HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920805First Amended Certificate No 311.pdf4I!\U: AUG 5- 1992 BEFORE J.'.IIJ!;IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMIASI IN THE IIATTISK OF THE JOINT APPLI- CATION OF U S WEST COMIIUNICATIONS, ) INC., AND OREGON-IDAHO UTILITIES, INC., FOR P ARTJAL TRANSFER OF THE CJSBTJ.J.rlCATE OF PUBUC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR TELECOMIIUNI- CATIONS SERVICE CASE NOS. ORE- T -92-1 USW -8-92-2 FIRST AMENDED C.lSBTJ.J.rlCATE NO. 311 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the present and future public convenience and necessity requires and will require Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. an Oregon corporation, its successors and assigns to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and maintain and operate facilities for the provision to or for the public use of telecommunications. services to the inhabitants of the area known as the South Mountain Exchange in Owyhee County, Idaho. See Order No. 22735, issued September 13, 1989. This area is legally described as follows: ginn;ng on the Oregon-Idaho border at the NW corner ofSeCtion 26, T2S, R6W; then east to the NE corner of Section, T2S, R4W; then south to the SE corner of Section 22, T4S,R4W; then west to the SW corner of Section 20, T4S, R4W;then south to the SE corner of Section 6, T5S, R4W; then eastto the NE corner of Section 12, T5S, R2W; then south to the SE corner of Section 25, T16S, R2W; then west to the point ofintersection with the Oregon-Idaho border at the approximatehalfway point of the southern boundary of Section 27, T16S,R6W; then northerly along- the Oregon-Idaho border to the point of beginn;ng at the NW corner of Section 26, T2S, R6Wall in Owyhee CoUnty, Boise Meridian, Idaho. IT IS FURTHER CERTU'lli that the present and future public convenience and necessity requires and will require Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. an Oregon corporation, its successors and assigns to own, hold, construct, or otherwise acquire and maintain and operate facilities for the provision to or for the public use of telecommunications services to the inhabitants of the area known as the Silver City Exchange in Owyhee County, Idaho. See Order No. 24451, issued today. This area is l all described thus follows: Beginning at the NW corner of Section 14, TaS, R4W; theneast to the NE corner of Section 17, T3S, RaW; then south to FIRST AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 311 1 - the SE corner of Section 5, T5S, RaW; then west to the corner of Section 5, T5S, R4W; then north to the NW corner of Section 29, T4S, R4W; then east to the NE corner of Section27, T4S, R4W; then north to the.NW corner of Section 14,T3S, R4W, which is the beginning point, all in OwyheeCounty, Boise Meridian, Idaho. IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED that this First Amended Certificate No. 311 is cumulative of Certificate No. 311 and you need not refer to Certificate No. 311 for additional service territory. DONE BY CERTIFICATE of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this ..,L day of August 1992. ~~ 1.d..~ON, COMMISSIONER ~J~~TARY MG~r/O-1833 FIRST AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO. 311 - 2 -