HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrbitCom Inc CLEC Price List.pdfORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 1 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ Schedule of Rates, Rules and Regulations Governing Local Services Provided in the State of Idaho OFFERED BY ORBITCOM, INC. 1701 N. Louise Dr. Sioux Falls, S.D. 57107 This tariff contains the descriptions, regulations, and rates applicable to furnishing of Service and facilities for Access Services within the State of Idaho by OrbitCom, Inc. and Concurring Carriers. This tariff is on file with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and copies may also be inspected during normal business hours at the following location: 1701 N. Louise Dr., Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 2 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ CHECK SHEET The sheets of this tariff are effective as of the date shown at the bottom of the respective sheets. Original and revised sheets as named below comprise all changes from the original tariff that are currently in effect as of the date at the bottom of this sheet. SHEET REVISION NUMBER SHEET REVISION NUMBER SHEET REVISION NUMBER 1 Original 23 Original 45 Original 2 Original 24 Original 46 Original 3 Original 25 Original 47 Original 4 Original 26 Original 48 Original 5 Original 27 Original 49 Original 6 Original 28 Original 50 Original 7 Original 29 Original 51 Original 8 Original 30 Original 52 Original 9 Original 31 Original 53 Original 10 Original 32 Original 54 Original 11 Original 33 Original 55 Original 12 Original 34 Original 56 Original 13 Original 35 Original 57 Original 14 Original 36 Original 58 Original 15 Original 37 Original 59 Original 16 Original 38 Original 60 Original 17 Original 39 Original 61 Original 18 Original 40 Original 62 Original 19 Original 41 Original 63 Original 20 Original 42 Original 64 Original 21 Original 43 Original 65 Original 22 Original 44 Original 66 Original 67 Original 68 Original 69 Original Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 3 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ CONCURRING CARRIERS OneEighty Networks CONNECTING CARRIERS None OTHER PARTICIPATING CARRIERS None Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 4 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ TARIFF FORMAT Page Numbering. Page numbers appear in the upper right hand corner of the sheets. Pages are numbered sequentially. From time to time new pages may be added to the tariff. When a new page is added between existing pages, a decimal is added to the preceding page number. For example, a new page added between pages 5 and 6 would be numbered 5.1. Page Revision Numbers. Revision numbers also appear in the upper right corner of pages. These numbers are used to determine the most current page version on file with the Commission. For example, the 4th Revised Page No. 14 cancels the 3rd Revised Page No. 14. Paragraph Numbering Sequence. There are nine levels of paragraph coding. Each level of coding is subservient to its next higher level, as shown by the following example: 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.1.A 2.1.1.A.1 2.1.1.A.1.(a) 2.1.1.A.1.(a).I 2.1.1.A.1.(a).I.(i) 2.1.1.A.1.(a).I.(i).(1) Check Sheets. When a tariff filing is made with the commission, an updated check sheet accompanies the tariff filing. The check sheet lists the pages contained in the tariff, with a cross- reference to the current revision number. When new pages are added, the check sheet is changed to reflect the revision. All revisions made in a given filing are designated by an asterisk (*). The tariff user should refer to the latest check sheet to find out if a particular page is the most current one on file with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 5 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ Explanation of Symbols. When changes are made in any tariff page, a revised page will be issued replacing the tariff page affected. Changes will be identified on the revised page through the use of the following symbols: (C) - Identifies a changed regulation. (D) - Identifies a discontinued rate or regulation. (I) - Identifies an increase in rate. (N) - Identifies a new rate or regulation. (R) - Identifies a reduction in rate. (T) - Identifies a change in text only. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 6 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Sheet .................................................................................................................... Cover Check Sheet .........................................................................................................................1 Concurring Carriers .............................................................................................................2 Connecting Carriers .............................................................................................................2 Other Participating Carriers… .............................................................................................2 Tariff Format ........................................................................................................................3 Table of Contents .................................................................................................................5 0.0 Application and Scope of Tariff ............................................................................11 0.1 Application .................................................................................................11 0.2 Scope ..........................................................................................................11 0.3 Interconnection with Other Carriers ..........................................................11 1.0 Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations ..............................................................12 1.1 Definitions of Terms ..................................................................................12 1.2 Explanation of Acronyms and Trade Names .............................................18 2.0 General Rules and Regulations ..............................................................................19 2.1 Undertaking of ORBITCOM .....................................................................19 2.1.1 General ...........................................................................................19 2.1.2 Limitations .....................................................................................19 2.2 Use ........................................................................................................19 2.2.1 Lawful Purpose ..............................................................................19 2.2.2. Use of Service for Unlawful and/or Fraudulent Purposes .............20 2.2.3 Unauthorized Use ...........................................................................20 2.2.4 Recording Devices .........................................................................20 2.2.5 Use of Service Mark ......................................................................20 2.3 Liability ......................................................................................................21 2.4 Equipment ..................................................................................................23 2.4.1 Inspection, Testing, and Adjustment .............................................23 2.4.2 Interference and Hazard .................................................................24 2.4.3 Maintenance and Repair ................................................................24 2.4.3.A Customer Liability ..........................................................24 2.4.3.B Leased or Owned Facilities .............................................24 2.4.3.C Maintenance and Repair Service Hours ..........................25 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 7 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) 2.5 Contract for Service ...................................................................................25 2.6 Application for Service ..............................................................................25 2.6.1 Information Required .....................................................................25 2.6.2 Initiation of Service........................................................................25 2.7 Deposits ............................................................................................26 2.7.1 Deposit Requirements ....................................................................26 2.7.2 Amount of Deposit .........................................................................26 2.7.3 New or Additional Deposit ............................................................27 2.7.3.A Abnormal Toll Usage ......................................................27 2.7.4 Handling of Deposits .....................................................................28 2.7.5 Receipts .........................................................................................28 2.7.6 Customer Obligations ....................................................................28 2.7.7 Refund .........................................................................................29 2.8 Billing .........................................................................................29 2.8.1 Monthly Billing ..............................................................................29 2.8.2 Bill Contents ..................................................................................30 2.9 Payment for Service ...................................................................................30 2.9.1 Late Penalty Charge .......................................................................30 2.9.2 Partial Payment ..............................................................................31 2.9.3 Timely Payment for Residential Customers ..................................31 2.9.4 Collection .......................................................................................31 2.9.5 Taxes and Fees ...............................................................................32 2.10 Disputes and Complaints ...........................................................................32 2.10.1 Disputed Bills.................................................................................32 2.10.2 Complaint Procedures ....................................................................33 2.10.3 Bill Insert or Notice .......................................................................34 2.11 Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension ......................................34 2.11.1 Notice of Pending Disconnection ..................................................34 2.11.2 Reasons for Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension ......35 2.11.3 Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension of Service for Nonpayment of Bill or Deposit ................................................37 2.11.4 Insufficient Reasons for Refusal, Suspension or Discontinuance of Service .......................................................38 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 8 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) 2.11.5 Medical Emergency ...........................................................................39 2.11.6 Temporary Service .............................................................................39 2.12 Cancellations and Deferments of Service ......................................................40 2.12.1 Cancellation .......................................................................................40 2.12.2 Deferment of Start of Service ............................................................41 2.13 Special Promotions ........................................................................................41 2.14 Information Service Access Blocking ...........................................................42 2.15 Emergency Call Handling Procedures ...........................................................42 2.16 Allowances for Interruptions of Service ........................................................42 2.16.1 Credit for Interruptions .......................................................................42 3.0 Description of Services Offered .................................................................................44 3.1 Local Service ................................................................................................44 3.1.1 Nature of Service ...............................................................................44 3.1.2 Availability ........................................................................................44 3.1.3 Reserved for Future Use ....................................................................44 3.1.4 Specific Local Service Options ..........................................................45 3.1.4.A Local Line Service ..............................................................45 3.1.4.A.1 Consultation Hold ................................................45 3.l.4.A.2 Call Transfer ........................................................45 3.l.4.A.3 Three-Way Calling ...............................................45 3.l.4.A.4 Reserved for Future Use ......................................46 3.l.4.B Additional Options .............................................................................46 3.l.4.C Directory Listing Service ....................................................47 3.l.4.D Reserved for Future Use .....................................................47 3.l.5 Intercept Services ..............................................................................47 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 9 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) 3.2 Directory Assistance ................................................................................48 3.2.1 Nature of Service ...........................................................................48 3.2.2 Availability ................................................................................48 3.2.3 Maximum Number of Requests Per Call .......................................48 3.2.4 Operator Limitations ......................................................................48 3.2.5 Persons and Locations Exempt from DA Charges ........................49 3.2.5.A Persons Exempt From All DA Charges ..........................49 3.3 Operator Services ................................................................................49 3.4 Conference Calling Service .......................................................................50 3.5 Reserved for Future Use ............................................................................50 3.6 Long Distance Interexchange Services ......................................................50 3.6.1 Nature of Service ...........................................................................50 3.6.2 Availability ................................................................................50 3.6.3 Reserved For Future Use ...............................................................50 3.7 800 Service ................................................................................51 3.7.l Nature of Services ..........................................................................51 3.8 Promotional Offerings ...............................................................................51 3.9 Reserved for Future Use ............................................................................52 4.0 Rates and Charges ................................................................................52 4.1 Nonrecurring Charges ................................................................................52 4.1.1 Early Termination Charges ............................................................52 4.1.2 Third Party Vendor Charges ..........................................................52 4.1.3 Nonrecurring Charges ....................................................................53 4.1.4 Reconnect Fee ................................................................................53 4.1.5 Nonsufficient Funds Charge ......................................................................53 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 10 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates ............................................................................................54 4.2.1 Local Service .................................................................................54 4.2.2 Directory Assistance ......................................................................54 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services ..........................................54 4.2.3.A Chargeable Time .............................................................54 4.2.3.B Reserved for Future Use .................................................55 4.2.3.C Calculation of Charges ....................................................55 4.2.3.D Time of Day ....................................................................55 4.2.3.D.1 Day Rates ......................................................55 4.2.3.D.2 Evening Rates ...............................................55 4.2.3.D.3 Night/Weekend Rates ...................................55 4.2.3.D.4 Peak/Off-Peak Rates .....................................55 4.2.3.E Reserved for Future Use .................................................56 4.2.4 800 Rates and Charges ...................................................................61 4.2.4.A Monthly Charges ..........................................................................61 4.2.4.B Usage Sensitive Rates .....................................................61 4.3 Reserved for Future Use ..........................................................................62 4.4 Rate Tables ..........................................................................63 4.4.1 Rate Table l: Local Service Monthly Rates ..................................63 4.4.2 Rate Table 2: Directory Assistance Rates .....................................68 4.4.3 Rate Table 3: Intrastate Long Distance Charges ...........................68 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 11 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont’d) 4.4.4 Rate Table 4: 800 Rates ................................................................68 5.0 Service Area ................................................................................69 5.1 General ................................................................................69 5.2 Market Exchanges .........................................................................69 6.0 Reserved for Future Use ............................................................................69 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 12 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 0.0 Application and Scope of Tariff 0.1 Application This tariff contains the rates and regulations applicable to regulated intrastate interexchange services and to local services provided by ORBITCOM between and among points within the state of Idaho 0.2 Scope ORBITCOM’s services are provided in Idaho subject to the availability of facilities and subject to the terms and conditions of this tariff. All services within the jurisdiction of the Commission provided by ORBITCOM between and among points in Idaho are governed by this tariff. 0.3 Interconnection with Other Carriers Service provided by ORBITCOM may be connected with services or facilities of other carriers or may be provided over facilities provided by carriers other than ORBITCOM. However, service provided by ORBITCOM is not a part of a joint undertaking with any other carrier providing telecommunications channels, facilities, or services. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 13 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations 1.1 Definitions of Terms Commission The Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Calls Telephone messages completed by Customers. Call Forwarding Whereby calls can be rerouted automatically from one line or station to another number. Call Forward Busy A feature that automatically forwards calls to another number when the dialed number is busy. Call Forward Don’t Answer A feature that automatically routes calls to another line if the dialed number is not answered. Call Forward – Variable A feature that allows forwarding of all incoming calls to another telephone number. Call Park A feature that allows calls to be put on hold in a ‘parking zone’ until they are answered by the correct party. Call Pickup A feature that offers the ability to answer any line within a specified group of lines. Call Tracing A feature that allows for the identification and recording of the telephone numbers of some or all of the incoming calls to the telephone line of a Customer. Call Transfer A feature that allows any incoming calls to be transferred to another number. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 14 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations (cont’d) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (cont’d) Call Waiting A feature that sends a tone that informs the Customer that a second call is waiting; and the caller hears a ringing sound, not a busy signal. Caller ID A feature that displays the phone number and/or name of the incoming caller. Compatible equipment is required for this feature. Centrex A Central Office based Business Communication Service that provides capabilities similar to those offered on a Private Branch Exchange, but without requiring switching equipment on the Business Customer’s premises. Continuous Redial A feature that automatically redials the last number dialed. If the number is busy, a special tone indicates when it becomes available. Direct Inward Dialing (DID) A feature that enables completion of an incoming call directly to an extension station without operator assistance. Central Office A unit of Qwest’s system that provides service to the general public and has the necessary equipment and operating arrangements for terminating and interconnecting Customer lines and trunks or trunks only. More than one (1) central office may occupy a building. Charges Monthly recurring and nonrecurring amounts billed to Customers for services. Delinquent or Delinquency An account for which an uncontested bill or payment agreement for regulated services has not been paid in full on or before the last day for timely payment. This term may also apply to a contested bill for which the Commission finds the Customer’s complaint to be without merit. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 15 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations (cont’d) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (cont’d) Depositor The Customer from whom a deposit is received. Disconnect or Disconnection The disabling of circuitry to prevent outgoing and/or incoming calls. Due Date The last day for payment of a bill without unpaid amounts being considered delinquent or subject to additional collection efforts. The due date may be designated by “due by,” “pay by,” “if paid by,” or other such language on the Customer’s bill. Exchange A unit established for the administration of local communication services. Exchange Service A local communications service furnished by means of local exchange plant and facilities. Extended Area Service or EAS Telephone service, offered at a flat local rate, between customers located within an exchange area and all customers in an additional exchange area or areas. Hunting A feature that forwards incoming calls to the next line in a group, hunting until an open line is reached. Individual Case Basis The application of a rate, charge, or condition of the tariff as determined by individual circumstances. Inside Station Wiring or Inside Wiring Wiring on the premises beyond the demarcation point. The completion of calls between points within the boundaries of a Local Access Transportation Area. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 16 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ This page intentionally left blank. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 17 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations (cont’d) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (cont’d) IntraLATA Service The completion of calls between points within the boundaries of a Local Access Transportation Area. Interexchange Service The provision of intrastate telecommunications services and facilities between local exchanges, excluding EAS. InterLATA Service The completion of calls between Local Access Transportation Areas. Last Call Return A feature that dials the last call received, whether it was answered or not. Local Access Transportation Area or LATA A geographic area within which Bell Operating Companies are permitted to offer interexchange service. These areas were established as a result of the break-up of the former Bell system. Local Exchange Utility or Local Utility A telephone utility that provides local service under a tariff field with the Commission. The utility may also provide other services and facilities. Local Service Telephone service furnished between points located within an area where there is no toll charge. Customer Any person, firm, association, corporation, agency of the federal, state, or local government, or legal entity responsible by law for payment of rates and charges and for compliance with the regulations of ORBITCOM. Customer Contract A written agreement between the Customer and ORBITCOM containing or referring to the rates and regulations applicable to the service being provided. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 18 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations (cont’d) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (cont’d) Customer Premises Equipment All terminal equipment normally used on the Customer’s premises. This equipment may be Customer-owned, or may be owned by ORBITCOM or another supplier and leased to the Customer. Message A telephone call made by a Customer. Month For billing purposes, a month is considered to have thirty (30) days. PRI-ISDN A Local T-l Package offering. Public Safety Answering Point A communications facility operated on a twenty-four (24) hour basis and serving participating jurisdictions that initially receives 911 calls and either directly dispatches emergency response services or relays the calls to the appropriate public safety agency. Rates The usage amounts billed to customers for services and/or equipment. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 19 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Explanation of Terms and Abbreviations (cont’d) 1.1 Definitions of Terms (cont’d) Speed Calling A feature that allows dialing a code instead of dialing the complete number in order to place the call. Suspend or Suspension To disconnect or impair a service temporarily in order to disable either outgoing or incoming calls or both. Timely Payment A payment of the Customer’s account made on or before the due date shown on a current bill for rates and charges or by an agreement between the Customer and ORBITCOM for a series of partial payments to settle a delinquent account. 10XXX Access A dialing method that enables a Customer to reach the long distance carrier of the Customer’s choice even if the Customer is not a regular customer of that long distance carrier. For example, to reach AT&T Communications of the Midwest, Inc., the Customer dials “10288.” 1.2 Explanation of Acronyms and Trade Names BOC = Bell Operating Company DA = Directory Assistance EAS = Extended Area Service FCC = Federal Communications Commission LATA = Local Access Transport Area NPA = Numbering Plan Area, more commonly known as Area Code SNI = Standard Network Interface LNP = Local Number Portability Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 20 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations 2.1 Undertaking of ORBITCOM 2.l.l General 2.l.2 Limitations (A) Service is offered subject to the availability of the necessary facilities and equipment and subject to the provisions of this tariff in compliance with limitations set forth in the Commission’s rules. (B) ORBITCOM reserves the right to discontinue service when the customer is using the service in violation of the provisions of this tariff, signed contract, or the law, with notice as required by the rules of the Commission. (C) ORBITCOM does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities, when available, for that purpose. 2.2 Use 2.2.1 Lawful Purpose Services provided under this tariff may be used for any lawful purpose for which the service is technically suited consistent with the transmission and switching parameters of the telecommunications facilities utilized in the provision of the service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 21 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.2 Use (cont’d) 2.2.2 Use of Service for Unlawful and/or Fraudulent Purposes ORBITCOM’s services are provided subject to the condition that they will not be used for any unlawful and/or fraudulent purpose. Services will not be furnished if any law enforcement agency, acting within its jurisdiction, advises ORBITCOM that such services are being used or are likely to be used in violation of the law and/or in a fraudulent manner. If ORBITCOM receives other evidence giving reasonable cause to believe that such services are being used or are likely to be used for unlawful and/or fraudulent purposes, it may either discontinue or deny the services and/or refer the matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency in accordance with law and/or Commission rules. 2.2.3 Unauthorized Use Any individual who uses or receives ORBITCOM’s services other than under the provisions of an accepted application for service and a current customer relationship shall be liable for the appropriate rates and charges for the service received and for ORBITCOM’s costs of investigation and collection. 2.2.4 Recording Devices ORBITCOM’s services are not designed for the use of recording devices, and customers who use such devices to record two-way telephone conversations do so at their own risk. 2.2.5 Use of Service Mark No customer shall use any service mark or trademark of ORBITCOM or refer to ORBITCOM in connection with any product, equipment promotion, or publication of the Customer without the prior written consent of ORBITCOM. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 22 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.3 Liability A. The Services the Company furnishes are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations specified in this tariff and to such particular terms, conditions, and limitations as set forth in the special regulations applicable to the particular Services and facilities under this tariff. B. The liability of the Company for damages arising out of the furnishing of these Services, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, tort conduct or errors, or other defects, representations, or use of these Services or arising out of the failure to furnish the Service, whether caused by acts of commission or omission, shall, as appropriate, be determined in accordance with SDCL 49-13-1 and 49-13-1.1 and any other applicable law. C. The Company shall not be liable for, nor shall any Service Credits be extended for, any failure of performance or equipment due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to: acts of God, fire, flood or other catastrophes; any law, order, regulation, direction, action, or request of the United States Government, or of any other government, including state and local governments having or claiming jurisdiction over the Company, or of any department, agency commission, bureau, corporation, or other instrumentality of any one or more of these federal, state, or local governments, or any civil or military authority, national emergencies, insurrections, riots, wars, unavailability of rights-of- way or materials, or strikes, lock-outs, work stoppages, or other labor difficulties. D. The Company shall not be liable for any act or omission by any entity furnishing to the Company or to the Company's Customers facilities or equipment used for or with the Services the Company offers. E. ORBITCOM shall not be liable for, and shall be fully indemnified and held harmless by Customers against any claim or loss, expense 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 23 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.3 Liability (cont’d) copyright or patent, unauthorized use of any trademark, trade name, service mark, or proprietary or creative right, or any other injury to any person, property, or entity arising out of the material, data, or information transmitted. F. ORBITCOM shall not be liable for damages arising out of the use of ORBITCOM's services for the transmission of anything other than voice grade service. G. The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses due to the fault or negligence of the Customer or due to the failure or malfunction of Customer-provided equipment or facilities. H. Company shall not be liable for the claims of vendors supplying equipment to Customers of the Company which may be installed at premises of the Company, nor shall the Company be liable for the performance of any such vendor or vendor's equipment. I. The Company does not guarantee nor make any warranty with respect to installations it provides for use in an explosive atmosphere. The Customer indemnifies and holds the Company harmless from any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted, or asserted by any other party or person(s), and for any loss, damage, or destruction of any property, whether owned by the Customer or others, caused or claimed to have been caused directly or indirectly by the installation, operation, failure to operate, maintenance, removal, presence, condition, location, or use of any installation so provided. J. ORBITCOM will provide a customer's correct name and telephone number to a calling party either upon request to or interception by ORBITCOM in the event there is an error or omission in the customer's directory listing. ORBITCOM shall not be liable to customers or others for any incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages of any kind, including loss of use, loss of business, or loss or profit, arising from errors or omissions in directory listings. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 24 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.3 Liability (cont’d) K. The services furnished by ORBITCOM, in addition to the limitations set forth preceding, also are subject to the following limitations: The Company shall not be liable for damage arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission or other injury, including but not limited to injuries to persons or property from voltages or currents transmitted over the service of ORBITCOM caused by customer-provided equipment. L. The Company is not liable for any defacement of or damage to the Premises resulting from the furnishing of Services, equipment, or associated wiring on such Premises or the installation or removal thereof, except where such defacement or damage is the result of negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the agents or employees of the Company. M. THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED EITHER IN FACT OR BY OPERATION OF LAW, STATUTORY OF OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, EXCEPT THOSE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. N. The included tariff language does not constitute a determination by the Commission that a limitation of liability imposed by the Company should be upheld in a court of Law. Acceptance for filing by the Commission recognizes that it is a court’s responsibility to adjudicate negligence and consequential damage claims. It is also the court’s responsibility to determine the validity of the exculpatory clause. 2.4 Equipment 2.4.1 Inspection, Testing, and Adjustment ORBITCOM may, upon reasonable notice, make such tests and inspections as may be necessary to determine whether the requirements of this tariff are being complied with in the installation, operation, or maintenance of the Customer’s equipment. ORBITCOM may interrupt the service at any time, without penalty to itself, unless interruption exceeds twenty-four (24) hours. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 25 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.4 Equipment (cont’d) 2.4.2 Interference and Hazard The operating characteristics of Customer premises equipment or communications systems connected to ORBITCOM’s services must not interfere with, or impair, any of the services offered by ORBITCOM. Additionally, connected Customer premises equipment must not endanger the safety of ORBITCOM employees or the public, damage or interfere with the proper functioning of ORBITCOM’s equipment, or otherwise injure the public in its use of ORBITCOM’s services. 2.4.3 Maintenance and Repair 2.4.3.A Customer Liability The Customer shall be responsible for damages to ORBITCOM’s facilities used in the provision of regulated services caused by the negligence or willful act of the customer or those using ORBITCOM’s service through the Customer. The customer may not physically modify or intrude upon, rearrange, disconnect, remove, or attempt to repair any of ORBITCOM’s facilities except upon written consent of ORBITCOM. 2.4.3.B Leased or Owned Facilities The Customer’s obligation to ORBITCOM is the same whether the facilities involved are ORBITCOM’s facilities or are facilities leased by ORBITCOM from another party. If ORBITCOM incurs expenses due to the Customer’s actions that result in damage or impairment of ORBITCOM’s owned or leased facilities, ORBITCOM will pass on to the Customer any and all expenses to repair ORBITCOM’s facilities or that the owner imposes on ORBITCOM for leased facilities. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 26 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.4 Equipment (cont’d) 2.4.3.C Maintenance and Repair Service Hours ORBITCOM may be reached 24/7 for any maintenance and repair issues that may need immediate attention. The Customer may reach ORBITCOM at 1-866-834-7837. 2.5 Contract for Service Service is installed upon contractual agreement between a Customer and ORBITCOM. The contractual agreement specifies the terms and conditions of service not covered by this tariff. The contract does not alter the obligations of ORBITCOM to Customers as described in this tariff. 2.6 Application for Service 2.6.1 Information Required When applying for service, each prospective Customer will be required to furnish ORBITCOM with the following information: (A) The name of the party who will be responsible for payment for the service provided. (B) The address or addresses or exact location of the premises where service is to be provided and billed. (C) Any information required to make a proper determination of appropriate creditworthiness. 2.6.2 Initiation of Service Service shall be deemed to be initiated upon the service activation date specified in the Customer contract. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 27 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.7 Deposits 2.7.1 Deposit Requirements ORBITCOM may require from any customer or prospective Customer a deposit to be held as a guarantee for the payment of charges. Any applicant who is either not a previous Customer having an established prompt payment record or whose credit record is not satisfactory may be required to pay a deposit. In its calculation of a Customer’s creditworthiness, ORBITCOM will use trading banking references, credit reports, and any other information pertinent to a Customer’s credit. Any deposit required shall be confirmed in writing to the Customer not later than the time of the next billing. Such confirmation shall, in separate columns, itemize deposits for abnormal toll usage and regulated services and identify deposits for other services, and shall state that no deposit other than for toll and regulated services is required to obtain basic local service. 2.7.2 Amount of Deposit The amount of the deposit shall not be more than two (2) months of usage of ORBITCOM’s services for any specific Customer. The amount of such usage may be estimated from past usage, or the Customer’s estimated anticipated usage. The amount of deposit may exceed this total when services are provided for shorter periods of time or special occasions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 28 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.7 Deposits (cont’d) 2.7.3 New or Additional Deposit A new or additional deposit may be required to cover the amount provided in Section 2.7.2 above when a deposit has been refunded or is found to be inadequate by virtue of abnormal toll usage or nonpayment. Written notice shall be mailed advising the Customer of any new or additional deposit requirement, and the Customer shall have twelve (12) calendar days from the date of mailing to comply. The new or additional deposit is payable at the address specified in Section 2.7.4. 2.7.3.A Abnormal Toll Usage For customers with at least six (6) consecutive months of service, “abnormal toll usage” is defined as at least a twenty-five percent (25%) increase in monthly usage charges amounting to at least twenty dollars ($20). The Customer’s average monthly bills for not less than the three (3) prior months shall be used in determining the increase. For Customers with less than six (6) consecutive months of service, “abnormal toll usage” is defined to exist when one (1) month’s service exceeds the deposit attributable to the service by twenty-five percent (25%) amounting to at least twenty dollars ($20). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 29 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.7 Deposits (cont’d) 2.7.4 Handling of Deposits Deposits shall be sent or delivered to: ORBITCOM, 1701 N. Louise Ave., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57107. ORBITCOM will maintain records that show the name and address of each depositor, the amount and date of the deposit, and each transaction concerning the deposit. Unclaimed deposits, together with accrued interest, shall be credited to an appropriate account and shall be disposed of in accordance with law. 2.7.5 Receipts A receipt of deposit will be furnished to each Customer from whom a deposit is received. Upon request, duplicate receipts will be provided to Customers who have lost their receipts if the deposits are substantiated by ORBITCOM’s records. 2.7.6 Customer Obligations The existence of a deposit in no way relieves the Customer of the obligation to comply with ORBITCOM’s regulations for the prompt payment of bills. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 30 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.7 Deposits (cont’d) 2.7.7 Refund The deposit shall be refunded or credited to the Customer after not more than twelve (12) consecutive months of prompt payment (which may be eleven (11) timely payments and one automatic forgiveness of late payment). Accrued interest will be payable on the refunded deposit in accordance with Idaho Telephone Customer Relations Rule 106. The account shall be reviewed after twelve (12) months of service, and if the deposit is retained, it shall again be reviewed at the end of ORBITCOM’s accounting year or on the anniversary date of the account. 2.8 Billing 2.8.1 Monthly Billing Bills to Customers will be issued monthly unless ORBITCOM is authorized by the Commission to bill at other than monthly intervals because of unusual circumstances. Local service charges, including installation charges, are billed in advance. Toll charges are billed in arrears. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 31 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.8 Billing (cont’d) 2.8.2 Bill Contents The bill form or a bill insert will provide the following information: the dates at the beginning and end of the billing period; the last date for timely payment, which shall not be less than twenty (20) days after the bill is rendered; the amount of the net charge, stated by category, for local service, ancillary services and equipment, toll service, information service, sales tax and excise tax, and of any late payment charge, together with the gross amount of the bill, with separate entries for total amounts current or in arrears. ORBITCOM will also comply with reasonable requests for bill detail. 2.9 Payment for Service 2.9.1 Late Penalty Charge When a customer becomes past due (does not pay their balance upon the due date listed on bill), ORBITCOM will begin assessing a late penalty charge if past due balance is not paid by the due date of their next bill. In this case, ORBITCOM reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of 1.5% per month (unless a different rate is prescribed by law, in which event at the highest rate allowed by law) upon any unpaid amount for all monthly recurring and non- recurring charges. Further, ORBITCOM reserves the right to charge a minimum amount of $3.00 or 1.5%, whichever is greater, as a late pay penalty on any billing or account which is in delinquent status. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 32 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.9 Payment for Service (cont’d) 2.9.2 Partial Payment If a Customer makes a partial payment in a timely manner and does not designate the service for which payment is made, the payment shall first be applied to the undisputed balance for local service, with the remainder applied on a pro rata basis to regulated utility services and toll service. Any remainder will then be applied to deregulated and unregulated services other than toll. Any late payment penalty charge will be applied only to the outstanding balance for utility services, except interstate toll and related taxes. 2.9.3 Timely Payment for Residential Customers Each residential Customer is permitted to have a last day for timely payment changeable for cause in writing. 2.9.4 Collection No collection efforts other than the rendering of the bill shall be undertaken until the delinquency date. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 33 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.9 Payment for Service (cont’d) 2.9.5 Taxes and Fees Any governmental assessments, fees, licenses, or other similar taxes or fees imposed upon ORBITCOM on a per-call basis shall be charged to Customers receiving ORBITCOM’s service within the territorial limits of the governmental authority imposing such taxes and fees. Such taxes and fees will be allocated among such Customers uniformly on the basis of Customers’ monthly charges for the types of service made subject to the taxes or fees. Such taxes and fees will be separately stated on bills. 2.10 Disputes and Complaints 2.10.1 Disputed Bills In the event of a dispute concerning the bill, ORBITCOM will require the Customer to pay a sum of money equal to the amount of the undisputed portion of the bill. Following payment of the undisputed amount, efforts to resolve the complaint using the complaint procedures in Section 2.10.2 shall continue, and for not less than forty-five (45) days after the rendering of the disputed bill, the service shall not be disconnected for nonpayment of the disputed amount. The 45-day period may be extended by up to sixty (60) days if requested of ORBITCOM by the Commission in the event the Customer files a written complaint with the Commission. If a Customer does not give ORBITCOM written notice of a dispute with respect to ORBITCOM’s charges within two (2) years from the latter of the date of the bill or the date of the discovery of the dispute, the bill shall be deemed correct and binding upon the Customer. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 34 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.10 Disputes and Complaints (cont’d) 2.10.2 Complaint Procedures Inquiries, general questions, or complaints may be directed informally to ORBITCOM by telephone, in person, or in writing at ORBITCOM’s office located at 1701 N. Louise Ave., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57107 Business customers can reach ORBITCOM's customer service department by dialing: 866-834-7837. Residential customers can reach ORBITCOM’s customer service department by dialing: 866-834-7837. ORBITCOM’s customer service department accepts calls 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, Monday through Friday, normal business hours. Complaints concerning the charges, practices, facilities or services of ORBITCOM will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. ORBITCOM will keep records of each complaint showing the name and address of the complainant, the date and nature of the complaint, its disposition, and all other pertinent facts dealing with the complaint that will enable ORBITCOM to review and analyze its procedures and actions. The records maintained by ORBITCOM under this tariff will be available for inspection by the Commission or its staff upon request. Within thirty (30) days of the receipt of a written complaint, ORBITCOM will provide written notice to the Customer of the status of the complaint. Each Customer may file with the Commission for resolution of disputes. Each complainant will be notified of the complainant’s right to contact the Commission at: Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone: (208) 334-0330 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 35 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.10 Disputes and Complaints (cont’d) 2.10.3 Bill Insert or Notice ORBITCOM shall notify Customers, by bill insert or notice on the bill form, of the address and telephone number where a ORBITCOM representative qualified to assist in resolving the complaint can be reached. The bill insert or notice on the bill will be provided no less than annually. 2.11 Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension 2.11.1 Notice of Pending Disconnection Prior to the disconnection of service, ORBITCOM shall provide a written notice to the Customer setting forth the reason for disconnection and the final date by which the account is to be settled or specific action taken. Final dates shall be no less than seven (7) calendar days prior with a reasonable attempt to contact 24 hours prior to disconnect with respect to an unpaid bill, and no less than twelve (12) days with respect to an unpaid deposit, after the notice is rendered. The notice shall be considered rendered to the Customer when deposited in the U.S. Mail with postage prepaid. If delivery is by other than U.S. Mail, the notice shall be considered rendered when delivered to the last known address of the person responsible for payment for the service. The notice will specify (866) 834-7837 as a number at which a ORBITCOM representative can be reached to provide additional information about the disconnection. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 36 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.11 Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension (cont’d) 2.11.2 Reasons for Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension Service may be refused, disconnected, or suspended: (1) Without notice if a condition on the Customers’ premises is determined by ORBITCOM to be hazardous. (2) Without notice if the customer uses the service in such a manner as to adversely affect ORBITCOM’s equipment or ORBITCOM’s service to others. (3) Without notice if equipment furnished, leased, or owned by ORBITCOM is subject to tampering. (4) Without notice if there is unauthorized use. Unauthorized use includes, without limitation, use or attempted use for an unlawful purpose and/or use or attempted use in any fraudulent manner. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 37 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.11 Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension (cont’d) 2.11.2 Reasons for Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension (cont’d) (5) If there are reasonable grounds to believe there is a violation of or noncompliance with ORBITCOM’s regulations on file with the Commission, municipal ordinances, or law. (6) If the Customer or prospective Customer fails to furnish service equipment, permits, certificates, or rights-of-way specified to be furnished in ORBITCOM’s regulations filed with the Commission as conditions for obtaining service, or withdraws such equipment or terminates those permissions or rights, or fails to fulfill the contractual obligations imposed upon the Customer as conditions of obtaining service. However, no service shall be disconnected for this reason on the day preceding or day on which ORBITCOM’s office at the address specified in Section 2.7.4 is closed. (7) If the Customer fails to permit ORBITCOM reasonable access to its equipment. However, no service shall be disconnected for this reason on the day preceding or day on which ORBITCOM’s office at the address specified in Section 2.7.4 is closed. (8) If the Customer routinely uses abusive or profane language or makes physical threats in conversations with ORBITCOM personnel, or otherwise abuses access to customer service personnel by making repeated unwarranted calls that are unrelated to specific service issues. However, no service shall be disconnected for this reason on the day preceding or day on which ORBITCOM’s office at the address specified in Section 2.7.4 is closed. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 38 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.11 Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension (cont’d) 2.11.3 Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension of Service for Nonpayment of Bill or Deposit Except as restricted by Section 2.11.4, service may be refused based on the credit history of the applicant. In all cases, the applicant will be advised of the reasons for the denial of credit. Service may also be refused, disconnected, or suspended for nonpayment of a bill or deposit if ORBITCOM has made a reasonable attempt to effect collection and: (1) ORBITCOM has provided the Customer with seven (7) days prior written notice with a reasonable attempt to contact 24 hours prior to disconnect with respect to an unpaid bill, and twelve (12) days’ prior written notice with respect to an unpaid deposit. However, disconnection may take place prior to the expiration of the 7-day unpaid bill notice period if ORBITCOM determines from verifiable data that usage during the 7-day notice period is so abnormally high that a risk of irreparable revenue loss is created. (2) In the event of a dispute concerning the bill, ORBITCOM will require the Customer to pay a sum of money equal to the amount of the undisputed portion of the bill. Following payment of the undisputed amount, efforts to resolve the complaint using the complaint procedures in Section 2.10.2 shall continue, and for not less than forty-five (45) days after the rendering of the disputed bill, the service shall not be disconnected for nonpayment of the disputed amount. The 45-day period may be extended by up to sixty (60) days if requested of ORBITCOM by the Commission in the event the Customer files a written complaint with the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 39 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.11 Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension (cont’d) 2.11.3 Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension of Service for Nonpayment of Bill or Deposit (cont’d) However, in no event shall service be disconnected for nonpayment of a bill or deposit on the day preceding or day on which ORBITCOM’s local business office or local authorized agent is closed. 2.11.4 Insufficient Reasons for Refusal, Suspension, or Discontinuance of Service The following reasons are not sufficient cause for refusal, suspension, or discontinuance of service to a present or prospective customer: (1) Delinquency in payment for service by a previous occupant of the premises to be served. (2) Failure to pay for terminal equipment, new inside station wiring or other merchandise purchased from ORBITCOM. (3) Failure to pay the bill of another Customer as guarantor thereof. (4) Permitting another occupant of the premises access to the telephone utility service when that other occupant owed an uncollectible bill for service rendered at a different location. (5) Failure to pay for information service not regulated by the Commission. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 40 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.11 Service Refusal, Disconnection, and Suspension (cont’d) 2.11.5 Medical Emergency Notwithstanding any other provision of this tariff, ORBITCOM will postpone the disconnection of service to a residential Customer for a reasonable time, not to exceed thirty (30) days, if the Customer produces verification from a physical or a public health or social services official stating that telephone service is essential due to an existing medical emergency of the Customer, a customer of the Customer’s family, or any permanent resident of the premises where service is rendered. This written verification shall identify the medical emergency and specify the circumstances. Initial verification may be by telephone if written verification is forwarded to ORBITCOM within five (5) days. 2.11.6 Temporary Service When ORBITCOM renders temporary service to a Customer, the Customer may be required by ORBITCOM to bear the entire cost of installing and removing the service facilities in excess of any salvage realized. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 41 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.12 Cancellations and Deferments of Service When a Customer cancels or defers an order for service before the service is activated, a charge applies that will allow ORBITCOM to recover its unrecovered costs, including but not limited to outside vendor charges, engineering, labor, materials, and equipment. Charges apply as follows: 2.12.1 Cancellation In a cancellation situation, the charge is equal to the unrecoverable costs incurred prior to the request for cancellation and the costs of removal, restoration, and disposal, if any, to comply with the cancellation. Those costs include, but are not limited to, costs of outside vendors, engineering, labor, nonrecoverable materials, and equipment expense. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 42 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.12 Cancellations and Deferments of Service (cont’d) 2.12.2 Deferment of Start of Service If a request for deferment of service is received by ORBITCOM prior to the date an order for equipment or service is placed with ORBITCOM’s supplier, no charge shall apply. For deferments received by ORBITCOM subsequent to the date the order for equipment or service is placed with ORBITCOM’s supplier, a monthly recurring charge based upon the costs incurred prior to the request for the deferment applies. This monthly rate shall be equal to the deferred investment multiplied by the monthly prime interests rate as announced by First Premier Bank of Sioux Falls, SD., plus recurring costs resulting directly from the deferral such as storage, taxes, etc. In addition, any extraordinary nonrecurring costs resulting from the deferral, such as additional engineering, labor, and transportation, shall be billed in total. Billing shall start at the beginning of the month of deferment and extend to the start of service. Charges shall not exceed the monthly rate that would have applied had the service been established. ORBITCOM will also charge the Customer who defers service any and all rates and charges incurred by ORBITCOM for any leased facilities for which ORBITCOM is held responsible. ORBITCOM will make a good faith effort to minimize those rates and charges wherever possible. 2.13 Special Promotions From time to time ORBITCOM may engage in special service offerings of limited duration. These promotions may be in the form of waived or reduced recurring and nonrecurring fees, lowered usage charges, or other actions designed to attract new customers or to increase existing Customer awareness of a particular service. For jurisdictional services, ORBITCOM shall file informational tariffs prior to engaging in South Dakota–specific promotions. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 43 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.14 Information Service Access Blocking Where facilities are available, customers have the option to block access to all “900” and “976” prefix numbers, without charge for the first block. ORBITCOM will comply with all applicable rules of the Commission concerning such blocking. 2.15 Emergency Call Handling Procedures Emergency 911 calls are placed by dialing the digits “911”. Such calls are not routed to ORBITCOM, but are routed by Qwest Communications, Inc., through the local network to the appropriate public safety answering point. Qwest will forward to the public safety answering point the address of the dialing station that has been provided to Qwest by ORBITCOM. 2.16 Allowances for Interruptions in Service Interruptions in service, which are not due to the negligence of, or noncompliance with the provisions of this tariff by the Customer or the operation or malfunction of the facilities, power or equipment provided by the Customer, will be credited to the Customer as set forth in 2.16.1 for the part of the service that interruption affects. 2.16.1 Credit for Interruptions A credit allowance will be made when an interruption occurs because of a failure of any component furnished by the Company under this tariff. An interruption period begins when the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be interrupted and releases it for testing and repair. An interruption period ends when the service, facility or circuit is operative. If the Customer reports a service, facility or circuit to be inoperative but declines to release it for testing and repair, it is considered to be impaired, but not interrupted. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 44 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) For calculating credit allowances, every month is considered to have 30 days. A credit allowance for fixed recurring fees only is applied on a pro rata basis against the rates specified hereunder and is dependent upon the length of the interruption. Only those facilities on the interrupted portion of the circuit will receive a credit. A credit allowance will be given for interruptions of two hours or more. Credit allowances shall be calculated as follows: Interruptions of 24 Hours of Less Length of Interruption To Be Credited Less than two hours None 2 hours up to but not including 6 hours 1/4 Day 6 hours up to but not including 9 hours 2/5 Day 9 hours up to but not including 12 hours 3/5 Day 12 hours up to but not including 15 hours 4/5 Day 15 hours up to but not including 24 hours One Day Two or more interruptions of 1 hour or more during any one 24-hour period shall be considered as one cumulative interruption. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 45 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0 General Rules and Regulations (cont’d) 2.16 Allowances for Interruptions in Service (cont’d) Interruptions Over 24 Hours and Less Than 72 Hours. Interruptions over 24 hours and less than 72 hours will be credited 1/5 day for each 3-hour period or fraction thereof. No more than one full day's credit will be allowed for any period of 24 hours. Interruptions Over 72 Hours. Interruptions over 72 hours will be credited 2 days for each full 24-hour period. No more than 30 days credit will be allowed for any one month period. 3.0 Description of Services Offered 3.1 Local Service 3.1.1 Nature of Service Local Service is a telephone service that allows customers to originate calls at locations within the service area described in Section 5.0 and terminate calls within the local calling area and EAS area of those locations, and within the LATA in which the call originates. 3.1.2 Availability ORBITCOM offers this service in the service area described in Section 5.0. 3.1.3 Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 46 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.1 Local Service (cont’d) 3.1.4 Specific Local Service Options The following services comprise Local Service: 3.1.4.A. Local Line Service Local Line Service will allow Customers to make local calls from the Customer’s telephone station. In addition to the completion of local calls, the following features will be available at no extra charge: consultation hold, call transfer, and three-way calling. 3.l.4.A.1 Consultation Hold The ability to hold a call in progress by depressing and releasing the switchook or flash button, dialing a third party in privacy, then returning to the original call within a predetermined amount of time. 3.1.4.A.2 Call Transfer The ability to forward a call in progress to another station. 3.1.4.A.3 Three-Way Calling The ability to add a third line to an established conversation. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 47 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.1 Local Service (cont’d) 3.1.4 Specific Local Service Options (cont’d) 3.1.4.A Local Line Service (cont’d) 3.1.4.A.4 Reserved for Future Use 3.l.4.B Additional Options Additional features may be purchased by Customers in basic exchange areas where available. The charges for these services will be set forth in Rate Table 1. The following is a list of basic optional features, not limited to all features that may be added to local services. Additional Listing Alternative Listing Call Answering Service Call Curfew Call Forward – Don’t Answer Call Forward Busy Call Forward – Don’t Answer Call Forward Busy Call Forward Busy Don’t Answer Call Forward Variable Call Forwarding Call Identification Call Rejection Call Waiting CCMS Package Continuous Redial Cross Reference Listing Custom Ringing Dial Lock Foreign Listing Message Wait Indicator Priority Call Remote Access Forwarding Scheduled Call Forward Selective Call Forward Speed Calling (8) Speed Calling (30) Three-way Calling Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 48 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.1 Local Service (cont’d) 3.1.4 Specific Local Service Options (cont’d) 3.l.4.C Directory Listing Service This service will entitle the Customer to a one-line listing in both the “white” and the “yellow” pages of a local telephone directory. 3.l.4.D Reserved for Future Use 3.l.5 Intercept Services Intercept Services provide new number or explanatory information to callers dialing changed or disconnected numbers for a specified period of time: Up to 12 months for business customers and 3 months for residential customers. Extended durations may also be available. The services include messages delivered either mechanically or by operator. These services apply to temporary and permanently disconnected numbers. Basic Intercept includes all intercept recordings that do not provide the new number information. New Number Referral Service includes all intercept recordings that provide the new number information. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 49 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.2 Directory Assistance 3.2.1 Nature of Service Directory Assistance (DA) Service is defined as furnishing aid in obtaining telephone numbers. 3.2.2 Availability DA is available to all Customers. 3.2.3 Maximum Number of Requests Per Call A maximum of two requests for telephone numbers will be accepted per call to the DA operator. A telephone number that is not listed in the DA records will not be available to the Customer. 3.2.4. Operator Limitations The Directory Assistance operator will not transfer, forward or redial a Customer’s call to any other location for any purpose other than provision of DA service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 50 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.2 Directory Assistance (cont’d) 3.2.5 Persons and Locations Exempt from DA Charges 3.2.5.A Persons Exempt from All DA Charges Any customer who is visually, physically or mentally handicapped in a way that makes the Customer unable to utilize a telephone directory shall be exempt from charges for DA. The Customer must provide ORBITCOM with certification of this condition. Certification from a doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, county or state social service agency, or similar person or agency will be acceptable. The exemption is effective prospectively and also retroactively for the month prior to the presentation of the certificate to ORBITCOM. 3.3 Operator Services ORBITCOM does not offer operator services, but reserves the right to contract with Third Party Vendors. Charges for these services are set forth in 4.1.2. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 51 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.4 Conference Calling Service Conference Calling is the ability to have multiple parties listen and participate in meetings via telephone. All conference calling customers must have local and/or long distance services with ORBITCOM. Usage rates are $.25 per minute, per caller. Calls will be billed in 60 second increments, with 60 second minimum. Operator assisted conference calls will be billed an additional $1.00 per caller. 3.5 Reserved for future use 3.6 Long Distance Interexchange Services 3.6.l Nature of Service ORBITCOM long distance services are interexchange telephone services that allow customers to originate and terminate calls at locations within the state of South Dakota. Usage charges are generally based on the distance, duration, and time of day of each call. 3.6.2 Availability ORBITCOM offers long distance interexchange services in South Dakota. All customers not pre-subscribed to ORBITCOM’s intrastate long distance calls will be billed at the basic message toll service rates set forth in Table 3. The calls will be billed at a one minute minimum and rounded to the next minute for calls lasting more than one minute. 3.6.3 Reserved for Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 52 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.7 800 Services 3.7.l Nature of Services ORBITCOM 800 services are inward WATS services that permit intrastate calls to a Customer’s station in one location from stations in diverse geographical locations, and for which the ORBITCOM Customer is billed for the calls rather than the call’s originator. Unless otherwise specified, all ORBITCOM 800 calls are subject to a 30-second minimum billing increments. All calls are rounded up to the next higher 6-second increment. In addition, Customers may also order Originating ANI Sorting, which provides the Customer with a detailed monthly analysis of the originating telephone numbers of those placing 800 calls at no charge. 3.8 Promotional Offerings From time to time ORBITCOM may engage in special promotions of limited duration not exceeding ninety (90) days. These promotions may be in the form of waived or reduced recurring and nonrecurring fees, lowered usage charges, or other actions designed to attract new customers or to increase existing Customer awareness of a particular service. All promotions will be offered on a non-discriminatory basis to eligible customers. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 53 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Description of Services Offered (cont’d) 3.9 Reserved For Future Use 4.0 Rates and Charges 4.1 Nonrecurring Charges (“NRC”) 4.l.1 Early Termination Charges If a Customer terminates service prior to the expiration of the term of the contract, the Customer will be required to pay the early termination charge in accordance with the Customer’s contract for service. 4.l.2 Third Party Vendor Charges Customers may also be charged for certain charges incurred by ORBITCOM (at the Customer’s instruction) in obtaining services from third party vendors. At the earliest opportunity, the Customer will be advised of the nature of the charges and the estimated amount of the charges. Unless otherwise provided in this tariff, where charges are incurred for a service purchased from a tariffed carrier in South Dakota, the charges will be the tariffed retail rate of the underlying carrier. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 54 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.l Nonrecurring Charges (cont’d) 4.l.3 Nonrecurring Charges This is a one-time charge that applies for work involved in receiving, recording, transmitting, and acting upon information to connect, reconnect, move, or change telephone service initiated at the customer’s request. When a customer’s service has been denied because of nonpayment for service, the service will be restored upon the payment of, or arrangements for the payment of, all charges due plus a service order charge. No service order charges will apply for company initiated work. Rates for Non-Recurring Charges will be set forth in Local Services Rate Table 1. 4.l.4 Reconnect Fee Reconnect Fee charge: $50.00 for first line $25.00 for each additional line This charge applies to reconnection of service after dial tone has been suspended or service has been disconnected. 4.l.5 Nonsufficient Funds Charge (NSF Checks) NSF check charge: $20.00 This charge applies when a check has been returned by the bank for non-payment. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 55 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates 4.2.l Local Service Local service is billed at flat monthly rates for calls within the local calling area. Rates for local line service are set forth in Rate Table l in Section 4.4.1. 4.2.2 Directory Assistance Rates for DA calls are set forth in Rate Table 2 in Section 4.4.2. In the event that a DA operator is unable to provide the requested telephone number, the charges will still apply. Certain persons are exempt from DA charges as provided in Section 3.2.5. 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services 4.2.3.A A Chargeable Time Chargeable time begins when the connection is established between the calling station and the called station. Chargeable time ends when either side of the connection is terminated. Chargeable time does not include time lost because of faults or defects in the service. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 56 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates (cont’d) 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services (cont’d) 4.2.3.B Reserved for Future Use 4.2.3.C Calculation of Charges Charges will be calculated according to the rates and call timing set forth in each Rate Table 3. 4.2.3.D Time of Day All periods ending on a specific hour run to, but not including, the stated hour. 4.2.3.D.1 Day Rates Day rates are applicable from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. 4.2.3.D.2 Evening Rates Evening rates are applicable from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., Sunday through Friday. 4.2.3.D.3 Night/Weekend Rates Night/weekend rates are applicable at all times not listed for day or evening rates. 4.2.3.D.4 Peak/Off-Peak Rates As an alternative to the foregoing time-of-day periods, some options allow for peak rates (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) and off-peak rates (all other times). Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 57 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates (cont’d) 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services (cont’d) 4.2.3.E Reserved For Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 58 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates (cont’d) 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services (cont’d) 4.2.3.E Reserved For Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 59 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates (cont’d) 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services (cont’d) 4.2.3.E Reserved For Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 60 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates (cont’d) 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services (cont’d) 4.2.3.E Reserved For Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 61 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates (cont’d) 4.2.3 Long Distance Interexchange Services (cont’d) 4.2.3.E Reserved For Future Use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 62 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.2 Usage Rates (cont’d) 4.2.4 800 Rates and Charges 4.2.4.A Monthly Charges Customers are charged $5.00 per month per 800 line. Customers ordering Area Code Blocking will be charged a one-time $100 fee. Customers ordering Originating ANI Sorting will be charged a one-time $25.00 fee. 4.2.4.B Usage-Sensitive Rates All incoming calls are charged at the same rate regardless of point of origin. Day or peak rates are applicable from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. Rates are set forth at Rate Table 4 in Section 4.4.4. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 63 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.3 Reserved for future use Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 64 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.4 Rate Tables 4.4.1 Rate Table l: Local Service Monthly Rates Local Residential Line $18.25 per month Non-Recurring $25.00 Local Business Line $31.00 per month Non-Recurring $47.00 Basic Features $4.25 per month ( Basic Features include-----call waiting, call fwding, call hold, call trace, call rejection, continous redial, dial lock, last call return, priority call, no solicitation, do not disturb, call fwd busy, call transfer, caller id, 3 way calling, call pick-up, call drop, speed dial 8, selective call fwding.) Other Features $7.95 per month ( Other Features include--- caller id name and number, remote access fwding, speed dial 30.) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 65 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ Local Business Lines with LD with term agreement Monthly Line Rates Includes feature package of: call fwd, 12m 24m 36m call fwd busy, call waiting, 3 way calling, consult hold and call transfer $30.95 $28.95 $26.95 Local Business Lines with LD with term agreement Monthly Line Rates Includes feature package of: call fwd, 12m 24m 36m Call fwd busy, call waiting 3 way calling Consult hold, call transfer, call drop, call $35.95 $33.95 $31.95 Pick-up, caller id, and speed calling. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 66 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.4 Rate Tables (cont’d) 4.4.l Rate Table l: Local Service Monthly Rates (cont’d) Wire Maintenance Plan $2.00 per month Repair Inside Wire w/o maintenance plan $60.00 per hour Measured Local Usage Lines $.035 per min Directory Listings Listed free Additional Listings $2.00 per month Non-Listed (non-pub-DA only) $2.00 per month Non-Published $2.00 per month Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 67 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.4 Rate Tables (cont’d) 4.4.1 Rate Table 1: Local Service Monthly Rates (cont’d) Reserved for Future Use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No.1 Original Page No.68 State of Idaho Issued:September 29,2008 Effective:October 9,2008 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.4 Rate Tables (cont’d) 4.4.1 Rate Table 1:Local Service Monthly Rates (cont’d) Reserved for Future Use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9,2008 Boise,Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 69 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.4 Rate Tables (cont’d) 4.4.1 Rate Table 1: Local Service Monthly Rates (cont’d) Reserved for Future Use. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 70 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.0 Rates and Charges (cont’d) 4.4 Rate Tables (cont’d) 4.4.2 Rate Table 2: Directory Assistance Rates Each Call to Directory Assistance $0.85 Directory Assistance Call Completion $0.35 4.4.3 Rate Table 3: IntraState Long Distance Rates Pre-subscribed $.119 Pre-subscribed with Local $.079 Non-subscribed $.26 4.4.4 Rate Table 4: 800 Rates Toll Free 800,888,877,866 $.119 Toll Free 800,888,877,866, with Local $.079 A surcharge of $.35 will be added to any toll free calls made from a payphone. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho ORBITCOM Local Tariff No. 1 Original Page No. 71 State of Idaho Issued: September 29, 2008 Effective: October 9, 2008 __________________________________________________________________________________ Idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the Secretary ACCEPTED FOR FILING October 9, 2008 Boise, Idaho