP AeJl27 90 APR 2 7 ' P-VI 11). ,!;l509~ J2. S~RETA Y STATE OF IDAHO LOCAL SERVICE CONDITIONS, (continued) If direct burial construction Is the type used to the property line of the customer, the customer will be required to excavate and backfill the required trench on the customer's property or be charged the actual cost for such work done by the company. When It Is necessary to relocate buried wire or cable or underground conduit and cable at the customer's request, the customer will be charged the actual labor and material cost. less sal- vage. Where underground construction will not be within a utDity strip or other designated right-of-way, and where the company requires adequate rights for the construction. operation. and main- tenance of such construction. the customer. or tract owner or developer In the case' of real es- tate subdMsions, will provide the company with easements, deed restrictions. or other appropriate covenants for these rights. I\DVlCE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1. 1990 ISSUED BY ~rry w. Clark TITLE President PUC Or. No.2 2735 Original "Sheet No. 318 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION1f8n~T. EFFECTIVE Ip~7 90 APR 2 7 ' f..Q.,t . o. 'tJ . 0) 3O~'l ~nA. J2. ~~)41~-SECRETARV N OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1, 1990 ISSUED BY Larr W. Clark TITLE Prp-!,!j dent PUC Or. No.22735 ,....' " Original Sheet No. 319 . .,.., ,, : i1~ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. STW27 '90 APR 27' . O.yU. ,;)307'9 J2 ~~- seCRETARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES STATE OF IDAHO RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ADVICE NO. 1SUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE .J.,,:!nuary. l , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark 7:T~:: ""::"~_ :1t -,--- ----'-------- PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. Original 'Sheet No. 320 RESERVED FOR FUTURE: USE' ' IDAHO PUBliC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFO~~D EFFECTIVESTAMP AeJhU 90 APR 2 7 ' JlA. J'l). ;;;; 30c:rc; .R SECRET RY STATE OF IDAHO OVICE NO. ' - ISSUED December 28 , 19 EFFECTIVE January 1 , 1990 . ISSUED BY Larry 1"1. Clark 11TLE President PUC Or. No.22735 Origirial'-Sheet No. 321 ' ~ - -21 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM1SSl0NAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. STANJR 27 :90 APR 27 '~. C.Y\). (;J30CjCj Jl.. ~...()A SECREt Y OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ADVICE NO. December 28 , 1989 JanuaLY 1~~O ISSUED Larry W.. C EFFECTIVE ISSUED BYPresident 11TLE PUC Or. No. 22735 ' ,, OrigInal Sheet No. 322 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMiSSIONFoW_)6iP EFFECTIVE STAMP 90 APR 27' ~ . 1'\). d30CJCj ~~ J2. SECRE"wRY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 BTE~January 1, 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITlE President PUC Or. No. 22735 ' " OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original , ~, heet No. 323 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONFO~~.D EFFECTIVE STAMP.. APR 27 '90 APR 2 7 '. OJU. d3099 J2. SECRET,*,RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE " :1 ADVICE NO. AlEC December 28, 1989 ~~ January 1, 1990 ISSUED BY La rry W. Clark TITlE President PUC Or. No. 22735 OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE ,or IDA Orlginat J)heet, No. 324 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~RMePr. EFFECTIVE 1~7 '90 APR 27' ?.Q..-t . o. t'\.J. 0) 3C~C) J2. SECRET AR.,NRESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ADVICE NO. ~ED December 28 , 1989 ISSUED BY La rry W. Clark BTE~ January 1, 1990 Tm..E Pres ident PUC Or. No. 22735 , ;' Original 'Sheet No. 400 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION~Am~. EFFECTIVE AW? 7 '90 APR 27' PUVt J'Lj. ~~O9 '1 J2 SECRETAR OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE I\DVlCE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 8TE~ January l , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark TITlE President P"UC Or. No. 22735 Original,heet No. 401 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION F&f~~~~rr~ EFFECTIVE ~tIIf 2 7 '90 APR 27'. c.1'\) - 0)30'19 N J2. ~c."--seCRET ARV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL SERVICES JOINT USER SERVICE RATES MONTHLY RATE Joint user on one-party business service . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . one-half the applicable one-party business rate. Joint user on private branch exchange service. . . . . . . . . . . . . one-half the applicable trunk rate. CONDmONS . . Under joint user service. a customer may permit another person. firm, or corporation to share in the use of the customer's telephone service. Joint user service will be furnished only with private branch exchange service and one-party busi-ness service. The customer will be responsib&e for all charges incurred by the joint user. Joint user seNfce will be provided upon application by the customer for the joint user who is lo-cated on the premises. In the same office. or In the same suite of the offices as the customer. Extension station additional listings and supplemental services may be furnished to the joint user at the request of the customer and at regular rates. The customer's primary service will not beextended to another premises for the use of the joint user. The charge for the joint user Includes a directory"listing in the alphabetical portion of the direc.tory. Joint USer service is not furnished In connection with foreign exchange service or service sta-tions. ADVICE NO. ISSUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January 1, 19 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark mLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 DIRECTORY SERVICE Revised Sheet No. 402 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ~f8p~~D EFFECTIVE ST~ 2i 90 ' APR 27' f7..Q.-t.. a . ru . 0) 3C::/9'7 SECRET RY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL SERVICES RATES Monthly Rates Additional listings and lines of information Each business. $2. Each residence . ~. 1.00 Each reference to another service of the same cus tomer. Each reference to service of different customer Each line of information in addi tionto a lis ting . Each listing in the local directory of a foreign primary service Business 1.50 Residence 1.45 Each nonpublished telephone number. . Each personalized telephone number (PTN) Busi:nes s - . . ~esidence ~ . . 1.50 Each nonlisted telephone number ADVICE NO. SSUED April 20, 1990 Larry W. Clark EFFECTIVE ISSUED BY President TITLE PUC Or. No. 22735 DIRECTORY SERVICE Original. 'SfTEfePNo. 403 IDAHO PUBLIC UTilITIES COMMfSSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. STAMPAPR 27 '90 APR 2 7 P.I:v1 . C.fl.). Q)~aCf1 fl. seeR N RY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL SERVICES CONDmONS One listing. which may Include the name. address. and telephone number of the indivi-dual(s). organization. fum. or corporation. wiD be furnIshed in the alpha section for each accessline or each ~e blanch exchange. Business listings must be in the customer's legal name. Dual (joint) name listings wiD be provided for customers subscribing to residence service whoshare the same surname and reside at the same address. for women whose husbands areeceasedand for persons known by more than one given name. listings will be runited to such Information as Is necessary for proper identifICation. The listing consists of one line. When use of abbreviations Impairs clarity and identification. asecond line may be used without addltionar charge. The Company may refuse to Insert any listing which. in Its Judgment. does not facilitate the useof the cfU"ectory. Ackf~ UstinQ(s) Adcfltional Listing(s) must include the same address and telephone number as the primary listingexcept that a cflfferent address may be shown for off-premises PBX or Centrex statioRS locatedon other premises occupIed by the customer. Adcfltionar rlStings may be furnished with residence selVice for others who are members of thecustomer's domestic estabIistunent and who occupy the same premises. Foreign Exchanqe UstinQs The rate for a foreIgn listing will be the rate of the Company in whose directory the ftSting ap-pears. Forel~n exchange rlstings may be furnished for customers requesting their listing be in.duded In a cfU"ectory alpha section cflfferent than nonnaL ADVICE NO. I~SUED December 28 , 1989 January 199U EFFECTIVE Larry W. ClarkISSUED BY PresidentTITLE PUC Or. No. 22735 ' ', " Original~hee\-, No. 404 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMfSSroNAPPROVED EFPECTlveFOR RECPT. STAW'R 27'90 APR 27' P.12/1. '1.), 0l'309cr J2. ~j ~t~ secREHmv OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTORY SERVICE CONDmONS. (continued) Non-PubrlShed Osting Non-publlshed service is an arrangement where a customer's listing is omitted from both thetelephone cfU"ectory and Information rlSting. No charge will be made for non-pubrtShed numbers for customers having a listed number in thesame exchange under the same rlSting. The Company will take reasonable precautions not to publish the number in any of Its publidydistributed directories and. except ~. required by law. will not cflSdose the number to anyperson other, than representatives of law enforcement agencies. Its own employees or repre-sentatives of those of other telephone companies. or to other customers who are billed for calisplaced to or from ~-pubfished numbers. Non-Usted NorH'lSted service Is an arrangement whereby a customer's number is omitted from thetelephone cfU"ectory but not from the Directory Assistance records. When non-pubf"cshed or norHisted service is to be furnished. the customer will be required to ex-ecute an agreement which holds the ~pany hannless from any damages which might ariseand which absolves the Company from any responsibility for the failure of the customer toreceive calis because of the non-pubIished or non.flSted arrnngement. Subscribers to non-pubrlShed and norHisted service wIU be required to pay for such serviceuna the fust issuance of a cfU"ectory In which a requested change may be published , or untatelephone SeMce is cflSCOOtinued. Bilfmg for such services will be discontinued with the last regular bill dated before the issuanceof the cfU"ectory In which the change Is made. Subscribers to non-pubrlShed or nexHisted may change from one to the other without incuningan additional monthly charge. The Company"s liability arising from ea-0fS In or omission of directory listings shall be limited toand be satisfied by a not exceecrang the amount of the charges for such if thecustome(s seMce is affected during the period covered by the directocy in which the error oromission occurrecf. ADVICE NO. $SUED December 28, 1989 ISSUED BY Larry W. Clark January 1, 1990 EfFEC11VE TITLE President PUC Or. No. 22735 GENERAL SERVICES Revised .'&~A~~uaTIc UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE ~~..w~7TrgO APR 2 7 ' ~-'V\- 4\:), '~309~ J2. ~f.~SECRETAW OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE Directory Assistance Service provides the calling party with telephone numbers, information thata customer has requested that the number not be provided, or that the requested party has notelephone listing from the records of the Company's Directory Assistance operator. RATES:1. First three listings r~ested, localand/or intrastate per lIDe, per mnt, ; . . n/c2. Each additional listing requested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 cents The rate does not apply to: a. Requests originated from telephone services which the Company has deter-mined are used on a continuing basis by a person or persons in- capable of using a published telephone company directory because of visual or physical handicaps. The customer must make application to theCompany for such exemptIon. Also exempted are calls originatingfrom public, semipublic, WATS , mbile, hospital or residentialhealth care service telephones and eJ:lergency calls placed to0" operators or 911. CONDmONS When a customer has two or more lines and/or PBX trunks at the same premises and billedon the same account. the total usage of all line~ and/or trunks Is applied against the allowancefor the total number of lines and/or tr..Jnks Involved. The aIlowan~ for a customer of Centrex Is three listing rccrucsts per mnth for each group feight Centrex primary station lines or fraction thereof. The allowance for a Centrex dormitory sys-tem line is tWo listing requests per month. The allowance of three listing requests per line per mnth is not transferablebetween separate accounts of the same custorrer. When a customer requests the assistance of a long distance operator to obtain a listing fromthe directory assistance operator, a surcharge of 50 cents per listing requested will apply in ad-dition to rates above. - , The telephone company shall establish practices and procedures to administer exceptions to thecharge for directory assistance, verify disabilities, and prevent abuse thereof. ADVICE NO. SSUED April 20, 1990 EFFECTIVE TITLE President Larry W. ClarkISSUED BY PUC Or. No. 22735 Original" Sheil No. 407 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR ~:VED EFFECTIVE STAMP. Am 27 '90 APR 27 ' P.e.-"0-'\). CJ 3091 J2 --()o ~...... SECREt OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL SERVICES SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS For special equipment and - arrangements requested by a customer, for which provision is nototherwise made, the appropriate lnsta1!ation. basic tennination charges and monthly chargesequivalent to the estimated cost of fumishing such equipment or arrangements apply. Estimatedcost consists of an' estimate of the following Items to the extent that they are applicable: 1. Cost of maintenance. 2. Cost of operation. 3. Depreciation on the estimated cost installed of any facilities provided, based on the usefulservice fife of the facUities with appropriate aUowance for the estimated net salvage. 4. Administration. taxes. and uncollectible revenue on the basis of reasonable average charge for these Items. 5. Any other specific Items of expense associated with the part situation. 6. 'A reasonable amount computed on the estimated cost installed facUities provided, for retum and contingencies. EstImated cost instaUed as mentioned In 3 and 6 above Indudes cost of equipment andmaterials specifically provided or used plus the estimated cost of Installing including engineering,labor, supervision. transportation and right~f-way, and any other ftems which are chargeabl~ to the capitaf account. ADVICE NO. December 28, 1989 ISSUED,January 1, 1990 EFFECTIVE Larry W. ClarkISSUED BY PresidentTITlE PUC Or. No. 22735 . - Original -Sheet No. 408 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVEFOR RECPT. STAMIPR 27 '90 ' ~2 7 ' ~.Q/1 ID .;;)3d J2. ECRETARV OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES , INC. STATE OF IDAHO RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE ADVICE NO. ;SUED December 28 , 1989 EFFECTIVE January , 1990 ISSUED BY Larry w. Clark -'-"U' ...., ..". -"'---- PresidentTITLE PUC Or. No.22735 , , OriginalSfleet No. 409 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. STAtAfJR 27 '90 ,APR 2 7 ;PO6/U. d3aq'1 J2. SECRE ARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES , INC. STATE OF IDAHO GENERAL SERVICES EMPLOYEES' RATES AND OTHER CONCESSIONS RATES Employees subject to call: Primary telephone, Induding mileage: no charge. Supplemental equipment and services: All other employees: % of tariff rate. All telephones. supplemental equipment. and services:% of tariff rates. . . CONDmONS All regular full-time employees are eligible for employees' telephone service. The employee s rate Is applicable when the telephone service Is carried in the name of theemployee and is located at the employee s principal residence. Employee s rate is not appflCable to toll service. Qualified employees must reside withIn the Companys serving area to receive this concession. ADVICE NO. JUED December 28 , 1989 , EFFECTIVE January l , 19 9 0 ISSUED BY Larry w. Clark PresidentTITLE Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING July 2, 2013 Boise, Idaho PUG Or. No.22735 ; "; ::: : ": , ;-.. ~ ,...."" , , Original Sheet No. 501 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONAPPROVED EFFECTIVE FOR RECPT. STAtAm 27 '90 APR 27 ' \(-QA. 1\). ~3a1'9 J2. ~~:.A-SECRETARY OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC. STATE OF IDAHO CONCURRENCES RATES MESSAGE TOLL TELEPHONE SERVICE (MIS) The Company concurs in the applicable tariffs of the Mountain Bell Telephone Company as filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for the purpose of providing intrastate intraLATA message toll telephone service within the State of Idaho. For intrastate interLATA MTS calling, we concur with theapplicable, Idaho tariff$ of AT&T Communications Company. Interstate long cfastance teleconununications service is furnished in conjunction with Interstate ser-vice. the regulations and charges for which are in Tariff FCC No.1 of AT&T Communications.The company also concurs in this taOf( . The company concurs in the applicable tariffs of U S West Communications Company for interstate intraLATA long distanceservice. The Company concurs with the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) Tariff FCC No.Access Service and as amended thereafter. ADVICE NO. r~~ '4,R~("pmhpr ?8 r 1989 ISSUED rry w. Clark BTE~. January 1 , 1990 TITLE P'l--OC:; r1 ~nr PUG Or, No.22735 OREGON- IDAHO UTILITIES , INC. STATE OF IDAHO Original Sheet No. 600 , IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITlES COM~SSIONMRR~, EFFECTIVE lir 7 '90 APR 27'90 N P-e..-t . O. '\J. at ~a ~ '1 Jl.. Jh. ~lA........SECRETARY MAPS Exchange Area Maps depict the boundaries of the area which the Company serves, --" ';-;':F: ,,:-~ -'~!i'- ;;'- .. ~: " ADVICE NO, " .:'~ -"" ;" ,- ' ., -'";:: :t!J~~t~::: . " n-::...I I' .'. ~ ti.~ i !LJlr- ;. ZONE t--1 r:- :\ . ' ~. I .. ~ -,~...~. \ _-:" ".. . . I ...,..... .c.... -~C" ... '.; BTECTIVE January 1 , 1990 TITLE pres~ ~~' t::" - ,;.. ," -~--. , I . .... ... ... .4..a :, .,. SOUTH MOUNTAIN':EXCHANGE