HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150909Cancellation of CPCN.pdfRICHARD A. CUTLER KENT R. CUTLER STEVEN J. SARBACKER JAYNA M. VOSS MICHAEL D. BORNITZ I TRENT A. SWANSON * RYANJ. TAYLOR o KIMBERLY R. WASSINK MEREDITH A. MOORE NATHAN S. SCHOEN *+ NtcHoLEJ. MOHNTNG I BOBBI L. THURY { DANIELJ. DOYLE ALEX S. HALBACH * JOSEPH M. DYLLA ROBERT D. TRZYNKA ERIC E. ERICKSON JOSEPH P. HOGUE o JONATHAN A. HEEER BRENDAN F. PONS Curlrn Lnw FrRtVt, ttp ATTORNEYS AT LAW lOO NORTH PHILLIPSAVENUE, 9TH FLOOR POST OFFICE BOX -I4OO SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA 57101-1400 TELEPHONE (605) 335-4950 www.cutlerlawfirm.com September 4,2015 Vt,l ElpcrnoNlc,{Nn U.S. MarL Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W est Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83702 oRb-7 -23-o I 04O-T-o? -ot Re:Request to Relinquish Certificate of Authority of OrbitCom, Inc. Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find an original and seven copies of a request to relinquish the Certificate of Authority of OrbitCom, Inc., along with a CD containing the electronic version of same. I submit this request on behalf of OrbitCom, Inc. On April 27,2015, Ionex Communications North, lnc. dlbla Birch Communications ("Ionex") and OrbitCom filed with the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") a Joint Application seeking approval of a transaction in which OrbitCom would transfer substantially all of its telecommunications assets and [daho customer base to Ionex (the "Application"). See FCC WC Docket No. l5-102, Public Notice, DA 15-539. In the Application the parties advised that upon consummation of the transaction Orbitcom would no longer offer telecommunications services in Idaho. Instead, Ionex would provide OrbitCom's Idaho customers with service pursuant to its own authorizations and tariffs. On May 7,2015,Ionex and OrbitCom provided notice to OrbitCom's Idaho customers of the contemplated transaction. The FCC approved the Application on June 5, 2015. The transaction for which the parties sought approval has now been consummated. As a result of the consummation of the transfer, OrbitCom no longer has customers in Idaho nor does it provide telecommunications services in Idaho. Accordingly, OrbitCom respectfully requests approval of OrbitCom's request to relinquish its certificate of authority. JEAN BROCKMUELLER, CPA (lnactive) BUSINESS MANAGER *Also licensed to pmctice in Minnesota rAlso licensed to practice in lowa tAlso licensed to practice in Nebraska aAlso licensed to practice in KansasoAlso licensed as a Certified Public Accountant (lnactive) September 4,2015 Page2 If you have questions or require further information regarding OrbitCom's request, please do not hesitate to contact me at 605-335-4950 or meredithm@cutlerlawfirm.com. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully Submitted, MAM:lk cc: OrbitCom,Inc. CUTLER LAW FIRM, LLP A. Moore For the Firm